Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 26 Oct 1860, p. 3

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, $5 to $5 80; M ' â€" FATAL OCCU R'RANCE AT ' ' LONG POINT. __.â€".â€". A MAN sriOT DEAD BY A eIrIzEN or HAMILTON. During last week, a party of sportsmen from this city preceeded to the well-knowa duck‘ponds at long point, for the purpose of shooting wild fowl. They had been very stiCcessful, having shot some 150 brace up to Friday afternoon, when a shocking occurrence put an end to their sport, and resulted in instant death of one of the men employed as “ punter” by them. Mr. H. B. Bull was accompanied by a Frenchman as his “ punter,” and each was supplied with double-barrel guns. BetWees live and six o’clock in the evening of Fri- day, they had drawn up their skiff within cover of a cluster of flags and were both kneeling down in the bottom, waiting the approach of ducks, when a hook came over, and both of them rose at the same moment for the purpose of shooting. By some mischance, which is not explained, but possibly through the trigger of his gun having caught in the bushes, Mr. Bull’s gun was suddenly discharged, and the con- tents struck the poor ‘ punter’ in the right eye, carrying away the temple and a con- siderable portion of' the upper part of his bead.‘ Of courSe, death was instan- ' taneous and thoso who know Mr. Bull ' f'wili readily conceive" ivvhat was this hor- ror at beholding the mangled term of-' his companion as it fell athis feet in the skill. Few men (except those who have witness- ed the carnage of. the battle field) have. ' looked upon such ghastly sights as Mr. Bull has been called to witness in the dis- charge of his duties as Coroner, but we believe that this was to him the most hor- rible sight he ever beheld. He was ob- served by others of the party to make signals of distress, and on Mr. Dalyu and his son James proceeding to see what was i the matter, they discovered the sad con- dition of things we have above narrated. The body of the unfortunate man was rowed ashore, and steps taken to have an inquest held thereon. He resided on the beach at the Point, and made his livtng by fishing,r and punting,being paid $1 50 a day for the latter service, but; we believe he leaves a wife and two children in destitute circumstances. His wife, however, show- ed no concern about his loss, and refused to go and see the body. From the Hamilton Times. Wanna-me A SINGULAR PRESENTIMENT.â€"Some four weeks ago, a most singular circumâ€" stance occurred in this \icniity, which is almost entitled to a place in that extra- ordinary work recently published by Rob- ert Dale Owen, entitled “Footprints on the Boundary of another world.’ The truth as detailed to us as follows :â€"- On the morning of the day on which the Prince of Wales arrived at London, a gentleman residing in‘Chatham, rose very early, before daylight, and proceeded to make his toilet preparatory to going East. When he had nearly gotten ready to 'l‘P-‘He the room, the candle, which was placed near his wife who was in bed, sud- denly and without any. apparent cause, blazed up unusuallylriglt and then as sud- denly thellame disappeared, just previous to a movement being made to blow it out. At once this singular circumstance was noticed, and the husband’s attention called to it, the wife saying that she felt quite conscious that sometning serious was going to happen soon and at the saute time wishing her consort to remain at home and not go to London by the railway. How ever, the husband left Chatliam that same morning for London. Arriving at a stat- ion about 30 miles east of Chaibam, a let- ter was placed in his hands which informed him that his wife’s father had shortly beâ€" fore been seized with a paralytic stroke ‘and that it was doubtful if he would re- cover; andsure enough in a few days after death ensued. Of course the wife now believes the sudden going out of the can- dle was a presentment of the death of her father. The circumstance is certainly worth recording.â€"â€"C/mtham Planet. A .TOURNEYMAN Pit-INTER S'ratkizs' EOILâ€"«A journeyman Printer, in an Erie .‘print‘ing "office, as 'we are reliably informed put on a “ sub” last week, Went to the Meadville oil district, bought an oil claim' 'on time, struck oil, and has been offered $10,000 for his ‘ehance. take it. It’s {a ‘fat take.” The lucky printer‘s name is George Simont‘on, and lie formerly worked in the office Of the Cleveland Plain Dealer. CHARLES TAGGART. ,(Late Baker in the Thornhill Bakery.) EGS most respectfully to intimate to the -. inhabitants Of Richmond Iiillaiid neigh- borhood. that he has taken the BAKERY IN RICHMOND HILL, and by supplying them ‘y‘vitlt the very best qua.â€" iit) of BREAD. CAKn‘s,-:’lliscmis, 1%. will in this manner end.eiivOri'~‘ and maintain their patronage, .H, , . Bride’s Cakes made to ord’O‘, and Tea Parties supplied on the lowost posssiblo terms. Richmond Hill, Oct. .25, 1860. 99-tf ,_...__ TO ROATO MA RKE’I‘ i. THURSDAY, October 25. Fall Whackâ€"«8000 bshls Was the extent of the supply which sold readily at high prices. Tho prices paid for the best samples were from $1 25 to $1 30 l‘Bl‘ hshl, the average beingr $129. and of the entire sales $1 30., Alargo quantityâ€" perhnps tho largestâ€"sold at $1 20. Corniiion grades went off at from $1 530 to $1 24 per hshi. Spring Whatâ€"1,250 bslilsin market, which sold a. from $1 05 to $1 08 per bshl. Barloy.â€"â€"sold at from 60 to 650. Pcas.-â€"â€"150 bshls tvent ofi‘ at 5'2 and» 56c per bshl. Oatsâ€"at ‘28 and 300 per bshi. Hayâ€"is from $17 to $19 per ton, $7 per ton. I‘llouruâ€"Snperfino No. 2 sold at 15to $5 25, No. 1, to 25 ' Fancy (Spring) $5 25 to $5 40: an'cy (FullyfiBF) 40 ; to $5 60; Extra, Double Extra, $6 15 to $6 50. Buttor.-â€"Fresh is in fair supply at from 16c to 180 per lb. 1!?3gs,-Frcsli from wagons 8 to 15c per dozen, Potatoesâ€"New vary in price front 20 to 250. and sometimes iltlc per bushel. Sheepâ€"arc in demand at frOm $3 50 to $4 50 each. Lambsâ€"arc plentiful at from S9 to $2 50 each. Calvesâ€"are in good supply at $4 to $8 each. ileofvilidosâ€"Siti 00 per 100 lbs. Sheep and lamb skins $1 each. Calfskins 100. per lb.â€" rI'aliow, $61 per 100 lbs. Straw $5 to , L..__....._..._._____‘___.__.__.. .. He had better: - First Prizo...........;...;.............$19 MARRIED. At Richmond Hill, on' the 18th inst , by tli e Rev. Mr. Willoughby. Ronnnr A Law, oldest son of Mr. Abraham Law. to Miss Man! EMILIE Rose, of Rose Hill, Yongo Street. ' DIED. At Streetsvillo,,on the 14th October. Mr. Tuonxs Pun-unsold, aged 4‘2 years. SPECIAL NOTICES. To Consumptives. ‘HE Advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by o. very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumptionâ€"is anxious to make known to his folldw-slifl‘er‘ers the means of euro. To all Who desire it, he will send a copy of thé p’l‘b’sérijitioh used [free of charge), with the directions fo'r preparing and using the same, which they will find a suit: Cone ton Ci-nsbnitirioiv, Anson, Blioncfilt'is, &.c. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Proscripti'tin is to benefit the afiiictod. and spread lnforniuti’o'h which he conceives to be invaluable, and he" hopes every sufferer will try his remedy. as it Will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will pl'oai'e address _ , REV. EDWARD A..WILSON, VViIiiams-burgh, Kings County, how York. STILL ‘THEY COME! Testimonials are coming in from all quarters universally in favor OITDF. ,McKonzio’s Dead Shot Worm Candy. no tifdri‘n Medicine has met with such unprecedented anecess as this.â€" Persons may say it is imagination which causes such cures. knowing that this Medicine ema- nates from the Old Country. but blessed be imagination if it totally annihilates the worms inc iildren as this candy surely does. Ono trial of Dr. McKenzie’s Dead Shot Worm Candy, will satisfy the most sceptical mind. Price only 7§ sterling, 15 cents per package, or 9 shillings, 50 cents, for four packages -â€"- Sold by every Druggist and Medical Dealer in Europe and America. Nona genuine without afac simifo signature of H. E. McKenzie, M.D,, Glasgow, on each wrapper. (See Advertisement in another Column ) firm auscrtiamwto. Stray Cow. CAME in the premises of the Subscriber, Lot 50. let concession of Vaughan, about the 18111 September last, A WHITE COW With red spots on her About 9 years old, The Owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take her away. GIDEON 11181101). Vaughan, Oct. 19. 1863. 99 4 m‘ iticmtou D IiILL IRON FOUNDRY. H. EKALL EGS to notify tho Public that he has leased the Foundry, lately in the occupation of Ira B. Richmond, whore he intendsato keep constantly on hand. ‘ tRON BEAM: PLows Of various descriptions, also. Sugar Kettles, Box Stoves. &c., &2.. All kinds of Plow points for sale. and all kinds of Job Work attended to. All work Warrantod Richmond Hill. Oct. 2011). 1860. 95-3mx PLOUCHINC MATCH. YORK TOWNSHIP AGRICULTURAL socmiv‘a llllllillllll 9 1111113 l WILL BE HELD 0n I'Vednesday, Nov. 7, 1860, On Mr. THOS. DAVIS’ Farm, near Yongo Street Brewery. 3 miles from Toronto. when the following Premiums will be awarded : FIRST CLASS. FrstP'izo........ . . . . . . .‘...............$40 Second Prize . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . . . . . . . . ... 20 Third Prizo. . .. . - i - - . .... . - - - ~ . . . . . . . . 10 Fourth Prize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 06 Fifth Prize................... . . . . . ..... 04 The entrance Foo in this Class 10 be $3,â€"-â€" All Piongltmon who have taken First and Se. cond Prizes will not be allowed to compete in the Second Class. SECOND PRIZE. First Pricedâ€"a Pair of [iron Horrorvs. pro- sontodfito the Society by John Forgnsson, Green Bush Ilotel. Toronto. [made by Hugh Ross. York Vlills] valued at . . . . .$40 Second Prize, presented by Thomas (Joules 15 Third I’rize.............. . . . . . . ...... . 10 Fourth Prize ~..‘.-......V.... . 1.. ... ..... 8 F1111] Prize...........uu . . . n s - o . u s - I 0 o 6 Sixth Pri'zo . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . 4 THIRD CLASS. Frst PrrLe'Jâ€"E-Pat'torson do Bro. Richmond Hill, a Plough to ho competed for by Ploughs of their own manufacture. ' Second Prize, will be awarded out. of the on- tranco money iii this class, Third Prize do do » do do The Entrance Fee of the Second and Third Classes to be $2. FOURTH CLASS,â€"-’â€"Fon Bovs UNDER 18 YIARS. SocondPrize . . . . . . . . . . 10 Third Prize. A. Plough, by D. Ramer Fourth Prize.... . . . . . . . .i. . . . . . . . ....... 7 Fifth Prizn . . . . . . . .. '. . '..~. . . . . . . . . ‘ . . . . . . . 5 Sixth l’rizo........ . . . . . ‘ -..... . . . . . . . . . . . 3 The Entrance Fee $51. Boys who have taken First Prizes will tint bo allowod to com- pote iIt this class, but may in any of the other Classes. 1 RULES A ND REGULATIONS; l. The depth of Ploughingr to he not less than six inches. and at the rate of an abro in tWelvo hours. 2. The Ploughnlen to Be 'on the giou‘ild and start precisely at ten o’clock. Entries may be made with Mr Thomas Best. Bay Horse Hotel; Mr Likens, International Hotel ; Mr John Fergusson. Green Bush Hotel, or to the Secretary, any day previous to the Ploughing Match. OPEN TO Aâ€"LTL CANADA! 113’ The Secretary will be prepared to pay the Premiums immediately alter the Judges’ decision. Dinner will be provided by Mr Coat'es. GEO. SEVERN, P. ARMSTRONG, 5963' President. Toronto, Oct. 17. 1860 99-2 NOTICE. CAME within the Enclosure of the pro- misos of John Harrington, Lot. No. 44, in the lst Concession of the Township of Markham. on or about the 1st July, 1860, Two S'l‘RAY HEIFERS. The Owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay expenses. and take them away. JOHN: HARRINGTON. Richmond Hill, Oct. 19,1860, 99-3 _ .....,.n ,. Cassia sins“ THE Uiidersigned, having received instruc- _ tlons from \VILLIAII 'I‘Runozon Esq. lot 27, 4:11 concession of Markham. will Sell by Public Auction, on VVcdii esday. October 3lst, On the above mentioned premises, the fo'lowing FARM STOCK, Household Furniture, 8110. V12 . 1 Span of Horses, 6 years old ' 1 Brood Mare, in foal by Great Britain 1 Marc. 7 years old I 1 Horse, 8 years old , 1 Spring Colt, by Rubin Hood 3 Milcli Cows, in calf I twosycnrsoid Steer 4 Spring Calves l Brood Sow . 10 Small Pigs 1 Double Waggon 1 Fanning Mill 1 Buggy 1 Market Sleigh l Ono-horse Sleigh 1 (‘utter 2 Scotch Ploughs 2 path of Sood Harrowfl 1 Heavy Harrow - 1 Double set of silver mounted Harness 1 Single do do do 2 sets of Team Harness ‘2 Stacks of Hay 1 Sugar Kettle Scytlies. Rakes, Forks, the i’l‘lie Household Furniture ! Comists of Breakfast, Dining and Centre Tables, Sideboard, Cupboard, Sofa and Chairs, . Cooking, Parlour and Box Stoves, Brussels and Kidderininste‘r Floor and Stair Carpets, Dam- ask and Muslin Window Curtains. &c. The Redd-com. Furniture Includes Beds and Bedding, Looking Glasses. Rodsteads. \Vashstands, &c. &c Also, [if not previously disposed of] a Library, Contain- ing about 400 vols, including the Statutes of Canada since 185-1. with many valuable His- ‘ torical Works, ' The whole will be $0ch without any Reserve. Sale at TEN o’clock, AJM. Terms 1 All sums of $10. and under. Cash ; over that sum Four Months’ Credit will be given by furnishing approved joint notes satis- factory to the vendor. J. M. PATTERSON, Auctioneer. 113’ All notes of hand and book accounts due to W. Triidgeon, must be paid on or before the day ofsale ; otlterwiso they will be placed in the hands of his At’ornoy for collection Victoria Square, Oct. 20, 1860. MUSIC. Beg leave to notify the Public that I pur- pose holding a meeting in the Vestry of the Methodist Chapel, Richmond Hill, on tho ovoningof Saturday, October 2?, at Seven o’clock, for the purpose of forming a General Singing Class, in this place, Sacred Music, Plain and Ornamental. will be carefully taught upon the most approved method. .1. F. LEASK, Instructor. Richmond Hill, October 19. 1860. 99 DENTISTRY! . w. C. ADAMS. D. D. s. Surgeon Dentist, 99 tune or. txs'r, sour-u sins. THIRD noon wnsr riton cntincn sr. 'ronoaro. ARTICULAR attention given to tho rogu- lation of Children’s Tooth. Consultation free, and all work warranted. Dr, A. has turned his attention to the im- provements of his profession in all its branches, and can supply the profession With Tooth, Gold, Vulcanized Apparatus. and Vulcanito Rubber, and the best Butte filling. Niineral ‘1'.»th mounted on Gold, Silver. or Vulcanized Rubber. With Continuous Gums. which are warranted to give entire satisfaction. Toronto, October 11, 1860. 49-1)’ Letters Remaining itt RICH MOND IIlLL PostOflico OCTOBER 1, 1560. Arkscy. Robert Bell, Thomas Brillinger, George Busby, James do John Balls, J. M. Bernard, H. A. Benson, Jane Bernard, H. G. Bown, G. Basingtwaito, Wm. Collins, Mary Jane Campbell. C. Cromwell, Daniel (Ionstablc,Mrs. John 9 Craven. Joseway Clark. William Compton Lodge Deon. Hugh Duncan, William 4 Davidson, B. Daniels, James Elliott, Miss Eycr, David Foggin, ‘Johii Freak, James Fisher. 'I'ltomas Fox, Edward Fitzntaurico, Jollit Glover. 'I‘li'Omas GilmOnr, James Graham, Alexander Harrington_ Johii Hamilton, JOhIi Hoveily, Silas , Hunt, William Hall, Henry. H list, “'illiam Hill. TVilliam Hysiop, Gideon Innos, William 2 Jenkins, Hannah Kenny. Ann Kilfodor, Margaret Kilt'eder. Robert Luttd, William Lawrence, W. 11. Langstsfl‘. James Law. Abraham Livingstone, John Lymburnor, M. J. Moore. Robert, Milne, Robert Motson. Thomas McBride, John McKay, John 2 McDonald, John McKinnon, Duncan McKinnon, Isabella McCartney. Robert Nicholls. Richard Pearce. G. J. F. 2 Percy, John Phillips, Samuel 2 Phillips, William Ross, Thomas Richards, Bonnet Robinson, William Rose, Mary Raymond. Robert Smith, Thomas Siiygon, Joseph Shepherd, Edward Spencer. Moses Scott. James Stickley. Widow Turner, Carol’n Miss Turner, Henry ‘ lVilson, Thomas 4 Hyslop, Thomas Helmkoy, John Hornér, Daniel VVi‘ight, Amos, 3 \Vatorhouso. John \Vilson, Richard M. TEEFY, P. M. $50 REWARD. HE Municipal Council of the Township of Vaughan offer the above reward to any pershii who will give to them such information ,as will load to the discovery of the person or ' persons who deserted Two INFANT GHILDREN, In the said Township, on the night of the 18111 ‘ of September last. Tito Ono, a female child; apparently about a month old, was left at the gate of the Town- ship clerk’s residence, and suspicion 'rests on a woman who travelled by the Thomhill stage on that evening, and who returned by a Farmer’s waggon near midnight. The other was a male child,apparontly about the same age, and was left at the door of Mr. Velie’s house, Lot. 19. iii the 2nd concession, between 9 and 10 o’clock, OII the same even- lug. Any person sending the information requir- ed to the Township Clerk, will receive the . above reward. By order of the Council, GEO. J. F, PEARCE. Township Clerk. 97 3 1 Richmond IIill,â€"Oet. 1, 1660 t Pollock’s ‘ Column ! WWW“ W" WM. S. POLLOCK ' EGS to return his sincere :thatiks to his humorous Cdstomors for their patronage so liberally avvarded to him during the past summer. and ocquaints them that ho is now receiving his AUTUMN STOCK ! VVbich has been purchased on the most od- voutagoous terms, and will be Sold at tho Lowest Renlunerating Prices, as» 1. Cheap as any other House “ Round tho diggons." Good yard- wide Priming: colors, from . . . 5‘. ,5. if“ to 7id yd. Black Orleans, ,a largo lot i very cheap. from. . . . . . Wido width Cobourgs. all colors, from. . ...... Black, White and. Scarlet All wool Flannols from In 3d to 28 6d yd, With an excellent assortment of Factory Cot- tons. Striped Shining, Blue and Brown Don. ims, Tickings. Long Cloths. Canton Flannols, with a choice lot of L'ndios’ and Children’- Scotch Lamb’s W001 fiesos. Cashmoro Gloves, Mitts. Gauntlets, Mufflers, &c. in lllllY-Itltllltltllllllll m. assortment will be found no to 9d yd. 11d to 2. Out yd. Larger «S: More Varied, AND Lower in Price Than any in the neighborhood. Mon’n Fashionable Giants, halite ballots [No Machine Make].,mado by oxporioncod Tailors. in tho NEWEST STYLES. Mons? Flannel, Shirts In all Colors and Prices. SATTINETTS, BROAD and FULL’D CLOTHS. TWEEDS, DOESKISS, And CASSIMERES. The Best assortment BEST GOODS! Lowest ' Prices ON RICHMOND HILL. Good, Fresh, Fine Flavored T" E A S AND COFFEES. Genuine, Puro best 9 fuels. SUGAR, CANDLES. ac. dzc. with, a general asportmont of OOERIBSI 1N QUALITIES, I019. UNDER-SOLD EN PRECES ! nil. lllHXlMINl For yourselves before buying olsowhoro. Wm, S, Pollock (Late G. A. Buuuitn’o.) Richmond. Erin. September 98,1860. - 96-301 . _ ,.,....... . ., , ..-’r x .. 0.. " z; . m: "LADY .._.....d . T the Premium Harness Establishment, Richmond Hill . A Apprentice \Vntc i A R A proprietor, WM. 11 MYERS. October 12, 1860. 98-3 run it ‘ llllltlltl. THE Proprietor of tho “ Yonx HnnALD” begs to acquaint his numerous friends and the public generally that so has Removed his Printing Office To nth NEW HOUSE 'ADJOIN'IN'G, Two doors further north, where. by increased facilities. he will be prepared to got‘up work with the utmost expedition, and with ovory attention to the wishes of his customers. . “ Herald ” Office, r Richmond Hill, July 20, 1880. Information viwantcd. ' F this should meet the eye of JOHN LATV- RENCE. who left ' his father’s rcsido'nco in Vaughan, in May, 1859. he is requested to comtnunicam with his friends. Atty party who will recognize by the following descriptionâ€"- 5 foot 7 inches high, dark brown hair, dark eyes, age abothGâ€"and will give information -of his wlieroali-outsto his bereaved parent. will Was seen at Kettlob’y Mills“ confer a favor. King. about'two weeks ago. . 7 JAMES B. LAWRENCE, . i ' « Richmond Hill, I'.O. July 19, 1860. 85-tf 113' “ Advance," Barrio, please copy twice. A Novelty“ in the Art Wm?! PHOTOGRAPHY UPON PORCELAIN! Secured by letters patent in the United States, England France, and Belgium. fl...â€" Tm; AMERICAN PHOTOGRAPH“: PORCELAIN co., No. 781 Broadway, New York. having secured their novel and ingenious inven- tion by American and European patents, are fully prepared to execute all orders for Miniature Likenesses of Persons on China, presenting all the attractive and advantageous features of ordinary protographs. the brilliancy and finish ofa v ator- color drawing. and a bi- therto unattained quality of durability, by being tendered as iinporisliablo as the natural proper- tries of the articles upon which they are transferred. _ . As the patented process of the Company on- nbloa the reproduction of Photographs, not only on plain surfaces, but upon such as are round or of any degree of irregularityâ€"portraits can be reproduced with faultless accuracy,and delicacy of delineation, upon Porcelain wares of any description and dimension used as articles of luxury, or of lionsoliold utility, such as Urns, Vases, Breakfast Cups. Toilet Articles, &c.; thereby securing faithful portraits and furnishing a unique and exquisite style of ornamentation of articles iit domestic use. In order to furnish facilities for the gratifica- tion of the popular taste, and to meet the wants of those patrons of the Fine Arts desirous of having Portraits o'u Porcelain. the Company have imported from Europe a collection of su- perior porcelain goods, manufactured to their own order. which they sell at cost prices. As the American Company are owners of the patent right, and cousoquontly the‘ only person: authorized to use the process. they have dolor- minod, in order _ To afi‘ord._People in, every section of the ' Union an opportunity to possoss Portraits on China, to make the following proposition to RESIDENTS IN THE COUNTRY, WHO ARE UNAILI TO VISIT PERSONALLY THE ATELIER AND GAL- LERIES lfl NL‘V YORK. Parsons sending a photograph, anibrotypomr dngtlerreotypo to the office of tho Company in New York, ac ompaniod by FIVE DOLLARB 1 will receive in return by express, fr'oo of other charge, A ntanv ORNAMEN'I ED mums! AST cut’ Aim sxucnn, wrru Tm: PORTRAIT Tntusiricnnxn THEREON. By transmitting a daguorieotvpo and Tim DOLLARS ! they will secure in like manner, A HANDSOME FRENCH VASE on. TOILET ARTICLL, with the portrait reproduced by tho patented process. By sending a pair of daguori‘ootypb's and mm... been“ 1 they will receive in return A turn or RICH sivkns tun, with the portraits executed equal to miniature paintings; and, in like manner, portraits can be reproduced tin pOrColain wares or vxsrzs or xvxnv QUALITY oi? Hitioii. ranging in price from. TWENTY To own nusnaxn sons“ viii: ni'n N.B.â€"â€"llo particular in writingi tho addrooo, town, county and State; distinctly. All letters to be addressed to MANAGER, Aminican Plo'romurmc Pox- CELAXN 00..” 781 BROADWAY New YORK. New York, Oct. 9, 1860. 98-3m. u. .. Land at; Saw Mill For Sale. 1 Acres of prime landâ€"~30 acres cloarod ' composed of, the West half of Lot No. 7, in the 2nd. Con.’ of Uxbridgo, Count Ontario: together with an escollont Saw Mill. and two good'Dwolling _,Housos, with out-oth- cos theroou.. ' r , _ > , . - Also 7 acres adjoining,‘composod of tho froht part of Lot No, 6. in the some concosdon. , The above property is. iléaiilifttllynnd do- lightfully situated in a pleasant locality, and in one oftho Oldest and host'sottled toWnships in tho County of Ontario. it is within 21. miles of the village of Stoufl’villo, about 10 miles from Uxbridge Village, and 20 miles from the Town of VVliitbj‘, the capital of the Countv of Ontario: ' The pr‘bperty will be sold very cheap for Cash. Titloindisputablo, Apply to JOSEPH KELLER, Esq.. Richmond Hill. Or to FRANCIS KELLER, Whitby. September 90. 1860 95.3111 Stolen 02' Strayed. TOLEN or Strayod from the Vaughan. A SMALL PONEY,â€"-nearly tvhito with red spots, and a. light mane and liea‘viy tail. Any person giving informatip'n as to its whereabouts or bringing the same to the sub- scriber will be rewarded. JOHNBWOODS. Richmond Hill, Sept. 20, 1860. NOTICE, RS. R. RODGERS begs leave to intim- ate that she designs to open a claim, on Monday the lst of October next, to give Los- sonsin the following branches; VVaxflowor, Grecian and Velvet Painting, Pencil Drawmg, Water Colors, Leather Work, and tho various kinds of Embroidery. 113' For terms, soc cards. Richmond Hill, Sept. 20, 1860. 95-4 93-3m A smart, respectable boy about 1:) or 16 years of age. Apply to tho . premises of tho Subscriber. Lot 48. 2nd concession (if E FOR BA K, 4.- ,.._. 1 ,_ _,â€"~-- .. 4 Editing. WILL BE SOLD 13v AUCTION A‘If’ ‘ 2 AM Lens NE w STORE, Richmond Hill, a large assortment of DRY GOODS, JEWELLERY. 850.850. Commencing on SATURDAY, the 3rd November, and continue. ' 1 FOR: ONE WEEK ONLY, Your attention Gents and Ladies fair, Como forth and view my rich choice waro ; Of Diamonds, Rubies. Emeralds. Pearls. Approach young Bonn): and treat your girls. I have Rings for fingers. Rings for ours. And Pearls that chino like infants tears! 1 bays rich Gold Watchers-“give one 'a trial,=‘- Their timo ’s as true as the sun dial. For rich designsthoro’s none approaches My Recerchie, French and English Brooches ; I have silvor'd Forks, with Spoons and Sets, Fine Wedding Rings and Mounting Jotts. I have Gold as pure asfrom the mine, You can have your choice of coarse or fine. Of Breast Pius, Lockotto, CrOsses. Harts And Charms to shield from Cupid’s darts. Then come from hamlets. streets and lanes And view my English rich Gold Chains With Mossincs, Cameos and Garnetti fino They sparkle like old 'Rhoinish wine. They’ve patronized mo everywhere, From Clintoaugoe to Lake St Clair; Come one and all. males, maids and matrons. I’ll add you to my long ,list of patrons. Convince yourselves, pray. do not fall, But hasten to tho Aucrion Sale. Some scepticl will“; 'tis' a‘t‘t auction pu'fi', Throw away the bill, think thov’vo rend ’onongb Others want Goods Choupuad are quite willing In an honest wav to save a shilling. 1 have Dry Goods of a superior'ltin‘dl'.‘ , You may search all o’er and will not fidd Such a cheap lot of Shawls and Cape‘s, They’ll suit all tastes in styles and oho‘p'o'd; A Alpacas, Cobourgs, French Doloinol. ,_ Merinoos. Prints both Holt and plain, , If you buy my Flannold. olthor whitoior' rod.- Tlie cold winter’s blast you need not ilro‘ud. Of Pilots and Beavers I’ve quite a vdfioity, To inspect I invite all shadosof society 9 Examine my Broad Cloths..the_v are snporfino, Silk Volvots, Rich Popins, and Oh ,‘Crit‘tolinda l have Silks from India’s sultry shotd.‘ Seal Gloves from frozen Labrador,,_ .Vlane'helter St.qu and Linens on band From the smiling valloysof Buddy’s land. Bring along the Rhino, supply; Pour want: And fit yourselves with Coat.‘ out and Pants. Gurnsov Shirts and Drawofs at u trifling cost To protect your persons from old Jack frost. Come on Canadians, Irish. English. Scotch and Yankee, Bid loud, pay up. make way for others then 1'11 thank yoe. ' If Rich Goods, Cheap, is your desire All Goods are warranted, yau‘ used not fort! Como to the peoples salesman, l. MAGUIBB. But buy of ,_ _ JOHN MAGUIRE. Agont and Autumn“. Sale to commence at PEN, a,m, and SIX, p,m, each day. J,M, will Sell at CIIAS. CAIN’S Hotel, Kinghorn, on Friday. Saturday'and "hlonday, the 26th, 27th and 29th October. Richmond Hill, October 25, 1860 .l. K. raiOONBaIOOi: IS JUST OPENING OUT AN IMMENSE STOCK ! DRY , GOODS, GBOCERIES, HARDWARE, aye. V ‘NTERTAINING the opinion that a very large trade will be done during the Autumn and VVititer, he has made ample prbvision for supplying his customers. Goods of every descriptidn will be Sold at a DIODERATE 'ADVPANCE ON 1 £3139 A Choice supply of MOURNING GOODS t P.S. All patrties whose Notes and Accounts are itqu due; are rospec'tfully requested to make provisions for them. J: K. F. Richmond Hill, September '15, 1360. SELL1 G 95.: O F F i DRY GOODS. GnoOERIEJ _ CIROCKERY, LIQUORS, doc. Fifi-IE undersigned, having nearly completed twenty years in business, has made up 1 biomind TO RETIRE 1 But before doing so he would return his thanks to the public for the liberal support they have favored him with during that long period of time. One word mere 1: would add, which will be to the interest of the public, that, in addition to his present Stock, he has made large purchases of ~ FALL [AND WINTER GOODS. From the very best Markets, which will arrive between now and the 10th of Sep- tetnber,-â€"at that time he will commence to ' ‘ sen. ins sjrocit OI'r l COST Pinon i - And continue to do so until the Whole is Sold, ' ’ For Cash, or Product: in r » exchange only 81'? No Credit dill given after, the 10th September.- . - ’ i P. CROSBY. 92-“ em [ONTâ€"DESEPIEPIF? MACHELL, FIEL, 8b 00., EG respectfully to announce to tho Public and their Customer's generally this they are receiving their WINTER STOCK 0F GOODS! \Vliich will be complete by the 28th of June. Buying their GOODS in tho FIRST MARKETS, FOR CASH, they feel confident of giving the Public every Satisfaction. Particular attention is requested to their FACTORY 85 BLEACHED COT TONS. American and English Cloths, doc. \Vlliéh for CHEAPNESS AND DURABiLITY cannot be exoeedod by any Retail Store in the Province. A call is respectfully solicited before purchasing elsewhere. Richmond Hill, August, 30, 1860. OM C Gents’ Clothes ’made t0 Order On the shortest notice, and warranted to fit. Aurora, Oct. 18, 1860. W41

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