Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 28 Jun 1861, p. 3

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BAY MARE. about 14 hands high. has ‘ a whi ARRIVAL, or M. BLONDINrâ€"Among the passengers by the Bremen, from New York, was M. Blondin, the celebrated rope-walker, who, after a short stay‘ in Southampton, left by the train for London to be present at the Crystal Pallace on Fryay for the purpose ‘of completing the ne essary arrangements for his approach- ing scene. 3 ' BIRTH. At Richmond Hill, on .chn‘esday, the 26th inst. the wife 'of Mr. Thomas Paterson. of a daughter. , 7‘ DEATH. On Tuesday morning, the 2511i inst., at Maple Village. Vaughan. Rebacca Jane, eldest daugh- ter of Mr. James Dick, aged 5 years. flea) floccxttammta. CHARLES TAGGART, CONFECTIONER. BREAD & FANCY BISCUIT BIKER RICHMOND HILL. Ple-nlc Parties & Tea Meetings Attended and supplied on, reasonable terms. Rielimondflill. June 24, 1861. 1354f ‘ TO THE ELEC'IORS or rat: wEsr Yoga RIDING: GENTLEMEN : AVING been nominated at‘a large and influential meeting of the Electors of this: Riding, held in “lesion onvtlie 13th‘instant, to: represent the constituency in the House of As- sembly," l have complied with their request, andbeg to offer myself as a Candidate for your eutfrages at tlie‘approaching Elections. 1 do so the more cheerfully knowing the Rid- ing to be almost altogether an Agricultural 01.18,. to which pursuitl have devoted the energies of my lifetime. In pi-ivatelife a farmer, in public the Farmers’ friend. For twenty years 1 have served this Riding as the President, Vice-President, or Director of the A ricultural Society. For fourteen years I have con unanimously elected 'I'reasurer of the Provincial A rictiltnral Association of Up- per Canada, an' elected by the County Agii- - ‘cultnral Societies of the Province. asa member , of the Board of Agriculture from its very com- mencement. [do not mention this in boast- ing, btit iii honest pride that my exertions as an agriculturis’t have been appreciated by my brother farmers. . . As a native of the Riding, and one who has fat‘medjh it for a quarter of a century, I must be known to inostof you. My loyalty totho British Crown and Consti- tution cannot be questioned. 1 am in fav0r of an extended Representation for Upper Canada, and any such measure shall receive my snppo‘to I will use my utmost endeavors to procure the early settlement of our public wild lands, under the conviction that ‘auch settlers. even though they bought their lands for almost no- thing. would be of infinite more advantage to the Province by the direct and‘ indirect taxes they would he called upon to pay. than by the direct benefit derived front the sale of the land _ itself. I am prepared and determined to demand full and even-handed justice for Uppor'Cnllada in every respect, and attbe seine time will do my utmost to support the Union. and thereby preserve open andunrestricted intercourse with the Atlantic. 1 will never consent that any Government. should spend the money of the people without first obtaining the sanction of their represen- tatives. Those who better me With their support must do so without fee or reward, other thanthe, pledge that my best energies shall be devoted for our mutual advancement. ‘ If cleaned-I willdo all that. lies in my power to foster Agriculture and its kinder adjt'i’iicts. and to. elevate the Agriculturist, with the full conviction that it is to the advancement oftliat science that we are mainly to luck for many years yet to come for the prosperity of our country ‘ I‘remain. Gentlemen, Your humble Servant, RICHD. LXDENISON. Dovercourt. June 27, 1861. 134-2t. .. __._._~L-.._._....._-_._-_-_ Str’aved or Stolen, N the night of the 21st June. A LIGHT to mark on the forehead. one foot white. black mane and tail. Whosoever will find the same and bring her to the subscriber will be handsomely rewarded. ' ‘ ' 'rrios ri'rC'nAitD. Tanner. Aurora June 27.1861f 135-2 and Lots for Sale on EXCHAEGE. W0 HALF ACRE LO'I‘Sâ€"-with a good _ Dwelling House on each. pleasantly sitti- ated‘about half a'mile north ' er Mlarkham Vil- Iago. are offered for sale 'on very reasonable terms. They will be sold separately or to- gether to suit purchaSers, For terms‘ and other particulars. enquire of the Proprietor, DAVID WUO'I‘I‘EN, Bond's Lake, or at this Office. Oak Ridges,;du110 27. 1861.. 0 NOTICE.- _ wssr YORK RIDING. Public fieetings. shrines of the Friends and (sup- porters of RICHARD L. DENISONI “'ILL BE HELD AS FOLLO\VS ; MONDAY, JUL Y 131‘, 1861, At Meek’s Hotel. Tliornhill, at 2 o’clock. pm. At Gaby’s Hotel. Richmond Hill. at 7, p.m. TUESDAY, July 2nd, 1861, At} Dick’s Hotel, Maple, at 2 p.m.; At Thanesville,at 7. p m. WEDNESDA Y, July 3rd ’61 At Whttehead’s, Albion Plank Road, at 10, a.rn.; At McMann’s Hotel. Kliiieburg. at ‘2, ; At the Inkerman Hotel. But-wick, at 7, p,m. When Mr. Deiiison will express his views to the Electors. Duvet-Court June 22, 1861. HopSes 135-3m. GIRAIIII‘IAR SCHOOL EXAMINATION. HE Senior Department of the Richmond Hill County Grammar School will be examined 071 Thursday, the 271/. instant, Commencing at 10 o’clock. a.m. The Junior Department. under Mr. Bannister, will be ex- amined on the afternoon of FRIDAY. the 98m instant, conimeiicing'at 1 o’clock. p.m. ARTHUR U. VERNER. v «o . Head Master. Richmond Hill, June 21). 1861. 134-2 .. . V._____-__‘ .. w. -~___,.____._.__4 __.V.- . l . _-___._ __. ____.,‘ ._ ,. CHEER ovs CHE NO MORE OF IDLE SORROW . â€"‘ ISING Star Division, No. 176. Sons and Daughters of Temperance, will hold v their Eleventh Annual Soiree t On lifednesday July 3, 1861 AT vtcrottiA sedans, naaqun. Surrounding Divisions of Sons and Daugh- ters of Temperance. Lodges of Good Temp- lars and all friends of the Temperance Cause, are respectfully requested to favor as with their presence. TALENTED SPEAKERS will be in Attendance. A Procession will be formed at the Wesleyan Methodist Chapel, which, headed by a SPLENDID BRASS BAND! will march through the Square, and return to the Chapel to partake of Ten: after which it will reform and proceed to a grove, the pro- pcrty of-,Mr~ Thomas Frisby. Tea will be served at 12 o’clock. Managing Committeeâ€"Messrs. Thomas llrown. Henry Lever, George Savage, 'I‘hos. Martin. Robert Garret. William Shell. Joseph Ellerby, Richard Allen. John McCague.-Geo. Lawson, Thomas Kampton. John McConnell. Tickets. 25 001113.. . . . . .. . . Children. holfpricc Victoria Square, June 27. 1861. 135»1t. DR. S. DELLENBAUGH, Old German Physician. of Buffalo, N -Y-, " ILL BE 1N THE FOLLOWING places iii July :-o Torontoâ€"81h and 9111. American Hotel. Richmond Hillâ€"Ilth. Nichol’s Hotel. Auroraâ€"12m. Newmarketâ€"l3th and 15th,North American, Bradfordâ€"1611i and 19th. \‘Vhere he can be consulted upon all forms of 'chronic diseases. (Bradford and Ncwmarkct papers, copy ) Richmond Hill. Julie 28. 1861. 135-9t. To the Electors . 0F . The East Riding COUNTY OF YORK! GENTLEMEN': , _ | 'AVING~~bee'ii honoured by you with a seat in Parliament for about ten years, It is with pleasure I accept the' nomination of the ER, TO' THE ELECTORS EAs-rnizanGâ€" COUNTY _C__>F YORK! 'GENTLEMEN,â€"- ‘ On the Requisition ofa large number of in- fluential Electors, I offer myself as a Candidate to represent you in Parliament. and I frankly confess that it is not without doubts as to my ability to represent-your interests as efficiently as they ought to be, or as I would desire to 110. Canadian born. educated within the County. and engaged in business as a Miller, Woollen Manufacturer and Former; so that my in- terests are identical With ‘your (aim. Should I have the honour of, being your chosen Representative, 1 will advocate the following principles, irrespective of party; and I shall endeavour to judge honestly of any other measures, without reference to the course or origin from which they proceed. and support or oppose them on their merits alone : l.'A Confoderative Union of the British- American Provinces. 2. Maintenance of the present Union of the two Provinces, until a Confederative Union can be obtained. 3. A judicious retrenchment of the Public Expenditure in every department. 4. Public Money to be expended under no circumstances, without the consent of Pat‘- liament. 5. Reduction of Custom Duties on Machi- nery for Agricultural and Manufacturingpur- poses, when not manufactured within the Province. 6 A Judicious Bankrupt Law. 7. Election of Wardens, Reeves. and De- puties by the peopleâ€"the same as in towns and cities. 8. Abolition of the Franking Privilege. 9. Payment of mileage and necessary exv penses to Criminal \Vitiiesses, 10. Systematic and judicious encouragement to Emigrants, 11.1 am in favour of Representation by Population, and Will support that measure, not as a means of oppressing Lower Canada, but as an act of justice to Upper Canada. I am decidedly opposed to granting to the Grand Trunk any further assistance. and believe that all contraction between it and the Government should be severed. and that it should assume tlie position of a purely com- mercial enterprise. As British subjects. we cannot too strongly Convention held in the Riding on the lfitn' denounce the threats of appeal to France and inch, and againtsolicit your suffrages at the ap- proaching Election. 1n presenting ‘mySelfth‘e fourth tii‘fio' for your support. I think-it needless to give a detailed abatement of my political principles. sufiice it to say. that if returned to Parliament. it will be my highest ambition, not only to retain your confidence. but to carry out what I believe to be the well understood wishes of the people. The Census returns 'of'Juiuary last, shew that the population of Upper Canada exceeds ‘ that ofLower Canada by about 300,000. It follow! an consequence that the demand for 7 Representation based on Population, must be met. No adiiiinistiation can stand. that will ignore the rights of the people of Upper Cana- da on this point. . The expenditure of Public Money. without the consent of Parliament. and the fact that our public debt. has been increased duriii the past six years from $29,000,900‘to'$7ll.’OOU,UUO is enough to alarm tlte most indifferent, and ‘ ought to arouse every man in Western Canada to aidin driving from public life. every man who suceombs to Lower Canada influence. or ( sustains a ministry. which by mal administra- tion, has lost the ceiifideiice of the people of Upper Canada. ‘ The time has come when it believes every man. be his political principles what they may. to set his face against corruption and fraud iii high places, The present ministry by advanc- ing to the Grand Trunk Company over $1.000-v ' tltltl without the consent of Parliament, not- withstanding their repeated declarations that no aid was to be given, have committed a viol- ation of the constitution. aid undermined the very foundation upon which the political fabric stands. lshallat all times endeavour to aid in de- veloping the resources ofthe country. In cont, sequence of the high price of land. quite. too large a, proportion of our people are compelled to live in towns and cities. I would reduce the price of land so as to enable every man.whether native or foreigner, to acquire for himself a home; and thus be in a position to aid in the development of its resources. as we‘l as add to the revenue of the country. I believe every man ought to have the right to btiy at the cheapest. and sell at the dearest market the world over ; and knowing that the reciprocity treaty with the United States has had the effect of enhancing the price of the products of the cotintry.« I will support any measure calculated to extend its provisions. ‘or that will give increased facilities to commerce. . Identified with the industrial class, and hav- ing an interest in common with the people whom I seek to "represent, I shall at all titties take an interest in the enactment of-suclt laws as are best calculated to secure equal civil and religious liberty. '1 have the honor to he Gentlemen, Your obedient Servant, AMOS WRIGHT. York, June 21, 1861. ‘ ' Madman. $10.00 on Improved Farm Pro- party. Ap ily to I ILLIAM '1‘. BOYD, Barrister, doc. ‘ Teronto. May_15. 1861. 129.4 C ASH & ' O -. O. HAVE just opened a complete assortment of the latest styles of DRESS GOODS, HA TS, ' BONNE TS, PARASOLS, é'c. Which they will sell ver low. to clear out their large Stock, as theycontemplate closing their retail business with tie Summer Trade, Corner of Church & KingStreets. Toronto. April 10, 1861. l24-2m. NOTICE ! ‘ENDERS will he receved by A. Law. at his Office, Richmmd Hill, up to the 8th day of June next. fir GRAVELLING and GRADING part of the Markham an Elgin Mills Plank Road. ’ For particulars, apply to. A. L A W, President. l Richmond. Hill, May‘23. 861. 130-31 TO INVEST, at low‘ rates; Washington in the present disturbed state ot political opinion: for our loyalty is due to a Queen distingtuslied for every grace and VII“ me that can adorn her position; our hearts are with the land which is a refuge to the ex- iles of tyranny, come front where theymay. The history of Great Britainâ€"her struggles. her associationsâ€"are ours. Her support, her money, her credit. have assisted us throngh all our dangers and disadvantages. Let the oldr,principles of the United Empire. loyalists animate us to oppose whatever policy that would be likelyto endanger our present can- nectibn with the mother country. I have thus endeavoured shortly to enunci- ate my vieWs upon the more leading topics of moment, avowiiig myself ready and willing at all times when called on at public meetings or otherwise. to endeavour to satisfy you more fully, if requisite, upon these and other mat- ters, as there must be inevitably. front the date fixed for. the return of the writs of Elec- tion, a very short time allowed for eth an attempt at a personal canvass, I have, in a i‘neasure,‘to leave to your good will to make tip for what might otherwise be wanting in that respect. Wishing you all the prosperity that an old resident and neighbour, (ifa young man) may be supposed to desire. and trustin that should I be elected, I may, at the 81“? of my first Parliamentary term, be able fearlessly to meet you with an account of my stewardship. I have the honour to‘bo, ’ Gentlemen, Your humble servant, THOS. A, MILNE. -Merkham Mills, June 18, 1861. .7. _L_ ‘__ “LEMâ€"W GARIB ALDI. HE Members of the Garibaldi Temple, No.4e‘6, of Good Templars, will cele- brate their ' First anniversary .' In the Grove opposite the Temperance Hall. near the 'I‘liornhill Railway Station, 072 FRIDAY, June 28' 1861, The Temple will spare no pains to render the . ‘I I . a . . v’ ., festive OCC'RSIOII in the highest sense pleasing and worthy of the order and cause. Surrounding Temples of Good Templars. and Divisions of‘Soiis of Temperance. and the Public generally are respectfully requested to honor the occasion with their presence The members of the various Lodges and Di- visions are requested to appear in Regalia, as a Procession will be formed at the Hall. and march to the place of Entertainment preceded by the MASONIC BRASS BAN! Tea. to be Served at 12 ocloclr. The following Gentlemen will-deliver Spee- ches: Wm. L. McKenzie, Esq.. of Toronto; and Jamison. Ticketsâ€"30 Cts. Children, 15 0113. DANIEL REAMAN. Secretary. ‘Concord. June’ 14. 1861. iii lllllllllll‘l‘dl ON RICHMOND HILL. .Edvx’rin “W » ebber, EGS to intimate to the inhabitants of Ricm mend Hill and Vicinity, lhat he has commenced- bcsiness a‘s DABlNET MAKER,- UNDERTAKEH, ac. Two doors south of the "" York Herald" Office. where he has on hand a general assortment of Household Furniture, 0f the best quality, cheap for cash.- Boston Rocking Chairs... . . $1 55 Common Chairs,from.............-.... 0 45 Bedsteads.from......................‘ I75 Bureaus, from.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 00 And other articles equally lbw. {189A Call is Solicitor]. Richmond Hill. June 7, 1861. 132-tf Men’s & Children’s Socks ! Women’s and Misses Stockings. In all Sizes. in all Colors. in all at all Prices, at WM. S. POLLOCK"S. Late 0- A. Bernard’s. Richmond Iiill. {11111125. 1861» 1136-1 Qualities, and .____._.._._____._._.___ A...“ .â€" __.._....‘_. .M......47..._..4__..‘_ .____..-_. ._ , . l 1 Hon. David Reesor. Rev Messrs. Ross, Abbs, ‘ Anderson. John 1. RRIAGES. WM ~MAAMAWW,~W CARRIAGES. c W MR1 Pl . OF THE . MARKHAM CARRIAGE} . Reapectfully announces that be has opened' VVarerocins in Toronto, for the Sale of his CARRIAGES, In the Premises formerly Occupied by Messrs. GEO. EWART A; Go. < Church Street, adjoining the Store of Messrs. Howland, Fitch 8!. Co. R. HALL, in introducing himself to the public, feels that he is not a stranger, as his Carriages have been long and favorably 11/ known to many ofthe largest and most judicious purchasers in the Province. He has for the last twelve years been con- stantly engaged in the manufacture of Carriages. and during that period every improvement which: is been introduced, either in materials, construction or style. has been carefully investigated, and if found practicable, adopted. He has aIWays exercised the most scrupulous care in the Selection of timber, and the amazing ef workmen. "l‘liis'has been fully lsinonstrated in the experience of those who have tested the durability of his work A LARGE ASSOR’I‘MENT OF LIGHT CARRIAGE. Will be Kept constantly on hand, Both at the (.ity Repositbry and at the Manufactory sit-Markham, Mr. HALL opens a sale. room in Toronto for the purpose of placing his goods in a position easily accessible to all parts of the Province. Persons living at a distance, who choose to order by mail, may rely upon the. most Carelul‘attcntton in the selecâ€" tion, packing and forww‘ding of the goods ordered, upon terms as favourable to the purchaser, as though he were present. .. Markham, April 19, 1861. Canada Permanent Building AND SAVINGS’ SOCIETY. J Stinscnismi CAPITAL, $53-11 ,450 : Isvas'ritn on REAL ESTATE, $426,336 1 : ANNUAL laconic FROM Mamanas, $300,000. Officeâ€"Masonic Hall. Toronto. Diuiccrons.-â€"Joseph l). Ridotzt, J. G. Che- wett, James G. Warts, Thomas Maclear, Peter Paterson, .1. G. Beard. S. Nordliei'ner, T1103. 1). Harris. Sei.iciroa,-â€"Edward C. Jones. SECRETARY AND T iiaasUitnR,-â€"J. Herbert Mason. HE Stock of this Institution presents a pro~ fitable and easily convertible mode of in- vestmeiit, based on Real Estate security, ren- dering it peculiarly suitable for Farmers,Clergy- men, Teachers, Mechanics, persons in the re- ceipt of salaries. and those whose income is dev rived from their capital. SAvisos’ BANK BRANCH.â€"â€"Sum5 of Four Dollars and upwards are received by the Society on deposit, subject to withdrawal. and bearing interest at Six per cent. per annum. The Q a- pital and Assets of the Society, iiivestedin mortgages on first-class landed property, being pledged for the security of money thus received, depositors are at all times assured of perfect safety. To Bouaownas.-â€"This Society makes ad- vances on the security of Improved City or Country Property. repayable by instalments spread over any term the applicant chooses. from one to ten years. ‘ Properties mortgaged may be sold or ex- changed for other property, or the Mortgage may be redeemed before maturity. 'u‘ Dasiaau av 1hr. aoaaowira. ‘ ' Applications for Loans will be rebeived by the Seeretary. Robert James, jnnr., or R. H. Smith. Newmarket. from whom Circulars and the ltules of the Society, together with any l'uitber information, may be obtained. 11.? Letters to be‘ prepaid. Toronto, April 19.. 1861. MOWERs REAPERs SCRAPERs SCUFFLERs FANN-MILL& PLOW'POINTs ~ HORSE POWERS, ,STRAW'CUTTERs GRAHJCRUSHERs MOWING MACHINES, 'FURNPIKE sruians, uHJRESHiNCtarACHINEs, TRiiAD HORSEIPOlVERS, STIJMP EXTWRACTW)R& SHILARS HAutuoivs sumEEP POlVERS, SEPERATORs 8m. °&c. &c. SEC. '11 ’11 :5. 124-113: Jess. F. Brown, BROKER, Estate and General Agent, A’GIIN'P F01! Gfaleu'ittl fife“ Qtsenra‘ttte (lio’p. l MASONic HALL, Toaoa'ro S'ratzm‘. TORONTO- 11? Money topLe'nd‘ ctr Iimprov‘e'di Farm- Apriiis. 1861. ' ‘ 125.1,i PHOTOGRAPHS! ‘ PHOTOGRAPHS I The Cheapest and Best A'iiilirotype and Photograph, GALLERY IN CANADA, P E won lie-a lll .FACTORY IS AT 137 Klllli S'l‘lllllll', 1111', TORONTO. JAMES RAWE, Proprietor and Principal Operator Toronto, April 19. 1861. RICHMOND 1111.1..- 1‘25-ly Shirts) 3 Shirts 2 2 US'l‘rrecoived a nice assortment of Men’s SHIRTS. in White, Long Cloth. and Fancy Regatta, Jean. Checks and Stripes; also a nice assortment of Plain and Fancy Shirting.-â€"Real good value at WM. s. POLLOCK’S, . Late‘G. A. Bernard’s. Richmond Hill. Mir,V l. 1861. 1274f Grist and Saw Mill: HE Subscriber. in returning thanks to his numerous Friends who favored him with their custom. at the Ileadford Mills, be 5 to inform them that he has taken the MI LS lately occupied by Mr. B. Fisti. known as the Sherbornpa Mills Near the Green Bush Hotel. Yonge Street.â€" These Mills being in first-rate order, any one giving him a call will find the Gristing done in a superior manner. Parties wishing to take their Gristing back with them can do so. IL? All work warranted second to none in Canada. GEORGE SQUIRE, Proprietor. H -.-._ A.-- LADIES’ soars Alia Straits: UST RECEIVED a large and choice va- a riety, and will be sold cheaper than ever offered before an Richmond Hill? Calf Slippers, . . . .- .~ .- .- .-‘. . . .'.'. . . 11d, pair". 1 Beautiful Enameled Buckskin's.. As. Od‘. "' [2] Enameled Seal and Calf Bucksiiis. Mc plveen, William' splendid quality.. . . . . .. . . . . .58- 0d. chair, Matth‘etv' O‘Brien , Mary P5111611, Eben e‘Zer Pearson. Sara‘h‘ , Rumbla’. W. [3f Sloan; Benjamin Simpson James Storey. Robert I Trench, Wm. ’ [2} Taggart, Charles Vandeburg, Peter [‘2] Wilson, Richard Wilson. George Young. Mrs. Young. Miss Young. Mrs. A. M'. M. TLEFY, RM. add a single laurel to the well-earned and enviable reputation they already sustain. Prudence, however, dictates to the Farmer to rely upon such Machines only as have been thoroughly tested,- Richmond Hill, Marc‘h‘ I, 1861 . 118-4111 -leTl._lldTS. Pltllt'l'l ; F Call” and1 See the New Styles of Prints 3 or the Season. 1861 AT WM. 8. POLLO.CK’S. Fast Colors, wide widths. from 4},d per yard and at 71d per yard, The Best Prints ever offered On Richmond Hill. 7 April 25, 1861.- m Paor'sa'rv' 01‘ M11. w. iicu'A‘iit, mm, ILL serve mares for the season as fol- ' lows #â€" Mond'ay nioipiri' own stable, Lot No.” 5. 3rd Can. of King, and proceed west. to Joseph Nixon’s, Kinghorn. at noon; thence to Plough’s Mn. and stop 1 hour: was Tuesday morningâ€"He will proceed to »-câ€" Markham,- Ap‘ril 19, 1861. to David Jeffery’s“, Town Line stop the night. _ t . , Wednesday morningâ€"He .will proceed to William Graham’s Hotel. 5th Concession ; thence to Tlianesville at noon: thence to But- tery’s, Mudvill’e. and stop the iii Irt. I g I Thursday morningâ€"He wrll proceed to Wood’s Hotel._3rd COIL, and remain 1 hour: thence to‘ Cherry’s Hotel. 'l'oWn-‘line Yerk, and stop till 1 o’clock ; thence down' the plank to Duncan’s 7’ tli‘ence east to Shep’h‘aid’s' Golden Lion Hotel, Yoiige Street, and stop the night. Friday morningâ€"He will proceed up Yonge Street, calling at Palm‘er’s Hotel; thence to Steel’s. Green Bush Hotel; thence to Shep- hard & Featlt‘erston’s Hotel, Th‘orn‘hill, at noon; thence to Raymond’s Hotel, Richmond Hill; itlienc‘e to McNairs‘, Lot No. 25, 2nd 0011., and stop the night. Saturday morning-416 will proceed to Giles Carswell’s; thence to Christison’s Old Stand Yonge Street ; thence to his own stable. He will serve’mares at his own stable until Monday. the 13th instant The same rout will be continued each week during the season, Health and Weather per- muting. augli‘a‘n , Letters Remainingiir RICHMOND 1111.1. PostOffice JUNE 1’, test. Artiess, Henry McKinnon, A. Anderson, George [2] McLeaii.-Lachlan 10' Brennan, Patrick Booth, W, Beer, S. W. Cotter, Ma‘ry Maria Coombs. John' Collins, Mary lane Cover. Peter Campbell. 1’. W, Duncan, W. Grant, George [5] Graham. William Gamble, Moses Godfrey, John Helmkey, Francis Jackson, John Jenkins. James M. McDonald, George fiPlease call and examine before purcliaing elsewhere. W. S. POLLOCK. Richmond Hill. May 16. 1861. 129-tf HATS AND CAPS! Just received upWards of 50 dozen. in Men’s, Youth’s and Boy’s sizes, in every conceivable Shape. Make and Variety. Call and examine the Prices, at WM. S. POLL OOK’S Late A. Bernard’s. Richmond Hill, April 25, 1561. l 135: ll - PATTERSONFGIBROTHERS ‘Our Implements and Machines have; been before the public ' for the last seven years. Nothing that We can say here will , PATTERSON a9. BROTHERS,- OUR EDITIONS THE HOLY BIBL g. May 13â€"11. Willleave llls‘ t thence to Thee. Lawson’s, and stop the night. ‘ Murchy’s; thence to ,liusby’s at 10011 ; thence. . V ‘t ,4" . ‘ , I t T1111 PEIIPLIi’b (lutth 16011.3. ANY of these Books will be forWarded by Mail, pols: .no; to any address, on re- ceipt of price by ens E: Por'raa. Publisher, No. 6’1‘7 Misom St‘, Philadelphia, I'd.‘ 113’ Agents wanted everywhere. THE HORSE, AND HIS DISEASES t B . ROBERT JENNINGS, v. s., Paorsssoa or. PA'ritoLoet’ AND Orianav'riva Sitii-' near 11! 'riiii VETERLNARY Common or PHILA- DELPHIA, Prior. or VETERINARY IVIEDICINIC‘ IN nu; LATE AG‘ltlcllL'l'DRAL t 01.1mm; or > Onto, Scan'rA‘av or ’I‘IIIL Amnatcan Va'i‘iculsauv Assocurioa or Pure“ momenta, are, sic. WILL TELL YOU Of the OrigiiiJllstor'y and’ distinctive traits of the various breeds of his ro- pean, Asiatic,Africaii and American Hones, with thephys'ical formation and peculiarities” of the animal, and how to amoertaln his age by the number and condition of his teeth ; il- lustrated with many explanatory eiigarvmgs. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of Breeding. Breaking,“ Stabling, Feeding, Grooming, shoeing. and the geii'ral iiiaiiagoiiieni ofthe liorsenvitli the‘ best modes of tttliiiinistering medicine. also, how to treat Biting.Kicking.Rearing. Sliyiiig, Stumbling, Crib Biting. Restlessness, and‘ other vieWs to which be is subject; with numerous explanatory engravings. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the causes. symptoms, and treatment of Strang'es. Sore Throat, Dis-' temper,Catarrh, Influenza. Bronchitis. Pneu- monia, Pleprisy. Broken Wind, Chronic“ Cough, Roaring and Whistliiig,Lampas,Sore Mouth and Ulcers, and Decayed Teeth, with other diseases of tlie’Moutli and Respiratory Organs. TIIE HORSEAND HIS DISE‘ASES’ WILL TELL YOU 01' tliecauses,symptoms; and 'l‘reatiiieii't of Worms, atria, Colic," Strangulation, Stony Condret‘iod‘s, Ruptures, Palsy, Diarrluea, Jaundice, Hepatirrosa‘,‘ Bloody Urine, Stones in_ the Kidneys and Bladder, Inflammation, and other diseases at _ the Stomach, Bowels, Liver and Urinary" Organs. ' TllE HORSE AND HIS DIPEASES‘ WILL TELL YOU 01' the causes, symptoms, and Treatment ot'BoneBlood, and Bog, Spa- vin, Ringâ€"Bone, Sweenie, Strains, Broken Knees, Wind Gal's, Founder, Sole Bruise and Cravel, Gracked. Hoofs. Scratches, Cane ker,'l‘hrusli, and.Corns:'also. of Megriins, Vertigo. Epilepsy. Staggers, and other dis: eases of the Feet, Legs and [I end. TH E HORSE AND-HIS DISEASES I WILL TELL YOU Of the causes, symptoms, and‘ Treatment of Fistula} P'dll‘ Evil, Glan- ders. Fardy, ScarletzF'et'er. Mange, Surt‘e‘lf. Locked Jaw, Rheumatism. Cramp, Gall's. Diseases of the Eye and Heart. &-c.. and l-ow' to manage Castratiou,l}lecdiiig,Trephiuiiiiig.~ Roweling, Firing. Hernia, Amputation (Pup; , ping. and other surgical operations. . 'l'llE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU of Rarey’s method 0' taming Horses: how to‘ Approach. Halter or‘ Stable a Call; how to accustom a horse 1;; strong sounds and sights, ai'd how to Hit.- Saddle. Ride. and Break him to harness;- also.the form and law of warranty. The whole being the result of fifteen years careful study ofthe habits, peculiarities, wants and Weaknesses of this noble and. useful animal. The book coiifai'ns 384 pages. appropriately illustrated by nearly One“ 11 u‘ndre‘d' Engravings. 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Dr. F leetwood has arranged these in one ha‘rin’onions whole, with such com-5 ments, ex‘plan'ations a'nd'incidental informa- tion as to render it alike acceptable to the‘ scholar. as tp ‘him‘ who knows ,no mere, but kiioWsliisBible true.’ Belolier’s revised editi i'oii contains the Li've's‘ of tli'e'Ap'ost'le‘s, His- tory of the Jews, and an Essay on’ the Evi: dances of the Bible It is print-ed in a clear and open' type, in One royal octave Volume handsomely illustrated. and‘will be furnished ‘in the following styles 5-; 0101.11 Extra" . cancel-000' a I .‘I’ri‘cc‘, a? 00 Law Sheep,........._....... “ 25W Cloth. Full Gilt.. .‘ . . . .‘ .' . . .. . "‘ 3 00' Roan, Full Gilt.-. . .' . . . . . . - “ 3 50' THE HOLY Bi B LE1 For Family and! Pulpit. Ilse: E‘ are, unequalled for their durability. finish, elegancemnd completeness; no effort hav- ing been apared to render them pérfeét 111’ every respect. Besides the Old and New’ Testament, ea‘ch style contains the Ap'cryi pita. 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