Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 25 Jan 1861, p. 3

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,,;_.,,_...._v... . _ on}. ',...r-" are . -. 4 7 NOTICE. c! LL Parties indebted to the Subscriber. pre- vious to January 1801, and "whine ac- counts are still unpaid. are hereby notified that if the same is not settled within 'one month from this date, they will be put intoJCourt for collection .. . .v~ .. - , . ,., ,. .. , . . _ â€" .,.~c . . . , i...” r '4r . . , . - V b ‘ > , ,_ . . ‘ v - . I ' ,. h J...» “" ‘1“: ‘ . », .uu :5 ~* . .. .. _. V " u. _., ' mar ‘ w. ‘ «, '”-' r * 3.» sum, M. i. an W-‘rre “swarm. - rim~ w .1...» ,. wage.» ~~ :1Mfl'“:-'5¢"" A " "it." iTltethrdeu “then wise and said that the , . , Councrl could not expect along speech from V him. Hevdesired, however, to thank them for the high honour they had just done him, as he felt proud ot the positio .to which they had calledhim._~ The War en’s chair had been filled by 'geutlemen who had distinguished them selves in Parltament, and be thanked them sincerely for his election. He trusted that they would give him every assistance iii the discharge of his duties, and if' he committed any errors he hoped they would attribute them to the head titan to the heart. He sincerely trust- ed that the Coun ies would !ong continue to be linoWn as the; United Counties .of' York and Peel. He was prepared to do anythingin his powerirfor the interests 01:.‘tlto.;,Counties‘; Ile Was not iii a position :it the present moment to refer to the business which would come before them, but he might state that it'wus of the ordinary character. He had Only again to thank them for the honour they had done him in placing him in the chair. (Ap‘auso.) u"«.~:.-~<.-r-~ . "m .--;a \ v. .1.» ":;2-r~»‘.‘i.' ‘ ‘ .,... gasses THE Subscriber, begs to return his thanks to his numerous Fi‘ionilsand the Public,'and woold inform themthat he has greatly increased his I u .3" H .. TOF “WARDEN. QUANTITY of STANDING TIMBER. .. __ S _ Pine and Hardwond. for Sale, on Lot ° No.53, 1st concession Vaughan. For parti- culats apply to the Executor: of the late '1‘. D. Campbell. on the premises. ‘ Richmond Hill. Nov. 28. 1860. OVER 3000 IN ONE warm. Dr. McKenzie.â€" - Sir. Your DEAD SHOT WORM‘CANDY surpasses any Worin Medicine that I have evor seen. For the week ending Iiiatui'dny, Nov. 3, 1860, 1 sold Three Thousand Three Hundred and Twelve Sticks of your \Vorm Candy. I doubt very much if the soles of all other medicines combined would amount to onc-tenth as much, in' Canada'West. 1t su- , persedes the Lozenges and Sugar Drops, (not i saying anything about Verinifugcs). Children suppose it a common candystick, and as there is no other medicine required with it; it is very easily administered. 1 have inquired ofprrties who gave it to their children, of the results.â€"' Their answer is invariab‘y the same. It is the but they ever used. Yours truly. ELECTION _..__â€" V'I‘he‘ Council of the Unitch Counties of York and Pool hold their,firss-"iinwting yesterday afternoon, in the Council Cham- ber, Courtâ€"ltOtBe, Adelaide street. The Clerk, (J. Elliot, Esq.,). took the chair, and called the roll, and the following,r Recvos and Deputy-Reeves answared to their names and took their seats as mem- bers of the Council:â€"- ‘ Etobicokc.â€"â€"-E. Musson, Canning, Deputy ITCP'VG‘. , Georgina.-â€"-Angus £1150, Reeve. North Gwillimbury.â€"â€"Thomas Evans, Reeve. - '. STOCK,"and‘lias now on hand a very 111111 4951111111111? l'illl‘i Milli l Ofevery description and style, such as : Men’sCoarse, Kip. and Call Boots, Boy’s and .Youths’ and Calf Roots,“ \VOinen and Children’s Boots and Shoes of everyvariety of style ;- also, a large quantity of SMWMN MOCCAS [05-6 WILLIAM TRENCH. sen. Elgin Mills, January .‘24. 1861. 112-3 \fio. Charles 0. Keller, ATTORNEY-AT I LAW, SOLICITOR . in Chancery, Conveyancer. die. ()flice, iii Victoria Buildings. over the Chronicle office, Brock Street_ Whitby. _ Also a Branch Office in the village of Bea- verton, Township of Thorah, and iCounty of Ontario. , The Division Courts in Ontario. Richmond Hill, and Markham Village regularly attended. Whitby. Nov. its. 1359. Wanted Immediately, S an Apprentice, a lad about'lfi years of age, to the Harness Business. Apply to WM. HARRISON. Richmond Hill, Jan. 18,1861. I 112 LOST. CST. on or about New Year’s day. a Note 'Reeve; Mr 850 E . . IM-lv ”‘ ' ' . ' A- E- TAYLOR. of Hand araiii‘st‘John’Linfoot due on f , , A i ‘ LaSt'GY‘llllmobm“). anllamfReeIe sTA'sntiro COMMITTEE. : Agent, .7 the 8th inst.. ainogunting to $24 All parties â€"-â€" In fact, he has on hand all that 18 wanted to adorn erprotect “161.861,”- G- HOlbum: DePUlY Reeve- A committee of seven members was then BI‘OCkVillO- negotiating-the same, are notified that payment ' - ‘ -' or a! season which lie is re tired to Sell at the ng'”J' 1" walh' Reeve' i thereofisstopped Any party finding the same, A f0! any “Bdther Ly ) p p elected by ballot, to strike the standing com- E-Sold by all'Druggists and Medicine Dealers- Markhamâ€"1:1. M. Button, Reeve; R. Marsh, Ccputy Rocvc. . ‘ Scarboro’.â€"J. P. thceler, Reeve; J. Crawford, Deputy Reeve. ' V’auglian.â€"R. J. Arnold, Reeve; ‘ Cook, Deputy Reevq- “ , . v WhitehorclLâ€"Fâ€"J. ernside, Reeve; E. - Wheeler, Dcpuly Reeve. ’ ‘ Yorkâ€"W. Tyrell, Reeve; W. M. 'W.‘ .Morsc, Deputy Bccvc. Albion.--â€"'l‘. Swinncrton, Reeve; T. '- Horkby. Deputy Reeve. inittees.‘ at ten o’clock. , _ WEDNESDAY, January 23. The Council met this morning at ten o’clock fThe Warden in the cluiir.‘ V I - 8‘1‘ANDING‘COMMITTdES._ ., several Standing Committees, as follows :â€" Musson. Hunter, Crawford and Hyde. Education;--Messi's. 'I‘yrrell, Smith, and Morse. ‘ - The Council then adjourned till this morning ' Mr. Tyrrell preseniéd the report ol’ the Select .Committee appointed by ballott to nominate the for 15 cents; four packages for 50 cents. See advertisement in another column. ’ )To Consumptives. r 11E Advertiser. having been restored to _ health in a few. weeks by a very simple remedy, after having's'ufl'ered several years with a severe lung affectimbaud that dread disease, Consumptionâ€"is anxious to make known to scriber. __ , . ROBERT HOPPER. Richmond Hill, Jan. 10th, 1861. Letters JANUARY 1, will. Dove, George Pickram. Frank will oblige by returning the same to the sub- Rc mainiug in RICHMOND HILL PostOfiice Finance and Assessritent.â€"â€"Messrs. Scott, Pariiham, his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. -â€" 9’ To all who desire it, he will send ‘a copy 0 the prescription used tfree of charge), with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a SURE (but; ran DO'on.11tiglt Doner, Emanuel [3] H oycs. Joliit Hall, Henry Pottage, Edwaid Ross, Mark Rayner. Henry Ratclili‘e, Elizabeth 1717. Division Courts attended. Wellington St. Aurora, 6:. Queen St. Toronto November 20. 1850.}; A Novelty in the Art werld! C KEELE, Esq. ofthe City of Tor- onto. has opened an oflice in the Vll~ lage of Aurora for the transaction of Common Law and Chancery Business, also, Convey~ ancing executed with correctness and despatch 104-1)‘ LOWEST REMUNEBATIVE PRICES FOR. CASH; (Those requiring a really geodflArticle, at a Cheap Price" “graspecflunv requested to o , , CALL at the CHEAP BOUT do SHOE STORE, ’ OPPOSITE THE GRAMMAR SCHOOL-HOUSE, monster“) HILL. JAMES 'tiALL, proprietor. Richmond impinge. 14,1860. 107-2“) .A PHOTOGRAPHY TIPâ€"0N PORCELAIN l Secured by letters patent in the United States, i England France. and Belgium. Roads and Bi'idges.â€"â€"Messrs. Tyrrell, Morse llolburn, Parker. and Button. ‘ Country Property-«Messrs. Smith, ’ Hunter, Wells. Swinnerton, and Wheeler. Contingeucies.â€"â€"Messrs. Cook, Evans, Hockloy, and Harrison. , Chledomâ€"J. Wright, Reeve; J. Har- if‘ risen, Deputyl’teeve. i Chinguacousy.â€"R. Smith, Reeve; )v. A. Hartley, Deputy Reeve. ,Gore of Tot onto.â€"-'l‘homas Graham, lleslop. John Jackson, John Koal, Francis Kirkland, Charles Langstafi'. John [3] Mofl‘at, Andrew ‘Rutherford, 'Joltii Sliney. Vthliam Skinner. Thomas - Twigg, \Villiam Wuett, Eliza Wilson, Thomas [O] CvMUMPTioN, ASTHMA, URONCHITIS, &c. The only object of the adver iser iii sending the PreScription is to benefit the afflicted. and Musgon, spread information which he conceives to be iii'vuluable, and he hopes evrry sull'crer will Fri lllll, limit tiiii ‘ fitting 1: . J ' THE AMERICAN rnoroanrnic romantic e... Ofevery description and variety of Mountmgsgo to- - ' v, The mpg“ was adopted. try- .liis ren’iedy,.as it will cost them nothing, _ NO- 781 Broadway, New York. H . ’ - v . 5 .. ' v u A* ~ . - ’ :. g 3 Bride. T 1- 1 . coos’rv PROPERTY. _ and m?) ploy?“ blhsmg' ' _ . Mo IEEFY, P-M- having securedtheirnovelandingeniousinveu-' “ '.V ‘ ' " ' oronto owns tipsâ€"J!) in C. Hyde, The‘counc” the“ went into Cammmae of fPtr-ties Wishing the prescription Will please tion by American and European patents, are .i 'n Reeve; M. Parker, Deputy Reeve. ‘ Yorkvillc.-â€" PVm. Boivell,.Reevc. Newmaritet. J. J. Hunter. Brarpptop.â€"A. E. Scott. , x a: The Clerk sziid» that lie would'inio’w call . ,upon the Council toiprocecd to the election .of a .l/Vardcn for the United Counties. .Gentlemen would please proceed to nomi- " uatc candidates for the ofIiCe. ‘ Mr. Hyde said he rose to name Mr. 'J. P. Wheeler, Reeve of Scarboro’, as Warden. (.App'ause.) He did so, be- cause he felt convinced that if he were Telectcd, he would give enry satisfaction to the Council. If any gentleman was be: entitled to be elected from long scrnces.. ‘ h’Ir. Wheeler was the one to be elected. He was well acquainted with the business *' of the Council, ard be (Mr. Hyde) had thhrcfore much pleasure in panting Mr. T Wheeler for the office if Warden. -Mr. Irousidc seconded the nomination. Mr. Wright moved that Mr. IV. Tyr- A‘éll be lVarden of the United-Counties . , ' past nine o’clock, the Hon. Mr. Justice Mr- ' of'York and Peel for the current year. Mr. Evans seconded the nomination. _Mr. Ego moved, seconded by Mr. ~M'arsb, that Mr. A' F. Scott. Reeve of Brampton, be lV’arden for the current . year- , Mr. Marsh said that he would wish to see Mr. Scott elected to the office of Warden, as ho tvastvcll qualifiedlto perform the duties, and was well acquainted with the business of the Council. ' I '* ‘M'r. Ego said it afforded lti'ni much plea- sure to nominate 'Jltlr‘. Scott, as ho had no. doubt he would pcrfOrm the duties ol the oflice to the satisfaction of the Council, and to the interests of the Counties.- Mr. Button said the late Warden .«(Hom ,Mr. Reesor) had come from the same township as be (Mr. Button.) lie was proud when Mr. Reesor. was "elected to the lVartIcn’s Chair. and afterw‘ards'to a seat 'in the Legislative Council. (Ap- plause,) It had been charged on him [NI r. 'i ButtOn] that he turned his coat at the. lateelecticn, but the residents at Mark- ham were all , Beformers, and he intended to carry ([11. their wishes. [Applause] rifle-would vote for Mr. A. I". Scott as #Warden, for the United Counties. Mr. ['lydc’s motion, nominating Mr.”J. P. Wheeler, was then put and lost,-â€"~ '- ‘: ~v Yeasâ€"Messrs. SwimtertOn, Parnham, Holburn, Hyde. Parker, Crawford, Gra- ham, E. VVlteeler, and Ironsidcâ€"Q. "Nays. Messrs. 'l‘yrrell, Morse, Hock- , Icy, Musson, Canning, Ego, Plenum-Route” Hunter, ‘valls, Smith, JHartley. Cook, Arnold, Marsh, Bottom}, 'Wi-igh‘t, 'and,'Har- rise-1:418; ’ '- ' ' ' Mr. “Night‘s motion submitting the name ,of Mr. Tyrrcll _shared the same {alien ‘1 ' ‘ ' ' mngCflS-â€"-DICSSPS. Morse, Hockley, Ro- yoar on county property. of detail. was adopteell.r-Glabc. WINTER ASSIZES. FRIDAY, Jan. 18, 1861. The case of Mcnglicr ’US. The _1E1n8 turning a verdict for the plaintiff and 400 damages. MEAGHER ’US. on the point raised in‘tlie former trial. SATURDAY, Jan. 19, 1861. ‘ *‘Tbc Court met this morninglatlialfâ€" McLean presiding. ,, HENDERSON TS. JEFFERY. r~ _ Counsel for the plaintiff, Mr. M. C. Cameron; for the defendant, Mr. Patter- son and Mr. Sampson. , This was an action of rcplcvin, and re- sulted in a verdict of the plaintiff. The Grand Jury came into Court and presented True Bills against Robert Stin- ton on ' a charge, of horse-stealing, and against Michael Coltor on a charge of rape. Upon being arraigned, the former plcadcd guilty, the latter not guilty. ‘ B’IONDAY, Jan. 21,1801. The Court met this morning at ttn siding. THE MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANK or PRESCOTT vs. PALMER. (t al. Counsel'for the plaintiffs, S. Ricll-‘ll‘tlS‘ Q. C.; for the defendants, Mr. M. C. Cameron, Mr. J. B. Jones, Mr. Sampson and Mr. English. In this action the plaintiffs claimed to recoveritlie sum of $379 70. Fronttlac. evidence it appeared that in the year 1858, the defendant Palmer was appointed the pl'aintif’fs’ agent at Yorkville, and as such gave his bond, signed by the other defendâ€" ants (Moore and Davis) as sureties for the due discharge .of his duty and payment: of monies received by him for the plaintiffs. For the defence the defendants, Moore and Davis, pleaded that they didnot make the bond; the defendant .Palmer pleaded {bathe was not-in default, paymentand set oli'. To prove the defence set up'bv the defendants Moore and Davis, the subscribing witness- to the' signature of the u hole on the report of the committee of last “ H The. report. which was made up of matters menced on Wednesday at noon, terminat- ed tliis evening at. 8 o’clockâ€"the jury rc- THE HOME INSURANCE. i This case being similar in character with the last, a verdict was entered. by ' ‘ ' consent of the plaintiil and $3.240 damaâ€" Great Eastern 3 (lg-19$ Summit to The Opinion 0f Hie COW} Wreck of the Australian packet ship ROYAL ’I'ho Harper’s Ferry lnsurrec-. o’clock, Hon. Mr. Justice McLean pre» ddross "REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburgh, Kings County, New York WI mks Embextmmmts.‘ This afternoon ev‘g ati‘Ambler's [Icle _â€" . H I ' ' - 1 Insurance Company, which was com- Wardens Elstor c Panoralna" Of the year 1839. CO VIPRISlNG. all the important events of that period, viz : THE WAR in CEIINA _ Discovery of the fate of A view of the steam-ship Cl‘l All. I‘ER, and all the'places and incidents connected with THE ITALIAN WAR, in addition to the above D. “1“ 003.31 The well-known Bufl‘o singer. from England, will give his recherche and highly humorous entertainment. Admission 25 Cents. Children half-price. P R O S P E C TU 92's NEW AND IMPROVED MAP OF ,OUR COUNTRY !' THE undersigned. lrojector and Publisher of Descriptive Maps of the Populous and W'ealthy Counties of Norfolk. Oxford, Brant, Haltou, York, and Ontario, (all .of' which have been Favorably Noticed by Country Press,) Proposes to Publish, Drawn to a Large Scale, either 20 miles to 3 inches, "1‘ 6 miles to one incluâ€"m - A Topographical. Statistical.& Illustrated MAP 0F UPPER CANADA ! Exhibiting the Great Lakes, Harbors and Ports; Canals, Rivers. and Principal Mill Streams; the Railways. Railway Stations. and Stage :Rout‘es in connection therewith; the Post Offices. Money Order Offices, and Teleâ€" graph Stations, as shown on the Map prepared by order of the Post Master General, by John .l)ewe,,Esq., Post Office Inspector; the gene- 'reil Boundaries, Counties,'C0unty ’Tow'ns, Cities, Towns, and Villages, with the pincipal or most” dii'ect~-1{0uds connecting them , the Population of each City, Town, Township, and Incorporated Village iii the Province; and other Important and appropriate Informa- the City and . um. 53. of.» .311 s: #13. IN CHANCEHY, . Toronto Street. Toronto, January 9, 1851. (fir iii: LEADER,” paper-iii Canada. every family in the Province. THE DAILY LEADER advance. be obtained from every part of the world. THE SEMI-W’EBKLY EEADER. ls THREE DOLLARS a vear in advance. paper will supply them with all the intelligence they could receive from a Daily. TIIE WEEKLY LEADER Is published every Friday. and “ The Patriot” and the " News of the Week” are published every \Vednesday, at the rate of ONE DOL- LAR in advance". These papers are printed on a large sheet, and contain the most impor- tant matter of the “ Daily Loader.” Market Reports are particularly attended to iii them.â€" These are the Cheapest Papers in the Pro- vmc’es. . - ' One dollar a year is added to each Edition when not paid in advance. TO A DVERTISERSI The large circulation of " The Leader makes it the very host medium of publishing notices of any kind. Rates--For Dailyâ€"Four pence a line, for first insertion. and one penny each subsequent insertion. For Weekliesâ€"osix pence a line for each insertion. EAST RIDING OF YORK Agricultural Society ! HE Annual Meeting of the above Societv . takes place at WIDEMAN’S INN. 6th concession Markham, on H’ednesday, January 16, 1851, tion, compiled from the Census and Statistical At TEN 0,0001% 8-m- precisely. for receiving Returns of the present year. _‘lLLUSTRATE’D ' By well executed Views of the Cities of Ot- tawa, Kingston, Toronto. Hamilton. and Lon- don; a View of the Falls of Niagara; With a View of the Niagara Suspension Bridge, ac- companied by a Description of it. Also Views of Provincial Buildings-â€"ihe,- New Houses of Parliament, the Normal School, Osgoode Hall, Trinity College, and the 'l'o~ ronto University. the last, said by competent HE Subscriber begs to inform the Public ' _‘Hyde, Parker. smith, nanny, Cook, - ‘iEvans, Smith, llartlcy, Cook, Arnold, ,- ';Dr.'Hnnter thcn'roséiand in a few com- plimentary remarks again moved that lllr. - a -- mu. Hunter, and wellsâ€"5. Naysâ€"Messrs. , Musson, -Canning, Arnold, Harrison. Wright. Button, Marsh, Ego, and Swinncrton.â€"14«. K ' a .« ,Mr. Egdsmmion namingan A; F. any authority given tooth-e defendant Scott was also lost on atlivision. Yeas.â€"-JlIcssrs. Musson, Canning, Ego Harrison, \Vrigltt, Button, and Marsh â€"â€"12. t . ‘ - , . Nays.¥filessrs. "l‘yrrell, Morse, Swinâ€" iicrton, Howey, Parnham, Holburn, J._P. “healer, Crawford, .l'Iyde, Parker, Ro- E.:lieeler, well, Hunter, clls, Graham, and Ironsideâ€"â€"6. A burst of laughter arose when it was ' found that'none of the nominees had been ‘ elected. 'Tyrrell be nominated as :aiden. 7 , Mr. Hyde submitted the name of :r. P. =heeler.. _ =r. Ego said .he had-every reason to believe a majority of the Council were in .-favour of :r. Scott’s election, and he would therefore again offer him as 'a can- - didate. ' The Vote was then taken with the follwing 'Hay_is from $10 {0- $14 Per ton, "result :â€"For Mr. Tyrrell, yeas 5 t nays 17. For Mr. Wneelcr, yeas, 12;, nays, 15‘. rm Mr. Scott, yeas, 1'2; nays, 16. The Clerk again, amid much merriment do- ,cluréd, all the motions to be lost.; __‘ .vv; ”‘ 4‘ ‘ ' I'Mr. Tyrrell rose and said he had great plea- B‘Vre in nominating Dr. Hunter as Warden. r. Hunter declined the nomination, and the I' metiou Was withhrawn. - Mr. Smith nominated Mr. Ego, which was seconded by Mr. Button. - Mr. Ego thanked the mover and seconder, but declined to stand, and the motion was with- drawn, The Clerk then took the vote on Mr. Ego’s motion nominating Mr. J. 1’. Wheeler, which was carried,-â€"â€"Yeas, 16"; nays, 10. “Mi-:gVVheelei-v was therefore declared duly elected Warden" for the current year,“ amid much applause.- After taking his seat I-the yiQAIlllfOf office were administered to him by Mr. - 'I‘yrrell. (*fi, Moore was called. Upon being sworn Judges to be the Finest Building ofjts crass and ‘l‘leStl‘med 111’ Mr. Cameron, be said “‘Am‘mcah that the time of signing the bond there 1F E N GO U R A G E D were no seals to _tliezh'ond, nor were they To accomplish this Important Work, the Map Report of Directors for the past year, and the Election of Directors for the ensuing year. By order, A BARKER, , _ _ . . Secretarv. Markham December 29, 1860. - 'White Hart Inn, RICHMOND HILL. that he has leased the above Hotel. where he willkeep constantly on,hatid a good supply of first-class Liquors. 6w. As this house possesses every accommodation Tra- vel ers can desire. those who wish to stay where attached in his presence; (ltd not hear (Size, including a Border formed by a tasteful they can fiiidovery comfort are respectfully in- least 6 feet from East to West, a 4 to 4; feet Balm": tot athlth seals’ from North to South,) will be completed, here, arrangement of the Emblems of Canada. at vited to give" him a. call. CORNELIUS VAN NOSTRAND.. BififllSTEH-AT-LAW MID SOLlClTUft Office removed to Gas Company’s Buildings, Ill-Gm ‘_ The Patriot ’ and. ‘ News of the Week’ HE favor with which The Leader has been received by the Public may be judged by the fact that since its commnucement. in July 1.852, it has steadily increased in circulation until, in its various Editions, it has SEVERAL THOUSAND more subscribers than any other Every exertion is being used to make it more and more indispensible for ls published every morning, in time for the early trains. at Six DOLLARS per‘annum, iii It is a large sheet. and contains the earliest and most teliable intelligence that can published on Tuesdays and Fridays. a - It cott- _tains all the reading matter of the ‘f Dailv Lea- der” ; and for parties who do not reside near enough to a Post Office to call every day. this _ A..HANDSOME FRENCH VASE 0R TOILET ARTIOLE, ATWENT! TO ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS THBK PAIR. ' 11:2- .“ MANAGER, - Verdict for _fthc plaintiffs;- against; the i“ from 11W" I” five years. ‘thrce' defendants. ' .- 3 "MARRIED. At Richmondliill, ion the 17th inst. by the Rev. .135. Dick,5 Mr. I'Httuav 'H. ()aosmx, ot‘V Whitby. to ABIGALEHANN JENKINS. youngest daughter of the late Rev. William Jenkins, of Richmond Hill.. I __._..-,â€"â€"_ , TORONTO MARKETS: THURSDAY, January, 241. Fall Wheat.a-3000 bslils was the extent of the sigtiug 01‘50 acreS, all cleared. supply which soldat the following prices. The prices paid for the best samples were trom $1 15 test 21 nor bshl. Spring Wheat £81,250 bslilsin‘market. which sold at from $1 00 to $1 ()5 per bshl. Barley.-â€"sold at from 55 to 56c. ' ' heelâ€"4150 bslils went ofi‘ at 56 and 58c per bshl. ' Oatsâ€"at 26 and ‘27:: per bshl. Straw $6 to $8 per ton. ' Fionaâ€"Superfine“ No‘. 1 soldat $4 50 to 85, No 1, $4 to $4 80 ; Fancy (Spring) $4 75 to $4 80: Fancy (Fall) $5 '25 ; to $5 40; Extra, $5 to $5 50: 'Double Extra, $6 00 to $6 25. Buttonâ€"«Fresh is in'ifair supplv 18c‘pe'r’lb. A Porkâ€"is in fair request. For Hogs averaging 160 lbs $4 25 and $4 75 has been paid, and those averaging 2.30 lbs $5 and $5 tillâ€"the latter being the extreme figure. Applesâ€"Common varieties $1 and $1 95 g per barrel. Better grades $1 50 and $2 barrel.‘ Evgs.â€"â€"-Fresh from wagons 17 to 256 perdo'zen, he_ard.‘1g '11; apply to SAMUEL' Bier-LY? HARRI- ‘P'otat’oesâ€"New vary in price from 20 to 25c. ‘sos. Eel}? ‘ Farm forSale on 1103th Street, at from '17:: to surrogate Cetirt ot‘ the United Richmond Hill. Dec. 28, 1860. 108~l ~ -IN ANTICIPATION _ . v, ’ ‘ Of a General Patronage, the Price has been TF3] In Relth ' permanent'y fixed at FIVE AND AénAu’ DOL- EIBG IAQIS NO- 3.0. in the 5th and 31 in mas, payable (only) on delivery of the Map e, 111041111 concessions of the Toivnship iof in Good Order and Condition, handsomely Vallflhallicmllfllninz about 231) acres. 150 of Colored, Varnished and Mout‘ite’d.‘ [ITPut WillCh are‘cleai‘edond in ahigh state of culti- “p {0; the Package $6.00, : vation. I'or further particulars apply to GEORGE C. ‘TREMAINE. ALEX- CAMERON. .Tox.011l.e~’.Jallllary', 1861., . If by hth Lth P-O. 0n the Premises. Vaughan, Dec. 23, 1860. arrow]; 1c. THE CANADA Aerich ASSOCIATION of Lon- , don, Englandfare prepared to negociate Loans, at EIGHT per Cont interest, upon im- proved Farms. The Monev can be obtained as soon as the property has'beo'n valued, and the title has been approved of. The Forniso‘of application and other inform- ation apply to i ‘ 'A. R. ROCHE. ‘ MAN/team Wellington Street. near John Street. Toronto. 119-6 109 4p _’ "13 Miles from Toronto, EINC-composcdof East quarter efLot No. 39‘."iu 1st concession of Vaughan. con- Tlio Land is of the best description, without a rod being either waste or broken There are on the premises a good Dwelling- ’ house, a~Well ‘of hard water, Brich Cistern, and other conveniences, with Lawn containing Ornamental treesand Garden attachedâ€"well stocked with fruit trees. Also. Tenant’s house in the rear ofdt’velling’house, with Barn. New Stable, Sheds, é’ec. - For further particu‘ars apply [if by letter post-paid! to u G. J. PEARCE, .. , . . .. Rielimoiid I'Iill,lP.(). 'Richm‘en‘d Hill."Jé’n. 24, 1961. 4 ‘ 1124 December 20, 1860} STRAYEU. ,QTRAYEDfrom the Premises ofihe Subs Hy scriber. Richmond - Hill on the Q'nd'instg A VVlll'l‘F. BROOD SOW, Small Breed, with heavy ears and long. tail; Any one giving information where the said Sow may be t'o'und will be suit.ably"rewarded. , o 1 o _ WILLIAM S. WARREN. Richmond Hill. Dec. 11, 1860. 108-3 tongues of York and Pool. -’ OTICE Is" Ilere'by‘GiVen that, at thee-x- piratioti of twenty days (from the date, hereof or as soon thereafter as ('ouncil can be fi‘ogtlt'e for the*Unitod"Cobnties of 1 STILL GREATER INDUCEMENTS : .O-vcr Coatsi‘from‘ $5.» 2 Coarse Bootsfrom $2.50. Sheepâ€"are in demand ’at from $3 50to $5 Yorkoand Peel. 10 b6 BPPOImed guardian 0f each: ' MARY JANE Morison, zInfant daughter of the Lambs-mare plentiful 'at from $2 50 to'$’3 each. late Robert Monroe, deCeaee‘d. . ‘ Calvesâ€"are in good supply at $4 to $5 each. " . ‘* _EJOHN Bqu 0N, Beef-Hidesâ€"$4 00 per 100 lbs. Sheep ‘and Toronto. J'\11}'.“213Iw lb’blr ~ lamb skirts $0 75 each. Calfskini 10¢. per lb. [L M_ O’BRIEN, - I Tallow, $7 per 100 lbs ' Anya,“ Law, 112.3 ta .1: ._ )‘w' v,__,,.:1:, :19. . . ~ . s x , rewrites. w. HURD, . ARRISTER, Attorney-Iat-Law, Solicitor ' iii'Chancery,Convman‘der,doc. Money advances procured on Eort‘gages, . No. 3, Jordan Street. Toronto, December 13, 1860. -A.J: ,. l _, ‘. was fully prepared to execute all orders for Miniature Likenesses of Persians on China, presenting all the attractive and advantageous features of ordinary protographs. the brilliancy and finish ofa v ater‘ color drawing. and a biâ€" therto unattained quality of durability. by being tendered as iniperishoblo as the natural proper; tries of the articles upon which they are transferred. As the patented process of the Company on- ables the reproduction of Photographs, not'ouly on plain surfacos, but upon such as are round or ofanv degree of irregularityâ€"portraits can be reproduced With faultless accuracy,and delicacy of delineation, upon Porcelain wares of any description and dimension used as articles of luxury. or of household utility, such as Urns, Vases. Breakfast Cups, Toilet Articles, 850.; thereby securing faithful portraits and furnishing a unique and exquisite style of ornamentation of articles in domestic use. In order to furnish facilities for the gratifica- tion of the popular taste, and to meet the wants of those patrons of the Fine Arts desirous of having Portraits on Porcelain. the Company have imported from Europe a collection of su- perior porcelain goods, manufactured to their own order. which they sell at cost prices. As the American Company are owners of the patent right, and consequently the only persons authorized to use the process. they have deter- mined, iii order To afford People in every section of the Union an opportunity to possess Portraits on China, to make the following proposition to RESIDENTS IN THE COUNTRY, WHO ARE UNABLE TO VISIT PERSONALLY THE ATELIER AND GAL- LERIES IN NEW YORK, , Persons sending a photograph, ambrotypo, or daguerreotype to the office of the Company in New York, ac;ompanied by {IVE DOLLARS I will receive in return by express, free if < ther charge, ' A RICIILY CSNAMENIEB BREAKFAST CUP AND BAUCER, WITH THE PORTRAIT TRANSl-‘ERRED THEREOF. By transmitting a daguerreotvpe and TEN DOLLARS 1 they will Secure in like manner, with the portrait reproduced by the patented process. By sending a pair ofdaguerrcotypes and FIFTth DOLLARS 33 they will receive in return A PAIR or RICH ssvfiss mess, with the portraits executed equal to miniature paintings; and. in like manner. portraits eui be reproduced on porcelain wares or "'VASES 01'" EVERY QUALIT! or mitten, ranging in price from .N.B.-â€"Be particular in writing the address, town, county and State, distinctly. All letters to be addressed to AMERICAN Pnoreaaarma l'oa- CELAIN Co..” 7818itolnwitv NEW YORK. New York, Oct. 9, 1860. 98-31». lilllll llllllll ill Triumphant Sticâ€"tiess of Opposia ' tion to High Prices. R. Bovd w Bro... EG to state to the Public, that all who want tosavo money can do so by pur- chasing GOODS at Their New Establishment I In this place. Their Unprecide‘ited Success I , enables-them to offer Their Stock is heavy. comprising every do- noript’i'on of Seasonable Goods. Every class of Goods equally low. In DRESS GOODS. ' CLOTHS, COTTONS, BLANKETS, Will be romio , _ GREAT BARGAINS! With a liberal dis‘count for Cash. BUFFALO ROBES! C H EA P.- â€".._.. ,In the MILLINERY what yeti Would have to ‘pay $7 fot', they will sell for $5", are proved by many w lio' buy their mandates, CAPES, &c. All orders in this line Punctually attended to, and got up in the Newest Style; Highest Price‘fm' Produce Also the highest price in Cash for ‘ WHEAT, PORK & BARLEY, [13’ Give us a' Fair Trial and-we are sureett the result. , , and obli'ge' Aurora, December 7. 186‘). , 1’36 3m 'Abodtthe 15th ~of N'oifeti‘tbo‘r. premium SilliI‘IIti-‘lfi dirlnhlirlimrnl, itiirlimunh 313301.. E has always on hand the Largest and Best Assortment of GOODS that IS ever" kept in any Country Shop, and at a much less price then it is possible for to get them in Toronto; andihe isalways ready to MAKE TO ORDER, on the shortest notice, SINGLE ANDDOUBLE iâ€"iAithss Saddles, Bi‘idl‘cs,‘&c. of every description. I. ARRANTED TO’GIVE SATISFACTION. 4;, fir ALL (DOLLARS Cash for mums and sums. , 7 g'â€"-â€"-â€"-. PATTERSONS’ PLOUGIIS and SHARES CON STANTLY ON Hit-ND. , A11 'VV ork *Warranted. , Call, Examine and Seefor yourselves 5807‘s pzn'c/tasmg elsewhere. Richmond Hill, June 19, 1860. ‘ 6%,], IMMENSE STOCK! “DRY 0.00m, amenities. HARDWEEE. ac. V ' NTEfET-AINING the, opinion that a very large‘trade will be done during the 2 Autumn and inter, he has made ample provision for supplying his customers Goods of every description will be Sold at a MODERATE ADVANCE ON COST PRICES I‘ a _â€"â€"â€"«v A Choice supply or classmate. coon; P.S. All parties whose Notes and Accounts are now due, are respectfullyrequested to make provisions for them. . K. F. B icbmoad Hill, September 15,1860. 954. ’liritr. mum Lot No. 30. ‘Jud concession Markham, . I HE Proprietor ef' the “ Yoax HVERAL'D” G“ . . 2 White '3 begs to acquaint his numerous friends Th9 “list” I , and the public generally that so has requested to take them away, on proving pro- ‘ w ‘ d "i l] e’ . i r .‘ 'l . ? pertyen pong EgggGE STEPHENSON Reinstall his P1 Eating titties Markham. December 7. 1861‘. 105-3 To THE NEW HOUSE ADJOINING, Two doors further north, where. by increased , . , v C H E A R T H A N E V E ' lfacilit'es. he will be prepared-to get up work . HE Subscriber begs to inform lrie‘uiimerous with the utmOSt expedition, and with every patrons and the public that he is prepared attention to the wishes of his customers. to make “ Herald ” Office, Baotm‘and 611063 9f every style and description, at the lowest P0551116 reinunorating prices. All work warâ€" ranted to'give entire satisfaction. , W, 11. MARTIN. Cook’s Mill, Vaughan, December 7. 1m. 'GEO. MGPHIL LIPS, Provincial Land Surveyor, ‘RICHMONH HILL, 0.7V- Docember 14. 1860. ' 1074*}. A- MAIRS, B A- . T'I‘ORNEY - AT-LA‘W. S‘OLICITOI’. _ in Chancery. Conveyancer, 4516. 1113i): Street, Markham Village. November 22. 1880 Land "8; saw Mill. Sale. 1 Acres 0f Pl'lm'‘iidâ€"30 acres cleared . _ composed, of the West half of Lot No. 7,,in the 2nd COIL of Uxbridge, County Ontario; together with an excellentSaw Mill. and two“..gnod Dittielling I'leuses,‘witb Ont-0&1- ces thereon. I _ . o ' ‘ . Also 7 at'fi'es adjoining, composed of the from part of Lot No, 6. in the same concession. The above property is healthfnlly and de- lightfully situated in a pleasant lcrzality, and in one of the oldest and best settled townships in the County of Ontario. It is within 2g miles 106-1y I Richmond iiiii, Jul}: 20-, 1860. h~â€"â€"~__.-~ _ A ,7 " I’Vhat pleasure can exceed .9" “ The smoking ofthe Weed- ' RY ‘our Pure, Fresh, Good end Fine flavored I I > I am 0'13 A o 'o o ‘2 At 1s. and is} 3d. the best ever offer-0d,. / Ar W M. 3. POLL-COWS,- , T, {Late G.’ A. Bernard’s}, ’ 7* ’ maniacal: Hind." -Nonmber 22, 1860. 104111 ' .â€"-~ I THE AMERICAN ism Medical or Toilet Receipt Book HIS Book contains Recipes and Directions“ for making all the most valuable Medical preparations in use ; also. Recipes and full and l explicit directions for making all the' most pov‘ ipular and useful Cosmetics, Perfumes, Ungu‘a entS, [lair Re‘stor‘atives, and all 'I‘oilet‘Articlu,_ It’ you are suffering with any chronic diseaseâ€" if you .wish a' beautiful complexion, edict head of hair. a smooth face, a clear skin, I; luxuriant board or moustache-«or if you with to, know anything .and everything in the Medical and Toilet line, you should. by all means, peruse a copy of this book. For full particulars, and a sample of the work for pore ofthe village or Stoufi'ville. about 10 miles usjalztfree.)addr°ssI?” publisher- from Uxbridge Village. and ‘20 miles from the Town of ‘Whitby, the capital of the County of Ontario. - T. Escapism. __ . _No. 831 BroadWay, New for}: a. BOYD a morass. I T he property will he sold very cheap for Cash. .Titleindisputable, ‘Apply. to - JOS‘EPH KELLER, Esq., . " ' Richmond Hill. . ""V cor Sate; Cheap, HORSE: and a LIGHT'SPRING WAG- 0, ,. FRANCIS KELLER; '- GON. The Hersc is rising 7 you}: old. ‘ ‘ ‘ -~ *wh-Aby, For particulars apply at this office. . 111-1 September 28.1869 . sis-em {Richmond Hill, Nov. 9, woof l

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