Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 12 Apr 1861, p. 4

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n E ,. ‘ jointipr I" , â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"* l IVAY TO BE HAPPY TOGETHER (Am ,â€"Il chreto.) UIDICATIZD TO MAJ ESI‘I”S LOYIL OPPOSITION. I‘r From Momus. The way to be happy together, Is for all of you Grits to take care; 1bat no one shall prove but a brother, By acting as if he’d a share ' ‘ In leading the great. Cleari‘Grit party, \Vhich solely pertains to Geo. Brown; 80 just let all give George a hearty ~ .Support, and bowareof his frowu. need what we say, Be consistent, and vote not in sorrow, Altho",pr'aps,yonr conscience may smite: For you know not whatjoy on the morrow, May spring from the vote of to-niglit. 1 Bo united and kind to each other, Attempt not to drive one away ; But each act to each as a brother, Else some may be caught; by John A. :Do'i't disturb any old recollections, V " Fergo. all the deeds of the past ; Don’t repeat. what was said at elections. Else you as a party can last. I Need what we say. ' Andtliere’ll be no occasion for sorrow, _ 1 Though soon,p’raps,occasion for joy ; zlfyou don’t got in office to-morrow. At least there’ll be naught to annoy. JOHN S. MACDONALD’S Tun: IIUN. SOLILUQU v. . From Monius. Au he sat gazing at the troubled waters of the St. mawrenc’e, he chanted inournfully to himself: " Mac. you’re in a doleftil fix, ' I’u,mine|led, pinched on every side ; Now, yon won’t be let o’on mix IVith those Gritsâ€" the gulf is wide. Sandfield,.what a fool you were Not to act in this more sly: Ah l'you’ve tumbled in the snare Which you laidâ€"tho waves leap high. Mac, you’re in the Globe denounced, Mac, alas, your son has set; Mac, too true, your doom’s pronounCcd, (Vat-co.) Sandficld! ho ! your getting wet. John Sud oi muses himself and walks off in In abdtiacted mood. The Globe is to blame {of this. Eithiirlhiiuiiiui, w w..â€".â€"____ A... .._ ‘3 The best adhesive label you can. put up- on luggage is to stick yourself to It. ' \Vhtn a woman arrays herselfa [a Bloomer, it may be said that. she pants tor notoriety. An editor in Illinois gives notice that Hhcr'e will be no paper tliis-chk,’ as his Wife is using the scissors!’ If an empty purse could speak. what a lbvelike speech it would make 'lâ€"‘ It ou’ll find no change in me P Prentice defines what man wantsâ€"all lie, can get. \Vhat woman wantsâ€"all this can’t get. A boarding-house kccper advertises to furnish ‘ gentlemen with pleasant and com- tidrtable rooms; also one or two gentlemen with wives. ‘Madam, a good many persons were :- V p ‘A papcroii this dangerous malady disturbed at the concert last night by the cpying of your baby.’ ‘ W'tll, I wonder such people go to con- certs!’ ' If thi- world knocks you down and josh ties by yru in its greatra‘cc, dOn't sit“ whining under people’s feet, but git up, rubyour elbows and begin again. Abcordiogto Talmud one party of the What for, her husband’s soup to .ie burnt. a‘ burning shame l ' ‘No, one would take you to be what you are,’ said an oldâ€"fashioned gentleman. the otli‘cri‘day‘, to‘ a dandy who had more. hair'than brains. ‘ \Vhy ’l’ was immediately asked. ‘ Because they can’t sec your cars. ‘Can you tell me, Jim, where they get so much mm from to manufacture into whiskey 'l‘â€"â€"-‘ \‘l liy, i’io,‘ says Jim, ‘but i can'tcll‘ Very well where the corn comes from when the whiskey is made.’ A prudent man advises his servant to put by ‘all his money for a rainy day. In a fer Weeks his master inquired how-much of his wages he had saved. ‘ Faith, none at all,’ said be; ‘it rained yesterday, audit allwvent." K‘ lady officor, if she wished to give the word ‘_halt’ to her troops, would do it somewhat in this wise: F You soldiers, all of you, now mind, I order you, as soon as 'I have finished speaking, to stand still, every one of you, on the spot were you may happen to he; don’t you hear me? lidt, I say, all of you P - Ft’iS‘tlie-practice among waggish print. crs, when a ‘green ’iin ’ enters the office. to play jokes on him by sending him on an errand to a neighboring office, for some thingthat he would not findy and he reâ€" mnsiwuh some strange article or other, thinking that, in printer’s phrase, he has gofwhat he was Scnt for. A joke of this kind was recently perpetrated in a neighâ€" t‘fttltud food, and a peep of green A boy, who was rather field on a holiday to refresh their llitl‘tI‘ “verdant? went to learn the printing busi- and acting eyeballsm the their cup to boring to two. ness, and one of the j0tirncymen,loving spor_tfl,y'scnt him me day With a dish to a ccrtaincditor, to borrow ‘ a gill (vf’edito- rial,“ The editor, understandingthe game r'iz'tiirnetl a picture of a donkey.; The first'one finding himself rather ‘come over,’ set hiswits to work to think how he- should be even with the other. ’At last’he called'the lad and‘told'him to go, andi'tell the editor that ‘it Wasyedi‘torjull which he wanted, and not the clitor P CULT! VATE it [I I ‘ l - if in vcry tl‘Iaiikfuli'icss. A few "stalks Rabbi“ allowed divorces wheua womm ,assium dissiilvcs the false mcmhi'aiic , . bid only been so unfortunate as to suf- I UBAltfl. l l l It Will grow without much camâ€"i the burdock is scarcely hardict; but i to have large, succulent stalks, nulp‘ml as an apple, readily cookedii‘uiidl good when cooked, it iniistbe‘gcncl’l rously dealt with. The plant is aI hearty feeder, and casily‘”{iiqiropritg ates the runle Iiianurc.’ If lllUl‘Cx be not a plot of it alrcady'csmblisln . ed in the; gii'dcn, sclcct ri,<:Iii'chIIicnt pllace"abqfi’l’fiycflicciu wiilc. and lung. enough-do contain say ‘tu'o crowns to every tliiiifcj: (:iribcrs of thc fari'iily the plants to big"sct,‘l’oui‘ feet apart in the row.“ -?'-liti'e-zsbedu may very well be made beside a tom-c, tlioughl much shade is objectionable. A very good plaizi‘ is to have the roots on the south sidc of a board Icticc to start early, and others ii the north side in the shade. whcrc tliey__§will start late, and Continue good much latcr in the season. Ascarly in the Spring as tho ground can bc \vorkcd,l trench it two spadcs deep, and limit in six or cight inches of ,wcll-roitcu manure. Do not throw it in lumps here and ihcrc, but inix” it Wcl-ll throughout the soil. ,Sc-‘t one row: in the middle of the bud ; With good whom it will make a i\\'id“c spreads. Procurc crowns of thc Linnqu va- riety, put them in thrcc inches be- low the surface ; keep the soil loose. by stirring occasioipil-ly, an i cnlircly ‘ free from woods. 'As the. plants pi o«l gross, water the bed 'now and than with wash-water and other house- slapsâ€"péii‘ticularly. if more be droutn â€"â€"ihey will putoutbroad leaves as, i fit for ilic table might be gathered the first season, cepcciallv if whole room instcadaof single crowns can be obtained for plants : it is boiler to allow thc \vholc growth of sitiizlc "crowns to remain, that the roots may be firmly csiablishcd. In the Fall, cchr the whole bed with stable manure two or ihrcc inches deep, and in thc following Spring fork it into the Soil. To bringr a few plaiils forward rapidly for first use, sci an open box over each crown, and put in tlircc or four inches of manure from tho horscu stable. ' :AlSO surround the box with the same I iIlCI‘liIl; this will supply much. waririth and. ,ltastcn growth. After tliei‘lcave‘s put' forth. it is the pri‘icticc .ofwsomc, to place a barrel, with both heads out, over the plant, to induce a lengthening of the stalk: 'it also has a scmi- .Iln-iicliiiig effect, and there is loss acidity in the edible )I part. This may be donc with a part of the plants. As the growth in- crcases. year by year. and nch crownsarc formcd.. they should no divided and rcsct‘, or other-wise dis- posed of. It. thcy become crowded the growth of leaf and stalk is impe- dcd,,und the value for cooking im- paired. It is better to procure crowns than to sow? ‘sccd ; as at least a year of time is saved, and we may be siire of obtaining the variety dcsircd. Where seed is. sown. the. product may differ greatly from the parcnt plant. Fitsxcn'TnsA'rMnNi' OF Choir,»- was lately communicated to the French Academy of Scichccs, by *Di'.’ OZanah, who has devoted cspc- cial attention to this disease since 1849, and lias’madc a great nuu’mer of cxperimcnts with chemical agents in treating It. It is’stated in a report of his paper that the chloride ofpot- in the throutin the courscycf twenty- four hours; chloride of solium'dis- solves it in thirty-six hOurs ;, a Solu- tion of bromide potasiuin (1 part to 99 of water) dissolvcs ii iii twclvcl hours, and 'glyccriiic has the cflcct of softening in '24 hours. Dr. Oza- nan prclcrs'ulkalics us dissolvcnts in treating croup, but he quotes a pcâ€" culiar case of succcssful treatment withasolution of crunirtou salt. A country pl‘iysicin’n i't Fiance. in 1860, while attempting to cauteriz‘c the throat of a patient with It stick of] 'iiustic, to his great dismay found the caustic sucked out of his fingers and swallowch In _ terror, hc Lustilyl prepared" a strong solution of com. mon salt as an antidototo’ counteract the oil's-cm of the .poisom when to his Own surprise it not only effected this object, but cutcd thc croup also. Common salt, then, is-a most- simple andfcxcrollcnt agent. for croup. Boom AT THE liioii'r._E.\'o.â€"â€"-I3y all means i'ztisc tl muss-es at lioiiic, cducatc their children, unite the .ri- plc cord of ciity, liatred,,and malicc, with which thcy too” often regard yup (justly or ‘iibt you know best), soften ihcir hearts, cultivatc their minds, lcaru thcir thoughts, tcll thcm yours. lovc ihcm, teach th‘ctir to love you, provide worthy atl‘iUSCtllclllS for them. and frcsh air. and unadul- in .v , _. m4.“ fittggit‘ttfifi mastery. « v VV‘,L~:V‘W\M.rV‘\I\4\ o C. \.r v,( \ .x. V \J n; I Charles C. Keller, _. iiizChancery, Conveyancer, &c. Ufiicc, in’Victofia Buildings. over the Chronicle office, Broth S treat, W h i tby. Alscha Branch Otiice in the village of Beau mono“, Township 01 “ION-ll, dlld (Alum) 0‘ Where. by ’closc appiication to bnsmcss and, 7 ‘ , I _ . _ _ . . studying to please, he hopes to merit a share of": 'l‘lyeil'hVisIQnICOIII-ts in Ontario, Richmond ' ‘ ' (Jiltitt'jdé. . a . ~ Bil-1.";abdjiiflii’rkliain Village regularly attpiidcd. wriiibsv’,"riqv.; Isoo. leiâ€"ii 3., i‘ 1“It. GO R-MLEY, , , CoaiiiissionizjuixQUI2I1V>SIIIJNCII, Conveyanc‘r'r-‘i'azgd Auqtmhcer. Lo‘r M. int c... mam-dirt September 15, 1800.~ 95-tf Auctian Notice. THOMA STOWMAN, Licenses“ Auctioneer, FOR '1‘}! IC COUNTIES OI“ YORK &. PEEL. ;All lottcis addressed to “ Alniira.” P.(’). will rout-iv“ prompt attention. Orders received at the “ York l'lel'illtl”(JIlltie', Richmond Hill; Mr. lPetlt'} Leiiioii, 'l‘liorII-bill. and Ill". James Cavanna}, Mansion House, Sharon, whore 'I‘erms. «EC. may he obtained. Almira, Nov. 25.. 1859'. mascots arias snout, ~ IIUCHMQND lllLL, GEO-13GB; PROPRIETUR. GQ-tf \i 001) Accommodations arid every attention ’ :shown to, 'l‘r'gt'cllei's. {Good Yards for. Drove Cattle and Loose Boxes for ltacc Horses and Studs. , 1 . 'l‘he .Vlonihly Fair held on the Premises first Wednesday i'iroach month. . The Subscriber in calling the attention of the public and his Old Friends to his establishiiioiit, foelssatisticd he can administer comtoriahlv to their wants apd with mutual satisfaction. ' Richmond iIIII. Ami-1'20. I860. P A I N T I N G. R. VAILES, Paint-er. GRAINEB, Glazier, Glider, & Paper Hanger, RICHMOND HILL. 73-tf OUSIS, Sign and Ornamental Painting;r L done on the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. ' ' Richmond Hill, April, 90,1861). 73-tt‘ M A ‘1‘ fi‘ H E w LE P- . ' llAURORA, AS just received anew and full assortment of Spring and Summer nnv'gooos; The .lllillinery“ Department! Will be found replete with the newest alld'IlIOSl It‘ashioii’able‘ Styles of Boun‘c‘t s, E-Iats and Capos, All 0' which will be'S'old‘at-thelowestremuner ating prices. ‘ , Aurora, April 527. 1860. 4~Istf JOHN N. REID, MD. YOSGE ASL! CULBORN STREETS, 't‘HORNtlth. ' 0:? 'll Prescriptions got at the Office must be paid for on delivery. 3t-1y CORNER OF I . .7.-. ._._.._.__~._..._ -....~.‘_4é....___..__d _.....â€".-_.7. .M 7, Cheap Clothing. 7 H E Subscrihcrbcgs to inform the iiiliahi- ' tantsol' linttonville and the surrounding country, that he continues to make first-class COflTS’. VES'I‘S, PJW'TS. die. in the newest Styles and superior Workman- ship. All orders promptly attended to and work warranted. JOHN HARDY, ‘ fl‘ailorand Clothier. Buttonville. Dec. 23,1859. ANGLdAMII‘III‘CAN HOUSE! MABKHAM VILLAGE. OOD Accommodations. Wines. Liquors and Cigars of the choicest brands. _ R. MARK, Proprietor. Markham, June 1850-. 28~tf th II MON “IIILL HOTEL. STAGE was from the above llotel to L Toronto, every mornin'g, starting from the Elgin L‘rlills at 7. a.m,, and returning at 7, p.m Fare, 25. 6d each way. anon ACCOMZIODA'I‘ION rok 'ru.t\'Iai.i.I:Rs. RICHARD NICIIOLLS, ' . _ _ Proprietor. Richmond Hill; 18, 1858‘. “1-55 HALF-WAY HSUSE, Fll lll’dtillli h'lLl... Wilt} Subscriber begs to inform his numer- ous Patrons and the public, that he has removed from the White Swan llotel to the above Promises, where there will be found excellent accommodation for 'l'ravellers, and l ’l‘oionti, .lulv 1, 1559. Good Stabling. cf;- IIOI‘StES and {Buggies for Iiirch JOSEPH G'All’ifif", Proprietor. 18.38. 72-7 00 o 5.]: Richmond Hill, Oct CA LE {Lamond f- SADDLE AND IlIltNESS MAKER. Opposite Mr. 1'urkiss' Store.w 104~l y. Then-MIth URGEON DontiI-t, will be at Niclioll’s t Hotel. Richmond I'll-ll, the Fraser and»; Titian Mostmrot every month, and, the re- mainder of the month at his residence run Over. and lcl your ambition be to her ,a' million bICSS ngs, wl'iispcrcd o’ei'..your1grave ;. but, if this is your ambition, begin ‘at tho right end, and do nn't'pois’mi your OWI'ILlIIIIKISfiHtI thc conitry by touching that who it is-beyoud your art to ciire,- and ti r: you the only rc:hcdy.â€"-London3R0â€" 1301;. which cxpcriciioc her-self has taught/-, Thornhill. All VVoildVarraitted. Teeth filled with Osteoplartid or Artificial Boreâ€"This filling is put. the Tooth while Isoft. causing no pain, as it requires no pressure. it soon becomes as hard as the tooth to which tt fi'rmlv adheres, renderln‘g it alrriostitiipossible for thefilliiig ever'to come out. Dr. Husband iias made arrangements with Mr. G.»L. Elliot, of'l'oronto, to manufacture his A rtificial Teeth; those who engage'Doctor Husband’to do their work will be sure of hav-' ‘ing it done in a superior manner, July 8, IEJQ. 2-ly. P R, _ 55-1y N SPO. l. 'W. C. ADAMS. D. D. f IIIE undersigned bogs respectfully toinform the inliabitants'of "rr‘rORNEY-A'r.LAW, SOLII‘ITOK Richmond I‘til‘l c‘k‘ViciRlily ‘That he has Commenced business in the Tailor ing Line In the house adjoining Milt. SIVEXIS ‘ SHOE SHOP, 1.3; , t» .2 :16 .public patronage. ALL 0111).»an ruxc’rcnmy A'rriisnicn ro. Garments cut to order on the shortest notice, Ks. .‘ In any style. ‘ JAMES 11. BUllNlCS, Richmond Iiill.l“cb.,10, 1800. (i3-1y ,â€" TEEIH Elilliflii’ By Dr. c. Enormous, SURGEON IJI'IN'I'IS 1‘, AU liOItAi Teeth inserch on Silver, Gold or Vulcanized ltiihher.‘ All Operations in his Profession, performed in the most approved manner and Warraiitcd‘ Aurora, March 9, 1901) YONG eraser HOTEk, A l PL .‘1. GOOD supply of Wines and Liquors [ always on hand. i‘lxccllcnt Accommo- dation for 'l'ravolloi's, Partners, and others. Cigars of all brands, ‘D. McLILOD, Proprietor. AI.- 2.) r- E:- / Aurora. Juno 0, i859. 1 1,: 'I‘tiitfih ’I‘t} t‘I'I'l’I l9 il'tll’tiis 185 roses S'l‘ALIIT. V‘i‘m'ff‘ TOI‘IIBTAELES 8:0. \K‘s WV}; I, n . t, Lfi £1 .uJ. 3.4 .ta 3-. If), mono ' IONflfi TO It 11);; tho Twenty Per Cent Cheaper THAN Af\\' OTHER ESTABLISHMENT. V ~HIE UNDEllSlGN'Ll) Assignees of the A. crtato of l), C. 61 \V. YALE, \\'lll(:Ot) tinne the business under the supcrintcndnnco of our duly authorized agents Ausrin Annnv and I), Cannes VALE, whose receipt will be only ackii u'lcdgril. P,S.--â€"-Ail heirs and accounts remaining un- paid on the Is: day of June. I858, will be put into Court for collection, I (I. YALE, G. CUMMER. 48-tf. Toronto, April 29, 1855). DR. 1‘. W. IIILLAIIV, PHYSICAII, SURGEBII 81. ACCGUCHEUH, ‘ ' AUIIUIH LEW. A41, February 17. 186:). my: 53-. '3’! g- ,l V. _I I Hftttlv Alli} Sol}: EEL.-.leth. I]? V. ELL’S Superior V‘v’atcrproof'lIarncss o and Shoo Blanking l> warranted to soften leather, and run or it imperious to wet. Mariti- fuctnred at lticliiiioud llili, and sold by Store- keepers and Ilarncss Makers :hrougliont the Province. February I“, 1860. 63-tf' on. D. E. SEYMOUR, II 0M {EC PATHIC PHYSICIAN, EQQ LbU MAIN S'l‘.. I’E\‘.’.\I;\RI{ET, U.C. (55-1 1” . LANGSTAFF, *3 IL. D VG HILL. 3 doors west of King Post Ul’li £1. Ling, May I3. i859. 24-h: .IIU "‘ II CA M PBE I. L, .‘Watch as: (l Clock Maker, J E \‘v’ I) Street, Aurora- Jewclrv. Watches and Clocks repaired and cleaned on the shortest notice and lowestterms Gil-tf IAEIi’ 61C, Aurora. I‘lebruarv l7, ti‘ltiil. do fli‘ZGEflrLB, , . Attorneysâ€"at-Law, 'LS lN CllANtIILRY,&c. CFPICI‘Z i;- COllNER OF KING AI\D TORONTO STREETS Over Whiimorc d; Co’s. TORONTO lonking Ullice, Agency Portion/(Lr/y attended to. THOMAS G. MATHESON. JAMI‘LS FITZGERALD S . Surgeon Dentist, 99 ‘KING S'I'. SOUTH SIDE. 'I‘IIIItD DOOR \‘I'I'ZS'I' FROM CHURCH ST. TORONTO, l LAST l JARTICULA l1 attention given to the 'ii‘dguâ€" latioii of Children’s 'lcol'h. Consultation free. and all work warranted. Dr, A. has turned his attention to the im- proveiizciits of his profession in all its branches, and can supply the profession with 'l‘cetli. Gold, Vulcanized Apparatus and Vulcanite Rubber. and the host. L'onc filling. Mineral 'l‘eoth mouiitrd‘on Gold», Silver. or Vulcanized Rubber. With Continuous Gurus. which are warranted to give entire satisfaction. 'l‘oronto,0ctober 11, 1864‘ 49;” 131', a. Eaisfl‘fD, summon onN'I‘isr, Iv ILL be at the followingp‘laccs for the ' Practice of his Profession : The Ist'l‘hursday of every Month at IIol-’ 'lan-r'a landing. ' The 52ml 'l‘hnrsday at King Station. ‘ The 3rd 'l'linrsday at Richmond llill. , The «tilt 'l‘hursday at Gorniley‘s Corners. At all other times the Doctor can be found at'liis residence in Aurora. J tine "’9 1‘460. -v, i G7-1y IIAIiDWA'RE, PROVISIONS, .PLASTER 11$ 83-ny .3 - in" far. ;; 4"'â€"-’:nn. , A'I‘ENT anefl‘roughs and Water Spouts superior to tin, pnt'trp"’at 6 cents per foot ; also, Drain Pipes, Seasoned Siding, Ladders, Shingles, Pickettg‘ratcs. “’aggon Fel-" . lows and Ilubs, Barrel Heading, and}, 'I‘ii‘rn'i’t'ig ' in general Manufactured and for sale by so H N5 La Nosrnr F gS'rIIAIu‘MiLm, "I‘Ii‘ORh‘HlIJy ' ‘5 1859'.» » 7 June 3, A;(IVSEIISCIIIEDIII."5 . I hereby boar testimonv that I .SANDERSON’S ROTATING IlAlt-l R‘OWS. on my summer fallow, last Saturday. and Monday, and have found; them up to all that Mr. Sanderson represonts them to be. They aroNOT. of--.aiiy heavier draft than the ‘ common huriow. and do the work to my utmost satisfaction. ~I confidently recommend them to all who require implements ol the kind. RICH “(RD VANDERBURGII Richmond Hill. lune 20, 1800. . affir, or. or: Joli to this. ,- 'kRRlSTEE-AT-LAW [IND SOLIClTOfl ~' iN-CHANCEaY,_. ’ Office removed Io Gas Company’s Buildings, Toronto Street. 'l‘oronto,’,_lantiary 9,, I861.. , .11 l-6in A CARD.” l é7â€"tf . ,y . . 4.1-1. . 3 - . ,x.._. a. < KEN 2m MILLWRIGIIT, , .‘ ofl El TI? JI'cfl 9 EyGSJo intimate that he is now prepared to _ ’vTér‘ect ’IVI‘I.L‘I.S*'of-'-cvery description, by contract or otherwise, on reasonable terInS' Heist-also agent for the best Foundries in Ca- nada. and from his lengthened experience he hopes to give general satisfaction, Altona, Dec. 23, I859 -.â€".T-.Aâ€"’ a 4 have tried Va‘ItlaI-blvo Property foil-Sale I “I‘Zzi G3Acrcs, Q3 of which tiriibered, 40 Acres under Cultivation. Sevei’al PARK LOTS with timber thereon. Also, ,VILLAG ii} PROPERTY with wiih'ot'it Buildings. The above-property is. situated at, and ad- joining to, the} ‘Vilage of' Richznond will. . ce oft {h Performer particulars apply at the 0 this paper. Richmond l.l_ill,,Sept 26. 1800. 95-0 W OR M Viv c KEELE; Esq, of the City of Tor- ' . onto, has opened an otiice in the Vii»- lage ofAnI-ora for the transaction of Common _ Law and (.‘hai.Cery ‘Busineâ€"ss, also, Convey- ancing creeiivtcd wiili correctness and despat'cli Division Courts attended. Wellington St..Aurora, (SI. Queen St.» Toronto November 20, 16500. Itl-l-ly within n. W. coin), ' "f .AR.Rl5§'l'ER, Atmrncyâ€"at-Imw. Solicitor ‘ in Chancery,Cuiivmaiica',.&c. Money advances procured on ICOi'tgages, NI). 3, Jordan Street, Toronto. Deceitibor I3. 1869. HIS-my _, ,... .. .._._4.. _.. ._ .-.....__.-â€"___I._..._________...~_~... Charles I} “run (I, ARRIS'I‘ICR and A'I‘TOIINEY,â€"-Oflice, ) corner of Adelaide and Yongc Streets, "l'oronto, will attend to Suits in all the Snplei'ior Courts cf'Law. Chanc‘cr'y and County Court: also, on request. to" Country Business in the Division‘Courts. ' - Deeds, Leases; h‘Iortgages. and every de- scription of Conveyancing drawn up with care and at reasonable prices. Letters post paid attended to, Toronto. November 20, 1860. 104-6m RICIIMON D IIILL IRON FOUR DRY. .â€" H. I EGS to notify the Public that he has leased , the Foundry. lately in the occupation of Ira B. Richmond, where he intends“ to keep constantly on hand, I lROhl BEAM FLOWS 0f various descriptions, also, Sugar Kettles, Box Stoves. &r:., an. All kinds of Plow points for sale. and all kinds of Job Work attended to. All work Warranted Richmond laill, Oct. 25th, 1660. tlENIlIIiiE FAMILY LIQUIIIIS. WM. B. atonuuousn & 00., importers 65 Wholesale Dealers in Brandies, Wines, Gins & Segars, G leave to call the attention ofthe citi- 313 b Zens of IlieUnitod States to their Pure Wines and Liquors, put up under thcir oun supervision. for Family and Medicinal nee, in cases assorted to suit customers. Clubs, Military and otherpublic bodies, \vlio requirc to purchase inlargze or 'small quantities, in ‘casks or bottles, will he liberally dealt with.-- Price list sent on application. y OLD ZlIOIIiEHOUSE BITTERS, Recommenoed by the first Physicians as the best remedy known for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Debility, and all Nervous Diseases. As a beverage. it is pure, wholesome, and delicious to the taste. Sold by all Druggists. W M. B. MOll HHOUSE 8.; CO, Pi‘op’rs. 3 do 5‘EXCllfltlge Place. Jersey City, N. J. P.S.â€"â€"Thc subscribers wish to engage a few active men, as Local and 'l‘ravclling Agents for their house, to whom liberal inducements- will be ofl'ercd. For particulars, address as above. General @tarev, AT AURORA. r “E Subscriber has constantly on hand a General Assortment of IE 3%? i: Gnocmuiss. . &c. &c. &c. AND SAL T,» Alwars on hand, and‘ for sale on the mos favorable terms. \ ~ “7M. SMITH. Aurora, June Ill, 1860. 81-tf All EXCELLENT FARM FOR SALE. ACRES, 80 Cleared. 20 miles from ’l‘oronto,aiid three-quarters ofa mile from the Kingston Road. \Vell watered. Good eBnildings and in a a good state bf cultivation. For further particulars apply to, DR. \I’INS'I‘ANLEY, :Eglington, Yonge Street. October 4, 1860. 97-3m ‘White Hart Inn, moi-mono HILL. H'E’SubScriber begs to inform the Public that he has leassd the above Uotelr ~ where he will keep constantly onghand a good supply of first-class Liquors. &c. As this house possesses every accommodation Tra- vel ers can desire. those who wish to stay where they can find every comfort are respectfully inâ€" vited to give him a call. CORNELIUS VAN NOSTRAND. Richmond" Hill. Dec. 28, 1850. 108~1. ’1‘1-1 nuances/ii MASIIHIU QUAIIIEIIILE BAND ! now open to receive engagements on li- beral terms. for any number, to suit the convenience of large 01 small parties. Applications to Mr. WM. lanAND. at: Aurora, or Mr \V, VVI'LIJIS, 3rd Con. I'Vhit- eliurch. N.B. Also, a SAX-HORN BAND may be had on applicationp Aurora-,Nov. 53', I860. 100-3111 95-3m. SOLD, for 15 conts. I tinn, compiled from the Census and r 111E Subscriber begs to intimate to EXIST! wonIus , tEXIS’I‘! WORM.“ ' EXIST! worms , EXIST! wonns EXIST! WORMS EXIST! ‘ WILL "WILI. ;Wll.L WILL ‘ Wth (‘V b EXIST I WILL tron-Its WILL WORM .. . EXIST! WILL worms , , I _ EXIST! WILL WORMS WILL wonms ' EXIST! WILL WORMS EXIS"! AFTER USING Meanwhile Birth soar “’6th- dish-i”? NonguIN. BB. 4‘ Packages for 50 cents. By all respectable Dealers in h‘lcdicinc, \‘t'holcsulc by LYMAN, ELLIOTT 8:. Co. Toronto. INORTIIROP & LYMAN, Newcastle. LYMAN, CLA IlE 8L Co. “I” a" '4. 5‘}: I. 7 shame FGBQSAL. t - ,- sâ€"‘ a” Elli-‘11:”: 011 Easy Terms ofuPaymg‘mb. â€"‘--" .Tgp. , tf‘, 80,000 rAcrefiy . ‘ITUATIZD in the counties of LAMr'rorg afiil k Kmr. All necessary information will Ifo given on application, post paid, to . "I ‘ (22’ MILES LANGSTI‘AFFf “H's: I .. Wallacoburgh. Also, some improved FARMSIO IIEN'IT._; IVallacqburgh, Nov, 94, ,1859. 1' .525,“ W TREE TMLENTQ °“ , Buffalo Medical Illspcusaiéypi Established for the cure‘ of » DYSPEPSJA, G ENE It At. DEBILIT FEVER AND AGUE, ASTHMA. INCIPIEN'I‘ CUNSUMI’TI‘ILN, ’ CONSUMPTION 0F YOU‘IlI AM)~ 01.1) AGE, arc. No hlcrciiry Used.» - Dr. Asnos $.50“, CORNER or MAIN a; QUAVS'I‘s, ' Buffalo. New Yorkim RE the onlv Physicians in the State 3who i , are members of the Royal Cdllege of _ Surgeons, London. May be consulted from" 8 o’clock in the morning until 9 at night, ineyery state and symptom of disease. N The treatment they adopt is thei'esnlt of tiff- wards ofthth years’ extensive and ‘succesm'ul practice in Europe and America. 1. MOST scmvriiric INVENTION, An instrument for the cure of Genital Debi- lity, of Nocturnal Emissions, more propeer known as Seminal I'Veakness. (kc. Can b-I permanently cured in from 15 to 520 days, by the use of this instrument, when used co». jointly with medicines. ' " z ~ - YOUNG MEN TAKE PAR'I‘ICULIIR koiuénfl ‘ . ’Dr. Amos 6; Son take pleasuréltr iiiitiolinc- Eng that they have invented a most imperial): instruiiientfortho cuio. of the above diseases: It has, been subjected to a test of the mostiiiin? incnt physicians in‘I.ondon. Paris. Philadelphirfi and New York r it has been declared the onlv useful instrument over yet invented fordh'o cure of;Seminal weakness, or anv disease of the genital organs, caused by the secrethabits ofyoulh. , ' ' Dr. Amos & Son, in order tosatisfv the most skeptical as I: the merits of their itistrn- iiient, pledge themselves that in any instance where it may prove unsatisfactory, after a fair trial, the money will be refunded bv l'elt‘ti‘lllllé the instrument in good order. ' ‘ ' Persons wishing the above useful instrument. will observe [that the price, , with tho accom- panying directions, securely packed, and sent by mail or express, is ten dollars. NEW niiiuiaains AND QUICK csnns â€"A win; Vr'ARRANI‘I'D. ' 1 Dr, Amos Sc. Son have, for a long scridss of years, been engaged in an cxlcnsivc piactice in the trcatirient of these delicate complaints. and are the only legally qualified physicians who now advertise to cum certain cotiiplaiilts. or from whom genuine European remodes can be obtained. - ' Persons in any part of the world may be suc- cessfully treated by forwarding a correct detail of their cases, with a remittance for medicines; t‘tc., which will be returned with the utmost dispatch and secure from observation. Address Dr. Amos it; Son, corner Main and Quay streets, Buffalo, N, Y . 88-ly Fire! Fire! 1 Fire! I .' IVEI‘TERN , Fire Insurance (.‘ompany of ’I‘oron to. ' INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT. CflPITflL STO CK, £100,000. Mmunlal' l-'C~ GILMOR. Pres. i GL0. Micaiiz,Vioc Prol.‘ E3 new In 3? w on so“ 8 Rice hm... I2... 01“ A NEW AND II‘I’IPROVED MAP OF 0 Tit COUNTRY! T Wealthy Counties of Norfolk. ()xfoid. Brant, llalton, York, and Ontario, (all of which have been Favorablr Noticed by the City and Country Press,) Proposes to Publish, Drawn to a Large Scale, either 20 miles to 3 inches, or 6 miles to one inch,â€" IIE undersigned, I‘rojoctor and Publisher A 'I‘opograpliiCal. Stutistical,& Illustrated RIM” 0i? hi‘PEl’t QIITIIIIIA ! Exhibiting the Great Lakes, Harbors and Ports: Canals, 7 tivms. and Principal Mill Streams: tho Railways, tailway Stations, and Stage llouies in connection therewith; the Post Ofliccs. Money Order Uflices, and Tele- graph Stations, as shown on the Map prepared by order of the Post Master General, by John Dewe, Esq, Post ()flico Inspector; the gene- ral Boundaries, Counties, County 'l‘owns, Cities, 'l'ovvns, and Villages, with the p iiicipal or most direct Roads connecting them, the Population of each City, Town, 'l‘owns‘hip, and Incorporated Village in the Province; and other Important and appropriate IlllOl‘tlle Statistical Returns of the present year. ILLUSTRA'I‘ED By well" ex’cc‘ittcd Views of the Cities of Ot- tawa, Kingston, 'l‘oronto,~ Hamilton, and Lon- don ; a View of the Falls of Niagara ; with a View of the Niagara Suspensinii Bridge, ac- companied by a Description of it. Also Views of, Provincial Buildingsâ€"the .New [looses of Parliament, the NorinaF School, Osgoode Hall, 'l‘Iinitv College, "and the To~ ronto Univeisity. the last, said by competent Judges to be the Finest Building ot'its Class in America. IF ENCOURAGED To accomplish this Important Work, the Map (Size, including a Border formed by a tasteful arrangement of the Emblcms of Canada. at least 6 feet from East to West, ><’ 4 to 43 feet from North to Sou'th,) will be completed, here, in' from three to five years. IN ANTICIPATION Of a General Patronage, the Price has been permanently fixed at FIVE AND A-HALF DOL- LARS. payable (only) on delivery of the Map in_ Good Order and Condition, handsomely Colored, Varnishod and Mounted. [13’ Put up for the’Pockot at $6.00. GEORGE 0. mm ‘A‘I’NE. Toronto, January, 1861. FARM‘E ll‘d'i' EST. the Farmers of tho County of York, that he is prepared to Manufacture and Sell ill‘liiil illlliiill i VViin the improved Draft and Coupling trons, The above llarrows are far superior to any now in use, being made on an entire new principle. ' boy will he. found to do the work much quicker and better than any other liar- rows. Specimens of the above may be seen and particulars as to price asc‘ertaincd. by ap-l plying to the Subscriber, at his shop, Richmond Hill, who will punctually attciidto all orders. SAMUEL SANDERSON, of Descriptive Maps of the Popiilons andJ éTIC KRISâ€"Seven and Sixpence per A iinn'nigm’ paid : ing up. scriptiun. DIRECTORS : 'I'hos, Ilaworth, Esq, W. Henderson, Esq. Vi". Macfarlane, Esq. .laiiics lfioaty, lilsq. T, P. Itobarls, Esq.- M. Itossin, I‘qu. [ Bernard llaldan, Esq. Secretary 4' Treasurer. Angus Morrison, Esq. Solicitor. Bank of Upper Canada. Bankers. Btnjaiiiin Switzcr, I‘qu. Inspector. ll? Head Ojicc, litirc/i Street, Toronto. ‘3 , ‘ I ., .. .. I HIS COMPANY Ins-tires all descriptionso? Buildings,Mariutactories, Mills, &c.. and Good- ana Furniture, in the some, ugainstloss ordain- age by tire, on liberal terms. Losses promptly settled. A. LAW, , [tosnlencm Gonerelagent. {Ichiiond Iiill August 13. 1857- 1 210-1 "Effâ€"“*7” ' m' ‘cittm”“ ” o $ 1 p I I it but. giant IS PUBLISHED i EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, And despatclicd to Subscribers by the earth-tit mails, or other conveyance. \rlicn-s‘o'dcs-Ired} The YORK HERALD will always be be found to contain the latestand mostimpor- taut Foreign and Provincial News and-Mar- kets. and the greatest care will be taken to render it acceptable tothema'n’ of bus‘i-itesn, and a valuable. Familt Newspaper. ADVANCE; and if not paid within Threov Mouths two dollars will be charged. RATES OF ADVERTISING? r; ' ,Six lines and under, first insertion. . . . .5500 50’,» 'Each subsequent insertion . . . . , . '00 19:; Vl‘en lines and under, first insertion. . . . 00 '75)“ Above ten lines, first in., per line.... 00 07%.- Each subsoquentinsertidn, [)el‘lllle.'.',', 0h 0g", 11 ?’ Advertisements without written direc-‘ tions inserted till forbid, and charged raccoridJ ingly. All transitory advertisements, from stranger's or irregular customers, must be paid for when; handed in for insertion. A liberal discount will be made to parties ad-’ vertising by the year. ‘e A11 -$vertisemcnts published for; a‘lé‘gg .riod that one month, must be paid {0'1" in ad}. Vance. All letters addressed to the Editor must VI,- post paid-i . No' paperdisconlintied until allarrcarage's'are and parties refusing papers without pay‘ will be held accountable forth'e sub“ -wapsAaAavwm-s Tun YORK HERALD" “ .1 Book and Job Printm’g. ESTABLISMENT. " ‘ RDERS for any of the undermentioned () description of PLAIN and FANCY JOB» \VORK will be promptly attended to :â€"'-"f" BOOKS, FANle BILLS, BUSINESS CARDS, LARGE} AND SMALL POS'I‘JCRS,CIRCUI.A RS,I.AV\" FORMS” BILL HEADSJSANK CI'IECKS,DRAF'I'S,AND PAMP HLE TS. And every other kind of’ LETTERâ€"PRESS PRINTING if done in the beststyle, at moderate ratios. f- 10]} TYPE is entirely A s. Our assortment u now and of the latest patterns. A large viiriety of new Fancy Type and Borders, tor Cami." 5-tf Richmond Hill, Feb“??- 1560. Circulars, 61 c. kept always on hand.

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