flamingo Eotreztory. ltltltll‘l]. 'r tilâ€"2.2:" ’_"‘ ib‘W†"7 7'" ‘H "A_: _ \"M““_‘ l 4 -\) . t‘Eit, rim, MILES. ICNGLA XI). Opposite the Elgin Mills, J0 “ [Itl that oppressctli the poor to increase “is- tithes, and lit: that. givoth to the rich, shall ' t " “Knâ€"pl'uvtflbs x-aii. 16. surely cot re to “a . R†“M ‘ND 1 HILL 0-7-1â€, v May 1. 1861. I. BOWMAN, NLD, Grind. grind, grind. Slnrvrq, and pinch. and hateâ€"â€" Spite the tears that blind, Spite of love or littleâ€"- "I‘will till thy curly-rs. WI‘OICIINI man. "I'willewell thy secret, heartless plan. One Door South of Lemon's Hotel TI’IORVIIILL. Grind. grind, grind. May I, lel 127-1); Stittt, and all but stealâ€" , J. GO RM L E Y. COMMIbS-IUNILH l.\' oorcttztvs tircNCti, Spite the hearts ye bind. Spite the thoughtsyo slot-I“ "I‘will load thy board abundant'y, I Conveyanc r and Auctloneor err .11. It†Con. Mauritian. ‘0’“ seem \\ hat )0 may trovcr be! Grind, grind. grind. Garner perjurcd gains-m 5'31"ember 15; 1501b SIS-11' Spite the hard t'mtkotl mind. ,.___v, _ 7 W“, Qttiv’ring, ttoI‘Volls pains! Anction Sock case upon thy (11)“11)‘ bodâ€"â€" ï¬woet sloop rowatd thy gett’roul deeds! 'rtiOMASEo-WMAN, Liociisoti Attctionccr, FOR THE COUN'IIICS 01“ YUIIK &1’1§EL. Grind, grind. grind, Hard and heartless man, Lest )e’re It‘ll botiiid. Hoard. hoard while )0 can, 0h! money win; and no at restâ€" It'gold can bless tltco, be ye blessed. All letters (Ul‘llOm‘f‘d to " Almira.†1’1). “'Il t't'tH'IVH prompt attention. Uitlt-rs it (teittotl at the "' Yorlt IIt‘lIlltlâ€I)IIItZ", I’ur-Itntond Il'll; .llr. Henry Loin-m. 'I'Itorttltill. and Air. J (Iaratttra . Mansion House. b'littroii. l'ortits. Alto. may be obtained. Aliiiira, Nov. 23. 1859 1111105 Grind. grind. grind. whvn‘ Starve, and prtich, and hate; Choke tlty nobler iiiitid. Iar IoVr’s golden gate ’Gainst honest torbt, men (brethren still) Arid richesâ€"tlto’ without thy will. (SQ-if Warrants: tattoo £20th ItlUriM-l.\t)itl1.ll. GEORGE ‘.5‘1.t‘.1$t').\’= PriOptttETon. ? Build. build, build; High. and higher raise Furies that all must yield Ioundlcss. cttdioss' praise ; “"t 001) Aocomuio 1 datious and ovorr attetiti n shown to 'I‘i'tivorlo (iood Yards I'or Drove ( attlo and Looso Boxes l'or ltaco Horses and Studs. 'I‘lio Monthly 1“air hold on the Protiiisos ï¬rst Wodtiostlay Ill oacn month. I lint him“? that as ye built those piles. Yo buslt them with a detrion’s wilecl 1-.“ o “M __ '.___ “WNWâ€. 'I‘ho Subscrllwr in calling the. attontion ol'tbc p“ , ptibltc and his (lltI It‘rrontls to his ostabltsriincnt, ' v. '- gs: 'sliodlteort 14111“ «-'~- - t ---*|‘ ,l , l \! pr It elsstll . .. IIht(’(,‘)Ill‘1|I(t|'.\ tt. jiklnltp 1.1.1, their watrts and Will] mutual satisfaction. '_,:__::H W- i;:.:-- __ ____ -_ Iiichtirond Ilill. Atti'il'JU, 1860. 73.11 Fancy runs most lurtottsly \\1tctt at aunt) â€â€œâ€œ' ~ - - 3 r - . . . consctcncc drives [1. 3103 D LI; 1101 ILL. STAG 3 1'“ .s from the above IIOlt‘l to : 'I'orotito. ct'ory Illt)“1|ltlg. starting born the I‘llgttt Mills-1H7.n.iii._:iiitl I'ttlul'ultlg u'. 7 p.:n Faro, 2s. lid each way. \Vhy is a waiter like a raceâ€"horse? 110 ohm runs for a plate or a cut. 4' Very low poisons hare sense enough to despise the praise til a 1.001. cw“ ACCUM vttiltA'i‘tt)N Fort Tit.t vr:t.t.t;t‘.s. ItllfllAliI) t\'1()ll()I.I.S, I’I'op/‘Lclur. 1,. A doctor may learn to corn by killing; but men ncvcr learn to ttll the. truth by lying. term but" i 55 Richmond Hill. Dec. 18,1 White Klara: £32.11, ttlcilAtt,u\tt titLtu “ It is astonishing," says Carlyle, “ how long a rotten thing “ill hold together, it you only handle it carelully ’ ’EIIE Subscriber bogs to inform the Public that Im luasutl tho abute Iltttcl. whore ho willItt-ept-tinstantly oti Ii ntl a got-d stippr 01’ ï¬rst-clans Liquors. Ac. As this notiso t-vory accointrrottation 'Iita- V01 0:> Uillltlt‘>11‘k‘. lllU~v \\'tto Wls'll 1') bill) \\'llt‘r‘.t they can Iirtd (ivory tzorirlort are t'espcctlttlly inâ€" What to ptvo him a call. CUIIAIQLIUD' VAN NOST llictiniond llill. 1)cc.‘38. 18611. . . . . n his bliss Mulock gm.- rt as an rtt-m or do- meslic I'trlicity that lln: man or tin: tatiiriy should bc absent at lca:t :ix hours pct day. ‘ litish't‘sst-s A bigot (It’lipliis in public ridicule, for . . I he begins to think lit: in a martyr. L IANI). ‘ ~ 1115"]. '1 here is no one. else who has the pmwr to be so much yottr I‘I'It'tld, or so much your cncmy as yourself. YONGE STREET HOTEL, . . . A lltt 11A. Lat not, one Iatlurc discourage you. Ilt- L ) that has had a 1.1111 may stand as upright its Ilt‘ et‘ct‘ did. COO!) supply of \Vinos and Lupin†L“ ttm'trys on “dud. I‘lï¬Ji-‘JIIL‘III z\(7('U'illllll- tl'llltll) l’or l‘ravollcrs. Fittrirot'S, nod o.l.cr:,. Cigars 01' all brands. I). McLEOI). I’roprictor. Aurora. June 6. 1859. 25 I} A wit oncr- asked a peasant what part be [lel‘l‘tll'lllt‘d Ill tln- great drama 01 hit-I "I nirnd my own bttsitit-ss,†was thc reply . The term “consuls,†thtt is stint in Connection With British litllltls. moans “ cou- solidutt-d funds.†This the gcticral rcudt-r may not. be aware of. CALEB LUDFORI), III} AM) IIIIII‘VIISS 16.111133. Oppthllï¬ Air. 1 utkiss' Store. nan HM,- 'I'rtomitim, Brct‘ily is in writing what charity is to all other \‘ii'tncs. liiglilousnoss is wot'tl. nothingr without the one, nor authorship without tlit- other. )A'I‘EN'I‘ lilavo I'rougbs and ‘t't’atoi b‘potits stipwrior to tin. put up at 15 units I’liysicirtti, Sttrgcoacb Acctrtrztlicar ' Man-6‘55? hrw a 'v ::'?‘.-"~' myrrwe -1.-. 1 ) S , Provincial Land Surveyor, RICIIMZINI) HILL, C \V. Dit’Ct‘lllllt‘l‘ 1-1. lhlit'. 1117-1)’ D13. N, J. 1)]3CA: """" ‘ Starg'eorl Dcnx‘ciï¬â€˜t; v Itoapt-ctttrily announces that ho \ttll he at l . " 9 , y yo I q as" htcliol 5 anal, Inchntoitd hill. On the 2nd Monday ol‘oach month, at £91 virility 5‘50 F1112; Jingle. Un the ’IAIL‘St try Ioilowttig, IIl‘IlII'l Ito wrll ht- lrappt' to unit on those 1" rt-tpitrtug his. so. \‘Ic‘t': tn any b.2tllctl or his prob-snort. tt-ulll Ills-t'llt'll on Gold th~tt Hulrttur, or (:01! ltruotts Illttti on I tlit- tilt-101119111: lll" 111031 I’lntottuur. Vulcan- ’ltitvinuirr. no. anttltt: lL‘t'Lll now Hi. 1’. (,‘K has ttil tutu. tlvaiitttgx s or tirc t’iutossio= hour It] the Stai‘ts ZtIiLJK/ttltl.(1il.\, Hurtâ€: torrtiotly boon coitrt'ctcd \\‘ttlt l)vt:irsts tti t\ow York; ttc tron I‘tt't’HUS dirt-ct trozu i tonin own tropiovorrrcnt or the Fruit-sub. throughout tilt: Unitor Suites. I’mucuta attorrtiozi given to the Regulation ol‘ Citildrott‘s ltt-tti. t/‘orisomttlun I‘lrco. Ail .t.'tlt'l'.~ tttltll‘t‘ï¬tutl to ltirii at Aurora pretri~ ptl)‘ trttcntlptl to. Aurora, It't'b. oil. lrlll Ill USU. t v 117.1} THAN EVER! CHiiAPIiR to make Utchi'V st;lo and (lt'sttiiption. tâ€"tttlio 10\\'t‘.\l litrSM It" retriutit'rating ptit'os. _.l| work wat- l‘llllltttl to givo ottttro sittis’uctioti. \V, 11. MAII'I‘IN. Cook’s Mill, Vaughan, Ut‘cortrbot' 7. 1:61). Hill-1y '1 'A I L O 1' Z . E'git'tm'éa .Ft'gert'rrt’, nos (itistotm-rs an . 1‘ rct (Is l'or tho libt'ra support be has too: I\’t'll them that tto t'llilltlttl l-I‘? part wtll be wanting to too 11:1 t Ultiltitl'tlttfu ol' their favors up in a root and >llll>lzttl2ILl tirzttincr. Victoria Square, April ‘0‘, It‘til. “mar .ss...‘a_l G. MIIII‘\(;I':()N Dentist. will be. at NICIIUII’: 1:) Ilott-l. lticunrorid Ilill. the I‘rtir‘t and 'l‘ttrrtti Moan“! ol ottory month. and, tho rt:- of tho month at his t‘osrdcitcr All \Vo' It\\ Itl‘l'ttlll"tl. 'I'ottt'n I'Illt‘tl \tith ()stooplart'c or .’\:tilit-i:rl Iit)i(‘.â€"-'I'III§Illllllfl151111111.10 tho 'I‘Otitli “hilt solt. (:1tll.‘~'l|l§_“ iro pain. as ll rt-tptiios iio prcsstiio. it St-I'll lit-t'otiros its hard as lllt,‘ tooth to which titniotlo-r I liot‘hliill. it firmly it'llll'l‘t s. it'ntlwlltg it atrrrosttrnpossihle I'ot the Iilirtip’ t‘k‘t'l‘ ltltitittl“ out. Dr. -.trsb:rutl Ins tiiritlo ari'aiigwtiicnts with Mr (I. 1.. lulrtol, (it"l‘oroirto. to tiiniinlucttiit- his I‘Ulilitilt‘tl '1 t (‘1111 those \\'lit) ottgngt- Doctor- lltrsbari/l to no tbt-ir work will be sure of bar- IIILT it done lit a superior trratitier. .IIIIV H, 1859. 313-1 '. .é‘arolbion Eimttelt, LAST MARKET SQUARE, 'l ()ltt).\"l‘t). c. .t'. 1- SET?! i, Proprietor. 'I'orouto, April ill. lï¬fil. 1231' 'I III; ItinluxtxAtni BLACK HORSE HOTEL, It‘orrnti l_\ k 'pt by William liolpb, (301'. of Palsttac S; Gcot'gc Pelt.) [HA-‘1‘ or 'l'IIl-Z MARKET.) ’t‘tilttJNtn. ‘r: Whitltii Etll, rlronrictor, [Fun‘cgs'sor lo 'Iilltlllllls i‘altrit‘i‘]. (:Mitl btali'iug attached. lloatlcrs always in out ntlut Co. '11 ULTIy pt-r l'oot ; also, Drain l'ipos. SURIINHHMI Siding, “atldors. -‘I|llI;_{lf:H, I’ickt-t Halt-s. \Vaggon It‘ol- rows and Hubs. llartol Iloatliirg.t=tit1 I‘tirninp itt gurotal AIIHHIJM'IUI'UII“11(11'01‘ sttlc by JOHN LANCSTAFF, Srrzan MtLt.s, 'I‘ttotttxrttu†'I'bc bellman of \Vatorton. announcing a tot-total inviting, said it would be ad drosst-d by six licuralcs "ï¬lm had ncwr Spoken bclorc. . A n t‘iiltiusizotic girl says that tho first I_ ‘zlimt: slit: t’Vt'I' IOClx't‘LI itl'llh with a )‘tttlll; Illttti she felt like ‘ Ilope loaning On Ill‘l .aticli'ir.’ .luriell,1tl.'il). ‘2 1! Ian. D. E. SEYMOUR, It you wish to appear flgltél‘ublt: iti so- HUMQ‘IUI’ATHIC PHYSICIAN, scioty. you must tittanI to ho Iatlslll trinity things that y on know already. MAIN sill" NEW)“ RK 11‘ l’ U‘(†Girl DR. L. LANGSTAFF, . 1’111 .\ (.l IIILL. Ullico. King. May 33. isstt. It is said by an t-xcliangt' that Henry “and Bl’tftfll-‘I‘ always mating-s to 110 iii hot \ratcr llt- rather likcs it. hccttttat: lie is such an odd 1131]. ll doors west 01' King Ilosr ‘24 I\' more Itt’lII‘I than brain. Illlt‘lltfcl, more t'ttrotiou A Woman With more soul than than ltlltlgltiitllon, with an :tgt'tct'ablc start- of Iiraltlr and bt-anty, is the ‘ l‘Oat'. \Vlllttiul thc tliorn.’ IIUGII CAMPBELL, ltVatht and Clock Manor. JISWELER, Yonge Street, Aurora.- .Iowelrt‘. Watches and Clocks repaired and cleaned on tho sliortost notice and lowesttcrrnr Aurora. February 17. IHGU. {iii-t Mackiin and Johnson, disputing on a literary >ubjrttt, John (ptolt'd Ul't‘t’k.’ 1 don‘t Utitlt‘l'Hnnd ï¬rm-k.†stud .\lacklttii. "A man who ingot-s should Illitlk’l'blttlttl ercry language,†l‘t‘pll“tl Johnson. " \‘triy Well,†said Alarklr-in, 11d guru hint a quotation lrorn tho Irish. 1 IEEIH EIIHACI’ED WIIIiGUT Pit was... . . . . t ' ~ By the uso o! Iolcctrrctty. ’ Charles 11., playing at tennis with .i digtiilictl pl‘t‘llt‘tttl who had struck IIIL' ball thl, Illl: I'orrirt‘r cxclaitiicrl, “ I'hat‘s a good stroke tor the 1.1'aii.â€~â€""I.'Il giro it the stroke ot the lirshop, in your l\.liljt.’al_l pleases,†was the suggcslirc rtjoiudct‘. By in. 13.0. EDP/IONDS, SUILI-ICUN UI‘lN'I'IS 1', AURORA. Tooth inserted on Silver. Gold or Valcniiizt-d ltnbbttr. All Upct'nliOtH in his I’rol'cssron. porl‘ornicd iii the most app:ovctl manner ant: \Varranlctl' Aurora. March 9, 19.150 Some one said to Dr. Putit, “ You are such a sktliul anutonnst, you ou,;ht to know (:Vt’l‘y ill that Ilcalt is heir toâ€â€"-â€"- I ":’_W'i‘m__m“aimiâ€"HH-i H -. a? . ' , . ,: 11113 AL'IIOIIA “ Iliut ta truc, lt', licd the doctor, ‘ out ‘ I w 1 t . . . , 1... ° , 1‘ WP. 2111! ltltc tlrc po.tvrs 01 Parts, who QUAEI’RIIILL 1' know 31†111“ Sllic‘ilbk bl†duuil kllow Wilt“ ' S ttow upon to rot-cite orig-rgonrouts on It- , IlBI'tiI tt-t‘tris. l'oi' :tny IIIIIHIH‘I', [0.51111 tlit convenience olilttrgo or small parties. .-\pplicatiuns to Mr. “M. lot-LAM). at Aurora. or Mr W. Wtr.t.is. 3rd Coir. ‘H'Itll' ‘olttttcli. NJI. Also. a SAX-HORN BAND may ht hail oti application. Aurora, Nov. 2. 18.111), 67-1} is parasitth~ iii the ltouacs.‘ 'I'hc lady-principal of a school, in her atlt‘crliScrnvnt, irit'ntioncd It‘Jl‘ , and tho “t'epulatton for It‘tlclllnn' which hilt) bt‘arsg†but the Pl‘llllt‘fl'-â€"C.tl't11:55It‘l- lowâ€"â€"It:lt out the -- which ;" :0 the ad- :tsthlahl IUD-Sn. ‘ Lunch every day from 11 till \‘CI‘IIa'ctncnl want 10th commending tlrv lady’s “ reputation for tract-iii; slit: brats.†1n THE IRISH CENS '.>.â€".Bt'l'nill‘tl Calla- glicr. ol' Gavan, return: "This limiin had ï¬ve Clllltll'ell~-Llll't‘t‘. Ont-s died within tlic last Iirc years. There Is no 1 deal or , dumb or blind in this littnily. This latitin l is all of tho Catnolic prol'eshiti. l'lirs family is all pi't:st:trtâ€"--i10 I is abscul, This 15 a rtitt-lwziil 'l'lris wriitlows tit ITOUI and ‘2 in tut; t‘un' and a til-TIL; 1‘4"" l i '1 ~ l..’)'t!~‘r‘. lt-tttse IM‘ ‘2 and :it. .I’t',l\'()l‘-t‘tltlt' pt'ict-s. Charles Dot-anti, ) \RRIS'I‘ICK and A'I"I'()llt\'1‘lY.~ OIIIIZO. I) comer uI Adelaide and Yottgu Streets. l'otvoiito, trill (Illt‘lltl to Suit: in all the Supotio: (Joints of Law. Chanccry and (Iotinty (font-t. » also, on rt-qucst. to Country Business ttr tlrv Division (foutts. l)t‘{‘t1~;. Lcasos. Mortgages and every do» SQt‘Il-ltttn -;il'Llot;vo\'anci:i;g drawn tip with C-‘tlt‘ Letters post paid attended to. Toronto. November ‘30. 1860. M.“ - 104-682 'I'ort'into. At-ril 19,1861. 125- 15' .10. 1]. SMITH. st. Li W Eli Eu‘fMJBQ not, 1112 K 1N (2 8'1 R Isl It; '1‘ ()I‘X’Utlll’. '1 111‘) ST. LA‘vVI‘Z bCL MARKET, 'l'tlltON'l'O. Choice. Liquors and (lot (I Accumnintlation at n t’tttt-oiittltlv t'lrttt'gt-s, (loud btabliltg and a (la eI'ttl llostlor tit allot dance. 'I'tttolr‘o, April '1), 1:61. 1133-1} I .108. GREGOR'S I’t’ontitatirt ï¬Ã©cstonrant ! w. U. a E; E NE, (5:) lino :S'rntatrr. ICAs-r, TtitttJN’t‘o w... Ki†Soups. (latircs. Oysters. Lobztcrs, thr- :t'tzuts on ll.’llt(l.‘ Ulllllt‘ls and Sup] ms for Private I’m-tics got up iii Ibo host st} lo. 'I‘oronto, April 15), 1861. 125-1t ' NEWBIGGING blOU A 3E, , A l 1'} (‘laaet con 11o lt-l. No ‘28. 3'1 and 3.- 11 I"totit Street. 'I'orontn. lloartl .ï¬tl, poi day l'ortois always 111 attendance it. the Cars' and Beats. IV NEIVIIIGGING, I’i‘ttprlt‘lor, Q tacit L Toronto, April 8. l 61. Eagcernï¬lmtea, (\.()ll\l'il’t “1' King and (IPOI'LYO‘ Sttt‘t'ts, J Toronto. (I.W. Witt. Aior‘KHoUrIj, I’m prion)". (loud UISCUIIIIII'HI’Ultlll I‘trt' 'l'ravr‘livrst lunge- Stabling. and a Good llostlor always in attendancn 'I'ororrto. April Ill. 1861. v I 33 1y l l ,ISLAVERY AIEOLIEHL ‘ ' 111': Stiliscrtbrr :u-gs to itil'oitir his numerous patronsttntl Illtllitllllltflltéilllu1511101121th. Beats; anti; JOEEEN‘ N returning ltIs sincort- lllttltltsto171111111110?- I‘IIICH he (illitltltt-lit‘t‘tl linsirioss irt Vittoria Spit-tr. be s to 71$‘~lll'b All truth or trtrsrttitl to his I‘Itl't' trill he made ,ot l'rctntum. l . Agent for 'l'oront-.-â€"-A Il'l Tomrto, April 12'. 1861 p)- 5.x o. M , by the USP of ‘ .Ih Sp-iarns. II trims and butt-I tugs Village, iti bo=tles at 2.1;} and 5"c. Loch. Maple Vrllago, heir. 1-1, 1361. I-y. Charles C Iï¬cfler, A'I‘TURAI‘LY-AT I L \W, tSUth 'I'I‘Uh Itr (Jhaticbi‘y, Coirveyttricet. Ate. Ul’licc, in Victorta tluttotugs, over the Chronicle ot’hco, “rook :vtrt‘ct. Whitby. Al>o a 15.:tttclr mace. 'n the village of limp votton, 'I'ouimrtp ot '1 bomb, and County or thitarto. I'iic llivisioit Courts in Ontario. Iicbttintid IIIII, amt Aladtliam Villugu It grilarly ttlk'lttlt‘tl. Icon. itr.i.r_. -)-) ~~. it Iittby, 1\ov. Juli-115.5 .80 UL TON, Esq. Barrister, Law ()flico.â€"(}ottior of Church and King Sis. '1 oionto, March d. 1661. MEI-t1 ’ Eritrean; ri."‘ti;nâ€rrutn, ' j AIIIUS'I'EII. iAI.‘“I'lI0_V-flb1,d\\'. Solicitor .b iii (.lliatrcviy,(Joirvotonc i, don. Mono} advances produtcd on Luttgttgos, No. 3. Jordan SLH‘CI. loi'onto. Lieu-tuber 13. 1650. 1118-} l MAIIIESBN 86 FITZGERALD, . Barristers, 501.1131 l Utib‘ IN (JIIA.\(.,1£I{Y, «c. or‘t-‘tcr; :â€"-â€" Uvor “'liittitore AZ (Jo’s. Ilonkitrg Ullice, T011 GN’JLO- Agmtty Portrait/ur/y {Wanda} to. I'IIHMAS C. III AT“ I-iSUN. JAMI‘.S I'IFZUEKAI I) , I'o-ont..,Jnly l, 15.59, .ttr. Jul? rot-'5‘. 3/3572.- Groon 'I't-as (nop 1 iii Bantam, 'I'otonto bttt'cl. 11 l-Gnr ioronto, January U, lbb'l. A C A R D» C 1:51.“. EMF, 01'1er 0f Tor- ' 0 onto, has opt-ital an ollice iti tho Vil- raga oIAtttorIi I'ttr' tho Human-lion 01(itlllllllt'll Law and (‘Irrrhccry IIIMIIHB‘N, 211:0. (,‘UtH‘t'Vv tncing echttlt-d r. r.li roirtt tnch :rrttl dcspaicb Division Courts attended. \I‘t-Iznigtmr M. Arr-om, & Queen St. Toronto Noveltibcr 211. 1061‘ Itl~I-ly i. I‘IIIIGN'I'I} (Ti ‘1'" tililli 111.15 Willi lit; 15:. roman S'I‘ALE’I‘. atorzUMEttr~§7rerzrar'rtBL£s '1‘t).‘.ili$'l‘02\'l£>‘, &c. t Twenty Per Cent Cheaper A \ Y UT†1211 ESTA BLISHMLN l‘. 'tttax "1111“. UNIII'lllSIUNI'J) Assignees of 11!" . critilt‘ til I). ( . «S; “5 TALL, “Illt‘UII intro lllN lttrsttit-ss under the snpteriritondvnta .r; 01.1' duly authorized agents, Aus'rtN Anni-t tlitI I). taunts VALE. wrrosc l‘t‘CUI‘Ul will lot- .itily acltn “lodged. ' l l l’.S. ~â€"All rioIt-s and accounts remaining un- .i:tl(l on tho lsi day (it June. 13-55:. will ho put into (IOI-llLIUI' Collcotionr ('2. Yi‘. 1.12, G. CUM \lliil. 45-11 "I‘ot‘oitto, April ‘29. I859. DENTISTRY! W. C. ADAMS. D. D. S. Surgeon Dentlst, >19 KIM. s'r. t..t.vr socitr SHIP, 'rttrttt) \t'tzs't Flt'n‘l ciwttctt s’t‘. 't‘ottos’ro, DAH'I'ICUI. \ R attoritio'. fTII't'Il tortlm voguâ€" 1 lation of (‘/tiltlrt:u’s 'Ima/t. Consti lotion too. and ab work waira'tlod. I Dr. A. has itlt'llt'tl his attention to tho titr- rovt-ttzrnts or his profession in all itsliranr'bt‘s. intl can supply the profession with 'l‘t-otli. Gold. Valt'antztu’l Apparatus and Vttlcanitr‘ I’tuhbct. and the host I‘Itltlt' lillittg. Minoral I‘t‘l'lll IItUUIIIt‘d on God. Siltor. or Vulcanith I’tuliltor. wrth Continuous (lttrns. which or" WSIIIiU'lt’tI to give entiro satisfaction 'I'oi'onto,0ctobcr II, 186“ 49-1} “00]; ANY who have bu n slaves to l’tltcuniatit, lyian y It Vu be it rntirt-ly (-nrarrCtpattzd gi‘ttiti'S turntable Linirncttt \ certain cure for I'llttettnintisiii, 'I'tc Uolcictrnx, I'repat‘cd and sold by Jose. 1i Ingram, Maple CORNER OF KING A:\D TOROX I‘O STREETS 31â€"111 i’.oviac’ial Itistrrztncc Ctiatprny or CANADA. FUR fire atth marine insurance, l‘ï¬lAlllJrth) U341), Acr ubscribed Capital, $1,? 3,520 11 EA 1) mirror; â€"â€" for. UN '10. Isnonttotu'rxn BY cF PARLIAMENT P1 D Ililiard Cameron Howard, Esq. Priminch :â€"â€"liorr. .Innu Vim-1' REMDLNT :â€"â€"-.l. S. numerous : llon 1.11. Cameron. IIttlI (loo. Crawford. ilon Al.titrirtot~oti.iÂ¥11'. George Haggaii, E q .I :4. Howard. Esq ; I'Ltlw. fl. Jone.., Esq J.(.‘t,'irieion Esq .\I.1".1.’ ' '. AIUI’I‘IHHI list; Mt’i A. M. Smith I..~q Imwrs Alol’l'at, Esq. I“. L. I'ctllrt, Esq, Ilium/get- m/d Econtu.ry:â€"J:ttries Sydney Cro- ltt-t. inrq. Asaist. 61:0» Jury J W . \‘t oodhott.~e,t;.~q. Solt‘lTUttS:â€"â€"\'(’Nst‘s. Uttggttn A} Burns. \’\ ltr. Might, 1531‘, IIAert-ttts :~â€"'l'he llatik 01' Toronto. 'IRE and MAI-{1&1} 1.\S(l11\NClC IMFI" ner [tat-sacred hr this (, t-IIIPHI'V at its Vtt- irons Agencies. as well as tho Ilcad b11100. il'o mum, at lair and av. rage It’ttt'S '1 hr humorous airtl responsible Stockholders of HMS (Zottipany and the 1a 150 amount of na- pi al hulltCllllttI, all'mtl an amount ol' security U be ttb’bltl‘ad, equal at. cast to that of any otltt: Company transacting businch iii the Province A. LA "V. Agent at Richmond 11:†Toronto, April 18, 1801. 1-5-13" FRESH Antonius, Attorneys-atâ€"Law, FRUITSEUGARS, NEW TEAS. COFFEFS, 62c. «Szc , at the VICTORIA 113/1 II’AREIIOUSE SIGN (1‘1" THE QUEEN. {<‘ 11 . ial pittiotrags bltit'c Ultl‘ltllig‘ his Aow b‘torn \t'titlill itupt-tztl'ttlly inform them and the ptrhlit l 'gt'llt'l'itih, that be lit-rs just let-cited an extort- sin- block of Fruits, [III/'1: (Igor 1y" Ago-11mm .' DIVAIII) LA “503", iii returning thanks to his nniitt'rous CI]>IUI|H.‘IS t'or heir llItP- :- ugnrs. ptrre Black and Mill), Cohorts. tho†A c.. \\IIH‘,II Iiato Ilt't‘lt [IUiCllitH’d at a great reduc- tion iii prior. owing to the o Ill-ct ol‘ the sect-5H0“ 011190 retirovcd to has Lorttiianr’s Bulltlttig5~ “‘"li‘imlim “n 1h“. A‘l'u‘ilm†'l'mil‘ms' and ' \\'IthII are now soiling at i'riCtes utthotit pnrrllcl, Wellington IIotel,f“Aurora I ()PI’USI 1‘19 'I'HF IUKUA'IU 1h U-sE. GEO. L. GRAHAM. PRoPRiE’i‘on. , . LANG C and (.mlitllodlttllsIIIHIIaIHI other IIHPI‘UVC‘IIIGIIIS liav-s. Ht great expanse. been lira-1e so as to mako this House tho target-t and nest nottu ot' ‘I‘oi-otito. 'I'th-ilors at this llouw ï¬vrtt (‘Vt'I'y Cuthclllt‘llL'l: built Iur them- wives and horses NJiâ€"A ca cr'ul 0stler alway“ in attendance Aurora L‘tation. April It‘GI. lilo-13‘ I 'ritrzâ€" Scottish American Journal. ‘HIS is a ï¬rst 5.1: FAMILY Ntcws. r l I’AI’I‘lli of Eight l’ng‘rs. dovotrd [0 tlit- in tt-tests 01' rootsrncn in Airir‘ticn, ant! to tbt- His- -en.tn:uiori ol Scottrsh Litoratnro and News.â€" I he SJGCI‘EI lt'ltllltt‘ or Mrs paper is. that it is u Etzortisb journal. containing litilN'c‘S nl' t‘Vt‘l') oven! or curring III boom-Lil that i an be tegmtlcd ul too It :tst intonst to the out vt-s nt that coun- try residing-tn thi: continent, its wv-Il as a uccsly stitiiinaty trl' grim-ital llilt‘lllgultco lroiir all parts of [no moral. 'I'lic ttltllti) ol' IIS t-tlrto- rtuis. and the general CAt'EIlt‘IICO ol' its t-nirtt'trts, have made It t/t-o ol tho lliH>l popul-tr and -'t'HIr‘l_\‘I‘('tu'.l journal: C|l(:lIthI-(I tn the UIIIIHI Status and liitu~h I’HH'IIICVS. A cceply iii-- tcrcstriig and liurirort‘ons SCOTTISH TALE, ENI‘I'.‘ LED "Chapters from the Life of Jas. Tacket †. \‘Vill bn cortttnencr-ti iii the " Scottidt Arm-Joint Journal ’ Ior April 2-1. This tale is one of tho llttttl linuio ons and entertaining ever published, arid will be espet ially appreciated by {Scottish renders. ' In the satire number will appear an ntlrri7ral-I:- lecture, (It‘liVl‘It'd in Irlxotcr llall,1.ondon. by .lto Ilev. W. Latitiols. on I 'I‘Iila' St_,'()1"1 I-Sll (IO‘VICUAN'I'ERS. 1 ,. 'I‘lre Sco'r'trvn A MICHIGAN Journal. has been p'fll'tllltit'td one of lllo most readable papers publirln-(I in A motion. 'Iil'll’. \Ibf â€"" wo Dollars and It‘il'ty Cents per annum, pnrahlr- iti ttOVttitt-e; Single (.‘tl‘.II"S. 5 cents, which can ho had at ttli tho periodical store-s iii lllt‘ Unitt-d Males and lliitish l’rovi-nc’s Sctid t'ni a apt-ciiirtrn iinmbor. Subscriltors will do well to tako advantage of our club rate-s which will be lound‘ on who at itt~rtal page or the paper. Address, A. M. STEIVA RT & C02. New York, April 17,1861. A- MAIRSv B- A- A'I'T ORNI‘IY - AT-LA W. SOLICITOR in Chancery. ('ouvuyancer, (SIC. Main as a g'lhlll'fl at the atrncxcd List and a trial or Sll‘t‘el- Miltlillalll Village. 111“ goods wtll pt'ovt- :â€" FRUITS. no 1 .\ovcinber-~. thtill 10 .H‘ Finn ernle Currants, lid. p 1h,or 9'2 lbs.. . . . 1 "WWWNW “ mm m “MW ‘mv ~- Itlxtia (I'(’>>l(1 “ 3.;(1 " ‘21 “ I ‘ ' ’ lit-c l'attnss “ 4d. “ 113 “ ..... 1 l ' N I l‘irtts'd Villetlllt‘.1{ill.\'lll\'.5 “ 12 " . I i l Fxtra New " "’ Iiéd, “ Ill “ I inc t\t2w Layer “ lltt. " 12:1).1iox. .II, H‘â€" H “ t-(‘l'd ess“ 11d “ 7 tbs . _ . _ , J v , } w um quality Uttltlt) APPLIES. .su -Sperbdi“ “ ILL WUhMS“ Also. I’tipor’antl Sot't Shell ALMUNI)S, 1 FILLER'I’S. and HR “.211. t\U l‘b‘. AIIXI'III :‘71 1111'). (IAAIHLI) LLMUS. ()1"1{(,)~.\,ano UttAtVJI‘. I’LICL. Ciao. A‘t'. SUGARS. Good MttsCovaduos, 14ths I’or. . . , _ . . . . . I 111; IStlg‘ltt “ I3 “ ........... It‘ll l'..\tta13tiglit“ 12 “ I I'll Yellow I‘t‘IIlHHI II “ .......... I tlll 1‘._\'tr:t lit-litit‘d. Ill “ . . , . . I ll†I'lxrra ()nsliod “ 9‘ “ . . . . . . . . . . l 1" Ground “ b‘ “ 11H.- i’riokcn Loat‘ b' “ 11:11 which AND GREEN 'r‘r..t:5' Itirnt- (.‘ongoit. good and strong. 1's. 3-1 per Ir: 1' inc and rixtta l‘illlt‘ litt-rltlast SJlltfltdlig, (5.1.. 3s. and .1s, (id tor ‘b ; I“ttt:‘- :tirtl tuxtta Itino Honing. 32. .‘Is (54., and 3s. 9d. poi :it Also. lt-ltuu l-‘loucrsantl Orange t’oltoo. . . , . , , . . , , , AilXc‘tI lllatck and Gwen 'I‘ozt, :Js lid. Jim. :is. litI.. and 3s. Iltt [or 11).; line and ‘t'..\tv:t Itittto Young: llyson. 2s. 9d . 51w. .fs. 3d 13‘. (id . and 3s. Ild pt-i' 1b.; Finn ant I‘..\tr.t I . I'.Itt(‘ Ultl ll-soti; 3d and 33. (id. pm In . ritto and 1 xtra I‘itio Illlpt‘l'lltl lltson, 3s. 3d, anti Ils. 6d. IH’I’ 1b.: 1"irre ai-d ItiXtta I‘lntz‘ littlttitm'tltr'. 3s. 3t1.. 3s. Iitl., and «in Ud. N. Il.â€"-â€"- A deduction of 3d. por Iii. will be tiratlo trout tho allow I’rtta-s to parties purch.::~~ mg fir»: pounds and ttpwauls. I Also. on hand a spluntlrd lot of 'I‘oas in caddy boxns trout Ill lbs to 16 lbs , and iii hall tztrcrts at the billowing I’ticcs :â€"- It'll-e to Extra 1"ino Gunpowder, 25 3d. 25 Mid 3s tht . 3s. lid per I t. ‘ Fine to Extra Fine Young IIyson, 3s. 3s 3d†3s (it. peril) English lit'tttrlttast Sotn'liongâ€"Qs. (id , 23. 9.1.. 3s. tld , 3»- (iii; por- lb 1“tiw;‘t()orong-Jls. tIll . 3s. (id 3s. 9d. od, , I‘lrcsh Ground Collin-,I-s Finest Jamaica. 1‘ lid (Il'tttlt-(I Lilrir-ory. lltl per lo. '1 ogolllï¬l trim a (’UHIPIOIP assortment of taple and Fancy Groceries I ALso. BISCUITS AN!) CO.\7I"7"I(.,"I'I(I.VI§R 1’ Ul’oror} doscription rtttrrttl'at:t.tirt-.I on the pie- niises n' ï¬rst-class wurlt-t-t-nt H'ctltlinp‘ and otltor tlaltt‘s alwa_ s on hand. (or made to ordor .tttt.t,uitrott'r, a! at?) 23" 0 .W’eét' , a I‘JGS to intimate that Irois now prepared to erect MILLB of overt; (It'Sf'l'lllIHHl, b'. contract or (t112t’l‘\\’I-t‘. on reasonable torttis' ltt- is also agent for tho best For Ittlllt‘s iii (In- tiada. and Irotn ltir~ it‘llglllt'ltf‘tl oxpcricnce ho liopns to give general tetttisl'ï¬t'fion. I Altoiiti, Doc 23. 18:39 4 UNITY {lire i; lifr Insurance .’ ssocitttioti or‘ LONDUN, \‘t’ith which is Amalgamated the ,, . advisable E’Erc “Rico. CAI’I'I‘.‘ 1., 132.513.7110, STERLING. A Vitil'tlilu Assets Fire Dopat'tttt't 81.517161 Ill Lilo I)t'[ltl'llirCIl'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,5'ili.;'i1l5 ~11: I)t‘|t0:'lt ruan in Canada†. .. . . SHJILU LII Urposh Fund iii ch York... .. 15o,SUU uu CHM-7F OFFICE IN CANADA: fl"! Isl IiCllAliTS’ tXQflï¬l‘IGE IIIUNIBEAI. hirer-tors, 171:0 UPPHI‘IHH’HI . .I. It‘rothiughatti. Esq. \V. Lnnn, lit-o. ll. lo‘rurt-s. 1‘} o. .l (l. \Iackrnzre, 1:51}. I A. Larot (pro, 1qu. I J. 'I'orranco, LA}. I Trustees in London : Sir \V. C. Duly-.11, l C. F‘ Bazin, Esq. Trustees itt New York : ..iving.~loir. Iirtn ol'llartly A Livingston. Int. 11. “am. l’rcs’t Leatht-rhlzt lll'tl'l Ilttnk . Sliorttttttt, 132m of Honour), Sherman d'u Do Every dt‘:Cl‘lpllOIl of Fire and Life Insurance Business transit led at the most moderate rated. W. 1’. III‘.Y.\‘OI.1)S, Manager iii 15. N. A. ‘IlUlt Al. JAltVIS. Uï¬iiccâ€"IViitttrnrore' Buildings, ’10101110 at. 123-13‘ ' Would not be as wutl to make a little additional ‘ little irilorntat.on on Illt‘ sulrj' ct 1W~ldus. at the shortest notice.) lord and (lt'llttlliGllIl‘d ill Ill" bo~t styleâ€"till at tho Lowest 1'rtt:t‘s- hoods dcltverotl oii tho vows, and “Illlltl the City limits, lice ol' charge. All Order-SUV mob. and otherwise, trittiiitlt-d to unit :lci.p..tt:h. I'Lrtii) Ht'ltClU wttrraittotl as rcprcst'ntca 113° N0 stcmn PRICE. no CttrJtl'I‘ #3] [3" Remember lilo plat-e. Victoria rm Warehouse sign of the Queen i‘t'u. 153, King St. I‘ï¬tst. l'ivt- doors word. of Church Stlt‘et. I‘ll.) \VAIII) LA \VSON. I‘orottto. March, 181:1. "' V out VF. R M U'I'UA ‘5 Fire Insurance Association, 't‘ortoato, c. w. â€"â€"_._ 017191013330. YUKON '1'0 8 TREE 'l' INCORPORATED U?~t)lcit ACT. or I’AitLtAMrzaY, 2: \n;., CAP. .52. I)IltF.C'I‘0R:3-â€"-II I'IUWM‘II, Toronto: ll. “3 Smith, Ilatrio : I)r. llttncurtrb, ll cltrtinrtd trill : \V. 11. Smith, "‘(‘I'OILUI Donald author- land, 'I'oionto : \\ tri. Ilt-lliwoll, bcttiborottglt: Edwin Clrown, Kingston; 5. '1 Iiorrrpsoii, 'I‘oronto. E 72 AVING guarded against loss from Fire by Insuring your property, I'DIIcltIHI' it. it provrsiou lot _\ottr I'anrth in CHM: of your own pit-mattiro dc.- lt zâ€"rthcilter it trould not be as unintlrrtutglt‘thc ttssistai-cc of a Lilo .‘Sslll'ltllttz‘ oinpnrir, to provmo a legacy ti r your will; or nangnte‘r. or, it you It‘t\B not too happiness t,» he IIIQ‘S‘Dd-“IIII tlrtarri,tiiitr1t~tl [Ito pos usgion o a t'ow lint-tired pounds ndd‘,tional riiiglrt not he III atlt‘antago to \ttot'aru Ca Iow'yea 5 notice. It. you (1- (;:(lt' that it noun, wrote _0 in» Alultaging Ditct'torot tlit- I‘i’iUVII-M‘AV I LIVE ,IB'SUti- A.\l..,‘i". AND [.tvtrtsr‘aitcxt L'tittt’XWY... 2t) 'I'oronto 511601. " ot'ontt't. for at “ I’roptisal "' Iorrit, and it copy o: the titties. dr, posh»). trio Agent of the " Iltiat‘ttr†may poswss a copy of both documents. which he can raccotntirotlato _\ on \\‘=tlr. and viva yuu a IIJ Insurances may ho H11iClt‘d tor one. 'wu, or t1irc6}ears,at trrotlorate rates. lAgent at Richmond 11iil-~J. 1i. ARNOLD. Toronto, Apri ‘9. 1861. 1525 1y. WILL WOIIMS EXIST! WILL WORM.w EXIST! WILL WORMS EXIST! WILL WORMS WILL WORMS EXIST! EXIST! won... WOIIMF“; thts're WILL \\'()lt.\lS l EXIST! WI 1.1. W011 MS EXIST I itXtSTt wn.L worms EXIST! wru. worms EX ST! AFTER USING tilt. {trotttrixZiti’s Dirt!) Stttl’t‘ wont-l1 error? \T . 0. NO... NO. NO. “OLD for 15 CI‘IIIS‘. t1 Package-s Ior‘ :30 by all tt‘wpct'lublc Dcalt’t's In Aalcdioinv, Vt Itttlcsult' by LYAI AN. ILLLIU'IVI‘ 8:. CO. 'I‘oronlo IVOR'I‘I IIOP 8L LYAIAN, N!“\V('a\.IIC, LY M AN, CLA 11 13 SI. CO. blnrtlrt-al I ct-ttls. TE S TEoWï¬ï¬‚ï¬l “Keg E. S IN FAVOR 0F ’11! E NEW RQTATINQ HARRO‘WS. the tintlorsigâ€"Iiiitt I'artnt’r'sol" East Gwil- ' limiting. lieu-by (:t't‘til'y that we Incitt sot-n S‘t;tt.r;s .V: Muttntrs’ 1".t1‘t': ’I' II intro»... at work. and that. they are snpvriu. to tho coni- ;rton barrow rm- tltc I'Ulltl‘VIl‘l‘L' I'l‘t‘IcIHIS. viz. :â€" I‘httt they will do mote Work at one going om: the ground than the t-omtoon Iiatiow t.\‘lll at two: that it Is Itnpos:ihio to clogr thorn. as they discharge all roots or grass behind: that tht-arc of liglitt-i' draught. as by tlit-ir motion the) am constanth Iceing thorhseitos: that tho tooth \t'r-ar t-quallv on all sides, and consc- qnt-ntly sharpen tlietrtsolvcs, '-.-s .l. Dt-an. .l. Aylwardd‘jsq. (I 1‘.I§t'll.l‘\’, Ii. 1).:tucl‘, J. Cott'oson .IantesAIilue. From the Hon. J. Simpson. Stiles AL Alttrtitts’ Rotating arrows was tried on tlto tougaiost Iiwld oti in} Farm. and" 1119 ttorl; pt-it'ortirt-d by it at our: turn was rqtml it my (I,=Illlllll to 'tt‘lml won (I haw, Ilt‘f‘ll accomp- \V. Ilollr‘tlat'. II I) Sliles,1‘.sq. Jas. Anderson. 1 1\o.37l’nik110w, New Ytk/ Val Ira Mo Property for Sale 121: til} .‘tcroa. ‘23 01 which is tinibered, 40 Acres orrdor Cultivation. SeVeral t’..t< LU'I'b‘ wrtb timber thereon. MINâ€, VILLAGE I'RUI‘EHTY With 01' without Iltrtldtnts. ' 'I be above property is situated at. and ad- jorritng to. the Vil age of ’ 1 Richmond. Hill. It‘or HI: lIIL‘l' particulura apply at the Ofï¬ce of thin paper. ‘ Richmond Hill. St: pt 26, 1860. 96.: Tit]: tV Tlt’EA TMENT. Buffalo MHIICHI Dispensary. Established for the cure of [)YSI‘I'Ufb‘IA. (I E N E It A l. DEBILITY, 1' 13V L11 AM) AGUE, AS'I'HMA. I.’\\'1P1E.\ l‘ UUNSUMI’TIUN, - CONSUMPTION 01“ You’ll! AND OLD AGE, ETC No Moray Used. Dr. Amgs cab 4% EAST Gt; w 181‘ Son, NESEE STR BET, THREE DOORS UF ICLIJCOTT STREET, liliï¬'flio- New York, ARE the only l’lrystt‘ians in the State who 1 are Illt'lliIIE‘l‘s ol’ the Royal College of Mrrgt-otrs. London. . May be consulted from 8 ,u’cu ck iii the titttt‘nll‘g until 9 at night". in every t state and syniptorrr 01' disease. The treatment they adopt is the result of up- wards ot’tlitrty years‘ extensive and successful practice in Europe and America. A MUST bCII‘IVl'IFIC lAVESTION. Ari instrument for the cure of Genital Debi- tity. ot' Nocturnal Eriri>sious, more properly known as Seminal \Aoaknoss. the. Can be permanently cured iii from 15 to 211 days, by the use ot‘ this itis'ruurout, when used can- Jointly with medicines. younu MEN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. A nos A’L Son take ' . pleasure Iii announc- IIILI‘ that the) liaer inv ' _ voted 8 most important tltsll'lllttttllllorlllo moo of the above disgust“. It has IWfllI subjected to a test of the moat em- ttlt'lll. physicians in London. Paris. Philadelphia and .\t-w York r it has been dot-lured the only own I instrument ever ynt invented for the (tlll‘t‘ til? Smnitml weakness. or any disease of the gmrit-al organs, canscd by the s'ecret habits oI youth. llr. Amos 6: Son. in order to satisI'v the most sltt-plltzttlih'10111611161118 01' their iiistru- nit-tit. Illfltlfll‘ tltottrselves that in any instance wlreto tt may prove utrsatislactorv, 8:110!†a fair trial. the Illllrltgy will be refunded by returning tbc it‘struirit‘nt in good order. - I‘nrsons \\‘I.~Itlt‘g tho above useful instrument. will obsotvo that the price with the accom- panying duet-lions, srcniely packed. and sent by mail or express, its ton dollars. III-.Ptlltï¬b'lI‘LS A r‘" I) 0 NILVV QUICK CERF; \VAIIHAAI'ID Dr. Amos & Son burn. for a long“ series of yt-ars. Iit't‘ll ongrrgt-d iii an extensive practice iii the tit-atttrcirtol’ tht-se dent-ate complaints, ,nd’are lItt- only Ivgnlly qualifiod physicians who no .t' advertise to cum curtain coniplaiiitn. or from whom geriatric European rctnod as can he obtaiot‘d. " I’m-sons in any part ul'tlre world may be suc- tfflssltill) tretttt-tl 1)} forwarding a corritct detail or their t'tht'S‘, with a t-nrittnnco l'or medicines t\"t-.. which writ no rt‘IlH‘ltt‘tI with the utmosi dispatch and sworn t'roiii observation. Addross Dr. Airtos A‘ SH), 4N1" ‘ .ast Genesoo blt‘tl‘t. thrrc doors “lest 01‘ Eliieotb Street. 5 ~A YURI: llttllitio. N. Y . 88â€"ly Fire! F ‘1 I Fire! I :- W E S ’1‘ E R N Fire Insurance: Company of 'I‘ot'on to. INCORPORATED RY ALâ€! 0)‘ PAIIIJ'AN’ZHT. -â€"â€"_._._ LILUJITJIL STUCK: £100,000. _| Um Mtcnt.x,Vice Pr". DIRECTORS I I. (J. U-tt.Mort,1’res. llico Lt-wis. I‘Isq. .larrics 150,711). Iusq. I‘. I’. Holmt‘ls, LN]. 11. “0535!â€. I‘.>(]. 'I‘Iios, I'IflWVOI‘IIII, Esq. H . “tender-son. Esq, I W. Maclarlatto. Esq. tier-naid linldan. Esq. Secretary 4- Treasurer. Angus Mort-non. I‘qu. b’nlicilur. litinlt ol'llppor Canada. Brut/(:13. Iii IIJHHIIH bu‘llll‘l, qu. Inspector. 113‘ Hand (wit-c, Churn/t Slrccl. Toronto. 3 'I'rtis (,‘otttun' Iiisuros all descriptions of iluihlrngs.lilauttl'atrtorretr. Mills. &c..and Goods =tlll.11’“ttl'lltltll'l!. rti Iltosaine, ugainstloau ordam- ‘tgu by IIâ€). on Itberaltot‘rns. Losses promptly milled. A. LAW, Genera 1 agent". 18.57. 210-] Residence. ‘lit'lti- oritI I'ill August I3. ,f \... ml? llflllti Ibrahim IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING}, \ntl despntchvd to Subscribers by the earlier!!- rrr arts. or other conveyance. when so desired’ YORK HERALD will always be he t'ouu. to-ooritain the Iatestand momimpor- taut I'or-orgr. and Provincial News and'Mur- Itots. and [hr greatest care will be taken to I'L‘Iltlt?!‘ ll aunt-ptablv totbemanof businesa, and a valuable- I‘Ifllltlh Ncwspaper. ’ I'ICIIMH.-â€"-St-vt-ir and SixpenceperAittium. IR ADVANCL: and it' not paid within Thru Motttln two dollars will be charged. I‘Iie ttA’I‘E‘S or ADVEnï¬erG: ii). linesand tinder, first insertion. . . . .$(Ill 56 Each subsequent Insertion . . . . . . l'cn litres and u irtlcr, lirstinsertion.. . . . Above ten litres, first in., per line.... ttlztolr subsequentinsertion, perline... . . 01102 . . . . (III 1:13. 00 75* 00 07 IL? Atlvorti-sorrrcrits without writtc'n direc- t...rr. inserted till forbid. and charged accord- trigly. All transitory zttlvorlisetirents. front strangers u rrrt-gtrlar citstoiircrs. must be paid for when ' ratrttt-o tii tor insertion. A liberal thsconn' will be made to parties nd- 'vortising by the year. All atlvcrtisenionts published for alarm pa» now than one month. must be paid for in ad- \YIIIII‘t‘u All letters addressed tothe Editor must be- post paid. NO Paperdiscontinued until allarreamgexnro paid : and parties refusing papvrs without pay my up, will be held accountable forthe sub- scriptto-n THE YORK HERALD wool: and .5 ob Printing ESTA IILISMEN T. [IDI'IRS for any 01' the ttrtdermotrtionod ‘ pitsbotl by any othcr barrow tliatl an) at:- (ptitititetl with at two Itirn.‘~. 'I'Iio draught is easy. and the burrow hoops clean. [Signed] J. SIMPSON. It was present and saw the Itarrow tried. and agree with the above. G. S. SIIA-W. PETER. I}. B, S'I‘IIIIS. Proprietor. S. SANDEIISUN. Proprietor. Richmond Ilill. for tho Township of Markham, Rich-nond Hill. March 7. ISGI. 119-“- 1) description ()1 IlLAIN and FABCY JOB WUIIK will be promptly attended to :â€"â€"-â€" HOOKS. I-‘AAL'Y HILLS, BUSINESS CARDS, LARGE A~.\‘ It SMALL I’OD'I'IJISJJI RI {7 LARS. LAW FORMS, RHJ. HEAIISJI'ANK (‘HECRS,DRAFTS,AND PA M l‘ H LETS. Antlevery other kind of LETTER-PRESS PRINTING done in the best style. at moderate rates. Our assortment of JOB TYPE is entirely new and ofth latest patterns. A large variety of new Fancy Type and Borders, for Carri: Circular-tr ,&c. kept llwnj‘snn hand.