a........._...._ -â€"- _ having remained behind with the grog carts. fell into the hands of the Chinese. next morning they Were brought before the an. ' ihorities. and commanded to perform the katou. The Soiks obeyed; but Movse, the English THE PRIVATE OF TEE BUFFS. nv sin F. u. Donia. â€"â€". “Some Seiks, and a private of the Buffs, On the soldier, declaring that he would not prostrate himself before any Chinaman-‘alive; was i'm- Inediately knocked Upon the head, and his body thrown on a dung hill.â€â€"â€"Ssc China correspon- dent of the Times. » Last night, among the fellow roughs, IIo jested, quatled and, swore ; A drunken private of the Bull's, Who never looked before, ' Tia-day, beneath the foeman’s frown. He stands in Elgin’s place, Ambassador from Britain’s crownl And type of all her race. Poor, reckless, rude, lowâ€"born, untaught, Bowildercd, and alone, A heart. with English instinct fraught, IIe yet can call his own Ay, tear his body limb from limb, Bring cord or axe or flame: y I 110 only knows. that not through him, Shall England come to~sliamo. F‘or Kentish hop-fields round him seem’d, Like dreams to come and go -. Bright leagues of cherry ~blosom glcam’d, One sheet of living. snow ; The smoke, above his father’s door. In grey soft cddyings hung: Must be then track it rise no more, Doom’d by himself so young? Yes, honour calls lâ€"with strength like steel Ho puts the vision by. Let dusky Indianswhine and kneel: An English lad must die. And thus. with eyes that would not shrink, With knee to man unbent, Unfaliering on its dreadful brink, To his red grave he wout.’ Vain, mightiest fleets of irou,framod; Vain. those all-shattering guns : Unless proud England keep, untamed, The strong heart of her sons. 80, let his name through Europe ringâ€"- A man of mean estate, Who died as ï¬rm as Sparta’s king, Because his soul was great. E . L and do you good throughout eternity. Hold on to your virtueâ€"it is above all price to you in all times and places. , ‘ Ilold on to your good character, for it is, and '2 over will be, your best wealch God gives every bird its food, but does not throw it into the nut. 110w Oakâ€"Hold on to your tongue when you are just ready to swear, lie, or speak harsh. Ty, Of Use any linproptn‘ words. Hold on to your hand when about to strike, pinch, steal, or do any improper act. Hold on to your feet when you are on the point of kicking, running into danger, or pur- suing the path of error, shame, or crime. ' Hold on to your temper when yeti are angry, excited, or imposed upon, or others are angry about you. ' ‘ Hold on to your heart when evil associates see your company, and invite you to Join in their games, mirth, and revslry. Hold on to your good name, it is more valua- hi. to you than gold, high places, or fashionable attire. Value the friendship of him who stands by you in the storm ; swarms of insects WIII sur- round you in the sunshine. Unsocial old Snarl says that love is a combi- nation of diseasesâ€"an affectim of the heart, and an indentation of the brain. ‘ Say, Cmsar Augustus,why am your legs like an organ grinder 'l' I ‘ Don’t know, Mr. Sugarloaf; why is day i’ ‘ Cos they carry a monkey about the streets.’ An old Count paid his addresses to a rich heiress. On asking her hand in marriage, ho frankly said to her, “ Mademoiselle, I am very old, and you are very young, will you do me the honor to become my widow.’ The following neat sentiment was drank, standing, at a private fete among do fust circle colored elite of New York, a few evenings since :_ ‘ Here‘s to de eolor'd fairsnc, dor face needs no paint, darn head no ’funiery.’ A flock of birds flying over the heads of two city merchants, one of them exolaimod, ' 110w happy these creatures are I They have no acceptances to pay 1’ ' You are mistaken,’ replied the other: ‘they have their ‘ bills ’ to provide for as well as wo.’ A WAG â€"-A waggisli speculator, one ofa nu- merous family in the world, recently said, “ Five years ago 1 was not worth a penny in the world; now .a. where 1am through myown “onions!†“ “'0â€, where are you 7" “Why, a thousand pounds in debt. ‘~' Don’t put too much confidence id 3 lover’s vows and srgbs,†said Mrs. I’artingtotl to her niece ;- '“ let him tell you that you have lips like strawberries and cream, cheeks like tat-nation, eyes liko asterl‘sk; but such things oftenor come from a tender head than a tender heart.†Au AMERlCAN Wirunss.â€"Aii American wit- “ noes was called upon, to give his testimony Haring taken his place in the witness-box h'e turned to the counsel at the bar, and before tes- tifying, very earnestly made the inquiry, “ Say, strangenwhioh side am I on 1†Donna Ann 'rna Cocmmrs.-â€"Tw0 sparks from London, while enjoying themselves among the heather in Argyloehire, last autumn, came up-. n a decent-looking shepheard readin on the top of a hill. They accosted him by re- marking:â€"-“ You have ï¬ne view here’,‘ you . will see a great way." “On aye, on aye, a ferry great war.†“ Ah! you willsoe‘Atmerica ' from here i’ "‘ Ah ! how that?†“ Ou, juist wait till that mist gangs own, an’ you‘ll see the owns 1†Vnuv “ FAIR DitINKEns.â€â€"â€"'1‘he“following anecdote is an amusing sample of Scottish ser- vast humor and acuteness in measuring the ex- tent of consumption by a convivial party in Forfarshiro The party 'had met at a farmer’s house not far from Arbroath to celebrate the re. ronciliatlou of two neighboring farmers, whorl had been long at Blllnlly. The host Was pres- sing and hospitable; the party sat late, and consumed Ii glorious quantity of whisky toddy. The wife was ponurious, and grudged the out- lav. \Vheu at last at a morning hour the party dispersed. the lady. who had not slept in her tnxiety, looked over the stairsand asked the vernal, ‘Ilow many bottles of whisky have they used, Betty'?’ The lass, who had not to pay for the whisky, but had been obliged to go to the well to fetch the water for the teddy, coolly answered,‘1dinna lieu, mom, butthey’vo Fruzhn sax gang 0' water.’ ,Vv COMMISSIONERIN QUEEN’S BENCH, '~ Conveyanevr and Auctioneer} September 18, 1860. WALTER B. GEIKIE; v‘ MD; Licentiate oft/Le Zlfedi-cal Board of Upper Cana- da, and recently 01w ' AS returned to AURORA, and re-taken at his residence in Aurora. Licensed masonic arms Motel, léiOUSE, Siguuand Ornamental DRY goo .ship. )« 1-7 ‘ n.1,... v.1.» yank-,3... ï¬. . . m ; . - . ' Easiness Einstein. J.GORMLEY. Lor 31!.r4rn' Cert. Mauquu. "-95-tf qft/ic Medicatnï¬cers 4 of the Toronto General Hospital, and Professor QfA/iutumy and Surgery in. Dr. Kelp/L’s Medical Sta/tool, his former residence» on Yong. Street, where he may be consulted at all times, on the unions branches of his profession. Aurora, Feb. 24, 1860; 65.,1 Dr, 0. m. LLOYD; SURGEON DENTIST, . ILL be at the following places for the Practice of his Profession : The lst Thursday of every Month at 1101- *land Landing. The ‘2ud Thursday at King Station. The 3rd 'I‘hursday at Richmond Hill. The 4th Thursday at Gormley's Corners. At all other times the Doctor can be found 4 June 29. 1960. 83-4? . Auction Notice. TIIOMASTEOWMAN, roa ran COUNTIES OF YORK dc PEEL. All letters addressed to “ Almira.†P.O. wil receive prompt attention. the " York Herald†()II’ICO, Richmond Hilll Mr. Henry Lemon, Thoruliill, and Mr, James Cavannah. Terms, &c. may be obtaioed. Alinira, Nov. 25. 1859. Orders received a Mansion House, Sharon, where GQ-tf RICII MONI) HILL. GEORGE SIMSON, PROPRIETOR. OOD Accommodations and every attention shown to Travellers. Good Yards for Drove Cattle and Loose Boxes for Race Horses and Studs. The Monthly Fair held on the Premises ï¬rst Wednesday in each month. The Subscriber in calling the attention of the public and his Old Friends to his establishment, feels satisfied he can administer comfortably to their wants and wilh mutual satisfaction. Richmond Hill. April 20. 1860. 73-tf P A i N TI NOT“ R. VAILES, Painter. GRAINER, Glazier, Gilder, Paper Hanger, RICHMOND HILL. .ainting done on the shortest notice an on the most reasonable terms. Richmond Hill, April, 20, 1860. 73-tf ‘M ACT iriiEw L P P E R, AURORA, AS just received a new and full assortment of Spring and Summer . The Milliuery Department! Will be found replete with the newest and most Fashionable Styles of Bonnets, Hats and Capes, All 0‘ which will be Sold at the lowest remunei ating prices. Aurora, April ‘27, 1860. 74-tf JOHN N. REID, M.D. conuzit or r‘onon Aim consonn STREETI, THORNIIILL. 113' l 11 Prescriptions got at the Ofï¬ce must be paid for on delivery. 31-1)‘ “Tm TOOT'TO B. BOWMAN’S MILLS! w [T I Y 0 U [V CARDING a; GRISTING, whore parties from a distance can have it ilone to take with them on theirreturnhome. Almira, May 13, 1859. 24-tf. ‘Oheap Clothing. HE Subscriber begs to inform. the inhabiâ€" tantsoanttonvillo and the surrounding country, that he continues to make ï¬rst-class ' COflTlS', VESTS, PANTS, ac. In the newest Styles and superior VVorkman- All orders promptly attended to and work warranted. JOHN HARDY. - Tailor and Clothier. Buttonvillc. Dec. 213, 1859. 55-1y ANGLO-AMERJCAN House; uaaaaan VLLAGE. OOD Accommodations. Wines. Liquo‘f‘B and Cigars of the choicest brands. R. MARR, Proprietor. Markham, Juno 1859. 26-tf RICHMOND HILL HOTEL. STAGE runs from the above Hotel to Toronto, every morning, starting from" the .Elgii‘i Mills at 7. a.m,_, and returning at 7, p.m. Fare. 23. 6d. each way. soon ACCOMMODATION FOR Taavnrmaas. RICHARD NICHOLLS, Proprietor. 1-55 HALF-WAY HOUSE, RICHMOND HlLl'. . 1113 Subscriber begs to inform his numer- ous Patrons and the public, that he has removed from the White Swan Hotel to the Richmond 11111, Dec. 18,1858. above Premises, where there will be found- excellent accommodation for Travellers, and Good Stabling. (13" IIOrs‘es and Buggies for Hire. JOSEPH GARY, Proprietor. Richmond 11111, Oct. ‘22, 1858. 72-7 CALEB“ LUDFORD, SADDLE, AND: HARNESS MAKER. Opposite Mr. Parkiss’ Store. 10443‘. "Panama. .. . 7. c. .“l hat-a1â€... ,.,.,_z..:c_.,...;. . “1:5 ._ v. . -. L1. v, , liaisons QUAmtiLLE turn) :2 convenience of large 01 small partiesï¬ Aurora, or Mr. NV, WILLIS, 3rd Con. VVhit- *ehurch. ~ ’ Null. 'Also,.a. SA'X-IIORN-B'A‘ND may be andzatioasonablo prices. hadfon application. . Aurora, Nov. .9, .1860. I, .r 111E undersigned begs respectfully toiiiform ' v . , T _, â€" r ‘ Riciimoiï¬i’l'i i111 & Vici'in ity' That he has commoneedbusincss in the Tailor in any style. Richmond Hill. Feb. 10, 1860. Auctioneer, . _, . . Miiaisesa FITZGERALD, w»..- .v - li‘ili: AURORA 1 l S-HOW open to receive engagements on li- ,beral terms, for any number, to suit the - to Mr. WM. Applications IRELAND, at 1.00-3m NEW TAILOECSREPTV the inhabitants cf ~ n I ing Line in the house adjoining MR. SIVERS? SHOE SHOP, Whore. by close application to business and I'm 13- Richi’noud... wherehe intends to keep studying to please, he hopes to merit a share of constantly ori.hnndt. ‘ public patronage. ALL ORDERS 'PUNCTUALLY ATTENDRD ro. Garments cut to order on the shortest notice, JAMES B. BURNES. ‘ 63-1y .‘jr .‘ ' TEETH EXTEACTEBTWITHOUT PAIN! By the use of Electricity, :y‘ 7% V "ll-Int SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA- Teeth inserted on Silver, Gold or Valcanized Rnber. All Operations in his Profession- performed in the most approved manner and Warrantcd' Aurora, March 9, 1860. 67-1y ..___a YONGE STREET HOTEL, AURORA. . GOOD- supply of VVinos and Liquors A , always on hand. deï¬cit for 'l‘r’avOllers, Farmers, and others. Cigars of all brands. ' r ' l). McLEOD, Proprietor. Aurora. Juno 6. 1859. 25. 1y 'I‘ORON’I‘0 CITY MARIle WORKS 185 YONGE STALET. MONUMENTsjâ€"TOMBTABLES’ TOMBS’I‘ONES, &c. Twenty Per , Cent Cheaper THAN ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT. IIE ,UNDERSlGNED Assignees of the estate of 1). C. 6’1. W. YALE, willcon tinue the business under the superiiitendcnce of our duly authorized agents, AUSTIN ABBEY and D. CARLOS VALE. whose receipt will be ', duly acknowledged. 1’.S.â€"â€"All notes and accounts remaining un- paid on the 1st day of June. 1858:, will be put -, into Court for collection, - C.‘ YALE. - G. CUMMER. Toronto, April 529, 1859. 48â€"tf. .3...‘ u. a. HILLARY, _ PHYSlCAN, SURGEON a ACCOUCHEUB, AURORA, C.W'. February 17, 18,60. HARNESS Aiin SHOE BLACKING. T V. ELL’S Superior VVaterproofI‘I'arn'css o and Shoe Blocking is warranted to soften leather. and render it iiiiperinusto wot. Menu; factored at Richmond Ilili, and sold by Store- keepors and Harness ’Makers throughout tho. Province. February 10, 1860. Ev _ .___..__.â€" .____. DR. O. E. SEYMOUR, HOM(EOPATHIC'PHYSICIAN, MAIN ST., NEWMARKET, U.C. 65-1 DR; L. LANGSTAFF, SPRINGUILL. 3 doorkwost of King. Post Oflico. " King,itiay i3;_ 1859. .I’IUGI’I CAMPBELL, \Vatcii and Cloclcbl‘nkci', JEWELER,&c. ' Yonge Street, Aurora. Jewelry, Watches and Clocks repaired and 24-1y cleaned on the shortest notice and lowestterms _ 66-“ Aurora. February 17, 1860. *â€" Barristers, ,Aâ€"ttorneys-at-Law, SOLICITORS 1N CIIANCERY. &c. OFFICE :,â€" ‘ CORNER OF KING AND TORONTO STREETS Over \Vhitmore dz. Co’s. Bonking Oflice, TOR ONTO- A gemy Partzculm'ly- attended to. THOMAS a. maynusou. flaam‘ss FITZGERALD Toiont‘i, July 1, 1559, DENTISTRY! w. c. ADAMS. D. D. s. Surgeon Dentist, 99 KING sT. can, SOUTH SIDE. THIRD noon WEST FROM- cnmisH' s’r. 'rouorvro, . ARTICULAR attention given to the regu- lation of_C/iililrcn’s Tool/i; Consultation ‘free. and all work‘- \Val‘l'tltlthI. Dr, A. has turned his attention to the im- provements of his profession in all its branches. and, can supply the profession with Teeth, Gold, Vulcanized Apparatus. and? Vulcanite "Rubber, and the best Bone filling. Mineral Teeth mounted on Gold, Silver. or Vulcanized Rubber, writ). Continuous Gums, "which are warranted to give entire satisfaction. W, October 11, icon 49.}, Toronto, will attend to Suits in all the Superior Courts of Law. Chancery and County Court : also. on request. to. Conn Division Courts, ‘ scriptionof Conveyancing drawn up with care 1 Toronto. November 20, 1860. Of various descriptions, also, Sugar Kettles, 4 Box Stoves. &c., .4812. ~' .' . ‘ of Job Work attended to. Excellent Accuuimoâ€" ’ , 63â€"h 31-tf‘ “Viki, .L.‘ V_ .J.‘ .1 ‘ _..._. . . T . . x s I 3"“. s". Charles fDuran d, - ARRISTER and ATTORNEr,-Oiace, . v'cornsr of Adelaide and Yonge Streets, Deeds, Leases. Mortgages. and every de- Letters post paid attended to.~ 1"04- - 6 m RICHMON D HILL. H. HALL: EGS to notify the Public that he has leased the Foundrv, lately in the occupation of IRON. BEAM news. All kinds of Plow points for sale, aiid'all kinds I All work warranted. Richmond ilill, Oct. 25th. 1860. 95-3.... 5: SURGEON Dentist, will be at Nicholl’l IIotel. Richmond Hill, the FIRST and 'l‘uiiui MONDAY of every month, and, the re- mainder‘ of the month at IIIS'J‘GSIdGIICG 'I‘hOI‘nhil‘l; All \VOrlearrantcd. Teeth ï¬lled -_with Osteoplartic or- Artificial Bomifâ€"Tbis ï¬lling is put into the Tooth while 'soft, causing no pain, as itrcquires ’no- pressure, I it soon becomes as hard as the tooth to which tt ï¬rmly adheres, rendering it almostimpossiblo ' for the filling ever to come out. Dr. Husband has made arrangements with .3113, G, L. Elliot, of Toronto, to manufacture hisAititicial Teeth ; those 'who engage Doctor Husband to do their work will be sure of hav- ing it done in a superior manner, July 8, 1859. 324,-. GENUINE runny LIQUORS. WM. 13. MOREHOUSE a (30., Importers dz. Wholesale Dealers in. .B y D r. C. E D M O D S; ,Brandies, Wines, Gins & Segars, li ‘ EG leave to. call the attention of the citi- zens of the United States to their Pure Wines and Liquors, put up under their own supervision. for Family and Medicinal use, in cases assorted to suit customers. Clubs, Military and other public bodies. who require to purchase in large or small quantities, in casks or bottles, will be liberally dealt with.â€" Price list sent on application. OLD MOREHOUTSE B1 TTER‘S. Rccommeneed by the ï¬rst Physicians as the best remedy known for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Debility, and all Nervous Diseases. As a beverage. it is pure. wholesome. and delicious to the taste. Sold by all Druggists. W M. B. MOREHOUSE, &.CO, Prop’rs. 3 do 5 Exchange Place. Jersey City, J. P.S.â€"â€"'1‘bp subscribers wish to engage a‘ few active men, as Local and Travelling Agents for their house, to whom liberal inducements will be oï¬'orcd. N O TIC E . RS. R. RODGERS bogs leave to intim- , ate that she designs to open a class. on Monday the let of October next, to give Los- sons in the following branches ; Waxflower, Grecian and Velvet Painting, Pencil Drawmg, \Vater Colors. Leather Work, and the various kinds of Embroidery. 113" For terms, see cards. . Richmond Hill. Sept. 29, 1860. 9543a: General ignore, AT AURORA. HE Subscriber has constantly on hand a General Assortment of may coups 6471)’ GROCERIESy HARDWARE, PROVISIONS, &c. Jae. «Ste. ‘ PLASTER END SALT, Altvavs on hand, and for sale on the most favorable terms. - . , \VM. SMITH. jAuI'ora,-June 14, 1860.. LANDS FOR SALE. _ on EXCHANGE. reasonable terms, - iii iiiii ii iiiii Situated in the following Townships :â€"- Somervilloâ€"County of Victoria. chloyâ€"County of Victoria, Sydeuhemâ€"Countyrof Grey, ' Ainabelâ€"County of Bruce. change. For further particulars apply to G. J. F. PEARCE, Richmond Hill, P.O. Canada West. 79-tf AN Oiéiiiiin FARM FOR SALE. 10 ‘ACRES, 80 Cleared. 20 miles from Toronto,aiid three-quarters of a mile from the Kingston Road. Well watered. Good Buildings and in a a good state of cultivation. For further particulars apply to DR. WINS'I‘ANLEY, gEglington, Yongo Street. ‘ 97.3m June 1,1860. October 4, 1360. _.._._‘m H LAND for @ALi-i 2 on T0 EXCHANGE. ACRES OF LAND in the Town- ship of Sunnidale, county ofSi'ncoe, being west half of Lot No. 4, in the 6th con- cession. Also, 100 Acres in the same Town- ship, bding west half of Lot No. 7. in the 8th ] concession. The above property is covered with very valuable ,Pino Timber, and lies within half a mile ol't'ie Sunnidalo Station on the Northern R a i 11w ay. . i For further particulars apply to the proprie- tor of the “ York Herald †Office. Richmond Hil‘. Jim-e 2%, 18180. , -',,';~-c.-;“ "'11. ‘ -.'. . v m USE _1\’1¢KENZI‘E.’S to Business in the USE McKENZIE’S usE MCKENZIES. USE McKENZIEs USE McKENZIE’S ' usEeiicKENZIEs WORM CANDY. ‘WORM CANDY, . , â€". WORM CANDY. G. H. Hflsband’ WORM CANDY... ; WORM CAN DY, V _ ,. ‘1 -:.'* ’ a. n', . v..~‘.~.-'. n. x w ,NE W TREA TMENT. W 0 It, as. Bull'an MOdicaI Dispensary. . . Established for the cure-of l EDYSPEPSIA, GENERAL DEBILITY. FEVER “AND AGUE, ASTHMA. > INCIPIEN'I‘ CONSUMPTION, _‘ ‘ GGNSUMPTIOKN .OI“ YOUTH AND OLD AGE, ETC. .â€"-â€"â€"â€" NO Mercury Used. ‘Dr- Amos w @011,» CORNER OF MAIN & QUAY STS.,’ Buffalo, N cw York, RE the on'lv Physicians in the State who are members of the Royal College of Surgeons, L'oudon. May be consulted from 8 o’clock in the morninguntil 9 at night, in every state and symptom Of disease. 1 , I The treatm'entthoy adopt is the result of up- wards of‘thiity years’ extensive and successful practice in Europe and America. DEAD, SHOT % DEA-D. sEOT DEAD SHUT DEAD suOT DEAD SHOT DEA a min A. MOST SCIENTIFIC INVENTION, An instrument for the cure of Genital Debi- lity, of Nocturnal Emissions, more properly known as Seminal \Veakness. 6L0. Can be permanently cured in from 15 to 20 days, by the use of this instrument, when ï¬nd con- Jomtly with. medicines. YOUNG MEN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. . Dr. Amos 6!. Son take pleasure 1n .annouuc- ing that they have Invented a most important instrumentforthe cure of the above diseases. ‘ .13 LANDS FOR SALE. On EasyTerms of Payment. 80,000 Acres, ITUA'I‘ED in the counties of LAMPTOK and KENT. All necessary information will b. given on application, post paid, to MILES LANGSTAFF, . Wallacoburgh. Alsd, sOmc improved FARMS to RENT. , - I ’ VVallaceburgh, Nov. 94. 1859. 52-“ Geod Health and Long Life. MAYOR’S ‘ ' LONG LIFE PILLS I Are warranted not to containany Mercury. ', These Pills are composed of the most "loot Drugs, and wing purely vegetable, can bo- taken at any season of the vearif necessary, ' with safety and without fear'of taking cold by exposure, which renders them of great vain. and superior to any. other medicine over yet offered to the public. The satisfactory and flat- tering testimonials received by the Proprietor, ‘ has induced him .to advertise these invaluale Pills that the public may be convinced'Of 3 simple and efï¬cacious remedy, is alone suï¬icio out to subdue andcuize the ordinary sickness of this country, such as Pains in the Head, Buck and Loins, all Nervous Disorders, Dyspepsia." } '- IiIdig-estion, Sorcnoss of the Threat, Cramps, It has been subjected to a test oftho most em- [001105. .Wm'lhs in Children. and other diure- woun CANDY, . FOR CHILDREN. Worm Medicine extant, " and the cheap. est ;†only 15 cents per package 5 50 cents for four packages. in medicine NORTH ROP & LY MAN. Newcastle. C.W., CARTER. KERRY & Co. Montreal, C.E., are General Wholesale Agents for the Canadas. F‘ARMERS’ INT EREST. 1' THE Subscriber begs to intimate to liillllii Iliillili 1. now in use. being made on an entire new principle. They will he found to do the work and particulate as to price ascertained; by ap- plying For particulars. address as above. 81â€"tf VlV’Iayor’s Long Life HE Subscriber offers for Sale, on very ' For a’portiou of these Lands superior doe ; scription of Farm Stock will be taken in ex- ,E'.‘ Jr. , CEEEEISEY, iCa-napbell, Esq. T. Woodside. Esq. Messrs. 39“,“ .usefol instrument over yet invented for this cure of Seminal weakness. or any disease of the genital organs, caused by the secret habits of youth. ‘ Dr. Amos _ .most'skeptical as t3 the merits of their instru- FOR CHILDREN. FOR CHILDREN. FOR C11] FOR CHILDREN. trial, the money will be refunded by returning FOR UHIDDREN'. gthe instrument’in'goold order. ‘ . l ) " - ' ' ‘ V The most Pleasant, safest and‘eï¬ecmal , “I ersons Wishing the above useful instrument, will observe that the price. With the accom- panyingdirections, :s-ccurely packed. and sent by mail or express, is ten dollars. Sold by every dealer TRY IT ONCE. Genuine, has the signature of 11. E. McKANZIE, M.D., Glasgow. \YARRAhTIZD. Dr. Amos & Son have, for a long series of years. been engaged in an extensive practice in the treatment of these delicate complaints, and are the only legally. qualified physicians who now advertise to cure certain complaints, or from whom gen-nine European remedes can be obtained. , - Persons in any part of the world may be suc- cessfully treated by forwarding a correct detail of their cases, with a remittance for medicines, «to, which will be returned with the utmost dispatch and secure from obser-vation. Address Dr. Amos &. Sou, corner Main and Quay streets, Buffalo, N. Y. . 88-ly the Farmers of the County of York. that he is prepared to Manufacture and Sell U.-~SKENE, MILLVVRIGI’IT, .u L T 0 JV .51 , EGS to intimate that hoisnow prepared to erect MILLS of every description, by contract or otherwise, on reasonable termS' He is also agent for the best Foundries in Ca- nada. and from his lengthened experience he hopes to give general satisfaction, Altoua, Dec 23. 1859 4 With me iiiiprovedDraft and Coupling Irons. The above “arrows are far superior to any much quicker and better than any other Har- , rows. Specimens of the above may be seen _ to the Subscriber, at his shop, Richmond Hill, who will punctually attend to all orders. SAMUEL SANDERSON, Richmond inn. Feb.24,1860. A (lvcrtisemcnt. 'hcrebv bear. testivmonv that I' have tried SANDERSON’S RO'i‘A'riNG HAR- RO WS. on my summer fallow, last Saturday. and Monday. and have found them up to all that Mr. Sandeison reprosmts them to be. They are NOT of any heavier draft than the common barrow. and do the work to my almost 5-tf Quebec Government Agency. USINESS connected with the CROWN LAND and other Public Departments attended to ; also. Patents for . Inventions . r Secured by the Subscriber. ' Address, prepaid. E. J. CIIESLEY, satisfaction. I confidently recommend them to No, 20 Anne Street, in who require implements of tho'kind. ‘ Quebec. 1 Quebec, March 6, 1860. 67-tf RlCII.\RD VANDERBURGI Richmond Hill, June 20, 1860. w...“ w.... ___< ._ __._.. ._.__.__________ ._ .m... AETHMA : OR the INSTANT RELIEF and PER- "MANENT CURE of this distressing complaint use POpular Medicines FOR SALE BY 1. - FENIP T’s C . S . L L O Y D, BRONCHIAL OIGARETTES! Druggist & Dentist, Made by c. B. SEYMOUR &.'Co., m Nassau Street. N.Y. Price $1 per box; sent AURORA' free by post. For Sale at all Druggists. IIolloway’s Ointment lFalmestock’s Vermi- DroE. Hope’s Mag do'- fuge ‘ Dr. 'l‘rask’s do do,ludian Worm Tea Dr. VVilson’s Veg doiR R R Remedyu Harrison’s Electric do 1’ Davis’ Pain Killer Morehead’s Mag plas’s,Biigg’s Mag Relief Ayor?s Pills - ‘British Oil Myerso’s In R'oot do ATENT Eave Troughs and VVatpr Spouts superior to tin. put up at 6 cents per foot ; also. Drain Pipes. Seasoned Siding, Ladders. Shingles, Picket Gates, \Vaggon Felâ€" lows and Hubs, Barrel Heading, and Turning in general Manufactured and for sale by Harlem do Sir Ashley CooPcr’s atone go H N T A F F, . Antiâ€"bil do Lpike ’o v . , , ' :Moti'att’ALifo do Black do SH‘AM M‘Ll‘si lflm‘hmun Child’s Sov Balm Eng White do Juno 3, 1859. 9L“ Schneider’s oyo water Fettit’s AmeriSalve‘ . Kennedy's VVormPow- der Soules’ do do . Poor Man’ sAnti bil Dr. Pliinney’s Family Moï¬'att’s Phenix Bit Soper’s Salvo Hoofland’ German Bit:Egyptian do . Do Balsamic Earl Essences of all kinds -J‘udsou’s Cherry aiideloyd’s Ointment for Lurgwort ' Skin Diseases Kermott’s Tonic Mix Lloyd’s Eye Water. Wister’ pulmonic syrup, Lloyd’s Horse Powders Syrup of Iloarhound Lloyd’s Consentrated Boyer’s alvanic ï¬â€˜uid es of Jamaica gingei _ , » Fowler’sgext of StraW- Lloyd’sGerinan horse ' MA} OR’S berry Lotion Godfrey’s Cordial Lloyd’s Cough Syrin C O N D l T l O N P H Y S I C =, Pirtomau’s Poet Droplelot'd’s Tooth Powder AM) Lloyd’s'l‘oothacho Spo~ Paregoric . ctï¬o Sir '1‘ Keating’s Cough Lezengers ‘ , ,Basahes Cam. Mixtureâ€"an excellent remedy for Cholera Morbus. Diarrhoea, kc. WORM DESTROYER. HIS Splendid Medicine can be given in ' one Ball at any time of the year. without Lloyd’s Eurekaâ€"a grand“ discovorv : preople know its genuine worth. - Diseases would be scarce on earth ; 7 ‘ Then. why should people pain endure 7 When they can find a perfect cure. V Z 113’ Prescriptions Accurately Compound'cd Aurora, June 1860. 81 Farmers of Markham for the last two years with a success unprecedented. By the use of this remedy it Will. convince the owners ofthat noble animal the inconsistency of an unneces- sary outlay by using Artiï¬cial food or Condition Powders. which are too welllknown to contaln minerals highly injurious to the membrane or coating of the Stomach. The Ball is a 'comzponndgof Pure Vegetabe, and warranted not tocontain either Mercury, Arsenic. Anti- mony or any other Mineral. Its immediate Valuable Property Tfor Sale 12: 63' Acres, 23 of which is timbcred, 40 Acres under Cultivation. Several PARK LOTSzwith timber thereon. Also, VILLAGE PROPERTY with or without Buildings. The above property is situated at. and ad- joining to, the Village of 1 V Richmond. H111. For further particulars apply at the Ofï¬ce of this paper. Richmond Hill, Sept 26', 1860. astonished thousands; If the Animal is out of all right, One doseatvthe cost of 25 cents is sufï¬cient to cure Ilid‘e Bound, Loss of Appe- tite, Coughs, Colds and Fever, Distemper, Stoppage of Water,,Swellod Logs, Grease.and is a. com plote Destroyer of Worms, a groatpurir- fyerof the Blood, and a good Physic, always recommended to be givenin the Spring and Fall, which will not as a. proVemive and Im- prove the general condition. Makes him com- 96-tf giving every satisfaction the owner can require. Testimonials of the highest character will be forwarded to testify to the above if required. CashTermsâ€"One Dollar per packet containing four Balls; , , __ Letters prepaid enclosing a remittence. will_ be promptly attended to. Printed Directions wrapped round each Ball withmy signature in full. without which none other are gen nine. , Ofï¬cer-Victoria Square, concosei‘on Markham, STOCK BROKER. Land & Elemental Agent. do. No. ‘29 Anne Street, or BOX 54. P.O. Quebec. REFERENCES: Sheriff Jarvis. Hon. George Sherwood, Hon. P. M. Vankou-ghnet, C. J. Manu.fact.ory-4th G-ilmour, Coulson (Sc Co. Angus Morrison._ M.P,P. Toronto ;_ Messrs. Mills, Mattico Ce, Montreal; Hon. James Pasta. Barrio I: Fumes Webster, Eon, THOMAS MAYOR . ‘ The Only maker of the original Yorkshire '1‘“ time Ole in America. NEW REMENIES AND QUICK CERES --â€"A CURE . “ Every Pupil, Pronounced by the entire Press oftho iiii ii iiiiis. injury to the Horse, and has been used by the : action is surprising and the ultimate effect has v Sorts, there is a cause I remove that and he is v ‘ 'pletelyuptotbe mark for his work, thereeby so circular- , inent‘physicians in London. Paris. Philadelphia del‘S,WhiCh Will b6 found 011 1-50 \VMPPOJ‘ "hi and 1\ew York r' it has been declared the onlv instructions for taking them. Price, 25 Cents each Box. I _ , Sold by Draggists and general Stdroltoopdrif, I I I ‘who are requested not to purchase of travelling 45L Son..in order tobsatisfy the Agent“ L I ' 'i‘iIOMAs MAYOR. =ment,'plodge themselves that 111,,1I113'1118181100 Oï¬icoâ€"Victoria'Square. Manufactorvâ€"dtb where it may prove unsatisfactory. after 'a fair. ,Con. Markham.. ' t r ' OurMusical « Friend..." at on MUSICAL FRIEND)†vars - .4 ._.._,_L,._~_*. Mm- Companion for the Winter Months. Every Piaufst, Should ,_ procuros, thii~ Every Singer, weekly Publication of Every Teacher, Music. costing but 10'. cents a number, and! country, Every Amateur, to be "THE BEST AND CHEAPEST WORK OF THE KIND IN THE WORLD'†Twelve full-sized Pages of Vocal and Pint“ Forte Music for 10 Cents. Yearly.$5 ; H alf-yearly,$2 50; Quarterly$lfl Subscriber to “Our Musical Friend.†or order it fromilhe nearest Newsdcalor. and you will have Music for your entire family ll 1‘ insignificant cost; and if you want Music for the Flute, Violin, Cornet, Clarionet. Accordio- &c. &c subscribe to the $010 Melodiajt, > ' _- Centaining 12 pages, costing only 10 Conto’ u . number; Yearly. 50 ; Halfâ€"yearly. 51:25. Allback numbers at 10 cts.. and Bound Volumes. containing 17 numbers, at $9 50 each, constantly on hand. ' C. B. SEYMOUR &. Co. 107 Nassau St.. New York Fir-c i Fire 1 : Fire! I .’ W E S 'I‘ E R N Fire Insurance Company of Toronto. , - inc-onromran BY ACT or PAKLIAHII‘I‘. CflPITflL STOCK, £100,000. 1. C. GILMOB,I)1'BS. l Gro. MICHIIL.ViC0 Pro-i DIRECTORS : ’I‘hos, Haworth, Esq. ‘ W. Henderson, Esq; W. Mucl'arlano. Esq. Rico Lewis. Esq. James Beaty. Esq. T, P. Robaris, Esq. M. Ressin. Esq: | Bernard Ilaldan, Esq. Secretary 64 Truburl’; Angus Morrison. Esq. Solicitor. Bank ofUpper Canada. Ban/mus. Btnjamin Switzer, Esq. Inspector. 03' Head Oflicc. Church Street, Tyrants. a: THIS COMPANY lnsures all descriptions of. Buildings,Manufaclorios, Mills, &c.. and Good- and It nriiiture, in the same. againstloss or dau- agolby tire. on liberal terms. Losses promptly settled. A. LAW, Residence, Generolngonk R1Cllll‘011d I'iillAngnst13. 1857. - (10-1 din limit I=S PUBLISHED- EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, And. despatchcd to Subscribers by'th'o earIIOIt In ails, or other conveyance. when so desirovt’ The YORK HERALD will always taut Foreign and Provincial News and Mar. hers. and the greatest care will be taken to render it accepiable tothe man of business. and evaluable Familx Newspaper. ADVANCE; and if not paid within Throo Mouths two dollars will be charged. RATES OF ADVERTISING Six linesa-ird‘ under, first insertion. . . . .500 50': Each subsequent insertion . . . . . , , , , , , 00 11 Ten lines and under,ï¬rst insertion. .. . . 00 75 Above ten lines, first in., per line.... .00 07 -» Each subsoquentinsertiou, perline .. . . 00 0:: Vocel and Piano Fort. .. be fun-.iidtoeontaiiitl'ie latestand Inostimp‘orw ' 'I‘ERI’i’I.S.â€"-Sevcn and SixpenceperAnnu-m, IN A distant fr 6 i .. 1E? Advertisements without written'diro‘csԠ' tiolir- inserted tilzl forbid, and charged accord? ingly. ) f or irregular customers, must be paid for when handed in for insertion. ' 7'? All transitory advertisements. from strungord. A liberal discount will be made to partied ‘ vortising by the year. _ All advertiser-nexus published for ‘aleu po’c vriod than one month. must be paid for in ad- vauce. All letters addressed to the Editor mu“ “3’5. postpaid. , ing up, will be held accountable forthe nb. scription. “AMMAW , I'I‘IIE VYOR‘K HERALD 'Book'an‘d Job Printing ES’I‘ABLISMENT. ‘RDERSt‘or any/of the undermentionodt; description QfPLAIN and FANCY .1031 WORK will be promptly attended to :â€"-e )_ nooks. sassy .uiLLs, ; BUSINESS cums, unol AND SMALL POSTERS,CIRCUI.ABS,LAW roam. B-1L1.HEA1)S,BANK cunexs,xmar15,aun r A M P H I. E 'r s . And every other kind of LETTERéPRESS PRINTING t donevin‘t-he'beststyle. at moderate rates. Our‘ass'ortmont of JOB TYPE is entirely†new and of the latest patterns. A large variety Of now Fancy Type and Borders, for Caren, doc. kept always on hand. No paper discontinued until ullarrearage'"; . paid. :I'anid pal-“6511303101: Papers without I)". .2 z n