Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 30 Nov 1860, p. 3

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a. Pollocks Column iii.iiv,«- int iii tllll until i _ g Of ovory dczptlonvpl varMict; galgptins' so to . . S. " premium llamas “dialiihlifiliminl, illitbmmih ' Elimimii‘gidicimmmidi-ii: ‘boliborally'awordod to him during the put 1 _~.~_ riiies, aslioriai'fmble'FW‘fihd; "having ' TORONTO MARKETS. partedhcr, chains, andflis likely to prove lgiotalioss‘.‘ The 'Leader lost anchors , and jibbioomfind left‘ South Noth- give‘ advices of the wreck of iiigis known aii.',t,o,what has becomeof her- twenty' vessels, with the loss. of several The Mountaineer, the Cleveland, and a crews ' We have yet to hear from seve- large three-masted vessel belonging ’ to ral other points. The storm was one of Cleveland were irr South Bay, all more or the most terrible ever experienced on the .less injured by loss of head-gear, sails, 8m. lakes. \Ve are glad to-know that none Another vessel, name, .unknown, ran into of the fleet from this city have been inc South Bay with loss of foresail, and nar. jured. . it was reported yesterday that the rowly escaped being driven ashore. A .Maico Polo, the property of Messrs. vessel is also reported ashore on Amherst Gooderham, Worts 82 VVilmot, had cap- Island. sizedon Lake Erie, but her safe arrival in. The steamer Hercules went to the as- port, effectually contradicted the rumour. sistance of some vessels lying under Four- ' ' S ‘RNIA, Nov. 27. mile Point, on Monday morning, and towed machooner William Case 0,. Chi- into harbour the schooners Ajaz and - . . Pioneer both unable to use their sails in ' l . . r 3ull'lo ' ’ ' . - ~ . . 0830’ and “he N P .Gaod'dl’ 0f .1 d ‘ consequence of the accumulation of ice. werc towod into the river here this morn- V - ing from Lake Huron, both covered with ice. The crew of the Goodall all frozen more or less. The tug Magnet reports that on Sun- day night, two ves>els, names unknoan , were in a helpless condition in Plympton A meefing inlaid Of’nlis“-ins,imfion was Bay, Lake Huron. The ll’lagneC could held in 'l‘hornhill on Friday last, the 23rd afford no assistance on account of the The {Guam-"gloaflcginin‘iiteewasappoint- he“): sea} , ed :n-W. Parsons, E3q., F. Paxton, Esq., _ PORT STANLEYrN'J“ '27. McDougall,,Esq.,, fr. Brnnskill, Esq, ,The schooner Sleallywag, ’of" Port. Ruckiss, Esq" 3",111, Amgig, Esq, and Dover, Went ashore six miles below hero ‘â€"-Stark,-Esq., antl'all the ministers of re- on Sunday morning. ' All hands saved. ligion in the place. Owing to the evening Vessel went to pieces. being veiy, wet, the audience was not so PORT COLBORNE’ Nov, 27, 6 In“, large as it otherwise would have ‘been; The propeller Jersey City, from Cleve- 5”” the Slim 0.3 49 “is Silhacnbed m land-t0 Dunkirk, with flour and pork, is a l 8 room m m 01 the lummlumli h. total wreck two miles from Long Point. Ml" McGann goes to « 1 .mm to“ l .‘s Sixteen of her crew and one passenger weigkflmth a few Ohm pulnls'. .He WI“ lost. She saved one captain, No my deliver a lecture there on the principles on men, one wherlsmati, and one paSscnn'er which he imlf'is il‘lmmion to the deaf mm”, Randal, EN _ bodies have ha)“ and dumb. lhis wd. be the first lecture pickéd up .rh'ose “Med report that 'neafly delivered by Mr. McGann on this subject, all reached the shore safe, but perished in Ed “1:1 he. wtllnlhfave lf‘rgfifiua‘fnii' the snow-storm. The survivors have their ' r' l“ ‘mn ls ‘L 0m“ 8‘ 0 ‘e “s " hands badly frozen. The two engineers :unon‘hanghe 135 glfeatgsslslliance were found frozen to death, three hundred '0m 8 “‘v r' ‘~ A ’ “3" r‘ owe yapds‘from me “ghbhouse, locked in each (who islnowrat the head of the Instiution,) othu‘s arms. The cargo is strewed along {femamlr‘ ,hennedyland Oilfirs'bmr'filg' the beach for miles. She went ashore on Tan" S .ec ure‘. we "we no 0" l’ m e gamma), at 7 Pm. highly inteiesting..â€"r-Leader. The schooners Sacramento and .Cuya- hoga, are ashore here. The Jennie P. INSTRUCTION 0’]. THE DEM: Am) .M‘ack is ashore teuiniles above. 'lhree oth- DUMBHPA, i meéfing hem in Oikville, ct: vessels, names unknown. ashore-at Point 0,, M6,,qu past, in aid df ti... Toronto I... Albion. Barque Sunshine and schooner “itutim, for the instruction of the Deaf Kcnos/za laying at anchor oil", Long Point; and Dumi, a,” fof the Blind, the following bowsprit broken and otherwise damaged. local comnfiueé “are appoiffled ;--(}_ K, There is also a report that a schooner Chisholm, Esq” Mayor, Jusiice VVillimis, sunk a few miles west of here this morn- Esq-,1. P,.__Barciay,E5q,,‘Miles, Esq, THE" STORM. V “ What pleasure can oxceod 1'” -~“ The omoking oftho Wood' ’ , RY our Pure. Froah. Good and Fino flavored ' '1' B A. C C O 1 At ls. and is. 3d. the boat ever ofl’orod. WM. 5. , POLLOCK’S (Late G. A. Barnard’s), E has always on hand the Largest and Best Assortment of GOODS that too-vet -v - RICHMOND HILL. kept in any Country Shop and at a much less price then it is possible for to , 104‘“ get them in Toronto; and ho ii always ready to MAKE TO ORDER, on tho shortest notice, THE-AMERICAN Medical &'l‘oilet Receipt Book 8mm”, mun“, M. of every-description. HIS Book contains Recipes and Directions ‘ for makinganthe mostvalusbio Medical .5;- ALL COLLARS WARRANTED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. .9. preparatijons in usof; alsoi‘Rociplos pnd full and )licit irections or mo in n the nost )o- '- . “i g ' ‘ Cash for [RIDES and SKINS. [lowest Bemuneratiiigl’rlcos, PATTERSONS’ PLOUGHS and SHARES CONSTANTLY 0N 'IEAND. I ’ i ! THURSDAY, November 30. Fall Wheut,â€"~3000 bshls was the extent of the supply which soldut the following prices. The prices paid for the best samples were trom $1 12 to $1 17 per bshl. ’ Spring Wheatâ€"1,250 bshlsin market, sold at from $0 90 to $0 95 per hshl. Barley.â€"-â€"sold at from 50 to 53c. Poemâ€"150 bslils went off at 47 and 500 per bshl. Oats.--at 28 and 310 per bshl. Hayâ€"is from $15 to $17 per ton, $7 per ton. Nounâ€"Superfine No. 2 sold at $5 5 to $5 10, No 1, $4 to $4 80 ; Fancy (Spring) $4 90 to $5 30; Fancy (Fall) $5 40 ; to $5 60; Extra, $5 to $5 50 ; Double Extra, $6 00 to $6 25. Buttonâ€"Fresh is in fair supply at froui 19c to 2dc per lb. Porkâ€"is in fair request, For Hogs averaging 160 lbs $5 50 and $6 has been paid. and those averaging 225 lbs $6 and $6 IOâ€"tho latlor being the extreme figure. Applesâ€"Common varieties $1 and $1 ‘25 per barrel. Better grades $1 50 and $2 barrel. Airgunâ€"Fresh from wagons 13 to 170 per dozen, Potatoes-New vary in price from 20 to 25c, and sometimes 300 per bushel. Sheepâ€"are in demand at from $3 50 to $4 50. each. Lambsâ€"arc plentiful at from $2 to $2 50 ouch. Calvesâ€"are in good supply at $4 to $6 each. Beef~11idosâ€"-$G 00 per 100 lbs. Sheep and lamb skins $0 85 each. Calfskin: 100. per 1b. Tallow, $7} per 100 lbs Hayâ€"$12 and $16 per ton. MANY LIVES LoS'r! Below .we which ounimor. and acquaints them that ho is no! "receiving-~ hic- AUTUMN TOOK ! Whichvhoo boon purchased on tho moot ode - {vantagoouotormm and will bo Sold at tho Straw $6 to November 22. 1860- pular and useful Cosmetics, Perfumes. Ungu-V cuts, Hair Restorativos, and allToilot Articles, If you are suffering with any chronic diseaseâ€" if you wish a beautiful complexion. a lino head of hair. a smooth faco.-a clear ultimo luxuriant board or moustacheâ€"or ifyoii wish to know anything and everything in the Medical and Toilet line. you should. by all means. peruse a copy of this-hooks: For full particulars, and a sample of the work for per- usa1,(free.) address the publisher. '1‘. F. CHAPMAN. " No. 831 Broadway;m1\'evv"-York. SPECIAL NOTICES. " _'" ‘ - TORONTO ,INLS'I‘Ifl‘U'l‘VION FOR THE DEAF awnpijme AND * , BLIND.’ ‘ ,u VOID AI , _ i All Work Warrantgd. Call, Examine and See for yourselves beore purchasmg elsewhere- ‘Chcop no any other .llouoo ’ticmnond Hill, June 19, 1860. 62-1y ' " " Round tho diggono.”| us NEW Wgoons: J. K. PALGONBRIDGB IS JUST OPENING OUT AN IMMENSEP STOCK ! DRY Goons, GBOCERIES, HARownaiz, arc. I jNTER-TAINING tho Opinion that a very large trade will be dono during tho Autumn and Winter, he has modo ample provision for supplying his customers Goods of every description will be Sold at n MODERATE ADVANCE ON COST PRICES! Md wldo Stink,qu ' 7f colors, from.... .. .... Blackarlobih. I largo lot , very cheap. fmn......' 7ld to .. 9d :41: Wide width Coirourgo. all , colors, frmra.-. mu...“ Blnck. White and. Scarlet All vvool Flunmlo from ls 3d to So 6d yd With an excellent assorth of Yactdry Cot- tons. Striped Shining, Blue and? Brown Dou- ims. Tickings. Long Cloths. Canton Florin-clay with a choice lot of Ladies’ and Children'- Scotch Lamb’s Wool llosos. Coshmro Gloves, Mitts. Gauntlets, Mufflers, 6.1. M lllllllY-llllllll llll'lllllli fli- nsoortmont will be found ; Larger a: More varied, id to 71d yo. Letters Remainingiii RICHMONDHILL PostOfiico NOVEMBER 1, .COO. To Consumptives. HE Advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple rcmcdv, after having suffered Several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumptionâ€"is anxious to make known to his follow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sour: (‘onn FOR CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA, BRONCHI’I‘IS, die. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the ailiicted, and npreud information which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy. as it will cost thorn nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please address - REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, W'illiamsburgh, Kings County, New York. 1111 to 2s 0d yd} Brillin or. Geor e Bilioii.gWin. 2 Bond, Joseph 2 Bond. Mr. Basingtn ail, Wm. Clark. Henry ( otter. Mary M. Coupland. Wm. Duncan, Wm. Frock, James Foggiii, Miss E. Fox, Edward 2 Grant, George Gaby. Joseph Howison, Robert Hudson, Edward Hust, John Langstafl', James Lovingston, John Lawronco. James M. Motcslf, Robert McKay, John 3 McClano. Jamel Mchir. Mr. Nicholls, Richard O’Brien. E. Ann Poguo. Wm. ‘2 Priest, Miss _ Mary Robinson, Win. ‘2 Ratclifi'e, Elizabeth A. Ross, Mark Scott. Henry Shepherd, Miss A. C. Shields, John Stockdalo. Thomas Stephenson,Samuol 2 Saunders, Francis Stickwood, John Trench, Miss B Turner, Henry Turner. Carolino Thompson, Stephan Wilson Thomas Wright, Amos 6 Withorford,‘ Mrs. 3 _____.__.______â€".â€"â€"’â€"â€"-â€" STILL THEY COME! Testimonials are coming in from all quarters universally in favor of Dr. McKenzie’s Dead Shot Worm Candy. no worm Medicine has met with such unprecedented success as this.â€" l‘ersons may say it is imagination which causes such cures. knowing that this Medicine ema- nates from the Old Country. but blessed be A") Low er in Price_ I JThon may in tho neighborhood. A Novelty in the Art World! PHOTOGRAPHY UPON PORCELAIN! 0:? A Choice supply of MOURN IN G GOODS" t ( . P.S. All parties whose Notes and Accounto oro now due, aro respoctfully requested -~ ing. Urquhart, Esq” James Arno", Esq“ imagiilr‘ation it"il:.totallylr Vaiinihlilaées the worms Secured by letters patent in the United Stotoo, to niakezprovisiono for them. J. K. F. ' " GODEMCH; NOV- 27‘ â€"â€"Yonng, Esq.,.and all the ministers of m 3:. 2:31:80, 'Bcr’fl‘ficfigiz-‘gogesbead She, Mlgl‘md Fran“, “"1 B°‘K‘“m- B ichmond Hill, September 15, 1860. 95-1 Mon'o Fashionable The sum of $9 180 ~Globe. A somewhat singular case has happened at St. Thomas. Omthe 8th of October last, a man of the name of David Cathers, It is rumoured that another vessel is I'thlon 1“ “'9 P1309" Worm Candy, will satisfy the most sceptical was taken at the door. mind. Price only 7§ sterling, 15 cents per packago, or 2 shillings, 50 ceiits,.vfor four packages.â€" Sold by every Druggist and Medical Dealer in Europe and America. Nona genuine without afth simrlc signature of H. E. McKenzie, M.D., Glasgow. on each wrapper. (Sec Advertisement in another Column ) WW firm flunrrtimttmto. TIMBER FOR SALE, QUANTITY of STANDING TIMBER. Pine and Hardwood, for Sale. on Lot No.53, 1st concession Vaughan. For parti- culaio apply to tho Executors of the late ’I‘. D Campbell, on tho premises. Richmond Hill, Nov. 23. 1860. CALEB LUDFORD, SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKER, - Opposite Mr. Purkiss’ Store, THOR!!!"le Tull AIERICAK PHOTOGRAPH": PORCELAIN C... N o- 781 Broadway, New York. having secured their novel and ingenious inven- tion by American and European patents, are fully prepared to execute all orders for Miniature Likenesses of Persons on China, presenting all the attractive and advantageous features of ordinary protographs. tho brilliancy and finish ofa vvaler- color drawing. and a lil- therto unattained quality of durability. by being tendered as imperisliiible as the natural proper- tries of the articles upon, which they on transferred. ashore at Baylield. Nome unknown. COLLINGWOOD, Nov. 27. The steamer Ploughboy left Coiling- wood ten days ago and has not since been heard from. She liadon board but three a We” “mulled ma“ whoemigratfd to days provisions. It is possuble she may this country from Newtownhmamdmpn the have put into some port from which advices County 0f Derry, behind; 3”in at will could not be readily received. village and stopped With a relative of his PrTON Nov 27 of the name of William Burnsrde. He \J , o u * Was but a short llll’lt‘ there when he show- 'l.' ie followmg Vessels are ashore near _ ed evident symptoms of insanity, and was soul“ BaYi'Si- George. Mary. thM at last put in .cbarafi.,ol a constable with Rover and two or three others. Propel- whom he plead for leave to go out of the icr Coaster ashore near Stone Mill, nearly house, “Then he found bimgelf beyond all gOne to pieces. p of the constable he “put.” KINGSTON, Nov. 27. The constable gave chase; but scon found Tire schooner l. .Morley is ashore at it necessary to give the pursuit. w - . '. "d lthel.tnan Cataraqui Creek, bilged and partly full of the 1m] "mam the ha y o 09 I \vater. Cargo, pig iron. was found in the woods on the 9th Con . . . ' T sb' of Dunwich but '1 he barque Quebec is ashore at Nine- "won 0f the own ip ’ mile Point. Damage not ascertained. (tutti, llama a tints [No Machino Make]. made by experienced F i! DRY GOODS, GROCERES, NEWEST, STYLES. CROCKERY", HARDWARE, quvons, (no. SELLING OF MNWWVWNVVWVWWWMMM’\WWM r Mens’ Flannel Shirts . _, In all Colors and Prices. SATTIN ETTS, BROAD and FULL'D CLOTIIB. rwnnns. Donsxiss. ., And easements: As the patented process of the Company on- sbles the reproduction ofPliotographs, not only on plain surfaces, but upon such as are round or of any degree of irregularityâ€"portraits can bo THE undersigned, having licorly completed twenty years in business, has mode up reproduced with faultless accuracy,and delicacy of delineation, upon Porcelain wares of any his mind description and dimension and as articles of * ! “mm” or °f h°“s°hi’ld utility" “Ch “5 . But before doing so he would return his thanks to the public for the liberal su‘ppor Urns. Vases. Breakfast Cups, Toilet they have favored bra with during that long period of time. Ono word moro in, Articles, &°-3 would add, which will be to in. interest at tho public, that, in addition to his present thereby securing faithful portrait! and furnishing ‘ a unique and exquisite stle of ornamentation smek’ he has made large pumhases 0‘ [05-6 M oo tar decOmposedas to render a coroners inquest impossible. _,-He was a very hard I'M loot .1 ooortment I ~ . - . _ . f t' l 'n domootic uso. . . lhe saloon” ca" "er Pave is abhore drinker and the 0911mm 13 that he died t o Illi- ifidedrlto furnish facilities for the ratifica- { » ‘ i i o, 7” 0," .vvoue Edam]; the. Game 0001‘ at from this effects of his intempcrate habits. Charles 0' Keller? tion of the popular taste, and to meaning wants ‘ . . I 7 I-cnmsular 1 oint; ane/zaha dragged , TTO . SO TOR or those patrons or iha Fine Art. demo“, of From the ver best Markets, which will arrive between now and thn .10“, (if, s. - I _ . , . RNEY A'I‘ . LAW. LlCl . . . . . D t . , both anchors and ,5 ashore near Cape Vln- , On Silllfl‘tiay morning last, a large shed in Chancery, Conveyance“ &c_ (mice, havrng Portraits on ‘Porcelain. the Company tamingâ€"at that time he will commence to . I _ . cent ; M arqurttc is ashore at Nelson’s pen the Island Wharf, Montreal, belong- in Victoria. Buildings. over the Chronicle oliico, hate Importfidffom haurol” 1‘ $01180“?! 01' 9“: Island; Forrest frozen in the ire near iiig to the Champlain and St. Lawrence Brook Street. WhnbY- 2:;‘°;(l,’:rrf;‘,“‘£hfi?gysgelfifl‘xggfi’ce: “1°” 1" “I Also a Branch Office in the village of Bea- verton, Township of 'I‘horah, and _County of Ontario. The Division Courts in Ontario. Richmond Hill, and Markham Village regularly attended. Whitby, Nov. 22. 1860. 104~1y Trenton, in Bay Quinta ; Jennie P. Mack Railway Company was blown dOWn, and cargo coal, ashore ten miles above l‘ort five or six persons, who were in it at the Colborne, Lake Erie; Mary Selina time, escaped unliurt, with the eXception ashore at Chamont Bay,|umber; schooner of David Fenton, one of the employers, Comet, grain, from Youngstown. ashore who reCeived sonic-severe contusions. near Big Sodas; schooner Queen City, As the American Company are owners of the patent right, and colisequontly the only persons authorized to use the process. they have deter- mined, in order To afford People in every section of tho Umon SELL ms sjrocx arr ~ i COST PRICE 2 And continue to do so until the whole is Sold, { Lowest Prices Ivan orresnu - The other day a French Canadian wo- man, residing iii the neighborhood of Que- bec, attempted to elope, carrying with her £50 belonging to her husband, but had only got as far as the Chaudicrs, when she was arrested in her guilty flight. of Kingston, boat lost, sails ribboned; propeller Coaster gone ashore eight miles below Stone Mills, Canada, gone to pieces; schooner Augusta Handy in South Bay, canvass and boat gone, leaking badly. A dispatch received from Adams, last even. , . ' ing, states that the Schooner Edit/i, 01 The shipping. With the intention of Oakville, was beached in the gale of Saturo llfl‘ee OTTO“? vesselvengaged ‘“ ll‘e bellmg day, one mile south 01' Stony Point. No and oyster trade, has lelt the harborof cargo. Also the schooner Omar Pasha, Montreal, and the docks lately occupied with a cargo of wheat from Toronto. by them have assumed their winter ap- Both vessels went to pieces. Crews saved pearance- ' except the cook of the Pasha. The .1 The Quebec Chronicle says;__1t is re- §°h3oner Sm?!" ("Oi 8a?!” “5 rf’Porth') ported that Thompson, the former is ashore on I omt Frederick, making water Proprietor U, the frownm Colonist, and iii-MY- one of the oldest newspaper men in the By “telegram re“le by M,“ Joseph Province, is about to become the pur- Doylc, we learn that the follovnng vessels chase, 0, the Mercury. consigned to this port left Port Dalhousie ’ . _ on Friday night, and consequently experi- “l8 Quebfic thzelfe bellev“ that the shipping business is likely to be much enced the gales, viz: I . _ . Tire barqne St. George, with a cargo brisker iii Quebec during the coming wm- " ter than it was'durmg the past. of wheat. The barque Tornado, with a cargo of corn. The prOpeller Avon. left Port Dalhousie orr Frilay evening, and is now in Presque Isle harbour. ' Subsequent information received by Mr. J. Doyle states that a compass and boat of the barque Tornado Were washed ashore at Sand Bay. head of the Ameri- can channel ncar Cape Vincent. The crew of the Tornado perished, and the vessel isa total loss. The barque was owned by Mr. James Morton. of this city. ‘ ‘A visitor from the wreck of the Tornado who arrived at Kingston on Moneay after? . noon, describes her as being ashOre at Sand Bay, at the head of the channel. There was no one on board._ One'boat- was banging-to the stern davits. The hatches were oil, and her cargo _ of’corn : - was washing ashore. . . A black three-master is ashore about one mile to the westward of Bear Point. , A large three master, the, Quebec, is ashore on Simcoe island. ' Two large vessels are ashore westward of Stony Point American shore. The schooner Mary Grover came int-.05, port from South Bay on Sunday afternoon.‘ The soap, potash, and candle factory, of Mr. Tomlinson, of Clifton, was burned down on the thh inst. The ouilding was totally consumed, and there was not an the flames. As an evidence of the advancing pros- we observe that a law office has been open- ed there by Mr. L. Heyden, Barrister, in u». 'BIRTHS. ‘Mr‘. J. C. iMcNally, of a son. DIED. and 11 months. AtAtiriira. on the ’24th instant. Emunnrn wife of Mr. Edward Stephenson. aged 41 years ing relations and friends. run for this harbour. ports the schooner ZlIary, of St. Callifl- 23rd Psalm and 4ih'verse. article saved from the destroying grasp of perity ot'thc village of Burwick, Vaughan, connection with his town office. The legal business of that neighborhood is large, and we are sure _will now be well attended to. At Aurora. on the 25th instant. the wife of At Aurbra. cit-“the 23rd instant, ALBERT Lcs'rxn. can of Mr. J. C. McNally. aged 0 your The deceased was much respected by all who knowheri Her remains were accompanied to the'burying ground by a large circle of mourn- The funeral sermon She lost an anchor and was obliged ‘to was proacth at the Wesleyan Chapel by tho Capt. Wilson re- Rev. w. Wni'ougiriy. of ’l‘liornhill, from the A~ MAIRS, B- A. TTORNEY - AT-LAVV. SOLICITOR in Chancery. Convoysncer, 61c. Main Street. Markham Village, November 92, 1860 A CARD- C. KEELE. Esq., of the City of Tor- 0 onto. has opened an office in the Vil Iago of Aurora for the transaction of Common Law and Chancery Business, also. Convey- ancing executed with correctness and despatch. Division Courts attended. Wellington St. Aurora. &. Queen St. '1' November 20. 1863. UNRESERVED ‘ ‘Dl'l SALE (J l 1 HF. Subscriber has received instructions from Mr. WILLIAM AMBLE R, to sell by Public Auction, On Tuesday, December 4, 1860, 1044f oronto' 104- l y l Ambler’s Hall, Richmond Hill The following IMPLEMETS. Household Furniture, &c. &c. consisting of 1 Yoko Steers2 years old, 1 Spring Colt, 1 Marc 5 years old, 1 Iron Plough. 1 Set of Iron Harrows. 1 Fanning Mill. 2 Light Wagons, 1 Covered Buggy. l Sleigh. The Household Furniture consists of the following articles, monv of which are nearly new : Tables. Chairs, Beditonds and Bedding. Blankets. Coverlcts, Quilts. Chamber Sets, Box and Parlor Stoves, Stove Pipes. a large assortment of Crookery, Glass and Stone Bottles, Knives and Forks, Clocks. Pitchers. Cruel Sets, Feather Beds, Straw Mattresses, Cupboards. Bells. Kegs, Barrels, Crooks, Large Meat Dishes, Candle- ‘sticks. Preserve Jars. Glasses. Decanters. Chums. Carpets,Spittoons,’1‘nps, Table Cloths, Looking Glasses, Oil Cans. Stone Jugs, Smoothing Irons, Axes, Bucksaw, Clothes Horses, Bed Cords, Pails. Writing Desks. Lumps, Fire Irt'ins, Shovels, Tongsaand many other Articles too numerous to mention. TeTms of Sale : $9, and under. Cash ; over that amount 12 months’ credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes satisfactory to Mr. Ambler. Sale TEN o’clock. JAMES GORMIJJY, Auctioneer. 1 1 Richmond Hill, Nov. ‘22, 1860. an opportunity to possess Portraits on China, to make the following proposition to RESIDENTI IN TH] COUNTRY, VIOLIN IKAILI TO VISIT PERSONALLY THI ATIL1_IR AND CAI.- LIRIIS IN I'D-W YORK. Persons sending a photograph, ambrotypo,or daguorrootype to the ofiico of the Company in New York. acrompanied by rrvx nonuu ! will receive in roturn by oxprou, froo of other charge. A BICHLY ORNAIEK'IIID BHIAIIABT CUP AID BADGER, WITH THE PORTRAIT‘TRANBI‘IRRKD TIEREOF. " By transmitting a daguorrootvpc and TEN notmnts! , they will secure in like manner, ' A HAHDBOME reason vase on TOILET ARTICLE, with the portrait reproduced by the patented process. ' By sending a pair ofdagucrreotypos and Finns Donunsl they will receive in return A PAIR or men snvnm limits. with the portraits executed equal to miniature paintings: and. in like manner, portraits can be reproduced on porcelain wares or VASES or EVERY QUALITY or FINISH, ranging in price from 'rwnnrv To our: nusnmm DOLLARS Tits: tutu; N.B.-â€"Be particular in writing the address, town, county and State, distinctly. All letters to be addressed to “ NIANAGER. AMERICAN Pxoroonlrmc Polt- CELAIN Co..” 781 BROADWAY NEW Yank. New York, Oct. 9, 1860. 98-351. Land & Saw Mill For Sale. 1 Acres of prime landâ€"30 acres cloarod com osod of tho “lost half of Lot No. 7, in the nd .Con. of Uxbridgo, County Ontario ; togothar with an excellent Saw Mill. and two good Dwelling Houses, with out-ofli- ces thereon. ‘ 7 Also 7 cores adjoining, composed of the front part of Lot No. 6. in tho samoconcossion. The above proporty is healthfully and do- lightfully situated in a pleasant locality, and in one of the oldest and best. settled townships in the County of Ontario. Itis within 21‘. milos of the village of Stoufi'ville. about 10 miles from Uxbridge Village, and 20 miles from tho Towu of Whitby. the capital of the County of Ontario. The property will be sold very cheap for Cash. Title indisputable. Apply to JOSEPH KELLER, Esq.. Richmond Hill. Or to FRANCIS KELLER. Whitby. 21 September 20. 1860 95-3m , Richmond Hill, Auguot, 30, 1860. Auction Sale of Real Estate. It tho Auction Rooms of Mosoro. WAKE- For Cash, or Produce in crochango only 0N RICHMOND HILL. _ Good. l'rooli. Vino flavored ‘ TEAS All! Till lll' ' llllllllllll. ” 'Gonuino, Pure Loo! HE Proprietor of tho “ Yonx Hanna" T o A, o '0 o a i begsl to agpuaint his numerouo‘ftiteuds t ' 11 h an is pu ic genera y t at ca has RICE. SUGAR. CANDL, Remover] his Printing Office 3:)” No Credit will bo given after tho 10th September. ‘ P. CROSBY. 924d JVD T1013. DANCING SCHOOL will commonco at Mr. William Christioon’o Oak Ridgoo. on Tuesday. November 13. 1860. A Good Quadrillo Band will be in attendance. Oak Ridges. Nov. 8, 1860 ILL BE SOLD on THURSDAY. tho 61h day of December, 1860. at noon, l FIELD. COTAE & Co.. on Kin Stroot. Toronto. in pursuranco of. Power of ale con- tained {in a Mortgage. whoroin Edward Bor- nurd Taovin is Mortgagor. Ono-quarter of on acre. more or ion. described so Village Lot Number 97. in the Village of Klinoburg, (for- merly Mount Vernon). by a plan of the said l . ,4 ' village, executed by John Stoughtou Dennis , on the pretiiisoo are a good Frame Dwelling- honso. and Saddlor’o Shop. occupied by said Teovin. Further Particulars and Conditions can be ascertained of the Auctionoors on tho day of Sale, or henceforth to the day of Sale from .fiS.‘&o. doc. witlt a general or READ. LEITH a. RE$0.d .0 m, commie! Solicitors for on or, . . , Church Street Toronto. ' 0' November 5, 1860. ' 101-3 T d f l l 1 b _ ’ G’. 1 Thurde the a,“ day of December having we .0ch urtier mm, W rero. y mcroasod , 0 V. . - ,giinksgmnz my. tie above tars: 35.32: 32:; In 9 '3 P05 Po“? attention to tho wishes of his ,customors. I TUESDAY,the 11th December, , “ Herald ” Office, . N“ w B°‘"'P‘"°d at same time and place. B‘Cl‘mm‘d “lib July 20' 1860' , ~ - .___._____._.__.~_________. 1 1 I t i Information Wanted. ‘ “‘ N ‘ " S, F this should moot the ovo of JOHN LAW- gum. RENCE. who left his fathor’o rosidonco in Vaughan, in May, 1859. he is requestod. to communicato with his friontlo. Any party who will recognizo by the following description- 5 foot 7 inches high. dark brown hair, dork oyes, ago about SIG-and will gin information of his whereabouts to his borouvod parent. will confer a favor. Woo ooon ot Kettloby Mills. King. about two weeks ago. JAMES LAWRENCE. ' P.O. Richmond Hill. July 12, 1860. V ‘ 85-tf 112T ” Astnco,” Barrio. pious copy twico. S TIN! PEI! ROM tho Promisoo of tho Sub-crib». Lot 5]. lat coiicouion Markham. about I week ago. A. Yellow Cow: Durham Bread. fat, giving milk, and about 4 years old, Whoever will give information as to her whereabouts. or bring her to the Sub- . . 7 '- GON. The Horse ' ' ' lcriber Will he ran aided. For Particulars apply at mil: o’f‘glcgg 7 3f ’"5 Old- .THOMAS DOYLE- ' blagkhqln. Nov. 22' lf‘lChInDHd NOV. l STRAYED from the Premises of the this. 1 ‘stz'riber, Lot 50, 1st concession Vat! than ‘ ' r n. 2 Wells-bred Durham Heir... Rod and White. two and throe your-i,- om, ' l ONE HALF-DRE!) GAILOWAY NEWER, Block. two years elm , 1 Black Yearling Hoffa, And One, white ‘ Yearling Steer. Anv poroon giving information that wrll load to the recovery at tho b p . “in we "wud of Tenagtylpnpropoity will is. NOR. THO . Drynock, Nov. 8. 1860. R WERSOLD IN PRICES l; ‘ '3‘ 2.x: in mm A Pollock- (Lato G. A. Blasisn’s.) IRiohmonc}, ' '4 September 28' WOO: I -â€"~. For Sale, Chea 1h HORSE and a LIGHT SPRING WAG“- Hill. a 955-301

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