i the town 01 St. Catheriiies. '* lamb skins BALLOON ASCEN SION AT HAMILTON. Prof. Lowe of Philadelphia made a. rand balloon ascension from the City of Iatnilton yesterday, in presence of lip- wsrds of 5,000 spectators. The balloon which was about ninety feet in heightuvas “inflated infront of the Great VVesteru “Railway ofï¬ces. and Mr. Richard Bus combe accompanied Prof. Lowe on his trial voyage. The ascension took pines about ball past ï¬ve o’clock in 111*. alto:- 11000, amid the blizzahs of the. assembled multitude. At twenty-eight minutes past six theballOon was observed passing over The tele- graph operator at Stu-pension Bridge states that it was not Seen in the vicinity of that place, so that it is not unlikely that the Voyager's reached terra firma shortly after passing St. Catliariiies. 'I‘he \vvalln-r wtis Illtltttt could be tlesired.â€" Globe of 3011i. MARRIED. On Friday, May 3.4. in Toronto. by the Rev. L. D D. Lott, Mr. Edwin VVootten. oldest son of Mr. I). Wootteu. Bond Lake Hotel, to Miss Harriet Jhons, eldest daughter of Mr, Thomas Jhons, both of thetowusbip of King. . , . , , §.â€"’ -_._.. -.. . -.~ 'rouoN'roï¬liAiiitli’l’i‘ f“ ' , 'I‘H'URsDAY,'May_ 30'. Fall “Hirsute-62110 bshls was the extent of the supply which soldat the following prices. 1 The prices paid for the best samples were from $1 25 I. 8.1 28 war bshl, . ' 'ipring Wheatâ€"44,700 bshls in market,‘ which sold st from $1195 to $ 1 per lmlil. Barleyâ€"sold at front 40 to 439.. Pramâ€"2300 bshls went oï¬'iiati-IB and 50¢ per bshl. ‘ Oatsâ€"at 28 and 30¢. per bshl. ‘Hayâ€"is from $12 to $16 per ton. or too. Ionsâ€"Snowfin extra sold at $4 60 to $5 00. Extri $5 75 to $6 : Fancy (Spring) $5 lit! to $5 2:;' Fancy (Fall) $5 103,10 $5 25; Extra, $5 1038 00': Double Extra. $6 25 to $6 511. Butter. ~Frosh is in fair supply at from [dc to 12} per lh. - . . Porkâ€"18in fail request. For I-logs averaging 160 lbs $5 50 and $5 911 has been paid. and those averaging L’iO lbs $5 and $5 (illâ€"the latter being the extreme figure. 'ï¬pplesâ€"Comnion varieties $1 and $1 ‘25,.p0r barrel. Better grades $1 511 and $2 barrel. Eggs. ~Fresh from wagons 8c to 9c perdozeu. Potatoesâ€"Vary iii price from 25 to ‘ 28c. Sheep-are in demand at from $5 50 to $7 'esch. . Lambsâ€"scarce at $2 to $2 51} each. _ Calvesâ€"are in good supply at $3 to $5 each. ‘ f-Hidesâ€"fllil 50 per 100 lbs. Sheep and $1 25 each. Calfskins 08c. porlb. Tallow, $7 per 100 lbs Timothy Seedâ€"$2 80 a $3 per bushel, Clover Seedâ€"$4 75 per bushel. I Straw $5 to SPECI A [NOTICES ‘ SPRING HAS COME. Spring has come, over welcome spring. with its gonialshoviors and sunshine, old winter once more has been divested ofits chilly mantle. At this season of the year, Parents should look Well to the health of their children. . Worm Medicines, are Legions. but there are iiiiiio so V effectual as Dr. McKeiizie's Dead Shot Worm- Candy, it always has the desired effect. You are solicited to try it only once sud'tlmt you can . 4. ~.-.« ~0â€" t GRAND > THE Queenie W N in T‘RgBOYD comm: C “RI CAR BIRTH-DAY. . wwâ€"W 8; 13110111512 ARE DOING. ' ’1 Who would have thought that they SELL NEARLY AS MANY so As all the rest FARMERS! Large Sales enable us The. Subscribers beg to. offer their sincere l r endeavors Aurora beet. put together. " r known to many ofllic largest and most judicious purchasers in the Province. to take small profits. banks to all'wbo have aided them in their to make L piece to trade, Andlwould intimate to the Public ,generally, that they have just received a Very Large stock of resultant.- E Bk? 6903 Déldities, for Vlad)"; ‘Piint‘sï¬ftbxif 6d. ‘l‘7bat' some sell lb‘r 10d. we sell for 75d. ; - heavy Cotton, lid. to '7d. _ Dress Goods 2 - - «Ready-made Clothing, ;.,e\‘ery description, of At remarkable low figures, and made of the best material; Boers-AND SHOES, " :o‘lit everybody. and a superior article. ’A‘ND EAR'I‘HENWARE All varieties. “Oils, Paints, Raw Oil, 9012.; Boiled, 95c. , - lardwurci of every description Nails, $3.50, cwt. In fact, everything you warm ‘ Great. attractions for tlic'Ladics iii Millincry. All the Newest Styles. Mantle:~ for $9. 00; Bonnets neatly trimmed for $1 00; Hats, ,Ilead Dresses and Caps. - IN GRBOERIES, Our trade is heavy ;_ 12 lb. ‘Refined Sugar, $1 00; $1 0'); 22 lb. Rice,$’1100. hand. ‘20 lb. 13 to 14. lb. of Bright Sugar, A quantity of our remarkable cheap Currants still on for $1 00. Orders 'puiictually attended to. CS? The very highest price paid One Call is sufficient to satisfy. ' clicrts. ill for 'ofdisposing of his LAND and PREMISES, ‘ _R.BOYI)&.BROTHER. Aurora, May 1, 1861. ._._.-.. "4.....- _-. --..._._..;.. -L~._..... .. ,__,.. __,._. maï¬a.‘ frHE Subscriber has for sale a quantity of| . “.ALSIKE†,CIAJVER SEED, n su-l porior kind or White Clover introduced intol . in trade. for Butler and Eggs. Our increasing bu~iness stimulates us to greater Still they come. 1274f ‘W-M._ _ , :<--r-x--»-â€" ..â€"....__.-. . ---__ ___ r tuis'couniry. from Scotlanditwo oi three years l in“ ’0â€le upward" 0f 50 1101151“ 1“ Mews, ago. GARDEN semis. , , i _ ,,GML.GARDEN. Spriiighlll. April 16. 1861. 195-4 ~55ch some, M†judge for yourselvesâ€"Sold for 15 cents by all dealers in Medicine 4 packages for 50 Cents. To Consumptives. HE Advertiser. having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumptionâ€"is anxious to make known to *hie follow-sufl’erers the means of cure. To all who desire it. he will send a copy of the prescription used tfrce of charge), with the directions for preparing and using the meme, which they will find a sum; ('URii: run Consent-Twit. ASTHMA. Bnoscuiris,&c. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the alliictcd. and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes evv ry suï¬'erer will ‘try his' remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Prties ‘wlslllllg the prescription will please Iddross' REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, V'Villiameburgh, KingsCounty, New York. m:~:::::::’::::r:_... “ ï¬rm gamma“... / (\ Secession in the North War infâ€"(Jana da. HE 'l‘emre'ance Force will win the Day. The Sons of Temperance of Spiinghill Division No. 336 intend holding a 'l'emperaiice TE A PA 31' I 'h’ In Mr. George Garrow's Bush lot 6. 3rd con- cession of King, half a mile from King Station on the NJI'tllel‘ll RalIWdV. '0n -FRIDA Y,JUNE 7, 1861, The audience will be favoured with Speeches from several al-le speakers. including Mr. W in Lyon Mackenzie and Mr. h’lotfat. who have been engaged for the occasion. Dr. Goikie, of Aurora, will address the flVdIelt"8 on the effects ' of Alcohol on the System in Medical point of view. - .a BRAss BANDIT! Will be in attendance to enliven the proceed- ings, Tea willfbe servod at TwelVe o'clock.. noon. A Procession will be formed at. the Di- vision Rnom. at 11 o’clock, a m. and march to the place at Entertainment. Surrounding Di- visions of Sous. Good Teniplars. and all friendly to the cause of f‘eiupui-ance are cordi- ally invited to attend. Sons and Good Temâ€" ‘ plate are requested to appear in regalia Tickets ‘25 cents: Children under 12 years of age. half price, to be had on the ground. J. w. FOLLIO'I‘T. Sec’y. King, May 30, 1861. 1 PUBLIC NOTICE.- T-o .Sliocmalters and others. ILLIAM SANVIDGE having been bound as an AI‘I’REN'I‘ICE to me for three years, and has absconded before the term expired. I hereby forbid persons from harbouring him, as the law in such case will be strictly enforced. ' TOBIAS DOLMAGE, Boor AND SHOEMAKER Richmond Ilill, May 21st, 1861. l30-3t. Mllt‘am Grant, TTORNEY AT-LAW. Solicitor in Chan- . cery, Conveyancer, &c. Toronto. Ofï¬ce "-in the,“ Leader" Buildings. King Street. Tot-one, April is, met. ‘ ’ ‘ 3'12343' IN Exeolioiit Condition for the Spring work also. i q A Young Black More, Coming four years old. ‘ . . G. L.‘ GARDEN. bpnngbtll, April 19. 1861. 125-4 'Men’s & Children’s Socks ! Women’s and Misses Stockings; In all Sizes. in all Colors. in all Qualities, and at all l’ricos,‘ at WM. S. POLLOCK’S. . Late G. A. Bernard’s. Richmond Hill, April 25, 1661. l‘26~lf _ Letters Remainingiu RICHMOND I‘IILL I’osthï¬ce M.\Y t, not. ' Ambler, William Bonnet. Jesse Berridges, John Bailey, Jamel Burr, J. J. Mrs. Boyiiton. ()rriii L. Cameron. Jane Curtis. H. R. Crawford. Gr. Cullitoti, James Does. W. l‘eadmau, “’illiam~ Deadiiinii. John Davidson, Benjamin Durfec. lrn F. Grant, Jesseo Gillmaii, Henry Grant. George Jackson, Mrs. Hunt, Samuel Ilbi't. Julttl llor eiiian, J. Ilislop. Gideon llcwieson, Robert Lawrence. James ‘ MCGare. Margaret .I’oarsoii, Sarah I’ower. Richard Powers, Thomas 'rta‘lieppard,~ Charles Simpson. James 'Il'liouipsou. Samuel "Wallace. George bVils-on, Richard 1Yilliams, Susan E. in. 'l‘EEFY, PM. Shirts : ushsrts z : US'I‘ received a nice assortment of Men’s SHtlt’liS. in White, Long Cloth. and Fire & Life Insurance Company; Fancy Regella, July-Checks and Stripes: also a nice nSsorinteiit of Plain‘ and Faber Shirtiiig.â€"Rcal gOod value at. . WM. S. BULLOCK’S, . , . , ...Lato G. A. Barliard’s. Richmond Ilillg’lVIa-r r, 186i!†127-t'f MONEY. EMONEY. $1 0.000-"253-11313323 “1131?. "to; potty. Apply to ‘5 WILLIAM 'I‘ BOYD. ‘ ‘ Barrister, doc. Toronto. 129-4 May 15. 1861. I; - Dr. F. iicllciibaugh, GERMAN PHYSICIAN! OF BUFFALO,N.Y., ILL «be at NICIIOLLS’ HOTEL. Richmond Hill, on Friday and Satur- day, the 24th and 25th of‘May. ldï¬l, where he can be consuited on all hum: of Lingering Disease!- Mayis, 1861. 129.2 [AbVEtt1‘tsi-ZMEN'1‘.] UR advice has often been asked. Willi regard to IlerllnSlllg BOOTS and SHOES. where the best place is. In our opinion Dolmage sells better Boots and Slices for less money than any other house in the town. Richmond Hill, March 15th. 1861. A. MACNABB. BARRISTER, Attorney. Solicitor, '&c. King Street, East. [Over Leader Oflice,] Toronto, C.W. , - Toronto, April. 12,1931. _ 121-1?- 2134," Also. a good assortit-ient of FIELD and g outh’s and Boy’s sizes, in ev‘erv‘conccivable liape. MakeI and Variety. Call and examine the I‘rices,'at 117111. S. POLLLOCK’S Late A. Bernard’s. _ Richmond Hill, April 25, 11361. _.â€"_‘ 1 o - . s Grist and Saw Mlll ! HE Subscriber, in returning thanks to his . Numerous Friends who favored 11111) with their custom at the Ileadl'ord Mills, begs to inform them that he has taken the MILLS lately occupied by Mr. 11. FISH. known as tho ï¬ï¬herborne Mills-3 Near the Green Bush Hotel, Yonge Street.â€" These Mills being in ï¬rst-rule order. any one :zivi 1211111111 call will find the Gristing dime in a superior manner. I’arties wishing to take their Gristing back with them can do so. If? All work warranted second to none in Canada. GEORGE SQUI RE, I’roprietor. Markham, April 19, 1861. 125-tf r r « nrrrrcia THE Co-partnership heretofore existing bo- IWE‘t'tl JAMES G. NIHMI’S‘JN and G EORGE L. GARDEN. under the firm and style of Thompson db. Garden, MerchmitS, King. has this day been dissolved ht mutual consent. The business will be czii'iicd oil as usual by G. l..'G:irdeii,â€"â€"all debts due the ï¬rm will be paid to him. and all debts owing by the ï¬rm will be bullied by him. JAMES G. THOMPSON GEORGE L. GARDEN. King, [1er II. 1861. 195-4 â€"__. The undersigned, in returning thanks to those who have hc~towed tlicii patronage on the late firm, respectfully solicits a continuance of their 011510111. GEORGE L GARDEN. King April 19, 1861. 125-4 TUE . Liverpool and London Head Ofï¬ce, Canada Branch. Corner of Place D’Armes and St James Street, Montreal. Invested Funds £1,213,311 Stg. DIRJCC1ORs.â€"T. B. Anderson. Esq. Chair- man, A. Simpson. I‘Is'q. I)eptlly'Ulthlrtl‘lflll, Ileiiry Chapman. Esq. E. J. S. .Vlaitlalid, Esq. dairies Mitchell. Esq. Henry Starnes. Esq M.P.I’. J. H. Maitiand. Esq. Resident-Secre- tary. G. F. C Smith. Resident Assistant- Secretary. 1 I IrIE Directors would call the attention of the Public to the following features iii the management of tlizs company:â€" 'I‘lie Premiums received in Canada are retained and invested in Government or other I’ro- viiicial Bonds. All Losses when satisfactorily established are paid in Canada. without reference to the Home Board. That there is not, at the present time, one claim in dispute. There is invested in Canada in Available Funds 201,000 Dollars. and this is being couslaiitly added to. That there is invested in New York $800,000. --aiid it is the intention of the Directors to inereasc this sum to $1,1'llll.lll‘0. The accumulated Funds of the Company [No- vombe‘r 1859] amount to over 5.958.730 dols. The present income of the Company is over 7,590 dole. per day. Insurances effected at the Lowest Remuner- ative Prices. J. H. MAI'I‘LAND. ‘ Resident Secretary. Montreal. Toronto Agency : 85 King Street East. South side, Lover the store of J. G. Joseph 65 Co.] v , A _ JAMES rit.tsER,A'geni. Toronto, AprillQ..l“l. - [ii the Premises i25.tr A ._ , > a .ww v »... a . ..-.... ~... . » ... - t. v u \ -.-.-- _.___...._..._.__~_ . L._‘.o.__-_..‘..___ I “ - - _- v :4 r x.» w THEflI’EIlI’LE’S‘ GREAT. £69118. I L t 1. ANY of these Books will be forwarded by , ‘ Mail, post paid. to any Rddress‘, on re- ceipt of price by John E. Pe'rrnit.»i1’ublisher, No. 617 Sansom St, Philadelphia, 123.1 - IE? Agents wanted everywhere. 353$, , . me HORSE, AND HIS DISEASES: V..._.u____.__._.._______ .. “A..._._. iiY ROBERT JENNINGS, V. 8., I'ROirrlssoR or. PATHOLOGY AND Oï¬r:ilA1‘iv12 Sum cent! is THE VerbitloaltY Conn-Gt; or film.“ DELPHIA. PRoF. or V ic'rimiivauv Moments in THE LA'HG AGRICUL‘I'URAI. t OLIJIGE or Oiiio, Scour/m HY or THE 1‘. M muons Vizrritiiuuv Asst-curios or I’m- LADEIJ'HIA, 1:10., L'i‘c. THE KHAM CAR. IAGâ€"E« FACTORY. IRespectfully ltllflOUllCt’S that: he has Opened 'Wareroonis in Toronto, for the Sale of his CA RRIAGES, formerly occupied by Messrs. GEO. EWART a: ()0. Church Street, adjoining.r the Store of Messrs. Ho Nialltl, Fitch 8: Co: 015‘ HALL. in introducing himself to the public, feels that he is not a stronger, as his Carriages have been long and favorably V _ He has for the last twelve'years been con stantly engaged in the manufacture ofCari-iages, and during that period every improvement which? is been introduced, either in materials, construction or style. has been carefully investigated, and if found practicable, adopted. 'He has always exercised IIlt most scrupulous Cftl‘t: in the selection of timber, and the securing ef workmen. This has been fully Avieanl'ls'It‘i-Ilet'l m the experience of those who have tested the durability ofliis work i A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF LIGHT CCARRIAGES . .‘ ._ r ._ : “Till Kept constantly on hand, i i ' Both at tlieliity Repository and at the Mandibular)? at Markham, Mr. HALL o ensa sale mom in Toronto for the uriose of l cina his oi - ' - ' A -’ ' ' . - H ) Pic ~_ †P 'p ‘1... T 't (In. . Vi i . . p l d ,4 p a: a†c g ods in .1 position rasdy accessmle 10..)11 parts 0. it, i lliicc. .eisOns tun,3 .t . a i. once, \ l0 c mass to or er by mail, may rely upon the most carclul attention‘m the selec~ WiLL TELL ’01} Of the Oi'igiii,llistor\'aud distinctive traits of the various breeds of Enro‘ peaii,Asiatic,African and American Horses, with the physical foriiiaiiou and peculiarities ofthc animal, and how to ascertain liisage by the iiuinbci'and-condition of his teeth; il- lustrated with many explanatory engarviiigs. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL. YOU Of Breeding. Breaking, Stabliiig, Feeding, Grooiiiiiig,‘b'lioeiiig. and the geii’ral inaiiageiiioiit ol'tlie l’l()l‘t~e,WIIlt the best modes of adiiiii-isteriiig tiietliciiie. also, how to treat Bitiiig,Kiching.Reining, Shying, Stumbling, Crib Hiring, Restlessness, and other Vielv's to which he is subject; with numerous explaiiatuiy engravings. _ THE HORSE AND HISnDISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the causes. symptoms. and treatment of Strang‘es. Sore Throat, Dis- ten'iper,(.‘atarrh, influenza. Bronchitis, I’ileu- monia. I’leprisy. rBI’ORBH \‘Viud, Chronic Cough, Roaring and W bistliiig,l.ampas,Soro Mouth and Ulcers, and Dec‘ayed Teeth. with other diseases of the Mouth and Respiratory Organs. ‘ THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of tliecauses, symptoms, and 'l‘reatmoiit of Worms, Bolts, Colic. Straugu'nlion, Stony Concretiotis, Ruptures, Palsy, Diarrhoea, Jaundice, Ilepatirrma, Bloody Urine, Stones in the Kidneys and Bladder. Iuliaiiiination. and other diseases oi “the Stomach, Barrels, Liver and Urinary Organs. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Ot'tiie causes, symptoms, and 'I'realmeiitol‘ Bone Blood, and Bog, Spa- vin, Ring-Bone. Sweenie. Strains, Broken Knees, i.tiiid Gal's, Founder, Sole Bruise and Crawl, Graclutl, Ilool‘s, Scratches, Cau- kei'. Thrush. and Corns: also, of Megrii'ne, Vertigo. Epilepsy, Sluggers, and other dir- easos of the Foot, Logs and Head. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU ()1 the causes, s_\ mptoms, and Treatment of Fistula, Poll Evil, Glau- ders. Fai‘cy. Scarlet Fever. Mange, Surfelt, Locked Jaw, Rheui‘iiatism, Cramp, Gallo. Diseases of the Eye and Heart. ska. and Low to manage Castration.Bleeding.’1‘repldlining. Roweling‘, Firing. llcriiia, Amputation/Yap- ping, and other surgical operations. _ 'I‘IIE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES V’VII..L TELL YOU 01 Rai'ey’s method of taming Horses: how to Approach. Halter or Stable a Colt; how to accustom a horse to straiig sounds and sights. aid how to Bit. Saddle. Ride. and Break Hill] to harness: also.ilio forin and law» of Warranty. =Tlie whole being the result of fifteen years careful study oflbe habits, pt-cularities, wants and weaknesses of this noble and useful animal. The book contains 384 pages. appropriately illustrated by nearly One hundred Engravings. It is printed in a clear and open type, and will be forwarded to any address, postage paid. on t'OCelpt of price, half bound, $1.00, or. in cloth, extra, $1.25. THE FAMILY DOCTOR ; A COUNSELLOR IN SICKNESS. cv Professor Henry S. Taylor, MD. TAYLO R'S FAMILY DOCTOR has reached an enormous sale-,and wliercvor known, is univursnlly IlllthVBII, both by the faculty and Others In plain language, free from medical technicalities, it gives }0u simple remedies easily obtained lor the cure of Diseasesiu all fol‘ins,witli iliiportmit rules for preserving the health, and directiOiis for the sick chamber. and tlieproper treatment ol'tlic sick The Dis- cases at Cllildliood,tlic Diseases of Manhood. and the Diseases peculiar to Wooten, are all treated of III a clearaiicl practical way. Al- ways at hand, and ready to serve you, the simple recelpes of this book may soon save you much suffering, and many times the cost. of 1.110 volume. It is printed in a clear and open type, and illustrated with appropriate tion, packing and fol-Wording of the goods ordered, upon terms as favourable to the purchaser, as thougli'he were present. Markham, April '19," I861. ’ .._â€"_ .-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"~______ w- ..t .-~_Aâ€"h-MW..--‘v.mM.-w- . of the latest styles of l lAVEjust opened a complete assortment BESS GOODS, IMT& BONNET&‘ .PARASOLS,§a Which they will sell Very low. to clear out Illï¬tl’ largo Stimk, as lllc‘» coiileiiiplnte closing titei: retail business With the Summer ‘I'mdo Corner of Church 6; King Streets, Toronto, April Ill, 1:61. For Sale . 4&00 Apply to 12-1 2m BRICKS for Sale. Sl’AN_-of HORSES. Also. a PLOW& MCHVERs REAPER& SCRAPERs SCUFFLERs FANNeMILL$ PLOW POINTs HORSE]MHVER& STRAW'CUTTERs EGRAHWCRUSHERS ‘MOWING MACHINES, TWJRNPIKE srustLs, T11RESIIING DIACIIINES, TItEAI>IUDRSE POlVERS, RTIJMP.EXTsracTOIts SIIEARS,H21RRO\V& SWJEEP POVVERS, SEPERATOR& 1&0. 81¢. 8:0. 8:0. A. GALLANOUGII. 'I'liornhill, March I, 1861. 118v81 To Cabinet. Makers Sc those in want of Furniture. Rnro Chance for a person iii the above 1 line is iio-v ofl‘ered. ' The Undorstgiied, being about to retire from business. is dos-irons where he has carried on the trade successfully over 19 years. The I’rooertv. Worth $1000, he will sell for $601) cash. or $800 on time ; the buyer giving satisfactory security at 8 per cent per amount. The Stock of Furniture Selling oï¬'at low prices Bureaus at $7. $9, $10. $11, each, in great variety. , ' Bodsteads at $1 50, .51 75, Camp with Roofs, $3, and a General assortment of Goods in the line equally clieap.- . Apply to GEORGE BOX 1. Richmond Hill, May 9. 1861. ism:- Canada Permanent Building AND SAVINGS’ scenery. Sunscninitn CAPITAI.,\$54I,‘1511: Invesrnn 0N REAL Ills-m 1;, $426,315 i: Anson. [scours 17mm! Mums-rats, $300,000. Ofï¬ce â€"Masonic Hall. Toronto. DIRKCTORS.-â€"â€"Jnseph I). Rldout, J. G Cho- welt, James G. \Vorls,.'l‘hou’ias Maclear. l’eter \IOEISI WOHJ , I engravings. Neatly hound iii cloth, price. Paterson, J. G. Board. S. Nordliei'ner, I‘hos. $1. or in leather, D. Harris. " . Soi.lCi‘i‘0R,~f-Edl\'ai'(lC‘. Jones. SECRETARY , i-iai THE LIFE OF W "‘“â€â€""‘“'_J' ““""°†“as‘m' '1‘ H B Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ IMPLEMEN" FACTORY 0 1HE Stock of this Institution presents a pro- fitable and easily Convertible mode of ill- vestnient, based (in Real Estate security, ren- dering it peculiarly suitable for l“nrtiiers,Cler‘,i_r_\ - men, 'I‘eachers, illcchaiiics, persons in the re- t-eipt of salaries, and those whose income is de- rived froiii their capital. BY REV. JOHN FLICE'I‘WOOD, D.D., CAREFULLY REVISED BY REV. JOSEPH BELCIIER, D.D. HE LIFE OF JESUSCHRIS'I‘ is the pili- losopliy of true religion. It exhibits the Principles of Christianity in their purity and beauty. It is perfect excellence personified, that the iiiind of man may grasp it, and be changed into the same image. I'I‘Iio inspired writers have given it to us in detached des- criptions. Dr. Fleetwood has arranged these in one harmonious whole, With such comâ€" ments, explanations and incidental informa- tiott as to render it alike acceptable to the scholar. as to ‘liiin who knows no more, but kuowsliisllible true ’ Beloiier’si'evised edits ion contains the Lives of the Apostles, His- tory of the Jews,and an Essay on the Evi- dences of .he Bible It is piilited in a clear and open type, in one royal octavo volume handsomely illustiated. and will be furnished in the following styles :â€" Clotli Extra,. . . SninGs’ BANK BR,~\NCH.â€"-Sllnls of Four Dollars and upwards are received by 1116 Society on dtposit. subject to withdiuwal. and bearing interest at Six per cent. per annum. The Q a- pilal and Assets of the Society, invested in mortgages on ï¬rst-class landed pi'Operty, being pledged for the security of money tliusreceived, depositors ate at all times assured of perfect safety. ' To BtiRilOlvritts.â€";'I‘liis Society makes ad- vances on the security of Improved (Iity or Country Property, repayablo by instalments spread over any term the applicant chooses. from one to ten yea-rs. Properties mortgaged may be sold or ex- changed for other property, or the Mortgage may be redeemed before maturity. IF DESIRED nil inn BORROWKR. rrsso rout RICHMOND 111.1" r1 Our Implements and Machines have been before the public for the last seven years. Nothing that we can say here ‘Wlll add a single laurel to the well-earned and enviable reputation they already sustain. Prudence, however, dictates to the Farmer to rely upon such Machines 01in as have been thoroughly tested, PATTERSON 85 BROTHERS, Richmond Hill. March 1,1861 118-4111 .I’rice, $2 00 bosses-sec- Mm“. Ap'ill‘tltlons for Loans will “he received by _, 1 . 4' n lfaw Shf‘ep",‘.' " ' ' "’ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ u. 2 the Sbcretary. Roberidaines, junta, or R. H. E 01 the Season. 1 8'01 mull“ Lu“ gm" ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' " ' j, 9‘] Smith. Nos-market. from whom Circulars and , Roan. b till 1111,. . . . . . . . .. . . ell the Rules 'of the Socibt’y, togetlier'witli any fuiilier information. tiia'ybe obtained. It? Letters to be prepaid. Toronto, April 12, 1861. illlllTS. 1111113. lilll'l , THE HOLY ' Bison For Fouliin and Pulpit bse. Call and See the _ , 1244px. New Styles of Prints l J . ' .. B Wm †as ï¬lm'me ’ ~ WM. 3-. POLLOCK’S. Estate and General chnt,lFasl Colors,w1d9 widths. from 4.1111)†said ' 9" _ ‘ and et. 71d per yard, “ The Best Prints ever offered On Richmond Hill. April 95, 1861. YOUNG GAMBOY .I 1111’. ritorcR-Tv or fifth... w. MCNAIR, KING, OUR EDITIONS OF THE HOLY BIBLE are unequalled for their durability. finish. elogauce,nnd coiizpleteness: no eii‘oit hav- ing been spared to render them perfect in sonar son Qfolonial flife .Q‘t'ssnraitcr (110113. 1 NIASUMC I'IAI.1.,,'IIHS‘.ONT0 STREET. . TORONTO. [1? Money to Lend ‘ on Improved Farms April 19. 1861. 125.1y‘ Piio'i‘ocna PBS 1 lows:â€" pita, Concordance. l’salms iii 'Metre, Calino’s Marginal Notes and References, and valuable tables of Scripture Measures, Weights, Coins, 1M0. The text corrected according to the Standard of the Ameri- can Bible Society. They are all printed in large sized type, in one royal quarto volume. with a neat Family, Record and Illustrations. I. Emb. LeatlieigMarb.Edgesï¬ilt Back Monday morning, May l3â€"‘-He will leave his lown stable, Lot No. 5. 3rd Con. of King. and proceed west to Joseph , Nixon’s. Kiughorii. at noon : thence to Plou'gh’sliiii, and stop 1 hour; thence to T1105. Lawson’s. and stop the night. Tuesday IIIOt’l‘tltlg-a-IIB will proceed to .c- Murchy’s; thence to Busby's at noon : thence to David .lefl'ery‘s, Town Line Vaughan, and stop line night. 126-tf LADIES’ BOOTS AND SHOES! US'I‘ RECEIVED a large and choice va- riety, and will be sold cheaper than ever Vl’cdiies‘day morningâ€"Isle will proceed to and 11’ El'gl‘8VllltIS - . . . . z . . . . . . . . _ . $3 75 ‘ oï¬'eretl before on Richmond Hill: William Graham’s Ilotel. 5th Colleession ; 2' Eï¬lb',‘ will?“ Mylfcl‘flif‘if’ (Fm, , Do ‘ ’ ‘I _ _ . ,l . , Th., -. -“ t ,, ,h - aC' kl es,anr o mtg vs. 0 . I (.all' Slippers.. . . . . . . . . . nu . . . .33. led. pair. gill: {andvilligijbzfidesï¬ipnfli); nighiilce lo BM 3. Roan,Full Gilt Edges Back dz. Sides; Beautiful Enameled Buckskins.. .45. 0d. “ . Enameled Seal and Calf Bucksiiis. splendid quality...........-..58. (id. “ and 14 Steel and Col’d Engravings, 4. Extral’apor,1m,'I‘uikev,l“ull,Gilt.l4 Steel Plates, Maps and Ilium. , . . . . 5. Extra Paper, 'l'urney Morocco. Full Gilt,18 Steel1’lates.MapsniidIlluni 1:2 00 do. do, 100' 900 Thursday morningâ€"Ho will proceed to Wood’s Hotel. 3rd Con. and remain 1 hour: _ thence to Cliorry‘s Hotel, 'I'owti‘line York,siid D’Please call and examine before purcliaing stop till I 0’6100k ; thence down the Plank 10 ckewhere, Duncan’s: thence east to Sliephaid’s Golden W, s, POLLOCK, Lion Hotel, Yonge Sheet. and stop the night. The Cheapest and Best Aiiibrotypc and Photograph Amque 12 00 6. Extra Paper. Turkey Morocco, Full I V U E, : For particulars. apply to ~125vlyi ‘ ‘ l ‘ v~ ' ' " . - F‘d ‘r 'iiiii -â€"-I"l "ll 1 t Y 7 _ ‘ ‘ GALLERY "‘1 W ADA, some "in Ms 18m- .i ...::.‘;:.Pll:?:.2 :l’...::*=:: i. 1500 - ' Steel‘s Green Bush Hotel' thence to She - ' ' . . I s . p I I I ‘ ‘ i 8 AT _ i llal‘tl & It‘oatlierslon’s Hotel. 'l‘hortihill. at noon; A ca“ 1’9 "Wile 1’) 611361111181“: ‘ A .. ' '1 thence to Raymond’s Hotel, Richmond Hill; me" 1“ “lung ll“? “how “I‘d 011’" Popular . "ENDFRS w, I he received I“, A Law; a, thence to McNaiis. Lot No. 25. ‘2nd (3011.. and worksdof olurslrl Oulr mducemems to ansuch are l i - .1 . . .- '. ’ stop the night. excee log y iiera . . . « 3 ’ 8m dials 531?:3; ï¬Ã©iitlmggrd Saturdaymorningâ€"Ho will proceed to Giles Aâ€. muse bowl? are ““W‘mlll‘d I“ [he‘ll- inc.- TORUNTO- land GRAL'HNG part 'Of the M3,.kl,‘am and Carswell’s: thence to Cmisï¬sou’s (Md Stand chaiiical oxrcution, as Well as value 0 new contents, a certain and rapid sale follows their introduction everywhere. For single copies, or for terms to agents,with other information, apply to or address JOHN E. I’O'I‘TER, Pudlis/wr, No. 617 Saneom St. I’liiladelpliis.1’a,. Yongo Street ; thence to his owti stable“ Ho will serve mares at his own stable until Monday. the 13th instant ' The same rout will be continued each week (111111121118 season. Health and \Vetrthor per- mitting. " ‘Eigin Mills Plank Road. . A. L A W , President. 130-3i. Proprietor and Principal Operator log-†Richmond Hill. May ‘33. 1861. 1L, . . . , every respect. Besides the Old and New J 561170 mares 101' 1119 59330“ 33 101‘ 'l‘estaii‘ient, each style contains the Apcry- is .‘,\ . 1 Toronto, Aprilll), loci- . .us