.. s . -. - . .‘v t. ,...f . corner of Adelaide and Yonge Streets, éiAcres under Cultivation. .x J. G O L ii. A , Is now Open to receive engagements on Ii. Toronto, will atteiid'to'Suits in all the Superior Several PARK- LOT‘S‘erllI tiliihél‘ thereon. ’â€" Bufl‘alo ~ Dispensary. on Easy "Terms Of .Paymen‘ha ( I hem] termh' fur any number’ to suit the C nits efl aw Chancerv aud‘Couutv Court: Also, "V‘lLLAGE‘id’NOPER'i‘Y with' or ,1‘ . v - i- -' t 1 r r i COMMISSIONER 1N QUEEN’S BEil‘VCH’ agilivmliontqa 0f lidgebl); MuiPliipamlitsii‘Lssn at algo. on retitlos't. â€" to Country Business in the without Buildings. " ' Latnbmhed for “1° can of ' :“.‘-""‘ ., pp ica tons -' . . . \ A . , ' Conveyane‘r and Auctioï¬derr “Aurora or Mr w win-rs 3rd Con. Whit- D‘V‘sԠCum“- : .~'1'he'above-property is «situatedan‘and-jadv DYSI’EPSIA. GENERAL DuniLiTY. WUATEDin’ihoicéuntiesbf’mï¬ri‘oufufl , V . é: , . (I -_ . _. L THE AUgbRK‘ Vi fl} ' chat-lest Durand) . .. ,_ fél‘sal‘é TV TREA SALE: ; idfltllll. .33 “mm†WWW: irritants QUAIlEiLLE BAND 2 .mm‘.“ or Annamaria; W. a. «.3 or w... .. .1......._.,V.o ‘ ___.._ EN - r - . - ' i. THE PRINTER’S HOUR OF PEACE. - Know ye the Printer’s hour of Peace 7 w V I V_ . V d". L s. M , a I. ï¬nd every d8, V V ‘ V ._ V V . FEVER AND AGUE’ ASTHMA. ' K‘cs'r. All neceirsnryinformatiett‘wil’b“ Km’w F5 3“ hWt m9†fraugm “uh JO)" Lo'r 31, 41‘}! Con. Musitnrtm. lehurcl“ I r mgp‘ifodbf Cziiovej‘biigitigg ginwnz llp'Witli care Jo‘mng ‘0' lhe'yll‘Vago of" " r . - ‘ ' ;.: , INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION, given on application, pest paid, to _ f Thu“ 0"" felt the mmd 0f Greece' ~. ‘ ' , N33‘.;Al50r it SAX'H‘ORN BAND may be attdat-ieasonable prices.- . B. Hill-T cosyssnr'rton or vomit no OLD sou, x-rc. MILES LANGSTAFF. : \Vhenihisssdjby Venus, AmQTWS b0! 7 septemb" 1,8' 1860' 95'“ ‘hafi‘oh'al’l’hcahou‘ ' . ' Letters post paidgettended'to, For further particulars apply'at the Ofï¬ce of ' â€". \Vallacebur’ghg . ' ' > ’ ' ' ' ,_ Aurora NW- 2, 1350- * ‘ 1903*“ Toronto. November 20 1360:. 104cm thistwpen. j. r - . - ‘ ‘ ' ' N 0 Diet-cury Used. Also, some'improvod FARMS to RENT... .’T‘S.‘l°i"“e.“ ’°‘“.‘d “1° "’32" “asâ€- WALTER B GEIKIE mm = i. ‘- ‘ ’ MW; _â€". vhichmond Hm; Sept 26; 1860. gsvrr, \ a . . waiiaceburgwov. 94. 1859. Mm f Hts itinible finger}; kiss the types: :1 - . V j , '- N E R s V . , , I Dr. ; Amos w won : -, .. , I r _-, {Nor is “when, winitangthened ace, 1 ,9 Ltcgnttoteqfthe Modrcol floor-II of Upper (Jana: 1 " " V v ‘ V V ‘V V - RICH MON D HILL '3. ' CG'RVER OF M V .. . , - ’ ’ ‘ ~~ w ; The gun.“ aeviw téh hdgripeï¬g“! 13s, da,v‘ari_d recently/one qf'tfre Mcrlroaquflicers Vr "HE undflsighodf‘begs respectfully toinrorm . T I I _A(lvcrtlselnglltor , . r V A11 QllAY.SlS., , _ _ V I V _ ' by, a: . S“. r .‘ ' or “"6 10mm." General [Josf’tu‘tr “Ml the inhabitants of A i . _; a I .V - . r ‘ . , Buff-110 Ne‘v Yorl- Good Health and‘ Long: 4 )T' t h .s of dreadfutnote P’f‘lf‘sso.’ "J Authority and Surgery, . V, . 3 . . . . H .- ~ "‘ licreby'bcar ,testiitionv that I have tried 4 ' ‘ ' ‘4 . __ M4,, '8 11° W 9" n0“ - m. Dr. harp/remedied snout, r r-v ‘ Rich-mmlldzihll &‘V1611.lity ..._. SANDERSON’S ROTATING llAR- » ~ : Hiscolumtis all mithnninton filL', "l‘is not whoniv-brother printer’s quote Th’ effusions of his stump-worn quill. ‘ g M V, V, _ RE the onlv Physicians in the State who ‘ MAYonrs That liehas commencedibusiness in tlie’l‘ailor 4 H. HALL r '- ROWP’ 0“ "IS 501111116? fallow: hiSl Stimuli)" are. members of the Royal College of i " ' . ' I. L -.' r13“ ’ L“v.2 in}; Line in the house adjoining . ‘ , ' . . v , . “and MOI‘day' and PW? 'fou‘ld'll'PIYl‘ “P to 1*†Surgeohsr Londmh May b° 0°“sull'9d from 8 VI I . T. , r ' : . EGS~ 10‘ notify the Public that he has leased that hIr, Sanderson represents them to†be. Oi‘clodk m'th'o morning mi,“ 9 a, night. in .very r ‘ wigs . My, All?" SI VEILS SHOE SIJO-P: the‘Eoundry. lately in the °¢C“Pah"“ 0‘ They are NOT 0f any heavhil‘ than than “10 state and symptom of disease. ' Are warranted not to contain any-Mercwr'yv'ï¬ â€˜W-liere. by close application to business and “a 13- Richmondr Wh°r° he “ï¬ends ‘0, kWP common barrow. 811d do the Work 10 “1)? “mm!†The treatmentthey adopt" is‘ the result of up- ' . ‘ ‘ L ' ' = .tudving to please. he hopes to mam 3,511,,†of constantly on-liand, satisfaction. I conï¬dently recommend them to H h _ , l m t or“ 1 _ d wards of thirty years’ extensive and successful DThOSO Pills “’0 Cdm‘POSOd 0f the m0“ public patronage. , . - ’« W 0 "eqmm "HP 3 ‘3“ s ‘5 “n - practice in Europe and America. rugs. and Using purely vegetable; cumin Au, ORDERS pumruuu. mum-mp m ‘ ‘ RICHARD VANDERBURGH V taken at any season of the yearif'necos'lliqi, ‘ V' ~0f various descnpnons, also, Sugar Kettles, ; " "0" “"5"†"1 INVENT’ON- with safety and without fear of takingeoldby . Garments ‘0‘“ 10 Ol'del' 0“ the Shortest’hm'wr ‘iBox Stoves..&c... 6L2. . Richmond Hill. June 20, 1860. An instrument for the cure‘ of Genital Debi- exposure, which 5renders them of great'vxlld 1“ any Style" . H v : Allkiiidir ofth‘lowl points for sale, and allkinds ’ i " f , “ I I > lily, of Nocturnal ,E-niissious. more Properlv aitd superior to auv'other medicine eve‘rv yo! ' . .1 JAMES B- BURL‘ES- of Job Work. attended to. All work warranted. known as Seminal Weakness. the. Can be offered to the Pliblic-' The satisfactoryandï¬ï¬b Richmond Hill, Feb. 10. 1860. 63-1)' Richmond “infect. 25th. 1850. . 95.3,". F Fw' ' permanently cured in from 1510 20 days, by tcring testimonials received by the Proprietbry _._.~,L_w___m_., ., , - - , ~ _ -. ‘ w the use of this instrument, when used con- has induced him to advertise these iitvalu‘abll *- - ' r- r : Jointly With medicines. Pills that the public may be convincedvmfm . '. . , -, - VV ; simple arid attic xcious retticdy, is alone stiï¬ici- I . You†mm “X. ’ART'CULU‘ “onâ€. out to subdue and cttre'the ordinary‘sickniesew' D’R‘ . ' AS returned to AURORA, and re-taken ~ his former residence. on Yongo Street, where he may be consulted at all times, on the various branches ofhis profession. . V-f‘i'ris‘uot when all his work is done, Aurora. Feb. 24' .1860. . . , =' 651'! His glimmering ï¬re he hovers near, And liOCd.OSS of the coming dnn, Grows merry o’er a pint of beer. :Dr. 0. s. LLOYD, SURGEON DENTIST, ‘VPLL be at the «folloWitig‘ places for the Practice of his Profession : The 1st Thursday of every Month at [lol- land Landing. The 2nd Thursday at King Station. The 3rd Thursday at Richmond Hill. ï¬rél‘he 4th Thursday at Go V.mley‘s Corners. , EAt all o’thei‘r-tirries the 'o"‘ctor can be found at his residence in Aurora. ' ’ June 29. 186-0. ‘ . : !Tis.itbt when in Miss-Fancy’s glass“ 7 7 Long advertisements meet the eye, And secrrt‘to whisper as they pass, “ We’ll grace your columns by and by.†Nor is it when with numerous names, llis lengthened roll of vellum swells,- As' if ’twore touched by conjurer's wand, Or grew by fairios’ magi'c spelis. ’ ' V G. 13:. Httsband, " . . ‘- e ‘ ‘ > ' ' v» ., . . V ,V n Apes do Sortiake pleasure in announci this country, such 'ars-~l’oitis*iii the Head. Back 1‘ - V, . ' 'V ' " I tug t tat they have invented a most important and Laura, all Nervous’Disorders Dyspepsia!" E E ’ s itistrumenttorthe cure of the above diseases. Indigestion, Sorencss of the 'l'li’mat,-Cmutm ‘ it has been subjected to a test of themost ern- iCoIicx. Worr‘ns'in Children, and other dines-r DEAD ' . Inetit physicians in London. Paris, Philadelphia ders, which will be found on tie wrappefflith " "' - ‘ ‘ K‘ ' . aridiew Yorkr it has been declared the only instructions for taking them. ' - ~ ,‘l _I- . - '. use at instrument over yet invented forth. > ) .- m- " ’ r - . a - . m: " _ . .9 cure of Seminal weakness, or any disease» of ' I ncc’ M) cents an," ,. an": . . ' - ‘ . . ‘ y i the genital organs battered by the secret habits r Sold-by Dmggists and generalyStorekeeppsï¬ S 1%,:233,b:€:£3:::3w::n;wg it: of youth. A ’ ' ' who are-requested not ,to purchaseof tramfli“ vEB-gï¬ndwï¬d keywd.‘ havgmwbnounced this Dr. Amos & Son. in order to satisfy the Ag¢llhf° » - ' r Worm Candy to do more good titan all Worm mos: Skelmqal “5 ‘3‘"? men‘s Pf the“ “ls-“‘1’ ' Medicines c'ombin'edn It has stood the test "l'l‘l! Phdge lh°ms¢hl99dhat In any instance . ‘since A.D,, 1765,. nearly one liuudredcew-g’. who†It may prove unsatisfactory. 3"" a fair Dr. H nsband‘. has made arrangements with which, alniost‘cvery so'n’gand' dau‘glitcr'é‘f Old 313'! 32’ "mil?! W'" [5° ’Sf““d°d by “lummg Mr. G,.l... Elliot, of Toronto, to manufacture Scotiacau.testify... - , . - _ "ié'lioï¬lsmï¬â€˜ll m 33° 0,: er‘ f I. hll Artificial Teeth; those who engage Doctor It has always borne the name of _ I, V.†V will“?! '16 '5 V01"? “8?: Ipstrumont. Husband to do their work will be sure of ltav; , , . , V ' _ = , “' 9 se’d‘f" )3 1‘? lfr|00.V WIt V tie accom- ‘ 't done in a an erior manner ’1 Clint-M Kenzre 3W 01m Candy-Stick. tinnitus "estrous, Isocurely packed. and sent mg I ’ 8 839 , p ' - ' ’ ‘ by mail or express, is ten dollars, July ,.1 ' .» , URGEON Dentist, will be at Niclioll’s llotel. Richmond Hill. the Fins'r and THIRD Mostntv of every month, and, the-re- mainder of the tnonth at. his residence Thorultill. All WorkVVart-aiited. Teeth ï¬lled with Osteoplartic or Artiï¬cial Boneâ€"This filling is put into the Teeth while soft. causing no pain, as it requires no pressure, it soon becomes as hard as the tooth to which tt ï¬rinlv adheres, rendering it almost impossible for thehlling ever to come out. I r .3 .1 , T . I Bil-(13' i No, reader, no; the Printer‘s hourâ€, 3.. Elite-hour, .of real, sweet repose, Is not when by some magic power : «.- t ills listlof 2patrons daily grows. Auction’ N 01:10 e . Trior‘iASEou/MAN. Licensedl Auctioneer, . V FOR THE V 3’ coum'uzs 201:; YORK-dc PEEL. All tetra-sanders..st i. miss...» no. will, receive prompt attention. Orders received a the " York Herald†Ofï¬ce», Richmond Hilll Mr. Henry :Lemton. .Thornhill, and Mr, J mes Cavatiiiah,_ hilarision .Vllonise', Sharon, _ vltere Terms, &"ci‘ may be obtaieed. ‘ Almira, Nov. 525. 1859. V 'V 62-tf r ' ‘B‘utiah ! "tls Stern winter drear. ' ' t "" Comesbdb‘ed in snor‘v‘nn’i‘rain and vapor, ‘ lie bears in whisperskind and‘dr'ear, v‘ r" I “ We’ve come to pay'you'for'tlte paper I†~"' 5‘ . -- ».‘ ,EFJ‘unldhour. kind fr icmls add- to curfew "nouns or rut-r.†by responding to the last V ‘_ " 3le$; -’ V-' "" THOMAS ‘MAYORL‘ ‘ -r Ofï¬ceâ€"Victoria "Square‘; " ‘Mh‘n ui’acto'ry-BM Con. Markham! -' ' V :. ‘ ;u ~-.;:r 2:5 .‘,..'z 0!, -. A v" " .‘t- . ..: (v . ' :l ‘ y tk’.“ I', Our Music 1 Friends? cc nit llanSlCAL FfllEND;" Lira... COIHanlofl'fol‘ the M’inter Mostly... Every Pianist, I I Should p'roct'ird “ï¬lth lint .9 . . a“ ,.. ‘ r - -- , . , ~__ .g.‘ V “ ' V.‘ 8 ' ' ' ’ V . .gr Wt Either-liaison, ' 8 32.132. ,2As'it resembles a candy-stick 'in taste and ap-' "peat-once. and a child eating it is wholly un- saw; HEMENll-Js no ourcx CERES --A can; concioirs of taking medicine. and where. worms . < . . WARllAthZD. V exist,‘tlte results are bcybiid description. .' ’ I A child ten years of‘age, of the Rev. J. Mc- Amos'& so" h.an for 3‘ ‘0‘}3' “fluff Douguni Dundemq flagged: overï¬oo WORMB yeats.Vbeen engang iii _an extensive ptacttCe ii“ three davs. which he testiï¬es, umt he be_ in the treatment of these delicate complaints. ilieved‘,bv God’s blessing, it saved the child’s and umdha only legally qul‘hï¬od l’hys'c}5hs “life. Thousands of similar testimonials are Who "0†advemselo c“"°‘c°flaln complaints, given (without solicitation) to the present pr'o- Wiromxwh‘lm geum'w Europ°an=r°m°¢°5°w Priémm r . be obtained. . “i: GENUINE rAiiiILt' nouns. WM. B. mountâ€"toner; & 00., Pmport‘ers :3 Wholesale Dealers in Brandies', Wines, Gins & Segars', EG leave to call the attention of the citi- zens of the United States to their Pure $ ._.;: r . ‘ magniï¬clarm‘q mat“, TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN! :- .;, V RICHMOND “ILL. ‘ Bytlie‘use ofElectricity,VV V GEORGE SIMSON, momma... .BY 13" E~ ‘1 EDMO'N 133. sanction DENTIST, Atmoart. Every Singer, I weekly: ‘l’tiblic'atlhrr'tdf Every Teacher, » Vocel and Piano Fiï¬? Every Pupil, Music, costing but 3‘0 Every Amateur, cents a number," ’dltii Pronounced by tlie'e'ntire Press oftlietountfil‘j', m be .‘x_‘:; ~ THE BEST Air!) ,cHEAPEsr‘ quK or THE KlNQ'lN g‘HE woupnurf: , _ 7 . .g , , Persons iii any. part of the world may be enc- Twelve full-Sized: linges’ 0' "Y-ocnl‘fl'd ’ General Symptoms of ‘vermS ! cessfully treated by forwarding a correct detail ‘ ' “bone MM“: for 1’0 Com" 7 i A fellow; who does not beneï¬t the world by big life, does by his death. “The man who “challenged contradiction" V V F _ , got into an awful ï¬ght and was severely bitten. ( : OOD Accommodations and every attention 5 Teeth thwarted on Sump. add 0,: Vaycamzed -‘: ‘ Show“ 10 Travellers. GOOd Yards for Rtibber. All Operations in his Profession, “ D" you pretend to imimate’ Bir’ that my Drove Cattle and Loose Boxes for Race llorses performed iii the most approved manner and NVâ€? “Old 1" ‘ * _ 1- , ma swag, 1: I. . Warmumd. . \Vines_ and Liquors“ put. tip under their own ot' tlteirVanscs,-witli a remittance for medicines, Yonrl)’.$5 : ll'alf-yearly.$9 50? QUdmrl)'$t;95 mgdligltpld enough to have lost its hair, ear-V x‘qul‘legwfionthly pal†heldtion “1.8 Premis†ï¬rs, Aumm’ March 9,1860. ; 67.1), nggvrsggistgrfgg l‘ttzmgyitaiiélï¬glggzqgial 151:1}: Restless; sudden Starting and Grinding the &c., which will be returned With the utmost Subscriber to. .‘VOur.,Mu§ical Friendâ€, ‘1. '. - er nos ay iii oacr mon i. , ' ’ Twit, in Steep, convulsions“ “WNwUS'VAP dispatch and secure from Vobservation. . petite, (sometimes no Appetite) Palettes's, Pick- Addr°ss'u‘7- AMOS &- 5°": 00m" Mal" ï¬nd ing the Nose, Bowel Complaints, Fever, Fret- Quay “reels: Baffin“! N: Y- 8843‘ The Subscriberin calling the attention of the public and his Old Friends to his establishment, Y E S T R E E T O E L, Be not affronted at a jest If one throw salt Military and other public bodies, who require at thee, thou wilt receive no harm, unless thou order it from the nearest Newarlealer, and?†to: purchase in large or small“ quantities; in will have Music for your entire fatnilya up .- ~ - ~ . t .- » ' ' t'ï¬caitcost; and it‘xou w nthu’ ht" hast sore places, feels satisï¬ed he can administer comfortably to AURORA. : on?“ ‘_’r POM"! w'“ P" Pbemny dealt “MLâ€? =t‘ultiess. Euiacmtion, Looseness of the Flesh, billzlgpxue. [Victim Comet immogét' Acéflfdfa: “ B b d.d‘ ~ . h u t f th t their wants and willi mutual satisfaction. GOOD 8] p} r W, d L £Prrce list sent on application. iDry Cungthour Bream. gig (QC. 6m. 6m SUbSéribo to we V I VV IV 0 ‘ 3'0“ 9‘“ ‘3 my a '3’ 9° 8 - ' ' 0 _ ' ’P .V 0 “ma an†‘ 'quors , iâ€" , All of the above sym )toms will immediately . " . "" ’ maniedrnext Earner ?’ Richmond Hill. April ~0. 1860. 73 tf always on hand. Excellent Accunimo- OLD JilOIgElionyE BITTERS,V cease to exist by usingl this Medkï¬ne once or n U. ; â€"â€"n - â€"r â€"â€"~ v dation for Travellers, Farmers, and others. I3 A IN TIN G. 3 {1,180, Tom, 1 did not. _ ‘DVese liergetan' old K Tainan 3’ .- I I I V.. ,V : :~ _; ‘ ' “ No, sir~eel IIe-gets a itew'oite.’ sKE-NE, twice. it always gives, health. ;even if no MILLVVRIGHT’ worms exist. it is perfectly harmless over. to ' the must tender itr-f'zrut. V . V .61 L T 0 , Racommeneed‘ by the ï¬rst Physicians as the best remedy known for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Debility, and all Nervous Diseases. As «a beverage. it is pure, wholesome, and delicious to the taste.- Sold by all Drugglsts.“ , Colltalilitlg‘lg pagé‘s,¢ostiug only lUi'Geutii't number; Yearly, $2 50 ;' Half-yearly. $1 All back numbers at 10 etc... and Volumes, containing 17 numbers, at "$2590 each, constantly on hand. " ‘ "' “ m « D. McLEOD,.Proprietor. Aurora. June 6, 1859. V y 25 1y “ Boy,†said an ill-tempered old follow to a noisy, lad,“ what .are you hollering for when :1 go by i" ' - _ l ' EG'S‘to intimate that heis now re ared to .Vvarranted Purely. B erect MlLLS of every descliiptlion, by. 't", ' U - .__..._-L_._. -7...__. a-“ _-.__A,_ _.__¢__._. R. VAlL‘ES. ‘ " "_V JAMES HALL, A . ’ . H WM. B. MOREHOUSE 8L C0. Prop'l‘hv in its combination,. comma: or otherwise, on reasonable tei'ms' C- B' SEYMOUR'ETCR r. triumph, returned the pert boy, vghat are; 3 do 5 Exchange Place. V 9,“? , . . _ , I, ,V, 2 ,He is also agent for the best Foundries in Cap 107 NassuuSt" Neygmjg bioucgomg “3 1.01 When I 3'“ houermg 7 _» o. . -- - -[ 1 1-. . ’ ' . ' . ', AS always 0“. hand a large Essorlmw‘ 9f ' ‘ Jers°y Cu)" NM]! Full directions with cacli‘pac’ltage.’ ' hadn- audfro‘m his llengtltened experience he gram; - ' - r - ‘V _ .As:w°,gr°;v 01,511“! iâ€: With 0"" hef‘r‘,‘ “5 , gum otu’gzitb6,:git3:1?iï¬igwmch WI“ be P.S.-â€"-'l‘l‘ie subscribers wislivto engage a few Sold at retail by all Druggists and ‘b‘ledlciiie '19:? to gge gzgerkggusfa‘mon†'- Fire ! FIFO ! ! .Eil'c “"lh 0‘†‘0“ s 0 m“ 't '5 “0‘ 9“) l° disung' RICHMOND l ‘ acttve‘men, as Local and-Travelling Agents for ,Doalers in~Lurope and America, at .5 pence hma, 60‘ r 4 ., uish the true from tnefalse. t HILL. l “ Bridget, where’s the gridiron 7'-â€"“ An sure, :‘l‘llï¬â€™le,,Vl’s jist after glvitlgdt. to me sisterfe‘ewn. tensity-Bridget O’Flaherty, the thong is so' full of holes, its no good ’t all t’ all.’ Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. Lu» HOUSE, Sign and Oriianicntdl;‘°Piihting *WM‘A“ done on the shortest notice and on the most reasonablevterms.’ V ‘ . ___, Q I , , * * Richmond Hill, April, 20, 1860. 73-tf 135 YONG]: STALET' their houseLto whom liberal inducements will lsterli‘ng, [15 cents] ponpaokqge, er'2 shillings. ‘ be offered. For particulars, address as above. [50 cents] for four packages. use sure that . i» . each package. has the signature of U. E. Mc- Kelizie, M.D. Glasgow, on the wrapper. V ' 0:?(3all for Dr. McKetizic’s Dead Shot BUSTNESS connected with the CROWN iposer," Candy.“ " LAND and other Public Departments NORTHROP & LYMAN, Newonstle; C.VV., attendedto ; also, CARTER, KERRY & Co Montreal, C.E., ) j . , are General Whetsale Agents for the Canadas. I atcnts 1'01 Invcn tions! _. . - - Secured by the Subscriber. . . ~t 1860. 99 . any“ Address, prepaid, E, J. CHESLEY. ' . No, 29 Anne Street, ' 1 Quebec. uebec, March 6, 1860, 67-tf w E so" E RN Fire Insurance .Copniiix‘i‘j' - » r x , V a c 7»... NOTICE. _ V of lolonto. VV RS. R. RODGERS begs leave t'o'itttim- ate that she designs to open-a class. on Monday the 18* of October next, to give Les- sonsitt the following branches; VVaxflower, Grecian and Velvet Painting, Pencil Drawmg, \Vater Colors, Leather Work, and the various kinds of Embroidery. < 03' For terms, see cards. ' Richmond Hill. Sept. 29, [860. 95-9m INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT; ' CflPlTflL sTo .91.; £100,066. LC. Giuion, Pres. l Gino. Mtcriiit,VicePf§I. , lriniccrons : _' i i 93.1%: Rice Lewis. Esq. 'I‘hos, Iiaworâ€"th.»Eeq.€’ James floaty. Esq. 3V. Henderson, Esq" T, P. Roharts, Esq. W. MacfaralanerEeip-v M. Ro’ssiit, Esq. ' . r- l- "1 Bernard H aldau’, Esq. Secretary 4" Trent‘s?» Angus Morrison. an. Solicitor. ' ,' . Bank of Upper Canada, Bunkers. 5‘" Benjamin Switzcr, Esq. Inspc’d'er. u... 7 - - w ' i f ' ‘ MONUMENTS, TOMBTABLES‘ MATTHEW LEPPER, TOMBSTONES, 8,0. AURORA, ‘7 ’T J . _ Twenty Per Cent Cheaper HAiggglgfggfg $13313:de “Wmâ€! m... m 0...»... ................ r , -~ A w ‘1 - . HE UNDERSlGNEl) Assignees of the D Y G 0 O ‘cstate of D. C. 6:. W. YALE. willcon. 3 limit) the business under the superinteiidence?’ ~ . .â€"_.. of our duly euthorized agents, AUSTIN'ABBEI’V and D. Cannes VALE. whose receipt willbo dttly acknowledged. , P,S.V-â€"â€"All notes and accounts remaining titt- paid on the 15! day of June. 1858, will be put itito Court for collection, .-â€"» _. A cute fellow was once asked what inference he could draw from the text ofJob', “ And the asses snuffed up the east witid.’ “ Well,’ he re: plied, “the only inference that'JI: can draw is this, that it would be .a long time before they would grow fat upon it.’ ' FAFtMERs’ ENTEREST. Q ‘HE Subscriber begs to intimate to the Farmers 0f'.lie County. of York, tllflt‘lle 7"- is prepared to Manufacture and Sell ' A 1 i" i ‘ - -. f ,ou the INSTANT RELIEF and PER- V . V MAN CNT CURE of this distressing complaint use FEJVI) T’s BRONCHIAL CIGARETTES! .Made by c. ,B... SEYMOUR or. (70., rm Nassau Street. N.Y. Price $1 per box; sent free by post. For Sale at all Druggists. ' i (A Servant girl speaiting.)â€"â€"“\Vell, mam’; ltevcrytliink considgrcd, l’ni afraid you won’t suit me. l’ve‘.’ always bin “brought up ginteel; and I couldn't go any wheres where there ain’t no footman kep.’ ’ tacos;223.2.tsrmuiz The Mininery Department! ks have" to _ _ . . shoot a man to start a burying-ground, Will be found replete With the newest and most Fashionable Styles of ' ("B011 nets, " Hats and pcsï¬ All 0' which will Sold at the lowest remutiet ating prices. Aurora, April 97. 1860. ~ 74-tf General Store, AT AURORA. THE Subscriber has constantly on hand a With the improved Draft and Coupling irons, V G°n°ml A55°nmem of The above linrrows are far superior to any new in use, being made on an entire new :principle. They will lrc'foniid to do the work 3, .. ,_GR00ERIES. . [13’ Head Oflice, Church Sow, lbron'ro'.:én This COMPANY insures all descriiitiotibbf Buildings, Manufact'ories, Mills, 510.. attth‘oo'di‘ and lt‘urii-iswre, in the saute, against loss o’rdm- age by fire, on l'r‘bci'al terms. Losses promptly settled. ‘ An apothecary in the country sent a lady three droughts, and on being asked what they were intended to produce, Said, “The ï¬rst madam,.is to,me you; the second to, ool * again, and, a third is to "prevettt-thezexce 1 ive “fleet of either. ' " '~ " " ' C. VYALE, _ C. CUMMERQ V Toronto; April 29. 1859- I . Q's-if. much quicker and betterthati any other liar-5 r » Trowsi. Specimens of the above may be seen, handy-particulars as to price ascertained, by ap- plyiug to tlie'Subscrilier, at his shop, Richmond j; DR; it. w. HILLARY, t Some old bachelors lerobably wrote the JOHN N. REID, M.D. following:â€" & Hill who will punctually attend-to all ordcr's. I . _ A. LA\V, ; . . ‘ ' . ' l ' l v ' ' ' . ' ‘ ° . ‘ ' u {Wm Yangon and mm comum or Iqalqglagpflï¬ptaons s'rnxnrs, AURORA, C.W. S, SAMUEL SANDERSON’ 13ATENT an Troughs and “,ater Spams .Rfithfiggtxilgehi“ August 13 Vlsgpneialaglgtl. ‘6 V- j as at ls“t‘ol_ajmart," ‘ ) 3 ,V‘ I.) V ,_ ,V“ ’ ‘ i . , ' a. ‘ ' " , c , ‘ . I . -su)oi--ior to tin, . at n at 6 cents ‘ A - ' '-'. Fit! 1, Y ’Tislgï¬ne makes his head 30116; I all] Preï¬gï¬l’lioni 8“"t 3‘ “‘9 0m†mum V Febmank-n' 18.60. ‘ ‘ 'l i s ‘ B431} ' &c. &c.‘ die. I I [130]!"th “in; F°P'~.24r 1800- 5"“ .‘per foot}; also". Drain l’ipgs. Seasoned Siding, “ i A" Woman “sheath†. â€Â° Psi foron 6livery- 31-iv . ., A ‘- ~ 7 " ~ .__'_._.'.a _ . ' imam siiiiigies Picket Gates Wagtzon Fel- ‘ " ' ' " - ‘ ' ' HARNESS AND SHOE BLACKlNG. . a I - ' < ’ » . - | « Irii b‘ B’ i u d' ' d '1‘ ' - - = A cnuiiie Jonathan lately took a ride with w.â€" ' i T ' A, z , ) ' ' ' E t' ‘ ° " . . 0“.†a". , u 3?. mm M mg’ 9“ .F‘Fm"? 3 ) k his ggl, and stopped at a restaurant and hid a GO To V. ELL’S Superior Vi’atet‘rtroof Harness ’ T’ Nica‘lclllcs 'n'gm‘oral .Mmmfacmmd and‘l‘" “*5 PT E I e and Shoe Btacking is warranted to soften ' glass of soda. It was prepared and swallowed " g FOR elixir: BY‘ at one draught then turning tastier, he said. 3' 0 w M A N S M I L ! “Sal. that war darned good; why didn’t you W t '1‘ l, x 9 u I buy some for yours‘o’lf.’ _ _ . CARDIN G & GRISTING- Art irasmble old gentleman was taken with - - ‘ ' ’ a ï¬t of sneezing in the ‘cars. After sneezing in Whore Ruth†from 8 distance can hit" it the most spastnodic manner eight times, he done to take with them ontheirreturnhonie. arrested the patoxysms for a moment, and, Alnï¬m,mny13,1859. 2+“; extractingchis handkerchief, he thusgddresud ~;.,‘._. 7 his; narsalx Organ, indignantly sayong', “ Oh! “Pgegnâ€"go ‘onâ€"you’ll ,bl‘otv your inferital brains out presently. ' Always on hand, and for sale on the most favorable terms. ’ ‘ r . 40 H N LAN CST-AFF, ‘ ' .s was... - , 5 '1 ‘ - “ r- f" 2- Svuu‘MiLLs, 'l'noasurLL. 3 V. _ r V V ' K '2" C _ . S , f L LO D, mm V 27Wuvmti FRIDAYV Meaning, Druggist &“Eentist,~ I ‘ 'AURQRAJVUVTV' leather. and roiir’er it imperious to wet. Manu- factured at Richmond llili, and sold by Store- 'ltcep'ers‘nnd names: Makers throughout the Province. Aurora, June 14, 1860. 81-tf February, 10, 1860. - VG3-tf ~ ‘ V A g _ LANDS FOR BALL. EXCHANGE. THE Subscriberloï¬â€˜ers for Sale, on very reasonable terms, ‘ WM. SMiTt-i. ' . ~ . . ~ 1 i And despatched to Subscribers bywtlm Sentient m‘ ails, or other conveyance. when‘oo desired The roux HERALD will aiwifyiï¬. be founrltocontain‘tlre latesrand mostiai for: tfl‘i‘t’l Foreign and Provincial News oneK ugh“ hats. and the greatest care 'willbe to cute render it acceptable rethcm-an of bupiiï¬Ã©er and a valuable Family Newspaper. A TE RMS.â€"-Sevon and Sixpenceper-Aiitittrm.‘in ltlllt " Hints, â€"-4â€"â€"â€"-~â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"--â€"- ~ :DR. [3. sci/Mods. Hentazoprt'rnic PHYSICIAN, Holloway’s Ointment ' Fullnestock’s " Vermi- , , Unit}. llopo’s Mag, do fugo ‘ ' Dr. Trask’s _ do dolllidlal] \Vorm Tea Ur. \Vilson’s Veg do R R Remedys . HarriSon’s Electric do. P Davis’ Pain Killer lMo‘rcliead’s Mag plas’sr Brigg’s Mag, Relief Ayer’sV Pills British Oil 'Cheap Clothing. TI-lESnbscriberbeg-s to inform the inhabi- ',.ta_iitsof Buttonville‘attd the 'sttrroutiditi "‘ “M - country. that he continues to make ï¬rst-clad: DR- 1â€"" LANGSTAFF; V , PRlNGH-lLL. 3 doors west of King Post coo TS, VESTSf‘ mar-Tsâ€" dro. MAIN ST.. NEWMARKET, U.C. 65-1 Jones has acquired quite a reputation by hearing down on a bore who sat in his sanctum r. 3“) mortal hours! “ 1 WM†mend: 3°“ would Ofï¬ce :3 l ' vMorso’s '11} Root do Harlan) do Mom'†“V0 douars Wt†bd-Chmed. ' ' :- 3: ‘ . I a ’ I ‘V H ‘ 1'" . .» . ‘ ' l ' i. r .. I ' > '1 ‘P‘ V!" - . . "‘ 'n V I mafiflii‘iodlaiii‘: lisdlfdi'lgihe 5th.... 3 lath" ’XdeS’F'eS and superior Workman- 'zKing, May 1-3. 1859. 24th WA “:5?le L'°°P°â€â€™s‘§“‘l::: 3" burrows " ' " “V . r l- - - . - s p: or ers promptly attended to and ' mm- mâ€"v â€" -. ' ' _V V. _" "†“0 . V .1, .° N . v - _ ‘ " ‘ 7 v, ‘iooki‘zillï¬rasii’s'n '8 gmg’ 0"†“PWPW’ Wk “’mmed- ‘ ‘ HUGH CAMPBFLI . ‘ ‘ nM‘i‘W‘r’: W d° ‘ B “0“ .d.° CONi'DIT I o N PHYS to . RATES 01’ ADVERTISH‘ G ' L I' ' JOHN HARDY , v . I ' r ‘ “a “’ Situated in the following Townships 1"? : 9W“; “3°†B?!†' 5'? “:9â€? d" - , saxiinemid uti’derï¬ï¬rst insertiott..-.’.'.$00 so One night, Freddy had been put to bed and ' - ' ’ "’1‘ '1 - a7 ’1 t" 3 L i . ‘ '. .- S ‘1] ._C rv {V' t " ‘ i, Oil-gs 0' (‘0. . C '1‘?“°â€â€œ52 “la or “m ' mother and: Johnny were iii an adjoining rbem. Button-me. Dec. 23' V1859.“ or an C “"555.†‘Vatcn 3“ d C1001: hiakel 9 omen†e 0"“ 3 0 'c 0m" Poo,- Man’ SAM. 1),] Fan†5 Amer but†Bexleyâ€"County‘ii’f Victoria,» Sydenhamâ€"County of Grey, Amabel-â€"County of Bruce. Jewelry, \Vatches and Cldcks repaired and Fora portion of mesa L3,,d5V511périordo. ‘cleaned on the shortest notice and lowest-terms scriptiou‘of Farm Stock will’ tie rattan in ex- ? ' Aurora.- Februarv l7, l8f‘20. .’ ' - 61.).“ Vgchatigmu ' Forfurtlier particulars apply to i v- rr Muklmm, June ,859. V _ V26-†hiATHE-SGN. do FlTZGEliALD, 1 G. .i. .r. PEARCE, _ _, . Barrlsters, Attorneys_at_Law’ Richmond Hill, P.O. RlClIMOND HILL IIOTEL. SOLlClVTORS 1N 'CHANCERY, &c. wonders he had seen, particularly itt Egypt, ' " i ' ~ ' ' ' ' Canada .\Ves't. STAGE runs.w from the above Hotel to" ’ 4 ' 1 Among other wonders, he had seen a cannon ' . :J-unelln, 1860. . _ V . 79-tt’. Toroiilo,-everv morning starting from Vac ' ' ‘ ‘ r . . , , . v o NEROF 1.1M; AM) 'toroTo STREETS so large that when it came on to rain, theltho Elgiu Mills at 7. a.tn,_ and returiiiugat 7, B I A ;1‘cttliites and under, first insertion. .7. . . 00 Above ten litres, ï¬rst iii.,"per-'line.Â¥.'.,"00 7 3-EWELER, as... Yonge. . Street, Aurora.- Each sti’hSoquent insertion . . . . . , 4,0,0 i Presently phony cut _ up some caper, on which Mayer’s Long Life†Kenitedy's‘bVorml’ow- 5 his ’mothor threatened .to“ take tins 'i-u'to ltlie ‘ I I I Dr. Pliittiiey’s Family dcr Motl'att’s Plieuix Bit Soper’s Salve Hoofland’ German Bit. Egyptigin do V Do r TBhlsamic l‘iarIESs‘eitcesvol'all kinds .iJudsou’s Chewy Valid Lloyd’s Ointment .-for ' ‘ Ltirgwimrt- ‘ ~ " ’ S’ltii‘i’lï¬seases ‘ ‘ Kermottâ€s'"l'ottic Mi‘x' Eldydls Eye Water Wister’ ulmonic syrup, Lloyd’s Horse Powders Syrup 0 Hoarhouud Lloyd’s Cotisentrated Boyer"s galvanic fluid OS o‘f’Jariiaica ginger Fowler’s éxi of vSlraWN Lloyd’s German horse berry A . Lotion V I ' - Godfrey’s Cordial- ' T» Lloyd’s cough Syrup - P‘irtomati’s Fect' Drops Lloyd's Tooth Powder We a M D E'S T u 0 Y ER. “VHS S.) d. _ M dV . b . _ Each subsequeil'tjusertiou;perline. ,~.-‘., to'n'ilh ‘ i pen “1 amine†can '0 given m “I? Advertisements without ivri'ttei 7d?!" ‘ ., r . .V' V_‘ ..iit'o,c- r1 oneBall at any ttrneof’ the year. wrthbttt “0m “156m:th fubidraudwehflgw_ Vuééï¬d-V iiigly. . - = "‘,- . All transitory advancements,- from “Writ 'or irregular. customers, must be paid for when? handed in‘ffor insertion. ._ ~, .7. y A liberal discouutiill bemadb tb‘pa‘i’tieead-‘ vertisin'g by the year. . . " " Nao-AMERICAN ’HOUSE 2 MARKHAM VLLAGE. .. QODAccommodations. Wines, ‘ Liquors and Cigars of the choicestbrmrd’s. 5 ‘ ~ R. MARR, Proprietor. other room and whip li’i_'ni,’ ' ‘ ~.: hibiother," said Freddy’s voice, under, the bed-clothes, ‘1 know where I’d take him.’ ‘ Whore?’ said the mother. whose curiosity was excited. L " ' ' “ I’d take him under the left ear !’ injury tothe Horse, and has‘been used by the Farmers of Markham for the last two years with a success uiiprrced’ented. By the use of this remedy it Will convince the owners‘of that noble animal the inconsisteticylof an unneces- sary outlay by'using. Artiï¬cial food or Condition Powders. wlticlt are too well_known to contain ‘minerals highly injurious to the membrane {or coating of the Stomach. The Ball“ itra“ compound of Pure Vegetation and tvarmnted not to ‘coiitaiil' either ll‘lercui‘y,'Ai-senic;- Anti. ._:\Vp,lrn§’avur. CAQNOLâ€"Afyo'ung nian fifein {from liis travels, was relating to i large cdm- patty iii the parlor of afa'shienable hotelwthe . . A ‘ - 1‘: : .) .‘ in"; is“ .AtlIs advertisements .Iiu‘blixshed for 1 lath†rlod that? one titth- Pm“ be paid in an Pd; Vancer W I 3 Kill out-nor. .:...â€"'- «AN EXCELLENT FARM tarsus.- ~ 0030“ “"1! he W135..j."..waS.-drive";horses and all, ,p.m. Faro. 2s. 6d. each way. Over wmlmom, ‘gb'co’s' Bonkâ€! Omce’ ACRES 80 Cleared. 20 miles from .Pï¬miltoï¬c A 'UDF‘T’STUONWEIIO SP3" mony or any other Mineral’}. Fee immediate ' All letters addressed to the Editbr'm‘tiï¬fmg into the muzzel‘ofl lheglm’do-gét out “the GOOD acconuob r N i 'r «v TORONTO Torontbmnd threerqnarters ofa mile S†'I‘K‘O’l‘lng-sg coaghl' Clï¬c ' 110th“ is Surprismg and the ultimate effec‘ has) l")St Paid: ' i ' ' ‘ “ storm. One Ofrllls auditors, [an old saltin land ‘ . 8"qu E-ofâ€˜ï¬ RAVEI‘LEP‘" â€"- :fm‘m (1,3 Kirigsigo‘nï¬oad, we“ watered, (god LOZ‘engerS ' ' , ' astonished thousands. Pf the Anide is out of' N0 paperdisconmmea “musam‘arngm- 1-“ . . loggeryfl, “ï¬lled at the .8105} whereupon our RICHARD PK’HOLLS.’ Agency Ptll'acularfy attended $0.. 1 Buildings and in a a good state of cultivation. Basahés 031"" Mmmoâ€"an'excenem remedy .501‘15: them is “cause remove mat and: lâ€. is aid . andparties refusiu partway, 'ge g". , traveller, in no Very goodlittnï¬ir risked; “Weâ€, . . l . ‘ ‘ Prol’mflo" ‘ ' ' ' ‘ . ‘ ’ 5 7 for ChOh‘Fa MorhKlS. Diart’hwar &e- ’ all ri lit. One does at the cost of 95 cent's‘ is P ' - -. : “u p y- , . V . a a Vï¬lchmond n,“ D OJISVV1858 ,1 V AV L55 _ __ ‘ 7 V F“, mrtherpameulaï¬ app“, ,0, V ,_ _ V . g . r . mg up, Will be held:accountable!“though}. a. air, do y_ou.doubt jn-yï¬l'ol'fl T’ , Oh, nohnfl at 1,5. V r 9 _ ?:_ . f. _ y. _. THOMAS G “nurses. “MES “menu†' ,. tâ€. ,d, E 1_ x d d. ' , sufï¬cient to cum “’1th Bound‘o L055 Of‘ Al’lw" 54,; m9“ , ., .4 " oll,’ was .lz'ack’s reply, " it was the coincidence ‘ "" V ‘ ‘ H ' ' , , f I c. " DRw ‘V‘INSTAN LEY, - v *0) 5 me ‘kfliflran ’lscaverv ' tits," Coughi'. Coldl? and {Perch- D‘ls'tt‘mpel’, U I . ;MLL.A-;_-A~MM : - a that made me smile. I. know you. are correct, lownh’hfly 1’ 1539' I ‘ 131‘“ :Eghngton, Yong‘sm’ï¬- * "Peol’lo khew “3 3.91.1th worth» :Stoppage orWater, Stitched Legs, Fn‘easemnd for it so liappened__tlt_at l_ was inside the gun in acurricle, arid when you drove iii at the muzzel I‘dgoi‘go out of the touch-hole,“ s , (4.7. ,~ vt.‘ 7 Diseases would be scarce on earth : 'I‘lienr,-wliy should people'pain endure 7’ When- they can ï¬nd’safpbrfect cure. Prescriptions Accurately VQompourtdcdi {Aurora June 1860. ' ' 81 ‘OCI'Olict' 4'. 1960! ' " r 97-3m is a complete Destroyer of- Wornis,,a greatpuri- . ' THE. YORK 'HDR'ALW ’ ' ’3‘ fyer of the Blood, and' a good Physic, always recommended to be givenin the Spring and‘ ' ' - ‘ * - :. :--_‘.: Fall, which will act as a ptI‘avenlive ati‘d-im- V V prove the general condition; 'ak‘e's' lilm com- """‘ I ' _ g V V t pleter up to the mark for his‘ work, thereeby [EDEESpforqfa‘EiX‘ï¬ï¬he giving’every satisfaction the owner can require. 850"†1°“ ~ I ‘ a" - .. 3 u ' Testimonials ‘ofthe highest character will be WORK Wt“ 5°Pl'etl‘lihbï¬ufleï¬d'ï¬d 3°":â€" E. J'- ,_ . _ , . _. . , , “a ' ‘ forwarded to testify. to the above if required. sooxs, Furor pious, Bustuns‘s canes, u on. STOCK. .BRQKER' Cash Tl‘ormsâ€"-0Vi'ie Dollar per packet containing A it n sou i.i. POSTERS, CX‘RCULA its, “reforms, fourB‘alls. ' ntLt. H-EA-DS,‘ltA‘NK‘Cï¬ECksiflknF75, Auto THE'Subsci-i'ierfbegs to‘ inform ‘hib numera- ous Patrons and the public, that he has ' removed from the _VYltite Swan. Hotel to the ESTABLI‘SMENT. above ~Prémi'se‘s. where there willbe found excellent «accommodationfor. Travellers, and. liar 1â€er arrived at the dieters. or 3319.1):99003 so to ï¬rst marriage ‘czi‘sel ' He did it up‘itt this way. He- ~GoottStabliï¬g. rtlrstsaid to the man i" V . . _ . . 3"“7Véllg you wants to be ‘mar‘ri'; do you? «. lforsgslqnd Buggms for H‘m‘ Vell,_you.lovislt.dis voman so-goot as-any v0- '1 JOSEPH; GARYg iau "Ll vo ev '~se if - w v - .r».yÂ¥;‘r.i§ “‘2 en “' V , , I’roprzetor. ' H“'Pheit$lib ‘saidvto the womamr' ' i V___ ,DENTISTRYP V V ‘ VV V .V WV. 0‘ ID. D-VS' fit)? Surgeon Dentist, ‘ I 99' mine or; sass: scorn. Sins. THIRD nook other men cannon sr. 'ifonosToV, ARTICULA’R atteiitronoiven to the rogue, lation of Children’s 'loolh. Consultation 2 ,. . ‘ To sustenance; IOOASRES' or LAND in the Town- ship of Sunnid’ale, county ofSi'ncoe, being west half of Lot No. 4, in the 6th con- cession. Also, lth'Acres iii the' same Town- Richmond IIill, OCt. 22, 1858. 72-7. freemand all work warranted. / r _ 1 5MP: billing West’liglf‘VOf Lot No' 7- in the 81h V V V V _V . T b VLottors pi‘opaidgitdclositig 8r remittance. will' - P A’M‘P'R LE 11s», ' v may I» H you. do . , l I; t , v I ~- ‘ Dr. 'A. has turned his attention to the “im--V cohf’ess 0“- ' I V _ I _ I V ‘ 0' ’ ~ ' .’ ' _o f ' ‘2; r4“ 40 f ‘ l _‘ opt-ointh yVa‘tteu e to. V V ._ And eve, , other kmde man you havizvï¬seeég.gill“ .5? .beuer as an“ '“7 & CO movements of his profession in all its branches, ‘ “‘9 above Property '5 CONT“ With very N0 29 Anne'snee‘tԠPB“ 0 ’ " Qua ’90 * Printed Directions wrapped round each Bati’ ’ 3 valuable 'Pine 'l’iiriber, and" lies within half a 'and‘ can an )lV the 'ri'ofession withr Teeth. , , I ,, _ , irG'old :‘LValc'hIllliz'od "Aplpamms-~ and Vulcanuo imtl‘e oi the Sunmdale Station on the Northern ‘ .. r . h _. ,V . Rubber, and the best‘B‘one ï¬ttimg. 5‘ «v ‘ Ra'lW’W‘ ‘; ‘ ' ' ‘ Sue hesitated a little, and’he repeated : a ‘4Xel,l,,_ dat ish allauy reason 0 ‘man-l can .u.- H ,,,.,-..,_. '-. expect.“ yonare marrit. Lpr riouncgyou ,“ 'Rni'nuitfw'css : Sli'eriï¬'v'Jarvis, Hon. George rwitliamy signature in full,.without which none "I I: summon: Hon. l?~.-*M, Vatik'ou'g’huct, G, J. other are genuine. . c r r . d . ~ 1 ‘b' - _ ‘- d' {~11 '« Campbell, Esq. 3'.» Woodsidb. "Esq'..;qusrsb Ofï¬ceâ€"~Viuctoria Square, Maiiufactory~4th one m " hep 9‘“ 991.13" at mo or“ gymâ€? . k‘,‘ . ,jr 4 i ‘ L . . :. . THOLESALEjaud Retail Coppcrr'l‘in and trail Plate Workers, andFurnishjng‘ - . . « . ~ . n . r - , l ' ~lt‘oivfl‘urther particulars aptly to the re rte-r s- _‘ i , 35' a A M f ' ‘~ M ukh 0m. assortm‘e but. 1015 TÂ¥pE 3. 5‘," I ma. and "lfe..’:. V‘ _ VIroumonuers, Parties lYill rtliis house a call Mtubral doeth..meunted oti (acid Silt 91'. or u , l . , _P P V ybrilmour, Cpu sen _ (.10... ngus, Ol‘l‘leDV’ concesswn at am, V , 1 . i, r V | .. . _,. V. .. . V, i, - sf, pipe] 79hr) man asked the justice whdt w‘as'tblpav. ‘w’tï¬â€˜ï¬ud ptheir, orders ï¬nncfually atte‘nded 'to .Y‘ulcaniicd Rubber, witltg,»Coittiano’us,V Gums, ‘0': onh" York “cmldv†Umce. litelutrondv ;M,,Vja,.l?,. Toronto; Messrs. Mills, Mattige do '1 I‘IOMAS MAYOR InewV and of the letters} patterns. A for e variety Nothing at all ; you are welcome to it Hit “d thelowestpric-es char 7611. 54-1 which are warranted to give entire satisfaction. Hln- and Borders, or Cat “CofMoutreal; Hon. James Patton," Barrie; ’ TI}, on“. mflkor of the' 07,351,“ Yoguhï¬o .‘bfnibw Fancy" Type do, will do you an; goot,’ Jame. Webster, Esq, Guelph. 6741‘ Dmeld on“ in America; so i a healers, Ape. kept always on hand. Richmondlljll. Doc. 1 8. Toronto, October 11, H.360. ’43.1£ ‘ lime 22,1860r 82-“