Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 12 Jul 1861, p. 3

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l 1’3; .,.~. ...u:.x,--;-.v.-:‘.:~.' a \--‘- '.-' .n ,r» 4‘“: r. i. -» :. .--:1.~ ' . ,. “sh. - -=\._., -. ‘i. \n. .._. __,._._. ._._-‘,,._ â€".4_~‘â€"â€"..â€"._.â€"â€". THE NEW GOLD MINES IN THE BOND STREET Gnosr.-â€"-â€"Ac- NOVA SCOTIA. A'good deal of excttement seems to be going on in some quarters about the Tan- gier (Nova Scotia) gold mines. We have hitherto hesitated to notice this mat- ter, having had our doubts whether gold existed in that region in such quantities as q to prove rernunerative. The editor of the _ Halifax Chronicle has lately paid tle mines a Visit, and the following are his views upon the subject : Those who imagine that gold can be precured in abundance at Tangier,by every , one who takes a fancy to visit that local. ity in search of the precious metal, should go and see for themselvrs. There they ' ‘ will find some three or four hundred peo- ple at workâ€"â€"most of them laboring much harder and steadier than on the farm, the 'workshop, or in the prosecution of the - fisheries; and only some ten or a dOZen of the entire number earning even ordin ary'wages. It is true that the fortunate few have realized a (:ODSldEI‘Jble sum for "the gold they have dug; but divide the 2 whole amount over the whole party at. work at the mines, and it would not in our opinion, pay for the provisions they drin "“consu'mc. IVe' Ourselves saw a party at ’v'vork, some Setten Or eight of the ablest "abd"’-hardest working men on the ground, who at the end of ten days returned home dispirited, not having discovered, during that period, a dollasz worth of gold among them. And then a few yards distant, We 1 ' believe on the same lead, there were three~ men at work who were earningr their twenty dollars a day each, and with every prospect of the vein holding out, If not improving. as they worked downwards. We were convinced, from all we saw, :.-that although individuals, or small compa- nies, with limited means, might succeed at .Tanger, the chances are much against z'them, and that it' they have any other means of livelihood they should not go to the mines. But, on the other hand, M are by no means sure that a large party, with abundance of capital and the neces- ~ sary mining appliances, skillfully directed v on a large area, could do better than di- rect their energies to the digging of gold at Tangier. metal, except in many rare instances, has only been procured in California and Aus- jraha, in large quantities, by digging hun- dreds of feet into the bowels of the earth. and after the expenditure of a vast amount of labor. Vi’bere the satne means used at ---Tangier, it is highly probable they would ~ be attended with the like results, but to expect much from diggings, the deepest of which are now less than ten feet. is r simply preposterous. We have no wish to dissuade our fellow countrymen from going to the mines properly equipped; but we desire to warn those too sanguine ,jtemperainents, who, Without means and goitn Lite diggingsfancyuig that‘gold procured at Tangier almost without W'arr’effort-d'iirie out of ten of whom are "Sure to be disappointed. Admiral Sir S. fi’lilne and Lord ZlIiilgrave have gone to I'tsee the mines. The steamer Neptune iand several small sailing iessels are doing 'hP'fair business in carrying passengers to “the gold region. ’ » A letter on this subject gives some in- teresting particulars. The writer says: v.0nly one vein, and that one not more {than three inches thick,has yet been oprn~ dad-to anygextent, or been found to pay.-â€"â€" .Examin-ingitbe work in this vein minutely, ,,,l},foun,d the miners laboriously grubbing in a trench about three feet in width, dug by hand with pick and crow-bar, to the depth Of twelve or fifteen feet, through a kind of shaly slate stone in which the quartz reef Was etnbedded. All the gold that has 'been found,except some few dollars’ worth, has ” been taken from a single one of the numerous quarts veins Intersecting the «small hill already spoken of, and from our claims, of twenty that each, along that vein. The proprietors of these claims, numbering ten or twelve persons, have We know that the precious customed as we are in Toronto to strange visitors, a ghost will be. considered some- what a rarity. If certain persons were to be believed, a vertable ghost has been seen flitting among the trees on Bond-street for two evenings past, and has created no small amount of consternation among the respectable deniZens of that generally quiet locality. As may be imagined when the rumour relating to the nocturnal visitor became current, Speculation became rife in regard to it. But it will scarcely be credited that seVeral hundred persons visit- ed B-rnd-street last evening to get a peep at his ghostship, and‘ifany of them are to be believed, they were not disappointed. A number of individuals brought guns to the spot, but whether they loaded them with the “legitimate silver bullets” is not krown, but they stood waiting to get a chance shot at the airy visitor. The crowd w'aited patiently at the place for several hours, and one or two of our “lynx eyed gentlemen in blue” were eager- .y on the watch to take his ghostship into custody, and bringhim before Cadi in the mornrng._i.' they “er: firtunate in catcl- ing it. Mr. “ Spirit”, is described by those who saw it last night as headless, about six feet in height and riding on a white horse. It is a pity to spoil such a char- ming ghost story, but it appears that some wag has been amusing himself and fright- ening our citizens from their property by experimenting with (a majic lantern. DROWNED.â€"-â€"-Joltn Forrester was drowned at Curry’s Rapids, fifteen miles up the Gatineau river, C. E. On the 6th ult. Mr. Forrester was a native of Scot- land, only two years a resident of this country, and eighteen months married. The bark canoe in which he was navagat- ing the river, with five Others, including his father-in-law, Mr. Michael MeBean, Land Agent, got into whirlpool and sunk. Poor Forrester was the only one who never vase. The others were saved; but Mr. Bean lost a carpet hag containing his A gencv reports, and other valuable papers and $86 in moneyâ€"Ottawa Gazette. ‘mami At Markham Village, on the 9111 instant, Mrs. Robert Wilson, ofa daughter. DIED. ‘ At Markham Village, on Saturdav, the 61h inst.,SAnAH, the wife of Mr. David Kribs, aged 31 years, .__‘ ____ _,_T"/ r ‘1"; __ ‘I::. 7-. TO RON TO MAR K ETS. THURSDAY, July 11. Fall VVheat,â€"-1,flll(l lishls was the extent ofthe supply which soldat the following prices. The prices paid for the best samples were from $1 to $106.1” bshl, Spring W’heatwlflflf) lisbls in market, which st ld ll. from $0 65 to‘$0 72 per bslIl. Bar ey.â€"-â€"sold at from 40 to 430. Peas.â€"270il bsirls wont 011' at 40 and 430 per bshl.‘ i Oatsâ€"at 96 and 270 p'er bshl. Hayâ€"is from $153 to $15 per ton, Straw $6 to $7 per ton. ' Ii‘lour.-â€"Suporfine extra sold at $5 80 to $6 10, Extra 25 to $5 51); Fancy (Spring) $4 75 to $5 UU: Fancy (Fall) $5 10; to $5 25; Extra, $5 to $5 50 ; Double Extra, $5 75 to $6 50. Huttonâ€"Tub is in'fairisupplv at from We to 12 per lb. , » Porkâ€"is in fair request, .For Hogs averaging 160 lbs $5 50 and $5 90 has been paid. and those averaging 200 lbs $5 and $5 Gilâ€"the latter being the extreme figure. Applesâ€"Common varieties $l and $1 95pm barrel. Better grades $1 50 and $2 barrel. Eggs,â€"â€"Frosh from wagons So to 10c per dozen, Potatoesâ€"Vary in price from 25 to 28¢. Sheepâ€"are in demand at from $3 50 to $4 50 each. Lambsâ€"scarce at $2 to $2 25 each. Calvesâ€"are in good supply at $4 to $568511. Beefâ€"Hidcsâ€"83 50 per 100 lbs. Sheep and lamb skins $1 25 each. Calfskins 08c. perlb, Tallow, $7 per 100 lbs 'Iiimothv Seedâ€"$2 80 a $3 per bushel, Clover Seedâ€"$4 75 per bushel. SPECIAL NOTICES. W V NOT TOO LATE. Reader it. is not too late, your child although been we” Paid for their tab“; 3” [he crnaciatedfFretful, Fevorish a dry cough and othersof the three or four hundred, who apparently in the consumption, if cans-ed by either have bought claims, or have spent worms. can be irrimediatelv cured by using Dr. some days in prospecting, have realized McKenzie’s Dead Shothorm-Candv, although nothing. Gold has been found in some of you may have tried every other preparation £13: other veins, but not in any remunera- without good results still it is not too late, the "ve quantity. THE- ARAGO‘S MAILS. In the House of Commons, on the 24th, Mr. Scully moved an address to her Ma- jesty, representing that Mr. Adair, one of the Justices of the Peace for the County of Donegal, has recently rejected all the inhabitants from a tract of land in that Dead Shot will cure. invariably. The cost of one trial is only 15 cents, 50 cents for four packages. Genuine has the facsimilie signa- ture of _ ., H. E. MCKENZIE. M.D. Glasgow, Scotland. On each Wrapper. Try it once and judge for yourselves. Dealers can be suppliod'by all wholesale dealers in Drugs andMedicino in Canada. To Consumpttves. County, under circumstances which appear ' HE Adverliserv haVlnt-I‘bee“ “Stored m to affect seriously the general peace and well being of the district, and praying that health in a few weeksby a very simple remedy, after having suflferedseveral years with a severe lung affection, andrtltat dread disease, Consumptionâ€"is anxious to make known to Slle may be Pleased 10 (“115013 Fm inquiry, his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. with a view to consider whether it is fitting To all who desire it, he will ‘send a copy of that Mr. Adair should coutinue to hold: the l’rescrll’llon'used drew“ Charge)’ With Her-Majesty’s commision. ,‘The motion was seconded by Mr. Henn- essy. ‘ Mr. Brett Suggested that the inquiry in- to these evictions should be conducted by a Select Comrntttee. the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find avsunn CURE FUR Ci-Nsurirr'rrou, ASTHMA, Buoncmrrs, &c. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit‘ the ‘afIiicted. and spread information which IIB.‘COIICBIVOS to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will trv his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, "After some remarks by Lord Hamilton, mid may Pro"6 a bIOSSlng- ' the amendment was negativod. The appearance of the crops in Belgium address are very satisfactory. " The harvest wrll probably begin in France some weeks earlier than usual. In the south they have already commenced cuttingwheat. Baron Sloeran de .Bccle has been ap- pointed Governor of the Dutch possession in the East Indies. 3‘ The Schlessche thizmg published eivs from Vl/arsaw, stating that the laws in connection with the reforms recently published, had in no way given satisfaction. Parties wishing the prescription will please REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, W'illiamsburgh, Kings County, New York. h.â€" flm antacxtiammt. . WWW“ EMPLOYMENT! $40 A MONTH! .Egents Wanted. E want an active agent in every County" in the United States and Canada, to sell the Franklin Sewirzg Machine. T0 3 limited number of Travelling Agents we will i-ine privilege granted to the Council of Pay a salary Of State and the Municipal Councils, were $40 per Month & all Expenses. found to be so insignificant that; their pm- To local agents a commission of 30 per cent. on coedings promised no re~ults. .The dissatisfaction of the people was increasing. and the aspect of affairs in general was most gloomy. ,The ship fever has appeared at Quebec Three ships have had. to put back-aircra- that city to Quarientiw. all sales. . Every machine is warranted to give univer- sal satisfaction, and kept in repair six months. Rocont improvements renders this machine the cheapest and most popular in the market. For full particulars and a permanent business, ad- dress, With stamp for return letter, ‘ HARRIS BROTHERS. . SOLE AGENTS FRANKLIN SEWING iMACHINE CO 137-3m Box 186 Boston, Mass. {GOD SA VE THE QUEEN. ‘1 « ‘e. . .wnos’n »-’."»,-\'.u.. 3:“. i ‘ ... The 417th Regiment, which has just arrived in Canada, formed part of the army under General Wolfe which took Quebec in 1759. When \Volfe was mor- tally wounded, he was carried from the field by some grenadiers of the 47th, and , the regiment for many years bore the name of “ Wolfe’sOwn.” To this day the officer‘s wear a black worm in their lace, as morning for him. m .. canon o Ul‘iiiifia $25 12333599 "i a *5" II: I Ia regatta ....AND.... Giiilli’ll illiliilli filfi ! A, 1:1 Hyata 19rozae, India? - .:‘ flak g 'l ’4’}. 8 >7 /,. fL-v V '1 l n . Corossal colden Charioti It is with grout satisfaction that. You Amburglr, the 01d and original Lion and Titrer Tami-r, announces to the public, that during :i u all- sonco 01' several years, he traveled to every inlidbitnblo part of the known world, in search of Rare, Valuable and Curious Animals, and on his return last season, was groetw ed with :r. patronage, in the New England Statics, unpar- alolleri in tire annals of 13x- hil)it,ions; vastly surpassing lllt' most exalted expecta- tions. This Complete Menagerie. The only one in America, \Vill appear this season in An Entirely New Outfit, W'itli New Borers, New Silverâ€"Mounted Haer 985, New Odors-:11 Chariot, New Surgeons}; 1- ain ed Cages New Spring \Vagons, New Six Centre-Pole Canvas, .55 Large as Six urdmary Cirrus-co. All the advantages that wealth, talent and experi- ence could commaan have been brought into requisition this season in starting this gigantic enterprise. A favor- :Iltlt‘ opportunity now pre- sents itself to parents who Wish to instruct their Chil~ v ’ (Iron in the great Study of Na!- ilml Iâ€"[ixrorp Among: tlromost prominent, tinctures may be found the (rut/rut I, GOLDEN CIIAIIIOT, \Vitlr 1t! I):!)l]ll(‘ Grey Horst-s, War wiephant .‘E'Eannibal J‘ort‘orming ELEI’II.~\I\"I' ’I'i'l’l’tlfl SA‘IB, A pair of ZEBUS, or SACRED CATTLE. A pair of California Dane).ng Grizzly Eears, A pair of i“ CAI-IIRIREIE HINTS, A BLACK and :1 WHITE l AMA Besides an nimbst endless variety of" other Animals, which our space Iii-re is not sutiicient to enumerate. [181‘ OF ANIMALS. Mammy/.7, Elqihum IIrImrv'bal. Performing Elephant Tippoo 507?). Sin: Lions and Lioness, Asiatic . Lions, African Lioness, Ymmg Lion, native of the United States. South American Silver Lion, sziidicn Lion, Yr‘mig Jl'foose, only one tm’l'elii/g. Black Tigr'r. only one in America, So ut/i Amrrimn Tiger, Rog/III Benâ€" gal Tigrr. only one in America, Brazilian. Tigrr. Prnilic 'Wolf, ( Four Tigers. all (Ifflereizt SpHTMS, Burmese. 01 Sacred (70\\‘, Three Ant Euler's. S can Lmrards. Three Bengal Leugords. African Ostrich, 9 feet high. only one in the United {Stator1 Ni'.7'lII.A1mrican Pam/rev. Fallou- Deer, Black Lama. ‘2 Rorlry/ Mmmtnin Grizzly Dancing L‘zms. White Aipa'tll, Zebra. prIsMItc/l to Mr. Var: Am- bnrg by the Earl of Baby, Eng- land, Orelot or Tiger Cat, Java. Htll‘e, Pair Cashmere Goats. only ones on exhibition in this country. Tiircc S‘ilrcr Pheasants. ' ll'lrite Ground Hog. 1 U’ugo/a, fl Canada Coons, JlIIisk, or (‘Mict ~ .» Cat. 3 African Grey Parrots, 3 ' W11 rite Coratoos, R Sum/i Amer-[ran Parrots. BOheWI’ffl’fl Phrasants, 3 Soul/1. 1177167700“ ("on-ces, Il Spanish JlIarrm-s. l Iiliirnunrm, W11 in: and Grey Rafibz‘rs, Family of Guinea Pigs, Sow/z American Condor, only one in 1110 limited States, .1 Perara, ‘2 Fishers. or 1171167“ Fats. Black “’00”, Grey IVolf, besides a Colony of Apes Baboons, Monkeys, cc. Prolcssor Lang- ‘worthy, pupil of The GREAT VAN AMBURGH, ‘ ) \Vill enter the Dons of TRAINEE) ANS MALS At each lintortaimont. Also, " v i will be introduced Illrar Ele‘ pliant 1~Irnmibal, Performing EZe‘ pliant Tippoa S {(1, Educated Ponies, Monkeys, 1\Iules, 6L0. The Gorgeous Procession \Vill (inter town at or about , 10 o'clock on the morning 01" the day 01‘ exhibition. ._ o,ޤa’ : . ,: _:=~ r“ Will exhibit at Markham Village, Wednes- dur. July 17. Newmarket, Thursday, July 18. B ». vvnsville, Friday, July 19. Richmond Hill, Saturday, July ‘20. Toronto, Monday and Tuesdav, July 252 &. 23. Doors open at 1 and 7. Admission reduced to 25 cents. Children under 9 years, 15 cents. I... o. A., E. N. A. ._..,_ The G1 orious, Pious & Immortal Memory GRAND Demonstration will be held at Richmond Hill. On FRZDA Y, 12th July 1861. When the Lodges of Markham District will nssotnllli‘, in commemoration of the Glorious Victory of the Baflfi‘TflZfi? ofthc BO YJV’E Being the One hundred and Eighteenth Anni vorsary ofthat Glorious and over Memorable day. The Lodges in the District are requested the meet at eleven o’clock. Dinner will be served at 1'2 o’clock. A Procession will be formed at 2 O’clock and prooced to a grove where several able speakers will address the meeting Brass Bandswill attend The friends of Protestantism and the cause generally are respectfully invited to attend. JOHN CARTER, R. KNILL, District Master. District Sec. Markham, July 1, 1861. .u, V'.._...J.,..., .. ... . 3.. . mil 1 {501- materials, construction or style. has been carefully investigated, and if found practicable, adopted. l MoDOnaId, George \IWV cw, . Respectfully announces that he has opened V’Varerooms in Toronto, for the Sale of his CARRIAGES, In the Premises formerly occupied by Messrs. GEO. EWARTfiéz 00. Church Street, adjoining the Store of Messrs. Ho ivland, Fitch 8: Co. , R. HALL, in introducing himself to the public, feels that lie is not a stranger, as his Carriages have been long and favorably knOWn to many ofthe largest and most judicious purchasers in the Province. He has for the last twelve years been con- stantly engaged in the manufacture of Carriages. and durinir that period every imprOvement which? is been introduced, either in D He has always exercised the most scrupulous care in the selection of timber, and the Securing ef workmen. This has been fully iemonstrated In the experience of those who have tested the durability of his work A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF LIGHT CARRIAGES Will be Kept constantly on hand, Both at the (.ity Repository and at the Manufactory at Markham, Mr. HA LL opens a sale room in Toronto for the purpose of placing his goods in a position easily accessible to all parts of the Province. Persons living at a distance, who choose to order by mail, may rely upon the most careful attention in the selecâ€" tion, packing and forwarding of the goods ordered, upon terms as favourable to the purchaser, as though he were present. Markham, April 19,1861. LAIPIES’ Btltl'I‘S AND SHtlES! US'I‘ RECEIVED a large and choice va- riety, and will be sold cheaper than over offered before on Richmond Hill: Calf Slippers, . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . .33. 13d, pair. Beautiful Enameled Ruckskins...4$. 0d. " Enameled Seal and Calf Bucksins, l. splendid quality. . . . . . . . . . . ..58. 0d. U’E‘i‘lcaw call and examine before purcbaing elsewhere. W. S. POLLOCK. Richmond Hill, May 16, 1861. 129-tf anada Permanent Building AND SAVINGS’ SOCIETY. Suascurann CAPITAL, $541,450; Invas'ren 0N REAL ESTATE, $426,365 : ANNUAL INCOME FROM NIEMBIERS, $300,000. Office â€" Masonâ€"IOIIâ€"Iall. Toronto. DIRicc-rons.â€"â€"Josoph D. Ridout, J. G. Che- wett, James G. Worts, Thomas Maclear. Peter Paterson, J. G. Beard, S. Nordhoi'ner, Thos. D. Harris. SOI.icr'I‘OR,-â€"Edward C. Jones. SECRETARY AND TREASURER,â€"-J. Herbert Mason. WV“NV\/\.f\/\‘/\/\/\4 VM”\/“ ‘1 V'V \,» \I‘NJN'\J\VI\4V‘W\’ BUY PLows OWERs REAPERs scaApcns SOUFFLERs FANN-MILLs PLOW‘POINTs HORSE POWERS, STRAW'CUTTERs GRAHICRUSHER& MOWING MACHINES, rRURNPIKE SIMoVELs, TIIRESIIING ACIIIN ES TREIID HORSE POiVERs, ‘ STIIMP EXIW}AOT%)Rs SHELAR$ HAJ3R0ivs SWJEEP POIVERS, SEPERATORR 8:0. Ste. &c. 8m. ' IIE Stock of this Institution presents a pro- fitable and easily convertible mode of in- vestment, based on Real Estate sec‘uritv, ron- ‘ dering it peculiarly suitable for Farmers,C|ergy ~ men, Teachers, Mechanics, persons in the re- ceipt of salaries, and those whose income is de- rived front their capital. SAVINGs’ BANK BIiANCII.â€"Sums of Four Dollars and upwards arorecoived by the Society on deposit, subject to withdrawal, and bearing interest at Six per cent. per annum. The Q a.- . pital and Assets of the Society, investedin, mortgages on first-class landed property, being pledged for the security of money thusroceived, depositors are at all times assured of perfect safety. To Bomrownns.-â€"Tliis Society makes ad- vances on the security ofIrnprovsd City or- Country Property, repayable by instalments spread over any term the applicant chooses. from one to ten years. Properties mortgaged may be sold or ex- changed for other property, or the Mortgage may be redeemed before maturity, II“ cesium) BY '1 HE BORROVVER. Applications for Loans will be received by the Secretary. Robert James,junr., or R. H. Smith, Newmarket, from whom Circulars and the Rules of the Society, together with. any fuitber information, may be obtained. [13‘ Letters to be prepaid. Toronto, April 12, 1861. 124-118‘. Jas. F. Brown, .11 lg BROKER, ,1 w â€"‘ . Estate and General Agents 0 O AGENT FOR. y y Q-Eotouial flifc Qtssuranrc Qfo’p. i-o r-o 1 MASONIc HALL, TORONTO STREET. T H E TORONTO- If? Money to Lend on Improved Farms April 19. 1861. 125-1y IMPLEMENT FACTORY PAT”” OTHEt L. Pic-n10 PartiéS& Tea Meetings Our. Implements and Machines have", been before the public {ww‘led-m‘fl Sul’Pl‘ed °“-”°“s°“"‘ble “"ms' for the last seven years. Nothing that We can say here wrll Richmond Hill. June 24, 1861. 135-tf - - . add a Single laurel tothe well-earned and env1ab1e reputation Houses and Lots for Sale. they already sustain. Prudence, however, dictates to the OR EXCAEGE Farmer to rely upon such Machines only as have been wo HALF ACRE LOTSâ€"with a good thoroughly tested, Dwelling House on each, pleasantly situ- ate-d about halt'a mile north of Markham Vi]- Iage, are offered for sale on very reasonable terms. They will be sold separately or to- gether to suit purchasers, ' ’ For terms and other particulars. enquire of the Proprietor, DAVID VVUOTTEN, Bond’s Lake, or at this Oflice. Oak Ridges, June 27, 1861. CHARLES TAGGART, ’ CONFECTIONER. ’ BREAD & FANCY BISCUIT BIKER RICHMOND HILL. v HIEâ€"MN 11L PATTERSON & BROTHERS, Richmond Hill, March 1, 1861 118-4m DR-S-DELLENBAUGH. Grist and saw Milt: 01d German Physician. Of Buffalo, N-Y‘, IIE Subscriber, in returning thanks to his: l35~3m. ILL BE IN THE FOLLOWING . “mew” “lends W'miavmd him with _ _ places in Jul, ._ their custom at the Headford Mills, begs to inform them that he has taken the MILLS lately occupied by Mr. B. FISH. known as the PHYSICIAN. Sherborne Mills h/‘TRS. Dr. SWAN. at No. 530 Yonge Street, Near the Green Bush Hotel, You o Street.â€" Toronto, has been verysuccessful for 16 Those Mills belngin first-rate or or, any one years in the treatment of all Chronic and acute {I'Vl'g him a ca“ w'“ find me Gristing done in diseases, and has cured many obstinate cases, a superior monitor. Parties wishing to lake which had baffled the sky“ of the most expe_ their (rusting back with them can do so. rieucod mineral Physicians, She requires no 6? All work warranted second to n ' pationtto describe his symptoms, but can tell one m Canada. him of Mary ache and pain : and her exami- nations are reliable : there is no guess work in them. Her remedies are not poisons, but such as afilicted nature requires. TERMS :â€"For Examination according to the old method, free. Clairvoyant Examination, thorough and reliable. $3. Medicine accord- ing to length of treatment. Toronto, July 4, 1861. Torontoâ€"8th and 9th. American IIotel. . Richmond Hillâ€"111b, Nichol’s Hotel. Auroraâ€"12m. Newmarketâ€"13thaud 15th,North American, Bradfordâ€"46th and 19111. Where he can be consulted upon all forms o chronic diseases. (Bradford and Newmaxrltct' papers, copy.) Richmond Hill. June 28. 1861. 135-‘2t I GEORGE SQUIRE, 5 Markham, Apr” 19, 1861. Proprietor. ttvrtrrirnrnnii ON RICHMOND IIILL. Edwin 'Webber, Ambrotypc and Photograph BROS to intimate tome inhabitants of m..- GALLERY IN CANADA, 136-1t. ’ I I" The Chat: est and Best Letters p Remainingin RICHMONDHILLI’ostOffica JULY 1, i661. McGare, Margret McBeatb, Mrs. McBeath, Mrs. Thos. commenced bcsiriess as CABINET MAKER, UNDERTAKER, ac, Artress, I'Ienry BoWes. Wm. Bonnet, Mr. Booth, W. Northgravo Duke is AT Two doors sou”) 0f the u York Herald” omce‘ Bone. G. Pamon’ Ebgnemr I where he has on hand a general assortment of Collins, Mrs. Mary Riendeau. Mrs, Pierre i HOIISCIIOI(I Furlliturfl Chambcrlin, E. Ross, Mark . ’ Goodwill, John Reed, Thomas ' 7 ’ Ofthe be“ quality' cheap for cash’ Gamble. Miss E. Wilson, R. W, , Boston ROCkll‘E Chalr9~ i - - ~ - - - - - - o - - - $1 55 acres, John [2] Wilson, Richard 'IORUNTO' Cummon Chairs. from ..... i ...... 0 45 Johnson. John Wilson, George ' Bedswadsi from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 75 Jackson, John Young. Mrs. {NTE’ Bureaus, from. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 00 Law, A. Young.Mri,Aug’a M. Munshaw. Geo. Young, Miss M. TEEFY, PM And other articles equally low. one» A Call is Solicitcd. Toronto, April to. 1861. ' Richnwuduitl. June 7,186]. 1324! Proprietor and Principal Operator 1.. ARIES. 6. Extra Paper, ,i“ I. WNW“, 1, . L...” 1.,“ ». ._. V » ,.._ u,_,_}. . TIIE PEOPLE’S GREAT B00118. ANY of these Books will be fOrward'ed' by " Mail, post paid, to any address, on re‘ ceipt of price by JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher", No. 617 Sansom St, Philadelphia, Pa. 1133 Agents wanted everywhere. THE HORSE, AND HIS DISEASES: ROBERT JENNINGS, v.s., PROFESSOR or: PATHOLOGY AND Oran'rt‘vn SUR- GERY-XN THE VETERINARY COLLLGI: on PHILA- DELPHIA, PROF- 0F VETERINARY IVIEDICINE in THE LATE AGRICULTURAL ( 01.1.EGE or OHIO, SECRETARY or THE AMERICAN VETERINARY ASSOCIATION or Put- LADLLPHIA, E'I‘C., ETC. W WELL TELL YOU Of the Origirr,IIistorv and distinctive traits of the various breeds of Euro- poan,Asiatic,African and American HOrses, with the physical formation and peculiarities ofthe animal, and how to ascertain lrisaga by the number and condition '01 his teeth ; I'l- lustrated with many explanatory engurvrngs. THE HORSE AND 1118 DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of Breeding. Breaking, Stabling, Feeding, Grooming, Shooing. and the gen’rol management ofter llt)l‘:<e,Wiiil the best modes of administering medicine, also, how to treat Biting,Kicking. Rearing, Shving, Stumbling, Crib Biting, Restlessness,’ and other views to which he is subject; with numerous explanatory engravings. THE IIORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the causes, symptoms, and treatment ofStrang'os. Sore Throat,1)is- ternpcr,Catarrh, Influenza, Bronchitis, Pneu- monia, Pleprisy. Broken Vde, Chronic Cough, Roaring and Whistlingd.ampas,Soro Mouth and Ulcers, and Decayod Teeth, with other diseases of the Mouth and Respiratory Organs. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of thecauses, symptoms, and Treatment of Worms, Bolts, Colic, Strangulation, Stony Concretions, Ruptures, Palsy, Diarrhoea, Jnundico, llopatirroca, Bloody Urine, Stones in the Kidneys and Bladder, Inflammation, and other diseases 01 the Stomach, Bowels, Liver and Urinary Organs. THE HORSE AND 1118 DISEASES WILL TELL YOU ()ftbo causes, symptoms, and Treatment of'Bone Blood, and Bog, Spa- viii, Ring-Bone, Sweenie, Strains, Broken Knees, Wind Gal‘s, Founder, Sole Bruise and Crave], Gracked, Iloofs, Scratches. (lan- ker, Thrush, and Corns: also, of Megrirns. Vertigo. Eoilepsy, Staggors, and other diu- easos of the Foot, Legs and Head. 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Neatly bound in cloth, price. $1, or in leather, $1.25. THE LIFE OF Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ â€"â€"-â€"â€"_.. BY REV. JOHN FLEETIVOOD, D.D., CAREFULLY REVISED BY REV. JOSEPH BELCHER, D.D. HE LIFE OF JESUS CIIRISTis the phi- losophv of true religion. , It exhibits the Principles of Christianity in their puritv and beauty. It is perfect excellence personified. that the mind of man may grasp it, and be changed into the same image. The inspired writers have given it to us in detached dose criptions. Dr. Fleetwood has arranged those in one harmonious whole, with such corn- Inents, explanations and incidental informa- tion as to render it alike acceptable to tho scholar. as to ‘him who knows no more, but knowsbisBible true.’ Belober’s revised edit- ion contains tbe Lives of the Apostles, Hin- tory of the Jews, and an Essay on the Evi- dances ordie Bible It is printifld in a clear and open 1) pc, in one royal octavo volume handsomely illustrated, and will be furnished in the following styles :â€" Clotli Extra . Price, $9 00 9-oulocooooouuu Law Sheep,.......... . . . . . . “ 1250 Cloth, Full Gilt. . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 3 00 Roan. . . . . . . . . I I o I H THEWHOLY BIBLE For Fairing; and Pulpit Use. OUR EDITIONS OF THE HOLY BIBLE are unequalled for their durabilitv. finish, _ olegattce,and completeness: no eflbrt hav- Ing been spared to render thorn perfect in every respect. 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Extra Paper, Turkey Morocco, Full A YEAR Catt be made by enterprising men in selling the above works of ours. exceedingly liberal. and other popular Our inducements to allsuch are As these books are unequalled in their me- chanical execution, as well as value of their contents, a certain and rapid sale follows their Introduction everywhere. For single copies, or for terms to agents,with other information, apply to or address JOHN rO'r'r‘E R, Publisher, No. 617 Sansom St.. I’lriladelpliia,Pa.

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