Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 14 Dec 1860, p. 4

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.o __ ,._.-..-+_ , ‘ He‘s. MN...“ r" “r"‘*r-.â€"~â€"7"" ”"="‘.‘r'â€"’T'~. "DficEnBEuf “1 .. Gold-emliaireddiAututnn Ila: fle‘d atxthyacoming, Skies blush ’with' kisses ' The sun gives ino more ; The song Qt the robin, :. ,2 The3w6od~peckei’s dmn‘ii’ning. Cotim‘faitltly and low 5, _ { Fron’i the warm-Southern shone} 'I‘hg'cd‘l of the’i.sea}birdz, 3‘.” ‘ *~‘Tlieiigull and thd‘swallow IV The voice of the bittern. A , ’I'lfeicrj‘bf tile-mew, “'3 Are echc‘iingili'arshly, So dreary and hollow, ’ .‘Frmn the a ,4, .r‘»: " And sea-meadow too. The dark ocean rocks Willi its limitless roar, i; Thgspraysflings plootij 5:. n.5,... I With its dark misty foam : And; through the thick fog That lies skirting the shore, The curlew shrieks forth Its wild wearisomo tone. '7. The flight of the. eagle Is low, and hisyoung ' Are seizod‘by the wolf ' v In his ravenous prowl. The voice oftho day is still, Iluslred is their song“; And the voice of the night Is the search ‘of the owl. Bl itlie,:gr'ested Autumn Has fled at thy coming, Skies blush \vitthisses The sun gives no more, Dank and despouding The dark days are coming: The days of thedying, , ‘. l The tomb of the year. mam-mm -_.._._. ,_ __.__.....y, W_. e..-_....._.~._._.__, Illitirtllumiiuri, 77,â€". V V. The lady who fell back on her dignity came. near breaking it. A young girl generally looses her freshness 1'193"..iriirigliiig with fashionable society,"l“as a bright stream does by mingling with the sea. , ,,. #7,, j. a}... .‘»,_ r i . . 1"» 3 A “'9 "4'"! WW-‘f. 1"“‘~"‘ Q‘W‘W . s..- W its“ :1», ..‘a'<’4‘-.";' a, \:L Z...” I?! .ir-_~i.. yourrr .-- .- .i s ’- r. "x ‘ $39.. :FL-‘V‘Sa ' M‘ 5...? 'r “a. . .' .r. i. storms: 5' i .r. eo‘nmu‘zv; h COMMISSIONER IN, on rcn'NfshENcrt-g t i a Conveyancfr and Auctlfmeel‘; Aurerzmmortiftlr. Yt’, .i a 43:3 if? 1.} . r- > .. September’lé‘, 1'860. " ’ ' ‘ ‘ 90m” ;. v 3 ; I . r.‘ ‘ s in In.,.._ ' V“ ‘ ,1“ ,- WALTER 113.3 ,GEEIKIE,’ MD, Liecntirtlc oft/w Ilfcdllful Ballrd of‘Uppcr Carin-I" da, and recently my; (giggle lygdicol 0 cars, graffiti: Torontdiâ€"flcmrdl Hosptlrtl,’ovt¢ 5 “f Egrofcssior inAn'lrLtomy and Surgery] 1” in; Dr.. Itq,l]')/L:’s,lllctll01tl School, . :‘L‘ ' " MAStiii’ltl QUAllltiliLE BANE"! convenience oflarge or Sindlt parties; ' '1”,- 1S-uowséopen to recuiveert'gagemeutsbit, v, beret terms, for, arty number, to suit the: Applications to bfr.“i WM. IRELAND, 3 eh urchf. V N 5185?.» had ‘on api‘ilica‘tioin. Aur0ra,-'Nov.72;’1860. ‘ .gi’ ': IOO-Smj --.N.:gw*7â€"ietii.oa snort." 1111*} undersigned begs respectfully toinform r thea’itrhabitimts of V, ' ' ' "V ‘ “Richmond Hilts; Vicinity ' AS rift-timed to AURORA,and rye-taken That hehas commencedbusines‘s in the Tailor _ his former residence. on Yonge Street, where he may be'consultedgat’ all times, on the various branches of his profession. ' A Aurora, Feb.,2‘4, 1860. 65-v1 ing Line in the house rtdjbi'niirg MR. ’SIVERS’ SHOE SHOP, ‘ Where. by close application to businessland » » studying to~please, he hopes to merit a. share of public patrduage. 3 “ LS. V_ ALL ounitrts I’QSCTUALLY antitrust-.1) ro. VV SURGEON DENTIST, ILL be at‘tho following places!” up, (Practice of his l’r‘ofes'sioii :" "‘ ‘i "* ‘” The 1st Thursday of every Month atL-Ilol- laud Landing. I y . ,, _. r The'ilhd Thursday‘at King Stdtibn. The 3rd Thursday at Richmond Hill. The 4th Thursday at Gormley's Corners. At all other times the Doctor can be found at his residence in Aurora. ‘5' June ‘29. 19:60. ‘“ 83â€" Auotioxi Notices. THOMASâ€"BOWMAN, Licensed Auctioneer, ~i'. . VFott'ruu ' COUNTIES OF YORK do PEEL. All letters addressed to “ Almira.” P.O. wil receive prompt attention. Orders received _a the “ York Herald” ()HiCo, Richmond I'lilll Mr. Henry Lemon, Thornhill, and 1112‘, James Cavannab, Mansion House, Sharon," where Terms, &c. may be obtaieed. Almira, Nov. 25.1859. . 62-tf dammit was “motileâ€"“t, , RICHMOND IIILL, GEORGE SIMSON, PR'OPRIETOR. OOD Accommodationgi'and every attention. shown to‘ Travellers. Good Yards for Drove Cattle and Loose Boxes for Race IIorse‘s‘ and Studs. ' " The Monthly Fair held on the Wednesdnyiu each month. The Subscriber in calling theattentionorthe public and his OldFrieu‘ds to his establishment, Premises first The f"ll“‘VlllL" "Ollce might have been 569" feels satisfied he can administer comfortably to stock up in a corset maker’s shop-wrndow in their “rants and will) mutual satisfaction, Glavgow: “ All sorts of ladies stays here.” Seneca says that love is a desense. It seems "meuhflw l), A _. 1 Cigars of all brands. - sometimes to be a combination of deseasesâ€"au affection of the heart and a iriflamation ofthe .‘ stein- ‘ We are oftener more cruellv robbed by those “‘7': who steals into our hearts than by those who break into our houses. A young lady at Niagara has been herd to exclaim, “ \Vhat an elegant trimming that rain- bow would make for a white lace over-dress l” Quite a poetcal idea. “Jenny,” said a Scotch minister, steeping from his pulpit, “ have ye got a preen aboot yo 1’ “ Yes, minister.” _ '3‘ic'rEIlQlkthIt/‘k' it into that sleeping. brutegby éRichrno‘nd 11111, April, ‘20, 1860. "your side.” Swift wrote many sharp opigrams, of which A '1‘ II‘ this is not a bad specimen : Sir, I admit your general rule, , _'l‘liat every poet is a fool: . ,But you, yourself, may serve to show it, ' ' That over‘y‘fool is not a poet. '2“ Msy' it please ‘tlie Court, I had rather live thirteen hundred centuries on the small end of a thunderbolt, chew ,the'ragged end of a flask nf’liglrtening, swallow the corner of a Virginia thorn fence, and have my bowels torn out by a green briar, than thus to be bamboozled by the ‘ gentlemarn a ybuiig I‘l’ig‘hlau’der apprenticed to area'bi-lnet. Richmond Ilill. April 20. 1860. a. VAILES, Painter. stature, Glazier, Gutter, or Vl’ape1'__ Hanger; ; ' nIci-iMoui) HILL. .ir J. OUSE, Sign and Ornamental Painting . .done on the shortest notice and on the gmost rcpsonable terms. ' “ '- _ y .x Atittotta, AS just received a new andfullassortmcnt ‘pring and Summer «of r: ., ..,.-. ’ Dry. 9 0 0 D 8. Tire iitiiiiiiery »illfillal‘tittetttl VVill'be found replete with the newest and most Fashionable Styles of t... maker in Glasgow, got, as a first job, a chest of ': BOIIIICIS) Gaines, veneered drawers to clean and polish. After a sufficient time had elapsed, as the foreman thought, for doing the work assigned him, in- quired whether he was readv with the drawers C,yyet?‘ .,Oicli.110\, a {911in job; live almost ”“ '“ 'fink‘enlhe skin 0 my ‘(RVTtr tivo «'liiands-r before I’ll get it oil' tire drawers.” What I” replied the stratled directh of the plain and chissel, CORNER “you are not taking the venoering off, you blocklread l7” “ \Vhat will I do their, sir? I could not isuroly put on ;a polish before ,1?” get the' ball; 00'.” " liar) lIiM Jones. that you can turn anything neater than any other man in’-town.’. said so.’ Mr. Jones, I don’t like to brag, but there’s no man on earth can guru a thing as well as I can whittle .- iit.’. "Roch, nonsense, Mr. Smith 1' talk about Whittling! What can you whittlo better than I can turn ? ’ ‘ Ariy- William; pin-fie; mm agifiqunégy "em, 1' hay; it. . thing, everything, Mr, J. ; just name the arti clo that I can’t Whittle, that yeti can turn, and I’ll give you a dollar if I don’t do it to the satis- faction“ of all ‘ these persons, present.’ V‘ Mr Smith, suppose .Vt‘voi'tate two grindstdnesi'dor trial; you may Whittle and I willlttti'm’ l At a’di’situributirni of pi‘ize's in a German vill- Ttiuttic._.â€".-â€"‘ I understand, Mr. I ' Yes, Mr.» Smith, I I. All 0' which will be Sold at thelowest romuner ating prices“ - Aurora, April ‘27. 1860? - ‘ 74-tf JOHN N. REID, IVCLD. 0F "ONCE AND COLBORN STREETS, 'l‘HORNHlLl.. Ill? ’ ll l’t'esoi'ititioifs "giétfiat the Office must. be paid for on delivery. 31-1)’ GO To BOWMAN"S MILLS: wirn room V ' CARDING a GRISTING, :rtone to take withuthemitjégheiriretuindionie; 7» Almira,i‘ilay 13. 18593 A l 24:“: engagements... ESubscribcrbegs to inform the inhabi- ll . - =iaiiisor.tiiittofiiillo and £396; sari-emitting ' ' v .7 ' ' ' ' 1 .1 ‘ I ago a “me gm: seven years OM; whose parents country, that he continues to make nrstâ€"class had just been turned out of theirlodgr’nga, he- canse they had failed to pay their rent, was asked by the rectorâ€"- a.» “ Yes, sir.” ,_ “ De you‘l-‘ttow, the history of the creation?” ' “ thy were Adam and Eve turned out of Paradise 1,”, _ I , , , “ The child hesitated for-“a moment, and then fixing her eyes on the examiner, she replied, r. Gears, VESTS, PflJV‘TS, . In the newest Styles and superior VVorkm‘an- £11avoyotiseudicdsacrml history, my child?’ ship. All orders promptly attended to and work warranted . JOHN HARDY. .. » .‘Tailor and Clothier. Btittonville, Dec. 23, 1859. 55-1)’ “Probable they-were-turrrgd‘outbecause‘they ANGLO-ABIERICAN HOUSE l could not pay the rent.” ‘ Sam,’ said aVlate‘ minister of Dr'umblane to his man â€"OI.-fill-\\‘OT'I{, ‘you must bottle the cask of whisky this forenoon ; but, as the vapor from the whisky may- be injurious, take a glass of it before you begin, to prevent intnxication.’ 7 New SLI'IIILUGIAWRS an old soldier. and never 'w‘as in better spirits:than when bottling whisky; VI, ‘iand, havingrecfiived from his master a special license to taste, went to work most heartily. ’ Some hours after, the minister visited the cel- i lar to inspect iii-egress, and was horrified to find Sam lying his full length on the floor uncorr- scious of. all around. V 'Oh, Sam li-xf-‘tlld the minister, ‘vou have not taken my advice, and you see the conse- , quence. Rise, Saunand take a glass yet; it ' may restore you.’ ‘ 1 Sam. liotillttg‘lotlt, took the glass Trom‘tlie minister's hand, and, having emptied it, said : ' Oh, sir, this is the thirteenth glass I’ve ta’en. bit I’m nae bettorf.’ An Irishman in Rhode Island was about marrying a girl who had a pretty sum of monev Now, the priest, hearing of this, desired a piece (4",. this 'moncy, and told the bridegroom he would charge twenty-five dollars for performing the marriage cererrreiiy. , .ws“ It’s rather high yer reverence,’ said the latter. “ Then I’ll not marry you,’ replied the priest. ‘ . , 6{ very well, your reverence; I’ll go to-.some ~‘ 'btlrer'pzit'st.” “ I’il cxcommnpicale you ” “ I’ll go to another church.” ‘1‘ I’ll not let the girl have you.” V . ‘_‘ 'Ifherzo’s won’t have ye, another will.” MABKHAVMQZQLLAGE. OOD Accom miodatiohs'. Wines. Liquors and Cigars of the choicest brands. v * ‘ R. MARR, Proprietor. blai‘kliam, June 1859; ' ' RICHMOND HILL ,HOTEL. * "STAGE runs from trial: above Hotel to Toronto, ‘everv morning, starting from I r. ‘ i ‘ ' ' J tire Illgiu Millsgat 7.- a.m,_, and returning at 7, p.m. Fare, 25. 6d each way. Goon acconnonna'ion Fort 'rrtAvrzimtzns. “RICI’IARD‘ NICHOLLS, _, " ' Proprietor. 1-55 HALF-WAY HOUSE, RICHMURD HILL. . 11E Subscriber begs to inform his numer- r ous Patrons and the public, that Irohas 'removed from the White Swan Ilotelto' the above I’rerrrises, where there will be found excellent accommodation for 'l'raveliers, and Good Stabling. Richmond Hill, Dec. 18, 1858.‘ [13" Horses and Buggies for Hire. JOSEPH GABY, Proprietor. Richmond IIill, Oct. ‘22, 1858. 72-7 __â€"_â€"‘.___..._..__, CALE B LUDFORD, plenty of others. yer reverence; SADDLE Alli} lliliNES‘S MAKER, and onbeon thinking yer reverence, that the churches and girls are very much alikeâ€"if one Opposite Mr. Purkiss' Store. 105 'l‘noasrtrtt. 73-tf Aurora. June 6..)859fi’f' 73-11” ‘ LEPPER, MON SG-tf Barristers, Garments'cut‘to order on tho‘sh'orteist troticé, in any style. ‘ i i:' ‘ _ r. i. ‘ VJAMESB, BURNES, Iticiii‘iioiid‘tiiit;rcb.1‘0er60.' ' TEETH Exllli‘tti‘i’fiil ,WIIHDUT PAIN 1 By the use of Electricity, By Dr. E. c. , EDMONDS, SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA. Te’cth inserted :en Silver, Gold or Vulcanized Rubber. All Operations in his Profession). performed iii the most approved manner and VVarrantcd' I ' ' ' i Aurora, March 9. 1860. (37-1viewer: ST. EET HOTEL, AURORA. _ GOOD supply of “lines and Ltqtuors always on hand. Excellent Accommo- dation for ’I‘rnvellors, Farmers and others. I y no. .MpIEOD, hosting; ' 53.1%.”) 1y “ : b. _ “A ._._..M-.. 4... JAMES HALL, I . Jr... . _. I I ‘ - AS always on hand a-vlarg’e assortment of occurs and st-ioras,wriicii will be ' seidotpricesfto meet tvlietirrres ; Richmond Hill. Dec. 1858. Lt! riot:ortrtraititfiiiiiiiifi‘ivouits is?) YONCI‘E SI‘ALET. UHENTSfittMBMBLES , 'I‘OMBSII‘ONES, fact Twentiy Per Cent Cheaper Pat" THAN ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT. THE UNDERSIGNIED Assignees of the estate of D. C. & VV.MY’ALIVC. willcou- [tune the business under the suporiritendeujcc Of our duly cuthorizod agents, AUSTIN A’BB‘EY and D, CanLos VALE, whose receipt 'will be duly acknowledged. 1’,S.â€"'All notes and accounts remaining titr- paid on the 1st day of June. 1858, will be put into Court for collection, V a.â€" . 7 -‘"(’:..I1YALE, G. CUMMER. Toronto, April. 29, 1859. 48-tf. _ DR. R, w. HILLARY, PHYSICAN, SURGEth a. ACCOUCHEUB, AU term, cw. February 17'. 1861). 64 1y P V 1 V, _ y '. Hfifil‘ltSS Frill] SHOE BLACKING. ‘ V. El.f.’S Superior VVaterproofIlarriesri . u “and Shoo Blocking igwgrranted,lo soften leather, and renter it important: to wet. Manu- factured at.,Ricl,rin01rd. Ilili,,a_nd sold by Store- keepers and Harness Makers throughout the Province. 'Fé,.y y ’ 3.51 G3-tf o." E. "SEYMOUR, II 011i (EOPATH IO PHYSICIAN, on. MAIN ST.. NEV‘VMARKET, U.C. 65-1 DR. L. L‘ANG‘STAFF, ‘ ‘ 'PR INGIVIILL. ‘ 3'doors west of King Post Office. King, May 13. 1859. 241v HUGH CAMPBELL, “latch and Clock Maker, JEWELER, 65c. Yonge Street, Aurora- Jewelrv, “latches and Clocks repaired and cleaned on the shortest notice and lowestterms Aurora. February 17, 1860. Gil-t! MATHESGN 86 FITZGERALD, fitterneys-atéLaW, SOLICITORS il‘l CIIANCICILY, &c. orrrcs :,- CORNER OF KING AND TORONTO STREETS Over Whiimore do Co’s. Booking Ofiico, TORONTO Age cry PartzcularlyIntended l0. JAMES Frrzcrtaum 31-tf THOMAS e. MATHESON. Toronto, July I, 15.19, DENTISTRY! w.'c. ADAMS. D. {3.78. Surgeon Dentist, 09 KING 51‘. EAST, SOUTH SIDE, THIRD Deon wrzsr Frto'iu crrvrtcri ,sr‘. .Toitoti'ro, PARTICULAR attention given to the regu- lation of Children’s 'fcclh. Consultation free, and all work warranted. Dr. A. has turned his attention to the III]! proverrretrtsgof his profess-ion in all its branches,” and can t.“".}ll_V the i‘ii‘ofession with Teeth. Gold, Vulcanized Apparatus. and Vulcauite Rubber, and the best Bone tilting. Mineral Teeth mounted on Gold, Silver, or Vulcanized Rubber, With Continuous Gums. which are warranted to give entire satisfaction. Toronto, October 11, 1560. 49-13; VVI‘LLIS, 3rd Con. Whit: . i 1.. l l Charic’s Duran d, if ARRISTER iandmATTORNEY,â€"0flice, corner ‘of Adelaide'aud’ Yonge Streets, 'la’ofotito, w111"attcridrto S'uitsiu all;1he SLEPEI‘LQI' Courts of Law. Chancerv and .County Court : Division Courts, , y , ..Deeds, Leases. ‘Mnrtgageo. and every de- j . . .~ . , ,5; ,egription of C0nveyaucing drawn pp with care. Al‘s“? ESAX‘UQEiN BARB maybe: and at reasonable prices. ' ’ Letters post paid attended to, Toronto. November 20, 1860. RICHMON D IIILL icon FOUNDRY. _' H. HALL EGS to notify the Public that he has leased the‘Foundr-v. lately in the occupation of Ira B. Richmond, where he" intends to 'keep‘ constantly on hand, ' 1 IRON BEAM FLOWS; Of various-descriptions, also, Stigar {Kettlem .5. I Box Steves. &c.-, the. - - All‘k‘inds of Plow points for sale, audall kinds of Job Workattended to. All work warranted. Richmond Hill. Oct. 25th, 1660. 955m.- ca-«.. H. 'Husbanct, . <U S Ilotel. Richmond Hill, the Fitts'r'and Tiririu MONDAY of every month, and, the re- nraliltl‘cf of the month at his residence Thol‘lllllll. All WeikVVttrrautod. Teeth filled with Osteoplertlc or Artificial Boneâ€"This filling is put into the Teeth while ‘ soft. causing no pain, as it‘require‘s no pressure, tort-thin LUSE MCKENZIE‘S in 3.. _ , m... .V ' ‘ t R... ~ . - ~ ~ ~ 0 “WV.” .. mm“. . a“... V , â€"â€"â€"-â€" USE McKENZIE’S‘. - 3, also. on request. to Country Business: ll"? U'SE.§MKENZIE7S UsE M‘cKENZ‘iE’S‘ - - r use MCKENZIn’s ' USE McKENZlES ‘ _ ‘ DEAD 1.311012. ' DEAD DEAD: snottj . DEA D, Vsnd'r DEAD snot" snow WORM canny, " worm CANDY, ~â€" ‘WO R M C AND Y ,. WORM CANDY, wort-u CAN DY, RGEON Deirtis-t, will be at Nicholl’s :WORMV CANDY, FOR. CHILDREN. FOR CHILDREN. , FQR CHILDREN. roe CHILDREN. it soon becomes as hard as the tooth to which , tt firmly adheres, rendering it almostimpossible i for the filling ever to come out. Dr. Husband has made arrangementu with Mr. G. L. Elliot, of Toronto, to manufacture his Artificial Teeth ; those who engage Doctor Husband to (to their work will be sure of travâ€" ing it done in a superior irranner, JulyS, 1859.' GENUINE mum motions. M. B. MOREHOUSE & CO, ' Importers & V‘Vholosale Dealers in 32:13“ BEG leave to call the attention ofthe citiâ€" _ ‘ zeus of the United States to their Pure Wines and Liquors, put up under their own supervision. for Family and Medicinal use. iii cases assorted to suit custmners.- Clubs, Military and other public bodies, who require -to-'purchase in large or small quantities, in masks or bottles, will he liberally dealt with.â€" ~l’rice list sent on application. i k Rccommeneed by the first Physicians as the . ‘ebility, and all Nervous Diseases. As a beveragehit is pure, wholesome, and delicrous to the taste. V Sold by all Druggists. W M. B. MOREIIOUSE Sb CO, Prop’rs. 31% 5 Exchange Place. - Jersey City. N. J. P.S.-The subscribers wish to engage a few active men, as Local and Travelling Agents for their house, to whom. liberal inducemean wilt be offered. For particulars, address as above. NOTICE. 1 . B/IRS. R. RODGERS begs leave to intim- 'RO ate that she designs to open a class. on Monday the. 1st of October next, to give Les= sons in the following branches ; \Vaxflo'wer, Grecian and Velvet Painting, Pencil Drawtng, lVater Colors, Leather \Vork, arrd..tho Various kinds of Embroidery; ' 1 1 [13’ For terms, see cards. Richmond Hill, Sept. 20, 1860. 95-3iu Genera]. @eore, AT AURORA. ,V . HE Subscriber has constantly on hand a General Assortment of GROCERIES: HARDWARE, PROVISIONS, é’cc. PLAs-TER END SAL T, Alwavs on hand, and for sale on the most favorable terms. &c. &c. WM; smrrn. Aurora. June 141, 1860. ~ 81-tt' Lamarâ€"038nm EXCHANGE. TUE Subscriber offers for Sale, on very reasonable terms, till ltlll 11.1111 1 Situated in the following Townships :â€" SoniervillemCounty of Victoria, Bexleyâ€"Courrty of Victoria, I SydonhamfiCouuty of Grey, Ainabelâ€"County of Bruce. J For a portion of these Lands superior de- scription of Farm Stock will be taken in ex- change. For further particulars apply to G. J. F. PEARCE... Iicnmond llill, P.O. Canada West. 'June 1,1860. 79-tf ..____. AN EXCELLENT FARM F00 SLLE. 10 ACRES, 80 Cleared. 20 miles from Toronto,and three-quarters of a mile from the Kingston Road. Well watered. Good Buildings and in a a good state of cultivation. For further particulars apply to DR. 'WINS'I‘ANLEY, ;Eglington, Yonge Street. October 4, 1860. 97-3111 LANâ€"AD for sALE OR TO EXCHANGE. 10 ACRES OF LAND in the Town- ship of Sunuidale, couirtylufSirncoe, being west half of Lot No. 4, in the 6th con: Cassion. Also, 100 Acres in the same Town- ‘ strip, bding west half of Lot No. 7, in the 8th veoirceSsiou. ' valuable I’iire Timber, and lies within half a mile of the Sunnidale Station on the Northern , Railway. , For further particulars apply to the proprie- kl tor ofthe “ York Herald. ” Office, Richmond u Hill. June 22, 1860. 82-h at Goons ’ - Richmond Hill, Sept 26, 1860. The above property is covered withvei'y" FOR CHILDREN. FOR cinnnrtun. The most pleasant, safest- andiefl'ectual \Vorm Medicine extant, " and the cheap- est ,” Only 15 cents per package. 5 50 cents for fdu‘r packages. Sold by every dealcr in medicine TRY IT ONCE. Genuine, has the signature of it. McKANZIE, Mn; . .;L: f ._.~r NEW mam. massâ€" ? no . â€"â€"â€".â€"_._ audio::Medltall . ,i s: igjt- : _: #2.»: Establish‘edr'for-tlie‘cure of‘ i’si‘l‘fit‘éla fidri'NrfiitALI DEBII tr“ [lyrnvnitfimufi “ 4 Y AGUISQ,;..IAS'1‘HMA~-i « » ,.INCIPIE'Ns'r.cousUML" ‘ron; V censunri‘tox~t-om YOUTH: min on) Act, are? No =Mereu1-y- Used; » - H. "x r u .» 1 ; ’5 P V QUAYstj‘sf .Billfi'a‘lo, New. York, .V. Physi‘lciausin the State who the only. I , are met ers. of thefR‘ova'l ‘Cdllego Of Stir eonsploondon. ' (Maybe éo‘iisulte'd from'B olégckiin the ifldrii’itig’iiii'tilifl at‘rtight,‘in every attirejudfsyiiiptoi‘n‘pf‘diséasél ’ ' ’ " ‘ ,i'l‘lioflrojatr‘hen‘t{hey a‘do’ptis'tho result of lip-‘ wardsofthir‘ty‘yeai‘s’:extbiisrvo audieuccossful i Bettina! PetersenArtistes- _ _‘ t «sateen-soiuwmtdxrwttnrion, ' J? 'V"‘.-'.-§‘ I-v"«»'..< ' 1‘; " i -« r 0 ~ An iiist‘rumeiit'for the cure of Genital Debt- lity,‘of Nocturnal Emissions, morefpro'perlv‘ ‘and superior to any ktroWrt‘as'Seririiia‘l' Weakiressf doc. 'C'hll’ be perniaiteptly . tired in front 15 to 20 days, by the use of ’tli‘ s instrument, when used con- jointlywwith medicines. ' YOUNG MEN 'rAKiii PARTICULAR NOTICE. ‘ "Dr. 'Amos &‘ Sou trike pressure In anhou‘nc- ing that. they have‘invented a 'most important i‘ustrutnentfbr’tlie‘cure ‘of the above diseases. It has been subjected to a. test of the most ein- lColics, Worms in Children, .IS‘iltlnsiiryt? ,; gildeit‘oh applicatidn, pbst .LONG. ‘. ‘" diam-nu .' 4.....é..~,>,-Im‘ it: ,p, p . 333 was 3 r 7.3,, > “"1 . .w. > _ is "satisfi- 011; Easy TerEE-Qf: Payment: ‘3’6'5‘GOO‘ Asia-eat, " ’ VITUA’I'RDdu’ the counties of Linguine} 1 .Kitn'r. "All necessaryiiifoi-niatioit‘will Br‘ paid, to " “ v ‘ LMILES LANG‘STAFF.» r I - ' Wallaceburghéx "Alsofso'me improved FARMS to RENT. v ' Wallaceburgh,Nod.;?4,a‘1859r 52-1? Good Health ‘ and Long Life: LIFE 151’; r A-ro warrnn'tettnot to contain any Mercury These Pillsare composed of the mostisFIpéi Drugs, and being'purely vog‘etable, candid .taken at any season of the year if' necessary, withjafety and without. fear of taking cold It! exposure,» which renders them .of great value other medicine ever-"ye! offered to thepublic. 'I'he satisfactory and flu“ t'eriitg testimonials irecei'Ved-hythe Proprietor, has advertise these irt’vatuablh Pills. that the public may .be convinced of q simple and emeticiousuemedy, is” alone sutlici,‘ ent to’subduoian'd cure the ordinary si'ckuesn of this country, such an Pains in the Head. .1th and Loius, all Nervous Disorders, Dyspepsiaf'o!’ Indigestion, Sorcncss of the Threat, Cramps. and other'diior‘o inent physicians in‘ London. Paris. Philadelphia ders, wliiclt'will be found on the wrapperwttli and New York rhit has been declared the only" instructions for taking them. useful instruriietlt'ever yet invented for thb cure of‘Sernin‘al weakness, or any disease of the genital orgaifs,'causcd by the secret habits of youth. ,_ Dru'Amos &_ Son, in order to satisfy the most skeptical'astgithe merits of their instru- ment, pledge themseIVes that in any instance Where it may 'prov‘eunsatisfactory, after a fair trial, the money will be refunded by returning the instrument in goodorder. ' ‘ ' Persons \vislringit‘he above useful instrument. will observe that the price, with the accom- panying directions, ‘ scourer packed, and sent by mail 'or oxpressfls ten dollars. I NEW REMENI'ES AND QUICK CERES'fiA' CURE * ’ ' Ii W'A'RRAIVI‘ED'» ‘Dr, Amos 6: Son have, for a long series of years, been engaged in an extensive practice Glasgow. iii the treatment of these delicate complaints, NOR'I‘lIltOP& LYMAN, New_castle..(l.;W., «were the only legally qualified‘rrhrsicihns CA R'l‘Ett, KERRY & COV grumpy“; C‘wa why now advertise to cure certain complaints. Brand’ies,‘Wines, Grins Segars, are UénoralWholssalo Agents: for tire Canadas. ENTERE s’T’. FARMERS?" or from whom he obtained. -., Persons inany part efrthe/ worldrmay'bo sitc- cessfully, treated by. forwardinga correct {detail of their cases, witha remittance for medicines, genuine European romedcs Can I THE Subscriber begs to intimate to. the 9&5” which tvill be "returned with the utmost Farmers of the Count)- of York. may he "dispatch and secure‘from observation. is prepared to Manufacture and Sell._ I tittitit intuit OLD MOREI‘IO UTSE BITTERS, With the improved Draft and Couplingjrons, r g7 - .V Ui- g V_ y The above I’larrows are far superior to may best, remedy known for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, .1191? I" 1180. being! made 0“ 21“ Glltll‘e 116W principle. Thev will he found to do the work much quicker and better than any other Her? ' rows. Specimens of the above may be seen and particulars as to price ascei'taiiied,~by 'ap- plying to the Subscriber, at his strep, Richmond Hill, who will ptinctually attend to all'ordcrs. SAMUEL SANDERSON”; Richmond Hill, Feb. 24,1860. 5-tf Advertisement. 7. , £.i.s,.,'§ ' hereby bear testimoiw; that I new; tried SANDICRSVON’S ROTATING HAR- WS. on my summer fallotv,'last Saturday. and Monday. and have foundthem until all ‘that Mr. Sanderson represents them ' to be. They are NOT of any heavier draft "than the common barrow, and do the work to my ht'inost satisfaction. I confidently recommend them to all who require implements of the kind. ' RICHARD VANDERBURGII Richmond Hill. June 20, 1860. a Familiar Medicines ' FOR SA LI: BY ' C Druggiet & Dentist," f, ' AURORA. .- Helloway’s Ointment lFalmestock’s ‘Dr. E. Hope’s Mag do fuge -. i , I Dr. Trask’s do dollndian Worm Tea. Ur. VVilson’s Veg dol R R R Remcdys . Harrison’s Electric do-,1’,l),avis’ Rain Killer Morehe‘ad‘s Mag plae’si-Btigg’s Mag Relief Ayer’s Pills British Oil, -- ~ Morse-ls, In Root do Harlem da- Sir 'A'shley Cooper’séStone , do AAnti-hil do ISpike do ‘1 Mo'ffatt’ Life do Black do " Child’s Sov Balm Eng White do Settles" do do Peer ll’lan’s'Anitiibil} ', Mayor’s Long Life ~ D.r.;1‘liinney-’s Family > der.‘ . . Moil'att’s I’tienix Bit ‘Sopor’s Salve Hootland’. German Bit‘ Iiigyptian .(lo ‘Db‘ ' Balsamic Ear,»Essences of all kinds Foltit’siAhrfii-ifiimei . r Lurgwort Skin"Diseiasea Kermott’s Tonic Mix Lloyd's Eye VValer Wistor’ pulmonic syrup' Lloyd’s Horse lfg’uflérs Syrup of Iloarhound Lloyd’s, Cotisentrated Boyer’s galvanic fluid , OS of Jamaica ginger Fowler’s ext of Straw- Lloyd’s German horse berry Lotion Godfrey’s Cordial . Lloyd’s Cough Syrup Pirtoman’s I’ect Dr'opleloyd’s Tooth Powder I’aregoric ~ ‘ LIOyd’s'I‘oothac‘he Spe- Sir '1‘ Keating’s Cough citic Lozengers for Cholera Morbus, Diarrhoea, &c‘. Lloyd's Eurekaâ€"a grand disceverv : If people knew its genuine worth, Diseases would be scarce on earth ; Then. why should people pain endure? When they can find a perfect cure. 0;?” Prescriptions I Accurately Compoundcal Aurora, June 1860. 81 Valuable Property for IZ: 'G3Acres,v23 of which is timbered, 40 Acres under Cultivation. . Several l’A RK LOTS with timber thereon. Also, VILLAGE I’ROI’ERTX-T with" or Without Buildings. ' ‘ ‘ The above property is situated at, and ad- joining to, the Village of Richmoaad H111. For further particulars apply at the Office of this paper. 96-tf E. a‘. OHELSEY, STOCK BROKER. Laird .9: Municipal Agent, 650. No. ‘29 Anne Street, or Box 54'. P.O, ,Quehec.‘ REFERENCES: Sherifi' Jarvis, Hon. George Sherwood, lion. 1’. M, Vankougtiuet; C, .1. Campbell, Esq. T. Woodside, Esq. Messrs. VGilmeur, Coulson & Co, Angus Morrison. ‘M.I’,I’, Toronto; Messrs. Mills, Mattice {in Co, Montreal; lion. James Patton, Barrio; James Webster, Esq. Guelph. 0.7-1; Vermi’ :4 Schneider’s eye water fâ€" * Kennedy‘s; 'IVBi'rpéI’bw- ‘- Judson’s CherryandiLlord’s Ointment for' Address Dr. Amos 61.8053, corner Martin and 887i)' .V y . ritILwattth-tm, ‘. 3 . "' ‘ EG’S to iiitiriiate that ho is new prepared to “erect MILLS ef‘ ever-y description, by . contractor gotherwise, on reasonable terms' lie is also agent for the best Foundries in Cat-D nada. andfrom his lengthened eitporieuce he ‘ hopes to give general satisfaction, Rhona, 1360.23, 1859 » I: 15“ Quebec. tl‘orernutent Agency. BUSINESS connected with the CROWN ~ LAND and other Public Departments artteri‘dcdtofir also, . ,1 . ’atcnts for Inventions, -. securedbythe‘Subscxiber.I,‘ ._ . _ Addregs, prepaid. i E. ICIIRSLE‘Y, . N ' No,t29A'niie'Streot, ‘I ‘” ' . ~ - Quebec. Quebec, March 6, 1860, ~67-tf ,, on the INSTANT RELIEF mammâ€" W MANENT CURE of this distressing poiirplamt its-p naive; To , S ,' L L pROtyQHIAL CtGARETTEs‘i 4 Price, 25 Cents each Box. Sold by, Druggists and general Storekeeporl, whoare requested not to'purchase of travelling: Agar-taunt I . 4 V - - ‘ V= . THOMAS 'MAYOR. . Officeâ€"Victoria. Square; Manufactory-nflh Can. Markham. 4 ' I Our Musical Friend. - u Ur. MUSICAL FRIEND,” :1 am- ‘ 'Com’panion for the Winter Month's. ' Every Pianist, Should procure thii Every Singer, woekly Publication of Every Teacher, .-Voccl and Piano Forte Every Pupil, Music, costing but 10 E 'ery ‘Am'atcur, cents a number, and Pronounced by the entire l’res‘s ofthe country, . ,_ to be p “ THE BEST? AND-:‘CI‘I'EAPES’I‘ ,WORX , OFVJL'IUQ KIND 1N Tl‘lélil...WQRLDT’V’ . Twelve fully-sized Pages; of Vpcal and Piano 3 l Forte Musio‘fo‘r 10,Conts. I I Yearly,$5 ; Ilalf-yeariyflr‘l St) ;' Quai'ter‘l)'$1.25 Subscriber to “ Our Musical Friend.”,9r order it from the nearest Newsdeaier, and you will liavo'Music for your entire t'ariiilydt an insignificant cast; and it' you want Music fd’r the-Flute, Violin, Cornet, Clarionet, Accérdioh ' &c. 619 subscribe to the , ' Solo Melodie-st, - Containing 12 pages, costing only 10 Cent‘s A number; Yearly, $2 50 ; Half-yearly, $1 525. All back numbers at. 10, cts.. andBouttd‘ Volumes. “containing 17 numbers, at $9 50 each, constantly on hand.’ ‘ ' c. B. SEYMOUR .15 Co.: ‘ 107'Nassau St,. New York. sin-e run-ct r Fire tit .' 1 W E .‘ ’1‘ E R N Fire Insurance Cotflmlly of 'I‘oron to. ‘ ' I 'tscourortu‘nn pr ACT or PARLIAMENT. :1 0.9191le STOCK, £100,000. , 1. C. GILMOR, Pres. | GEO. Mrcmx,Vico Prop. . .-........ DIRINTQBS i. H . . Rice Lewis. Esq. 'I‘hos, flaworth. Es, , James lleaty, Esq: ’3 Wf Henderson, Eé ; T, 1’. Robarts, Esq. W. Macfarlano, Esq. M. Rossin, Esq.‘ I = " i - Bernard I-laldan, Esq. Secretary & Treasurer. Angus Morrison. Esq. Solicitor. Iiank ofUpper Canada. Bunkers. Benjamin Switzcr, Esq. Inspector. U'Hehd Qflicc, C/mrc/r: Street, Toronto." Trrts COMPANY Iiistt'r‘es alldescriptions“l Made by :AC_ SEYMOUR & C0” “,7 Buildings,h‘Ianufactories.Mills,&c..and Goods Nassau Str'eet.IN.Y. Price $1. per box; sent free by post.» Forfialeat all Druggists. ATENT Eaveu'f‘rptiglisaiid \Vatoi Spouts . j superior :to' tip, ptit up at 6 cents per foot ; .also,‘ Drain Pipes, Seasoned Siding, Ladders, :Sliiifglos, Picket Gates", \VaggOiii‘Fel- élo'v'vs aiid‘Ifubs‘, Barrel Heading, and Turning in general Mariul’abturod and‘for sale‘by .10 H N LA u'cs’r A r F, STEAM Mums, 'I'trottsnri.t.. June 3,1859; ' ‘QZâ€"tf .J' .. [ .â€" Q l’lllilll Mill. MAYOR’S CONDITION PHYSIC AND WORM DE’STROYER. Basairos Cam. Mixtureâ€"4:111 etcelleiitrehredy' 'r THIS Splendid medicine can‘ be given in one Ball at any time of the year, without injury to the Horse, and has been used by the Farmers of Markham fer the last two Years with a success unprrcederrted. By the use of this remedy it Will convince the owners of that noble animal the incensistency of an unneces- sary outlay by using Artificial food' or Condition Powders, which are too well_known to COlltalll' minerals highly injurious to the membrane or coating of the Stomach. The Ball is a compound of Pure Vegetabo, and warranted not to contain either Mercury, Arsenic, Anti- mony or any other Mineral. ts immediate action is surprising and the ultimate effect has astonished thousands. 1f the Animal is out of sorts, there'is a cause remove that and he is all right. One dose at the cost of 2‘: cents is sufficient to cure Ilide Bound, Loss of Appe‘ Lite, Coughs. Colds and Fever, Distempert Grease.andl ‘ Stoppage of VVator, Swelled Legs, is a complete Destroyer of Worms, a gre‘atpu‘rin' fyer ofthe Blood, and a good Physic, aIWays rccpmmended to be given in the Spring and Fall, which willact as a pretien‘tive and im- prove the general condition. li-Eak’es him corn- pletcly tip to the mark for his work, thereeby giving every satisfaction the owner can require. Testimonials of the highest character will be forwarded to testify to the above if required. Cash Terms-Oue Dollar per packet containing four Balls. , Letters prepaid enclosing a remitteiiCc. will be promptly attended to., Printed Directions wrapped round cat-h Hall with my signature in full. Without which none other are genuine. Ofiiceâ€"d-Victoria Square, lVIanufactoryâ€"Ilth concession M arkh am , ,Tho and Furniture, in the same, against loss ordain- age by rrre‘, on liberal terms. Losses promptly gsettled.‘ I V A. LAW, Residence, . , I ,Gei‘ieralng’oltt. Richmond Ilill August 13. 1857. ‘ {1.0-1 ‘0 t “V lit in that IS PUBLISHED - EVERY “FRIDAY MORNING, And despatched to Subscribers by the earliest m ails, or.‘ other conveyance, when so desired YORK HERALD will alivays ‘ be be found'to contain the lat'estand m'ostimptjr- taut Foreign and Provincial News and Mill'- kets, alndlthe greatest icare ivillbe taken'to render it acceptable,totlieinauof busirreSs, and a valuable Fairiin Newspaper. H TERMSâ€"SavenVand SixpenceperAnnum, IN ADVANCE; and if not paid wit-him "fit 1" Months two dollars-will be charged. RATES or ADVERTISING :. .Six linesanid- under, first insertion. . . . .$00 5‘0 Each subsequent insertion . . . . . . . . . . . 00 19;“- I‘en litres and under, first insertion. a... . 00 75}. Above ten lines, first in., per line.... 00 07 Each subsequentinsertiou, perline. . . . On 02 0;? Advort‘is‘emer‘ifs without written direct tions inserted till forbid, and charged accord-r iiigly. All transitory advertisements, from strangertr' or irregular customers, must be paid for when- 'hauded in for insertion. A liberal discount will be made to parties ad-r vertising by the year. All advertisements published for alerts pe‘-‘ riod than one month, must be paid for in ad-r Vance.- All letters addressed to the Editor must be' post paid. No paper discontinued u-ntilallarrearages are‘ paid : and parties refusing papers without pay-r iiig up, will be Ireld accountable forthe sub!- scription. _ TUE YORK HERALD ‘ Book an (1 Job Printing? ESTABLISII‘IENT. ' " . . RDERS for any of the urider-inent‘ionedl description (if PLAIN audFANCY JOB WORK will bepromptl-y attended to :â€"--i- ‘4 riooxs, FABNEY mus, nosruuss CARDS, LARGE“ A‘in SNI'A'LL POSTERS,CIRCULARS,LAW roan-s. BILL HEADS,BANK cnncxs,nnAr’r‘s,.t-up PAMP BLE 'I‘ 5. And every other kind of LETTERâ€"PRESS, PRINTING done in the beststyle, at moderate rates. Our-assortment of JOB‘ TYPE is entirely ! THOMAS .MAYOR , new and of the latest patterns. A large variety The only maker of the Original Yorkshirel Uritl‘ield Oils in America. 60 of new Fancy Type and Borders, for Cards, Circulars, 6rd. kept always on hand.

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