Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 31 May 1861, p. 1

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‘7‘ - old Deacon, the sweetest creature l Câ€".__.____‘ Lâ€"â€"___.." *i‘ltl.‘ l’AS'l‘. The Past ! the Pint ! oh, what a tide Does Memory pour upon the breast: VVltat visions riseâ€"‘what plmntoms glide To fill the brain and break the rest ! Though few the waves of life may be That shtll have ebned, )et all will find More tugged strands than golden sands, More weeds than pearls are left behind. The Past ! the l’nst ! how many one Comes back again iil that sad word, The cherished form for ever gone. The voice of music now unheard! It brings the haunts of Childhood’s day. Our hours of sport, our shouts of mirth ; Our schoolmates and our early play, \Vhen paradise was linde With earth- No matter where those haunts might be. In city streets or mountain spot. Long years may roll, bilt yet the will Will hold them loved and unforgot. They are reilietnbercd us a flower ()l' richest not, its blooms gone by ; Or as the string of sweetest power That, broken, wakes the niinstrels sigh: As rainbow of a bright fresh morn, That storms h'tve scattered and o'ercastâ€" As all that to a heart ottttvorn ls saddeltilig as the beautet'us past. We conjure up some gentle eye. That only told of cltange'ess love : Some breast that yearned its warmly nigh As nestling to a. parent dove. Pale ’l‘hought will sit upon itiy brow, .ln busy lancy deeply wrapped ; We start, and ask, ‘ Where are they now ?’ And then the fairy chain is snapped. Porchnuco we nurse some hapless deed Ut Folly’s wild and reck‘ess years, On which the (lentiiloss Wol'il may feed, Ur rain rchentanCe shed its tears. The Past. 2 the Past 2 therc may be those Who never dwull upon such theme ; W'hose pulse of steel will never feel ()tie quickened tlirl‘b iii Memory’s cream. But there are those who bleed and Weep U’er the 'dt-purted,’ e’en iii youth ; J‘Vltuea treiiiblilig hearts wtll ever keep Long vanished scenes with cruel truth. Such tretiibling hearts too soon are rivcn, Light blows will cleaveâ€"tho wounds will last : And Faith. portraying future heaven, is all that can redeem the Past. x. ._- . , ,._ . _ V- __ Ttliltl‘tllllu. .___ v>‘â€"...â€"â€"â€"« OOUSIN TOM. BY ANNA HAL-TISGS. ‘Vc lmd a ‘rich innn’ in C . ‘Vltnl village has not 3 He lived in the largest and handsome-st house, drove the litlttsl cui‘t‘ingc, null his wife outshone :tll iln: othsr Villain-l (looms iii the richness of her :itltrc. Besides these oinrks of superiority. he \\ as a lit::tl'l)ll in the church, and in Ciii'lici‘ dnys. lltlil filllnl most of liH‘ important ollict-s of the t‘t)llill_\ until til/iii. All tlir-sc coiisidci‘nliotisl tilltllt: Dcnl‘oti B it innit nfliotc: but by none Was he more truly ti, - pi'cl-inled and highly respected than by hinis‘cli' nod his wife, the sole oc- cupanls of the grunt house, except; an old mother. Whom no one ut’cll sow outside the gntc, nod :i thin, friphtoned-looking bound-giil. There were few so favored in the village its to exchange calls with llll: Deacon’s wife: and ti vtslior was still more of a rarity. There was, consquuently, a great excitement in the Inn II when it bcctinic currently reported that n handsomeconch hull been even to stop before tlic Duti- con's gltll', ltnd tliztt, nftcr sundry trunks. and boxt's, and lltllltlit's lino been snfclv dcpositcd iii the hall. Ucttcoti l’- ll-‘tli, assisted :1 young lttdv to lilight, actually greeting her with n kiss and ii solemn shake ol the hand. She Was l'ollchtl by n Servant. [retiring divers little boch and packages, the indispcnsiblc lu~..- gngc when at lnlly truvuls. No Sltl)ll-' er lli'itl the hull doorl-losed unon lllClli' that!) :i hundred tongues Wore busy; and the news sprcnd rnpidlv ll‘.l‘()il;_’ll| the toWn, up College Hill, :titd union}; the students. It was at three days wonder; and undoubtedly the Lilly’s advcnt was the (muse oftltc liiilisutil colicltlii'se of p-:oplc the folloWltig Sabbath tit church. Ellery pew, gttllcrv, and evl'ti the aisles Wci‘c lil- led; bill it was ill) less n pttlptlblc (“4" Nut tnc Dcitcon's pcw rcccivcd more (lctliill attention than the int ntsier's pulpit. There she was, true enough, nosâ€"4 tied closely to the side of the grim ever bchcld, looking fol :ill the \\'lit id like it strziy sunbeam lighting the dark innsscs or storm-clouds iii Wilt- icl'. This [tutti] i was ()bllgctl to confess to Cousin Tom, who Wtis Somewhat reserved in my present-c. remembering full well the smiles of the: post. But tiny slight rcninrk ‘IVHS sufficient to start him off, for lit‘. was grcaltly cxoitcd. ‘ W’asn't she a beauty, though i Did you observe. Cousin Anon, her. cletii‘ voliiplcxion and the pure color tingling her round l'llcttkâ€"lict‘ bcno- tiful cycs, exquisite lirtlturcs, pcrlcci figure, and graceful lliliVUlltUlll l’ ‘ No. Muster 'l'oni. l caninot So} that i did. i only had time for it hasty glance before the minister bl:- gau “to service.’ ,gitlltil‘ ur- ». u . . -. » uv ,:-. .“13y7nv -'*<â€""o~w «S’V‘UWKWMVW’K ‘ ‘ AURORA AND RiC’""ll0ND _/ l ALEX. SCDI‘I‘, Proprietor. Vol. I“. No. ‘2; I . ; . ‘ Now, Anon, you don‘t pretend to‘, the lull-use Joy and littpuii‘css of the» soy tliztt you board it Word ot tltcxn’iolncnt, 'l‘nni SC‘Ziftl the bouquet sci‘tiion ill-(lily l’ ' lullt'cd i do, sit. for “Lil purpose, mil not to be unz- cu. log :it strangers. i think it «otltd be decidedly :i had cXLllitplu for oth- that night; but his hoppincss \I‘v’ili int-l “ll “itâ€"{ills “li‘lk‘al'l”; H'"'a'“~ Of his to ilnitntc.’ ‘ So do I ; but I must (‘l’lt’lfcds to my wickedness, for in loud I do not t'cizllllci‘t .1 word (if ll. lilit oven the text. llopc uncle will ilotl-ttll upon me for that. this evening. for l have not the remoicst idea where it is.’ ‘ You had better atone for \ our \t'ickcdlil'ss, Toni. ii}. (iii uiSsing till: liltlc bl'nuly from lolli‘ thoughts for the rest of the tlny.’ ° A scvnre pollutioc. Allllll, but ii i helict'c l will try.’ Just one. i left Toni iii-tout tlpon slime cx- cr-llcni Sobbnth reading; hill, to judge from future t‘lcvclopliictils, his mind upon lllill thin lhc liUt\'ll"ltill;" bounty of tho tiioi'uing. 'l‘llo follouiité,r dziy, in: bud zt long consultation :tbout the most :iV.til_a!i.t: mode of obtaining an introduction to the: lady, \vnil-ll l was :ls czigcr to :ti'l‘thlillliSll as UN.” my good cousin. 'l‘lil; Honcon was on old cur n lgcon both tigrlrcd, null the Until-oil‘s \\'iltt ditto. i lind nevi)! lll‘cll itivllctl lt) was less cull, illlll, ol Coors-s, should not, un-, less I “its assured of a Ton. wns quilt,- :ts ccl‘ltiill thnt [to would be ortle-i'cd out, if he should he 5.) hold us to :titt:lzi;it it. ‘ llut the door littlc bcnuty.’ ltd- dcd 'l‘ont, zipprclicnsivtdy. ' it “ill suiclt‘ kill her to be shut up :tll win- lcr Willi ibosn cross old people, witn- ont chn :t young lztdy friend ili wnont slit: cull ltolilidc.’ ‘()r «Non .1 young gentleman to Worship tit hcr ~ltl'i to null gallant ltcr' liboiil,‘ l tillllml. .i tlnl. lul fntc.’ For nearly a truck. I sttiiliottsiy plzlcl-d myself iii the way of Mrs. lâ€"-â€", hoping she intulitlnvilc inc to cull upon buryotln: friend, whom the hounl-girl "Suited me was it niece and uni-d of the lJcncon’s; but all in v.itii. 'lllc llllt' swept pnst lot: as until-chilly :is (:t'tfl‘, recog- hitting my ai‘ipttilt'niii'e only by it li‘tgill troll. So i gave (We-r llilt ill- tcnipt in (ll‘Stlltlf. l\'~t so With 'l‘ovu. llc Wits on tirint; in his clflrls, nnd each dry in- vl-ntcil some new inczisuro lo malkc the ltt‘fltllillilltltt‘c of tnc Indy. lo- tlccd. so constantly this in: sewn ltll’lt int: :iliolit inc. Dent-oil’s mansion, that the students dubbed litni ‘ Luzo‘nS.’ hut-nose lit: lllci'ttlly " l.iy lit the rich n‘in't’s gnth Fortune. however, scented to old my brnvc co-tsin, for he wns so fit- voi'cd, ()tlt.‘ day. as to receive it grim smile and n gracious ‘ ’l‘linitk yc’ from tho old Dcncon. in return ltiscXct‘lions iti checking his runaway norsc. i Soon after, the little licniity lost her Voil iii the street; nod Toni. t'VL’l’ hour and w-ttcllftil, returned it to lit-i‘ Willi n prol'oontlutllt‘ luccrciiiinl how. He Was t‘anrtlcll by it sweet smile and pltnS'liit ' Thank you, sir,’ from the fnir sii‘nngcr. Fl'UItl [lint (lily , lic \Vlls quite sure she. recognich ititn. ltllliougll uith lttc slightest pos sililc bow. llc but] no doubt iloti'cd :tntl :ipprovld of his siloiit llcvtitton. more dcsirous of :t more intimate :tclpiainlunce. A bright thought or:â€" ctii red to llitii. 'l‘uc billowing chk, ‘ Cct'lulitly. hers is site when the moon would be ill the full,‘ lic Would scrcii ids the fatil‘ chnrmci‘. 'l‘otn sung delightfully, tlllll, With the ttccompnnimcnis, It'l'lllt: his snrcrmdc highly prizod try our youinr indies. Acr-ortliilgll', be selected some now mid appropriate soups,I :tnd drilled ltinisclf thoroughly, tltit'l he ths' fully snils‘linl With his unit performance. \Vclliicstltty evening nus :is linr and clear he wish; tilidjnst before liiitliiighi lic SillllL'd out, itllti Wits soon standing :is could ill the deep shatdc of the mnplcs, lic- llUlllll the window of the room whore us no fondly lieliUVcd, the buztlillllll girl lily slecping. Scar-ct ly‘ tin-l his filtl, rich Volvo :twnkwd thc stl .-nt ct'liocs oflhc night, of her lump. lic- Wns gi‘cntly cit- conrngl-d; and his song grow more impressive and earnest us his feelings t;ntci‘ctl more fully into it. The so con-J song liitwlied. the faint Ct‘llnlrf itpplilutlzllfi hands fell upon his du lighted cur. lilizlgine the depth of l is l‘ltllilllitt W'llt'tl he" .‘l'Nlt'LUIlCGti his third and last song! As he was itllliUl to lc.-lv«-, the ‘Winllow W'us lift- cd “Hit it slight noise, null :tn exqui- site bouqlict of choice llowcrs tell at his foot. Almost overcome with HILL VWVWVW WM “ Let Sound [Bras-0n weigh more will; us than Popular Opimon.” BthEtl‘lfiQDF‘é U SE E5451, Ft“ EPA Y, MA Y :31. teen. “W A WlF'NS l’tlz‘.\lOltSE.‘y Sificfllslehgl 1 Arrowsconld not have ADVOCATE ' ANDf ADVERTISER. _, ,f‘WholcNo. 131. 'i‘lâ€"tc JEsUrrs. .â€" "WAW a\,’\/‘N\,FV/‘./\J TERMS: $1 50 In Advance; _. v Mufiw ' V \\'cll'0-iil!., - for i This mode but] the] plisilt'll ll Satll;l_\' in t1 Hist}. quite :qlpnrciit tric billowing dnv. To... now thought in; inlng you“; is little need of this cotistnut giving tipâ€"wily don’t Lgive ltp 'l' turc n coll. He muted until the fol- lliuisclf at the door will] n trembling licili‘t. The ebony w tillllg-‘llltliil llll‘ nilltcd him with :t broad smile: tipoti ltcr expressive face. Sending his card to her misti'ch, he waited in the ptirlor, fearing (3' ch moment the «‘ltllltfltl‘dnCc of the cross Deacon in; sleilti. Grenilv to his i‘clicf, however. the little beauty soon glided l'l, greeting him gracefully, and, by ,llUl' friendly manner, milking ltint fool quite at his cum: ago“). An hool‘ passer: very pleasantly. ‘ll \Vllll'll 'l‘oni lctil'ncd that bliss illi'ty was flout the South; illitl the thud cone lio"tli, lt \ping to renowr llcl' heatltli, SUHICWlllll itttpaircll; :ind ihntsli‘: was no oi'phnii; and lltiit Uncle 13 had been her gutll'dlitll .21 long time. All this was Vcry satisfactory; now 'l‘oni [*litllgllt he would ltlcl'lll‘v advert to the sei'cntlllc, and lgivc her no opportunity to (:XpI‘ctlS ‘ltlt: plcnsul‘c slit: lllllltlulilclily UXpU iliUlll‘ttll by his pciloi'iuniicc. ‘ We li.ltl some fine evenings, last chk. Miss Gi‘ny.’ ' Delightful. l enjoyed one in par- i ._. tliii: .lltttlldl'; the sl loud l accompanied uncle to the icily.’ " All. indeed! l wus not nwutc ;tlt:tt you hnd lit'Cl] :tbscut. What ldny did you returi l' ' \Ve sttirlcd \‘VUllllCSfllly morning, and did not return until the follownig cvmnng.’ There was a very perceptible smile lurking in her eyes as she sold this. 'l'oliil'oloi'cd. ' 'l‘ht‘ii you hurt: ‘vaducsday cvenii g l’ . t\'o. Andl how: great rcttson lto rcgrct my :zbscticc, l :tsslii‘c you. not at home « t . ' . . . lllll-‘tlili 3 on sincerely lor the compli- [moot you pnid nic llini evening; mid ll :‘trgi‘ct llltli 1 could not have heard {3, on. l mu pnssil’intttely fond ollnusic particularly at llléglll.’ ‘ YUU lilillliltlflct’llt‘ litid (1 friend :itt'ililitig you. then, Miss Uraly, furl ,iun quite sure l had it listener, and evidl-ntly rm appreciative onc.’ ‘ Noun: more so,’ replied the little billy. Willi it llllsl'lliuVl'llS snltlc. i ' Mn} l \t‘ho site may be P iaskcll Tom, somcultut rcussurcll. I 'l owe you an apology, M.. ‘1 l‘lâ€"â€"â€"-,’ Miss Grliy answered, frank- ll). ' f r the occuri‘ciiccsof that eve. lriog. l lllltl directed Chloe. my \thll- )lllg'\\'lllllitn, to sit lip, :itid kccp the dire for mu. (thit:l°lltl}_{ to be at home Hull night. Uncle \\ as uncxpcctedly tlctniucd; so tlittl we did not return Ullle the following evening. My scrvattil thcu lufol'liil-d me of the li- bcriy which she nitl token, for which 1 rcprovcd her sevt:i‘’ ‘ Then your colored trinid Wits my :ipprecintlvc lts‘tolitn‘r :tskcd Tom, laughing, ill spite of his t:ltll.)tt"l‘tl5$- tlicill. ' Yrs And she assures me that you Sing l'loliuntfully,’ rcplzcd Miss- Grayjoining llcltl‘lllt' tli his laugh. 'l‘nni snortcucd his cull, :iitd Wits rather more quiet than usual about like new bounty. But tltc illiilil' leatkcd out; and poor Tom was tin- mt-si'cifully tinndlcd by the fullo is. He was, llioi'eovci', sinccrclv cont- pliuicnlcd by two others, mole cog- of his :tclilcvcutcn s for his .succcssflil wooing of lush l'littuthcr lintiids and colored Wailling-Wolncli. Um.- thing. however, remained to il-onilolt ltim. Ml~s Gray ftivtn‘e him the Whole Winter mill her cunt puny; ulldl am not quite sure but she is ntuclt of it charmer as L‘VUI‘, although yetirs halve pztss‘cd, and the ‘onnlsicr and his Wife have grown older and gi‘nvcr beneath their Shit- dows. '- .. .77 ' I ' "W l l A couttnst.â€"â€" l he Bristol (lung ) Post, When the wholc wind-iw slioiic \lill‘il‘a.VS “"‘t "m3 Ol “'9 l’m'lbh Cl""'0l"'5 '“|“ “ll? “'“ll him- tho i‘cllccttoii of the brilliant light [Hm "“'l4l‘l""'ll"”u “"“5 I‘m"! ‘1'"55“”‘30llt‘czidy to iittlkc till nmctids. n guy wedding which attracted no small degree of attention, from the fact that the bride was it fine, young, lady, so; feel two inches in hight, while the. happy bride- igrooiii rejoiced in the latitude of three lfeet-_ two iltc‘lteswbeing mic l‘tcll more than half the number measured by his lit-Ip- lliiule. The words of Sheridan in “ l‘he Domino.” were naturally culled to mind ‘ by this incident: j ‘ bite sugh n pair were never known, I 50 fit to meet by nature; t The one excelling so ill illicit, The other so irt’stature.” )llmiug Week, and then prescritcd' l t l l . l and. prcssmg ii to In lips ngnin and! [go to church 5 :i_r;tili, littslcncd to ills rooms. and tic-l l uaumnicss Wife with px.eltlltliil:c~â€"'l’tti so lprtn‘tgnd to Silt' how much he sic,” llrcdofscciog n p.tlo lace tro'n morn- Iuniting doses. l Milling Wus echllcnt: lollo\vcll,siic let the blind full licnvily. pierced llt'lt S‘tli heart us did thclnst Words of Jillnf(lyltltg':itttl'l;-l I ' ‘ Dearest, you have been a go id Wife to li‘ic.’ ‘- Thc mock flute looked ralm'y Whit-c amidst the cascilicnts offlic grnvti, but, it was scarcely whiter thantlieâ€" i flint; tltttt bent over 'lt._ ' U,“ Whit ‘ M- r r M. ‘ v , A t . ' would ‘ that wrctclicd I, heart have . my, . .liy, (.licLl .l (pttil:liltg,g.roo to i'ccnll those cold (.‘ill‘itlt‘SS â€".__ the lteVolution of M43 ) 0.. the 12211 of March (1848) the King; of Nobles usseritcd to the ox- pnlsion of the Jesuns, who enibltrkol for Malta, on booi'dlthe Vesuvius. in all the cities of lull}, as in till the notions of Europe, there Was: in 1848, a general Uprising: against the members of the Company of Jesuits, whose :tctlve intervention in the domain of politics has never ccltScd. In the opinion of the poo- plc. they are to be found wltct‘chr there is dcspotisni, null tinglit to'dis- nppcal‘ Willi the appearance of l.bcl‘- ty. As the aUthlitl'lUS of absolute kings, they are the tidvcrszlrics of all progrcss. 'l'hcy foster ignorance :tltd resist the spread (f knowledge. Devlltcd to tltc pilsl, the future; and, if they were able. would prevent Time from i‘nitrching on. They submit to their superior both their life and tllult' conslzicncc. They do- ‘ Sit-k, sick again 1’ said the hood- it seems tome lhcrc - 1 \"OlCU. e words ll’iltl ucre ringingr in her own cars ltt every step! i This was the ‘ ‘IO dCIH'. bow l have m t'UH- thought that gave :ttiguisl'i uonarnl- llc s so tuiptlttliol, and I must always lciud, :is her trembling steps letl her be there; mun ought never to be, sick, they mnkc so much trouble.’ l There was but little tenderness inl the route tho: :titstvct'cd the liiiiit queries of the sick moti,:1tid yct Mrs. Nash was hot it liard-licnrtcd or no unfolding \yontnii. Hcl‘ character loztued somewhat to the side of scl- fiSlllltfib'S, null lit-tug in robust lie-.illli slit: llilll no ltrmwtodge ol the hourl- \\'ctti'ing tlint l‘litllliltl ll pull-bucks cousc to Illcll of the strongest Wills. ‘ O dcltr,’ sugltctl the poor matinltni’f childishlt , ' it seems as if my hcutl‘ never did ticlic us it docs now.‘ Coming, coining,’ replied the Wo- Hill”, to his opcn grave-21$ sltc looked her lstst upon the door. manly fame that hiid ever had it smile for her. '0, to live with this Consciousness !'â€"'-to hour a burden so horny l~â€"tliese to no her punishment. . ‘ if I lltltl liccii tender to him lhrit llziv’ she often subbed out, as sic :tc- cusctl ilcrsclf-‘ if 1 ball (lily kissed the ltot brow, :inl lintlicll it more t:orclllllyâ€"-â€"â€"ifl lit-id only put down that feeling that! l Would not humor his fnncicd iiidls'position, I would give wot‘ltls.’ But the sorrow, dreadful as it was lists not been Without its Sillulllly in; llucnt-c. Now the Willchd Woman is the Wclcoltic Visitor by the bedside ()flllt: sick. ller gentle thit'e soothes us the voice of at lnotlicrâ€"â€"her lititid‘s touch is like the pressure of Velvet, but very sympathy is its the swecb cst cordial. And if ever she is itillll)‘ It'll to think on impatient thought, or give cXprcssioti to ti scllish wish, there comes op before her the vision of a pale face tllztl. but for her no- glocl. might be smiling on her how; old with the rt nuke. Wording pltli- cncc in her licttrt, she goes :lbont bet“ Mister-’s work.- -Jllr)l/iar’s Journal. :illty. nor liltlinn, nor Spanish, nor Gcr- tnttn: they belong no more to :my (:0lll’lll'kt-m-tllcy :trc Jesuits l They hovc only one family, one fortune, one :tim, one community. Theirs is ()lsmmuliisln ili its most extensive and absolute conscrptcnccs, and iii its most extreme loi‘inuln. Kings 'nukc use of these Coii‘tmunists and they in turn make use of kings; they are oltclt the instrunielitSof royttltt', but royally is as often theirs. llislory snows tltttt kings have ex- pulled lltcni Sometimes, and that they also hove driven out kings. The mystery even with which they sur- round tltcn‘tsclves protects them and ~â€"â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" :idds to their importance. The sc- OF MODLRATE «may of their labors, the lCl‘l‘Ul’ they DlilNfith}, ' inspire, lire, in their able hands, the onus which they use. lit the time of Socittl storm they are plittnt us the tWIg; when it is past, they make lhciiisclvcs :ls inflexible us the link; if the roots are cut, they shoot forth ugliin; if the branches are scattered they rcjoice. If there were not ‘l hrtve ltcltrtl you say that 21‘ lithi- dt'ell tinios.‘ sold Mrs. Nash, not in the softest iittlttllcr. ‘ But l‘lii sure its Wolscâ€"“ifyou’ll only poll the curtain llown--llll: Ecutsl llglll strikes through my eyes own when they are shut.‘ ‘ Up tignin.’ thought the wife, ris- ing SUIIIUWlILIIllllpdllcitllt‘,S(21illt:l‘lng her Work with some noise :13 she did So. null. hecdlcss of the group that ‘ int n grunt deal ol trouble ,’ sold the sick mam, seeing the cloud on the wifth lii‘liw, 'O tiol’â€"-â€"ltet‘ fttl'C cleared Lipâ€"â€" ‘ you’re notionzil. of course ; till then me; then don’t know who! sickness is, null they tll‘C so frightened lit the lotist pniil.’ - ‘ But this is terrible l' cried the iii- valid, pressing?r his closed eyes tempted with lirdetltsiliritslo become together. - ldi‘ttnknt‘ds. _ 'l ltcy h:th not full am 0 how he longed to have some lltll‘tl) from the use of strong drink. soothing hand upon his tcmpluslâ€" 'l'hcy never took too much. Thol- but he Would not. ask his Wife, bc- lct their ‘tlllitlcl'l-illllii be known tonil EVlLS b... May of our retitlch may not ho (Translated from G-trnit-r I’nges’ History of lltglite to tlicir order their individll‘f, They are nctlhcr Fix-nth," ‘cttlisl: he snw llint shc liztd snélltilltiti lup lici' sewing. and was again tib- sorbcd iii its completion. l l men.’ They nrc exuntplttry citizens. ruining lhemsclvus on every side, llout‘s pnsscll, ttild the pulse lcnp- their families becoming dcpendcnl cd mildly. the excs grew Sll'lllltl‘tl land crossed with veins, the temples 'lluttcrecl With the throbbingr llcslt. loud slrnngc Wolds clinic thickly on tho stillilcsss of the chamber. l Mrs. Nash htttl been downstairs preparing supper; she hull just lltuuhnigly said iii reply to it neigh- hot’s question conceruil-g her hus- buildâ€"- ‘0! going to die, as you men all are. if lingcr.‘ Litllc she thought how true the prophecy site So unlhittkly uttered. ln unoilier moment her eldest son come into the room. ' isn’t it funny l' he cried ; ‘ pa don‘t know me. He cnllcd inc .tli'. Morins, and naked me if i httd that Will :tll nindt: out.’ ‘ What do you menu, child 'l' His mother pittlscd in the midst of her work. ‘ lie lolt’t know mc,bec:tose I kept culling pit, nod he Would look zit. me you happen to cut your l on the public. and the tux to feed and punish them grudge-ll ; but the} do nothing more than show the tcltiplcd that they can play with fin: and not be burned. 'l‘lleir Weaker brethren, like Sumo :l Johnson. ‘clin- not bike at little ;‘ tltcy cannot take cools into their bosom without being burned. Something more tltttn has yet been :ttlcniptcll must be done on behalf of the drunken masses of the. people. it “‘Utlltl not hi: it grout sacrifice to ttllSl‘dllt loi‘ the snkc of the Lil‘tlllltlll‘ l. degraded, philanthropy, patriotism. :lnd Christianity, dcnitinli thttl sonic earnest and active and self-denying:I clfort be wide. \Vltnt fattltcr Would' pill in the power of n dltiiikcll soil the leit‘ipttilioh that would ruin him l A family llits it right to protect it-‘ self; and, for the \stlkc of one, ton; would 'tt'liinply forcgo the use 0i intoxicating drinks its. beverages:â€" 'l‘horc tll't: llUlll‘lb‘ among us wurm‘ ith it pure helicvlilciicc, who are But they set: their ctt«it.4.~, loud the more that: three in all the World, Would find means of meeting ttt‘itl multiplying. be enormous power of this ft‘tttcruity sctlrcs :twny till tlioug'l. And why? Becrtnsc they represent one idea, Illt‘ post lâ€"tl'lc pztst with its 'tHcrosts, its prejudices, its privileges, its abuses, its oppres- stuns, its crimes. in till cpochs there Will be Jesuits, lcl pcople do what they may; and there is only one power greater, more colossal still, that can conquer them, the peoples who represent the opposite idea, the Future l-u-lllc future, with its know- ledge, its social tilticliol‘ntions, its dcr Vottoiis its sncrtli :05. Such is the Sympathy “pi, rim fttilh of nations! such the law of humanity ! snob the will of God. Mi-tcttAtviC’s, READ THIS lâ€"Wo might :tsserl how much iiitcnlpcrnncc ilinnllliimurc of and traffic in .ntoxil'nting drinks injure renni- lici‘ntivc trzidc nnd lesson the dctnnntl f. r productive labor. The culturi- uiics of this question forth no argu- ment of singular force and of pi‘ticlis cnl power. were it brought out fully, so strange. :lll'l keep asking me if l 1 ready to give labor and means 10 ‘15 “c “"31 It “ll” be "l “"3 Vii-5‘35 ”' lidli thitt will all nude out.’ l‘Ier l-ltcck pttlitigu little, Mrs. tiilSll lturrlcll tip to thc (‘lll’llltbut‘ athovc. wildly to himself. Now, serioust alarmed, she sent for tilt: physician. who \Vdn‘ltll wonder that he bud been called n1 Si) ltttc an hour. ‘Thc mztn must have showo syrup-s, .toms of more than orllint-iry distress tltis morning,’ he said ;- 'dld he make l-ohpluinls of nothing but an ordi- only headache l. The ulfc was forced to confess that the symptoms had been umtsu~ .illv chcre. but hi was so liable to such attacks that much of it. Her heart, lichvtrr. condemned her. She Was fully conscious ill-1t the llllmtls tttlll com- pluints of her poor, sick husband llUti lrl‘tltlitrtl her or an unusual degree, . . s , i) ‘ ' ‘ 3 . ' n I ~' } v g : ‘ . - i . . Now she was 5 cm; oil the litllllllcS who have any ll l Paul“ “u If"? n u if,” ‘H I,“ ha; v . . . ‘ ' I n if ~ ‘ r 1- t - ' ) Willi l nicnihcr addicted to this vtcc, and “0” l m" g“, H Im'n’dsu' "m mt’ . 1 ' I v u». h \ - l y - v r n tours and loving hotluhts she ho- there are two out of every three “Junk 0‘ “L bum “mild “0 bul) ,vci‘cd ovcr tltiit sick bed. accusing v herself, {IS every Wild cry from him ll‘illlg ounnull still there was no lconsciousiicssmslill he fell not the {kind bond, saw not the i-tti‘c;ttiiiitf_,r :eycs,â€"â€"of being the cause of all his \t-rciclicduess, through her sellisi neglect. Tours, hot. and copious, wild pray- ers to llUllVUl], sweet and fcrvlnit - l - _ r words of love u 'ltilcd nothing. l he death-hour came. and with it con-lprcsscd.-Jllcllora. Her husband was ‘lzillt'lllg' she didn't think' and that she httd borne for from pH“: l Sort.- :t nerdy or polishing bi'ollicr, who i‘cutiltlily surrender it portion of their money for philanthropic] purposes. More is ti sphere lor line-l rallly and uxatllple. The colnmnal niiy is cursed with drunkenness, mill terrible-d by facilities for drink- ing. l.=.:t pl‘liltttithroplsis combine to preserve social us they do smilâ€" tliry liczillli, :tnd i‘citiovc the temptat- lioii from the iliiptti’lllcd. A iconi- mtinilt' lins :t right to protect itsclf; and it is n vit‘tttc to sacrifice for tho [.ll'thHllit)” of sin. The \vecpiiigi mother who has now to sally truth] to scenes of rcvcli'y and dc'l-utul-li to seek hcr drunken Son; the fttithlul Will: that stls nt home beside her cradle, and can scarcely sing: u lol- ltlhly to her crying child for the soils slic hctths, and the salt lcnrsl slic sheds ovur the husband of her; youth, who is drinking in the lava homes which are placed in this pain» ful position ; the tempted, who are, often drugged to spend their wngcs‘ and blight their pence by indulgence in :llcoliolil: drinks; the besoltcdi d‘t‘ittiltltrds thctilsclvcs, who are given over to the insidious vice and its consequences, null who cannot resist the opportunity, would all llitll deliverance. Were the traffic in intoxicating liquors totally sup- 2. . bore r Vt‘ he re . I’rlli is who are not military.” this illl‘ll'dl. it is only necessnry :tt [)l’:!:<l-.‘lll, iii thus liiutinur lit the subject, to state thnt, from statistics of un- doubted authority. it has been pro. Vud thtit $400 worth of Shoes, $148 go to the \VtHkltiCl-l, 4!) per ceni, o" cal‘tlil-riwarc, 40 per cent of lincli ynrn, 66 per cent. of Woolen cloth, lit'sltlus 5 per cciit tor trialling ('llilllCS. Whereas of $400 spent in :t'coholic drinks, only $12. go for labor! The litaitllflclurer of useful articles Will employ 34 men at. $5 per week, where the nutnufaciurcr of strong drink will employ out two. \‘Vork- lug-men should be made toitiillcr- this factâ€"sit is Worth rctncm- butting ~t.h:tt the intmlifnctnrcr of alcoholic :1 "tilts employs but one la- the inltntilnciurcr of at her Commodities employs seventeen. It the destructive vice of illiciilpcl" once were prevented, the (lemltill plicll by the greater purchases of taxed gl')ods.â€"â€"â€"Jllcli0ra. During the reign of Boottparc, when the arrogant soldiery exprcted to dispute all civilians, whom they in their hnrrnt'k-rooni slung termed l’ekins, 'l‘alleyraitd one dty asked :1 Gl‘l'lel'itl lilliccr, “ \Vltnl is the meaning of that word, Peltinl” " Oli,’ re- plied the General, -‘ we (-till all those said 'l'alleyrand, "just as we call all people military who are not civil. l Linton 'l‘itttus . mt PAS'I‘UREâ€" Upml the lilst subject you mention, VlZ. :' ‘ should sltltdc ti‘cesbcgllqwcd in posture fields 7’ there may be, perhaps two Opinions, but the one must generally held is againsttshzlde, unless it is in the immediate vicinity of Walter. The most important ob- ject to he attaincd in grazing, 'next to good :tnd plentiful grass; is that the (mill: shall be free from any {disturbance whatever, and that they shall take as little exercise ltSilDOSé l'stlile. in the first place, then, ifthe shade trees are at any distance from the Writer, the cattle will collect under them, and in hot wclttlicr will often stood there until their drinkd . int: time arrives, and then run in a. body to lltctvnlcr, where they will post: and fight for the first drink, and tltcn run buck again to the shade. ~ 1 have seen them do this often; 'l'hen :tgoin, one of the greatest enemies to fill cattle isathc ' biting-fly. which loves the shade us well its the cattle, and when the l:tttcr nrc huddled together under the shade, tlt=jy suffer it grout deal more annoyance and worrying than they do in the open field. i have seen Lullol'ks smart enough to leave the shudc and stand in thesun till filly, and they seemed to thrive bet.- tcr by it. if, however. at molt ltasa strcnn'i running through his field, where the mills can stand 'over their knees in water, let him by ‘dll means have nbundunt shade on the banks. llislctltlle can then stood, their legs protected, and Whisk the water over their books with their tails, and bid defiance to Kill) flies. ~â€" t. "(Down/nun in .qmericun Farmer. BUSINESS QUALl’I‘lES OF THE FAitltiitit.-â€"'l‘iic thoughtful farmer may find a hint of value in tlic fob lowing. front Chats. Belts, iii the 0/12?) Flu'mer.‘â€"-“lf the former nccds ttll_\' two qnzlliiics more tlititl othcis, its business qualities, it is forecast and fbl‘cc-â€"qtlo‘ilics which {will enable him to look forward into the coming yours, and lay his plans, null then with ti vuzor \tliich Will over-ride all obstacles, push them into c.ccution. ln linv business where investments ttrc made to-daty and returns l‘cnplit to-rnorrow, re» liniicc is chiefly based on really c' â€" piittl, and the circumstances of the hour. But the case With the former is dill'crcnt. 110 must exercise forethought; his calculations must run through the your, and on through it series of years; and, to be surcessful, he has many collateral influences to weigh, and in extena sivc operations it corni‘tlicallon in- llnt-ul'cs which require for their proper adjustment rind direction, the highest skill, judgment and forethought. His success, like one 'zi‘losc ,mystcrious and almost stronger plttnets, takes over a vary- ing course, and is sometimes lost to vicw. lot if he is a true Ln Vcra ricl', he Hill count, and “club, and demonstrate the hunting of tlll cona trolling causes, and, with master ability, usher tn the grand result.” of SALT, on LIME AND Stu/[2T0 Pitts-v vm'r GRAIN Coors FROM LODGING; â€"-â€"lu looking over our foreign cxi changes we. not unfrcqucntly meet with llissagcs like the following,- from which we infer that the power of salt to strengthen the straw of groin crops, even when the growth has been rendered very luxuriant by ultimo or ()lllt‘l‘ nitrogcrijus ntttnui'cs, has been oltl-u tested, and is now well established :-â€"“ \thn the crop llctiJlC to lodge from a \VrtlhllCSS in the SlleV. llircc cwt. of salt should be litchd with the guano. Lime and sailt \‘t‘lll prove (,‘qnnlly hci‘icli- l-inl. but this dressing is more CXIICU" sivo, While the lime and null require to he llllejd for some weeks previ- ous to application to the land.” APPLES FUR S't‘l,iCK.~â€"~;\ll kinds of stock relish :tpplcs lluiintz the Winter llllt‘llills, aliriost us much us do chil» drcii. They will cut them Willi :tvi- dity. and in preference to any grant or roots fed them at the some time. An CthCI'llilCllt of feeding stock Willi, say, littlftt peck to :l horse or cow dnily, will soon satisfy any perâ€" son that they conduct: both to the lu-nllh and spirit of the animal.â€" Ohio Flu-mar. w Virginia.â€"-â€"â€"\Vcstcrn Virginia proposes- to secede from the rest of the State, “ If the ‘ilillt‘.” say the \Vcsll-t‘it melt, “ has a right to secede from the General Govern- NIH”. and deems it its interest to do so, the some right exists in us to secede from the Suite. and ti higher interest binds U’S to the Union.” The logic is irresistible. There are four good habits, punctuality, accuracy, steadiness tttill despair-h, \\'illi-« olil the lirst of these, time is wasted; witlt‘ out the St‘COlltl. iiiistitites the most hurtful to our own credit and interest, and that of othets, ntny be committed; without the third. nothing can he will done; without the fourth, Opportunities of great ndvnntg age are lost, which it is impossible to re-_ call. Repose is agreeable to the human mind, and decision is. repose. A mun has made, up his Opinions; he does not choose to be d;sturhed; and he is much more tlinnkltll to the man who confirms him in his errors, “Exactly,” and leaves him alone, then ht: is to the tan who refutes him, or who instructs him at the expense of his tranquility.

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