,..,, . - - . , s i ' " ‘ 11. ."" .i'»‘\f“‘.‘l,‘.:;'1_-.‘t"§~..¢‘ 4.... . - ~ . 15 ‘5‘»-‘-~‘r’*=“"“ ' "' ‘ ‘ \" tk‘.1"fl’-;£; V. ‘ . w. . “My (w. ..» TO THE ELECTORS an, 2‘;.-.“1=:";:‘th "~\.,;§:‘. gym, .. ,.--v- r -. w- v «31,-. .'.p“t‘~' w 1 - ., » 7v ; c anoint.â€" Unitcd Exhibitions: E. F. aIâ€"uaaiars ME NAGERIE “HAâ€".4~.-â€"u - van treaties a. Mammoth Menagerie ' Q ANY of these Books: willbe forwarded by or mi: 0 1- R I A E S‘ O R Mail, post paid. to any address, on re- , ,_ " , .' t ‘ ‘ .. ceipt of price by Joan E. I’orrna, I’ublislgeggzi ....1isn.... ‘ T V. ‘1†on“, ,No..617s:3ssoixavasliéigmgevipypfyia: “millilllillltllilillilliflll ’ 23::le _g_i-' YORK! x ,flfjjogsfliw H’s msmsggiu . . , . _ . _ ROBERT JENNINGS, V. S.,- Paorasson or: PATHOLOGY Aim Origmvrivr: Soar V ‘ onuv IN THE anumnnr COLLEGE or ’1’mu-..“ t):- ‘ patruia, PROF. or- Vi‘i'i'izmiua'x :Mnuicrmar m Tm: m-rr. Acaicvurenaa t. 0|.LEQ,I£-01"., Oiiio, SECRETARY or run Amadeus 035‘ THE MABKHAM: CARRIAGE ’tcspectfully announces that he has opened VVarerooms in Toronto, for the Sale of his CARRIAGES, In the Premises formerly occupied by Messrs. GEO: EVVART &' Go". On the Requisition ofa large number of in- fluential Electors, I oï¬'er myself as a Candidate to represent you in Parliament, and I frankly confess that it isnot without doubts as to my ability to represent your interests as efiiciently \ 4 I I . Church Street, adjoining the Store of Messrs. Ho ivland, Fitch 8:. Co. memmy ASSUCHTM, Wyn“, . 3’, .1 as they ought to be, or as I would desue to do. . _ LADELPHIA: Em" mm ' . C V . . . o _ ~ - ‘ . ‘ ' . I V ' (IV a ‘I I. canadlm bom' educated W'Lh'“ the comm" R. HALL, in introdiicuig himself to the public, feels that lie is not a stranger, as 1118 Carriages have been long and faiorably m...â€" wnn. TELL YOU or the originiiisiairoral" distinctive traits of the various breeds of Erica-7’ .- I‘. peau,Asiatic,Africaii and Aiiiei‘ican Horsey-i. with the physical formation and peculiarities. Ofthe animal, and how to ascertain iiis ago- . ' ' by the iiuinheraud condition of his teeth; 11- Iustrated with many explanatory engarvmgsff‘ 'I‘IIE HORSE ANI) HIS DISEASES‘ «r l i VVlLL TELL YOU Of Liioediiig, Breaking, Stabliiig, Feeding, (irooiiiing, shoeing. aiid ,- the geti’i'al nianagcirieiit ofthc liorse,with the“ It stantly cum and engaged in business as 8. Miller, Woollen Manufacturer and Farmer; so that my iii- terests are identical With your own. Should I have the honour of being your will advocate the n n c o .| ‘ ‘ V V I known to many ofthc largest and most judicious purchasers in the Provnice. He has for the last twelie years been con- . (red in the manufacture of Carriages, and during that period every improvement which: is been introduced, either in n h t ‘ o . o - V . g . » . . materials, construction or style. has been carefully investigated, and if found practicable, adopted. He has always exercised the . - - ' v ' ‘ ' i g I 0.. o ' i I) most scrupulous care 'u the selection of timber, and the securing ef workmen. line has betntully leino-nstrated in the experience of those who have tested the durability ofhis work A LARGE ASSORTMENT or LIGHT CARRIAGES Will be Kept constantly on hand, x.~S‘_â€" A. C nan; t I '1 (it 5.0 i It is with great satisfaction that Van Amburgli. the old and‘original Lion and Tiger Tamer, announces to the public, that during: :in HI)- seiicc of several years, he traveled to every iiihiiiii’tnblc part (it' the known \\ orld, in chosen Representative, 1 following principles, irrespective of party ; and I shall endeavour to judge honestly of any reference to the Presenting together the greatest amount of interesting ZOOLOGICAL SUBJECTS and the most extensive. brilliant, novel and talented Equestrian Troupe ever combined in any single other measures, without course or origin from which they proceed. and best modes of administering medicine, also, . ‘ .. search of Rare Valuable and establishment. Only one ticket for the entire support or oppose mom on their merits alone , . x. - , f, . i ,l', ’ bow to treat Bititlg,Kicking.Rearintr Sliving ‘ ". -‘ - ' c - ',' ‘ I I. ' I l i - . .. i- -‘l i , r (l . t V l ‘I ( r“ 3' l < A'h'b' .. I ' 'l ï¬llow . \Villexhibit L A Confederativo Umon of the Brmsh (, .I I r a «I» a Stumbling, Liib lining, Restlcsoiiess, and ed with a pi‘itronage, iii the .. New England HIHIPS, unpar- :. ' alcllczt in the annals of Ex- hibitions; Vastly surpassing the most exalted expecta- tions. This Complete Menagerie. At Ncwmarket, Monday July 8’, Richmond Hill, Tuesday, July 9. Doors open atl mm and 7 [mm Admission, Box 50 Cents, PitQD conts.’ ' Children half-price other views to which he is subject; with a numerous explanatory engravings. _,,' TIIE HORSE AND HIS, DISEASES ‘ ' '-' WILL TELL YOU Of the causes, symptoms,‘ and treatment ofStraug'es. Sore 'I‘hroat,Dis- American Provinces. 2. Maintenance of the present Union of the two Provinces, until a Confederative Union can be obtained, 3. A judicious retrenchment of the Public Mr. HALL opens a sale room in Toronto for the purpose of placing his goods in a position casin accessible to.all parts of the Province. Persons living at a distance, who choose to order by mail, may rely upon the most careful attention in the selec- tion, packing and forwardng of. the goods ordered, upon terms as favourable to the purchaser, as though he were present. ‘ " New Gorgeously Fain ed Cages New Spring“ Wagons, N ew Six Centre-Pole Canvas, 41’s Large 41.9 Six ordinary Circusâ€. All the advantages that wealth, talent and experi- cnco could command have this season in starting this gigantic enterprise. A favor“ Performing ELEl’H-Ai‘d'l‘ '1'11’1’00 SAID, A pair of EBUS, or SACRED CATTLE- A pziir of (,‘alit'ornia Bancing Grizzly Bears- A pair of - , (‘AHEMERE COATS, 5,. A mace: and a u‘iiirii mt). ,3 lr‘sidos an almost cndlcs: ‘5, variety N of other Animals. sufficient to on timcrate. . Mammo‘h Elephant J’Imtm'brrl. I’tr arming Elc pliant Tippoo Sail). .Siz Lions and. Liomrs, Asiatic Lions, African Litmus, Young , _ , .Lion, native of the l’iiilcd ' i . States. South American Silver Lion, Numi'dion Lion, You: g Moose, only (me trot-cling. Elark Ti'glr. only one in America, South Amrrican Tiger, Royal [fen- al Tiger, only one in America, ‘razflian Tiger, Prairie Wolf, , Four Tigers. all (léfl'crmt Spruce, Burmese. 01 Sacred Cow, 71:7“ , Ant Eaters, Swen Lia] ards. flirts Benghl Leorards. African Ostrich, ' 9 fert high, only one in the United States. North American. Pantheu. Fallow Dcer, lilac/o . Lama. ‘2 Rocky Mountain Grizzly Dancing Bran, White Afj‘a'fll, Zebra. pl'fSt’flfed to Mr. Van. Am- . burg by the Earl of Dirty, Eng- land, Ocelot or Ting Cat, Java Hare, Pair Cashmere Goats, only - ones on exhibition in this 4 country, Three Silt-er Pheasants. {'7 White Ground Hog, 1 Oilgora, 3 -Canada Coons, Illurlr, or Crud ' (Tat. 3 African Grey Panots, 3 White Cocatoos. 3 South Ameri'ran Parrots, Bolimzi'on Plitasanls, 8 SouthAmcrican Port-ear, 4 Spanish . JlIarau:s. 1 Ilmmmon, White and Gny‘I-i‘al.bi't.r, Family of Guinea Pi 5, South American Condor, . on y 0110 in the United States, .1 Potato, 2 Fishers, or Il'atcr Cats. Blark lire/f, Grey ll'olf, v bem’a’csa Colony of Apes L’aboons, Monkeys, d‘c. Professor Lang~ worthy, pupil of I116 GREAT VAN AMBURGH, 4-) 'Will enter the Dons of " TRAINED AN! MALS Atcach Entoriaiment. Also» will be introduced War Ele' plum: Hannibal, Informing Ele‘ limit Ti-poo E'ai‘b, Educated onics, ionkcys, Mules, 8:0. The Goraeous Procession ‘Wiil enter town at or about 10 o‘clqock on the morning of ‘ , the diy of exhibition. ,3» “'10 exhibit at Markham Village, Wednes- eday, July 17. . Newmarket, Thursday, July 18. Brownsville, Friday, July 19. Richmond Hill, Saturday, July 20. ’Toronto, Monday and Tuesday, July 22 & 23. Doors open at I and 7. Admission reduced to 25 cents. Children under 9 years, 15 cents. T0 LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! SKEX'I‘ClliES from prominent writers of a» t e SYSTEMS OF MEDICINE, by DrrFERGUSON, at VANNOSTRAND’S HALL, this evening, (Friday) at8 o’clock punctually. Admission, ltlcts. Richmond Hill, July 4,1861. 13G-1t. Houses and Lots 'for Sale, on EXCAEGE. Two HALF ACRE LOTSâ€"with a good Dwelling Ilouse on each, pleasantly situ- ated about half a mile north of Markham Vil- lage, are offered for sale on very reasonable terms. They will be sold separately or to- gether to suit purchasers, For terms and other particulars. enquire of the Proprietor, DAVID WOOT‘I‘EN, Bond’s Lake, or at this Ofiice. Oat; Ridges, June 27, 1861. 135-3m. CHARLES TAGGART, ’» CONFECTIONER, BREAD & FANCY BISCUIT BIKER RICHMOND HILL. Pic-n10 Parties & Tea Meetings Attended and supplied on reasonable terms. Riehntiiiid Hill. June 524. 1861. beenbroitght into requisition . which our space IIt‘I‘F‘ is no;_ poses, when not manufactured within the Province. 6 A J‘udicious Bankrupt Law. 7. Election of \Vardciis, Reeves; and De- puties by the peopleâ€"tho same as in towns and cities. 8. Abolition of the Franking' Privilege. 9. Payment of mileage and necessary ex~ the entertainment. Dashing Act of Horse- manship, by 'I‘headore Touriiatre. Balancing Feats with Barrel and Tranca,by George Slow- man. La Trapeze, or Aeial Gymnastics, by Messrs. Shappa and Whitney. Novel Feats of Eqnlibriumdhe §_ Globe on Horseback by George Slowman. A Nautical Scene Grand Trunk any further assistance. and believe that all connection between it aiidthe Government should be severed, anti that it . Great Troupe led by W. Kiiicade. 'l'he Mot- ley Brothers 9. grotesque series of Posturing feats, b‘lcssrs Shappa and Whitney. Summer- sault. Act of Hiding by Masâ€" ter Philo Nathaus. whose ex- ecution of leaps through Ba- Ioons, and over Barriers is the admiration of all beholden,â€" Loftv and daring feats of Ilal- auciiig La Perclie by Arm- Clown and Jester, W. mercial enterprise. As British subjects, we cannot too strongly denounce the threats of appeal to France and Washington in the present disturbed state of political opinion; for our loyalty is due to a Queen distinguished for every grace and vir- .4 strong and Slowman. ' elsewhere. should assume the position of a purely com- . 135-tf Smith. strong. Zoological Features. PERFORMING ELEPIIANTS 1- Damon and Pytbias. will go through their numerous and highly interesting feats of sa- gacity, exhibiting their dociiity the direction of their keeper,Mr S. Craven. During the entertainment Mr. G. Woodrufl‘ will give an interesting display of his courage and skill, entering the den of wild Animals. 11:? 'l he exhibition will enter town in grand Procession of Menagerie and Circus acciini- panicd by N. Colston‘s celebrated Silver Cor- net Band in the splendid band carriage, drawn by the elephants, Damon and Pytliias, followed by the Dons of living wild beasts of every va- riety and from every cliinem TO THE .E LEC'I‘ORS 01“ WEST vogx RIDING! GENTLEMEN: AVING been nominated at a large and influential meeting of the Electors ofthis Riding, held in Weston on the 13th instant, to represent the constituency in the [louse of As. sembly, l have complied with their request, and beg to offer myself as a Candidate for your suffrages at the approaching Elections. 1 do so the more cheerfully knowing the Bid- ing to be almost altogether an Agricultural one, to which pursuit I have devoted. the energies of my lifetime. In private life a farmer, in public the Fari’ners’ friend, For twenty years I have served this Riding as the President, Vice’l’rcsident, or Director of the Agricultural Society. For fourteen years I have been unanimously elected Treasurer of the Provincial Agricultural Association of Up- per Canada, and elected by the County Agriâ€" cultural Societies ot' the Province. asa member of the Board of Agriculture from its very corn- mencenieiit. I do not 'mention this in boast- ing, but in honest pride that my exertions as an agriculturist have been appreciated by my brother farmers. As a native of the Riding, and one who has farmed in it for a quarter of a century, I must be known to most of you. Mv loyalty to the British Crown and Consti- tution cannot be questioned. I am in favor of an extended Representation for Upper Canada, and any such measure shall receive my suppO‘t. THE Iwill use my utmost endeavors to procure the early settlement of our public wild lands, under the~couviction that such settlers, even though they bought their lands for almost no- thing, would be of infinite more advantage to the Province by the direct and indirect taxes they would be called upon to pay, than by the direct beneï¬t de:ived from the sale of the land itself. I am prepared and determined to demand full and oven~lianded justice tor Upper Canada in every respect, and at the same time will do my utmost to support the Union, and thereby preserve open and unrestricted intercourse with the Atlantic. 1 will never conseutthat any Government should spend the money of the people without rst obtaining the sanction of their represen- tatives. Those who honor me With their support must do so Without fee or reward, other than the pledge that my best energies shall be devoted for our mutual advancement. ' If elected I will do all that lies in my power to foster Agriculture and, its kindred adjuncts, and to elevate the Agriculturist, with the full conviction that it is to the advancement of that science that we are mainly to look for many years yet to come for the prosperity of our country I remain, Gentlemen, Your bumble Servant, lthIID. L. DENISON. Dovercourt, June 27, 1861. 134~2t. Strayed or Stolen, N the night of the 2181 Jane. A LIGHT BAY MARE, about 14 hands high, has a white mark on the forehead. one foot white. black mane and tail,‘ Whosoever will find the same and bring her to the subscriber will be handsomely rewarded. THUS PITCH/1RD, Tanner. Aurora June 527. 1661. Trick Clown and Jester, '1‘. Arm- 'I‘he two Asiatic superb ) and wonderful training, under 135‘? Richmond am. May 1, 186l. tue that can adorn her position; our hearts are with the land which is a refuge to the ex- iles of tyranny, come fiorzi where they may. The. history of Great Britainâ€"her struggles, her associationsâ€"are ours. Her support, her money, her credit, have assisted us through all our dangers and disadvantages. Let the old print-iples of the United Empire loyalists animate us to oppose whatever policy that would be likely to endanger our present con- nectiou with the inoihercountrv. I have thus endeavoured shortly to enunci- ate my views upon the more leading topics of incineiit,-av0\viiig myself ready and willing at all times when called on at public meetings or otherwise, to endeavour to satisfy you more fully, if requisite, upon these and other inat- tci's, as there must be inevitably. from the date fixed for the return of he writs of Elec- tion, a very short time allowed for BVOII an‘ attempt at a personal canvass, I have, in a measure, to leave to your good will to make up for what might otherwise be wanting in that respect. Wishing you all the prosperity that an old resident and neighbour, (ifa young man) may be supposed to desire, and trusting that should I be elected, I may, at the end of my first Parliamentary term. be able fearlessly to meet I 000 Without the consent of Parliament. nob you with an account of my stewardship. I have the honour to be, Gentlemen, Your humble servant, THUS. A, MIL-Bill}. Markham Mills, June 18, 1861. Canada Permanent Building AND SAVINGS’ SOCIETY. Sunscniaan CAPITAL, $541,450: Invasrnn 6N REAL ESTATE, $426,363 : ANNUAL’INCOME FROM IVIEMBERS, $300,000. _»._. Ofï¬ceâ€"Masonic Hall. Toronto. DIRECTORS.â€"-JOSOPII D. Ridout, J. G. Che- wett, JamesG. Woris, 'I‘homas Maclear, Peter Paterson, J. G. Beard. S. Nordhei'ner, Thus. 1). Harris. Sor.tcrron,â€"Edward C. Jones. SECRETARY AND ’I‘unasuitaR,â€"â€"J. Herbert Mason. HE Stock of this Institution presents a pre- ï¬tablc and easily convertible mode of iii- vestrnent, based on Real Estate security, reit- deriiig it peculiarly suitable l'or Fariners,Clergy - men, Teachers, Mechanics, persons in the re- ceipt ofsalaries, and those whose income is de- rived from their capital. SAVINGS’ BANK BRANCH.â€"Sllm3 of Four Dollars and upwards are recoived by the Society on deposit, subject to withdrawal. and bearing interest at Six per cent. per annum. The O a- pital and Assets of the Society, investediu mortgages on ï¬rstâ€"class landed property, being pledged for the security of money thus received, depositors are at all times assured of perfect safety. To Bonnewans.-â€"This Society makes ad- vances on the security of Improved City or Country Property, repayable by instalments spread over any term the applicant chooses. from one to ten years. Properties mortgaged may be sold or ex- changed for other property, or the Mortgage may be redeemed before maturity, IF DESIRED BY THE Boaaovvmt. Applications for Loans will be received by the Secretary. Robert Jarncs,juiir., or R. H. Smith, N wmarket. from whom Circulars and the Rules of the Society, together with anv fu'ither information, may be obtained. ‘ (If? Letters to be prepaid. Toronto, April 12, 1861. 124-1132 Jessa. F. Brown, BROKER, Estate and General Agent, AGENT FOR Qfelouial liifc ‘Asanranrc Qio’p. 1 Masoarc HALL, Toaonro STREET, TORONTO- IIT Money to Lead on Improved Farms April 19, 1861. 125-1y Shirts 2 Shirts .1 : US'I‘resoiveda nice assortment of Men’s SHIRTS, in White, Long Cloth. and Fancy Regatta, Jean, Checks and Stripes; also a nica assortment of Plain and Fancy Shiningâ€"Real good value at ' WM. S. POLLOCK’S, - Late G, A. Bernard’s 127. offered before on Richmond Hill: Calf Slippers, . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3s. 11d, pair. Beautiful Enameled Buckskiiis.. .48. 0d. ." Enameled Sealaiid Calf Bucksins, splendid quality,. . . .. . . . . . . .55. 0d. “ 113310611513 call and examine before purchaing W. S. POLLOCK. coUN'rY: on YORK! GENTLEMEN: ’ AVING been honoured by you with a seat in Parliament t'or about ten years, it is with pleasure I accept the nomination of the , I Convention held in the Riding on the 15th , lust., and again solicit your sufl'rages at the ap- proaching Election. In presenting “myselfthe fourth. time for your support. I think it needless to give a detailed . slateinent of my political principles, sufï¬ce it to ‘ sav. that ifreturiicd to Parliament, it will be myhighcst ambition, not only to retain your confidence, but to carry out what I believe to . be the well understood wishes of the people. SCRA FANN- The Census returns of January last,‘ shew that the population of Upper Canada exceeds that of Lower Canada by about300,000. It follows as a consequence that the demand for . who suceombs to Lower Canada influence, or Representation based on Pupulation, must be met. No administiation can stand. that will ignore the rights oi' the peOpIe of Upper Cana- da on this point. The expenditure of Public Money, without the consent of Parliament, and the fact that our public debt has been increased during the past six years from $29,000,900 to $70,000,000 is enough to alarm the most indifferent, and ought to arouse every man in Western Canada to aid in driving from public life. every man TURNPIKE THRESHING TREAD IIOR sustains a ministry, which by maladiiiinistra- tion, has lost the confidence of the people of Upper Canada. The time has come when it behoves every man, be his political principles what they may, to set his face against corruption and fraud in high places, The present ministry by advanc- ing to the Grand Trunk Company over $1,000- u'ithstanding their repeated declarations that no aid was to be given, have committed a vial- ation of the constitution, at d undermined the very foundation upon Which the political fabric stands. 8tc. 320. I shall at all times endeavour to aid in de- veloping the resources of the country. In con- sequence of the high price of land, quite too large a proportion of our people are compelled to live in towns and cities. I would reduce the price of land so as to enable every man,whetlier native or foreigner, to acquire for himself a home; and thus be in a position to aid in the development of its resources, as we'l as add to the revenue ofthe country. “108:1 I believe every man ought to have the right to buy at the cheapest, and sell at the dearest market the world over; and knowing that the reciprocity treaty with the United States has had the effect of enhancing the price of the products of the country. 1 will support any measure calculated to extend its provisions, or that will give increased facilities to commerce. Identified with the industrial class, and hav- ing an interest in common with the people for the last seven years. .. . .. , V.\_{.V‘ ’V-w/V\. . fl . \MN’W \4 \/\_, \. VVW V V VW va \, V. ./\/ y N,\â€N\r\_/W BUY PLows DUDWERS, _REAPER& P E R S, SCUFFLERS, MILLS, PLOW POINTS, HORSE PO'WERS, STRAW CUTTERS. GRAIN CRUSIIERS, MOWING -MACHINES, SI‘IOVELS, MACHINES, SE POWERS, STIIMP EXTWLACTOItS SHEARsIrARRoWS, SWEEP POWERS, SEPERAToRs 8:0. Ste. Mona THE IMPLEMENT FACTORY nits Our Implements and Machines have been before the public Nothing that we can say here Will whom Iseek to represent, Ishall at all times add a single laurel to the well-earned and envrable reputation take an interest in the enactment of such laws as are best calculated to secure equal civil and religious liberty. they already sustain. I have the honor to he Gentlemen, Your obedient Servant. AMOS WRIGHT. the roughly tested, York, June 21, 1851, Richmond Hill, March 1, 1861 Prudence, however, dictates to the Farmer to rely upon such Machines only as have been PATTERSON & BROTHERS, 118-4111 DR. s. DELLENBAUGH, Grist and 01d German Physician. of Buffalo, N -Y~, ILL BE IN THE FOLLOWING places in Jul;, :â€" Torontoâ€"Sth and 9th. American Hotel. Richmond Hillâ€"11th, Nichol’s Hotel. Auroraé-lfltli. Newmarketâ€"ul3th and 15th,North American, Bradfordâ€"16m and 19th. Where he can be consulted upon all forms of chronic diseases. (Bradford and Newmmkct papers, copy.) Richmond Hill. June 28. 1861. 135-‘2t x‘ - I G Saw Mill ! HE Subscriber, in returning thanks to his numerous Friends who favored him with their custom at the Headford Mills, begs to inform them that he has taken the MILLS 'Iately occupied by Mr. B. Fist-r, known as the Shel-"borne M11193 Near the Green Bush Hotel, Yonge Street.â€" These Mills being in firstâ€"rate order, any one givi‘ig him a call will find the Gristing deiie in a superior manner. Parties wishing to take their Gristing back with them can do so. ‘ [13’ All work warranted second to none in | Canada. GEORGE SQUIRE, l Proprietor. 3 Markham, April 19, 1861. iiviiiiiiiiiiiiii , ON RICHMOND HILL. . l Edwin TWâ€" 'ebber, and EGS to intimate to the inhabitants of Rico- GALLERY IN CANADA, mond Hill and Vicinity, lhat he has is AT The Cheapest and Best commenced bosiuess as CABINET MAKER, UNDERTAKER, ac, And other articles equally low. {ï¬n A Call is Solicitcd. Richmond Hill, Juno 7, 1861. . Proprietor and Principal Operator Toronto, April 19, 1861. *5 ._.â€"~._ 1‘25-1y 0 y will serve mares at his owmstable until Monday, 132’s; mitting. 1861JF01' the Season. 1861 YOUNG THE PROPERTY or MR. w. MCNAIR, KING, Monday morning, May Iiiâ€"He will leave his own stable, Lot No. 5. 3rd Con. of King, and proceed west to Joseph Nixon’s, Kiiighorn. at noon; thenco to Plough’s Inn, and stop 1 hour; thence to Thos. Lawson’s, and stop the night. Tuesday morningâ€"lie will proceed to ~ 0- Murcliy’s; thence to Busby’s at noon ; thence to David Jeï¬'ory’s, Town Line Vaughan, and stop the night. Wednesday morninga-He will proceed to VViIliam Graham’s Hotel, 5th Concession ; thence to rI‘lianesville at noon: thence to But- tery’s, Mudville, and stop the night. Thursday triorningâ€"He will proceed to l Wood’s Hotel, 3rd Cou., and remain 1 hour; thence to Cherry’s Hotel, Town-line York, and stop till 1 o’clock; thence down the plank to Duncan’s; thence east to Shephaid’s Golden Lion Hotel, Yonge Street, and stop the night. Friday morningâ€"He will proceed up Y'onde at Palmer’s Hotel: thence bio thence to Shep- ’ o ILL serve mares for the season as fol- lows :â€"- ‘ Richmond Hill; 25, 2nd COIL, and He Two doors south of the “ York Herald†Ofï¬ce. Street; “ï¬lling where he has on hand a general assortment of Steel 8' S’we“ Bus“ “own, . hard & B eatherston’s Hotel, 'Ihornhill, at noon; IIOHSCIIOId Furn rturc, thence to Raymond’s Hotel, 7 7 Ofthe best quality, cheap for cash, Stigfï¬gzilglftl‘lmm’ Lot D‘lo‘ BOSIOII ROCIIIIIE Chï¬II'SA ’ t a . . . 3 i 5 a . . . . .$1 Saturday {morningâ€"[Io proceed to Giles CommonChairs,from.................(I45 ‘ â€" u. e ‘ .- -- ) B d t f ,, Carma†5 ~ thence to Liiiistisan 3 Old Stand 3" A M E:s E A . Bargaizdsprorgm‘ ‘ ' t ' ' ' ' ' ' - - - ' ' ' ' ' ° ' -~ ' § 70 Yonge Street: thence to his own stable. , 00.. u. u c n . n - .ochIIA-lo the 13th. instant The same rout will during the season. liquid! and. Weather. PM- 4. WILL TELL YOU Of the-causes, and 'l‘rcatineiit 'of Worms, Strangulatiou, Stony Concretious, Ruptures Palsy, Diarrhoea, Jauiidice, , Bloody Uriuepbtoiics iii Bladder, Inflammation, the Stomach, Botyels, Organs. '1‘“ Z HORSE AND HIS symptom a, the Kidneys and' and other diseases 01 DISEASES " TIIE IIORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of tlie'causcs, and Treatment of Fistula, Poll Evil, Glan- ders. Farcy, Scarlet Fever, Mange, Surfelt. Locked Jaw, Rheumatism, Cramp, Calls. Diseases of the Eye and Heart. the, and bow ,to manage Castration,Bleeding,’l'rephiniiing. ltoweiiiig, Firing. llornia, Aiiipiitatiou,'l'ap- ping, and other surgical operations. 'I‘IIE HORSE ANI) lIlS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU of'ltarey’s method of towing Horses: how to Approach, ll'alter or Stable a Colt; how to accustom l'l apatii‘razn, ' t b N y ,i _ .' t -t 'Markllami April 191 1861‘ teiiiper,Catarrli, Iiitliieiiza, Bronchitis,I’iieu-., , The only {no in America, 0 ox' 0 m glee O plf l. , I Expenditure in every department. ,._..._._.___._. __ â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"..___; mania, {slepmy Broke." wmd’ Chronic-v t Wm “PP?†“Us $0350“ in (fremlm m Straw?“ '.n “e 4. Public Money to be eXpendcd under no Cough, caring and Whivtliiig,I_.ampas,Sflm "- ~ An Entirely New Outfit, _ . Clmle IS {be (“PM comic Act circumstances without the consent of I’ar- ’ I Mouthaiid Ulcers, and Decayed Teeth, Wm“ P I l ' ' d b v i V K with Nay.†H0353. . ,, ï¬ï¬â€˜leV-‘f’nï¬lns -dr°l}lesel",leh h) liament. ,.. gherdiseases of the Mouth‘aud Itespimwyyr: . mum ' ’ ’ r, . nc 611LWIIC ‘e . _ . ‘ . . H New Silver‘m‘glmled H“_m955’ '- ' .‘Wli‘?! imitdms a swipe“ greenhom 5. Reduction of Custom Duties on Machi- UST RECEIVED a large and ch0ice va- l‘g‘m" ‘ . n H II, . iv M? New “105ml Cha'rmt’ and sudden meLamm-phosis a", nery for Agricultural and Manufacturing pur- riety, and Will be sold cheaper than ever '1 “E HORSE AND HIS DISEASES ’ ' 1‘ hoiis, .coiicf . Liver and Urinary ' '2 mm, opportunny no“. ,,,.,,_ \iof florsernanship by Mr. Lee. peiisesto Criminal lVitnesses. Richmond “up Mm. 16, ‘861. 129.“ ’ II ILLHI‘ELL YOU Ofthe.t-iitises,'syiiipt6rrm, 591115 “5“†‘0 l‘ill'l‘lllS “'1Ԡv Anlms- Dmllerlesi and THCkS 10." Systematic andjudicious encouragement - .alld ll‘oalmemm“Olleï¬iuti’d-and Bogispa- . wish to instruct their chil- “gig? .- b Educated Mules. “formed . . v‘ ‘ __ w -,.,. __, VIN Riiig~Bone Sweei'in ‘4‘."- " H" W ‘ l ’ (Iron in the great .‘Srudi/ ofNal- -_ l by \V is .th, d p.“ Arm to Lm'glaut†“ 1 I Kuges Wind é p F‘ 9 Jag}? }320k.en 71ml }//.sfri'fl/. Among: {115111031 ~ 1‘ y ' ml an ' - , ‘ o R ) se 't'on b' ' I ' v l V a 5’ Ulla-“UM. we "us. ~ pinmx'iizmit features may be wonâ€. Oh-mpiailiCOIIIGSialiis, on two Horses, Polzhltioanm alsd fizlaï¬lrwfmretl :Eatmzjgasmél - l 0 the EICCIOI S and gravel, (wracked, “001's, Scratches, Ca'n. 1.0111“, the e a . ‘ T _ .re_ P _ 5 ~ P_l V l kor, Ibrush, and Corns: also. of Mcm-ims ‘ C,i](‘<§\l (:Iillipy CH \mOT b." 1119 3,10%“; will?“ _' not use means of OPPI‘OSSIIJIIg Lower dtenada, 0F Vertigo Flmepw Suggers, am] 0mg din ’ " L‘ ‘ ' . qcone oftie in mm ‘xoi'CISOS butas an act of 'ustice to i or Cana a. - . i J i i" l' l r "I in nu 10 Dapplu (xi‘oyllorscs, 3.5,, Emewc Sports, ,l’vumhung, I d 3d (:1 ' dltp r f t u The East Riding cases of the 1‘ cat, Logs and Iload, var Elephant Hannibal Summersaumngy by me . am _ eci e ) oppose o 9; an mg 0 ie 0F THE symptoms, a horse to - straiig sounds and sights, Saddle,‘Ride, and Break him to harness: also.tho form and law of I’Vai'i'aiitv. The whole being the result of fifteen years careful study Ofthe habits, pecnlarities; wants and weaknesses of this noble and useful animal. r The book contains 2584 pages. appropi'ialelv!’ illustrated by "Bally-0110I‘Ill‘ll(ll'e(l Idiigraviiios. It is printedhp a clear and open type, and will be forwarded to any address, postage paid. on receipt of price, half bound, $1.00, or. in cloth, extra. $1.25. THE FAMILY DOCTOR ; A COUNSELLOR IN SICKNESS. ~ in ‘ Professor Henry S. Taylor, 111.1) (ii (I how to Bit, TAYLOR’S FAMILY DOCTOR has reached an enormous salc,aiid wnerever known, is universally improved, both by the faculty and otlieis. In plain language, free from medic! , technicalities, itgives you simple I'Bllit'tlil'u easily obtained for the cure of Diseasesiii all foi'i‘iis,\vitli important rules for preserving the health, and directions for the sick cliairibor. . ‘and the-proper treatment of the sick. The Dis- eases of Cliildhood,tlie Diseases of Manhood, and the Diseases peculiar to \Vonieii, are all treated of in a clearand practical way. Al- ways at hand, and ready to serve you, the simple receipcs of this book mav soon save you much suffering, and many times the cost of the volume. It is printed in a clear and open type, and illustrated with appropriate engravings. Neatly bound in cloth, price. $51, or in leather, $1.95. â€"-â€"__ THE LIFE OF Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ BY REVJJOIIN FLEETWOOD, D.D., CAREFULLY REVISED BY REV. JOSEPH BELCIIER, D.D. IIE LIFE or JESUS on RIS'I? is the plli- losophv of true religion. It exhibits the Principles of Christianity in their purity and beauty. It is perfect excellence personified. that the mind of man may grasp it, and be changed into the same image. The inspired writers have given it to us in detached des- criptions. Dr. Flectwcod has arranged these in one harmonious whole, With such com-v meiits, explanations ant.l incidental in forma- tion as to render it alike acceptable to the scholar. as to ‘him who knows no more, hm kuowshisBiblo trne.’ Beloiier’s revised edit- ion contains the Lives of the Apostles, His- tory of the Jews, and an Essay on the Evi- dences of the Bible It is printed in a clear and open typo, in one royal octavo volume handsomely illustrated, and will be furnished ,’ in the following styles :-â€"- Cloth .I’rice,$'2 oo " ’ 118W Sheep,...nsooooq - . . . u c u Cloth, Full Gilb. . . . . . . . . “ 3 (10! Roan, Full Gilt,............ (‘ 351) THE. HOLY BIBLE- For Family and Pulpit Use. OUR EDITIONS OF THE HOLY BIBLE are unequalled for their durability. finish. elcgniiceniuu‘ completeness: neveli'ort haw iiig been spared to render them perfect ill cyery respect. i'losides the Old and New 'I estainent, each style contains the Apcr\'- pha, Concordance. Psalms in Metrb, Canne’a Marginal Notes and References, , audvaluable tables of Scripture Vleasuresp 4 Weights, Coins, (to, The text corrected according to the Standard Ofthe Ameri- can L’ible Secicty. They are all printed in large sizod type, in one royal quarto volume, with a near Family Record and Illustrations. I. Emb. Leathe‘r,Marb,Edges,Gilt Back and 1013i) i-avin . . . . . . . . . .. ’ 2. Emb. Lounger, hglnrb. Edges, Gilt $3 75’ Back 6!. Sides, and 5* Col’d Eng‘vs. 5 00' 3. Roan,Full Gilt Edges flack do Sides, ‘ and 14 Steel and Col’d Engravings, 7 00- 4. Extra Paper, 1m, 'I‘ui'koy,Full Gilt,14 ' Steel Plates, Maps and lllum... . . . . 9 00: 5. Extra Paper, Turkey Morocco, Full " Gil‘t,18 Slice] Plates,Maps and Ilium 12 00‘ t 0. do. do. Anti ue ‘ 6. Extra Paper, Turkey Morocao, Pan“ 1200 Gitt,18 Plates,hlaps.1llum do Clasp, 15 01) $1000 A YEAR can be made by enterprising men in selling the above and other popular. works of ours. Our inducements to. allsuch are exceedingly liberal. “ As these books are unequalled in their me- .chanical exocution, as well' as value of their contents, a certain and rapid sale follows their introduction everywhere. For single copies, or for terms to ageiits,wiila be continued each week other iiifOirmatiOii,apply to or address ' JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, , . No. 617 Sansqm Sh, Philadelphian ,