Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 8 Feb 1861, p. 2

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~.~- wt. 9 " fungi; 39.2w. . ARRIVAL = OF” "r"1-1E""3'K"i.'v"u"Aâ€"it'. New You, Feb 5. Kedar,» The qunard screw steniner Captain Cook, tvliiclt'left Liverpool on the 22nd of January, about three p.m.’, arriv~ Id here at midnight. The steamer Canada arrived at Queens- town at 8 o'clock on the evening of the. 20th. and reached Liverpool at four p. in. on lollOWitt’g (lay. . : . . The ' City of Manchester called Queenstotvn on the 201b,.and arrived LiVerpool on the Qtst. Renewed effii-ts-were being made Limerick’ to transfer the Galwey line the blinnnon. ll at at to Lord John Russell. in a letter, tender. ed to the cotton mmtttl‘acttt'rers, through the Manchesttr Chandler of Commerce the servic-Js of the Br-tisltlcanals in cmtnn producing districts, to assist in determining the possibility of obtaining from other sources such-supplies as-ina’v compensate for ,a possible falling off under the Ameri- can crisis. France'has intimated to thc other Gov- ernments interested thenccessity of a Conâ€" ference of their representatives otror he.- tore the lfitlt of February, to consider the question of Syriamsthe French-occupation ceases iii March. ‘ _ _ p I _ There are, vague reports of orders for 200 gun-bouts having been given to pri- vate builders. The Bourse on the 91st was animated. The Sardinlan Admiral has proclaimed the blockade of Gar-to, anti gives the in- habitants a short time to. quit 'the city. All the foreign vessels had left. The ltnliatt fleet had French squadron betore Gaeia. It was peisttined that the brunbardment would be resumed on the 20th or 21st Francis l1. baring rel'tscd terms of surren- dor. The Papal Nut-rio, the Austrian. Span- replaced the ab, Bavarian and Spanish Ministers re- mained at Gar-ta. It is rumored that England, France and litls~itt are on the point of comingt to an understanding of a peaceable solution on the Danish question. AUSTRIA. Austria is l‘tlslng a loan of thirty mil- lion llorins in anticipation of lattes becom- ing due. It is again asserted that a treaty exists between Prussia, , Austria ~.'and Russia. guaranteeingVi-itetia to Austria. V The Bombay Mail of the 27th had ar- rived at England. fiews unimportant. Great indignation was felt attire late grant to ting-descendants of Tippo Sahib The import trade was resumed after six weeks suspension. Francis Edeson 8t. Co., London, in lite. Levant trade, had suspended. Estimate cf liabilities as high 'as £800,000. “It is suppOscd that liquidation will be sutlsfact ory. It was at first. supposed that the sus pencion would prove but temporary but the latcit prospects of a favorable liquidation were not quite so sntislactory. I _ The stiSpcitsions are also announced of Messrs. Leone 81 C., Lindon Merchants. for about £70 000, and Messrs. ll. dinitlt 3L bon, Railway contractors Birmingham. The English funds continued flat but without any material variation in prices. Consuls at noon on the 22ml ult., were quoted at 91.‘) for money, and 91.5. to 91; for account. The discount market remained the statue; the choicest paper was'negotiated at 6'. There were no gold withdrawals. from the bank on the 21st. Tho Ihip llosuurg Castle with £166,- 000 iii gold from . Meloourne, arrived iii the channel also the Wellslvy with 33,- 000 ounces. 3 BREADLSTU F F’b‘ MARK ST. LIVERPOOL, Jan. ‘22. VVakr-field, Nash 8:. Co, say of this mm tting’s market that ill tendance was if???“- ed and transactions quite light. Flour rather slow and 6d per barrel cheaper, ex- tra western pressing 29s 6d. \Vheat uu~ changed, but demand confined to extra sorts. , lndian Corn 3d lower: mixed presâ€" sed for sale at 385p“ quarter without buyers. ' THE NVASHINGCFON CONVEN 1'- ~l~UN. ' quumG‘roN, Feb. ite convention. is iii session ‘lO-tltly with closed doors, M r. lVright, of Ohio, lb temporary chairman." ' i ' All blatcs that have appointed delegates are represented excepting - New - York, Tennessee, i\'.lissouri.and llliiiois. Eleven are fully represented. A motion to admit the press was tabled. A committee on permanent organimtion wa’s appointed. «hen the Convention was adjourned till tomorrow. Ji'hn l‘aylor wrll probably be pennan- ent.jii‘esidertt. it is understood that the entire pl‘OCt'etllnBS will be concluded in secret sessi-tn. FROM NEW, YORK. New Yonx, Feb. 4«. The store ship Supply has arrived front Pensacola With the wives and children M the officers at 'l’Varrington navy yard; Mrs. Lieutenant bliir‘tiucr, a number of iri- uliils from the naval hospital, and a num- ber of marines trim the naval barracks who were captured- by Florida b‘tates forces. and released on parole. WASHINGTON. New YORK, Feb. 4. Special l'Vasliington despatches report FROM much diversity of- lecting at a meeting of b‘onib Carolinianp, Saturday “evening? useâ€".13 (Nicki-d“ ‘17. ' 1 One large property-{holder threatened to slowest, and abandon the l’ for ever. the Virginia UOIRttIIS*lOIIel'a have resolved to declare the determination of the D‘outh to accept no settlement of the territorial quustion which is not applicable to till fu- ture acquisitions. ' M WASHINGTON, Feb. 4. . it appears from the returns rereived at the lVat‘ Department, that the militia t’orcelot Georgia, booth Carolina, Ala- bama. Florida, .llissixsipptjand Louisiana combined is 341,000. r > ' v v- ' r -’ 4' lliese re: urns wet-n severally made from 1860 were only from the lollowin auClIUSt‘ltS, 161,000; ttliiiile 54-1; Connecticut, 51,576; Mash iii 7 Virginia“, 143.10], .‘tliinirsota, 21,480, New York, 119,000. ' The aggregate (of the whole country from these ,t,tn,'iei"'l'ei:t returns at't‘ 3,168,- 000, of which, about 2,500,000 are in faulty, 20 00’) artillery, 30,000 cavalry. and between 19,000 and 20,000 l'lllt‘tlllfll. ". :1 '. .9 . ‘ . New Advertisements. Cleared Farm for Stileâ€"Edw. E. W. Hurd. Postponed I‘ea .vlezetiitg Bar Waittedi‘tittljiu’ ()flicc. fitrny‘ florets-1415,; film-icy. a ‘7... w ~14 .. ___._..__._....â€"- -_......--..-. W...- fistula . ,l( I . ist 03’ The Wesli'yan Method Tea" Vleeting is, postponed 7 till Monday, . the. 11th inst. Set- adVertiSeiiient. -*-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"- Peréonalities. As a rule we all admit that we are "miserable sitincrs,"und thoroughly agree with the preacher who duus in our cars, that we have inherited a vast amount ofuld Adam's de- pravity; in fact, according to many, we how (both readers and writer) added considerably to our first parents original guilt, and we “ that in its (chll ~no good thing ;’j’ and so long as the preacher, be he Cathoic or Protestant, deals in ge- neral declamution against general and inherent,dcpravity. he. may thunder away frpirr morning till night, and he will never make an enemy or lose a friend; for it seems to bchtactily agreed that a 'wliolesoleQabugs-e of mankind in ge- neral hypnoujt the thing. and; but few lioldflwitliithc poct,"‘tltat " The worst wary to imp-u ve the world is to a‘clis-s itâ€" y y y ’ Mon mock dclusloii, not despair." leaving" generalities he begins “to particularize the identical sins cot’nmitted by“ the. members of his congregatioan Alien indeed he. will disturb a nest of hornets. Differing parties may anus.- t‘utzli other, and the world will smite complacently, and go on its‘w‘ay heedlcss of the nuzz occasioned by the words, but otth let it be a hand-to- hnnd fight with the particular faults of particular individuals, then in- deed with open mouth all are eager to see the fray.‘ ' ' We are led to make these re- marks by the fact. that not a corres- pondent ol'a newspaper can write, but what he. must cittiiplain'of the. insulting personalities of the previ- ous~t~orrespondent who happens to differ from the. other’s views, and as a matter of course, he has got to be personal too; and then the. edi- tor is severely. blunted by each for letting; the other’s disgusting effu- sions be put in print. Now we are fearless to atltrnll. that the. use of Special Washington de’rpatcltes say that i never core. to dispute the assertion, But ..tv6c-.beifidc the preacher, if “'2” "f c'tilty has alienated our )ersonolitit‘s are. not in all cases they ’wdl malac is,-.thut the article chasing in no measuiied retinas both. the editor and, the journal. ills which these things appear. 11 is not the principle iZ'tattlii-se gentry. object to; it is only the application 91-11 to themselves t)t‘_il'lt'll‘ friends. i " ‘ But although We believe that it is necessary storm-titties, for the sake of (truth, to inni'iipitlate the titanâ€"~yet ,lf the charges. brought against any party tarp proved to be false, is not out y the duty to'place bullisidcs it is also the duty of the journalist This is the course that arjoiirnutist Should ndoptm-as‘ personalities have. lilt‘llflfltlfig, and it is only the abuse that, is‘to hi: guarded it;t.tlll§1. 'l'liat personal ruiicotu' is too will not for out: iiiotitcnt deny. That, ’we are afraid, will always be the t case. this {ride of “tile tlllltf‘fllfl’fné; But we must, in connection with- this, reir‘icrnhei‘ tl't'ut"-our pt‘ih'licim'cd are,,t'gitlier lax in _p_l‘vl,tl‘,t_:t;,;and, this causes an lt‘l'lt-Il“t‘tsu "amount of virtupcration between contending parties, ondpolitlcal \ 'iurfat'c will always be 'arricd build a bitter per- sonal'Spirilt“; ,wl‘iilst our pubiic'inien l RICHMOND;itiiLihrisu. 8.31861. bythcir Exclimis. lay .Iiwmselves . . .. ,, . ' urges 0f ppcujmjourmi- crpal election of the township of open to-ch beâ€"ry or fraudâ€"«o that the only way to cause. the bitter ltostilityot'ouy po- - litical writing to cc;i.-t‘,,is to. place men at thcliclm of affairs “who per- sonally are t ’ beyti‘rnl ' reproachâ€"a consummation devoutly to he, wished.- . » - ~-O 4 ‘The Anders-on Case. LAB}: Week we briefly tl()liCt‘d that the. Anti-slavery Society of England had applied and. got granted to them a writ of hubeusenrpus, under which Anderson was ‘to' 'bc ‘t‘e- moved to England. Sititteitltttn the 'wril has been received, but to make the, matter [more Cttl’lljtllcult‘tl, Chief Justice Draper granted a writ of Italic-us corpus. if iliiswrit reached Bt'zitttford prior to the writ from England. possibly the matter would he settled ; but it thc'otlier'reaches Bhttllftfl'tl first there will be a diffi- culty. . Anyhow, we hope that Ca: nadu wiil bot sanction "the not of Chief Justice Cockburn, for-.wc pride ourselves- inbuiltan all in- tents and purposes selllgnvernmg, and therefore should resist’ any such unto‘x‘vard- interference" by England with our courts of law; and we .dfoubt. not i that if'llic. affair, is placed before. the English people in its proper light, the-y- will at once rcccde from the position they have taken. ' In connection with this affair, we have been much amused with .tlic tone «if the New York journal-s. They assume that. this little diffi- loyalty frout the mother country, and that . we are. ready, you anxious to unite ourselves with the stats and stripes. Now this is really" rich. i The Ullilt‘d States are so In! longerâ€" l‘hey are possibly 91] the eve of a civil war, and yi'tdhi‘y itttugine that Canada. in spite t)1-_illls, will gladly annex i-tsell'to such a broken rec'd W-v can assure them, how- ever, that Canada was never more. loyal than at prcsen‘. ; and although we may liopcat some future time to be a grtat united independent nation. yet we have an abhor-reith to anything like annexation to the Ul’lllt‘ii States. ' ' " m”>.4.â€"-....W- .t)flt‘l1 iii-l diligent in to political opponrnts we - v- . ~ " ” V , l U ' .. . . . , ' “.1mW‘PwW Mao-l". " ' '” 5““.3 “mm , LECTUnnâ€"'flte next lecture in. been laid down with: trouble and "31"?“ “unwise” 1”.“ I‘tadi “title, remove his was not. half severe enough ;. whilst connection with the Mechanics" expense, free 05.01211 (lebriS which, “lmeuo 5”“ they will not allow a putilicjoumal institute, will be delivered on to art‘imadveri,: however mildly, on. 'l’ucsdav evening next in Atttlllefdsi _ the conduct of tilt-ir'iftqi'i2riils without ' Hall, by the Rough), H. Dewar, of resident here but I am sure hasexv .t‘ltornlitll. Athens,” audience; Su.bject-â€""' Ancient We. hope to see. a large 7"”â€" l l MAP. or ‘CANADA..â€"â€"\Ve beg, to the fact, that M r. Gco. C. ll'Ctlt'dlllL: intend to publish a "new and tiri- proved Map of_Uppcr Cunaduf’ it‘llte size ot_ the “tap; is- to' he ti feet from east tout-est, 4; feet ll‘UtUi north. to south.- We sincerely hope the year 1838 to 1860. The returnslbt' 01,1110 til-ilt’Sll‘m “Vii”? ill“ lmbllc’bm that the enterprising publisher xx lll get-cflougll subscribers to enable “limb 13 {cum-SSW l" “'I’Y‘W" mm”: wholiiim to undertakes-och an tuition.- .throtit-gh llldllct', made the,charges.~ ‘ ant and useful work. . For lull pat?- ‘ticulurs see achrttscu-tcttt 111 an- ottier column, - - W..~~ ' (Bu r rt-a-itiiith 2 II t t. chilli it to be distinctly understood, the. we do not hold ourselves responsible for ‘q’pintOIla expressed by correspondents through our columns. 1 w To the Editor of the York Herald. i. Stripâ€"Permit me, through your 'valuublh paper, to-set at right a i'riisundcrstauding regarding a charch brought against me by M r. John Lane, the despised candidate for Wqu No. 1, at the last Muni- ‘Markliaiu. 1 would not have done ‘80. {311150le Of my “lends “‘3 Oi curt‘ed’.-_â€"â€"‘-woudertheyl’iavc'not;but "P‘m‘m mat the Charge “’35 Wt" how soon might tltc painful intelli- tained according‘ to some misre- presentations At the opening lspeech of Mr Lane in the ()range. Hall at Brown's Corners-~21 plume he :ie‘tcsis to enterâ€"lie there stated that l‘hoil been going round bribing people to vote for Mr. Britvrriz;tii,and that her would pmve it on the fol- lowmg day of election at 'l‘liorniiill, and that if 1 denied it. my Word was not to be. credited. One person in pictictilur he referred to, whose namcl don't wish to mention, as he is a particular friend of my own. to whom I offered, that if he. would Vote for Mr. Bowman, be (Mr. .Bowmau) would build, or cause to be built a bridge over-a ,' certain crock lending to his house. On Iliefollowing morningl met Mr. lane at the 'Vpollâ€"rootn, and he said he had a right to tender the an apt).- logy for the wrongl‘ic had done. tt'lt' on the previgus dziy, and that his staterricnts were incorrect. l itiold . hiirrl would accept the apology, so far as he cared for the matter ; but that l wished to hear the person be- fore the public that was to prove "his charge, a‘nd‘hearwltathhe had to isay, ' "'l‘h'is" :M't‘f. Lime "promised sliould be done». :»..On my way for some voters for Mr: Bowman (asl \vas.,rilways'a great impedturehtin Mr. Lane’s way at elections) l uth “the gentleman iti qticsiioiLHi-id told him 1 wished to sci-i hint in the poll- roorit when I returned, as he. wasto prove. the charge above referred to. l not in the right place. After Smile search i found him in a store, and put the foilowing'fquestions: 1st. Did ever 1 offer you a bribe in any way to vote for Mr. Bowman ?--â€" Anstverâ€" No. 2nd, Was there ever a. bridge i‘itentioned at any time between you and the Concern- ing the some .7 Answerâ€"No. 3rd. Did 1 not advise you to vote for Mr. Lune, 11:41 considered .he 'was best entitled to your vote Euâ€" .Answcr- ~ch. Some further dis- cussion lbllowed.wltich it is not no- cessary to relate {â€"‘l only wish to let my friends know that i am in- noccut of tlicjchargc, and that it ,(at the present little) mostl abun- idandy abounds. 1[place where ,tltey call the attention of the public to) l lness and neglect. When i returned to the poll that: gentleman 'wus non est quum, but i mar :échool M“ ,N- Nan“ , . * W -,a~ ,m” inittee expressed the opinion that there was ad’esn-e iii the public mind iii favour of maintaining one uniform national school system, adapted to the requirements of all classes oftlte people, devoid of any dis- tinctive character as regarced their civil or religious positions in. society, which must judiciously fostered, tend to the most sattsiactory results. The clause was adopted, and the ceair- man ‘rOse and reported. The. report was adopted in Council without amendment. couxrv reopenrv. On motionof Mr..Smith, the Council went into Committee of the whole on the on the report of the Committee on County Propet‘ty--l\‘lr.. StTifl-titirlou in the' chair. Mt‘. Wells moved that the Warden and i\1clsrs.'l‘yrrell and Scott be com- rnissioncrs cl county property for the year 1861. ' if r ' Mr. Hyde moved. in: amendment that the name of M r. Smitli'by su-bstttituted‘ for that of Mir. 'l‘yrrell__.â€"-â€"Carried. The “tot-xt- clause was as follows 'â€" “ Your committee have been informed by one of the recruiters-represented these Unit- ed Counties that an opinion was entertain- ’1‘ here. is , no- one perlenced. the great inconveniencei of so much snow .on our side 'nlks. Persons desirous of keeping the su= pose the lplnriks. are laid, are. in spite of all ltheir maneuvering to navigate luright, attended wrtli difficulty on lev‘ci‘y side. No sooner do they commence their journey titan they eXperieucc the gratification and pleasure of. slipping into various holes and hollows, and often and anon stumblingr againgt a muttipliâ€" city of frozen lumps of snow, to the discotiifituitc of the pedestrians ;' causing them to totter at every step, thus- rcprcseuling in their gait one who nos lately left the alclmuse, or the very pleasant sensation caused by walking over a newly ploughed field. Or, if the above» referred way is not had recourse to, therenonly remains another, viz .â€"-â€" “ the Public Highway,” where the man and hisbcticr half," the young man and his dearest, horses and sleighs, may often be seen, each trying to monopolize their part of [be "paged, Akhl lthW Often (it) We feel llicextrcme delight, when on our way to or from the. “ House of- Wovrsliip,” by the insolence and furiousness of some drivers, to rush into the snow even up to our knees, .in Order to prevent an accident.â€" Accidents have fortunately not 00-. i ofa separation: taking-place your Council intended to. remove the county buildings out of the city, tltusygyjdently the business in such a wgt-y .Vau vacatiu, two staffs of officers. Your, committee are not aware that the Council everfe‘htertaincd such a proposition, and would strongly recommend. continuing the, buillfidiiigsl‘whcre they are under itny circumstaiices.â€"â€"Carried. In the. third- clause. the committee in- formed the Couiicil that ethey had visited the gaol, and,found the prisoners present.- ed their usual cleanandr healthy appearance but the male. portion oftltein without om ployinont. Qn inquiry it was found that. this was owing to the fact that there Was no demand for broken stones, at which work the prisoners were formerly print-i4 pally engaged. The ciiinntlttec thought the mural relief-t: of this idleness would be injurious, and turn t‘lie‘jail into a house. of refuge rather than apiece of punishment. This clause. «as adopted, and the Coun- cil rose and reported. ' In Council, ' ‘ Mr. Moore moved that M r. Tyrrell be one. of the- commissianers on county pro-- perty in room. of Mr. Smith. ' Alto r a short discussion the motion was Curried. Yeas t6; nays 10. The report was tlpen'aitOpLed 85311181101. ed. pence-reach us, that. our village physicians vtcre engaged in setting a broken bone, or binding up a fractured limb. The uiiplcusantness of the above can easily be. remedied by the timely use of the spade. And 1 Would here remark, did we live in a city instead of where we do. fines and refines would be imposed most affectionately unto our hearts con- tent, for our indifference, careless- Now let it be said no longer of the inhabitants of the Loyal village of Richtttontl Hill, that they are. dead to their own eon- veniencc and comfort, by allowing their sidewalks to sleep underneath the snow from the beginningr to the, i-nd of tvinicr, but be determined (spade 0r shovel in hand) to devote the p -ri_od, of fifteen or twenty minutes to the pathway in front of their own sanctum, and then will ' egress be attainable to our neigh- bors, and pedestrians generally, in the wending of their way with that case and convenience“ltich, i am sure, is so universally desired. l. am, q ., .. . a, . PRINTING. The Council then went into committee 0‘ the whole on the report of the coin- tnittce 0n Printingâ€"~Mr.‘ Whelcr (Whit- church) in the chain ' ' The report. which recommended the payment of certain accounts, was adopted in Committee and council. - The council thenadjourncd. Saturday, Feb. 9. The council met at dell {J’elUCkâ€"fthe Warden iii tltczcha r.‘ .1 'i i ' (vulva: .: . . The creator portion, of the sitting was taken tip is the discussion; ofa report from the Finance Committee. The followiitg sums were appropriated, to the under-men- tiOncd Agricultural Societies: County of Peel Agricultural Sectir-ty,i$~210; lilo-st York do. $130: North Yurk do. $130; and W'est York do. $130. 'l‘lie'council then adjourned about three o'clock. Yours very truly, Richmond [lillchb 6, 1861. __._.__....._..__...~â€".. __ A... Wm COUN'l‘IEo” COUNCIL. - FRIDAY, Feb. 1. The Council met this morning at half ,lasl ten o'clOrk,tlie Warden in the chair. REPORT ON EDUCATION. MONDAY, February 4. The Council met this day at two o’clockâ€"~tlte Warden in the chair. Mr. 'l'yrrell bl'OUglli in a report from the Committee on Education. The Councd went into Committee of the whole on the rcportâ€"â€".\1r. lVells in chat EQUALIZATION 0F ASSESSMENT. Mr: Egg presented the report of the committee appointed to revise and equalize the assessment rolls for the year 1860, witn two schedules showing the equalized value of property iii these counties. The Council went into Committee of the H’hole on the reportâ€"Mr. Wright in the Clllll‘. The first clause, which referred to the several documents prepared by the com. mittee, was carried. .. 'l‘lie lirst clause stated that the finanCial reports of the different Boards of Gram- 'l'i‘Ustt-es had met with the approbation ot, the committee, -‘and in order to circuitrage the Boards in their endeavors they had no flies-tuition in pro- posing ll continuance of the aid hitherto furnished. The committee were satisfud that the Grammar tichools of the United Counties worked well, and Were. peculiarly adapted to the requirements of the rising generation, being the preparatory means by which our Universities are to be reach- ed by the- city mmnberrthat in the event The second clause stated that the c0ln- self to enforcing the laws in which the inittee did not propose making any change. comm-y at large i. i,,y,.r,.sj,.d, viz” the from the value placed by the assessors on collection of the revenue. and the protec- « . church and East ('iwilliinb’tir'g, IlIi'. G. T. Stokes ; North Gwilhmbury, Mr. M ‘ Evans; Geor gina, Mr. 1t. ' H. Email; King, Mr. 5. Hollingsbead ;, Vaughan, ' Mr. D, Macaulay; Etobicbke, llcv. 11. 11‘}. C00per; Toronto Township, Mr. \V- lliope; Citinguacoitsy ant Gore of To- ronto, Rev. J. Pt‘lilglc; Albion, Rev. 11. B. Uslei' ; Caledonia, Mr. Full. The motion was adopted. GRAMMAR SCHUOL TRUSTEES. ,. Mr. 'l'yrell‘moved, seconded by ,Dr: Bernhart, that‘the inflowiiig gentlemen be it ' appointed Urammar factiool’ Trustees in i place of those resigning and retiring for i the present year zâ€"b‘enior School, city of 'l‘oronto, Rev; 11. J. GraSset and'Joltn McMurrtch. limp, (re-appointed); Wesov ton,'J'. b'toughton Dennis, Esq, (re-ap-r pointed), E. Myles, Esq, and J. A. ‘ VVltttiiey,. Esq; Markham school, 1).. " Cash. Esq,, Rev. G. Sgllillg- Richmond“? “ Hill school, Rev. Jns. Dick, M. 'l'eefy, Esq" and Dr. Laiigs~tafi.-â€"Carried. » The Council then adjourned. Tuesday, Feb. 5. The council met this morning at ltllf~" ' ~ past ten o’clock, the \Varden iuithe chair. ‘- u RESIGNATION. . A communication was received from A. ; l". bjcott, Esq. Reeve ‘of lirai'nptou,_.ref signing the ellice of Cmnmisslone’i""017M." County PrOperty, to which he had been"? elected by the cou'ncil.‘ ' ' ‘ ‘ Mr; Marsh moved that Mr. Soott L3. w ’3 tie-- :: .- signation be accepted. i ~ j - - _i- The resOlution, which was‘ secondedv"bxr~v.‘iri‘ Mr. Canning, =was~'aduptcd. «sf PRINTING THE ACCOUNTS. ‘7 = 1‘ ~0n motion of M r. Scott, it was‘ordere’di "- that the accounts for “the year, tOgct‘ber’fi with the financial statement submitted ’5" the Treasurer and the L'uditors’ abstract’"’-" aud report be published with the mutated" " and proceedings of the council. ii" .,. ; l a cournltc'rsivon scent-s". ’ N , ‘Mr. Morse moved, seconded by,1,\'1r.,,_. . Smith, that the Clerk be instructed, when. advertising for tho necrosary provisions and fuel for the use of the Jail and Court- ,’ house. to hurt: inserted in said advertise- ments that eighty-lire per cent. will he paid in cash monthly on all material fut-7 nishcd, and 'the balance In full, on com;- , pletton ol the contract ; and that the? l‘ri-autrer “e autltorizml to pay to the or. der ofllie Warden or a majority of the Commissioners of County 1’r0perty from " time to time the amount due on said con~ tract, according to the trrms of this rc-~ solution. “ ' "‘ ' » The motion was carried after some ilil- cussion. ' ’1" .31 l i RUNNING TRAINS 01! scans?! Mr. .Morris moved that a petition be” presented to the L'cgislature praying for the passage of an act to prevent rallflad 'f trains running on Sunday.- ' ' ‘ ‘ Mr. - Hotlink-y seconded which was carried: - ' The council then adjourned. 3,.ul ,.,v the motion, " ’lzi'f. ‘.. an J “1E PREc'IDisN'r ncnc'r 4ND; ~â€" n; u.‘ , ., __ 'v‘tf-cz: Herald.) "l‘hc Daily State Journal of this thorns. ing contains a leitg'thy leader under the,” heading "‘ The Right ofy'flocrcioni suit” Making \Var oils} State,” which niotohlf " .' hears cxtert‘tnllé‘i‘idiince of’bt-injg," carefully 'u- ptcpared under the eye of the l"resid‘siiitt ' , elect. but is so universally reclaivrd he; publiean politicians as an autltoi'ative'ex? position of Mr. Lincoln’s vicws, that-I" ieel fully justified in suhjo-ining its i substance :-â€"- ‘ " ' [Cerrcsportdonce' of the N. Y. '4! ‘ . , n. w The article begins with a rcfutatibn cf. some of the points made in Presidcht I 1", Buchanan’s last annual message, and " Atty. Gen. Black’s judicial opinion on the right to secede. The tollowing pro- positions are then made :-â€"- I ' 1. No State has the right to secede. ' 2. it is the. duty of the President ofthe' United Status to enforce the laws thereof. if 3. The first Republican President; will discharge that duty fearlessly and faithfully. 4-. in its discharge- be will confine ltitn- _ He will ' was a fable- got up by Mr. Lune liirnscl’fto injure the, and also Mr. Bowman's election. But if the electors who opposed Mr. Bowman d.§grnceful, but on the contrary. Rgcnmmp HILL Funâ€"Our Fair wry desirable and advu tagcousâ€" this month was but. thinly supplied We arej_)e_rso'ittllll9§Olll'fit‘th‘S,and with rattle, although buyers. as have, airighi'tobe dealt wrtli pcr- 'usual were-plenty, and well sup: ed, and the blessings of a lull and com- plete education tune to be obtained. 'Il‘llt‘ commztti-e recommended the appropriation of$1f200, to be divided equally among sonallv, 1f \vc personally steulwe Vplied with cash, and pricesrulcd cannot bring tomato :1 more. lion.- the tilted-"ilk. Richmmid Hi“, Weston, ~'~ . v" ', . . . . ’o‘ . '. ~ ‘ r " ‘ - 1', , I- . , _ a 1!, are personally put iti,j':iil; and iftn ' high. W'e have before called the orablc man, and a man of truth to AUmli‘H‘”, 3"”‘l'l0'b dud Lilafhvlm” Grammar Scltools.-â€"â€"Carried. represent them in Council, they H , ' 1 hey- next recommended the‘ appoint- either puolic ogzrprivate life we .do attentitm of our farmers to tltesup- I should leave the field for a man personally wrong, we have. a right purl of it home. ltltlt'liet, feeling CUD‘: Millâ€"resident.l:ttids,bul have confined their [ton of the federal property, attention wholly to liltitlSitS‘l‘CSldcltl lands,I not invade a State to secure the rrpeal of v'eral townships :â€"-'l‘cwnship of York, $36 per acre ; Etobieoke anile ‘l‘oronto. $33 ; Gore. of '.l‘oronto, _M"arkltattt and Vaughan. ' 51,3530 : Chinguacousy and hoarhoro’, $529; King and Whitchtirch, $18; East (a'wil- cruachmcnts upon the fudrt‘ui authority. The article is not veryltiminous. The- am'mus, however, is clear. It breathes attthin 50 d0th hale mad! ll“? {OllU‘VillK unconstitutional enactments by its Legisé -’ differenCe in the classifications, of the se-. lamre, but merely r8393: .ggrl-Sfive en- .' the determination of the incoming admingw istration to do its duty, and opposes the to suffer in (’ill]tld'Vlf1lI{tl capacity ; and if we predili'iic'to bring'our- selves into public notice, our lives have a right tonic scanned. Take, for instance, the $20000 bribe to GeorgtfiBfrthij’ it is a per- sonal and private transaction. yet the pecuniary.necessities of the. ender renders it of the first public importance to see wlietler there was not a bribe In this apparently private busini'rss transaction Then there. is the charge against " Mr Mncdouuld. it will ban: to be St cu if the business speculation of this gentleman, in connection with the Suruia purchase, was done. on the. square. Both these. truttsadibhsdo a ccrtainexlem are purely private and personal, yet as the parties are. public men, their vety business transactions must be pryed into to see whether they have used their influence in a nefarious manuer.-â€"â€"' Thus it is that no public warfare. can be. carried on without indulg- ing in personalities; and yet we haVe heard tltc charge brought against-editors, that in their-(dis; putes they are too personal. But one thing we invariably observc, and that is, that people will let-edi- tors indulge in the most violent abuse ola politiCaI or private op- p‘onent',:-and the only complaint fidcnt wed-o tltatpur fair if well Supported, Wouldbe- the. roost pity- ing institution in every way“ that we haVc in our tt‘iitlsteâ€"(Aalliitg as it does,o‘nl:y bus‘incss and iitoney men. .We hope: ville-farincrs,“inswad of (as we lieat‘d'hn Wednesday) trying to sell their cattlé' at ' bottle, will bring lllt’ttf‘l‘ti the fair-~cn- courage our butclicrs, and esta- blish a good home market. “"4 MECHANiCs' iNSTI’l‘UTE. ‘10:) Tuesday evening lust Dr. Geikie, 'of 'Aurora, 'gavc‘a - very instructive and interesting lecture on “Cell life. as scenthrough a Micrnsci-pc,” to (considering the late hour) a large and attentive audience â€"-Aiiios wright, Esq” M.P.P., occupying the chair. I‘l‘lt‘l'alllfi lecture was concluded, the ' followmg gentle- men were appointed officers ahdz committee for the rushing year :4- l’residentâ€"â€"â€"Amos ,eright, . Esq” MJ’. 1’. Vice- Prehident~Peter Pat- terson, Esq. Secretory & Treasurer -â€"-Mr'. H. Edwards. Librarianâ€" Mr. Hewison Cornmfl-tresof Jll'cm- :rgemenfâ€"Messrs. _1’.iii-llij)s, Arnold, M. Tecfv, Falconhridgr‘, W Har- rison, W. Hfhdyt-H‘S, Hall, Newberry, Jail..." Dick, J. ,_ La n gstjyf, ' R. "Malaysitafltlgsrghyw ' 4 - ~ museum A. 113W, who has always gutterncd himself in a straightlbrward and truthful way, bothto himself. and the people he. represent . -., 1 remain, sir. yourobd't servant, ' I,Wit.i.1sitilMoMoniuN. Feb. 6th,]86l. .‘t. 'l‘hornhill. _ To the Editor of the York llornld. DicAitSin‘: Per‘iiiit me through the columns of your valuable paper to call the attention of the people of this vilioge,.to the very deplorable condition of the side- ttalks. Since the latter part of No- vcmher or beginning of December beneath ,. been buried a load of "snowaud ice 1 entertained a hope at one time' of seeing them cleaned, but,l think, sir, or: are not justifiabic in entertaining that hope any longer; days have passed by and weeks have rolled hence, and they .still continue to wear the. same unpleasant aspect. Now, sir, llwould ask, should not our planks be as econ in the winter as in the summer? Do we not require to walkas much, in the attention of our business and daily callings. in .~. at}, . “i .. \- . . t guudjhfnl kildllltnt‘tt‘ tccltool Litv' shoult be so last, to the. present time lllt‘V have ~ merit of Dr. Lutigstrffand Matthew ideely, lisq., as members oflihe Board of Trus- tees of the Richmond Hill Grammar behools.â€"â€"Carried. ' The committee had thought proper to increase the number of trustees, in order to promote harmonious nation and advance the interests of the schools. the power to do this was conferred by the statue 16 Vic.. c. 186, and see. 20 of the Grammar échnol Act, ‘22 Vic., c 63. The clause was carried. The committee considered that the pre- linibury', $15; Albion, $14»; Caledon and North‘Gwillimbury, $11 3 and Gear- girth, $8. 7“ l'hc clause was adopted. The Committee stated that they have found the majority of the assessment rolls timer than those of the previous yearsâ€"â€" the total assessment of“ the ~30unties showing a reduction of $963,578,â€" Uarricd. , . .. The Committee considered it their duty to adopt a different course. to that of for- v our years in the valuation of lands in the township of York, where in many cases lands are valued at $l0; per acre. while adjoining lands in Yorkvule are assessed at $200. in making the equalization the Committee h it reduced the aggregate of the incorporated village, so as to bear a just relation to that ol the Township.â€" Carried. Schedule No. 2. showedan increase, as equalized, oven that of the assessors of $351 508. The Committee recommended that the amended that the trustees of the senior school iii 'l‘oronto should be appomtcd by the City. lIouncil.â€"(Irirrted. The committee had great pleasure in re. commending the re-appointiiient of Mr. Will-am linpe, as Local Superintendent for the township of Toronto, an office which lieseeined to have filled for the past three years to the entire satisfaction of the people, as shown by the testimonials furnished tor the information of the com- ”“m‘e' Cl k be it st d to com ritinica'e with Alter some discussion, the clause was er. “q 8‘ i l r ' addlmd 4 the Crown Land Department relative to the correct number of acres in the toWn- ship of East Gwil|irnbury.-â€"-â€"Carried. LOCAL supctttsrcrtnm'rs. The committee recommendad that only one master be selected from the Board of Grammar School Trustees attend the meetings of the Counties" Board of Public Mr; Tyrell moved, seconded by Dr. lushwhomâ€"Carried. Barnltart, that the following gentlemen be The committee recommended the pay. appointed Local Superintendents of mcnt ot the unaudited exjwnsenccount of School: in the under-mentioned respective o illermel‘ as Well 3-501 “10 sum‘lthe Circuit Board of Public Instruction, townships for. the current~year;-â€"York.~ met? Mostcertamly we do..-â€"-thenl which was carried. ......M'.by not have the walk, which has In‘tl'ie‘latt claim ofttte report't'he‘eomL Markham, Rev. G. 7.. J.’ Hill"; Whit~ nudist!“ Mr. Watson Scarboro’, Rev. W2 Belt ;. ti resumption by the fiouthern {States of the sovereign powers delegated to the federal , 1 , éoverntaent at all hands, and assert its autliortt; with all means at. its command. _ DISASTEROUS FIRE AT \Vesrou.-~ About five o’clock yesterday morning, 1, fire broke out in the kitchen in rear of the residence of TllOsflSS'i“ osson, Esq , \Vest- on. The fire spread with great rapidity, : in a short little the house was envelop- co in llamas. the neighbours soon gather" ed round, and efforts were made to re- move the furniture, but although they . worked with great energy, they only suc- coeded in savinz‘ a small partion of the houscliole goods. The adjacent stables, with all the live stock and a number of carriages and sleiglis, escaped the ravages of the devouring element. The residence Was a very fine one, and Mr. Muuon‘s loss cannot be less than between £900 and £1.000, but we regret to learn that the premises were only partially insured. The bells in the city rang out the alarm, and some. ofthe tire companies ran as. far'ns Brockâ€"street, but observing that the fire was some distance from the city they re-r turned to their stationsâ€"Globe. The present number of Roman Catlin-lie priests in England and Scotland is 1342: churches and chapels 9‘33; communities of men 47 : convent: 158; colleges 12. A somewhat singular fact is mentioned in " the Rustin: journals ; several ladies re ularly. attend the lectures of professors of the uchr- ‘ . .ity, of St. Petcrgburg, and take notes like“ ' . I '1' I“. it ..~,

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