Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 19 Apr 1861, p. 4

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I. [For the York Herald. _ THE TAILUR’S GOOSE. Now I’m going to sing to you, And let you know tiie way, And how a Tailor shot his geoso, In town the other i l k The village butcher had udog,’ -~ \Vliicli bit the horses heels: And often made them run away, As fast as any fools. l V To the Tailor’s he went across, And asked to lend his gun: 110 said that he would shoot the dog Before the setti'ig sun, ' The Tailor said he’d gohimself, And shoot the butcher’s dog ;' He found the brute behind this housef ; ' Lying behind a 103.: ' l ' But he soon found out his litislake.‘ (The weather i'vas quite raw) At the dog‘s tail he took straight ain't, And broke his underljaw. V i The poor dogjnmped across the fence, And ran towards the hills :V H Next day his hunger drove him back, , Towards our butcher Bill's, The dog was chased into the yard, The 'I‘aifci‘ fo'lowed close, J 118 fired the gun and missed tlie'dog, And shot his old gray goose. moor. AND LMUMMYH, trim ‘1 1". Less than a hundred years ago an antiquai'y returning from Grand Cairo brought a mummy with him, presumed to be at least three thou- sand” six hundred years old. Our s add at“, shifted of: the ill l i go n cc 3 i n fwhich he had been travelling from ' blag‘sqill,cs,took.,a bargorahFountain- ,bltiu,‘l'wliiéli lzi'il‘dCd 'liim‘ safe. and _ sound at Port St. A to see his, family, he hadhis effects icrriard. Eager leaded on a litter, but left his preci-. ou‘s mummy in the bottom. of the boat.‘””'lThe CuSiOtIl-hQUSQ Officer, on boarding it, discovered a box of a strange shape and aspectf Sus- pecting it to contain contraband . grinds, he; had it opened. JVhat a I spectacle-i A woman? swathcd" in linen bandages from head to foot! ' 1V0 doubt this was a wretched vic- iimz'sn-a'egled by a jeaIOUS lover (ir a'grasping heir. The con'imisary of police was instantly sent for, and made his . appearance, flanked by two surgeons as skilful as ’himselfin archaeology. The crime was recog- nised, a‘i'cport made of it, and‘ the body transported to the Morgue. that the friends might come 2:, idan 1 ,. My 11.: .It is presumed that none of ,. .. appearance. Our cller,however, in taking them made thei learned tra" V v ' 35" mv'c'utOi‘vf‘of'liiéveffectsftbe rte)“ Now all my friends that live in town, Don’t let your dogs run loose, And.koep them from the horses lieelf; ' ’ And mind the Tailor’s goose“ T. F. W. Birwick, April 15, 18:5,, ~...._.â€"-._.- »_-___. _. m; Jhiitrtllunrmu, The young gentlema'iwho'flcw into a0 passion has had his wings clipped. Lightning rods take the misohief out of the clouds~cnhghtcning rods take‘it out of bad boys. ; IIeavcn sends goOd figures; ' It is only woman‘s enemy who would temptih'er to wear crinolinc. ' Somebody has discovered that, when a better man says he'll ‘ take ’ you, he means that, if he can, he’ll ‘ take. you__iii.’ An Irishman. making love to a lady of great fortune, told her ‘ he couldiiot sleep for dreaming of her.’ V ' The man who never says nothing to ho- body was married, last week to the lady who never speaks ill of no one. The sheep inthe meadow, and the axe in the forest. alike contribute their ‘ chops,’ for the benefit of man.' ‘ “ \\'e have equal rights,’ said -a dwarf to a giant.’ “Very true, my goodfcllow, said the giant, “yet you cannot walk in’ . . a ,, ‘ 9 , ' ' 7) my shoes. Ditto, said the. dwarf. How does a pitcher ofwater differ from a man throwing his wife off a bridge? One is water in the pitcher; the other is pitcher in the water. ‘How do I look, Pompey 1’ said a young dandy to his servant, as he finished dressing. ‘ Elegant, massa, you look bold as a lion.’ ‘ Bold as a lion, I’oinpe 4,â€"â€" l'Iow do you knew? ' You never saW'a lion ! ‘ Oh, yes, massa, I. seed one down to Massa quks, in his stable.’ ‘ Down to Jenks, Pompey? “’hy” you great fool', Jenks hasn’t got a lion. That’s a jackass.’ iCap‘t hpr it, massa, you look 'ustJike, iim. ' A clergyman was cndeavoriiig'to instruct one of his Sunday scholars, a ploughboy, on the nature of a miracle. ‘Now,’ my boy,’ said he, ‘ suppose you were to See the sun rising in the middle of the night, what should you call that 1’ 4 ‘ The mune, please zur.’ ‘ No, but,’. said the clergyman, “suppose you knew that it was not the moon, but the sun, and that you saw it ac- tually rise in the middle of the nightâ€" what should you think 2‘. ‘ l‘lcase, zur, I should think it was time to get up. ‘ A man who bad business with a magis- trate, who was an auctioneer. gave - mucli‘ offence by neglecting to call him ‘your worship," on which he was committed to ~gaol for contempt. \thn the man Ob- tained his dischargch constantly attended his worsliip‘s sales, bidding for almost every lot thus: ‘ Thrccpence, your worship; sixpence, your worship ;’ which. caused such scenes of laughter at the auctioneer’s expense that be was glad to give the, man- ten guineas never to attendbisisalcsany more. A poor girl drove a donkey, laden with turves,into Enniskillcn,and,having disposed of them, she wont into a shop to purchase some articles, leaving the animal at the door. A gallant officer offitlie 57th. who, happened to be passing shortly after, called out indignantly for the removal Of‘théioba' ‘ structionâ€"‘ I say',_girl,_ what makes you V keep your donkey en the pavement '! Reâ€" i move it imincdiatclyl’ ‘ Well,sir,’ said} the girl, in apparent ,good- humor, ‘ if. you had staid at home, y0u would not have foun’ raison to fall out wid your brother.’ CORRUPT PRACTICES.â€"â€"FOI‘ 'a medical man to be continually called out ofcliurch in the middle of the service; for a young gentlen an to - practice the cornet-a-piston in the middle of the ‘night 5 for a barrister to accept the fees for more briefs than he can attend to; for an infernal bore to'bc- gin proposing healtlis and making Speeches, directly. after dinner-3 for a conceitedhar-" bcr’s apprentice of a singer to come for- ward and repeat his dreary sonar at the 5) very fainch cry for an ‘EizcorcP for their stupid public to persist in the corrupt prac- tice of having any ‘Encores‘ at all, more especially in sacred composition ; and for a__ beautiful young lady (more shame fdr 3y, boitliought liimsclfiof his great- est curiosity. ., He "flexv t0:€..tlic boat, -wfllie,n the learned comn’iissai‘y and the three minions of the law seized him and took him before 11101113ngâ€" ’tratc’sâ€"‘cAhal my" i‘ fine" fellow,’ dried" thejudge', ‘ we’ve got you.”- f Will your honour favor me with the reason of this extraordinary pi‘octzediiigl’ pjaing‘stihc circumstances of tlic mur- der you have committed.’ ‘Mtfrder l’ '- ' ‘ That is the word, sir.’ te’d‘l? cried” the Savant, aghast. ‘ "Or at least the crime in which you WCi'C an accomplice." ‘ Good heavens! your worship is (1101111111ng ‘ Ah ! I’m dreaming, am I 7. No, sir; you’ll find me wide awake to your cost. The eye ofjustice never closes. Did not my vigilant Officers discOvcr the body of your victim, strangled and shut up in a box lâ€"- .Hcrc’s the report of the discovery, duly scaled. signed, and attested, sir.’ ‘Is that alll’ said the antiquaiy, iwith a hearty laugh. ‘IIardcncd i'utiianl’ cried judge. ‘Do you induigci’n ‘l evi'ty hanging over your head? -Now,sir, look me in the, face, and answer the questions 1 5.1.1111 put. By' whom was. tliatyouug’ girlplacedgin the box id‘wliich she was discovered ?’ ‘ By myself, sir}. ‘ Mr. Clerk, please take down his confession,’ said thé'magiStratc- ‘ \Vlio swatlicd her with linen bandages from head to foot 9’ ‘I did, your honour.7 ‘ \Vrite down, Mr. Clerk, admits his horrid crime.’ ‘ The expression is rather strong, sir.’ I "The deed is heinous. How'old was this unfortunate younggirl’l’. ‘ About nineteen years. M ‘ Of what Country 1’ ‘ Menpliis, I thinli.’ , . ‘Fancy importing a girl Such a distance to murder lierl . When did her death take place 1’ ‘ Three thcusand years ago.’ .A' 'Six hundred in this misplaced levity?’ ' ‘I am not jokiiig,.sir. I assure you the deceased lived in the reign Of one of the Pharaol’iis,’ insisted the antiquary. , ‘ l‘ll pu‘t‘th rascaL’ . 1_ ~ ‘ Your honour, said the prisoner, sternly, ‘tliis pleasantry has been carried too far. And let me.say,s1r, that you are the most marVOllously irnorant man that [has ~ever sat on the judicial bench. \thre were you brought up, that you haven’t even suspected that for two days you have been holding an inquest on c handcuffs On‘ you, 7 " ._:'-~' L{":"»:~"\'j". “up » .-~.,.,n,- ‘It remains for you, sir, to cx-v with the shadow of a eiimc so-bl'ack- ‘ Prisoner! how dare you indulge I the iElgin Mills I117.'a.ln,,'ulld113111111111}; at 7, M w 1 _, migrates ' Chair-Ice 0. Keller, l A in Chancery, Conveyancer. Oflice, in Victoria Buildings, Over the Clii‘aéiiclg. office, Broplr Street, Whitby. " ' Also Bu‘Bt‘ai‘iCil Office in the vil vertou, Township o Ontario. “ The Division Courts»z l1}0,flt,fil‘iO.‘ Richmond Hill, and Markham Village regularly attended. \Vlii'tb)‘; NOV; 22, 1860. 104-1)’ 1.;:‘:.>r 'ii.‘.,;‘,' i J . G O, R M L E Y, COMMISSIONER 1N QUEEN’SBENCII, 'Conveyanc'r arid Auctioneer. Lor 31, 4TH Con. Minimum. September 18, 1860;. ~ ‘95â€"tf’ .'1‘H'Q1\'I-A»S.â€"~Bâ€"0WMAN, Licensed Auctioneer, ’ Foii THE COUNTIES OFt'YORK 35L PEEL; ‘ ‘ All letters addressed ‘to “ Ali'iiit'a.”'1".i(). will receive prompt attention. Orders received at the “ York Herald” Office, Richmond Hill; Mr. Henry Lemon, Thornhill. and Mr. James 1Cavannali, Mansion House, Sharon, who“, ITeriiix-i, (be. may be obtained. iAlinird, Nov. 25. 1.8.39. GQ-tf Masonic mine ththQNl) HILL. n I GEOitsp siMsON", BRQPItin'I‘QhI 00D Accommodations and everv tittention Shown to 'Ihravellei‘s. Good TY‘ards for Drove Cattle and Loose Boxes for Race Horses and Studs. " i ‘l H 'i The Monthly Fair held on the Premises firSt‘ Wednesday in each month. , ,, The Subscriber'in calling dip attention of the public and his Old Fflelldsvto his establishment, feels satisfied he can administer comfortably to their wants and wilh mutual satisfaction. ' Richmond Iii-ll, AprilQO, 1860. 7341‘ P AVI’N II R. VAl-LES, ‘ 'I‘heanurdcr that I havecommit- Painter. Gifllielfg Al‘mla' Julle $591.-. I ‘0 “ L, ' -» . butler, & Paper Hanger, IIICIIIWOND‘ IIILL.‘ H E'OUSE, Sign and» Ornamental Painting done on the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. , Richmond Hill, Apiil, 20,1860. MATTHEWBLEPPER AURORA, AS justireceived a IIOWEHId full assortment of Spring and Summer our g 0 OD s, "the The" Mifiiiiery Department! 1 , Will be found replete, with the newest and most ‘A ' Fashionable Styles of Bonnets, 'Hats and Capes, All of which will he Sold at the lowest remuiier atiiig prices. Aurora, April 97', 1860. 74-tf JOHN"N. REID, M1)". , CORNER or vosorz Ahl)"CULBORN'VZ;STR§ZETS', 4‘. I ‘ TITORNIIILL. [1:37 7 ll Prescriptions got at the Ofiice must be paid for on delivery. 31-1y that be cheap Clothing-I HE Subscriberbegs to inform theinhabiâ€" tantsof Buttonvillo and the surrounding country, that he continues to make first-class C 0.0 TS, ' VE 8' TS, PJIJV‘TS, SPC. ‘in. the} newest Styles and superior Workman- sliip. All orders promptly ywudcd to and , work warranted. n a JOHN HARDY. Tailor and Clothior. Buttonville‘, Dec. 23, 1859. 55-1y ANGLO-AMERICAN HOUSE! MARKHAM VLLAGE. 00D Accommodations. Wines, Liquors ‘and Cigars‘of the choicest brands. R. RR, Proprietor. Markham, .luii01859. l S26~tf UCIIMOND iiIL'L HOTEL. STAGE runsx'fi'om the above Hotel to Toronto, everv morning, starting from p.111. Fare, 2s. 6d.eacli way. , A’ccoamona‘riou‘ ‘i‘oa' TRAVELLERS. RICHARD NICIIOLLS, Proprietor. 1-55 ' G001) {Richmond Hill, Dec. 18, 1858. "HALF-WAY HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL. [IE Subscriber begs to inform his numer- , Otis Patrons and the public, that he has reinoVed from the White Swan Hotel to the the pretended murder of an Egyp- tian mummy l’ ‘ A mummy 1’ 'Of course, sir; and it you had conducted your examination pro- perly, you would know that you are addressing Count as D‘zâ€"â€"â€", a. mem- ber oft the Academy of Inscriptions and Belles-Lettrcs.’ flitÂ¥..le.1‘.d.; said. the judge, ‘ .1 hes a thousand Pardons.” 'Isghope‘ your lordshipflwisll f'orgpt ’ ' " r ‘e, ‘ I will forget everything. Give: me my mummy, and try in future to obtain experts who will come a little nearer, than three for ) four thousand years in guessing atthe date, of a persons dentin”, I , . ‘ The police magistrate, very much mortified at his blun‘do‘r, gave up the above Premises, where there will he found. excellent accommodation for Travellers, and Good Stabling. c3“ Horses and Buggies for Hire. JOSEPH GABY, V Proprietor. . 22, . 72,7 Richmond Hill, Oct 853. atmmm, SADDLMND HARNESS MAKER: Opreéite‘ Mr. Parkiss' Store, » ’ 104~‘1y. Tnoanmim G. H. 'E-I'fi‘sbarad, ‘ URGEON. _Denti’st, will be at iNiclioll’s Hotel; Richmond -Hill. "tli'e FleST and THIRD IVIONDAY of. every month, and, the re- rniainder Of the month at: his residence. ‘ mummy, but he nevefiliea‘rd the last” of the story. 4vâ€"w. ‘ Doctor, kin you tell what’s the matter with my child‘s nose"? She keeps a pickin’ of it.’ ‘ Yes, marm, it's probably an irriâ€" tation of t.hcti.gtistic"tnu'cus membrane com- her when she has a capacity both (busing! iqg and playing ‘1 ~ - I giveup practismg altogether, as soon. as, 6119 is married. ‘ ‘ ' .‘ municating a. sympathetic tilillation to the that‘s just what‘sf told Becky; but the n'ouldu’t believie me.’ = l . - qua-*8, 1859. Thornhill. All WorkVVa-rranted. Teeth filled with Osteoplartic or Artificial Boneâ€"This filling is put into the Teeth while soft, causing no pain, as itrequires no pressure, it soon becomes’as hard as the teeth to which -' . tt firmly adheres, rendering it aln'iostimpossible for the filling ever to come out. _, Dr. Husbandihas ' made arrangements with Mr. G, L. Elliot, of Toronto, to, manufacture . , -, . , , V ., , ‘ . his Artificial Teeth; those \vho eiigagé‘Do'ctor 2:. ,) to neglect her muSic,randy/optha‘hum of thecchrcrian. .4 .1‘.liere,.now, Husband to'do their work Will be sui‘e‘éf Hay. ing it done in a superior manner, " ' ‘ $32-13: ., ..< M. .3323, Bea. one: SJ'VERS? SHOE SHOP, :-'i‘l§°rflhi'§l,l,Ԥ' Comte.“ ‘ Where. Auctioln i mot-g. ' 7-.3-1r ; 3‘- A‘t'ell‘ot'hertimes tlié’ Doctor "can be found cw " 5 .2, :_, , ~' (a “,1: ,m \w, VFIIE uhderstgned hair‘s rd’spcdtfully to inform the inhabitants of 'r'poRNEY_AT , LAW, somcypou Richmond Hill & Vicinity , 1 That ire liasicmnnionced business in the Tailor iiiglniie in the house adjoining by close apmiggiqnsto business and study‘iiig’tb'iple'ase, heliopes to merit a share of public'patrortage. ALL ORDERS resort-051:4;_,A{i"i‘i:spi;n .ro, Garrneii‘ts cut to order on the shortest notice, in any style. v JAMES B. BURNES, Richmond Ilill, Feb. 10,1860. ; " - <- -.n.,..;11rii1 .g . tlilpipul, 5,1,5 ,1, ,1 1, I .- . p v 11 --1 .1 w" , B y or. E D‘MQOIN D S, SURGEON DEN'I‘IS I_‘, AURORA, Teeth inserted on Silver, Golder Vulcanized Rubber. All Operations in his Profession, performed in the most-approved manner. and W arranted‘ Aurora, March 9, 1860 V 67o1y YONGE STREET Horst” ’ AURORA. : 'GOOD grailsin ’or Winos’and'viirqaolt always on hand. Excellent Accommo- dation for ‘l‘ravclle-rs, Farmers, and others. Cigars of all brands. I p g ' l D.‘ McLEOD, Proprietor. " 25 1y .s;_._.._.--‘.._...~ - .. . 4- ,4. W-._s__.__.,_ ’1‘0RhTtlt3Ef1’ iiiaseawoairs ‘ mavens-E Sigsanr, I ,1 UMEHTS, TOMBTABL TOMBS'I‘ONE-S, ac. , Twenty . Pier .. Cent: Cheaper 'ZMON ES- 5 THAN ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT. 11E EInvi'iieaSIGNED?“*Asugmms~01 the .' estate of D. C. (to W. YALE, will con. ,tinuo the busineSS under the superiiitendence of our dulyeuthorizcd agents, AUSTIN ABBEY and D. (Sauces VALE. whose receipt will be duly acknowledged. 1’,S.â€"-â€"All notes and accounts remaining un- paid on the lst day of June, 1858, will be put into Court for collection, ‘ C. YALE, G. CUMMER. fToreuto,vApril 29, 1859. 48-0". v, mâ€" SURGEON a. ACCUUCHEUH, q AURORA, C.VV. February 17, 1860. , Di; R. iv. HILLAR 911113101114, 64 1y HARNESSâ€"AND SHOE BLACKING. V. E‘LL’S Superior \Vaterproofllarness .e and Shoe Biacking iswarranted to soften leather, and render it imperious to wet. Manu- factured at Richmond llili, and sold by Store- DR. 0. -E. SEYMOUR, H OMGEO PATHIC PHYSICIAN, MAIN Sr, NEWMARKET, U.C. 66-1 DR. L. LANGSTAFF, PRINGHILL. doors West of King. Post Ofiice. l 'i J King, May 13- 1859. \ HUGH CAMPBELL, Watch and Clock Mrtker, 11‘1‘JEWELER,&Q,_ * A ‘ .Yonge Street, Aurora.- JeWelrv, Watches and Clocks repaired and cleaned on the shortest notice and lownastterms Aurora, ,It‘ebruary 17, 1860. ’ 60~ff 9411' v‘: ‘ , .5 .fi ,_ ..,. ‘7‘ v . . MATHESUN 86 FlTZGERALD, Barristers, AttOrneyrcratsLaw, SOLICITORS IN CIIANCE’RY, &c.. ' V ori‘iou z;â€" coannalor KING‘AND TORONTO STREETS Over ‘\Vliitmore do Co’s. Banking Office 7 ' ‘TORONTO- --‘ ’ Agency Particularly attended to. ' THOMAS a. M A’I‘H risen. JAMES FITZGERALD ' _ r_ q. . I‘Oiouto, July 1, 1009, counterpart ,o. ADAMS, 'o. “0.8,... _ , Surgeon Dentist, .. 99 KING ST. EAST, SOUTH SIDE. THIRD ,noon WEST FROM" cnoncu sax 'rouonro, ’PARTICULTAR attention given to the regu- : lation of Children’s Teeth. _ Consultation free. and all work warranted. ' ' Dr, A. has turned his attention to the tim- provemeiits of his profession in all its branches, and can, supply the profession with Teeth. Gold, Vulcanized Apparatus. and Vulcanite Rubber, and the best Bone filling. ‘ ' - Mineral Teeth mounted on Gold, Silver, or Vulcanized Rubber, With Continuous ‘Gums, which are warranted to give entire satisfaction. Toronto,0ctober 11, 1861‘. ,,._ _ ~___.___.. -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€" ,1 ILL be at the following places for the 1 Practice of his Profession : The 1st Thursday 0 land Landing." The 52nd Thursday at Kipg Station. The 3rd 'I-“hur'sday tit-Richmond llill. ’ The 4th Thursday at Go'rmley’s Corners. 1‘ every Month at 1101- 1. . 1 at hiis‘residence in, Aurora. June ‘39. 1960. VIIâ€"1.3“ r , a» ‘0 few «I “vest-1 Lgmwwwww ‘ gm 1 v“ has coo gs to A : October 4, 1860. ‘ house possesses IS _. 1-. Nil-fl.» l A'leN'I‘ddfiyg Troughs and, Waterfipouts Stjilqtior rm; durum; up per foot ; also, Draiiiql’ipes, Seasoned Siding, Ladders, Shingles, Picketâ€"Gates, \Vaggon Fel- lows aiid,.llubs, Bart-01.1.leading, and :Turning in general Manufactured and for sale by J: OHNLANGSTAFE ’ l Sruii‘ilf'IMilLig's; 'I‘iiOIIiviiiLL. . " Juno3. 1859. A L Advertisement. fiiémbffi bear tesfimdnv-tlia‘t -I have tried SANDERSOJN’S .ROTA'I‘I'N'G “Adi: gi‘i'ySii'tn'iiier, fallow, ‘last Saturday}, and Mdii’d‘ayi uiid'li'ave found them unite all that Mr.- Sanderson represents‘ their. to bé.‘ common liariow, and do the work to my utmost satisfaction. ;I confidently recommend-[them to all who require implements of the kind- . .h-de-lCIiglttfil) VANDERBURGII ’ticlinioiid Hill, dundéf), 1860. .â€" .. w w; .‘ l ‘1 111* Galilean. .. OfficeLremoved to Gas Companyls Buildings 'I‘orontn Street. Toronto, January 9, 1861. 7 Ill-Gin C7 KEELE‘, Esq, iof th’e'City rife-Tor- . onto, has opened an oflice in the Vii-.- [age ofAurofa for the. transaction ‘of Common LaW'and ’(.?liai.cery Iusiness,. also, Convey- ancing oxacuted with correctnessrund despatch Division courts attended. 1 _’ Vt’ellii‘ig‘tcn St. Aurora, &"Q'u’éeii Sl. Tor‘Oiito November 20.1860. 4 Ill4rl)‘ ..__' ___ _.___u.,__..__-... nutrition;Winona, ARR'IS'I'ER,‘ "Attni‘itey', Solicitor T01‘011109'L30081Hbel‘ 13, 1860. » Charles Din-a ii (i, ARRISTER and A'l‘TORNEY,â€",Oflice, 1 . c.oriier._,of Adelaide and Yonge Streets, Toronto, will attend to Suits inall tlie'Snperior Cotiits of Law, Chancery. and County Court: alsovou request, to Country Business in the Diygisiou Courts. ’ _ v VDeedsl. .Lr‘eases. Mortgages. and ovary deâ€" scription OfConveyancing drawn up withhcare and at ieasonable prices. ' Letters, post paid attended to, Toronto. November 20, 1860. ltl-L-Gm o... RICHMON D IIIL'L. H. HALL. EGS to notify the Public that he has leased the Foundry, lately in the occupation of Ira BuRichmond, where he intends to keep constantly (in hand, ‘ ERON BEA-M FLOWS Of various descriptions, also, Sugar Kettles, Box Stoves. &c., &c. All kinds of'quw points for sale, and all kinds of Job \V'ork attended to. Allworkwhrrnntod Richmond Hill, Oct. 25th, 1860. 95-§m. GENUINE FAMILY LIQUORS. WM. 13. MOREI-IOUSE. 8: 00., Importers & Wholesale Dealers in ' Brandies, Wines, Gins& Segars, EG leave to call the attention of the citi- zens of the United States to their Pure Wines and Liquors, put tip under their own supervision. for Family and Medicinal use, in cases assorted to- suit customers. Clubs, Military and other public bodies. who require to purchase inlargo or- small quantities, in casks' or bottles, will be liberally dealt \VIlhu-ii Price list sent on application. .â€" i keepers and Harness Makers throughout the ZlTOIiEHOUSE BITTE‘RS, Provmce’ l‘ ~ f i l i l Recommeneed by the first Physicians as the February 10, 1860. ‘63-“ best remedy known for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Debility, and allfNe'i'yfous Di’seases. As a tojthe taste. ,Sold by all Drug‘gists. . . WM. 13. MOREIIOUSE & CO, Prop’rs. .3 5L 5 Exchange Place, . . 1 :Jersey City, N. J. *I’.S.é-;Tlie subscribers wish to engage a few active men, as Local and Travelling Agents for their house, to whom liberal inducements will berof'if‘ercdy For particulars. address as above. égséneral‘ » Scare, AT, AyUttOltA. HE Subscriber has constantly on hand a‘ ' General Assortment- of ' GiiioOERiEs.’ H RDWARE, PROVISIONS, &c.- I &c. &c; PLASTER AND {SAL T, Always lion hand, and for saloon the most faVorablegt'erius. _, i . - < » . :VVM..SMITH. Aurpi'a',“Ju‘iie!lél, 1860...] 8141‘- . AN EXCELLENT FARM ' FOR SALE. ACRES, so Cleared. 20 miles from Toronto,aiid three-quarters Of a mile from the Kingston Road. -‘ Vt’ellvvatered, Good Buildings and in a agood state of cultivation. - For further particulars apply to ' ' ' DR. VVINSTAN’LEY,’ {Eglingtom'Youge Street. 'i 971-3m , bite Hart Inn . , RICHMOND 1mm; i HEIS-ubscriher begs to infer that he has ‘leased' the above Hotel. where he will keep constantly onghand a good f supply 01' first-(class Liquors, &c. As this every actmnimodation Tra- vel ers candesire, those'who wish to's'tay was"; they can findevery comfort are respectfully-iii- vited to give, him a call. , CORNELIUS VAN v RichmOnd Hill, Dec. 28. 1860. " w "1‘ Iiiâ€"1:3 AURORAâ€"M f- :QBADRTLLE [BAND 1 now ppm). to receive engagements on li- berulterms, for any number, to suit the convenience ot'large or sm'allparties. ' Applications, .10, Mr. a “7451., .IRELAND. * at. 'Aurora. or Mr. W, VViLLts, 3rd ..Cou.,,Whitr_ church. , , " Also, a SAXJIORN BAND may be had o:n application. ’ i i _ Aurora, Nov. 53,. 1860. 'NOSTRANO“ 1084'. 1111.8on ‘ 100-3111 'af Gtoetlt's'” - i' 27.0 'luiey are NOT canny" heavier’dr'aft than Afic- Biaaisrraa‘irtiw. can 'soucitus "’ -. - iii Chancery,Conveyanerr,‘&c. Money advanlces procured on Eortgages, . , :No. 3,-Jordan Street.” ». , V: 1118‘). IRON FOUNDRY beverage. it is pure. wholesome, and delicious . LARS, payable (only) on delivery of the Map 'iii Good Order and3 Condition, handsomely m the Baillie ‘ ._.. "'~â€"v".‘.,"‘ . _ , 'iyiiLiAVRioi-ijr, ' t- 4-11 To'di'iiepgg’. . fiSitd’intih'fateithat he new prepared to erectbllLLS of every description; by ,. ;.. ‘E "l ' -\. . . cei‘ffract or olhérWise, oii reasonable terms. He is also agent for the best Foundries in Ca- ~ hopes to give general satisfactiOn, Altoira, Dec. 23, 1859 " ' H V IZ :7'63 Acres, of whichis tiiiibcred, 40 Acres under Cultivation. v Seveial PARK LOTS with timber thereon. Aiso. ~=.VILLA. is . I’IvOPdEIte‘I‘N » was . . or 4 without Bhildliigs. q _ _ A ,The above property ,is: ,situatedat, and ad- a‘ joining to, the Village of culars'apply at the, Office of > For further parti this papery ? " -‘ [tichinoi’idilli‘lh Sept 25. 1860.3 “WILL WORMS ., ‘ "LEXmTrl WORMS _EXI worms~ " : WiLL Worms, ” y _;_'~7-EX‘1sT1; ’ WQRMS i WILL _ 7 ST!‘ WILL ‘ 1 ‘ WILL ‘ ~,EXisTr-i“ WiLL WOi-t-Ms'V- ‘ " ' ' " EXIST-i , WILL ‘ WORMS _ EXIST if . Wl LL WORM S WiLLwORMs , . f . '. hXi‘sri jWi LL woaMs ' ’ l‘ , , j EXIST! WILL WORMS . ‘ wiLL WOitMs , ' ' EXISTt ' AFTERUSING DR. rlilcithitZIE’S ' DEAD error 7 ‘ WORM CAN-DY? r = X'IST"! . SOLD for 15 cents. 4‘ Packages forfiO cents. By all respectable Dealers in 'Mcdicinc; \Vliolesale by l , , LYMAN, ELLIOTT St Co. Toronto. YMAN, I . Newcastle. LYMAN, CLARE .& Co. ' h’lcntrcal. iNOI‘tTIIROP a L PRQS.PEo-Ii-fis NEW AND IMPROVED MAP OF. OUR COUNTRY ! HE undersigned, l‘rojector and Publisher of Descriptive Maps of tho I’opulous and W'ealthy Counties ofNorfolk. Oxford,,Braiitfs llaltoithork, a;an Ontario, (all or wiiiar'imve been Favoi‘ably Noticed .by the City and gCountry Press,‘) Proposes to Publish, Drayvn ’to a Large Scale, either 20 miles to 3 inches, 'or 6'iniles’to one inch,â€"5 ' ATopo‘graphic'al.’ Stallishcahdr. Illustrated ultr- or 'Exliibiting the ‘Great Lakes, Harbors and Streams ;' the Railtvays, RailivayiStations, and graph Stations, as shown on the Map prepaneu b‘y orderof the Post Master General, by John “ewe, Esq, Post Office Inspector ; the gene- ral Boundaries, Counties, County Towns, Cities, Towns. and Villages, with the p:incipal or most direct Roads connecting them , the l'opulation of each City, Town, Township, and Incorporated ijllago iin, the ._,"I’r9}viiice ; and other Important and appropriate Informa- (inn, compiled from the Census and: 'Statiséie’al Returns of the present year. ILLUSTRATED " ' ' By well executed Views of the, Cities of Ot-_ tawa, Kingston,']'omnto, Hamilton, and Lon- don; a View of the Falls of Niagara; witn a Viewofthe Niagara Suspension Bridge, ac- companied by a Description of it. ’ Also Views of Provincial ,Buildiiigs-â€"the New Houses of Parliament, the Normal School, Osgoode Hall, 'l‘rini'ty College, and' the To- rontov University. the «last, said by competent Judges to be the Finest Building of.its,,Qlass 4’11 America. ' ‘tF-v ENOO‘U RAGED“ To accomplish this Important Work, the Map (Size, including 3 Border formed by. .a tasteful arrangement of the Emblems. of'Canada- at least 6 feet from East to West, >< 4 to ,4; feet in from three to five years. IN ANTICIPATION _ Of a Gei‘aral Patronage, the Price has been ‘ permanently fixed’ at Fivn AND A-HAI.F DOL- Colored, Varn-ished: and" Mounted. 11:? Put . ' up fm the’Pocket at $6.00.. - GEORGE C. raga/rams). TOron-t‘o, January. 1861:.- ‘ RMEIRS’ E Subscriber bears to i'ntimate‘to the P ‘armoi‘s Of the County of York. that lie j' is prepared to Manufacture and Seth 1 FA TH â€"-â€". fill'fi'l'llllfig Qflflllllfiws I" ? With the improved Draft and Coupling Irons, The above ;H arrows are‘ far supepipr to airy “now in use. being made on an entire new , principle. They will lie-found 'todo the work ' much quicker and better than any" other Her-y i'ows.‘ 1' Specimens ~of the above may be seen and particulars as to price ascertained. by up» plying-Jo the Subscriber, at liisshpp', Richmond Hill, who will punctually attendto all orders. , â€" SAMUELiSAND‘EitSONii V Ricllméndl-Ii‘ll,Feb.24',1860-. ‘ 5-11“ NE. iii: , iiada.'an‘d from his lengthened experience he, cleanse Property Selle: ‘ w 39-64!“ ' * stateand syniptOni of disease», ‘ "EXIS'I‘Ttérf‘r‘?" :‘9‘.' NO.NO.NO.NO. UPPER r CANADA 2* Ports; Canals, .Rivers, [and Principal ,. Stage Routes in connection- tlirerewitlifrithe I .1’oatOffices. Money Order Offices," and Tele- ' Each SUbfifquefitllitfil‘tlQB‘-§pe)‘-lifle t. 00:0}? . ,_.. £‘.--,,s - ‘::,v, .«'-i from North to South,) will be completedJiere, M iNTER-Es‘r. " .-v wt." n.2,”. . : ,3?“ ,5; 131,31: ,1 io"'.a..';-:rc' ’ari“‘ff3*‘;fifi:5‘lffޤcfi _- ., “3.7.; .M' i ~. - . I w I (y! - 4;, r-s-fl'-..‘ l ‘u. a" ‘ §E l‘l‘El’i-‘i‘t-‘éi'srmetros; if ‘ ""3 i r JIIIS Evangelical I’aper, the only one in‘ French on this -’ Continent, is‘det‘otédrtogi: app Newsuandzis published intthisgqity'feyetg' Itridtiy, It is now one of the largest French‘ papers. ,. It is iiotgdcnumintitionut. but: 6119011? in the ‘I’i‘otest‘aiit'sen'se ofthe word. ' ' ‘ ' TERMS .- $2 per annum, - It is recommended to those desirous of becoming familiar with the French , .as the cheapest «iieans of'inppre’ye 1' in Wfiii‘lfitii'guag‘o- » _' l, i 7’7“? 1 w MQi’i‘t'real, M arcli‘,’1€'6,l.,~. 2?” 3:3. NEW 1223:412sz " Buttiilo.,ll10ilica1 Illspensary. - I Established for the cure of\ I w w, D'Y's'rtrsm, GENERAL buiii‘iii'Ti’. raven AND AGUE, ASTHMA. iNciPiuNi‘ consua11_;ji‘it.,.N, cousunr'i'ios or aroma and em) 1mm, :70. _..__. Win? r ‘ t oi. ..;i.\.". r2. ' Na. Mcr‘cihw. arsed; ' ' ;v . ‘I‘CORNER OF MAIN ("c QUAY_S'I‘S., - Buffalo; Ncivf’YOrky , I WERE ghevonlva' the State-'whw are members of the Royal-1 Cellegeéof Surgeons/London. Maybe, consulted from 8 o’clockginvthe morning until 9 at night, in every 'I‘lie‘ treatmenttliey adopt is the result'of Tup- wards ofthiity years’ extensive and successful practice iu,'I_}:_u1'0p6éalldnA motion," - . ' ' - mimosa- seiuwmicfiisvnsrion.‘ An iiistrumcfiit'fortlie cure of Genital Debi? lily. . of. Nucliirnal ,Eiiiissions, more properly known as Seminal \Veakness. «Sac, Can be, i periiia‘nontly cured in from 15to‘211'dtiyii,by~ theuse of this instrument, when used cou-_ ~ - Jointly with medicines. :‘Y'obiypyi‘iisu uni; rAa'rieuLaRyo‘Ticrz. A , E'Dr..Aiq,s§éflSon take pleasure, in ,flllltollllc-. ing thattjeyghave invented a, ,IHOSI iinportenz instrumeiitfog‘ the @5110. of, the above disease».. It has been’subject‘od to a test ofgtho meet it!!!“ inen’t physicians in London; Paris. Philadelphia- ‘and New York r ‘it has been declared the only useful instrument over yet invented 1'0": tlié cure of Seminal weakness, or any disease of the genitolorgans, caused by the secret habits ofyouthi fl , ‘ ‘v i ‘. _l.).r.,Am_os.,.&l..Sor}. iii..order to satisfvnthov. iiiiistskbptical dcytothe merits of tlieir'iiietrui- ment, pledge themselves that in ant-T instance, where it may prove unsatisfactory, lifter a fair.“ trial, the money will be refunded by returning.“ r the instrument iii-good order.) - Persons wishing the above useful instrument, , will observe, that the price. with the accent-' panyiug directions, securely packed. and lent? V by 'mail or express, is ten dollars: NEW REMISNIES AND QUICK CERES -'â€"-A" CUR} ‘ p A VVAIHIANTFI). _ , 'Dr, 113150de Soiiila‘ave, for‘ia long series Of years, beetrengaged in an extensive practice’- iii the treatment of those delicate complaints, i ' sedate-11w. only legally qualified physiciaiil’ who now advertise to cure certain complaints, or from whbm genuine Europeanremedes can. be obtained. ‘ ' _ ‘ ' {Persons .11]».811}' part ef‘th‘e, world may be one? cessfully treated by forwarding a correct. detail“ of their-cases, with a iemittance for medicinal, t\‘;c., which will he returned with the utmost- dispatch and secure from. observation. Address Dr. Amos 62. Sex, corner Maitrend" Quay streets, Buffalo, N, Y. 88-ly‘ Fire ! Fire 1! Fire 1- ! .' WESTERN Fire Insurance COmpany of Toronto. irgcotti’onimtn BY “ACT or‘-r.ritr.tIMl::l‘l'., (MPITflL STOCK, .61 00,000.» I. C; Glx,b10R,I)1‘0S." [ GEO, MICHIE,VI(‘36 Prefi ' ‘ numerous : Rice Lewis,- _ .TbOS, IIawo‘rthythi-g - James Deity“. Esq. “7. Henderson, Esq.‘ T, P. Roberts, Esq. IV. Mvacfarlaue. Esq.,. M. ResSin, Esq. ’ | I ' i , Bernard Haldan, Esq. Secular-pd“ Treasurercs Angus Mort-isothEs-q. solicitor; Bank .Of Upper Catiada_.,.,1ilmtkcrs. Btlljamill Switzer, ESq. Inspector.- ~ [13‘ Head (Mice, Church» Street, To'ronzodihtt‘ .THIS‘ COMPANY Insures 'al'l descriptions} Buildings,Maiiutiictories,Mills, atone-ml Geo“.- and Furniture, in the same, against-loss or damp, age by fire, on liberal terms. Losses- promptly settled. . s , ’ A" I‘AVV’ . ‘ Residence, , ,, , Geiieralqgenté Richirond flil‘lAugust I3. 1857. - 4:10:01 is PUBIZisiiED F RIDAY I‘stllORhT I N 131,-} -And despatcliedto Subscribersby tlie‘euriielitfi m ails, or other conveyance. when so desireag, The YORK HERALD ' will always 1‘ It!!!" be found to contain the latestand inostimpetw. tairt Foreign and Provincial. News aitdxMat‘v EVERY ' kets, and the greatestcare willhe taketit'e“ render it acceptable .toth'o'i'iian of businesip and evaluable Family Newspaper.- T]£RM‘S.T*SOVHII and SixpenceperAiiiiuln,-IN IVIDlHllS two dollars will he charged.- RATES . OF ADVERTisijNG :1 SixliiicSaiid under, first insertion. .I$-00 b Each subsequent insertion. . . . . .-. .. (101?? Ten lines and underJirstinse-rtion. . .' 00 75? Above ten lines, first in; periliiie...?. 00 07. =r’.:~ {N v.~»' . . «9" . 0:?" "Adivertisements Without .writt;_;t._direcv ’ ’t’ions inserteditill ferbid,a'nd ch’arged accord: ifiiigly. ’ Alltriiifiitdry advertisements, fi‘bm strangers or irregular customers, mu handedinfor insertion. 3 ' -A liberal discount will DG‘IIIadG totparticl Idv Vertisiiig the year. ‘ ' I . q; 2 ' All advertisements. publishedfor 311°...“ riod than one month, must be p ‘ Vance; 6 post paid. - 'No‘ paper discontimiedvunt‘il allarrearag'elg“.fif, paid :‘.aiidperties refusing papers without' pa ingu-p.‘ will be 1 scriptien. » W FA». ITnEivoaK-HERALD‘ BOO ' -- ESTABLISMENT. _â€"u_. Reruns rm- anv or the ,2â€" k and Job .I’riiit‘i'ii‘g . 13‘s.,Amc‘ssé 3611...: 'Aiivasci; ; , and if not paid within Thu!“ r st hepaid for when» old fort-1t .4; '- All- letters addressed to the Editor mu": D ield accountable for the with?” r Religion, Literature, 'l'emperance, Educati'ort',“ ' tiiid'erinent’lh’ii'ed‘" description qr PLAIN and FANCY too.) i 'VVORK Will be promptly‘at‘tended tog-éâ€" _ 3v . . v. ». $ .. BOOKS, u»ch nines, Bustinms calms, 1.9199513 sun SML11L'ijros‘riins,Gianninuts,Lawtroughs,g ;; B-l-LI. H-EA1)S,I}ANK CHECI(S,DRAFT5,AN9 “ ‘ titanii-iiLEfrs." ‘ I ,lAndpvory other lgihd'loff 'LETT'EitsritES's “PRiNTiNc'! done in the beststyle, at moderateratehg ,. Ouc-a'ssootniontmf JOB ,TYI’E is optimum .3. thew and,'ot"tlie“latest patterns. A largevarietfi' , . ( if‘n'éw ‘Fniicy Type and Borders, t‘or’CirdB”. Circulars, doc. kept always on hand.

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