Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 22 Feb 1861, p. 3

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r t if. 7 ...-. .15. no.4; 'n'. 1-'5~4~_..':s -’.r.' vi -:'.- ;' 's ‘ - menu- a. w-.. _____a_. ' , .T HE NORTII YORK FEED. Fromltbe Leader’s Correspondence. SIR,--Wliile persuing the columns of the daily Globe of Friday last, my attent- ion was attracted to the. great reform demonstration meeting of North York in honor of the member, Adam Wilson, Esq, 1"].1’. I Was astonished, and somewhat '1' amiISed, at the enormous and exaggerated statements of it; it commences by saying, "there was over one hundred and fifty Sleigh? and cutters in the procession; if they had said fifty and left out the hundred they would have come inucli nearer to the truth; and also that there was OYer six hundred true and honest min sat down to dinned. I am not wishing to question the honor and honesty of the guests, but but it is the numbers that astonish me. IVliat benefit can there be in making statements that are not correct. I can safely Say that not half the mumbcr were present. As a ' subscriber to the Globe I place great con- fidence in the truth and correctness of the accounts found in its columns, but Icannot believe them, when I know them to be iii- correct, and T fortunately happened to he an eye witness to the demonstration, and therefore can with all confidence contrislict the statements. They however omit giving us an account of the manner they treated a great number of the well to do farmers and others, (the real bone and sinew of the country) as they laudany term them, who were not able to attend the dinner, and wished to hear some of the speeches from the talented gentlemen. But no, they could not obtain admittance, without pay- ing the paltry fee of tivelve and a hall cents, bone and sinew as they were, and the most stern supporters. Thus were they treated; debarred from hearing their own member speak, after the unremitting ex- ertions tlii-r had used to return him. By giving the above an insertion 1'] your val- uable paper you Wlll greatly oblige, Yours, A RESIDENT AND LOVER or TRUTH. PS. It seems to be a paying operation making reform dinner, as they charged their own supporters fifty cets for the tick- ets, and paid the purveyor thirty-seven and 'a half; thus the nett profits, according to their own statements would be seventy-live dollarsflquite a handsome sum. LARGE IIAUL OF STOLEN PROPERTY " --CA1"1'URE OF A RAILROAD T111151“ From the Globe of W’ednesday . Within the past three months a large quan- tity of goods of various descriptions have been stolen from the promises of the Grand Trunk Railway W lixrf The police authorities have been informed from Company. Queen’s time to time ofthe robberies, and although De- ‘Iective Colgan has boon busily engaged mak- ing enquiries for several weeks, it was not till yesterday that lie was rewarded for his trouble, by bringing to light a largo quantity of stolen property. I’i'oiii certain circumstances which came to his knowledge Colgan was induced to apply for a wart-eat to search the preiiiimxs of Win. Armstrong. nigut fureinaii, locomotive department, Queen’s Wharf. The Police Ma- gistrate granted the warrant, and Colgnii :ic companied by Constable Jones of the Grand Trunk, visited Armstrong’s house on Douro Street. one o’clock yesterday, they found Armstrong “'lien they entered the house. about in bed, They informed his wife that they had a warrant to search the premises, when she told them to search away that there was no stolen Armstrong got out of Colgan, however, kept "property in the house. bed and went outside. his eye on him and saw him throw a firkin of butter over the fence into the adjoining yard.â€" He next pitctclied over i keg of whiskey and then a number ofrailway signal lamps. These ho had taken out of a. shed in the roar, where . they had been concealed under a quantity of straw. Colgaii stepped up and informed him that he was a detective, and that he had a warrant for his arrest for robbing the Grand Trunk Com- ' patty. Armstrong did not reply. no doubt thinking the “ game” was up. Colgan stated that itwas his intention to search the premises, as he had reason to believe that there was a large quantity of stolen property concealed VVliilo he was returning into the house somewhere. narch if be pleased, but that he knew nothing \about stolen property. Colgan and Jones then Armstrong ieplied that he might went to work and made a complete overhaul of I the promises, when they brought to light a quantity of stolen property suflicicnt to fill a large cart. and almost enough for the stock-inâ€" trude of a country general merchant. The goods found iticludeo firkins of butter, chests of ten, kegs of whiskey, oil cans, boxes of candy, boxes of starch. boxes of soap, boxes of candles boots and shoes, signal lamps. flannel, brushes, table cloths, oil cloths, toilet soap, buttons, and a. large variety of small wares. The goods were taken possession of by the officers, and a cart being procured, they along with the prio loner were brought to the City Hall Police Station. The prisoner Armstrong has hitherto enjoyed a good reputation, and had a salary of about $50 per month as night foreman of the locomotive department. A descendant of Luther, the German Reformer, resides in the city of New York. The New York Times says°â€"Mr. C. Luther, a lineal descendant of the great ‘ . luvsâ€"me": urn-1.". .'.- ‘7. ,:;».. muons. n A. ‘ .,'.. ., ,, -,_,.-. _,,.;,~‘, fl,“ y M 7; 4 1 Tim UNiTED STA'rEs’ CENSUS or 1860 â€"‘l‘he Governor of the State ofNew York, in his annual message,cominunicates the aggregate of the last‘national census of the United States, as furnished to him (subject to final correction) by the Secreâ€" tary of the Interior. The total population numbers 31,374,856, classified as follows: Free population of the 33 States, 27.112000, slaves in the same 3.878,000, people of the territories (including,r Kansas) 381,856. l'otal, 31.3744 856. The census of 1850 was 23,191,074, so that the increase in ten years is 8,183.782. Increase per annum 818.378. Per cent- agc of increase in the decade, 35. Advices from Montcrcy, Mexico, an- nounce that Mejia had entered the town of' Iiowrdeabout forty miles from San Luis, at the head oftwo thousand men, and that he butchered two hundred men who de- fended the place, sacked. pill-aged, and burned the houses. and returned to the mountains. The little defensive force, especially the officers. contested every inch of ground, but had to yield at last. 'l‘lionsands of families have been reduced to complete ruin and misery. Vengeance is loudly called for, and Governor Dob- lado had sent two thousand men into the mountains to punish the terOcious Mejia. A dose of medicine, composed of ‘2 lbs. of camphor dissolved in three gallons of whiskey, was given to Van Ambiirg’s ele- phant IIanibal, the other day. This dose is about. equal to twenty drops of the. same mixture to a human being. Ot' whiskey Hannibal is extravagantly fond. Sarah Jane Lewis, a Canadian, was en- gaged as a vocalist at the (i‘raieties Con- cert Sallonn, New York, and though but sixteen years of age, was the principal Stlp- port of a wulowed mother and three young sisters. IVliile singing on the stage, on the 811i instant, her dress caught tire at the foot llzllls, and the injuries she receiv- ed resulted in death. Biiilget McNamara, of Peterboro, on the night of Saturday Week, gave her inâ€" fant child so much lauilanuin to sooth it that it died. As there was no proofofi criminal intent the jury did not commit the woman. A man, named Olinan, was engaged oiling a locomotive while in motion on the Great IVestern Railway, ncut' Hamilton, on 'l‘liursday night. Unfortunately he missed his footing and falling beneath the wheels Was instantly killed. The TVit/ir‘ss is informed by a gentle- man who saw it. that a meteor, like a ball of fire, about the size of the moon at full. descended with great VPIOCl'y, almost perpedicnlarly, apparently over the south end of Montreal on Friday night, about eleven o’clock. The Hudson Bay llousc in Motreal has been purchased for the Congregational \liins for the sum of £33050. They will take POS~8>$TOII on I'm- 1st of May, and im» inedi itly commence educational avocalit‘ns. if;‘:_:’_:::‘_'. r ...::,;::::.‘S‘:.::::. DIED. On VVodnesdiiy, the 20th February, inst., at his residence, on Lot No. 2t), on the '1111 concession of Maikliam, fliciuv CLARKSON. Esq. J.f’ , after a short illness, aged 59 years. ‘ilr. (,‘lailiuon was one of the oldest inhabitants of Markham ; he was a Magistrate of the County of Yotk for many years, and as such was much esteemed; as a friend, acitizen and a neighbor, he fits funeral will take place on Sunday next, the 24th .- as deservedly beloved. inst, at the hour of 10 o’clock. a.m.. from his residence to the place of interment, the Brick Chapel, Biittonvillo, on theidth concession of Markham. vited to attend without further no ice. Friends and acquaintances are iii- mm. tomato iii IiiiéEi‘Ef THURSDAY, February, '21. Fall VVIioat,â€"-30lltl bshls was the extent of the supply which soldat the following prices. The prices paid for the best samples were trom $1 10 to 31 1‘2 :-or bshl. Spring Wheat -â€"-1,‘250 bslilsin market, which sold at from $0 8.3 to $0 91) per bshl. Barloy.â€"sold at from 45 to 50c. Peas.â€"â€"150 bsliln went off at 53 and 58c per bshl. Oatsâ€"at 26 and 27c per Ilslll.’ Hayâ€"is from $10 to $14 per ton, $8 per ton. Elwinâ€"Superfine No. 1 sold at $4 70 to $4 75, No 1, $4 to 80: Fancy (Spring) $4 75 to $4 St): Fancy (Fall) $5 10 ; to $5 25: Extra, $5 to $5 (it) ; Double Extra, $5 75 to $6 00. Butter. ~I‘resli is in fair supply at from 17c to 180 per lb. Porkâ€"is in fail request, For Hogs averaging 160 lbs 554 '25 and $4 75 has been paid, and those averaging 2 )0 lbs $5 and $6 LIDâ€"tho latter being the extreme figure. Applesâ€"Common varieties $1 and $1 ‘25 barrel. Better grades $1 50 and $2 barrel. E "gs,-â€"Fresli from wagons 17 to 250 perdozen. Potatoesâ€"~Now vary in price from ‘20 to 25c. Sheepâ€"arc in demand at from $4 59 to $5 each. ' Lambsâ€"are plentiful at. from $2 50 to $3 each. Calvesâ€"are in good supply at $4 to $5 each. Beef-Hidosâ€"$4 00 per 100 lbs. Sheep and lamb Skins $1) 75 each. Call‘skins 10¢. per 1b, Tallow, $7 per 109 lbs MW,MA x», An. WMAAAAAA- A .\ wM-AWM SPECIAL NOTICES. WWW MORE LIVES LOSI'. Parents WILL buy McKenzie’s Dead Sho; Worm Candy. Children WILL out, and the WORMS WILL die. It only costs 15 cents Straw $6 to per Reformer, has published a lithograph of 0 try it ; after you have tried, buy 4 packages the geneolozical tree of the Luther family or half a-dollar. a copy of which is before us. The name of Luther is a claim upon the sympathies of Christians of all denominations. Mr. Luther. with a family dependent on him for support, is incapable by serious bodily in- juries from manual labour, and has taken this course to obtain a sufficient sum to start him in some business which will give him a livelihood. The cost of the litho- graph is a trifle. It is a valuable memento of a man whoos name is linked by a thous- and bonds to the cause of Christianity and its purchase commends itself to these who would do that name honour by a kindness to the survivor bearing it A man of the name of John Hall was found dead about a week Since in the house in which, he was the only occupant. in the township ofAnson. He was sup- posed to have. been dead five or six days pronous to discovery. See advertisement in another column. To Consumptives. TIE Advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a Very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consun'iptioiiâ€"is anxious to make known to his fellowâ€"sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copv of the prescription used ifree of charge), with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sonic (‘nnic Fen Consumption, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, See. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted. and spread information which he concoivos to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Pa-tios wishing the prescription will please address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, VVilliamsburgh, Kings County, New York D‘Cemi’" go» 1560' L‘i 'a}: .3, "‘>-‘flt. “‘2‘: ‘E: i"h’.;d . new”! ‘ - i h V > " \MMI - - . 131 RT”. At Richmond Hill, on the (lib inst , the wife of Robert Harsh, E‘qu J.P., of ii daughter. 19.2w fionextiumwm. TOBIAS DOLMAGE IS SELLING First-class CALF SKIN BO0TS,; FOR Four DoIlars!‘ \Vnrraiited his own make. Richmond Hill, Feb 2‘), 1861. lI 7-tf LATE 01“ THE PRINCE OF WALES’ THEATRE, TORONTO i FOR GIVE 1V1 G11 T OJVL Y. 1 THE GREAT Cool Burgesa’ E’I‘HIOPIADI OPE RA ’I‘ROUPE Having been induced to come here by several leading families cf this vicinity to give one Grand Entertainment,. A: ANNOLn’s l1.ii.i., AURORA, on ‘Vodnosdny evening. the 97th inst. and at Aunt icu’s HALL, RicHMonn IIii.i. on Thursday the 28th instant. This Troupe has been playing at the Prince of \ancs Toronto, with the Greatest Success ft» the last two weeks. Their Per-l , stocked with fiuit trees. \ .. -. .l. . . young...“ :iw Farm for Sale on Yoiigc Street, i 13 Miles from Toronto, EING composed gEastquartor ofLot No. 39. in Int coucessian of Vaughan. con- ,siiiting of 50 acres. all cleared. The Land is of the best description, without a rod being either waste or broken ’ There are on the premises a good Dwelling- Iiouse, :1 Well of hard water, Biicb Cistern, and other conveniences, with Lawn containing ornamental treosand Garden attachedâ€"well Also, Tenant's house in the rear of dwelling house, Willi Bar it, New Stable, Sheds, &c. For further particu‘arc apply [if by letter post-paid! to G. J. F. PEARCE. Richmond Hill, P.O. Richmond Hill. Jan. 24, 1961. 112-4. T ‘ i‘ 1‘ 0'1 ICL. , LL Parties indebted to the Subscriber, pre- Vieus to January 1661, and whose ac- counts are still unpaid, are hereby notified that if the same is not settled within one month from this date, they will be put into Court for cohecdou WILLIA M TRENCII. sen. Elgiu Mills. January 24. 1661. 112-3 “ THE LEADER,” ‘ The Patriot’ and ‘News of the Week’ IIE favor with which The Lead" has been received by the Public may be judged by the fact that since its commencement. in July '1852. it has steadily increased in circulation until, in its various Editions, it has sxvniui. THOUSAND more subscribers than any other paper in Canada. Every exertion is being used forinaiice consists ofall tlio choicest Songs, Dances, Farces, Plantation Scan", 35c. Price of adini scion to all parts of Hall 25m. Doors open at Sevoiif Performance to com- menus at a quarter to Eight. Front Seats reserved for Ladiu and Gentle- men accompanying tliem, No .pustpouemon on account of the weather. DP. N, J. PEC'K, fi‘urgeon Dentist; Rospectfhlly announces that he will be at v t ,;'i - o Nichol s note], Richmond Hill, On the Qnd Monday of each month, at BICIK’S P10 TEL, filaple. On the Tuesday following, X T IIERE he will be happy to wait on those requiring his services in any branch of his profession. I‘eetb insortedon Gold l’lnteuum. Vulcan- ized Rubber, cr Continuous Cum on Platennm, The latter bring the most beautiful tooth now in use. Dr. PECK has all the advantaan ofthe Profession. both in the States and Canadas,‘ having formerly been connected with Dentists in New York; he now receives direct from them evorv iiiiprovonicnt of the Profession throughout the Unite-.1 Suites. Pariicnlar attention given to the Regulation of Children's 'I'eotli. Consultation Free. All letters addressed to liim at Aurora prom- ptly attended to. Aurora, Feb. 90, 16.61 ‘ 117-1y FAILS é" SAP BUCKETS. f ‘IIE Subscriber. in returning thanks for 1 past fnvo s, begs to inform the Farming community and the Public generally that he has on hand a large suppr of superior Sap Buckets and Pails W'liicli he will sell at very low prices. Those who are in want, ofany of the above can have them on applying to Mr. Pauxun CROsBY. Richmond Bill. or to the subnciibor, Lot No. 11, 2nd Con. R‘Inl'kllfltll, if by post prepaid ad- dreswd Buttonville, JOHN AMOSS. Markham, Feb 30, 1860. 117-41) T {Y IT. TRY IT. Iiigram’s Iiifaiabie Liiiiiiiciit A CERTAIN . Swellino‘s, Arc. Relieves the Bruises, a Toothache, Ne-iialgia, and Tic Dolereaux.â€"â€" This Liiiiinent has been used and its cfficacv proVed in hundreds of cases, and never failed to izvo relief. Prepared and Sold by JOS. INGRAM, Village of Maple, Vaughan township. 116 Remedy for Rheumatism, February 14. 1861 . lW‘.HJ§"TEII, BOY, as an Apprentice to the Printing Business, about 15 or 16 years of ago.â€" He must possess a. fair English education.â€" Apply immediately at this office. “ York Herald” r"'ftice, Richmond Hill, Jan. 18, 1861. Letters Remainingin RICHMOND IIILL PostOffice FEBRUARY 1, :61. Anderson, M. Brennan, P. Bran, James Lawrie, John Mnlliollnitd Peter McFarlan, Daniel Bruce, Jno McCloske-y, Mr, Baker, Samuel MacBetli. Andrew Secretary of RichmondPlavter, James Lodge I’rickrim, Francis Brillinger, G. Pickram, Frank Chrisholm. J. Patten. Isaac Donor, Emanuel [3] Patton, Alexander Deogier, J. B. Park, Wm. E. Ellston, B. Robiiismi.Robort Eyer, David Jr. Ross, Mark Frank, Miss M. Rutherford, John Gi‘eaves, Levi Scott, Thomas Gordon. Thomas Smith, Miss H. Gilmour, James Todd, Alexander Harris, J. Trench, William jun. Helmkay, John Wilson, P. Hnslop, John Williams, Jacob G. Jolintson, R. W. Williams, Joseph Jackson, John Williams, John Lawrence, Miss E, M, TIEFY, 1M. Jilr. S. .7". J.ER VIS, BARRISTER-AT-LAW AND SOLICITOR’. 1N CHANCERY, Office removed to Gas Company’s Buildings, Toronto Street. Toronto, January 9, 1851. Ill-Sm JIOJVE It“. f 113 CANADA AGENCY Associnion of Lon- don, England, are prepared to negociate Loans, at EIGHT per cent interest, upon im- 5 proved Farms. The Money can he obtained as soon as the property has been valued, and i the title has been approved of. The Forum of application and other inform- ation apply to A. R. ROCH E. Manama, Wellington Street. near John Street. Toronto. 199â€"5 to make it more and more tndispouiblo for every family in the Province. THE DAILY LEADER Is published every morning, in time for the early trains, at Six DOLLARS per annum. in advance. It in a large sheet. null contains the earliest and most ieliable intelligence that can be obtained from every part of the world. TUE SEMI-WEEKLY EEADER. la published on Tuesdays and Fridays. at THREE DOLLARS a year in advance. It con- tninn all the reading matter of the " Dailv Lea- der” ; and for parties who do not reside near enough to I Post Office to call every day. this paper will supply them with all the intelligence they could receive from a Daily. 'I'IIE WEEKLY LEADER 18 published every Friday. and “ The Patriot” and the “ News of the Week" are published every Wednesday, at the rate of ONE DOLâ€" LAR in advance} These papers are printed on a large shoot, and contain the most impor- tant matter of the “ Daily Leader.” Market Reports are particularly attended to in them.â€" Tliesc are the Cheapest Papers in the Pro- Vinces. One dollar a your in added to each Edition when not paid in advaiico. TO ADV ER'I‘ISERS. The large circulation of -‘ The Leader makes it the very best medium of publishing noticos of any kind. Rates--F‘or Dailyâ€"Four pence a line, for first insertion. and one penny each subsequent gnsortiou. It'or VVockliesâ€"six peace a line for each insertion Cleared Farm for Sale. OT 6. 7 and 8, iii the 12th Concession. Division 6, iii the Township of Guelph, in the County of Wellington, are offered for sale, Eiruuu in Two Faums of 15'!) acres each, or will be sold Au. Tociz'ruen 311.! Acres. 0 which 170 Ares are cleared, and in a high state of cultivation. The land is distant about §a mile from a first-rate Gravellod Road, and about 8 miles from the town of Guelph [on the Grand Trunk Railway,] one of the bestiiiarket Towns in Upper Canada. Offers to be addressed, [if by letter postpaid] to EDWARD E. \V. HU‘itD, Barrister. Office. No. 3 Jordon St. Toronto, or Residenceâ€"169 Church St., Toronto. Toronto, Fob 7, 1861. llSâ€"flt. NEW AND IMPROVED MAP OF OUR COUNTRY! HE undersigned. l'rojector and Publisher of Descriptive Maps of the Populous and Wealthy Counties of Norfolk. Oxford. Brant, Ilalton, York, and Ontario, (all of which have been Favorably Noticed by the City and Country Presa,) Proposes to Publish, Drawn to a Large Scale. either 20 miles to 3 inches, or 6 miles to one inch,â€" A Topographical. Statilticnl,& Illustrated MAP OF UPPER CANADA !' Exhibiting the Great Lakes, Harbors and Ports; Canals, Rivers. and Principal Mill Streams; the Railways, Railway Stations, and Stage Routes in connection therewith; the Post Offices. Money Order Offices, and Toleâ€" grnph Stations, as shown on the Map prepared by order of the Post Master General, by John [)owo, Esq, Post Office Inspector ; the gene- rnl Boundaries, Counties, County Tows, Cities, Towns, and Villages. with the pincipal or most direct Roads connecting them . the Population of each City, Town, Township, and Incorporated Villago in the Province; and other Important and appropriate Informa- tion, compiled from the Census and Statistical Returns of the present your. ILLUSTRATED By well executed Views of the Cities of Ot- tawa, Kingston, Toronto, Hamilton. and Lonv don; I. View of the Falls of Niagara: witn a View of the Niagara Suspension Bridge, ac- companied by a Description of it. Also Views of Provincial Buildingsâ€"the New Houses of Parliament, the Normal School, Osgoode Hall, Trinity College, and the To- ronto Univeisity, the last, said by competent (Judges to be the Finest Building ofite Class inAmoricn. IF ENCOURAGED To accomplish this Important Work, the Map (Size, including a Border formed by a tasteful arrangement of the Emblems of Canada. at. least 6 feet from East to West, >1 4 to 4% feet from North to South,) will be completed, iere, in from three to five years. IN ANTICIP ATION Of a General Patronage, the Price has been permanently fixed at FiVE AND A-HAIJ‘ DOL- LARS. payable (only) on delivery of the Map .in Good Order and Condition, handsomer Colored, Varnislied and Mounted. up f0i the Pockotat $6.00. GEORGE C. TREMAINE. Toronto, January. 186’1. 113= Put Stray Horse. AME into the Premises of the Subscriber Lot No. 14, .nd concession Whitcliurch’ on or about the lath of December last, .5! C'hessnut Horse, “’itb a white star on its forehead, white hind foot, spavinod in one leg, and one of his hips knocked down. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take him away. V , ‘ RICHARD Whitchurch, Feb. 7, 1551. VIrs" pvnfiLE‘i. , 11-3 9 ‘- L,. ' ,_.- . an. .nyy'.‘ «~:~- 1.», .1. TIMBER FOR_SALE, QUANTITY of STANDING TIM BER. Pine and Hardwood, for Sale, on Lot No.53, 1st concession Vaughan. For parti- culais apply to the Exocutors of the late '1‘. D. Campbell, on the premises. Richmond Hill, Nov.328. 1860. 105-6 Charles C. Keller, ATTORNEY-AT l LAW, SOLICITOR in Chancery, Conveyancer, &c. Office, in Victoria Buildings, over the Chronicle office, Brook Street Whitby. V Also a Branch Office in the village of Bea- vorton, Township of Thorah, and County of Ontario. . The Division Courts in Ontario. Richmond Hill, and Markham Village regularly attended. Whitby, Nov. 22, 1880. 1.4-1y A CARD- V C. KEELE, Esq, oftho City of Tor- . onto, has opened an oflice in tho Vil- Iago ofAurora for the transaction of Common Ww” 40...; :a- .iii': -, ...~. fin" . . - . ._.._,_-. ~. MAM. CH THE Subscriber begs to return his thanks to) his numerous Friends and the Public, and would inform them that he has greatly increased his STOCK, and has now on hand a very llllill lSlllli'l'llIllllT llll lllll'l‘l ti; llllll l Ofevery description and style, such as : Men’s Coarse, Kip, and Call Boots, Boy’s and Youths” Kip and Calf Boots, \Vomen and Children’s Boots and Shoes of every variety of style ; also, a large quantity of I MOCCASSINS & OVER SHOES, In fact, he has on hand all that is wanted toadorn or protect the Elegyâ€"- for any weather or any season, which he is prepared to Sell at the LOWBST REMUNERATIVE PRICES FOR GASI'E Those requiring a really good Article, at a Cheap Price, are respectfully -4-..“ Law and Chancery Business, also, Convey- requested to ancing executed wiili correctness and despatoh Division Courts attended. Wellington St. Aurora, .5: Queen St. Toronto November 20. 1560. 104-],- A Novelty in the Art. World! PEOTOGRAPHY UPON PORCELAIN! Secured by letters patent in the United States, England France, and Belgium. THE AMERICAN PHOTOGRAPH”? PORCELAIN 00., No- 781 BroadWay, New York. having secured their novel and ingenious inven- tion by American and European patents, are fully prepared to execute all ordersfor Miniature Likenesses of Persons on China, presenting all the attractive and advantageous ‘ features of ordinary protographs, the brillinncv and finiin ofn v ater color drawing. and 1: hi.- therto unattaiiied quality of durability, by being tendered as iinperishxblo as the natural propor- tries of the articles upon which they “are transferred. As the patented process of the Company on- ables the reproduction of Photographs, notonly on plain surfaces, but upon such as are round or of any degree of irregularityâ€"portraits can be reproduced with faultless accuracy,and delicacy of delineation, upon I’orcalaiii wares of any description and dimension used as articles of luxury, or of household utility, such as Urns, Vases, Breakfast Cups. Toilet Articles, &c.; thereby securingfaithful portraits and furnishing a unique and exquisite style of ornamentation of articles in domestic use. In order to furnish facilities for the gratificao tion of the popular taste, and to meet the wants of those patrons of the Fine Arts desirous of having Portraits on Porcelain. the Company have imported from Europe a collection of su- perior porcelain goods, manufactured to (bob own order. which they sell at cost prices. As the American Company are owners of the patent right, and consequently the only persons authorized to use the prOCCSS. they have deter- mined, in order To afford People in every section of the Union an opportunity to possess Portraits on China, to make the following proposition to RESIDENTS IN THE. COUNTRY, WHO ARE UNABLE TO VISIT PERSONALLY THE ATEIJFJ'! AND GAL. LERIES IN NEW YORK. Persons sending a photograph, ambrotype,oi' daguerrootype to the office of the Company in New York, accompanied by Fin: DOLLARS I will receive in return by express, free of ether charge, A RICHI.Y OIINAMEN'I ED BREAKI‘AST CUP AND BAUCER, “711‘” THE POR1 RAlT TRANSFERRRD THERI‘ZON. By transmitting a daguerreotvpe and TEN DOLLARS 1 they will secure in like manner, A HANDSOMF. FRENCH use on TOILET ARTICLE, with the portrait reproduced by the patented process. By sending a pair ofdaguerreotypel and “mum Dohnans 1 they will receive in return A PAIR or nicn sin-mas vases. with the portraits oxmcutod equal to miniature paintings; and. in like manner, portraits can be reproduced on porcelain wares or vases or nvxn! QUALITY or Vision, ranging in price from 'rwnurv To own HUNDRED DOLLAR: run run N.B.â€"Bo particular in writing the address, town, county and State, distinctly. All letters to be addressed to “ MANAGER, AMERICAN l’xorocnnmo Pon- cicLAtu Co.,” 781 BROADWAY New Yank. New York, Oct. 9, 1860. 98-3m. llllll llllllli ill 'I‘iiuinphant sitâ€"(Tim 0f Opposi- tion to High Prices. Ru w EC to state to the Public, that all who want to save money can do so by pur- chasing GOODS at Their New Establishment In this place. Their Unprecidettod Success enables them to ofi'ei' STILL GREATER INDUCEMENTS ! Their Stock is heavy. comprising every de- scription of Sensonablc Goods. Over Coats from $5. Coarse Bootsfrom $2.50. Every class of Goods equally low. In DRESS GOODS. CLO'I‘IIS, COTTONS. BLANKETS, Willbofound GREAT BARGAINS I With a liberal discount for Cash. BUFFALO ROBES 2 CHEAP. In tho MILLINERY what you would have to pay $7 for they will sell for $5, as proved by many who buy their BONNETS. IRIEANTEES, CAPES, ($50. All orders in this line Punctually attended to, and got up in the Newest Style. Highest I’ricwe‘for Produce Also the highest price in Cash for WHEAT, PORK & BARLEY, 11? Give us a Fair Trial and we are euro of the result. I and obli A A "Vita. notch: ‘3 “a a, --c. ' 164wâ€" C-‘v u“: .. gain In CALL at the CHEAP BOOT & SHOE STORE, OPPOSITE THE GRAMMAR SCHOOL HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL. JAMES HALL, Proprietom Richmond Hill, Dec. 14', 1860. 1012,”, *mmzâ€"f‘ m.;- _-. ‘ iii in, iii, lllll lilitl innit 1‘ Of every description and variety of Mountings go to w. H. MYERS’ intuition titanium @rtuhliabmmt, ltirlgmntth 3th”. E has always on hand the Largest and Best Assortment of GOODS that is over kept in any Country Shop, and at a much less price then it is possible for to get them in Toronto; and lie is always ready to MAKE TO ORDER, on the shortest notice, SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS. Saddles, Bridles; &c. of every description. COLLARS ARRANTED TO GIVE SATISFACTION. .a Cash for lHIDES and SKINS. S___.__ PATTERSONS’ PLOUGIIS and SHARES CONSTANTLY ON HAND. we ALL All Work W arrantgd. Call, Examine and Seefor yourselves beam purchasing elsewhere. )vICI'IIXIOI'Id Hill, June 19, 1860. 62-1y .i. K. ration IS UST OPENING OUT AN iMMENsE svooiii DRY GOODS, GPOCERIES, HARDWARE, 81.0. WNTERTAINING the opinion that a very large trade will be done during the 13 Autumn and inter, he has made ample provision for supplying his customers Goods of every description will be Sold at a MODERATE ADVANCE ON COST PRICES! â€"_â€".â€"â€"u- I {3:}: A Choice supply of MOURNING GOOD ! P 55 All p'II‘IIPS whose Notes and Accounts are now due, are respectfully requested ' ' i i . K. F. to make provisions for them. B ichmond IIill, September 15, 1860. 954 _._.....â€"..â€"~â€"â€".- 'lllll'llll Ill Illlllll. I’ HE Proprietor of the “ Yonx HERALD" he s to acquaint his numerous friends and the public generally that on has W...”â€" STRAYED AME into the Promise: of the Sn‘bscribor‘ C Lot No. 30. ‘2nd concession Markham, 2 White Steers : Aboutthe 15th of November. The Owner is requested to take them away, on proving prod partyaiidpayingtgggficlz STE,,,,ENS:,N3;.Reinnved his Printing Mice 1 (3- To THE Markham. December 7. 186?. w.“ NEW HOUSE ADJOINING, C E A R TA N E v E R ! Two docrs further nthli, where. by Increagg‘ lfacilitios. he will be prepared to get up work HE Subscriber begs to inform his numerous with the utmost expedition, and with 0v", pmmns and me pub“, “lathe is prepared attention to the wishes of his customers. to make “ Herald ” Office, I Richmond Hill, July 20, 1860. Boots and Shoes Ofevory ston and description, at the lowest possivlo romunorating prices: All work war- ranted to give entire satisfaction. W, H. MARTIN. IOS-Iy " What pleasure can exceed I” “ The smoking ofthe Wood' ‘ RY our Pure, Fresh, Good and 7an Cook’s Mill, Vaughan, flavornd December 7. 1860. '1' O B .A. C O O I At 15. and Is. 3d. the best ever offered. WM. 8. POLLOCK’S, GEO. McPHILLIPS, Provincial Land surveyof’i thnuoiw HILL, Qw- Docomber I4, 1860. 107" (Late G. A. Barnard’c), a- "â€"m N b 22 1860 Ricnnonn HiLL. ovum or . . 104- t. A. MAIRS, B- A- TTORNEY - AT-LAW, SOLICITOR in Chancery. Convoyancer, 616. Main! Street, Markham Village, November 22. 1860 THE AMERICAN 104-“ ‘ Medical & Toilet Receipt Book; , . finâ€"i , HIS Book cont ‘ R f ‘ ' .. Land dc Saw Mill For Sale. T for making aiiiii: niefifiiafdkiigifiiiifcii' Acres of prime landâ€"30 acres cleared . l." use i also. ReCIPeS and; full 3"" 10 compose d of the West half of Lot. l exphcn dlracllol's for making all the “WEI 1’" Na, 7, in the 2nd can, of Uxbridge, Comm, I Full” and Useful Cosmetics, Pei-fumes, Uingu. Ontario ; togother with a” cxeenem Saw Mm" , 6MB, Hair Restoratives, and all I'orlet Articles, and two good Dwelling Houses, with oupofli‘ i If you are suffering with any chronic disease... cos thereon. I if you Wish 8. beautiful complex-ion, a fin. Also 7 acme adjoining, compased on,” from {imide ligirpda smooth face, a clear skin, a part of Lot. No, 6. in the same concession. uxu'lam ea] or moustflCl’eâ€"or 'f 3‘“ mm The above property is Ileallllfull’alld de- llo know am’llmlg a.nd everythmg l“. lh‘ lightfully situated in a pleasant localifv, and in lMefhcal an}! Tmlel lme' y?“ Should' by all one ofthe oldest and best settled towiiships in medfls’, Pffluse 8‘ cop-l or ill” MOI“ For In” the County of Ontario. It is within 2g miles pamcuérb’ and a sample 09‘“? work {or 1”" ofthe village of Stoufi'villo. about 10 miles “Salimw'laddrm‘l‘el’ul’l'shtr- from Uxbridgo Village, and 20 miles from the T- F- CHAPMAN. Town of Whitby, the capital of the County of N°- 831 Broadway, NOW YOtk‘o Ontario. The property will be sold very cheap for Cash. Title indisputable. Apply to JOSEPH KELLER, Esq., Richmond Hill. For Sale, Cheap: HORSE and a LIGHT SPRING WA.- A Dr to FRANCIS KELLER, , GON. The Horse is rising 7 your. cm, i ’ “shaky, For particulars apply at this office. ‘4‘ " mini. um.- - u _ ,_ w fiemmbfi 20,1366 um Hm I?” Q in: f. . ‘ .. u». 1 1-4

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