Hg..." .. JEDq" . in. u » -.... «some COUNCIL. ' I 'me the New Era. The above Council met at Hulse’s Inn, on Thursday of last week. All the them. I_ hers present. , Minutes at previous meeting reai and conï¬rmed. «. . vCommunication and report of Survey ors with reference [0 the 5th Con. Survey I‘ received and read.. A communication from the Inspector General’s Department, was also received andv‘read, asking for the remittances due Government 'upon'licenses. In reference to which the Treasurer said he had already .forwarded the amount, and got a receipt tor the sainetPerhaps there has been a ‘Jittle fobbing'goingon among the employ- cos.) ~ . . Mr. Moore‘presented a petition from . ChristOphcr Stokes and other inhabitants of school Section‘No. 19, praying the Counciltoabolish-the Section, and unite .the'sanie‘ivith" othersadjoinina on the . a’ ground tliatitiwasi-too small and made the expenses tooliigli to maintain a School. - A IByfIlaIwI was introduced by Captain Afldst’rong,Jtoi,le*vf an ascessment on the Iocbï¬ty'ii‘n‘ibiï¬ested,to:assist- in paying the necessary expenses T‘Itit‘I‘I surveying the 5th )‘iï¬piâ€"r i: ,:S-:.>.‘.-' i~ r v ‘ ~ a" ï¬rst-Itiriie,yand the Council're- solbédfjffit'self into a Committee of the Wholel't’i‘poii‘tlie “saiii‘er-‘Mr. \Vebb in the chair. - committee rose, and, the chairman re- ported the By-law‘, which was then read a third time and'pnsSed. Moy‘eil' by Capt. Armstrong, seconded by Mr. Webb, and ‘ Res_‘o_lvecl'â€"'â€"'1‘liat the Reeve having act- ed under the instance of this Corporation, respecting the survey of part at the 5th corii, line Of this"1‘ownship, by employing tonProvincial Land Surveyors, to ascer- tain whether the-charge made by T. C. Presser, P. L. S.,'for performing the said survey was a fair and reasonable one ; and and whereas the said surveyors have re- ported to this Corporation that the sum of $414 'Iw0uld be good renumeration for the said work, it is therefore requested that the Reeve of this Corporation be and he is hereby authorized to tender to the said T. C? Presser, the sum of $4111, in full of all‘demauds of said survey. The Council then resoIVed itself into a committee of the whole on the petition for abolishing \Vaid N0. 19. Mr. Where in the chair. I-TheReere said the petition asked for what the Council had not power to grant under' the present circumstancesâ€"as they had no evidence before them that the oth- er Sections were willing to receive them. ICaptI. Armstrong ‘took precisely the. some view of the matter, and read the law initlié case. Several oftlie parties interested were then heard at 'thé'bar of the Council, for and 'against'.’ Those in favor of the petiâ€" tidii cdntended' they had a majority of the votes in tlieISectio'ii upon their petition : aldb'thIat the sect ion was entirely to small to‘i'n'aiiitaiii a School. On the contrary, 1m inï¬rm oflfk'té’eping the Section iii-' tacii‘claiiued Ll_lie3_r"lizid a majority for a scl‘ioolfand the petition ; and also that fe'grant t'lie"I'pra'yer of the petition wduld'Ica'Iuse many2 persons to send their children miles to School. ~’Mr. \Vell’s’then moved the following resolution,â€" ~.Rje,sbloéd.j_.'i‘hat in the absence of proof of “unanimity and concurrence with other oecfib‘ns; this Conner] cannot grant the prayer of the petition of School Section No". 19. The committee rose, and the chairman reported tho resolution. Report read and adopted. . 'Mt'wed by Mr. Moore, seconded by NIr: \Vells,â€"é I That the Clerk anu Treasurer be, and the some are hereby authorized and re- quired to tender to Mr. Barry the sum awarded by arbitrators for land taken for the'iise of the public highway, and demand the‘ Execution of deed for the sameâ€"Car- ried. 7* On motion of Mr. Moore,-seconded by Mr. Webb, the Patlimaster, Mr. John Watson, was a’uthOrized to enter upon nnd’improve said highway referred to in the last preceding resolution. An account from'the New Era otIice waoI presented and ordered to be paid. Mr. Webb brought before the Council the necessity of aid being given to the Gamble Road, at the request of Patrick Gibbons. A" desultory conversation fol- lowed about ‘\Vards, the, expenditure of money, 8Lc‘.,‘ from which we learn that last $10 were reCeived :for the road, and that theiCIo‘tricilloi" fer"t’liat year gave and or- der upon'tlie"1‘rea§'urei' for the money, coflify‘ihg that the \ltork had been perform- ed." "If new transpires that although the llloriey"'tfvasidIraIivri'h'ti never was expended. Cdfiéillctd‘blé"3dis‘cnssibh took place, when My? finally agreed to look after thd-‘iï¬htter,~“and’ tiie' liabject dropped. 'A‘Byilawi‘iras’introduced by Captain Armstrong to provide tor opening up the sidé‘ tines between'JLot’s 30 and 31, in the i5th con. and passed. Mr. Davis,'seconded by Mr. \‘Vcbb, then mo‘ved;â€"- That‘when‘ this Co-iincil adjouriis, it do otand'adjourned till the 12th of December next, then to meet at King Station.â€" Carried. Mr. Davis introduced a Bv-law providâ€" ing for-the appointment of Returning Olli- cers†for next'election, and naming the se- veral polling; places. In committee of the whole, the blanks in the By-law were‘filled up as follows: Polling places. Rotn’g Oflicerl Ward No, 1, King Station, James Tiiiline. “_ No, 2. Temp Hall, 6th con. J. Wood. " ' No. 3. Do Kittloby, Reuben Judd. “ No. 4, Do Brownsville, W. Proctor. " No. 5, iirtlio shop formerly occupied by B, Fanning, James McAllister, J Returning Ofï¬cer. It has been decided by the Council that the polling for and against the Town Hall By-law, shall take place at the same time as for .Municipal Councillors and the above Byrlavv provides that Retorning Officers shall have two extra columns ruled in the poll-books in which to recordthe ’yeas and pays. ' . ., ‘_ ' engaged itself with endeavoring to wind up the affairs connected with the late Treasurer, and then adjourned. The schooner J. H. Drake, of Chico- go, ran into the pier at Cleveland, Sun- day night, and carried the lighthouse com- pletely array and sunk accross the channel, completely blocking up the harbor. The propeller Cushman, in endeavoring to en- ter the harbor, ran into the schooner In- dustry, cutting her in two. After passing - the By-law, the Council There are in Philadelphia three hun- dred and twenty-three Public Schools.â€" The total number of’ scholars on the lst of January 1860, Was 61,745. The amount invested by the city in real estate and furniture, for the support of schools up to the lst of January last, Was $1,389- 908 00. The amount appropriated for year was $518,892 67. , A creasing. There areIiiow 350 steamers, valued at $8,500,000. and 1,169 sailing vessels , valued at $1.3000,000, employed in freightiiig, MARRIEDI DALTONâ€"LOCKIIEAD.â€"â€"On the 14th Mist, by the Rev. James 1)ick.IRichmond Hlil, Mr. Jonathan Dalton, to Miss Jane Lockliead, both of Mni‘khaiii. "OPin TO MARKETS. THURSDAY, November 15. Fall Wlieat,â€"-8000 bslils was the extent of the supply which sold readily at high prices. The prices paid for the best samples wereirom $1 25 to $1 30 per bshl. the average being $129, and of the entire sales $1 30. A large quantityâ€"- perhaps the largestâ€"sold at $1 27. Common grades went off at from $1 16 to $1 24 per bshl. Spring Wheatâ€"1,250 bslils in market, which sold at from $1 00 to $1 04 per bshl. Barleyâ€"sold at froin 50 to 550. Peas.â€"l50 bshls went off at 47 and 50c per bshl. Oatsâ€"at 28 and 30c per bshl. Hayâ€"is from $15 to $17 per ton, Straw $6 to $7 per ton. Flour.â€"-â€"-Superï¬ne No. 2 sold at $5 5 to $5 10, No 1, $4 to $4 80 ; Fancy (Spring) $5 20 to $5 30; Fancy (Fall) $5 40 ; to $5 60; Extra, $5 to $5 90 : Double Extra. $6 20 to $6 50. Butter. ~â€"Frosli is in fair supply at from 170 to 19¢ per lb. E gs,â€"Fresli from wagons 12 to 15¢ perdozon, Potatoesâ€"New vary in price from 20 to 25c. and sometimes 30c per bushsl. Sheepâ€"are in demand at from $3 50 to $4 50. each. Lambsâ€"are plentiful at from $2 to $2 50 each. Calvesâ€"are in good supply at $4 to $6 each. Beof-IIidosâ€"$6 00 per 100 lbs. Sheep and lamb skins $1 each. Calfskins 10c. per lb.â€" Tallow, $75 per 100 lbs S EEC] A L NOTICES. The shipping on the great lakes is rapidly iii- To Consumptives. HE Advertiser, having been restored to - health in a few weeks by a very simple remedv, after having suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumption-41s anxious to make known to his follow-sufferers the means of cure. ToIall who desire it. he will send a copy of .the prescription uSed tfree of charge), with the directions for I prieparing and using the same, which they will ï¬nd a sum: Conic FOR Consviiirrion, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, &c. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to beneï¬t. the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufl'orer will try liis remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a. blessing. Pa“tios wishing the prescription will please address I REV. EDWARD A. \VILSON, W'illiamsburgh, Kings County, New York. STILL THEY COME! Testimonials are coming in from all quarters universally iii favor of Dr. McKenzio’s Dead Shot Worm Candy. no worm Medicine has met with such unprecedented success as this.â€" l‘ei'sons may say it is imagination which causes such cures, knowing that this Medicine ema- nates from the Old Country. but blessed be imagination if it totally aiiiiiliilatcs the worms in 0111(11‘611 as this candy surely does. Ono trial of Dr. McKeiizio’s Dead Shot Worm Candy, will satisfy the most sceptical mind. ' Price only 7% sterling, 15 cents per package, or 2 shillings, 50 cents, for four packages.â€" Sold by every Druggist and Medical Dealer in Europe and America. Nono genuine without afuc similc signature of II. E. McKenzie, M.D,, Glasgow, on each wrapper. (Sec Advertisement in mother Column ) ï¬rm annextismwm. CRE DI'II SALE ‘ . i 0 Y order of the Exocutors of the Estate of the iato THOMAS D. CAMPBELL, the following LIVESTOCK, IMPLEMENTS, &c. Will be Sold'by Auction. 0n Tlmrsclay’November 22 ’60 On the Premises, Lot 53, Yonge Street. Vaug- han, and known as the Boyd Farm, near Richmond Hill, viz : 1 Brood Mare, 1 More 6 years old, 1 Horse 1 Marc 7 years old, 1 Colt, 2 years old, 1 Colt Iyear old, by "Great Britain.†2 Heifers 2 years old in calf, 1 Bull 2Hyears old, 3 Cows to calfin January, 10 Ewes wall bred, 1 Ram 2 shears, 3 Farm VVaggons, 2 One-horse Carts, 1 Double Buggy, 1 Single ’ uggy, 1 new Con- cord Buggy. 2 \Voed Sleighs steel shod. 1 Market Sleigh, 1 Double Cutter, 1 Single Cut ter,1 Cutter with pole and shafts,2 Plouglis new, 2 Ploughs, I Ribhiiig Plough, 1 Double Mould Board Plough, 3 sets of Harrows, 1 Rea- per new,1 Roller new, 2 Grain Cradles. 1 Scufflor,1 Turnip Drfll, 1 Wheelbarrow, 1 Root Slicer. 1 Road Sorapor,l Stump Ma- chine and Chain, Patterson’s, I Grind Stone and Stand, 2 Cross-cut Saw, 2 Whip Savvs new. 2 sets Double Harness. 1 set Double Buggy Harness, 2 sets Single Buggy Harness, Isot Cart Harness, a lot of old Harness, 2 Saddles.1 Stone Boat, 2 Straw Cutters. 1 Saddle Bench, 2 Fanning Machines, part of a Threshing Maceiiie, a lot of SquaroTimbor for Sills, A lot of Old Iron. and other Articles too numerous to mention. Terms of Sale : $10, and under, Case . over $10, and under $100, a Credit to the 1st May, ’61 ; over $100 a Credit to the Ist October ’61 . on furnishing approved Joint Notes satisfactory to tho Executors. All purchases must be set- tled for at the time and before the property is removed. Salelat Eleven o’clock. J. M. PATTERSON Auctioneer. l Richmond'niii, Nov, 14,3850. 7 roar A free exhibition of reckless daring was given at Buffalo on Monday morning at a new Brick Church. which was enjoyed-by an audience of three or four hundred persons. A carpenter, ~ engaged. at work upon the. edifice, clambered to the top of the steeple, standing upon the ball which surmounts it. and, to the horror of those who witnessed him, he coolly bowed,waved his hat, extended his arms, and went through so- veral manteuvres. amid the shouts of those who were standing below,"oxhorting him to come down. The top-of thosteeple is one hundred and eighty-six feet‘from the ground. STRAYED, , TRAYED from the Premises of the Sub- scriber, Lot 50, 1st concession Vaughan, 2 Well-bred Durham Heifers, Rod and White. two audithree years old ; ONE HALF-BREDIOALLOWAY HEIFER, Blackftwo years old I; 1 Black Yearling Heifer, , One White Yearling Steer. Any person giving""information that wgll lead to the recovery of the- above property will re- ceive the reward of Ten Dollars. NOR: THOR. MACLEOD. Drriiock. Nov. 8. 1860’.‘ f ' 103-3 ~ p3... ’ ; _u_r ’. Women. . DANCING SCHIOIOIL will commence o. Mr- William ICfi'ristison’o Oak oiiI 'l‘uesday, NOIVellibï¬r 13. 1860. A Good Quadrillo Baird will be in attendance. Oak Ridges. NOV. 8,1860: 1 1 03-3 For ‘Sale, Cheap: . HORSE and a LIGHT SPRING WAG- GON. The Horse is rising 7 years old. For particulars apply at this ofï¬ce. Richmond Hill, Nov. 0, 1860. 101-4 Auction Sale of I Real Estate. ‘\ ILL BE SOLD oii THURSDAY, the ’ 6th day of December, 1860, at noon, at the Auction Rooms of .Messrs. WAKE- FIELD. CO'I‘AE & Co., eii‘Kiiig Street, Toronto, in pursnraiice of a Power of Sale con- tained :11 a Mortgage, 'wlieroiii Edward Bar- nard 'I‘eevin is Morigngor, Onevquarter of an acre, more or less, described as Village Lot Number 27, in the Village of Kliiieburg, (for- merly Mount Vernon). by a plan of the said village, executed by John Stoughton Dennis , on the premises are a good Frame Dwelling- house. and Saddlor’s Shop. occupied by said Toovin. Further Particulars and Conditions can be ascertained of the Auctioneers on the day of Sale, or henceforth to the day of Sale from READ, LEITH &. READ, Solicitors for Vendor, p, - Church Street, Toronto. November 6, 1860. 101-3 Tliiirsdai tho Ctli day of December, having been appointed Thanksgiving Day, the above sale is postponed till TUESDAY,the 11th December, at same time and place. I Stray: Cow. CAME iii the pijeiiiisos of the Subscribe 1', Lot 50, lst concession of Vaughan, about the 18th September last,‘ , 4 With red spots our hen About 9 years old, The Carrier is requested tb‘provo property, pay oxponsos and takOglior away. - - ' GI‘DEON IIISLOP. Vaughan, Oct, 19, 1860-, . 994 Letters Remaining iii RICH MOND‘HIALL PostOï¬ice NOVEMBER 1, tc‘60. ‘ Brillinger. George Biltoii. Wm. Bond, Joseph 2 Bond. Mr. Basiiigtwait, Wm. Clark, Henry ('otter. Marv M. Couplaiid, Wm. Duncan, Wm. 3 Freek. James Foggin, Miss E. .. Fox, Edward 2 Grant, George Gaby, Joseph Hewison, Robert, Hudson, Edward Hust, John Langstafl‘, James Leviiigston, John McNair, Mr. Nicholle, Richard O’Brien. E. Aiiii Poguo, Win. 2 . Priest, Miss Mary ‘ Robinson, Wm. 2 Ratcliï¬'e, Elizabeth A. Ross, Mark Scott, Henry Shepherd. Miss A. C. Shields, John Stockdale, Thomas Stepheiisoii,Samuel 2 Saunders, Francis Stickwood, John Trench, Miss 13 Turner, Henry Turner. Caroline Thompson, Stephan Lawrence, James M. Wilson Thomas Metcalf, Robert , Wright, Amos 6 McKay. John 3 fWith'erford, Mrs. McClaiie. James ‘ ' THE AMERICAN Medical it; Toilet Receipt Book THIS Book contains Recipes and Directions for making all the most .valuable Medical preparations in use ; also. Recipes and full and explicit directiOns {forimakiiig all the most po- pular and useful Cosmetics, Perfumes, Uiigu- outs, Hair Restoratives, and all Toilet Articles, If you are suti'eriiig with any chronic diseaseâ€"â€" if you wish a beautiful complexion, a ï¬ne head of hair, a ‘smooth face. a clear skin, a luxuriant board or"moustaolieâ€"or if you wish to know anything and everything in the Medical and Toilotnliiie, you should, by all means, peruse a Copy of this book. For full particulars, and a saihple of the work for per- usal, (freo,) address‘th'e publisher. - I ‘P. F. CHAPMAN, ‘Neu wild-roadway, New York. _ ,_..___..._ NOTICE‘!’ NOTICE !! 2 GET roon HARNESS Ar 9. LUDI’ORD’S, 780RNH1LL HE Subscriber, in returning his sincere thanks to his Customers, Friends and the Public in general for the liberal patronage bo- stewIed upon him during the past seven years, desires to inform. th’em‘ that he has removed from his Old Stand to the. Corner Store lately occupied by Ed. Crown,_ and directly opposite Mr. Purkiss’ Store. where he will keep con- stantly on llalltIIa good assortment of Hollow .6" Single Ilr Also, a great variety of COLL ARS that he will warrant safe, and not to hurt. or no charge, SADDLES. BRIDLES, WHIPS, Valiscs, Trunks, Carpet Bags, 6w. &c. &c. Call and ExaIEiâ€"no the Work! And you will ï¬nd, for Clieapiiess, Neatiioss and Durability, he cannot be surpassed by any other shop in the trade. C. L, hopes. by honesty, courto y and strict attention to business, still to merit a share of Public patronage; he being now situated in a more favorable position to do a larger business than ever. Orders, promptly attended to' Buggies and Cutters Trimmed in the latest styles on the shortest notice. Repairing done with neatness and dispatch. CALEB LUDFORD, OppositoMr. Purkiss’ Store Thoruliill, Oct. 26, B00. 100-3 Remember An , Apprentice Vvunted AT the Premium Hariies Establishment, Richmond Hill. 'A smart, respectable boy about 15 or 16 years of age. Apply to the proprietor, WM. 11. MYERS. October 12, 1860. 98-3 HE Proprietor of the “Year: HERALD†begs to acquaint his numerous friends aiid'tlie public generally that so has Removed his Printing Office ‘ro firs: - NEW HOUSE ADJOINING, Two doors further nthli, where. by iiicroasod facilities. he will be prepared to get up work with the utmost expedition, and 'Willl ovory attention to the wishes of his customers. “ Herald †Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill, July 20, 1860. Information Wanted. F this should meet the eye of JOHN LAW- RENCE, who left his father’s residence in Vaughan, in May, 1859. he is requested to communicate with hisfrieiids. Any party who will recognize by the following descriptionâ€" I I '5 footâ€! 11101168’111g11,id31‘k brown hair, dark ‘ oyes,age about 26â€"and will give information ' ,of his whereaboutste his bereaved parent. will con-fer a favor. “’38 soon at Kettleby Mills, King, aboutltwo weeks ago. JAMES B. LAWRENCE. Richmond Hill, P.O. July 12, 1860. I 85-“ 113†“ Advance,†Barrio, please copy twico. _' I .IiI’OZloclc’s TisALE! OF W... q GR ruin iii rriiirii._ DRY GOODS, JEWELLERY, &C. TO REOPEN AT I, AMBLER’S NEW STORE, RICHMOND HILL, ON SATUR‘DAYAND MONDAY, I Good yard wide Prinuflast Richmond Hill, Nevember 15, 1860. W WM. s. POLLOCK EGS to return his sineoroflthanko tobio numerous Customers for their patronogo so liberally awarded to him durin tho pm summer. and acquaints them that o lo no. receiving bio AUTUMN sroo‘ Which has been purchasodioii tho moot, Io}. vautageouo terms, and will 17. Sold at _ Lowest Remunerathig . Cheap “9 any other How“ “ Round the diggens." W /._. ,, .1 .r t‘t . ‘11" colors, from. . .-. . . . . n ‘ to 7“ yd. Black Orleans, a largo'lot I ' ,, very cheap. from..l,,.. dud to . u ' Wide width Cobourg's. all - ' ’ colors, from. . o oo o o ooorII 6° II Black. White and. Scarlbt I I to make the following proposition to I V. . ' I I All wool Flaunels from 1s 3d toï¬sï¬dyd I t H I With an excellent assortment of Factory Cot- A Novelty inthe Art World! 1 ‘ . 7 tons. Striped Shining, Blue and BrownDono fâ€"" ims, Tickiiigs, Long Cloths, Canton l‘lonno’o, PHOTOGRAPHY UPON PORCELAIN 1 Of ever Idescri tion and variet of Mountln'or to . y p I Y I, with a choice lot of Ladies? and Child'ron’b Secured by letters patent in the United States, W. H. Scotch Lamb’s W001 “0309- 03'1"“... England France, and Belgium. . I I' . pfl . , Gloves, Mitts. Gauntlets, Mufflers. duo. «In prrnnum iturttraa diatrihturlymuil, dfttthttlnllh in“. N o. 781 Broadway, New York. _ » r I E has always on hand the Largest and Best Assortment of GOODS. that is ever - kept in any Country Shop, and at a much less price then it is possible for to . g 1 having secured their novel and ingenious inven- tion by American and European patents, are get them in Toronto; and lie is always ready to MAKE TO ORDER, on the shortest notice, fully prepared to execute all orders for Miniature Likenesses of Persons on China, presenting all-tho attractive and advaiita eons ' ‘ features of ordinary protographs, the brilï¬aiicy [1E D Larger & 3101.6 varlca’ and ï¬nish ofa vr aterocoler drawing. and o. hi- I I I therto uiiattaiiied quality of durability, by being tendered as imperishable as the natural proper- tries of the articles upon which they are transferred. As the patented process of the Company en- 3:? ALL COLLARS WARRANTED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. .45, Lo W er 11‘ Pr1°° ables the reproduction of Photographs, not only , ‘ _ 7 I Than any in the neighborhood. 0,, pm, 8,,.,.,c,s, bu, upon such as m mm, or Cash forï¬sHEpLS and SKIN S. ofaiiy degree of irregularityâ€"portraits can be h reproduced with faultless accuracmnd delicacy PATTERSONs’rLOUGiis and SHARES CONSTANTLY ON _;,HAND. of delineation, upon Porcelain wares of any ’ description and dimension used as articles of a J] Work warranted_ . i I I Urns. Vases, Breakfast Cups, Toilet Call, Examme and See for yourselves been purchasing elsewhere. luxury. or of household utility, such as Articles, &c.; Richmond Hill, June 19, 1860. - 62-h there-by securing faithful portraits and furnishing aunique and exquisite style of ornamentation . ' [No Macliiiio Make]. made by oxporioncotl Tailors, in the II of articles in domestic use. ’ " ' In order to furiiisl‘i'facilities for the gratiï¬ca- - t ‘ tion of the popular taste, and to meet the wants < I . of those patrons of the Fine Arts desirous of I 4 having Portraits on Porcelain. the Company - _ I , . . I I o have imported frein Europe a. collection of su- , ,' , ' ,I _ . . ‘ 'I , II J | O V L In all Colors and Prices. 1 porior porcelain goods, manufactured to their IS JUST OPENING OUT AN SATTINETTS, own order. which they sell at cest prices. As the AmericanvCompaiiy are, owners of tho - Q BROAD and FULL’D CLOTHSI." I M M E N s E 1 . “r O C K t I, I] V . . DR Y GOODS GB OCERIES , 3 v - v 9 New York, eczompaiiied by patent right, and consequently the only persons authorized to use the process, they have dolor- And CAssmciics.‘ HARDWARE, sic. \ b rivs DOLLARS! ‘ Iâ€" . 4 w," mum-e in "mm, by “weâ€, r,“ of NTERTAINING the opinion that a very large trade will be done during the B E S T mined, in order To afford People‘in every section of the Union - an opportunity to possess Portraits on China, ether charge, Autumn and Winter, he has made ample provision for supplying his customers A nrcnn onNAuEm no BREAnrAsr cur Ann Goods of every description will he Sold at a “I Tm swam, wrrn THE ron'inAir raAnsvrnnsn _ A - ' ’ . B t . . d MODERATE ADVANCE ON COST PRICES ! L P . y raiismittiiiga aguerrootvpe an ‘ - TEN DOLLARH! I 5 T T V“ > {33> A Choice supply or MOURMEG GOODS : they will secure in like manner, His assortment will be found Saddles, Bridles, Joe. of every dc‘sci‘iption. m Men’s Fasliionab 1o RESIDENTS IN THE COUNTRY, \YHO ARK "FAIL. TO VISIT PERSONALLY 'I’IIE ATIIJKR AND CAL- LERIES IN NEW YORK. Persons sending a photograph, ambrotype,or daguerreotypo to the ofï¬ce of the Company in The Best assortment 0!‘ 1'!!! A HANDSOME FRENCH VASE 0R. TOILET ARTICLE, EVER OFFER†With the P0ert rePYOduced by “10 1"“le P.S. All parties whose Notes and Accounts are now due, are respectfully requested. priif;s:dndlllgfl pair ofdaguorreotypes and to make “Widens formem’ . IJ' K' F' Richmond Hill, September 15, 1860. .. . ,. A 954 â€"-â€"- FIFTILN DOLLAns 2 Good, Fresh, Fine Flavored they will receive in return T?]E.Ar§i A PAIR or area sxvnicii nus. I ‘ ' ' . ' i with the portraits executed equal to miniature r . .. paintings; and. in like inaiiiior, portraits can _ g . ' be reproduced on porcelain wares or ' ’ I . VASES or EVERY QUALITY or riiusn, 2' ' " ranging in price from I ' I TWENTY To our: Husnnim noLLARs 'rttic Mix ..3.".;f:.â€".£i:;irratcgfzisa‘n“‘° “ma DRY GOODS. GROCERES, ~N'VW‘4‘-~W*\. xxx/Va. \MWWWwwxxww/s. - AND All letters to be addressed to “MANAGER, AMERICAN PHorocnu-nic Pon- p _ HARDWARE, LIQUORS, .wc. CELAIN 00..†781 BROADWAY NEW YORK. New York. Oct.9, 1860. 98-3m. “Mimi?†LN“ . /. Land & Sa‘v “ï¬ll For Sale. THIlfisuplgalsigned, baring nearly completed twenty years in business, has made up '1' O B O. o L, Acres of prime landâ€"30 acres cleared . I II , composed of tlio VVosthalf of Lot " " I‘ L I ! No. 7, iii the 2nd Coir. ofIV‘Uxbridgo, County Ontario ; together with an excellent Saw Mill, . . . . . ., and two good Dwelling Houses, with whom, they have favored li'm wrtli during that long period of time. One word more It cos thereon. ‘ would add, which will be to the interest of the public, that, in addition to his present . , .I ~- - I Also 7 acres adjoining, composed of the front r Stock, he has made large purchases of H r ' j » . part of Lot No, 6. iii the same concession. , U > _ . " , The above property is healthfully and de- ‘ ‘l\ 1 ' v I' - liglitfully situated in a pleasant locality, and in A R -. V . one of the oldest and host settled townships in 1 . . . . . [he County“ Ontario, his within 21, mp“ Prom the very best Markets, which wrll arrive between now and'tlie 10th of Sep~ of the village of. Stouffville. about 10 miles teinber,-â€"at that time'lie will commence to ' from Uxbridgo Village, and 20 miles from the ‘IE 9 Town of Whitby, the capital of the County of c k , Ontario. f t ‘ The property will be sold very cheap for non Cash. Title indisputable, Apply to . AT I . JOSEPii KELLER, Esq, IN PRICES !- Richmond Hill. RICE, SUGAR, CANDLES. 6L0. due. with‘ . . ~ I s t But before doing so he would return his thanks to the public for the-‘Iiberal‘ support a genera a sor mend-'0! Not to be surpassed Or to FRANCIS KELLER, COST PRICE 2 September 20’ 1860 Whitby. 95_3m And continue to do so until the whole is Sold, - â€"â€"-~â€" For Cash, or Produce. in crvclmnge only 83’ No Credit will be given after the 10th September. IS hereby given that a Meeting of Freelio‘ders P. CROSBY- of the County of York. will be held in the- Richmond H111, August, 30, 1860. 92-“ ' Coun'r Hoosn. at NEWMARKET. iii the said f ,i v County, on WEDNESDAY, the 28th day of No- ' ‘ if vembor, at 2 o’clock, P.M., for the purpose of > , NOTICE. NOTICE- orgaiiiz'iiig the Beavortoii Fire Insurance Asso- ciation under the Acts 6, W. 4, chap. 18. 18 AME with,“ the enclosure of the remiss“ AM? wnhm the Elwiosme 0f “1? pm' of the Subscriber, Lot No; 37, iii) the let chap. 46. misos of John Harrington, Lot No. 44 Vic., chap. 120, 20 Vic., chap. 74, and 22 Vic., .. . . , : concession of the Township of Vaughan about ' ‘ ' » . in the lst Concossron of the Township of ’ [S'g‘wd’] Markham. on or about the 1st July, 1860 [m “mnu‘w'ast’ m, r. ~ 0 06 William Helliwe“. J. Duncumb, TWO STRAY HEIFERS. The owner 14,0119 Stray Heifer B. W. Smith J. R. Arnold, re . d . t - . _ s . quests to come forward, prove property pay The Owner iq requested to come forward -1"S°Peh JaCkesl Rom- R?“ mondv expenses, and take them away. I prove property, pay expenses, and m ho; Henry Rowseli, ,1 Amos Wright, , ~ , .' u _ _ _ ,J. w. Brent, 11$. Falconbridge. JOHN HARRINGTON. f “’3’ . NEWTON 60093“, ., an); . 99.3 1Yongo Street, Oct. 29, 1869. 101.4 Eswtembor 28‘ 1860 For yourselves before buying oloowhoro. (Late G. A. Hanson’s.) Towulo’ Nov, 2, 1860. , 100.3,, ‘ Richmond Hill, Oct. 19,1860, _ M s 0 ’ ' . o .