... . - v,___.. “v...†._...,_ _._.. _.‘ THE COLD SNOW’S COME AGAIN. NAT! never pout so at the snow. I Nor wear such Htrlv brows, 1 Because the white drifts fill the fields And heagr the forest troughs; Old Winter has the Mine good right As you to revel hcre, And comes the creature. like ourselves, Of Him who rules the your. I’Vhat, though we fill lose for a while ' The flowery trunks of green That slept so quietly round the streams Amid the summer’s sheen I Think, child, how soon they’ll all come back ; I But, \VIJIIO the snow lit-s hero, I Lift up your heart for “not we have To Ilim who rules the year. There’s many a little thing this hour, AI fair and good at: you. VVith neithcr home nor father's Iovo To cling to, Winter thruugh,â€"-â€"- Vv’hose heart would rather have them now Than green ficuls smiling (Icnt‘; So think :1 this and all you owe To Him who rules the your. And when the keen, shrill, frosty winds Come sweeping down the lanes, And pilo the misty. thick, suowwtrift Agmnst tl‘..,r window panes; Oh, think of poor souls far at sea, As through the storm they steer, And mind them, too, in bod-time prayer! To Him who rules the year. But though grim winter sometimes frowns, He has his smiles of sun, When urchins: seek tho snow-wreathcd p'uins For slikao rind snow-ball fun ; And happy hearts can laugh as loud, And lift :1 song 5 clear, Above the snow us when the Spring Praised Ilirn who ruled the your. :1 I And round out hearth when night comes downl The mirth and joy we know. Seem all the brighter for the cold. Bleak outside world of snow. There’s joy with Spring and Summer tirno, And so with Autumn acre, But snow-time, too. can fill the heart With Him who rules the year. 80 never frown, my child. nor pout, Though slowly round the lakes, And o’er the hill, and through the glen, Thick full the hrund .nrmw Ilrilit‘s ; Thick its they come, still thicker fall Heaven’s Meanings fur and near, And our good shore :.honld nit-kc us till Bless Him who rules lhe your. Vv'e like It spirit ofcomprorniso; but no man Ihould over compromise his friends or himself. Enjoy the glory of the sun, and do not put out your eyes by trying to count the spots on his face. Superficial extent is generally more appreciâ€" Ited than depth or certainty of knowledge. More than one Iliottï¬'liill years ago the Chi- nesos built htlspetrniott bridges of more than four hundred feet span. \‘tht would Iltir: world be without women '1' A perfect blankâ€"like a sheet of paper, not even ruled. “’POse I shoot bullet troo deal hoard wid him pistol, what else I make l)t‘Sl(II‘.‘s‘ round hole 1’ Gib it 11‘) '1’ Why I make a riddle. 1 . r The extreme pleasure we trike in talking of ourselves should make us four that we give very little to those who listen to us. Friendship does not consist in words, in great dinners, or unmenniug smiles. Show me the man who will break his lust louf with me, and I will call thitt man frictitl. There is n fellow in Vcrmont who has rt hu- gle, the notes of which 1111‘ so sweet, that when he plays, the whole neighborhood catches them to use in stead of sugar. Cork screws have sunk more people than cork Jackets will ever keep up. A parson named Otven Moore oncc left his; creditors somewhat unccrcmoniously, upon which a wag wrote: Owen Moire has run away. ()win’ more thun he coulo pay. In whrtt car did the man ride who was †driven frantic 1’ \‘tht lcngth of a line is I‘t‘ltitlnlto to take the soundings of a functionztry who is beneath con- tempt ‘i" thn u mnn revolves. much in his mind, (1005 it nitrite hi=u feel dixr ~ If all things are for the best. where do tho rations of the second best curre- from 7’ “’hat is the exact width of a broad grin 7’ ‘ Lord hIâ€"â€", with no very large portion of wit 0r wisdom, had u very exultcd opinion of bio own powers. \‘.'lrcrr nut-e in a large (,‘tiitl- party, and expatiating uhout himself, he made the following remark: “ When I Ittippeu to say it foolish thing, 1 rdâ€" Wnys burst out laughing †“I envy your h:rnprncs<. my lord, then,†said Churlcs 'I‘ownserul; “ for you must cerâ€" tainly live the rncrrictt life of any Europe †“I cannot imagine what makes my hair turn IO grey; I sometimes fancy it is the essence of rosemary \vrth which my maid brushes it. \tht do you think?†“I should rather be afraid, rnzrdnm,†replied II distinguished dramatist, drily, “ that it is the essence of time 1’ Laziness begins in Cobwebs and ends in iron chains. It cr'ccps over Ir. man so r-lowly and imperceptibly, that ho is. bound right before he, knows it. “ Poetry is every hotly ’s coin which one man jingleo.†“But we are afraid thnt it is generally a coin jinglcd most by those who have no other to jin- 310. Old Bundy lived in Alleghnny County, and being down in the city, some one said to himâ€" “It is quite a mountziinoue country you live in hlr. Ilundy, it not '1†“ \Vhy, 110,†said an old man, “ it ain’t ox‘ actly nrouutuincous, but its rather a hilltuneous country, that's It fact.†“ I say. Put, are you asleep?†" Darn the sloop !††Then he afthur lerrdiu‘ me a quarter,†“I’am asleep be jahcr‘s !’ 3 All the ignorance is not confined “ out \Vest’ nor among the [lord Slit-its. A very werthy minister, settled not a hundred miles from Bos- ton was one fiahimth morning dcscanting upon ‘ he Intpot'tftttCn of plain speaking. “ Why, my htnrcrs,†said he, “St. I’nul never used any“ ‘lr.;,} folutin’ expressions. No! He always spoke the plain Anglo-Saxon language !†A country apothocnry, not a little distinguish- ed for his independence. with n. trope of discon- certing a young clergyman, whom he know to be a man of Singuer modesty, asked him, in hearing of a largi company~~ “ \Vhy the puticrchs of old lived to such an extreme ago i†To which the Inergy man replied-“ I suppose the ancient puliimclrs took no physio. EARLY Kismeâ€"llungnry is trying to get it~ self into the hnbit of curly rising. It is only to be feared, it' Hungary dues succeed in rising tqerly, that it may have the effect of disturbing the lost oftlte Austrian dormiuions. r Auction 32*3‘017109. man in t A , ' . «Yr-a mu.-...-~.wt-..«.~.--.~. W flamenco ï¬rmware. erVA A ,\ ,V._1\_/\ ,levvu \.,\ ,-._,\ w M». ,. ,. J . G O R M L E Y . COMMISSIONER 1N QUEEN’S BENCH, Conveyaner and Auctioneer. Ln't' .‘11, 4TH Cos. Minimum. September 18, 1860. 95-tf ‘1 3 , '~ ", n- VVAL'I Eh B. G-EIKIE, ELI). l Licentiate aft/us ilfnrlicrtl [lint/VI Upper Ctr/ut- (1a., (III/l recently mic qfl/Ic dict/imilqfliccr: of. 1/11: Toronto (funeral Hospital, and .1)l'i{/-(‘..h'.~7t)l' Itf'il‘llLtlllllll‘t,’ (tr/(l Surgery in Dr. [Lilli/L’s illczltrrttf Err/tout, {EAS returned to AURORA. and ro-taken _ his former residence on Yonge Street, where he may be consulted at all tithes, an the various branches of his profession. Aurora, Feb. 9.4, 1860. (Es-v1 Dr. c. mmevns), SURGEON Irigv’ris'r, $171 ‘w The lot 'I‘lIIJI"\'tIi'I)' of every Month at. 1101- ' land Landing. The El'rd 'l'lrnrsday at King Station. The 3rd 'I‘hursdny at Richmond Hill. The 4th 'I‘hursdziy at (lormlcy's Corners. At all other times the Doctor can be found at his residence in Aurora. Ll. he at the followiugplaces for the Practice of his I’rofosaiou : l 111.1611 um a" â€" -:‘ mm? ~ I"vi~fï¬."tï¬.‘<.%§‘u}t»; mg...» 'run AURORA QEAIlIlIIIIIE BAND-‘1 Snow open to receive engagement 1†convenience of large or small parties. > Applications to Mr. “’51. IRELAND at Aurora. or tr. w. Witt... 31.1 Cornflbfltit‘» church. ' NJ}. Also, a SAX- had on applicuthvn. Aurora, Nov. 52, 18-60. raw I,“ ‘ II‘HE nndprrigrrwl begs respectfull i he rrrnahrtztnts of ' Richmond Hill 8.; V Thatl HORN BAND may be ’ 1-00-3111 ‘ '52», n; Eé‘tihu ’ _ Inity lithe Tailor 1.. 101.41! CIIIIIIIIOIle'fl11115111088 irrg1.ino in tho house adjo 11111. sitter: 81101;“ i thrc, by close rippiic'rtion to brï¬lneu and studying to pit-use. he hopes to meritljl share of public patronage. j ‘ .. iii 'Dxn ro. (.Iurnrcrrts cut to oi‘tlt‘t' on the aimed notice. in any style. JAMES ii. Richmond Hill, Feb. 10, 1860. .63-13’ , ALL ORBITRS PUNC'I'UALLY AT’I‘ June ‘29. W60. 83.1,. 'I‘itoMASâ€"IIOWMAN, Licence.â€I Auctioneer, FOR “run COUNTIES OI“ YORK do I’EE I. All letters midi-cased to “ Almira.†1’1). wil receive prompt attention. Urdorsri-ccivctl a the “ York llornld†Otlicu, Richmond Ililll Mr. Henry Lemon, 'I‘hornhill. rind/112‘, James (I‘nvnnnitlr, Mansion House, Shul'on, whore 'l‘erms, Ann. may he obtuieed. Almirzt, Nov. 2.5. 185‘. (SQ-If <35 r ï¬laments ....roo ureter, RICHMOND IIILL. Ol’tGE SIMSON, PROPRIETOR. 17 .L. i G ()01) A(:(‘ot‘nmodntions and cvory attention shown to 'I‘rnyollers. Good Yards for Drove Cattle and Loose Boxcs for Iiace Horses and Studs. l The \Ionthly Fzrir hold on tho l’romiscs first VVcdncmlny in ouch month. The Subscriber in calling the attention of the public and his Old Friends to his establishment, fools Httlislit‘tl he cvrn administer comforteth to their wants and wilh mutual satisfaction. Richmond Hill, April 90. 1560. l '7' 73-tf Pit n r R. VAILES, V“. ., ,‘W‘~"’,,' still tilt, blotter, :cr danger, IIICIIMUIII) HILL. W 1 = t "110118111, Sign and Ornamental Painting “IL done on the shortest notice and on the , most reasonable tcrnrs. Richmond Hill, April, '20, 1860. 73-tf 111 A T T 1'1 E IV L E I) I) E If, AURORA, Ea] AS just received It now and full asuortnrent H. of Spring and Summer our goons The illiilirrcry l)- rtnrcntl Will be found rcph-te with the newest and most Ii‘nshionuhle Stylcs of Ben trots, Huts ' All 0‘ which will be Sold at th ating prices. 9 4 "\1“ w: x \1 er a 5‘ ii ms r. ‘14.. .1 (I V IOIVGSI 16111111101 5 Aurora, April ‘37, 1360. 74-tf JOHN N. REED, MD. corms“ or YOSGL‘. In) cornorm srrumrs, i 'I‘ItttitNHHdn 1171†ll] Prescriptions got 3.1 the Oflice must be paid for on delivery. 31-1y (if. T0 13. BOWMAN’S MILLS! \YITH YOUR CARDING (it GRESTING, ttlrc-re parties from a distance can have it ilone to take with thorn on theirrcturnhome. Almiru, May 13, 18:39. .‘24-tf. , @Emesmjp elrtimg. 110111“. Subscriborhogs to inform the inhabiâ€" tnnts of lluttonvillo and the surrounding country, that he continues to make firstâ€"class CV()‘QII‘SI 37.1316" ‘51) P‘QUVTI‘S) (8%. III the newest Slylcs and superior “lorkmnn- ship. All orders promptly attended to and work warranted. JOHN IIAIIDY, Tailor and Clothior. Buttonville. Doc. ‘33, 1859. SS-Iy ANGIDâ€"AMERICAN IIOUSE! MARKIIAM VILLAGE. ’1 001‘) Accommodutions. \Vines. Liquors and Cigars, of the choicest brands... II. MAIIII, Proprietor. Msrkham,1nno1859. ï¬G-tf 111 C 11 MON D IIILL IIOTEL. 1 STAGE runs from the above 110th to l 1 Toronto, cvcry morning, starting from the Elgin Mills at T. n.rrr,, and returning at 7, p.m. Fare, 25. Gd. each way. G001) ACCOMMODATION FUR TRAVELLERS. I‘tICIIAIiD NICHOLLS, l Proprietor. Richmond Hill, Dec.19, 10"“ 1â€"55 UOL . Hint-W MW HOUSE, 17.1611 t’lClh’B 1111.1. 1 r7‘tlllï¬ Sï¬lrscri'ier begs to inform his numer- ous: t’utrons and the public, that he has i removed from the White Swan Hotel to the above l’rcmises, where there will he found excellent. accommodation for 'l'rziyclicrs, and Good Stubling. r ï¬f’f’ Horses and Buggies for Ilire. JOSEPH GARY, Proprietor. ticlnnoud 11ill, Oct. ‘20, 18:38. 72-7 C A L 15 B 1.1.71) F0 RI), 553119111. i run 1%? rrnnart. Opposite Mr. lf’urkrss’ Store. i105 TBG‘KE'BILL. n . r. t1 Cu pee, I rr email in r lly the use of Electricity, r. T It. EUILGI‘ZON DILN'I‘IS 1', AURORA. Itrbbt'r‘. All Upct‘alltitlu in his Profession, perforrrrt'ti in the most approved manner and \Vnrrnrrtcd‘ Auroru, March 9, 1960. p YONGE ST..EET HOTEL, A ilthiA. . GOOD supply of “lines and Liquors I _ ulwrrys on hurt-.1. Excellent Accommo- dzrtron for 'l‘rztvollcrs, Farmers, and others. Cigzu's of ull bruntls. 1). .tchEOD, Proprietor. Aurora, Juno 6. 18.30. , :25 Iy ry,. ,v'rgvy 51":‘753 a 7.} g? .4 T JD; s"- EGIQQI‘EI‘L nézmtgLE it: £11115 1:5 YOAGIV S'I‘ALE'I". HOII'UIEEEIIITS, TOMBTABLES TUle 35'.1"L:):\l.“>4, kc. Twenty Per Cent Cheaper ’I'IIAN A!\Y OTHER ESTABLISHMENT. Valli". 15111111181113.1151) Assignees; of the i estate of I), (7. (it. ‘v‘.'. YALE, will con- tinue the lrusinrws under the superintendence of our duly earth .-.i/1etl agents, Aliens Anth und 1). C2.nr.cs YALE. whose receipt will be duly nckruwlcdgcd. I’,S.--All non and accounts remaining un- paid on the let day of June, 1858, will be pull 1 into Court for coin-ctlon, (T. YALE, .1. CUM MER. Toronto, April ‘29, 18:30. 48-tf. 111?. ll IV. HILLARY, it e RCSQUCHEUï¬, r. r i no RA, c. It‘chr‘uni}, 17, 13‘7in 6-} 1y Strut 51.1528101le ll 7E1 V. 111.1.‘19 t-lupt‘rior \‘rlaterproofHarness , o and Show Ilinckirrg is warranted to soften lcnthor. and ion or it irnpcriousto wot. Manu- factured at ltiwhmond Ilili, and sold by Store- kcopcrs and Harness l‘dakers throughout the I’rovinco. February 11), 1:360. 13. ,_ e_.~ .. ._.......« .www." SEYMOUR, H (111’. CZO‘I’ATII 1C PHYSICIAN, DR. I... L; I L. LAETQ'GSTAFF, DP. QI’RINCIIII.L. :1 doors west oï¬yjiing Post 0 Office. - »~" King, May 13. 11.31.39. '244 y 1‘11) 13 E LI .L, II I 1 C 1}. Te†/ R] «‘3 sh . (d n a 't, 1‘.) Wet irawrnmrt, cc, ‘77 . ,, F ‘nâ€" q 4 rotge Stitrflt, Autom- Jewclrv, Watchcn and Clocks. (:lenncd on the shortest notice and lewesttorms Aurora. I“ehruary 17, 13-60. GO-tf filth-£3611 {to FllZGiRALD, Barrietere, A't'torncys-a‘t-Law, SOLICITORS 1P1 CIIANCEIIY,&C. orer :z- CORNER OF KING AND TORONTO STREETS Over \‘r'hinnorc it: Co’s. Ilonking Office, 01:110. Agency Particular/y attended to. 'I’HOM ,\S G. MATIIICSON. ........t..nA__â€".:_;.,J ..,.-., rsv ‘3 1.01:. JANE! FITZGERALD Torontr, .1 uly 1, 1.3.39, DENTISTI’Y! \N. C. All-‘Ah‘lS. D. D. 8 .M q . Surgeon Dentlst, 99 KING s'r. EAST, scorn smu. THIRD wmr FROM cnurtcu TORONTO, :E lotion of (‘lii.i[r‘(:n.’s ï¬rm/i. free, and all work wnrrunted. Dr. A. has turned his attention to the 1m- Consultation provement ‘ . ’ V and cnrr supply the l'ir'oicssron wrth Teeth, Gold, Vulcnnizod Apparatus. and Vulcunito Rubbnr, and the best Ilene filling. Mini-ml Tooth mountcd on Gold, Silver. or Vulcanizrd Rubber, With Continuous Gums. WIIICII are warranted to give entire satisfaction. ' Yoruba, li‘ct‘o‘ba‘r 11, 191%.. £9.13? (gym on request, 'I'octh inscrtcd on Silver, Gold or Vulcanized j 67-1y -hlilitnry and other public bodies, who require . . v . "y . “. MAIN SIX. NINVEIARKE'I‘, (35-1 L L) i . , on 3‘53 “3131:1313 Situated in tho fo lowing Townships :â€" . .; “.ruv-r- ‘ (LAIQD for @ALE 1 00 AI’.’I‘ICIII..\II attention given to the regu- being west half of Lot 1X0. 4, in the 6th con- 9 of his profcssiou in all itshranches, , WV 0 B M S . McKEszs. McKENZIE’S Chnrflcs Durand, “ ARRIS'I‘ER and ATTORNEY..â€"â€"0flice, corner of Adelaide and Yonge Streets, b , 1. , ‘ "I'oronto, will attend to Suits in all the Superior U “(1 mmh’ 0‘ aâ€) "ummr’ ‘0 s ;‘ “Courts chow, Chancery and County Court: A b E. to Country Business in the USE r .' \visiou Courts, Deeds, Leases. Mortgages. and every (16- s , , »r ,1 ,.,~. seription of Conveyancing. drawn up with care UDE BIChLNZIL b and at reasonable prices. USE ,VlcliENZIE,S Letters post paid attended to, Toronto. November 20, 1860. 104-6m USE NICKEVZI-Ea‘s , _ , I “I '{1 , ‘ r w R ‘yr ,I, w RICIIMON D 1mm 1 UbL MckLMIL b . ‘ T .1 T 1‘ T x T : DEAD SI’IO'I‘ 113.0131 1* O JEN DRE. . - V 7 «~â€" DEAD 35E. HALL DEAD EGS to notify the Public that be has leased I _ the Foundry. lately in the occupation of IDEA D Ira B. Richmond, yum he intends to keep constantly on hand, DEAD Si-io , P 6‘ Of various (lesct‘iptiens, also, Sugar Kettles, Box Stoves. Arc†6."). All kinds of Flow points for sale. and all kinds \VOR M CANDY, of Job Work attended to. All work warranted. “.01th CANDY, Richmond Iiill, Oct. 25th. 1860. 85-311). 'wo m1 CAN I) v, \VORM CANDY, SURGEON Dcntis-t. will he. at Nicholl’s “"011731 CANDY, Hotel. Richmond Hill. the It'tns't‘ and Timur Mose/.1 01 every month, and, the re- umiirder of the month at his residence Thol'lilllll. All‘VorkWarrantcd. Teeth ï¬lled with (lotmplartic or Artiï¬cial I lonerâ€"This filling is put into the Teeth while soft. causing no pain, as it requires no pressure, it soon becomes as hard as the tooth to which tt firmly adheres, rendering it almost imptmsible for the filling ever to Corrie out. Dr. Husband has made arrangements with Mr. G. L. Elliot, of Toronto. to manufacture his Artificial Teth ; those who ongnge Doctor ,HuI-band to do their work Will he sure of hav- ing it done iii a superior manner, July 8, 1850. 1301’. C IIILD 11 EN. FOR CHILDREN. FOR CIIILD ’vEN. FOR (ILLIDDIIEN. The most pleasant, safest and offhctual \Vorrn h‘lcdiciuc cxtcnt, “ and the cheap- est 3" only 15 cents per package 3 50 cents 3‘2-ly. 14‘.» 1311.1' LIQEflIlS. WM. B. MORMIUU’SE & 00., Importers SI. \‘Jholesale Dealers in for four packages, Sold by every dealer in medicine TRY IT ONCE- Genuine, has the signature of II. E. MCKANZIE, M.D., Glasgow. NOR'I‘IIIIOP & LYMAN. Newcastle. C.VV., CA It'l‘EII. KERRY 6L Co Montreal, C.E., B 37 D 1‘. E. C. E D 11;: 0 N D 8,, Brandies, ‘ï¬â€™jnes, Gina & Segars, are General “hobsan Agents for the Canndas. INTEREST. I VIIIE Subscriber boys to intimate to the , Far-triers ofthe County of York. that he i is prepared to b’IunufrIcture and Sell it 1111 till 1111111 111 1 OLD ï¬fOREIVE/‘TSL‘ BITTERS, 1 With. tire improved Draft and Coupling Irons. a" IEG leave to cull the attention of the citi‘ zens of the United States to tlrcir I’ure W'irres.aritl Liquors, put up under thcir own ' ' supcrvision. for Family and Medicinal “>0. III cases ascortvd to ruit customcrs. Clubs, to purchase in large or Mrmll qunntities, in (tasks or bottles, will lie liberally dealt with.â€" Price list sent on application. Recommcneed by the first Physicians as the best remedy known tor Dyspvpsia, Indigestion, Debilitv, and all Nervous Diseases. As a beverage. it is pum. wholesome, and delicious to the taste. Sold by ull Dr'uggists. \VL‘v‘l. II. MOltICIIUU> C & CO, Prop’rs. 3 .‘L’. 5 Exchange l’lnce. Jersey City, N. .1. now in use, being tirade on an entire new principle. They will he found to do the work much quicker and better than any other I'lnr- "row-Vs, Specimens of the above may be seen and particulars 21:4 to price ascertained. by ap- plying to the Subscriber, at his shop, Richmond Hill, who will punctually nttcndto all orders. SAMUEL SANDEIISON. Richmond 11111, Feb. 24,1860. I’.S.-â€"-â€"-'l'h.~ subscribers wish to engage a few active men, as Local and Travelling Agents for their house, to whom liberal inducements will be offered. For particulars, addrch as above. A dvcrtiscmcnt. drerchy bear testimonv that 1 have tried m NR SANDEI’ISON’S ROTATING HAR- ‘pyig . J. ‘ J _ ‘ '1 I ROWS. on my summer fallow, last Saturday. “L "'n‘ “if “will†m Open a (T “53' on and Monday. and have found them up to all M“â€â€˜â€â€˜." me 1*“ 0‘ UCWI’†""xh m “we L's' that Mr. Sinnchs-on represents their. to be. SUM Ill 1129 follow-int: Itl'mlCIll‘sl \Vl‘XflOWHr They are NOT of anv heavier draft than the (“Winn and 101‘.†ralmmg’ Palm“ memg’ cenrinon burrow, and do the work to my utmost “Vat†Wilma lifll‘lll“ ""70lk' an" H†“mm†satizfncticn. I confidently recommend-them to kmds 0t lumbhmlm-‘v' all who require implements ofthe kind. IL 11°" “’“m‘ m “"1" ticnutn ‘VANDERBURGH Richmond Hill. Sept. 29, 18551. Richmond Hill. Juno 20, 1860. 63â€"912.. coral floors, ..J..--...-..._W_- AT A 11101131. N O T l C E . S. R. IODGEIISbegs leave to intimâ€" .4. (NC, 954111: E’olmlarr Medicines FOR SAL] BY 8. LLOYD. Druggie’r. 8: Dentist, AURORA. Subrcrlher has constantly on hand a General Assortmt-nt of =coons G 1130C ERIESI T11 C Hollowax’s Ointment. ,I’almestock’l Vermi- l)r. E. IIope’r Mag dol frrg’e ' I)r. 'I'rnsk‘s do dolndinu Worm Tea. Dr. \Vilson’s Veg (iole 11 II Remedys Ilnrrisou’s Elcctric do I’,I)nvis’ I"tlll Killer Morehcnd’s Mag plns’s: Brigg’s Mira; Relief Aycr’s I’ills lllritrsh Oil Morse’s In Root do lHarlnm do &C., «SHE. L'tc. I PLAS TER A A†D SA. L ’1', Alwnvs on hand, and for sale on the moat 63-tf , Sir Ashon Cooper’siStone do ï¬womble term" , ‘ Anti-hil do llSprlte _.ip \V 3:1. SMIT II. Moll'att’ Life do “Hack do "81-†Child’s Sov Balm ,Iltrg White do ' Soulos’ do do . iSC‘illlIcItIoT’U eye water l’oor Mnn’ sAnti bil; {Faith’s Amer Salve Mayor’s Long Life, lKenuedy'e \VormI’ow~ ‘ Dr. I’hinncy’s Family (lvlr .llotl'zrtt’s I’hcnix llit lSopor’s Salve I'Iooflnnd’ Germain Ilit,‘ ltlgyptian do Do Ilulsomic lCnr Essences of all kinds Judson’s Cherry and, Lloyd’s ,Ointment for Lurgwort Skin Diseasep, .Kormott’s 'l'ouic Mix ELloyd’s Eye \‘i’nter Wister’ pulmonic syr'up‘ Lloyd‘sllorse Powders Syrup of I'loar‘hound lldoyd's Concentrated loyot"s galvanic fluid on of Jamaica ginger Fowler’s ext of Stran loyd’s German horse berry ’ Lotion Godfrey’s Cordial lLloyd’s Cough Syrup I’irtcman’s I't'ct Dropsfldoyd’s Tooth Powder I’urcgoric lLloyd’e'I‘oothacho Spe- Sir 'r Kouting’s Coughl cific Lozengers Ilusaires Cam. Mixtureâ€"an excellent remedy for Cholera Morbus. Diarrhea, Jic. Aurora, June 14, 1660. ‘ 1% SALE. 01$AIJG.EEI. uniâ€"a.“ ué'uh-g' HE Subscriber (11:.1‘5 for Sale, on Very reasonable terms, p 113% if can 1 "J rl li. a £ Somervillc-voCounty of Victoria . _ D BexlcymCounty of Victoria, Sydenhamnâ€"County of Grey, Amubclâ€"Cour‘rty‘of llruce. Fora portion of tncse Lands superior de- scription of Farm Stock will be taken in ex- change. For further onrticulars slowly to - I 1 l . G. .1. F. PEARCE, '- ‘ Richmond Hill, P.0q Canada \Vest. 79- tf Lloyd’s Eurekaâ€"u grand discovorv : “people know ‘1: genuine worth. Diseases would be scarce on earth t Then. why should p'cople pain endure? When they can find a perfect cure. 03' Prescriptions Accurately Compoundcd Juno 1"1be' Aurore,.1une 1860. 81 AN EXCELLENT Fhlile‘l Ffiii SLIE. ACRES, 81) Cl onrrd. 20 miles from 'I‘orontoymd threcâ€"quartcrs of a mile from the Kingston Itoad. \‘t’cll watered, Good Buildings and in a a good state of cultivation. Valuable Property for Sale ‘712: 63 Acres, 23 of which is tjmbcred, 40 . Acres under Cultivation. Several I’A ItK LOTS with timber thereon. Also. VI LLAGE PROPERTY with without Buildings. - The above property issitnated It, and ad- For further particulars apply to DR. rersrANr.r:Y, nglirrgton, Yonge Street. 97-Zlm joining to, the VII-age of October4. 186“ Riclminond . H111- V this paper. 0“ Richmond Hill, Sept 26, 1860. TO EXCHANGE. , ’ ACRESxor LAND in the Town. E_ a; CEXELQEY, ship of Sunnidale, county ufSi'ncoe, STOCKpBAROKER. ’ Land at; Municipal Agent, our. 96~tf l cession. [1150,1110 Acres in the same Townâ€" ship, bding west half of. Lot No. 7. in the 8111 eoncessron. ', The above property? is Covered with‘very l valuable Pine Timber, and lies within half a mile of the Sunuidule Station on the Northern lRailwuy. I . For further particulars apply to the proprie- tor oftbe “ York 1181311†Ollie-o, Richmond Hill. \ r'. 181511. ‘ f ' I REFERENCES: Sheriff Jarvis. Ilon. George Sherwood, 110ml). M; Vuukou’ghnot. C. J. Campbell, Esq. '1‘. VVoodside. Esq. Messrs. Gilmour, Coulson Sr. Co. Angus Morrison. M.1’.I’, Toronto; Mess-rs. Mills, Mattic‘e A: Co, Monti-eel; Hon. James Patton, Barrio; $24? km WW,MW.. : WWI i ll“ “9 1 SHOT AR SHUT Surgeons, London. SIIOT stat-tr and symptom of disease. '1' 1 words of thirty years‘ extensive end successful FOR CIIILDRI‘JN. 'NHI New York r it has been declared the only ' FOR CHILDREN. of youth. The above Ilarrows are far superior to any - 01‘ For further particulars apply at the Ofï¬ce of No. ‘29 Anne Street. or iBox 54,,1’.O, Quebec.» . . ‘ A',‘4_‘ :;»~.: ,v; LANDS FOR SALE. 011 Easy Terrâ€"n; of Payment. 30,000 Acres, .w. c. :... w“ - . . 7 NE W TREATMENT. _._.- Buffan Medical Dispensary. , Established for the cure of -v .1» ..‘.-â€."r.4.-}3 .a wâ€.-. .t. a L... :‘f.".’.; .‘. v' a. . DY SPEI’SIA, (-1 E N E R A 1, DEBILITY’ SITUA'I‘ED in the counties of LAIIIPTOII “yd FEVER AND AGUE, AS'I'“ MA. KENT. All necessary information Will ,0 given on application. post paid, to MILES LANG-STAFF. VVallacoburgh. Also, some improved FARMS to RENT. INCII’IEN‘I‘ CUNSUMI’TICN, CONSUMPTION 0F YOUTH AND OLD AGE, ETC. No l‘lcrcury Used. 'â€" Wallztcoburgh, Nov. 94. 1859. 52-tf Dr. Amos; db $011, H CCttNER or MAIN e QUAY ere, ‘ (wed Health and Long Life. Buffalo, New York, E the only Physicians in the State who are members of the Royal College of May be co usultod from 8 o’clock in the morning until 9 at night, in every MAYOR’S _ LONG LIFE PILLS! Arc warranted not to contain any Mercury ' These Pills are. composed of the most select Drugs, and being purely vegetable, can be taken at any season of the year if necoesary', with safety and without fear of taking cold by exposure, which rendcrs them of great value and superior to any other mcdiciuc ever yet offered to the public. The satisfactory and flitt- tcrir'rg testimonials received by the Proprietor, has induced him to advertise these invaluable I’ills that the public may be convinced of 1 simple and e lieucious remedy. is alone suffici- errt to subdue and cure the ordinary sickness of this country, such an; I’ains in the Head, Back ,aud Loins, all Nervous Disorders, Dyspepsia or ‘i Indigestion, Sorrrrcss of the Threat, Cramps, ,tfolir-s, \Vorms in Children, and other disor- ‘dcrs, which will be found on tr; e wrapper with instructions for taking 'hem. Price, 9.5 Cent's each Box. Sold by Druggists and general Storekeeporl. who are requested not to purchase oftrnvollilg Agents. The trcuti’nentthey adopt is the result of up- practrce in Europe and America. a K MOST SCIEVTIFIC INVENTION, An instrument for the cure of Genital Debiâ€" Iity, of‘Noclurnal Emissions, more properly knnwnas Seminal \Veakncss. doc. Can he pcrnmnently cured ill from 15 to 20 days, by the use or this instrument, when and catf- jointly with medicines. YOUNG MEN 'I‘AKH PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. A.nos & Son take pleasure ln- announc- ing that they have invented a most important instrumentt'or the cure of the nbove diseases. It has been subjected 10.. test of the most cin- incnt physicians in London. Paris. Philadelphia useful instrument over yet. invented for the cure ol Seminal weakness. or any disease of the genital organs,caused by the secret habits Dr. Amos & Son. in order to satisfv the most skeptical as t! the merits of their instru- ment, pledge themselves that in any instance ,where it may prove unsatisfactory, after a fair trial. the money will be refunded by returning the instrument in good order. Persons wishing the above useful instrument. will observe that the price, with tho accom- panying directions, securely packed. and sent by mnil or express, is ten dollars. THOMAS MAYOR. Ofï¬ceâ€"Victoria Square. Munufactory~4th Con. Markham. (Bur Musical Friend. 6‘ £113 MUSICAL FRIEND,†a Rare 0 c onrpanion for the \‘v'inter Mouths. Every l’inuist, Should procure thin Every Singer, woekly Publication of Every 'I‘enchor, Vocel and Piano Fort. Every I’upil, Music. cutting but 10 Every Amuteur, l cents a murder, and I’ronounccd by the entire Press ofthe country, to be “ THE BEST AND CHEAPEST \VOIIK OF THE KIND IN THE WORLD'†Twelve full-sized Pages of Vocal and Piano Forte Music. for 10 Cents. Yenrly.$5; Ilalfryeariy,$? 50; Quarterly$lfl5 Subscriber to “Our Musical Friend.†or order it from the nearest Newsdcaler, and you , {will have Music for your entire family at an 88"." i insignificant cost; and if you want Music for the Flute. Violin, Cornet, Clarionct. Accordion 61c. 6U: SIIIbCI‘iItO to the @010 Melodist, . Containing 12 pages, costing only 10 Cents u number; Yearly, $2 50 ; Half-yearly. $1 ‘35. NI" IIEH‘ENIES AND QUICK CERES â€"-A CUR] VVARIIAIVI'! D. Dr. Amos 6: Son have, for a long series of years. been engaged in an extensive practice in the treatment 0' these delicate corrrplaints, and uro the only legally qualified physicians who now advertise to cure certain corrrplnints, or from whom genuine European romed es can be obtained. I’eréorrs in any part cf the world may be Buc~ cessfully treated by forwarding a correct detail of their cases, with u :Irmittnuce for medicines, etc†which will he returned with the utmost dispatch and secure from observation. Address Dr. Amos & Sou, corner Main and Quay streets, Iluflitlo, N, Y . ,W. U. @EKEN, MILLWRIGII’I‘, all I. T 6') A" .11 9 " ECS to intimate that he is now prepared to erect MILLS of (-very description, by contract or otherwise, on rtmsnnnble terms- He is also agent for the best Foundries in Ca- ' trade. and from his lengthcncd experience he tropes to give general satisfaction. Altona, Dec 23, 1859 All buck numbers at 10 (£18.; and Ilound Volumes, Containing 17 numbers, at $2 50 each, constantly on band. C. l. SEYMOUR & Co. 107 Nassau St.. New York I 1 Fire 1 Fire 1 Fire ! WESTERN Fire Ensrirancc Continuity of Toronto. 4 Quebec Government Agency. ijUSIN 17.58 connected with the CROW." J LAN!) and other I’ubiic Departments attended to ; also, Patents for inventions, Secured by the Subscriber. 11. .1. CHIC-QIJSY, No, ‘2‘.) Anne Sun-ct, Quebec. 67-tf INCORI‘ORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT. CflPITflL save 01;, crocoflw‘ I. C. GILHOB, Pros. DIRECTORS Itice Lewis. Esq. .lnmos Booty. Esq. '1‘, I’. Roberts, Esq. 7‘1. IIossin, Esq. I I Gm. MicnmNico Prol. 0 Address, prepaid. ,. '1 hos, llnworth, Esq. W. Henderson, Esq. IV. Macfurlane, Esq. Quebec, March 6, 1&60, ï¬nï¬Ã©â€˜l‘l‘éï¬lkéï¬ï¬. 1 :‘OR the INS'I‘Ahi'I‘ RELIEF and PER- MANI‘ZN'I‘ CURE of this distressing complaint use FEW°B T93 BRONCHIAL CIGARETTES I Made by C. II. SEYMOUR 6:. ("o., 107 Nassau Street. N.Y. Price $1 per box; sent free by post. For Sale at all Drtrg‘gists. liomttrd llnldun, Esq. Secretary .5- Treasurer. Angus Morrison. Esq. Solicitor. Bank of Upper Canada. Bun/ran. ISannmin Switzcr, Esq. Inspector. 113' Hand (Mice. Clmrch Strut, Toronto. a This COMPANY Insuros all descriptioan Buildingsd‘vlanufactories, Mills. ch c.. and Good. and It‘urniture, in the some. ugainstloes 01(1an ego by fire, on Iiboralterms. Losses promptly settled. - - A. LAW, Residence. General'ngont. Iiichu‘ond Hill August 13. 1857. 310-] r :- .an‘m'flâ€"u‘ ' 3““ Â¥h _ _,, N. ATEUT Ezrve Troughs rind ‘iVater Spouts superior to tin. ‘put up at. 6 cents por foot ; also, Drain Pipes, Seasoned Siding, Ladders, Shingles, I’ickct Gates. “Ingng Fel- lows and Hubs, lnrrcl Heading, and Turning in general h‘lanulncturod and for sale by vttltrri liltrttt gilrrrtttr ~ N LA N as T A F F, is S'riAM Mer. , '1‘no~Imnry.I.. ‘ , EVER}? FRIDAY BJORNING’ June 3, 1859. 27-11 , ' v I And despntohed to Subscribers by the earliest _..-..-..-..-_,.-,~..w_. “mmâ€- ._-.._._. , In uils.-0r' o-th'er conveyance. when so desired- Tlro YORK HERALD will always be be found to contain the latcstzmd Irrostimpor- taut Foreign and Provincial News and Mn. kets. and the greatest care will be taken to render it accoptable tothe man of business. and n valnnhle Family Newspaper. ‘ 'I‘EIIMS.-â€"~f?i=‘mn and Sixpenceper'ArIIirIm,t-tl , ADVANCE; and if not paid within Three l Months two dollars will be charged. ' M Aâ€"I’OII’ S â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"__._..._~ v t ' I i= RATES OF ADVERTISING _ 1 . . g C O N I I O N P H Y S i V Sixlines and under, first insertion. . . . .$t)0 5». A“) Each subsequent insertion . . . . . . . . . . . (90 12 Ten lines and under, ï¬rst insertion. . . . , 00 715‘ Above ten litres, first in... per 11116.... 00 07 Each subsequentinsertion, per line. . . . (1’103 If? Advertisements without WI‘ltIt‘lt iii-roc- IIOIIs inserted till forbid, amel- charged accord- itrgly. WORM Dreiser‘th I ‘IIIS Splendid Medicine out) be given in one Bull ï¬t any time ‘cf 1le year, without injury to the Horse. and has been uscd by the Farmers of Markham fct' the lost two years with a success nnprcct-dcutcd. By the use of this remedy it will convince the owners ofthat noble animal the inconsistency of an unneces- sary outlay by using Artificial food or Condition Powders. which are top \tiellqkn‘own to contain minerals highly injurious to the membrane or coating of‘ the Stomach. "l‘he Bull is 9: compound of l’ure Vogetnbo. and warranted not to contain either h’lorcury. Arsenic, Antiâ€" mony or any other Mineral. Its immediate action is surprising and the ultimate effect has astonished thousands. If the Animal is out of sorts, there is a cause remove that and lie is all right. One (1(er tit the cost of 2-3 cents is sufficient to cure Ilido Bound, Loss of Appoa tite. Coughs. Colds and ll‘cvcr, Distemper, Stoppagc of \Vator, chilcd Logs, , Grease-.nrrti is a complete Destroyer of \Vorpnsha,gr'entpuri- fyer ofthe Illood, and a good I’hysic', always rccommondcd to be give-nit] the Stirlirrglnnd Fall, which willact as a preventive and rmâ€" provo the general condition. blokes him com- pletoly upto the mark for his work, therccby giving every-satiélhction theK owner cunnrcqurre. 'I'estimoniq él ol' the highest charyrctcr, will be forwarded to testify to the above" if required. Cash 'I‘ernf‘sâ€"One Dollnypetjpticket cohtainjng, four Balls. » ' ' ‘ ’ ' All'transitory advertisements, from stranger} or irregular customers. must be paid for when! handed in for insertion. A liberal discount will be made to parties ud- vertising by the year. All advertisements published for ale." pe- riod than one month. must be paid for in ad.- Vance. All letters addressed to the Editor mun be post paid. No paper discontinued "11,111 :tllarrcuragcs are paid : and parties refusing papers without pay- in.,_. app will be held accountable for the sub‘ scriptron. THE YORK HERALD Book and Job Printtng ESTABLISMEN'IH ()RDERS for any ‘or the undormet’itfioned l _, description of I’LAIN and FANCY JOB WVOIIK will be promptly attended to :-â€"- nooKs. FANCY BILLS, BUSINESS «Arms, LARGI AND SMALL rosrrzus,crrrcur.uts, LAw FORMS, BILL IIEAI)S.11ANK cnxcnsmnxrrs, AND Letters prepaid enclosing a remittance. will P A m P It I. E' 'r s . "r be lâ€Â°â€'l‘.“-“ “it"‘ldl‘ld w‘ And every other kind of l’rinten Directions wrapped round each Ball .V with my signature in full, without which none - e ermine. . , . 0mm m g ylxn.,,ufacm,.v_4m done In the best style, at moderate rates. Officeâ€"Victoria Square. concession Markham, i _ - Our assortment of JOB 'I'YI‘E is entirely THOMAS MAVQR‘ newland of the latest patterns. A large. variety The onk mayâ€, of the mama} “Mum†3 ofnew Fancy Type and Borders. tar Cards, mm“ 05“! ‘m Ame-ï¬gs. Q lflireulnwéte. kept always on beach I