Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 17 May 1861, p. 3

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at .., ._..«...,- .w» * , 1 r - .. = .').-.»-'v'il “Vet-v s x '- m - . up... aau. 7. ~ ~ 5.1- -... ... . . “4..” _ 1..., k our ‘ . 1:. - rini P66151116 611111111 hotihb. «95,- M =...-".ic..;.~w.-1~1 ' ."~- ,‘L o- r" 1. a . ’ .-. '-- â€"-â€".â€"~_-____ »~ 4- - ""’"' ~.SPEGI.A2E NOTICES. . 5:. mm ’0 s. H ., ...SPRLNG HAS-COME“ I * * . ANY of these 139011. W111 be forwarded by . ‘ I I r, ‘ ' J} Li, I, h .5 I, I | r l , I , . , Mail, post paid, to any address, on rec r q i.) A V, I . . ’ ~ f , _ 7 , , . t , _ a _ ‘ M ‘ ceipt of price by JUHN E. POTTER, Publisher “ ‘ Spring has come, evenwelcome spring. With - . '- ‘3‘ - ' ' ' ‘ ‘ j: ' NO- 617 53111501" 51 1 Pllilhdell’l‘l‘h 1"“ , ' ' ' 113’ 1 outs wanted cvcr‘uvhorc. 4,5, Its-geniplshowcrandxsunshine, old wtuter once , > . * g t J _ W “fix ‘5.SYHAKLI.BovfiiiihfiififififijfififianG;”*V more has been divested of its chilly mantle. At» czâ€"ihisi‘iegon bfithe year. Parents should look i l I the. health of their children,- Worm‘ ‘ 2 c. 11:52:11. i .2135 ,i . . ms. 116636, 111111 616 61666613 :- . ' it”)? 1‘: I .‘w" Y ' ‘ - KIâ€"IAM ‘ . .,: r t r . r . 11 - ROBERT» JENNINGS, ‘ V, S., Puor‘ussor‘t‘ on PATHOLOGY sun,OrmwrivirSUR- GERY IN THE .VE't'EiuNA‘n'v‘ Connor: or '1’“ im- DE].P.1-£1_A. PROF. or metuAur hiichbIM; IN Tar; LATE Acutcoprumnt 01.,i.i:oc,,ov 031110, SECRETARY or 'run Amunioau VETERINARY'ASSOCIA’I‘wN or I’m- LADELPHIA, 1110, ms. “ “5gfiacmCuxx. . Respectfully announces thatheazhas'opened.\Vareroodfs in rlioronto, for the 1of RIAGES, . . In the Premises formerly occupied Messrs. GEO. .EWAR’I‘ Co. I . Church Street-,(adjoining the Store of MesSrs. Howland, Fitch 8L Co. , ' y. - y _Vl7110,4w;iutd;liave thonghtiulya‘t. ELLâ€"NEARLY AS MAM c As all the restput together. ' . :g Medicines, are Legions. but there are none so i ' ofl'octual as Dr. McKenzio’s Dead Shot VVorm- ' f _ ‘ r . : ' ' . v Grundy, it always has the desired effect. You- at? policited toitry. .itogglydnce and than you can ' Large Splesdenable us to take small profits. _' ‘ judged'or yourselvesvâ€"Suld: for. 15 cents by all NIB. IIALL, in introducin'g‘himsclf tothe public, feels that he isnot a stranger, as his Carrihfiés 1121311; "been ~long‘ and favorably :-. W11!) Medicine .4 packages for 50 cents. . known to many oftlre‘z largest and most judicious purchasers in the Province. Helms loathe lasttwclve’ yearsbeemcom stantly engaged in the manufacture of Carriages. and during that period every improvement which has been introduced, either ‘in materials,construction orAstyle;.'has been carefully investigated, and if found practicable; adoptdtii’iii'lfé‘hits always leiiér'h‘isé‘d" the most scrupulous care in the selection .of timber, and-thesocuring cf workmen. This has been fully demonstrated in the experience of those who have tested the durability ofhis work ‘ ' WELL TELL YOU Of the OriginJlistorv and distinctive traitsot' thevarious biocds jot; Enrov ‘ poun,Asiatic,African and American, llorses, Willi thephysical formation and peculiarities of the animal, and how to asCortuin his ago by the number and condition of his teeth; 11- lustrated with many ex;,;lanatory onguy'vmgs. THE HORSE AND 1118 DlSEASEb‘ WILL. TELL YOU 0|" titteediiig. Breaking, Stabling, Feeding, Grooming, Sliocing. and} the gen’ral'management ol'thc horse,with the best modes of administering medicine. also, how to treat Biting,Kicliing.Renting, Shring, v Stumbling, Crib lilting. Ratios-sums; and other views {0‘- which he is Subject; with g numerous explanatory engravings. I THE HORSE AND IIIS DISEASES \NILL TELL YOU Of the causes. symptoms, and treatment ofStrang'es, Sore Throat, Dis- ” g = To 'Consumptives. IIE Advertiser, having been restored to 311031111 in .ayfew ,weeks by a very simple renibify, after having suffered Several years with a severe lung affection, anduthat dread disease, .filmmptfi‘h’iâ€"is audio-11510 make known to ' -.hie;fellow~sufibrerstlie'means of cure. _ Top" who desire it. he will send a cepy o the "réscription used (free. of charge), with the‘ imctidns for preparing and using the . some, which they will find a sum: (‘vua FoR ' Cossomr'rion, AS'IHMA, Buoscuiris,&c.' The only object of the advertiser in sending the "I’rescriptionfis'to benefit the afflicted. and h‘prend information which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will The Sub5cribers beg to offer their sincere thanks to all who have aided them in their endeavors to ,make I ‘ ' Am... .11. 1.0,, We, ,, hm, .1 Linton-1188661116111 or LIGH.T...QARR1AGES Will be Kept constantly on hand; r:'Â¥ .And would intimate to the Public generally, that they have just receive VeryLarg'c stock of i. t ~' ‘Del‘aines,forr:7.5d.; Prints, from 6d.' What some sell for 10d. we sell for 7511,; da ‘Both at the City ,Re‘pos‘itory and at the .l Mr. i'IALL opens a sale room in Toronto for the purpose of placing his goods in a position easily accessible to all parts of the I’rovntco ~Personsltving at a distance, who choose to order by mail, may rely upon the most careful attentidn in the selec- tion, packing and forwarding 01 the goods ordered, upon terms as favourable to the purchaser, asthough he were present. . ' Markham, April 19,1861. . ~. . v d .y ., i may “"3. his remedy, as it will cost them naming, , y y it heavy-Cetton, 611‘. to 7d. ; every description of ~ _ . _ mifififd’lfififgflgd“313.2113; Bailing;“ii’,};::)‘;:; 7 “id "‘3." l”°"°.a blossmg' . ' ,. ' ‘1‘ >11 ' m D . i i I .. ' I l _ _ . , .. 3 v ' - Cough Roaring hnd Whistlin 31.41.36; Son; S ‘3’ S a?“ rem 9”“ ‘ G ASH & Co ‘ J K FALCONB n IDGE‘ .ddress ‘ ' ‘ IARD A WILSON - , V » . ‘ltfiady-Hlflde 'Clothiflg, s O ‘ ' _ , _ . other diseases of the Month and Respiratory ‘ - "REV' ED“ ‘ ’ ' i ‘ At remarkable low'fi‘ures I v ' ' ' I ' " ’ ' ‘ ' ' I ' organs' » V _, ,. . . , . 1 and made of the h) -1 ' ESPEC FFU LY b - 1 . - J ' ' ‘ V I I “lllmmbylfih’ Y .k I y p p , tst mateml. AVE justopened a complete 21mommml I i I. L egs to announce tiat he has received the greater part of THE HORSE AN,>,,,“S MSFASES '. V r . V Kmfls Counu’ 8‘” 0‘ ' ' ' ‘ A. ' ' . 1‘ I '- ' “ . of; the latest styles of 4 "S ' ’ . . WILL TELL YOU‘Of t‘hecauses, symptoms, ' ‘_’_‘___f_..::....j__:;,::::_.L;L::;~;_._ _ S . D S 10 4 . - v ,. and Treatment of Worms, Bolts, Golic, 7 , _ ' I .H i é ‘ E E v I . V \ V ‘ Strangulation, Stony Concretions, Ru nuros, i . ' ' ‘ . ’ i' “ i "I" ' T - , » ' Palsy, Diarrhma, Jauudice, 'llcpaltii'rma, ' I ' ‘ . ' r : To fit everybody, and a superior article. , ' l . . . 5:333;Ufi'hi’mfimffb: 1” 5110,, 1(1‘15‘9-‘3 and a I I a ' t, ., 1', -, - ' , ‘ , . ' I, I! ' 111101), all U 101' ( 151311503 0. 7 . " . the Stomach aBoWeIs Liver and Uiinal‘ ' TS, [limongfiilvluch gill be found New and Beautiful Dress Goods, Parasols, Hats, Fea- ' Organs. . J ' v_ . ,, y tiers, G arcs, .ibbons, 8w. a good assortment of 1 THE “ORSELAND l‘llrSEDI‘iEASES “ :~ '11.. ‘ 1 A ,3” to All varieties. Oils P this, R. '. O'l _ - - , r V - . ’ IVILL TELL YOU Ol'tliecuuscs.,s\;11t11111115 g”. 5-; ' " Ii’t‘llLlAM 'r. BOYD. .. . .. . -’ a n” “90‘: ’ BM“: '9“- ‘PARASOL‘S’ éc "it, it, . 1.. "t. it‘ll, 1,..1" 3!"! "1"2‘3‘11'7‘01”O’BOHGBIOW"a“d 1301:1151”: i i 0 . ' . ‘ I ‘ ’ ' d ¢ their large Stack, as they contemplate closing . ._ v ‘7 _ ‘7 *1. 7‘ , 1- H . , 5 "HM'W 151 1861- “9’4 , e W y their retailbusiness with the Summer ’I'rdde AISO, Gentlfilncll’ S, ' GOOdS, ~ Egg (2:362:12(PfioburficR?::,,.i’:3:- " ' Dr. ‘F. ,Déllcnbaugh’ ' Nails, $3.50, owt. ’1 In fact, everything you want. ' C°r“,?.lgfglfohu,;cl};ifi,F'gflfiueels’ 1242“, Black and Fancy Cloths, Twoeds, and Doeskins. He will receive in the. course of a , X12231!mEILlLefisi,’ ,fi‘f‘grggrsp “11‘9" dis“ ., ' TH, OLD . G u f -â€"-â€"~ ' ’ ’ . few, days, a large addition to 1115 stock 010115 and Paints,â€"also about TI“, “03%,; SLR? ' - r ' ' . row a Tactions or . ,- .. ‘ ' ~ . ‘ ‘ .1 . ., ~ ' ' ‘1 . ~ '+ v s sic. I C I A N z . 1 .‘~ , ‘ r». _ t‘ho Ladies in Dilllinel y’ ' ‘ For Sale. b i; ., WILL TELL YOU 01 the causes, symptoms, ~ ' 0F BUFFXLO N Y» . All the Newest Styles. Mantles for $2 00; Bonnets neatly trimmed for $1 ()0 . * y ' , . and Treatment of Fistula, I’oll Evil, Glan- Â¥ ,' y " ’ ‘ ' " a ’ I ' . ‘ Hilts, Head Dresses and Caps. ’ BRICKS for Sale. Also. a p - . ders. Fare-y, Scarlet Fever, Mango, Sin-felt, ILL be at NlClIOLLS’ 1101 EL. ‘ _ ‘ __ , SI'AN of HORSES. . - . . _ , , ‘ Locked Jaw, Rheumatism, Cram 1, Gulls . . . A Blinds and Bordcrtn wood t '1) d ' l ' ‘ i ' ’ d h Iégztllimonjdnglpl, piiVlF1'1dpg'61aiidlSattp- C I g » App”. to ' g, a S J ‘5 3" verJ 0"" W Price. A first-rate Diseases of the Eye and Heart. disc, and how q ' ’ay,t e 11111.1~ Lin 1 ay. ,wtere to < 3 E38 E. .to manage Castration,thoodi11g,’1‘rophin11111g, Roweling, Firing. Hernia, Auiputatioii,'l‘ztpâ€" ping. and other surgical operations. . ’l‘lIE IIORSE AND HIS DISEASES ' ,VVILL ,T‘JQLL YOU 01 llarey’s method of taming I’Iorscs: how to Approach, Ialtcr or Stable a Colt,‘ how to accustom a horse to strang sounds and sights, aid how to llit, Saddle, Ride, and Ilroak him to harness; also.tho form and law of Warranty, .'I‘ho whole being the result offliftoen years uaiotpl study ofthe habits, peculariiies, wants and Weaknesses of this nobloand useful aiiimal. Tlie'book contains 384 pages. appropriately illustrated by nearly 0110 ltundre’d Engravings. It is printed in’ a clear and open type, and will be forwarded to any address, postage paid,;on receipt of price, half bound, $1.00, or, in cloth, extra. $1.25. ' THE FAMILY DOCTOR ;. A COUNSELLOR IN‘SICKXESS. 13v ‘ Professor Henry S. 'l‘ayl r, , MD. ‘ l ‘ V lll 1 I. '1 ' ‘ ~l " , 11, t, 1 11‘" .. . '- tttul "11111 ‘ ih 11111111 tut ill 1Ill To Cabinet Makers 8; those I" 3""F 19"], T 11-" “1P: Mango” Wurlzél. atldICarrot Seeds. in “rant of Furniture. Parties whose accounts and notes became due an the lst of January last and on __ the lst instant, are requested to settlctliem withoutfurtht'r notice. i Rare Chance for a person in the almve '- . ‘ . . ., , 1‘... _ . A line is now oflbred. The undersigned, Accounts “ith the Fanning Community wnl become tlueflon the 151; of October can be consulted on all forms of Lingering "Diseases. ' ‘ . . . -. . - 9 i A. GALLANOUGII. 1-. , . -, = t.d -1 . ' ' . ’ i S r. ’ - ‘ ‘.' " .' “1‘1‘ 'll'. 1.. Our m e [G ic'uy , 12 lb Inclined ug'ir, $1 00, 1.3 to 14 lb. of Bright Sugar, Thomhm, March 1,1861. “8,8, % 111,,“ “1% lumiiuu ll May 15, 1861. 129-2. ' $1 or) - 22 in, Rice, $1 00. A quantity of our remarkable chi-tap Currahts still on > r ’ hand, 20 lb, for $1 00. i ’ [orders punctually attended to. 61’? The vory highest price paid, in trade, for Butter and Egas. One Call is sufficient to satisfy. ’(Our increasing business stimulates ‘ a ' ' ’ ' efforts. Still they come. Thcwflighcst Price paid in Cash for Wheat. â€" - . a R. BOYD _& BROTHER. "3311911333116.wax-1161000.hewmsel‘m 1274f $600 cash, or $800 on time; the buyer giving satisfactory security at 8 per cent per annum. The, Stock of Furniture Selling ofi'at low prices, Bureaus at $7, $9, $10, $11, each, irt great Variety. Bodsteads at $1 50, $1 75,. Camp with Roofs, $3, anda General assortment. of Goods in the line equally cheap. ""GOD' SAVE THE QUEEN.” ,mer. JIajestETs Birthday -‘ ILL be celebrated 011 Richmond Hill, on FRIDAY, the 24th May. in the ‘ iflomooon. commencing. at 3 o’clock, by Foot, Sack and Wheelbarrow Ratios, Athletic Games. ' find other Sports, and in tho evening there will '“SanGrand Display of FIRE VVORKSâ€"au OXCollent selection having been made. us to greater _ s bcittg.ab0ut to retire from busiiiess.;is dostrous nethand Will be made out and rendered at that date. He takes this opportunity ofreturning his thanks for past fit-V013" * Richmond 11111, April 19,1861. ' ' of disposing of his LAND and I’REh-IIS’ES, where he has carried on the trade successfully 1254 Aurora, May 1, 1861. .â€" -â€"» â€"â€" - .v....‘ i‘ ._... . -' “v-4 _. .._-. .___ _.__.________.u~.qâ€"_- ___._.._.___ «A c. _ ‘ -'-‘ â€"â€"-â€"~.~....~_ «___.::a. Men’s & Children’s Socks 1 H A T S A N D C A P S 1 Women’s andMissesStockingS. {l‘stmceivel‘l“l"mds“5“ d°m~ in Men’s. ” . . . oulh’s and Boy’s sizes '1 v " ' In a” sues. m tn“ Colors, m an Qualities, and Snap . . , 11 e or) conceivable LADIES" Boors 11111 8110138! ~‘IUS'I‘ RECEIVED a large and choice va- rietykand will be sold cheaper than ever ofi'erod before on Richmond lIillt {Cluelippersu . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .33. ltdf‘pair, Beautiful Enameled Buckskin's,. .4s. 0d. " )o, Make and Variety. Call and examine ' the knees, at ' nuLszPOLLomrs I at all l’iicos, at WM. S.» POLLOC’K’S, ‘ Late G. A. Barnard’s. Ennmeled Sealand Calf Bucksins, splendid quality,. . . . . . . . . . . .5s. 0d. “ IU’Please call and examinebefore purchaing elsewhere. 1V. S. I’OLLOCK.. =incnmo’na llill,l\1ay 16, 1861. 129-11- SLAVERY OLISH ED. i~ ‘ANY who have been slaves to Rheumatic tyranny have been entirely emancipated by the use of ‘ Ingram’s 1111111111116 Lininient A certain cure for Rheumatism, Tic Dolereaux, Sprains, Bruises and ‘Swel'ings “u? Prepared and sold by Joseph Ingram, Maple Village, in bottles at 2'5 and 59c. each. Maple Village, Feb , I4, 1861. 12y. ' roses "siEEm Agricultural Society 1 SPRING '*i-'SHOW 1 Hill, , Thursdaq , the 23rd May, 1861, When a considerable number of l’rizeswill be awarded. For particulars see bills. ,gichmoud 11111, May 7, 1861. 128 ~- W‘antcd. A STEADY BOY capable oftaking care of horses, and accustomed to Gardening ind general out-door, work. Constant Etn- ple‘ymenton'd liberal wages. Apply personally to _ ,,, .- _G A.BARNAqu; Richmon‘dhill. May 9, 1861. 127-11 Letters Remainingin RICHMOND HILL PostOflice 'MAY‘ '1. [561. Richmond [1111; 111111125, 1861. 126-1f T \ ' IV OTELE. I'IE Co-partnersliip heretofore existing ho- tween JAMES G. 'l HOMI’SUN and GEORGE L. GARDEN," under the firm and style of Thompson a: Garden, Merchants, King, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be carried on as usual by G. L. Garden,â€"-all debts due the firm will be paid to him, and all debts owing by the firm will be settled by him. JAMES G. THOMPSON GEORGE L. GARDEN, King, April-'11, 1861. 195-4 ~â€"â€"â€"â€". ‘ ‘y‘. The undersigned, in returningthanks to those who have bestoWed their patronage on the late firm. respectfully solicits a continuance of their custom. 5 y GEORGE L GARDEN. King April.19,1861. 125â€"4 HE Subscriber has far sale. a quantity of i $10.00 .,,,,.11 GLASS 1ND. EARTHENWARE, f‘ALSIKE” CLOVER SEED, asu- periorkin'd'of ‘Whito Cloverintroduced into this country. from Scotland, two 01 three years ago. Also, n good assortment of FIELD and GARDEN SEEDS, « . I i ‘ G. L. GARDEN. Spriughill, April, 136.: 1861; 125-4 , FOR .911ch, . - A' GOOD YDKE .OF WORKING 'OXEN, ' N Excellent Condition for. the 'Spring work I , also. . A Young Black Mare, :- Coming four year-sold. . , . G. L. GARDEN. Springliill, April 19. 1861. 125-4 ' . .THE . Livorpc‘sol' and London Fire & Life Insurance Company. Head Office, Canada, Brapch, Cornorof Place D’Armes and St James Street, Montreal. Late G. A. Barnard’s. 7 Richmond Hill, April 25, 1861. 1-125-tf ., . M i I“ -- Grist and Saw 111111 ! 7 ‘II E Subscriber, in returning thanks to his numerous Friends who t'avorvd‘him with their custom at the IIeadford Mills, begs to informthem that he has taken the MILLS lately occupiedby Mr. B. F1511, known as the Sharia arcane Mills 1 Near the Groon‘llush llotel, Yonge Street.â€" These Mills beiugin first-rate order, any one gm 1g 111111 a call “1111 find the Gristng done in a superwr manner. Parties wishing to take tho1r Gusting back with them can do so. UTAH work warranted seco Canada. GEORG’E SQUIRE, Proprietor. Markham, April 19, 1861. 1254f 1861 For the Season. 1861 YOUNG GAMBOY 1 THE PROPERTY OF MR. \V. MCNAIR, KING, “X ILL serve mares for the season as fol- lows :â€" Mouday morning, May 13â€"116 will leave his ow_n_s‘tu1)le,1_.0t No. 5. 3rd Con. of King, and proceed west to Joseph Nixon’s, Kinghorn, at noon ; .thence to Plongh’s Inn. and stop I hour: thence to Thos. Lawson’s, and stop the night; _ Tuesday morningâ€"lie will proceed to ~ 0- Murchy’s; thence to Busby’s at noon : thence to David Jefl‘ery’s, Town Line Vauuhan and stop the night. a ’ \Védncsday morningâ€"He will proceed to William Grahmn’s Hotel, 5111 Concession ; thence to 'I'hanesville at noon: thence to But-l tery’s, Mudville,‘and stop the night. _ Thursday tnorning-He will proceed to Wood’s Hotel, 3rd (3011., and remain 1 hour: thence to Cherry’s Hotel, Town-line York,and stop till 1 o’clock ; thence down the plank to‘ Duncan’s; thence cast to Shephaid's Golden ml to none in Apply to GEORGE BONE, ’ 1 Richmond Hill, May 9. 1861. 12841 Canada Permanent Building AND SAVINGS’ sOCIE'Y. Sonscniapn CAPITAL, $541,450; Isvnsrsn 01v REAL 153'1‘A112,‘$4'26,361 : ANNUAL Isconm ' 11110111 .MEBZBERS, $300,000. Officeâ€"Masonic Hall. Toronto’s Dumcronsâ€"Josephl). Ridout, J. G. Che- wett, James G. VVorts,"I‘homas Maclear, Peter Paterson, J. G. Board. S. Nordheirner,'1‘lioS. D. Harris. Samariumâ€"Edward C. Jones. SECRETARY AND TREASURER,â€"J. Herbert Mason. IIE Stock of this Instituti‘on‘ presents a pro- fitable and easily con‘vertihle'mode of in- . vestment‘, based on Real Estate security, ren- dering it peculiarly suitable for Farmemfllergy - men, Teachers, Mechanic‘s, persdns in the we- coipt of salaries, and those whose in'coitt‘e is de- rived from their capital. SAViNcs’ BANK BRANCH.-â€"Sums of Four Doizars and upwards are received the Society on deposit, subject to withdrawal, and bearing interest at Six per cent. per annum. The o a- .pital and Assets of the Society, invested in mortgages on first-class lauded property, being pledged for the security 01’ money thus received, depositors are at all times assured of perfect Safety. To Bonuownns.â€"-Tliis Society makes ada vauces on the security of Improved City .or CountryI’roperty, repayablo by instalments spread over any term the applicant chooses. from one to ten years. Properties mortgaged may be sold or ex- changed for other property, or the Mortgage may be redeemed before maturity, in DESIRED By 1111: nonnawnn. Applications for Loans will be received by the Scoretarv. Robert James, junr., or 11.11. ' Smith. Nowinarket. from whom Circulars and the Rules of the Society, together with any fuithor information, may be obtained. 11:? Letters to be prepaid Toromo, April 12. 1861. 124-111'. "TrHrESHING PLOW& Mownus REAPpRs,w SCRAPEESHS SCUFFLER& FANN-MILLs, PLOW PoiNTsf HORSE,POWERS, STRAW'CUTTERs GRALNCRUSHER& ‘MOWING MACHINES, TWJRNPIKE SIU7VELS, TREAm HORSE rownus, STIJMP EXTWXACTW)R& SHEA RS, H AR ROW-S, swurnr POVVERS, SEPERAToRs 11ACIiiNES{ TAYLOR’S FAMILY DOCTOR has 2 cached an enormous sale,and wherever known, is universally improved, both by the faculty and others. In plain language, t' medical technicalities, itgives you simple rcmeduds easily obtained for the cure of Diseases in all forins,with important roles for preserving the health, and directions for the sick chamber,- and thepropcr treatment of the sick. The Dis"- eases ol Cliiidhood,tlte~ Diseases of Manhood, and the Diseases peculiar to _Women, areall, treated of in a clearand practical way. _Al‘ ways at hand, and ready to servo y’d‘d,’ the simple i‘eceipes of this book may soon savo you‘much suffering, and many times the cost of the volume, It is printed in a clear and open type, and illustrated with appropriate engravings. Neatly bound in cloth, p1ice“; $1, or in leather, $1.95. ' ' _ THE 1,111; or Our Lord and Saviour .1 rsus. Eiii'iSt BY REV. JOHN FLICETWOOD, 13.13., CAREFULLY navrsnn 131' REV. JOSEPH naccu‘nu, 11.13. ‘ HELIEE 0.1" JESUSCIâ€"IRISTis the phia losophv of true religion. It exhibits, the, Principles of Christianity -_in their purityaiid beauty. It is perfect chellence‘ pei‘sonifiéd, that the mind of man may grasp it, and he changed into the same image. The inspired writers haVo given it to us in detached dos- criptions. Dr. Flcciwood ' has arranged these in one harmonious_ whole, With such com- ments, explanations and incidental in format: tiou as to render it alike :t.:;coptablo to tho. scholar. as to ‘him who’ knows no 11101‘1), but knowshisb’ible truo.’ » Iicloher’s revised edit- ion contains the Lives of the Apostles, llisa tory of the Jews, and an Essay on the Evil- dences of the Bible It is printed in’ a clear and open type, 111 one royal octave volume handsomely illustrated, and will be furnished. in the following styles :â€" Cloth Exti‘a,.............. .Price, {5‘2 00 LaW'Sheep,-iuoeeeeoo i I . n u c it Cloth, Full Gilt...-.......... “ 3 (11) Roan, .Full Gilt, . . . . . . . . 1.. . “ 3 5‘.) THE. HOLY 131131.11: For Family and Pulpit the. &c. &c. 810. Ste. Ed 111 OUR EDITIONS OF- TlIE HOLY BIBLE" are unequalled for their durability, finisli_,-. Borridges John “am John DIRECTORSwâ€"iT. B. Anderson. Esq. Chairs Steel’s, Green Bush Hotel; thence to Shep-' Jag" 31" Brown, 7 ) Baum, James Horseman J . man, A. Simpson, Esq. Deputy-"Chairman, hard & It‘oatherston’s Hotel, 'l‘hornhill, at noon; . BROKER. __ ., p . Ed W elegancefind completeness : _no effort hav- < Burr" J" Mrs. ' “Mop, Gide'on Henry Chapman. Esq. E. J. Moitland, Esq. thence to Raymond’s Hotel, Richmond Hill; alld ngeral-A‘dellt’ O ing been soared to yonder them perfect in 30",“0” on“, L Hewieson Robert James M'iCliello LSQ- “61"? blame-$1 L511. 1110116010 McNan‘S. Lot l\o. :25, 2nd (3011., and ~ P’ eveiy respect. Besxdes the Old and 1\ ow I Cains“), Jane ' Lawrence, James MJP'P' 1' H- Mfilllnlldv ESQ-.RGSIdeln‘SeCl’fl' Bio.“ the night “3'9” FOR 2 r2 'I‘estament, each style contains the Apcry-r? Cugfi‘ ‘ g R, " ’ Saturday morningâ€"lie will proceed to Giles. 11-4 Mc‘GarmMMgaw, tag-y, G. F. C. Smith, Resident Assistant; efflouial \(r-Asgnranc; Q1012. f . . pita, Concordance: Psalms in Metro, } Crawford. G. Cnlliton,~James' Does. W.‘ H - Deadman, William Sheppard, Charles Deadman, John , v Simpson, James Davidson. Benjamin Thompson. Samuel Durfee. Ira F. . Grant,".le‘sseé' ' Giflmfin, Henry Grant. George ' Pearson, Sarah Power, Richard ['21 Powers, Thomas Wallace, George "Vils'on, Richard Williams, Susan E. M, TEEFY, RM, 313.1er 2 shirts :1 0311 fécei‘v’edi'a flied issortment of Men’s Secretary. HE Directors'would Call the attention of the Public to the'followi 11g 1 l features in the management of this companyrâ€"a * The Premiums received in Canadaare retained and invested in Government another Pro- vincial Bond‘s. _ v y , All Lesses'when satisfactorily established are .- i y . - . ' . ~~ -' > . paid 111 Canada Without reference to the _ Home Board. _ That there .is. not, at the present time; one claim'in dispute. ' ‘ ‘ ' " There is‘ invested'in' Canada 111 Available Carswell’s : thence to Cnristison’s Old Stand Yonge Street; thence to his own stable. He will serve mares at his own stable untilMondaV. the 13111 instant ' The same, rout will be continued each week during the season, Health and Weather per-- mitting. [anvnnrisnmssr] UR advice has often been asked. With regard to 1' urchasing BOOTS and SHOES, where the best place is. In our opinion Dolmage sells better 130th and Shoes for less money than ~ any o'th-er'liouse in’ the towii. 1 MA’sONic HALL, Tonosro STREET, ' :TORONTO- c 11'? Money to Land on Improved Farms April 19. 1861. 125-1y ‘. PHOTOGRAPHS“! VIMPLEME P110 T OGRA PBS», P TIEIE 3% itinniuorvn 11.1.. N? ' FACTORY *orrrrs Canno‘s Marginal Notes and References,“ and valuable tables of Scripture \Ieasures,’ Weights, Coins, doc, The text corrected‘ according to the Standard :of tho Amori-” , can Bible Society. They are all printed in large sized type, in one royal quarto volume, with a neat Family Record and Illustrations. - I. Emb. Leather,h’1arb,Edges,Giil Back and 10 Engravings. .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.3, 2. Emb. Leather, liluib Edges, Gilt Back Liz. Sidcs,-and R Col’tl Eng'vs. 5. 00 3. Roan,Full Gilt Edges Back 1% Sides, , and 14 Steel and Col’d Engravings, 7 ‘00 ligurgtnpl-ements and Machines have, been before the public I A , I or tie Bast Seven years.- Nothing that We can sa here Will Ambrofype and Photograph add a'SmgIe laurel to the Well-earned and enviableyreputation GALLERY ,N CANAD they already sustain._ Prudence, how'ever, dictates to the .1 1 Farmer to rely upon-such Machines only as have been thoroughly tested, ' ‘ ~> ' , , . . . _' , , 7 , PATTERSOnI & BRGTHEhs, q ‘, Richmond Hill, March 1, 1861 ‘ r y ‘ 118.4,:n I q I Touon'ro. ‘ - ' ' . JAMES BAWE Proprietor and Principal Operator 4. Extra Paper, 1m, YI'uikoy,lt‘1111Gilt,l4 Stool Plates, Maps and illum. . 1 . ., . 5. Extra Paper, 'l‘urkoy Moroccoh’ It‘ull. , Gilt,18Stoel I’lates,l\1aps and 11111111 1200' - ' do. - do. do.” Antique 1‘2 00 6. Extra Paper,.'1‘nrkey Morocao, li‘ull ‘ (3111,18 Platesfilapsdllum 6c Clasp, 15 00 $1000 A YEAR can be'inade by enterprising :men in" selling the above and other popular wnrks of ours. O'u‘r inducements to all such are exceedingly liberal. ' - . ' . As these bookslare unequalled in their me» * chani‘cal execution, 'as' Well its value of their contents, a certain and rapid sale follows their introduction ovoi'yw‘ierc.« , I ' ' For single copies, or for terms to agentsmzitliv 035“ otherinformation, apply to or address. ‘ JOHN E. l’O'l‘TER, l’ubtis/wr, ‘ No. 617 Seusom St, 1’l1iladelphia,Pa, The Cheapest and Best Richmond’Hill, March 15th. 1861.- 1214f.- SHIRTS. in White, Long Cloth. and Fancy Regatta, Jean, Checks and Stripes; til ,0 a nice assortment of Plain and Fancy Funds 200,000 ’Dollars, and this, is , being 900 i constantly added to‘.' K I , ‘ ‘" " ' That there is'invosted in New York $800,000. â€"and it is the intention of the Directors to increase this's’um'to $1,000,000. , ' .' The accumulated Funds of the Company [No- vember 1859] amount to ovor 5,958,730 dols. Thepi‘csen’c income of the Company is over 7.590 dols. per day, ‘ ' Iiisdrati'é'os effected at the Lowdst Romimer’ J. H. MAITLAND, ' _ Resident Secretary, _ irtingu-fâ€"Real good value at _ , , . WM. S. POLLOCK’S, a ,_ , . ‘ Late G. A. Bernard’s. Richmond [1(111.,May1,1861. , 1'27-tf % i" ' Apprenticelilfanted T the Richmond Hill" Bakery to learn ‘,:‘the Bakingjand Coiifoctionary business. A lad-"about 14 or 15 years of age. boy who has been a'year Or two at. the trade would b 111113. 111111111111: Call and, See- the Nch‘Stylcs of Prints- 1 15’ A"? 1 'WM. 3. POLLOCK’S. Fast Colors, Wide widths. from 41d per yard , and at 73d per yard, " l'l‘hc Best Prints ever offered ativezgricos. . , . . “‘ Mandala: :‘ Toronto Agency : 85 King ,Street East, South side, [over the store of J. G. Joseph &. Co.] A, MACNABB, I H‘illiaanyGw'ant, , I ARMS-mm “may, Sancho“ m, TTORNEY AT-LA-W, Solici‘torin Chan- , _ sz Ska“, East, [over Leader Omce’] l _ cory, Conveyancor, &c. Toronto. ‘Tormw’ aw. _ I 111 the “ Leader” Buildings, King Street. 3125.1}: Toronto, Apr, 12,1601}, 1.23 .1, Tamra, April 12, 1951, $3.1, ‘ preferred. ‘ Applyt'immo‘diately to- ' - CHARLES TAGGART. 4 . - , ,. , JAMES-FRASER,.Agent.. Ric-Mondfltll, May I. 1861:. 127-4 _ -, 011 Richmond- 1111!. . Toronto. April-~19, 1861. 125-1y April 25,; 1861. ~’ Lion Hotel Yongo Sheet. and 516 the ni ht. Ambler' William ' ackson Mrs Igveflled {Tu-.1?“ $33.7 Friday "'l°""i"g*He “'1” Proceed). "P Yoiige Behhuyjégéa, . §I.agg’..,stna.fioi...x . - ‘ ~ -A ~ * * " -~;..__ Street, calling at Palmer’s. Hotel; thence to“é ’ 196-1! Toronto, April 1-9, 1861.-

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