Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 19 Jul 1861, p. 3

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5 “his death. L . 31st ult., as Mr. Jas. Halloday, ofAuror'a, A. and family were about to start to church, one of the. horses gave a plunge forward, throwing Mr. Halloday’s father out of the burgy, who, falling on his back injured 1. .Ilr -‘ A- MAN SMOTHERED TO DEATH- IN A WHEAT BIN. Last night, about eleven o’clock, a colored man, named Samuel Winder, met his death in a most extraordinary manner. Itvappears that a number of men were ,en- gaged in loading a vessel with wheat at Messrs. Robertson 8:. Delaport's wharf. The wheat was stored in a bin in the upper floor of a building on the front of the wharf, and was being conveyed from the upper story to the ground llooor through a large spout. Deceased was sent tip-stairs to shovel the wheat forward to the mouth of» the spout, and was observed by one of his fellow workmen to jump into the bin, which contained several hundred bushels of wheat. He was cautioned not to ap- proach too near the spout, and then the man: left to go down stairs to give some in- structions. nowhere to be seen. On his return, Winder was The other man shouted, and at length he heard groans pro- ceeding from the bin. It then became evident that \Vinder was buried in the wheat, and the other men were instantly railed up from beliw. I’l’ithsut loss If time, they commenced to shovel away the grain, but when the unfortunate man was found he was quite deadâ€"he had been smothered in the wheat. - “It is supposed that he must have approached near the - mouth of the spout, that he had fallen, and being unable to regain his footing, had met Deceased was a married man, and has left a wrfe and family totally un- provided for. Coroner Hallowell will hold aninquest on the body to-day, at the Police Court.-â€"-Globc, July 17. THREE THOUSAND LIVES Losr.â€"In addition to the six thousand lives lost by the earthquake, at Mendoza, South Am- erica, we learn that San Juan, situated One hundred and twenty leagues north of Mendoza had been nearer destroyed by the same earthquake, with a loss of three thousand livrs. The earthquake approach. é'd from the direction of Valparaiso, and . great anxiety is manifested to hear from. that quarte. ' his spine, from which he died on the 7th inst. He was about; 57 years of age, and well respected by all who knew him. -â€"Exammer. permitting his child, a girl of ten years of age, to perform on the tight rope, has been discussed in the House of Commons on the 17th ult., and it was determined that a stop should be put to the proceeding. In accordance with the wish of the Home Office, the directors of the Crystal Palace have therefore indicated M. Blondin from allowing his daughter to be thus exposed. delivering the lectures of Gough with great success at Plymouth England. Fall Whoat.â€"~1,000 bsbls was the extent ofthe supply which soldat the following prices. prices paid for the best samples were from $1 to $1 07 nor bshl, pring sold at from $0 63 to $0 73 per hslrl. Barley.â€"â€"sold at from 28 to 34c. Peas.â€"-27OU bshls went 011' at 45 and 50c per bshl. Oatsâ€"at 96 and 270 per bshl. Hayâ€"is from $19 to $15 per ton, $7 per ton. Nounâ€"Superfine extra sold at $5 80 to $6 10, Extra 1 $5 00: Fancy (Fall) $5 10 ; to $5 25; Extra, $5 to $5 50 ; Buttonâ€"Tub is in fair supply at from 10c to . 12 per lb. Porkâ€"is in fair request, 160 lbs $5 50 and $5 90 has been paid, and those averaging 250 lbs $5 and $5 tillâ€"the latter being the extreme figure. Applesâ€"Common varieties $1 and $1 '25 per barrel. Eggs,-â€"Fresh from wagons 90 to 10c per dozen. J. Potatoesâ€"Vary in Sheep-bare in demand at from, :53 50 to $4 50 each. Lambsâ€"scarce at $2 to $2 25 each. Calvesâ€"are in good supply at $4 to Beef-Hidesâ€"-$3 50 per 100 lbs. lamb skins $ Tallow, $7 per 100 lbs Timothy Seedâ€"$2 80 a ‘53 per bushel, Clover Seedâ€"$4 75 per bushel. S MELAN CI-IOLY A CCIDENT. ‘On Friday afternoon. the 12th inst., two "children of Thomas Keating of the town- ship of North Gwillirnbury, Patrick and Edward, aged respectively seven and 1111 e years, were accidentally drowned in the river adjoining the mill of J. O. Bour- ' chier, Esq., in the village of Sutton, town- ship of Georgina. _ away from the house about half an hour, 1‘71“ n search was made for them, and their bodies were found means was resorted to, for the purpose of restoring animation, but without success. An inquest was held next morning at the ' Court House, Sutton, before the Coroner, ifilm Boyd, Esq., and :1 Jury, who chose Mr. I'Ienry Trelour as their foreman, and a verdict of ‘ Accidental Death ’ turned.â€"â€"-â€"Globe. They had only been in the river. Every was 1‘8- ANOTHER TERRIBLE EA RTIIQUAxr. FATAL Accrom'r.-â€"On Sunday. the 5 It seems that the question of Blondin’s A boy 12 years of age has been re- m“..._..;_/ - C*LWW,L m, m TORONTO MARKETS. THURSDAY, July 18. The Wheatâ€"1,200 hsbls in market, which Straw $6 to $5 25 to $5 50; Fancy (Spring) $4 75 to Double Extra. $5 75 to $6 50. For H ogs averaging Better grades $1 50‘and $2 barrel. price from 25. to 28c. $5 each. Sheep and 1 25 each. Calfskins 080. per lb, SPECIAL NOTICES. ’ HOTEL BUSINESS IN NEW YORK ClTY. & _ â€"Among the effects of the war, a very ' n icea e no is re bsence ofS uhern 2:. °‘ “° “ 3* °‘ zitaianath Menagerie visitors at the Hotels ; and the leading ones are reported to be losmg money fast. A ....Axo.... » corres Iondent of the Buflalo Cmmncrczal tR 141 l 0 , I ’ AdverItiser, says that the immense first- IL I‘ RIIII class houses are sinking at least $500 per W" "iiâ€"“'“m-"H'ruw " day, during this month. The St. Nicho- las, only a few days ago, got a reduction of $25,000 on the rent. and other houses are begging for reductimrs, which they must get, or lose considerable money. All Second-class houses are doing quite well, and also the cheap restaurants and eating- houses. Hyatt Frost, Elanager To Consumptlves. HE Advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung afi'oction, and that dread disease, Consumptionâ€"is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a SURE (‘11er Fort CONSUMPTION. ASTHMA, BRONCHII‘IS, &c. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is. to benefit the ufliictcd. and spread intbrmation'whiclr he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishingthe prescription will please address REV. EDWARD A. 'WILSON, VVilliamsburgh, Kings County, New York. It is with great satisfaction that Van Arnhurgh, the, old and original Lion and Tiger Tamer, announces to the public, that during an ab- sence of several years, he traveled to cvr-ry inhabitablc part of the known world, in search of Iilll‘t.‘, Valuable and Curious Animals, and on his return last season, was greet- ed with :I patronage, in the \ New England States, unpar- alelled in the annals of Ex- hibitions; vastly surpassing the most exalted expecta~ tions. This Complete Menagerie. The only one in America, Will appear this season in An Entirely New Outfit, With New Horses. New Silver-Mounted Harness, I New Colossal Chariot, “ New Gorgeonsly Pain ed Cages New Spring Wagons, New Six Centre-Pole Canvas, Jo Large as Six Ordinary Circus". All the. advantages that Wealth, talent and experi- ence could command have been brought into requisition this season in starting this gigantic. enterprise. A favor able opportunity now pro- scnts itself to parents who , ~ Wish to instruct their chil- . (iron in the great Study of Nat- ‘ 11ml Illstoly. Amour: the most prominent features may be found the CoIIlSSAI, GOLDEN CIIAIIIOT, ‘Vith 10 Dapple Grey Horses, War Elephant Hannibal Performing ELEPHANT TIPPDO SAIB, A pair of ZEBUS. or SACRED CATTLE,- A pair of California Dancing Grizzly Bears, A pair of CAFHMEBE GOA TS, firm éuucrtismmte. BROWN IS ALL UP. Slllillli 111 111111 l l Preserving time has come 13 lbs. Bright Porto Ricco Sugar, for one dollar. 14 lbs. Bright Cuba Sugar, for one dollar. 9 lbs. Crushed Loaf Sugar, for one dollar With a nice assortment of FREE“ GROCERIES AT TORONTO PRICES, At \VM. S. I’OLLOCK’S. (late G. A. Barnard’s). Richmond Hill, July 17, 1861. 1384f 1311111113, 1111111111! EXAMINE THE LATEST IMPROVED F ANNIN G MILL, BEFORE buying any other Fanning Mil Iâ€" considered by competent Judges to be the best constructed Mill before the Canadian public for separating Oats from Spring VVbont. Pens and Oats. and for cleaning in fact all kinds of Grain. This Mill stands unrivallod, is made of good D URABLE .MA TERIAL .’ And is, from its construction, the best for Far- mers use 1111116. Province. I . ‘ , ' I . Ilfammo‘lt Elephant IIamubal. '1 hey are manufacmred )3 he undermgnedi Performing Eloy/rant Tippoo Saib. at Richmond Hill, to whom all orders should Six Liam and Liomss, Asiatic be addressed, Lions. African Liomss. Young v 113' Farmers would do well to call and sx- figggsnfigggy 37,1135“; {gigs}; amino the Mill,.whon passrirgdown Yonge St. ‘ ' ' . Lion, Nimiidi‘un 1,5011, 1'. mg Orders left at the residence of Mr. Southard: Moose. only one l‘rfltfcf’lt'lg. Elm/.- at'Nowmurke't, wt '1 receive prompt attention. . Tigzr. only one, in America. Shopâ€"Within Eight Rods of Raymond’s Hotel South Amm‘crm Tiger, Royal Ben- gal Tiger, only one in America. SOUTHARD, BOYN'I‘ON do Co Inn. July 18. 1861. 138-tf Besides (In almost (‘nrlloss ‘ynriely of other Animals, ‘ which our space here is not ‘ “ sufficient to enumerate. A," "I‘ll; ’/ LIST OF ANIMALS. Brazilian Tiger, Prairie Wolf, I "' Four Tigers, ail different Sjmrles, ' ‘ Burmese, 07' Sucrcd Cow, Three Am Eaters, Swen Laopards. Three Bengal L607 ards. African Ostrich, 9 feet high. only one in the United States, North. American. Panther. Fallow Deer, Black Lama. 2 Early Mountain Grizzly Dancing Bears, White Alparca, Zebra, pwsemezl Io filr. Van Am- burg by the Earl of Daily, Eng‘ land, Ute/0t. or Tigt'r Cat, Java. Hare, Pair Cashmere Goats. only ones on exhibition In this country, Three Silt-er Pheasants, (1-,; r . ll'hi‘te Ground Hog, 1 Ougola, 3 ' Canada Coons, Musk, or C'f’tldt ('at. 3 African Grey Parrots. 3 Richmond Harvest Pants 2 GOOD Assortment, in Linen and Cotton Drillsâ€"wail made, in all sizes-froni 35 9d per pair; also a nice selection of Summer COATS, PANTS and VES'I‘S, in various Material, Durable and of the Newest Styles â€"- Call at WM. S. POLLOCK’S, [Lalo G. A. Barnard’s.] Rwhmond “111' Jul) ‘8' 1861' 138 White Catatoos, 3 South/177767175111. . _ ‘ _ â€"â€" Parrots. Bohmn‘an Phrasmils, 3 NE South American Fences, 4 Spanish Mara‘ws, 1 Iihmmnon. White and Grey Rabbits, Family of Guinea Pigs, South American Condor, only one in the United States, 1 Pecaca, 2 Fishers. or Water Cats, Black 1V0! , Gray Wolf, besidssa. Colony 0 Apes. Babomis, Monkeys, d‘c. Professor Lang- wor'thy, pupil of The GREAT VAN AMBURGH, .} Will enter the Dons of “6"” ca“ “d TRAINEE ANIMALS At each Entortaiment. Also, WMo So POLLOCK, will be introduced War Ele' (Late G. A. Barnard). pliant Hannibal, Informing Ele‘ Richmond Hill, July 18, 1861. 1:18 pliant Tipon Saib, Educated BIRD LOST. Ponies, Monkeys, Mules, A20. The Gorgeous Procession Will enter town at or about. 10 o‘clock on the, morning of SCAI’ED from the premises of the Sub- scriber on Sunday last, a yellow cock CANARY. Any person capturing and re- storing it to the Subscriber. will receive a re- the day of exhibition. ward of $1. J. K. FALCONBRIDGE. Richmond rim, July 19. 1861. 138-lt. EMPLOYMENT! $40 A MON’HII dgcnts “Muted. 'V E want an active agent in every County in the United States and Canada. to sell the Franklin Sewing Machine. To a limited number of Travelling Agents we will pay a. salary of $40 per Month & all Expenses. To local agents a commission of 30 per cent. on all sales. . ' x , Every machine ls warranted to give univer~ sal satisfaction, and kept in repair Six months. 1 Recent improvements renders this machine the cheapest and most popular in the market. For full particulars and a permanent blisiness, ad- dress. With stamp for return letter, HARRIS BROTHERS, sour AGENTS FRANKLIN sswrso MACHINE co 137o3m Box 186 Boston, Mass. AND JVE H" PIBIJVTS .' A‘T RED UCED PRICES! ‘US'I' to hand a nice assortmsntof the BEST GOODS on the Hill, for One York Shil- ling per yard. Make your purchases before the best patterns are selected. see them. _I .\ . Will exhibit at Markham Village, Wednes- day, July 17. ' Noivmarket, Thursday, July l8. Brownsville, Friday, July 19. Richmond Hill, Saturday. July 20. Toronto, Monday and Tuesday, July 2‘2 & 23. Doors open at I and 7. Admission reduced to ‘25 cents. Children under 9 years, 15 cents. Grist and saw Milli HESuhscriber, in returning thanks to his numerous Friends who favored him with their custom at the Ileadford Mills, begs to inform them that he has taken the MILLS lately occupied by Mr. B. FISH. known as the Sherborne M1115 Near the Green Bush Hotel, Yongo Street.â€" These Mills being in firstarate order, any one giving him a call will find the Gristing done in a superior manner. Parties wishing to take their Gristing back with them can do so. 113’ All work warranted second to none in Canada. NOT TOO LATE. Reader it is not too late, your child although emaciated, Fretful, Feverish a dry cough and Edwm , apparently in the consumption, if caused by ' worms. can be immediately cured by using Dr. I ON RICHMOND IIILL. commenced bosiness as lllIW llllllll'l‘lllll SIRE r{SIâ€"V'ekfloer, EGS to intimate to the inhabitants of Rico- mond Hill and Vicinity, lhat he has GEORGE SQUIRE, I’roprietor. Markham, April 19, 1861. 125-tf CLAIIIVMAR’I ARI) IIOTANIC PHYSICIAN. McKenzie’s Dead Shot Worm-Candy, although you may have tried every other preparation &c" I without good results still it is not too late, the Two doors south ofthe ,, York Heraldnomce Dead S’wt WI" cures invariably- The 0051 or where he has on hand a general assortment of one trial is only 15 cents, 50 cents for ion packages. ' Genuine has the facsimilie signa- ture of H. E. MCKENZIE. M.D. Glasgow, Scotland. On each Wrapper. RS. Dr. SWAN, at No. 530 Yange Street, Toronto, has been very successful for 16 years in the treatment of all Chronic and acute diseases, and has cured many obstinate cases, which had battled the skill of the most expe- rienced mineral Physicians, She requires no patientto describe his symptoms, but can tell him of every ache and pain ; and her exami- nations are reliable : there is no guess work in Household Furniture, Of the best quality, cheap for cash, Boston Rocking Chairs., . . . . . . . .. . . . . $1 55 Common Chairs, from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 45 them'. Her remedies are “0t pmsons’ but snob Bedsteads from I 7,; as afllrcted nature requires. Bureaus ham ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 7 0;, Turns :â€"-â€"For Examination according to the _ y o u a s o o s u - 1 u n g r u ~ u n . 1 r s o ‘ old method, free. Clairvo‘yant Examination, Try it once and judgefor yourselves. And other articles equally low. Dealers can be supplied by all wholesale A dealers in Drugs and Medicine in Canada. ' Richmond Hill. J_une7,1861. .1. 1324' t l thorough and reliable. I Medicine accord- ing to length of treatment. Toronto, July 4. 1861. 4, 136-“. the Province. Calf Slippers,. . . . . . . . Beautiful Enameled Buck-kins. Enameled Seal and Calf Bucksins. Richmond Hill. May 16, 1861. Artress, Henry Bowes. Wm. Bonnet, Mr. Booth, W5 Bone, G. _ Collins, Mrs. Mary Chamberlin, E. Goodwill, John Gamble. Miss E. Hayes, Jolru [2] Johnsou,’Jolrn Jackson, John Law. A. v Munshaw. Geo. McDonald, Georgs‘ Jig“; .Mww A-RIGE. an 8. MR. 6. P. HALL, , Respectfully antiounces that he has opened VVarerooms in Toronto, for the Sale of his CARRIAGES, Church Street, adjoining the Store of Messrs. 110 «land, Fitch &. Co. Mr. HALL opens a sale room in Toronto for the purpose of placing his goods in a position easily accessible to all parts 0 Persons living at a distance, who choose to order by mail, may rely upon the most careful attention in the selec- tion, packing and forwarding of the goods ordered, upon terms as favourable to the purchaser, as though he were present. 'Markham, April 19,1861. W LADIES’ B00’I‘S AND SHOES! US'I‘ RECEIVED a large and choice va-I riety, and will be sold cheaper than ever offered before on Richmond Hill: . ..3s. lld, pair. ..4s. 0d. " (I splendid quality.. . . .. .. . . . . .59. 0d. 11:?1’leaso call and examine before purchaing W. S. POLLOCK. 12941“ elsewhere. Canada Permanent Building AND SAVINGS’ SOCIETY. â€"â€".--â€"~ SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, $541,450: Isvrzs'rrm on REAL ESTATE, $426,363: ANNUAL INCOME FROM MEMBERS, $300,000. *â€"- Office *Masonic Hall. Taronto. DIRKCTORS.-â€"-J058Pll D. Ridout, J. G. Che- wott, James G. Worts, Thomas Maclesr, Peter ‘I’aterson, J. G. Beard. S. Nordhoi'ncr, 'l‘hOs. D. Harris. Soucrron,â€"Edward C. Jones. SECRETARY ’ ARI) 'I‘REAsunEn,â€"J. Herbert Mason. HE Stock of this Institution presents a pro- fitable and easily convertible mode of III- vestmeut, based on Real Estate security, ren- dering it peculiarly suitable for Farmers,Clergy - men, Teachers, Mechanics, persons In the re- ceipt of salaries, and those whose Income 15 de- rived from their capital. SAvrsGs’ BANK BRANCH.--Sllms of Four Donars and upwards are received by the Society on deposit, subject to withdrawal. and bearing interest at Six per cent. per annuin. Theori- pital and Assets of the Society, rnvostcdrn mortgages on first-class landed property, being pledged for the security of money thus received, depoaitors are at all limos assured of perfect safety. To Bonnowms.-â€"Tlris Societ' makes ad- a vances on the security of Improved City or Country Property, repayable by instalments spread over anyIterm the applicant chooses. from one to ten years. Properties mortgaged may be sold or ex- changed for other proporty,'0r the Mortgage may be redeemed before maturity, Ir‘ DESIRED BY THE BORROWER. Applications fer Loans will be received by the Secretary. Robert James, jnnr., or R. H. Smith, Newmarket. from wuom Circulars and the Rules of the Society, together with any fuither information, may be obtained. (13’ Letters to be prepaid. Toronto, April 12. 1861. 124-1132 J a. 3. F. Brown, BROKER, Estate and General Agent, AGENT FOR Colonial flifc (Assurance (Eo’p. 1 MAsonrc HALL, Tonoriro STREET, TORONTO- ll? Money to Lend on Improved Farms April 19. 1861. 125-1y Houses and Lots fm' Sale. 0 R EXCAEGE. wo HALF ACRE'LO'I‘sâ€"wirn a good DWelling House on each, pleasantly situ- ated about half n mile north of Markham Vil- lage. are offered for sale on very reasonable terms. They will be sold separately or to- gether to suit purchasers, For terms and other particulars. enquire of the Proprietor, DAVID WOO'I‘I‘EN, Bond’s Lake, or at this Office. 135-3m. Oak Ridges, June ‘27, 1861. Letters Remainingiu RICH MON D HILL I’ostOfiico I, 1561. McGare. Margret McBeatb, Mrs. McBeath, Mrs. 'I‘bos. Northgrave, Duke l‘anton. Ebenezer Riendeau. Mrs. Pierre Ross, Mark Read, Thomas Wilson, R. W, W ilson. Richard Wilson, George Young, Mrs. Young,Mrs,Atig’n M. Young, Miss M. TEEFY, PM PHOTOGRAPHS I A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF LIGHT NVilI be Kept constantly on hand, Both at the City Repository and at the Mar’mfactOry at Markham. f GEORGE EAKIN. N Tendering thanks to his friends and the public generally, for their-liberal support In past years. and soliciting the continuance of that patronage, cordially Invites an inspection of his present Stock of CARRIAOEs.EnOoIEs,&c. WHICH HE CAN SAFELY RECOMMEND TO ALL, 13 cm g made Neat, Substa )1 tin! andfi'om the best [77212011661 Illaterial. He will also make to order every description of Light 8; Heavy Wagon s, Gigs, Sulkies. Buck-boards, Sec. CHEAP FOR CASH 0R APPROVED CREDIT. 03’ Please give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. 7 Come one, come all, and buy of me, For I have Buggies, as you will see, That are neat, that are strong, and wrthout doubt Are much superior to any turned out! My terms are easy, my price 15 small-- Pray do not forget to give me a call. Unionville, July 18, 1861. 138o6m. BUY PLOWS, OWERS, REAPERS, SCRAPERS. SCUFFLERS, FANNâ€"‘MILLS, PLOW POINTS, HORSE POWERS, STRAW CUTTE'RS. GRAIN CRUSHERS, MOWING TU‘RNI’IKE THRESHING TREAD MACHINES, SH'OV'ELS, MACHINES, HORSE POWERS, STUMP EXTRACTDRS, SHEARS, HARROWS, SWEEP P O W ER 5, SEPERATOR&* DEC; &C. W m o 2 -THE IMPLEMENT FAG Sic. 1:) la?! 0, 3. &Ct TORY '1‘1111 PEOPLE’S GREAT 1100118. A“ 7‘ ceipt ofpr'ico by JOHN E. POTTER, No. 617 Sansom St , Philadelphia, Pa OF MARKHAM CARRIAGE FACTORY. [11 the Premises formerly occupied by Messrs. GEO. EWARTfiés 00. l R. HALL, in introducing himself to the public, feels that he is not a stranger, as his Carriages have been long and favorably ' known to many ofthe largest and most judicious purchasers in the Province. stantly engaged in the-manufacture of Carriages. and during that period every improvement whichi1 is been introduced, either in materials, construction or style. has been carefully investigated, and if found practicable, adOpted. _ most scrupulous care in the selection of timber, and the securing ef workmen. This has been fully lemonstrated In therexperience of those. who have tested the durability of his work ' He has for the last thlve years been conâ€" He has always} exercised the CARRIAGES 'UNIONVILLE CARRIAGE FACTORY THE WILL TELL YOU Ofthe Origindlistory WILL TELL YOU Of the causes. : tomper,Catarrh, Influenza, Broncl - other diseasesof the Mouth and WILL TELL you‘ - Bloody Urine, W'ILL TELL YOU Ot'the cau WILL 'I'ELL YOU Of the causes, illustrated by nearly One Hundred It is printed in a clear and open type, and Will be forwarded to any address, positive paid receipt of price, in ' extra, $1.25. .7:'<!.-i r - .7.‘ 3:: > Y of those Books will be forwarded by Marl, post paid. to any address, on re- Publisher, o . 11:? Agents wanted everywhere. HORSE, AND HlS DlSEASES: BY ~- ROBERT JENNINGS, V. S., ‘ . 3 . Pnorrtssou or. I AFHOI.OGY AND OPERATIVE SUR- GERY IN THE VETERINARY COLLEGE 01" Fun A- DELPHIA. PROF. or VETERINARY MEDICINE "I THE LATE AGRICULTURAL t or.r.r:or; or OHIO, SECRETARY or THE AMERICAN VETERINARY ASSOCIATION or‘ I’m- LADI‘ILPHIA, ETC., Izi'c. o‘ c a s o n distinctive traits ol the various breeds of Euro- pean,«Asiatic,Africau and American Horses With the phystcal formation and iieculiariti ’ ofthe annual, and how to asceiitain his {)y the Izjurnbor and condition of his teeth - ustrate with many explanatory erm ' H ,K , ‘ . ( ' arvuir'. 111E HORSE AND HIS DISEASES 9 as age it- WILL TELL YOU Of Breeding, Breaking, Stahling, ii‘tniding, Groornirm, Shoeing and the gen’ral niznragorrioiit ofthO horse with the best modes of administering mediciire also how to treat Biting,Kicking.Rearing. Shviiig’ Stumbling, Crib Biting. Rostlessnoss ‘. and other views to which Ire is subject? with numerous explanatory engravings. ’ THE HORSE'ANI) HIS DISEASES symptoms, ‘hroat, Dis- . _ ntis, l‘neu- monra, Pleprlsy, Broken l’Vrnd, Chronic Cough, Roaring and Whistling,l.ampas,SOro Mouth and Ulcers, and Decavod Teeth, with and. treatment ofStrang'es, Sore '1 Respir‘aiory Organs. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES ' ‘ Of thocauses, symptoms, and lreatrnent of Worms, Bolts, Colic Strangulation, Stony Cone-rations, R upluros: Islsy, Diarrhma, Janndico, l'leparirrma, Stones in the Kidneys and Bladder, Inflammation, and other diseases 01 the Stomach, Bon‘els, Liver and Urinary Organs. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES ‘ ‘ ses, symptoms, am. '1 reatmcnt ofBono Blood, and Dog. Spa- vin, Ringâ€"Bone, Sweenie, Strains ’- * Knees, Wind Gulls, Founder, Solbblllgiiiiii and Cravel, Grackod, I'lool's, Scratches (Ian- ker,ThruslI, and Corns: also, of Megrirns Vertigo, Epilepsy, Staggors, and other dis: cases of the Foot, Logs and Head. ’I‘IIE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES sun 110 s and Treatment of Fistula, I’oll Evil, JGliiir: dors. Farcy, Scarlet Fever, Mango. Snrfr-lt Locked Jaw, Rheumatism, Cranip. Halls, Drseuses of the Eye and Heart. &-c., and how, to manage Castration,Bleeding,'I‘rephinninrr, Rowelrng, Firing. Hernia, Amputation Tuli- plng. and other surgical operations. , THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES A WILL TELL YOU of Rarey’s method of taming Horses: how to Approach. Halter or Sttable a Cost; how to accustom a horse to s rang soun s and sirrhts, at (1 ho ' Saddle, Ride, and Break him [Owll;?|1:i:: also.the form and law of \Varrantv. Thd whole being the result of fifteen years careful study ofthe habits, peculariries; wants and weaknesses of this noble and useful animal. The book contains 384 pages. appropriately Engravings. on half bound, $1 .00, or, in cloth, THE FAMILY DOCTOR 3 A COUNSELLOR 1N SICKNESS BY Professor Henry- S. Taylor, M.D. TAYLOR’S FA MILY DOCTOR has reached an‘en‘ormous sale.and wherever known. is universallyimproved, both by the faculty and others. In plain language, free from medics technicalities, itgives you simple remedies easily obtained for the core of Diseases in all forms,with-importnht rules for preserving the health, and directions for the sick chamber. and theproper treatment ofthe sick. The Dish cases 01 Chlldhood,tlre Diseases of Manhood and the Diseases peculiar to I'Vornon, are all treated of in a clearand practical way. Al- ways at hand, and ready to serve you the Simple receipes of this book may sOonbave you much sufibring’, and many tiines the cost of the volume, It is printed-in a clear and open type, and illustrated with appropriate engravrngs. Neatly bound in cloth, price, $1. 01' in leather, $1.25. â€"-â€"â€"‘._rh THE LIFE 01“ Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ BY REV. JOHN FLEETWOOD, D.D., CAREFULLY REVISED BY REV. JOSEPH BELCIIER, D.D. r IIE LIFE OF JESUS CHRIST is the phi- losophy of one religion. It exhibits the Principles of Christianity in their purit'v and beauty. It is perfect excellence personified, that tho Inind of man may grasp it, and he changed into the same image. The inspired writers have given it to us in detached des- criptions. Dr. Fleetwood has arranged those in one harmonious whole, With such corn- Inoirts, eix';‘lariatioirs and incidental informa- tion as to render it alike acceptable to the scholar, as to ‘lllm who knows no more, but knoWshisb‘ible truo.’ Beloher’sreviscd edit- ion contains tbe Lives ofthe Apostles, His- tory of the Jews, and an Essay on the Evi- dences 0f the Bible It is printed in a clear and open type, in one royal oelavo volume ‘ handsomely illustrated. and will be furnished in the following styles :â€" Cloth Extra,-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I’I‘ice. $2 00 Law Sheepyncsoltltuu u n s u I a u i Cloth, Full Gilt. . . . . . . . . . . . . “ 3 00 R0811, Full Gilt, . . . . . . . . . . . . THE HOLE: BIBLE H 350 For Family and Pulpit Use. OUR EDITIONS (Fina HOLY BIBLE are unequalled for their durability, finish, elegance,and completeness; no effort hav- pha, Concordance, Psalms in Metro Canlie’s Marginal Notes and References, and valuable tables of Scripture Measures: Weights, Coins, (REC, The text corrected according to the Standard of the Ameri- can Bible Society. They are all printed 111 large siz’od typo, in one royal quarto volume, with a neat Family Record and Illustrations. PHOTOGRAPHS I rarrnase and 10 Engravings. .» . . . .» . . . . . . . . . $3 75 The Cheapest and Best Ambrotype and Photograph GALLERY 1N CANADA, is AT 137 till} STREET, EAST, TORONTO. JAMES RAWE, EIGHTH) HILL. 0111' Implements and Machines have' bee‘ribefore the public. for the last seven years. Nothing that we can say here wrll add a single laurel to the well-earned and enviable reputation they already sustain. Prudence, however, dictates to the Farmer to rely upon such Machines only as have been thoroughly tested, Richmond Hill, March I, 1861 A company of boy’s called the “Ells- PATTERSON & BROTHERS; 118-4111 The citizens onuebec are about giving 2. Emb. Leather, Marb. Edges, Gilt Back & Sides, and R Col’d Eng‘vs. 5 00 3. Roan,Full Gilt Edges Back Sc Sides, and 14 Steel and Col’d Engravings, 7 00 4. Extra Paper, 1m, 'I"urko’y,Full Gilt,14 Stool Plates, Maps and lllurn . . . . . . 9 00 5. Extra Paper, Turkey Morocco. Full Gilt,18 Stool Platos,Maps and Illurn 12 00 do. do. do. Antique 1'2 00 6. Extra Paper, Turkey Moroeao, Full Grit,18 Plates,Maps.Illum 6'1. Clasp, 15 00 M.â€" A YEAR can be made by enterprising men in selling the above and other popular Worksof ours. Our inducements to all such are exceedingly liberal. As those books are unequalled in their me- cIinIIiCal executinn, as well as value of their contents, a certain and rapid sale follows their Proprietor and Principal Operator Toronto, April”), 1861. 1 a granddinner to Capt. Kennedy of the. Great Easter‘n’s arrival in that port.” The dinner will be given at Russell’s Hotellâ€"Trclrets, $6. Introduction everywhere. For single copies, or for terms to agents,with other information, apply to or address JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, No. 617 Sansom'Stq I’hiladelphisfl’a. ing been spared to render thorn perfect in eyory respect. Besides the Old and New * testament, each style contains the Apcry- I. Ernb. Leather,Marb,Edges,Giit Back Jthirtll Avengers,” have been" raised at the ,Ealls. If these are the only avengers - lpoor Ellsworth is to have, we pity the ' 125.13, I boys. '

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