E'sï¬â€˜v's c“?:'i aim: '.‘<"-‘ , ..r.-..,,._ 5:_ ~, 1210201}. [For the York Herald. 'IZI‘IE- OLD MAID’S BRIDAL. A PARODY ON THE BURIAL 0F FIR JOHN MOORE, DEDICATED TO A SI’INS’I‘ER. Not rt laugh was heard, nor a joyous note, As the maid to the Bridal we hurried ; Not a wit» discharged his farewell shot, As Miss Betsy was going to be married. \‘Ve married her quickly to save her fright, Our heads from the sad sight turning: And we siglted as we thought of her plight, wtd'w-as t‘ u 1- -. 3-»: .'.'- wxsuulcï¬ima. flaw! w -_~_ 21â€â€. a. 4:? ..â€".,¢,W,.. _, I _ _ Eastman Elementary. X A,MW~ ENGLAND, Opposite the Eight Mills, RICIIDTOND HILL. May I, 1861. 1‘37-1yp 1. BOWMAN, M.D, Physician, Surgeon It: Accouchcur One Door South of Lemon’s llotel TI‘IORNI‘IILL. may I, 1861. J.GORMLEY, When her joy would be turned Into mourning COMMISSIONER IN QUEEN’S BENCH; To think of a maid so loquacious and light, And shy of the Boys as we found her ; Should there by the Priest. in the midst of the night, Be tied with the cord that shouldribind her. Conveyanccr and Auctioneer, LOT 31. 4th CcN. Minimum. September 18, 1860.. Few, very few. were the words which we said, But heartily of the cake we partook; Then along with her walk’d to her husband homestead, While she trembled and awfully shook. We tllouglit‘cflthe man, of his terror and dread Of the beach, the birch and the willow ; IIow shovel and broomstick would break o’er his head. Of the tears he would shed on his pillow. \‘Ve thought of the friends of the maid who has gone. 01‘ how they would scold and upbraid her; But naught will she care if they let her alone, In the home they unjustly begrudge her. But half of our terrible task was o'er \Vhen the clock toll’d the hour of leaving; And we left with the hope, now she was no more, Our names with our friends retrieving. We did not regret that we stayed, For with pleasure we tell you the story; And we never have heard or seen the poor maid. Whom we-left alone in-her glory. ALTO. \_... Jtlhtrrllmtriittit, (21....252'_ - E... -«H‘m A, g \va does a coal-barge weigh less than an‘ctnpty sack? Because, if the one is light Weight, the other ts a lighter. Any man will face a. batteryâ€"if he walks for enough down Broadway, New York. In some tranquil and apparently amiable natures, there are often unsuspected and unfathomable depths of resentment. Ugly people are as anxious as bandsomc ones to perpetuate their features; probany lived so long with their ugliness, they have become attached to it. \Vhy are people wheasit on free seats not likely to derive much beneï¬t from going to church? Because they got good' for nothing. A wife's bosom should be the tomb of? her husband’s failings, and his character far more valuable in her estimation than his life. A gentleman coming into the room of the late Dr. Barton, told him that Mr. Vowel was dead. “ \Yhatl said he, “Vowel deadllt Let us be thankful it was neither U or it†A. counsel being questioned by a judge to know “for whom he was concerned,†replied “I an concerned, my lord, for the plaintill‘; but lam employed by the de- fondant.†He who has made time his friend, will have little to fear from his enemies; but Ito that has made it his enemy, will have little to hope from his friends. Tun READ, ‘Nnt'ru, AND BLUE.â€" Thc red checks, the white teeth, and the blue eyes of a lover girl are as good a flag as a young soldier, iu the battle oflife, need ï¬ght under. How Par 'I‘nA-Ns~I.A,-.Tsn GERMAN.â€" At a table dhotc, recently, in Ilamburgli, an Irishman was seated next to a German lady, who did not speak English. [landing her a plate of peaches, he said, “Have a peach, mom 1†“Net/z" (no) replied the, lady. “ IWnc I†said be, With astonishment, ï¬rst at her, and then at the o;hcr guests at the table. “Why, mcm, there is only six in the dish; but tlwre they are for you,†at the some time rolling the whole upon her plate. 'I'Itn New Yonx Fth ZOUAVES.â€"â€"A soldier’s \Vashiugtou letter: “ Those Fire Zouaves are fellows of awful suction, I tell you. I asked one of them, yesterday, what he came for. ‘ Bob 1’ said he shutting one eye, ‘ we came here to strike for your alters and your ï¬les} General Scott says, that if he wanth to make these chaps break through the army of the foe, he’d have a ï¬re-bell rung for some district on the other side of the rebels. He says that half a million of the traitors could’nt keep the Fire Zouavcs out of that, district five minutes.†COOKING,PtE.-â€"â€"Att odd accident oc- curred to a book lately published, called, “ The Men of the Times.†It sometimes happens in a printing ofï¬ce that some of tabs types, perhaps a printed line or two, fall out ofthe form. Those in whose hands the accident happens generally try to put things to rights as well as they can, and may be very successful in restoring 3p- pcaranccswvith the most deplorable re- sults to the Sense. It happened thus in the instance we. refer to. A few lines dropping out of the ‘ Life of Robert Owen, the parrallograme Communist. were hustl- ed, as the nearest place of refuge, into the biography of his closet alphabetical neigh- borâ€"~‘ Oxford, Bishop of.†The conse- quence is, that the article begins as follows: “Oxford, the Right Reverend Samuel \Vilberlorcc, Bishop of, was born in 1805. A more kindâ€"hearted and truer benevol- ent man does not exist. A sceptic as re-. starting ‘ THOMASâ€"BOWMAN, Licensed Auctioneer, FOR THE COUNTIES OF YORK 61. PEEL. All letters addressed to “Alinira,†P.O. wil receive prompt attention. Orders received at the “ York l’Ieraldâ€OtlicO, Richmond Hill; Mr. Henry Lemon. Thornhill. and Mr. James Cavannah, Mansion House, Sharon, where Terms, &.c. may be obtained. Almira, Nov. 25. 1859. Weapon tarsus strata, RICHMOND HILL. GEORGE SIMSON, PROPRIETOR. OOD Accommodations and every attention shown to 'I‘ravellers. Good . Yards for Drove Cattle and Loose Boxes for Race Horses and Studs. The Monthly Fair held on the Premises ï¬rst Wednesday in each month. The Snbscriberin calling the attention ofthe public and his Old Friends to his establishment feels satisï¬ed he can administer comfortably td their wants and wilh mutual satisfaction. Richmond Hill. AprilQO. I860. RICHMOND IIILL HOTEL. STAGE-runs fretn the above Hotel to wToronte, every morning, starting from the ngin Mills at 7. a.m,, and returning at 7, p.tn. Fare, 2s. 6d each way. (:00!) ACCOMMODATION FOR TRAVELLERS. RICHARD NICHOLLS, Proprietor. «Richmond Inn. Dec. 18,1858. 11-55 White Hart Inn, RICHMOND nun. IiIIESubscriber begs to inform the Public that he has leased the above Hotel. where he willkeep constantly on_hand a good suppr 0f first-class Liquors, (Vic. As this house possesses. every accommodation Tra- vel'ers can desire, those who wish to stay where they can find every comfort are respectfully in- vited to give him a call. CORNELIUS VAN NOSTRAND. Richmond Hill. Dec. 28.1860. 108-1 YONGE STREET HOTEL, AURORA GOOD supply of TVinos and Liquors [- always on hand. Excellent Accommo- dation for 'I‘ravellers. Farmers, and others. Cigars of all brands. D. McLEOD. Proprietor. Aurora. June 6. 1859. 25~1y can; 100130 .5?“ SADDLE AND Itittxuss Insult. Opposite Mr. I’urkiss' Store, THORNIHLI. 104- ATENT Eave Troughs and Water Spouts superior to tin, put up at 6 cents per foot ; also, Drain Pipes, Seasoned Siding, Ladders. Shingles, Picket Gates, \Vaggon Fol- lows and llubs, Barrel flooding, and Turning in general h‘Iauufactured and for sale by JOHN LANGSTAFF, SHEA tu MILLS, TnonNHt LL. .1 utte 3.1859. 2741 DR. D. E. SEYMOUR, H OMIEOPATH‘IC PHYSICIAN, MAI-N~ ST.. NEWMARKET, U.C. 65-1 DR. L. LANGSTAF‘T', tux-w '<¢;-'~‘A'-m:z».:.;. ‘r - †‘ Surgeon Dexatist; l .. .. ' . . . V l {loâ€"t2 ‘I’rotessmn, both In the States and Cauadas, lOfevery style and description. atthe lowest 73-†them that no effort on his part will be watltin GEO. MOP H I L LIPS ,‘sLAv Provincial Land Surveyor... RICHMOND HILL. c.w. December 14. 1860. Respectfhlly announces that he will be at Nichol’s Ilotcl, Richmond Hill, On the Qnd Monday of each month, at BICEPS cm were, ermine. On the Tuesday following, *‘ HERE in. will be happy to wait on those requiring his servrces 111 any branch of his profession. Teeth inserted on Gold Plntenum, Vulcan- ized Rubber. cr Continuous Gum on l’latenum, The latter being the most beautiful teeth new in use. Dr. PHCK has all Illeljtdvalllngt’s oftlte having formerly been connected with Dentists itt New York; he now receives direct from thom every improvement of the Profession throughout the United States. Particular attention given to the Regulation of Children’s Teeth. ConsultationFi-ee. All letters addressed to him at Aurora prem- ptly attended to. Aurora, Feb. 80, 1861. 117-1y CHEAPER THAN EVER 1‘ HE Subscriber bch to inform his numerous patrons and the public thathe is prepared to make Boots and $1100.65 [)OSSI’IIG retnuncrnting prices. All work war- ranted to give entire satisfaction. W, II. MARTIN. Cook’s Mill, Vaughan, December 7. 1860. JOHN RIGG~S, rj’v‘gvn' 9" ï¬ght†.- w.rguvvwzsw:tvtflzeWhmveow'u . 106-13 . :5.W'~.‘°"’-‘. :4 ‘- :st v, ’ " are 5m“ P‘s-‘1' . 27's?“ any greener-ice. ‘ ANY who have been slaves to Rheumatic I tyrannyflhave been entirely emancipated ' by the use of Ittgrani’s infatablc Linitttcnt A certain cure for Rheumatism, Tic Dolereaux, Sprains, Bruises and Swellings Prepared and sold by Joseph Ingram, Maple Village, in bottles at 25 and50c. each. Maple Village, F650;, 14, 1861. 1-y. Charles 0. Keller, A'I‘TORNEY~A'I‘ .- LAW, sorcerrou in Chancery, Conveyancer. A’zc. Oflice, in Victoria Buildings, over the Chronicle otlice, Brock Street_ Whitby. Also a Branch Ofï¬ce in the village of Bea- Ontario. Thc Division Courts in Ontario, Richmond Hill, and Markham Village regularly attended. Whitby, Nov. 22. 1860. toasty JAMES B 0 UL TON, E sq. Barrister; 119-tf Toronto, March 8. 1861. EDWARD E. W. 11681), ’ Attorney-at-Lew, Solicitor L 1")ARRISTE ., ii) in Chaucery,Conve\ancer. &c. Money advances procured on Eortgages, No. 3, Jordan Streetï¬ Toronto, December 13, 1860. 108-y MATHESUH 86 FINGER/Ilia; Barristers, Attorneys-at-Law, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, &c. OFFICE 2’- connnn or KING AND TORONTO STREETS Over Whitmore «ll; Co’s. Bonking Ollice, TORONTO- TAILOR, T’ictoria Square, IN returning his sincere thanks to his numer- ous Customers and Friends for the liberal supperthe has received since lte commenced business in Victoria Square, begs to assure IT to merit a continuance of their favors. All work entrustsdlto {Ills care will be made up in a neat and substantial manner. Victoria Square, April 8, 1861, 152+ 3m G. 1"â€. liusballdl, URGEON Dentist, will be at Nicholl’s Hotel. Richmond Hill, the FIRST MONDAY of every month, and, tire re- mainder of the mouth at his residence, All McCaysville, 7th Concession of York. Work \‘Varrautcd. Teeth tilled with Osteoplartic or A rtiï¬cinl Bonnâ€"This filling is put into the Tooth while tsoft.causiug no pain, as itrequires no pressure, it soon becomes as hard as the tooth to which tt ï¬rmly adheres, rendering it almostimpcssible for the filling over to come out. Dr. Husband has made arrangements with Mr. Gr. L. Elliot, of Toronto. to manufacture his Artiï¬cial Teeth; those who engage Doctor Husband to do their work will be sure of hav- ing it done in 0. Superior manner. July 8. 1859. 3‘2-ly. Albien Hot: 6: 1, " EAST MARKET SQUARE, TORONTO, C.w. J - SMITH, Proprietor. Toronto, April‘l-B‘. 1861. 1254‘; 'i‘iit‘. weanâ€"KNOWN BLACK HORSE HOTEL, Formerly kept by William Rolph, Cor. of Palace 8; George [EAST OF THE recount] ToucNI'o; ‘ WILLIAM Chit, Proprietor, [Successor to Thomas Palmer]. Good Stabling attached. always in attendance. Toronto. April 19, 1861. Trusty II ostlers 125-1y “in. in. String, sr. M warmers ENN, 142 KING STREET, orrosrrn T111“. sr. LAWEENCE MARKET, TORONTO. Choice Liquors and Good Accommodation at reasonable charges. Good Stabling and a Careful lIostler in attendance. Toronto, April 10, 1861. 123v1y Jos. Gttiaooirs PRlNGHILL. 3doorswestofKing Post Fountain Restaurant: Office. King, May 13. 1859. 24-1y HUGE-I CAMPBELL, \Vatch. and Clock Maker, JEWELER, 1&0, Yonge Street, Aurora. Jewelrv, Watches and Clocks repaired and cleaned on the shortest notice and Iowestterms Aurora. February 17, 1860. 50-tf TEETH .EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN l C. . By the use ofElectricity. “in: By Dr. E. e. EDMONDS, SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA. 'I'eeth inserted on Silver, Gold or Valcanized Rubber. All Operations in his Profession, performed in the Inost approved manner and VVarranted' Aurora. March 9, 1860 THE AURORA TIIISIIIIIC QUADRiLLE BAND! Snow open to receive engagements on li- beral terms, for any number, to suit the convenience oflarge or small parties. Applications to Mr. WM. IRFLAND. at Aurora. or Mr. W. WILLIS. 3rd Con. VVhit- church. NB. Also, a SAX-HORN BAND may be had on application. Aurora, Nov. 53-. 1860'. 67-1)‘ ,, _.....__.« 100-311) Charles Duran d, ARRISTER and ATTORN‘EY,â€"Oflice. corner of Adelaide and Yonge Streets, Toronto, will attend to Suits in all the Superior Courts of Law. Chancery and County Court: also, on request. to. Country Business in the Division Courts. Deeds. Leases. Mortgages. and every de- and at reasonable prices. ligious revelation, be is nevertheless an; Lemmposlpaid amended ,0. ot,'.tâ€"anel-ot,tt believer in spirit mewcmcnt.w 't‘oronte. November ‘20, £861â€). scription of Conveyancing drawn up with care I 164er ‘ 69 KING S'rnnnr, EAST, TORONTO. Lunch every day from 11 till 2. [3" Soups, Games, Oysters, Lobsters, 62c a‘ways on hand: Dinners and Suppers for Private Parties got up in the best style. Toronto, April 13"), 1861. 125-1y use-islet;th Hones, ATE Clarendon 110101, No. ‘28, 30 and 3;) J Front. Street. Toronto. Board $1, per day Porters always in attendance at the Cars and Boats. IV. NEVVBTGGING, I’roprtctor. Toronto, April 8, 1861. 12~1«»ty Eagtern Hotel, ORNER of King and George Streets, Torout‘e, 0.1V. WM. Mosttnorisn, Pro- prietor. Good accommodation for Travellers Large Stabling, and a Good Hustler always in attendance. Toronto, April 10, 1861. 123 1y _.‘__.__â€".. -.â€"._ “EMT 1 Agency Particularly attended to. ._._ THOMAS G. MATHESON. JAMES FITZGERALD Toronto, July I, 1559, Jiiï¬'r. .8. 0773. .17 #155 F‘IS. †BttttttSTEa-AT-IAW AND SOLICITUH EH CHANCEHY, Ofï¬ce removed to Gas Company’s Buildings, Toronto Street. Toronto, January 9, 1861. 111-6111 s A CARD- C. KEELE. Esrp, ofthe City of Tor- 0 onto. has opened an otli‘ce in the Vil- logo of Aurora for the transaction of Common Law and Chancery Business, also. Convey- ancing executed'with correctness and despatch Division Courts attended. VVellingten St. Aurora, 5:. Queen St. Toronto November 20. 1866. 104-Iy TORONTO CITY MARBLE WORKS 185 YONGE STALET. MONUMENTSTTOMBTABLES 'roiunsrouss, &c. Cent; Cheaper A h V OTHER ES'I‘ABLISHMENT. Twenty .Per THA N I IIE UNDERSIGNED Assignees of the estate of I). C. dz. \V. YALE. will con-- tinue the business under the superintendence of our duly authorized agents, AUSTIN ABBEY and D, CARLOS VALE. whose receipt will be duly acknowledged. I’,S.-â€"-All notes and accounts remaining un- paid on the Ist day of June. 1858, will be put intoCourt for collection, (I. YALE. G. CUMMER. Toronto, April ‘29, I859. DENTISTRY! W. C. ADAMS. D. D. S. Surgeon Dentist, .99 KING sr. mar, scorn smn. THIRD noon wrasr FROM CHURCH s’t‘. TORONTO, ARTICULAR attention given to thc regu- lation of Children’s Tact/t. Consultation free. and all work warranted. Dr, A. has-turned his attention to the im~ provcments of his profession in all its branches, and can supply the profession with Teeth. Gold, Vulcanized Apparatus. and Vulcanite Rubber, and the best Bette ï¬lling. Mineral Teeth mounted on Gold, Silver, or Vulcanized Rubber. With Continuous Gums. which are warranted to give entire satisfaction, Toronto,0ctober 11, 1861‘ 49.1y W. U. as K E N E, MILLWRIGHT, .Q I. T 0 .W .E , )EGS to intimate that he is new prepared to I.) erect MILLS of every description, by contract or otherwise, on reasonable terms' He is also agent for the best Foundries in Ca- nada, and from his lengthened experience he hopes to give general satisfaction, Altona, Dec. 23. 1859 4 U NI'I‘Y I o I l‘ ‘ ‘ O. 0 FII'c & LIIc insurance Association OF LONDON, 'r’ith which is Amalgamated the Equitable Fire Office. CAPITAL, £2,500,000, STERLING. 1,547,001 10 2,526,595 46 50,000 00 150,500 00 Available Assets Fire Dopartm’t ‘3 Life Department. . . . . . . ..- . . . . . Deposit Fund in Canada. . . . . Deposit Fund in New York. . . . . CHIEF OFFICE IN CANADA 2 MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE MUHTREAL Directors, Fire Department. .1. Frothingham, Esq. W. Lunn, Esq, ‘ B. Holmes, Esq. J. G. Mackenzie, Esq. A. Larecque, Esq. J. Torrance, Esq. a Trustees in London -. Sir W. C. Dalyell, I C. F. Bazin, Esq. ._â€".â€" Trustees in New York : S. Livingston. tirrnofBarcRyé'c Livingston. Wm. H. Macy. Pres’t Leather Man ufact Bank W. Sherman, ï¬rm of Duncan, Sherman .8500 Every description of Fire and Life In sun-ran cc Business transacted at the most. moderate rates I ), -, ‘m . at l Len“ n \V. I". REYNOLDS, Manager in B. N, A. 1lAgeut for Torou te--AR.I‘1111R Mn JARVIS,‘ Z OIiiceâ€"thittitnoro‘ Buildings, Ioronto St, 1 Toronto, April 1-2, ism 1123.1;- ncmnev swings». ' an». - ‘35“st 'erz-w‘, » n : .mwotrdéM-ivkwm'x v . vet-ton, Township of Thorah, and County of A. M_ Smith Esq Law Officeâ€"Corner of Church and King Sts. 31-tf 48-tf ‘1 a]. n 21.9. 94-.- -u .7 in . E- ..a._... i 7- Wmâ€... Provincial Insurance Company, OF CANA DA. FOP. fire cub marine Jitsnraurc, ESTABLISHED 1849, INBORPORATED BY ACT or PARLIAMENT! Subscribed Capital, $1,743,520. HEAD OFFICE-TORONTO. PRESIDENT :â€"Hon. John Hilliard Cameron. VICE-PRESIDENT :-â€"J. S. Howard. Esq. DIRECTORS 2 George Duggan, Eq .1. S. Howard. Esq. Edw. C. Jones, Esq. A. Morrison,Esq.MPP Lewis Motl'at, Esq. W. L. Perrin, Esq. n 1.11. Cameron, on. Geo. Crawford, on.M.Cameron,M.P. J.Cameron,Esq.M.P.P . Manager and Secretary :â€"-James Sydney Crocker, Esq. Assist. Secretary : J.W. Woodhouse,Esq. (magcr of Agencies : Ill Wm. Blight, Esq. Sotcxrons zâ€"Messrs. Duggan & Burns. BANKERS :â€"--The Bank of Toronto. IRE and MARINE INSURANCE bush- ness transacted by this Company at its va- rious Agencies. as well as the Head Ofï¬ce, To. route, at fair and avorage rates The numerous and responsible Stockholders of this Company, and the large amount of ca- pital subscribed, aï¬â€˜ord an amount of security to the assured, equal at least to that of any other Company transacting business in the Province A. LA ‘V. Agent atRichmond Hill. Toronto, April 18,1861. 125-13" FRESH ARRIVALS FRUITSSUGAE NEW TEAS, COFFEES, 61c. dzc , at the VICTORIA LIE/1 WAREHOUSE, SIGN OF THE QUEEN. IrDVVARD LAWSON, in returning thanks J to his numerous customers for their libe- ral patronage since opening his New Store, would respectfully inform them and the public generally, that he has just received an exten- sive Stock of Fruits, Sugars, pure Black and Green Teas tcrop 1860), Cotfeos, than, dth which have been purchased at a great reduc- tion in price, owing to the effect of the secession movement on the American markets, and which are now selling at Prices without parallel, as a glance at the annexed List and a trial of the goods will proVe :-- FRUITS. Fine Zante Currants, 3d. p 1b,0r ‘25) lbs... . . .1 Extradresscd “ 3§d “ 20 “ . . . . . 1 Due Patrass “ 4d. “ 15 “ ..... I Ercs’d Valentin Raisinsé “ 12 “ . . . . , l Fxtra New “ “ (iï¬d. †10 “ . ... 1 inc New Layer “ 9d. “ 1531b. box. .1}. H “ Seedless" 9d. “ 7 lbs . . . . . . I Best quality DRIED A PPLES. .331 25 per bsht. Also. Paper and Soft Shell [\LMONDS. FILBERTS, and BRAZIL NUTS, MIXED SPICE. CANDIED LEMON. CITRON,aItd ORANGE PEEL, &c., SLO. S U G- A R S . Good Muscovadoes, Ill/lbs. an. . . . - o o - $1 00 Bright “ 13 †. . . U . . .. 1 (711 Extra Bright“ 12 “ . . . . . . . . . . l (1†Yellow Refined ll “ .....,.... I (10 Extra Reï¬ned, 10 “ . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 Extra C-ushod “ 9 “ . . . . . . . ... l (‘1) Ground “ 8 †. . . . . . . . . . 1 00 Broken Loaf 8 “ . . . . . . . . 1 00 BLACK AND GREEN TEAS! Fine Congou. good and strong, 9s. 3d. per lb. : Fine and Extra Fine Breakfast Souchong. ‘25. 6d,. 3s. and 3s, 6d. per lb ; Fine and Extra Fine Oolong. 3s., 3s. 6d., and 33. 9d. per lb. Also, Pekoe Flowers and Orange I’ekoe, . . . . . . . . . . . Mixed Black and Green Tea, 25. 6d. 3s., 3s. 6d,, and 3s. 9d. per lb. : Fine and Extra Fine Young Hyson, 9d., 35. 3d.. 3s. 6d.. and 3s. 9d. per 1b.: Fine and? Extra Fine Old Hyson. 3s. 3d. and 38. 6d. per 11).; Fine and Extra Fine Imperial l-Iyseo. 3s. 3d. [and 3s. 6d. per lb. ; Fine and Extra Fine Gunpowder, 3d.. 3s. 611.. and 3s. 9d. N. B.â€"â€"A deduction of 3d. per lb. will be made from the above Prices to parties purchas-I iug ï¬ve pounds and upwards. Also, on hand a splendid lot of Teas in caddy boxes from 10 lbs. to 16 lbs., and in ltalf chests at the following Prices :~â€"- Fine to Extra Fine Gunpowder, 52s 3d, ‘23 10d 35. 3d.. 35. 6d. per lb. Firm to Extra Fine Young Hyson, 3s. 0d., 3s. 3d., 33. 6d. per lb. English Breakfast Souchongâ€"Qs. 6d., 2s. 9d.. 3s. 0d , 35‘. (id. per lb Finest Oblongâ€"3s. 0d, 3s. 6d. 35. 9d. Fresh Ground Coti'chs. FinestJamaica, Is _3d. Ground Chicory, 9d. per lb. Together with a complete assortment of Staple and Fancy Groceries ! ALso, BISCUITS AND CONFECTIONERY Ofevery description manufactured on the pre- mises bv first-class \vorkinent. Wedding and City limits, free of charge. All orders by mail, and otherwise, attended to with despatch. Every article warranted as represented. 11:? No SECOND PRICE. 11:? Remember the place, Victoria Tea. Warehouse sign of the Queen N0. 93, King St. East. Five doors west of Church Street. EDWARD LATVMf-ii. Toronto, March, 1861. ii. .. . l 4.. V." . , - N0 CREDIT BEA VE R MUTUAL Fire insurance Association, TO RONTO, C. TV. , OFFICE, 20, TOASNTO s TREE .T INCORPORATED UNDER ACT or PARLIAMENT, 2:3 VIC., CAP. 52. DIRECTORSâ€"~11. Rowsell, Toronto: B. W. Smith, Barrie; Dr. Duncumb, Richmond Hill; \V. H. Smith, Toronto; Donald Suther- land, Toronto : \Vm. IIeIliwell, Scarborough: Edwin S. Thompson. Toronto. Chotvn, Kingston ; HAVING guarded against loss from Fire by - Insuring your property, consider if it would not be as well to make a little additional provision for your family 111 case of your own premature death :-â€"whether it would not be as well,through the assistance of a Life Assurance Company, to provide a legacy for your wife or daughter, or, it" you have not the happiness to be blessed with them, think if the possession of a few hundred pounds additional might not be of advantage to yourselfa few years hence. If you decide that it would, write .0 the Managing Director of the PROVIDEN'I‘ LIFE ASSUR- ANCE AND INVESI‘MENT COMPANY. '20 Toronto Street. Toronto. for- a. “ Proposal†form, and a copy of the Rates. 0r, possibly. the Agent. of the " Beaver†may possess a copy of both documents. which he can accommodate you with. and give you: a little information on the subject besides. U1? Insurances may be effected for one, ‘WD, or three years, at moderate rates. Agent at Richmond Iliillâ€"J. R. ARNOLD. Toronto, Apri '9, 1861. l'lS-Iy, r 1‘. ‘- “I'vv‘r '- AJIZJ. Oi!- ITQLEE $0M 0C! .fq muscled,“ 'stuao 0g .toy saï¬eqaed 1. ‘31039 g[ .on .tapzag eitgogpew pun $333an IIaAa .fq pctag ye p103 HOIlS‘AtINVO WHOM tLOHS CIVHG SEIIZNEDIQW ‘HLI ’I'I'O ‘9219179033N ‘NVIAIA’I '18 (TOHHLHON ' 1'0, ‘OJI‘OJOIL "00 18 .LLLOI'I’IEI ‘NVNA'I 'E'O ‘Immwftf 'OO 39 EIEIV'IO ‘NVWA'I .1 THE Liverpool and London Fire & Life Insurance Company. Head Ofï¬ce, Canada Branch, Corner of Place D’Armes and St James Street, Montreal. Invested Funds £1,213,317 Stg. DIRECTORs.â€"â€"T. B. Anderson, Esq. Chair- man, A. Simpson. Esq. Deputy-Chairman, Henry Chapman. Esq. E. J. S. Maitland, Esq. James Mitchell, Esq. Henry Starnes. Esq M.P.P. .1. II. Maitland, Esq. Resident-Secre- tary. G. F. C. Smith, Resident Assistant- Secretary. T the Public to the following features in the management of this company:â€" other Cakes always on hand, (or made to order at the shortest notice.) icod and ornamented in the best styleâ€"all at the Lowest Prices. Goods delivered on the cars, and within the | The Premiums received in Canada are retained and invested in Government or other Pro- vincial Bonds. All Losses when satisfactorily established are paid in Canada without reference to the Home Board. That there is net, at. the present time, one claim in dispute. There is invested in Canada in Available Funds 209,000 Dollars, and this is being constantly added to. That there is invested in New York $800,000. â€"â€"nn(l it is the intention of the Directors to increase this sum to $1,000,000. The accumulated Funds of the Company [No- vember 18.591 ntttounbéo Over 5,958,730 dols. The present income of the Company is over 7,590 d'ols. per day. Insurances effected at the Lowest Remuner- ’ J. 11. MAI-'I‘LAND. Resident Secretary. Montreal. Toronto Agency :' 85 King Street East. South side, [over the store of .I. G. Joseph dz. Co.] JAMES FRASER, Agent. . 1861. 125-13’ ative Prices. Toronto. April 19 H. & J. HARRISON Flour Barrel Heading, Stavc and Shingle Manufacturers, and Lumber Planers. Seasoned! Flooring and Siding kept on hand, and Planed to order in quantities to suit pur- Chasers. 11:3:> Factoryâ€" on Markham and Elgin Mills Plank Road. P.O. address, Richmond Hill. June 7, 1861. 132â€"6m iYORK MILLS HOTEL, YONGE STREET, THE Subscriber begs to intimate that he has leased the above hotel, and having ï¬tted it upin the latest style travellers may rely upon having every comfort and attention at this first class house. Y Good Stabliug and an attentive Hostler a1- tways in attendance. ' WILLIAM LENNOX, Proprieto“. York Mills, June. 7. 1861. 1.39.15. A. DIACNABBo ARRISTER, Attorney, Solicitor, &c King Street, East, [over Lead‘er Oflice,] Toronto, C.W. Toronto, April, 12, 1861, 123-1y W'élliam Grant, TTO-RNEY AT-LAW, Solicitor in Chan- 1' cery, Conveyancer, 51c. Toronto. Ofï¬ce in the “ Leader†Buildings, King Street. Toronto, April 12, 1861. 123-1)‘ [ADVERTISEMENTJ UR advice has often been asked. wrtb. regard where the best place is. In our opinion Dolmage sells better Boots and“ Shoes for less money than any other house in the town. Richmond Hill, March 15th, 1861. lQI-tf. TVFIIittgtottTâ€"Botcl, Aurora ! OPPOSITE THE TORONTO HOUSE. GEO. L. GRAHAM, PROPRIETOR. l LARGE and Comtnodious Holland other improvements have. at great expense, been made so as to make this House the largest and best north of Toronto. Travellers at this House ï¬nd every convenience both- fer them- selves and horses. ‘ N.B.â€"â€"A careful ostler always In attendance. 12-6â€"1131 Aurora Station. April 1861'. A- MAIRS, B. A. ATTORNEY - AT-LAVV, SOLICITOR in Chancery. Conveyancer, «Ste. Main. Street, Markham Village, 9‘3, 1860 10‘4-tf' November 1"â€â€˜iiru HE Directors would call the attention of to purchasing BOOTS and SIIO'ES,‘ ., .~.,-.w.,,,-,u w“. v. a v. .0. r t Valuable Property for Sale IZ: 63 Acres, 523 of which is timbered, 40 Acres under Cultivation. Several PARK LOTS with timber thereon. Also. VILLAGE PROPERTY with or without Buildings. The above property is situated at, and ad- joining to, the Village of Richmond Hill. For further particulars apply at the Ofï¬ce of this paper. Richmond Hill, Sept. 20', 1800. '96-0 NE W TREA TMENTTâ€" Buffalo Medical Dispensary. Established for the cure of DY SPEPSIA, G E N E R A L DEBILITY. FEVER AND AGUE, AST MA. INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION, CONSUMPTION 01" YOU’IH AND OLD AGE, ETC No Mercury Used. Dr. do @011, 453 EAST GENES EE STREET, THREE Doons WEST OF ELLICO’I‘T STREET, Buffalo, New York, RE the onlv Physicians in the State who are members of the Royal College of Surgeons, London. May be consulted from 8 o’clock in the morning until 9 at night, in every state and symptom of disease. The treatmentthoy adopt is the result of up- wards ofthirty years’ extensive and successful practice in Europe and America. 1. MOST SCIENTIFIC INVENTION. An instrument for the cure of Genital Debi- lity. of Nocturnal Emissions, more properly kttown as Seminal Weakness, (too. Can be permanently cured in from 15 to ‘20 days, by the use of this instrument, when used cutt- jointly with medicines. YOUNG MEN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. Amos & Son take pleasure In announc- ing that they have invented a most important instrumentt’orthe cure of tin“ above diseases. It has been subjected to a test of the most em- inent physicians in London. Paris. Philadelphia and New York 1' it has been declared the onlv useful instrument ever yet invented for th'e cure of Seminal weakness. or any disease of the genital organs, caused by the secret habits of youth. Dr. Amos & Son. in order to satisfv the most skeptical as to the merits of their itistru- tnent, pledge themselves that in arty instance where it may prove unsatisfactory. after a fair trial, the money will be refunded by returning the instrument in good order. Persons wishing the above useful instrument. will observe that the price. with the accom- panying directions, securely packed. and sent by mail or express, is ten dollars. NEW REMENIES ANI) QUICK CERES â€"-A CURE VVARRAIVI'PI). Dr, Amos & Sou have, for along series oi“ ‘years, been engaged in an extensive practice in the- treatment of these delicate complaints. {and are the only legally qualiï¬ed physicians who now advertise to cure certain complaints, or from whom genuine European remedms can be obtained. Persons in any part ofthe world may be suc- cessfully treated by forwarding a correct detail of their cases, with a remittance for medicines, 6ch which will be returned with the utmost dispatch attd secure front observation. Address Dr. Amos dz. Sex, 48 East Geneseo Street. three. doors West of Ellicott Street. Buffalo. N. Y. 88-111' 111111}! Fire I I Fire! I .' TVES'I‘ERN Fire Insurance Company of Toronto. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT. (MPIML STU CK, £100,000. 1.. C. GILMOR, Pres. [' Lil-10. Mtctttr:,Vice Pr". DIRECTORS I 'Rice Lewis. Esq. James Meaty, Esq. T, P. Robarts, Esq. M. Rossin, Esq. I Thos Ila-worth. Esq. W Henderson. Esq. W Macfarlane, Esq. 2 Bernard Haldntl, Esq. Secretary (ts Treasurer. Angus Morrison, Esq. Solicitor. Bank of Upper Canada, Britt/rat's. 13c njamin Switzer, Esq. Inspector. 11:? Head ()lï¬cc. Church Street, Toronto. m Tttrs COMPANY Insures all descriptions of luildings.Manufactories, Mills. 6.7.3.. and Goods and Furniture, in the same. against loss or dam- age by tire,on liberalterms. Losses promptly ,settled. ’ A. LAW’, Residence. ' Generalngent. Richmond HillAugustlE}. 1857. 210-] \ __,,__,L _....__ ,_ -__-, -..-.~._‘, _. ‘ 0132 llath hrrath Is. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, l . . And. despatchcd to Subscribers by the earli s mails. or other conveyance. when seld‘esir d' be ,The YORK HERALD will always befouuuto‘contain the Intestand mostimpor- taut Foreign and Provincial News and Mar- kets. and the greatest care willbetaken to render it acceptable totbeman of business, and evaluable Famin Newspaper. 'I‘ERE‘v‘IS.-â€"â€"~Seven and SixpenceperAnnum, IN ADVANCE; and if not paid within Three Mouths two dollars will be charged. RATES OF ADVERTISING 1 Sixlines and under, ï¬rst insertion†. . .$90 50 Each subsequent insertion .. . . . . . . . . . . 00 12* Ten lines and under, first insertion. . . , . Gt) Above ten lines, ï¬rst in., per line.... 00 07 Each subsequentinsertiou, perline. . . . 01102 IL? Advertisements without written direc- tions inserted till forbid, and charged accord. itigly. All transitory advertisements. from strangers or irregular customers, must be paid for when handed in for insertion. A liberal discount will be made to parties ad‘- .vertising by the year. All advertisements published for aless pe- riod titan one month, must be paid for in ad- vance. All letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid. N0 paper discontinued until allarrearages are paid : and parties refusing papers without pay. ing up. will be held accountable ferthe sub- scriptien. THE YORK HERA L19 Book and Job Printing ESTABLl-SMENT. RDERS for any of the undermentionedt description of PLAIN and FANCY JOB WORK will be promptly attended to :-â€" l' BOOKS, FANCY BILLS, BUSINESS CARDS, LARGE AND SMALL POS'I'ERS,CI“CULARS,LAWFORMS, BILL HIS/111351313.le CHEC‘.(S,I)RAF’I’5,AND PA 1111’ 11 LE T S. Andevery other kind of' LETTERâ€"PRESS PRINTING done in the beststyle, at moderate rates. Our assortment of JOB TYPE is entirel}l new and of the latest patterns. A large variety of new Fancy Type and Borders, tor Cares Circulars ,t’ttc. kept always on hand.