ARRIVAL OF THE MARATHON. New YORK, Jan. 22. The steamship Marathon, frOlll'IalVCl‘r pool at two o’clock, P. M. on the 8th, arrived at ten o’clock A. M, Financial matters from the chief feat- ures of her news. The action of the Bank of England? on Monday was sudden and unexpected. Consuls fell .3; Railroad securities con- siderably more, and Commerce generally was checked. It is believed that the American news and the position of the Bank of France were the main incentives. The Bank of France on Tuesday fol- lowed the example of the Bank of Eng- land, and advanced its rates frotn 5.}, to 7 per cent. There was no pressure for discount in London. I The weather in England COllllllUl‘S most severe. Snow was still falling when the Marathon left. The ship Saratoga, from Mobile for Livorpool witich put into Crookhaveii on the dub, ran ashore but alter cullltlg away all her masts was got off. The Daily News announces that the French (iovel'iiiiicnt offered to withdraw its ships from Gacta provided the Sar- diiiiaiis discOiitinncd filing till the 18th in 19th inst., after which it is understood the bombai'diiient by sea may commence. It is asse‘ted that England will no long- er propose to Austria the sale of Venetia. One of the ministers in the Saxony Chamber asserted that all the Federal Lalo Vernmciits were ri~atly to act lll accord with l’russia on the l)ani:h question, and if necessary take the field. A questionable report that down Eng- fish and seven French gun-boats were wrecked in a hurricane in l‘eilio is preva- lent, but the rumor is unconfirmed. The correspomlent of the Tunes says the English Government had sent a strong note to the French Governmei’it against occupying Syria fol a longer perion than is warranted by the treaty with the l’orte. The new iron-cased ships are ordered to be commenced at Toulon. The I‘IeraZ/Z‘s Paris correspondent says that by the beginning of March France will possess an army of 140,000 men, ready to march in a few hours" notice. be- side the Imperial Guard 40,000 strong, whice are kept on a war footing. In ad- dition, (100,000 men are under arms, un- brigaded, in the garrisOi'is- of the Empire. LONDON MARKE' 1S. Breadstuffs firm at extreme prices. Sugar dull. Coffee ï¬rm. Rice firm. Tollow firm at 605 to 605 3d. LORD PaLMEtts'i‘ON ON THE ARMY. At the dinner at Romsey, on Thursday to celebrate the prizes given to Well~conax ducted laborers, Lord Palmerston presided, and in proposing the toast of Army, Navy, and Volunteers, alluded to the war in China to our friendly concert with France,and to the Volunteers. Ile saidâ€"I To divcll upon the merits and exploits of the army and navy of Great Britain would be nearly as great a waste of time and words as to endeavor to prove that the sun shines at uoonday, because we all of us recollect instances Of prowess per- formed by both of our services which ri “Val? anything that either in ancient or moo “de‘rn times has been recorded in history. But it is gratifying to know that their for- mer valor and their former skill and enter. [.[ll‘ise-‘lltit’t'e not been diminished in the pre- - lsent day». ‘We have had recently, in those operations which we were compelled to tunde-rtakc in China, an example of the most complete efficiency in every branch I-of the service, and not only of the most distinguished gallantry, but also of the most complete and rapid success. (Cheers) There never was an eXpedition that Was better appointed, better equipped, better Stipplii'd with everything,r that is necessary for carrying on war, and war at the oppo- site part of the globeâ€"[itlieei‘>]-â€"-tvlitii'e. from difficulties of distance, difficulties of the means of tiaiisport, and dtlfltulllt’s pc- culiiir to the nature of the country in which the operations were Carried on, more at- lowance Otl'élll to he made, if any portion of the service had been found wanting in anything requisite for its complete elllclcti- cy. [cheersj Vl'e also have the sulis-s faction of knowingI that they CO-Operated with lhr trOOps of our ally the l‘itllplz’l'fll' of the French With the most perfect har- inotiy, without a particle of jealousy, withâ€" out. an instance of dilfvi'eiiceâ€"â€" [lieai‘.lie'.ii'j -â€"-tind that the Citâ€"operation of the two has be *n as perfect and complete asI trust the harmony between the two nationsâ€"of which it may be recoh --â€"may long continui- to be. [Loud cheers] "the volunteer SL'l'VlCC is One which cannot, appeal in the same way as the army and navy can to historical and traditional re- collections; but if there is anything of which this nation ought to be, proud, it is the volunteer movoment which has taken place in the course, .l may say, almost ot the last twelve months. [Cheers] I think there never was a more honorable act on the part of the people of any na- tion than this organization of our volunteer force. [Cheers] it could not be sur- pi‘ising that at a moment like that which happened in the last great war with France writs moment. when an enemy was stand- ing in great. force upon the opposite side of a narrow aliaiiiicl-wwhen invasion was daily threatened, when everything dear to npountry and a nation was :it ttakeâ€"it could not be. surprising that at a moment like that, three, four, or more hundred thousand men should have arrayed them- selves-in arms in defence of the threath- ened liberties and independence of their country. But in this instancelhe volun- teer movement arose out of no Sllt h in! ii pent danger, but out of a deep and reflect- Unizrd as the symbol .W . II'. ' . _ Mnu’rfâ€"g. , - Mam-Run“ 4" is. an“: - . country that theie might be an occasion1 the ensuing year.â€"-Carried. for the services of such men. They felt that though we were at peace, though there was no immediate chance of any danger to the country, that still, nevertiie- less, there was wanting. some additional force in support of the regular army and militia, and these then now, I believe, realâ€" ly amounting to something. like 150,000 170,000 men ofall professions, of all ranks, of all occupations, stood forth devoting their time, spending their civil money, giv- ing the energies of their mind. to the ac- quirement of military tactics. I: am glad to say that I heard, the other day, from that gallant officer, Colonel M’Murdo, who is appointed to inspect the force, that he was astonishedat the proficiency already attained. He said he had already inspect- fed about 40,000 who were perfectly fit to take the ï¬eld, and 30,000 who in a short course of time would be equally fit to take post in line. [Hear, hear, and cheers] We were told-â€"it never has been said lately, but there was a time when we were toldâ€"â€"tliat We were not a military nationâ€"â€" that We were a nation of al‘iOpkeepersâ€" lit to look‘to our balances, but not fit to take the field as an (Il'Sl-lltlZl'd force. \l’c .snall not, l think, hear: that again from any quarter, exccpt it be that we ate a nation of shopkeepers in this tense of the word -that we are a nation, a great portion of whom are ingaged in mercantile pursuits, out it is these shopkeepers who have or rnyeil tlii-ii‘ist‘lvcs in arms ieatly to defend their country ; and it is among these shop- keepers that we find men able to stand In the same line with the regular troops, and lit also to take the field if an enemy at- tacks them. [Louil cheers] we can- not, feel too proud of this demonstration of national cnergy,andl am sure you will jofn heartily in drinking the health of the volunteers. as well as of the army and navy. [Loud cheers] New Advertisements. New Map ofour Countryâ€"G. C. 'l‘remeino. Noticeâ€"I’Villiam Trench, Senior. Land for Sale on Yong. Street. Surrogate Court of York and Feel. Gordon‘s Historical Panorama. brilliant. 1's» ~ "ticiiaiOND lll,LL,.1AN.25.1861, ’ and the Census. IT is said that a man possessed with liydrophobia will bite. at any- thing that comes in its way. We think that ifthis Sign is infallible, that the sooner the Hon. George is locked up the better for his friends, for he is always imagining mischief. Nothng is done, right unless done by himself or friends; and even before a thing is done he announces that a gigantic fraud will be perpe- trated, as he is now doing decennial census. sci-ting for the past few years that Upper Canada has an enormous population over Lower Canada; and now that the value of his as- sertions will shortly be. known, must needs state that unless his statements are borne' out to the letter, the wrong will be the fraud- with the Wi He has been as- (31 Moved by Mr. BARKER, seconded Iby Mr. MARSH, that R Corson, Esq, be appointed one of the Audit- tors to audit the accounts of this Municipality for the past year.â€" Carried- The REEVE then appointed G. P. Dickson, Esq, as the other Auditor. Moved by Mr. BARKER, seconded by Mr- MARSH, that Mr. Henry Man be appointed Assessor for the east-half of this Municipality.â€" Carried. Moved by hilt BARKER, seconded by Mr. FENWICK, that Mr. Milliken be appointed Assessor for the west- half of this MuniCipality â€"â€"â€"Ca1'ricd. The Council then adjourned to Saturday, the l6lll of February. oar“- Vaughan Council. THE Vaughan Municipal Council met at the Town Hall at noon, on liloiiday;‘- Jai‘ii’iiti‘y $1, 1861. All the members present. The Clt’,‘li( having taken the chair, called the lllt'lltl)Cl‘S to order. The several iiioriibt-rs having subscribed the declarations V qualifications required by the act, illr. \"V'M. COOK moved. seconded by Mr. BROWN, that Mr. R. J. Arnold be elected Recvo.â€"â€"Carried. Mr. ARNOLD moved, seconded by Mr. BROWN, that Mr. Wm. Cook be elected Deputy Reeveâ€"Carried The REEVE and Deputy Reeve then subscribed the declarations and qualifications, as such. The REEVE announced to the ICouncil his appointment Of Mr. Matthew 'l‘cefy, as Auditor. Mr. .IEFFERY moved, seconded by Mr. HOVVLAND, that Mr. John Mattress. be appointed Auditor on behalfof the 'l‘ownslip. In amendment, Mr. BROWN lmoved, seconded by Mr. COOK, that Mr. George Balmcr be ap- pointed Auditor. Tlie .RREVE amcnifiiient, declared original motion John Mattress. Mr. llownann moved, seconded by Mr. JEFEEuv, that the interest appointing Mr several School Sections, and Union School Sections, in the same manâ€" he year.â€"Carried. and - accruing from the Clergy Reserve seconded by Fund be divided amongst 1110 said society hold a Spring fair this ..-.- yr.- . N... ,-< ;.,. . .=.e‘.n.~-.:e..-u-.=; . H »- 3-‘3'31*sï¬â€˜r'éd;i‘\fl‘fl"w';'_é<‘l'\?3-i‘“‘th'HL‘H’?I .. .i ‘ -. . . . ’ - - 3'3" W“- iiig sense onthe part oftlie people of th i9 be appointed Deputy Reeve for. passed at. the next meetin g, in ac- cordance with the petition, &c. It was ordered to pass an addi- tional sum of 25 cents per week-to George Davis, for the support of Wm. Atkinson, a pauper, until the ‘next meeting of Council. And on motion of Mr. Harrison, seconded by Mr. Macklem, the Council adjourned to meet at Mr. Sangster’s Inn, Stouffville. on Tuesday, the 12th day of February next, at 10 o’clock, 5.1%. The Wesleyans in this place held their anniversary meeting last Tuesday evening. The Methodist Church was well ï¬lled. Amos Wright, Esq, M.P.P. occupied the chair. After the Opening cere- monies, the Rev. H. Dean was called on. The Rev gentleman, although over thirty years a minis.- tcr, eleven of which was spent among the red men of our Canaâ€" dian forests~~~showed by his ear- nest appeal, that he was not yet wearied in well doinor. but still ready and willing to plead in the lieathen’s behalf. The deputation was then introduced by the chair- man. The Rev gentleman showed why a christian people should be a liberal people, and the important effects which resulted from that. liberality. The Rev. Spencer concluded in one of those spicy, well-directed, full of meaning speeches, for which he is so well known. At intervals the choir connected with the church sung very excellent anti very appropriate pieces; one anthem in particular reflected credit upon themselves, and elicited great applause.†.But if we may be allowed to ad- vance our humble opinion, it would be that the best tune ofthe evening was that at the close, nan‘ielyâ€"~ collected and subscribed. ' «H4W Agricultural Meeting. A PURLIC meeting of the Stouffville Branch Agricultural Society was having Pm the held at H. Stapleton’s Inn, Stouff- the same ville, on Saturday the 19th Janu- lOst, giving his vote in favor of the my, 1861. Presidentâ€"N. 'Button, Esq, in the chair. The Secretary†and Treasurer’s reports were read and adopted. Moved by Thomas Shaw. senr., Thos. Kirby, that the yearnâ€"Carried. The followinor enllemen were ‘3 k r and proportion as for the past elected Officers for the cusuingyear: Presidcntwâ€"Jamcs Bugg; Vice ï¬Mr. HOWLAND moved, seconded do._â€"'1‘honms Kirby; Secretary & by Mr. JEFFERY, that the Treasurer i Treasurer~Samuel Fenton. be, and he is hereby authorised to. DiV'ecters-eMessrs. Joseph Ferris, C ascertain what Debentures can be John Maxwell, John Kesse, Thus. purchased for, same to this Council at its next meeting.~â€"Carried. . The Council then adjourned to he the ï¬rst Monday in March. 5.1 Whitchurch Council. “lent returns 0f Lowe" Canada"“ THE above Council elect met at the And he bases his remarks on the fact that the Lower Canadian Clergy have requested to give the full value oftl'ieir farms, 810;; and he argues that this re- quest is equivalent to eliciting the Lower Canadians to make false re- turns. Now, such language ought to be condemned by all honest men Wellington Hotel, Aurora, on Mon- day, the 215t inst., at the hour of “l0 P901319 noon, viz :â€"â€"Messrs. John Ironside, Philip Macklem, George Harrison, Iohn Randall, and Edward Whee- ler, Esq, all of whom made and subscribed to the Declaration of Qualiï¬cation, and Of oflice,and took their soals~~the Clerk in the chair. and on what terms, Shaw, senr., Richard Knife, P. If) the view of investing the Bartholomew, Christian Lehman, mgy Reserve Money now in the Francis Treasurer’s hands, and to refer the bins-0n. “79 beheve that Upper canada has Mr. Wheeler moved, seconded by a larger PolmIlallOnI than Lower Mr. Harrison, that Mr. J. Ironside canadIa) and “I 03‘â€le ‘0 1""PVB' be Reeve for the current year.â€" sentation accordingly ; but we say Camp,th , it is a shame to throw mean suspi- Am] after beiua dulv qualiï¬ed CiUIDS 0“ lhc lm‘lgrily Of “"3 l'f’lums took the chair as rich, thanking the beforcItliere isthe slightest grounds Comm,†10,. the conï¬dence they 0†‘Vh‘Ch l0 base “lose SUSPlait-ms; manifested, and the honor they bail and none. but an unprinciplcd man again convened upon him, would adopt such a course. For ‘0“ mmion of Mn Randall sec- ourselves, (as an cniiiiierator) we (mde bv ML MIN-Men“ Edward Will only add that weItvish the Wheegcp: ESQII was “(acted DP- Protestant, Clergy had lttlpl‘OSSt’d puw Recqumi was (juquuanï¬ed upon Upper Canadians the neces- as 5nd,, Sill†and imllm‘ancc “f z‘s'iVlngl'N W'licn, on motion of Mr. Mack- l‘t’lumsa fm' ll l5 GXll‘ClIle dim‘,lem, the Council adjourned one. cult to get many to value tfieierm-pwdimmr, llliUlr"‘l'l.Va Smell: 850- al “Willing Councilresumed business. Re- llke “5 l‘t’ï¬l Value; {01‘ in 5PM" 0‘ ceivcd and read an application for all 11121703111 be sal‘lallmrc ls illlll’llgSl the oriï¬ce of Assessor for the sum of many an idea that the taxes will be $50. raised if their pI'OllCl‘ly 15 valued at The Reeve. introduced and read a a high ï¬gure- FUF‘ Olllselvesi 1â€â€œ first time a Byiiaw to appoint Audiâ€" less some very different reasons? are tors, Inspector and Assessor. given to the contrary, we doubtl 50u11.3,i()n Ct)iiizriiitne,Mr. Har- not but the census of Lower Ca- rimn in the chair, When the Rudd Will be taken as correctly as mumps were ï¬ned (the Reeve ap. in Ul’l’el' canadu- pointing Mr. L. B. Pearson one of the Auditors) and the Council, Mr. Win. Brodie as the othcrâ€"â€"Mr. Seth Ashton, Inspector, and Mr. Edward Reynolds, Assessor. . . The Committee rose and reported ‘ Tim above Connoil met at Sich’s the Bylaw as amended Report Hotel, Unionville. The followmg adoptédI gentlemen were declared elected†Said Bwlaw was read a third and after making the usual dccla- “me in 05mm“ and passedI ral’ion’ “wk their seats: Received and read, a communi- ‘VVul‘d NU- 1~J€13i Bowman, Esq. cation from the Bureau of Agricul- 5‘ H4 Markham Council. “ 2‘110bf‘l‘lMHFShiESQ lure respecting the class of emi- “ “ Sâ€"A- Barker, Esq- grants, and the number required in “ “ 4 A. FC‘DWICk, Esq- the municipality, which was an- “ it 5â€"W. Button, Esq. SELECTING THE REEVE AND DEPUTY REEVE. Mr. BOW’MAN moved, seconded by Mr. MARSH, that W. Button, Esq, be appointed Reeve for the ensuinw yearsâ€"Carried. Mr. TiUTTON moved, seconded by er. BOWMAN, that R. Marsh, Esq, swered accordingly as in the opi- nion of the Council. Received, a petition from the Trustees of School Section N0. 7, desiring authority to borrow a sum of money to build a School House. A resolution was passed granting the prayer of the petitioners, and notice given of a Byâ€"law to be Pike, and Thomas RO- Moved and seconded that the Directors meet at John .Raymer’s Inn, on Saturday the 23rd day of February next, at 3 o’clock, P.M.-~ Carried. W>o<-â€"â€"-â€"â€" MECHANICS" INSTITUTE. â€"â€" The third of a course of lectures in con- nection with this institute, will be delivered in Amblcr’s Hall on Tuesday evening next, at seven o’clock, by the Rev. E. H. Dewar, Incumbent of Thornhill. After the lecture the Ofï¬ce-bearers will be elected for the ensuing year. ‘y.4_-â€"â€"â€"â€"- Gonuole PANORAMAa ~=- This highly creditable work of art will be shown for the last time this evening at Ainbler’s Hall. The paintings are beautifully executed, and convey to the spectator a vivid realization of the various scenes represented. The explanations by the delliï¬eatcr are well and appro- priately given; and our readers should feel no hesitation in paying An'ibler’s Hall a visitthis evening (Friday) as. the exhibition is no humbug, but will well repay them for their time and money. Mr. Corri’s rendering of his eccentric pieces is a treat in itselfof no ordi- nary description. The Pictures will be shown at half-past Z1.10-day, (Friday) for schools and childrennt 4d. ahead; and, we understand, will be shown in Aurora on Satur- day and Monday. (flirts tin 11h iii t r. “'0 wish it to be distinctly understood, the we do not hold ourselves responsible for opinions expressed by correspondents through our columns. The Richmond Hill Grammar School. â€"â€"s_._ To the Editor of the York Herald DEAR SIR,â€"As one deeply interested in the cause of education, you will permit me to offer a few remarks on the state of the Richmond Hill Grammar School, and also on the conduct of some towards the head of that institution. Having visited the school several times since Jlli'. Rod- gers took charge, I have had an Opportuâ€" nity of judging of the condition of the school, and also of finding out the real causes of complaint against the present toaster. As regards the state of the school, I must say that it is ererything that could be desired. True, the attendance is not so large as it was during the winter’s that ZlIr. Boyd taught. There are not so many young men attending now. The .‘r‘..-'.:_1~‘:.‘~‘u ‘- '._..7t> n Q“. ~ a‘LWfWAVIM-;\bp,:¢:¢ .:"-.’J'"i:~."v:tt‘:‘. its»: t- "sen . .3. r v. cause of this can be eIsilygIsliown. It is I'FROM S well known that when ‘fliéicommercial cri- 22.â€"â€";'l‘lie Springï¬eld correspondent of sis came on, there was a great rush from the Chicago Tribune, says Mr. Kellogg, almost every avenue of life, to the- teacli- from the southern district in this State, ing profession. Hence our Grammar ' arrived at Springï¬eld yesterday. Rumour "'.' 3.4.. ' :4." ...‘." .7 ‘13.“, g“ ., ~_ P‘RINGFIELD.Pâ€"CHICAGO, Jan-- ""9- .v 'ew-r.‘ «we» .. .' we..- may“; '- 2A. r “alNTERES'I‘lNG NEWS ABOUT SEBASTUPOL. The Eastern Counties Herald announces the arrival at Hull,ol’the Anxious, Capt, Cow- thorne, from Balaklava, laden with guns and I Schools were ï¬lled with youIi-igImen, pre- assigns to his mission three objects. One, bones. Capt. Cawthorne arrived at Balakluvn paring themselves for that profession. Now that he has come to urge upon Mr. Lin- 0." the “2,0115! ,Of August’ a.“ left “1"†9°" °" this state Ol things has P2155th away. coin his immediate departure for Washincr- me ,secgn land liloâ€? mm “"5 ham T - hers have become so numerous rid t - l l- ' ' ‘ a [saw w "6,“ J “an iavmg been 0v" we I , . I I I . . , a on, anot lPt‘, tiat he is commissmncd by Caihcai-t’s hill, ho Was surprised at the high schools are so difficult,,tlia.t young the Republican delegation in Congress to state of" preservation which Iihe grave-).ard me" have bee“ coml‘em’d ‘0 tum the†al' present to this Legislature the necessity was mta†l’emg '39“ “l1 1" Md“: fl°“’°†temion to other pursuitsI Those who are 0, endorsinn the border State rpsolutions I also of Ivarious kinds Ibeing seen over the - ' l u I ,- f . 5 I ’ I t graves in every direction, Mr. Cawthom. endeavouring to 5 low I re unpopunity 0. another, that he has come to jam in an cf- visited many of the graveyards about Ink"- IVIr. Rodger, by drawmrr. “ten-HOD 1? the L fort to prevent Mr._J‘udd’s appointment in man“ and Halal‘lava. and having previously attendance of young men during the differ- the Cabinet. Horace Creely, Govarnor fmurd 0f the Imports ol'chm-gllyard Idesecmliony em winters, must look for some other cause Banks, and. Mn Gates are expectâ€, Ibis It: IwIas Iastoriished to see the beautiful order in 1 ,h t f “’0 mam {O the ch r0 k ? Iwncnio giaveyards were kept. Oii outer- tian a O u I p y, i‘I 3 Ice Wee . mg the graveyard in which lie the remains of which has taken place. It is my firm Captain l‘lodley Vicars. Mr. Cawthorne’s at- opmion that Jilin Rodgers is a better ‘FROM NEW. MEXICOIâ€\INDEPEND_ pantingi Was aIttIractcd to his grave of that gal- Iteaelier than any of his predecessors. Na- ENCE, Jan. 22.-â€"The New Mexican mail, 0:15â€SHQizt?:)il“fifllcllhgccllllézs th'ol‘iiiiosh codislilcu- lure has endowed hiin Itn nII high degree with dates to the 3lst December, arrived was in no way dilapidzited, land the gigvésail: With the requisde qualifications for the this owning, bringing all the man‘s back gotherpreseiited as iicatait appearance as is successful management of a school. He About l8 davs agO, Major Critteiiden ï¬fe†m M,“ (’“I',†,cmnelr'e‘ ‘. ‘5'“ M“ cal" brillgs great aCllV‘lYi zeal, Ialld Persevet“ with his command from Fort Union, came ...l:,'.2§iell§m§ifihélirffigiailiiâ€liliiilliiniignli'll aInce, (0 bell? UPO-llIlllIe duties of llIlS P051: across it hand Off} Kiowa Indians, near visited. Colonel Gowaii, a gentleman lllOVOT†tton. He Is not afraid that he will np‘ml Signpon iipgings’and a battle ensuedI Fifty respect, and high in the esllllltttlell of both the his dignity. ll)’ “001lng [OI PM)le and 1" Indians were killed, and amongst them their gililsfmafléllgn fulï¬ll?" (zovgfilm‘im’i “1°â€! lustrate simple, yet most littportant things notorious Chief Sautauk. They burnt up owner oleli'e "i1liiit‘iosiisa’li ainziiivismiiici,’ till. to his pupils. Some Grammar School 100 todgpsamt took an 11193,. ponies, pro- in Yorkshire, but residing; and carrviiig oifotn’o' Allister-"stand so high upon their dignity, visions, 8w. None of Crittenden’s com- 1’."Sl“°s" “l 8‘ "lemhum 3‘ (“5’55" 3†“1° Pal" â€"-if dignity we may call it,-â€"and surround mam: were even \vountlcd_ “63 “'1': Illa“; 8‘? Charge 0‘ “W 2m"°)’“‘lsv themselves with such frigid austerity, that wean,“ pleasant to Council Groves Egflgysimgfligg by :93]anIlltzslioï¬resieggia;Am?" I I _ u ' s . they are unapproachablc by their pupils. from “mm snow very deepI interested attention to tliégravhs of the Ellg‘fllfh These me not the kind of men we want; I who fell in the Crimean campaign, ii is quit. pupils must be led over the difficulties anti BOSTON Jan. 29I__The fonqwjnor gen- $211161†ma" “mm-1"†3"“ coa‘lJU-WTS superm- I I I v 0 once 10 i .' v ‘A i * Obstaclef they meet “1. Illlelr ‘lUl'eS: by a tlemen compose the committee to hair the the preserlvatiiiifiif liltdgiiviilli‘£33333; gentle kind hand, It Wlll greatly facilitate Union Petition from Igogtnn to Washington; brave sons, who so :10ny died in then-country’s their progress, if the master eXpIains and _-HO,,I Edward EvermtI Chairman; Hon_ cause. Suhastopol itselfIyet bears the traces of illustrates everything as they go along, in- Robert 0-, Winthrop, ex-t“2hiet‘ Justice; tgngglgable. cï¬in‘fla'g'tli will“: “0‘1509 I I . I I I , I _‘ r I; i .' on In 8. (IFOC lOHS “ll 8 )0 “- stead of Icomnelling them,fiom.if.ilse idea Lemuel Shaw, Hon. Edwm E. lobey. lotion is slightly on the itlct'eilï¬e. TheI (filly of [cachingpm tod day after: day at some Hon, Amus AI Lawrence, and Ham building which as yet has been restored by tho knotty quesqunI wuhout gnqng them the Charles woodbury‘ The committee start! RIuIssmn Government, is the admiralty building, accessory as5istance The masterofevery immorrow WHO“ Wfls 0â€].5’ Sl'gmly dal'lagé‘di “13 01108 I II I . fine hospital being stili left in its dilapidated school is surrounded by oilhcttlties and an- , state on“. mp,“ d l . f J n _ PROVIDENCE RI. Jt‘tn. 2‘2.~â€"'llie - '- - - le ’3 a ew ews’w'm “m iioyances. lhe master of the Richmond q i i I their livmg by going over the battleï¬elds, dig. Hi†Grammar School is not free from these. Perlth [0-day passed a blll to repeal the giug up old iron and lead which they sell. I am sorry to know that there are some Jersnml L‘berl)’ ll"? W 21 agflmSt I9. “:I‘Ilcé‘IlI’I‘glell’IlIil‘ill‘ 1R9." Illa"; ‘0 Pay >8 small . . . - , . . . ' ' 19 I- . among US "Ill! “OUlS SO 91113“, and PrmCl’ “ the House the Mullet ,“las waIme dis- ilio renoaiied h’lalakliislflaiind olfdifiiifienfdwgf ples to corrupt, as to allow their conduct “135â€! and postponed h†[burgh-L nothing new remains but shattered mounds. in to become inimical to their own true inâ€" *““_‘â€"“‘"“"_ Wl‘lC“ “0 el’li’a‘ldw “376ml gmâ€; dislodg-d I m . ' W a ,' , ‘ v ' . . , ~ terests, merely to gratify a personal picque. A wilirlilllfxlil‘fDIIIIJIEATIIEEJN A'l bgetIptIaIanIligséIoigï¬ :hete ma) ï¬ï¬dvccaswflglly . ' ‘. , ., , i ’ 5 r i i‘, r i- ' ieiii engage isentom in SW3" cmldlmt ‘53 Ill)" I“ to b" deP'LIcaltd- \ J i the old cannon, and bare and there in theg All ï¬enSthle and Intelligent 1115'“ WI†391 ».FI I L d T,_ J 8 ' trenches, or stiriiiounting earthworks, may bo~ themselves against It. Let all the friends ( 70777’ t“ 071- 0†2/7268, an. seen live shells, which no person dare touch: of education go to work unitedlv, and sus-l Yesterday morning an alarming circum- {Eznieaxzfdtcllfl‘ havocdnt’: ext).l°5'°]‘lk°f,.]°â€Â°d °£ , II I .I _, II:IJ;II I II hp â€"I I i II se,aii iei'Oisaioiioo of tam hit. Rodgers in his posxtion, slit. gilt. ataInCC OCCUllLId dl ASl'L)’ 5 Rural Am’ diet" remaining there for some time vet... hlm that support and assurance, 50 “upon plilllleittt‘e, Othg to the escape of the Captain Cawtliorne was unknowingly going to- mnt In one in his SnuationI and i have no whole of the Imus, the property of En pick a live shell up to bring home as a trophy, . , , _. . . t . i , - . doubt but that the school Will become hinli- Crockett, from their den, which OCCleltfti bu†"3.5 ""13 ‘0‘.) g'ad 1° 1°31†'l 0“ bumg tom“ II I a II III I III I I II I III III At I b t a friend that if touched it would explodo.â€"~ .l We’lwrous' ' p be “y “all 1‘ 5 “59' ‘1 0†a file population of Sebastopol and immediava DELTA, quarter before eight the men who usually district is between 2,000 and 3.6%. Colonel 'Maple, Jan. 1861. attend to cart away the manure were start- (WWW ‘3 Pl‘UCeedmtI Willi his contract t0' ed by the loud marina of the lions. but as iaise the sunken vessels in the harbor, which III .III d I I a I I I d be has now rendered perfectly navigable. Ho _ _ I“. ey dI on Olmet‘ OCCBSIUHS teal“ sonle' employs daily about 200 men, who, with his What Similar sounds they. proceeded With clerks, 610., occupy the naval arsenal, which their work as usual The noiï¬e however was rendered into a rendezvous speciall ' for I I I, , H I I . 5 o , .. I I . I . 3 FLOM THL SOUlH' did not substde, but on the contrary in- m‘lln' “‘0 opmamnl connect“! mm the .__ creIIIIIId and In a {UV mmutes the III I runs:ng of the sunken ships. &c., are on a large I I i c- , ‘ - '5'“ scale, and it is supposed will occu ’1 ' two 'ean C MIU‘IIFDGE‘HILE Gap Jana 91-Jâ€T:“ were horror-struck at beholding one of more before the harbor ts totalliviclearzdmw roInteIn ion unannnousy a opte tie the “OHS Struggling win, 3 mm, named During Captain Cawihoriie’s stay at Sebasto- 0 0“â€"g ~“" J arvey, a void helper in the establisnment. Evils 0,2533 :1?! largest .‘I’Jf “to, sunke“ “353°†The lack of unanimity on the passage of r. Crockelt’s animal keeper was instant- iron which’heliiis cb(i~iiulaiiia[ii:iiiiaoiif:silgrill. the secesmonIordmance indicates a dIiffer- ly sent for, and arrived in a very few min- from the sunken ships. 5Between 500 and so . ence of ammo not as to riclits claimed utes but he ‘not harm the ower over "W", RUSS'H“ and Cit‘casï¬ian laborers new i a a I a a f: P d '1, , I ’ . but as to the mode of redress; and it be- the infuriated beasts that r. Crockett “Eigheuc’l’ °y°d ,3“ the m". "6W 9mm“ “W†- . . . , . ,. ""i' l Ulll‘S ‘ ' .u mg desrrable to ‘lt’tl proper expression to had, immediately sent lot‘ the gentleman. poi-intendoncee of iiinifï¬ï¬f.‘°$j,§‘lf‘,°s‘$223: 'J ‘ u o n ‘ I 7 -‘ the feeling of all, the Convention to sus- On the arr-Hal of Crockett he riisshed tract under the Russian Government for tho- tain the action 'of the State, therefore, on to the stage, where the lion was running coâ€Â§â€œ'u°“§“ of “‘9 .Slll’s.’ but they “0 Mi“!- ReSO/ved, That all voting for or against about with the unfortunate man in his 31;," “u w “1° duelmn of 8‘“ Edmbmgl‘d the passage of the ordinance,wdl sign the mouth, to all appearance quite dead. ' .. s n __ M“ same as a pledge of the unanimous deter- r. Crockett instantly seized a stable ‘ minution of this Conventian to enstain and folk, and dealt the lion a heavy blow on ,1†Immense meeting of the working cleans: defend the State in this course, Without the side 0ftfie head which caused it to 0 Lomslllle was. held lately â€' favor °f Q" I I I I i I I Union. Ilia chairman announced the receipt. regard to individual approval or (llSâ€" let the man go; but instead of running or tho letters from Ilarrisburg‘ and l’lilsbnrg,. approyal. away, he turned round and seemed inclin- Penn†Cleveland and Cincinnati, Ohio, whiclr This was signed by all except tWeIVE. ed to spring upon his in ster. Another btlilgllogdl-V Called {0‘3 “'61‘61'03dv and r°C°lV°dll Alex. H. Stephens, :udge Stephens, and powerful blow, however, made the enraged 3;]; ieï¬gm iii-3’31;ij gféieailiifgio;g . , . 9 n .S i. Gov. :olinson, Signed the ordinanne. animal tum and run away. getltcal aid action of the “’Ol'liitgigmell in these severalcities Grand demonstrations are taking place to- was immediately brought for poor Jarvey, in their late Pl‘elimilm‘y movements, it would" night. but on the arrival of the surgeon life was 7,661" llhat TJOYOn‘emd‘.“ ,ml’ldly sprw‘ï¬ng" . - ll'Oll . n *-â€"-â€"- extinct. After the body of arrey had - gm“ '8 ."'°"’ ‘1" “at If†0° 9P?†L I_ m I E II a I tion of the working classes may he certainly QUISVILLE, Ixyq _an. 224â€"? he been removed Iiir. Crockett went In search calculated upon in any just and fair settlement House yesterday, by a Vote of Si against of the three lions which were now roaming 0f the PWSIBnt dlï¬lcmties- UFO“ therendinz 0" 6,pused resolutions offered by Mr. Ewing, about the theatre. One has seen running; 3’8 Lesolm'onst “f m,†We, Cll‘cmnall mulll‘lr- . . . †16 Oll.‘ ' ' ‘ ' - of Logan “county, declaring that in View of about at a remote corner of the stage, an- pom 5:;1'jfgefaï¬yngï¬gulgggri’gfgzr the men and money tendered by several other was in the arena, and the other was nflot'clleor was given for the workingriien of Northern States to the general Govern- not to be seen. The lioness was the ï¬rst the Queen City. merit, to coerce the Southern States, the that was attempted to be Secured, but this ’ people of Kentucky, uniting with their was a work ofextreme danger and difï¬cul- WORKING OF THE FRENCH COMMERCIAL. brethren of the South, will resist any in- ty, as the assistants ware all afraid of even TWHY'â€"J I‘hre f°â€Â°W“’gi;’ 5:33} “‘8 Sm"? I . ._ . . I I . I I I“ I . n 'isa very tin orsoen resu 0 tie treaty o " lIaSI?nI0f the“ ISO†at 3†hazards, and to zlli’fnoaflhmg ll" beuSl'e‘gO“ Sbemg ur' commerce vvith England: An extensive linmnn' the last extremitv. Cr0ckett the lioness made a dash tlirOugh in Paris lately purchased 6.000 cases of' Englislv TAI.LA,HASSEE, :an 21.--â€"The con- the pit saloon, whence she rushed up the block tin at 52If'. 5pc, the 100 kilos... and he in vention adjourned to-day. R. "allory box staircase and entered one of the pri~ "PW l“',f‘,‘,".l",’"lâ€â€˜l~’.†l° Lllglm‘d "nauelmo "m" - ‘1 I d a,- . _ I I . Silsioi minor-out kinds. He has calculated that was appomttt, .in congrmcd auuge of vale boxes, and took up a mest threatening tho lewe, rate up wages paid ,0 French work I Admiralty at TROY West. attitude. men. as compelled with that of the Engliahp/ AUGUSTA, Gm, gun. 21.â€"-â€"Four hun- Nothing daunted 3r. Ui‘OCkett entered WillImore than compensate for the expense of. dred guns Wt’t‘e fired in honor of secession, the box, placed a leathern collar round ï¬linaflgal'ï¬mdl dtllly (Sf' fo' 1"â€: '90 km")- Th" . . . I I . ‘- . . rune] )uO ' I ~," ~â€" and the City is illuminated tO-night. The her neck, and having secured her head, duced “miragriicgsmï¬lai gï¬rriosfélagesgew " bells are ringing, the military and firemen she was hauled out of the place by ropes are parading, 8w. and finally placed in security. From the Film, About noon “N Monda smoke I“ . -' _ I , . , ,..â€"â€" K. , w I MEIblPHIS, :an. Sly-IA battery of Six- private box :r. CrOckett saw another of discOVerad issuing from the roof nl’ihe Cabin“: teen .32 pounders is being erected here, the animals playing on the stage with a and Chair Factor‘}’ of Mr. GeO‘ge Kraizr of" and a manulactory of cannon and shells is quantity of ribbons and stage properties In“: 3181:? Kn“? 1°?“ “allâ€: 1")â€le 3"†being estabhsh I A -I I‘ «I . OC‘O , i r. raiz oing absent at the time 5 ed atld Willl colnparamely mil†dyfltclllll’Ilt hence some delay ensued, discussing the pro: FROM BOSTON. was PlaCEd m the Cage; and all†‘1 lew Pi‘ielvof breakingit open. This being done, n ‘ _ , . . minutes’ search the third was recaptured, the air thus adiiiiitcil gave such impetus to the. I BOSTON, _an. 22. I The Union pettâ€" At h “I It S VI t ,d, - ,1 fire, that in afow moments the whole buildiu , B , a pas e tn yes ei av morning to , 8* lion in oston has received nearly 14,006 III II I n or†I, II I vh .I n d I I was enveloped in a shoot of flame. which pro- signatures. Aspecial committee will pro- l}? 6.111 an] r 8 .ll": ""’ w 0 ‘3’ n vented either tools Or furnitureâ€"of whichiho baby), lea", tape,†with the document, for 3 mg ll: ‘3 t) al WllIllvԠllouh he says, Fill had an excellent stock on bands-being saved; Washmqton I was perfectly qmetII, and safe. In I’JIEIIOSS “fl-ll lie'tabont $700 â€"No insurance. 7 I D 1 i 7 as cunseq'uence ofthe'large' lion being unwell The l‘ll’ldll‘g belO"g°d ‘0 M“ MCNab- h" BLLLOWS .l‘ALLS, V L, _an. 22.â€"â€",â€"A “had been muted 1mm its co “I “Ion formerly used by him as a General Store, andi cattle tram on the Rutland and Burlington d .t . l I i l . d I la. 5’ was the ï¬rs‘ PM “'1’ l‘" Durham for that PM" Railroad. consisting of fourteen cars, last Sm. ls supposm l lat m .0“; halourmg to poso' . ' l ‘ b k: l ~ ' l l " .lOm ll One Of the three lions in the other When the ï¬re Commenced It was found the. mg it re c tiiougi a biidge between wimp, by .1 tab d .. . ' - v ~.. compartinentol the cane must have b o ken 0.†wou‘ ‘3 “"059â€, as “‘9 wmd’ Bellows Falls and Chesteiiille. hive dow [h H. a", d I d l was blowing from the south; but itfortunatcly cars went through, killing 50 sheep and 4t . "b e par l {on an ' ms ‘Sp ace he changed to the south-east immediately after. caule. N0 injury was sustained by the non ars. wards. In consequence of misapprehension... men on the IIIth number of persons entered Mr. Fletcher’s store I . and commenced knocking down the counters, FRO,“ PIKEsS PEAK. I I I and draggingth goods into the street, whilo' MR, LINCOLN/s CABirtnT.â€"â€"Tlie late another party were in the dwelling apartment: FORT KEARNEY, :an. 22.-â€"- The therâ€" est information which has reached us res °“ “"3 99mm 5‘0"}? ll‘mlvm'.’ fumlmm fuml' mometer yesterday stood at; 14° below spectin-or the comnosition of Mr. Lincolnâ€: imam. (ivory desinplmn “no momma“ r°nd°r° CI bI a I III I I I I , I I ing them almost worthless. Zero; I I I Id m“, “1 Ilcales t“! l “5 IV‘FHOU'S de' At the time the alarm of ï¬re was given Mr. AdVices from Dcnverare to the 19th pai‘tinents Wlll probably be filled about Fletch-er was sealing three letters, containing instant. A quartz mill has been com" as iollorvs :w- i‘esl’ï¬cllvel)‘ $30, $60Iaiid $50. which he thrift!» .e IIII‘I IIII ï¬g II II III II I I I iastin into In rawei- iii the counter and which menced 0" ceIdzir k ' I "if 0 59ml 0 SIlATï¬- - ' -- W‘nlam “' ‘Sewa'd Of New YOlk- wastmmediatelv afterwards dragged into tho llurlhurt 81. CO 5 MK stamp mills at (IOldâ€" r1 REASUHY- salmon P- chase of 0mm street. One of the letters containing $50 was . ‘ . . . ..: ’i . n . ) ' - ' ' r dirt Diggtti‘s took out, in a few days over QVFA'RY (“4N- l’illgioll ng'ff‘oogle'I-II n_ found. but the two others are nun est Hisloss two months, $11,526 94‘. One sluice on NMIY"â€" [when F’Ia Sec“ 0? Virgigsav'a la' ofnmmel'o damagï¬ 0" gOOdS furlllture. 6w. [be same lead: in seventeen days: l00k Ont INTERIOR.. Win. A Graham of North Carolina. :jvémifcggzvalds or $600.-“mmou and uni.“ b a r V ' ' ' ; , V , - v ~ - I ' I . $2,236-I‘ 1 he tI'meS are sald to be 1"“ Lg} ({,RN,I',%I‘190“ wed†°t Connecllcul' Another party imbued Willi the same laudable provmg tn the mines. "" ' ' †“‘3‘ Zeal. entered the dwelling and office of Dr. FROM NEW YORK.â€"â€"NEW YORK, Jan. 22.â€"-Thirty cases of muskets, containing two dozen each, and a considerable quan- tity of ball and powder, were seized by the police on board the steamer Montibelo, when about leaving this afternoon for Sa- vannah. Fifty United States troops were brought to fort Hamilton from west Point to-day. A son of Abraham .Lincoln, President- elect, visited the Brokers? Board to- day. GARIBALDI IN DANGERâ€"A proposal to invite Garibaldi to visit England has been abandoned, although his well-wisliera would be glad for him to he in security there; since they co isider his position in the Isle of Camera to be full of danger, either from assassination or some high-hand- ed act on the part of his Austrian and other enemies. l Crawaid, treatfng his furniture in a similar manner. and destroying about $250 worth of modicinos.â€"â€"Chntan Courier. The famous shrine of Loretta. in the Papal States, was broken into a few awnings back. and about £1,000 abstracted from a box in thr- placo. 'l‘wo priests were the robbers, and they have been arrested, and part of the spoil recovered. ' The people in Australia express a very anxiq ous desire that the Prince of Wales will pl; them a visit. 1 .r .I’