Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 1 Feb 1861, p. 4

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,....,. . r . ,., ._ .u..~..... ' , . r1)! --.vl.. w Jim.» Vt. wMat-m..fiu-i‘= - . 'I-.. .._ .. .2.- ~ . My. _ thrill}. ,. [For the York Harald. , CLOUDS AND SUNSHINE. ' An.- ifittaizwes méccctafr. fun A A A A,» Nm KNWVM‘ \WM J. G 0 RM L Y. COMMISSIONER 1N QUEEN’S BENCH, LOT 31. 4TH Cut. Milnuuau. September 1.8, 1860.- Tbat‘little brown cottage with its low slopoing , range. .‘ v .~Aud vine covered porch, pointed gables and tall trees, ' ' l . “as alcod there for ages without any change” While the songs of the birds are borne on the broom. ‘ ‘ ' 95h WALTER B. GEIKIE, M.D. lion/itirltc qft/l.» Medical B-uu-(I of Uppcl Calm- d‘u, (and recently «mo qft/w Merl/cat" wars of the ’I'uroul.) Genrewt' Humiltiul. and Plug/'cssor rifA/minmy and Nitrgcry in. Dr. [flip/L’s Medical D's/tool, I ASretUrned to AURORA, and re-taken __" his former residence ott Yonge Street, where he may be consulted at all times, 011'1116 ‘ various branch es of his profession. Aurora, Feb. 24‘. 1869. a “to long garden ivltli roses, mignonette and IWect biiar, And the sweet murmuring river with its wil- low shore, ’ Whichwnft their rich fragrance faraway outhe air; And float on the waves to return there no more. (SS-y -And to this sweet spot had Mona Gifford - l Wsiidered, Far from the busy names of plotting man ; And there upon the future before her she Dr, 0'. a. LLOYD, SURGEON DENTIST, l pondercdâ€" . i , Life with its clouds and sunshine bad Just ‘ [LL 1,0 at me {Opowing Pine" for the begun. ' Practice ofllis Profession I I The 1st 'I'llul‘=day of every Month at 1101- land Landing. The 9. id 'l‘l'lul'sday at Ring Station. ‘ That very Same dry she had received an offer From the rich Rufus illair, of his fortune and , halid : If she accopted she could command his full The 3'd Tllllr-‘tlflé‘ 81 lilclHHUHd “l”- coflbrs The 41b 1 lltlrsday at hormley's Corners. ' At all other times the Doctor can be found - at. his residence ili Aurora. iSitting down upon the bankshe rested her head June .39. 1,460. I'lloughtl'iilly upon one beautiful white palm: Mona was very beautiful and very Well bred. \‘Vith her dark silken curls and 8} as so calm. And dress with the proudest ladies ill the land 83â€"“ â€"._.____ _... _ _._v.. Aubtion Notice. _ , THOMAS BOWMAN, Licensed Auctioneer, - FOR THE COUNTIES OF YORK 61. PEEL. All letters addressed to “Almira.” P.O. will receive prompt attention. Oiders received at the “ York Herald” OtIici-, Richmond Hill; Mr. Henry Lemon, 'I‘llorubill. and Mr, James I do not love him, she murmured oh, no 1 Yet as his wife very happy I will be : “’hat ever I want I will h we it just so, .And all his riches will be laVished Oil me. Of Leslie StewartI will not think any more, ' It is twelve months Since lie has written to me : To but answer my letter I did him implore, And that he is forgotten I willsoon let him see. . . Cavanila 3, Mansion House, Sharon, where Yet Leslie loved me when be bid me farewell : Terms. Soc. may be obtained. -And my head rested on his broad manly Almira, Nov. 25.1859. 62_,f breast, for the words from his lips tremblineg fell. Oh, Mona, be constant and I shall be blessed. But .then he has treated me with shameful IIICl‘IMJNI) HILL. neglect, To the winds then I will pitch dull care; In bridal robes I will soon be deckedâ€"4 Oh 1 yes, I will marry the rich Mr. Blair. OOD Accommodations and every attention shown to 'l‘ravellers. Good Yalds for DrOve Cattle and Loose Boxes for Race Horses and Studs. The Monthly Fair held on the Premises first Wednesday ill each month. The Subscriber ill calling the attention of the public and his Old Friends to his establishment, feelssatisticd he Can adiliiuistcr comlortably to their wants and willl mutual satisfaction. lichmond IIill. ADI‘IIQO. 1860. . P A I N T I N G. R. VAlLES, Painter. GRlIINEil, Glazier, Gildcr, & racer Hanger, RICHMOND IIILL. ' A month on fairies wings flow by, And the little brown cottage was bustling with life : * The man of God spoke the words with a sigh. That made young Mona the old man’s wife. Two years with their joys and sorrows had fled, And her blue eyes were veiled with a saddcii light, As she lay very ill on her rich velvet bed. And her beautiful hand was wasted and with. 73-tf Her husband entered and advanced to her side, - Picked up a card which fell from her hand ; 9‘ “7110 is this, Ima'lle Stewart,” he Cried, The words were uttor’d in a stern command. An old fliend of mine who has’just come home, porn. try to deceive me, ii'ladam, I am too old; ' ' 'Tis tllai ioYt‘l‘ of yours who ill Italy roamed+ l IIBV“ well too lumen 01 the World to be easily sold. â€" . . .. . OUSE. Slflll and Ornamental ~vaulting done on the shortest notice and on the “inst reasonable terms. Richmond Hill, Aplil. 20, 1861). MATTHEW LEPPER, AURORA, I did not try to deceive you, she said, He is my Illt‘lld, and was once a lover; And as she \vca‘ily'raisutl her beautitul head. The tears fell fast upon the white bed-cover. I find no fault with your print actions, You have always been as reseerd as any “'OIIHUI ; And never much noticed the young men‘s at-_ Il'itcimllsâ€" ' So saying Mr. Blair strode out of the room. if ASjust received It new and full assortment of Spring and Summer our goons, The Millinery Department! Yea, Leslie had return-ed, he had that morning Will be found replete with the newest and most culled. ' Fashionable Styles of But Mona wastoo ill to see him then : Bi)“ nch, [Eats an (1 Ca p08, So he scat his CAHI With the mall iii the hall. And he would come when she was it ell again. All 0 which will be Sold at the lowest remnilcl :lting prices. Oh I had I but died long ago. she criedâ€"- ' In the grave lll'vrt: in rest for the weary ; Iwould rather have been King Death’s cold bride. For my gilded path is so dreary. If she was only well once more sh l i l ( I. K‘ I Ibugjt‘ \ . . - 0.. . .J‘ A _ v: . - no a n l- t). I4-lf Eiilo woud \’1.~11 hcr clnldtlood’s home again: I L I ’ A“ H l' 186 fl 1 Anti more she would roam ill the :llady walk», . . . . . . .. v 'V' Leslie would be there, she would see him JOI‘IN N- BEiD, um" CORNER or vomw. Ar-n (ULBUIIN Hunters, o o a a 'I'llth‘NlllLli. 13:? ll I’t'cscri'itiotls ot at the Office must i . , l g In the busy scenes of fashion you have forgot- be paid for on delivery. 31-1) ten tillsâ€" . Yes I Mona, he said, as they stood together; \Ve pliullted our vow» beneath this ad t co, But now you are the wife of another. “GO TO BOWMAN’S W I 'I‘ H B. MILLS! And his tones were and as his eyes were bent Y 0 U R ill 1 ‘ " I l ' " U} l l ‘ be tap IJtl lg by his side, & GRISTING, No. Leslie. I lave thought of you often, I 00 oltcu for my own happiness, she cried, where parties from a distance can have Oh ' I I. l t tr ilone to take with them on tllcirl'eturnhonle . .eSio, inn.~ no nten. we must part, ». , . - 2- It is lint right for me to be here: _ Almna’ Md" 13' 1809' 24 tr. And Mona lclt him, for she knew that her heart Still clung to the man that to her was so dear ?' ~tIlF Suhscribcrbe s to Illfll'nl tlieillhabi- Ionalr 61 t - ». I 4" ‘. g l , I» list tool 0 her loom,and thin she found mm“), “unonvme and um surroundmg A letter, she hastily tore open the envelope ; It infolilled her Mr Blair was stricken down - . With that latal disease, apoplexy. TS, VESTS, PflJV‘TS, &C. Mona hastened home to the side of Mr. Blair: 1" llle ““WMl 313195 and Superior \mGmall‘ Day and night she watched bedside his 1nd; ship. All orders promptly attended to and She consoled him and nursed llinl with care, work “'3lele- Ttll death closed his e) es, and his spirit had fled. # JOIIN HARDY, Tailor and Clotliier. Buttonville, Dec. 223. I859. 55-ly i. it Q Two more years have gone, and Mona. is the ANGLO'ABIERICAN HOUSE 1 wife 01‘ Leslie Stewart, auditor lmpilness now, it MAEKHAM VLLAGE‘ seems, Wines. Liquors GOOD Accommodations. and Cigars of the choicest. brands. R'. NA R-R, Proprietor. Markham, June 1859. QG-tf Gm. L. B, ' ' ’oIC II MON D IIILL IIOTEL. STAGE ru..s from the above Hotel to Toronto. every morning, starting from the Elglu Mills at 7. a.m._, and returning a: 7, p.m. Fare. 2s. 6d» each way. ACCOMMODAII‘ION FOR 'rnAin.i.r.Rs. RIC i1 ARD N ICI‘I OI .LS, Proprietor. 1-55 1 a strange contrast to her former life, For in him she realizes all her youthnt dreams. Richmond Hill, Jail. 29', 1861- illiittilluiinluii, , 80 0‘1) " 110w d’yd do, me dear i” “ Putty well, thank you." [they kiss.] “ How have you been [his age I” “Putty well, how harm you bten I” “ Very well, thank you.” “ Pleasant toxday.” " Ye<, very bright; but we had a shower yesterday ” “ Are. all your people well “I” “ Quite well, thank you: how are yours?” “ Very well, I’m OIlllgt’d to you.” “Have you seen Mary lately?” " No, but I’ve-seen Susan Gâ€"â€"â€"." “ You don’t say solâ€"ls shut well 1” “Very well, I believe.” [Rlsllng “ Do call again soon ” “ Thank you; I shall be pleased to come; but you don't call onme once iii an age ” “ Oh, you should not say that; 1 am sure I am Very coed” “ GIJOAI dly.” “ Must you go." “ Yes indeed: I have seven calla to make.” "Good day." Richmond Hill. Dec. 18, I858. HALF-WAY unusable-Hunts iiiii. I ‘IIE Subscriber begs to inform his numer- ous- Patrons and the public, that he has removed front the White "‘zwana Ilotel to the above I’reillises, where there will be found excellent accommodation for 'I'raveliers, and .x‘ood Stabling. $3" Horses and Buggies for Hire. JOSEPH GAIS' , Proprietor. Richmond Hill, Oct. ‘29., 1858. 752-7 CALEB LUDFORD, SADDLE AND 1111:3358 MEIER. Opposite Mr. lgiukiss’ Store, Treasures. __104~1y. DIASIIMJIJ convenience of large 01 small parties. ,C‘onrveyanc r and Auctioneer. A ' church. had on'apnlicatio’n. Aurora, Nov. 2, 1860. 5ill any style. iulcilmond [lill.Feb.1tl. 1860. GEORGE SIME‘S-CLN, PnOPniE'rOR. B y D r. E C. E D M 0 N D 1 73_,, Twenty Per 0110a}; Olgching. ‘ country. that he continues to make first-class - _-,.....;.... ..> .m. 1 Ti TIIE AURORA . ' ' ; QllAllIliLLE BAND! Show" Open ‘ to receive engagements on li- beral terms, for any number, to suit the to Mr. WM. “(FEA‘NIL at VViLLis, 3rd Con. VVhit- Applications urora. or. Mr W, N.B. 'IY-lsn,a SAX-HORN. BAND may be TOO-3m 1 NEW TidiCii-Ence. '1‘“ E undersigned begs respectfully to inform . L I110 inhabitants of . Richmond Hill 8; Vicinity That he has Commenced business ill the Tailor in}; Line in the house adjoining MR. SI VERS‘ SHOE SHOP, Where. by close application to business and studying to please. he hopes to merit a share of public patronage. ALI. ounltus PUNC’I‘UALIJ ATTENDED ro. Garments cut to- order on the shortest notice, . JA MES 13. BURN ES, 63-1y TEETH iiiiilAtiiEii Viiilltiur PAIN! By the use of Electricity, ,. I - x "h in" SURGEON DENTIS 1‘, AU IIORA. Teeth inserted on Silver, Gold or .Valcanized Rubber. All Operations in his Profession. performed in the most approved manner and Warranted' Aurora, March 9, 1860. 67-1y YONGE STREET HOTEL, AURORA. GOOD supply of “Vince anti Liquors f , always on hand. Excellent Accu-ilmo- dution for _'l‘r:lvcllers, Farmers, and others. Cigars of all brands. I). McLEOD, Proprietor. Aurora. Juno 6, 1859. ‘25 1y I‘OI‘IONI‘G CI'II MARBLE Willi IIS 185 YONGE S'I'ALET. nonumanrsfronammas 'rtnlns'i‘ONics, &c. Cent Cheaper I'ZS'I'A BLISIIMI‘ZN I‘. THAN ARY OTHER 9' 111E UNllEliSlGNI‘J) Assignees of the estate of l). (,7. dz W. YA L.l., willcou unite the buszlil-ss under the superintelldolme of our duly authorized agents, [IUs'l‘lN Aniiny and D. Cannvs VALE, whose receipt will be duly ackli. wlctlgcti. 1’.S._â€"All notes and accounts remaining un- paid on tile 151 day 01 Julie. 18.58, will be put into Court for collection, C. YALE», G. CUMMER. Toronto, April 29. 1859. 48-tf. DR. R W. HILLARY, PHYSICAN, SURGEle &-’. ACEGUCHEUR, AURORA, C.W. February 17. 1860. p Y 64 1y “FMâ€"“fifflM HARNESS hill]. SiifIE BL.v.Cth‘G. 1’ V. ELL’S Superior Waterproof Harness e . and Shoe Blocking is warranted to soften leather. and roll or it illlpt-i'innsto wot. Mann- factured at Richmond Hill, and sold by Store- keepers and Ilnrlless Makers throughout the Provmce. February 10, 1860. 63-tl' D. E. SEYMOUR, H ()Itl (EOPATH 1C PHYSICIAN, , D l R. MAIN ST., NEWMARK‘ET, U.C.‘ 65~l DR. L. LANGSTAFF, HILL. 3 doors west of King Post Otlice. King. May 13. 1859. IIUGII CAMPBELL, “latch and Clock Maker, JEWELER, cc. Yonge Street, Aurora- Jewelrv. Watches and Clocks repaired and cleaned on the shortest notice and lowustterms Aurora, February 17, 1861). GU-tf MATHESGN 86 FITZGERALD, Barristers, Attorneys-at-Law, SOLICITORS 1N CHANCERY, Sac. orrlcr: I’- CORNER OF KING AND TORONTO STREETS Over Whiimore &- Co’s. Booking Ollice, TORONTO Agency I’artzcu/ar/y attended to. ._._. THOMAS C. MATHESON. Talent), July I, 1.559, 244 v JAMES rrrzcnnttt n 31-tf DENTISTRYI W. C. ADAMS. D. D. S. Surgeon Dentist, 99 KING ST. msr SOUTH SIDE. 'i'iirrlr) noon Wizsr rnon criuncn sT. 'rouoa'ro, ARTICULA R attention pivot] to the reguâ€" lation of Children’s 'I cut/i. Consu tation free. and all work warranted. )r, A. Gold. Valcanizod Apparatus and Vulcanite Rubber. and the best Bone filling. Mineral Teeth mounted on Gold, Silver. or Vulcanimd Rubber. With Continuous (iUUIF,l which are wax-lal-tetl to give entire satisfaction. Toronto,0mbor11, 1660 (9-1? v ~ r has turned his attention to the im-] movements of his profession in all Nab-ranches, ~ and can supply the profession with 'l‘ceth. . .zuwu‘ . , ::.u.- in :~ - Charles Durand, V ARRISTER and ATTORNEY..â€"Ofiice, corner of Adelaide and vYonge Streets, Toronto, will attend to Suits iii allthe Sll‘perior COU‘lIS of- Law. Chancery. and County Court: ‘also. on request. to- Country Business in the Division Courts, ‘ . Deeds, Leases. Mortgages. and. every de- SCI'II)I|011 ot'Conveyallci-ng. drawn. up With care and at leasouablc prices. Letters post paid attendedito; Termite. November 20, 18611. .. ~m__â€"‘ RICHMOND. itlLL. H. HALL EGS to notify the Public that he has leased the Foundrv. lately iii the occupation ot Ira B. Richmond, where he intends to keep constantly on hand, IRON BEAM FLOWS Of various descriptions, also, Sugar Kettles, Box Stoves. dun, die. of Job. Work attended to. All work warranted Richmond hill, Oct. 25th, 1660. 95.3m. G. H. HtIgband, SURGEON Dentist, will be abNicholl’s Hotel. Richmond Hill. the Filter and Tmnn MONDAY ot every month, and, the re- mainder of the month at his residence Thornhill.~ All VVoikWarrantcd. Teeth filled with Osteoplartic or Artificial Ilor.e.-â€"'I‘his filling is put into the Teeth while soft. causing no pain, as it requires no pressure, it soon becomes as hard as the tooth to which tt fit mly adheres, reuuct'lhg it almostiiiipossible for IIIO‘IIlllIIg‘ ever to come out. Or. Husband l‘as made arrangements with Mr. G. L. lulliot, of Toronto, to manufacture his Artificial 'l'cetll ; those who engage Doctor Husband to do their work will be sure of havâ€" ing it done ill a su‘peiiOr manner, July 1‘, 1859. GENEINE FAMILY LIQUGRS. WM. B. MOREIIOUSE & CO., Importers & Wholesale Dealers in Brandies, VJines, Grins & Segars, BEG leave to call the attention of the citi- zens of the United States to their I’ure “lilies and Liquors, put up under their own supervision. for Family and Medicinal use. .ll cases assorted to suit customers. Clubs. Military and other public bodies, who require to purchase inlarge or small quantities, ill casks or bottles, will he liberally dealt with.â€" I’rice list sent on application. OLD MOREDOUEE BITTERS, Reconirllenecd by Ill» first Physicians as the best remedy known for ,Dysptlpsia, Indigestion. Debility, and all Nervous Diseases. As a A bevelagc. it is pure. wholesome, and delicious to the taste. Sold by all Drliggists. \V M. I}. \‘1()T»'.ICIIOU\E dz. CO, Prop’ra. 3 ok 5 Exchange Place. Jersey City, N. J. P.S.â€"Thr subscribers wish to engage a few active men, as Local and 'I‘lavclling Agents for their house, to whom liberal inducements will be otfcrcrl. For particulars, address as above. 3‘2-ly. NOTICE. 1“, RS. R. RODGERShcqs leave to intim- ate that she designs to open a class. on Monday the Is' ol‘Octobar next, to give Les sons ill the following branches: W'axflower, Grecian and Velvet Painting, Pencil Drawmg, Water Colors. Leather Work, and the various kinds of Embroidery. _ 11:? For tmillssce cards. Richmond Illll. Sept. ‘20, 1868. 95-3n: â€"-‘r >â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"-vâ€".â€"_._.__“._._...W,â€"_ .M--_._... «WMâ€""Mp... General $150330, A'I‘ AURORA. [IE Subscriber has constantly on hand a General Assmtmcnt of DRY C” GROCERY‘ES. HARDWARE, PROVISIONS, die. 3’ C. &C. .PLASTER AND SALT, Alwms on hand, and for sale on the most favorable terms. PVM. SMITH. Aurora, June H, 1860. LEEDS rile SAID madam... IIE Subscriber offers for Sale, on very reasonable torms, iii lflli ll hill 1 Situated in the following FI‘OWIISIIIPS :â€" Smnorville-{Iounty of Victoria, Henleyâ€"County of Victoria, S}'(lellllflm;â€"(JOIXIII}’ o" Grey, Aniabelâ€"County of Bruce. Fora portion of tnese Lands superior de- SCl‘ll‘llOII of Farm Stock will be taken ill ex- change. For further particulars apply to G. J. F. PEARCE. Iictlmoud Hill. P.O. Cailat'a West. June I, 1861’). 79~tf AN EXCELLEl‘éT FARM FOR SALE. 10 ACRES, 81) Cleared. ‘20 miles from 'I'orouto,alid three-quarters of a mile from the Kingston Road. Wcll watered. Good Buildings and in a a gbod state ofcultivation. For further particulars apply to DR. WINS'I‘ANLEY, :Eglillgton, Yongc Street. October 4, 1860. 97-3m LAN’D for SALE} 0“. TO EXCHANGE. 10 ACRl-‘S OF LAND in the Town- being- west hall of Lot Die. 4,1u the 61h con- cessnin. Also. 1110 Acres ill the same Town- ' ship, bding West half of Lot No. 7, in the 8th concession. The above property is covered with very valuable Pine 'l"l~ber, and lies» within half a mile ol t-e Sunnidale Station on the Northern ‘ Railway. 5 FOr further i articulars apply to the proprie- tor ofihe ‘* York IIcrald ” ..Utliee, Richmond Hill. ' I Jame 29, 1830. my IRON FOUNDRY. All kinds of Plow points for sale, and all kinds 81-tf ship of Sullnidale, county ofSi'ticoe.‘ ‘,. _. ... . . . >4.W'n‘ at , ' â€"w-~ W 0 RM s . " USE McKENZIMs USE iticKENZIatatss‘ UsE MCKENZIE’S' USE McKENZIE’S USE McKENZIE’S use McKENZIE’S DEAD SHOT DEAD snO'r DEAD SHOT DEAD snor wean: CANDY, l worm CANDY, WORM CANDY, WORM CANDY, wonn CAN DY, WORM CANDY, , 4 ._ FOR CHILDREN. FOR CHILDREN. FOR CHILDREN. FOR CiiiLDuEN. FOR CHILDREN. For. ctiiDDnEN. The most pleasant, safest and effectual \Vorm A’Ictlicltle extant. “ and the cheap- est ;" only 15 cents per package: 5 50 cents for four packages Sold by every dealer in medicine TRY IT ONCE. Genuine. has the signature of H. E. McKENZIE, M.D., Glasgow. NORTH ROP & LYMAN, Newcastle. C.VV., CARTER. K11] RRY do Co Montreal, C.E., are General Wholrsale Agents for the Canadas. FARMERS’ INTEREST. I IIIE Subscriber heirs to intimate to the Farmers of the County of York, that he is prepared to Manufacture and Sell llil‘l‘l‘lllil llllllll l Vi'itti the improved Draft and Coupling Irons. The above llarrows are far superior to any now in use, being: made on an entire new principle. They will he found to do the work much quicker and better than any other Har- rows. Specimens of the above may be seen and particulars as to price ascertained, by ap- plying to the Subscriber, at his shop, Richmond Hill, who will punctually attend to all orders.‘ SAMUEL SANDERSON, Richmond Hill. Feb. 24,1860. Advertisement. 'llercby boar testimony that I have tried SANDILRSUN’S uO't‘A't‘th“. HAR- RO VS. on my summer fallow, last Saturday. and Pilondny. -alltl have found them up to all that Mr. Sanderson rcpt-(merits their. to be. They are NOT 0. any heavier draft than the cominon barrow. and do the work to my utmost satirfaction. I confidenilv recommend them to all who require ilnpleineuts‘ol the kind. RICII .Rl) v’ANDEilBURGn Richmond 11211. June 20, 1860. .___../ 5-tf Pepi-liar Electronics FOR SAL)". BY C . S. LLOYD, Druggist & Dentist, AURORA. Holloway?» Ointment ‘Falmestock’s Vermi- 1)r. E. liner.- 3 Mag do‘ fuge Dr. Trash”. do dnlIndiali Worm Tea R R‘ R Remedy: 1’ Davis’ Pain Killer Illigg’r Mag Relief British Oil llai'lam do Ilr. VVil:0li’s Veg do, ' Harrison’s ltllcctlic do; More-head's Mag plat-’5. Ayer’s Pills Morse’s Ill Root do Sir Ashley Cooyicr’siSton’e do Antiâ€"bil do ‘Spike d‘o Mofl‘att’ Life do Black do ling White do Schneider’s eye water Fettit’s Amer SalVe Kennedy‘s Worm-Pow- dcr Soper’s Salvo Egyptian do _ Essences of all kinds Lloyd’s Ointment for Skin Diseases Kermott’s Tonic Mix L10} d‘a IdyeIVater Wister’ pnlnlonic syrup; Lloyd’s Horse Powders Sung of Ilnarhound iLloyd‘s Concentrated Boyer’s galvanic fluid i as of Jamaica gringo. Fou'ler’scxt of Straw. Lloyd’s German horse berry Lotion Godfrtiv’s Cordial Lloyd’ii Cough Syrup Pirtcman’s I'ect Drops Lloy d’s Tooth Powder Paregoric Lloyd’s'l‘ootliache Spe- Sir 'I‘ Kca‘ting’s Cough cific Lozeugers Cam. Mixtureâ€"all excellent remedy for Cholera Morbus. Diarrhea, 6m. Child’s 90v Balm Soulcs’ do do Poor Man’ SAllIl bil Mayor’s Long Life Dr. Phinlley’s Family Moffatt’s FIICIIIX Bit llooflaurl’ Goriliau llit Do Ila‘samic Ear, Judsoil’s Cherry and LurgWO' t Lloyd’s Eurekaâ€"a grand discevorv : If people knew its genuine worth. Dial-ases would he scarce on earth : 'l'hen. why should people pain endure? “"hen they can find a perfect cure. - 113' Prescriptions Accurately Campomided Aurora, June 1860. 81 ‘Valuablc Property for Sale IZ: 63 Acres, 93 of which is timbered, 40 Acres under Cultivation. Several PARK LOTS with timber thereon. Also. VILLAGE PROPERTY with or without Buildings. ' The above property is situated at, and ad- joining to. the Village of Richmond 12â€"32111. For further particulars apply at the Office of this paper. Richmond Hill, Sept 26, 1860. E. 96-tt‘ J . CHELSEY, STOCK BROKER. Land & Municipal Agent, &c. No. 29 Anne Street. or Box 54, P.O, Quebec. REFERENCES: Sheriff Jarvis. Hon. George Sherwood, lion. P. M, Vankoughuet. C. J. Campbell, Esq. 'l'. \Voodstde, Esq. Messrs. Gilniour, Coulson dz. Co. Angus Morrison. M.P.I’. 'l'oronto; Messrs. Mills, 'Mattice (is » Co. Montreal; “on. James Patton, Barrie; Jams Webster, 16?“, can)», an”; H Buffalo Medicle Dispensary. Established for the cure of . ‘ l ‘7‘“ - U w... .....-.. . a.â€" Am, .. . .Vv, H.-. .......=. ,. .. ,A ._ ..v_ W TBEA more; 7 NE DYSPEPS-IA, GENERAL DEBILITY, FEVER‘ AND AGUE, AS'I‘HMA.‘ I.\ CIPIEN I‘ CONSUMPTION, consvitrrion 0F vomit AND OLD ACE, ETC. N0 *Mcrcury 'U'sctl. Dr. Amos-w $0.151, CORNER OF MAIN & QUAY S'l-‘S., Buffalo. New York, RIC the only" I’llysmians ill the State who are members of the Royal Collcco of Surgeons, London. May be COIISUIIt‘d frOm a o’clock in the morning lflIIII 9 at night, itl every DEAD state and Symptmn ot‘discase. 'l'lle treatmelltlhey adopt is [1181138111th up; DEAD SHOT wards oftllilty years’ extensive and successful practice in Europe and America. I. new soinvriI-‘ic INVENTION, An instrument for the cure of Genital Debi- llty, oi Nocturnal Emhsiuns, more properly known as Seminal \‘yclllrleawz-i. dzc. Can be permanently cured' in hour '15 to 321) days, by' line use ol’ this instrument, when used con- Jolntly wnh medicines. V YOUNG MEN 'I‘AKE‘FARTICULAR NonE. Dr. Autos & Sou take'plaasure In anticanc' ing that they have “Wanted a most important illsti'nincntforthe cuie of the above diseases. It llas‘been subjected to a test of ‘ihc most elli- incllt physicians iii London. Paris. Philadelphia and New York r it has been declared the onlv .useftl instrument ever yot invented I'OI‘II'IID cure of Seminal weakness. or any disease of the genital organs, caused by the secret habits of youth. ' ' Dr. Amos dz Son. in order to satisfy the mast skeptiCaI as I: the merits vofvth'sir IIISII'LI‘ illent, pledge themselves that iii any instance where it. may prove unsatisfactory, after a fair trial, the’ money will be refunded by returning the instrument in good order. ' Persons wishing the above useful instrument. will obsetve that the price, with the accom- panying directions, securely packed. and sent by mail’or express, is ten dollars. REMENIES AND QUICK CERES â€"-A CUR}. IVA R RA .‘\ TED. NEW Dr, Amode Son have, for~a long series of . years. been engaged iii an extensive practice ill the ti'oatiilcnt of these delicate complaints, and are the only legally qualified physicians who now advertise to cure certain Coniplailits, or froni‘whom genuine European remed es Can be obtained. - Persons iii any part of the world may be suc- cessfully treated by forwarding- a correct detail of their (cams, with a lemittance for lllcdicillcs, &c., which will be ietlti'ucd with the utmost dispatch atld secure fronl observation. Address Dr. Amos dz. SUN, corner Main and Quay streets, Buffalo, N. Y . 88-ly W. U. @KENE, NULLWRIGH'l‘, T0073"0$9 BEGS..t.o intimate that he is now prepared to erect MILLS of every description, by contract or otherwise, on reasonable termS‘ lie is al'so agent for the best Foundries in Caâ€" nada. and from his lengthened experience he hopes to give general satisfaction, Altona, Dec £23, 1859 4 Quebec Government Agency. USINFSS connected with the CROWN J LAN!) and other Public Departments attended to; also, Patents for inventions, Secured by the Subscriber. Address, prepaid. E. J. (Til uSIJSY, N0, 29 Aline Street, Quebec. Quebec, March 6, 1860. 9 AfiTHMA . ,OR the INSTANT RELlEF and PER- } MAutzu'r CURE of this distressing complaint use FEW?) TVS BRONCHIAL CIGARETTES l I Made by C. B. SEYMOUR & (‘o., 1117 Nassau Street. N.Y. Price $1 per box; sent free by post. For Sale at all Druggists. ATENT Eave Troughs and ‘vVator Spouts superior to tin, pilt up at 6 cents per foot ; also, Drain Pipes, Seasoned Siding, Ladders. i‘lllllglfls, Picket Gates, “1;,ng 1.1.1- lows and Hubs, Barrel Heading, and Turning in general Mallulactured and for sale by JOHN LANG-STAFF, S'rm M IVIILLS, 'I‘iionivi-iti.L. Juli63,1859. 27-h” iitiiiitit ititit MAYOR'S CONDITION PHYSIC WORM DESTROYER. ’I‘HIS Splvudid Medicine can be given in one Ball at any time of the year, without injury to the Horse. and has been used by the Farmers of Markham for the last two years with a succoss unpr' cedenterl. this remedy it Will convince the owners of that noble animal the inconsistency of an unneces- sary outlay by using Artificial food or Condition Powders, which are too well known to contain minerals highly injurious to the membrane or coating of the Stomach. The Ball is a compound of I‘nro Vegetabc, and warranted not to contain either Mercury. Arsenic, Auti- mony or any other Mineral. Its illln'lcdiate action is surprising and the ultimate effect has astouhhcd thousands. If the Animal is out of sorts, there is a cause remove that and he is all right. One dose at the cost of ‘25 cents is sufficient to cure Hide Bound, Loss of Appe- tite. Coughs. Colds and Fever, Distemper. Stoppago of Water. Stvcllnd Legs. Greasemnd is a complete Destroyer of Worms, a greatpuri- ,fyer oftlle lllond, and a good Physic, always rbcommended to be giveniu the Spring and Fall, which willact as a preventive alld'ln- prove the general condition. Makes him conn pletelyupto the mark for his work, therecby giviugevery satisfaction the owner can require. 'I‘estilllonials ofthe highest character will be forwarded to testify to the above if requirrd. four Halls. Letters prepaid enclosing a remittance, will be promptly attended to. Printed Directions wrapde round cat-ll Ball with my signature ill filll. without which none other are genuine. OtIicoâ€"Victoria Square, concession Markham, '1' 110 MA S MAY 0 R _ The only maker of' the original York-shire Mfiield Oils in America. 60 Manufactoryâ€"4th ,4 -a- v: ._~ ~. v‘/..4 t _ . a . .m n 155‘ .‘r; . A . _ 6..., LANDS" FOR SALE? 0n Easy Terms of Payment. ‘ 30,000 Acres, ' ITUATED in the counties of Litur'rouand KENT. All necessary information will be given on application, post paid, to ‘ MILES LANGSTAFF: . ., Wallaoebui'flfll Also, some iiiipi‘oved FARMS to RENT. '- VVallaceburgh, Nov. 94, 1859. 5'24! _._.__‘ Good Health and ong Life. MAYOR’S LONG LIFE PILLS! Are warranted not to contain any Mercury. These Pills are composed of the most select Drugs, and being purely vogetable, can bi taken at any season of the year it' necessary, with safety and without fear of taking cold By exposure, ' which renders them of great valuo and superior to any other medicine ever vol offered to the public. 'l‘hesahsfactory and flist'o tcriug testii: oilials received by the Proprietolg’, has induced binl to advertise those invaluable Pills lll'dl the public may be convinced of}. simple and ellic cious remedy. is alone sufficio out to subdue and cure the ordinaiy sickness of this country, such as Pains ill the Head, Back and Loills, all Nervous Disorders, Dyspepsia,” Indigestion, Sort ucss of the Throat, Crainpa, Colics. Worms. in Children, and other diner. ders, which will be found on tfite wrapperwith instructions for taking them. Price, 25 (767113 each Box. Sold by .Druggists and general Storekeeperq. who are requested not. to purchase oftravellii‘ Agents. ‘ .. THOMAS MAYOR. Officeâ€"Victoria Square. Manufactoryâ€"Mh Con. Malkham. ‘ (Mir Musical FriendQ “OUR MUSICAL FRIEND,” a a... Companion for the Winter Months. Every Pianfst, Should procure th 1| Every Singer, woekly Publication of Every Teacher, ' Vocel and Piano Fort. Every Pupil, Music, coating but I9 Every Amateur, cents a number, and Pronounced by the entire Piess oi the country, to be "THE BEST AND CHEAPEST WORK OI" 'I‘IIE KIND IN THE WORLD") v Twelve full-sized Pages of Vocal and Piano Forte Music for 10 Cents. Yearly,$5 ; IIalf-yeariy,’ “250; Quarterly$lf25 Subscriber to “ Our Musical Friend,” lot will have Music for your entire family at. in inelpniticant cost; and if you want Music for the Flute, Violin, Cornet, Clarionet. Accordio: (SIC. dic- subscribe to the $55010 Melodist,“ Containing 12 pages, costing only 10 Cents . number; I early, $2 50 ; Half-yearly. $1 {51. Alt back iiilillbers at 10 cts.. and Boub‘ (57-tl' ’ The By the use of V Cash Termsâ€"~0ne Dollar per packet containing , Volumes. containing 17 numbers, at $2 50 each, constantly on band. C. B. SEYMOUR «It. CO. 107 Nassau St,. New York Fire ! Fire I I ' Fire! ! . IVESTERN Fire Insurance Company of Toronto. INCORPORATED BY ACT 01“ PARLIAMENT. ' CflPITflL STOCK, £100,000. 1. C. GILDIOR,P1‘OS. [ Gro. Micnnz,Vice Pro-l DIRECTORS : Rico Lewis. Esq. James Meaty. Esq. T, P. Roberts, Esq. M. Rossin, Esq. I 'I‘hos, I‘Iaworth, Esq. \V. Henderson, Esq,r W. Macfarlane. Esq, Angus Morrison. Esq. Solicitor. Bank of Upper Canada. Bunkers. Btlljallllll Switzer, Esq. Inspector. [13” [food (Mice, Church Street, Toronto. Bililtlillgs,i\1alltl factories. Mills, &c.. and Good- - and It'urniture, in the same, againstloes or dul- Losses promptly age by tire, on liberalterms. settled. A. LAW, Residence, Iicllll ond llill August 13. 1857. 210-1 ‘0‘“... . cutter nerd? IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, _/ And deepatched to Subscribers by the earliest mails. or other conveyance. when so desired YORK kets. and the greatest care wille taken to. render it acceptable tothe man of buiaiineu. and a valuable Famill Newspaper. '1‘ERMS.â€"Sov{in and SixpenceperA-nnu , ll Alwancn; and if Mould: two dollars will be charged. RATES OF ADVERTISING : Six lines and under, first insertion”... $0650 Each subsequent insertion . . . . . _ , _ ,. ,. 00 11 Poll lines and under, first insertion....... 00 75 Above ten lines, first in., per line.... UO ()7 Each subsequentiuscrtion,perlinc....,_ Odo, l1? tions inserted till forbid, and charged accord- illgly. All transitory advertisements, from stranger. or irregular customers, must be paid for when lhandeu in for insertion. A liberal discount will i... made to parties“- vertising by the year. 1 All advertisements published far “6",” rich than one month, must be paid {or in I “i. Vance. All letters addressed to the Editor must h post paid. No paper discontinued until all arrearaggg". paid : and parties refusing papers withou-l,vp‘y ing up, will be held accountable {orthe alb- scription. TIIE YORK HERALD Book and Job Printing ESTABLISMENT. f l WORK will be promptly attended to :â€" BOOKS. FAth BILLS, BUSINESS CARDS, LARGI ANI- EMA 1.1. I’OS’I‘J'LRS,CIR(‘UI.ARS, LA‘V FORMS. BILL HEADSJIANK CHECKS,DRAF'I'S,AND PAMP IILET S. And every other kind of LETTER-PRESS PRINTING ! done in the beststylc . moderate rates. Onr‘aszmrtnleui of JOB TYPE is entirely new and ot the latest patterns. A large variety of new Fancy Type and Borders, forfludl, Circulars, & c. kept always on bond. ‘ Bernard H aldau, Esq. Secretary & Treasurer. v V . . ‘ IHIS COMPANY Insurcs alldoscrlpttonlefl General ngdnt. ' HERALD will alvirays‘l be be. lutltlt. to contain the latcstand mostimzporv taut 1‘ oreigil and Provincial News and Marv not paid with-It! T‘reo Advertisements without written dilate:- ordcr it from the nearest Newsdealer, and ym F RDERS for any of the undermention‘ei" tlescriptiou of PLAIN and FANCY JOB

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