Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 6 Sep 1861, p. 3

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Hunter’s Iâ€"Iotei. attaches anathema, HE Subscriber begs to inform the Public that he has leased the above Hotel, where he will keep constantly on hand a good supply of first-class LIQuors, &c. This house possesses every accommodation Travellers can desire, those who wish to stay where they can find every comfort are respectfully invited to call. ‘ ‘ W. VVES'I'PIIAL. CornerI of Church and Stanley Sts'., Toronto, Sept. 6. 1861. 145~ly During the storm of Tuesday evening I f \ R l l ‘ DUGALD CRAWFORD, i, tle ham 0 Mr. orert ' ‘raviss, o . c . III: 3rld concession of Wliitchurch, was Glocer&Pr0vmlon MBrChant’ struck by lightning and burned. IIe suc- CORNER OF YONGE AND AGNES srnss'rs, cceded in getting out his horses and also .TORONTO, ‘1 “"155th mael‘mei [mt a (lufmmy 0f BEGS to submit the following short price wheat, barley and all his crop oi bay was list to the residents of Richmond Hill consumed. and to the Farmers of the county, and respec‘t~ fully requests a call when in Town : Fine English Breakfast Teas from 29 3d to 58, per lb. With a reduction of 3d per lb. by taking 5 lbs. , , Very Fine Rich Coffees, from ls 2d to 1s 6d )er lb. Brlight Dry Yellow Sugars, 12 lbs for 1 dollar. Currants [new fruit] 15 lbs. for 1 dollar. Vinegar [strong enough to pickle nails], ls 3d per gallon, Soap [hard enough to build a house with]. 7§d l per bar. Candles, 75d per lb. Glasgow Magistrates, 7§d per dozen. 'l‘oronto M ngisirates, 1§d per dozen. Starch, 7} per lb. Washing Soda, 3d per 1b., with everything else In GROCERIES Equally Cheap. The return of the first French vessels engaged in the Newfoundland fishery, tbc Courrz'er do Golf, took place at Marcel- lies on the llth of August. She left New- foundland on the 6th ofJuly, and had a cargo of 121 tons of codfisli. On Sunday last Mrs. Gregg, residing on ' the 5th concession of the township of In- nisfil, was thrown from a waggon and. killed on the spot. A coiemporary states that “ Mr. \Vait was run over and killed on the Cleveland road the other day,” and adds that a “similar misfortune” occurred to him about two years ago? A few more such “ similar misfortunes” will be the death of him. IIumours oftbe VVa:: Private No. 83. “ They’re coining, darn’ctnâ€"be you scared” I‘rIViite No. {sirâ€"{mathematically inclin- ed) “ No; there’s only one man killed to every six hundred shots fired in battle, and there ain‘t over fire hundred rebels in that crowd.” DUGALD CRAWFORD. Corner of Yonge and Agnes Sts., Toronto, Sept. 1861. Try the truly great PAIN KILLER, BRIGGS’ MA- GIC RELIEF, and if you are not satisfied of its supe- riority. after using the medicine, the price will be re- funded by the Agent, in all cases Price 25 cents per bottle. Sold by all dealers in medicines. Advice to Canadians z -._.â€" Canada ! Canada ! heed the sound That comes to you ’cross your southern bound, Southerner, Northerner, Beauregard, Scott, Englishman, Scotchrnan, Irishman hot; Brothers and fathers. ye Magog and Gog, We can compare it to nothing but dog eating dog. Two hundred thousand kinsmen with knives, Seeking nought else but each 0 lier's lives, Met one Sundav morning at the Bull’s Run, And aimed at each other their rifles and guns ; A thousand fell nony, the rest run away, Vowing they’d show ’cmâ€"some other day. Turn. Canada. turn your eyes from a sight Revolting as this to all that is right, From your neighbors’ folly learn to prepare In time of sweet peace for winter and war A long six months' winter, you have soon to meetâ€" Have you calculated where to get light 61. heat 7 if not, we entroat you, repair every man To Boom &. son’s Store. as soon as you can. Our [13’ Rock Oil, and Coal Oil, and Fluid for burning, ' The sun to a blush for a month has been turn- ing , 1f Globes. Wicks or Chimneys, you should out of them run, You can always recruit these things at noo'rn voucr sr. aicAfijwuncioav 1 CHARLES H. MILLER, Manufacturer 61. Wholesale Dealer in Cigars, Tobaccos, Pipes SNUFF, &c.‘ N o. 189 Yonge Street, Toronto. A call is respectfully solicited. I45-1y ‘ In Bangor, Me, there resides a certain \Vm. S , a teamster, who is noted for his jollity, and also for keeping late hours, as he usually goes home at two o’clock in the morning. \‘Vell, one stormy night, about a year ago, \l'illiam concluded to go home early, and, accordingly, at just midnight, in answer to his knock. his mo- ther opened the window and inquired: “ Who is there? “ \Viibam,” was the re- ‘ply. “No,” said she, " you can’t come that over me; my William wont be borne for two hours yet.” Poor Bill bad to ‘Wait till his usual time.” FINKLE s; LYON SEWING - MACHINE COMP’Y., 538 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. NO person who contemplate purchasing 0. Sewing Machine for family or manufac- . - turing purposes, should fail to send for one of 7 i 7, . . . u “ 0‘1"“: says . I‘tlerary berm“ our Circulars. which contains cuts and full de- “ might llaVe some reason to be [ll‘Olld 0f scriptions of the several cities, prices and being the more beautiful half of _tlie hu- sample: of work. all of which we send by «nan race, if the other half was not so "‘3" O“- we 0'8"“‘0 have We best confoundedly ugly.” Sewing Machines in the World For cit/tar Family or Manufacturing purposrs. And all we risk is a fair trial. Read the following: -â€"â€"â€"â€". IA western editor was recently request- ed to send his paper to a di~tant patron, , . . . . &. sons . provided he would take his pay in trade.” IMPORTANT FAC'S Or ifyou brim Gas. and your pipes have got At the expiration of the year he found that FACT NO- L-TINS 00min"; being duly li- leaking, censed, their Machines are protected against ,lus ne v ubscribu was a cofin mat/.07 mmngemenm or lmgauom 4, Or if you do not. but to do so are thinking)!” Just give us a chance, we’ll do the thing that " V‘M,___W___‘_r __,m_____ NAc-r No. 2.-Theso Machines make the lock- is right, V stick~alike on both sidesâ€"and use a little And doubt not, wet" prove. we can give to W“ TORONTO MARKETS. less than half as much thread and silk as the light, ’ chain or loop-Stitch machines- But in HEATâ€"Yes in HEATING, our fame lies in FACT No 3.â€"-â€"These Machines are better adap- this, THURSDAY, September 5' ted than airy other sewing-maeliines iii the To give satisfaction we were never known to Fall Wlieat.â€"-300bslils was the extent of the market to the frequent changes and almost miss, supply which sold at the following prices. Tire endless variety of sewing required in a fa- We have STOVES that would mm to a tropic prices paid for the best samples were from $1 "lily- They W'" 30‘” “0m 0110 lo lWem)‘ the pole, to $105uer bshl, Spring Wheatâ€"1,300 bsbls in market, which sold at from $0 75 to $0 80 per hshl. Barley.-â€"-sold at from 42 to 45c. I’eas.â€"2700 bshls went off at 40 and 42c per ‘bshl. Oatsâ€"at 28 and 30c perbslil. Hayâ€"is from $10 to $15 per ton, Straw $7 to $9 per ton. Florinâ€"Superior extra sold at $5 25 to $5 75. [Extra $4 75 to $5 011; Fancy (Spring) $4 25 to $4 50: Fancy (Fall) $5 10; to $5 25; Extra, $5 to $5 25 ; Double Extra, $5 50 to $6 (10. Button-Fresh isin fair supply at frorri 18c to '20 per lb. thicknesses of Marseilles without stopping, and make every stitch perfect. They will even sew from the finest gauze to the hea- viest cloth. and even stout. hard leather, without changing the feed. needle. or ten- sion, or making any adjustment of machine whatever. Is not such a machine best adapted to family use '1 and if best adapted to family use, why wt for every variety of light sewing manufacture? For work too heavy for our Family Machine. we recom- mend our larger sizes. FACT No, 4.â€"These Machines make the most elastic seam of any sewing-machine in useâ€" To convince you of this we’ll call over the roll, We’ve the [13’ Standard, Emporium. Cupid and Hotspur, The Nugget. the Snow-Bird, and Railway Coal-Burner, The Ariel. the Magic. Viola. and Sylvan: And last but not least. the splendid Albanian In short, “f0 have srovns of every shape, make and kind, For coal. wood. both or either in stock you will find : Pipes Elbows and Dumb Stoves, Shovels and Silters Pots, Kettles and Spidbrs. e’en down to the Books, a fact of very great importance in sew- Lifters Applesâ€"common Varieties $l and $1 '25 1’” mg elastic g°°dst or g°°d5 Of a“). kmd’ 0" a We assure you dear friends vou need not go (barrel. Better grades $2 and $3 barrel. bias. . . elsewhere, ’ ‘ . Eggs._preshfrom wagons 10., to 12¢ per doz, Fxcr No: 5.â€"â€"No' Machine is mere durable .or For Plumbmg and Gas.Fmi,W Hardware 0,. Potatoesâ€"~Vary in price from 28 to 30c, more srrnple iii its construction,or more eaSIly Tinwme. 8” , Lambs-Scarce at $2 to $2 25 Bacll- “Edersmo‘l’ The mpumio" 0f “"359 Ma' Ooposers We’ve routed the roads strewed with Calves-«are in good supply at $4 to $5 each chines wherever used Will fully demonstrate ‘ knapsack, ’ Beef-Hidesâ€"Sil 50 Per 100 lllS- Sheep alld “Ch 0f the “b0” “"8' . . Swords. muskels and bayonets belts boots and lamb skins $1 25 each. Calfskins 08c. per lb, FACT NO- 6 â€"'l‘h°S° Maell'lws t°°k “'3 H'gh' haw-rsacks. ’ . Tallow, $7 per 100 lbs Timothy Seedâ€"$2 80 a $3 per bushel, Clover Seed-$4 75 per bushel. est Premium at the Franklin Institute, I'hil- adelpliia. FACT No. 7.â€"-Tliese Machines took the High- est Fremium at the New Jersey State Fair. FACT No 8,â€"These Machines took the Iiigli~ esr Medal at the American Institute, in the City of New York,,togetber with the High- The field now is onr's. and a second Bull’s Run ls seen at the charge made at Room & son I â€"â€"l.eaving joking aside, a kind welcome to all If ought in our line you want. give us a call. BOOTH db SON S, COPPER\VORKERS, .> ‘0‘ . D E A '1‘ H . V At McMahon Street. Toronto. on the 30th est Premium for fine Sewin -Macliiue . \Ilt.. James Henry, only son of Mr. Henry Work g gill-width Ebert-Eton, Blafifi limb "Valkel‘. aged 2 lens and 3 months- FACT No. 9.â€"These Machines took both the Highest Premiums at the Mechanics’ Fair, Ulica. N.Y. FACT No. 10.â€"-Tliese Machines can do the same thing generally. whenever properly exhibited in competition with other first-class Sewing-Machines. But we have space for only onefuct moreâ€"it is the most important Fact of all. FACT No. ll.â€"IVe warrant every lilac/tine we sell to give better satisfaction. than (my other Sewing-Alechinc in the market. 0r money refunded. Oj’Send fora Circular. AGENTS WANTED Address, FINKLE & LYON SEWING-MACHINE Co.. No. 538 Broadway, New York. September 5, 1861. ‘ 145-6in. anb Zinc markers. Plumbers, Steam & Gas Fitters South-Fast Corner of Yonge 6r. Queen Sis. ~ Toronto, Sept. 1861. 145~2m SPECIAL NOTICES. GOLD! GOLDII G11 AND FESTIVAL. _ SHELL’S CORNERS UNION SABBATH SCHOOL Will celeberate its Seventh Anniversary by TEA. PARTY! III Tipp’s Chapel, Lot No. 13. 5th Concession Markham, On Thursday, Sept. 12, 1861, For the benefit of the institution and Encour- agement of the Scholars. Tea will be Served at 12 O’clock, Noon, In that highly Satisfactory manner for which it has been hitherto noted. More to he desired than gold is the health of your children. Physicians are almost univerr sally prescribing Dr. McKenzie’s Dead Shot Worm-Candy, it has given such decided satis- faction to all that have used it, that it has taken the lead of all Worm Medicines now in use.â€" A’sk for Dr, McKenzie’s Dead Shot VVorm- » Candy and be sure and get itâ€"iii some in- tances you may be induced to try another pre- paration, you may be sure the inducement held out is because it affords more profit to the seller' Price only 15 tentsâ€"4 packages for 511 cents. Sold by all respectable dealers in Medicines. “M To Consumptives. IMPORTANT. DR. WISTAR’S PULMONIC SYRUP, is highly re- commended, for Coughs, Golds, Asthma, Group, and all diseases of the Lungs and Throat. 25 cents per bottle. -â€"_. THE Advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedv, after having suffered Several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumptionâ€"is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. ADDRESSES will be delivered, Dialogues spoken, and select Poetry recited by the Chil- dren. Eminent Ministers of the Gospel are expected to harmonize the Meeting and im- prove the occasion. AN EXCELLENT BRASS BAND Will be .in attendance and perform a choice selection of Music. Tickets of Admission :â€"Adults 25 cents. THE HEROES OF PEACE, THE HEROES OF WAR. ANTHONY, No. 501_Bao_ADWAY._ New 11 1 ’~ ' y' . . YonK, is now publishing, in addition to thz‘jlfesdfiiifigris'hzgif 118,9:I‘Lfs:11,(;,.:e%€pa,ifif otliei' portraits, the celebrated collection known the directions for preparing and using the lI‘Eurol’e and Amellca as I name, which they will find a scan (‘Uiuc m. BRADY’S NATIOYAL PHOIOORAPHIC CONSUMPTION. ASTHMA, HRONCHITIS, &c. The POR I‘RAII GALLERI, only object of the advertiser in sending the in which is included Portraits 0f nearly a" the Children Hampnfe' Prescription is to benefit the afflicted. and pmminemmen of America. not excepting Jeff. Mafkhamc Sept“), 1851- 145'“- Ipread information which be conceives to be Davis Gen. Beauregard, Floyd, and a host of A invaluable: and he hopes ewry sum’mr Will other ’coufederates. Price of Portraits, $3.00 Wâ€" try his remedy, as it will and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, cost them nothing, per dozen_ Can be sent by mail. Scenes of the War for the Union, are published,card size,and in stereoscopic form NOTICE. If asked what was the best medicine for cleansing the blood, and for bilious complaints, Sick Headache, Costiveness, &c., we should say BRIGGS’ INDIAN ,. , “5°, VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS. _ Williarnsburgh. Stereoscopic Views ofSeenes in Paris. London. szs Comm" New Y°rk' and in other parts of England and France; in ' N Scotland, Ireland,W ales, Holland, Swine“ Le tters amount} on. surssssnnzo. '“d- SW" °“ “‘8 “'1”: '" Alba's Egypt, Turkey, the Holy Land. Chi- na, India, Cuba, &c. &.c . ad infinitum. Reniainingin RICHMONDHILL PostOflice SEPTEMBER 1, 12561. “‘â€" Liriibot. John Moore, Robert Munshaw, Wm. McCarry, Edward McGee, James McGee, John NICBBII‘H Ar McCartney. Robert O’Brien.- Michael I’owell. Wm. Robinson,- Robert Ritchie, Wm.- Stong, Peter Smith, Joseph Skinner. T.- Simpson‘, James Storey. Robert Thompson, Robert Tomson. John M, TEEFY, RM RIGGS’ BLACK OIL is acknowledged by all who have used it, to be superior to Gar-sling 011, or any other Medicine now before the Public, for Spralns, Bruises, Cuts, Gulls, and all injuries to Horseilesh. Goad for man and beast. / Price, 25 cents per bottle. Sold by all Dealers in Iodicinea a...- Our Instantaneous Stereoscopic Views Are the Greatest Wonder qf the Age. sold by W. s. P0[,LO0K. Richmond Hill. These are taken in the fortieth. part ofasecond, _ and the rushing of water. the moving of vehi- Wm M.“ eles' or me mamh of an arm '. does ‘no in e y firm abherttsmcuts. ’ t th WW slighest degree affect the taking of these viewa. They are sold for $3.00 per dozen. C. W. COLEMAN. WATCHMAKER & JEWELLER, We have also on hand and manufacture the no. %3 voucn STREET, 'ronosro, largest assortment of STEREOSCOPES, FIRST store north of Crookshank-street.â€"â€" Bowman. Thos. Bernard, H, G. Basingtwait, Wm. Connolly, Ann‘ Coulter, Mr. Craik, Peter Eridersby. Joseph Ewing. Win. Fox, Benjamin Forrester. Mrs.- Grey, Wm. Grant, George (4) Grainger, Joseph Hewitt, Robert Harris. Mr. (2.) Herbert, Daniel Jenkins. J. M. Klinck, Polly Killips. Win. Lee, Reuben PHOTOGRAPH“? ALBUMS, and Photographic Materials Repairing in all its branches properly at- tended to. All work warranted. N.B. An in the United States, and perhaps in the world. Catalogues, containing lists of all our Por- traiiis, Views. Stereoscopes. &c., sent free by mai on receipt of a stamp assortment of Watches Clocks Jeweller and ’ r I ’ Fancy Goods kept on liand. ’ y E‘ ANTHOI‘ Y' 501 BROADWAY' Toronto, Sept. 6, 1861. near St. Nicholas IIotel,New York. »145'6m September 5, 1861. 145~ly. I petition must be on the ground early, and To the 'iiw iiiiiiiiii IN THE l ON RICHMOND HILL. COUNTIES OF YORK & PEEL. ‘â€""‘"‘ Dwelling House on each. pleasantly situ- l ‘ HIS Is to “0115' 3'00 that 3'0!" 13ml! "Bl 7W. ated aboiit halfa mile north of Markham Vil- T subject annually (in addition to the taxes) 1 ebber! ' Iago, are o‘fi‘ered for sale on very reasonable to a surcharge often per cent if not paid prior EGS to intimate to the inhabitants of Rich- l terms. They will be sold separately or to- to the first day of MAY in each year. and if mond Hill and Vicinity, lhat he has gather to suit purchasers, not paid Within five years. they will be returned commenced beeiness as For “arms and Omar Particulars. enquire of to the Sheriff for sale. the Pro rieior DAVID WUOT'I‘EN Bond’s 'J, s. HOWARD, _ CABINEI MAKER, UNDERTAKER, 866., Lake, 0’; a, “,3, om... ’ TTCMW‘” U- C- Y- 4‘ P- Two doors south of the “ York Herald” Office. Oak Ridges. June 27' 1861' 135,3m. United Counties York and Pooh} where he has on hand a general assortment of Am“ ’4’ ‘86" Household Furniture, PH OTO GRA P H S , PHOTOGRAPHS I 01‘ the best quality, cheap for cash, Tire Cheapest and Best lfiouses and Lots for Sale. OR EXCHANGE. W0 HALF ACRE LOTSâ€"with a good 149.1m M. TEEFY, COMMISSIONER IN THE QUEEN’S BENCH CONVEYANCER, AND DIVISION COURT AGENT, RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. AGREEM EN'I‘S, Bonds, Deeds, Mortgages, Wills, &c., &c., drawn with attention and promptitude. Richmond Hill, Aug 29. H0le" Rocking Chairs.... ..$155 Common Chairs, froin..... . . . . . O 45 Bedsteads.from....................... I75 Bureaus, frorn.... ...............1... 7 00 And other articles equally low. {@ A Call is Solicitcd. . ~ . Richmond Hill, June 7, 1861. I32’ft and - GALLERY 1N CANADA, “Hf- Jas._17'. Brown, ~ -â€"-â€"~~â€":~-â€"â€"-â€".â€"_â€"â€",--- . BitOKBu, t is” Estate and General Agent, E ’ AoaN'r Port A’ n 7 EXAM,” WE LATEST Colonial flifs Qtesnrams Co'p. TORONTO, ’ ’ 1 MAsomc HALL, Toaos'ro STREET. TORONTO- 113’ Money to Lend on Improved Farms IMPROVED r FANN IN G MILL, J.A'MES RA W E . April 19, 1861. 125-] y Proprietor and Principal Operator BEFORE buying any other Fanning Mill- considered by competent Judges to be the A...» . , best constructed Mill before the Canadian Tomx'm’ Apr” 19' 1861' l 3 public for separating Oats from Spring Wheat. Peas and Oats. and for cleaning in fact all kinds of Grain. This Mill stands unrivalled, is made of good D URABLE JIIA TERIAL I And is, from its construction, the best for Far- mers use in the Province. They are manufactured by the undersigned, at Richmond Hill, to whom all orders should be addressed. I13" Farmers would do well to call and ex- amine the Mill, when passing down Yonge St. Orders left at the residence of” Mr. Southard, at Newmarket, will receive prompt attention. Shopâ€"Within Eight Rods of Raymond’s Hotel SOUTHARD, BOYNTON 3:. Co_ Richmond Hill. July 18. 1861 . l38-ft NEW AND IMPROVED Map of Upper Canada! OULD you secure a valuable and orna- mental Work of Reference 3’ Subscribe In preparation by Geo. C. Tremaine, the old and Well-known publisher of Descriptive County Maps. . 6:? Residents of the Province everywhere will be called on by Local or ’I‘raveiliiig agents .61 gents W'anted. E in the United States and Canada. to Pay a “My °" Typographical, Statistical Every machine is warranted to give univer- cheapest and most popular in the market. For Toronto. May EMPLOYMENT 1 $40 A MONTH! want an active agent in every County sell the Franklin Sewing Machine. To a limited number of travelling Agents we will 01' the $40 per Month & all Expenses. “to T l 1 ts " ‘ f3 ‘ . , ~ “hang:- agen acommrssrono 0 per cent on Illustrated “lap of Upper Canada sal satisfaction. and kept in repair six months. Recent improvements renders this machine the full particulars and a permanent business, ad- dress. Willi stamp for return letter, Sou. Aoiin'rs FRANKLIN SEWING MACHINE co I37-3m Box 186 Boston, Mass. Canada Permanent Building AND SAVINGS’ SOCIETY. FALECUIERXIR ! AST York and the Township of Markham Agricultural Societies will hold a UNION FALL FAIR A. SIZE’S HOTEL UNIONVILLE, MARKHAM Wednesday, October 9th, 1861, be offered Grist and Saw Mill! HE Subscriber. in returning thanks to his numerous Friends who favored him with their custom at the Headford Mills, he s to inform them that he has taken the MI LS __ lately occupied by Mr. B. FIsr-I. known as the omce masomc Han" Toronto. sherborne Mills Dtititct‘ons.-=-Joseph 1). Ridout, .1. G. Che. Near the Green Bush Hotel. yonge S,reet._ welt, James G. Worts', Thomas Maclear, Peter These Mills beingin first-rate order, arty one luterso'l’ J' G' Dean’- S' Nordhm'lmri “105' givi ig him a call will find the Gristing done in D' Hams° a superior manner. Parties wishing to take. SoLICI'ron,â€"Edward C. Jones. SECRETARY their Gristing back with them can do so. AND 'I'irEASUirnir,'-'-J.,flerbert Mason. III;P All work warranted second to none in THE Stock of this Institution presents a pro~ Canada. friable and easily convertible mode of iii- GEORGE SQUIRE, vestment, based on Real Estate security, ren- I’roprietoi‘. during it pettuliarly suitable for Fariners,C1ergy - 1254f men, Teachers,. Mechanics, persons in the re- ceipt of salaries, and those whose income is de- rived from their capital. SAVIscs’ BANK Bartramâ€"Sums of Four RICHMOND HILL Dollars and upwards are received by the Society on deposit, subject to withdrawal, and bearing COUNTY GRAMMAR SCHOOL. . Interest at Six per cent. per aniium. The Q a- . . . . . pital and Assets of the Society, investedin HE. mh'ab'hmts or [I'tilhfnplri my and v" mortgages on first-class landed property, being cum-l are regimen" 5 m orme that “"3 pledged for the security of money thus received, dull“ of “‘0 SChoOIâ€"both m the Grammar and idopositors are at all times assured of perfect Common School Departmentâ€"w ere resumed safe,“ 0“ Mum“ the Nth mstam' To Borrirowuns.-This Society makes ads ARTHUR C- VERNER. A.B., vances on the security of Improved City or Principal. Country Property, repayable by instalments 142.4L spread over airy term the applicant chooses. . from one to ten years. Properties mortgaged may be sold or ex- changed for other property, or the Mortgage may be redeemed before maturity, 1F DESlKEU Bit 'iuic Bonuowna. Applications for Loans will be received by mond Hill. Markham Village. King and New- film‘swl‘elarf- RObef‘ James) Junffs 0" R' H' market. in September, where ho will be happy 51mm: Newmal‘kel: if?!" W’lO'" Lllcl’lfil's and to attend to any business of his friends pro-ilh_e Rules Mule 500m)" logelhel‘ Wllh 3“! fessionany. .0330”, came, of Adelaide and further information, may be obtained. Yonge Streets. Toronto. 112T Letters to be prepaid. Toronto. August 1861. Toronto, April 12. 1861. Svescnrsnn CAPITAL, $541,450: Isvnsrsn on REAL Es'rniz, $426,363 : ANNUAL Income FROM IVIEMBERS, $300,000. when upwards of $1,200 will for Prizes. RULES 8: REGULATIONS : 1. Members who have paid their subscrip- tions. are entitled to enter their Stock or other Articles without charge. 2. No person allowed to compete as a Mem- ber. who has not DCCIImB such on or before the 20th of September. 1861. 3. Persons, other than Members, desirous of competing, must pay $2, entrance. 4. No party exhibiting shall interfe o with the Judges whilst in discharge of their duties, by conversation or otherwise, under forfeiture of premiums. 5. All Animals or Articles intended for com- Markham. April 19. 1861. entered with the Secretary, (who will attend at SIZE’S, Unionville, for that purpose,) at 8 o’clock. a.m.. on the morning of the Fair. The books will be closed at 11 can; after that hour no entry will be made. 6. No person exhibiting a Manufactured Article shall be entitled to a premium, al- though one may liave been awarded him. unless he is the lama fide owner and manufac- turer of the same during 1861 7. All Agricultural Produce entered for com; etition must be actually raised by and be the property of Exhibitors, and the growth of the year 1861.. 8. No Exhibitor shall be entitled to two premiums for the same kind of Agricultural Produce or Manufactured Article in the same class. 9. Blood Stallions must have Pedigree pro- perly attested, and exhibited on the day of the Show, if required. 10. Durham and Devon Cattle, Bulls. Cows and Heifers, must have their Pedigrees properly attested. and exhibited on the day of Show, if required. ll. Ayrshire Cattle must also attested as to purity of blood. A TENT is Secured for the occasion ,' En- trance thereto 19$ cents. Messrs. MILNE, CARTER, ECKARDT and DAVIDSON, are appointed to superintend the Tent and Grounds. to either of whom all applications must be made. as to the arrange- ment of Goods for Exhibition. Dinner will be prepared by Mr. Size, Immediately after the Exhibition. urns will then be declared. T. A. MILNE, J. 1’. WHELER, Richmond Hill, August II), 1861. Law Notice. HARLES DURAND, Barrister, Toronto. will attend the Division Courts at Rich- 1 4311i: 124-1”; UN ION VILLE CARRIAGE FACTORY GEORGE EAKIN; Tendering thanks to his friends and the public generally, In past years, and soliciting the continuance of that an inspection of his present Stock for their liberal support patronage, cordially invites IN CARRIAGES,BUGGIES,&O. \VHICH HE CAN SAFELY RECOMMEND TO ALL, I Bein g made Neat, Substantial and from the best Imported Material. He will also make to order every description of mm" Light & Heavy Wagon s, Gigs, Sulkies. Buck-boards, die. CIIEAP FOR CASH 0R APPROVED CREDIT. be properly Pi'esirlen . r ' ' . . WM EAKIN’ ‘ A. BARKfifif'dW 01'? Please give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. Secretary, Secretart , Tn’h'p. of Markham. E. R. - Ao 9- Come one, bottle all, and buy of me, Markham, August 22. 1861. l43-4t. For I have Buggies, as you will see, That are heat, that are strong, and Without doubt Are much superior to any turned out! My terms are easy, my priCe is smallâ€"“- . Pray do not forget to give me a call. Unionville, July 18,. 1861. WANTED, an APPRENTICE to the HARNESS BUSINESS, a BOY about 16 years of Apply to I WILLIAM HARRISON. Aug. 15,1861. 142-4t. AS age. Richmond Hill, CARRIAGE f‘F‘lAC'I-ORY. Respectfully announces that he has Opened Warerooms in Toronto, for the Sale of his CARRIAGES, Iii the Premises formerly occupied by Messrs. GEO. EWART Co. Cbttrch Street, adjoining the Store of Messrs. Hetvland, Fitch 8:. Co. R. HALL, in introducing himself to the public, feels that he is not a stranger, as his Carriages have been long and favorably known tonmany ofthe largest and most judiciotts purchasers in the Province. He has for the last twelve years been con- siantly engaged in the manufacture of Carriages, and during that period erery improvement wliicli’a as been introduced, either in materials, construction or style, has been carefully investigated, and if found practicable, adopted. He has always exercised the most scrupulotts care to the selection of timber, and the securing ef workmen. This has been fully Iemonstrated in the experience Killiaiéiii 'ef's'é’éiiiiiENT OF L1G.le CARRIAGES . , , _ Will be Kept constantly Both at the city RePOSllory and at the Manufactory at Markham. I’lll'lmse of placing his goods in a position easily accessible to all parts of Mr. HALL Opens a sale room in Toronto for the to order by mail, may rely upon the most careful attention in the selec- the Province. Persons living at a distance, who choose non, packing and forwarding of the goods ordered, upon terms as favourable to the purchaser, as though he were present. Markham, April-19, 1861. TIIE PEOPLE’S GREAT BOOKS. WILL TELL YOU Oftbe causes, ANY of these Books will be forwarded by Mail, post paid. to any address, on ro- ceipt of price by JOHN E. I'o'r'ricir. Publisher, No. 617 Sansom St , Philadelphia, Pa. II? Agents wanted everywhere. THE HORSE, AND HIS DISEASES: 'ROBERT JENNINGS, V. S., Paorusson or. PATHOLOGY Arm OrnnA'rivr: Sca- GERY IN THE Vurnnmxur Cousin; or rum. DELPHIA. I’iror‘. or Vn'riziusAuv Numeral; IN This M'ric AGRICULTURAL t outlet: or Omo, Sizcniz'rAirY or rm: Amnnicxn Vii'rizitisAnr AssociA'rwN or Piu- LADELI’HIA, are, no. WELL TELL YOU or the Origirrdlis‘tofiand distinctive trails of the various breeds of Euroâ€" pean,Asiatic,African and American Horses, with the physical formation and peculiarities ofthe animal, and how to ascertain his age by the number and condition of his teeth ; il- lustrated with many explanatory engarvmgs. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL. YOU Of Breeding, Breaking, Stabling, Feeding, Grooming, Shoeing. and the geii’ral management oftlie l‘iorse,witli the best modes of administering medicine, also, how to treat Biiiiig,Kicking. Rearing. Shyiiig, Stumbling, Crib Biting, Restless-nose, and other views to which he is subject; with numerous explanatory engravings. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES ’ WILL TELL YOU Of the causes. syirrptoms; and treatment ot'Strang'es. Sore Throat, Dis- temper,Catarrh, Influenza, Bronchitis, I‘iieuo monia. Pleprisy. Broken Wind, Chronic Cough, Roaring and Whistling,Lampas,Sore Mouth and Ulcers.aiid Decayed Teeth, with other diseases of the Mouth and Respiratory Organs. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of thecausos, symptoms, and Treatment of' Woriris, Bolts, Colic, Straiigulation, Stony Coricretions, Ruptures, Palsy, Diarrhtna, Jaundice, Hepaiirt'wn, Bloody Urine, Stones in the Kidneys and Bladder. Inflammation, and other diseases of the Stomach, Barrels, Liver and Urinary Organs. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES symptoms, and Treatment ofBone Blood, and Bog, Spa- vin, Ring-Bone, Sweeiiie. Strains, Broken Knees, Wind Gal's, Founder, Sole Bruise and Cravel, Gracked, I‘Ioofs. Scratches. lan- ker, Thrush, and Corns: also, of Megriins. Vertigo. Epilepsy, Sluggers, and other dirt- eases of the Feet, Legs and Head. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the causes, syinptoin's,» and Treatment of Fistula, I’oll Evil, Glan- ders. Farcy, Scarlet Fever, Mange, Surl'elt, Locked Jaw, Rheumatism, Cramp, Calls, Diseases of the Eye and Heart. 62c, and how to manage Castration,Bleeding,’l‘repbinning. Roweling, Firing. ll ernia, Ainputatio'iifl‘ap-t ping, and other surgical operations THE HORSE AND'I-IIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU of Rarey’s method of taming Horses: how to Approach, Halter or Stable a Colt; how to accustom a horse to strang sounds and sights, aid how to Bit,- Saddle. Ride, and Break him to harness: also.the form and law of Warranty. The whole being the result of fifteen years careful study ofthe habits, pocularities, wants and weakIICSses of this noble and useful animal. The book contains 384 pages. a propriately illustrated by nearly One Hundred ‘ngravings. It is pritited in a clear and open type. and Will be forwarded to any address, p0stage paid. on receipt of price, extra. $1.25. half bound, $1.00, on in cloth, THE FAMILY DOCTOR ;l' A COUNSELLOR IN SICKNESS BY Professor Henry .S. Taylor, Ml). TA YLO R’S FAMILY DOCTOR has cached an enormous sale,and wherever known, is universally improved, both by the faculty and others. In plain language, free from inedic‘r toolrnicalities, it gives you simple remedies easily obtained for the cure of Diseasesin all forms,with important rules for preserving the health, and directions for the sick chamber. and tlieprOper treatment of the sick. The Dis-a eases of Childhood,tlie Diseases of Manhbod, and the Diseases peculiar to Women, are all treated of in a clearand practical wavr Al- ways at hand, and ready to serve you, the simple receipes of this book may soon save you much suffering, and many times the cost of the volume, It is printed in a clear and open type. and illustrated with apprOpriate engraViligS; Neatly bound in cloth. price. $1, or in leather, $1.25. w THE LIFE or Our Lord and Saviour J csus Christ BY REV. JOHN FLEETWOOD, D.D., CAREFULLY REVISED BY REV. JOSEPH BELCHER, no. THE LIFE OF JESUS CHRIST is the phi- losopliv Iot'htrue religion. It exhibits the Principles of Christianity in their purity and beauty. It is perfect execlloiice personified. that the mind of man may grasp it. and be changed into the same image. The inspired writers have given it to us in detached des- criptions. Dr. Flectwood has arranged these in one harmonious whole, wrth su’eli cdm~ inents, explanations and incidental informa- tion as to render it alike acceptable to the scholar._as to ‘liim who knows no more, but knowshlsBible true." Beloher’s revised edit- ion Contains the Lives oftlie Apostles, His- tory of the Jews, and an Essay on the Evi- deIICes of the Bible. It is printed in a clear and open type, in one royal octavo volume handsomely illustrated, and will be fttrnisned in tliefollcwing styles :â€" Cloth Extra,. . -, . . .. . . .... . .Price, $2 00 LawSheep,.......... . . . . . . “ 5350 Cloth, Full Gill,. .. ..‘.;;.;.. “ 3 00 Roan. Full Gilt, . . . . . . . . “ 3 50 THE HOLY BIBLE For Family and Pulpit Use. 'OUir EDITIONS orâ€"TTIE HOLY BIBLE are niiequalled for their durability. finish, elBEunCBJllld completeness; no effort hav- ing bean Spared to render them perfectfin every respect. Besides the 01d and New Testament, each style contains the Apcry- pha. Concerdance, Psalms in Metro, Cautie’s Marginal Notes and References, and valuable tables of Scripture \Ieasures, Weights, Coins, &c, The text corrected (recording to the Standard of the Ameri- can Bible Society. They are all printed iii large sized type, in one royal quarto' volume, with a neat Family Record and1 Illustrations. I. Einb. Leather,Marb,Edges, Gilt Back and 10 Engravings. . . . . . . $3 75" Back & Sides, and R Col’d Eng‘v's. 5 90’ CCOQOIO' 2. Emb. Leather, Mni‘b Edges, Gilt 3. Roan,Full Gilt Edges Back &. Sides, and 14 Steel and Col'd Eiigravings, 7 00‘ 4. Extra Paper, 1In, Turkey,Full Gilt,14 960 Gilt,18 Steel Plates,Maps and Illu‘in 1'2 00‘ do. do. do. Antique 12 0o Steel Plates, Maps and Ilium. . . . . 5. Extra Paper, 'I'urkey Morocco. Full 6. Extra Paper, Turkey Morocao, Full Gilt,18 I’lates,l\daps.lllum do Clasp, 15 00 â€"â€"a.â€" A YEAR can be made by enterprising men in selling the above and other popular works of ours. Our inducements to allsuoh are exceedingly liberal. As these books are unequalled in their mm chaiiical execution, as well as value of theii‘ contents, a certain and rapid sale follows their introduction everywhere. For single copies, or for terms to agentstlth other information, apply to or address Jon NIE. POTTER, Publisher, No. 617 Sarisoni St. Philadelphiad‘

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