Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 21 Dec 1860, p. 3

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" attempted toybe supported. ' siblc that three of the other :udges may V - If“? t I“ .‘._..-~.L__ . Arnivall of the Etna. - The screw steamer Etna. Captain Kennedy. arrived at Now York on 'l‘uesday, from Liver- p‘nol via Quecnston. ‘ Captain Kennedy loft Liverpool on the 5th instant, and Queenston .onuthe evening of the Gth, bringing English papers four days later than previously received. The Bohemian. it will be remembered brought telegraphic accounts via Londonderry, one day I liter. .‘Thetcase of Irwin versus Lever, in which the'plaiiitiffseeks to recover from Mr. Lever compensation for sorvices in promoting the for- .linatiOn of the Galway line, was again brought ‘or'e the public in the Court of Common Pleas,‘;.‘1‘he defendant pleaded '° never in- Pdetiited," The plaintiff was nonsuited. i,;Tliesupplementary convention to the com- mercial treaty between France and England is published, in extenso. The articles enumer- atedi‘n- the tariff comprise taxible fabrics com- posed of flux, cotton_ wool, silk, vegetable fa- ...brics, also chemical products and dyestuffs, gland and crystal wars, earthenware, pottery, The London the; geceiitinessage of Governor Brown, of “It treats the document as a preposv- islet-oils:centposition, and in parts more like a than a serious State paper. It con- Oltidos as follows .â€"- ' Times devotes an editorial to ,,,,tԤ__,,Sucli, are the anspices under which the Southern States are asked to destroy the Union, which has lasted eighty years, and given them aplace among the first nations of the earth.â€"- Thettorld Will judge for itself what are the chances of a federaticn in which Govorntr grown shall be a. loading spirit.” A banquet was given on the 3rd instant, in lthe Theatre at Limerick, to about 80 membes of the Irish Brigade which figured in the re- cent campaigi. iii the Papal States. The dc. monstratiou was attended with much thusiasm . AA fearful eprOSion had occurred in the Ris- osa‘ coal mines, near Newport, Wales, entaiiiing the loss of about 170 en- lives. Opening the safety lamps to obtain lights for pipes is belie- Ved (to have been the cause of the explosion. ' Sir Henry Marsh the eminent Dublin Phyo :sician, died suddenly on the 2d, from apoplexy A letter from Dr. Livingston to the Bishop of Oxford, dated Senna, April 17, has been just received and published. FRANCE. The Manitsitr annou nces that M. Baroche, President of the Council of State, having the Tank of Minister. takes the title of minister ‘withOut a portfolio. I The new Cabinet met for the first time on lst inst. The Emperor arrived from Cani- ,piegne for the purpose of presiding. " Count Persigny had presented his letters of recall to the Enaiish Court, and had returned to Paris. The Monitcur editorially notices the warm .reception extended to the Empress Eugenie in England, and says that such manifestations 0 lot but draw closer the ties which ll id the tw/a'nations. The apprehension of a monetary crisis in Paris had subsided. The bullion in the Bank efFrance during the last week is said to have increased by fifteen million francs. The pastoral of the 'I'rchhishop of Paris con- cerning the Pope had been re ad in the churches of that capita‘, and was considered remarkable for its moderation. A despatch from Paris announces that the "Emperor had granted permission fora Baltir more battalion to visit France fully accontred in the coming spring. Marshall Vailliant had been created Mini- eter of the Emperor’s Household. It is stated that no one was aware [of the Emperor’s-purpose respecting the decree rela- ‘tive to the constitution till he revealed the (luv cument to his astonished Ministers in Council, where it met with some opposition. GREAT b‘IEE'l‘ING IN THE ST. LAWRENCE LALL. JUDGEMET OF THE QUEEN’S BENCH REP ‘ VERSED. (From the Globe.) .~ :The meeting in St. Lawrence Hall last ,night to give expression to the public feel- ing on the extradition case, was one Of the largest and most enthusiastic we have ever been in Toronto. Hindreds Were compell- ed to leave the Hall unable to find room even to stand. The right was very wet, .and, therefore, but few of the gentler sex were presvnt. The audience consisted al- lost wholly of men, embracing every rank m1 class, from the wealthy merchant to the humble labourer. Jllayor Wilsonlpre- sided. -On the platform Were the leading clergyinen of the city, several lawyers, inter/chants, .and professional men. The (speecheshwere all admirable, some more than-usually eloquent. They were receir- ed-with enthusiastic applause. especially of our country as an asylum for the fugitive ' slave; The occasion is a great one, and we , trust the other cities and towns in Canada will follow the example of Toronto. The probabilities are that the Court of Appeal will. reserve the decision of the Queen’s Bench, for every lawyer of standing whose ‘ Opinion We hare heard, is dissatisfied with it and with the reasoning by which it is But it is pos- ngree with the Chiefzustice and :udge Burns, in which event it will be necessary to carry the case further. Public opinion as Mr. Cameron said at the meeting is the highest tribunal to which an appeal can be made in a question affecting human rights, and that tribunal must speak out; it must be made to tell uponthe Government and, if need be, upon the Legislature. “ Britons :‘Lnever will be slaves,” nor the catchers of slaves! Tun BOOT Ant) Snot: BUSinrss.â€"-The menu. facturors of boots and shoes at Lynn, Marble- head, Natick, and other large manufacturing jewns, are doing scarcely anything at the pre~ sent time. . A I’ninrxa’s EXEMPTION Bunâ€"Jn the Vermont Legislature a bill has been offered to exempt from attachment a printer’s outfit, not to exceed $1,200. -. t a 4'. v. . .. -, ., . ,‘:.c‘,___..,.,,-._. 5-35. _,',_ AMERICAN AFFAIRS. Matters are getting serious at \Vash‘ ington. The violence of the South is stiffening the backbone of the North, and even Western Democrats are beginning to talk of coercing the South into sub- mission. It is probable that the entire North, Democrat. and Republican, will soon be united on a policy. It is plain to every one that at present, at least, the South do not desire peace; that they are determined to go out of too Union at all hazards. Even Mr. Crittenden, Con- servative Keiituckian as he is, thinks that his State must go with the South, if con- cessions are not made which no Northern man will grant. General Case’s resggna- tion adds to the cortihsion, and it must be conlesscd that the danger of disunion is imminent. The Conservative Spirit of the South may be awakened in time to prevent the split, but it does not appear likely at present. The South thinks there is no safety for slavery within the Union, and we are very much inclined to coincide in that view. It remains to be seen whether slavery “’1” be any safer outsiderâ€"Globe. EXTENSIVE Finns IN BUFFALO.â€" Three fires occurred in Buffalo on Sunday morning. One Was inconsidcrable. A n- OIIIt‘I‘ resulted in the burning of the public house kept by Burrus & Dickey, for ac- commodation of drorcrs, in connection with their cattle yards on Elk street, and known as the ‘* Lamb place.” There were twenty persons in the house at the time, two of whom, Mr. Phineas Dickey and 31% Burns, were burned to death. Se- veral oftlie remaining eighteen wrrs in- juried in various parts of the body, princi- pally by jumping out: of the windows. The third and last fire which Occurred dc- stroyed the interior of the Fire Engine Home on South Division street, formerly occupied by \Vashington Engine Co. 5. and latterly assigned to the steamer C. We’ls. GARIBALDI Aim THE Vsnc'rtitxs.-'l'lie fol- lowing is an extract from a Turin letter of the 11th : ‘0 The Venetian emigrants. whose num- bers increase daily, have organized committees in every large town. The principal one is at Turin, and last evening it held a meeting at- tended by all its members. After some discus- sion on administrative matters, of no interest to any but the persons concerned, one of the members proposed Garibaldi as honorary presi- dent of the committee. The motion was re- ceived with unbounded applause, and adopted unanimously. It was also decided to transmit the minutes of the sitting to all the local com- mittee, with the request that they also would appoint the ox-Dictator of the Two Sicilies their honorary Pi'esi' out. The proposition will be rocoived elsewhere as it has been here ; and in loss than a week Garibaldi will be the honorâ€" ary President of all the Venetian refuges resid- ing in the States of King Victor Emmanuel. A depu.ation has been named to carry to Cap- rei'a the announcement of this vote, and an address. A Rossun Norton or NitwsrAers.â€"Count Burg, the Russian Governor of Finland, has issued the subjoinedt ‘ I'Ielsingfors, Aug. 28 â€"Siuce the cdmmencenieut of the troubles which are now agitating Italy, the journals pub- , lished in the Finn language have given copious d.tails of them. But as I am of opinion that the people of Finland cannot derive much ad- vantage fi'om the knowledge of events of this kind, and that the editors of the Finn journals would do well to fill their columns with more instructive articles,1 beg (f you to direct the censors only to a'low to be published on the Italian question, in neWSpapers (instilled for the people, opinions in accord with the principles of order and morality, and with the sentiment of duty of an obedient peoplr.’ The 1038 of life and property during the gale and snow storm, that swept the lakes on Satur- day the 24th November, was immense. The Buffalo Commercial. Advertiser says that no such wind and storm has visited that City in twenty- five years. The Buffalo, Cleveland and De- troit papers are filled with accounts of wrecked sailing and steam vessels, on lakes Ontario and Erie-â€"-castward bound vessels loaded with pro- duce, and westward bound vessels loaded with merchandise. The wreck of Rho propeller Dacota, on which Captain Cross was lost, was found near Sturgess Point, one half of the en- tire bottom being landed high and dry on the beach, all peifem. The Times predicts serious results for France if the present financial policy and lavish ox- ponditure be not checked. The I’era takes to the East £174,000,of which £78,000 is in gold The Morning Herald says that in the letters front Paris it is stated that the drain of bullion is occasiouing excitement. Through the ex- lstiiig position of affairs, the populace are. taking alarm, and, as usual nndorsuch circumsmncos, hoarding is daily practised to a considerable ex- tent. '1‘he Daily News says that the French advices announce that the question of afresh rise in the rate of discount of the Bank of France has been adjourned by the Council of that establishment and! Mopdav. WW SPECIAL NOTICES. WWW CHALLENGE l CHALLENGE I To ALL wnon 1T trAv CONCERN.â€"â€"It is a noted fact that all \Vorm Medicine falls into insigni- ficance compared with McKenzie’s Dead Shot Worm Candystick. It far surpasses the ex- pecta'ions of every one. It gives new life and vigor to the fretful, emaciato and sickly child. It not only eradicates every species of worms, but it cleanses the whole system from all im- purities. The extensive sale of this Worm Candy is sufficient proofof its efficacy. There are scores of Worm Medicines in Canada, yet, it has been ascertained, on reliable information that the sale of the Dead Shot Worm Candy- stick is one-third more than all the others com- bined. It is sold by every dealer in medicine for 15 cents; four packages for half-a-dollar.-â€" See advertisement in another column. To Consumptives. HE Advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered Several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumptionâ€"is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used {free of charge), with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sum: Conn FOR Ct-nsunrrtou, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, &c. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted. and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try ‘his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburgh, Kings County, New York. ‘x-u-u- .. ., f . TORONTO MARKETS. THURSDAY, December 20. Fall Wheat,-â€"-â€"3000 bshls was the extent of the The prices paid for the best samples were from $1 10 supply which soldat the following prices. to $1 14 nor bshl. Spring Wheatâ€"1,5250 bshls in market, which sold at from $0 85 to $0 02 per hshl. ‘Barley.â€"â€"â€"sold at from 50 to 550. Peas.â€"-150 bshls went off at 48 and 52c per bshl. Oatsâ€"at 24 and 26c per hshl. flayâ€"is from $11 to $15 per ton, Straw $8 to $9 per ton. Floatâ€"Superfine No. 2 sold at $6 5 to $6 ‘25, No 1, $4 to $4 80 ; Fancy (Spring) $4 90 to $5 30: Fancy (Fall) $5 40 ; to $5 60; Extra, $5 to $6 00 ; Double Extra, $6 00 to $6 535. Butter.-Fresh is in fair supply at from 18c to '2dc per lb. Porkâ€"is in faii request, For Hogs averaging lGU lbs $5 50 and $6 has been paid. and those averaging ‘22.} lbs $6 and $6 10â€"the latler being the extreme figure. Applesâ€"Common varieties $1 and $1 25 per barrel. Better grades $l 50 and $2 barrel. E ‘gh‘,-.I“l'csll from wagons 19 to 20c perdozen, Potatoes-«New vary in price front 20 to 280. and sometimes 30c per bushel. Slieopâ€" are in demand at from $3 50 to $4 50. each. > ' Lambsâ€"are plentiful at from $2 to $2 50 each. Calvesâ€"are in good supply at $4 to $6 each. Beef-I‘lidesâ€"FSS 00 per 100 lbs. Sheep and lamb skins $0 85 each. Calfskins 10c. per lb. Tallow, $7} per 100 lbs' 1 332cm advertisements. Money Found. OUND. at Richmond Hill. between the lst and 15th instants. a SUM OF MONEY, in Bank Notes. The loser, by giving satis- factory proof of the loss. date «Sic. can have the amount at the Shop of the Subscriber. .l. K. FALCONBRlDGE. Richmond Ilill, Dec. 21, 1860. 108-3 STRAYED. QTRAYED from the Premises ofihe Sub- k. scriber, Richmond Hill on the 2nd inst., A \VHITF. BROOD SOVV, Small Breed, with heavy ears and long tail. Atty one giving information where the said Sow may be found wili be suitably rewarded. WILLIAM S. VVARREF. Richmond Hill. Dec. II. 1860. 108-3 EDWARD E. W. HURD, BARRISTE R, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor iii Chancery,Convetancer, doc. Money advances procured on Eortgages, No. 3, .lordan Street, Toronto, December 13, 1860. 108-)“ POSTPONED. THE Contemplated of Messrs KENT & RICHMOND, on ELECT- RICITY and MAGNATISM, are postponed tilt Wednesday, Dec. 2‘7. Admittance 15 On account of bad weather. cents. Doors open at 7 o’clock, pm. On Wednesday afternoon, at two o’clock. all tlte Children in the Vicinity will be admitted at five cents each. The Gallery of Paintings is large, and by far the finest ever seen in Canada. The New Eou speaks of these Lectures in the following terms zâ€"â€" " Messrs. thnuoun & KENT have been ex- hibiting, during this week. to delighted audi- ences. in the S. S. Room Newniarkethand giving much useful information. combined with amusement. Their Picture Gallery. is complete, embracing many Portraits of deep iti- terest. We are glad to state, the Committee of the Mechanics’ Institute have secured these gentleman to give an Entertainmept this [Fri- davl evening, before the Assoctation, and we doubt not there will be a full house.” Letters Remaining in RICHMOND HILL PostOffice DECEMBER 1, lb60. McClane. James McKinnon, Charles Baker, Samuel Brennan, I’atrick Cotter, Mary M. Naughton. Mary Copeland, VVillinm Picket-in, Francis Denei, Emanuel [‘3] Philips, Henry Dayley. John Palmer, John Frank. Matilda Roberts, James llolditch, Samuel Rutherford, John Johnston. Robert Wm.Ranl{in, Mrs. Aim Lee. Ruben Smith, Hanah M Livingston, John Sanvidge, John Miller. Joseph Sheppard, Charles Martin, William Turner, Miss Caroline Morgan. Thomas \Vilson, R. Miller, John ' Wilson, P. Mulholland. Peter Wilson, Thos. [4] M, TEEFY, P. M. llllllll Willlll} 111’ l Triumphant States of Opposi- tion to High Prices. R. w 13130., BEG to state to the Public, that all who want to save money can do so by purâ€" chasing GOODS at Their New Establishment In this place. Their Unprecide tted Success enables them to offer STILL GREATER INDUCEMENTS ! Their Stock is heavy. comprising every de- scription of Seasonable Goods. 0ch Coatsfrom $5. Coarse Boots from 552.50. Every class of Goods equally low. In DRESS GOODS. CLOTHS, COTTONS. BLANKETS, Will be found GREAT BARGAINS I» With a liberal discount for Cash. BUFFALO ROBES I CHEAP. In the MILLINERY what you would hatfe to pay $7 for they will sell for $5, as proved by many who buy their CAPES, &c. All orders in this line Punctually attended to, and got up in the Newest Style. Highest Price for Produce Also the highest price in Cash for WHEAT, PORK & BARLEY, 11:? Give us a Fair Trial and we are sure of the result. and oblige _ It. BOYD & BROTHER. Aurora, December 7, 186‘), 1063”) STRAYED, AME into the Premises of the Subscriber, Lot No, 30. ‘Jiid concession Markham, 2 'White Steers! l About the 15th of November. The Owner is requested to take thorn away. on proving pro- perty and paying charges. . GEORGE STEPHENSON. Markham. December 7. 186(‘. 106-3 CHEAPER THAN EVER! 7 BE Subscriber begs to inform his numerous patrons and the public that he is prepared to make lBoots and. Shoes Ofevery style and description. at the lowest possi ile reinuneratiug prices. All work war- ranted to give entire satisfaction. W, H. MARTIN. Cook’s Mill, Vaughan, December 7. 1860, IOG-Iy ' Notice is Hereby Given r HAT the Annual Meetintr of the Directors and Stockholders of the Vaughan and King Plank Road Company, will take place at Mr. JOHN VVOOD’S TAVERN, at TWELVE o’clock noon precisely, on SATURDAY, the 22nd day of December, 1860, to make up all Accounts and to appoint Directors'and Officers for the ensuing year. BENJAMIN llURl), Sec’y &. Treas. Vaughan. December 7. 1860. . 106-3 A CARD. C KEELE, Esq., of the City of Tor. 0 onto, has opened an office in the Vilâ€" lage ofAurora for the transaction of Common Law and Chancery Business, also. Convey- ancng executed with correctness and despatch Division Courts attended. VVellingtcn St. Aurora, d1. “Queen St. Toronto November 20, 1860. IOJ-ly A Novelty in the “Atlt “World! . PHOTOGRAPHY UPON PORCELAIN! Secured by letters patent in the United States, England France, and Belgium. THE AMERICAN PHOTOGRAPH“: PORCELAIN ce., ALL COLLARS No. 781 Broadway, New York. having secured their novel and ingenious inven- : tion by American and European patents, are fully prepared to execute all orders for Miniature Likenesses of Persons on China, presenting all the attractive and advantageous features of ordinary protographs, the brilliancy and finish ofa v. ater- color drawing. and a bi- therto unattained quality of durability. by being tendered tits imperishnble as the natural proper; tries of the articles upon which they are transferred. As the patented process of the Companv en- ables the reproduction of Photographs, not only on plain surfaces, but upon such as are round o'r of arty degree of irregularityâ€"-â€"portraits can be reproduced with faultless accuracy,and delicacy of delineation, upon Porcelaint’waros of any description and dimension used as articles Of luxury, or of household utility, such as Urns. Vases, Breakfast Gaps. Toilet Articles, &c.; thereby securing faithful portraits and furnishing a unique and exquisite style of ornamentation of articles in domestic.use. ~ In order to furnish facilities for the gratifica- tion of the popular taste, and to meet the wants of"“those patrons of the Fine Arts desirous of having Portraits on Porcelain. the Companr have imported from Europe a collection of sudâ€" perior porcelain goods, manufactured to their own order. which they sell at cost prices. As the American Company are owners of the patent right, and consequently the only persons authorized to use the process, they have dotor~ mined, in order To afford People in every section of the Union an opportunity to possess Portraits on China, to make the following proposition to RESIDENTS IN THE COUNTRY, WHO ARI UNABLE To VISIT PERSONALLY THE ATELIILR AND “A!” LERIES IN NEW YORK. Persons sending a photograph, ambrotype,or daguerreotype to the office of the Com New York, accompanied by FIVE DOLLARS ! will receive in return by express, free of ( ther charge, A RICHLY ORNAMEN'I ED BREAK} AS‘I‘ CUP AND BADGER, WITH. THE POR'IRAIT TRANSFIRRED THEREON. By transmitting a daguerreotvpe and Tim DOLLARS 1 they will secure in like manner, A HANDSOME FRENCH VASE OR. TOILET ARTICLE, with the portrait reproduced by the patented process. By sending a pair ofdaguerreotypes and “mum DOLLARS 3 they will receive in return A PAIR OF RICH SEVRES VASES. with the portraits executed equal to miniature paintings; and, in like manner, portraits can be reproduced on porcolain wares or VASES OF EVERY QUALITY or nuts], ranging in price from TWENTY To our HL'SDRED DOLLARS Tm: lull. N.B.â€"â€"1le particular in writing town, county and State, distinctlv. §______-â€"â€" PATTERSONS’ PLOUGHS and SHARES CONSTANTLY ON, HAND. Call, Examine and See for yourselves beore purchasing elsewhere. NE IMMENSE STOCK . TRY our? Pure,LFresh, Good," and Fine WM. 8. POLLOCK’S, November 22. 1860. ._ Medical & Toilet Receipt Book the address, THIS Book contains Recipes and Directions ' *4 Lfififl'mfinMiMnfi ',.w.....r_...:~ ' ,. i . ' ‘ I E . Tl’iollock’s" 1 i ‘ Column .' WVWWVM' ~ CHEAP BOOT ithhon'fo THE Subscriber begs to return his thanks to (his numerous Friends and the Public, and would inform them that he has greatly increased his STOCK, and has ‘ now onhanda very iiiii itsiiriiiiiii' 01' lit 8. tilts i . receiving! his Ofevery description and style, such as : Men’s Coarse, Kip. and ‘Calf V Boots, Boy’s and Youths’ Kip and Calf Boots, \Vomen and Children s A U T U M N Boots and Shoes of every variety of style ; also, a large quantity of MOCCASSINS 82; OVER SHOES, ls T ' In fact, he has on hand all that is wanted to adorn or protect the feet,”- for any weather or any season, which he is prepared to Sell at the LOWEST REMUNERATIVE PRICES FOR CASH. Those requiring a really good Article, at a Cheap Price, are respectfully requested to - CALL at the CHEAP BOOT $5 SHOE STORE, OPPOSITE THE GRAMMAR SCHOOL HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL. JAMES HALL, Proprietor. 107~2m WM. S. POLLOCK ‘ EGS to return his sincere ninth t‘e'hi's“ numerous Customers for their patronagd' so liberally awarded to hint durinv‘ the put summer, and acquaints them that o is an" 'i l' ill' 1 lul'v.‘ l i ' h' but, n. no. Which has been purchased on the and ado vaiitageousjerms. and will be Sold at die Lowestnlteutuneiatiu. Priests" [no As Cheap as any other ‘Hots‘so “ Round the Mingus/7 Richmond Hill, Dec. 14, 1860. =...;f K.::::T:;:‘:LZ‘: 1:::_. .. iii NEW, tilt," “in our iiiiiiii ! Of every description and variety of Mountings go to w. H. MYERS’ titanium finalise dirtiihliiilgmuit, itiirbmnuh. T6111. E has always on hand the Largest and Best Assortment of GOODS that is ever kept in any Country Shop, and at a much less price then it is possible for to get thctn in Toronto; and he is always ready to MAKE TO ORDER, on the shortest notice, SINGLE AND DOUBLE HAuNEss Saddles, Bridles, Sec. of every description. Good yard wide Prints, fast’ colors, from . . . . . .. .u- Black Orleans, a large lot very cheap. from. . . . . .I 710 W,“ 96"]‘1 Wide width Cobourgs. all colors, from........... Black. White and. Scarlet All wool Flannels from In 3d to 2- 6d yd" With an excellent assortment of Factory Cot- tons, Striped Shirting, Blue and Brown Den- ims, Tickings, Long Cloths. Canton Flannols, with a choice lot of Ladies’ and Children's Scotch Lamb's Wool Hoses. Cashmere Gloves, Mitts. Gauntlets, Mufflers, d3. II iiiiiâ€"Miiiiiiiiiii His assortment will be found to 7.1434? 11d to EsMyi/ ARRANTED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. .5 Cash for {RIDES and SKINS. Larger do More Varied, AND C’ Lower 11:. Price Than any in the neighborhood. A11 ' Work Warranted. Richmond Hill, June 19, 1860. 62-1y ‘ ‘ Men’s Fashionable S I “Emmi; Illilllltl 01 Illt‘fiis 3- K. my“ â€" »~ .Tailors. in the 7 IS JUST OPENING OUT AN N LES- ' - = : 'â€"â€"' l Mens’ 'Flannel A Shirts ' g In all Colors and Prices. SATTINETTS, . BROAD and FULL'D CLOTils. TWEEDS. nonsxms. And Casement“. DRY Goons,” GBOCERIES, HARDWARE, 8&0. NTERTAINING the opinion that a very large trade will be done during the Autumn and inter, he has made ample provision for supplying his customers Goods of every description will be Sold at a The Best assortment 0" THE MODERATE ADVANCE ON COST PRICES ! ., , --‘ . BEST GOODS !' (33> A Choice supply of MOURNING GOODS ! AT Tull 5"” l“ P.S. All parties whose Notes and Accounts are now due, are respectfully requested to make provisions for them. .1. K. F. . . , 0- It ichmond tâ€"Iiii, September 15, 1860. 95-, 1140113886 E 70098 " Wh I w ~-~~ awn-errant: at p easure can exceed . '7‘,” “ The smoking ofthe Weed- ' ON RICHMOND HILL. Good. Fresh. F‘itts Flavored DANCING SCHOOL will commence at Mr. William Christison’s Oak Ridges, on 'l‘uesday. November 13, 1860. A Good Quadrille Band will be in attendance. Mill 1' Illllllll. A S HE Proprietor of the “ Your; IIERALD” begs to acquaint his numc-rou-s friends flavored 'TOB A000! At Is. and 1s. 3d. the best ever offered. “1&3 (Late G. A. Barnard’s}, thnmosu HILL. 1044f AND COFFEES. Genuine, Pure Leaf THE AMERICAN TO THE NE W HOUSE ADJOINING, for making all the “met valuable Medical Two docrs further nthh, where. by increased facilities, he will be prepared to get up work with the utmost expedition, and With every attention to the wishes of his customers. All letters to be addressed to “MANAGER, AMERICAN PnoToaaArmc Pesto preparations in use ; also. Recipes and full and explicit directions fer makingall the most po- CELAIN Co..” 781 BROADWAY wa Yonx. Pular and useful Coemetics, Perfumes, Ungu- outs, Hair Restoratives, and all Toilet Articles, N Y -' , O . . . . . . . ow om Ct 9’ 1860 _ 98 3m‘ If you are sufiering \vitltany chronic diseaseâ€" â€" ' '_.__ if you wish a beautiful complexion, a fine V , l dofha‘r,’ mo'tl f",‘ l ‘k', & 103 I a s 0 I ace II. C(‘ar h In 8. luxuriant boarder moustacheâ€"or if you wish Acres ofprimeland_30 acres c,"er to know anything and everything in the composed of the West half of Lot. Medical and Toilet line. you should. by all No. 7, in the 2nd Con. of Uxbridge, Countv means, peruse a Copy of this book. For full Ontario ; together with an excellent Saw Mill. particulars, and a sample of the work for por= and two good Dwelling Houses, with out_.m_ nsal,(free,) address the publisher. cos thereon. T. F. CHAPMAN, Also 7 aeres adjoining, composed of the front N°° 831 Broadway’ N." Ymk' part of Lot No, 6. in the same concession. The above preperty is healthfully and de- lightfully situated in a pleasant locality, and in one of’the oldest and best settled towitships in the County of Ontario. It is within 21, miles of the village of Stoufi'ville, about 10 miles from Uxbridge Village, and 20 miles from the Town of Vt’hitbg', the capital of the Countv of Ontario. ' The property will he sold very Cash. 'I‘itleindisputnble, Apply to JOSEPH KELLER, Esq.. _ Richmond Hill.- FRANCIS KELLER, Whitby. 95-31:! ~ “ Herald ” Office, Richmond Hill, July 520. 1800. _._...__._._.__.._~_w___..._ _ _ ‘ STRAYED, STRAYED from the Premises of the Sub- scriber, Lot 50, 1st concession Vaughan, 2 Wellabred Durham Heifers, Red and White, two and three years old ; ONE HALF-BRED GALLOWAY HEIFEH, Black. two years o.d ; . 1 Black Yearling Heifer, And One White Yearling Steer. Any person giving information that wgll load T l M B E R F O R L E, to the reCOVery of the above property will re. QUANTITY 0,. STANDING TIMBER ceive the reward of Ten Dollais. Pine and Hardwood, for Sale. on Lot NOR. THOR. MACLEOD. No. 53, lst. Concession Vaughan. For parti- D'Y'wch NOV- 8- 1869- culais apply to the Executors of the late T. D. ' Campbell, on the premises. Richmond Hill, Nov. 28. 1860. For Sale, Cheap, HORSE and a LIGHT SPRING WAG- GON, The Horse is rising 7 years old. For particulars apply at this office. Richmond Hill, Nov. 9, 1860. 101-4 cheap for Or to 103.3 September 20, 1860. and the public generally that so has Removed liis Prlntiiig Office Information Wanted. F this should meet the eye of JOHN LAW- RENCE, who left his father’s residence in Vaughan, in Mav, 1859, he is requested to communicate Williâ€"his friends. Any partv who will recognize by the following description-- 5 foot 7 inches high, dark brown hair, dark eyes, age about 26â€"â€"and will give information of his whereabouts to his bereaved parent. will confer a favor, Was seen at Kettleby Mills, King, about two weeks ago. JAMES B. LAWRENCE, _ Richmond Hill, P.O. July-12, 1860. ' 854.! [13” “ Advance," Barrie, please copy’tvrice, ' I05-6 Charles C. Keller, TTORNEY-AT . LAW, SOLICITOR in Chancery, Conveyancer. &c. Office, menu 1 . ', . ON” I ILL. c “ iit Victoria Buildings, over the Chronicle office December 14' 186‘" 107'“ Brock Street Whitbv. ’ _ -_-_,_____ Also a Branch Oflice in the village of Bea- pI, A, verton, Township of Thorah, and _County ofl Ontario. T'I‘ORNEY - AT-LAW. SOLICITOR The Division Courts in Ontario. Richmond in Chancery. Convey-sneer, 62c. Main Hill, and Markham Village regularly attended. Street, Markham Village. . “mm”, Nov. 23, 1560‘ 1044)! November 22, 1860 we.“ I ' - GEO. McPHILLIPS, Provincial Land Surveyor, T O B .A. O O O 3. 2 arcs. SUGAR, CANDLES. are. due. with a general assortment of GRGGERIES ' l N ot to be surpassed iN QUALITIES, Ion, UNDERSOLD IN PRICES t tilt in iiiiiiii ‘ For yourselves before buying elsewhere. Wm, s, Pollock. (Late G. A. BARIARDEl Richmond £1111.- Soptem’ier 28. 156.0. I i 216-5111.

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