.r. ‘6" ‘ 3L» "i or I! - A ~ g... â€" w:~ 7' . directed to the Sheriff of the United MARRIED. Counties,commanding him to levy upon the lands on which a portion of the taxes hds-been due for live years, for the arrears of taxes due thereon, with costs.â€â€"Car- ried. ' ii The other portions of the report, which referred to the publication of the list of land with the amounts due, in the Gazette Globe,iLezzrlrr, and county papers, were not. discussed. * The committee rose and reported, and obtained leave to sit again, and the Coun- Cil adjourned about five o’clock. FRIDAY. Jan 25. The Countrer.’ Councrl met yesterday the -Wlarden in the chair. ORI’ARA'IION 01? THE CITY FROM THE ‘-' COUNTY. Mr, I'Vclls moved, seconded by Mr. Rowell, that a Select Cornt’nittee be ap- pointed‘to prepare a petition to the Legis- lature, praying for any amendments which this Council may think desirable or ex- pedient in the present Municipal law of «Upper Canada, and that such committee “Consist of Messrs. Tyircll, Scott, Smith, liowell, Ego, and the mavenâ€"Carried. The. Council then went into Committee bf‘the ll’hole for the purpose of consider- 111g the question of separating the Counties .th’ork and Peel from the city of Town- -10,for_judical purposes. Mr. 'l‘yrrcll moved that a Select Com- mittee be appointed by the Conncil to pre- pare petitions to the three branches of the Hyegislature on the suhject.â€"â€"Carrie. APPOINTMENT OF A SOLICITOR. . Mr. Scott moved, seconded by Dr. Hunter, the third reading ofthe by-law for apponrting a County Solicitor. The name of LMr..M. C. Cameron was inserted in the bill, Which was read a third time and passed. ASSESSORB or TAXES. _ The Council again went into Com- imittec of the thole on the report of the 'Cornmittee on Finance and Assessment, having reference to the arrears due on un- occupied lands. ' i The last clausc in the report was as folâ€" 10Ws:â€"â€"~ i i'Your Committee recommended that the . Treasurer be instructed to publsh a gene. rali'notice for one month in the Weekly Globe, chc/r/y Leader, Markham Econo- imist, Brampton Times, Richmond Ilill IIcrald, and Ncwmarket Em, and weekly for the same time in the Daily Globe and Leadcr, calling the attention of the holders of non-resident lands to the sur- charge of ten per-cent. added annually on the first of May, and notifying them that .all such'lands will be sold as soon as any 7 portion of the taxes thereon shall have been due for five years.-â€"â€"Carricd. I'I'he report was then adopted. PRINTING. '.'Ilic'COLincil then went into Committee of the Whole on the report ofthe com- mittee on Printine. The Committee re- ; ported in favour of the tender of Maclear "3!. Co. for printing the blank schedules &c The report was adopted. THE CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY. Mr Scott moved that the Finance Com- mittee be authorized to take the opinion of the Solicitor on the claim of this Council against the city, and on the legality of sal- aries ordered by county magistrates.â€" Carried. Dr. Hunter gave notice that on Tues. day he would move that in the County Solicitor giving an Opinion adverse to the legal right of this Council to recover from the crty of Toronto the claims, or any part thereof, for the support and mainten. ' ance of city prisoners in the cannon gaol . in the year 1857â€"8, that the Finance Com- , mittce be instructed to obtain the opinion of an eminent Solicitor in Chancery as to ‘ the probabilities of our being able to suc- cessfully prosecute our claim in Chancery, and report fully to this Council.-â€"-â€"Carried. ' iy’l'he Council then adjourned. SATURDAY, Jan. 26. The Council met this day at ten o’clock, the Warden in the chair. THE CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY. on motion, the warden was requested ' to communicate with the Corporation of Tororito, relative to the claim of the Coun- tie’s Council against the City for the man - ' tainancc of prisoners in the common gaol, in order that the City Council might con- sider the matter at their meeting on Mon- ' day evening. The Council then adjouned till Mon- day at two o’clock. Monday, Jan. 28. The Council met at two o’clockâ€"the Warden in the chair. GAOL STATISTICS. , The .Warden presented to the Council -â€"â€"‘ A statement complied from the Gaol Register, for the year 1860, showing the number of prisoners committed to the gaol of the United Counties of York and Peel during that period, the offences with wnich they were charged, the amount of educa- tion they possessed, their occupations, how many were of intempcrate habits, their ages, and the sevoral countries of their birth,’ as follows :-- OFFENCES. Assault, 53 males, 5 females; felonious assault, 5 males; uttering had Bank bills, 1 female; arson, 5 males; abduction, 1 male; attempted to commit suicide, 2 males; burglary, 5 males, 1 female; biga- my, 1 female; breach of Militia Law, 2 .males,‘ conspiring to defraud,1 male, 3 females; child dcsertion, 2 females; con- tempt otv court, 1 male ; conveying liquor to prisoners, 3 males; concealing the birth - of a child, 2 females; detained as a wit. ness, 1 female ; drunk and disorderly, 651 males, 836 females; dangerous to be at large,.3 males, 1 female; deserting em- ployment, 1 male ; embezzlement, 1 male ; forgery,4« males; gambling, 3 males, horse stealing, 3 males; indecent exposure, 2 ‘ funnies; keepers and inmates of disorderly houses, 20 males, 32 females; larceny, 185 males, 104r females; malicious shooting, 2 males; non~payment of wages, 1 male; obtaining goods under false- pretenses, 7 r) H males, 1 female; picking pockets, 5 males ; perjury,l male; robbery, 3 males, 1 female; receiving stolen goods, 9 males, 3 6 females; selling liquor without license, 3 males; tlireatetiing,4«2 males, 27 females; trespass, 5 -m:tles.--â€"'I‘otal, 1029 males, 1027 females; Grand total, 2056. STATE OF EDUCATION. Three hundred and seventeen males and 483 females could neither read nor write; 202 males and 345 females could read only; 496 males and 196 females could read and write imperfectly; 14« males and 1 female could read and write well. NATIVE COUNTRIES 0F PRISONERS. England 149 males, 76 females; Ire- land 529 males, 820 females ; Scotland 91 males, 39 females; Canada West 125 males, 43 females; Canada East 60 males, 22 females; United States 53 males, 26 Other Total, females; Germany 14 males. countries 8 males and 1 female. 2,056. OCCUPATIONS. Architect 1,, basketmnkers 2, broom- makers 3, bricklayers 3, brickmakers 2, bakers 9, butchers 12, barbers 2, blackâ€" srnitirs 10, boukbinders 1, coachmakers 11, clockmakers 4, cabinetmukers 6,carpenters 55, clerks 16, carter: 5, cahmen 6, coop- ers ‘1, Chandlers 2. Clothiers l, cigarmakcrs I, confectioners 4-, drovers 2, dairymen 2, draftsman l, engineer 1, farmers 19, fish- ermeu &, gardeners 5. gunsmiths 5, gamb- ler 1, liarncssmakers 2, lumbermen 2, la- bourers 615, millwrights 3, masons 3. mouldch 2, machinists 6, merchants 6, painters l3, pedlers 18, porters 3, printers 4r, plasterers 5, plumbers 1. stone-cutters 4, slioevinakers 50, sailors 42, ship carpen- ters 2. saddlch I tavernkee ers 5, tailors r P Males, 777; females, 800.â€"â€"-Total 1,577. , AGES. . Fifteen and underâ€"males. 112; femalrs 41. Fifteen to twentyâ€"males, 334-; fe~ males, 418. Thirty to fortyâ€"males, 24:2 ; females, 279. Above forty-males, 233 ; females. 129.â€"-Total males, 1,029; fe- males, 1,027. NUMBER OF TIMES EACH PRISONER \VAS COMMITTED. Onceâ€"males, 948; females, Twiceâ€"males, 30 ; females. 33. timesâ€"males, 17: females, 28. timesâ€"males, 18; females. 17. females, 13. females, 16. females, '7. females, 10. ; females, 8. females, 5. females, 5. cmales, 1. 884:. Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve timesâ€"~males, '7; times- males, 1; timesâ€"males, timesâ€"males, timesâ€"males, timesâ€"males, timesâ€"males, 0 timesâ€"males, 1 ; RETURN OF PRISONERS FROM THE CITY AND,COUNTIES. The following is a return of the prison- ers conï¬ned in the gaol of the United Counties during 1860, showing the num her from the city and county respectively. Felons and misdeineanants :â€" COUNTies.â€"-Fc10ns,males, 78; females 26. 2 3 1 1; ; h’lisdemcanants, males, 18; females, 13. Totalâ€"males, 96 ; females, 39. CINEâ€"Felons, males, 322; females, I59. Misdemeanants. males, 611 ; females 988â€"Grand total 2,056. ARREARS or TAXES. Dr. Hunter moved, seconded by Mr. McLeod, that the treasurer be instructed to furnish the Finance Committee with a statement of the amount of taxes due on non-resident lands within the limits of the incorporated Villages of Newmarket and Holland Landing. said statements to set forth the names of the streets, the number of the lots, together with the years in which taxes are in arrears.â€"-â€"Carried. The Council then adjourned. TUESDAY. Jan 29. The Council met this morning at half- past ten o’clock, the warden presiding. THE CLAIM AGAINST THE CITY. Mr. Scott moved that Messrs. Patter- son and Harrison be instructed to take such proceedings as they may have deemed advisable to enforce as speedily as possible payment of the claim now in their hands against the city of Toronto. Mr. Hyde seconded the motion, which was unanimously adOpted. ELECTION OF REEVES REEVES. Mr. Smith moved, seconded by Mr. wells, that the select committee appointed to report an amendment to the municipal not be instructed to report in favor of having it so amended as to leave the elecâ€" tion of Reeves and Deputy Reeves to a direct vote of the ratepayers. After some discussion the motion was adopted. The Council adjourned. \VEDNESDAY, Jan. 30. The Council met yesterday, at o’clock the Warden in the chair. THE DEAF, DUMB, AND BLIND. Mr. Scott moved, seconded by Mr. Swinnerton, that the. committee for pre- paring petitions be instructed to prepare a petition to Parliament, praying for the passing of an Act to make some suitable general proision for the education of the deaf, dumb, and blind. The motion, after a short discussion, was carried. THE CLERGY RESERVES. Mr. Smith moved, seconded by Mr. Hartley, that it be an instruction to the select committee appointed to recommend amendments to the M’unicipal Act, to report in favour of enabling Muni- cipal Corporations to divide the Clergy AND DEPUTY ten males, 1 female; passing counterfeit bills,I 20, tinsmiths 6, tanners 2, teachers 1, wagonmakers 2, watchrnaker 1, weaver 1. waiter 1, wheelwright 1, whipmaker 1.-â€"â€" Total, 1,029. INTEMPsnATa HABITS. In Vaughan, on the 25th January, by the Rev. Peter Glassford, Mr. Gavm HAMii.Ton,to Miss MARY Jnrrxuv, daughter of Richard Jef- frey, Esq., Vaughan. On the 28th January, by the Rev. T. Gold- smith, at the residence of the bride’s father,l\'lr. Wu. LOADER MA'r'riuzws. of King, to Miss \IAkv Ann LLOYD, youngest daughter of Wil- liam Lloyd. Esq., of VVllllClllll’Cll. __ --L_ ..._. _._.4 TORONTO M A llKETS. THURSDAY, January, 31. Fall VVhout,-3000 hshls was the extent of the supply which soldat the following prices. The prices paid for the best samples were trom $1 15 to $1 18 nor bshl, Spring Wheatâ€"1,250 bshlsin market, which sold at from $1 03 to $1 05 per hshl. Barleyâ€"sold at from 55 to 56c. Firmâ€"150 bshls went 011' at 56 and 55¢ per bs l. Oatsâ€"at 26 and 270 per bsiii. flay-«is from $10 to $14 per ton, $8 per ton. Hoursâ€"Superfine No. I sold at $4 80 to $4 85, No 1, $410 $4 80 ; Fancy (Spring) $4 75 to $4 811: Fancy (Fall) $5 10 ; to $5 25; Extra, $5 to $5 50 ; Double Extra, $5 75 to $6 25. Buttei'.-â€"Frosli is in fair supply at from 170 to 186 per lb. ’ Pork-is in fair request, For Hogs averaging 160 lbs $125 and $4 75 has been paid, and those averaging 2.30 lbs 355 and $5 50â€"tho latter being the extreme figure. Applesâ€"Common varieties $1 and $1 25 per barrel. Better grades $1 50 and $2 barrel. Erasâ€"Fresh from wagons 17 to 25c per dozen, Potatoesâ€"New Varv in price from 20 to 25c. Snoopâ€"are in demand at from $1 50 to $5 each. 1.airrbs-are plentiful at from $2 50 to $3 each. Calvesâ€"are in good supply at $4 to $5 each. Boof-Ilidesâ€"$4 00 per 100 lbs. Sheep and lamb ' skins $0 75 each. Calfskin: 10c. per lb, Tallow, $7 per 100 lbs S PECI A L NOTICES. Straw $6 to OVER 30001N ONE WEEK. Dr. McKenzie,â€" Sir, Your DEAD SHOT WORM CANDY surpasses any Worm Medicine that I have ever soon. For the week ending Eaturdny, Nov. 3, 1860, 1 sold Three Thousand Three Hundred and Twelve Sticks of your Worm Candy. I doubt very much if the soles of all other medicines combined would amount to one-tenth as much, in Canada West. It su- persedes the Lozenges and Sugar Drops, (not saying anything about Vermifuges). Children suppose it a common candyslick, and as there is no other medicine required with it ; it is very easily administered. I have inquired of parties who gave it to their children, of the results.â€" 'l‘hoir.nulwer is invariably the same. It is the host they ever need. Yours truly. A. E. TAYLOR. Agent, Brockvillo. Sold by all Druggists and Medicine Dealers for 15 cents; four packages for 50 cents. Soc advertisement in another column. To Consumptives. ‘I-IE Advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a Very simple roniedv, after having suffered several years with a severe lung affoctiori,pand that dread disease. Consumptionâ€"is anxious to make known to his follow-sufferers the moans of cure. To all who desire it. he. will card a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sour; (“nun Fort Ct NIJUIIPTION, ASTHMA, llnoscun‘rs, (Soc. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to beneï¬t the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes ovary sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Pa‘tios wishing the prescription will please address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, \Villiamsburgh, Kings County, New York mam ï¬ï¬‚bt’xttn’m cuts. ersleyan Methodist TEA MEETING ! A Tea Meeting will be bold in the Wesleyan Methodist. Chapel! RICAMOND HILL, 0K Thursday next, F a!» nary 7, ’61 For the purpose of liquidating the remaining debt incurred in erecting a gallery and other improvements. The Rev’d. I]. VVilkiusou. Elliott, Fish. and other eminent speakers will address the meeting. The oxcoliout choir con- nected with the Church, will he in attendance. All friends of religion are respectfully invited to attend. Ten to be served at 3 RM. Tickets 870t5. Can be had on application to Messrs. Vernoy, Crosby, W. Harrison nun Iiewison. Farm for Sale on Yongc Street, 13 Miles from Toronto, EING composed of East quarter efLot No. 39. in lst coucessian of Vaughan, con- sisting of 50 acres, all cleared. The Land is of the best description, without a rod being either waste or broken There are on the premises a good Dwelling- houso, it Well of hard water. Brich Cistern, and other conveniences, with Lawn containing ornamental treesand Garden attachedâ€"well stocked with fruit trees. Also, Tenant’s house in the rear of dwelling house, with Burn, New Stable. Sheds, &c. For further particu‘ars apply [if by letter post-paid! to G. J. F. PEARCE. Richmond Hill, Richmond Hill. Jun. 24. 1961. ‘f’.O. 112-4 Surrogate COIII‘tOï¬IlG United beauties of York and Peel. OTICE Is Hereby Given that, at. the ex- NOTICE. LL Parties indebted to the Subscriber. pre- vious to January 12561. and whose ac- counts aro still unpaid. are hereby notified that if the same is not settled within one month from this date, they will be put into Court for collection WILLIAM TRENCH. sou. Elgiu Mills,‘Jauuary 24. 1861. 112-3 Letters Romainingin RICHMOND HILL PostOï¬oo JANUARY 1, i861. Pickram. Frank [2] I’ottago, Edward Ross, Mark Rayner. Henry Ratclifl‘e. Elizabeth Rutherford, John Sliney, William Skinner. Thomas 'l‘wigg, William Wuett, Eliza Wilson, Thomas [8] M. TEEF‘Y, Mi. Jllr. S. .7â€. J23 V'ITS'. :Btnnisrm-AT-LAW AND soucuon in summer, Ofï¬ce removed to Gas Coriipluy’s Buildiugl, Toronto Street. Toronto, January 9, 1861. Dove, George Doou, II ugh Donor. Emanuel Hoyes. John Hall. Henry 119810;), John Jackson. John ‘ Keal. Francis Kirkland, Charles Laugstaff. John [3] ‘ Moffat. Andrew [3] It i-s‘m ‘ , y __ ‘THE LEADER," ‘The Patriot’ and ‘ News of the Week-’ [IE favor with which The Leader has been received by the Public may be judged by 'tho fact that since its cornmnncouient. in July 1852. it has steadily increased in circulation until. in its various Editions, it. has mavenâ€. THOUSAND more subscribers than any other paper in Canada. Every exertion in being used to make it more and more indispensible for every family in the Province. TH E DAILY LEADER ls published every morning, in time for the early trains. at Six DOLLARS per annuin. in advance. lt is a large sheet. and contains the earliest and most reliable intelligence that can be obtained from every part of the world. THE SEMI-WEEKLY EEADER. ls published on Tuesdays and Fridays. a THREE DOLLARS a rear in advance. It con- tains all the reading matter of the " Daily Lea- der†; and for parties who do not reside near enough to a Post Oï¬ico to call every day. this paper will supply thorn with all the intelligence they could receive from a Daily. THE WEEKLY LEADER 13 published every Friday. and “ The Patriot†and the ‘- News of the Week†are published every Wednesday. at the rate of ONE DOL- LAR in advance. These papers are printed on a large sheet. and contain the most impor- tant matter of the " Daily Leader.†Market Reports are particularly attended to in thorn.â€" .Thcse are the Cheapest Papers in the Pro- vxnces. , Ono dollar a your is added to each Edition when not paid in advance. TO ADVERTISERS. The large circulation of -‘ The Leader makes it the very but medium of publishing noticos of any kind. , Ratesâ€"For Dailyâ€"Four pence a line, for ï¬rst insertion. and one penny each subsequent gnsortien. For Weekliosc-six pence I line for each insertion White Hart Inn, iticurvroun HILL. HE Subscriber bugs to inform the Public that he has leased the above Hotel. where he will keep constantly onghand a good supply of ï¬rst-clas- Liquors, 6L0. As this house possesses {every accommodation Tra- vel'ors can desire. those who Wllll to stay where they can find every comfort are respectfully in- vitod to give him a call. CORNELIUS VAN NOSTRAND. Richmond Hill. Dec. 28.1860. “84 JVIOJVE Y. T VIE CANADA Aer:ch AssocrATioN of Lon- don, England. are prepared to iiegociuto Loans. at EIGHT per cent interest, upon im- proved Farms. The Money can be obtained as soon as the property has been valued, and the title has been approved of. V The Forum of application and other inform- ation apply to A. R. ROCHE. MAHAIIR, Wellington Street. near John Street. Toronto. December 20. 1860. 169-5 PROSPECTUS OFA NEW AND IMPROVED MAP OF OUR COUNTRY! HE undersigned. Projector and Publisher of Descriptive Maps of the Populous and W'oalthy Counties of Norfolk. Oxford, Bram, Halton. York, audOntario, (all of which have been Favor-ably Noticed by the City and Country Press,) Proposes to Publish, Drawn to a Large Scale. either 20 miles to 3 inches, or 6 miles to one inch,-â€"- A Topographical. Statistical,& Illustrated MAP OF UPPER CANADA ! Exhibiting the Great Lakes, Harbors and Ports: Canals, Rivers. and Principal Mill Streams; the Railways, Railwa Stations, and Stage Routes in connection therewith; the Post Offices. Money Order Offices, and Tole- graph Stations, as showurou the Map prepared by order of the Post Master General, by John Dewe, Esq.,~ Post Ofï¬ce Inspector ; the gene- ral Boundaries, Counties, County Towns, Cities, Towns, and Villages, with the principal or most direct Roads conrrcctingthom, the Population of each City, Town, Township, and Incorporated Villago in the Province; and other Important and appropriate Informa- tiou,,compiled from the Census and Statistical piratiori of twenty days from the date Returns of the present year. hereof or as soon thereafter as ( ouncil Can be heard, I will apply to SAMUEL DEALY HAnnr- sort, Esq, Surrogate for the United Counties of York and Feel, to be appointed guardian of MARY Juur MONROE, infant daughter of the late Robert Monroe, deceased. ilOIIN BILTON, Toronto. J'my. 215i, 186]. H. M. O’BRIEN, Atty. at Law. S'I‘RAYED. RAYED from the Premises ofth‘o Sub- -T S scrilrer._ Richmond Hill on the 2nd iiist., A VVIII'I‘F. BROOD SOVV, Small Breed, with heavy ears and long tail. Any one giving information where the said Sow may be found will be suitably rewarded. A WILLIAM S. WARREN. 112~3 Reserve moneys among the different school i sections in their respective municipalities. The Council, after the disposal of some I total business, adjourned. Richmond Hill. Dec. 11. 1860. 108-3 EDWARD n. Wiâ€"HURD, ARRISTER. Attariiey-at-Law. Solicitor in Chancery,Couve_\ ancsr, doc. Money January 27th, the advances procured on Eortgages, newâ€. °f_ “'1†lie. 3, Jordan Street. BIRTH. ' At Thornhlll. on Suuda . wife of the .Rov, E, II. hughm" 1660. 168-7 ILLUSTRATED By well executed Views of the Cities of 01- tawa, Kingston, Toronto, Harnilton, and Lon- don; a View of the Falls of Niagara; witn a View of the Niagara Suspension Bridge, ac- companied by a Description of it. Also Views of Provincial Buildingsâ€"the New Houses of Parliament, the Normal School, Osgoode Hall. Trinity College, and the To- ronto University. the last, said by competent Judge: to be the Finest Building. of its Class in America. IF ENCOURAGED To accomplish this Important Work, the Map (Size, including :1 Border formed by a tasteful arrangement of the Emblems of Canada. at ». least 63 feet from East to West, in 4 to 4§ foot from North to South,) will be completed, here, in from three to ï¬ve years. IN ANTICIPATION Of a General Patronage, the Price has been permanently ï¬xed at Fivr no Avisst Dot.- i.Ans. payable (only) on 'elivery of the Map in Good Order and Condition, hind-dimly Colored, Varrilshod and Mounted. Erl’ut up for the Pocket at $6.00. GEORGE C. TREMAINE. Tuxâ€; Fro-vs. isâ€, o *l ., .3 ,. . , now-,5, 15,“, . ._ __.n_,.».. ,, .,_' TIMBER FOR “SALE, QUANTITY of STANDING TIMBER. Pine and Hardwood. for Sale, on Lot No.53, Ist concession Vaughan. For porti- culars apply to the Executor: of the late '1‘. D. Campbell. on the premises. Richmond Hill. Nov. 28 . 1860. Wwvvg . no THE Subscriber begs to return his thanks to his numeroup Friends and the Public, and would inform them that he has greatly increased his STOCK, and has now on hand a very llllll llllll'llllllll‘ lll Billl'l‘l It $1115 .1 such as : Men’s Coarse, Kip, and Calli 105-6 Charles C. Keller, TTORNEY-A'l‘ « LAW. SOLICITOR Of every description and style, in Chancery, Convoyancer, &c. Oflico. in Victoria Buildings. over the Chronicle oï¬ico, Brook Street, Whitby. Also a Branch Ofï¬ce in the village of Ben- vorton, Township of 'I‘horah, and ,Couuty of Ontario. The Division Courts in Ontario. Richmond lill. and Markham Village regularly attended. minty, H... on. 136:. "My Boots Boy’s and Youths’ Kip and Calf Boots, Women and Childreniiu , also, a large quantity of’ Boots and Shoes of every variety of style ; SSINS 8: OVE In fact, he has on hand all that is wanted to adorn or protect the fcet,-- ~ for any weather or any Season, which be is prepared to Sell at the A CARD- C KEELE, Esq, oftho City of Tor- . onto. has opened an ofï¬ce iii the Vilo logo of Aurora for the transaction of Common Law and Chancery Business, also. Convoy- aucing executed with correctness and tie-patch Division Courts attended. Wellington St. Aurora. 65 Queen St. Toronto November 20. 166%. 104.}, LOWEST REMUNERATIVE PRICES FOR CASH... Those requiring a really good Article, at a Cheap Price, are respectfullv. requested to ‘ CALL at the CHEAT- 130ch cc SHOE SToRE,‘ OPPOSITE THE GRAMMAR BCHOOL‘HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL. JAMES HALL, Proprietor. 107-2m A Novelty in the Art World! PHOTOGRAPHY UPON PORCELAIN! Secured by letters patent in the United States, England France. and Belgium. Richmond Hill, Dec. 14., 1860. -~â€"-â€"* “W W... __~.â€"â€" M..- ._.,. . in in, ur, in run HARNESS! Of every description and variety of Mountings go to w. H. MYERS’ I pumium Eleonora (thinhlirlrmml, Ithhmnuh ï¬t“. E has always on hand the Largest and Best Assortment of GOODS that is ever kept in any Country Shop, and at a much less price then it is possible for to get them in Toronto; and he is always ready to MAKE TO ORDER, on the shortest notice, SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS. Saddles, Bridles, Sec. of every description. Tll AHERICAI PHOTOGRAPH"; PORCILAIN O... 10. 781 Broadway, New York. having secured their novel and ingenious inven- tion by American and European patents. are fully prepared to execute all orders for Miniature Likenesses of Persons on China, presenting all the attractive and advantageous feature: of ordinary protographs, tho brilliancy and ï¬nish ofa v ator- color drawing. and a bio thorto unattainod quality of durability, by being tendered as iniperislinblo as the natural propor- tries of the articles upon which they are transferred. As the patented process of the Company on- ables the reproduction of Photographs, not only on plain surfaces, but upon such as are round or of any degree of irregularityâ€"portraits can be reproduced with faultless accuracy,and delicacy of delineation, upon Porcelain wares of any description and dimension used as articles of luxury, or of household utility, such as Urns, Vases, Breakfast Cups. Toilet Articles, &c.; thereby securing faithful portraits and furnishing aunique and exquisite style of ornamentation [3’ ALL COLLARS ARRANTED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. & Cash for lHIDES and SKINS. E . PATTERSONS’ PLOUGIâ€"IS and SHARES CONSTANTLY ON HAND. All Work. Warranted. of articles in domestic use. In order to furnish facilities for the gratiï¬ca- tion of the popular taste, and to meet the want- of those patrons of the Fine Arts desirous of having Portraits on Porcelain. the Company have imported from Europe a collection of su- perior porcelain goods, manufactured to their own order. which they sell at cost prices. As the American Company are owners of the patent right, and consequently the only persons authOrizod to use the process. they have deter- mined, in order To afl'ord People in every section of the Union an opportunity to possess _ Portraits on China, to make the following proposition to RIIIDINTS IN THE COUNTRY, IVHB ARI IIAILI TO VISIT PERSONALLY THE A’I‘ELIER AKD GAL. LERII’JS IN NEI‘V YORK, Persons sending a photograph, unrbrotypo,» daguorrootype to the ofï¬ce of the Company in New York, accompanied by FIVE nocmas ! will receive in return by express, free of ether charge, A RICHLY ORNAHEN'I RD BREAKIAIT CUP AND BADGER, WITH Tl!!! PORTRAIT TRAFBVEIRBD THEREOF. By transmitting a daguorreolvpe and TEN DOLLARS 1 they will secure in like manner, A HANDSOM: rnnncn VAs: on 10mm An'rio’u, with the portrait reproduced by the patented process. , By sending a pair ofdaguorrootypos and truth)»: DOLLARS 1 they will receive in return A run or men smarts vAsizs, with the portraits executed equal to miniature paintings; and. in like manner. portraits en- bo reproduced on porcelain wares or virus or xvxnv «noun! or nut-n, ranging in price from 'rwnu'v To ova murmur) DOLLAu TII nu N.B.-â€"â€"Bo particular in writing the address, town, county and State. distinctly. All letters to be addressed to “ MANAaun. AMERICAN PHOTOGRAPH“! Pon- cemm Co..†761 BROADWAY an Yoxx. New York. Oct. 9, 1860. 98-33. iiittimnn tilt Triumphant Success of Opposi- tion to High Prices. 13.. BOyd d: Bro... EG to state to the Public, that all who Want to save money can do so by pur- ohasing GOODS at Their New Establishment In this placo. Their Unproeido-itod Sumac enables them to ot’fer‘ STILL GREATER INDUCEMENTS ! Their Stock is heavy. comprising every do~ scriptio’l of Seasonablo Goods; Over Coats from $5. Coarse Boots from $2.50. Every clan of Goods equally law. In DRESS GOODS, CLOTHS, _ COTTONS. BLANKETS. IVillb’e found GREAT BARGAINS 1 ‘With a. liberal discount for Cash. BUFFALO ROBES ! CHEAP. In the MILLINERY what you would have to pay $7 for they will sell for $5, as proved lay many who buy their BONNBOS. MAN’E’LEQ, CAPES, no. and got up in the Newest Style.- Call, Examine and See or yourselves bear: purchasing elsewhere. Richmond Hill, June 19, 1860. en FALOONBOIDOE 62-ly s : IS UST OPENING OUT AN IMMENSE STOCK .l DRY GOODS: " GBOCERIES, HARowAnE, 81.0. ' N'FER'I‘AtNING in opinion that 2 Autumn and very large trade will be dens during the inter, he has made ample provision for supplying his customers Goods of every description will be Sold at a , MODERATE ADVANCE ON COST PRICES {1:}â€" A Choice supply of MOURNING GOOD}; RS. All parties whose Notes and Accounts are now this, are respectfully requested to make provisions for them. - t _ Richmond Hill, September 15, 1860. STRAYED AMI into the Promise: of the Subaéiibor‘ Lot Ne, 30. 2nd" concession Markham, 2 White I About the 15th, of November. The Owner is requested to take them away, oi proving prd- t and a'in char es. , per, p 3 g GEORGE STEPHENSON. Markham. DoCeniber 7. 1861‘. 106-3 CHEAPER THAN EVER! PIE Subscriber begs to inform his numerous patrons and the public that he is prepared to make Booms and $111563? Ofeve’r’y style and description, attho lowest possi-rlo rorhnnorating prices. All vito‘rk vvarg ranted to give utiro satisfaotidn; w, u. MARTIN. Cook’ Mill,Vau han- , a g ’ 106~1y December 7. 190.. GEO. MCPHILLIPS, Provincial Land Surveyor,. RICHIOND HILL, C.W.‘ December 14, men; 107-t A- MAIRS", 5- A. T'I‘ORNEY J ATsL‘AW, SOLICITOR in Chancorv. Convoyaueor, are. Main Strut. Markham Village,- Nov‘em‘ber 22. 1860 Land 5.: Saw Mill For Sale. Acres of prime landâ€"3O acres cleared composed of the West half of Lot No. 7,1ntlie 2nd Con. of Uxhridge, County Ontario ; together with an excellent saw Mill, arid {We good Dwelling Houses, with on‘trofls- cos thereon. _ y , , , Also 7 acres adjoining, composed ofthe’fro'nt part of Lot. No. 6. in the some concession; . The above property is healthfully aiii‘d db- All orders in‘ this line Putie'tually a'lto'tidod tor : lightmnv Situated in a pleasant io‘caiiiy’ mid in one of the oldest and boat settled’dovvnships in the County of Ontario. ltis within 2. miles yoffho village of Stoufl'vill'e. about If ‘ miles 5 from Uxbridge Village. and 90 miles" from the Highest Price‘fbl‘ Produce vAlio the highest gates in" Cash WHEAT, PORK 8': , ï¬Aï¬LEY, 113’ Civic a. a ran Trial out it. tiré is}. of tin rusultt Ontario. (Juli. Titloindi-putahlo. ,Applon _ JOSEPH KELLER." 2.4., v .. ...Richmond ll: i . . R. 0 Ba ‘ I ,1, _, a I “Mm MW“! 17-. ' Wail-‘3! or; M sigh) A Town of Whitby, tho capital If llré‘ County 0? The property will be solid viry cheap for . K. F. 95-: an Proprietor .r the a You HERALD†boï¬s to ac'qii'uint his uurriorous fflends and the public generally that on has Removed his Printing Office To THE NEW HOUSE ADJOINING, Two ducrs further iithh, where. by increased facilities. he will be prepared to get up work with the utmost expedition, and with every- attontiou to the wishes of his customers. “ Herald " Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill, July 20. 1860. ...........â€".._~ “ What pleasure can exceed 3†" The smoking ofthe Woed- ‘ 1 RI our Pure, Fresh. Good and Vince flavored 'TOB ACQOE At Is. and In. 3d. the best ever offered.- WM. 8. POLEOCK’S, (Late G. A. Bernard’s), thnuoiw H 11.1..- Novomber 22. 1860. 104A? TIIE AMERICAN†lei-er ' Medical & Toilet Receipt Boot}; THUS Beak contains Ii’ccipcs and Directionï¬ for making a-llthe most-valuable Medical preparations in use ; also. Recipes and‘ru ll and" explicit directions for‘ making all‘tho most poâ€"‘ putai and useful Cosmetics; Perfum'es, Unguo‘ onto, flair Restorativos, and all‘Toilet Articlou,. If you are suffering with any chrmiic’ diseaseâ€"4. if you wish a beautiful complexion, a’ lino‘ head of hair. a smooth face. a clear skin, a.‘ luxuriant board or moustacheâ€"#or if you wish- to know anything and everything in‘ the Medical and' Toilet line; you should. bv all meat-rs†poru’so a Copy of this hook. Foi‘ full particulate. and a‘ sampler or the work for per- usal, (590.). addrm the publisher. , 'I‘. F. CHAPMAN. No. 881 Broadway, New York. _ For Sate, Cherub noggin and. Liam“ cruise WAG. - or iv. The nets-sis ireug'r years 616. For particulars apply at this ofï¬ce. Kféhnadld m. Rev. 3. 1099. 101-4