LNWW _. -m ._.. _..,. .._._ A -A __ . ~ .1 \g \,«-__,r \_ a Er“ ml \..‘\J'».r \_v \/ syn, ~- \J*~.4 \ I‘..\/\,/‘-r - ~ 9}. 1103111 E'I‘TIIII, 111.11., REEVES. [Ft-Ir the York Herald. ‘ , , LucLAAn, A N O-R-P 11A N B O Y . Opposite the Elgin Mills, *â€" utCiiMoND HILL. 127-1yp 430,“.1,’ w ï¬ï¬tmtumï¬ inaction). 1AM BY MISS EMILY tVALDBROOK. A poor sad orphan boy am I, ’Mong strangers now 1 roam; Once I had parents for to love, And cheerful happy home. May 1.186R I. BOWMAN, M.D,.. Physician, Surgeondi ilecoaclieur One Door South of Lemon’s Hotel THORNHILL. lot now, alas! no homo have I, No friendly voice I hear, To cheer my heart or make it glad; May 1, 1861. In this COlddVO‘l'ld'SO drear. 127-1y No marble tablet marks the spot “here my dear parents sleep ', But oft unto tiieir grave I go, Their orphan they to weep. l . J.GORMLEY, COMMISSIONER IN QUEEN’S BENCH, Conveyancer and Auctioneer, LOT 31, 41'â€! Con. MRRKHAM. September 18, 1860. Yes, by their grave I weep alone, For all my joys are fled; My IIUI'cIIIS, brothers, sisters all, 95_l,. Are silent with the dead. - 1 plant the weeping willow tree,†Its branches there to wave, ‘1’ hen I am far, far distant __ From my dear parents’ grave. fl‘lvloluAS BOWIWAN 7 Licensed Auctioneer, FOR THE COUNTIES OF YORK 81. PEEL. All letters addressed to “Almira,†P.O. wil receive prompt attention. Orders received at the " York l'leraldâ€'()fiico, Richmond Hill; I'M r. Henry Lenten, Thornhill, and Mr, James . Ah I I, the once bright happy lad, My parents pride and joy : But 0 l the change that’s taken placeâ€"- 1 am an orphan/boy. I’-m left without one earthly guide , 'I'v guard or to defend ; 1h him alone I put my trust, Who is the orphan‘s friend. 7 WK“ \. ._._.__- . ,_, L.v__,, iiitttrrlluttrmir, W ' Terms, Soc. may be obtained. Almira, Nov. 25. 1859. 62-1’1‘ l masonic arms idem, RICHMOND HILL, GEORGE SIMSON, PROPRIEIITOR. \tOOD Accommodations and everv attention 1 shown to Travellers. Good . Yards for Drove Cattle and Loose Boxes for Race Horses and Studs. The Monthly Fair held on the Premises first Wednesday in each month. The Subscriber in calling the attention ofthe public and his Old Friends to his establishment, Modesty is the red rose that is won over a white heart. Speak low, ladies, and yet always on- deavor to be high-toned women. The bachelor has to look out for num- ber oneâ€"the married for number two. Nature has-granted to all to be happy, if we did but know how to use her benefits. “ 'IIIOHL every i‘iiiprovenient of the Profession Cavannah, Mansion Ilouse, Sharon; where : GEO. itici>1-11Li,.i’i>s,l Provincial Land Surveyor, nicnitionn inLn, C.W. December 1‘4". 1860. 107-lyl DR. N, J. PECK, t ï¬urge on Delatise; Respectfhlly announces that he will be at Nichol’s ilotel, Richmond Iliil, On the 2nd Monday of each month, at Bumps rm TEE, dimple. On the 'l‘uesday following, ‘\ IIERF. he will be happy to wait on those requiring his services in any branch of his profesmon. ’l‘eeth insertedon Gold Platenum, Vulcan- ized Rubber, cr Continuous Gum on I’latenuni, The latter lwing the most bnpiutiful teeth now in use. Dr. Pack has all the advantages of the Profession, both“ in the States and Canadns, having l'ormcrfy been connected with Dentists in New York; he now receives direct from throughout the United States. Particular attention given to the Regulation of Children’s Teeth. Consultation Free. ANY who have been slaves to Rheumatic I tyrannyghave been- entirely emancipated by the use of ingrarn’s infalabtc Liniatcnt ‘ A certain cure for theumatism,’l‘ic Dolereaux, Spi‘ains, Bruises and Swellings Prepared and sold by Joseph Ingram, Maple Village, in bottles at 25 and 50c. each. Maple Village, Febz, 14, 1861-. lay. Charles 0. Keller, ATTORNEYâ€"AT.mw, somcrron in Chancery, Conveyancer, &c. Oflice, in Victoria Buildings. over the Chronicle ollice, Brook Street, Whitby. Also a Branch Ofï¬ce in the village of Bea- verton, Township of Thorah, and County of Ontario. The Division Courts iirOntario. Richmond ’i Hill, and Markham Village regularly attended. Whitby, Nov. 22,1800. JAMES BO UL TOM, Esq. , Barrister, Law Officeâ€"Corner of Church and King'Sts. Toronto, March 8’. 1861. 119-tf All letters addressed to him. at Aurora prem- ptly attended to. Aurora, Feb. 80, 1801 117â€"1y 'CHEAPER THAN EVER! I 11E Subscriber begs to inform his numerous patrons and the public thathe is prepared to make Boots $11065 ‘Ofevery style and description. at the lowest possi )le remunerating prices. All work war- ranted to give entire satisfaction. W, H. MARTIN. Cook’s Mill, Vaughan, December 7-, 1860. 106-ly JOEEN H.1Gâ€"GS, ’ L/IILOR, Victoria Seizure, N returning his sincere thanks to his numer- ous Customers and Friends for the liberal “w’iiiiiiiiii’iiiiir. liURD, iWARRISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor : j in Chancery,Conveyancerrobc. Money 1 advances procured on Eortgages, No. 3, Jordan StreetJ Toronto, December 13, 1860. 108-y MATHESUN 86 FITZGE BALD. Barristers, Attorneys-at-Law, . SOLICITORS 1N CHANCERY, «Soc. OFFICE :’â€" CORNER OF KING AND TORONTO STREETS Over Whitmore do Co’s. Bonking Ollice, TORONTO- Agcncy l’ctrtzcu/a-r/y attended to. ~â€" ’I'HOMAS G. MA'I‘HESON. JAMES FITZGERALD Toxonta , J Lily 1,115.30, 31 -tf 104-1)’ Crocker, Esq. Cheating and jockeying at horse-racing feels satisfied he can administer comfortava to supporthe has received since he commenced . .1», ,| M». .A. Cup. \, _, _..~ . .. _ t ‘ Luv, .2â€. ._ -:~»»l-,-'~ - -.-:--4 Valuable Property for Sale ‘ ' IZI: (iii‘Acres, 23 of which is timbercd, 40 - Acres under Cultivation. Several PARK LO'l-‘S with timber thereon. Also, VILLAGE PROPERTY Win, 0,. Ewithout Buildings. Pic_nie Fartie's & TAeameetings i ’I'he'ab‘ovc property is situated at, ended. . . .l ,. . Attended and supplied on reasonable terms, Jommg 10’ mo \ mag†01 ' Richmond Hill,.June 24, 1861. ins-tr Rlchlnond H111. ___Am “meï¬w _- 1“01‘furthor particulars apply. acute Uflice 0g “ this paper. Richmond Ilili‘, Sept 26‘, 1860. CHARLES TAGGART, con FECTION ER, BREAD & FANCY BISCUIT BIKER ; 11101111le I) HILII. Insurance Company, or CANADA, FOR. .tiirc nub marine Kinematics, ES'I‘ABLlSHED 1849, Aer on PA'nmAiuisnr! Pi ovincial Insonronmnn BY' Subscribed Capital, $1,743,520. HEAD 01"lt‘l.CE,â€"-â€" TOR ONTO. “a... 'Pnnsronnr :â€"-l-Ion. John Hilliard Cameron. , 96'9‘ VICE-FRESIDENT :-â€".l-. S- Howard, Esq, ’ numerous : Hon: 1.11. Cameron, George Duggan, E q Hun. Geo. Crawford, -J. S. Howard, Esq. Hon.l\’1.Caineron,MJ’. ‘tEdw. C. Jones, Esq. J.Cameron,Esqu.P.P A. Morrison,Esq.MPP A. M..Smith Esq, 'Lewis Mofl‘at, Esq, v ’ W. L. Perrin, Esq. ..__.__‘_.. †AIL“ if " Tins/i TMENT. Buffalo Medical DispcnSary. Established for the cure of 't nvsrursrA. GENERAL nEBILt-Tir. FEVER. AND AGUE, AS'I‘MA-, - ' iACiri-ENT CONSUMPTION, ' , CONSUMPTION 0F Y'OU'IH AND 0151:) ,A‘Glt, E73 N o llTel'e'ITry Used. Dr. Amos do i) \ u 1 ‘ ‘ \ v v 48 LA. r GENESLL s1 nan r, IHREE Doons~ WEST or ELI.1C()'1â€1‘ srnncr, Buffalo, New York,» RE the only Ph} sicians in the. State who' are members of the Royal College ‘oï¬ Surgeons, London. May be coiisulted from 8 o’clock in the morning until 0 at night in every state and symptom of'-diSease.- ' 'I‘he treatment-they adopt'is the resulted no: words of thirty years’ extensive and'successfub practice in Europe and America. 1.. MOST-SCIENTIFIC mum-non, . An‘ instrument for the cure of Genital Debi! lily, of Nocturnal Emissions, more propeer ,known as Seminal Weakness, &-c. Can bi! épertnauonttly cured in from 1'5 to 20 days, by- tlie use- of this instrument, when used (:0in Jointly With medicines. Manager and Somehowâ€"«James Sydney Manager of Agencies : Wm. Blight, Esq. Assist. Secretary .- J.W . Woodhouse,Esq. .â€" Sorcn'ons :â€"-Messrs. Duggan & Burns, BANKERS :.--The Bank of Toronto. IRE and MARINE INSURANCE busi- ness transacted by this Company at its va- rious Agencies, as well as the Head Oilice, Tov route, at fair and average rates. The numerous and responsible Stockholders of this Company, and the large amount of ca- pital subscribed,aflbrd an anionnt of security to .he assured, equal at. least to that of any other Company transacting business- in the Province A. LA W. Agent at Richmond Hill. Teronto, April 18, 18615.. 125-13" t 1 FRESH ARRIVALS FRUITSSSUGARS. NEW TEAS, COFFEES, &c. ole , at the VIC TORIA ’1 EA WAREJIO USE, SIGN or THE QUEEN. ‘ Dr. Amos a.- Son take pleasure In aiinoun‘c'r ,ing that they have invented a most important instrumentfor the cure of the above diseases- “It has been subjected to a test-of'the most mint VIIIUIII. physicians in London. Paris. Philadelphia arileew York r it has been declared the onlv useful instrument ever'yot' invented for the cure of Seminal weakness, or any disease of the genital organs, caused by the secret habits 30] youth. 01, 111591.33. $0M QC! "DWARD LAWSON in returnin thanks + 1 . 1 to his numerous customers for their libe- ral patronage since opening his New Store, Dr. Amos & Son, in order to satisfy the their wants and wilh mutual satisfaction. Richmond Hill. Aprii‘20, 1’860. arc matters of course. , , 7341‘ \\ e see it stated that the “ census em- business in Victoria Square, begs to assure them that no effort on his part will be wanting braces seventeen millions of women.†“he wouldn’t be tlie'ecnsusl Money and time have both their Value. He who makes a bad use of the one will never make a good use of the other. True greatness consists in doing what deserves to be written, in writing what dbscrvcs to be read, and in making man- kind happier and better for your life. Baslifullncss is more frequently connect- ,ed with good sense than we find assurance; and imprudence, on the other hand, is often the effect of downright stupidity. An avaricious man is like a sandy desert, that sticks in all the rain but yields no fruitful licizbsto the inhabitants. A Thorough Cure.«â€"A. miller, in giving a testinional t0 the proprietor of a powder for destroying vermin, astounds us with the assertion, “I was full of rats a fortnight since, and new I don’t think 1. have one.†A Nasty Relic.â€"-“ The skull of Dick Turpin, under aglass shade, many years in “16‘ Morley Family, of York.†That was one of the lots put up to auction at a sale of “genius furniture†the other day, in Church Street, Soho. The piece of bone sold for Lbsâ€"glass shade and all. those wlioarc the enemies of the in- nocent amusement had the direction ofthe world; they would take away the spring and youth; the former from theâ€"year, the latter fromtlic human life. \VOrds arc'little things, but they strike hard: \Vo wieldéthcm so easily that we are apt to forget their hidden power. :Fitly spoken, they fall like the sunshine, the dew, and tlrizzling rainâ€"but when unlitly like luws and Hubs, Barrel Heading. and 'I'urning the frost, the bail, and the desolate tent- pist. The Noisy R‘I:Itt.-â€"~It is the man who makcslthc‘most noise that secures the ate tention of the world. A silent elephant .mayreniain unobserved amid the foliage of i (the wood, but a creaking bulfrog will he sure to attract attcntion on the darkest night. Envy is the most-'inexcusable of all pas- sions... Every other sin has some pleasure annexed to it, or will admit of some ex- cuse; envy alone wants both. Other sins last but for a while; the appetite may be satisfied; anger‘reniitsg. but cnvy never ’ changes. As we stand by the sea-shore and watch the huge titles come in, we retreat, thinking we will be ovwrwhelm‘cd ;. soon, however, they flow back. So with“ the waves of trouble in the world; they threaten us, but a firm resistance makes them break at our feet. It is a singular fact that the time of the day the great battle of \Vatcrloe coni- menced has never been definitely settled. ,\Vellington and Gueisnau fix the coin- inencemcnt of the struggle at 10.0’clock, A.M.; Alva and Vanadoucourt at' half- past Napoleon and Drouet at 12; and Ney and IIcymes at 1 o’clock. Cinchâ€"Young swell ([07 )~â€"-“ I say, 'I‘honipson, do you think I Shall ever have any whiskers '1†Thompson (after a care- ful examination) -â€"“ \‘t’cll, sir, I really dbnit' think you ever willâ€"leastways not to speak- of!.’ Young swellâ€"-â€"“ That’s rather hard; foim'myxpap-J mean governor-has~ plenty 1†Thompson (facetiously)â€"â€"“ Yes, sir; but pr’aps you take after your mam- ma.†Ql‘otal. collapse of young swell). â€"â€"P‘ltllcfl. ' The- Runaway Slaves in. Canada..â€"â€"â€"It is estimated that there are 45,000" fugitive slaves in Canada from the United States. The negroes are a gregarious race, and ‘lhcy are disposed to live in villages and towns, and cling together. The 1000 fugitive slaves in Toronto wash linen, make shirts, are blacksmiths. bricklayer-s, car- penters, shoemakers, 823. There are six colored grocers in the town, and one colored physician. One fugitive is worth 100,000 dols- But the headquarters of the negro race in Canada is Chatham-en- the 'I‘haines. Of its population of six thousand, two thousand. are colored. to merit a continuance of their favors. UCIIMOND IIILL 'II‘O’I‘EL. STAGE runs from the above Hotel to Toronto, every morning, starting from the Elgin Mills at 7..a.m,, and returning at 7, rpm. Fare,.2s. 6d. each way. ACCOMMODATION FUR TRAVELLERS. RICHARD NICHOLLS, Proprietor. All work entrusted to his-care will be made up in a neat and substantial manner. Victoria Square, April 8, 1861, 1534~3m G. H. Iiiâ€"I‘Hfsjéband, are Egg G001) Richmond Hill, Dec. 18,1858. 1-55 URGEON Dentist, will be at Nicholl’s Hotel, Richmond Hill, the FIRST MonnAv of every month, and, the re- 'W laite Hart Inn, RICHMOND niLL. 'mainder of the month at his residence, McCaysvillo, 7th Concession of York. All Work Wat-ranted. Teeth ï¬lled with Osteoplartic or Artificial Boneâ€"This filling is put into the Teeth while soft, causing no pain, as itrequires no pressure, 'it soon becomes as hard as the tooth to which tt firmly adheres, renderlng it alinostimposs-ible for the filling ever to come out. Dr. Husband has made arrangements with Mr. G. L. Elliot, of Toronto, to manufacture ‘ his Artificial Teeth ; those who engage Doctor Husband to do their work will be sure of hav- ing it done in a superior manner, July 8, 18.30. HE Subscriber begs to inform the Public that he has leased the above Hotel. where he will keep constantly on.hand a good supply of first-class Liquors, &c. As this house possesses every accommodation Tra- vellers can desire, those who wish to stay where they can find every comfort are respectfully iii- vited to give him a call. CORNELIUS VAN NOSTRAND. Richmond Hill, Dec. 528, 1860. 108-1 YONGE STREET HOTEL, AURORA. GOOD supply of V’Vinos and Liquors 1’ always on hand. Excellent Accommo- dation for 'I‘ravellersv, Farmers, and others. ‘ Cigars of all brands. { D. McLEOD, Proprietor. Aurora,Jniie 6, 1850. 25â€"13! ~ 32â€"152 Albion Hotel, EAST MARKET SQUARE, TORONTO, C.W. , J - SMITH, Proprietor- Toronto, April 19. 1861, 125-1'; 'I‘IIE WELL-KNOWN BLACK HORSE HOTEL, Formerly kept by ‘vVilliani Rolpl‘r, Cor. of ’aiacc A: George Sis. [EAST or THE 1\I.11:1{E'l‘,] 'i‘ononto. CALEB LU DFORI), Opposite Mr. I’urkiss’ Store, 104- 'I‘ 1‘ .4 ‘7 ' 't ' ' r n4 r vows '» t “mm†1111113111131 €10.11, ihtlgtiitlei, [Successor to Thomas Palmer]. Good Stabling attached. Trusty Hustlers always in attendance. 'l'dronto, April 10, 1861. 1) A'I‘ENT l'lave Troughs and \Vater Spouts l superior to tilt», put up at 6, cents ’ ier foot ; also, Drain Pipes, Seasoned Siding, . . . - \ 9r- ‘ Ladders, Shingles, Picket Oates, Waggon l‘el- 1~0 1} .10. II. SMI'I‘II. st. intwunwen ms, 1 4 2 K I, N G S '1‘ R E ET, OPPOSITE THE ST. I.A\\'El‘lNCE MARKET, TORONTO. Choice Liquors and Good Accommodation at reasonable charges. Good Stabling and a Careful Hustler in attendance. Toronto, April 10, 1861. in general h‘lanufactured and for sale by JOHN LANGSTAFF, STEAM MILLS, 't‘iioitNiiiLL. Junel‘), 1850. 27-tf DR. ‘3. E. SEYMOUR, 11 0111090 PATIHC PHYSICIAN, 123-1y MAIN S'I‘., NEWMARKE'I‘, U.C. 65-] i-“ .7111 2'. S". 6.77;; a? R This. Bunsen-Artur Ann SDLlClTOR IN CHANCEHY, Ollice removed to Gas Company’s Buildings, Toronto Street. Toronto, January 9, 1861. It [-6111 A C A R D- C KEELE, Esq, ofthe City of Tor- . onto, has opened an otiice in the Vil- Iago ofAurora for the transaction of Common Law and Chancery Business, also, Convey- ancmg executed with correctness and despatch Division Courts attended. Wellington St. Aurora.I &, Queen St. Toronto November 20. 18 "o‘. TORONTO CITY MARBLE WtIRIIS 185 YONGE STAEET. MONUMEN-TSTII‘OMBTABLES ’I‘OMBS' ‘ONES, &e. Twenty Per Cent THAN ANY OTHER. ESTABLISHMENT. Cheaper 'r HE UNDERSIGNICD Assignees of the tinue the business under the superintendence of our duly authorized agents, AUSTIN Annrzr and I), CARLOS VALE. whose receipt will be duly acknowledged. P.S.--â€"â€"All notes and accounts remaining un- paid on the lst day of June, 1858, will be put into Court for. collection, l (t. YALE, 1’ G. CUMMER. L'I‘oronto, April ‘20, 1850. 4.3-†1) E N 'I‘IS TR Y! w. o. ADAMS. o. o. s. Surgeon Dentist, 119 KING ST. EAST, SOUTH SIDE. 'l'lIIIU) DOOR wrzsr FROM CIIURCII ST. TORONTO, ‘ RTICULAR attention given to the regu~ _ - lation of Chill/[rams Tool/i. free. and all work warranted. Dr, A. has turned his attention to the im- provements of his pr ifession in all its brain-hes, and can supply the profession with Teeth, Gold, Vulcanized Apparatus. and Vulcanite Rubber, and the best Bone filling. Mineral Teeth mounted on Gold, Silver, or Vulcanized Rubber, With Continuous Gums, which are warranted to give entire satisfaction "THE" " """" ' A W†' "W'ï¬'" V w ) ‘ X i v , Toronto,Octeber II, 181‘ LItJ-ly DR. L. LANGSTAFF, JOS. (11.11.01. 5 #__M_r______m_ my V____W*_ W PliotglGl-IILL. 3doors west of King r0... Fountain Restaurant ! W_ U_ @ 1:3»; E 33,; E, ICC). 65) Kim. STREET, EAST, 'ronos'ro. 24-ly King, May 13. 1859- .__...._. ' WW†" T hLuneh every day from 11 till 2. 11.11 CH CAMPBEL.L,. \V‘atch and Clock Marker, JEWELER, dice, Yonge Street, Aurora. Jewelry, Watches and Clocks repaired and - cleaned on the shortest notice and lowestterms Aurora. February 17, 1860. 60-tf' 1L? Soups, Games, Oysters, ‘Lobsters, &c always on hand: ' up in the beststyl’e. ' A'l'l'l Clarendon Hotel, No. ‘28, 30 and 3'3 * J Front Street, 'l‘oronto. Board $1 per l day. Porteis always in attendance at theiCars ' " i and Beats. By the use of Electricity, ,‘_‘ ‘V NFWBICGLNG w t. .x - , l Proprtetor. B y D r" E- C- E D M O N D S; Toronto, Apri18, 1861. SURGEON Drzn'risr, AURORA. ‘ _ Eastern Hotel, ORNER of King Teeth inserted on Silver, Gold or Valcanixed Rubber. All Operations in his Profession, performed in the inest approved manner and \Varranted' Aurora. March 9, 1860 and George Streets, . Toronto, C.W. “7M. IVIONKHOUSE, Pro- prietor. Good accommodation for 'l‘ravellers (ii-1}? Large Stabling, and a Good Hustler always in 4 attendance. Toronto, April 10’, 1861‘. THE AURORA lliASleill 0010111111111 11AM}! now open to receive engagements on li- beral terms, for any number, to suit the convenience of‘large or small parties. Applications to Mr. WM, liticLAM), at Aurora, or Mr. WI WiI.Lis, 3rd Con. Whit- church. N.B‘.~ Also, a SAXâ€"HORN BAND may be hadouapplication. Aurora. Nov. 2. 1860-. , 12:} 1y 100-3m ' . . . ‘ - . . ) .' y ) . ' . . V . . Dmuo'†and bul’llolb fox 1““ ale lames gm He is also agent for the best- It oundries in Caâ€" Torum": AW†19: 1861- 1‘25-13' hopes to give general satisfaction, { Altotla, Dec.23,1859 4 NEWBICOING HOUSE, '7 12.1.1, {Runnable Fire ()ï¬ï¬cc. MERCHANTS’ EXQIIANGE MONTREAL. MILLWRIGHT, cm L fd‘flofl'e/l , _) EGS to intimate that he is now prepared to t J erect MILLS of every description, by contract or otherwise, on reasonable terms- nada. and from his lengthened experience he UNITY Fire & Life Insurance Association 0 r LON DON, With which is Amalgamated the CAPITAL, 532.566300, STERLING. Available Assets Fiie Departm’t 954,547,061 10 Life Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,526,535 46 Deposit Fund in Canada . . . . . . . 50.000 ()0 Deposit Fund in New York.. . . .. 150,500 00 CHIEF OFFICE IN CANADA 1 Directors, Fire Department . W. Lunn, Esq. .1. G. Mackenzie, Esq. J. Torrance, Esq. J. Frothingha‘m, Esq. B. Holmes, Esq. A. Larecque, Esq. Trustees in London : Sir W. C. Dal-yell, | C. F. Bazin, Esq, Trustees in New York : Charles Dur: n (1,. ) ARRISTER and A'l"1‘ORNEY,â€"_Oflice, ) corner of Adelaide and Yenge Sti'eets,] Toronto, will‘attend to Suits in all‘t'lio Superior Courts efLaw, Chancery and County Court; also, on request, to Country Business in the Division Courts, ‘ Deeds, Leases. Mortgages. and ever dc-i scription of Conveyancing drawn up with care and at reasonable prices. Letters post paid attended to. Toronto. November :30, 1:60. l 101-611) ‘ ' Win. 11 . Macy. I’res’t Leather Manufact Bank S. Livingston, fll‘lllOfBfll‘Clcy Si Livingston, \‘V. Sherman, firm of Duncan, Sherman &Co Every description of Fire and Life In surance Business transacted at the most.- inoderate rates of Premium. 7 W. P. REYNOLDS, Manager in B. N, A. Agent for Torontoâ€"A R'I‘H UR M. JARVIS, Oliiceâ€"VVhittimoro’ Buildings, Toronto St. 'l'oronto, April 1‘2, 1861- 1:23-1y would respectfully inform them and the public _ generally, that he has just received an exten- sivo Stock of Fruits, Sugars, pure Black and most skeptical as to the merits of their instruv .ment, pledge themselves that in any instance where it may prove unsatisfactory, after a fair toi- l y ’ estate of I). C. CE W. YALE, will con- V ,. . . ’ llb- : 1‘ 1110 ""4 LXI“ Fm") Blwmas“ SMIChWE- 2All Losses when satisfactorily established are Consultation 3 Green Teas (crop 1860), Coffees, &c., &c., which have been purchased at a great reduc- tion in price, owing to the (dice! of the secession dinovement on the American markets , and ‘ "Willcll are now selling at Prices without parallel, trial, the money will be refunded by returning: the instrument in good order. ) . . . ' . ' '1 eisons Wishing the above useful instrument. \Vill observe that the price, with the accom- panying directions, securely packed. and sent? .t'q alcsaloq,“ 'stuao 09 .10} saï¬eqoed r1; 'siuaa gt ac} iatcaq auiotpaw put: isiSSniq .(JaAa Aq “mag in pic‘s. EEOILS’AUMVQ ween .Lons ovna smznanow no '30 ‘2‘â€9-‘13‘0W 'OO '19? HHV'ID ‘NVMA'I 'At'O ‘agzsmmav ‘NVNArI 1% dOHHtLHON , '11} 1037’010JS "03 '18 .LtLOIT'IEI ‘NVNA‘I als a glalnce ‘ï¬t the annexed List and a trial of by mail 01- express, ,3 mu dollars. “8 goo 5 m igtï¬oï¬l T S ‘ \1 new nitm‘rzntics Ann 0,qu CERES â€"A ccnn» ‘ . ' “Mrâ€"WW warm“ â€"-»-- I â€"- ~-~ ~- WAnnAA'rrm. Fine Zante Currants :‘d. )Il),Ol' .‘22 lbs... . ..l . . V ' . , i Equ dress“, “ hid in 20 ,, I I . . ' l . v '1 [IE I Di, A mos Ac Son have, for along sari . ml" Dno Patrass “ 4a; “ 16 u . . . I ‘ l y‘l‘?cr‘y()‘()l an d Lon dull years, been engaged in an extensive piano in the treatment of these delicate complaints, ,‘..i - . '. .'.' .r u _it ~‘ .» ‘ H vyy | ‘ I iiietbldhydiefltu 1121:5132"? ,, :, ‘ : FIFE 01. 11110 lflhlll (1.1100 I/OIIllhlnyo alld are the only l'egally qualified physicians» tilti'ivofd‘i...m “ 53. ' n 1211. in}; It . . W0†"0W “d"“"â€s° 1“ “""9 certain con-it’laims. ., it seedless“ 9d. .. 7 “hi†‘ . 1 Head Ofï¬ce, Canada Brunch, comer of Place orfroui whom genuine European remedies can be obtained. Persons in any part of the world may be sucv cessfully treated by forwarding a correct demili of their cases, with a remittance for medicines &c., which will be returned with the utmesli dispatch and secure fl‘om observation. , D’Arnies and St James Street, Montreal. Best quality DRIED APPLES. .381. 95per bshl Also, Paper and Soft Shell ALMONDS‘, "Inveqted Funds £1,213,317 Stg. ’;FII.1$ER'I‘S, and BRAZIL NUTS, MIXED . .izSPICE..CANDIED LEMON, CI'l‘RON,and :ORANGE PEEL, 82.0., SLC. -..__.... Dinr:C'i‘0ns.â€"-'I‘. B. Anderson. Esq. Chair- man, A_ Simpson, Esq. l)eputy-Chaiirman, Address Dr. AM S cl, S l. 8 ‘ . . S U G A R. S . Henry Cllfil’man- 1‘15‘1- la J- 8- Mankind: E‘s‘l' Street, three door: PWesfkifliEkldbtttGS'ffdgf, Good Muscovadoes, 14 lbs. for . . . . . . ....$1 00 James M'mhen’ f’s‘l' . “Fur-V Siames' h‘sq‘ Butfalo, N. Y. 38.1: Bï¬ght u 13 u _ . _ ' _ I (,0 M.P.1’. 1.11. h’lait.laiin,.Esq. Restdeitt-Secre- _. A-.- A“ M 45‘ IOU .tary. (“n 12". (C. Smith, Resident- Assistant-» til-é laiqu 1 “131.6! ! : Extra Brioht“ 1‘2 “ . . . .- ' b l (,0 Secretary. .Yellow Refined 11 “ ., Ex“? R“ï¬"‘fd' 10' - - - - - - - - - - “10 w111E Directors Would call the attention of \V 1.; L‘ ’1‘ N Extra Crushed J 0 u . . . . . . . . . . l 00 the Public to the following t'oaturos in the Ni [,0 l" g“ u ‘ ‘ C . .(""°““d 8 ‘ ~ - - ~ - ' ' ° - 1 0“ management of this conipanv:-â€"- ‘ " . l ‘M' (’L (“"1)“ n 3' Broken Loaf 8 “ . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 d ( I d 01 '1‘01‘011 (O. " V"r " '1 V‘ 1‘ "x i J‘ . 3". i’) I «1"1- ,BLAL1X AND (JRLJLN r1 JaAb ! I‘he licminms receive in and to nine and investod'in Government or other Pro- . . . lNconrouA'rnn or ACT or \llthk‘llill‘ Bends.- “ ' PARLI’X’M 1: 1‘ me Congou, good and strong, ‘23. 3d. per mm CflPI’l‘flL 8 1'0 CK , £100,000. 1. C. Gi-Lntort,.1’res. 2s. 6d., 3s, audits, 6d. per lb; Fine and Extra Fine “along, 35., 3s. 6d, and 3s. 0d. per lb. Also, Pckoe Flowers and Orange Pekoe, . . . _ , , , , , . ,h’Iix-ed Black and Green Tea, 6d., 31s., 6d,, and 55s. 0d per 11). : Fine and «Extra Fine Young Hyson, ‘2s. 0d, 35s. Iis. 3d,, 3s. 611.. and 3s. Sld. per 11).: Fine and Extra Fine Old llyson, 3s. .‘1d. and ï¬le. 6d. per 11).: Fine and Extra Fine imperial Hyson, 3s. Iid. and .‘ls. 6d. per lb, ; Fine and Extra Fine paid in Canada withoutt reference to the Home Board.- . . . 1 That there is- uot‘,~ at the present time, one claim intdis into. _ . ‘ _ . , , ‘ 1 , I] b jRice Lewrs,1“.sq. .'1here is invested lli‘ (.annca» m- Avai a le lymnos “anâ€. 1.)“, | Gno. IVI‘I'GH‘IE."ICG Pm. DIRECTORS I 'I‘bos Ilaworth, Esq,r . t W Henderson .Est .' Funds €200,000 Dollars, and this is being '1‘, P. Robarts, Esq. W lilaclavrlune: Esdp constantly added to. M. tossin, I‘lsq. I 'V' \ -" ’sl ' 0“- "‘.'q a . lhat (In 1615 tiivo.ttd in l\t\.\f Yelli rip. 00,000, Bernard Mama“, [amp 5,,g,.,,l,,,.,, g, Treasurer . , -â€"and It is the intention of the Directors to A“ ms 9,,“ T,“ I F. ,- l. v. _ . ' qunpowder, 3s. 3d, 3s. 6d., and Js. 0d. incrwmn 1mg. sum h, 5;;1.ti(,q'i;no. B. is i _“'| ~01: mt]. bu tut-or. A r - . . . .. , . . . v». , N ank ot UpperCanada. Bankers. N.B.â€"~A deduction of .1d. per lb. wtll be lhe accumulated Bonds of the Company [_ o- . Btlljflmm Swiwm 1,.“ In†Ht _ made from the above Prices to parties purcl-z-asâ€"i Vember 1859] amount, to ever 5,058.730do1s. t ' ‘* 1' 51"" 0" ging five pounds and upwards. ' The present income of the Company is over , 7,590 dots. per day. Insurances effected at the Lowest, Remuner- ‘ alive Prices. .1. 11. NAITLAND, 115†Head (Mice, Clut-rc/t Sh‘cul - Toronto. Also, on hand a splendid lot of Teas in ' ‘ £0 caddy boxes from 10 lbs. to 16 lbs., and in half chests at the following Prices :â€"- Fine to Extra Fine Gunpowder, 3d, 2s 10d 3s. 3d, 3s, 6d. per lb. Fine to Extra Fine Young Hyson, 3:5. 0d., 3s. 3d., 3s. 6d. per lb. English Breakfast Seuchongâ€"Qs. (id., 52s. 0d.. 3s. 0d, 3s- hd. per lb Finest Ooloug-«Cls. 0d., 3s. 6d. 0d. Fresh Ground Collee,1s. FinestJaniaica, ls 3d. Ground Chicory, 9d. per lb. Together with a complete assortment of This COMPANY Insnres all descriptionsof ' 7 Buildings, ll’lanulhctories, Mills, &c.. and Goods . Resident Secretary, and It‘urnitnre, in thosamc, againstlors‘s ordain. I Montreal. age by tire,on libei'alterms. Losses promptly Toronto Agency : 85 King Street Fanny South- ,SOMU‘L : side. [over the sweet" J‘. Uh J'Osel’h‘ &’ 001T 1‘ A ' LA\N’ . JA MES FRASER, Agent Resnlence, I . 4 _ Generalngent. - Richmond 11111 August 13. 11857:. g10-I Toronto. April 19, 1861. 1:35.13- memmmgaflm I, x... .. H. & J. HARRISON Flour Barrel Heading, Stave and Y 'Shingle Manufacturers, and Lumber Planers. i ._._. dirt: that tirrutlt IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, And despatched 10 Subscribers by the earli s mulls, or other conveyance, when so desir d The Y-OI’RsK HERALD will al'waveu‘fle be found t'ocontain the l’at'estand mostimpor- taut Foreign and Provincial News and Man- kets, and the greatest care willbetaken to» render it acceptable totbcman of business, and evaluable Family Newspaper. '1‘ERMS.â€"â€"chen and Sixpence per A nnum, IN AnVAA‘cE; and if not paid within Three ; Mouths two dollars will be charged. Staple and. Fancy Groceries! ALSO, BISCUITS AND CONFECTIONERY Ofevery description niiaruufact-ured: on the pro» .‘ . ‘ , v . L mises by firstâ€"class workment‘. \Vcdding and ‘bem’m‘e‘i momma" and buler 1‘01†6“ .hm‘d’ “ .,- other Cakes always on hand. (or made to order and waned: 1†order 1“ (11131110005 ‘0 Sun I’m" at the shortest notice,) iced and ornamented Chase‘s- in the best styleâ€"all at the Lowest Prices. 0:? Factoryâ€" on Markham and Elgiu Mills Goods delivored on the cars, and within the Plank Road. P.O. address, Richmond Hill. 'v,".‘. ‘.|. ., City limits, hoe of cnaige. All oideisby marl, June 7. 1861_ 13.2_Gm and otherwrse, attended to Willi despatch. Every article warranted as represented. 1132140 snconn PRICE, no cannrr cg] Q1137 Remember the place. Victoria TeaWarehousesign of the Queen . No. 03, King St. East. Five doors west of Church Street. EDWARD LAWSON. Toronto. March, 1861. "iiiiiAVEit MU’I‘UAL Fire Insurance Association, TORONTO, e. w. OFFICE, 20, TORONTO s Tie-Ear YORK MILLS HOTEL, YO N GE S '1‘ RE.E.'1‘ ,. 11E Subscriber begs to intimate that he has leased the above hotel, and having ï¬tted it upin the latest style travellers may rely upon having every comfort and attention 12 431‘,“ at this first class house. , 4_,__A~__,_ w ' Good Stabling and ana attentive Hostler al- ways in attendance. \VILLIAM LENNOX, Proprietor York Mills, June 7. 1861.. 133‘2-ly RATES OF ADVERTISING :. Sixlines and under, first insertion..-... $00 50’ Each subsequent insertion. . . . . . , , ,. ()0 195', Tea lines and under, ï¬rst insertion . . . . . 00 75* Above ten lines, first in., per line.. .. 00 07. Each subsequentinsertion,.perline....... 00 02' _ 0:? Advertisements without written (Innoc- tions inserted till forbid, and charged accord~ ingly.- All transitoryadvertisements, from stranger or irregular customers, must be paid for when :handed infer insertion. v A liberal discount wili’be made to parties.“- vertising by the year. A. I'IIACNA BB; BARRIS'I‘E‘R, Attorney, Solicitor, _&c. King Street, East, [Deer Leader thcc,] Toronto, C.W. Toronto, April, 12, 1861, UNDER 22 Vic., CAP. 52. INCORPORATED ACT or PARLIAMENY, All advertisements published. for close pe- riod than one month, must be paid: for. in adiâ€" EVaIICB. ' All letters addressed to the Editor must be pestpaid. - â€"â€"<-.â€"â€" 123-1 y DIRECTORSâ€"~11» Rowscil, Toronto; B. W. Smith, Barrie; Dr. Duncumb, Richmond Hill ; W. H. Smith, 'I‘erouio; Donald Suther- land, Toronto : Wm. IIell-iwell, Scarborough : Edwin (Shown, Kingston; S». Thompson, . Toronto. ‘ I_ AVING guarded against loss from Fire by Insuring your property, consider if it “William Grant, T'I‘ORNEY AT-LAW, SolicitorinChan- 1X cery, Conveyancer, «Vac. Toronto. 011100 in the ‘r Leader†Buildings, King Street. ‘ Toronto, April 1‘2, 1861. 1‘23-ly No pzqierdiscontiaiued' until all arrearagesare 'pa-idv : and parties refusing papers without pay ing up, will be held accountable for the subâ€" tSCI‘IPIIOH. . ..._-_ ._-,..-,..,.....,.A.â€". THE A HERALD» Book and Job Printing ES'FA‘BLI‘SMENT. » Wellington ltotcl, Aurora 1 OPPOSITE THE 'IORONTO HOUSE. GEO. L. GRAHAM, Pnornmron. LA RGE'and Commodious Halland other improvements have, at great expense, been made so as to make this House the largest and best north of Toronto. Travellers at this House find every convenience both for them- selves and horses. N.B.â€"-â€"~A careful ostler always in attendance. , Aurora Station, April 1861.. 19.6va A- MAIRS. BrA. ATTORNEY - AT-LAVV, SOLICITOR ‘ in Chancery. Conveyancer, &c. Main Street, Markham Village, November "22. 1860 , would not be as well to make a little additional provision for your family in case of your own premature death. :â€"whcther it would not be as well,through the assistance of a Life Assurance Company, to provide a legacy for your wife or daughter, or, if you have not the happiness to be blessed with them, think if the possession o ‘ RD'ERS for any of the un-dermentionedt () description qf PLAIN and FANCY JOB: WORK will be promptly attended to :-â€"- 11 BOOKS, FANCY nuns, BUSINESS CARDS, LAn ~ AND SMALL ros’rnns,ctncumas, LAW roams, mm. HEAns,nANK crim:1(s,nnAr'i's,Ann PA nrr-nr.rz 'r 5. And every other kind of , LETTER-PRESS PR1 NTIN G done in the be-ststyle, at moderate rates. a few hundred pounds additional might not be of advantage to yourself a few years hence. If you decide that it would, write .0 the Managing Director of the l.’R(.)Vll)ENT LIFE ASSUR- ANCE AND INVESI‘M EN’I‘ COMPANY. 520 Toronto Street, Toronto. for a “ Proposal†form, and- a copy of the Rates. Or, possrbly. the Agent of? the " Beaver †may possess a copy of both documents, which- _ he can accommodate you with, and give you a ‘ little information on the subject besides. ll? Insurances may be effected: for one, two, or three years, at moderate rates. Agent at Richmond Hillâ€"J R. ARNOLD. '1‘oronto,Apri 10, 1861. tit} 1y, new and of the latest patterns. A large variety of new Fancy Type and Borders, for Cards, Circulars ,6; c. kept alu ays on hand. 104' if Our assortment of JOB TYPE is entirely ' v.