Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 2 Aug 1861, p. 3

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MN v-..“ , . «u». M .uh.“ '3“, “W v:-.-,~& ‘etem usv'x-zim-xymcraq¢<<ru w -,-.. :r r-y'r'n. .;"u. . ,1; ., . up. I A. a», ' ._ v u “2‘ I ... . . ........ N .. who»... -.... lUNIVILLE CARRIAGE FACTORY THE Promotion were. ANY of these Books will be forwarded by ‘ Mail, post paid. to any address, oti re- ceipbof irice by JOHN E. POTTER. Publisher, No. 617 i ansom St, Philadelphia, Pa. 113" Agents wanted everywhere. mfl-x‘a” 4-: as? was; mas-navy -,.:-.-o ,s«,-' {933.1 9» w. van-i. lNCIDENTS or Tim BATTLE OF BULI.’S RUN. .. .uâ€" ... .. . _ _.. -.--.A. .......~ w - ...~...v....-i.c.2r-I.‘r....;.z.. -' i. -‘ . lilililTlllllilfllllli ON RICHMOND iIILL. Edwin 'Webber,‘ 7, EGS to intimate to the inhabitants of RIC'I- mond Hill and Vicinity, lhat he has. commenced bcsiness as CABINETMAKEH, UNDERTAKER, or, Two doors south of the ” York Herald” Office. where he has on hand a general assortment of Household Furniture, . ,. r "W - To RON TO MARKETS Canadian Paper for the Canadian People BUY IT I BUY IT! SUIISCRI ! THE HOME JOURNAL! , i‘Veekly Canadian Family Newspaper, is J. ’ primed in Toronto, and published every Saint-day. TERMS or SUBSCRIPTION : $1 50 per annuni. in advance: $1 for eight months; 50 cents for four months. Any per- son sending the names of five subscribers with the money, for either of the above terms. will be entitled to one copy for his trouble. Single copies four c’ertts. To be had of the principal News Agents ' , '1‘HURSDAY,Angu'st 1. Fall Wlieat.-â€"-1.fl00 bshls was the extent of the supply which soldat the following prices. The prices paid for the best samples were from .3151 to $105i-er bshl. Spring Wheat-â€"l,300 bshls in market, which sold iit from $0 75 to $0 82 per bshl. Barleyâ€"sold at from 28 t0 36c. Permsâ€"52700 bshls went 011' at 4'.) and 44c per bshl. Oatsâ€"at 32 and 340 per; bshl. Hayâ€"is from $12 to $15 per ton, $7 per ton. I“Itrttl'.â€"â€"SupOl‘im' extra sold at on to $6 ‘23, TERRIBLE BOWlE-KNIFE WORK. After the battle hadbeeti raging for some hours,according to the account ol this Zouavian here, he saw an iiiiiztense body of Il'lissis.~ippi~ ans, accompanied by some {believed to be] Balti‘iiioreaits, rush furiously over the Confede- rate ramparts. They at once saw the conspi- cuous uniforms of the Z‘HIHVOS, and made at them. The Mississippians, after approaching near enough, sent a terrible volley from their rifles into the Zou‘avos ranks.- ’I‘liis done, they throw their guns aside and charged onward unfileach contending enemy met face to face GEORGE EAKIN. N Tendering thanks to his friends and the public generally, for their liberal ‘support in past years, and soliciting the continuance of that patronage, cordially Invites an inspection of his present Stock of CARRIAGES,BUGGIES,&O. THE HORSE, AND HlS DISEASES-i B , ROBERT JENNINGS, V. 8., PROFESSOR OF. PATHOLOG? VANI) OPERATIVE Sum 1 . : ' r GERY IN run V E‘I‘ERINARY Lehman 0F Int-1121i; DELPHIA, PROF. or VETERINARY Munro-mi; in Tim LATE AGRICULTURAL t OLI.i;Gi:_Od§\. Straw $6 to WHICH HE CAN SAFELY RECOMMEND TO ALL, ’ ‘ a _ , r , OHIO, SECRETARY Oii‘ THE AMERICAN ’ and hand to hand in terrible combat. The Ext”: $535 to $55 503 133110," (bl’l‘lflfl) 954‘00 10 The ablest writers in Canada contribute to OHIIB best quality. cheap for caSl‘a . . ' | I , . VET},R[NARY ASSOCIATION in. km. ‘ Mississippians. having discarded their titles nf- To- }‘mgcr (Fall) so 10; to $9 2:): 12pm, the Home JOURNAL. Boston Rocking Chair-5., ..... ..... $1 55 BeinginadeNeat,Substantmlandflomme bestImporz‘ca Illaze’i‘zal. qumm, Em; mu, -. ter the first fire. fell back upon their bowie- $0 to 5-1) '2.) : . Double Extra. $5 of) to 956 (it). an original 'I‘ale, ettpressl‘y Written for it. 10- Common Chairs, from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 45 . ‘ . . . "“ knives These were of huge dimensions, eigli- {Iptteiunâ€"l‘ub‘ is in (air supply at from 12c to gather Wm, original Essays. poems, pm, b,~ Bedsmads‘ from . _ t _ _ _ _ _ n . _ I _ , _ _ _ . , . . , . 1 75 He Will also make to order every description of $1.“, TELL YOU ()f the Origi,,'[,Â¥,'s‘m,.,. amp 1901110 twain." “miles Ion": haw." I“ 1’1'01’01'1‘0“ ' I’m " . male 3le “3111313 “Uii‘m‘s- [‘1 113$. amt)" its Bureaus from. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 00 , _ . . ,o . . . ‘ distinctive traits oftlre various brci‘ds of Euro- aud sharp, or two-edged dt the point. Attach- - Pork-is I” fail request, For Hogs averaging departments. an “ Editor’s Round 'I‘ablegf” a And other articles equally low. &' I'eavy Wagon S’ Gigs», Snlkles‘ igll81iyb0“l as" &c' 160 lbs $5 50 and $5 90 has been paid, and those averaging 2o0 lbs $5 and $5 Gilâ€"the latter being the extreme figure. Applesâ€"Common varieties $1 and $1 ‘25 barrel. Rotter grades $1 .50 and #32 barrel. lffggs,â€"â€"Fresh from wagons 9c to ISO perdozen. 1’otatoesâ€"â€"Vary in price from 75 to 80c. Sheepâ€"are in“ demand at from $3 .70 to $4 50 each. l.a:ubsâ€"-‘-scarco at $2 to $2 25 each. Calvesâ€"are in good supply at $1 to each. lleot‘-llidesâ€"â€"$3 50 per 1.00 lbs. pean,ASiatic,Africanand American Horses, with tliephysical formation and peculiarities of the animal, and how to ascertain lrisaife by the number and condition of his teeth; il- ed to the handle was a lasso. sortie eight to ten feet in length, With one end securely wound round the wrist. I‘ily informant says when these terrific warriors approached to within reach of their lasso. not waiting to Come in bayonet range, they threw forward iheir bowie- ‘knives at the Zouavcs after the fashion of ex- perienced harpooners strikin: at a whale, Fre- quently they plunged in,and penetrated through a soldier’s body. and were jerked out, ready to strike again while the first victim sank into death. On several occasions the terrible bowie- " Ladies Cabinet," and a " Letter Box.” It is already a great favorite. The Ladies like it! The Gentlemen like it! The Press ap- plaitd it as the best Literary Paper ever started in Canada, A highly interesting. Canadian Backwoods story (the Scenes and Characters of which are real) from the brilliant pen of Mr. James Mc- Carroll, entitled BLACK HAWK | Will soon be commenced in the HOME .lov‘riNALl (if? A Call is Solicited, CHEAP FOR CASH OR APPROVED CREDIT. Richmond llill, June 7, 1861. 132-“ (If? Please give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. _ ,,.,_ h“. _,,_. Iv -_ __.._--__.‘__._m' lustralcd with many explanatory engni-vings. . , , .- 'l‘llE HORSE AND tits irisEAsES‘ ' come one, come a": and bul or me! WILL TELL YOU Of Breeding. Breakirg, For I have Buggies. as you will see, Summit, “13¢ng- Gi'OUIHIDL’i Slur-4119. and . the reii’ral maria enicnt oftlre horse with the That are neat, that are strong, and Without doubt i” g ’ best modes of fldflillllfilel'lilfl' medicine. also, Are much superior to an), turned Om! li-owto treat lltting,KrcIIing.Rearing. Spying" Stumbling, Crib lilting, Itestlcssness, and 0 per US'I‘ RECEIVED a large and choice va- riety. and will be sold cheaper titan ever ofl'ered before on Richmond Hill: Every number contaius’ Calf Slippers,..... . ..3s.1§d, pair. Sheep and B -.v i i IV] vi - v ' a 11â€". . - . . , -. , a. . ~ _ ,A -, . , , , . i ,- , . . eautiiul Enameled llucksluns.. .45. 0d. ‘ .) Elms are easy , my price is cma other erWS .0 which he is subject, with knife Was transfixed in a Zuuavo and the lamb skms $1 2., each, (,apskms 05¢ per 11,, Those who nisli to possess~ correct ideas re- . > , S .‘ - _ . numerOus ex ilanatory en Itravin . Zouave’s bis'onet in a Mississlphianbotli. im- Tilllowi $7 per 100 lbs {lard-mg 07”" Pioneer 1”“ “1 Ul’l’e” Confida‘ as hudziflkliilidefliimify?a“ Buci‘bmebs. 0d. “ Pray do nOt forgpt to give me 3 ca”‘ I V in gs well as of Indian habits and character, should read this story. All Letters and Communications should be addressed, (post paid) to WI LLlA M H ALLEY Publisher " Home Journal” Toronto. yaled and falling together. So skillfully \Vi‘S this deadly instrument handled by the M ssis- sippian that he could project it to the full lasso length, kill his victim, Withdraw it again with a sudden impulse, and catch the handle uncr- riugly. If by any mischance the bowie-knife 'I'imothv Seedâ€"$2 80 a $23 per bushel, Clover Seedâ€"S4 75 per bushel. ms elect AL NO'l‘lCES. WWW NE PLUS ULTRA. { TIIE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES 138-6m. WILL TELL YOU Of the causes. symptoms, and treatment ofStrang'es. Sore Throat, Dis- tempe'r,Catnrrli, Influenza. Bronchitis, I’neti- mania, Pleprisy. Broken \‘Vind, Clironi'z Cough, Roaring and Whistling,Lampas,Soro Unionville, July 18, 1861. USDPICase call and examine before purchaing elsewhere. ~â€"â€"â€"â€"‘ ‘1’. S. POLLOCK. V ’ Richmond Hill, May 16, 1861. 1294f .____V ~â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€".______-fi____â€"â€" missed its aim,brokc the cord fastening it to the arm. or fell to the earth, revolvers were next resorted to and used With similar dexterity â€"- The haiid'to hand closing in with both pisttl and bowie-knife. cutting, slashing. carving lurid IhOOtIllg almost iii the same moment. was awful beyond description. Blood gushed from hundreds Of wounds until, amid death, pitiful groans and appaling sights, it snatched the very earth, My Zou'n’e champion says himseaf and comrades did hard fighting. I; ood tip man- fully to the murderous conflict. but never be- ‘fore knew what undaunted bravery and cour- age meant. He felt no further ambition to engage in such encounters. Ilavmg been shot through the wrist by a revolver, after escaping the fearful Mississippi weapons, and dis-1b e. from fort'rer activopariicn at on in (II a afluggle, lie willingly retired to reap the glory won, COIIVII'CGCI that to fight against Mississip- pians with DUWIU‘IIIIIVUS and pisto's, after re- ceiving a volley of their sharp-cracking rifles, is no ordinary fun. A nvan OFFICER. Colonel W. R. Montgomery, for thirty years an efficient officer of the United States Arm}, who has seen service wherever during that time it was to he sceri,w:1siii Gourmand of the First New Jersey Regiment. In the midst of the torrent of the retreat, he stemmed its tide, forced his regimen; in good order through lists. surge of men and liOises and wagons, Jlitch carried back with thorn his associate regiment, the Second New Jersey, Col, McLean. but bad no etl'ect on him. Willi exhortarions. remonstrnnces. and bayoncts, be checked. hilt could not stop the disastrous flight. Abandoned by Colonel McLean arid the Second, be pressed oti alone. and alone his itegimen‘t reached the field, and took the post which his orders indicated, formed in square .to receive the enemy’s cavalry, and staid live An agent. to whom a liberal commission will be allowed, wanted for each of the P'Ost Office Districts of Upper and Lower Canada.â€" References required. Dr. hlr'Keirzie’s Dead Eliot \Vorm-Candy is the Ni: l’lus Ultra of all Vl'ortrt Medicines,it never has failed iii one single instance “there a child or adult were troubled with worrns.-â€"â€"lt is warranted purely vegitnblcm-‘ind being in form of a SngarCandy-St'ck. no child can detect its Medicinal tasteâ€"No other Medicine required with rt.â€"And it is sold by every dealerln Mediâ€" cine at the exceedingly low price Of15 cents, or four packages for 50 cents. Genuine. has the l'acsiuiilie signature of II. E. IVIOKENZIE. M.D. Glasgow, Scotland. On each Wrapper. Try it once and judge for yourselves. Dealers can be supplied by all wholesale dealers iii Drugs and Medicine in Canada. lllliliti. irritant EXAMINE THE LATEST IMPROVED FANNHW}IMHJL EEORE buying any other Fanning Millâ€"- comidrrm by competent Judges to be the best constructed Mill before the Canadian public for separating Oats from Spring “VI'IC‘HI. Peas and Oats, and for cleaning in factalf kinds of Grain. This Mill stands unrivalled, is made of good .D UIZABLE MA TERIAL ! And is, from its construction, the best for Far- mers use in the Province. TO Consumptives. IWIITIIE Advertiser, having been restored to j- health in a few weeks by a Very simple remedy, after having sufi'ered several years with a severe lung atfectiorr, and that dread disease, (Jerisuiriptioirâ€"â€"â€"is anxious to make known to his l‘ollow‘sutferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with the directions for preparing and rising the same, which they will find a some ('unn Ftilt (It‘NrUI‘IPTION, ASTHMA, litoxcni'ris,&c. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit, the alliictcd. and spread information which lie conceives to be SHOPâ€"“711111” El!“ Rims 0f Raymond’s “0101 invaluable. and he hopes evrry sufferer will SOUt‘iIARD, BOYN'I‘ON 6'1, Co. . . ' . . , v . ‘ ' . 1 ' ‘ ‘I_ try his romtdy, as it will cost tnem nothing, lichmond Hm. Jul). 18’ 1801. 135.“- and may pro-re a blosstng. They are manufactured by the undersigned, at Richmond Hill, to whom all orders should be addressed. 0:? Farmers would do well to call and ex- amine the Mill, when passing down Yonge St. Orders left at the residence of Mr. Scuthard, at Newmarket, wt 1 receive prompt attention. Parties nislring tlfc prescription will please address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Harvest Pants 2 Canada Permanent Building . AND SAVINGS’ SOCIETY. Soascniccn CAPITAL, $541,450: lsvss‘rcn 0N REAL ESTATE, $426,363 : ANNUAL INCOME FROM MEMBERS, $300,000. Gillesâ€"Masonic Hall. Toronto. Dr‘r’ivzc musâ€"Joseph D. Ridout, J. G. Che- wett, James G. Vt’orts, Thomas Maclear, Peter Paterson, J. G. Beard, S. Nordhei'iier, 'I‘Iios. 1). Harris. Soi.tcrroR,â€"Edward C‘. Jones. SECRETARY A‘ND TREASURER,-J. Herbert Mason. f' ‘1111 Stock of this Institution presents a pro- fitable and easily convertible rrrode of in- vestment, based on Real Estate security, ren- dering it peculiarly suitable for Farmers,Clergy - men, Teachers, h‘ltxcliaiiics, persons in the re- ceipt of salaries, arid those whose income is de- rived from their capital. SAVINGS’ ITAle Bunsenâ€"Sums of Four Dollars and upwards ai'e‘recoived by the Society on deposit, subject to withdrawal. aridbea‘rpig interest at Six per cent. per annum. The Q a- piial and Assets of the Society, investedin mortgages. oti first-class landed property, being pledged for tlie'securiiy of money thnsreceived, depositors are at all times assured of perfect safety. To BORRO\\’ERS.-â€"Tllls Society makes ad- Vances on the security of Improved City or Country Property, repayabie by instalments spread over any term the applicant chooses. from one to ten years. > PrOperii'e's mortgaged may be sold or ex- . changed for other property, or the M‘ort’gagé’ â€" x4 l'xlvm-W-x, \/ v“ V“ W V wW_/‘V\/\J WV rmy» VVW WV VW BUY PLOWS Othnrs REAPERS SCRAPERS SCUFFLER& FANN-MILLS 'PLOW POINTS Mouth and Ulcers, and Decayed Teeth, with other diseasesof the Mouth and Respiraioify I Organs. THE IIORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the-causes. symptoms, and Treatment of Worms, Bolts, (Olic, Strangulation, Stony Coticrotious, Rupiui'es, Palsy, Diarrhoea, Jaundico, l-lepatirrma”, Bloody Urine, Stones in the Kidneys and Bladder, Irifiarrtmation, and other diseases of the Stomach, Bowels, Liver and Urinary Organs. 'rrIE HORSE AND IIIS I)I“EASES WILL TELL YOU Ofthe causes, symptoms», and 'l‘rcati'nent Oi'lloue Blood, and Bog, Spaé vin, Ringâ€"Bone, Sweenie, Strains, Broken Knees, Wind Cal‘s, Founder, Sole Bruise and Cravol, Gracked, Iloofs, Scratches, Cati- ker, Thrush, and Corns: also, of Meprims, Vertigo. Epilepsy, Sluggers, and otlidr (Ils- eases ofthe Feet, Legs and Head. ' TIIE IIORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YpU‘ Of the causes, symptoms, and Treatment’cf Fistula, I’Oll Evil, Glanr ders.‘ Farcy. Scarlet Fever, Mange, Stil'felf, Locked Jaw, Rheumatism, Cramp, Gails, Diseases of the Eye and Heart. 6ch and how to manage Castration.Bleeding,’l'rephinning, Roweliirg, Firing. l'lernia, Airiputatiou,'l‘ap- ping, and other surgical Operations. ' TH E HORSE AND HIS DISEASES W \VILL TELL YOU of Rarey’s method of tan‘iug Horses: how to Approach. Ilalter or Stable a Colt; how to accustom a horse to strong sounds and sights, aid how to on, Saddle, Ride, and Ilreak him to harness; also.tlr0 form and law (If Vilarranty. The whole being the result of fifteen years careful study Oftlie habits, pecularities,~ wants and weaknesses of this noble and useful animal The book contains 384 pages. appropriately HORSE POWERS, STRAW’OUTTERS GRAINORUSHERS MOWING MACHINES, TtHiNPIKE‘SrnoanS, THRESHING MACHINES, TRILAD HORSE POWVERS, W’illiamsburgh, Kings County, New York. may be redeemed before" maturity, is nESIREv , GOOD Assortment. in Linen and Cotton By “HCBORRUWER. Drillsm-weil made, in all sizes-from 3s 9d per pair: also a nice selection of Summer COATS, PANTS and VES’I'S, in various Material. Durable and of the Newest Styles ~â€" Call at illustrated by nearly One liundred Engravings. It is printed in a clear and open type. and Will be forwarded to any address, postage paid, on receipt ofprice, half bound, .110, Or, in cloth, extra, $1.25. THE FAMILY DOCTOR " J A COUNSELLOR IN SICKNESS BY Professor Henry S. Taylor, M1)”. TAYLOR’S FAMILY DOCTOR has reached an (311011110118 $810,011d VV'lbl‘CVCl‘ IKIEOWH, hours on the battle-field waiting for orders, and unmolested by an enemy. At one time, hear- ing on all sides that a retreat had been otdered, .he sent to General McDowell’s headâ€"quartch for information, but not finding the (aeiiei‘al, be obeyed his previous 0 tiers, and pressed on. After two O’clock, Monday morning, he marched back his regiment in good order, and I am informed was the last to leave the field. His men are much attached to him, and en- thusiostic in his praise. Statistician: cute. Applications for Loans will be received by the Secretary. Robert James, junr., or R. H. Smith. Newmarket, from whom Circulars and the Rules of the Society, together with any fuitlrer information, may be obtained. 11:? Letters to be prepaid. Toronto, April 12. 1861. Jas. F. Brown, ' BROKER, ‘ WM. S. POLLOCK’S, [Late G. A. Bernard’s] Richmond Hill, July 18, l861. 138 Mail Comtract : z A ZOUAvE IN THE ENiiMY’s CAMP. When the Fire Znuaves s'orined the masked NEW AND IMPRO VFD‘ addressed to the SEALED TENDERS, batteryat Bull’s Run. and wet-etorced to fall _ _ , der for Mad Set'Vico,” willbe received at Que Postmasterfmncral. and .lllal‘kflLI,_ {I Teu- 3}) 0i [11313633 Gallada I back by the grapeshot and cavalry clinrg-i, one of them was stunned by a blow from a sabre. and fell almost under one of the cnerriy’s guns. The secessionists swarmed around him like bees, but feigning death, lit the excitement ho was unnoticed,anil when a sally was made, managed to crawl bick into the ihi her in ltIt‘ the Confederate lilies. Here we waited for some time for an Oj'rpoi'lunhy to escape, but finding none, Concluded we would make the best of a bad bargain, and if he “to; 10>1'V01‘litl have a little revenge beforehand llastily stripping the body of :1 Confederate near by, he donncd his tiirlfornr, and seizing a Title made his way to the intrencliinents, where he .joined the SeizeSsimihH, and. watchingr his opportunities, succeeded in picking (:11' several of their most prominent ofiicors whenever they advanced out upon the troops ilerc he remained some time. until. thinking it best to leave before his disguise should be dis- covered, he joined a party who were about to charge upon our forces, and was, to his grati- fication. again captured, but this time by his own mcn. THE \VAR IN SAN DOMINGUuâ€"By the way of Jamar-iii We have intelligence that the people. Of San Doriiingo are raising en. masse against inc Spaniards, to whom they liadbei'n transferred by the treachery Oi wnnt Ai n r. Already a reign Of (e 'ror is :id to exist in soon: of the prorinccs, so violent is the opposition, while the ntw police are dragging forth suspected per- sons, without ccrcn‘roriy to be tried by the Spanish authorities. The report of an in- surrection in the prmincc of Cihno is con- firmed; and we learn that lire people of Moca, another province, have risen in arms against their foreign oppressors. A bloody engagement is said to have been fought, btit the result is not mentionzd. The Spaniards find their situation very perplexing, as their present force (tin thousand) is too small 1;.) effect the sub- jugation of the island; while disease is breaking out among their troops. The President of Hayti, and the people of that rep‘tblic are making active preparations to carry on the war. A. memorial to Queen bec. until 1'2 o’clock.noon, on Friday. the 16111 August, for the Conveyance of IIer Majesty’s Mails, as below‘. OULD‘ynn secure a valuable and orna- mental Work of Reference 3' Subscribe 1V for the Between Richmond 11111 Post Office and the . , . . Railway Station, on and frotn the 1st Septem- Typographlea‘i StatlStlcal her next. AND The Conveyance to be made in a Waggon, Cutter, Sleigh, or Stage. at the option of the contractor. The computed distance between Richmond llill P O, and Railway Station. is three miles. The Rate of Travel to be not less than five miles per hour, including stoppages for all pur- poses The Days and Hours of Arrival and Depar- ture to be as follows. subject to a right Of the Postmaster General to altertlie same,shonld he Consider it advisable to do so. the Courier to travel in connection with the Niall Train. ‘ , ‘ Parties tendering wrll please state the price 4 SCARED “0"” lhe Premises 0f me SUI“ [by “vine” they “7i” carry the 6 times per SITTIDOI' 0‘1 bulldfly last, 5‘1. '3'BIIOVV cock week, or once daily; or the price for which CANARY- An‘: P315?“ “Rum”? “lid "3' they will take it 12 times per week, or twice storing it to the bubscrrber. wrllreceive a re- dflny, ward of $1. The Contract, if satisfactorily eXecuted, wi‘l continue in force for a term not exceeding four years: the Postmaster General reserving the right to terminate the agreementâ€"should the Y ” public interest require itâ€"at any time previous 1‘ I to the expiration of the four years, after having given the Contractor three months notice of his intention. All Expenses on this Route for Tolls, Fer- ries, doc , must be defrayed by the Contractor. in the United Slates and Canada. to ' Each 'I‘epder to‘ state the price asked. per ,3“ the Franklin Sewing Machine. Tn a lull, from last Othce to Station and back, in “mned number 0f '|'ravcn,,ig Agbms we Win words at length. and to be accompanied by the Pm. 8, Sam“. of written uarantee of tworesponsible arties,un- ’ ' a , dertakingg tliat,in the event oftlie Teiider being $40 per month 8‘: all prenses- accepted,'the Contract shall be duly executed. To local agents a commission of 30 per cent. on by the party fellderiilg,fol‘ the price demanded ‘. all sales. undertaking also to become bound with the Every machine is warranted to give univer- Contractor in the sum of Thirteen Dollars for sal satisfaction. and kept in repair six months. the due performance of the service. Recent imprOverneuts renders this machine the Blank Feims of Tender may be obtained at cheapest and most popular in the market. For the Post Office at Richmond Hill. full particulars and a permanent business, ad- J. DE WE dress. wrth stamp for return letter, 140.1. HARRIS BROTHERS. _ SOLE AGENTS FRANKLlN snwma MACHINE co 137-3m Box 186 Boston, Mass. Illustrated Map of Upper Canada In preparation by Geo. C. Tremaine, the old and well-known publisher of Descriptive County Maps. tiff Residents of the Province everywhere will be called on by Local or Travelling agents 'l'oronto, May 1861. l38-tf BIRD LOST. J. K. FALCONBRIDGE. Richmond Hill, July 19, 1861. I38-1t. $40 A MONTH! .Egeitts Iran teal. E want an active agent in every County Toron‘o, August 2, 1861. Letters Remainingin RICHMOND HILL PostOffico AUGUSI' i, .O‘til. {ILAIRVGYANT AND BOT‘ANIC PHYSICIAN. Anderson, W. M. Anderson, lolin Armstrong, Thos. Heslop, Jane Harris, Mr. Jackson, John Victoria, adopted by a public meeting at. Benson, Mm Lockwood, E, RS. Dr. SWAN, at No. 530 Yonge Street, Toronto, has been very successful for 16 Estate and General Agentr AGENT FOR Colonial flifc {Assurance Qio’p. 1 Masoxic “ALL, TORONTO STREET", : TORONTO- ll’? Money to Lend on Improved Farms Apri119. 1861. IQS-Iy ‘ SWEEP Hottses and Lots for Sale. ‘ gw’ .&C' 0R FXCAEGE. TWO IIALF ACRE LOTSâ€"with a good Dwelling House on each, pleasantly situ- ated about halfa mile north of Markham Vilv Iago, are offered for sale on very reasonable terms. They will be sold separately or to- gether to suit purchasers, For terms and other particulars. enquire of the Proprietor, DAVID WOOTI‘EN, Bond’s Lake, or at this Office. Oak Ridges, June ‘27. 1861. 135-3m PHOTGORAPHC! PHOTOGRAPHS I PATTERS The Cheapest and Best [for the last seven years. Ainbi'otypc and Photog with they already sustain. GALLERY IN CANADA, thoroughly tested, STEIMP EXTWiAcTwous SHEARS, HARROWS, POVVERS, SEPERATwnis IMPLEMENT FACTO RICHRION |Our Implements and Machines have been before the public Nothing that we can say here Will add a single laurel to the well-earned and enviable reputation Prudence, however, dictates to the Farmer to rely upon such Machines only as have been Richmond Hill, March I, 1861 7 p , TORONTO. - For the week ending July 23th. 1860, l .the number of cotton bales exported from JAMES BA V157 WE;- New York amounted to 3.596, valued at $187,156. For the Week ending,r J ul‘y 261b, ‘ Proprietor and Principal Operator Toronto, April 19, 1861. 1‘25-Ly $3.253? CARRIAGES. . ARR SIC. &Ci PATTERSON & BROTHERS, 118-4111 Some rascals the other day picked up . a drunken man in New York, dressed him in regimentals, and took bim‘ to the I 1861 they n‘ut‘nered only 34', valued at army depot, alleging that lie Was a dise‘rter. They received the retvard of $30. W;â€" 4. TEES. universally improved, both by the faculty and others. In plain language, free from medic: technicalities, It giVes you simple remedied easily obtained for the cure of Diseases in all ‘ for'r’ris,\vith~ important rules, for preserving the health, and directions for the sick i-liaiiibor, and theproper treatment oftire sick. The Dir- eases ot Childhoodfihe Diseases of Manhood, and the Diseases peculiar to Viionreii, are ail treated of in a clearaud pracdcal way. All ways at hand. and ready to serve you, the simple receipes of this book may soon save you much suffering, and many times the cost of the volume, It is printed in a clear and open type. and illustrated with amrropriato engravings. Neatly bound in cloth, price. $1, or in leather, $1.535. TEIE LIFE OF Our Lord and Saviour J esiis tilirist ~â€" BY REV. JOI’IN b‘LI’ilCi‘WOOD, D.D., CAREFULLY RE l'.fii‘.1) BY REV. JOSEPH BEI..CIIER, D.D. IIE LIFE OF JESUS CII RIS'E‘ is the phi. losopllV‘ of true religion. It exhibits the Principles of Christianity in their purity and beauty. It is perfect excellence personified, that the mind of man may grasp it, and be changed into the same image. '1‘er inspired writers have given it- to us in detached des- criptions. Dr. Fl-eetwood has arranged these in one harmonious whole, With such com- ments, explanations and incidental iiiforma’ tiou as to render it alike acceptable to the scholar, as to"him who knows no more, but knowsliisBible truc.’ IIeIoher’s revised edit-- ion contains the Lives of the Apostles, Iriis- tory of the Jews, and an Essay on the Evita (fences 01’ the Bible It is printed iii a clear and open type, in one royal octavo volnnm handsomely illustrated, and will be furniSned in the following styles :â€" Cloth Extra, . . . . . . . . . . .. .: .I’rice, $9 00 Law Sheep,.......¢.a . . . . . . “ 250 Cloth, Pull Gilt...‘.....-...».. “ 3 DU RUaD, Il‘ull . . .‘ . . . . . a - o o u THE HOLY B1B LE For Family and Pulpit; Ilse. OUR EDITIONS Orrâ€"Tits HOLY BIBLE are unequalled for their durability, finish. elegance,aud completeness: no effort hav- ing been spared to render them perfect in every respect. Besides the Old and New 'l‘estament, each style contains the Apc‘ry- plia, Concordance, Psalms in Metro, Canne’s Marginal Notes and References, and valuable tables of Scripture ‘deasures, Weights, Coins, é'cc. The text corrected according to the Standard of the Ainerij can Bible Society. They are all printed in large sinned type, in one royal quarto volume, with a treat Family Record and Kingston, Jamacia, exprQSsing Opposition to the annexation of San Domingo to Spain, received three thousand five hund- r:d signatures in a few days“ Bilton. William Baker. Jonathan Boynton, O.L. Munshaw, George Boynton. G. L. McMillan, Duncan Beer, R . H. or S. W. McElveen, William Linf’oot. John Laugstafi', Dr. years in the treatment of all Chronic and acute diseases, and has cured many obstinate cases, which had battled the skill of the most expe- rienced mineral. Physicians, She requires no patient to describe his symptoms, but can tell Bannister, C. McPhillips, George him of every ache and pain ; and her exami- Clark, Malinda [2] Northgrave, Duke nations are reliable : there is no guess work in Coulter. John Northgrave. Mrs.l'lelen them. Her remedies are not poisons, but such Derham. Richard Ross, Ilugh R. as afflicted nature requires. I OF TIE-IE MARKHAM CARRIAGE FfiOTORY. Military men have discovered a new remedy for intoxication, which, we be'ievc, “ is not down in the books.” It is nothing . . l . i V ooms in Toronto for the Sale of his CAP ’IACES 11111311300115- more than raw Potatoes which are cut in D550“, J- 11- RiChnwnd. W. P. TERMS =-F01‘ Examination according '0 the Respec‘ful y in “ounces mat he has Opened 6 arer ’ , L b T ’ I. Emb. Leather,Mm-b,Edges,Gitt Back . . ‘t . ' 'ri. - , -.c~-- d.‘ ', . â€" ‘i r ‘7: ................ 1-“ slices and eaten Without salt. An ordinary E3,‘§§;g““,§}§l,;§,fbl “ 3,151,,gfgmtgggm, 31;.gggirgfiytgfiabmmgr“212,33333333, an the Premises formerly occupied by. Messrs. GEO. EVVAICI‘ & Co. 2 Egg 1;) §;;§::V“,:,i,b M... G”, i” ‘5 . v ,, . . n. y: ‘ "v .v 'I‘ . b r v ‘ I A I I . . ' . . 1) V t. , I .i‘ A, Law, ‘ ii i muiphy, it Its Said, \‘lill cure the most box, Iliron'ias Skinner. 1. mg to length of treatment. Church Street, adJOIng the store of hflessrs. Rowland, Fltch & CO. Backjéé 5,988,511,.) R 90] it IVS, 5 00 obstinate case in half an hour. gonad “1:111:11? 815mm, Joslcgh Toronto, July 4, 1861_ 136.1,, 3. Roaéi,ll‘4ttg (hilt hiélgpslléap‘k or. Lines, 7 00 . ‘ ‘ .100 wt. Oin unison om _ _,_,-, __._. -.- L- - - ‘ - - - - ,, - w ,~ ,. u . . ‘t .' an tee an o ’ ungravrugs, . Accordmg to ,he ,atest Oflmm, returns! Gibbs, 0’_ F. [2, Wilson, lyhomas a. W . ' l R. HALL. in introducrng himself to the public, feels that be Is not a strange” as his Carriages have been long and fdtor'mly 4. Extra Paper, ,m, ,kaaypuu Gm,“ the 1055 of the Federal troops at Buips Got‘mun, David Wadsworth. George G1 131: and Saw a V known to many oftlre largest and most judicious purchasors in. the l rovtnce. He has IOF'IIIQ last twelve years been conâ€" 5,0,, “Mes, Maps and mum ‘ . . . ' _ 9 0,, Run is ,6“,de asfonowgz__Kmed, 280; Harrison, Mary ‘ HE Subscriber, in ramming thanks to his Sluntly engaged in the manufacture of Carriages. and during that period every improvement which is been introduced, either In 5, 153px. Paper, Turkey Morocco, ‘Full '1 wounded,729; missing, 477; total, 1,486 M. '1 EEFY,P.M numerous Friends who favored him with i’nuteriuls, construction or style, has been carefully investigated, and If found practtcablebadoptiild. jHe has aligays pxerrised the blit,l$S$:€tl Plflggs,Phatéiitllghfjéggg \ 7 ° ' ‘7‘;â€" l _ - -~ their custom fit the I‘leadford Mills bpgs 1” ti'iost scrunnlous care in the Selection of timber and the Securinrr cf workmen. This has con fu emonstrate 111 tie experience , , _' . ‘ , V .' ‘,. TTlre painter who owned the errtt‘ait of NE ‘ "TEUSLINS inform them that he has taken the ’MILLSi ' ’ a y 6' Ema Papa" le‘ei MOlocao’ I‘ll“ of those who have tested the durability of his work A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF LIGHT CABRIAGES “fill be Kept constantly on hand, AND NE E!" PIEIJVTS .' AT RED UC'ED PRICES ! lately occupied by Mr. B. FISH, known as the Sherborne Mills Near the Gi‘een Rush Hotel. Yonge Street.â€" These Mills being in first-rate order, any one -Mr. Buchanan, at Washington, on oxli'-‘ bition at the Rotunda, was ordered per- emptorily to remove it. Gilt,18 ’lates,l\'laps.lllutii do Clasp, 15 00, $1000}; YEAR can be made by enterprising men in selling the above and other popular works of ours. Our inducements to allsuch are mm 'lglRâ€"“L’CAW " TUS T to hand a nice assortmentof the BEST At Richmond Hill. on July the QISt, the wife of Mr, Thomas Bowman, of a son. MARRIED , By the Rev. J. Elliott, on July Q‘Jnd, Mr “Thomas Hardy to Miss Mary P‘enncll, boih of the township of Vaughan. best patterns are selected. Please call and see them. WM. S, POLLOCK, (Late G. A. Barnard). Richmond Hill, Jul" 173, 18-61. 1‘33 Markham, April. to, 18st. givi lg him a call will find the Gristiitg done in GOODS on the Hill, for 0116 York Shil- a superior manner. ring per yard. Make your purchases before the their Gristing back with them can do so. Parties wishing to take I]? All work warranted second to none in GEORGE SQUIRE, Proprietor. 12541 Canada. Both at the City Repository and at the Manufactory at Markham; Mr. HALL opens a sale. room in Toronto for the purpose of placing his goods in a position easily accessible to'all parts of Persons living at a distan’ce, who choose to order by mail, may rely upon the most careful attention in the selec- the Province. tion, packing bird forwarding of the goods ordered, upon terms as favourable to the purchaser, as though he were present, Markham, April 19, 1861:. A“ , exceedingly liberal. As theSe books are unequalled in their nie- nhanical execution, as well as value of their contents, a certain and rapid sale follows their introduction everywhere- ‘ V For single copies, or for terms to agents,with other in l'oriiiaiioii, apply to or address JOHN POTTER, Pllf/lfsflar, No. 617 Sansom St., Philadelphihdia.

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