300ml]. ' ' ,__.. . u... ._.__ o... NOTHING IS LOST. Nothing is lost : the drop of dew Which trernbles on the leaf or flower. Ih‘but exhaled to fill anew Ill summer’s thunder shower: Perchance to shine within the bow That fronts the sun at fall of day ; Perchance to sparkle in the flow 01“ fountains far away. Nothing is lost’: the tiniest seed By wild birds borne, or breezes blown, I Finds something suited toit's need‘, i Wherein ’tis sown and grown. The language of some household song, The perfume ofsome cherished flower, Though gone from outward sense, belong To memory’s after hour. i I SO with our words; or harsh or kind, Uttered, they are not all forgot ; They leave their influence on the mind, Pass on, but perish not ! So with our deeds; for good or ill,» They have their power scarce understood; Then let us use our better will To make them rife with good 1 Jilitirrllinnmu, W .__' . I Why is your father’s mother like the tallest soldierâ€.l Because she’s a granney- dear. ‘ A patriotic landlady of this city has notified her boarders that she will alow the board of such of them as choose to volunteer to run on during their absence. “File right 1†said an ofï¬cer to his company. “Bedad,†said an Irishman, who stood near by sharpening a saw, “it’s me property, and I’ll be doin’ as I please I with it.†An old farmer in southern Illinois, seeing the cannon at Cairo, remarked that " them brass missionaries had converted a heap of folks.†A crabbed bachelor says: “Some bachelors go to the war because they like ï¬ghting, and some married men gOâ€"be- cause they like peace? \Vhat a rascal! “Go trograssl†said a mother to her dhughter, “\Vhy so?†inquired the as- tonished mother. “Because all men are grass.†The old lady survived. A gent, while being measured for a pair of boots observed, “ Make them cover the cal .†“Heavens!†exclaimed the est-unisth artist, survsying his customer from head? talent, “I have not leather enough. A dandyobserved that he had put a plate of brass on his boots to keep him upright.†“ “Tell balanced, by jing,†said a Dutchman; “brass at both ends.†“Well, Alick, how’s your brother Ike getting along these hard times? “Oh, first rateâ€"got a good start in the world married a widow with nine children?†A countryman of the Clockmaker con- jugates the verb thus: Buss, to kiss; re- buss, to kiss again; pluribuss, to kiss with- out regard to the number; syllahuss, the hand instead of the lips; blunderbuss to kiss the wrong person; omnibu‘ss, to kiss everybody in the room; ercbuss, to kiss in the dark. ‘ One child in a thousand is an Imbecile. There are thirty thousand in the United States. They are so by ill made mar- riages, by drunkenness of parents, by De. glect and ill treatment and sometimes by medicine. SPURGEON’S LAST.â€"â€"A certain elderly minister from the country called upon Mr. Spurgeon, and congratulated him on his success, but said it was a pity he indulged in ccccntricitics, and so on--in short, gave him some fatherly advice, which Mr. Spur- geon received with patience. On this oc- casion he took three pence from his pocket, and said, “Dr. B , the other day I was so annoyed by an organ-grinder, that .I gave him three-pence to go away. Now, will you take the same sum, or shall I make it a Sixpence?†The Doctor imâ€" mediately brought his lecture to a con. clusion, and now relates the story with great glee. THE FIVE DAUGHTERs.-â€"-A gentle- man liad five daughters, all of whom he brought up to some respectable and useful occupation in life. These daughters mar- ried one after the other, with the consent of their father. The first married a gentle- man by the name of Poor; the second, a Mr. Little; the third, :1 Mr. Short; the fourth, a- Mr. Brown; and the fifth, a Mr. Hogg- At the wedding of the latter, her sisters, with their husbands, were present. After the ceremonies of the Wedding were over, the old gentleman said to his guests: “I have taken great pains to educate my five daughters that they may not well their parts in life; and from their advantages and improvements. I had hopes that they would do honor to my family; and now I find that all my pains, cares, and expect- ations have turned out; nothing but a Poor, Short, Eittle, Brown, Hogg.†[This excellent bit of scholarship and fun is by the Rev. Dr. Lindsay Alex- tandem] AFRICAN PECULIARI'rrEs.â€"â€"Ai recent African traveller, Mr. Petherick, tells some funny stories. One tribe that be en- countered uscd'o to steal his tobacco and smoke his pipes. He ï¬lled a pipe, placing among the tobaccossom-e gunpowder, and told them that the pipes were so indignant at being used by them; if smoked again, they would evince their displeasure. One Ofthe- chiefs, in the traveller’s absence, “ tried it on †againâ€"and the pipe explod- . ed into fragments. After this, the traveler was looked on as a prophet, and his goods were not meddled with. Another tribe had‘ a singular mode of Salutation. The chief spit in, his face. At first he deemed'it an insult, and thought of knocking the chief down; but contended himself with Spitting back. This, as it proved was the right thing to do, and it was received as a civil response to a courteous overture. lament: mm}. @2051, Timeliness†Window. J. HOSTETTER, M.D., Mites. ENGLAND, Opposite the Elgin Mills, RICHMOND HILL. 127-1yp Provincial Land Surveyor; RICHMOND HILL, CAV- December 14. 1860. May1,1861. DR. N J. PEC'K, I I - 'B O A N , M - D , Respectfhlly announces that he will be at Physician, Surgeondi. Accouchcur Nicholas "MIMI Richmond Hill, One Door South of Lemon's Hotel 0 I . THORNHILLI On the ..nd Mooney of each month, at DICK’S no TEL, Maple. On the Tuesday following, HERE he will be happy to wait on those May I. 1861. 127-Iy J . G 0 RM L E Y, COMMISSIONER IN QUEEN’S BENCH, Conveyancer and Auctioneer, LOT 31, 4TH CON. MRRKHAM‘. September 18, 1860. 95-tf his profession. Teeth inserted on Gold Platenum, Vulcan- The latter bt‘ing the most be‘aIutiful teeth new in use. Dr. Pucx has all the,edvantages»of the Profession, both in the Stahes and Canadas, having formerly been connected with Dentists in New York; he now receives direct from them every improvement of the I’rofesslon throughout the‘United States. Auction Notice. Particular attention- given 10' the Regulation THOMAS BOWMAN. of Children’s Teeth. ' 0 . Consultation Free. 1116611866 Auctlolleer, All letters addressed to him at Aurora prem- FOR THE ptly attended to. COUNTIES OF YORK &. PEEL. All letters addressed to “Almira,†P.O. wil receive prompt attention. the “ Yorle I‘Iei'aldâ€0fï¬ce, Richmond Hill; ~Mr. Henry Lemon. Thornliill. and Mr, James Cavatuna’n, Mansion House, Sharon, where Terms, &c‘. may be‘obt‘aiued. Almira, Nov. 25. 1859. Aurora, Feb. 80, 1861. 117-1y HE Subscriber begs to inform his numerous to make Boots. and. Shoes Ofevery style and description. atthe lowest 62-tf ranted to give entire satisfaction. W, H. MARTIN. Cook’s Mill, Vaughan, December 7. 1860. RICHMOND HILL, GEORGE SIMSON, PROPRIETOR. GOOD Accommodations and every attention shown to Travellers. Good Yards for Drove Cattle and Loose Boxes for Race Horses and Studs. The Monthly Fair held on the Premises ï¬rst Wednesday in each month. The Subscriber in calling the attention ofthe public and his Old Friends to his establishment, I feel-s satisï¬ed he can administer comfortably to their wants and with mutual satisfaction. Richmond Hill. April20. 1860. JOHN‘ RIGâ€"G‘s, TAILOR, Victoria Square, N returning his sincere thanks to his numer- ous Customers and Friends for the liberal supporthe has rec rived since he commenced business in Victoria Square, begs to assure 73-tf them that no effort on his part will be wanting to merit a continuance of their favors. All work entrusted to his care will be made up in a neat and substantial manner. Victoria Square, April 8, I861, RICHMOND HILL HOTEL. A STAGE runs from the above Hotel to Toronto, every morning. starting from the Elgiu Mills at 7. a.m,, and returning at 7, p.m. Fare. 2s. 6d. each way. GOOD ACCOMMODATION FOR TRAVELLERS. RICHARD NICHOLLS, I I Proprietor. Richmond Hill, Dec.18,1858. 1-55 URGEON Dentist, will be at Nicholl’s Hotel, Richmond Hill, the FIRST _ MONDAY of every month, and the re- Whlte Inn, mainder 0f the month at his ’residence, RICHMOND HILL. McCaysville, 7th Concession of York. All I â€"â€" I Work VVarranted. HE Subscriber begs to inform the Public Toeâ€, ï¬ned Wm, Osteop‘a,,;c 0,. Artiï¬cial I “:1th Pï¬khas leased ltlIle “gov: Homl' Bone-This filling is put into the Teeth while “’18 1 WI 09p Co’lsmmi 0“ a“ a good soft, causingnOpaiu, as itrequires no pressure, supply 0f ï¬rm-Class Liquors’ 310' As this it soon becomes as hard as the tooth to which a ‘ V . , . . . house l-OéSGSSfSS every BCCOITIImOdaIW“ “’3' ti firmly ndliores,renderlng it almostrmpossrble vel'ers call'aUS‘Ierthose Who W‘Sh 1†Stay Wham for the'filling ever to come out. they can find every comfort are respectfully iiiâ€" vited to‘give him a call. CORNELIUS VAN NOSTRAND. Richmond Hill". Dec. 28. 1860. 108~1 124-3m G. H. Husband, Dr. Husband has made arrangements with Mr. G, L. Elliot, of Toronto, to manufacture his Artificial Teeth ; those who engage Doctor, Husband to do their work will be sure of havâ€" ing it done in a superior manner. July 8. 1859. ' 32-ly. YONGE STREET HOTEL, . AURORA. » GOOD an ply of Wines and Liquors I always On and. Excellent Accdtnmo- dation for Travellers, Farmers, and others. Cigars of all brands. D. MOLEOD, Proprietor. Aurora. June 6, 1859. 25~1y EAST MARKET SQUARE, TORONTO, C.W. J - SMITH, Proprietor. Toronto, April 19. 1861. 125-1}' THE WELL-KNOWN -- ~ ,BLACK HORSE HOTEL CALEB LUDFORB. Formerly kept by William Rolph, ’ SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKER, iCor. of Palace & George Sts. Opposite Mr. I’urkiss' Store, 104- . THORNHILL [EAST on THE MARIIETJ TORONI‘O. WILLIAM COX, Proprietor, [Successor to Thomas Palmer]. Good St‘abling attached. Trusty Hostlers always in attendance. Toronto, April 19, 1861. PATENT Eave Troughs and Water Spouts superior to tin, put up at 6 cents per foot ; also, Drain Pipes, Seasoned Siding, Ladders, Shingles, Picket Gates, Waggon Fel- lows and Hubs, Barrel Heading, and Turning in general Manufactured and for sale by 125-13; - JO. H. SMITHr J o HN LA N cs-TA F F, St. LA WRENCE INN, STEAM MILLS, IHORNEILL. 1 4 2 K I N G S T R E E TI June 3, 1859. 27-tf OPPOSITE THE ST. LAWEENCE MARKET, TORONTO. D R _ D . E _ S E Y U R ’ Choice Liquors and Good Accommodation at reasonable charges. Good Stabling and a Careful Hostler in attendance. Toronto, April 10, 1861. HOMCEOPATI-I IC PHYSICIAN, 123-1y MAIN ST., NEWMARKET, U.C. 65-1 DR. L. LANGSTAFF, JOS- GREGOR’S Pl’gIlIEGHILL. 3doors west ofKing Post Fountain Restaurant! C8. King, May 13. 1859. I \I ’ H CA1 PbELL, 03’ Soups, Games, Oysters, Lobsters, Watch and Clock Maker, a‘ways on hand: ' JEVVEl ER 5“: Dinners and Suppers for Private Parties got I ’ ’ up in the best style. Yonge Street, Aurora- Toronto, April 19, 1861. Jewelry, Watches and Clocks repaired and cleaned on the shortest notice and lowestterms Aurora. February 17, 1860. 60-tf ' ATE Clarendon Holel, No. 28. 30 and 3'2 . J Front Street, Toronto. Board $1, per I day Porters always in attendance at the Cars 69 KING STREET, EAST, TORONTO. 24-1y Lunch every day from 11 till 2. 125o1y I- I ‘, . . Y 7 ; and Boats. By the use oleectrrcrty, 3' =-~:" WI NEWBIGGINGI Proprietor. B Y D 1'. E. C. E D M O N D S, Toronto, Apri18, 1861. 124-1y SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA. - Teeth inserted on Silver, Gold or Valcanized E as; t e 1‘ I). H 0 13 e1, Rubber. All Operations in his Profession, DRIVER of King and George Streets performedin the most approved manner and ,0 Toman CIIWI WMI MONKHOUSEI pm: Wzrgggrizlhawh 9. 1,860 Good accommodation for Travellers prietor. 67-1y Large Stabling, and a Good Hustler always in attendance. Toronto, April 10, 1861. THE AURORA MASONIC QUADRILLE BAND! Snow open to receive engagements on li- beralterms, for any number, to suit the convenience oflarge or small parties. Applications to Mr. WM, IRELAND, at Aurora, or Mr. W, WILLIS, 3rd Con. Whit- ehurch. ’ VN.B. Also. a SAX~HORN BAND may be had on application. AurOra, Nov. 2, 1860.. BOO-3m- ‘Ch-a‘rlesr Duran (Ir "ARR‘ISTER and ATTORNEY,â€"Oï¬ice, corner of Adelaide and Yonge Streets,] Toronto, will attend to Suits in all the Superior Courts ef‘Law. Chancery and. County Court: also, on request, to Country Bosirress in the Division Courts, Deeds, Leases. Mortgages. and every de-‘ scription- of Conv'eyancing drawn up with care and at reasonable prices. 1 Letters post paid attended to, Toronto, November 20, 1.860. 104’ Sin Ordersreceived at patrons and the public that he is prepared Toromo December 13’ ISGOI Albion Hotel, ' Deposit Fund in New Yorkâ€... GEO. Mo r Hi 1. L‘ IPS ,. SLAVERY ABOLri'SHE-o. Provincial ANY who have been slaves to Rheumatic i ty'raiirgyghave been entirely emancipated by the use 0 ‘ 107Ԡ'Ingram’s Infalablc Liniment A certain cure for Rheumatism, Tic Dolereaux, Sprains, Bruises and Sweltings Prepared and sold by Joseph Ingram, Maple Surgeon TSe'fl‘tist‘; Village, in bottles at 25 and 50c. each. Maple Village, Feb., 14, 1861. l-y. Charles 0. Keller, TTORNEYoAT r LAW, SOLICITOR in Chancery, Conveyancer. &c. Ofï¬ce, in Victoria. Buildings, over the Chronicle office, Brook Street, Whitby. Also a Branch Office in the village of Bea- requiring his services in any branch of veytOII, Township of Thor-ah, and County of Ontario. I I I Tire Division Courts in Ontario. Richmond ized Rubber, cr Continuous Gum on Platenum, Him and Markham Village regularly amended. Whitby, Nov. 22. 1860. 104-1}! JAMES BO UL TON, Esq. ‘ , Barrister, Law Ofï¬ceâ€"Corner of Church and King Sts. Toronto, March 8. 1861. 119-tf m EDWARD n. w. HURD, ARRISTER, AttOI-ney-at~Law, Solicitor in Cliancery,Conve_\ancer, &c. Money advances procured on Eortgages, v NO. 3, Jordan Street} IDS-y MATHESON a FITZGERALD, possiale rernunerating prices. All work war- Barristers, Attorneys-at-Law, SOLICITORS 1N CHANCERY, &c. OFFICE z,â€" 105.1y CORNER OF KING AND TORONTO STREETS Over Whitmore & Co’s. Booking Ofï¬ce, TORONTO- Agency Particularly attended to. THOMAS G. MATHESON. Toronto, July 1, 1559, J AMES FITZGERALD Jlir. S. .7â€. Jofl18T7'IS. BAHRISIER-AT-LAW AND SOLICITOR lN. CHANCERY, Ofï¬ce removed to Gas Company’s Buildings, Toronto Street. Toronto, January 9, 1861. 111-‘6m A CARD. C KEELE, Esq., ofthe City of Tor- . onto, has opened an office in the Vil- lage ofAurora for the transaction of Common Law and Chancery Business, also. Convey. ancing executed with correctness and despatch Division Courts attended. VVellingten St. Aurora, 65 Queen St. Toronto November 20. 1860. 104-ly TORONTO Cl’I‘Y MARBLE WORKS 185 YONGE STALET. MONUMENTdâ€"TOMBTABLES TOMBSTONES, &c. ' Twenty Per Cent Cheaper THAN ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT. HE UNDERSIGNED Assignees of the estate of D. C. &. W. YALE. will con- tinuo the business under the superintendence of our duly authorized agents, AUSTIN ABBEY and D, CARLOS VALE, whose receipt will be duly acknowledged. P,S.-â€"-â€"All notes and accounts remaining un- paid on the 1st day of June, 1858, will be put into Court for collection, C. YALE, G. CUMMER. Toronto, April 29, 1859. 48-tf DENTISTRY! EWI CI D'- DI SI Surgeon Dentist, 99 KING ST. EAST, SOUTH SIDE. THIRD DOOR WEST FROM CHURCH S'r. TORONTO, ARTICULAR attention given to the reguâ€" lation of Children’s Tooth. Consultation free. and all work warranted. Dr, A. hasturned his attention to the im- provements of tits profession in all its branches, and can supply the profession with Teeth, Gold, Valcanized‘ Apparatus. and Vulcanite Rubber, and the best Bon'e ï¬lling. Miner’al‘ Teeth mounted’ou Gold, Silver. or Vulcanized Rubber, With Continuous Gums, which are warranted to give entire satisfaction. I Toronto,0ctober 11, 1860 49-1y W. 'U'. s K E N E, MILLWRIGH’T, .a L T 0 JV .51 , " EGS to intimate that heis now prepared to erect MILLS of every description, by contract or otherwise, on reasonable terms- He is also agent for the best Foundries in Ca- nada. and from his lengthened experience he hopes to give general satisfaction, Altona, Dec. 23. 1859 4 UNITY Fire & Life Insurance Association OF LONDON, Vlith which is Amalgamated the Equitable Fire Office. CAPITAL, £255,000, STERLING. Available Assets Fire Departm’t $4,547,061 10 Life Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,526,595 46 Deposit Fund in Canada . . . . . . . 50,000 00 150,500 00 CHIEF OFFICE IN CANADA : CMEBCHANTS’ ExciIipiaE MONTREAL. Directors, Fire Department. J. Frothingham, Esq. W. Lunn, Esq. B. Holmes, Esq. J. G. Mackenzie,Esq, A. Larocque, Esq. J. Torrance, Esq. â€"-â€". Trustees in London 1 SirVV.C.DalyeIl, i C.F.Bazin,Esq, Trustees in- New York : S. Livingston, ï¬rm OfBarclLy &I Livingston, I Wm. H. Macy. Pres’t Leather Manufact Bank W. Sherman, ï¬rm of Duncan, Sherman 61. CO Every description of Fire and Life Insurance Business transacted at the most moderate rates at Premium. W. P. REYNOLDS, Manager in B. N, A. Agent for Torontoâ€"ARTHUR M. JARVIS, Officeâ€"Whittimore’ Buildings, Toronto St. Toronto, April 12, 1361 123-13; 3l-tf J .of advantage to yourselfa few years hence. 11' OF CANA DA. FOR ï¬re out! Marine ï¬nsnraurr, ESTABLISHED 1849, INBoaroaATED av ACT OF PARLIAMENT! Subscribed CagitIal, $1,743,520. Richmond Hill. June 24,1861. .HEAD cringeâ€"tron ONTO. PRESIDENT :â€"-Hon. John Hilliard Cameron. VICE-PRESIDENT :â€"J. S. Howard, Esq. DIRECTORS 2 Hon I. H. Cameron, George Duggan, E~q Hon. Geo, Crawford, J. S. Howard. Esq. Hon.M.Cameron,M.P. Edw. C. Jones, Esq. J.Caineron,Esq.M.P.P A. Morrison,Esq.MPP A. M. Smith Esq. Lewis Moï¬'at, Esq. W. L. Perrin, Esq. Manager and Socrcmry:â€"James Sydney Crocker, Esq. Assist. Secretary : J.W . Woodhouse,Esq. SOICITORS :â€"Messrs. Duggan 6;. Burns, BANKERS :â€"-The Bank of Toronto. IRE and MARINE INSURANCE busi- ness transacted by this Company at its va- rious Agencies, as well as the Head Ofï¬ce, To- ronto, at fair and average rates. The numerous and responsible Stockholders of this Company, and the large amount of ca- pital subscribed, afford an amount of security to the assured, equal at least to that of airy other Company transacting business in the Province A. LAW. Agent at Richmond Hill. Toronto, April 18,1861. 125-13" Man agar of A gcncics .- Wm. Blight, Esq. FRESH ARRIVALS FRUITSISUGARS, NEW TEAS, COFFEES, &c. «Sec , at the VICTORIA YEA WAREHOUSE, SIGN OF THE QUEEN. â€"â€"â€"__ DWARD LAWSON, in returning thanks to h is numerous customers for their libe- ral patronage since opening his New Store, would respectfully inform them and the public generally, that he has just received an exten- sive Stock of Fruits, Sugars. pure Black and Green Teas (crop 1860), Coffees, &c., &c., which have been purchased at a great reduc- tion in price, owing to the effect of the secession movement on the American markets; and which are now selling at Prices without parallel, as a glance at the annexed List and a trial of the goods will prove :â€" F R U I T S . Fine Zante Currants, 3d. p 1b,or 22 lbs... . ..1 Extra dressed “ 315d. “ 20 “ 1 Due Patrass " 4d. “ 16 “ I lres’d Valentia Raisins,5 “ 12 “ l Fxtra New " “ Ogd. “ 10 “ . 1 inc New Layer “ 9d. “ 12 lb. box. .15 H “ Seedless“ 9d. " 7 lbs . . . . . . 1 Best quality DRIED A PPLES. .551 25 per bshl Also. Paper and Soft Shell ALMONDS. FILBERTS. and BRAZIL NUTS, MIXED SPICE. CANDIED LEMON, CI"‘RON,and ORANGE PEEL. &c., &c. S U G- A R S . Good Muscovadoes, 14 lbs. for. . . . . . - - . . $1 00 Bright “ 13 “‘ 100 Extra Bright“ l2 “ . . . . . . . . . . 100 Yellow Reï¬ned 11 “ ........., 100 Extra Reï¬ned, 10 “ . . . . . . . . . . I 00 Extra Crushed “ 9 “ . . . . . . . . .. l 00 Ground “ 8 †.......... 100 Broken Loaf 8 “ .......... 100 BLACK AND GREEN TEAS! Fine Congou, good and strong, 2s. 3d. per lb. : Fine and Extra Fine Breakfast Souchoug. ‘2s. 6d., 33.. and 3s, 6d. per .‘b ; Fine and Extra Fine ()Olong, 3s.. 3s. 6d., and 3s. 9d. per lb. Also, Pekoe Flowers and Orange Pekoe, . . . . . . . . . . . . Mixed Black and Green Tea, 2s. 6d., 3s.. 3s. 6d., and 3s. 9d per lb. ; Fine and Extra Fine Young Hyson. 2s. 9d.. 353. 3s. 3d., 35. 6d.. and 3s. 9d. per 1b.: Fine and Extra Fine Old Hyson, 3s. 3d. and 33. 6d. per lb. ; Fine and Extra Fine Imperial Hysou, 3s. 3d. and 3s. 6d. per lb. ; Fine and Extra Fine Gunpowder, 35. 3d., 3s. 6d., and 3s. 9d. N.B.-â€"A deduction of 3d. per lb. will be made from the above Prices to parties purchas- ing ï¬ve pounds and upwards. Also, on hand a splendid lot of Teas in caddy boxes from 10 lbs. to 16 lbs, and in half chests at the following Prices :â€" Fine to Extra Fine Gunpowder, 2s 3d, 23 10d 3s. 3d.. 35. 6d. per lb. Fine to Extra Fine Young Hyson, 3s. 0d., 3s. 3d.. 3s. 6d. per lb. English Breakfast Souchongâ€"2s. 6d., 28. 9d.. 3s. 0d , 3s. 6d. per lb. Finest Cokingâ€"35. 0d., 33. 6d. 3s. 9d. Fresh Ground COere,Is. FinestJamaica, 1s 3d. Ground Chicory, 9d. per lb. Together with a complete assortment of Staple and Fancy Groceries! ALSO, BISCUITS AND CONFECTIONERY ,Of every description manufactured on the pre- Imisos by ï¬rst-class workinent. VVeddiug and other Cakes always on hand, (or made to order at the shortest notice,) iced and ornamented in the best'styleâ€"all at the Lowest Prices. Goods delivered On the cars, and within the 1City limits, free of charge. All orders by mail, and otherwise, attended to with despatcli. Every article warranted as represented. [13’ No SECOND PRICE, No ORLDIT a 11:?†Remember the place’.~ Victoria Tea. Warehouse sign of the Queen N0. 93, King St. East. Five doors west of Church Street. EDWARD LAWSON. Toronto, March, 1861. 124-1y. BEAVER MUTUAL Fire Insurance Association, TORONTO, e. w. .â€"â€"â€"â€"._ OFFICE,20, TORONTO STREET INCORPORATED UNDER ACT or PARLIAMENY, 22 Vic., CAP. 52. DIRECTORS-H. Rowsell, Toronto; B. W. Smith, Barrie; Dr. Duncumb, Richmond Hill ; W. H. Smith,Toron'.o; Donald Suther- land, Toronto : IVm. Helliwell, Scarborough: Edwin Chown, Kingston; S. Thompson, Toronto. would not be as well to make a little additional provision for your family in case of your own daughter, or, if you have not the happiness to be blessed with them, think if the possession of a few hundred pounds additional might not be you dec‘de that it would, write .0 the Managin Director of the PROVIDENT LIFE ASSUR- ANCE AND INVESTMENT COMPANY. 20 Toronto Street. Toronto. for a “ Proposal â€' form, and a copy of the Rates. I Dr, possibly. the Agent of the "' Beaver†may possess a copy of both documents, which he can accommodate you with. and give you' a little information on the subject besides. 113.? Insurances may be effected for one, ,We, or three years, at moderate rates. Agent at Richmond Hillâ€"J. R. ARNOLD. Toronto,»Apri 19‘. 5861‘. 125-13,. Insuranbc Company, ‘ :ET'A‘JING guarded against loss from Fire by ‘ .1. Insuring your property, consider if it3 premature death :â€"whether it would not be as I . well,through the assistance of a Life Assurance I Company, to provide a legacy for your wife or g and best north Of Toronto; . "r -.. . “1‘ OHAR-LES TAG- GART, ' CONFECTIONER, BREAD & FANCY BISCUIT BIKER RICHMOND HILL. Pie-nie PartieS-E Tea Meetings Attended and supplied on reasonable terms. 5.1.1:. 05!- I'F'enfl: 10.131: OCI .(q eycsaloqAA ’syuao 0g .on saï¬exocd 1; ‘sjuao 91 IO} .ropzaq aquIpoW pue zsIï¬ï¬mq Lian .Iq "mag 12 p103 ~HO'LLS'AUNVO WHOM .LOHS CIV'EIG SJEIIZN'EIHQW I'HU 'H'O ‘IWMOW 'OO 19 HHV’IO ‘aniA'I ' I'o WWWW ‘anrA'I as dOHHIHON ’At'O ‘omoiom "OO 12 .L.LOITIEI ‘NVWA'I THE Liverpool and London Fire & Life Insurance Company. Head Ofï¬ce, Canada Branch. Corner of Place D’Armes and St James Street, Montreal. Invested Funds £1,213,317 Stg. DIRECTORS.â€"T. B. Anderson. Esq. Chair- man, A. Simpson, Esq. Deputy-Chairman, Henry Chapman. Esq. E. J. S. Maitland, Esq. James Mitchell, Esq. Henry Starnes, Esq M.P.P. J. H. Maitiand, Esq. Resident-Secre- tary, G. F. C. Smith, Resident Assistant- Secretary. HE Directors would call the attention of the Public to the following features in the management of this company:â€" The Premiums received in Canada are retained and invested in Government or other Pro- vincial Bonds. -All Leases when satisfactorily established are paid in Canada without reference to the Home Board. That there is not, at the present time, one claim in dispute. There is invested in Canada in Available Funds 200,000 Dollars, and this is being constantly added to. That there is invested in New York $800,000. -â€"and it is the intention of the Directors to increase this sum to $1,000,000. The accumulated Funds of the Company [No- ‘ J. H. MAITLAND. Resident Secretary, Montreal. Toronto Agency : 85 King Street East. South side, [over the store of J. G. Joseph 61. 00.] JAMES FRASER,Agent. Toronto. April 19, 1861. ative Prices. l25-ly H. & d. HARRISON Flour Barrel Heading, Stave and Shingle Manufacturers, and Lumber Planers. Seasoned Flooring- and Siding kept on hand, and Planed to order in quantities to suit pur- chassis. 113" Factoryâ€" on Markham and‘Elgin Mills Plank Road. P.O. address, Richmond Hill. June 7, 1861. 1‘32-6m Wham, YONGE STREET,- - THE Subscriber begs to intimate that he has leased the above hotel, and having ï¬tted it upiu the latest style travellers may rely upon having every comfort and attention at this first class house. Good Stabling and an attentiVe Hostler al- ways In attendance. WILLIAM LENNOX, Proprietor Yorllr' Mills,Juue 7. 1861. 132-137 A. DIAC‘N'ABBa ARRIS'I‘ERâ€, Attorney, Solicitor, Ace. King Street, East, [over Leader Ofï¬cefl Toronto, C.W. Toronto, April, 12, 1861‘, 1523L1y W'ill'iam Grant,- TTORNEY-AT-LAW, Solicitor in Chan-- 1 cery, Conveyancer, doc. Toronto. Office in the “ Leader†Buildings, King Street. TorontoyApril 12, 186i.- 1.23-13. Wellington Hotel, Auror ~ t OPPOSITE THE TORONTO HOUSE. GEO. L. GRAHAM. PROPRIET‘OR. LARGE and Commodious Holland other improvements have. at great expense, been! made so‘ as to make this House the largest I Troyellers at this House ï¬nd every convenience both for them- selves antf horses. N.B.â€"A careful ostler always in attendance. Aur’OraIStatiOB. April 1861. 126s1y. A- ‘MAIRS. Ar 5 TT‘O’RNEY -"A,T-'LA-W, SOLICITOR in Chancery. Cent'eyancer, dzc. Main _ Street. Markham Village, November 22. 1860. vember 1859 amount to over 5.958.730 dols. The present income of the Company is over i 7.590 dols. per day, I I - I Insurances effected at the Lowest Remnner- a? Head Oflic" Clmrf’h Stream T’WMO' £9†Valuable Property for Sale VIZ: 63IIAcres,‘ 23 of which is timbered, 40 Acres under Cultivation. , Several PARK LOTS with'tin.berithereon. Also, VILLAGE PROPERTY With or without Buildings. The above property is situated at. and ad.- joining to, the Village of ‘35“ Richmond N For further particulars apply at the Oï¬ico of this paper. Richmond Hill, Sept. 26, 1860. 96-0 NE W TRIM TMENZ‘: Buffalo Medical Dispensary. Established for the cure of DY SPEPSIA, G E N E R A L DEBILITY. FEVER AND AGUE, AST MA. INCIPIEN'I‘ CONSUMPTION, CONSUMPTION 0F YOUTH AND OLD AGE..ITC NO MCI'Clâ€"ll‘y Used. Dr. Amos :2. Son, 48 EAST GENESEE STREET, THREE DOORS WEST “OF ELLICOTT STREET, I Buï¬â€™alo. New 0 rk, , RE the only Physicians in the State who are members of the Royal College, of Surgeons, London. May be consulted from 8 o’clock in the morning until 9 at night, in every state and symptom of disease. ’ ' The treatmentthey adopt is the result of up- wards ofthii'ty years’ extensive and successful practice in Europe and America. 4 A MOST SCIENTIFIC INVENTION. An instrument for the cure of Genital Debi- lity, of Nocturnal Emissions, more properly known as Seminal Weakness, &.c. Can be permanently cured in from 15 to 20 davs, by the use of this instrument, when used con- jointly with medicines. YOUNG MEN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. Amos 6L Son take pleasure ln announc- ing that they have invented a most important instrumentforthe cure of the above diseases. It has been subjected to a test ofthe most em- inent physicians in London. Paris. Philadelphia and New Yorkr it has been declared the only useful instrumeiit’ ever yet invented for the cure of Seminal weakness, or any disease of the genital organs, caused by the secret habits of youth. Dr. Amos & Son. in order to satisfv the most skeptical as to the merits of their iiistruâ€" ment, pledge themselves that in airy instance where it may prove unsatisfactory, after a fair , trial, the money will be refunded by returning the instrument in good order. Persons wishing the above useful instrument. will Observe that the price, with the accom- panying directions, securely packed. and sent by Inail or express, is ten dollars. Nuw REMENIES AND QUICK CERES â€"A *1.“ WANRAM'ED. ' Dr, Ainosdz Son have, for along series of years. been engaged in an extensive practice in the treatmentof these delicate complaints. and are the only legally qualiï¬ed physician! who now advertise to cure certain complaints, or from whom genuine European remedies can be obtained. Persons in any part of the world may be sucâ€" cessfully treated by forwarding a correct detail of their cases, with a remittance for medicines, 61.0.. which will be returned with 'the utmost dispatch and secure from observation. Address Dr. Amos & SON, 48 East Geneseo Street, three doors West of Ellicott Street. Buffalo, N, Y . 88-ly Fire! I .' WESTERN Fire Insurance Company of Toronto. Fire! Fire 1 ! INCORPORATED FY ACT 01" PARLIAMENT. CflPITflL STOCK, £100,000. 1. C. GILMOR, Pres. I GEO. MICHIE,VICO Pun. DIRECTORS : Rice Lewis. Esq. 'I‘lios Haworth, Esq, James Beaty, Esq. W Henderson, Esq. IT, P. Roberts, Esq... W Macfarlan'e. Esq. .Mh Rossin, Esqt [i Bernard H aid-arr, Esq..$'wrctary 4~ I Treasurer. Angus Morrison, Esq. Solicitor. _ Bank of Upper Canada. Bankers.- Btnjamin Switzer, Esq. Inspector. Tins COMPANY Insures all descriptions of Burldings.Manufactories, Mills, &c., and Good: andFuruiture, in the same. agaittstloss ordain- Iago by fire, on liberal terms. Losses promptly settled.- I A. LAW, . Resrdence, Genera layout. Richn‘ond Hill August 13. 1857. gIO-I R.-â€"-...-...._ _ .___.___._____.._ 011i: tint i200 Is PUBLISHED ,. . EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, And despatclied to Subscribers by tshc'fl'ea‘rlies‘ mails, or other conveyance, when SO desired The YORK HERALD will always be be foundto'cen‘tahilh‘e latest-and mostimpor-r taut Foreign and Provincial NeWS and Mara hats, and the greatest care will betaken to' render it acceptable tothe man of business. . and evaluable Family Newspaper. ‘ TERMSâ€"Seven and Sixpence per Annum, tit ADVANCE; and if not paid within Three Months two dollars will be charged. RATES! OF ADVERTISING f Sixlines and under, ï¬rst in'Sertion..â€".«.. $00 50 Each subsequent insertion .-.‘. . . . . . . 00 12;. Ten lines and under, ï¬rst insertion. . . . . 00 75; Above ten lin‘es.ï¬rst inqper linen.» 00 07 Each subseque-ntiiiser‘tion, p61‘lllle.:.-. . 00 02‘ 11:? Advertisements without written direcc Itions inserted till forbid, and charged accord-r ‘ingl‘y. . I Alit’ransitOry advertisements, from stranger .or irregular customers,» must be paid for when‘ handed in for insertion. 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