Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 15 Mar 1861, p. 3

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UNIVERSITY QU ESTION. COSVENTION 01‘ TI! 'IORON‘I‘O AND lARRII DISTRICTS. .â€" According to the call of tho Chairmen of these Districts, the meeting of Ministers and -Lady-Delegates constituting the Convention, "was held in the Wesleyan Church. Richmond Hill. on Tuesday, March 5th, commencing at 11 o’clock, A.M. The Chairman of the Toronto District gave outa hymn, and after singing, the Rev. W. Philip, of Weston, engaged in prayer. On motion, Richard Woodsworth, Esq.,of Toronto,vtas called to the Chair. Thomas Nixon, Esq., of Newmarket, and the Rev Gifford Dorey of'l‘oronto, were appointed Secre- taries. Tho following ministers and laymen were reported from the several Circuits: Toronto Eastâ€"Rev. ll. Wilkinson, Rev. Wm. Scott, Mr. Thomas Storm; Toronto IVestâ€"Rev G. Dorey, Messrs. R. VVoodsworth, Thos. Mara, and A. Dredge; thgc St. Southâ€"Reva. J. W. McCoJum and R. Fowler; Yonge St. Northâ€"A. Wright, M.l’.1’., J P. Rupert, and J. I’urkiss; IVcstonâ€"Rev. W. Philip, J P. Bull; Con/csoillsâ€"Rev. N. ‘F. English, J. Ward: Barrieâ€"Rev. J. C. Slater, Thomas Helliwell: chwmar/{ctâ€"â€"Rev. K. Creighton, Robert Cooke, Thos. Nixon, Robert Boyd; Holland Landingâ€"John Terry. The following persons, on motion, were admitted front the Markham Circuitâ€"~Rev. J. Norris, Jas. Gra- ham, Lyman Crosby, Wm. Flummerfelt, and Thomas Spoight. On motion of the Rev. II. \Villtinson, se- conded by Rev. K. Creighton, the following gentlemen were appointed aCommittee to draft Resolutions, and prop re the business to be submitted to the Convention at the afternoon session,vis ,â€"Rev. \‘V. Scott. J. P. Bull, Esq” I... Crosby, Exq., Rev. J. C. Slater, and R. Cooke, Esq. The Rev. “1. Scott, was requested to ad- dress the Convention at the comtnencotneut of the afternoon session. Convention adjourned to meet at i P. M. A? TIINOON 311"” NO. Convention met at 2, I’. M., according to ay- pointment. R. Woodswotth, Esq.. in the Chair. After devotional exercises, the Rev. Wm- Scott, as Chairman ofthe Business Committee’ presentzd a Report, He said, as the Conven- tion had requested him to ofl'er some remarks on thfe University Question at the beginning of the session this afternoon, he thought he could do so most satisfactorily by explaining the Reso- lutions which he was autitorizod to report from the Business Committee. about half an hour, giving a brief statement of M'. Scott occupied the history of this movement. and their proceed- ed to show its necessity. propriety, and probable issue. He reserved many special points. as they would most likely arise in the course of the afternoon discussions. The Resolutions of the Business Committee having been read, they were ordered. to be taken up seriatim, Resolution lsl.-â€"â€"Moved by John Terry, Esq , of Sharon : seconded by Thomas Helliwell, Esq , of Harris : That this Convention reiterates the declara- tion of opinion expressed in the Resolution of the Wesleyan Conference. in 1859, respecting the importance and propriety of combining re- ligious oversight and Christian culture with Collegiate education ; and believes that the in. forests of denominational Colleges will be per- manentiy secured by voluntary effort and a pro- per distribution of such funds as are, or may be, set apart for Superior Education. Resolution 2nr[.-â€"Moved by Thomas Nixon, Esq, of Newmatket; seconded by John Ward, Esq., of Cooksville : That this Convention regards with satisfac- tion the appointment ofthe Parliamentary Com- mittee of the last session, and that the com plaints of the Wesleyan Conference and other” were not only heard, but that a large amount of information was laid before the Committee, confirm atory of the allegations preferred against the authorities of Toronto University. Resolution lintâ€"Moved by Robert Cooke, Esq., of Newmarket; seconded by Rev Jas. Graham, of Markham : That this Convention is deeply impressed witlt the importance and duty of perseverance for the purpose of securing University reform ; and that, therefore, it is solemnly obligatory on the part of all friends of denominational edu- catio‘n to continue their efforts until the Univer- stty Endowment be administered on the princi- ples of equal justice to all clauses of the com- munity. Resolution 4th.â€"Moved by John P. Bull. Esq., of Weston ; seconded by Thomas Mara' Esq., of Toronto : 'l'hnt, in the opinion of this Convention there should be one non-denominational National University in Upper Canada, whooe duty i‘ should be to prescribe a proper course of liberal education. to examine candidates and grant de- grees and certificates of honor in Arts, Law. and Medicine. Resolution ilkâ€"Moved by Mr. Robert Bond. of Newmarket: seconded by Mr. J. Purkiss, of Thornhill: That, in the opinion of this Convention such an Univorsity should be impartially constituted in respect to the various Colleges, and embrace upon equal terms and advantages, in regard to the University education. Resolution 6t/t.-Movod by Mr. Tho-as Storm. of Toronto ; seconded by Mr. L. Cros- by, of Markham : That, in the opinion of this Convention an University thus constituted and including open terms of equal rights and advantages all Colle- ges which are. or may be, established in Upper Canada according to their works, will contribute most to promote the national objects of the Uni- versity Endowment; will best secure a high and proper standard of University Education ; will most fully develop and most largely combine the resources and voluntary exertions of the country in behalf of its highest educational in‘ tere‘s’ts; will most liberally consult the feeling- and views of all chases of the people, and cott- fer upon the largest number of Canadian youth the priceless blessings of a sound liberal educa- tion. Resolution Winâ€"Moved by Mr T. Heiliwell, l of Barrie, seconded by Mr. Wm. Flnmmer- felt. of Markham : That a memorial embodying these resolutions be prepared, and forwarded to Parliament at its. approachingtmeotiug. and that such petition be signed by the (.hairman and Secretarv. in be- I half of this Convention. On motion the whole Report was adopted. It was then moved by the Rev. W. Scott. seconded by Rev. J. C. Slater,â€"-'I'hat the Secretaries furnish the Editor of the Christian Guardian. and the Editors ofthe several papers 1 published in the Counties included in the To- ronto and Barrie Districts. with a copy of the proceedings of this Convention, with a request for publication. On motion of the Rev. G. Dorey, soconded by the Rev. IV. \Villoughby. it was resolved, --'That the cordial thanks of this Convention be now given to Mr. \Voodsworth, for the able and impartial manner in which he has conduc- ted the business of this meeting. The benediction was pronounced and the Convention adjourned. R. Woonswoaru, Chairman. '1‘. Nixon, G. Dost-ctr, The Secretaries only ask space to add. that the discussions ofthe Convention were conduct, ed with great ability and unanimity. By the number and variety of the questions proposed, it was clearly the desire of the Convoution to decide intelligently. and the answers given were such as to produce conviction. vailed throughout the whole proceedings. Prin- ciplos and measures were investigated without respect to party politics, or the conduct of pub. lic men. The meeting was one of decided in- § Secretaries, Harmony pre - terest, and will have an important and perma. nent effect on that large and growing section of the country. embraced in the Toronto and Bar- rio Districts. Auction Sales. CREDIT SALE-~FARM STOCK, &c. «On Wednesday, March 20m. on Lot NO. 5, 3rd concession of Whit- church, the property Of Mr. Roger Lisle. Sale at 10 o’clock, a.m. J. Gortnley, Auctioneer. CREDIT SALE-‘FARM STOCK, &c. â€"â€"On Friday, March 22, on Lot No. 73, Isl concession 01 King, the property of Mr. Job \Vclls. Sale at 12 o’clock noon. Henry Smel- sor, Auctioneer. CREDIT SALE, Ltvs: STOCK, &c.‘â€"-â€" On Tuesday, March 26, on Lot No. 48, 151 concession of Vaughan, the property Oer. James Booth. Sale at 12 O’clock. J. Gormley, Auctioneer. CREDIT SALE, LIVE STOCK. 8L0.â€" On VVetlnesday, March 27th. on Lot NO. 13, 4<th Con.,Township of Vaughan. The property of Mr. Jeseph Cooper. Sale to commence at 11 o’clock. Henry Sine!- sor, Auctioneer. CREDIT SALE, LIVE STOCK, &c. â€"â€"â€"On Monday, April 1st, Lot NO. 5, 1st concession of Whitchurch, Yonge St. the property 01 William Christisnn. Sale at IOO’clock, a.m Henry Smelsor, Auctioneer. A lady of Burlington, N. J., has pa- tented a device for throwing reaping and mowing machines out of gear, by means of the driver’s scat. TVhen the driver takes his seat, his weight throws the machine into gear; when he leaves his seal, it is thrown off gear. TROOPS FOR CANADA.â€"-A private letter frotn an officer of the 60th R iflws now in Englard, states that that body is coming to Canada In the spring, and that its head-quarters will be Toronto. IVe trust this piece of intelligence is correct. We are hardly treated fairlv in this respect; perhaps it is on account of the better state of sceiety here than in other cities. At any rate out of the eleven companies of Rifles in Canada there is but one stationed in this citv. Montreal takes four, Quebec three, and Kingston three. A report reaches us from Texes which in- dicates that the secession excitement there is being taken advantage of by desperadoes for purposes of outrage and plunderâ€"at least it to to be hoped that this is the truth of the matter. A telegram from Fort Smith states that the overland mail had been seized near Chadbour‘ne and that all the property within reach had been taken possession of. Every day brings fresh news of the determin- ation of the Hungarians to persevere in their demands for the revival of the laws of 1848, and in sotne counties they seem disinclined to elect any person to the Diet unless the elector- al law of 1848 is “ unreservodly" adhered to. w Britâ€"Tris _ At Newmarket, on‘the 6th instant, the wife of Mr Andrew Henderson, merchant, ofa sou. III Newmarkot. on the 6th instant. the wife of Mr. Joseph Vl'ood. of a daughter, MARRIED. In Etobicoko, on the 9th instant. at the resi- dence of the bride’s father, by the Rev. R. May, Mr. James Boroman, of tho Gore of Toâ€" ronto, to Miss Dinah Maxwell. . . _.~ . ‘.-_' O 1 every one that’s barefooted. come to T. DOLMAGE’S all that have money, come buy cheap BOOTS and SHOES. TORONTO tiliAIuEETsr THURSDAY, March, 14-. roll Wheat.--5300 bshls was the extent of the supply which soldat the following prices. The prices paid for the best samples were tram 81 16 to $1 18 per bshl, Spring Wheatâ€"4,700 bshlsin market, which sold at from $0 88 to $0 95 per bshl. Barley.â€"-sold at front 49 to 51¢. goat‘sâ€"2300 bshls went off at 50 and 53¢ per 3 . Oatsâ€"at 25 and 27c per bshl. Hayâ€"is from $12 to $16 per ton, Straw $6 to $7 per ton. Elenaâ€"Superfine extra sold at Extra $5 to $5 40 ; Fancy (Spring) $5 00 to $5 25: Fancy (Fall) $5 10; to $5 15; Extra, $5 to $5 50 ; Double Extra. $6 00 to $6 25. Butter. «Fresh is in fair supply at from 13c to 15c per lb. Porkâ€"is in fair request, For 160 lbs $5 50 and $5 75 has been paid, and those averaging 2.30 lbs $5 and $5 60â€"the latter being the extreme figure. Applesâ€"Common varieties $1 and $1 ‘25 per barrel. Better grades $1 50 and $2 barrel. Eggs, «~Fresh from wagons 20 to 25c perdozen, Potatoesâ€".Vary in price from 25 to 30¢. Shoep-â€" are in demand at from $4 50 to $6 each. Lambsâ€"are plentiful at from $2 50 to $3 each. Calvesâ€".are in good supply at $4 to ‘5 each. Boef-thesâ€"S5 60 per 100 lbs. Sheep and lamb skirts $0 80 each. Calfskin 10o. per lb, Tallow, $7 per 10. lbs Timothy Seedâ€"$2 80. $4 per bushel. Clover Seedâ€"$4 75 per bushel. e5 60 to 35 65, Hogs averaging l Kerswell, Charles fob-rear: 14, 1.61. S PECIAL NOTICES. W,‘ SHOT DEA D .â€" Mr. G. K. Fosrer. ofRichmond, C.E. in his ,lotter dated Jau’y. 2st 1861,10 the Agent of Dr. McKenzie’s Dead Shot Worm Candy, says,â€"-â€"sondme another Gross McKenzie’s Dead Shut lVorm Candy immediately. I am entirely out. It has proved itself “ Dead Shot" in this place, the sale is increasing very fast. It has not only proved itself Dead Shot in Richmond but in every other place where It has been in- troduccd Reader give it a trialâ€"cost 15 cents 4 packages for 50 cents. Sold by all Dealers in Medicine, At wholesale by wholesale dealers. To Consumptives. ‘IIE Advertiser, having been restored .to health in a few weeks by a Very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumptionâ€"4s anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used tfree of charge), with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sour: (‘unn Ton Ct-ssonrrtos, ASTHMA, Unoscntrts, 5w. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflicted. and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes evrry snfi'cror will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the preseription will please address REV. EDIVARD A. WILSON, W'illianrburgh, Kings County, New York. 112.811) aobcrttsmruts. NO'I‘ICE. LL Parties are hereby Cautioued not to purchase a Note drawn by Elias Hornor. in favor of Leonard Waites, amounting to $25, as I will not honor the same. ELIAS HOR‘NER. Lot No. 24, 3rd Concession of Markham. Thursday. March 1411], 1860 120-3t. TE S T1 .7?! 0.7VI .1 L S [N rsvon or flu: saw ROTATING HARROWS. " E. the undersigned farmers of East Gwil- ' limburg. hereby certify that we havo reen Srths 61. Mannir'rs’ Parr.” 11 inaows at work, and that they are superior to tire com- mon barrow for the following reasons. viz. :â€" I‘hat they will do more work at one going over the ground than the common barrow will at two; that it is impossible to clog them. as they discharge all roots or grass behit l ; that they are of lighter draught, as by their motion they are constantly freeing themselves; that tlte teeth wear equally on all sides, and conse- quently sharpen themselves, J. Dean. J, Aylwaro,Esq. C C.Belfry. B. Draper, J. Coweson Jame-Milne, IV. Ilolliday, H D.Stiles, Esq. Jas. Anderson. From the Hon. J. Simpson. Stiles A: Merritts’ Rotating Harrows was tried on the roughest field on my Farm, and the work performed by it at one turn was equal in my opinion to what would have been accomp- plished by any other barrow thatI am no- quainted with at two turns. The draught is easy, and the barrow keeps clean. [Signed] J. SIMPSON. I was present and saw the barrow tried, and agno with the above. G. S. SHAW. PETER II. B, STILES, Proprietor. S. SANDERSON, ’roprie‘or. Richmond Hill, for the Township of Markham. Richmond Hill, March 7. 1861. llS-tf. LEEEMEUR CANADIEFJ nsv, N. ova, EDITOR. 1‘HIS Evangelicald’aper, the only one in French on this Continent, is devoted to Religion, Literature, Temperance, Education and Nomi. and is published in this city every Friday, It. is now one of the largest French papers. It is not denominational. but Cal/Ml“ in the Protestant sense of the word. Tums . $2 per nnuum. It is recommended to those desirous of becoming familiar with the French, as the cheapest means of improvement in that language. Montreal, March 1961. JAMES BO UL TON, Esq. Barrister, Law Officeâ€"Corner of Church and King Sts. Toronto, March 8. 1861. 1194f Le ttei‘s Remainingin RICHMONDHILL PostOflico MARCH 1, 661. Anderson, Miller Boothby, James Bowman, ‘I'hos. Baker, Jonathan Boan, James Baker, Samuel Brilliuger, Jonathan Bemrose, Joseph Beasley, D. C. Cotter, Mary M Cameron, Malcolm Curry, J. K. Cameron, Donald Daucy. Mr, Ellyott, Frances Ereek, James Gray. William [2] Garbut. Mary Ann Grant, George Glover; Robert Gorman, .lohn Harrington, John Hotson, Edward Harrison, H. do J. Jordon, Richard Jackson, John Kill'eder, Robert [2] Lawrence, Margaret Lawrence, M. E. Lawrence, G. S. Miller, James Mulholland, Peter Marsh, Alex. McPhillips, George McDonald, George McNair, Matthew McLeod, Nor. 'l', Mclt‘arlaue, Daniel McCloskey, Mr. Park, W. S. Patton, Ilugh Percy, John Robinson. Robert Storey, Mrs. Stevenson, Joseph Scott, James Spencer, Moses Shields, Joint Sheridan, William Simpson, Jatncs Sanger, E. Seager, Edmund junr Seager, Joint Seager. Harietl[3] Thomas, John‘R. Verney, A’eigail Linfoot, John Williams, Jacob G. Langstaif, John junr. Wilson, 'I‘nomas Langstafl', lohu senr. Wright. Miss (care of Luuu, William W. W ) M. TEEFY, RH. Kirk, Allen Tith IT. TRY IT. WPBUM Ingram’s Infalable Liniment,‘ CERTAIN Remedy for Rheumatism,‘ Bruises, Swellings, 5m. Relieves the Toothache, Neuralgia, and Tie Dolereaux.â€"-â€"l This Liuiment has been used and Its efficacy 1 proved in hundreds of cases, and never failed to give relief. ' Prepared and Sold by JOS. INGRAM, Village of Maple. Vaughan township. , ‘1 16 SCRAPERS. SCUFFLERs PANN-MILLs PLOW POINTs HORSE POWERS, STRAW'CUTTERs GRAINCRUSHERs MOWING MACHINES, TWJRNPIKE SIHWVELS, TIIRESIIING DIACIIINES, TItEAI)H()RSE'POIVERs, STIJMP EXTWIACT()Rs SHIrARs HAJRROIVS SWdEEP POlVERS, SEPERATORs 8:0. Ste. 810. &c. *1: is Pd so 0 0 Z .2 THE IMPLEMENE FACTORY PATTERSON 8: BROTHERS BICHI‘IOND HILL. Our Implements and, Machines have been before the public for the last seven years. Nothing that we can say here will add a single laurel tothe well-earned and cnv1a‘ble reputation they already sustain. Prudence, however, dtctates to. the Farmer to rely upon such ‘Machtnes only as have been thoroughly tested, PATTERSON & BROTHERS, Richmond Hill, March 1, 1861 118-4m CW STORE. THE Subscriber begs to return his thanks to his numerous Friends and the Public, and would inform them that he has greatly increased his STOCK, and has now on hand a very lllll lllllll‘ltlllll‘ l' llllll‘l it Slllli l Ofevery description and style, such as : Men’s Coarse, Kip. and Call Boots, Boy’s and Youths' Kip and Calf Roots, Women and Children’s Boots and Shoes ofcvcry variety of style ; also, a large quantity Of MOCCASSINS & OVER SHOES, In fact, he has on hand all that is wanted to adorn or protect the feet,â€" for any weather or any season, which he is prepared to Sell at the LOWEST REMUNERATIVE PRICES FOR CASH. Those requiring a really good Article, at a Cheap Price, are respectfully l requested to CALL at the CHEAP BOOT a: SHOE STORE, OPPOSITE THE GRAMMAR SCHOOL HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL. JAMES HALL, Proprietor. Richmond Hill, Dec. 14-, 1860. 1073“, r.’ DR.N;L.PECK Surgeon. Dentist; Respoctfhlly announces that he will be at lid-if A- MAIRS. B. A. T'I‘ORNEY - AT-I.AW. SOLICITO in Chancery. Conveyaneer, lee. Main Street, Markham Village, NICIIOI’S Hotel, RICIIIIIOIIII III", November 22. 1860 On the ‘lud Monday of each month, at â€"-â€"--â€"â€" DICK’S 1'10 TEL, .Maple. Land & fiaw Mill For Sale. , . . _T Acres of prime landâ€"30 acres cleared on the Tmsday romwmz’ composed of the West half of Lot WHERE he will be happy to wait on than. N0. 7, in the 2nd Con. of Uxbridge, County requiring his “mic” in “‘3' much of Ontario; together with an excellent Saw Mill. his profession. and two good Dwelling Houses, with out-effi- l‘eeth inserted on Gold Platenum, Vulcan- 065 thsreon- ‘ . _ izod Rubber, cr Continuous Gum on Platenum, Also 7 acres adjoining, composed of the front The latter being the most beautiful teeth now Pars 0f Lot N0. 6. m the same concession. in use. Dr. Puck has all the advantages of the . '1 ho leVG property is healthfully and de- Profession, both in the States and Cauadas, lightfully llluated m a pleasant locality, and in having formerly been connected with unmists one of the oldest andbest settled townships in in New York: he now receives direct from “1° Comfl)’ 0r Ont‘mo- u l” Within 2.5: ml” thorn every improvement of the Profession 01”” VIII?!“ °f. SWUEVIIIG. about 10 miles throughout the United States. from Uxbrtdge Village, and 20 miles from the Particular attention given to the Regulation 1 0W“_ 0f Whm’l’u ll" WWI“l 'f m. CWMY 0f of Children’s Tooth. Otllt‘zrte. 'n b d Conwhafion From ‘ e ppopeflyyvr e sol very cheap for All letters addressed to him at Aurora prem- ("Sh' '1'”. mdjg’gggh' KglLfilyEto ptly attended to. ‘ f Rv Esq-o. Richmond Hill. Aurora, Feb. 00, 1861 ll7-ly Or to FRANCIS KELLER, Whitby. .._.__ September 20. 1‘0 89h .771 ONE Y. HE Subscriber. in returning thanks for E CANADA Aonncv Assocu'rten of Lon- past fave s, begs to inform the Farming H community and the Public generally that he don. England. are prepared to negeciato Loans, at EIGHT per cent interest, upon lm- has on hand a large supplv of . . proved Farms. The Money can he obi 'i .43 Superior Sap BIICthS and PRIIS as soon IS the property has been valuedflalrid . the title has been approved of. Which he wrll sell at Very low prices. Those For I ' , ' who are in want of any of the above can have .fioT::pP1yll: Of nppnomgn "nd “1‘” "lam" them on applying to Mr. Panama Caesar. Richmond Hill, or to the subscriber, Lot No. A‘ R” ROCHE- 11, 9nd Con. Markham,if by post props“ ad.- M‘Nlofl. dressed Buttonville, Wellington Strut. JOHN AMOSI. near John Street. 1174;» t Markham, Fob so, 1800. December 26. 1!!!! M~w~w~ mm. Toronto. Cook’s Mill, Van RIOS-S December 7. ,For Sale. 40 BRICKS for Sale. Also. a a ' SPAN of HORSES. , Apply to ‘ A. GALLANOUGl-l. Thornhill, March 1. 1861. 118-81. Farm for Sale on Yongc Street, 13 Miles from Toronto, BEINGcomposed of East quarter efLot No. 39. in lat concession of Vaughan, con- sisting 01'50 acres, all cleared. Tho Land is oftho best description, without a rod being either waste or broken There are on the promises a good Dwelling- house, a Well of hard water, Brich Cistern, and other conveniences, with Lawn containing ornamental treosand Garden attachedâ€"well stocked with fruit trees. Also, Tenant’s house in the rear of dwelling house, with Barn, New Stable, Sheds, 6w. For further particu‘ars apply [if by letter post-paidl to G. J. I“ PEARCE. Richmond Hill, P.O. Riohmead Hill. Jan. ‘24, 1961. 112-4 ” THE LEADER," ‘ The Patriot ’ and ‘News of the Week-' [IE favor with which The Leader has been recoived by the Public may be judged by t the fact that since its commencement, in July 1852, it has steadily increased in circulation until, in its various Editions, it has snvsau. THOUSAND more subscribers than any other paper in Canada. Every exertion is being used to make it more anti more tndisponsiblo for every family in the Province. THE DAILY LEADER 1s published every morning, in time for the early trains. at Six Donuns per annum, in advance. It is a large sheet, and contains the earliest and most reliable intelligence that can be obtained from every part of the world. THE SEMI-WEEKLY EEA DER. ls published on Tuesdays and Fridays. a THREE DOLLARS a year in advance. It con. tains all the reading matter of the " Daily Lea- der” ,' and for parties who do not. reside near enough to a Post Office to call every day. this paper will supply them with all the intelligence they could receive from a Daily. THE WEEKLY LEADER Is published every Friday, and “ The Patriot" and the " News of the \Veek” are published evorv Wednesday, at the rate of ONE DOL- LAR in advance. These papers are printed on a large sheet, and contain the most impor- tant matter of the " Daily Leader.” Market Reports are particularly attended to in them.â€" 'I‘hese are the Cheapest Papers in the Pro- vmces. One dollar a year is added to each Edition when not paid in advance. T0 ADVERTISERS. The large circulation of it The Leader makes it the very host medium of publishing notices of any kind. Rates-«For Daily--Four pence a line, for first insertion, and one penny each subsequent gnsertiou. lt‘or Weekliesâ€"~six pence a line for each insertion. .._._.__... ._- ._ _ __ Cleared Form for Sale. OT 6, 7' and 8. in the filth Concession. Division 6, in the Township of Guelph, in the County of VVelliugton, are offered for sale, EITHER in Two FARMS of 150 acres each, or will be sold ALI. 'l‘oonrnsn 300 Acres. 0 which 170 Ares are cleared, and in a high state of cultivation. The land is distant about g a mile from a first’rato Gravelled Road, and about 8 miles from the town of Guelph [on the Grand Trunk RailwayJ one of the best market Towns in Upper Canada. Offers to be addressed. [if bv letter postpaid] t0 EDWARD E. W, IIURD, Barrister. Office. No.3 Jordon St. Toronto. or Residenceâ€"169 Church St, Toronto. Toronto. Feb. 7. 1861. 115â€"2t. Stray Horse. AME into the Premises of the Subscriber Lot No. 14, "nd concession Whitchurch, on or about the lath of December last, .5 Chessnut IIm-se, With a white star on its forehead, white hind foot, spavined in one leg, and one of his hips knocked down. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take him away. RICHARD IIORILEY. Whitehureh, Feb. 7, 1861. 115 4 lllll‘llill Ill lllhlllll. HE Proprietor of the “ Yonx HERALD" begs to acquaint his numerous friends and the public generally that so has Removed his Printing Office TO THE NEW HOUSE ADJOINING, Two docrs further north, where. by increased ,facilit‘es. he will be prepared to get up work with the utmost expedition, and with every attention to the wishes of his customers. " Herald ” Oflice, R Richmond 11111, July 20, “60. THE AMERICAN Medical & Toilet Receipt Book HIS Book contains Recipes and Directions for making all the most valuable Medical preparations in use ; also. Recipes and full and explicit directions for making all the most po- pular and useful Cosmetics, Perfumes, Ungu- ents, Hair Restoratives, and all Toilet Articles, If you are suffering with any chronic diseaseâ€" if you wish a beautiful complexion, a fine head of hair. a smooth face. a clear skirt, a luxuriautbeard or moustacheâ€"or if you wish to know anything and everything in the Medical and Toilet line, you should, by all means, peruse a copy of this book. For full particulars, and a sample of the work for per- usal, (freo,) address the publisher. T. F. CHAPMAN, No. 831 Broadway, New York. GEO. MCPI’IILL-‘IPS, Provincial Land Surveyor, RICHMOND HILL, 6.", December 14. 1860. 107. w... CHEAPER THAN EVER! HE Subscriber begs to inform his numerous patrons and the public that he is prepared to make Boots and Slides Ofevery style and description. at the lowest possiole remuneratlng prices. All work wnr~ ranted to give entire satisfaction. W. H. MARTIN. ghan me. ’ teeâ€".1 ', ll‘v’lBER FOR SALE. QUANTITY 01' STANDING TIMBER. Finder“! Hardwood, for Sale, on Lot? No_53, 1st concession Vaughan. For parti-- culms apply to tho Exvcutors of the late I‘. D“. Campbell, on the premises. Richmond Hill. Nov. 28. 1860. [05.5 Charles C. Keller, A'I‘TORNEY-AT-:LAVV, SOLIf‘ITOIb in Chancery, Conveyancer. dire. Office, in Victoria Buildings, over the Chi-onion otlice, Brock Street, VI'hltb)‘. Also a Branch Ofiice in the village of lienâ€" vorton, Township of Thorah, and County of Ontario. H The Division Courts in Ontario. Richmond Hill, audjdarltham Village regularly attended. Whitby, Nov. 22. 1860. IMZIy A Novelty in the Art World?! PHOTOGRAPHY UPON PORCELMNI Secured by letters patent in the United States, England France. and Belgium. THE AMERICAN PHOTOGRAPH“? PORCELAIN l0.. No. 781 Broadway, New York, having secured their novel and ingenious inven- tion by American and European patents, are fully prepared to execute all orders for Miniature Likenesses of Persons on China, presenting all the attractive and advantageous features of ordinary protographs, the brilliancv and finish ofa v atertcolor drawing. and a bi- therto unattained quality of durability, by being tendered as imperishhble as the natural propor- tries of the articles upon which they are transferred. As the patented process of the Company on- ables the reproduction of Photographs, not only on plain surfaces, but upon such as are round or of any degree of irregularityâ€"portraits can be reproduced with faultless nccuracy,and delicacy of delineation, upon Porcelain “arcs of any description and dimension used as articles of luxury, or of household tttility, such as Urns, Vases, Breakfast Cups. Toilet Articles, &c.; thereby securing faithful portraits and furnishing aunique and exquisite style of ornamentation of articles in domestic use. In order to furnish facilities for the gratifica- tion of the popular taste, and to meet the wants of those patrons 01' the Fine Arts desirous of having Portraits on Porcelain. the Companv have itnported from Europe a collection of an.- perior porcelain goods, manufactured 10 their own order. which they sell at cost prices. As the American Company are owners of the patent right, and consequently the only person. authorized to use the process, they have deter- mined, in order To afford People in every section of the Union an opportunity to possess Portraits on China, to make the following proposition to RESIDENTS IN THE COUNTRY, “II-IO ARE UNARLI TO VISIT PERSONALLY THE A’I‘EIJER Abl) GAL- LERIES IN NEW YORK. Persons sending a photograph, nmbrolype, o-r daguerreotype to the office of the Company in New York, ac.ompanied by rlvs peanuts 1 will receive in return by express, free of e ther charge, A RICHLY ORIAHIN‘IED BREAKFAST CUP Al. BAUCER, WITH THY. PORTRAIT TRANIFIRRII THEREOF. By transmitting a daguerreotvpe and Tan oormans 1 they will secure in like manner, A rusnsonr. FRENCH VASE on Toinsr armour, with the portrait reproduced by the patented process. By sending a pair ofdaguerreotypes and turn an normans 1 they will receive in return A run or ntcu ssvnrs mass, with the portraits executed equal to miniature paintings; and, in like manner, portraits can be reproduced on porcelain wares or vnsss or xvsar QUALI" or rlntsn, ranging in price from rwnsrv To on: Human» DOLLARS THK nut N.B.-â€"â€"Ile particular in writing the address, town, county and State, distinctly. All letters to be addressed to “ MANAGER, AMERlCtN PHoToGntPutc Pon- cnuts Co.,” 781 BROADWAY an Yonx. New York, Oct. 9. 1860. 98-33. lllllll vital ll! Triumphant Success of Opposi- tion to High Prices. ' R. BOYCE. ch 31°C.. EG to state to the Public, that all who want to save money can do so by pur- chasing GOODS at Their New Establishment In this place. Their Unprecideited Success enables them to offer STILL GREATER INDUCEMENTS 2 Their Stock is heavy. comprising every de- scription of Seasonable Goods. Over Coats from $5. Coarse Bootsfrom $2.50.. Every class of Goods equally low. In DRESS GOODS, CLOTHS, COTTONS, BLANKETS, Will be found GREAT BARGAINS I With a liberal discount for Cash. BUFFALO ROBES 2 CH EA P. In the MILLINERY what you would have to pay $7 for they will sell for $5, as proved by many who buy their BONINETS. Panoramas, CAPES, doc. All orders in this line I’unctually attended to, and got up in the Newest Style. Highest Frizzifor Produce Also the highest price in Cash for WHEAT, PORK & HARLEY, 1139’ Give us a Fair Trial and we are sure of the result. and oblige R. BOYD do BROTHER. Aurora, December 7. 1869, 153-311: NOTICE. ALL Parties indebted to the Subscriber. pre- vious to January 1861. and whose ac- counts aro still unpaid, are hereby notified that if the same is not settled within one month from this date, they will be put into Court for eoHecfion ‘ . . WILLIAM TRENCH. son. ngia Mills, January 24, 1,351, “9,3

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