Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 10 May 1861, p. 3

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\J ‘ proceed west. to Joseph Nixon’s, Kinghorn, at . thence to 'I'hos. Lawson’s. and stopt f~ GEORGE BONE. SPRING: Inseam. W ,.M., on Tuasnnv. the 14th instant. Eat 8 O’clock p'.in. ,cordially invited to attend. ‘Litemarnrngm rticumoui) HILL PostOffice .Cameron. Jnne . Richmond Hill. May 1, 1861. a *~"\a~hm.‘m":?F-”w’ " ’ W1.“ quv y flier-e7 anemia-mum. m rEorLirs Git-EAT straits. . s. v T k 'llb f» I 1861 For the Season. 1861 ALY of these Boo s wr e orwarded by Mail, post paid, to any address, on re- ceipt of price by JOHN E. Porruu. Publisher, No. 617 Sansom St, Philadelphia, Pa. 11:?" Agents wanted everywhere. 7 .2 THE HQEiSE, AND HIS BISEASES.: YOUNG GAMBQY! Y I - THE PROPERTY OF MR. W. MCNAIR, KING, ILL serve mares for the season as fol- lows :-â€" ‘ B . ROBERT JENNINGS, V. S., PROFESSOR or: PATHOLOGY nun OPERATIVE SUR- GERY IN THE VETERINARY CoLmqn 0F PHILA- DELPHIA, Prior. or Vit'rminam' MEDICINE IN mourn AGRICULTURAL t 01.1.EG1-2 on Oi-iit), SECRETARY OF THE AMERICAN VE’I‘ERlNARY Assocm‘rionot‘ PHI:- ‘ LnDuL'PH‘IA, rz'rc , Ere: nobn; thence to Plough’s Inn, and stop hoip; lpnlglt.5"‘ ‘ . < v . . __ I, d to Ivc_ NtLL TELL :‘YOU 0f1119Qt‘ngl),,IIlSlQerlld TUBA“) “‘01 "mg “a “ '“ procee distinctive traits oftlie various breeds of Euro: peaii,Asiatic,African and American Horses, , Monday morning. May 13â€"116 will leave his Own stable, Lot No. 5. 3rd Comof King, and Murchv’s: thence to Busby’s at noon ; thence to David Jeffery’s, Town Line Vaughan, and Mop the night. I 1 Wednesday morningâ€"He Will proceed to WVillium Graham’s IIOtel, 5th Concessron ; {hence to Thanesville at noon: thence to But- tery’s, Mudville. and stop the night. Thursday morningâ€"He will proceed to VVood’s ilotel, 3rd (ion , and remain 1 hour; ihence to Cherry’s Hotel, Town-line York, and stop till 1 o’clock ; thence down the plzuik to Duncan’s; thence czst to Shepherd’s Golden Lion Hotel, Yonge Street. and stop the night. Friday morningâ€"He will proceed up Yonge Street, calling at Palmer’s Hotel; thence to Steel’s, Green Bu h Hotel; thence to Shep- herd &1“eathersion’s Ii’otel, 'l'hornhill, at noon; ,thence to Raymond’s Hotel. Richmond Hill; thence to McNairs, Lot No. 25, 211dCon., and stop the night. I y y I Saturday morningâ€"Lilo will proceed to Giles Carswell’s.: thence to ‘Ctiiistison’s Old Stand v Yonge Sti-eetf thence to his“ own stable. He will serve mares at his own stable until Monday. , the 1311) instant ’ The same rout will he continued each week during the season, Health and Weather per- Linitting. oftlie animal, and how to ascertain his age by the number and condition of his teeth; il- lnstrated with many explanatory engarvriigs. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of Breeding. Breaking, Stahling, Feeding, Grooming, Slioeing. and the gen’ral management ol'the horsc,with the best modes of administering medicine, also, how to treat Bitiiig,Kicking. Rearing. Shying, Stumbling, Crib Biting, Restlessness, and other views to which he is subject; with numerous explanatory engravings. THE HORSEVAND l'lI-S DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the causes, symptoms, and treatment of Strang'es, Sore Throat, Dis- temper,(latarrh, Influenza, Bronchitis, Pneu- monia. Pleprisy, Broken Wind, Chroni': Cough, Roaring and Whistling,Lainpas,Sore 'Mouth and Ulceis, and Decayed Teeth, with other diseases of the Mouth and Respiratory Organs. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of thecauses, symptoms, and Treatment of Worms, Bolts, Colic, Strangulatidn, Stony Concretions, Rnptures, _, w _. w--. c... ...... -â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" I’alsy, Diarrhoea, Juundice, Hepatiri‘ma, , , . *3 , , , Blood ' Urine Stones in the Kidneys and 0.0abln ct Elizltcl S 8' tllosc Biaddbr, Iixlia’inmation,‘ and other diseases 01 in want of Furniture. 1516 Stomach, Bowers, Liver and Urinary __ v rgans. I A, z . Reroumiance for a person in the above THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES lino new ofl'ered. The Undersigned, WILL TELL YOU Of the causes: symptoms, being about to retire from business- is (19511911? and TreatmentofBone Blood, and Bog, Spa- of disposing of his LAND and PREMlbgt-S, viii, Ringâ€"Bone. Sweenie, Strains, Broken where he has carried on the trade successfully 'Kiiees, Wind. ‘ Galls, Founder, Sole Bruise over 1") years. and Cravel, Gracked, lldofs, Scratches, Can- figThe Propel‘ly- Worth $1000. 118 Will sell 10" her, Thrush, and Corns: also, of Mcgrims, $600 cash, Or $800 on time ; the buyer givmg Vertigo, Epilepsy,- Staggdrs, and other dis- satisfactor,‘ security at 8 per cent per annum- eases of tire Feet, Legs and Head. " Th0 Stock (if Furniture 't‘rir; rronsn ANOHIS DISEASES Selling offat low prices ‘ Bureaus at $7. $31, $10, $11, each, in great variety. Bedsteads at $1 50, $1 7!). Camp with Roofs, $3, and a General assortment of Goods in the line equally cheap. Apply to and Treatment of Itiistula, I’oll “Evil; ,Glaii- Locked Jaw, Rheumatism, Cramp, Grails, Diseases of the Eye and Heart &c.,"and Low to manage Castration,BTeediiig,'l‘rephinning, Roweling, Firing. Hernia, Aiiip11tatipii,'l‘,up- ping, and other surgical operations. ’l‘llE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU 01 Rarey’s method 0 training Horses: how to Approach. llalter or Stable a Colt; how to accustom a horse to strang sounds and sights, and how to Bit, Saddle, Ride, and Break him to harness; also.the form and law of \Varranty. The whole being the result of'gtiftcen years careful study ofthe habits, pecularities, wants and Richmond Hill, ‘ I28-tf May 9, 1861. FORGE STREET _ _ Agricultural Society 2 RE weaknesses of this noble and useful animal. The book contains 384 pages. appropriately ‘ b . 13 HO W ! illustrated by nearly One l-t undred Engravings. WILL Br. HELD AT It is printed in a clear and open type, and will Richmond. H111, be forwarded to any address, postage paid, on GM Thursday, the 23rd JlIay, 1861, receipt of price, half bound, $1 .110, or. in cloth, extra. $1.25. THE FAMILY DOCTOR; ‘VVhen a oonsrderable number 01‘ Prizes will be A C 0 U N S E1, L 0 R IN S I C K N E S S. awarded . BY . Professor Henry S. Taylor, MD. TAYLOR’S FAMILY DOCTOR hasteached an enormous sale,and wrerevcr known, is nnivorsally improved, both by the faculty and others. In plain language, free from medical technicalities, it gives you siriiple remedies easily obtained for the cure of Disoases in all forms,with important rules for preserving the health, and directions for the sick chamber, and theproper treatment ot'the sick. The Dis- For particulars see bills. Richmond Hill, May 7, 1861. 1‘18 W outed. STEADY BOY capable of taking care of horses, and accustomed to Gardening and general out-door work. Constant Ernâ€" ploytnent and liberal wages. Apply personally to ' G A. BARNARD, eases ot Childhood,the Diseases Of Manhood, Richmondhill, May 9, 1861. 127-11 4 â€" â€" -- ‘ _â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"- treated of in a clearand practical way. Al- , 'qu ways at hand, and ready to serve you, the N i C U ! simple receipes of this book may soon Save “4, Li? you much suffering, and many times the cost _ of the Volume, It is printed in a clear and as"), ,’ 9:- open type, and illustrated With appropriate engravings. Neatly bound in cloth, price. $1, or in leather, 1.915. THE LIFE OF Our Lord and Saviour J rsus Christ BY REV. JOHN FLEETVVOOD, D.D., . CAREFULLY usvrsm) BY REV. JOSEPH BELCHER, D.D. LECTURE will be delivered in Vaughan Lodge, No. 5-1. F. &. A. M, by Josnrn FU BJI‘ZCT '. THE IMPORTANCE OF MASONIC STUBY. A , 11E LIFE OF JESUS Clâ€"IRISTis the phi- Bretherii front the neighboring Lodges are losophv of true religion. It exhibits the Principles of Christianity in their purity and beauty. It is perfect eXCellence personified, that the mind of man may grasp it. and be changed into the same image. The inspired Writers have given it to us in detached des- criptions. Dr. Flcctwood has arranged these in one harmonious whole, With such com- ments, explanations and incidental informa- tion as to render it alike acceptable to the scholar, as to ‘him who knows no more, but knotvshisBible true.’ Beloher’sreviscd'edit- ion contains the Lives of the Apostles, His- tory of the JeWS,a11d an Essay on the Evi- dences cf the Bible It is printed in a clear and open typ -, in one royal octavo volume handsomely illustrated. aiid'will be furniSned in the following styles :â€"- ' ‘ Cloth Extra,. . , MALCOLM WILKIE, Secretary. Maple, May 1, 1861. 127-? .__._. __._ Letters MAY 1, 1.561. Ambler, William Benne t, Jesse Berridges, John Bailey, James Burr, J. J, Mrs. Boynton, Orrin L. Jackson, Mrs. Host, Samuel Ilart, John Horseman, J. llislop, Gideon Ileinson, Robert Lawrence, James McGare, Margaret Pearson. Sarah Curtis. 11. R, Crawford, G. .I’ricehllfl 00 Dita-ho-t Cullilon, James Power, Richard ‘2 Law Sheath-'1' ' ' ' 'i' - " ' ,' ' ' ' M i 2 ‘50 Does, “7. Powers, Thomas[ ] Cloth’ [fun Gil“ '1 ' ' ' ' r .3 55- .3 0” Deadman, William Sheppard, Charles Row" B u” Gm' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " H 3 5” Deadrnan, John Davidson. Benjamin Durfee, Ira F. Grant, Jessee Gillman, Henry Grant, George Simpson. James Thompson. Samuel Wallace, George Wilson, Richard Williams, Susan E. THE HOLY BIBLE , _, For Family and Pulpit Use. OUR EDITIONS OF THE HOLY BIBLE are unequalled for their durability. finish, elegaiice,aiid completeness; no efl'ort hav- ing been spared to render them perfect in every respect. Besides the Old and New Testament, each style contains the Apcry: pha.‘ Concordance, Psalms. in Metro, Canne’s Marginal Notes and References, and valuable tables Of Scripture \Ieasu res, ivciglits, Coins, due, The text corrected according to the Standard of the Ameriâ€" can Bible Society. They are all printed in large sized type, in one royal quarto M. TEEFY, RM. J. HOSTETTER, 111.11., - ENGLAND, , Opposite the Elgin Mills, RICHMOND HILL. 1‘27-1yp‘ May 1, 1861: r. BOWMAN, flo, . . . _ ‘ volume, with a neat Family Record and Physwinn, Slirgcontit Accoucheur Illustrations. One Door South of LemOn’s Hotel. H ' 1' Emb' Leather’Marb'Edges’c‘m Back and It) Engravings. . . . ._ . . . . . _ . . . . . $3 75 52. Emb. Leather. Mnrb Edges, “Gilt Back & Sides, and R Col’d Eirg“ys. 5 00 3. Roan,Full.Gilt Edges Back Se Sides, : THOR'NIIILL‘. .. 1‘27-ly ShirW‘ .2 2 UST received a nice assortment of > Men’s SHIRTS, in White, 1.0ng'.Cloth. and Fancy ,Regetta, Jean. Checks a‘iid,_Str'ipes; May I, 1861. also a nice assortment of Plain and Farm , Shirts 2 and 14 Steel and Col’d Engravingsh 7 00 4. Extra Paper, lin, 'I'ui'key,1':n'll Gilt,l4 '- 5. Extra Paper, Turkey Morocco, ,Fu'll, " GULJBSteel Plates,Maps andaIllum 12 00 db. 'do. do. Air-3111.0 12 oo Shiningâ€"Real good value at 6. Eh“, pave-rs Turkey 310,.oca0,'+},1u11 WM. S. POLLOCK’S, . . Late G. A. Bernard’s. l 27Ltr An Apprentice Vlfanted I 9 T the Richmond 11111 Bakery to learn, the Baking and Confectionary business. ‘A lad 'abdut’ 14 or 15 years, ofage. ,A boy who has been a year or two at the trade weuld be preferred. Apply immediately to CHARLES TAG-CART. ,R’chmond tint, Maqulfifil. ” ’ exceedingly liberal. , . . , As these books are unequalled in their me- contents, a certain and rapid sale follows their introduction everywhere. _ V‘ 7. _ , For single copies, or for terms toiagents,with ‘ other information, apply to or address JOHN E. POTTER; Publisher, ‘127-4‘ No. 617 Sansom St, Pliiladelplria,1’a. and the Diseases peculiar to Women, are t .,.. up» no r'mll-Ib..4~ “a... ... .with the physical formation and peculiarities ‘ ' WILL TELL YOU 01 the causes, symptoms, ders. Farcy, Scarlet Fever. Manage, Surt'olt, . l l t The present income of the Company is over House find every convenience-both for them- Stecl Plates, Maps and Illum. . . . Q 19 00 y . Toronto .Agencyizq85hKing’ Street EaSt, :Soutli T Gilt,18 Plates,l\’1aps.Illum Lk-Clijp, 15 (in side. Lover the stopepf J. Josephine (.0.] 1A YEAR can bei’nadeby eiiterprising Toto "10.nApl'll 19, 1861- men in. selling the above and other popular.- ' works Of ours. Our inducements toallsuch are“ ‘ chaiiical ' execution, as well as value of their ’ MMMMF AMA/K BIRTH-DAY. , v v _. .5“ WHAT R. BOYD 8L 1 ROTHER ARE DOING; t . GI . ,, , » â€"_. â€" OF THE MARKHAM ‘CARRIA E FACTORY. Who would have thought that they Respectfully announcos that‘he has opened \Varerooms in Toronto, for theSale of his CARRIAGES, In the lf’iiemiscs formerligl' occupied by Messrs. E‘WAR'I‘ a: Church Street, adjoining the Store of Messrs. 110 Nland, Fitch & CO. in R. HALL, in introducing himself to public, feels that he, is not a. stranger, as his Carriagesiiave been: long and favorably I ~ R 1 . known to many Ofthe largest and triostngdiwcious.purchaSOrs fin‘htlre Province.” .He titted-or. the last twelve years been cqnâ€" . ' " ‘ “ “ L-a' 'F .» b', ‘t t. l l _“ ) ,t‘ . . " stantly engaged in the manufacture of Carriages. .andi'during that period every improvement which has been introduced, either .in , rg.- wees ena e us o, an MBA ,ron s. materials, construéfion 6,._,,,,.re,lh,,g been bargfnlly :ingestigated, and if found] practipable, adopted. He has always exerciseduhe, most scrunnlous care in tlieseleetio'ngof timber,"aiid the securing ef workmen. ['1 his has been fully demonstrated in the experience ‘Wm.â€"\,_\VVWV«~AJL . -' ~ .3; fl. . ~ ‘ . ' ‘ _- .. .4 , A ,, As all the rest put togethgr. . The Subscribers beg to Offer their sincere ,thanks to all who have aided them in their of those Wm, have tested the dumbmty (sf-his ‘ng-f - ~ endeavors to make . v . . . Alwarfi disc feast prince to trade, A LARGE CARRlAGhS‘ Arid would intimate to the Public, generally, that they have just received a Very Large Butt. at the my Repository and at the Mauricio? 3‘ Markham} ,Mr. 11A LL opens a sale roomini Toronto.ny the purpo’sp ofplacing his goods in a position easily accessible toall parts o the Province. Persons living at a distance, who choose to order by mail,» may rely upon the most careful attention Iu‘the selec- _ tion, packing and forwarding of the goods ordered, upon terms as favourable to the purchaser, as though he Were present. ~Dclaines,f0r 75d; Prints. from 6d. What some sell tor 10d. we sell for 75d. 3 Markham, April 19,1861. I heavy Cotton, 0d. 10 7d. ; every description of I, I yâ€"_ â€"â€"-_.._._.__.____.____..________.._.._..___.__.__ _____.____._______ ______.___.__._. mâ€"â€" _____._._ Shawifiafififiqfirfiffi.rfif’q‘is" CASH a. Co. 3. K. FALCONBRlDGE‘ At remarkable low figures, and made of the best material. Boers “ANâ€"D SHOES. To fit everybody, and a superior article. ESPECTFULLY begs to announce that he has received tlitl greater part of ‘ his . SPRING srooK! Among which will be found New and Beautiful Dress Goods, Parasols, Hats, Fea- I ! AVE just opened a complete assortment cf the latest styles of DRESS GOODS; rams BONNEE$ PARASOLsHp. Which, they will sell Very low, to clear. out their large Stock, as they contemplate 010sing . their retail business with the Summer Trade Corner of Church & King Streets, Toronto, April It), 1061. GLASS AND EARTHENWARE, ther‘s, Gloves, Ribbons, See. a good assortment of All varieties. Oils, Paints, Raw Oil, 90c.; Boiled, 95c. i l I I . i" I“, I _ I“ I, 1‘ ‘ H l .M. ill . " ‘ll k. [N 111%, \ m m WW" Ill“ l”. ; “hm hm lithium lllirtlrl Also, ttitrei‘i‘tleiincn"s Goods Hardware of ace/racy description Nails, $3.50, cwt. Black and Fancy Cloths, Tweeds, and Doeskins. He will receive in the course of a feiv days, a large addition to his stock ofOils and Paints,-â€"also about Fifi-10:33:97.,lillll l’lilli Iiili'lil llilli 111511133 1 SPAN of HORSES. Blinds and Ber-dering, good styles and Very low inpricc. A first-rate l' l‘ L: . g. “It; t A law It Apply to ' , r . -. ... r r i a = n1 Q 1 a A. GALLANOUGH. "1er ,p lag, _ gay: . fig . . ' ll 1 ‘titinii ll11ml ltliur [‘1 but It duh ill 5% 118-81 “W W .. P. S,â€"Field, Turnip, M angold \Vurtzel, and Carrot Seeds. In fact, everything you want. 1211.2”, Great attractions for the Ladies in Millinery. All the Newest Styles. Mantles for 00; Bonnets neatly trimmed for $1 00 5 Hats, Head Dresses and Caps. v- _ , : IN GBOCEREEfi, Our trade is heavy ; 12 lb. Iielined Sugar, $1 00; 13 to 14 lb. of Bright Sugar $100; 2‘2 lb. Rice, $100. ‘ll 7 A quantity of our remarkable cheap Currants still on . , hand, 20 lb. for 00. Orders punctualiy attended to. cf? The very highest price paid, in trade, for Butter and Eggs. One Call is sufficient to satisfy. Our increasing business stimulates us to greater efforts. Still they come. The iâ€"Eig‘liesé Price paid. in Cash for Wheat. R. BOYD 8t BROTHER. " \ 1274f Thornhill, March 1, 1861. Parties whose accounts and notes became due an the lst of January last and on T0 BUI LDERS 8L OTHERS the lst instant, are requested to settle them without further notice. [1E VAUGHAN Mummy“, COUNCIL are pre. Accounts with the Farming Community will become due on the 151; of October pared to receive Sealed Tenders for the next, gifan Will be made out and. rendered at tlint'dtiT'é.‘ . re-el‘ection of the - .. . Stable and. Shed, Heretot'ore erected adjacent to the Town Hall, on the 6th concession of the Township of Vaughan. All Tenders to be sent to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of May next. : ~ 5 #1 Further particulars may be obfained'bva rap- plication, if by letter post paid, or personally to G. J. F.1’EARCE, Clo/k oft/re 'l'owns/rip of Vaughan. He takes this opportunity ofreturning his thanks. for favorS' ~ Richmond Hill, April 19, 1861. . V’ 1"") 4 .t, .. Aurora, May 1, 1861. i m A. __.._'__ -‘H _. __ ,._ NOTECE- HATS AND CAPS! THE CO'Ilfll‘illel‘Sllll) heretofore existing 110‘ Just received upwards of 50 dozen. in Men’s, “"8311 JAMi‘Jb GB “IOMPSUN 11ml Youth’s and Boy’s sizes, in every conceivable L. under 1.110 firm and Shape. Ivlake and Variety. style of Thompson &, Garden, Merchants, the prices, at King, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be carried on as usual by G. L. Garden,-â€"all debts due the firm will be paid to him. and all debts owing by the firm will be settled by him. JAMES G. THOMPSON GEORGE L. GARDEN, King, April 11, 1861. â€"â€"â€".___ Call and examine Richmond Hill. P.O. " April 8, 1861. JVM. S. POLL OOK’S Late G. A. Barnard’s. {ichrnond Hill, April 25, 1861. 124-4 wâ€"Râ€"râ€"wâ€" _..._... 1254f Canada Permanent Building 9' A T J é; i. 1 GM“ and raw M1“ AND SAVINGs’socrurr. V ‘H E Subscriber, in returning thanks to his numerous Friends who favored him with The unrim'signed,in returningthanks to those their 0115101“ at “"0 Headford Mills: begs to who have bestowed their patronage on the late inform than} Illa} “‘3 has “31”” “1,9 MILLS Iii-iii.respectfully solicits a continuance of their lately 00011171911 by Mr- B- .1511. kllofvn as tho custom. 7‘ ' GEORGE]! GARDEN, @herborne M1115 King. Am.” 19, 186]. 1.354 Near the Green Bush Hotel. Yonge Street.â€". ‘ Those Mills being in first~rate order, any one X-HE Subscriber has for sale a quantitv of giving him a call will find the Gristing done in '1‘ 1.} Mgi'KEn CLOVER SFFD a,"sz l a superior manner. Parties wishing to take .a'.. I. A 14,.» ._ ‘3‘. I“; . Perior kind of \‘Vhite Clover introduced 'into the“ (“lbt'nglm‘d* mm the”) ca“ do 50' \wg“ u v '- t it tutti. l “iiitiltltll. mt\ 1295-4 Sonscttinnn CAPITAL, $541,450: INVESTED 0N REAL ESTATE, $426,361: ANNUAL INCOME FROM NIEMBERS, $300,001). Office - MasonEâ€"HIâ€"iall. Toronto. Dittncrons.â€"Joseph D. Ridottt,:J. G. Che-r wett, James G. Wortu, Thomas Muclear, Peter. Paterson, J. G. Beard, S. Nordhei'ne'r, Tires. D. Harris. ' ' ' FLOWS, . s . - . ‘ â€"-Edward C. Jones. SECRETARY - - ' tlirs country, from Scotland. two or three years l1? All w0ik warranted second to- none in. , -s°},lc," 0“, ‘ _ . ‘ , / . ago. Also. a good assortment of FIELD and Canada. E I, p ' ‘ ' 3“) lkEASUKL“:"'-I- Helben Mason- . O E R S,‘ GARDEN SEEDS’ G ORGE SQUIREr ~ ‘HE Stock of this Institution presents a pro- ‘ t ..‘,' G. L. GARDEN. _ ,. _. .. I A , ‘ lirolnfletor- fitable and easily_convertibélemode of in: B A P E R S! Springliilt, April 16, 1861. 125-4 'Markliam, April 19. 1861. 1254f. vestmeiit, based _on Real Estate security, reri- , sCRAPERs SCUFFLERS FANN-MILLs PLOW POINTS {HORSE rownps; STRAW'OUTTERs GRAHJCRUSHER$H .MOWINGiuACHINEsfi (r ’U is, NP 1' KB S H, OiVE L_ S.“ _T}L§ESHINciirACHisH3$ TREZMD HORSEprlvERSI STIJMP EXTW}ACTW)R& siLsARs,HivRROivs ' SWJEEP.POWVERS; SEPERATORs Ste. Ste. 8tc.’ ac; deriiig it. peculiarfy suiiahle far Farmersfllergy - i . ' men, Teachers, Mechanics, person's in the re- : ceipt of salaries, and those whose income is de- , rived from their capital. Savrscs" BANK_ Banditsâ€"sums of Four ' Denali; and» upwzird:= are received by the Society on deposit, subject to withdrawal. and bearing interest at Six-“per cent. per annum. The Q a- piial and Assets of the Society, invested in ' mortgages on .fil‘St-ClaSS landed property, being , pledged for the security of money thus received, depositors are at all times assured of perfect safety. To BORROWER5.-â€"TIIIS Society makes‘ ad- vances on the security of Improved City or ‘ )Country Property, repayuble by instalments , ‘spread over any term the applicant chooses, FOR SflLE’ , [AOMER'IIKsEM'QNT.J~‘~ A OUR advice has often been asked, wtth regard . ,, . , .. . _ to ijiirchasing ‘aiidp SHOES, 1N kiwi)“th condition for the Spring WOIk where the best place is. In our, 0133111011; Dolrizage “.0.’ sells better Boots and,S_liOes fo‘r lessmoney than A Young BIRCII Mare; any otli‘erehouse in, the town. . ., Coming four years old. Richmond Hill, March 15th. 1861. G. L. GARDEN.» _, s = .r '11,A)ril 19. 1861. 125-4 , . ‘â€" ‘ ’"m’" I " Men’s tit Children’s Socks ! run 4 7 «- ~. . . Liverpool and London 11 01310595 “110 Misses Stockings. In all Sizes. in all.Col0rs. in all Qualities, and Fire & Life Ensu ‘nnec Company. a, ,1, Woes, a, v ‘ WM. 8. POLLOCKJS. Late G. A. Ba,,,ard,s_ from one to ten years. Richmond 11111, April 25, 1861.’ 126-tf . Properties mortgaged may be sold or‘ ex- D’Arines and St James Street, Montreal. I -changcd for other property, or- the Mortgage . Invethed Funds £1,213,317 Stg‘. ., .- may be redeemed before maturity. 1F DESIRED; . . --â€"‘ » , BY nu: BORROWER. .DlRECTgRSqâ€"T. B. Anderson, Esq. Chair- man, A. Simpson, Esq. l)eputy~Chairinan,, S i Henry Chapman. Esq. E. J. S. Maitland, Esq. l i I1 l - Applications for Loans will be received by James Mitchell, Esq. Henry Starnes, Esq. â€"â€"-- the Secretary. Robert James,junr., or R. 11. Smith, Newmarket. from Who‘m Circulars and ‘ ZMLI’JK J. 11. Maitiand, Esq. ,Resident-Sccre- ‘ Call and See the M tary, G. F. ,C. Smith, Resident Assistant- Neva; of y the Rules of the Society, together-with any Secretary. _ 121 -tf. Head Office, Canada Branch. Corner of Place fuither information, may be obtained. (1:? Letters to be prepaid Toronto, April 12. 1861. 124-1132 4 HE Directors would call the attention of the Public to the following features in the management of this companyâ€":- The Premiums received in Canada are retained .and invested in Government ._or "other Pro- ,,,,c,,13,,,d, The ,BCSt Prints~ cvcr Offered All Losses when satisfactorily cistalr‘lisbedware Oii Richmond Hill. paid (in Canada without reference .to .the April 25’ 1861_ Home Board. ' . WM. 8. POLLOCK’S. Fast Colors, wrde widths. from 4,1,d per yard and at 7§d per yard. Jag. Brown, BROKER, , Estate and General Agent; AGENT FOR A , v . H Qfolouial itifs Qtesnrattcc Q1079. ' That there is not, at the present time,ionei 1 NIASONlc HALL, TORONTO Stunnr, "I" xâ€"x~ n". , claim in dispute. TORONTO: . i There is invested in can. in Avnilable “Fellingmn Hotel, Aurora ! 11’? Money to Lend offline-revel Peri"; i P E N '1: C . I n 0F , . ._ EOHJ NOSE 126-tf I Constantly added tO'I. , , Funds 200,000 Dollars, and this is being _ OPPOSITE THE TORONTO HOUSE' April 19. 1861- 125-13" , F1, ‘ y __ A ‘ .. .. ’ V That there is invested in New York $800,001). r L PROPRIETOR. _..nnd it is the intention of the Directors to , LARGE and Comm-odious Banana other 3 'f _ I increase this sum to $1,000,000. .1 impmvonwuts have, m great expense. .; ‘; g or a, J; PHQTQGRAPHSdg :r. an sw~=r rescit‘ltriolvn 11111114 rtâ€"iorocnarus r The accumulated Funds of the Company [NO- been made so as to make this House the largest veriiber 1859] amount to over 5,905,730 (101!“ . and bestnorth ,of Toronto“ ..'I‘ravellers at this selves and horses._ ‘ lN.B.â€"-A careful ostler always «in attendance Aurora Station. April 1861. y 1 126-13' 7.590 dots. per day, ' Insurances effected at the Lowest Remuner- ative Prices. J. 11. MAITLAND, Resident Secretary, ' M'oiitr’eal. lOur Implements and Machines ,lgiave been before the public, 1 7 - I for the last seven years. ,Nothgin'g, that we can say here Will 11111111915111: and Photograph add a singlelaurel to the .welvluearned and enviable reputation, ' ’ “they alreadyptistain,‘," Prudence, however, dictates to the fFarmcrjo. rely {upon such Machines only as haVe been The Cheapest a.iid:.Be_st .ltiunicipalityof Vaughan; ‘ O'i‘ICE hereby givetiwtliat on story- “ ' - , w v-r : = .DAY, the 13th dayiof May iléitt, the , . JAMES FRASER; Agiento Municipal Council ofthe-township of'iVatiighan 125-1‘)’ will hold a CoturtOf .Rievision on ,the. Assess- . , ._ , .,. fist” ,. . , thQPOngI‘lly'iC'Sth, \ . merit Roll for the present‘year."~ at the .Town I ' ' . ' 5 ‘ -i ' s l’mrccl Et‘gllgid. Hall, at Eleveno’clock in the fornoon, when ’ i ’ A . . & BROTHEI‘T’ ' ' v ‘ . v ' , , - all Persons who havelodaed with theCterk r s I ‘ ' Richmond Hill, March 1, 1861 ' 118-4m OUND near the Richmond “Ill Stat-IO" '0 notices .of Appeal in conformity with the Act, 7 7 A . the 'Northern Ralll'Oad. A PARCEL, are required to :attend. 'g ., ' r TORONTO W ' _ .' . containng articles of value. The owngr can .On the 1'5th-day ofMay,-the Clerk will at- ‘ A, DIACNABB,3 . "‘clham. Grant, have-“135111118. by l’I'OVlng 17101101133 811 P33" tend at the Town'Hall to issue Lists to the fifir , . .V .V I ' ‘ mg “‘0 expense Of this advertisement 1“ several Valhlnasw"5' JAMES» RA E, l AIIERISTER’ témnfey’ ISOliICitoOfi‘&c. l ngtBEEiEeggii-cgfgc’ $121131:th gibzigdu JOSEPH l‘IC ’A'il, G. J- F- PEARCE. .' t . p: - 10 . t i - ing Street hast, over .03 or ice,] _ ‘ .r’ . , . in ,. x gla’tign Master. ‘ Township Clerk PFODHO 0‘ and 1111011)“ 119Wl or ,Toronto, C.W. ’ l in the ‘ Leqdei ’ Buildings. King SueeL, , Marlo. Art“ 10.18615 123-3lVaughan.Apt-i199,ism. 127-1 'r'm-otrto.‘Ainrrw. 1861. iés-iy TorOnW,Ap111,12,l861, 123 1ylToronto,Apr1112,1561. 12351,,“ q , . l ‘ _ . c:

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