7 > , easy," but not alarmingly so. THENEW NATION- TI‘I-IE s‘I'onIiuI..III. From the Globs. . ' The delegates from six of the “ceding States assembled in solemn Convention at Montgomery, Ala., have decreed the tor- mutioii ,of aInIciv sovereign and Indepeud-II ent Republic. which shall bear the name of “ The Conlcderate States of America.†A Constitution for the new Government has been trained and adopted, and it Presi- dent and Vice- I’residtnt of the Conledracy chosf'en. 'l‘lie members of the Montgomery Congress deserve at least the credit of having despatclied with commendable ex- pedition the business for which they met. One short wéek served them to arrange-all l the preliminaries, and fairly launch the nowl nation into existunce. ’ ii " ' The name bestowed upon the Southern Republic is'ii‘ot particularly lelicitO‘us. The? title ‘° Confederateu is but a tame copy. at “ United†and is no more distinctive of the new lliilvlfjflttllly, as regards the ’circutnstan ces of‘tts origin or its distinguishing char-- acterisiics, than would have been the term “Associated†or any other synonym which a rélerencr to the 'dictiou'itrv would‘have‘ supplied. it the Deputies hadi waited-ya“, happy suggestion generously lvflflbred by- Mr. Punch,’ they might have ‘nained‘tlie Confederacy ‘f The United Mates of Atlr 1- eriiia’Pâ€"a'tit'le[differing only -nya transpovs :- aitio’n of two letters’ from'tlie did name which they cop’i'cd, and at the same time suflicently distinctive of the new-horn nationality. ' ’i' ' The President of this Southern Con? fedériicy, appointed for a term of four yeas, is M r. Jefferson Davis. The vel’ecti'rn of Mr. Davis to occiipy this position'is- suï¬cently’appmpriate. He is'the type. of everythiiig antagonistic to the principles of which the Northeut President elect is me representative. '1hrougliout the whole of his public career, he has been our. ot the host violeiit'ot'pro slavery men. one nf‘the ï¬ercest specimens at southern tire-eaters. tic has also 'tlistinguished himself by his energetic advocacy oftlie repudiation. by Mississippi, inf her State. debts' He is†perhaps, the best President that 'could‘i have been chosen by the States which commenced their independent existanceby stealing the property of the FederaliGo~ vernment, and which have leag'ue‘d to- gether for the unholy purpose of perpetuat- ing slavery, “ the sum of “ all villariies. The constitution adepti-d for the.‘ Con- federate States is for the most part a transcript of the time-honoured coustit‘ition under which the United Stats have grown to the dignity 'of a great nation. "ltr‘ditl‘ers from it, however; in some impartant par- ticulars. “The bld'constitution‘ d’Oes'n‘ot at least distinctly and in so many words, re- cognise slavery. The new does. and makes ' Various provisions for the security of the peculiar institution By one article a' short ' and effective fugitive slave law is embodied in'the constitution, ’instbad of b‘cinï¬gde‘ft'a - a matter for Statutory’enactment. An. other "article gives Congress the power of - prohibiting the introductidn of slaves from any State not a member of the coriledrncy. The design of this is very apparent it is hoped that the border slave States, which profit more by breeding than by the work- in};i of Slaves, may tlierebi lrom motives of self-interest be consulted iiit) niak'n‘ com man can c with the cotton States, and joining the b'outhern (confederacy. An- other article prohibitsu'thc' African slave trade. 1f the Confederacy becomes a per. mancnt fact, this provision of the con stution will probably be more honoured iii the niencli than in the observance. ‘ 4 But ate we really to look upon this for- mation of an independent Southern slnv‘e. holding llei‘iuhlic. this disruption of the great iizition on our hordo it its a fall ac- comp/s"? lVe must presumrf that Mout- gomery Congress arc in earnest, and that when they say Hwy have formrd the sc- ccding Mates into a separate natiou,‘ thev menu it. lint will tho mounting States consent to a dissolution of the partnership. 2nd a division oftiie property of the old Union! home of the Northern Denticmts are in favor of pet’mllltng a pcttceuble sop eration,’ but the overwhelming sentiment of the North seems to be on the side of z. tnaiutrnnancc of the Union, by force if necessary. the word “ coercion“ is rather avoided, .‘g‘i somewhat too harsh, but if life-l CFetlertil Lion-r: inciit is to coil-«u its l m!- x. t > ~ . . uues, and hold [is forts in the sect-din" States. it. t.‘ in only do so by “cocrcmn, ’ 6 does not .ihrogatc the lfltst essential attri- Lincoln carries out the policy'wliii'h he I assuming that the Southern coiifeilcriici~ butes ofits no wlouud nationality. If Mr. enuncitated in milil terms, meaning a good deal, at Indianapolis,'and if the acceding, States follow tip with corresponding action the assertions of'their ind penitence which they have made at Montgomery, the Unit- ed States GOvcrnment will be at ‘once ' brought into collision with the Govern. int-tit of the “Confederate States," :and civil war will‘be intcvitable. ~Hist-ilities canvorly .be averted by one side pr the; other backing out from its present attitude by the South retracing its steps. or by the North coris’entinz‘to an amicable disrop. , tiohn The Southern States -haveI‘ gone too far to recede, without making" ’thei'ng‘ you. laughing stocks to the world. and it, nowremains for the North to determine whether it shall agree to let them go- quictly, or undertake to extinguish s}- .dition and rebellion by force of arms». SincU'Lit'R Accrncxr.-â€"A‘inest singu- lar and unfortunate casuality occurred to" Mr. Peter May,“a farmer residing near Port Dalliousiewon Saturday last.‘ It‘a‘p‘} pears that Mr. May and his wife came to town in a sleigh on that day, the latter carrying their infant, a few months old, in her arms, and on returning home itI'was noticed that the child was somewhat uri- When they y arrived within a few rods of theirresidence tho child ceased its crying, 'aiidino fut-their notice was taken of it until they arrived at home, when. on opening the clothes wrapped around the infant the mother dis- covered tolier horror that she had been ' nnrrying tbe'eorpse of her infant, it having appurently been dead some minutes. The cause of death we have not learned. '~ It martian been the result of wrnping too ‘m'a'ny clothes about the little thing, and it may have been from natural causes. 'were blown hither" and 't'hitlier 5 ‘li’oniscs ex-'i -like‘ ‘sliips' tacking to beatriip against a i ,. ' v 3.5: .-. 1-: l'.‘ 135-." t 4‘ NEW You, Feb. 9.;rï¬uddenly bc-I .7 .I‘. ./ tween three and ftiuryozcloplt, pp 1 burs-l day afternoon. a chill bi‘ee’z'e wliiskcd away. the rain clouds, and increasing thou gale,l swept overtlie city with an effect indiscrib- able. Chimneys,"awnings,‘isigns, sheds, r posed to the l‘ull'l'oijce‘ Of‘lhe storm fairly rocked to and fro with llsiiiViOIGlICC: the ships in the harbour tuggéd at'itheir anch- ors like mad ‘lhe streets dried tlpias sud- denly as magic; the ska‘ti‘ng pb'nds resum- ed their glisteiiin'g' surfaces; “As night came on ‘t'lie'gule seemed alltlut'ly’ increasing aiid'did not entirely' cease until sunrise yesterday'iuorning, grat‘u'allywldying out after one tr’clo‘ck’"u.iiti;‘*=“"1*lteâ€t"ew'ladies who had not escaped '17roin‘thc =-wind at its~ first commencement ZizZagged‘ hotneward, l . i To [Consumptives heavy breeze. Little boysssieiragiiiiist.tlie wind: for-spoitz hii'eimiitén “Were, turned and wheelo-d Ferry. boats could scarcely leave._tlieir . ships, and thou-aloud almost motionless rnid.'s,tieum, unable to make headway Lilllllsdtgtllï¬ the coasItI tan bolgrc the wind togain sea routiihandltlie poord acks, al. must. within sight .pf the lap; expected, havenhpgere again,allpboargiigiigiie waters. * From the hsurlacc offlie ifvntcrs of ourbay 'and Irivnrs .a dense fog.â€de and tlichhaI-I. ters ,suiik.,two .orIItlireig‘fcegflpgAil, the while the cold seemed incrpitiiing. with this wind, and became mostintense,“,IG’epplc projdong- I or walked, but. part Illl‘l‘joitiglt; the streets with the! atampiiigs'atidjesttilï¬t‘io'nn upstiully “ perturrtted only‘ on tliï¬iï¬cgld‘cstpf.winter’s 1 days. I'I‘hc tlier‘mriipefcrhyh'iph,_ seven 3. mi, had stood at thii'iy-si'x:“degrees 'abovel zero. which, at to‘fort‘y- eight. Isadklsttiltle'iili’ iiiidi‘lsétogidy‘f't‘o t’wentyl fup, and, still stinking, touched; yesterday, “aifaini signings-2...urns-fig... m a, dtl'i‘ii’rei‘eht'ivvt'itiitg' has 'h'i‘od'erated only a few degrees. At 'Mourit‘"$t.“Vint-iint' tho ’ 'thert‘nomnter changed ï¬l‘ty'é‘ci'g‘lit‘drg‘rees in i" sixteen hours. ’At‘tlie "Ce‘ntral Park the! thermometer marked-ï¬fteen degrees below Zero. The Hudson‘rive'r was frozon over as'lowi'do'mt Carmansvi'lle,'antl below this point was ï¬lled with icebergs. Even the water in the city bytlranztswasfrozen. and tho Croton had tox ‘be.tliawed. out. ~At daylight yestei-'day..morning an unknown. woman, drunk when lasts-seeiialitze, was found by officer Cartgy,I.-of the liirst pre- cinct; in the basement..of;.tlie_.liouso INF)“. 77. 'IVBSlllllgtOn-IU‘BQQ’,i‘l‘QZtn; as still as ice, but. died, perhaps,“ (romping: effecisjol a Itall. I In Brooklyn, pthcerLIQTIbourke, of the {Third precinct, found. the body of an aged,_ respectable looking, well dressed man in the vacant lot corner of Clinton street andHamiltontayeppp. . BOSTON, Feb. .8...~.-'I_‘.Ilinrnioineter at Cambridge Obser,r:atorv._.,tiiis morning 19. dog. below zero. .. _.;,.:.,I,,, D. _. I In Boston. byiithe graduated tormometor l4- dsg‘. below zero.:. Thaliseverest cold known here for marrying» .. I. At Co.icord. Lae'onitiigcindcdlnldcisness. . N. 11., the cold varied-tram. 2.04:0 35 deg. below zero, wlithiaguiolentiigo-lo- from the. nortliwest.~. v ~ m" mi. :.- .v » ’ l-IA Morin." N. "ill???" ‘3‘."8.i-â€"l\t one: o'clock yesterday afternoon ‘the' ‘ther‘mo-‘i meter stood at 37 deg. "‘abore zero; at» seven 'o‘cl0ck this morning «32- de‘g. ~b-,low zero. "Reports from -vsriouvot-lier- localities show also an extraordinarycltange in the temperature of the~lustr~24 hours, with ex- treme cold. weathehthis smorning. STOCKBXIDGI.’ Feibx‘S. «k-"lllie mercury this Ill-I'llng was 3‘Zdeg". below zero ;_ the uiiowvory deep and badly drifted... i Movrntan. Fe’b. 8.’â€"'â€"'l'=‘liis was the coldest ot' the season. meter 3‘2. deg. belowzero. rl‘rtovi. Feb.'8.~â€"At White-hall, Fort Edwards. and :Saratogttf'at sevn'n o’clock this morning. thermometer stood at 30 deg. below zero at seven o’clock. morning 'l‘heimo- BUM‘ALU, Feb. 8,â€"4'I‘he ihermomotcr at six. A. Ills-was 8 (leg. ,and atï¬â€˜noon 1 deg. above Zero. ii ‘ " ' ' i ‘ “ " Cixcxuu‘i.I Fen. SELFâ€"Weather 'véry told hero. “Wind '.mi‘~'iln_rm; A" "’ l :SALliLS OF ,l’llla’ ILA N US. A notice from the Crown Lands De- partnieot, publishedWinmttie' official Gazette of Saturday, .ariiiiounceathatIceriain’ public landswill be ofl'citcd at»..publi'c auction. as followstâ€"- -" '“ ' so arc-.15" - ..-At Sandwich, odï¬riday,:the22ml Feb. “’A-‘t Chathum‘,’t"n {fittestl’ayAhe 26th Feb; 'At London, QijiErlfldx;IlIlléllsl. March. ' At I'l‘oronto, oinfll'ucsdayidhe5th .Vlarch. r At Buirio,‘on- Fni‘idny. the 8tli'-Mnrch.. ‘ At Séihia. -oti“j’WEdhe'i~thty the 13th nuns-1 :, ' ’ - ‘ h .Lists of. the lands audiother particulars may be obtained. from thevrespective land afgen’tSâ€"‘ve'xceptiiiif"it"5Fo?o-ntoi where 'lists - may be had from .\Iessrs.ll’aketield 5r. Co; my, .. n": ; i -J",f " " "FCJRON TtJ=3-i'\1‘A’R-"K ET S? n ..: .r.,~~.w-., ' Tnuns'nat'YKFebrnary, 14.x [all WlicaLwâ€"SOtlQbuhls {vii-the extent of the supply which uoldat’ihe'ifollb'wiiig prices. The prices paid for tho bc‘st- “triples were from 3|. II to $1 or bslil. . ..I- ..I._,.-, I Spriiigï¬â€˜Vheat -,-.-l,,250.bshl_s.in market, which sold ntfroin $0, 85 to SQ 95. or hshl. ' Burleyéâ€"Sold at from'55ito 7c. Foamâ€"150 bshla went ib‘ï¬' at 53 and 58c purl Laivi'oneo. Missiiii bshl. - . ,1"; .I.. OntIs.-â€"nt 26 and 97c, Perth-hi. I I_ ‘ Hayâ€"infroin $10 to ï¬ll-por'ton’, ' Straw $6 to $8 per ton.‘ ’ ' ‘ '1 ' Flour.-‘-Superï¬ne No.71 ’sold at $4 8.0 to .34 85, No 1,34 to $4 80 ; Fancy -(Spring) $4 75 to $4.80: Fancthall) 35 £06 _toI$5 25;. Extra, $5 to $5 50 :, Double Extra. $5475 to $6 25. Rutter. â€"Frosli is in fair supply at from He to l8c per lb. . ~. I . r. : Pork-is in foil request. For Hogs- averaging ICU. lbs $4 25‘..aii'd $ 15 has been paid. ‘and those uvoraging 250 is $5 itiid $5 fillâ€"Who latter being the extreme figure. - '.-. ‘ Applesâ€"Common varieties st and $1 ’35 barrel. Better grades $1 50 and $2 barrel. E-'-gs..-'-Frosh front wagons.†to 25c perdozon. Potatoesâ€"New vary in price -"from 20 to 95c. Sheop~arorin d each. I; ,, a. . .. Lambsâ€"are pleintifcl‘ at from-$2 50~to $3....th Calv nnâ€"are‘in good supply at $4 toji nach. per Bosfâ€"Hidosâ€"Sd 00. per lbOlbs .Sheep nnd ~ in 10¢..por lb. . lamb skins-$(l75eneh. Calfsk Tallow, ’V‘povxlfltl'h: . r; , I ,- , aroundnby - sudden gusts. .; otnand it from. $4 5010 $5 - I __ Msnninn. ~ On the 12th high. at Nowmurkot, by tho Rov' S T. Rum-agJobn. only son of GoonPuxtou, Esq. ’l‘liornliill. to Annie Eliza, third daughter of Joseph l’egg, Esq. East Cwillimbury ‘ ’; » DEATH. ‘ Atthe Rectory. Thornhill, on ‘rlonday, Feb- ruary ll, Annie Frances. infant daughter of the Rev. E. H. Dewar. .â€" \.. is PECI A L NOTICES. MORE LIVES LOSI‘ Parents WILL buy McKcnuio’s Dead Slip, . IWorm Candy. Children WILL out, and tho .WORMS Wth dis. it only costs 15 cents 0 try" it ; after‘you have tried, buy 4 packages or lialf-u-dollar. L ' A Son†dil'vorfide atom in" anoth‘or‘colurnn. V C‘IIE Advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple i'oiiiedv, after liavingsuï¬'erod several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, ' Caii’in'iniptionâ€"t's- anxious “to make known to his follow-sufferers tlio moons of cure. Tosh who dosirett. ho will send a copy of the prescription used tfroe of charge), with the directions for preparing and using the IatnO,.Wlllcll they, will find a szn (‘nnn no. Companion. As'rInIiIuA, llitoncniris, etc. The only ob'ectI of the advertiser in sending the .l‘rélcrt‘pti‘on‘ is to'h'onelit the afï¬rmed. and sprori‘d' information which he conceives to {so lllVï¬l’IJ-Hsbinulllld the hopes. cv‘ry sufferer will try ‘lll-fl remedy. as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a ' blossiiig. int-no. with-i add ron'o REV. Eoiyniin A. WILSON, ' VVillinmsburgh, ‘ Kings County, New York (abnortmmrunv, t “RY SIT." 1T. Ingrnm’s Infalable Linlmcnt AICERTAIN Remedy for ‘Rheumatinm, Bruises, Swollings, die. Rolievon tho Toothache, Noiiralzia, and Tie Dolorouue.-â€"- This Liuimcnt has been used and its efï¬cacv proved in hundreds of cases, and never failed to g-vo relief. " Prepared and Sold by ‘JAS. INGRAM, Village of Maple. . Vaughan township. “6 it: the prescription will please ~t. February 14. 186i. .lly Particular Rct‘tucst. In NAIurora, lilii10iirla'y.iFeb° 18. Rldzmond, Hill, Saturday 16. Gordon’s Beau iful Panorama ,AND Ciorri’s Comic†Entertainment. Ali-afternoon Performance in ouch place for Children :‘adinission. 3d. - - BILLY BARLOW will expound his views on familiar topics. Church Suclety Electing , fl‘HE ANNUAL MEETING of the Diocelï¬n Church-Society will be held in the Trinity Church , 'l‘l‘iornliill, On Thursday, the 213t instant, At 7 o’clock,~-p.m. The Rev. '1‘. S. Kennedy, Secretary of tho Socie'y . tho Provost and some of the Professors of Trinity College, and several Clei-gvinsu and Layâ€"on are expected to take part in the proceedings. Thornliill, Feb 14, l861. Cl ‘arctl Farm for Sale. ’ OT 6. 7'nndS. in the 12th Concession. Division 6, in the Township of Guelph, iii the County of W’olliugton. are offered for lltlo. Eiritun in Two FARMS of l50 acres each, or will be sold ALI. 'l'ooiz'riuzn 30 I Acres. 0 which 170 Arcs are cleared. and in a high state of cultivation. The land in distant about ï¬n -nilo front it" ï¬rst-rate Gravellcd Road. and about 8 mile:- iniii the town of Guelph [on the Grand Trunk Railway] one of the host, rnnrkot Towns in Upper Canada. Offers to be addressed. [if by letter postpaid] to ' EDWARD E. W, HUKD, I , I Barrister. Oflicc. No. 3 Jordon St. Toronto. or lesidouco~169 Church St. Toronto. 'lp'oro‘ntoI. Feb 7. l8“. ll5-2t. ' "".llflâ€TE-I)9 , ROY, noun Apprentice to the Printing . ‘ Business. about 15 or l6 years of ago»- He must possess a fair English education.â€" Apply immediately It this ofï¬ce. " York Herald" *‘ ‘fiirc. Richmond Hill. Jim. i8. I861. Letters Remaining inilllCtIvM-‘JND Hll .L PontUlï¬co FEBRUARY 1. ‘-6l. " .compnuied by a. Description of it. Lawns, John Mulliollaiid l’cter McFarlan, Dauiol Bruce, Jno McClonkey. Mr, Bnkor, Samuel MacBoth. Andrew SocIreItaIrIv_,of iï¬chmondl’lavter, James Lodge i l‘rickriin.“Frnncin lirillinizer, G. Pickrsm. Frank Clirisholm. J. . l’atton. [Isaac Donor, Emanuel [3] Patton. Alnxandor Deegior, J. Park, Wm. E. Ellston','B'. ' ‘ Robinson.Robort ‘Eyor. [livid Jr. Ross. Mark Fâ€"rank,‘ Miss M. Rutherford, John- Gir'onves, Levi Scott. Tliomns Gordon. Thomas Smith, Miss H. Gilniour, James Todd, Aloxnndor Harris, J. Trench, William jun. Melinkay, John Wilson, P. Haslop, John “lilliams, Jacob G. Johntson, .R. Williams, Joseph Jackson, John W’illinmn, John Anderson. M. . . llroiiiinn. 1’5 than, J nines 1 H, TIIFY, RH. Form for Sale on Yongc Street, 13 Kile: from Toronto, ' EING composed of East quarter of Lot No. ' 39.jnlst concession of Vaughan. con- sisting of 50 acres. all cleared. _....â€"â€" Tho Land is of the best description. Without a rod being either waste or broken ' There are on the promises a good Dwelling- ~hnnso. a Wall othnrd water. .Brich Cistorn, rind other conveniences. with Lawn containing ornamental treosand Garden attachedâ€"well stocked iwith fruit trees. Also. Tenant’s house in tho rear of dwelling house, with Barn. Now Stable. Slteds,_ &.c.. III'I‘or further partieu‘ars apply [if by letter9 knocked down. T he owner is requested to I?’ Given a PairTrinl» put-paid! i.’ 1 '* ’ ' i' G.‘ ’n r. . .. I . .v Richmond Hill. P.Q. .Rlchmendi‘Jan. 24, 1961. 112-; I Loans. at E1 HT Counties of York, and Peel. prior: 1. Hereby Given Int-i. at the ox- ‘plrctiotl of twenty" days from the date CampbOll. on the promises. 2' > .: lioraof or as soon thereafter as ( ouncil can be heard. 1 will apply to Sutan Batu Hanni- aoa'. Esq. Surrogate tor the United Counties of i'York and Peel. to be appointed guardiaii'of Manx Jun Mounon. infant daughter of the late Robert Mouroo. deceased. . , I ,JOHN HILTON, Toronto. J'tny. 21st. 1861. ~‘ l“. M. O’BRIEN, .- ‘ Atty. at Low. _ our. ’ s. .7". .141: ms. tirrogatc commute tinttéti ' * 'ri'M BER ' F0 R" SA LE.“ ' QUANTITY“ STANDING TIMBER. Pine and Hardwood. for Sale. on Lot No. 53,. lot concession Vaughan. For arti- culais apply to the Executors of tho lute 1‘; D. Richmond HillL‘NoIvu’S. 1860. 105-. Charles 0. Keller, iiiChancery, Conveyancor. JLc. Dies. in Victoria Buildings. ovoi- tho Chronicle ofï¬ce, 11).. Brock Street, Whitby. Also a Branch Otï¬eo in the village of Bon- vorton, Township of 'l‘hora'h, and CountyIIof : Ontario. I The Division Courts in Ontario. link-tend BARRISTEB-AT-LAW AND , SOUCITOR not. and shun... vnnp "plan, “um. IN CHANCE“. I Oflieo removed to Gas Company’s Buildings, T orontn Street. ' ' Toronto, January 9,1‘31.’ "' "WV-iii 2 LE soak. " i ‘ The Patriot ’ and ‘ 301901 ‘h' wâ€k" III-6. l "E favor with which The, Lulu has boon I received by the I’tthllc“muy be judged by ithe fact that since-its commencement, in July I 1852. it has steadily ittcroapod in circulation until. in its vat-loll Editions. it has annual. Tnouuxn more subscribers " than any other panor in Canada. EVcry oaertionin being used to innko it more and ,morc iiidinponsiblo for every family in tho Prpvinco. . THE DAILY LEADER. l. i In published every morning, in tirno for tho learly trains. at Six DoLi.a"v.‘s ‘p'oir turnout. in advance. it is a large slismfand contains the earliest and most icliable intelligence that can be obtained from every partIof the world. I, TH E SEMI-WERKLY READER. is published _on Tuesdays and Fridays. n Tnnu Doncxns a ï¬n in advance. It con» tains all the reading inmterof the "Daily Lea- der." : and for parties who do not reside near enough to a Post. Ofï¬ce to call every day. tliin’ paper will supply them with: all the intelligence they could receive from a Daily. Tle WEEKLYLEADER I! published every Friday. and 9' The Patriot". land the " Nowu of the Wonk" are published ‘ovory Wednesday. at the rats of ON l2 DOLâ€" LAR in advance. These papers are printed on a large sheet. and coiitnin the most impor- tant matter of the “ Daily Leader." Market Report.- are particularly attended to in thoin.- These are the Cheapest Papers in the Pro- vincos. : _ One dollar a your is added to cook Edition when not paid in advance.“ ' i . TO ADV-Emu“. The large circulation of -°.Tho Lender makes it the vary but medium of, publishing notices at any kind. ' ' Ratesâ€".Fnr Daily-«Pour pence shoe, for ï¬rst insortiou. and one ponuy'ouola subsequent insertion. P‘or Weeklies-vol: peace is lino for each insertion I BE Cantu Aonncv Anson-non of Lon- don. En land. are prepared to negocinto per cent intern-t. upon im- proved FarIrInn. The I’Mgncy’can. be obtained as soon as the property, line boon valued. and too title has been approved of. "l’he‘ Forms of application and other ilforvn- ation apply'to », I , I - A. R. ROCHE. L . Malacca. 'Wellington Street. near John Street. - . Toronto. December 90. 1860. I . 109-6 PnosPhc'rUfl . NEW AN 15 IMPROVED MAP OF OUR]? QO'UNTRY! THE undersigned. l'r'ojector and Publisher of Descriptive Maps of tho Popnlous and Wealthy Counties of Norfolk. Oxford, Brunt, llalton. York, and Ontario, (all of which have ibeou Favorava Nation! by the City and Country Prous,) Proposesto Publish. Drawn to a Large Scale. oithor 20 mil.- go 3 inch". or ‘ miles to one inch,â€"- V A Topographical. Statistical.&. Illustrated .MAP 0F UPPER CANADA! iExhibiting the Great Lakes, Harbors and ‘ Ports; Canals, Rivers. and Principul Mill , Stroains ; the Railways. Railway Stations. and ’Stagc Routes in connection therewith: tho Post Offices, Money Order Ofï¬ces, and Tole- grnpli Stations, as shown on the Map prepared i by order of the Post Mautor Gouoral. by John i Down, Esq., Post Ofï¬ce Inspector : the gene- iral Boundaries, Counties, County Towns. Cities, Towns, and Villages. with tho pzincipal ' ‘or most direct Roads connecting them . the I'opulntion of each City, Town, Township. t and Incorporated Village in the Province ; l and other Important and appropriate Informa- tion, compiled front tho Census and Itutinticnl 5 Returns of the present your? ' ILLUSTRATED By well executed Views of the Cities of Ot- l tnwn, Kingston, Toronto, Hamilton, and Lou- ‘idon ; a View of the Falls of Niagara : who a iView of the Niagara Suspension Bridge, ac- Also iViown of Provincial Buildingsâ€"the 'Now lHounco-of ParliamutttWthe Normal School. iOngoodo Hall. Trinity College, and the To- ironic University. the list, said by competent iJndgen to be the FinanhBuilding ofitu Clo. 'i in America. . - . IF ENCOURAGED To accomplish this lmpiirtant Work,_the Map l (Size, including a.Bordei-...t'orrned by a tasteful 'i arrangement of the Emblem; of Canada. at {least 6 foot. from East talking, is ‘4 to I fest it’roin North to‘South,) “Will be completed, are, l in from three to ï¬ve years. .' . .r ., ‘ II ANTICH’ATIOH ‘iOf aGoneral Patron a, the Price has been lporma-nemly ï¬god'nt, 1'8, arm A~HAIJ Doao' Jan. payable (only) an dolivsry of the Map fin Good Odor-Ind flï¬adition, handsomely Colored, Varnith .and,»llonnted. a Put npifor tho Pockctat $6.00. I Gcoitct; c. Tsunami. " . Toronto, Janna-y. i N OTIC E. ‘LL Pmlulndebted-.to the Subuerihor. pro- \ visits to JnMJSGI. and whose ac. counts I?" still unpaid. an. hereby notified that if the same is not uttlod within one month i from this date, they 'will be put into Court for [collection - i WILLIAM TRENCH. non.- t Elgin Mills. January 24. 1861.. “9‘3 Stray Horse. AME into tho'Promisos of the Subscriber Lot No. I". hid concession Whitchurchi , on or lbq‘ttt the lath'of December last, i .1 Chcnsnut IIaroe, ; With a white star on its forehead, wh'it- him! i foot, spavinod in one leg. and one of his hips iprovo property, pay expenses and take him l away. R . I . I I lCNAl‘D (lofts Y. Whltchnrcli‘ Feb. 7, IBM. i ' LI 1163. (whiny. In. as. into. 1’41 ‘A CARD» ’. V C- KEELE. Earp. .oftho City 0 onto. has opened an ofï¬ce in tho Vil- Iago ofAurora for the transaction of Common Law and Chancery Business, also. Convoyv ancitig executed with correctness and dolpntok Division Courts attended. Wellington St. Aurora. & Qnooynlt. Toronto November 20. 1'60. ’ 1.4-†A Novelty in the. ArtIWox-ld! PIDTOGRAPHY UPON" PORCELAIN l Bocurod by‘lettsru patent in “10- United States, England France. and Belgium. ' â€".â€".â€" 1le Alllchi “rloroo’itfnnie roncuarn o... ~ Io. 781 Broadway, low York; having secured their novol Ian'd ingenious invert- ' 'tion by American and European patents, are fully prepared to execute all orders for I“ liaiaturo Likeness" of Persons. on China. ' . Q. ‘ presenting all the attractivé'nnd advant‘a‘nous features of ordinary protographs. the brilliaucy and ï¬nish ofa water- color drawing. and a bio. thortn nnattained quality of durability. by being tendered an iinperinltnble as the natural propor- triu of the articles upon which they are transferred. 7 As the patented process of tho Company on- nbles the reproduction of Photographs, not only on plain surfaces, but upon such as are round or of any degree of irre clarityâ€"portraits can be reproduced with fault ens accuracy,and delicacy of delineation, upon Porcelain wares of any description and dimension used as articles of luxu’ry, or of household utility, such as Um. Vases, Breakfast Cups, Toilet I _ Articles, &c.; thereby securing faithful portraits and furnishing a unique and exquisite style of ornamentation of articles in domestic uso. . In order to furnish facilities for tho gratifica- tion of the popular taste, and to meet the wants of those patrons of tho Fine Arts desirous of having Portraits on Porcelain. the Company have imported from Europe a collection of an- perior porcelain goods, manufactured to thoii own order. which they sell at cost prices. As tho American Company are owners of tho patent right, niid consequently the only persona authoriusd to use the process. they have dotor- rninod, in order - A To aflord People in Iovory'sootioa of the ,- Union ‘~ an opportunity to possess - Portraits on Chino, l to, snake the following proposition to I ‘ union" in nu: court'rnv. was an "an: 1-0 Vlll'l' PIRIONALLY THE ATELIIR AND CAL- 'I.ERIEG IN NEW YOR‘. Persons sending a photograph, umbrotypo,or daguorrootype to the ofï¬ce of,Itho Cot-puny in Noonrk. accompaniedby , rivn nonuns ! will receive its return by express, free of ether charge. a arc-tr onxininino nnuaxvan‘ we no ‘aaoc'nu, wt-rn run rottumtr raunvnnnnn ' 'rnnnon. By transmitting a daguorrnotvpo and run nonun- t they will secure in like manner, _ a Human: ranc- vun on TOILI‘I’ AI‘HILI, with the portrait reproduced byth. patontod process. By loading a pair of daguorrootypss und‘ rinaliv Donna: ! they will receive in return a rain or nicn snvnu vans. with the portraits executed equal to miuiuturo paintlngs: and. in llko monitor. portraits on be reproduced on porcelain wares or vans or nvlnv enact-rt or ttltu. rangin‘ in price from ‘ swan" to own nouns-o notsa'u run run N.B.-«Bo particular in writiitl the “iron town, county and State. distinctly. All letters to be addressed to “ Marta-nit. Anunicsn Pnoroonirnio Pou- anatit 00..†781 Bnoanwn an Yoxx. New York. Oct. 9, two. 93.3.. I lllllll until? Trio-pliant Success of Opposi- tion to High Prices. 11. Bord. do 3:30., KG .910 state to the Public. that ull who wont to save money can do no by pur~ ' aha-in; GOODS at ' Their New Establishment In this place. - Their Unprecido'itodI Binoc- ounblgs thorn, to offer STILL enemas innucnt‘niv'rs : Their Stock in heavy, comprising ovary do. ocripticn of Seasonable Goods. I ' Over Goals from $5. Coarse Boots‘from $2.50. Ivory class of Goods equally low. In oncss Goons. . CLoTns,I cor‘roks, . BLANKITS. Will ho" found GREAT - BARGAINS : With, a liberal discount for Cash. 'BUFFALO ROBES! ~ crinAr. In tho MlLLlNERY whut vou would luv. to pay ‘7' for thu‘y will sell for-"5, as proved by many who buy their ' commons. Monsanto's. CAPES; &c. I ' All orders in this lino Punéthally attended to, and got up in the Newest Style. ' Highest Prize‘for Produce A136 tho highont price in Cash for WHEAT, PORK 8: BARLIY, unis" ire sure of .â€".â€". iii. rosult. . ' Inifuct or: B‘OO’CANH .. _,, c’gn ‘ T 3. THE Subscriber begs to returnhis thanks to his numerous Friends and the Public, and Would inform them that he has greatly increased his STOCK, and has now on hand a very *- iiiu .iitiiiiii Ill tutu t unit l' ’I‘TORNEY-AT : LAW. SOLICITOR ‘Ofevcry description and style, such as : Men’s Coarse, Kip. and Call Boots, Boy’s and Youths" Kip. and Calf Boots, Women and Cliildren’InI Boots and Shoes of every variety of style ; also, a. large quantity‘ auauuoustunuusus MOCCASSINS & OVERSHOES. _ , he has on hand all that is wanted to adorn oviprotect‘the feetï¬cf fur-any weather or any IcasOn, .whiok he is prepared to Sell at the m... Lowssr IREMU-NERATIVE “PRICES FOR Casu- Those requiringa really good Article, at a Cheap Price, aro reapcctfunv“ requ-stcd to .u. 1. _r_tt thee orrost'i‘n Tiin Giiauuan upcuoor. nousn, RICHMOND niLL. Richmond Hill, Dee... l4, lSGQ. iii prnniuntéiuujim "Qjï¬lilllliï¬bttttttl,I_ ilirlgmunti I ‘ E has always on hand the Largest and kept in any Country'ISliop, and at a get than in Toronto ,and’flto is" I ' ‘ ‘ shortest HEAI’ BOOT a; sum; sun-RE. $27222... w, 7-. . ...'_' . .__'. 2121:: .3 .. 3.1:: :17:;T‘::::TII. mutt iii uni innit ohm], description and, variety of Mountings ‘o to I :w. H." MYERS’ prici‘oic. .. 107.2..1... l full. Best Assortment of GOODS that is over‘ much less prico then it is possible for: to 7 JAMES HALL, Pro a. always ready to MAKE TO ORDER, onstko- notice, SINGLEAND DOUBLE HARNESS Saddles, Bridles, an. .1,- ALL COLLARS '_ ARRANTED TO GIVE SATISFACTIO of every description. " n Cash for lHIDES and SKINS. . fr PA’I‘TERSONS’ PLOUGIIS and SHARES CONSTANTLY ON HAND. All: Work Warrainted. _ Call, Examine and See for yourselves been purchasing elsewhere. Richmond Hill, June 19, 1860. . IJI IMM .ENSE i) RY iithODS." G‘l-ly. NE‘VW goons-i ‘ nrrtteoumn . .IS, .UST OPENING-OUT AN “‘5‘ STOCK-z! GROCERIES,‘ HARDWARE, EC. NTEnTAtNING the opinion that's Autumn and very largnftrado will be donoiduriag the inter, be has made ample provision for supplying his customers Goods of every descrtptiOn will be Sold at a MODERATE ‘ ADVANCE ON COST PRICES! M 013» A Choice-- supply 01 RS. All parties whose Notes and Accounts uro new duo, to make provisions for them. Richmond Hill, September 15, 1860. .- 8 T RA YE D AMI into the l‘romi-on of tho Subscriber ' Lot No. 30. Ind concession Markham, B White 'Bteerfll Abouttho 15th of November. 'Tho'Ownor is requested to take them away. *on proving pro' 1 d avin char on... p", m P ' I (induct: STEPHENSON. Markham. December 7. 196?. 106-3 b“..-_.._ mm-“M.~_-_~_~.-s__. CHEAPER T'HAN'E'vER'z HE Subscriber begs to inform his numerous patrons and the public thsthe is prepared to make 3001:! Choc. .fovery' stvlo and description, at the lowest ponio‘lo remuneratng prices. All work war- ranted to give on‘tiro satisfaction. . -, W,.fl. MARTIN. Cook’s Hill, Vaughn, ,1 ‘1‘ December 7. " Provincislli‘nd «Surveyor. nicnn‘niln litL, c.w-. Docs-bar “(18593 '" 1'- ' ' 1074 A- MA'RSLB‘ Ar TTORN BY. AT-LAW. SOLICITOR in Chancery. Convoyanoor, kn. Maia Itroot. Markham 'Villago. ' love-bur 2!. 18“) I Land dc Saw Mill For Sale. 1 0 Acres of prime landâ€"30 acres cleared composed of tho West‘half of Lot No, 7, intlio 2nd Connlof Uxbridgo, Countv Omnrio ; togethor with an excellent Saw Mill. and two good Dwelling Houses, with outâ€"o5- ces theroon. - . Also 7 acres adjoining, composed of the front part of Lot No, 6. in the'namo concession. The above property is healtlifnlly and de- llghtfully situated in a pleasant lbcality, and in v one of the oldest and boat settled townships in: the County of Ontario. It is within 2 miles of the village of Stouï¬'vllle. about .1 from Uxbridgo Village, and 20 miles from the Town of Whitby. the capital or thé County of Ontario. ' ‘ Cull. Titleindispntabla. Apply to JOSEPH KELLER. Esq.. - V ' Richmond Hill. llllll ll “Ill ass-1y TR GEO. MQ'PIHUILLIPS, milod ' The property; will be‘ sold vii-y cheap for' MOURNING (2001);. are respectfully requested; . K. I". 95792 . HI Proprietor of tho “ You HERALD†begs to acquaint his numerous friends- and the public generally that on has ~. Removed ins Printing once 70 TH- NEW HOUSE ADJOINlNG, Two docrn further ll)rlh, when. by increased facilities. he will be prepared to [stop work with the utmost expedition, and with every attention to the wishes of hiacustomoru. - .. " HoraldԠOfï¬ce, Richmond Hill. July 90. 1860. ._...â€"â€"__..._.~, " What pleasure can exceed 2†I " Tho nmoking oftho Wood- ’ 1 our l'nre. fresh. Good sail .l‘ino' flavorad ' ' *i At hand ta. 3d. the but over oï¬'orodi. WM. 3. POLLOCK’S, (Late G. A. Ritual-dis), Ric-loan Hitt. .. 104;! 1 November 82. 1360. rut: mom I ' 1'4)“ Medical & Toilet Receipt Book HIS Book. contains _Rd2ipeo bud Direction; for making all lhb mili- v‘aluahlo Medical: preparations in use; nlsd. Recipes and full no explicit directlohs for making all the most .po- pular and useful Cosmetics, Perfumes. Ungua, etit’n. Hillr Rbstnritiv‘o's, and all ’l‘oilet Articles: 1! you are suffering with any chronic discs-o4: if you wish a beautiful complexion. »a'~ï¬no head of liiir. a smooth face. a elm skin, a. luxuriant board or moustacheâ€"ox. if you wish. to know anything and everything in or“. Medical and Toilet lino. you should. by villi moans. peruse a copy of this book. For full particulars. and a sample of the work for per. anal, (free.)_ address the publish“. T. F. CHAPMAN. ‘ No. 881 Broadway, INow York. For Sale, Cheap, irons: and it won't sumo mi... and mag. m, o. to nit-note KELLER. cos, mm... a.-. 7 H . “3 t " ~ ‘ T - . .p _ n V ’ .. “All: . Dm'm’ 7- Wt Scruner :9, 1m. if" :23; '13:: '3‘ “m m 4 . -. - ‘. - .' . - .. . N r . l . ’ i ' . i I -