Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 6 Sep 1861, p. 4

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I v I I . no .-; «w . «agency/“Iggy”: whys.” -~~~'\“- "‘ W'- ':.“’ "EV-v“ t' . ,' ‘ *Y'rn »- “1"” r ' ‘ -‘u I v I . -~ . I . ' I .,~. : . _. -, My, "are... t r -", «mm ql.u.1.?‘.‘?v‘l"‘w;bmwz - , a: H I . I . Di... .. II II I . .. .. .. I , , ._ v - I I I I v. m ,' .- as- . .. . . _ . , . 4. I I . 113mm! 331131118133 minnow. E O. . M c 13.1 ,I .L L. I PS ~,, SLAVERY ABOLI‘SHED.; Provincial Insurance Company, I FCHARIEEST 91W x .. ' RT, Valuable property for Sale I . NV N 2:. ‘- ‘ ,‘ . :~',:::2 . ., ..__ ‘ , . . s- ,OO. FEC'I‘JQ Tun/3.4:; ' - ' Iz, ,. . - DR Host-ens?“ " ~ = steamers * ‘ r .- â€" K its»t'pircindcnii’nim. ~V+ w 4° :::::::::::_____.:::::::.__‘â€"T:> . , r. » ' ‘ W- »‘ J {I}, a t1. Igb or t- I, - a r - ' - ' ‘ p ' . . y ,I I I 4. W," . I, .I_ ,_ ATIE LEE AIND WILLIE GREY. . . I , .Inxtniiosn HIILIHCJV. Iby the 35:12:); avI em on may emancrpatc I firsIIaubI Ignatius gugurau“, I I I RICHMOND HILL. I Several [ARK LO'] SWitli.nn.ber thereon. ; Also. VILLAGE PROPERTY ' with or , , m, ,1. 107-ly1- 9 c ' “ 7 , . - . . , -. 'hout B 'ld' m~ . . . ., 1.. l, _ I am Infa i . nsmntisnan 1819, II III III ....I_ ,I wit , ui ii t,s. , H S L nilnent INBORPORATED EYI ACT or PARLIAMENT ! Pig-,ncharties & Tea Meetings member“. the Royal COHege 0f surgeons December I4. 1860. .. . » England, , ., I I 13v MAEGARET VERNE. _ I I . ,The above property is 'sim ated'atv: 813d ad- * . â€"'. . Opposite the Elgin Mills , CF .â€" . V 1' I , A. certain cure for Rheumatism ’I‘ic Dol re u ._ , , . Two, Frown hgads Wm] tossmgcgrlsl i ‘ RtCHMdND H111 . I N, (7.". y ’ Sprains, Bruises and Swellings’ i e a x, T. . - 7T. r ‘ .3 w '- Amndt’d :‘md supplied'Oh reasonable 1611115. 3°”‘mg tor ‘he Village Of . ~ ' “1‘1"” “will” Shuttle 9"” Mia ' d . May 1 1861. 127.11." ' _ .; . .. . Prepared and sold unused. Ingram, Maple Subscribed Carmel. $134032“ Richmm’ Hm. Jam-'24. 1861: 13-541" Richmond H111 gate 16,6“ hvllml: an: fed with bwa l ' . .._ . ,‘p x Village, in bottles atr25’ and-50¢. each. I _ ,, ,. :â€"â€"' I H I a. ,5 .. ; . . It __ . - T; I___ . For further hfiruhhla” a’hhlv at thé 0m -‘ 'Tlfftl‘eelldj aifd gizillweizaothbg's: W I B i r _ l. i m ‘Raspéétflilly annouiice's‘thatmhe wilt be at Maple'Village, Fob., 14, 1861. 1-y. IIOFFICEV‘ FOR 0N 10' i , > r»i ‘ i . i ' . this h'apeh ‘ 5 ~ r v ' . °° 9.“ â€" Kalle L60 “hd While G133" .' ,1 O ' A N ’ M‘D’ ' Richmond V ' - PREsiDENT _:,Iâ€"-â€"Hon. John Hilliard Cameron- RIIChmOHd Hill, Sept_‘;96,,1I'860, [- ‘. 96,0 .I Thev were standing where ahmok PEXSICIRII, Surgeondt Accouchcur a _ In 5 I I II IChal.lcs CI. [{eller, VICE-PRESIDENT :â€"'-â€"J. S. Howard, ‘Esq. ” AXE I I I I w' . Bending like ushelrhgl-d’s {:ruohl; One D001 South of Lemon’s Hotel v ' I if 5 Gimme Mud Mum” 6f eaCh‘mbmh’ at ATTORNEY AT L AW SSOL'If‘ITOIt m‘w I ’ r V ' A V A 1 Flashed its silver, an thic ran 9. I r l a; , 7 , , I I .- r ’ a _ ii‘iREC'rous: w l ' ‘21.; . THORNIIILL. S TEL, oflaplc. in Chauceiy,‘Couveyancer. Arc. Office, “WI 1. HIIICameronI II George DugganI EIq I y . LUI‘ green willows tinged the banks, Half in thought and half in play; in Victoria Baildings' (“Irer the C’tf‘lf‘id“ Office; ,Hon. Genugrawtford. '5 J. S. HoWard. Esq. I V Bufi‘alo filedlcal May 1. 18915 I I I I I , I 127-1y » ()n the Tuesday following, *u ' 1L d “"11” G- v. c -. ‘ ‘ .- ; . . . . '3 lBroék Street‘Whi‘tbr- v V . ‘ ~ 3 g , a . “$1.; - - Establish dt‘ ~ " Katie ee aIn I i 1lo I16) d .._._.s._..__.._...._ [I lgltllf he will be happy to waiItJ on thosef Also a Branch Ofiice'in the village of Beau Fgldii‘i/leffiiinftgrfi\illy{$%. idvhlforfiiboioli‘iq, DIII’I’ DYSFEPSIA GENT illiijregémmqiy They had ciee (s li re 0 erries re ' ‘ requirlim its services in any ram: 1 0 mm,“ To‘wnshi of Thom}, and Coum- f ' ’ ,i ‘ ' ' , , .’ “ P“ "" v. " " j '. . He was tallerâ€"’most a head: , J I G O L E Y’ his profession. .5 35*. igntml, p i . 3 o A- MA Slhhh hINTI- Lew‘s MOhah LS‘I- 1’ LVER AND »AGU1‘4, ASTMA. . W. L. l’errin, Esq. .. K ‘ V. ZN 21:10, mi INCIPIEN'I‘ CONSUMPTION, The Division Courts in Ontario. Richmond I . e._ ' CONS'UMPTION «on YOUTH AND OLDIAG). . I '0 Hill, and Markham Village regularly attended. Mlmagm. and Sec,.cm,.y_._yames Sydney I VVhIIby, NOV. 22, ' Cracker. Esq. ' i I i , Assist. Secretary .- Manager of Agencies-4" j: I "II _ 1W. Woodhousedfisq. Win. Blight, Esq. JAMES BOULTON, Esq. __ SOXCIToRs:-Messrs. Duggan & Burns, COMMISSIONER IN QUEEN’S BENCH, fl‘eetli inserted on, Gold, I’latenum. Vulcan- . _ r ‘ rized Rubber, cr Continuous Gum on Platenuni, v Conveyaneer and Auctloneer, The latter being the most. begiutiful teeth now H , in use. Dr. Pact: has all the‘advanta es of the L“ 31' 4TH CPN' MRRKHAM‘ I’rot'eseion, both in the Stabes and iCanadas, September 18, 1860. 95-tf having formerly been connected with Dentists in New York: be new reteivos direct from them every improvement Of the Profession She, with arms like wreaths of snow, Swung a basket to and fro, AS she loitered. half in play, Gliattering to Willie Grey. “ Pretty Katie,” Willie saidâ€" And there came a dash of red Through the browness of his cheek- ETC £11349 Ad [1813111 3‘? PIOS .52. r i f”; nOrLS‘MinOwnOM .LOHS GVIEICI 1' s 'f‘N'o‘ Mercury .Uscd... Dr. Amos do 'Sbn. I 48 EAST GENES EE STRELT, THREE DOORS RgglfiIphemfiIroéhg Ial‘lvdIIIgirls are weak, Auction Notioe- Illl‘ftjugllolIlt theI UiIiIited States. I IR, I , II 3 II Barrister, BANKERS :___The Bank of Toronto. WEST OF ELLICOTT STREET, I . 7 , . . . . . .I I. , Katie’s basket “P “"3 hm" â€"â€" . . of diiiiiiiieiizsiiiiisiil?‘ gm“ to “0 egumm Law Officeâ€"Cm” °f Church and ng 8’8“ [RF d MARiNE INSURANCF busi Bum‘lo’ New York: > ’ . . .. ' v . _ 4 an i .I - ,I m I,_ I I I Katie answered withIa Ilalllfgll’.’ THOI‘TAS BOWMAN, XcIiItiIZqugabtlzngIIé:féd toIIimyat Amom pram I- rolomo' Mme“ 8‘ 186,1‘ “9 if ness transacted by this Cpimpanyfiqtits'ya- ~ ' RE the only Phtsicians’in the State who H Ypu shall carry on y m ; I - 1 ‘ F : ~ I ' ' a. ~ ._â€"__. _ W .. W ..... M rious Agencies. as well astho , end U 00. 0-' ' ‘ are members' of the R « Am, men tossing back,“ Ms. I licensee Auctioneer, pay, attended 1.. . EDWARD F W HURD mm at fair and average mm Surgeons, Londm MW be cghthggflIsfe .85 “ Boys are weak as well as giills..”“ Eon THE - Aurora, Feb. 20, 1861. 117-1y ‘. . 1' ' 1- The numerous and responsible Stockholders o’clock in the morning [firm 9 in night, in 63;” state and symptom of disease. .- '1 he treatmentthey adopt is the result of up- wards OlItllll'Iy years’ extensive and successful practice in Europe and America. ‘ ' Do you think that Katie guessed Half the wisdom she expressed !. COUNTIES 0F YORK 6;, PEEL ARRISTER' Attorney-at.Law_ sohchor of this Company, and the large amount of ca- . pital subscribed, afford an amount of security to ' Cl ' C , , ’ . ’ All‘letters addressed to “ Almira.” P.O. wil C H E A E R T H A N E V E R ! ladvangés pfifixhgfinfilffigggg, aw, mone) \he assured, equal at least to that of any other " -. ' bO's rown tall - . ~ . , . , p. . , . hie“ 3‘0 01h) 3 g. 7 receive prompt attention. Orders received at E subscriber‘hegs m Infonn his numerous N0 3 Jordan Street , Company transacting business in the Piovuice. ' V l ' r d ’ l r uch. after all' . . . . . . I iffixghdii.lbifirlghgfsrhom ‘hat day; ‘Hifiiiif fidngIF,:I‘TEI‘TIITIIFEIFfilnfoi'd JHHL; ‘ patrons and we pull)“10 “Wm-3. i” prepared Toronto, December 13. 1860. 108.y A. LAW. _ ’e “05“ SCIENTIFIC isvnnrrou Kam Leo aIId..WIHIe Grey Cavannah MaII-siz’nIHouso .SIIamII . ants ~. to mate v * I . AgentatRichmond Hill. An instrument for” . . » -. . , . . . 9 - . wlier , , v ., _. m , . . ’9 Cute 01' Genital D b . Stood again beSide the brook, Terms, &c_ may boI obtained: 6 Toronto, Apr“ 18,1851. I = 125.1;- llyiithwtlixfagltgéhfhah Ighiisiions, more propzrllv ‘ ma ea‘iiess. &c. Ca" [,3 Bending like u shepherd’s crook, Ofevery style and description,.attlie lowest & .- possi lle remunerating prices. All Work Warâ€" Barristers, Attorneys-at-Law, ranted to give entireIsatisfaction.’ I SOLICITORS 1N CHANCERYI‘SLCI OF I RICHMOND iâ€"iiLL. Coops M.,,,V,.,,;.,,, .H' MARTIN' “F‘W” GEORGE SIMSONa PROPRIETORI December 7I,1860II 1064}. CORNER OF KiNG AND TORONTO STREETS Over VVhitmore &- Co’s. Bonking Oflico, N E w T E A 8’ C O E E S" i Almira, Nov. 25. 1859. so 11‘ ~â€" 10, 9195;510th 'siuao .ioy sogeqocd a; 'sinOo 91 .10} .iapzaq augnge mrfpue istififinlci permanently cured in from 15 to 20 days, by the use of this instrument, when used cou- yointly Willi medicines. FRESH ARRIVALS Is it strange that Willie saidâ€" VVliile again a dash of red . Crossed the bron ness of his cheekâ€" “ I..ani.stron.g and you are weak ; Life is but a slippery steep lluug with shadows cold and deep. v I 9 ‘OMWQJ. "OO as] Jinzoifitt 4 YOUNG MEN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICF DrI. Amos & SonI take pleasure ln announce Ing t rat they have iiiVonted a most important iiistl‘unieiitfor tho:curo of the'above diseases 5.1.1". oer “£119.52 mom: oar; “ Will you trust me, Katie deal‘ 7 . OOD‘AC , . - WM“ &c. dzc at tho . 1 I - . , .- ' 7 ' Commodations and ever ' attention TORONTO- . ’ * AI-tf "is heel.) .SUbJect‘ed m» a ‘0‘“ 0f ll - $232133: ll". till?“ re“ ~ G Show. w (.0... hr... for J 0 1‘3: 135T - R ,1 G G 5’ â€"â€"â€"- VICTORIA 212A WAREHOUSE. “am m 1.... Eighth. . r 7 . “ . v , I , I. . , . , v , A“ vour burdens up the hm 7,, gligvgmggttle and Loose Boxes 101- Race Horses - IAJLOIL, I . Agency Particularly attended to. SIGN OF THE QUEEN. I::g{_30}‘:IIÂ¥It:IIIlI\I:I lItIhpiIbeenIdeclarcd ithe only A (I l ncvered. withalamrh. .. ' . . ,_ , , .. ' ‘ .IS' /.' I . ' - â€"â€" ..._.._I__ ' I h , ‘ ' ‘ )‘Ot‘lnventét fol. the .I. Rofhfitaygh may carry halt-If; Ihe Monthly It air held on the Premises first E @630, 3a Squaw 6’ I. THOMAS G. MATHEW,“ JAMES FITZGERALD - _ I . cure 0f Ibeminal weakness, or am, disehse of ! Wednesdaym each month. N . t ,- ‘- 31.5") ” anh to his humer_ ,_ . DWARD LAWSON, in returning thanks the genital organsrcmmed by the sue“ m . . i ' 16 m 1mg "S S” L i “ To‘oh”: July 1; 1009. 31 -tf ' L; to his numerous customers for their libe- - of youth. ‘0 molt“ ‘ V I V. U ' . ' r . '1‘.” Subufnbe"1L9alllllgtlle ahehlmh 0fth° ous Customers and Friends for the liberal public andhis Old 1‘ riends. to his establishment, support he has r‘oc eived since he commented Washing with its silver hands, feelsrsatistied he can administer comfortably to business in Victoria Square begs to assure . 1 p .- -- Late endearly at its sands, their wants and wilh mutual satisfaction. than, that no effort on his part will be wanting Jr], . 8. WI. J“,ng I; IS, IS a comgev where. lo‘dh)’: Richmond Hill, Apr-i120, 1860. 73,“ to merit a continuance of their favors. .Kafie lives “Ith Wluw (Hey. Mk, All work entruétcd to his care will be mbde. ’ Close beside the brook, Bending like ashepherd.’s crook, ral patronage since opening his New Store, would respectfully inform tliemI and the public _geiierally,that he has just received an exten- Sive Stock of Fruits, Sugars, pure Black and Green 'l‘eas (crop 1860), Coffees, &c., &c., which have been purchased at a great reduc- Dr. Amos & Son. in order to satisfy the most skeptical as to the merits of their iiistru- I mIent. pledge themselves that in any instance 'I where it’may prove unsatisfactory. after a fair t trial. thoxmmicy‘willlie refunded by return' the instrument in {Iced order. ‘I ‘ ' mg “EEO ‘Zpauupm "00 29 213de ‘vam' 1'0 ‘azzsvémarv ‘NViiiArijsfi sentiment 1h yhe pomh she Sits asidIIo . I RIClth’LOND IiIILLI IIOTEL. up in Lent and substantial manner. Office removed to Gas Companv,s BuildingsI tion in price. owmg to the effect of the secession persons Wishmg the above useful in ., bwmgs h haske, to an ho, View”,1 Square, Ah,” SI 1651‘ 1943"] Tormm) Street ' movement on the American markets , and will observe tlrat'itlie hide..- . . . h,; EI rumeiit. Vastly dlfiemm h‘om the 0110 STAGE runs from the above Hotel to _~ WM , I_ _I , , ( v , ' ‘ which are now selling at Prices WillioutparIallel, _.\‘ hmmug directiom‘ will], I" whk the 89001"- That she swung In years agOHIe’ Toronto, eve“, morningI starting from Toronto: Jahhhry 3: 1801- lll‘hm as a glance at the annexed List and a trial of by mail or'evpres‘s’ is't ‘ $1311“ac ’e'dFand sent 'l‘hat is long, and deep. and Wide, [he Elglll {117. 3.11),. and returning 31(7) G. EE- ‘â€"“â€"‘â€"“-â€"-â€"W W Lhe gOOdS prove :“ / i i'.‘ ‘ ~ ~ ’ 6n 0 als.’ i” ‘ And hasuâ€"ROCKERS AT THE SIDE 1 9.111. ' Fare, 29. 6d. each way. ' - CA F R U I TS M'w “Mum” AND Qulcx CEREs/‘glAV cviuc _ . ' ~“~"r“-' '*-â€"--â€"» WA R u A a '1‘ i: n.- W 0 _ .4 "‘ IGOOI) ACCOMMODATION FOR TRAVELLERS- ~ Liverpool and London 1 Fire» & Life Insurance Company. Head Office, Canada Branch. Corner of Place D’Armes and .St James Street, Montreal. Dr, Amos & Son have, for along serikof years, been "ellg‘ag‘t‘d'ill"'hll exteiis'ivei'p‘iamwo in the treatment of these delicate complaints, and are the only legally qualified physicians who now Iadvoitise to cure certain complaints ortrom w iom genuine Euro lean ‘ . I , , ieme . ‘ be obtained. , I .d 65 can I , , . Persons in any part Of the Worldmav be suc- Inveqted Funds £1,213,317 cessf-uIlly treatedIby forwarding a correct detail I I g of their cases, With a remittance for medicines, » _ . > &c., which will be return ’ i I I_ I ed Will) the utmost DIRECTQR8.â€"-T.. B. Anderson. ESQ-..Cha". dispatch and secure from observation. man, A. Simpson.’ Es . Deputy-Chairman, Address Dr. AMOS x, Sm, 4,, PM Gene 0 ' A; t 4 x s e -" ’ o v ‘ RICHARD N1 E J ’ ‘ ’ I ' C. KEELE. Esq., ofthp City of Tor- . C lgigfic’m, URGEON Dentist, will be at Nicholl’s ° Ohms has opened 3“ Olhcein tho Vil- Due l’atrass I “ I I411. “ 16 “ Eres’d Valentin. Raismsfi “ 12 “ ‘. Fxtra New ” “ Géd. “ 10 “ .... 1 his New Layer “ 9d. "‘~ 12H). box..1§ “ “ Seedless“ 9d. “ 7 lbs . . . . . . 1' Best quality DRIED APPLES. .351 25 per bshl , Also. Paper and Soft Shell ALMONDS, FlLBERTS, and BRAZIL NUTS, MIXED SPICE. CANDIED LEMON, CITRQN,and. ‘ ORANGE PEEL, &c.,l&c. .19.. 1 Extra dressed “ 3§d “ 20‘ " 11 1 Richmond m”, DecI18I1858I 1.55 Hole]. uchmond “i”, the jam“. lage ofAurora for the transaction of Common . MONDAY of every month, and, the 110' Law and (“hahcel’y Bus‘hesfiy also. Convey' attcingexecuted with correctness and despatch Division Courts attended. Wellington St. AurOra, &. Queen St. Toronto November 20. 1663. 104-ly mainder of the month at his residence, W- "bite Hart Inn, McCaysvillc, 7m COncession of York. All RICHMOND ‘1]- L. V Work Warrautcd. ‘ ' , ‘ , "â€" - Teeth filled with Osteoplartic or Artificial BL SUhSCI‘Ibel‘ begs to inform the Public Boneâ€"This filling is put into the Teeth while that he has leased the above Hotel. soft,cansingnopain, as itrequiros no pressure, Where he WlhheBP constantly 0n,hand a good it soon becomes as-liard as the tooth to which supply 0f fh'St'CIaSS Liquors. &0- AS 1his tt firmlyadheres,renderingitalmostiinpossible A bashful printer refused a situation in a printing office where females are employ- ' ed. saying he had never setup with a girl in hfs life. ._i.._ â€"â€"â€"-_........._..__ What’s the Sign of an old maid'lâ€"- \Vhen you see a lady sitting drinking tea TORONTO crrr MARBLE wears ' ,. *. , . i . . , - ' house lossesses eve a ' ‘ - - ' 0. , . . . S U G A R S . . Hour ' Cha man, Es . L. J. S. M'aitland ES . . _ , ,I . m”) ‘1 “at C” he” hp ‘md'her teeth'lymg 'vellersbandesire illogwiicfivlfs‘iiioiffi]win: forthctmm‘“ "m iocon’eout' . 185 YONGE STALET' G d M - d A 1411. f? 100 Jame: Mitghehi Esii- “0an Stal‘nee’hsgo Islt‘fi‘el. thief doom well Of mm“ SW?“ ’ on the table' they can find evei'v comfort are res ec‘tfull in0 Dr' Husmnd MS mada arrangements With _ qul t “scam 0%, 13 S‘.‘ m. . . .Hnngsl ('0 ‘M P P J H M‘hhahd qu ‘ROSldehl'Secm‘ u a o, l l . 88"), ' . 1 . IV . u .‘... o . . . ‘ p ' ' ' ' r, 9 '~ - I ’ ~â€"â€"~-â€"-~v~vâ€"~.â€".~-_-_L__..,____ _ Tb) t. l d d .f d I vited to give him a can p 3 Mr. G.I1..II:.1IhIot, of Iorouto. to manufacture MOBIUMENTS, TOMBTABLES FFIgIB-‘rl t“ 12 H 1 (,0 tarv, G. F. C. Smith, Resident Assistaiit- F' . n 1 En». , y , 1. L lmes are m . ear WI 8 an ' hisArtifiCial Icoth; those who engage Doctor Ma Ht.) --------- - Seé,.e,a,.y. 11b . lite . . 1* no 1 1 .' Yellow Refined ll “ 100 Extra Refined, 10 “ . . . . . . . . . . I 00 ~. Extra Crushed “ 9 “ . . . . . . . . . . l 00 Ground “ 8 “ . . . . . . 1 00 Broken Loaf 8 “ . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 BLACK AND Gâ€"REVN TEAS! Fine Congou, good and strong, 9s. 3d. per lb. : Fine and Extra Fine Breakfast Scuchong, 2s. 6d..'3s., and 3s, 6d. per lb ; Fine and Extra Fine (lolong. 3s., 3s. 6d., and 33. 9d. por lb. Also, I’ickoe Flowers and Orange Pekoe. TOMBSTONES, &c. _ Twenty Per Cent Cheaper THAN ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT. find it difficult to’kcep my nose above water. “ You could easily keep it above water, ‘ ‘ husband, if youIdidn’t keep it; so often Iabove brandy.” CORNELIUS VAN NOSRAND. Husband to (ioItheir work will be sure-of. hav- Richmond Hill. Dec. 28; 1860, 108-1 ing‘ it done in a superior manner, * ~.‘â€"â€"_.__..__.________ , . July 8. 1859. i - 32-137- YONGE STREET HOTEL. mien Hotel, AU . . . RORA EAST MARKET SQUARE, GOOD supply of Wines and ‘ Liquors TORONTO, C.W. always on hand. Excellent Accumino- - datiou for Travellers, Farmers, and others. - J~ SMITH, Proprietor. Cigars of all brands. Toronto, April’19. 1861, 125-17 HE Directors wOulrl’call’ the attention of _ ‘ " 7‘ p ' the‘Public‘ to tlie‘fotllowing features inthe‘ ~F- . i .b 1 7L N , management of‘tliis c0mpany:â€"- ' n e n 5;] if n (36 £01111”!!! y ' - ‘ 0 ’ ‘oron to. The Premiums received in Canadaai‘e retained and invested in Government or other Pro. vincial Bonds. . . 4 h“ All Losses when satisfactorily established are 8T0 01{ £100 000 3 y a paid in Canada. without reference to the ,I ‘ Home Board. That there is not, at the present time, one HE UNDERSIGNED Assignees of the estate of D. C. 62. W. YALE. willcon. tinue the business under the superintendcnce of our duly authorized agents, AUSTIN ABBEY and D, CARLOS VALE. whose receipt will be duly acknowledged. A western editor Was recently request- edto send his paper to a distant patron, provided he would take his pay in trade.” At the expiration of the year-lie found that his. newsubscriber Was a cofl‘i/i maker. INCORPORATED BY ACT 01“ PARLIAMENT. I. ‘. ' i‘ ‘ ' L GILMOR, Free. | (11.0. MicHiE,Vice Pr". [Fine Zante Currants, 3d. p 1b,or 921113... . D. McLEOD Proprietor. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€".â€" a . - . .Mixed Black and Green Tea 0s. . . ~ « . ’ , ‘ l’,S.â€"â€"-All notes and accounts remaining un- ° ' - - - - . _ ,. "‘ claim in dis mm DIRECFORS . v a ' Aurora. Juli 6, 1 59. . THE WELL-KNOWN v - , - »~ ~ - 6d.. .3s.. 3s. 6d., and .15. 9d or lb. ; I‘llle and _ l ', - -, , p m .A young fellow saw an aged hermit go 0 8 25 1y paid on the Isl. day of June. 18525, Will be put Extra Fine Young “ysom 28?) ngI 3% 3SI 3dII There is invested in Canada in Avaname Rm" LOWLS- qu- xhos llaworth. Esq, 3s. 6d.. and 3s. 9d. per 1b.; Fine and Extra Fine Old Hyson. 3s. 3d. and 3s. "6d. per lb. ; Fine and Extra Fine Imperial Hyson, 3s. 3d. and 3s. 6d. per lb. ; Fine and Extra Fine Gunpowder, 3s. 3d.. 3s. 6d., and 3s. 9d. I James Meaty, Esq. W “and " E ' "Funds 20-0 000 Dollars, and this is being T P. Rob its ' ‘e'lbon’ ‘bq. constantly a’ddcd to. M’~ ROSShljul‘li‘l- sq. l W Mdc‘mlane. qu' That there is invested in New York $800,000. . , 7 .â€"â€"and it is the intention of the Directors to Bemmiflflldah‘ EST 50.67.01W'ZI T Tau-""1""- ngus Morrison. qu. Solicitor. ' increase this sum to $1,000,000. B l H} N.B.._A deduction of 3d, per 1b, will be The accumulated Funds of the Company [.No- " ' an} o .' l’l’eii‘canada' Ban/“‘N- ‘ . Benjamin Swnzer, Esq, Inspector. made from the above Prices torparties purchas- vVO-mbel‘ 1859] amount ‘0 OVOI‘ 5.95833061018- ing five pounds and upwards. Thepresent income of the Company is over . Also, on hand .a splendid lot "of Teas in 7‘590 dols‘ in” day' ‘ caddy boxes from 10 lbs. to 16 lbs, and in half I Insurances effected at the Lowest Remuner- chests at the lbll'OWiug. Prices :-- I ' atiVe‘I’rices. ‘ J; HII MAI‘I'I‘LAND. Fine to Extra Fine Gunpowder, 2S 3d,~28!10d' i I ‘Restdem Seal-elm)" 3s. 3d.'. 3.4. 6d. per lb. , . I Montreal. Fine to vExtra Fine Young HysOn’, 3s. 0d., T0r°ht° AEBHCY i 85 Kill?! Street East. South into Court for collection, ' C. YALE. V G. CUMMER. Toronto, April 29, 1850. - 48-tf BLACK. HORSE HOTEL, CALEB LUDFORD, ' Formerly kept‘by William Rolph, SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKERg 001'. of Palace Sc George Sts. Opposite Mr pmkiss, Store [EAST on THE MAIRKETJ TORONI‘O. ' I A Yorkshireman haVing OCCJSIOH 1.0 104- I ITnoRuHiLL Proprietor, visit France, was dumbfounded to find, on ’ ’ [Successor ,0 Thomas puma} “withing Callas: mat men: women» ATENT Eave Troughs and Water SP0uts Good. Stabliug attached. ,Trusty Hostlers by him barefoot» “Father” said be, “you. are in a miserable condition if there is not another world}? “True, my son; but what is your condition if there is '1” DENTISTRY! WI CI D. D. S. _ Surgeon Dentist, 99 Rtnc‘sr. EAST, SOUTH smE. THIRD noon WEST FROM cannon sT. TouoNTo, 11:? Head Oflicc, Claire/i Street, Toronto. ‘51] children, all spoke French. In the height superior in) tin, I put up at 6 Iconts 'alwaysh, attendance, - , I of pcrplexity which this occasioned he re- Per f°°t iglsoilhmlghlhpfifii Seamlle SldllIhg, Toronto, April 19,1861. 125-1y tired to bed, and was awakened in the l‘adde‘s’ ""g es’ mm “mm aggo“ 61' , . _ lows and Hubs, Barrel Heading, and Turning morning by the cock. crowmg; whereupon , B Tins COMPANY Insures all descriptib‘iis of tiillhiigsI,Manufactories, Mills, &c.. and Good- and It urnitnre, in the same, againstIOss ordam- age by fire, on liboi'altorms. L ' sewed. I I _ osses promptly -~ - ~ 10.11; SMITH, I I I in general Manufactured and'for Sale by I ' he burst into a wild exolamation ofastonisli- ' ment and deliaht and exglaimed; 6s Thank J O H N N G S T A F ~Sto E‘th HSLi‘NGL“ ARTICULAR attention given to the regu- 3d., 3s. Gd. Iper lb. _ I side, [over the store of J. G. Joseph dz. Co.] I I A}. LAWV, " ' b, t 1 ' _ ” STEAM Mlus TH R ,H’u‘ V ‘ _: lathh 0f C/uldrw’b' 1031,11- COHSUltallun English Breakfast Souchongâ€"‘Bs. 6d., ‘25. 9d.. . JAMES FRASER Agent. ROSidence, G ] gOOdtIESS, that is English at last. ' r 0 1‘ L- ' , 1 4 2 K {N G 8'] RE L T. ' free, and all work warranted. , 3s. 0d , 3s. 60'. per lb ,, Toronto. April 19. 1801. ’ [25-1, tichn'ond Hill August 1'3 1857enera {agent Juneg' 1859' . » ' 27"“ orrosr’rETHE S'l'. LAWEENCE MARKET, D13 A- 1135101“th his allellllo“ 10 the lm" Finest Cokingâ€"3s. 0d.. 35. 6d. 35. 9d.. ' ' ' 310" There was an Old Quaker WllO had an provements of his profession in all itsbranches. . .. W-l 1.F‘ and can supply the Professwn With ,IBeLhI Fresh Giounr CotIee, s iiiestJamaica,1s -â€"â€"~â€"~â€"â€"â€" TORONTO. ” L 3d. Ground Chicory, 9d. per 1b. Together J» unfortunate reputation of non resistance. v . ‘ - - i i i V Choice Liquors and Good Accommpdalihll Bl Gold, Valcanized Ap aratus. and Vulcanito - _ ,Q . , i . . ft v‘das saild' tl’ciltsandi (Ilifeflguliistiztsi: I D. i E. S E Y M O U R’ reasonable charges. "Good" Stablinig land 5 Rubber, and the best Bibne filling. WM] a wmplem amomnem 0f ‘ Flour ‘Bhl‘rdfleadlhg, Stave and Il'eil 0“ “SI ‘3 a ' ' ‘ ‘ _ HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN CalOffll HOSIIOI‘ ill fillehdahce- Mineral Teeth mounted on Gold, Silver, or Sta 13 and Fang Groceries ! l . IS PUBLIS « impunity/mold one market day a blustermg ’ . Toronto, AP,“ 10,1861. 123-1), Vulcanized Rubber. With Continuous Gurus. P ALSO y - Shingle ’Manufacturers’ and EVFRY FRID A‘YHEFTOFN - -,, ,L . . s _ , .. , ' - di' t" t'ft' ' '4 - tellow, heiub to! 1 that yonder was a man MAIN ST., NEWMARKLT, U.C. 65 1 , . .. . Wh'Ch a” Warrants 0 1‘9” 9" h" s“ ‘5 3" '0“ BISCUITS AND CONFEOTIONERY I Lumber, Planers, - ‘ ' ~ ‘ I G’ And Idespatched to Subscribersby the earl e! V m ails; or other conveyance. when so r- ' The IYORK HERALD will always: be be loundto containthe latestand mostimpor- who, if he was smitten on the one check, would turn the other also, thought it would be sport to try him. Stepping up to the anâ€"___ Seasoned Flooring and Siding kept on hand, and Plaiied to order in quantities to suit pur- chaseis. Toronto,0ctober 11, 1861‘ 49-1y ' _ _ - Of every description manufactured on the pre- mises by first-class workment. Wedding and other Cakes always on hand, (or made to order at the shortest notice.) iced and ornamented DR. L. LANGSTAFF, JOS- GWGOR’S PRING‘HILL. 3 doors westofKing Post thnmih. Reflaurafltl W - 13- SEEN 33, sturdy, good natured Friend, slapped his 0mm, _ .( V S, . H ,. , . , . . . . . -’ v . , _ l , I p ‘ . . 6-) KU‘G “HALL 15”“ TORONTO' MILLWRIGI‘IT, , in the best styleâ€"all at the Lowest Prices; 113’ Factory-l- on I’Markham and El in Mills tam Pore'gh ‘thd PFOVlllclal News undiM - lace. Ilie oldmau ooku at iunsorrow- K. M 13 1859 . g , , , . , V , . , g, , 1 , 1“ mgr BY - ' r 2441' .H l, {1' (I JV fl Goods delivered on the care, and Within the Plank Road. RU. address. Richmond Hill. ‘ets' and the greatest care Wlllbetaken to . . ’ fully for a moment, then slowly turned the other cheek and. received another buffet. Upon that he coolly pulled off his coat. “I have cleared the law,” said he, “and now thee must take it.” And he gave the render it acceptable totheinan of business and evaluable It amily Newspaper. . TERMSâ€"Semen and Sixpence per Annum, IN ADVANCE; and if not paid within Th reo Mouths two dollars will be charged. , RATES OF ADVERTISING: Lunch every day from 11 till City limits, free of charge. All orders by mail, June 7', 1861, . 132.5," and otherwise, attended to with. despatch. Every article warranted as represented. UFNOSECONDPRICE, NOCREDITCEI] (I? Remember the place. : YONGE STREET, VictoriaTeaWarehousesignefthe Queen THE Subscriber. begs to intimate that he i i ' H IGH CANIPBELL’ [13’ Soups, Games, Oysters, Lobsters, &c Watch and Clock Maker, “"W‘W‘hwd‘ V _ Dinners and Suppers for Private Parties got JEWELLR: é“3v up in the best style. BEGS to intimate that heisnow prepared to erect MILLS of every description, by contract or otherwise, 011 reasonable te‘rm8' He is also agent for the best Foundries in Caâ€" nada. and from his lengthened experience he cowardly fellow a tremendous thrashing. Yonge Street, Aurora. Tomhlo: AW“ 19: 1851- 125'” hopes to give general satiSfaimion’ I ' i r' . - - has leased the above hotel and he in r . - A12 h’IODFOG, some Years ago, a game or Jeweh-Y. Watches and Clocks repaired and A Altona, Dec. 23. 1859 I ' 4 No' 93’ngé’fi‘uffiftggré‘;do” we.“ 0‘ fitted it up inIthe latest. style trhvellers inagy ijm‘esund ‘mdef’ film, insem‘mu - --$00 50 Poker was being l’ldyed- Jim C was cleaned on the shortest notice and lowestterms ' EDWARD LAWSON rely ppm) hnvmg every comfort and anemic“ ’Fadl'wbsequem msemo‘n “ . . . i . i . 00 '12 in it, and during the game contrived to Aurora. February 17, may 6041» Toronto. March, 1861. I 124:;va at this first cIlaIss house. ’ r I AggvlelltZSnailIgélgldgliégip:t111861‘t;011., . “,00 75% steal the aces and lay them on his knee 10 ATE Clarendon H016] No 98 30 and 3., ' . . . . éâ€"F"”flâ€"é 1; ‘ Clix-xi imp;ng aim, an, attentive'Hosuer nl‘ Each subsequeii’tinsertimi,psii‘rliiiz..H be played at the propertime. The player From Sheet, vpomho. 'Boa’m $1I pa: Fire &Llf0 Insurance 1188001311011 , BEAVERIVIUTUA walsm a ealfzcleM .LEVNOX , V Advertisements without with... (moo. who sat next to W W the move: and day PMS always i“ attendance at “"3 Cars 0*" LONDON, Fire Insurance Association, York Mm. J...“ 1861 i i ’ whiff; Wis “56”” “'1 “rb‘d’ 3"“ “mg”; “m” I i v - .l v ' ' . ' ing y. - r v *' ' slipped the aces from their hiding-place, and Boats. put four other cards in their stead. Jim’s turn came to deal, he called on all bands to go it hind. “ I’ll go over all ofyou.” VJith which is Amalgamated the Equitable Fire Office. CAPITAL, £2,500,000, STERLING. w. NE-WBiG-oiNe', = Proprtetor. By Dr. E. C. EDMONDS, i'i‘ororiio, Aprils; 1861. . . ' . 124-va 'sunoEoN DENTisr, AURORA. -â€"â€"â€"-â€". ToneNTq aw, - OFFICE, :20, TORONTO s TREE 1" All transitory advertisements, from stranger or irregular customers, must be paid forwlwn handed in for insertion. ' l A liberal discount will be-made to pal-ties ad- ARRISTER, Attorney. Solicitor, &c. .A' All letters addressedvto the Editor must be post paid. - ' No paper discontinued until allarrearagesare paid :and parties refusing papers withofifipay ing3up, will be held accountable fortliey'dtib- scription. ‘ if" “Him a” were indecp though to sun him Teeth inserted on Silver Gold or Valcanized "fit 11 t E '1’ INCORPORATED UNDER ACT OF PARLIAMENY’ I’I‘ Kind Film“, EaSt’ [over'Leadm-Ofiice’] vertising bvtlie Sear. he “‘30th for hl$ aces, and b'rouo‘ht up ~ ’- i v i r r- ‘ Available Assets File Departm’t $4,547,061 10 22 VIC., CAP. 52. 93'9"”1 ' ' _ - ‘ - 0 Rubber. All Operations in his Professron Oil-1‘4 LR 01' lung and (merge Streets . , ,. .. I ,, . . , somethih" 9159' Throwmg his cards 0" performed in the most flPPl‘oved manner and “ Toronto C W WM MGNKHOUsE I’ro-i L‘fe Deparhnehl - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,5965% 46 I .D â€"‘_â€" ‘ ' 1'0i‘0h10,AP“1, 19.1861; 123-1)' ‘2‘“) advcrhsemihlls PUhhzbed for aless. Po- 5 . ,-- - . . - ‘ 1 ’ '- " n i ’ »' De >ositFund in Canada . . . . . . . 50 000 00 iRECTORsâ€"II. Rowsell Toronto* 13. 'W. A ' 4 -~-â€"-â€"-â€"-â€". ‘ â€"â€" l'lO “all 0110111011 i must 3 Paid for in 8d- . the table, in a tone or indignation, be ex- Warranted' pnetor. (wood accommodation fol: Iravellers l _. . . . l _ , r , z _ v. . . - , , ' . » - ‘ .. ' -‘ . , ’- ,DopositJ Lind In l\6W York-u” 150 500 00 Smith, Barrie ; Dr. Duncumb Richmond ' ' g ,. . Vance- Aumla' Mawh 9. [800 ‘ "67.1) ‘Ln‘gfii Shablmb' and a GOOd aoadel alwa'ls m r i ’ Hill ; W. H. Smith, Toronto: anald Suther. Eli/gallium” G, “Ht, claimed, “By jingo, gentlemen, I don’t .. .‘ I J ,. 2 . . play in this gaint. llicrc is cheating gomg on!” 4» attendance. land, Toronto : IVrn, Helliwell, Scarborough: ' I T'l‘ORNEY AT-LAW, SolicitorinChan. 'E‘dWlh Chow“: thgsmh i S- ThOmPSOHo 1 ' _,cei‘y, Corive.'attcer,&c. Toronto. , Office . 101‘01110- V , in the “ Leader” uildings, King Street. \ , I i VING guarded against loss from Fire’by Toronto, Apt-1112, 1861. i ' ' I. 112343,: Insuring your property, _ consider .if it , . " * ~ "" . » ~ . 'CHIEF OFFICE IN CANADA 2 MERCHANTS’ 'EXIZl-IANGE MONTREAL. - u. Directors, Fire Department. .I,.Fi'0thingham, Esq. W. Lunn, Esq. B. Holmes, Esq. J. G. Mackenzie, Esq, A.- Larocque, Esq. - J. Torrance, Esq. THE-AURORA Toronto,April-"10,1861. 1231,. MASIINIC QUADRILLE' BAND 1‘ ISmow open to receidefbng'agem‘entsbn‘li- .' _- . ‘. I. J‘beral terms, for’ aiiy”ii“unibei', to suit the ‘ convenience oflarge or small parties. 7 Applications to Mr. WM. IRELAND, at Aurora. or Mr. W, VVII‘LLIS, -3rd Con. Whit- church. ' I » , N.B_.~ Also, a. SAX-HORN BAND may .be had‘ on application. f , Aurora. Nov. 2.- 1860. " ' 1'00-13m A good story is told in Chicago about rents. , A party leased a fine house to a merchant in good business at $1200'per year. The panic and war came on. -'I‘cnant informs landlord he cannot pay such a rent. “ Wban can you afford to pay 7.’ Not over half that sum,”-â€"“ Very well; you shall have it for $600.” To- ward the end of’ the quarter tenant’informs the landlord he cannot pay that. 7 “ What can you pay now?” “Nothingl- I am 3, . Tun YORK .IIERALD Book and Job Printing . ESZITABLISMENT- RDERS for any of the undermentjoned descriptiouqf PLAIN and Fancy p0 WORK will be promptly attended tog-w, BOOKS, FANCY BILLS, BUSINESS ,’ CARns, LARGE ‘ AND SMALL ros'rnnsgcmcoiliins,LAW‘FORMS. ' BILL HEADS,BANK'GHECKS,DRAFTS,AND3 PAMEfiLETS. ~ would not be as well to make a little additional . . _ . revision for your family in case of your own - - v gremature death :â€"whether it wouldnot be ms 1‘ well,through the assistance of a Life Assurance 'i M . opposng ngivfomM-o HOUSE, Company, to provide a legacy tIor your wife» or ‘ , ' I I _, dauohter, or if on have not he appiness to i ’- » ‘ ’ ' ‘ " ’ ‘ p be tilesscd with tliem, think if the possession of PROPRIETOR' a few hundred pounds additional might not ‘be i LARGE and Cominodions Halland other , of advantage to yourselfa few years hence: ll' ‘ 1 -' improvements have. at great expense. you decide that it would, write .0 the Managing been made so as to make this House the largest Dh‘eétor 01' the PROVIDENT LIFE ASSUR- and best north of ’I‘Oronto. Travellers at this ANCE AND INVES I‘M EN'I‘ COMPANY. House find every convenience both for them- ‘20 Toronto Street. Toronto, for. a “ Proposal” selves and horses. form, and a copy of the Rates. . N .B.â€"-A cat'efu1pstler always in. attendance. - - Trustees in London : i ' Sir W. C. Dalyell, l C. I". Bazin, Esq, .Trustees in (New York : S. Livingston. firm ofIlar-claydz Livingston, . Wm. H. Macy. I’res’t Leather Manufact Bank “ ‘ “W. Sherman, firm of Duncan, Sherman &Co Charles Duran d, ARRISTER midlATTORNEneoaicse, corner of Adelaide and Yonge Streets, Toronto, will attend to Suits in all the Superior l doing no business “ Very wellâ€"I want my house taken care of, and you may stay Every description of -::‘Fi1.'e and Life Insurance Vl'thOUt rent-n A Short time an“, in Comm ef Law' Chancery and County Com.“ I I, N I Or, possrbly. the Agent of the " Beaver": Amom Stat-10,”..Ahrh1861‘ . 12645,. - Andevery otherkiiid of I, . passmg by the house, he found the tenant also. on request, to country qusihess h, the, , L BusIInIpsIs transagted at the moSt moderate rates may possess a copy of both documentsâ€"which ,I V _ -. .â€"«-ivâ€"â€"~:. ’ x - "LETTER,LPRESS' PRINTING moving his furniture, and asked him what Diviéion Courts, v ' " I :‘ OlPi‘emlum- W ) I he calliaCOOhl'mOdate 3‘0“ Whh. hhhgwasytiltn ., , , A AFAM A1RS, B_. A} -.:I - . I, . ‘ - I I I. _â€" ' A J o 1.- REYNOLDS, little information on the subJect besrdesa ._ g . . . u . . undonem the beststyle, at moderate ratékizm that was for? “7111’: You don’t think Deedsi Leases‘ Mollgages‘ and “.8” de‘ j - f 1‘ _. t’ m" - u l scription of Conveyancing drawn up With *cai'e am such a on asI o s ay in la. louse, and aneusonablo prices. I when I lIiIavc touno a much better one for Leuerswstpaid attended ,0, “Olhlhg! Toronto. November 20, 186.0. 1114 15m i I ‘ ’ I Managerin B. N. A. 1132‘ Insurances may be effected for Duet-115$}. ATTQRNEX3 I ., 2.0m, £80”me of JOB TYPE is “hwy Agent for Tordhtoâ€"ARTHUR M- JARVIS. or ‘hree yous: at moderate rales- » ‘i i I '1 ill Chhht’ier-Va C°“‘_Yeya‘1°°r: &°' Mm“? new and of the latest Patterns. A large,“le Otficeâ€"«Whittimore’ Buildings, ' Toronto St. Agent at Richmond Hillâ€"J. R. ARNOLD. i Street, Markham Village, of new Fancy Type and Borders, wot Cir“, 'I‘OI'Oth: April 19. 1861; ' _ 1‘23-Iy Toronto, Apri “3,1851. 12543" November 22. 186.0. ' " lO‘Ivtf‘ Circulars .&c. kept always on hand.

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