Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 3 May 1861, p. 3

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. TORONTO MARKETS. . THURSDAY, May ’2. Fall “Worthâ€"«5200 hshls was the extent of the isupply which soldat the following prices. Tho prices paid for the best samples weretrom $1 2.) 19 $1 20 perbshl, . _ Spring Wheat-~4,7f10 bshls in market, which sold at from $0 98 to 9'5 l 0'1) per bshl. Barleyâ€"sold at from .50 to 5.30. Hatâ€"23011 bshls went 011' at 48 and 501: per ’Ifsh'l.‘ ' Oatsâ€"at 25 and 270 per bslil. “Hivâ€"is from $12 to $17 per ton, Straw $5 to or ten. ' Flogr.â€"â€"Supei‘fiite extra sold at $5 60 to $9 75, Extra $5 to $5 65 ; Fancy (Spring) $5th to $5 95; Fancy (Fall) $5 10; to,$5 25; Ertra, $5 to $5 50 : Double Extra, $6 00 to $1) 25. Buttei'w-iFresh is in fair supply at from 19c to 20c per lb. I o . Porkâ€"is in faii request. For Hogs avoraging 160 lbs 85 5t) and $5 9'.) has beeu_paid, and these averaging 2.50 lbs $5 and $0 (SOâ€"the latter being the extreme figure. Kpplesâ€"Cointnon varieties $1 and $1 '25 per barrel. Better grades 95] 51) and $2 barrel. Eggs, â€"Fresh from wagons So to Sc per-dozen, Potatoesâ€"Vary in price from Oil to 3'20. Sheepâ€"are in demand at front 955 at) to 357 Saab. Lambsâ€"are pleiitifril at from $2 50 to $7} each. Calvesâ€"«are in good supply at $4 to $3 each: Beef-Hidesâ€"95-t 01) per 101) lbs. Sheep and lamb skins $1) 75 each. Calfskius 10c. per lb, Tallow, $7 per 1th lhs _, Timothy Seedâ€"$2 80 a $3 per bushel, Clover Seedâ€"$4 75 per boshel. WLMW-AMMWMMJW. firm fluncrttomwts. MASON at... LECTURE will be delivered in Vaughan A Lodge. No. 571. F & A. M, bydosrzPH \INmiMi, W.M., on TUESDAY, the 14th instant. at 8 O’clock p.111. H I‘UBJECF I THE IMPORTANCE 0r muons sruiiv. Bretht-rn from the neighboring Lodges are cordially invited to attend. " MALCOLM WiLKiu. Secretary. Maple, May 1,1561. 127-2 . Letters Remaining iii RICHMOND 11 l LL I’ostOffice MAY 1, 1361. Jackson, Mrs. Hust. Samuel Ilart, John Her.- emau, J. llislop, Gideon Ilewieson, Robert liawrcuco. James McGare, Margaret I’earson. Sarah Power, Richard Power's, Thomas Sheppard, Charles Simpson. James 'l'horiipson. Samuel \Vallace. George “'ilsoii. Richard \Villiams, Susan E. .Arnbler, William Benriet. Jesse Berridgcs, John Bailey, James finrr, J. J, Mrs. Boynton, Orrin L. Cameron, Jane R gums. II. ‘rawford. G. Culliton, James Does, \V. Deadnian. William Deadmaii, John Davidson. Benjamin Ddrfee, Ira F. Grant, Jesseo Gillman. Henry Grant, George .. . M, 'I‘EEFY, P.1d. J. HOSTETI‘ER, MO, 111.3128. “ V ‘ ENGLAND, Opposite the Elgin Mills, RiCHMoND HILL. lQTâ€"Iy‘p l. BOWMAN, M.D, Physician, Surgeon 82 Accoucheur One Door South of Lemon’s Hotel May 1. 1861. .,.._,, . . THORNHILL. May 1. 1861 127-ty Shirts 2 fihiz‘ts : : USTresoiwd a nice assortment of Men’s - SHIRTS. in \Vliite. Long Cloth. and Fancy Regatta, Jean, Checks and Stripes; also a nico assortment of Plain and Fancv Ihirting.â€"Real good value at ' WM. 8. POLLOCK‘S, Late G, A. Barnard’s. Richmond Hill. May 1, 1861. 127-tf Queen’s Birth-day Festivities. ' Meeting of the Inhabitants friendlv to the ‘ “ ’cattse. will be hold at Mr. Nicholls’ "Hotel. on Monday evening the 6111 of May. 1861, at 7 o’cljck, p.m.: Richmond Hill. Mav I. 186l. 127-1 . , , An Apprentice “ranted I '1‘ the Richmond Hill Beliery to learn , _ v the Baking and Confectionery business. A lad about 14 or 15 years ofage. A boy who has been a year or two at the trade would be preferred. Apply immediately 10 CHARLES TAGGART. Richmond Hill, May" 1. 1861. 127-4 ,,_n{‘ _, _.VL _ . likimieipality of Vaughan- 'O'l‘ICE is hereby given that on MON- DAY. the 13111,. day of May next. the Municipal Council ot'the township of Vaughan Will hold a Court of Revision on the Assess- merit Roll for the present your, at the Town Hall, at Eleven o’clock in the fornoon, when all persons who have lodged with the Clerk hot‘c'es of Appeal in conformity with the Act, dire required to attend. On the 15th day of May, the Clerk will at- tend at the Town Hall to issue Lists to the seieral l’athrnasters. G, J. F. PEARCE. Township Clerk. 127-1 M. Morphy, I GENT for the of I’tANos, MELODIIZONS, I \VATCHES, CLOCKS. JEVVEIJJ'ZRY, SILVER and PLATED WARE, RizeAuA, EMBLEMS, and _SI’F.C'1‘ACI.ES to suit every sight. N11ng DOOR TO THE BAY HORSE INN, Nogl4l Yoiige Svroct, Toronto’, April 8, 18161. 124-6111 iiATs AND CAPS! Just received upwards of 51‘ dozen. in Men’s, -Yout'h"s and Boy’s sizes, in every coiicéitialile Shape. Make and Variety. Call and examine the Prices, at WM. 3. POLL 00m: Late G. A. Bernard’s. Richmond Hill, April 25, 11351. Vaughan, April 99, 18131. 1234f Grist and Saw Mill: ! IIE Subscriber, in' returning thanks to his numerous Friends who favored him with their custom at the Headford Mills, begs to inforiti them that he" has taken the MILLS lat ly occupied by Mr. B. Frsri. known as the 3 arborne Mills Near the Green Bush Hotel, Yoiige Street.â€" Tbese Mills being in first-rate order, anv om. givi 1g liiiri a call will fiud'the Gristiirg doine in a superior manner. Parties wishing to take their Gristing back with them can do so. 11:? All work warranted second to none Canada. in GEORGE SQUiRE, Proprietor. Markham, Apart to. 1861. 125-11 ANY of these Books will be forwarded by Mail, post paid, to airy address, on re- ceipt of price by JOHN E. Po’rrrzn. Publisher, No. 1317 Sansom St, Philadelphia, Pa. 113: Agents wanted everywhere. THE utilise. AND HIS 1153511353: ROBERT JENNiN-Gs, v.s., PROFESSOR or; PATHOLOGY AN!) OPERATIVE SURJ GERY IN THE VE’I‘HRINARY or" PHILA- DELPHIA. Puor‘. 0F VETERINARY M EDICINE IN Tm: LATE AGRICULTURAL 1 amazon 0? onto, SECRE'I'ARY or THE AMERICAN Vii'rERiNARY AssociA'rt'oN or I’m; LADELPHIA, £10., 130. ‘1‘.’ tLL‘ TELL YOU Of the Origindfifitory and distinctive traits (If the various breeds of Euro- pean,Asiatic,Aft'icaii and American Horses, with the physical formation and peculiarities oftlie animal, and how to ascertain his age by the number and condition of his teeth ; il-A *lnstrated with many explanatOry engarvrngs. ‘I'IIE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of Breeding, Breaking, Stabling, Feeding, Grooming, Shoeing. and the gcn’ral management oi'the horso,with the best riiodes of administering medicine. also, how to treat Biting.Ktclting. Ile'ariti'g. Shyiug, Stumbling, Crib Biririg. Restlessnoss,' and other views to which he is subject; with numerous explanatory engravings. TH E IIORSE AND 1118 DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the causes. symptoms, and treatméi’if of Strang'es. Sore Throat, Dis- temper,(.1atarrh, Influenza. Bronchitis,1’neuâ€" inonia. I’leprisy. Broken Wind, Chronfl: Cough, Roaring and Whiitling,l.ampas.Sere Mouth and Ulcers. and Dccaycd 'l‘ecth. with other diseases of the Mouth and Rt‘spiraiory Organs. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of thecausus. symptoms, ‘ and Treatment of Worms, Bolts, Colic, strangulation, Stony Co'ncretions, Rut lures, I’alsy, .Diarrhma, Jautrdice, Ilepatirrtca, Bloody Urine, Stones in the Kidneys and Bladder, Inliamiiiation,’ and other diseases 01 the Stomach, Boiwcls.‘ Liver and Uiinary Organs. THE IIORSE‘IAND HIS DI‘EASES WILL TELL YOU Of the caus‘es.‘ hyiiiptoms, and Treatment ot'BOne Blood, and Bog, Spa- vin, Ringâ€"Bone, SWeeiiie. Sti‘uiiis,‘1}i'olteii Krier-s, \‘t ind Gulls. Foundgr, Sole Bruise and Crawl, Grackcd, Iloofs, Scratches. Can- ker. ll‘hrush. and Corns: also, of h‘legrirns. Vertigo, Epilepsy, Staggers, and other dis- eases of the Feet, Legs and Head. 'l‘l-IE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU ()1 the causes, symptoms, and 'I‘reatiiient of Fistula, I’oll 1‘.vtl, Gloria ders. Ifarcy, Scarlet Fever, Mange, Surfelt, Locked Jaw, Rheuniuiisiii. Ct‘uiiip, Gulls. Diseases of the Eye and Heart 61c, and Low to manage Castration,Bleedingfl‘rephiniiiug, I Roweling, Firing. Hernia, Ainputation,’l'ap- ‘ ping. and other surgi :al Operations. THE HORSE AND IIIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU of Rarey’s method 0 tari‘iiig Horses: how to Approach. Halter or Stable 21 Cult; how to accostom a horse to strung sounds and sights, aid how to Bit. Saddle. Ride. and Break him to harness; alsothe form and law of \Var'ranty. The whole being the roxuit ol'l‘l'ifteen years careful study ofthe habits, p culariiies, wants and weaknesses oftlris noble and Useful animal. The book contains 1’84 pages. appropriately illustrated by nearly One Hundred Engravings. It is printed in a clear and open type. and Will be forwarded to any address, postage paid. on receipt of price, hqu bound, $1 .110, er, in cloth, extra. $1.25. THE FAMILY DOCTOR; A COUNSELLOR IN SICKNESS. BY Professor Henry S. Taylor, MI). TAYLOR’S FAMILY imC'l‘O R has reached an enormous sale,aitd \viererer known. is universally improved, both by the faculty and others. In plain language. free front medical technicalities, it gives you simple remedies easily obtained for the cure of Diseases in all forizi<,witli important rules lor preserving the health, and directions for the sick chamber, and Illel’l'OPOI' treatment ot'the sick. The Dis- eases et Cliildliood,tlic Diseases of Manhood. and the Diseaer pcculiar to Vi’omen, are all treated of in a i-learaiid praczical way. Al- ways at hand, arid ready to serve you, the simple. rcccipos of this bio’i may soon s ave you much suffering, and many times the cost of the Volume, It is printed 111 a clear and open type. and illustrated with appropriate engravings. Neatly bound in cloth, price. $1, or in loather, $l2 i. THE LIFE OF Our Lord and thiviorir J esus Christ BY REV. JOHN FLEETWOOD, D.D., CAREFULLY REVISED BY REV. JOSEPH BELCHER, D.D. - HE LIFE OF JESUSGH RIST is the phi- , losopht‘ of true religion. It exhibits the Principles of Clii'stian in their purity and beauty. It is perfect excellence p: re :nified, that the in 1rd of man may gi'a’~‘ and be changed into the same i'ma :e. Tue inspired writers have given it to us in detached des- criptions. Dr. Flectwiiod has arranged these in one harmonious whole, wrth sueh comâ€" ments, explanations and incidental iiiiiirina tiorr as to I‘Ctldil‘ it alike acceptable to the scholar. as to ‘lfim wli’o knows no more, hit: ; kiiotvshis lible true.’ Bcloher’srev’isbd edit- ion contains tho Lives of the Apostles, I-Iis- tory of the Jetvs,and an Essay on the Evi- dences of the Bible. It is printed in a clear and open typA, in one royal octave volume llt.llLlSUll‘.t‘l_\' illustrated. and will be furnished in the following styles :â€"- Cloth Exit-1,. . , . , .I’rice, $9 0 Law Sheep, . . . . . ..... . . . . . . “ 2 50 Cloth. Full Gilt. . . . . . . . . . . . . ” 3 (it) Roan, Full Gilt, . . . . . . . . “ 3 50 I THE HOLY BIBLE . For Family and. Pulpit; Use. OUR EDITIONS OF THE HOLY BIBLE are unequalled for their durability. finish, elegaiicemud completeness: no ett'ort hav- ing been spared to render them perfect in every respect. Besides the Old arid New 'l‘estameiit, each style contains the Apcry- plia, Concordance, Psalms iii Metre, Canne’s Marginal Notes and References, and valuable tables of Scripture Vleasures, \Veights, Coins, eke, The text corrected according to the Standard of the Ameri- can Bible Society. They are all printed in large siz’od type, in one royal quarto volume. with a treat Family Record and Illustrations. I. Emil-1 Leaiher,Marh,Edges,Gilt Back and I'll Engravings . . . . . . . ‘ . . . . . . . . ' i3; ElllI).,I.vBatllet‘. I\‘I--I'b Edges, Gilt _ Back"& Sides, anth Col’d' Eng‘vs. 5 00 3. R‘oau,Full Gilt Edges Back'd'e‘ Sides, and 14 Steel and Col’d‘ Eiigraviiigs, 7 OO 4. Extra l’aper‘, 1m, 'I‘uikev,F.ull Gilt.l4’ Steel Plates, Maps and Illtriii. . 9 Oil 5. Extra I’aper, Turkey Moreeco. .l“ull GOLD;l Steel Platesdll’aps‘finid‘Illurn 1‘3 00 do. do. do; Antique 12110 ' 6. Extra Paper. Turkey Morocao, Frill Gilt,18 Plates,Maps.Illuiii 1V1. Clasp, 15 (Nl $1000 A YEAR can be made enterpriSing men in selling the above and other popular works of ours. Our inducements to allsuch are exceedingly liberal. As these books are unequalled in their me- chanical GXt‘CIIllOIl, as well as value of their contents, a certain and rapid sale follows their introduction everywhere. For single copies, or for terms to agentsnvith other information, apply to or address JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, No. 617 Satisorn‘St.,tI’liiladelpliia,l’a. q v.a,iâ€":.,,-;LL_,ML Tl E PEOPLE o GREAT 11001115. D B m r: . THE QUEEN’S AM“ RN\NV mx, Oz \‘ Who would have SELL NEARLY AS MANY Goons ... .1... As all the res FARMERS! , LOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS! It Large Sales éfittble u The Subscribers beg to offer their sincere thanks to all who have aided them in their endeavors to make heart place to trade, A LARGE Aurora. the And would intimate to the Public get 9- loan. ‘Delaincs, for 75¢; Prints, from 6d. “'1 BIRTH-DAY. 1W“ Nwwx WHAT- R. BOYD & BROTHER ARE DOING; thought that they 6 {1111 together. 5 to take small profits. tor-ally, that they have just received a at int some sell tor 10d. we sell for 7511.; Very Large stock 0.5-.“ heavy Cotton, (id. to '7d. ; every description of Shawls: and Dresses Gooefis : Ready-mad 0 Clothing, At remarkable low figures, and made of the best material. To fit everybody, and a superior article. GLASS AND EARTHENWARE, All varieties. Oils, Paints, Raw Oil, 90c.; Boiled, 95c. Hardware of seer/“gr description Nails, $3.50. cwt. In fu All the Newest Styles. Muritlcs‘ for $2 c1 (:VCI"1III[10' 'ou want. 9 a Great attractions for the Ladies in Millincry. 00; Bonnets neatly trimmed for $1 00; IInts, Head Dresses and Caps. IN" GBOCEREEg, Our trade is heavy ; 12 lb. Refined Sugar, $1 00; 13 to $100 ‘ ‘22 lb. Rico, $1 00. band. 520 lb. 14‘ lb. of Bright Sugar, A quantity of 0m- ...mmkubje Cheap Curran”. sun on 'l'hornhill, March 1, 1861. for $1 00, Orders puncttfitilly attended to. 0:3" The yr-ry highest price paid, in trade. for Butter and Eggs. One Call is sufficient to satisfy. Our incr clforts. Sill casing business stimulates its“ to greater 1 they come. The Highest Price paid in Cash for Wheat. Aurora, May 1, 1861. ._._____.____.‘_Lâ€"-~._~__ , . . R o'rro B. THE Co-partnership heretofore existing be- tween JAMES G. ilthlI’SUN and GEORGE 1.. GARDEN. under the firm and style of Thompson dz. Garden, Merchants, King, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. The business ttill be carried on as usual by G. L. G:trileri,â€"â€"all debts due the firm Will be paid to him. and all debts owing by the firm will be settled by IAIIII. JAMES C. THOMPSON GEORGE L. GARDEN, King, April 11, 1561. 195-4. The undersigned. in returning thanks to those who have bestowed their patronage on the late tirrn. respectfully solicits a cot 'iuauco of their t custom. . . GEORGE L GARDEN. King April 19,1861. 125-4 HE Subscribernhas for sale a, {121111111 of ‘9 ALSIKE” CLOVER SE CD, a su- periorkiud of White Cloverintroduced into this country, from Scotland. two or three years ago. Also. a good assortment of FIELD rind GARDEN SEEDS. ' g G. L. GARDEN. Springhill, April 16. 1861. 125.4. FOR saw}, A GOOD YOKE OF WORKING OXEN, {N Excellent Condition for the Spring work A Young; Black Marc, v Coming four years old. G. L. GARDEN. I l .‘~'pi‘inghill, April 19. 1861. 125-41 THE Liverpool an (1 Lon don Fire & Life insurance Company. m Head Office, Canada Bratiéh. Collier of 1 race D’Arines and St James Street, Montreal. Invested Funds £1,213,317 Stg. Di‘Rizc1'0Rs.â€"1T.' B.. Anderson, Esq. Chair- man, A. Simpson. Esq. DeputyvChairman, 1 Henry Chapman. Esq. E. J. S. Maitlaiid, Esq. l James Mitchell, Esq. Henry Starnes, Esq. I M.I’.I’. J. H. Maitiand, Esq; Resident-Secre- tary, G. F. C. Smith, Resident Assistant- Secretary. IIIHE Directors would calf the attention of the Public to the following features in the t titaiiagetiieut of this coriipaiiy:-â€"- The Premiums received in Canada are retained l and invested in Government or other I’mâ€" vincial Bonds. All Losses when satisfactorily established are paid in Canada without reference to the Home Board. That there is not, at the present time, one claim in dispute. There is invested in Canada iri Available] Funds 20mm Doritos, and this is beingl constantly added to. That there is invested iii New York $809,000. -â€"â€"and it is the intention of the Directors to increase this sum to $1,13titl,tlth. The accumulated Funds ofthe Company [No- vember 1859] ambunt to over 5,958,730 dols. The present income of the Company is over 7,590 dols. per'day. Insurances effected at. the LowestRomuuer- i alive Prices. J. H. MAITLAND.’ Resident Secretary, _> 1 Montreal. Toronto Agency : 85 King" Street East. South siile,‘[over the store of J. G. Joseph 85 Cod]; uJA M ES FRASER", Agent: Toronto, Aprili19, 1861‘. l25-ly Parcel Found. OUND near the Richmond Hill Station '0 the Northern Railroad. A PARCEL. containing articles of value. The owner can have the same by proving property. and pay ing the expense of this advertisement. JOSEPH INGRAM, Station Master. Maple. April 10, 1851. 123~3 "â€"17.1.3' "‘ "538'" ’ L;“:Z::£:" "' ' ' R. BOYD 8t BROTHER. 1274f Vaughan. , , THE _ H Scottish American Journal. VI‘HIS is a first class FAMILY NEWS- PAPER of Eight Pages. devoted to the in. terests of Scotsman in America, and to the Dis- seiiriiiaiion of Scottish Literature and Newsâ€"- The snecial feature of this paper is, that it is a Scottish journal, containing notices of every event occurring in Scotland that can be regarded ot' the lr-ast iirterrst to the natives of that coun- try TGSKIIIVH on this continent” as well as a weekly summary of general intelligence from all parts of the world. The abilityof its edito- rials, and the general excellence of its contents, have tirade it one of the most popular" and , Ut‘idely-read journals circulate-d in the United ' A deeply in. 2 States and Britiin I’rovirices. terestiug and humorous SCOTTISH TALE, ENTITLED ' Chapters from the Life of Jas,'1'acket.” Will be commenced in the “ Scottish American Journal ’ for April 21). This tale is one of the most littmo-ous and entertaining ever published, and will be especially appreciated by Scottish readers. In the same number will appear an admirable lecture, delivered in Exeter Hall, London. by the Rev. \V. hamlets. on THE SCOTTISH CO'VERAS'TERS. The SCOTTISH AMERICAN JOURNAL has been pronounced one of the most readable published in America. TERMS â€"â€"'I‘wo Dollars and Fifty Cents per annuiii, payable in advance; single copies. 5 cents, \VIIlCII cart be had at all the periodical stores in the United States and British Provinces Send for a Specimen number. which will be found on the editorial page of the paper. Address, A, M. STEWART CO., No. 37 Park Row, Neil)" York. New York, April 17,1861. ( [A15t’i:R1‘i’sr:iti'i<:NT.]' 1 UR advice has often been asked, tvitli'regard it. t ii‘i-cit‘asnig tannins and SHOES. where the best place is. In our opinion Doliiiage ’ sells better Boots and Shoes for less money than anv other house iii the town. Richmond Hill, March 15th. 1861. IQI-tf. Men’s & Children’s Socks ! Women’s and Misses Stockings. In all Sizes, in all Colors. in all Qualities. and at all Prices. at WM. S. POLLOCK’S, . -‘ Late G. A. Bernard’s. Richmond Hill, 1'1pril25, 1861. 126-11' itiiitt lllll‘l‘llltll’l'l _. Call and See the WM. 8. POLLOOK’S. Fast Colors, wide widths. {from 41d per yard and hi. 7§d per yard, The Best I’riiity (War offered Oi." Richmond Hill.“ April 25, 1861'. WWW. itciitiigtoir lllotel, Alll'til‘a r OI’PUSI'I‘E THE ’IORONTO HOUSE. GEO. L GRAIm'I, PROPRIETOR. LA RGE and Conitnodious Halland other improvements have. at great expense, been made so as to make this House the largest and best trorth of Toronto. Travellers at this House find every convenience both for them- selves and horses. N.B.â€"A careful ostler always iit attendance. Aurora Ftntioii.'April 1861. ! our. 311...... 1 R. or; THE CARR Respectfully announces that lie, Itas‘ olpéii’ed: \Va‘rerooms in Toronto, for the Sale of his CARRIAGES, firemlses formerly occupied by Messrs: GEO. EWART 65 Co. papers ‘ Subscribers will . do well to take advantage _of our club rates, . 19134“ Ain‘tirotypei dint: Photograph 19611}. ' Toronto, April 19.4861. E FACTORY.‘ 0 Church Street, adjoining the Store of Messrs. 110 «land, Fitch SI. Co. a i ' i .ui l ~ n! Ir. -_ l " - I (‘- I I ' - M" ‘a - 0 ‘ ‘ ' ' A R. HALL, in rntrorlucrng himself to the ptlbltfl, feels' that be is not a fltranger, as his Ca’irmg-es‘ have been long and favorably known to many ofthe largest and most judicious purchasers in the Province. He has for the last twelve years been con- ,stan‘tly engaged in the manufacture of Carriages. and during that period every improvement which has been introduced“ pither ‘in‘ materials, construction or style. has been carefully investigated, and if found practicable, most scrupulous care in the SEIBCHOIIXOI" liin‘ber, a'nd the securing ef workmen.’ of those who have tested the durability ofliis ivo'i'lc. ASSQRTEENT or LIGHT CARRIAGES ‘Wili be kept constantly on hand, adopted. ,Ile has always exercised the This has been fully demonstrated in the experience Beth at. the t ity Re‘pdsitory arid at the Mannfactory at Markham. V Mr. HALL opens a sale room in 'I the Province. would for the purpose of placing his goods in a position easily acc'es'sibl‘e to all parts of Perseus living at a distance, who choose to order by mail, may rely upon the most careful attention in‘tli'e selec‘ 1i0u,puckiug a'nd thriller-ding of the goods ordered, upon teriris as“ favourable to the purchaser, though he \vere preséiit. Markham, April 19,1861. cAstr O0. AVEjus'topencd a complete assortment of the latest styles of 'BOOTs AND SHOES, HA Ts; B ONNE TS} PARASOLS, Ac. \Vhich thov will sell Very low, to clear out their large Stick, as they couterriplate closing their retail business with the Summer 'I rude Corner of Church & King Streets, Toronto, April I“, latil. 124-‘2n'i For Sale?- 40 BRICKS for Sale. 9, SI’AN of HORSES. Apply to Also. a A. GALLANOUG lléi‘o‘t TO BUILDERS & OTHERS l ‘HE VAUGHAN MUNtcn'A’r.‘ COUNCiL are pre- pared to receive Scaled 'I‘cudcis for the re-ercction of the Stable and. She‘d, = Heretofere erected adjacent to the Town Hall, oti the 6th concession of the Township of All Tenders to he sent to the undersigned on or before the 10111 day of May next. _ WM Further particulars may be tibiained‘lby ap- plication. if by letter post paid, or personally to G. J.,F.1’EARCE. . Clark of the Towns/up of a Van g It (l n' . Richmond Hill. R'O'.’ April 8, ldb'l. 1‘24-4 ltlaitatla Permanent Building AN D SAVINGS" SOCI ETY. Susscumui) CAPi'rAt., $541,450; Iersti-LD my REAL ESTATE, $426,216 1 : ANNUAL INCOME FROM h‘lizitiiznus, $300,001). Ofllce â€" Mason?“ Roll. Toronto. DIRECTORS.â€"Jt)sepll I). Ridotit, J. M wett, James G. \Voris, Thomas Maclcar. I’ete‘t Paterson, J. G. Beard, S. Nordlieituei','1'lios. D. Harris. Aim ’I‘REASUltERfâ€"J. Herbert Mason. HE Stock of this Institution presents a pro~ vestmeut, based on,R,eal Estatesecuritv, ren- rived from their capital. interest at Six per cent. per annum. ; mortgages on firstâ€"class landed property, being pledged for the seetiritonf money thus received, depositors are at all times assured of perfect safety. varices on the security of Improvod City or l Country I’_rt‘7perty.l rep'ayable by: instalments I lspread ,ever any term the applicant chooses. , from one to ten years. changed forotli'er property, or the Mortgage i “luv be __redeeri,ied before maturity, nr DESIRE!) BY 'iur: BORROWER. Applications for Loans will be received by the Secretary. Robert James, junr., or R. H. - Smith, Ne'xinarket. froitr wnem Circulars and the Rules of the Society, together” with any fuither information. may be obtained. [13’ Letters to be prepaid Toronto, April 19. 1861. 1524-113: Jas. F. BroWn, BROKER, AGéNT FOR 1 MAsosic HALL, TorroNTo‘Srirtiicit'r,‘ TORONTO- , . 11? Money to Lend" on' Iiii‘pi‘ove'd‘ Fai‘n‘is April 19, 1861': 1:25-13' Styles of Prints ! ' - PHOTOGRAPHS! ? , P'HOTOORAPi-ts ii The Cheapest and Best GALLERY 1N" CANADA. IS AT 1317 Kill llllll‘l', Elli, TORONTO. JAMEfi BAWEH Proprietor and Principal Operator 1‘35-1y. , Soi.iciroR,â€"-Edward C. Jones. chRsTARY : fitable and easily convertible mode of in- , deriiig it peculiarly suitable for Failiners,Clergy - g : men, Teachers, Mechanics, persons in‘,_the_ re- _ ' - 1 2: .. . . . ceipt of salaries. and those WlidSB income is de- ' SAeré’s’ BANK BRANCH.â€"â€"Srtms of “Four. Dollars and upwards are received by the Society .2 on deposit, subject to withdrawal. and bearing" . ' . Fire on- , piial and Assets of the Society, invested in: To BoRi='otvr:Rs.â€"â€"'l‘his" Societyunakes ad- ‘ . . Properties mortgaged may'be...sold or ex- Estate and General Agent, _ @aloniql grits Qtssnrmtt: Qiu'pfl Tor "11.0, C.\V. s‘ ' " 1“, " J. K. FALCONBRlDGE ESPECTFULLY begs to announce that he Trials his received the greater part of R SP lNG STOCK! Among which will be found New and Beautiful Dress Goods, Parasols, Hats, Foa- tlicrs, Gloves, libbons, Soc. :1 good assortment of lllttitriiu “illirri'i'it 1,. .1. r, 11% m 11%,, Also, Gentlemen’s Goods, lli Black and Fancy Cloths, 'I‘wceds, and Docskins. He will rcceive in the course of a few days, a lrirgc addition to his stuck ot'Oi‘ts and I’aints,â€"â€"also about; llltll lllllllll lllll illlllllll l Blinds and Bordering, good styles and vrry low in price. A first-rate -i=- is r in . r . pun--. -riin nap. litin ' ' out! ‘tiursiii . Lliir "tiitiiit liiiii ‘iiiriiir liir 'ttillr‘lllll ' I". S.‘â€"Fi‘eld, Turnip, Marigold \Vurtzel, and Carrot Seeds. 'f It, w 'llllll‘l‘li l'r ' . A j. l I“ t H: Ill . i' l' uullil‘ l A" ' Parties whose accounts and notes became due an the 151 of January last and on the lst instant, are requested to settle them without further notice. _ Accounts with the Farming Community will become due on the lst of October next. and Will be made out and rendered at that date. He 1.1ch this opportunity ofreturning his thanks for past favors" .Iticlimond Hill, April 19, 1861. 125 4.’ “llll PLows; MCHVERs REAPERs scuaruua sOUFFLERs iLANN-MILLS, PLOW‘POINTs HORSE POWERS, STRAnfCUTTRRs ORAINCRUSHER& LMDWING-LLAcnIirEs; 'PURNPIKE SIUDVELS;_ 'r 11 1% 13 s It i it t} or 11_(3 ii I it 12 s; TREAD HORSE POWERS; srtiMP EXTWLACTOltS SHEARS,I~IARR1OWS, \SWJLEP POtVERs. SEPERATORs the; 820. Ste: Ste: ’13 W m w O O, E: E: . _ “if” E :1MPLEMENy FACTORY H 1 [1 L . .Our Implements and Machines have been before the’phhl‘ic“ . for the last seven years. Nothing that we can-say here Will? add a’ single laurel to't‘h'e well-earned and enviable rcputatiorre they already sustain. Prudence; lir'Ot-Vevcr, dictates-“to th‘e' Farmer to rely‘ upon such‘ Machine's only as hare bccn'a thoroughly tested, ,, H, ,7 , u PATTERSON & BROTHERS,‘« Richmond Hill, March 1, 1861 118-4111; W‘illiasn Grant, 'I‘TORNEY A'i‘.LAW. solicitorin Chitin-f j V cery, Coiiveyaucer, A'tc. Toronto. Office“ in the “ Leader” Buildings, King Street. 123-11' Toronto, Apia 12.5561. 193-136 A. IVIACNA BB. ARRISTER, Attorney, Solicitor, ($0. I King Street, East, [over Leader Office,] I Toronto, App, to, 1861.

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