Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 4 Oct 1861, p. 3

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- w - V .(;.~. ». , V A FL I, T ,A D TO ALL WHOM l-T‘MAY CONCERN I THE w...__.~___v_....___._._. ' DR. 1‘. DELLENBAUGII, The Old and Original German Physician B. M. n. C. w. COLEMAN. Try the truly great run KILLER, BRIGGS' MA“.- W ATCIâ€"IM AKER SE J E‘WELLER, GIG RELIEF, and if you are not satisfied'of its supe- harness GitEAl-lmllllolisl ANY of these Books will be. furwardcd by NEXT OF KIN. WANTED. HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS POUNDS STERLING IN CHANC'ERY, BANK} eâ€"J .g o H , _ 0F BUFFALO N Y. n'ority, after using the medicine, the price will be "- No. 283 roman 'STREET TORONTO “If,” as, , .id to n , . yd . . _ . . v 7 r : fundedb theA h ' u ., - ’ ’ - v v -- . a l’ f“ ' a -‘ ‘“ "is", 05‘ "’ Tenlplals 0f Blahmond “JL be i“ the following places in the bottle; dotcbyiit defietsicrfigzmllgecizs camp" 0F ENGLA“ Di “cv‘wa'm‘g Cla‘ma‘m' A celpt 0ft)“68 by 30H" POTTER. Publisher, , JRST store north of Crookshank-stree’t.â€"â€"- Repairing in all its branches properly at- l tended to. All work warranted. N.B. An ‘ assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewellery and Fancy Goods kept On hand. - Toronto, Sept. 6, l86l. Catalogue of the heirs. and names of those to whom letters should be addressed in England, will be sent post free, On receipt of 60 cents in ,United States’ stampshortwo for $1. Old claims must be presented at once. Refer- eitcesfiâ€"A. K. Hill. Boston; J. Burnham, Chief of Police, Haverhill. Address ‘ ' ,S. QRBETON & CO. r n . Box 250, Post Office, Boston, Mass “ September-12. 1861. ' SEND GREETING : And would respectfully announce that they intend holding their First ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL .’ I On the Grounds of the Presbyterian Church, Richmond Ilill, 0n TItIu'sday,~0ct. 10, 1861. In order to enliven the occasion, an excellent BRASS BAND ' “It” be in attendance. THE PROCESSION! Will be formed at the Hall at Twelve o’clock. Tea will be Sci-val at ONE o‘clock 17.111 After which the following gentlemen are ex- pected to adtl"ess the audience :â€"-'l‘he Rev. Messrs. Dick, VVilloughby, Milligau, Fergu- son, Rodgers, and A. \Vriglit, Esq., M.P.l’. 'l‘emperanco Organizations, and Friends of the cause generally, are invited to attendâ€"â€" No. 617 Sansom St ,rl’vhiladelplria, Pa. [13° Agents wanted everywhere; m5 HORSE, AND, HIS DISEASES: ROBERT, JENNINGS, 'v. a, Pnornsson or. PA'r'I-Iomcv ash OPERATIVE SUR- GERY In THE VETERINARY Common or PHILAâ€" DELPHIA. PROF. 0F VETERINARY MEDICINE IN THE min AGRICULTURAL (ouster; or OHIO, SECRETARY OF THE AllfllRICAN VETERINARY Assoctx’rton or Pitt- LADELPIIIA, l".l'(:., are. month of October, 1861 :â€"o Ncwnunlrnt-â€"Nortli American Hotel. Oc‘â€"' tober 1st and 32nd. ‘ Richmond Hill -Nicholls’ Hotel the 3rd. Torontoâ€"Revere House the 4th and 5th, Where he can be consulted on all forms of Lingering Diseases." - ' » ' Richmond Hill, Sept. ‘20, 1861. UNDER COATS. OW receiving the Best and Cheapest as- sortment ol MEN’S COATS .2 Ever shown on Richmond Hill, in Frock. Shooting. Albert and Seek Shapes. in Full Cloth, Tweed, Doeskin, Broad Cloth, and Cassimere, made in the - Best Style by Superior Workman ‘lAnd will be sold as cheap as the same quality can be sold in Toronto. Please call and ex- amine our stock. ' 145-6m NEW" GREEN, TEAS, ,SUGARS, sac; _..â€"_ GARGLING on. surna'snnan. RIGGS’ BLACK OIL is acknowledged by all who . have used it, to be superior to Gargling Oil, or any other Medicine now before the Public, for Sprains, Bruises, Cuts. Galls, and all injuries to Horscflesh. Good for man and beast. ' Price, 25 cents per bottle. Sold by all Dealers In Medicines manhunt EXAMlNE THE LATEST IMPROVED 1 47-3t. H. MYERS Has now in Stock 3 complete assortment of SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS In every description of Mountings, which Don‘t. miss our present Bargains I46-3m. unwnumn N RICHMOND IIILL. ‘ HE Subscriber would respectfully announce - to the Residents of Richmond Hill audl the Farmers of the surrounding country. thatl he has just received a splendid larre lot of: L . l JVew Green Teas) Sugars,‘ TOBACCOS, CHEESE, RICE. WELL TELL YOU Of the Origin/.Tlistoryand distinctive traits of the various breeds of Euroâ€" pean,Asiatic,African,and Americh Horses, with the physical formation and peculiarities - of the animal, and how to ascertain his age by the number-andcondition of ltistoeth ; il- lustrated with many explanatory engarvxngs. -‘ THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES Edwin 7W_ ebber, BEGS to intimate to the inhabitants of Rich- vmond Hill and Vicinity, first ‘he has commenced bcsiuess as CABINET MAKER, UNDERTAKER, ac, Rasins, Currants, Vinegar, SOAP, &c. &c, &c. i he offers, on most humuuMM EITHER FOR ' CASH OR CREDIT I .â€".. All my Collars! ~ ARE WMN'K‘E D SAFE In every respect. I have also on hand a large assortment of JVI-IIPS TVIHPLASHES All of which will he sold at unusual low prices. The public will do well to call and examine the Stock before purchasing elsewhere. AsI am determined not be under sold by any in the trade. Richmond Hill, Oct. 4«, 1861. 14.9-3mo. Members of Temperance Organizations are re- quested to attend in Regalia. Tickets, 25 cents; Children under 12 years of age, 15 cents; to be had of the Secretary, and on the grounds. J. HAMILTON, C/Lui 1‘7an 2:, Richmond Hill, Oct. 4, 1861. W. HARRISON, Secretary. 119-11. S'ITRAYED ROM the Premises of the Subscriber, F rear of Lot 27, 3rd Concession of Markham, a‘ BIEIJVDLE S T111313, with a white head, 3 years old. Any person giving such information as will lead to its re- covery will be suitably rewarded. JOSEPH ELLERBY. Marham, Sept. 25, 1861. 148-31. Exccutors’ l’crcmptory CLOSING SALE BY AUCTION. HE undersigned has received instructions from the Iilxecutors of the estate of the late Cuxrcxms MAchs to Sell, Without Re- - WM. S. POLLOCK. Richmond Hill, Sept. 11, 186], 14G VINEGAR ! VINEGAn ! l A Splendid quality or Malaga Raisin VINE- . GA R. CHEAP, S'rnono and Excellcntior Pickling Just received at ‘ ' ‘ : WM. S. POLLOCK’S. Richmond Hill, Sept. ll, l86l. {46. “hours. R Ufi. _â€" F5» ,4 _ , .__ which he otl'ers at very different Prices to what they will be required to pay for the same Goods a foltnighi'henco, and Would rccom- mend his friends to, call or send.theit- orders without delav: Fine Souchong Breakfast 25. 6d peril). Superior do English do do. “ 3s. 3s. 6d. " Splendid Young Hyson do do. 6‘ 3s. 6d. and 3s. 9d. per lb. [There-is not‘another lot of Green Teas in Toronto at anything like the money] .FANNING MIL . EFORE buying any other Fanning Millâ€"- considered by campetent Judge's to be the best constructed Mill before the Canadian public for separating Oats from Spring \Vheat. iPeas and Oats, and for cleaning in fact all kinds of Grain. This Mill stands unrivalled, Rielllmlnd Hilly]??? 7: 1851- is made of good D URABLE MATERIAL .’ Fine, Sweet, Bright Dry. Porto Rico Sugar, And is, from its construction. the best for Far- 161 and 11 lbs. for 3181. Wine Sap. Tobacco ‘ls. 3d. per 1b.. worth Is. 6d. . per lb. by the box. a. Finest American the,‘23 lbs.for'$l [dirt cheap] Raisins, [Best Fru_it1'6d. and 7d§. per lb., or 9 and 11 lbs. for-$1, [A reduction from the above by the box.] niers use in the Province. , They are manufactured by the undersigned, , at Richmond Hill, to whom all orders slTould be addressed. ll? Farmers would do well to call and ex- Two doors south of the “ York Herald” Oilice. where he has on hand a general assortment of Household ‘- Furniture, Of the best, quality, cheap for cash, {In}: A Gall-is solicited- I32-ft 4.14. â€"â€"_...- woaMs. For destroying" Worms in, children, , SITTZER‘S VERDIIP‘UGE CANDY is by 1hr the most pieasan safe, and ctfectnal remedy now in use. Try. it! Sol - by all dealers in medicine's. In. B’iovifl,‘ Jag. ‘ I » ~ BROKE-It, amine the Mill, when passing down Yonge St. ate and General Agellt, Orders left at the residence of Mr. Southard, As before,the best Soap in the city 7d,;. per bar, at Newmarket, wi‘l receive prompt attention. . ' Shepâ€"Within Eight Rods of Raymond’s llote QEaletual 1311's.. Qtssuranrc (tlo’p. or 9 bars for $1. Vinegar [strong enough to pickle nails] ls. 3d. per gallon. ' The above is only a small sample of our Riellmond Hm' July 18' 1861' present bargains. P S.â€"~'1‘he Conductor of The New Street Railway will bring you to on door. DUGALD CRAWFORD, Corner of Yonge and Agnes Streets. SOUTHARD,BOYN’1‘ON & Co 138-ft IMPORTANT. DR. WISTAR‘S PULMONIC SYRUP, is highly re- commended, for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Group, and all diseases of the Lungs and Throat. 25 cents per AGENT FOR. 1 MASDNIC HALL, 'I‘onos'ro S'rnnn'r. TORONTO- l’? Money to Lend on ImprOVed Farms April 19. 1861. IQS-Iy EMPLOYMENT! $40 A MONTH! WILL TELL YOU ()f lirecding,‘Breaking, Stabling, Feeding, Grooming, Shoeing. and the gen’ral management oftlie~liome,ivitli the best modes of administering medicine. also, how to treat Biting,Kicking. Rearing, Shying, Stumbling, Crib Biting. Restlessiiess, and other views to which he is subject; with unmet-ens explanatory engravings. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL. TELL YOU Ofthe causes. symptoms, and treatment ofStrahg'es, Sore‘Throat, Dis- temper,Catarrh, InfluenZa. Bronchitis, Pneu- monia, Pleprisy, lroken Vde, Chronic Cough, Roaring and Wliistling,Lampas,Sora Mouth atttl‘Ulccrs, and Dccayed Teeth, with 1 other diseases of the Mouth and 'Jtespiraiory Organs. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Ofthecanscs. symptoms, and Treatment of \Vorms, Bolls,»~Colic, Strangulation, Stony Concrctions, Rupturos, Palsy, Diarrhma, Jauudice, llcpatirrma, Bloody Urine, Stones in the Kidneys and Bladder, Inflammation, and other diseases oi the Stomach, Bowels, Liver and Urinary Organs. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Ofthe causes, svn‘tptoms, and Treatment ofBone Blood, and Bog, Spa. vin, lingâ€"Bone, chonie, Strains, Broke-It Knees, Wind Gal's, Founder, Sole Bruise bottle, Jig-cuts W’anted.‘ and Cravel, Gracked, Iloofs, Scratches, (.‘auo ker, Thrush. and Corns: also, of Mcgrims, Vertigo. Epilepsy, Sluggers, .and other (118* eases of the Foot, Logs and Head. __ , . ,7 are dvicc to Canadians __._,_..- Important Crc (lit Sale serve, by Public Auction. on Lot No. 15, 51h Concession of Markham, On Tuesday, October 15, .1861, 13â€". â€" r Toronto, Sept. 20. 1061. 147-21, V E want an active agent in every County . in the United States and Canada, to 4. numhnu FARMING IZIIPLEMENTS ! THE \VHOLE STOCK OF GRAIN AND HAY, VIZ. : Canada ! Canada ! heed the sound That comes to you ’cross your southern bound, Southerner, Northerner, Beauregard, Scott, Englishman, Scotchntan, Irishman hot; T K. FALCONBIIIim-E AKES pleasure in announcing to his Friends and others, that he is now receiving Sell the Franklin Sewing Machine. To a limited number of 'l‘ravelljng Agents we will pay a salary of $40 per Month &' all ExpenSes. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of the causes, symptoms, and Treatment of Fistula, Poll Evil, Glan- dcrs. Farcy, Scarlet Fever, Mango, Surfelt, A ‘ ‘ ' ' Brothers a“d mum’s. 3'0 Magog 311d Gog.- an hx‘enswc and bupenor bunk 0‘ To local agents acotnmissioh of 30 per cent. on Li)??? Jaw, [Elieummismh Clamp’ .Gans’ . ‘4 Mlle“ (lows: l“ calf “I . . - l - d ' Diseases of the Lye and Heart. 61c, and how r 10 be sold bv pump, Auchom on Lot No. 2 Heifers o 3.111 compare It to not 1mg but 0g eating ' allfiales. 1 . _ t d t _ _ to mama ,e Castratiommeedmg Tremmming 4i I I'M ‘l h t on t i ' - "l" _ _ _ ‘very macnne Is warran e 0 gym univer- . - ° . - ’ , , ,, 17’ H concessmn 0 m I an ’ f glfiirilgf’pgfigegvégirgoofig) Twohund ed thousand kinsmen Willi knives, , I S,” satisfaction. and kept in repair Six monthS_ S3;OLISE’05:;lelfdrljizlal;'2’)328;?,:‘Lf911r I all chdncsday, OCl‘OZJC’T 23rd, l yeiaflm Fm'v’ 3 Seekmg "Night 8156‘ [ml 050" 0 llb’r's “"097 Recent improvements renders this machine the TH} ‘ ‘ 5 l _| ‘ 14 (“cod Show mm °“° sundav morning a“ the Bums Rm” 110 would direct warticular attention to his assortment of \VOOLENS comprisinor a Cheapest and most impala!“ i" 1110 market- FO" (‘ {IQRPL.ANI) HIS DISEASES The f llowmg S"Perla" Farm SlOCk and Im' 14 I; q “1 ll, S And aimed at each other their rifles and guns; ' l l . l f ’ a full particulars and a permanent blwmess’ ad_ WILL '1 LLL 1 CU of Rarey’s method of pleniits, the property of Mr. Edward San~ 2 W'flgt-EOES‘ g A mousand {an "ably, the rest Hm away. atge supp y 0 dress. wuh Smmp for return mum, tsatixlipg how to Approach, “aim, 0,. det’sron, viz .â€" 2 Sléi rhs Vowing they’ll s/mw ’cm-â€"-some other day. HARRIS BROTHERS. )e a o ; now to accustom a, horse to 1 Superior Marc. 6 years old, by Rollin Howl 2 “0:38 '1 um. Launda, mm )‘0111' 0305 from a Slglll D NS, s, SOLE AGES” FRANKLIN SEWING MACHmE co ggzlé%esofi;hd: all-6 how, to, “It; 1 d0 GOldlnflv 3 do b." ‘lGrem “final”, 1 Pair llarrows 3:3:Iggfiléfiggyfibtgrg11-23:}ll:,I,.l,i!l;;’,,,.ep.,ro In every color, BLANICE'PS, &c., &c.; also to l37â€"3m Box 186 Boston, Mass. “804'”; f0,.,.n'm;d law of\ yd]:;,;?lt).] (matched and have taken sovera. prizes) 1 I and Ron“- , ~ , 2- ‘ ,‘ . ‘ . â€"«~ ~ I whole bei, the res, H off'r‘, , I ' O ‘ . J . . C . . . g 4,. . . , ‘ ‘ ‘ l I 3 {U1 1 super,” Geld,,,g_ 8 wars Old I Fanning M.” In time of sweet peace tor unite] and war ‘ _, i, 1 , q, , , r [louseg and I otg for Stile ; ' g _ con years (are - . ,, f, ., . . y A longsrx months’ wmter you have seen t I” ll ‘. ‘t 1'1 ll ll " 'HM 'l"‘~ 'r, ll! '1" '~ ‘ 1 _ I ' study ofthe habits, peculanties wams and 1 Durham Cow, :1 ytars old, ‘1)? _ Comet. About 18,000,1lrtcks "100,â€"... 7 , o inqumm lquumm l thallium" 111mm“ MW, mum“, imam,“ MW 11mm, 111mm, “ml Wm: . r ‘ weaknesses of this Home and mgr“ animal, dam imported ‘ lot-kslure Lass. In calf by A large quantity of good well-seasoned Hay , ,1 - t 1 I t H. 1 “Sb 1 t? ‘ t . . . _ . _ 0R EACHAAGE. The book contains 384 Dan“ an“, Hale] ' Goldfmdor ’; took took the 50901101 PM," ‘1‘ Wheat, Barley, Oats. Peas. Corn. Potatoes, (it' Emit-‘wefilfifiéifioj ‘fgea£_iev0:§:nfln ma A variety of New and Beautiful Materialsâ€"tr: rich Silk, \Vool and Embrordered WO “ALF ACRE [-0.].S_wi,h a good “warmed byneafly one Hmffd‘xjéd ,lfllngrgvingsy 2 13110!Â¥Ong$0SvtyeoflAggtgilultfiaal Elioyvdpmgtl’ not previously dispoisdlofl“) To 30")“, & SON,SJSt0:re. s00" a-S You can. Robes, Printed Cashmercs, Gala Plaids, All-wool and Union \Vinseys, Cobouigs, Dwemng Home on each, ,fleasamiy Sum u is printed in a Clem. and open typetand Wm d:,:,"f,“il. “Li,” [3,),tai,:, in,cafl‘ by . Gold: 2 vaes' l (loomngi 1 a” 0’ Our [123“ Rock Oil, and Coal Oil, and Fluid for 8w. Cotton Goods of every (Inscription, Gloves, Hosiery, and Prints all new to style. atod about lgialfn mile qorth oerarkham befqntvquod 1018111}:Eddrpjssgglppjsaage paid}, 0,, "- r -‘ F' -’ l 1 ii a l"t ' t l 'T t ’ . b““‘l”g' . , ‘ lie is also in. assassion ofa lar c-lot of latte. are 0 0r9‘1.f°"sa° on'Vell’ "3550“ f9 “we? ‘0 l’me’ "1 ("m ’ '. ', tor-“10 01“; Pliiiffe Strebltolliiiiigdltulgd {Shle iif’glrxze a The sun to a blush for a month has been turn- ‘ p ,erms_ The). w,“ be sold separately or to- extra. $1.25. r - “l Durllam Cow, 5Hvears old, bred by Mr. Mil- and a great “net-v of 0mm Armies mg ‘ , . P E.R H A N G- I N G- S I gather to Shit Pl’rchaserS. _ , . - . " _... r ler in calf by :1 Durham Bull As the Farm has been Rented the Pro- 1f Gl0b93- WleS 01‘ Chimneys. you Slimlid Olll - . - - F0,» harms and when 'arfictflarg. enquire of THE FAMILY DOCTOR 3 d f l‘ ' - . . . f I . And Will receive In the course of a few ays a quantity 0 _ . ., . , . 8 Grade COWS pen). M“ be r 0 116m “1",, ‘ _ _ the Proprietor, DAVID WOOI I‘LN, Bond s A C GUNS E L L O R IN S [C KN E88 1 Heifer. 2 years old. by Mr. Jenning’s Bull ; gold ‘Vithout‘ any Reserve 1011 plan ablways recruit these things at BOOTH ‘ 1 1 , , T ‘ ~, Lake, or at ,ms Office. ‘ BY + . ~ ' I i tons FA 0h BL - - . 4 Tadgrliiig batik-emit; flA‘uglistudilm [For CONDITIONSâ€"Hay and Grain for-Cash ; other Or if you btiru Gas, and your- pipes ha‘Ve got Li _ _ L p 9 Oak Ridges, JUN 27: 1861- 135 3‘“ Professor Henly S, Taylor, MI). - u . _. a 1'. . ,0, s. 1. Re- oods. 12 months credit on approved security. leaking ,. w . ' -‘ . ( umle s. also Ce Heme is S from 500.310 5 50, . .. . firâ€"“râ€"W . gizztggulzltgs 79p? 1,13160 see U 00 g sale at one chlmk Praise]? or if you dorm,- W to do so are Wnk‘ing, Viz Victormes, Cuffs and Ga 1 , , r n n Cap 33 PHO’l‘ X ' T1233?R3S0F1Â¥1\1'111Yd1)0‘01 ORhasteached 6 r w - ' HIS STOCK OF GROCF R 1 ES v I f - .....::.':‘...‘;:.:?.:::.l which 1; lVlr. Jackson; Gore of Toronto; and Mr. 3' GORMLLYI Auc‘w’wcr‘ A 1‘s] “$1,”! t ,n , t '1 . I H others Iiiplaiulantrbage l'ieet'iioiiflfnddfcli r . .v ‘ ‘ ( I V i 9 ‘ a. ‘ ' i ' I. . . . . - ’ Tran, Markham Markham, Sept 26. 1661, 148.2t. m If ’11le no we P10v0 “’9 m“ "we 050“ In every department Will be found, as heretofore, complete, and offered at prices as V technmimos, n W323 you Simpp, mum-,9, 17 woll-bred Lwes, from the same flock _ ,_ .11. l - . U . l . f” l I ‘ l ‘k .n .t ,. - 0&qu V Obtained ,0: the . f1), .1 u 9 Ewe limnbs‘ same breed But m'nmrâ€"Yes m HEATING, our fame nes In low as he present state-o Le w to esa e mat ct; WI permt . I _ fogmlq with im OW” brinefo‘ rseasesm la 4 Ram Lambs. do A GOOD THING. T lh'si t. r t. , ‘1 to Whilst thanking his friends for past favors, he regrets to men- The Cheapesmnd Best Man“, and diffictggzslylffhglgétiseélzglgbl; ‘ 5",” [will Iii‘cwfr, Raw-1 Shear’ bred by nEP'ifzgiElisIgbl‘lleiiie:Oizndlflgmsggmze]51303236,: 0 gills...” IS ac Ion “6 were "8 m mow“ lion that he will be obliged to place in suit EVERY account winch has not and theproper treatment om... hick, The 1),; 1 1:11:21); qutwooqlo owns Ill) inflamed or Sagefy'SSéiIitggtigllilsgl otéltltle’Squin, apld hi We have S'I‘OVES that would tum to a tropic been Sati‘sfactaruy sealed up to the lst of January last. Sisdeihoel Bhtldhooddhe l1-)iseasc‘af‘i’of Manhood, ’ ‘ as n n n . . . . g . l Wesson. with rule and shafts 1 cggthftiitgeirfamronotrtat. “8 u m m T tohe l‘O'e’ m. ,n , ,1 u m" He would also respectfully remind Ins customers that many of their Matador'Efiajes,cl;::1:,5a;,i:c,i02:11:31;mm” . Sh- M, q- ’ 4| .. 7 -, ceaner ‘ 0c nvmce you 0 us we :a over is , . ‘ A , x v v . . . , - ,1 $::l{:ipԤgu,,,;““e ‘0‘” 1‘°“‘” S M w S POI LOCK Richmond “in we [[39 Smndm, Empoflum, Cupid accounlsund notes become due on the lst of October, and that he would GALLERY 1N CANADA, . wayslatdtand, and ready to serve you, the 1 Seed Uri”. Sevmom‘ and Morgan’s 0 '" ' ' i ' ‘ ' ' and “(ll-“it‘ll. lfcel particularly obliged by Prompt Payment. 15 u 5mm e mice“)? ,"f “"3 b°°k “"1? 50"" “we 1 Market Sleigh, cast shoes AGRICULTURAL The Nugget. the Snow-Bird, and Railway Richnlond Sept 26 1861 148 St ‘ y ytoqhtpqgliuan:ettqgipqdiflagy timesl the c053, W S l. " ‘l Coal-Burner, ‘: - a ' V f o ~ ,_ , i v , _ . y e ,1, a c Bar?“ 12 Fallliinollllillison h was v The Ariel, the Magic, Viola. and Sylvan: , , 7 , , open 1y pe, and illustrated with appmmww J Straw Gutter L a . And last but not least. the splendid Albanian : (£11mgytiqlglséalhéyegiygllound tn cloth, price. ; Root Slice.- , in Short, we have srovss of every shape, make y ’ . ’ . . g . o. 1 G ‘ C usher â€" and kind. I i _ I ‘ I 1 triflinplohgh 4 AST York and the Township of Markham For coal, wood, both or either in stock you Will 5 y '1 ORONTO. 0 THE 1.1151, OF 1 do Rihbin Plou h Agricultural Societies will hold a. find: V “l. or , , - ‘ V . 1 3 W°°de" “if” g UVHHV I‘ aLL FAIR mes mm D‘m‘b smm’ "wks’ GEORGE EAKIN JAMES RA “5 E’ L d a“ swam. Jesus Chm v r ’ l 1 I Sh l.‘ id S'lters 'l ‘ . - ‘ , ‘ v 1 PM”? Plou‘fil 9 l 1 ’ Knvl m d lS l'd‘ ’ u do vi to the , Proprietor and Principal Operator BY REV' JOHN FLEET“ 00D: D‘Du 1 131!“ Iron llartows Calverti ., . iotS, ettes an ti ers. oe \ 1 . . . . 1 pair Wooden do " “ Liners, N Tendering thanks to his friends and the public generally, for their liberal support _ CAREFULLY navrsnn 1 Drum Land Roller A. HOTEL We ajsurol 1'0“; deal‘fi‘iends, You need 1101 g0 In past years, and soliciting the cpntinuance of that patronage, cordially Invites T°r°“t°' April 19! 18le 1 3' BY REV. JOSEPH llELCllER, DD. 1 l Grubbor, C. lveri’s N 0 50"“ "5m an ins rection 0 his resent Stock of -_, s . w l- Frdtiltace Boiler. 812 gallons . O For Plumbing and Gas-Fitting, Hardware or 1 p IVLW AND IMPRO VLD HE LIFE OF JESUS C” RISTIS “'0 Plll‘ "V 1 Cooking Stove (3111198111137, 00101191' 9111, 'l‘inware. . - Of Ul)l)cr Callallu: _ losophv of true religion. It exhibits the _ Platform Scales. will weigh 1050 lbs d, f 1 200 ,-H b fig. d Oppose“ “’G’VO routed, the roads strewod With C S G S _~ Prtncu‘lesvof Christianity in their purity and ,2 Sets ,l.eam Harness when upwar s of .$P.._ ‘ “I o 0 L16 knapsacks, - , 9 9 O OULD ton qecum a valuable qnd (mm- beamy‘ 1, ,5 perfect excellence personified, 1 Set Single do silver mounted 0‘ “zeb' Swords. mUSkClS and baymmls: bells, DOOlS and x m), “for, “,8, who ,, ‘Subécribe that the mind of man may grasp it, and be 1 ‘do do (to black mounted haversacks ,' WHICH HE CAN SAFELY RECOMMEND TO ALL, t, m" a ‘0 e 6- ~ changed in... (1,0 sanmgmaga vph0,-,,Sp;,.ed 1 Grindstone RULES & REGULATIONS ; The field now Is our’s. and asecond Bull’s R'un ) . T _ I . or ‘9 I _ _ writers have given it to us in detached dos- Cradles, chtlies, Rakes, Forks. Doubletrees. 1 Members who have paid their subscrip- 15 S90“ .M “.13 (marge. made i.“ “00TH “‘5 SON ' Lemgmadefleat, Substantzalandfi’oml/w OESt Imported Jllalcrzal. ,Typographmal, Stat1sttcal cripttons. Dr. Fleetwood has at'l'imtrf’d 111650 Neck Yokes ' ~Leavmg Jnktng aside, a kind welcome to all I ' ,. 40* cres of Fall W heat in the ground, 22 of rich are fallow ; and sundries not eunmer e at The above Stock cannot be su Ipassed in this neighborhood. as the Proprietor has spared neither trouble nor expense in selecting and breeding, and as the lease of the Farm has ex- pired. and Mr. Sanderson has purchased a Bush Farm in the township 01’ Bullet, every article must be Sold without. any Reserve. TERMS :,$8, and under. Cash ; over that amount 12 montlts’ Credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. Sale toicommcnce at JEN amt. J. GORMLEY, Auctioneer. Markham. Oct. 1, 186 1. 149.4 GUT’I‘A-PERCHA ROOFING. No article ever before introduced to the public has equalled the LIQUID GUTTA- PERCHA for coating tin or other roofs, new or old. One gallon, costing $1.50, will thoroughly coat from 200 to 300 feet of roof, and 11115 coating will render the roof perfectly water-proof, and will lasr three times as long as white lead or othct paint. For covering roofs, either new or old, we repeat, it has no equal for durabi- lity and cheapness, and we offer it to the public fully confident of its intrinsic excel- le‘dee, and With our warrantee that it will Sold in barrels of forty gallons each, at a liberal discount to Address all orders to READY ROOFING Co., 23 Cedar-street, New York. 148-1211! (10 all we claim for it. deal er's. ' ‘ Markham, August 22. 1861. competing, must pay $2, entrance. tions, are entitled to enter their Stock or other Articles without charge. . 2. No person allowed to compete as a Mem- ber, who has not become such on or before the QUth of September, 1861. 3. Persons, other than Members, 4. No party exhibiting shall interfe'e with the Judges whilst in discharge of their duties, by converSation or otherwise, under forfeiture of premiums. 5. All Animals or Articles intended for com- petition must be on the ground early, and entered with the Secretary, (who will attend at SIZE’S, Uniouville, for tltat'purpose,) at 8 o’clock. a.m., on the morning of thezFair. The books will be closed at 11 a.m.: after that hour no entry will be made. 6. No person exhibiting a Manufactured Article shall be entitled to a premium, al- though one may have been awarded him. unless he is the berm fills owner and manufac- turer of the same during 1861 7. All Agricultural Produce entered for Com; etition must be actually raised by and be the property of Exhibitors. and the growth of the year 1861. 8. No Exhibitor shall be entitled to two premiums for the same kind of Agricultural Produce or Manufactured Article in the same class. 9. Blood Stallions must have Pedigree pro- perly attested, and exhibited on the day of the Show, if required. 10. Durham and Devon Cattle, Bulls, Cows and Heifers, must have their Pedigrees a. properly attested, attd exhibited on the day of Show, if required. 11. Ayt‘sltito Cattle must also be properly attested to purity of blood. Mr. Thomas. Pianoforto Manufacrurer, Toronto. will exhibit under the canvass two Pianos of his own make. A TENT is secured for the occasion; En- trance thereto 12,; cents. Messrs. MILNE, CARTER, ECKARDT and DAVIDSON, am appointed to superintend of those who have tested the durability ofhis Work the Tent and Grounds, to either of whom all applications must be made. as to the arrange- ment of Goods for Exhibition. Dimm- wzll be prepared by Mr. Size, Immediately after the Exhibition. Premi- ums will then be declared. T. A. MILNE, J.P. Woman, President. President. WM. EAKIN, ' A. BARKER, Secretary, Secretary, ,Tnii‘p, of Markham. E. R, Y. A. S. 143-4t, desirous of (Ifiqulatc, filicct-ilrou, Brass flesh . . . . AND it ought In our line you want, give us a call. BOOTHw SONS, Light & "e COPI’ERXVORKERS, He will also rrlake to Order every description of avy Wagons, Gigs, Stilkics. Buckaoards, &c. CIIEAP FOR CASH 0R. APPROVED CREDIT. 81'? Please give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. Illustrated Map of Upper Canada In preparation by .Geo.‘ C. Tremaine, the old and well-known publisher of Descriptive County Maps. . mtb Zinc markers. Plumbers, Steam & Gas Fitters South-East Corner of Yonge & Queen Sts. Toronto, Sept. 1861. ‘ 145-2m will be called on by Local or Travelling agents Come one, come all, and buy of me, Toronto, Mas. 18m. 138,“. For I have Buggies, as you will see, That are neat, that are strong, and Without doubt Are’much superior to any. turned out! » My terms are easy, my price is smallâ€"- ‘Pray do not.forget to give me a call. Unionville, July 18, 1861. ' Canada Permanent: Building AND SAVINGS’ SOCIETY. NOTICE. , Ifnskcd what was the best medicine for cleansing ‘ the blood, and for bilions complaints, Sick Headache, i Costivcncss, (cc, we should say BRIGGS’ INDIAN"- VEGEI‘ABLE LIFE PILLS. l Sunscntnnn Carina, $54l,450: Isvnsrsn on REAL ESTATE, $426,365 :2 A‘L‘fllril. INCOME 13 8_6m . FROM Mngtnuns, $300,000., ..__-.._ V ‘Oiflcef‘ Masonic “Hall. Toronto. ,â€" RRIAdEs.OAR WMme CA RLAGES. DIREcrons.-â€"Jo.seplt D. Ridotft, J. G. Che- wett, James G. Worts, Thomas Maclear, Peter Paterson, J. G. Beard, S. Nordheimcr, 'l‘hos. D. Harris. Sni.tct1'on,-â€"Edward C‘. Jones. SECRETARY AND Tnnasunnn,â€"J. Herbert Mason. THE Stock of this Institution presents a pro- fitable and easily convertible mode of in- vestment, based on Real Estate security, ren- dering it peculiarly suitable for Farmers,Clcrgy - men, Teachers, Mechanics, persons in the re- ceipt of salaries, and those Whose income is de- rived from their capital. . SAVINGS’ BANK BRANCII.â€"-Sums of Four Dollars and Upwards are received by the Society on deposit, subject to withdraWal, and bearing interest at Six percent. per annum. The o a; pital and Assets of the Society, investcdin mortgages O'n first-class landed property, being pledged for the security ofmoney thusreceived, depositors are at all times assured of perfect safety. ‘ To Bonnownns.â€"-This Society makes ad- vances oh the security of Improved City or Country Property, repayable by instalments spread over any term the applicant chooses, from one to ten years. Properties mortgaged may be sold or ex- changed for other property, or the Mortgage may be redeemed before maturity, 1F DESIRED BY THE noanownx. Applications for Loans will be received by the Secretary. Robert James, junr., or R. H. Smith, Newmarket. from’whom' Circulars and the Rules of the Society, together with anv fuither‘information, may be obtained. ' (1:? Letters to be prepaid. Toronto, April 12. 1861. . «.WWWW Respectfully announces that he has Opened VVarerooms in Toronto, for the Sale of his CARRIAGES, In the Premises formerly occupcd by Messrs. GEO. EWART & (10.. Church Street, adjoining the Store of Messrs. Howla'nd, Fitch 8:. Co. B, R. IIALL, in introdttcing himself to the public, feels that he is not a stronger, as his Carriages have been long and favorably known to many ofthe largest and most judicious purcltaScrs in the Province. He has for the last twelve years been con- stuntlv engaged in the manufacture of Carriages, and during that period every imprOVement which'.‘ is been introduced, either in materials, construction or style. has been carefully investigated, and if found practicable, adopted. He has always eXercised the most scrupulous care in the selection of timber, and the Securing ef workmen.‘ This has been fully lemonstrated In the experience A LARGE 18891311111th or LIng CARRIAGES r i e Kept constantly on [ant a Both at the City Repository and at the Manufactory at Markham. Mr: IIA LL opens a sale room in Toronto for the purpose of placing his goods in a,position easily accessible to all parts of the Provmce. Persons hung at a distance, who choose to order by mail, may rely upon the most careful attention in the selec- tion, packing and forwarding of the goods ordered, upon terms as favourable to the purchaser, as though he were present. Markham, April 19,1861, l24-1ly. a, 11:? Residents _of the Province everywhere . in one harmonious whole, With such cont- ments, explanations and incidental in forma- tiou as to render it alike acceptable to the scholar, as to ‘him who knows no more, but knowshisllible truc.’ Belohor’s revised edit- ion Contains the Lives of the Apostles, His- tory of the Jews, and an Essay on the Evia deuces 'of .he Bible. It is printed in a clear and/open, type, in one royal octavo volume handsomely illust'ated, and will be furnished in the following styles :â€"â€"- ' Cloth Extra,. . . . . .Price,_$2 ()0 nscoooo-o Law Sheep,.......... . . . . . . “ 250 Cloth, Full Gilt. . . . . . -. . . . . . . “ 3 00 Roan, Full Gilt,...,..,..... 1‘ 350 THE. HOLY BIBLE _ For Family and Pulpit USO. OUR'EDITIONS 07-17% HOLY BIBLE are unequalled for their dtirability. finish, elegance,and completeness: no effort hav- ing been spared to render them perfectmitt ‘cvery respect. Besides the Old and New Testament, each style contains the Apcry- pha, Concordance, Pealms in Metro, Canue’s Marginal Notes and References, and valuable tables of Scripture Measures, Weights, Coins, 61c, The text corrected aCcording to tlte Standard of the Ameri- can Bible Society. They are .all printed in large siZod type, in one royal quarto volume, with a neat Family Record and Illustrations. I. Emb. Lenthcr,Marh,Edges, Gilt Back _ and 10 Engravings.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3 '75 52. Emh. Leather, Mhrb Edges, Gilt ’ Back &. Sides, and 8 Col’tlEng‘vs. 3. Roan,Full Gilt Edges Back & Sides, and 14 Steel and Col’d Engravings, - 7 00 4. Extra Paper, 1m, 'I‘urkey,Full Gilt,14. . ' Steel Plates, Maps and lllum . . . . . . 9 00 5. Extra Paper, Turkey Morocco, Full Gllt,l8 Steel Plates.Maps and [Hum 19 00 do. do. do. Antique 12 00 6. Extra Paper, Turkey Morocao, Full ‘ Gilt,18 Plates,l\1ups,lllum 51. Clasp, 15 00 $1000 A YEAR can be made by enterprising menin selling the above and other popular , works of ours. Our inducements to all suchare exceedingly liberal. ; :_ i As those books are unequalled in their the- nhanical execution, as well as value of, their contents, a certain and rapid sale follows their introduction everywhere. . , v For single copies, or for terms to agents,with other ihformation, apply to or address JOHN E. POTTER, PubllS/M‘I', No. 617 Sansom St., Philadelpltia,P ,500 nt

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