Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 23 Aug 1861, p. 4

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we... ’ A Tag ‘,:(u,.2_"> , . A V: =-, J») ifiusiucaa -%WB£IOJ¢9. DR. HOSTETTER, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons England. Opposite the Elgin Mills, RICHBI 0ND HILL. 127-1yp w. .. ... :.-.«. "if." I . .- ~ in ~ .. _» _r..~, ,,. gran... I. ., 1011211711. 5.. ‘“‘â€"‘â€"_:> THE EMPTY CRADLE. .Iqthe lonely. quiet chamber, T "There’s an empty cradle-bed, Willi a print upon the pillow Of a baby’s shining head. ZTista fair and dainty cradle; Downy soft the pillows white; But within the blankets folded, Lies, no little form to-night' May 1. 1861. I. BOWMAN, M.D, Physician, Surgeon& Accouchcur One Door South of Lemon’s Hotel Once the mother sat beside it THORNHILL. - -When the day was growing dim, ' And her pleasant voice was singing ' " L Soft and low, a cradle hymn. Now there’s no more need of singing When the evening shadows creep, For the cradlevbed is empty... And the baby gone to sleep. May 1, 1861. 127.1). J. GORM LEY, COMMISSIONER 1N QUEEN’S BENCH, Conveyancer and. Auctioneer, LOT 31. 4TH CON. MRRKIIAM; Little head. that used to nestle September 18, 1860. Iii the piIIOWS white and soft; Little hands, whose restless fingers Folded there in dreams so oft; Lips we pressed with fondest kissesâ€"- Eyes we praised for purest rays,â€"-»- . Underneath the church-yard daisies They have hid you all away. 95-tf Auction Notice. THOMASâ€"BOWMAN, Licensed Auctioneer, FOR THE ' COUNTIES OF YORK & PEEL. All letters addressed to “ Almira.” P.O. wil receive prompt attention. Orders received at the " York Herald” Oflice, Richmond Hill; Mr. Henry Lemon, Thornliill, and Mr, James Cavannah, Mansion House, Sharon, where Terms, doc. may be obtained. Almira, Nov. 25. 1859.. Ah ! the empty, useless cradle ! We will put it out of sight, .Lest our hearts should grieve too sorely For the little one to-night. We will think how safe forever, In the better world above, That young lamb for which we sorrow, R‘csteth now in Jesus’ love. Tillrt 62otf masonic arms» shot-a, RICHMOND IIILL. GEORGE SIMSON, PROPRIETOR. tlll 0200a, .__._-â€" :One of our writere asks what sort of animals are the laziest? Oysters, ofcourse they never get out of their bed till they are" pulled out. “‘Dick, you have got a hole in~your trowsers.” “Who cares, it will wear longer than a patch.” “Yes,” syes Sam, “ and wider too.” The idle should not be classed among , the living; they‘arc a sort of dead men who can’t be buried. OOD Accommodations and every attention shown to Travellers. Good 'Yards for Drove Cattle and Loose Boxes for Race Horses and Studs. The Monthly Fair held on the Premises first Wednesday in each month. "public and his Old Friends to his establishment, feels satisfied he can administer comfortably to their wants and wilh mutual satisfaction. Richmond Hill. ADI-1120. 1860. RICHMOND HILL HOTEL. STAGE runs from the above Hotel to Toronto, every morning, starting from the Elgiii Mills at 7. mm“ and returning at 7, p.m-. liare, 2s. 6d each way. GOOD ACCOMMODATION FOR TRAVELLERS. RICHARD NICHOLLS, Prepi‘icto'r. 1 -55 Keep doing, always doing, Wishing, dreaming, intending, murmuring, talking, Sigbing, and repining, are all idle and profitless employments. What homes in after life is beloved like the walls that girl; round the innocent days of our childhood? Richmond Hill. Dec. 18, 1858. White Hart Inn, ‘V Truth is a rock of strength suIIicient to RICHMOND HILL. bear the universe; error, a mine in which bodies sink in proportion to their gravity. HE Subscriber begs to inferm the Public that he has leased the above Hotel. where he willkeep constantly oii,liand a good supply of first-class Liquors, (to. As this house possesses every accommodation Tra- vellers can desire. those who wish to stay where they can find every comfort are respectfully iiiâ€" vited to give him a call. ' CORNELIUS VAN NOSTRAND. Richmond Hill. Dec. 28.?18602- 108-1 ,Alas! the flame of friendship shines but in the nights of life, for the sun of prosperity overpowers its ray. A poor drunken loafer was picked up in the street. There was no sense in his head, no cents in his pocket, a powerful sent‘in his breath, and be was sent to the watch-house. Scotch VVit.â€"-â€"A little boy had lived for some time with a very penurious uncle, who took good care that the child’s health should not be injured by over-feedlnot. The uncle was one day walking out, the child at his side, when a friend accosted him accompanied by a greyhound. While the elders were talking, the little fellow, never having seen adog of so slight and slim a texture, clasped the creature around the neck unimpassioned cry: “ Oh, doggie, dbggic! and-div ye live wi’ your uncle, ; tae,that you’re so thin 13’ i ,04_ YONGE STREET HOTEL, AURORA. GOOD supply of Wines and Liquors always on hand. Excellent Accommo- dation for 'Travellers, Farmers, and others: Cigars of all brands. D. McLEOD, Proprietor. Aurora. June 6. 1859. 25-1y CALEB LUDFORD, Opposite Mr. Purkiss' Store, THORNHILL An Irishman in the course of a dis- cussion touching the superior nature pro- ductions of various countries, said: 53’“ You may talk, “as ye plaze about it, but be Jabers, Scotland is the finest coun- tliry in the wurruld for nathrul productions.’ “How so 2” cries one. “Impossible!” exclaims another. “Give me your. reason?” said a third. “ \Vliy, gintlemen,” said he, “don’t ye see Scotland has a whole river of Tay runnin’ through it.” ATENT Eave Troughs and Water Spouts superior to tin, put tip at 6 cents per foot ; also, Drain Pipes, Seasoned Siding, Ladders, Shingles, Picket Gates, Wag on Fel- lows and Hubs, Barrel Heading, and 'gI'uriIiiig in general Manufactured and for sale by STEAM MILLS, 'I‘IiouNiiiLI.. June 3, 1859. 27-tf DR. D. E. ' Three things that a lady cannot do:â€"- HOMEOPATHXC PHYSICIAN, lst. She cannot pass a Millinery Shop without stopping. 2nd. She cannot see a piece of lace without asking the price of it. 3rd. She cannot see a baby without kissing it. ‘A lady of our acquaintance turns the table on the gentlemen as follows: Three things a gentleman cannot doâ€"â€"- lst He cannot go through the house and shut the doors after him. 2nd. He cannot have a shirt made to suit him. 3. He can never be satisfied with the ladies’ fashions. MAIN ST., NEWMARKET, U.C. 65-1 DR. L. LANGSTAFF, SPRINGHILL. 3 doors west of King Post Office. King, May 13. 1859- 24~1y HUG-H CAMPBELL, Watch and Clock Maker, JEWELER, &c, Yonge Street, Aurora- Jewelrv, Watches and Clocks repaired and cleaned on the shortest notice and Iowestterms Spicy.â€"“VVIIO gave you that coat?” Aurora. February 17, 1860. 60-tf said a young sprig of a parson to a shep- heard, who habited in a nice warm frize garment was recliming on a bank by the roadside reading. “ The same that gave you yours person.” “ And who was that pray ’I” “The parish.” “ Go,” said the person to his scrvitor who followed behind, “and ask that fel- I‘OW if he would hire for a fool.” , “ Why,” said the slieplieard when the message was delivered, “ are you going to leave your master!” “ N0.” “Then. tell him that his living cannot maintainthree of us.” By the use of Electricity, lit-h By Dr. E. C. EDMONDS, SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA. TEETH EXIRACTED WITHOUT P IN! Teeth inserted on Silver, Gold or Vulcanized Rubber. All Operations in his Profession, performed in the most approved manner and x Wai'rantcd' Aurora. March 9. 1860 67-13’ M THE AURORA IIIASIINIC QUADRILLE BAND! Snow open to receive engagements on li- beral tei‘mS, for any number, to suit the convenience oflarge or small parties. Applications to Mr. WM. IRELAND. at Aurora, or Mr. \V, WILLis, 3rd Con. Whit- ‘eliurch. N.B. Also, a SAX-HORN BAND may be had on application. Aurora. Nov. 2. 1860. Charles Duran (I, ARRISTER and ATTORNEY,â€"â€"Oflfice, corner of Adelaide and Yonge Streets, Toronto, will attend to Suits in all the Superior l Courts of Law, Chancery and County Court : also, on request, to- Country Business in the Division Courts. Deeds, Leases. Mortgages. and every de- scription ofConvevancing drawn up with care and at Ieasonable prices. Letters post paid attended to, Toronto. November ‘30, 1860. PLUCK 0R Commonâ€"Emerson, the American Carlyle, says:â€"“ Englishmen have in themselves what they value in their horses, mettle and bottom; On the day of my arrival in Liverpool, a gentleman, in describing the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, happened to say, ‘ Lord Clarendon has pluck like a cock, and will fight till he dies; and what I heard first I heard last, and the, one thing the English love is pluck. The cabmen have it, the merchants have it, the bishops have it, the women have it, the journals have it, the Times neWSpaper, they say, is the pluckiest‘ithing in England; and Sydney Smith has made it a proverb that little Lord John Russell would take the command of the Channel Fleet to- morrow.” 100-3m The Subscriber in calling the attention of the ‘ 104-om‘ ,.,,.,,,;-.; .‘-,,~.,»~_.,.,~ , E... .1 «4,. _._.;,.~..,.‘.,j,,;~r.§; 1.3. .. 1. -.».-.-4 ._ GE 0. ' M c P H I L L I P s, SLAVERY ABOLISHED, Provincial Insurance Company, Provincial Land Surveyor, RICHMOND HILL. C.W. December 14. 1860. DR. N, J. PEC'K, MANY wliohave been slaves to Rheumatic I tyrannylhave been entirely emancipated I by the use of 107'” Iiigrain’s Infalable Liniment' A certain cure for Rheumatism, Tie Doloro‘aux, Sprains, Bruises and Swelliiigs Prepared and sold by Joseph Ingram, Maple Dentist; Village, in bottles at 25 and 50c. each. Respectflilly announces that he will be at Nichol’s Ilotel, Richmond Ilill, On the 2nd Monday of each month, at 310108 no TEL, Maple. A On the Tuesday following, 'V HERE he will be happy to wait on those requiring his services in any branch of his profession. I‘eeth inserted on Gold Plateu'um, Vulcan- ized Rubber, cr Continuous Gum on I’lateiiuni. The latter being the most beautiful teeth now in use. Dr. Prch has all the advantages otthe Profession, botlr- iii the Statics and Canadas, having formerly been connected with Dentists in New York; he now receives direct from ' thom eVei-y improvement of the Profession throughout the United States. Particular attention given to the Regulation of Children’s Teeth. Consultation Free. All letters addressed to him at Aurora prem- ptly attended to. Aurora, Feb. 80, 1861 117-1y CHEAPER THAN EVER II I H IIHE Subscriber begs to inform his numerous patrons and the public thathe is prepared to make Bootg and 65351065 Ofevery style and description, attlie leivesi possi ile reinuiioratiiig prices. All work war- ranted to give entire satisfaction. W, H. MARTIN. Cook’s Mill, Vaughan, December 7. 1860. 106-1y M J 0 xx N R EGG s, TAILOR, Victoria Sq ware, IN returning his sincere thanks to his numer. ous Customers and Friends for the liberal supportlie has received since be commenced business in Victoria Square, begs to assure them that no effort on his part will be wanting 73-” to merit a continuance of their favors. All work entrusted to his care will be made ‘up in a neat and substantial manner. Victoria Square, April 8, 1861. 124-3m G. H. EIussbaIlol, Gd.- URGEON Dentist. will be at Nicholl’s Hotel, Richmond Ilill, the FIRST MONDAY of every month, and, the re- mainder of the month at his residence, McCaysville, 7th Concession of York. All Work VVarraiited. Teeth filled with Osteoplartic or Artificial Boneâ€"This filling is put into the Teeth while soft. causing-no pain, as itrequires no pressure, it soon becomes as hard as the tooth to which tt firmly adheres, renderliig it ali'iiostimpossible for the filling ever to come out. Dr. Husband has made arrangements with Mr. Gr, L. Elliot, of Toronto, to manufacture his Artificial Teeth ; those who engage Doctor Husband to do their work will be sure of hav- ing it done in a superior manner, u July 8, 1859. 32-ly. EAST MARKET SQUARE, TORONTO, C.W. J - SMITH, Proprietor. Toronto, April 19. 1861, 125-13" THE WELL-KNOWN BLACK HORSE HOTEL, Formein kept by William Rolpli, SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKER, 001* of Palm 3"» George Sis- [EAST on THE MARKETJ Touonro. WILLIAM 00X, Proprietor, [Successor to Thomas Palmer]. Good Stabling attached. Trusty Hostlers always in attendance. Toronto, April 19, 1861. 125~ly JO. H. SMITH. .i o HN LA N cs1- A F F, St. LAWRENCE INN, 142 KING STREET, OPPOSITE THE ST. LAWEENCE MARKET, TORONTO. Choice Liquors and Good Accommodation at S Y M O U R 5 reasonable charges. Good Stabling and a . Careful II ostler in attendance. Toronto, April 10, 1861. 123-1y ' J‘OS. GREGOR’S Fountain Restaurant! 69 KING STREET, EAST, TORONTO. Lunch every day from 11 till 2'. 11:? Soups, Games, Oysters, Lobsters, &C always on hand: Dinners and Suppers for Private Parties got up in the beststyle. Toronto, April 19. 1861. l25-1y NEWBIGOINC HOUSE, ATE Clarendon Ilo‘iel, No. 28, 30 and 32 J Front Street, 'l'oi‘onlo. Ioard $1, per Porters always in attendance at the Cars and Boats. W. NEWBIGGING, Proprietor. Toronto, April 8, 1861. 124-1y E*astern Hotel, ORNER of King and George Streets, Toronto, C.W. WM. MONKHoUsE, Pro- prietor. Good accommodation for Travellers Large Stabling, and a Good Hostler always in attendance. Toronto, April 10,1861. 123 1y Albion Hotel. Maple Village, Fob., I4, 1861. l-y. Charles 0. Keller, 'I‘TORNEY-A'I‘ . LAW, SOLICITOR in Victoria Buildings. over the Chronicle office, Brock Street, Whitby. Also a Branch Office in the village of Ben- verton, Township of Thorah, and County of Ontario. The Division Courts in Ontario. Richmond Hill, and Markham Village regularly attended. Whitby, Nov. 22. 1860. JAMES BOUL TON, Esq. Barrister, Law Officeâ€"Corner of Church and King Sts. I , Toronto, March 8. 1861. Il9-tf newline w. iiUin), ARRISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor iii Chancery,Convmaiicer, doc. Money advances procured on Eortgages, No. 3, Jordan Street,I Toronto, December 13. 1860. 108-y MAT'IIESON 66 FITZGERAIU, Barristers, Attorneys-at-Law, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, &c. OFFICE :» CORNER OF KING AND TORONTO STREETS Over Whitmore Co’s. Bouking Oflice, TORONTO- Agmcy Partrcularly attended to. THOMAS G. MATHESON. JAMES FITZGERALD Toronto, .luly I, 1559, Jflr. S. .771. J.$1’BW'ES. BARRISTER-AT-LAW AND SULICITUB IN CHANIIERY, Office removed to Gas Company’s Buildings, Toronto Street. Toronto, January 9, 1861. A CARD- C. KEELE. Esq, oftlie City of Tor- . onto. has opened an otlice in the Vllv- lage of Aurora for the transaction of Common Law and Chancery Business, also, Convey- ancing executed with correctness and despatcli Division Courts attended. {Wellington St. Aurora, &. Queen St. Toronto November 20. 1860. 104-1)” TORONTO CITY M [IRBLE WORKS 185 YONGE STAEET. MONUMENTSTTOMBTABLES TOMBSTONES, ac. Twenty Per Cent THAN ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT. HE UNDERSIGNED Assignees of the estate of D. C. 65 IV. YALE. will con. tiiiue the business under the superintendence of our duly eutliorized agents, AUSTIN ABBEY and D. CARLOS VALE. whose receipt will be I duly acknowledged. P,S.â€"-All notes and accounts remaining un- 6d. 38‘ 3,s_ 6d. and 3S. 9d in Chancery, Conveyancer. doc. Office, ‘ 104' 1}" Crocker, Esq. 3l-tf L Cheaper Ground OF CANA DA. FOR. fire ano marine insurance, ESTABLISHED 1849, INisoaPoRATED' BY ACT or PARLIAMENT! Subscribed Capital, $1,743,520. ' HEAD OFFICE,â€"-TORONTO. PRESIDENT :4-Hou. John Hilliard Cameron. VICE-PRESIDENTIâ€"J. S. Howard, Esq. â€"-_â€"â€" DIRECTORS : Hon 1. H. Cameron, George Duggan, E:q H on. Geo, Crawford, .1. SJIIoward, Esq. Hon.M.Caineron,M.P. Edw. C. Jones, Esq. J-.Cameron,Esq’.M.P.P ' A. Morrison,Esq.MPP A. M. Smith Esq. Lewis Motfat, Esq. W. L. Pel'l'lll, Esq. Manager and Secretaryâ€"James Sydney Manager of Agencies : Assist. Secretary : W In. Blight, Esq. ’J.W. Woodhousefisq. Soxcrrons:â€"Messrs. Duggau & Burns. BANKEiis :--â€"â€"The Bank of Toronto. IRE and MARINE INSURANCE busi- ‘ ness transacted by this Company at its va- rious Agencies, as well as the Head Office. To- ronto, at fair and avorage rates. The numerous and responsmle Stockholders of this Company, and the large amount of ca- pital subscribed, afford an amount of security to .he assured, equal at least to that of any other Company transacting busineSS in the Province A. LAW. Agent at Richmond Hill. Toronto, April 18,1861. 125-13" FRESH ARRIVALS , FRUITs,°sUGARs, NEW TEAS. COFFEES, &c. &c , at the VICTORIA YEA TVAZEEIIOUSE, SIGN OF THE QUEEN. DVVARI) LAWSON, in returning thanks to his numerous customers for their libe- ral patronage since opening his New Store, would respectfully inform them and the public generally, that he has just. received an exten- sive Stock of Fruits, Sugars, pure Black and Green Teas crop 1860), Coffees, &c., &c., which have been purchased ate. great reduc- tion in price, owing to the effect of the secession movement on the American markets, and which are now selling at Prices without parallel, “1'61" as a glance at the annexed List and a trial of the goods will prove :â€" FRUITS. Fiiie Zaiite Currants, 3d. p lb,or 22 lbs... . ..1 Extra dressed “ 313d “ 20 “ . . . . . 1 Due Patrass . “ 4d. “ 16 “ ...“ I Eres’d Valentin Raisins,5 “ 12 “ .. . . . l Fxtra New “ “ fiéd. “ 10 “ . 1 inc New Layer “ 9d. “ 12 lb. box. .lfg H “ Seedless“ 9d. " 7 lbs . . . . . . ] Best quality DRIED APPLES. .$1 25 per bshl Also, Paper and Soft Shell ALMONDS, FILBERTS, and BRAZIL NUTS, MIXED SPICE. CANDIED LEMON. CITRON,and ORANGE PEEL. &c., &c. S U G A R S . Good Muscovadoes, 14 lbs. for. . . . . . - . . - $1 00 Bright “ I3 “ .......... 100 Extra Briglitf‘ l2 “ . . . . . . . . . . l 00 Yellow Refined ll “ 100 Extra Refined. 10 “ . . . . . . . . . . l 00 Extra Crushed “ 9 “ . . . . . . . . . .-l 00 “ 8 u ......n... 100 Broken Loaf 8 “ . . . . . . . ... l 00 BLACK AND GREEN TEAS! Fine Congou, good and strong, 2s. 3d. per lb. : Fine and Extra Fine Breakfast Souchong. 2s. 6d ., 3s. and 3s, 6d, per lb ; Fine and Extra Fine ()olong, 3s., 35. 6d., and 3s. 9d. per lb. Also, Pekoe Flowers and Orange Pekoe, . . . . . , . . . . . . Mixed Black and Green Tea, 2s. per lb. ; Fine and paid on the lst day of June, 1858, will be put Ext”, Fine Ynung “won, 23 9d" 35.,- 38. 3,,“ into Court for collection, C. YALE, ‘G. CUMMER. Toronto, April 29', I859. DENTISTRY! W. C. ADAMS. D. D. S. Surgeon Dentist, 99 KING sr. EAST, scum SIDE. THIRD noon WEST FROM CHURCH ST. TORONTO, ARTICULAR attention given to the regu- lation of Children’s 'l‘cclli. Consultation free. and all work warranted. . Dr, A. has turned his attention to the im-- provements of his profession in all its branches, ‘ 48.“ and 3s. 6d. 3s. 6d.. and 35. 9d. per lb.: Fine and Extra Fine Old Ilyson. 3s. 3d. and 38. 6d. per lb. : Fine and Extra Fine Imperial I‘Iysou, 3s. 3d. per 11).; Fine and Extra Fine Gunpowder, 33. 3d., 35. 6d., and 3s. 9d. N.B.-â€"-A deduction of 3d. per lb. will be made from the above Prices to parties purchas-_ ing five pounds and upwards. Also, on hand a splendid lot of Teas in caddy boxcs frotn 10 lbs. to 16 lbs., and in half chests at the following Prices :â€" Fine to Extra Fine Gunpowder, 2s 3d, 2s 10d 33. 3d., 3s. 6d. per lb. Fine to Extra Fine Young Hysoii, 3s. 0d., 38. 3d., 35. 6d. per lb. English Breakfast Sonchongâ€"‘ls. 6d., 2s. 9d.. 3s. 0d ,3s. bd. per lb Finest Oolongâ€"Bs. 0d., 3s. 6d. 3s. 9d. Fresh Ground Cofiee,1s. Finest Jamaica, Is and can supply the rides-silt" with Teeth. i3d. Ground Chicory. 9d. per lb. Together Gold, Vulcanized Rubber, and the best Bone filling. Mineral Teeth mounted on Gold, Silver, or Vulcanized Rubber. With Continuous Gums. which are warranted to give entire satisfaction Toronto,October 11, 1860 49-ly W. U. 5 EE E N E, MILLWRIGIIT, .HLTQJh"e$9 i EGS to intimate that heis now prepared to erect MILLS of every description, by contract. or otherwise, on reasonable terms- He is also agent for the best Foundries in Ca- nada. and from his lengthened experience he yVictoriaTea‘wtarehouse‘signofthe Queen hopes to give general satisfaction, Altona, Dec. 23, 1859 UNI'I‘Y Fire & Life Insurance Association OF LONDON, Vt'itli which is Amalgamated the " ' . F‘ 7" Office. Equitable “0 K 01717103520,TORONTOSTREET CAPITAL, £2,500,000, STERLING. Available Assets File Departm’t $4,547,061 10 Life Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,526,595 46 Deposit Ftiiid in Canada . . . . . . . 50.000 ()0 Deposit Fund in New York.. . . . .â€"-â€"- CHIEF OFFICE IN CANADA 2 MERCHANTS’ EXCflANGE MONTREAL. Directors, Fire Department. .1. Frotbingham, Esq. W. Lunn, Esq. B. Holmes, J. G. Mackenzie,Esq A. Larocque, Esq. J'. Torrance, Esq. . Trustees in London : Sir W. C. Dalyell, | C. 1“. Bazin, Esq, Trustees in New-York : S. Livingston, firm ofBarclz.y& Livingston, Wm. H. Macy. Pres’t LeatlierManufact Bank W. Sherman, firm of Duncan, Sherman &CO Every description of Fire and Life Insurance Business at Premium. W. P. REYNOLDS, Manager in B. N, A. Agent for Torontoâ€"ARTHUR M- JARVIS, Ofiiceâ€"Whittimore' Buildings, Toronto St. ' Toronto, April 12, 186! 123-1y 150,500 00 Smith, Apparatus and Vilma!!!” with acomplete assortment of Staple and Fancy Groceries l ALSO. BISCUITS AND CONFECTIONERY Ofevery description manufactured on the pre- mises bv first-class workment. Wedding and other Cakes always on hand, (or made to order at the shortest notice.) iced and ornamented in the best styleâ€"all at the Lowest Prices. Goods dclivored on the cars, and within the City limits, free of charge. All orders by mail, and otherwise, attended to with despatcli. Every article warranted as represented. [13’ N0 SECOND PRICE, N0 CREDIT ‘51] III? Remember the place, No. 93, King St: East. Five doors west of Church Street. , EDWARD LAWSON. Toronto. March, 1861. BEAVER MUTUAL Fire Insurance Association, TORONTO, C. W. INCORPORATED UNDER ACT or PARLIAMENY, 22 VIC., CAP. 52. DIRECTORSâ€"II. Rowsell, Toronto; B. W. Barrie; Dr. Duncumb, Richmond Ilill ; W. H. Smitli,Toron'.o; Donald Suther- land, Toronto : Wm. I‘lelliwell, Scarborough: Edwin Chown, Kingston; S. Thompson, Toronto. IiAVING guarded against loss from Fire by Insuring your property, consider if it would not be as well to make a little additional provision for your family in case of your own premature death :â€"-â€"whether it would not be as Well,through the assistance of a Life Assurance Company, to provide a legacy for your wife or daughter, or, if you have not the happiness to be blessed vrith them, think if the possession of a few hundred pounds additional might not be of advantage to yourself a few years hence. 11' ~ ‘ you disc‘de that it would, write .0 the Managing Director of the PROVI DENT LIFE ASSUR- ANCE AND INVESI‘MENT COMPANY. '20 Toronto Street. Toronto. for a “ Proposal ” form, and a copy of the Rates. Or, possibly. the Agent of the " Beaver” transacted at the most moderate rates may possess a copy of both documents, which . he can accommodate you with, and give you a little information on the subject besides. ‘ I]? Insurances may be effected for one, two, or three years, at moderate rates. Agent at Richmond Hillâ€"J. Ru ARNOLD. Toronto, Apri I9, 1861. 125-1y, EYORK 124-1y. .‘gu,’ ...t,,_.,:,, , -;, ., . ... ,..,, CHARLES TAG‘GART,‘ CON FECTIONER, BREAD & FANCY BISCUIT BIKER RICHMON D HILL. Pic-nic Parties 82" Tea Meetings Attended and supplied on reasonable terms. Richmond Hill. June 24, 1861. 5-1.1. 01‘ 119.3: 10M Oct: (0, 91125640qu 'siueo 09 .10} slafieiped if; ‘siueo 91 i0} .iapzaq auiogpew pus $333an AJQAS [q “mag 12 pics 4 HOICLS'AIINVO WHOM .LOHS (IVEIG SflIZNEI- “It! '30 21/11”) ‘03”0-‘017. "OO '18 .LCLOI'I'IEI ‘NVWA’I i '21 '0 7779mm” 'OO 1% EIHVTIO‘ ‘NVWA’I ' 1'0 ‘aflsm‘mN ‘NVIAIAT 1? dOHHLHON THE Liverpool an d Lon don Fire & Life Insurance Company. ‘ um... . '- ‘* ’x»~’."" 135-tf Richznond Inst-mo -'«' v.» w,“ ..-; “at... I Valuable Preperty for Sale IZ: 63 Acres, 23 of which is timbered, 40 Acres under" Cultivation. . Several PARK LOTS with timber thereon. Also, VILLAGE PROPERTY with or without Buildings. The above property is situated at, and ad- joining to, the Village of . H111. For further particulars apply at the Office of this paper. Richmond Hill, Sept, 26, 1860. 96-0 NE W TREA TMENTT Buffalo Medical Dispensary. Established for tlie'cure of DYSPEPSIA, GENERAL DEBIL I FEVER AND AGUE, AS’I‘MAITY' INCIPIEN’I‘ CONSUMPTION, CONSUMPTION 0F YOUTH AND OLD AGE, ETc N0 Illercrii'y Used. Dr. Amos do on, 118 EAST GENESEE STREET, TH EDOORS WEST OF ELLICOT'I‘ 8’] ET, Buffalo, New Y: k, RE the onlv1 Physicians in tli ltate who ,are memiers of the Royal Colle e of Surgeons, London. May be coiisulted frOEm 8 o’clock in the morning until 9 at night, in every state and symptom of disease. The treatmentthey adopt is the result of up- wards oftliirty years’ extensive and successful practice in Europe and America. 1. MOST SCIENTIFIC INVENTION, . An instrument fortlie cure of Genital Debi- _ 1 . . plf Nosctuiiial Emissmns, more properly I ‘w as animal Weakness, (Sac. Can be peinianently cured in from 15 to 20 days, by the use of this instrument, when used con- Jomtly With medicines. - YOUNG MEN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. . Dr. Amos & Son. take pleasure III announc- ing that they have invented a most important iiistrunientl'or the cure of the above diseases It has been subjected to a test of the most em: iiieiit pliysicians'in London. Paris. Philadelphia and New York r it has been declared the 0111 useful instrument over yet invented for the cure of Seminal weakness, or aiiv disease of the genital organs, caused by the secret habits ofyouHL ‘ Dr. Amos & Son. in order to satisfv the most skeptical as to the merits of their iiistru- ment, pledge themselves that in any instance where it may prove unsatisfactory. after a fair trial, the money will be refunded by returiiin the instrument in good order. g Persons wishing the above useful instrument Will observe that the price, with the accom: paiiyiug directions, securely packed, and sent by mail or express, is ten dollars. ,NEw REMENIES AND QUICK CERES â€"A court) VVAthAh'l'IZD. ' T Dr, Amos & Sou have, for along series of years, been engaged in an extensive practice ,in the treatment of these delicate complaints and are the only legally qualified physicians who now advertise to cure certain complaints, Head Office, Car-ad?! Brand"; Come! OIPIECG orIrom whom genuine European remedcs can D’Arines and St James Street, Montreal. -be obtained. Persons in any part of the world may be inC~ Inveqted Funds cessfiilly treated by forwarding a correct detail Diuncrons.â€"T. B. Anderson. Esq. Chair- Deputy-Chairman, man, A. Simpson, Esq. , Henry Chapman. Esq. E. J. S. Maitland, Esq. James Mitchell, Esq. Henry Stariies. Esq. M.P.P. Secre tary. HE Directors would call the attention of the Public to the following features in the t , \ . .Flrc Insuraii cc Coriipmi y management of this company:â€" The Premiums receivedin Canada are retained and invested in Government or other Pro- ‘ vincial .Bonds. All Losses when satisfactorily established are paid in Canada without reference to the Home Board. That there is not, at the present time, one claim in dispute. There is invested in Canada. in Available Funds 200,000 Dollars. and this is being constantly added to. That there is invested in New York $800,000. . 4aud it is the intention of the Directors to increase this sum to $1,000,000. The accumulated Funds of the Company [NO- . vember 1859] amount to over 5,958,730 dols. The present income of the Company is over 7,590 dols. per day. I Insurances effected at the Lowest Remnner- v .1. H. MAITLAND. Resident Secretary, Montreal. Toronto Agency : 85 King Street East, South side, [over the store of J. G. Joseph dz. 00.] JAMES FRASER,Agent. Toronto. April 19, 1861. 125‘13' ative Prices. H. a J. HARRISON Flour Barrel Heading, Stave and Shingle Manufacturers, and Lumber Planers. Seasoned Flooring and Siding kept on hand, and Planed to order in quantities to suit pur- cliaseis. 113’ Factoryâ€" on Markham and Elgiii Mills Plank Road. June 7, 1861. MILLS HOTEL, YONGE STREET, HE Subscriber begs to intimate that he has leased the above hotel, and having P.O. address, Richmond Hill. 132-6m 'fi-tted it upin the latest style travellers may rely upon having every comfort and attention at this first class house. Good Stabling and an attentive Hostler alâ€" ways iii attendance. WILLIAM LENNOX, Proprietor York Mills, June 7. 1.86I. IS‘Z-ly A. IIIACNABBq BARRISTER, Attorney. Solicitor, doc. King Street, East, [over Leader Office,] Toronto, C.W. Toronto, April, 12, 1861. 123-1y W'illiam Grant, TTORNEY AT-LAW. SolicitoriiiChan- j cery, Conveyancer, doc. Toronto. ()fiice King Street. 123-ly in the “ Leader” Buildings, Toronto, April 12, 1861. ,.__'â€" Welliiigton Hotel, Aurora ! OPPOSITE THE TORONTO HOUSE. GEO. L. GRAHAM. PROPRIETOR. LARGE and Commodious H alland other improvements have. at great expense. been made so as to make this House the largest and best north of Toronto. Travellers at this House find every convenience both for them- selves aud horses. N.B.â€"-A careful estlei- always in attendance. Aurora Station, April 1861., A- MAIRS, B- A- ATTORNEY - A'l‘-LAW, in Chancery. Conveyencer, Street. Markham Village, ,_ November 22. 1860 J. H. Maitiand, Esq. Resident-Secre- tary. G. F. C. Smith, Resident Assistant- 'Rice Lewis. Esq. 126-1y. . SOLICITOR &0- Mg!“ new and of" the latest patterns. A large variety 1044f Circulars ,6; c. of their Cases, with a iemittaiico for medicines 610., which will be returned with the utmost dispatch and secure from Observation. Address Dr. AMOS die SON, 48 East Geiiesee Street, three doors West of Ellicott Street Buffalo. N. Y. 88â€"1,? Fire! Fire! ! Fire! ! .' IV E S ’I‘ E R N of Toronto. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT. CflPITflL STOCK, £100,000. N I. C. GILMOR, Pres. | GEO. MiCHiE,Vice Pres. muncrons : 'I‘lios Ilaworth, Esq. W Henderson, I'Isq. W Maclarlaue, Esq. James Beaty. Esq. T, .P. Roberts, Esq. M. Rossin, Esq. I Bernard H aldan, Esq. Secretary t? Treasurer. Angus Morrison, Esq. Solicitor. Bank of Upper Canada. Bunkers. Btiijamiii Switzer, Esq. Inspector. 03° Head Qflicc. C/til/I'C/L Street, Toronto. £1] , THIS COMPANY Iiisures all descriptions of BUIltl‘lllgS,IVIfllllll‘aCIOI‘IBS, Mills, &c.. and Goods and It urnâ€"ittrre, iii the same, againstloss ordain- age by fire, on Iiberalterms. LOSSes promptly settled. A. LAW, Residence, General cnt Richmond Hill August 13. 1857- jggIO-l. \_.V_,IA ,_,,-_,‘._... Elli Ital? EVERY ITSRIIIITAIYIEIIIORNING And despatched to Subscribers by the ear ’ s mails. or other conveyance. when so desired The YORK HERA LD will alwavs be be foundto containtlie latesiand Iiiostimpor- taut Foreign and Provincial News and Mar- kets, and the greatest care will be taken to render it acceptable totbenian of business and evaluable Fa-inili Newspaper. . TERMS.â€"Sevon and Sixpeiiceper Annum, iN ADVANCE; and if not paid within Three Months two dollars will be charged. RATES OF ADVERTISING: Sixlines and under, first insertion . . . . . $00 50 Each subsequent insertion . . . . . . . . . . - . 00 12; Ten lines and iindei‘,first insertion.. . . . 00 75.} Above ten lines, first iii., per line.. . . 00 07 Cach subseqiientiiisertion, perline . . . . 0” 02 11:? Advertiseiiion-ts without written direc- tions inserted till forbid, and charged accord- ingly. I All transitory advertisements, from stranger or irregular customers, must be paid for when handed in for insertion. A liberal discount ‘vill be made to parties ad- ,vertisiiig by the year. All advertisements published for aless pe. riod than one month, must he paid for in ad- vance. ' All letters addressed to the Editor must be post paid’. No paperdiscontinu‘ed until allarrearages‘are paid ; and parties refusing papers without pay. ing up, will be held accountable fortlie sub- scription. L. sham-V. AAA/V.» ..AA. A THE YORK HERALD Book and Job Printing ESTABLISMENT. RDERS for any of the undermention description of PLAIN and FANCY J ,‘ WORK will be promptly attended to :â€" BOOKS, FANCY BILLS, BUSINESS CARDS, LARGE AND SMALL POSTERS,CIRCULAIIS, LA“! FORMS, BILL HEADS,BANK CHECKSJlRAFTS, AND PAMP XXLE T S. And every other kind of LETTERâ€"PRES S P RI N TIN G done in the beststyle, at moderate rates. Our assortment of JOB TYPE is entirely of new Fancy Type and Borders, for Cards, kept always on hand.

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