Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 12 Oct 1860, p. 3

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t . 2‘ tapes. '0 the same kind. made warm. as the patient can , it.“ often as the gargle is administered. and in “ 'or stimulant. either lecparately, or’if the pros. 1 inent. as.may be seen. is extremer simple, and s . v by ihe Emperor of the French. in acknowledge-' , at a grocery More on the "The Points,” and offered as a wager in out four pounds of da-. I tallow candles. and dzink ltfl'0;1tlftrts ofcominou .note, and going to the front of the dancing plat. .o.‘ .2- ; Abridged fromvthe Toronto Leader. 7’ THE YORK TOWNSHIP AGEICULTUQ.’ RAI. EXHIBITION. i The annual exhibition at tbe'York‘Touinship' Agricultural Society was held in” Yor’kville‘ on Wednesday and Thursday‘lastvand was a very- attractive affair. The show in eyery‘rep‘pect was. worthy ofthefyeuterprisinz farmers residing, in 3110 tOWiifih-ip.aiid afforded much satisfaction (6 the'very'lirge number of perstins wlio‘visited 1L ‘ i v ’ . , The annual dinner of the Society was held in the afternoon of the second day It was at: tended by about 150 gentlemen. among 'wliom were the Hon. G; W. Adam-M. L.’C., Messrs. W. P. Howland, M.l’.l’ , G. W. Thomson. W. Gooderhani, G.‘ Worts, William Baldwin. P Wheeler, J. Heachell. E. Mussou. 'h‘omas‘ Smith, P. Hutty. Rice Lewis, Arc. The chair was occupied by the President of the Society, who, after seeing justice done to the; substantial fare provided, proposed the usual loyal and patriotic toasts. which were 'very warmly received. The President then gave the health of the Judges, which was suitably' responded to by Messrs. Gooderham, Beacliell, Wheeler, Mue- eon and Lewis. ‘ ‘ The health of the Hon. Mr. Allan was next 'pr'eposed by the President in a graceful speech, and that gentleman replied in a lengthy address .fully explaining the advantages derived br far- mers as well as others from such annual gath~ erin‘gi. His remarks were attentively listened to and received tn a Very flattering manner ) ..Colonel Thomson then addressed the assem- blsge in an able manner. impressing ‘npon the '- farmers the necessity of supporting exhibitions of this nature. the effects of Which ‘were so’iap- parent in‘ the highly improved state of-egricul- --tur'e’iu this country; a '_ , _< ,Mossrs. W. 1’. [lowland and Peter Hutty' followed in lengthy and admirable addresses. 'o'fferint; many valuable suggestions to the for» mer and containing information of'a" highly - ‘practical character. .The address of both gen- tleinen were heartily applauded. ,, i This closed the, proceedings-of the best ex- ‘liibition that has ever been held in York town- eh‘ip. ' - ‘ ' Dir‘runnix.â€"An occasional death from Dip- !Iieiria is recorded in the weekly mortality re- port. The disease. however, in n .t ' prevalent.’ and our physicians'are generally successful in their treatment of cases. The Cincinnati Press .giws a simple ‘ preventive‘ or cure in the first ‘ rI‘he disease consistsi in the formation ‘of a false membrane in the throat. To arrest ‘the' formation of this membrane would, there- .fore,.eeeiii.equivalent to curing the di-easc.‘and _ this. in most instances. may be done i a the fol- lowing mannerzâ€"ln the early singss of the ’ complaint, which“ is always accompanied by a -- soreness and swelling of the throat,lot the pa- ; tieut use a simple solution of salt and water, as agargle every fifteen minutes At the same time moisten a piece of flannel 111 a solution of bear it. and bind it around his throat, renewing the meanwhile sprinkling fine salt between th- flannel and the neck.’ Ure inwardly some tonic tration he great use both together. The Heat- if used in the earlier stapes of the disease, vi'ili effect a (-Oinplete cure.-â€"~Ruchcster Etrpress. Exrnxonninxiiv Solemnâ€"The son of Mr Bridbnry, of tie eminent firm of Bradbury & Evans. Of London, printers, and proprietors of I’umli, and other well known publications. has recently committed suicide in a remarkable riiauuei’. He went to (Ireniornc Gardens and spent the evening in the atrium-moms nf'tliat celebrated place. Towards the close of the en- tertaiumvnl. be procured silver for a ton pound form. scattered it amongst the crowd. He then called for a glass of grog, and having emptied into it a phial of prussic acid, made it speech. proposed the health of the company, druok off his glass, and ulna! fell dew-d in the midst of that scene of wild riot and Confesion. He was a young man of great ability and promise, and ‘V ' recently «was presented with a gold watch- ment of the value of an improvement he had made in printing. It is lamentable to see a Valuable lifo thus recklessly cast away. As IKEAT'ABIJ. GLUI‘THN.â€"-'\ man in New York, named (,Io'li0ii_ appeared on Thursday, merged ham. two lonch of bread, a pound of brandy. a pint of gin, Lari a pint of lamp oil. llis offer was accepted, and he won the wager. and after swallowing the aforesaid mess. wanted more. Vin-.iricr or M.ivsi..iiioiirrn AGAINST nR 'l‘csteincrvâ€"Wo not the Sillowing front the St. John, N. 15. Clo/u. of the t'Oth ultiino:-â€" INQUizsr.â€"â€"-;\ (loronor’s ir-qiiest was held in the Court Home ‘T'CNIHl‘dJY (t.‘;,day) under me following cii‘ctimuianI-es. medicitw he had been taken that caused his death. Accordingly the Coroner took the mat- ter into hand. and after a searching invontiqa- tion the jury returned a verdict of“ Manslaugh- tor,” and every exertion will he made to Oblnln the arrest of Tnmblety. who fled on 'l‘liursdsy night, on liorsebni-k. going by the way of St. Andrew's road. His clerk was examined. and in course of his testimony he said that 'l'umblety told him that he intended teaching Calais that night. and upon being questioned closely he said he had suspicions that he fled in conse- quence of learning that the causes which led to the deatli'of Mr. l’ortinore were to be investi- gated. Exncorion or Warmestâ€"On the 12th. at 8 o'clock a.m.. the culprit marched to the place of execution. He walked ‘vith n crucifix iii his hand, upon which be bent all his regards. look- ing neither to the right nor to the left, but list-- V eni'ig piously to the psalms which the priest d b: “n, {fie fellowiug words, I recited in his ear. ‘He entered the hollow square formed by the soldiery in the place of eXecution and there. full of resignation. be pronounced ' "I am a Roman Catho- lic. The war which I made upon Honduras in‘accordauce with the suggestions of some Rualrinoes, was unjust. Those who accorrh panied me are not to blame. I alone mii‘guilf‘ tv. " I'ss'kéd'p'nrdon of the people. I receive death with resignationâ€"would that it may be ‘ for the good of society. A SECRET non HONEST MEl.â€"A« new mode of computing interest at _six per cent” says an exchange has been published. which appears simple. Multiply any giVen number of_ dollars, by the number of days of interest defined, sec parate the right hand figure, and div:de by six. the :result is the true interest ofsuch sum for such number of days at six per cent. This rule is so simple and so true, according to all busi- noss usages. that every banker, broker, mer- ' chant and clerk should post it up for reference and use-There being no such thing as fraction iii-it, there is scarcely any. liability to error or mistake By no arithmetical process can so decided information be obtained With so few figures. Seven “livenâ€"James Stewart. aged 111 died in Octahouck Nee. in Northampton 3m" his in. county. be married _ ' marriage being younger than his first Wife. ‘ Va... a few days since. During COLoium PEOPLE.â€"Tho colored population of Philadelphia is from 20,000 to 25.000. lhev own property to the amount of nearly $3,000- , 000, and have churches and schools valued at from four hundred to five hundred thousand dollars. . I A anraa’s IDEA or Goon Tunaâ€"The fol- ' lowing is a verbatim copy of a letter received a few davs ago by a solicitor in. the county of Waterford. from his clerk in another part of the same countv :-â€"-" Sir. I am very happy to in- .form you that two murderous assau_ts were committed in this tOwn yesterday evening. and that your attendance will be required here at . the petty sessions to defend the parties; it} both cases. ‘« 'sl‘ -Â¥JMfiâ€"lr .0:- , TORONTO MARKETS. DE N T {shirt w. c. ADAMS. D. D. s. Surgeon Dentist, THURSDAY, October 11. Fall *Weliea't.â€"-8000 behlswas the extent of the supplywhich sold readily at high, prices. The pricespaid for the best sample‘s vve'retrom $1 22 to $132 161' bshl, the average being $1529. and of the entire sales $1=28.' A A la'rge quantity-â€" perhaps the lat-gesteâ€"sold at $1 20, Common grades went,pr atfrom $1 10 to $1 20 per bshl. Spring Wheatâ€"1,250 lislils in market, which sold at from $1 03 to $1 ‘09 per: bshl. Burleyr'iâ€"sold‘ at'from‘ 6010 66c.‘ ' Peas.-:â€"150'bshls went off at 56 and We per bshl. ‘ Oats.-â€"â€"ai 27 eiid 30c per bshl. WEST 'ROI CHURCH JT. TORONTO. ARTICULAR attention yiven to the regu- lation of Children’s 'lcetA. Consultation free. and all work'warranted. ' Dr. A- has turned his attention to the im- provements of his profession in all its branches. and can supply the profession with Teeth. Gold. Valcsnized Apparatus._ and ‘ Vulcauite Rubber. and the best Bone filling. . . ., . Mineral Teeth mounted on Gold, Silver. or Hayâ€"ls from $12 to $l6 9" mn’ ‘ , straw ‘5 to Vulcanized Rubber. With Continuous Gums. ' which are warranted to give entire satisfaction. Toronto, October 11, 1860. 49-1)’ $7 per ton. . , Fionaâ€"Superfine No. 2 sold, at $5 15 to $5 25. No. 1, $5 to $5 15 : Fancy (Spring) $525 to $5 30: Fancy (Fall) $5 40 ; to $5 60; Extra, $5 to $6 00 ;' Double Extra, $6 00'to $6 325. Butter. ~Fresh is in fair supply at from 15c to - 17¢ per lb. E‘ go, -,Fregh,from wagdnsB to 100 per dozen. An Apprentice Wanted '1‘ the Premium Harness Establishment. A Richmond Hill A smart, respectable boy about lb or 16 years of age. Apply to the proprietor, » WM. H MYERS. October 12. 1800. 98 3 Potatoesâ€"New vary in price from 520 to 25c. and sometimes 30¢ per bushel. Old potatoes. 20 to 22¢ per bushel ' Sheep-arezin demand at. from $3 50 to $4 50 each. I v - . : Lambsâ€"are plentiful at from $2 to $42 50‘ each. CulVe‘sâ€"are in goodyupply at $4 to $6 each. Beel‘-llidesâ€"â€"$5 50. per 100 lbs. Sheep lamb skirts 90¢. each Calfskine 100. Tallow, $6,: per 100 lbs. +~+~~ Store to Let. P" lb-â€" THE STORE adjoining the "Herald Office." well adapted for a Watchmaker m for which there is, a splendid opening. For further information apply at this office. Richmond Hill, Oct. 13, 1660. and MARRIED.â€" . Bv the Rev.lJames Dick. on the 91th instant. Mr.”Jonn Munsiikw, of. Mag-khan]. to Miss ELizxnzTn'NEwron, of‘Va’u‘ghan. “ Two Hundred Dollars Reward. ‘ WHEREAS en Saturday evening. b0- tweeu the hours of Eleven and 'I‘welve o'clock. some evil disposed person or persons took from the shed pertaining to Mr. lngles’ Hotel, Markham Village. a HORSE and ‘HE Advertiser. having been restored to BUGGY belonging tin-IAN“ BOWMAN. Esq” ‘ health in a few weeks by. a very simple 'I'hornbill, and drove it over the Bridge inte r-emedv, after having‘sufl'ered several years with the Rouge. smashing the buggy and seyerely Ia severe lung affectioti,and that dread discus, injuring the horse. the above reward will be Consumptionâ€"is anxious m make known to given to any one who will give information that his fellow-stili'e'rers the means of cure. shell lead to the conviction of the .daasiardly To all who desire it. he will send s. copy of ICOmldfll 0' 000""th- the prescription used tfiee of charge), with ROBERT MARSH. preparing and using the JAMES GIBSUN. Richmond Hill. Oct. 4th, 1860 On Friday, the 5th instant. Mr. Jenn Bonn, jutll‘él‘. to M as Ann Srtvan,‘ both of Markham SPEC] ALNOTICES. ~ To Consumptivee. Ct‘NhUMI’TION. Asrnni. llnoncmns,&c. The only OlUt‘tCI' of, the advertiser. in sending the Prescription is to benefit the affiicted, and 99 sum at. new, scorn sins. Titian noon iiiiii - ii iiiitiii. NE G0 my...” , s. 'POLLOCK r ‘ HE Proprietor of the “Yeti: Hanan)” begs to acquaint his numerous friends and the public generally that so has EGS to return his, sincerefithsnks to his his numerous Cu’stomers‘for their patronage so liberally awarded to him durin the past summer. and acquaints them that receiving his »AUTUMNg, STO K ! Which'hss been purchased on' the. most .ad- veetageous terms. and will be Sold at the - Lowest Remuneratlng' Prices, up as. ' 1‘0 Till ~’ " “°“’ NEW HOUSE ADJOINING, Two docrs further north, where. by increased facilities. hewill be prepared to get up work with the. utmost expedition, and with every attention to the wishes of his customers. " Herald " Office, BichmondHill. July 20. 1860. Information Wanted. Etbis should meet the eye of JOHN LAW- RENCE. who left his father’s residence in Vaughan, in May, 1859. he is requested to communicate with his friends. Any party who will recognize by the following descriptionâ€" 5 feet 7 inches high. dark brown hair, dark eyes, age about 96â€"and will give information of his whereabouts to his bereaved parent. will confer a favor. Was seenet Kettleby Mills, Cheap IS any OIIICI" House King. about tvvo weeks ago. “ Round the diggens." V 98 if Good yard widejl’rints, feel: ' colors, from. . . . . . . . Black Orleans. a large lot very cheap. from]. . . Wide widili Cobourgs. all , . colors, from. . . . . . . .... 11d to 2s 0d yd. Black.'VVhite and. ‘ Scarlet I _ . All wool Flannels from. Is 3d to 2s 6d yd. 5d te 71d yd. Nd te 9d yd. With an excellent assortment of Factory Cot- v tons. Striped Sbi'rti'ng, Blue ~eiid‘Browii Den- ims. Tickings, Long Cloths. Canton Flannels, with a choice lot- of Ladies? and Children’s JAMES B. LAWRENCE. - Richmond Hill. P.0. July 19, 1860. [13’ “ Advance," Barrio. please copy twice. NE W ,TREx‘t TMENT. -â€"â€"â€"â€"- . Buffalo Medical Disipensary. Established for the cure of DYSPEPSIA. G E N E R AL DEBILITY. FEVER AND AGUE, ASTHMA. INCIPIEN'I‘ CONSUMPTION, CONIVIPTION 0’ YOUTH AND OLD AGE, ITO. No MerO‘Iâ€"iâ€"ry Used. -._. Scotch'Lemb's wooi its»... Cashmere Dr. Amos- cb Son, Gloves, Mitts. GautitletspMufilers. &c. In iitii-iiiiitiuiiiii comma or MAIN at QUAY era, Bullhlo, New York, RE the oulv Physicians in the State who are members of the Royal College of Surgeons, London. May be co usulted from 8 o’clock in the morning until 9 at night. in every state and symptom of disease. 85-tf l_______ one l J. K. FALCONBRIDGE IS JUST OPENINGLOUT AN IMMENSE‘ STOCK l ____, DRY GOODSfGBOCERIES, HARDWARE, 8LC. NTERTAINING the opinion that‘s very large trade willbe done during the Autumn and \Vinter, he has made ample provision for supplying his customers. Goods of every description will be Sold at it MODERATE ADVANCE ON COS-T- PRICES! W or? A Choice, supply or MOURNING GOODS : P.S. All parties whose Notes and Accounts are new due, are respectfully lief-1033'ed to make provisions for them. ' ' " J. K. F. Richmond Hill, September .15, 1860. 954’ SELLINGKOFF! ~~- W-cxwwrwmmww \r‘x/x/‘JVWWM DRY GOODS. GROCERIES ,cnOcmâ€"znv, HARDWARE, LIQUORS, (be. HE undersigned, having nearly completed twenty years inbus‘incss, has made up bis'inind - . _ TO RETIRE I But before doing so he would return his thanks to the public for the liberal support they have favored h'm with during that long period of time. One word more 1: Mr. James Poriiinre died rtit':er Hlltl‘lzlill‘ on 'I‘iiesdav last. He had been for it short 1i_ii\l‘}')i"ovli)115101115 death under the treatment of Dr. '1 iirnhloty, and suspicions were aroused that it won iii consequence of the seven times, the wife of his last i spread information which lie conceives to be invaliinbo, and he llopes' ev' ry sufferer will try his remedy. as it will cost them nothing, and may prove n blessing. l’a-tios wishing theprescription will please address ' REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburgh, King. County, New Yor S'l'IL i. THEY COME! Testimonials nre coming in from all quarters the directions for sniiie, which they w-ll find a sour: (‘oaa real i universally in favor 01 Dr. McKenzie's Deed Shot Worm Candy. iio'worin Medicine has met with such unprecedented success as this.â€" t‘et‘sons may say it is imagination which causes such cures. knowing. that this Medicine ema- natrs from the Old ,Conntry. but blessed be imagination if it totally anniliiletos the worms in c tildren its this candy surely does. ()ne trial of Dr. *llcheuzie’s Dead Shot Worm Candy, will satisfy the most sceptical mind. , Price only 7} sterling, 15 cents per package, or ‘2 shillings, 50'conts, ior four packagesâ€"- Sold by every Druggist'end Medical Dealer in Europe and America. . y - None genuine without afac simils signature of 11. Id. Alt-,K- nzie, MD.,- Glasgow. oii each wrapper. "(Sec :Idccrtiscirient in another Column. ) ' w~-'.. -. firm aoncrtmmmte. A Novelty in the Art. World! PHUTGGRAPHY UPON PORCELAIN! Secured by letters patent in the United States, England France. and Belgium. TH): AMERICAN I'IIOTUGRAPHIC PORCELAIN C°.. N o. 781 Broadway, New York. havingr secured their novel and ingenious inven- tion by American and European patents. are fully prepared to execute'all orders for Miniature Likenesses of Persons on China, presenting all the attractive and advantageous fonturt-s of ordinary protographs. the brillisucy and finiin ofn 'r ater color drawing. and a bi- tliorio unattained quality of durability. bv being tendered as iiiipuri’slr-ble as the natural proper- trien of the articles. upon which thev are transferred. . As the patented process of the Company en- ables the reproduction of Photographs, nol only on plain surfaces, but 'upon such as are round or of any degree of irregularityâ€"oportraits can be repruduced Willi faultless socurecy,eiid delicacv of delineation, upon Porcelainvvaree of any description and dimension used as articles Of luxury. or of household utility,rsuCh as Urns. Vases. Breakfast Cups, Toilet Articles, &c.; thereby securing faithful portraits and furnishing a unique and exquisite style of ornamentation of articles in domestic use. In order to furnish facilities for the gratifica- tion of the popular taste. and to meet the wants of those patrons of the Fine Arts desirous of having Portraits 011_,;P,Ol‘cclllll. the Company have imported from Europe a collection of su~ perior porcelain gpods, manufactured to their own order. which they sell at cost prices. As the American Company are owners of the patent right, and consequently the only persons authorized to use the. process. they have deter- mined, iii order ' ‘ ' To afford I’eople in every section of the _ , ,Unlon an opportunity to possess Portraitsbn China, to make the fbllowing proposition to RESIDENTS is viii: counrnv. wno Alta mun: re " 'visir- rzitsostLv run summit um oat.- ‘LlCRlEa is sit-w voax. Persons sending a,photograph,,embrotype, or daguerreotypeto‘the,office of the Company in New York, ac empanied by . rivir' ’DOLLsas l 9"“ receive in, return by express, free of (,t or charge, ‘ A HIGHLY onnsuilun ’sannus'r’ cur Aim uuctn, wrru Tin roarnur 'rruitsuaasn . 'ruaaeon. By transmitting a deguerreotvpe and ran DOLLAR! 1 they will secure 'in' like manner, A summons: ranncu vase on TOILET sauces, with the portrait “reproduced by the patented process.‘ : By sending a pair of deguerreotypee and "runs nousne ! they will receive in return a ms or sucn suns: uses. with the portraits executed equal to miniature paintings; and. in like manner. portraits can be reproduced on porcelain wares or vans or twin! QUALITY er Hillel. ranging in price from 'rwmrrv To one notional) DOLLAR! run run N.B.-¢â€"Be particular in writing the address, town, county and State. distinctly. ‘ v All' letters to be addressed te “ .MAlAdifl, Aunaicsx I’uorooiurmc Pea. 'CILAIN 00.," 781 BROADWA' New Yonx. new York; Oct. 9, 186“. -. tie-3.1.: ms assortment will be” found ; would add, which will be to the interest of the public, that, in addition to his present Stock, he has made large purchases of Letters Remaining in RICHMOND HILL PostOlfice The treatment they adopt is the result of up- wards ef thirty years' extensive and successful k Busby, James & John OCTOBER 1. .c60. Arksey. Robert Bell, Thomas Brilliuger, George Innes, William 9 Jenkins. Hannah Kenny. Atiii , Kilfeder. Margaret Kilfeder. Robert Lund. William Lawrence. W. H. Langstafi'. James Law. Abraham Livingstone, Jebn Lymburner, M. J. Moore. Robert, Milne, Robert (lonstable,Mrs. John 2 Motson. Thomas Craven. Joseway McBride, John Clark. William McKay, John 9 Compton Lodge McDonald. John Deon. Hugh McKiunon, Duncan Duncan. William 4 McKinnon, Isabella Davidson. B. McCartney. Robert Dsniels. James Nicholle. Richard Elliett. Miss Pearce. ,G. J. F. 2 Eyer. David Percy, John Foggin, John Phillips, Samuel 9 Freak. Jemes Phillips, William Fisher. Thomas Ross, Thomas Fox, Edward Richards. Bonnet Fitzmaurico. John , Robinson. William Glover. Thomas ,. Rose._Msry Gilmour, James Raymond. Robert Graham. Alexander Smith. Thomas Harrington John ' Sevgon. Joseph Hamilton, John Shepherd, Edward Heverly. Silas Spencer. Moses Hunt, William Scott. James Hell, Henry. Buckley. Widow Host. William Turner, Carol’n Miss Hill. William Turner, Henry Hyslop, Gideon Wilson. Thomas 4 Hyslop, Thomas Wright. Amos. 3 Helmkey, John Waterhouse. John Horner. Daniel \Vilson. Richard M. TEEFY. P. M. ._..,. _ .. .. -,_-___.__._ ROBBERY. Belle. J. M. Bernard, H. A. Benson. Jane Bernard, H. G. Bown. G. Basingtwaite, Wm. Collins, Mary Jane Campbell. C. Cromwell. Daniel which were lying on a chest at the bed-side, were rifled of their contents, which amounted to over $35. leaving his pocket book and other papers. This not ice is to give warning to the ublic that such parties are in the neighbor- iood. Vaughan. Oct. 1. 1860. 97~1p 850 R EW'A R D. Vaughan offer the above reward to any erson who will give to them such information as will lead to the discovery of the person or persons who deserted Two INFANT CHILDREN, In the said Township, on the night of the IBKll of September last. The one, a female child, apparently about a month old. was left at the gate of the Town- ship clerk's residence. and suspicion rests oil a women who trevelled by the Thornhill stage on that evening, and who returned by s Farmer’s Waggon near midnight. The other was a male child, apparently about the same age. and was left at the door of Mr. Velie’s house, Lot 19. in the 2nd concession, between 9 and 10 o'clock. on the same even- ing. 4 Any person sending the information requiro ed to the Township Clerk, will receive the above reward. By order of the Council, GEO. .1. 11'. PEARCE. Township Clerk. Richmond Hill, Oct..l, 1860 97 3 GRAMMAR 8011001. NllTlCE. HE WINTER TERM of the Richmond Hill CeunBr Grammar School com- AV. the 15th day of Octo- R. RODGERS, Head Hester 96- mences on MON her next. Richmoninill. sept. 28, 1860. Form for Sale near Guelph. N EXCELLENT FARM, (100 acres, 80 cleared). in a high state of Cultivation. About helfa mile from a Gravelled Road run- ning into Guelph. from which it is about eight miles distant. Guelphâ€"the County Tom. of the County of Wellingtenâ€"is well know to be one of the best Market Towns in Canada West. and is situated on the line of the Grand Trunk Railway, abeut 47 miles from the City of Toronto. Offers will be'recoived. addressed, if by letter prepaid by . EDWARD E; 110110. Y Barrister. Ne. 3,1«dos Street. Toronto. Sept. 21.1000. I ‘ ‘ 96% ON Thursday night or Fridey morning lest the house 01 DANIEL REAMAN near Cook's Store, Vaughan. was entered and a robbery committed. Mr. Resman‘e trousers, HE Municipal Council of the Township of Larger A: MoreiiVarled, AND Lower ,Prloe Than any in the neighborhood. Giants, than ti item [No Machine Make]. made by experienced Tailors. in the NEWEST STYLES. Mcns’ Flannel ‘ Shirts In all Colors" and Prices. ’sAr'i'iNE'i‘Ts, , 4,, , _ BROAD and FU-LL’D CLO'riis, TWEEDS. DOES-Kim's, Mg, CASSIMERES. i The Best desortneent BEST GOODS! A‘l' m Lowest Prices sun enale ON RICHMOND HILL. Geod. Fresh, Fine Flavored“, no.7 COFFEEs Genuine, Pure Leaf v TOBAQ‘QOSS RICE. SUGAR. CANDLES. arc. the. with a general assortment. of GROOBRIBS i N ot to be surpassed IN QUALITIES, UNDERSOLD IN PRICES ! snag-â€" on All lelllllll For yourselves before buying elsewhere. Pollock (Late A. Bsauao’s.) Richmond. .11111. mm 25.18%- ‘ j we practice in Europe and America. I. losr sctss'rtric iavxarioa. An instrument for the cure of Genital Debi- lity. of Nocturnal Emissions. more properly known as Seminal Weakness. &.c. Can be permanently cured in from 15 to 20 days. by the use of this instrument, when used con- jointly with medicines. YOUNG Ill TAXI PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. Amos 6; Son take pleasure ln announc- ingthet they have invented a most important instrumentfor the cure of the above diseases. It has been subjected to a test of the most em- inent physicians in London. Paris. Philadelphia and New Yorkr it has been declared the only useful instrument over yet invented for the cure of Seminal weakness. or any disease of the genital Organs, caused by the secret habits of youth. . Dr. Amos & Son. in order to satisfy the most skeptical as t! the merits of their instru- ment. pledge themselves that in any instance where it may prove unsatisfactory. after a fair trial. the money will be refunded by returning the instrument in good order. Persons wishing the above useful instrument. will observe that the price. with the accom- panyiu directions. securely packed. and sent by mei or express, is ten dollars. new all!!!" AID QUICK ClRllâ€"A cvlll ' WeaasaTzD. Dr, Amos dc Son have. for a long series-.ef years. been engaged in an extensive piaclice in the treatment of these delicate complaints. and are the only legally qualified physicians who now advertise to cure certain complaints. or from whom genuine European remed es can be obtained. Persons in any part of the world may be suc- cessfully treated by forwarding a correct detail of their cases, with e remittance for medicines, 6.2m, which will be returned with the utmost dispatch and secure from observation. Address Dr. Altos & Son, corner Main and Quay streets. Buffalo. N. Y. 88-ly Land .1: Saw Mill For sale. 1 Acres of prime landâ€"~30 acres cleared composed of the West half of Lot No. 7, in the 2nd Con. of Uxbridge, County Ontario; together with an exeellent Saw Mill. and two good Dwelling Houses, with out-offi- ces thereo..=. Also 7 acres adjoining, comprred of the front part of Lot No. 6. iii the same cencessio i. The above property is bealthfully and de- lightfully situated in s pleasant locality, and in one of the oldest and best settled townships in the County of Ontario. It is within 2‘ miles of the village of Stoufl'ville. about 10 miles from Uxbridge Village. and 20 miles from the Toivn of Whitby. the capital of the County of Ontario. The property will be sold very cheep for Cash. Title indisputable. Apply to JOSEPH KELLER. Esq.. Richmond Hill. FRANCIS KELLER. Whitby. 95.3m Or to September'fio. 1060 AGRICULTURAL. AUTUMN FAIR i HE Electoral Division East Riding of York and the Markham Agricultural Sc- cieties, of Markham, will hold a H FALL AND ‘WINTER GOODS. From the very best Markets. which will arrive between now and the 10th of Sep'. tember,--â€"at that time be will commence to sun. HIS sjrocit orr 1 COST PR [CE ! And continue to do so until the whole is Sold, For Cash, or Produce in exchange only . fi" No Credit will be given after the 10th September. P. CROSBY. Richmond Hill, August, 30, 1860. 92-“ .__.___ .._._._ ___..__._....~_ .___..._~___.‘.__._~_....â€". COMPETITlDN DEFIED ! 'x/WK'MVVM MAGHELL, FlEL, 81. co.. BEG respectfully to announce. to the Public and their"Customers'gcnerally that they are receiving their - l r t i ‘i SUMMER STOCK . ; OF GOODS l Wliicb will be complete by the 28th'of June. Buying‘their GOODS in the FIRST MARKETS,-FOR CASH, they feel confident of giving the Public ever!r satisfaction. Particular attention is requested to their FACTORY &;B‘LEACHED COTTONS. American and English Cloths, Arc. Which for CHEAPNESS AND DURABILI'I‘Y'cannot be exceeded by any ‘ Retail Storc'in the Province. A call In respectfully solicited before purchasing elsewhere. Clothes Zincaade tollllOrder On the shortest notice, and Warranted to fit. Aurora, June 18, 1860. IS-tf in, tint, llll llllll iiiiiiii Of every description and variety of Mountings go to w. H. MYERS’ premium hunters disluhlirliminl, ifiirbmnnh our. HE has always on hand the Largest and Best Assortment of GOODS that is ever kept in any Country Shop,'and at a much less price then it is possible for to get them in Toronto; and he is always ready to MAKE TO ORDER, on the ' shortest notice, SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS Saddles, Bridles, Joe. of every description. Gents’ '._._...L. r Union Fall Fair & Cattle Show in» ALL COLLARS'WARRANTED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. a ,, 0! TUEmAy, October 16, 1860, In HARKHAM VILLAGE, When upwards of $1,500 will be offered as prlZO'. For particulars see large Bills. A TENT is secured for the occasion. T. A. MILII. President. H. R. Consort. Secretary. Township of Markham. J. P. Wlnnn. President. A. Banana,Secretar , E. Y. A. 8. Markham. September 26. 1800. 96~3 Stolen or Str’ayed. TOLEN or Strayed from the premises of the Subscriber. Lot 48. 2nd concession of Vaughan. A SMALL PONEY,-â€"nesrly white with red spots. and a light mane and heavy tail. any person giving information as to its whereabouts or bringing the same to the sub- scriber will be rewarded. JOHN WOODS. Richmond Hill, Sept. 20, 1860. NOTICE, RS. R. RODGERS begs leave to intim- ate that she tlesi us to open a class. on Monday the 1st of Gets or next, to ive Les- sons in the following branches; axflower, Grecian and Velvet Paintln . Pencil Drewmg, Water Colors. Leather Work. and the vsrious kinds of Embroidery. 113' for terms. see cards. Richmond Hill. Sept. 3, 1880. 95-4 PATTERSONS’ PLOUGHS and NOVELTY WAGGON WORKS Manufactured by the Subscribers. Having an best quality and well seasOned, and with the great chinery, combined with first-class Workmen,â€"-they 9.5.3... »Merkhasa Village, In. 4, 18559. Cashiloe RIDES and SKINS. SHARES CONSTANTLY ON HAND. , All .Work. Warranted. Call, Examine an-d-Seefor yourselves before purchasing elsewhere. Richmond Hill, June 19, 1860. 62-1y t . _.._.__ MARKHAM VILLAGE. > “x \ WW~AMMU Eyery Description of LIGHT AND HEAVY WAGGONS! immense stock of Lumber, of the facilities which they have in Ms can. and do make better Finished, More Durable. and hhhMMh‘m mlmhhh'hb Than any other Establishment in Canada. All orders attended to with promptltude, and Work warranted T. SPEIGHT 8r. SON- 56-6».

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