Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 20 Sep 1861, p. 4

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fainting. , some WHATE’ER BE. TIDE. O what rock 15, tho’ Poortith'rs up» " Dido‘s Owre my Biggin. cauld iii" keen?“ ’ Aii’ what tlio’ kind an’ generous hearts Are no' see rife as they has been ‘1 ThO’ selfish Greed nn’ crabbit Spleen StandtgrlOOmy glowerin’ side by side; . r Yet-cantin I'll play a spring, An’ sing-1 my sang. Wliate’er‘botido‘ !- Ffli. SING- MY This-warld's nae weary belle" thorns,» For a"the dolefu’ mean that’s made; You sun that shines on silken braws, Blinks cheery on my auld green plaid ! Sour Discontent shrinks back dismayed, When heart loups high wi’ sturdy pride Sac caulin I’ll play a spring, An' sing my sang whate’er betide 1 My housie’s nae great boast. 1 trowâ€" A wee wee butâ€"a wee wee hen; Yet laucliin’ face inaks denty lin’. An’ that’s what lordlins seldom ken. Wi’ wife an‘ weans I blithely fen’, As down Life's stream we saftly glide; - Sae cantin I’ll play a spring, An’ sing my sang whate’or betido ! Despondeiicy’s a beggar bornâ€" (Lang may his back he at the wa’ !) Yet gin he daur to show his pow, My clianter [’11 the louder blaw l The darkest niclit brings eye tlie'daw: The thistle’s aye its downy side; Sae cantily I’ll play a spring, An' sing my sang whate’er betide ! l’uir dowie cliield, that’s skin an’ bane \Vi’ nocht but borrow’d miseryâ€"- \Vlia canna pree the gowden joys That bloom ’neath Freedom’s rosy sky; Greet out yer till; I carena by, Tho’ fules may sneer. aii’ gowks deride; I’ll play with pitch a canty spring, An’ sing my sang whate’er betide ! u Jillrulluninuii, Style.â€"W but every coxcomb imagines he has attached to his gait. The one great thing that has passed this season.-â€"â€"Passing Lord John into the House of Lords. ‘ ' ' Nearly all our silver, judging from the difficulty of holding it in one’s grasp, must be quicksilver. Some minds are like sieves; they retain all that is worthless, while all that is good passes through them. The manners which are neglected as small things are often that which decide men for or against you. Those who lack a natural character may be sure they gannot long sustain with- out detection, an- artificial one. Miss Tucker says it’s with old bachelors as willi- old wood; it is hard to get them started, but when they do they burn pro- .digiously. - , 'We should‘sofi’er little from, ill spirits 'with'out, were it not for my ill‘ spirit within that holds treasonable correspondence ’with them. It" you want to have a man' for your friend, never get the ill-will of his wife. Public opinion is made up of the average prejudices of womankind. ‘ A sharp answer.â€"-“‘ What is meant by the deflection of the necdte 1:” asked a dominie of a feinal'e'pupil'. “ When it runs :up into the quick of t‘he‘naii,” was the re- pix-3 A pin iipwar‘db of'an inch in len lb, .was discovered in. a hen’s egg, near 5.; ' ’ivick, one morning last week. The egg , had; bran boiled for breakfast, and thepiu wae discovered standing perpendicular in the centre; » A newly married’conpl‘e were one night - .lying in bed, talking over “matters and things.” when a heavy thunder-storm arose. ‘ The loud peals of thunder and vivid flashes of lightening filled them with terror and fearful'apprehensions. Suddenly they had received‘an-electric shock. Johnathan throiving his arms aroundihis dear, exclaim- edâ€"â€"“Hug up to me, Liz, let’s die like men.” - , A Double Hitâ€"A noble lord ordered his bricklayer to stucco his house down in - the best manner. The bricklayer. not doing it to his lordships liking, and charging more than‘ he expected, the latter exclaim- ed, _in a violent fit of passion r ‘ You are an arrant knave. ‘ Am I 1’ said the bricklayer. ‘ Just as your lordship spoke, the clock s’mck two. ' ’ ’ ONE Goon TURN Dcssaves AN- ,'0'l'FI"ER.-â€"-A favorite magpie had be'en‘ac- custorned to receive dainty bits from the mouth of its mistress. The other day, it perched as usual on her shoulder, and iii- serted‘ its beek between her lips, not, as it proved, to- receive, for, as one good turn " deserves another. the grateful bird dropp~ ed an immense green-caterpillar into- the l'ady’s mout‘h‘f ' . . Gnoo-suors roa WOMENâ€"A respec- table New York paper positivelynsserts that there are certain select places in that city, furnished in the most gorgeous style, and patronized almost exclusively by wo- men of wealth and fashion, who go there, first fOr ice-cream; fruit, &c., claret, champagne, brandy, inintjuleps, cherry-comers, and brandy-sling. _» _. curiosities Wirnted.â€"â€"Hinges.aiid locks I from the trunk of an elephant. ll‘liermometicai record of the winter 0f h our discontent. H _ A rough yarn twist-ed into a thread of discourse. Daguerreotype of the git-I Mr. Barney. ' = - ARRISTER and ATTORNEY,â€"Ot'fice, was asked to let alone. then for- ~. Set-U“ s: ~â€".,» M. TEEFY, _ j , CONVEYANCER, AND DIVISION COURT. AGENT, ‘ ' RICHMOND HILL rosr owner. I ' AGREEMENTS, Bonds,-Deeds, Mortgages, I . 1 Wills, &c.,.&c,, dran with attention and ‘pr‘o'm'ptltude. ’ " Richmond Hill, Aug 29: 1444f. bit nesri-zr-rr: RT” ‘ Member‘ofi'tlte Royal College of Surgeons England. Opposite the Elgin Mills, RICHMOND HILL. l27-lyp .â€"_â€" May 1. 1861. l. BOWMAN, WILD, :- Physician, Surgeons; Accoucheur One Door South of Lemon’s Hotel . u - THORNHILL. Mar 1%. 1861. 127-ly J. GO-RMLE Y, COMMISSIONER IN Q‘UEEN’S BENCH, Conveyancer and Auctioneer, LOT 31, 4TH CON. Mnaqurr. September‘ 18, 1860'. 95~tf ,Auction Notice. THOMASâ€"BOWMAN, Licensed Auctioneer, FOR THE COUNTIES OF YORK &. PEEL. receive prompt attention. the “ York Herald”0flice, Richmond Hill; Terms, &c. may be obtained. Almira, Nov. 25. 1859. 62-tf masonic arms motel, RICHMOND HILL. GEORGE SIMSON, PROPRIETOR. shown to Travellers. and Studs. wednesday in each month. .The’ Subscriber in calling the attention of the feels satisfied he can administer comfortably to their wants and with mutual satisfaction. Richmond Hill. April 20. 1860. RICHMOND HILL HOTEL. STAGE runs from the above Hotel to Toronto, every morning. starting from the Elgin Mills at 7.,, and returning at 7, p.m. Fare, 28. 6d each way. GOOD ACCOMMODATION FOR TRAVELLERS. RICHARD NICHO LLS, Proprietor. Richmond Hill, Dec. 18, 1858. 1-55 White Hart Inn, RICHMOND ILL. HE Subscriber begs to inform the Public that he has leased the above Hotel, where he willkeep constantly on,hand a good supply of first-class Liquors, &c. As this house possesses every accommodation Tra- vellers caii desire. those who wish to stay where they can find every comfort are respectfully iii- vrted to give him a call. CORNELIUS VAN NOSRAND. Richmond Hill. Dec. 28. 1860. 108~l 1YONGE STREET HOTEL, AURORA. GOOD supply of Wines and Liquors always on hand. Excellent Accommo- dation for Travellers, Farmers, and others. Cigars of'all brands. n: .53.? r > "D. McLEOD, Proprietor. Aurora. June 6, 1859‘. 25â€"1y _ ,,CALEB ~i.ui)r‘0n1), ;SAI)DLE AND HARNESS MAKER. I Opposite Mr. Purhiss' Store. , 104- THORNHILL ' ATENT Eave Troughs and Water Spouts superior to tin, put up at 6 cents per foot ; also, Drain Pipes. Seasoned Siding, Ladders, Shingles, Picket Gates, Waggon Fel- lows and Hubs, Barrel Heading, and Turning V in gonerai Manufactured andfor sale by JOHNLANGSTAFE STEAM MILLs, 'l‘uonNurLE. June 3, 1859. HUG-II CAMPBELL, \Vatch and Clock Maker, JEWELER, &c, Yonge Street, Aurora- Jewelry. Watches and Clocks repaired and cleaned on the shortest notice and lowestterms Aurora. February 17, 1860. 60-tf ‘TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAlNl By the use ofElectricity, "liloâ€"n By Dr. E. C. EDMONDS, SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA. , Teeth inserted on Silver. Gold or Vulcanized Rubber. All Operations in his Profession, performed in the most approved manner and Warraiited' Aurora. March 9. 1860 67-ly THE AURORA MASONI‘C QUADRILLE BAND 1 " Snow open» to receive engagements on li- beralterm. for any number, to suit‘ the convenience of large or small parties. " V Applications to Mr. WM. IRELAND. at Aurora, or Mr. W, WILLIS, 3rd Con. Whit- ehu‘rch. N.B. Also, a SAX-HORN BAND may be ad our application. Aurora. N01. 2'. 1860. 100-3m Charles Durade tinctures mastery. Hunter}: Hotei- SLAVERY COMMISSIONER in THE QUEEN’S Bianca TH All letters addressed to “Almira.” P.O. wil Orders received at Mr. Henry Lemon, Thornhill, and Mr, Jame Cavannah, Mansion House, Sharon, where GOOD Accommodations and every attention N Good Yards for Drove Cattle and Loose Boxes for Race Horses The Monthly Fair held on the Premises first public and his Old Friends to his establishment, 73-tf 27-tf : ANY who have been slaves to Rheumatic E‘Suhscriber begs to inform the Public that he has leased the above Hotel, where he will keep constantly cirhand- a good supply of first-class Liquors, &c. This house possesses every accommodation 'I’raVellers can- desire, those who wish to stay where they can find every comfort are respectfully invited to Village, in bottles at 25 and 5%. each. call. - " r j I , wt WEsTPHAL. Maple Villagb,-F;¢bt._‘14, 1861. Corner of Church? aiidtStanlloy Sis}; _, q _ 1 . _ H ’ Charles 0. Keller, Toronto, Sept. 6, 1861:. meaty G E O. M o P H I L I. I P S , ATTORNEY-AT . LAW. SOLICITOR " ‘ in Chancery,- Conveyanc'er, 616‘. Ofiico. I in Victoria Buildings, over the' Chrorridc office, Brock Street; Whitby. by the use of Ingram’s Infalable Lin‘iinent A certain cure for Rheumatism, Tic Doleroaurr, Sprains, Bruises and Sweltings ' . Prepared and sold by Joseph Ingram, Maple Provincial Land Surveyor,- RICHM'ON’D HIDE, C.W. December 14. 1860. vert‘on, ToWnsh'rp of Thorn-lit, and County of Ontario. The Division Courts iit’Oit‘t‘ai'ib. Richmond Hill, and Markham Village regularly attended. Whitby, Nov. 22. 1860. 104-1y loi-ry DR. N, J. PEC'K, Surgeon Dentist; Respectl‘hlly announces that he will be at Nicliol’s iiotel, Richmond Hill, On the 52nd Monday of each month, at plows r10 TEL, .Maple. On the Tuesday following, WHERE he will be happy to wait on those requiring his services in any branch of his professron. JAMES BO UL TON, Esq. Barrister, Law Officeâ€"Corner of Church and King Sts. Toronto, March 8. 1861. 119-tf EDWARD n. w. nuai), BARRISTE R, Attorney-at-Law. Solicitor . Teeth inserted on Gold Plateiium. Vulcan- in Chancery,Couvey aiicer, &.c. Money ized Rubber, cr Continuous Gum on l’lateiiuin. [advances procure'd on Eortgages, The latteBbt‘itlg the most be,autifui teeth now No 3 Jordan Street g ‘ . . P ‘ 'l r l ' ' ' ' ' in use r sex I ias all tie advantages of the Toronto, December 13. 1850. 108,). Profession, both in the Sta. s and Cauadas, having formerly been connected with Dentists §iii New York; he now receives direct from :thornl every improvement of the Profession throughout the United States. - Particular attention given to the Regulation of Children’s Teeth. Consultation Free. ~ All letters addressed to him at Aurora prem- ptly attended to. Aurora, Feb. 20, 1861'. w , MATHESON e rulers/tar, Barristers, Attorneys-'at-Law, SOLICITORS 1N CHANCERY, &c. OFFICE :v- CORNER OF KING AND TORONTO STREETS Over Whitmore & Co’s. Bonking Ofiice. TORONTO- Agency Partzcularly attended to- .- THOMAS C. MA'ruirsoN. Toronto, July 1, 1559. 117-ly CHEAPER THAN EVER I- F. Subscriber begs to iiiforin his numerous patrons and the public that lie is prepared to make Boots and Shoes Ofevery style and description. at the lowest possiule reinunerating prices. All work war- ranted to give entire satisfaction. W, H. MARTIN. JAMES FITZGERALD 31 -tf an. s. .771. JflR ms. Binnisriii-Ar-LAw AND SOLICITOR m crimson, Office removed to Gas Company’s Buildings, Toronto Street. Toronto, January’9, 1851. Cook’s Mill, Vaughan, December 7. 1860. 111-6ni A C A RD. 0- KEELE, Esq., of the City of Tor- URGEON Dentist, will be at Nicholl’s - onto. has opened an office in the VII- Hotep Richmond “in, the FIRST lage ofAurora for the transaction of Common MONDAY of every month, and, the re- Law and Chancery BRSHWSSI 315°: Convey‘ aiicing executed with correctness and despatch Division Courts attended. Wellington St. Aurora, & Queen St. Toronto November 20. 1860. 1044)? his residence, of York. All mainder of the month at McCaysvillo, 7th Concession Work War-ran ted. Teeth filled with Osteoplartic or Artificial Renoâ€"This filling is put into the Teeth while soft. causing no pain, as iti'equii'es no pressure, it soon becomes as hard as the tooth to which tt firmly adheres, rendering it almostimpossible for the filling ever to come out. Dr. Husband has made arrangements with Mr. G. L. Elliot, of Toronto. to riiaiiufacture his Artificial Teeth ; those who engage Doctor Husband to do their work will be sure of hav- ing it done in a superior manner, July8,1859. Albion Hotel, EAST MARKET SQUARE, "TORONTO, C.W. J - SMITH, Proprietor. Toronto, April 19. 1861. 1251'; TORONTO CITY MARBLE WORKS 185 YONGE S'I‘ALET. MONUMENTSTTI‘OMBTABLES TOMBSTONES, ac. Twenty Per Cent Cheaper THAN ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT. HE UNDERSIGNED Assignees of the estate of D. C. & W. YALE, will con- tinue the business under the superiiitendeiice of our duly authorized agents, Aus'riN ABBEY and D. CARLOS VALE. whose receipt will be duly acknowledged. l’,S.--All notes and accounts remaining nu- paid on the 1st day of June. 1858, will be put into Court for collection, 3245-. THE WELL-KNOWN BLACK HORSE HOTEL, Formerly kept by William Rolpli, Cor. of Palace &’ George Sts. - 48. W Toronto, April 29, 1859. [EAST or rm: MARKETJ 'roaouro. WILLIAM COX, Proprietor, [Successor to Thomas Palmer]. Good Stabling attached. Trusty Hostlers' always in attendance. - Toronto. April 19, 1861 . 12541}y DENTISTRY! W. C. ADAMS. D. D. S. Surgeon Dentist, 99 KING eraser, sour" ems. 'THIRD noon weer raon cuoacu s'r. 'roaou'ro, ' ARTICULAR attention given to the regu- lation of Children’s ecth. Consultation free. and all work warranted. Dr, A. has turned his attention to the im- provements of his profession in all its branches. and can supply the profession with Teeth, Gold, Vulcanized Apparatus. and Vulcanite Rubber. and the best Bone filling. . Mineral Teeth mounted on Gold, Silver, or Vulcanized Rubber, With Continuous Gums, which are warranted to give entire satisfaction Toronto,0ctober 11, 1860 49.13. JO. H. SMITH, St. LAWRENCE INN, 1 4 2 KING STREET. OPPOSITE THE ST. LAW'EENCE MARKET, TORONTO. Choice Liquors and Good Accommodation at reasonable charges. Good Stabling and a Careful Hostler in attendance. Toronto, April 10, 1861. 123-1y JOS. GREGOR’S Fountain Restaurant! 69 KING STREET, EAST. TORONTO. W . 'U'. s K E N E,‘ MILLWRIGHT, .1LTOJV.E, EGS to intimatehthat lie is now prepared to erect MILLS-'Of every description, by contract or otherwise, on reasonable terms' He is also agent for the best Foundries in Ca- nada. and from his lengthened experience he hopes to give general satisfaction. _ Altona, Dec. 23. 1859 ' Lunch every didâ€"y from 11 till 2. 0:? Soups, Games, Oysters, Lobsters, 6w a'ways on hand: Dinners and Suppers for Private Parties got up in the beststyle. ‘Torouto, April 19, 1861. 125-13' 4 NEWBIGCINC HOUSE, ATE Clarendon Hoiel, No. 28, 30, and 32 J Front Street, Toronto. Board $1, per day, Forters always in attendance at the Cars and Boats. UNITY Fire & Life Insurance Association or LON DON, Vr’itli which is Amalgamated the Equitable Fire Office. CAPITAL, £2,500,300, STERLING. Available Assets Fire Departm’t $4,547,061 10 Life Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,526,595 46 Deposit Fund in Canada . . . . . . . 50,000 00 Deposit Fund in NewYork... . . 150,500 00 iâ€"-â€" W. NEWBIGGING, Proprtetor. Toronto, April 8, 1861. l24-1y Eastern Hotel, ORNER of King and George Streets, Toronto, C.W. WM. MONKHOUSE, Pro~ prietor. Good accommodation for Travellers Large Stabling, and a Good Hostler always in attendance. ‘ Toronto, April 10, 1861. CHIEF OFFICE iN CANADA : - MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE MONTREAL. Directors, Fire Department . J. Frothingham, Esq. W. Lunn, Esq. 8. Holmes, Esq. J. G. Mackenzie, Esq, A. Larocque, Esq. J. Torrance, Esq. 123 1y Trustees in London : Sir W. C. Dalyell, l C. F. Bazin, Esq, Trustees in New York: S. Livingston. firm ofBarclcy & Livingston, Wm. H. Macy. Pres’t Leather Manufa'ct Bank W. Sherman, firm of Duncan, Sherman 6500 , Every description of Also a Branch ORICO in the village ot‘ Bea- J ABOLISHED, Grist and Saw Mill :- HE Subscriber, in returning thanks to his numerous Friends who favored him' with tyrannflh‘“ been °mir°IY 901911011’5‘8‘1 their custom at the Headford Mills, begs to inform them that he has taken the MILLS lately occupied by Mr. B. Fisu, known as the Sherborne M1113 ,Near the Green Bush Hotel. Yonge Street.-â€". Those Mills beingiii first-rate order. any one Richmond Hm. June'94. 1861. givi'ig him a call will find‘ihe‘Gristing done in a superior manner. Parties wishing to take 1")“ their Gristingi back with‘ them can do so. 113’ Allwork warranted second to none in :Chhadh. ‘ GEORGE SQUIRE, Proprietor. ‘Mnrkham. April 19. 1861. l25-tf FINKLE 8: LYON SEWING - MACHINE COMP’Y., 538 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. 0 person who contemplates purchasing a Sewing Machine for family or manufac- turing purposes, should fail to send for one of our Circulars. which contains cuts and full do- scriptions of the several styles, prices and samples of work, all of which we send by mail free. We claim to have the best Sewing Machines in the World For either Family or Manufacturing purposes. And all we ask is a fair trial. Read the following: IMPORTANT FACTS. FACT No. 1.â€"'I'his Company being duly li- censed, their Machines are protected against infringements or litigation. NAC’I‘ No. 2.-â€"-Theso Machines make the lock- stickwalike on both sidesâ€"and use a little less than half as much thread and silk as the chain or loop-stitch machines. FACT No. 3.â€"These Machines are better adap- ted than any other sewing-machines iii the market to the frequent changes and almost endless variety of sewing required in a fa- mily. They will sew from one to twenty thicknesses of Marseilles without stopping, and make every stitch perfect. They will even sew from the finest gauze to the hear viest cloth. and even stout, hard leather. without changing the feed, needle. or ten- sion. or making any adjustment of machine whatever. Is not such a machine best adapted to family use 7 and if best adapted to family use, why not for every variety of light sewing manufacture? For work too heavy for em Family Machine, we recom- mend onr larger sizes. FACT No. 4.â€"-These Machines make the most elastic seam of any sewing-machine in useâ€" a fact of very great importance in sew- ing elastic goods. or goods of any kind, on a bias. FAcr No. 5.-â€"No Machine is more durable or more simple in its constructiou,or more easily understood. The reputation of these Ma- chines wherever used Will fully demonstrate each of the above rAcrs. FACT No. 6 -These Machines took the High- est Premium at the Franklin Institute, Phil- adelphia. . FACT No. 7.â€"These Machines took the High- est Fremium at the New Jersey State Fair. FACT No 8,â€"These Machines took the high- est Medal at the American Institute, in the City of New York, together with the High- est Premium for fine Sewing-Machine Work FACT No. 9.â€"These Machines took both the Highest Premiums at the Mechanics' Fair, Utica. N.Y. FACT No. 10.â€"-These Machines can do the same thing generally, whenever properly exhibited in competition with other first-class Sewiiig-h’lachines. But we have space for only onefact moreâ€"it is the most important Fact of all. FACT N O. 11.â€" W's warrant every Machine we sell to give better satisfaction. than. any other Sewing~Maclrinc in the market. or money refunded. [IFSend fora Circular. AGENTS WANTED Address, FINKLE & LYON SEWING-MACHINE Co,, No . 538 Broadway, New York. September 5, 1861. 145-6"). Provincial Insurance Company, OF CANADA. FOR. fire cnh Marine fliisnranrr, us'rAnLIsHm) 1849, INBORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT I REA 0 0FFICE,-â€" TOR ONTO. PRESIDENT :â€"Hon. John Hilliard Cameron. VICE-PRESIDENT :â€"J. S. Howard, Esq. DIRECTORS : Hon 1. H. Cameron, George Duggaii, E q Hon. Geo, Crawford, J. S. Howard, Esq. Hon.M.Cameron,M.P. Edw. C. Jones, Esq. J.Cameron,Esq.M.P.P A. Morrisou,Esq.l\’1PP A. M. Smith Esq. Lewis Moti'at, Esq. W. L. Perrin, Esq Manager and Secretary râ€"James Sydney Crocker, Esq. Assist. Secretary .- J. W. Woodhouse,Esq. SOICITORS :â€"-â€"Messrs. Du Iran 8. Burns, 5 BANKERS :â€"The Bank of Toronto. Manager qf Agencies : Win. Blight, Esq. IRE and MARINE INSURANCE busi- ness transacted by this Company at its va- rious Agencies, as well as the Head Office. To- ronto, at fair and average rates. The numerous and responsible Stockholders of this Company, and the large amount of ca- pital subscribed, afford an amount of security to the assured, equal at least to that of airy other Company transacting business in the Province A. LAW. Agent at Richmond Hill. Toronto, April 18,1861. 125-ly- BEAVER MUTUAL Fire Insurance Association, TORONTO, C. W. OFFICE, 20, TORONTO S TREE T INCORPORATED UNDER ACT or PARLIAMENY, 22 VIC., CAP. 52. DIRECTORSâ€"H- Rowsell, Toronto; B. W. Smith, Barrie; Dr. Duncumb, Richmond Hill ; W. H. Smith, Toronto; Donald Sutherâ€" land, Toronto : \Vm. Helliwell, Scarborough: Edwin Chown, Kingston; S. Thompson. Toronto. HAVING guarded against loss from Fire by Insuring your property, consider if it would not be as well to make a little additional provision for your family in case of your own, premature death :â€"â€"whether it would not be as Well,through the assistance of a Life Assurance Company, to provide a legacy for your wife or daughter, or, if you have not the happiness to. be blessed with them, think if the possession of a few hundred pounds additional might not be of advantage to yourself a few years hence. If you decide that it would, write .0 the Managing DirectOr of the PROVIDENT LIFE ASSUR- ANCE AND INVESTMENT COMPANY. 20 Toronto Street. Toronto. for a “ Proposal ” "Subscribed Cafigal, $1,743,520.. CHARLES ‘FAGGART, CONFECTIONER. ~ BREAD & FANCY BISCUIT admit RICHMOND HILL. Plo-nic Parrishâ€"dz- Tea Meetings _ Attended and supplied on reasonable terms, ' joininglto, 5.1.]; 911- '[T‘aai con: OCI'I .fq alesaloq,“ "since 09 so; safierped 17 ‘siuao g1 IO} .iapiaq auiogpew pue 1333.3an Lian [q “mag 31: p.03 HOLLS'AUMVOWHOM ,Lor-tis (warn: S.EIIZNE[}I9W "3U 'EI'O ‘zw-WOW '00 is auv'io ‘NVIIIA'I ' 1'0 ‘9llgn9m3AI ‘NVNA'I 18 cIOiIHLHON 'AI'O ‘01"Ovtoil "OO '18 .I..LOI'I'IEI ‘NVNA'I THE Liverpool and London Fire & Life Insurance Company. Head Ofiice, Canada Branch, Corner of Place D’Arines and St James Street, Montreal. Invested Funds £1,213,317 Stg. DIREC’I‘ORS.-â€"T. B. Anderson. Esq. Chair- man, A. Siiiipsou, Esq. .1)epntv-Chairiiian, Henry Chapman, Esq. E. J. S. Mhitland, Esq. James Mitchell, Esq. Henry Starnen. Esq. M.P.P. 1.1-1. Maitland. Esq. Resident-Score. tary, G. F. C. Smith, Resident Assistant- Secretury. . ' HE Directors would call the attention'of the Public to the following features in the manageiiieiitof this company:â€" The Premiums received in Canada are retained and invested in Government or other Pro- vincial Bonds. All Losses when satisfactorily established are paid in Canada without reference to the Home Board. ‘ ‘ That there is not, at the present time, one claim in dispute. There is invested in Canada in Available Funds 200,000 Dollars, and this is being '1‘. P.1{obans' constantly added to. That there is invested in New York $900,000. -â€"and it is the intention of the Directors to increase this sum to $1,000,000. The accumulated Funds of the Company [No- vember 1859] amount to over 5,958,730 dols. The present income of the Company is over 7,590 dols. per day. Insurances effected at the Lowest Roinnirero ative Prices. J. H. MAI'I‘LAND. Resident Secretary, Montreal. TorontoAgency : 85 King Street East. South side, [over the store of J. G. Joseph .51. Co.] JAMES FRASER,Agent. Toronto. April 19. 1861. I25-1v H. a. J. HARRISON I Flour Barrel Heading, Stave and Shingle Manufacturers, and Lumber Planers. Seasoned Flooring and Siding kept on hand, and Planed to order in quantities to suit pur- chassis. 0? Factoryâ€" on ’Markham and Elgin Mills Plank Road. P.O. address, Richmond Hill. June 7. 1861. 132-6m YORK MILLS HOTEL, YONGE STREET, THE Subscriber begs to intimate that he has leased the above hotel, and having fittnd it upiii the latest style travellers may rely upon having every comfort and attention at this first class house. Good Sia‘oling and an attentive Hostler al- ways iir attendance. WILLIAM LENNOX, Proprietor York Mills, June 7. 1861. 132-1y A. IVIACNABB. ARRISTER, Attorney, Solicitor, &c.‘ King Street, East, [over Leader Oflice,]' Tomato, C.W. Toronto, April, 12, 1861. W'illiam Grant, TTORNEY - AT-LAW. Solicitor in Chan- 1 cery, Conveyancer, &c. Toronto. Office in the “ Leader” Buildings, King Street. Toronto, April 12, 1861. 123-1y 123â€"1)! Wellingtdn Hotel, Aurora ! OPPOSITE THE TORONTO HOUSE. GEO. L. GRAHTM. momma... LARGE and Commodious Halland other ~ im rovements have. at great expense, been ma 0 so as to make this House the largest and best north of Toronto. Travellers at this House find every convenience both for them- selves and horses. Valuable 135-tf Ric Property for Sale VIZ: 63 Acres, 23 of which is timberod, 40 Acres under Cultivation. 3min I'AaK LOTSwith timber thereon. Also, VILLAGE PROPERTY 'With or without Buildings. I ‘ ‘ above property is situatedat'. ended? the Village of i . fjond Ellis" For further particulars apply at the Ofiiood- of this paper. . â€". “1": Richmond Hill, Sept. 26.1860. 96:0 , NEW TREA TMENm - â€"'â€"â€"â€" I “It; "I Buffalo Medical Dispensary" Established for the cure of i I or SPEPSIA, G E N E a A L DEaiLt'rr‘. FEVER .AND AGUE ASTMA‘. INClPIEN’I‘ CONSUMPTION, CONSUMPTION 0F YOUTH AND OLD AGE, IT. N o Mereâ€"i-ufy Used. Dr. Amos ct: Son. 48 EAST GENESEE s'rnee'r, runes noons WEST OF ELLICOTT STREET, V' Buffalo. New York, RE the only Physicians in the State who are members of the Rovai College of Surgeons, London. May be coiisulted from :8 o’clock in the morning until 9 at night, in every state and symptom of disease. The treatmentthey adopt is the result of up- wards ofithirty years’ extensive and successful practice in Europe and America. s 1. MOST SCIENTIFIC INVENTION. An instrument for the cure of Genital Ddbi- lily, of Nocturnal Emissions, more properly known as Seminal Weakness, doc. Can be permanently cured in from 15 to 20 days, by the use of this instrument, when used cone jOintly wrth medicines. ' YOUNG MEN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. _ Dr. Ainos & Son take pleasure ln announc- ing that they have invented a mostimportani instruiiientforthecure of the above diseases. It has been subjected to a test of the most em- inent liysiciaiis in London. Paris. Philadelphia and ow York r it has 'been declared the only useful instrument over yet invented for the cure of Seminal weakness, Or any disease of the genital organs, caused by the secret habits of youth. Dr. Amos dc Son. in order to satisfy the most skeptical as to the merits of their iiistrn- iiieiit, pledge themselves that in any instance where it may prove unsatisfactory, after a fair trial. the money will be refunded b retu , the instrument in good order. y filing .Persons wishing the above useful instrument. wrll observe that the price, with the acycom- panyiug directions, securely packed.‘and sent by mail or express, is ten dollars. "YURI saw REMENIES AND QUICK cunts --A \VAnuAanD. Dr. Amos 6L SOII have. for along series of years, been engaged in an extensive practice iiitlie treatment Of these delicate complaints, and are the only legally qualified physicians who now. advertise to cure certain complaints. or from.whom genuine European remede can be obtained. ‘ Persons in any part efthe world may be suc- cessfully treated by forwarding a corrcct detail of their cases, with a remittance for medicines &c., which will be returned with the utmost dispatch and secure from observation. - ' Address Dr. Amos & SON, 48 East Genes” Street, three doors West of Ellicott Street. Buffalo, N. Y . 8841y : . Fire! Fire I I Fire! I W E S T E R N Fire Insurance Com of Toronto. pa up INCORPORATED BY ACT 01“ PARLIAMENT. 0.31)]va STOCK, £100,000. 1. C. GiLnion, Pres. [ Giza. NIICHIE,VICO Pr”. DIRECTORS : Rico Lewis.- .sq. 'I'lios Hawortli E James Beaty. Figq. W Henderson: ‘st . W M f l ‘ M. Rossiu, Esq. l l he at “no. Esq. Bernard Haldan, Esq. Secretary 15- Treasurer. Angus Morrison, Esq. Solicitor. Batik ofUpper Canada. Bankers. Benjamin Switzer, Esq. Inspector. (I? Heart Oflicc. Church Street, Torontd. a â€"â€"â€"â€". Triis COMPANY Insures all descriptions of Buildings,Nianuthctories, Mills. &'c.. and 6660- ‘ and Furniture, in the same, against loss ordina- age by fire. on liberal terms. Losses promptly settled. . R i] . A. LAW, esuence. G Richmond HillAugnst 13. 13578.".“1‘; Ki Gilli hurt guilt: IS PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNI' , And 'despatched to Subscribers by the calico in ails, or other conmyance. when so desired The YORK HERALD will always "" be be foniidto containthe latestand mostimpor- taut Foreign and Provincial News and Mar. keis, and the greatest care willbetaken to render it acceptable tothe man of bush and a valuable Family Newspaper. w“. TERMSâ€"Seven and Sixpence per Annnm, ll ADVANCE; and if not paid withi ‘ _Moutlis two dollars will be charged. “ '1 hrco RATES OF ADVERTISING": Sixlines and under, first’insertion‘. . . . .3500 50 Each subsequent insertion . . . . . , , . . . , 00 12 Ten lines and under. first insertion . . . . . 00 75 Above ten lines. first in., per line.... 00 07 Each subsequentinsertiou, perline. . . . 0" 02 - 0:? Advertisements without written direc- tions inserted till forbid. and charged accord. iiigly. All transitory advertisements. from stronger or irregular customers, must be paid for when handed in for insertion. A liberal discount will be made to parties ad- vertising by the year. All advertisements published for aless pe- riod than one month, must be paid for in ad. vance. All letters addressed to the Editor mu.‘ 1.. post paid. No paper-discontinued until allarrearagesaro paid : and parties refusing papers without a - ing up. will be held accountable forthe scription. - ' THE YORK HERALD Book and J 01) Printing ESTABLISMENT. RDE‘RS for any of the undermontio 0 description q,f.PLA1N and FANCY J 8 WORK will be promptly attended to :â€" nooxs, r‘AKov BILLS, BUSINESS CARDS. lAROI AND SMALL POSTERS.CIRCULARS, LA w FOR)". BILL HEADSJIANK C'IincxsmuAI-‘rs, AND rAMPuLE'rs. corner of Adelaide and Yonge Streets, Toronto, will attend to Suits in all the Superior Courts of Law. Chancery and County Court : also. on request. to Country Business in the Division- Courts. Deeds. Leases. Mortgages. and. every de- scription of Conveyancing drawn up with care ‘ , , and atieasonable prices. - ‘ - ~ - . Letters post paid attended to, Toronto. November 20, 1860. N .B.-â€",A careful ostler always in attendance. Aurora Station. April 1861. 126-ly. A- MAIRE. B- A- ‘ TTORNEY - 'AT-LAVV, SOLICITOR . ,,iiI,Chaticer_v. Conveyancer, &c. Main Street, Markham Village. November 22. 1860 L form, and a copy of the Rates. Or. possibly. the Agent of the " Beaver ” may possess a copy of, both documents. which he can accommodate you with, and give you a little information on the subject besides. V V 1 IE? Insurances may be effected for one, two, or three years, at moderate rates. ' Agent athiclimond Hillâ€"J. R'. ARNOLD. TOrouto,Apri19,1861. ‘ 125.1). Rockers for the cradle of liberty. The shadow of a knot hole. Feathe from the wing of a flying report, A rifie for the scythe of time. The latch string of a lodge in some vast wilderness. ‘ I _ Tosee the ‘ mountain’s brow" 11'me A nail from the ‘ finger of scorn.’ Fire and Life In surance Business transacted at the most moderate rates of Premium. W. P. REYNOLDS, Manager in B. N. A. Agent for Torontoâ€"ARTHUR M. JARVIS, OHIOeâ€"Wtiittimore' Buildings, Toronto St. Toronto, April 12, 1861} 123-1)! [ALWAYS IN ATTENDANCE. . Aird every other kind of . LETTERâ€"PRESS PRINTING done in the beststyle. at moderate rates. Our assortment of JOB TYPE is entirely new and of the latest patterns. A large variety of new Fancy Type and Borders, for Cardl, Circulars ,&c. kept always on hand. B.COOD$TIBL1NCATTACMED Anornusrv Mos‘runs IJOHN‘MILLS,Peeparencii; hi: 104-8111 ‘ __ 10-1- 0'

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