Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 11 Oct 1861, p. 3

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m .r x ~ .. , x Lunar .. , Al 1‘ I. ‘ fi'u A. . . . < . w ‘z -. an “‘Lw' - c" ~ \ ’ cu” -" "r " ‘ ' ‘l‘ B. M. R. “ " the truly eat PAIN KILL s'RRIGGS‘o-HI- Glgr‘ltELIEF, angdrif you are not sigfiihed ‘of its supe- riority, after using the medicine, the rice will be re- funded bgjhe Agent, in all casel. P eons, eon:- per bottle. hi by all dealers in medicines. ‘ ‘J‘Zui -‘.ni . «wk A GOOD THING. :; DR. HOPE’S Magnetic Ointment, is well wort-11.8 trial, In any case of Piles, Burns, Scalds,’ Old Sores, lntlained or Sore Eyes. Eruptions on the Skin, and In 3 ovary ease who're an ointment is useful. It will re ‘ (Io-mend itself, after one trial. 'I‘IIE CLARANCEVILLE CASEâ€"Jain"? ye 3» Cdlliiis, tried in the Monti‘etif‘CO’ut‘t 40‘" ' ' -~ ~ ‘ -‘ ’ ‘ 'Queen’s Bench for the murder of Olive Savariat, has been acquitted. He will “be again tried on the charge of being an accessory before the murder. - - m w 1.- ~ ‘7‘. ,l'h‘QA‘K" r M NEXT or; WANTED. 1111:” norm GREAT Books. I FUTFD‘R‘EDS ‘ OF’ MILLIONS POUNDS NY of these Books will be forwarded b r . . . . J H S PERIleG: 1N “HANGERY’BANK A Mail, post paid. to ‘any address, on re- OF ENGL‘ASD: .619: walllllfiipla'manw A ceipt of price by JOHN E. POTTER. I’ublisfi'ér, Catalogue ot the-heirs, and names of those to No. 617 Swsom St ’ phuu‘clpma, pa. :vwhom letters should be addressed in England. I? Agents wanted everywhere. will be sent post free. on receipt of 60 cents in THE HORSE, AND HIS DISEASES t , ' In“ ‘ EW GREEN TEAS: " Sold i~;,-_ w,_s. POLLOCK. Richmond Hill, N 2 Troop. m Yoioiiiosr“ Cavalry. will - commence its Six Days Annual Drill, on M’â€" r Sutufdu'rtho 12m inst. and .wiiiiiiostorm, Important Credit Sale No _MONT11EA1._PBICE' CURRENT. United States’ stamps, or two for $1. Old claims must be I presented at onceoéxgflzfers 'M'r. Nichon’l Hotel, at 2p m. t ' ’ -_ eiices :â€"'A. K. 7. Hill. Boston; J. urn am, v 1 . W A _ NOR. THOR. Magma , or ,v 866 I crime: police, flaverhill. ~‘ I taoBEnT JENNINGS, v. s.. -‘ Akin 8- Kirkpatrick’s Rrport. Oct 3. 1861- , Major Commanding. : 1 ‘ l ' D g . - ‘ ‘ ° _. ‘ Pnorssson or. PA'rHoLooY AND rennin.) Sun- . . - = , a . r r .. o _ a . _ . on tmiss our resent Bar ams Vi. W. S. ORBETON &, CO. v . . _ Flourâ€"per brl of 196 lbs. , ' Head'Quarte'rs-s Ricbm'ondflill.‘ on. ‘7. P g Box 250, Post 0111..., Boston, Mass‘ "a" " ""f,‘ “'“"§"" C‘m-w" 0’ “"9 . . . . r . . . . DELPHIA. nor. or uranium Mnnicnn Middlings.. .. . . . . . . . . . . n {$3 08 1° 3 â€"“" “ ‘ September 12' 1861' 146-3” us THE MID Acsicun‘rumr. t 01.1.1101: oF Fine-"Hun"--°------- :303525 .- » o Obs sold by Public Auction. on' LotNo. ‘ T H E Subscriber would respectfully announce ~ superfine No. 2. . “'3 . t. . . . . . . . . i _ . . to the Residents of Richmond Hill and v Ut‘lof‘suflm'mk" 0371?” {AMERICAN u u 1" . . u _ . . . . 5 55 to 5 65 CORDS OAK STAVE 1’: 41“ concess'on or M arkha'n! 0“ . the Farmers of the surrounding cpuntry. that V 15'! F-illlgtiilfis‘8051lfc’lltihrgrPHII . . , v '. . t ' TIMBER, C Si on d-l' - '. ., v J l " ' .‘t - ' d lendid or 6 lot of r 3 ‘7 i 'I 7 ~ ..... t: g Apply so H, & 31' IHARCRIIIS'SN g Wednesday, October 23rd, henias Jus receive-1: sp l; 1 p . \ “I 'v LL 1E1 L YOUm. O 511 d I..-â€".‘neooeseeaooeo,oog I _>.‘.- “In ;- 'I . :5 F7 C; > . i v I- . V ‘ g . _ . I ‘r . i _L/ . ‘l‘. a J ’t '0'. .‘I‘ _ B su‘perlll); 1111mm. N d n" u“ g l: g '7 I l ' ‘ 6 Hank 1:05:23 The fonowing “well” Farm $100k and Im' ‘4 (IVICG to x '7‘ 6w 6:16;”; eds). “a a) 8, 0V RICHâ€"53h”) LL distinctive traits oftlie var‘io'iils‘liigeddsofrlihfiib- DIED-Cal pcr b:l:;ێflfldb;:::: ‘ 4 (1010.4 :10 R'chmond HI", at. 10' l~8 L "“W - t, gigantiizme propelty Of Mr. Edward SB“. Canada ' Canada ' hgdd‘the sound TOBACCOS’ CHEESE" RICE” . EdWin 'Webber’ pod}?’l‘PzigllT,"Rj:l(l::l::H lirh‘idimn Pots'es’ Rye Floors-per hrl of 200 lbs. 2 50 to 3 00 . i I e s ’ '-â€" - That C‘OIDBS to you-I’cross your southern bound I ' I' FCS t ' ' l 'h ' l 1' f R' ' - Wl I - '5. o Pe'cu III-“nos . _ . . _. . , , 7 . ' . _ . . . rran s Vine ar 4 r o intimate .0. e 111 1a iitants 0 ion “1 H a] and I", l .5 e L h w 132"” '5 are:somecarom, ' Rams: 0“ t! g 1 no to has i. .1: :i.::i.;.......ii..‘:.:racross? U‘} C' 331w ‘1 {0 ll (matchid and' h;vg‘takpn covéray priZes) Englishman, Scolchman,‘1rishman IIOL; GLO. &C. “[0. commenced bcgipess as ‘ ' ' e .. o H , . . . lusti'ated with many explanatory engarvmgs. THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES WILL TELL YOU Of breeding. Breaking, Stabling, Feeding, Grooming, Shoeiiig. and Brothers and fathers, ve Magog and Gog. . ‘ ‘ . . - . . - ' ~ ' - which he otlers at vorv (llfle‘ellI Prices to we compale n to “mhmg but dug eating‘ what they will be requiied to pay for the some Two hundred thouSand kinsmen with knives, G°°d5 3- fo’mighl hello". “11" won” ""com‘ Peaceâ€"per 60' lbs. . .-... .... . 0 7% to (I 76 Barleyâ€"pa" 50 lbs. . . . . . . . . . . 0 50 to 0 60 ,Gornâ€"fpor 56 lbs. . . . . . . . . . . 0 5‘21. “3,055 Porko-per brl of 200 lbs. 1 superior Gelding. 8 years old 1 Durham Cow, 4 years old by 'Comet.’ dam imported ‘Yorkshire Lass.’ in calf by ' Goldfindei‘ ’; took the second prize at the CABINET MAKER, UNDERTAKER, on, Two doors south of the “ York Herald” Office. I I . . » , ., - , mend his friends to call or send their orders where he has on hand a general assortment of the gen’ral managemem on)“, horse Wm, the Mess . . . . . . . n” . . - _ . . . . 15 95 to m 00 Yoiige Street Agricultural Show in"61 V ’ 3:133:12:lfsoxfygffiigm]gaghtfiéhgujl}:Egg", without delay: {lousellol(l Ful.llitlll.c best modes of. ndminisiei‘ingwmedicihe, also, ran” Mess" " " " i - - ' ° '4 0” 2 Durham COWS' 4 lei” o.”’ by comet ’ And aimed at each ether their rifles and (runs ' F‘ S l B kf tT 1‘? 6d 1' lb. . 9 how to "GM Biting’K'kag:l‘ea‘mg' bl'.‘ ““h’r prime ‘3 no dam by ‘ Young Britain,’ in calf bv ' Gold- A thousand f8" nob“, the rest “m awm, b ’ Sgfirigrcdlylgngwah.daf 323's: 35' 3g g3 , Oftlie best quality, cheap for cash, Stumbling, (,rib‘Biting, Restless-Doss, and o q o u a coopeoeoo-cs-s ’-. i 1 J a ' - . _, y. l} S \ - 'Sc"‘q - . . ._ ' ‘ ' ' . a .' Butterâ€"per lb Inter. & Ordn. 0 08 to 0 09; fist"; . 201M711th _t0;3k trggl‘st [11’le at VOWmgr ,lwyid Shaw ,cm__some other day. SplendidLYoung Hyson do do. u 35. 6d. and {:ng A IS Solicitc(l. other Views til) avlpoch; he assumed, with F°"& GOOd‘ - - - - - - ‘ - "" 0 18 to o IVA t e ("we ‘ Uth Agnc" mm OW m I Turn Canada turn your eves from a sight 3‘ 9d ier lb ' mkmeious exp 8 a :3 engla‘.mgsi Fine and choice dairv. H” o u to 0 i2 â€"â€" . 1 Durham Cow, 5 rears old. bred by Mr. Mil- R 'mn as “'1” to é” mm" is ,i h, 3' ' l ' _ Richmond Hill, June 7, 1861. 132-ft '1 UL HORSE A1\D HIS DISEASES , ' 191‘ in calf by a Durham Bull “0 g . ‘ ' g " [There is not another lot of Green Toss in a - WILL TELL YOU Of the causes. 8 'm toms Lardâ€"per lb . . . . . . ........ 0 09 . ' - F~ 1 ‘our 1191 libors’ foil learn to re are - 5 p ‘ AShes-fl’“ “2 “’5' ' W H R S 8 Grade Cows [golfing or sweg‘ peace [orywinmr “1% £1” Toronto at anything like the money] WOR MS and treatment ofStrang'es. Sore 'I‘liroat,ll)is~ 229 - - ~ w ears..........,......... to a _ '_,. _‘ _ .' _ . - , x _ i, 1‘ - s. . .7 , ‘ ‘ ‘A isby a.- hemost [e o . o . y '3 wooinper 1b, _ . . . . . , , , 0 26 to 0 28 Has now in Stock 21 c.0mplete assortment of' 4 Yearling Heifers. by ‘ Allgusttts.’ [For Havewgatcaicuiated wth to 8, “gm & he,“ 7 , WineSa .Tobacco 1s. 3d. porlb., worth is. 6d. safe, and effectual remedy nowin use. Try iizasggi Cough, Roaring and thHlllllg,Lampas,Sorn ' Tallow-â€"per_lb.... .... .. . . . 0 085 to 0 08} I . ' I » ' . ‘ Augustus’ pedigiee see U.C. Stock Re- H. no,‘ we entrant mu repairivorv man ' per h. by the box.‘ ' b31111 dealers 111 medicinefi- Mouth-and Ulcers, and Decayed Teeth, with Stoves-‘1”? *1'4’11’9" N - r- 1 80 “0 SINGLE AND DOUBLE 213m?)th J l f I fl I f To 80’0", & soflisjsto’re as soon ,{5 v0.1 can, i Finest American Rice.‘23 lbsafo;(;.$l[dirt cpeapl ’ (Sher diseases of the Mouth and Respiratory W. I. . . .. 52 00 pm“ '9‘ “Team” C‘mg‘ mm he 0‘ {s 0 Our 115" Rock Oil and Coal Oil and Fluid for ' RalSlllsilBeS‘ lell 60‘ a“ h- Per ‘ -i 0" Jag F Brown rg‘ms' - * l ' ‘t Mr. Jackson, Gore of Tomnto; and Mr. bumin ’ ’ 9 atidvgll lbs. for $1. ' ' . ’ THE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES r a 7?â€" " 7“_v . l I A I : l q l .Tmn' Markham The sun tog blush for a month has been turn- [A reduction from the above by the box.] BROKLR’ ‘ WILL TELL YOU Oflllecaususi Symptoms; I‘OhON 10 MARKE F5. ‘ ' ‘ A’Fwel'fgedbEwwv 9,” 3w 53"” fl°ck tug. . A, berm ,he be... soap,“ “,6 on, 7d. pew," Estate and General Agent, and Treatment of Worms, Bolts, Colic, . _, . _ . -. - . . - ' ” 2' ’ ' ‘- ' v‘ ‘a 1“ every descmnmn 0t Mommngs’ winch 4 Ram Lambs, do IfGlofbels. Wicks or 011111111635. you should outI or 9 bars for $1.. ' . _ AGENT FOR Stiaiigulation, Stony Concietions, Rupiuie._, THURSDAY: 0010b" 10-. ° “em “mt Vinegar [strong enough to pickle nails] ls. 3d. 1 pure bred Leicester Rain, 1 shear, bred by Palsy, Diarrhea, Mr John Gill, Toronto township Jaundice, Hepatiriosa, Bloody Urine, m _ Stones in the K'l ' - ,' Florinâ€"Superfine sold at from $5 75, to be oflers on most k u new and $6 0 ; Fancy $4 60 to $4 75 ; Extra You can always recruit these things at BOOTH chlouiol flifc Qtssnranre (2101. per gallon. - _ ' ,. dz. sous, _ 1 MASOMC HALL TORONTO STREET. Bladder. Inflammation, and other diseases at $3 90 1° $5 35' 1 Lumber WWW)" ‘ r v ' - The above is 0111 ' a small sample of our ’ _, th st 1 B I -. .- . Double Extra. $5 50 to $6 00. ’ 1 Waggon. with pole and shafts 0r [fingfixgmggas' and )our pipes have gm Present bargains. 31’ S.â€"'I‘ho Conductor of TOROI I‘O- ofgallsf’ll‘ac‘: 0W9 8, Liver and Unnmy "Buttonsâ€"Fresh is in fair supply at from 18cto ' '. v I T‘breshigg béliachine, 4 horse power, cleaner 0,, if You do',,,,, but to do .0 are thinking, The New Street Railway will bring you to on I? Money to Lend on Improved Farms: THE HORSE A ND “IS DFEAQES 9“ 1""r 11- - - 1 ' "mi" LC" or " ' . f - door. A r'119. 1861. 125-13- . . .' ‘ f Fall Wheat,â€"-200 bslils was the extent of the EITHER FOR 1 Seed Drill. Seymour and Morgan’s Jus‘g'gfi‘? acbmce’ we ” do the flung that DUGALD CRAWFORD, p I _, Wirll‘dLTfill‘rigstoo3521.315335]szz'dsiszg’lgm:t supply which sold at the following prices. The 1 Market Sleigh, cast shoes ‘ ’ , , . _ u W‘- l _ , _ , i . _ T i. l) * prices paid for the best samples were from $1 l 1 Wood 311;}. iron shoes And not. We 11 prove. no can give toyou T I (Sjort:e;5)f Iggyge and Agnes Sizer: I A ! gagging/Vifipiiiizjgeefiigmldit‘iagflgdépgp: s . ' F ' 'Il . f . .. . oron o, e) . , . l-' , V, ‘ . ;. s lvdgegflli’gho bshis in market, which __ ? s.T§.'L"E§...,'. 8 But 'tllliiEMTâ€"Yes "‘ "EAT‘NGv 0‘" fame “95 m M‘:__ _~___.___ flgcnts branded. {and fflnvell, (xragkéd. Iloofs, Sei'atclies. (Jan- soldat from $0 95 to $0 93 Per hshl. 1 Root, Slicerh To givoysafisfacuon we were ne’er known to r a ‘ p I D am an ac'i‘we agent in even comm {firfiiggrusFibfigpsv ogiiégflio, 1:12 gglfglrlélils, Badenâ€"sold at from 48 to 500. A 1] m 0 1 Grain Criis er . - ‘ 'W t ’ ‘3 ’ ‘_ i ' ‘ .i i I ' S, ‘ r- Pens._)_g700 bshls went off at 50 and 52,, per y cellars ' 1 Iron Plough W lzmjz-‘STOVES that would mm to a ho ic in the United States and Lariada‘, to cases of the Beat, Legs and Head. ~bshl. ARE 1 do Ribbing Plough c rife pole p 7 selltllé) Fralpkhp ScWitltig‘ Michine. '1 0,13] THE HOR§E€ND HIS DISEASES 0ats.-â€"-at 27 and 28c per bshl. , . .. 3 Wooden Plouglis . ’. . ' , v H â€"â€" limite mom or o rave pig gents we w1 WILL TELL 0 Ohm, Gauges, sunpwms, gas...“ from $12 to $15 per ,0", Straw $7 to w D l Yankee Plough To convmce you of this no 11 call mm the re EXAMINE THE LATEST 1M P RO V E D F AN N IN G MILL, pay a salary of $40 per Month & all Expenses. 'l‘o local agents a commission of 30 per cent. on all sales. Every machine is warranted to give univer- $9 per ton." Applesâ€"Common varieties $2 and $2 50 per barrel. Better grades 2$ and $3 barrel. Eggs.-â€"Fresh from wagons 12c to 15c pe. .loz. Potatoesâ€"Vary in price from 20 to 30c Lambs-scarce at $2 00 to $2 25 each. 9 We’ve» the [13’ Standard. Emporium, Cupid and Hotspur, The Nugget. the Snow-Bird, and Railway Coal-Burner, The Ariel. the Magic, Viola. and Sylvan: And last but not least. the splendid Albanian and Treatment of Eisiula, Poll Evil, Glam de‘rs. Farcy. Scarlet Fever. Mango, Surfr-ll, Locked Jaw, Rheumatism. Cramp, Halls, Diseases of the Eye and Heart. «8.11., and how to manage Castration,Bleediiig,'l‘repliilining. Roweling, Firing. Hernia, Amputation,Tap- 1 Pair Iron llairows, Calvert’s 1 Pair Wooden do 1 Drum Land Roller 1 Iron Grubber, Calvert’s l Furnace Boiler, 32 gallons 1 Cooking Stove In every respect. I have also on hand a large assortment of . . . sal satisfaction, and kept in repair six months i , r 1 . I . . . . - t i f i - 1, kg EFORE buying any other Fanning Millâ€"- . , , . . , , . ping. aim otter sarglca operations calvesâ€"«re m gum, supply at $4 '0 $5 each i 6‘ Pla'rorm.scnles‘ WI“ weigh 1000 lbs In Shafiird 1:013:35“ STOVES 0 mmy s ape, ma considc-reo by Competent Judges to be the 5.22mi):[gildodieditelibsildliifiiis highlight]? TUE HORSE AND HIS DISEASES ear-HigeSâ€"sm 00 per 100 lbs.” Sheepsmns 9' Siels 1.63m HSmGSS q . d For coal. wood. both or either in stock "on will best constructed Miil before the. Canadian m“ ppalfucnlars midi, {wrhmnem Lush)”; mp WILL TELL YOU of Rarey’s method at '.Ir.°w$0‘;:rl° $01%%€gch' CaHSkms 08“ perm" All of which Will be sold at unusual low : 5:583ng 6: 2,3,: mgggttzd find: ' rublic for separating Oats from Spring Wheat. ’ ’ taming Horses: how to Al’hi‘oach. Halter or a ow, l per s s . . ~. :1. 1th stain 1 for return letter . and for cleaning in fact all dws W l ’ HARRIS BROTHERS, 501.1. AGENTS FRANKLIN SEWING MACHINE co Timothy Seedâ€"$2 80 a $3 per bushel. Pipes Elbows and Dumb Stoves, Clover Seedâ€"$4 75 per bushel. Shovels and Silters, Pots, Kettles and Spiders. e’en down to the Hooks,i Pens and Oats Prices- ' kinds of Grain. 1 Griiidstone Cradles, Scythes, Rakes, Forks. Doubletrees, Neck Yokes The public will do Well to call Stable a Colt; how to accustom a horse to and examine the Stock before purchasing This Miil stands unrivalled, strang sounds and sights. and how to “it, is made of good . ' . - ' i . . . __ M..- .-~Lâ€"~â€"_s _ n F H W, . h d. M f Liners, D UP 4B I E E P [AL , 1373'" BOX 186 130310", Mass' iiSIZiiflhed fliii-(riiie'aiiadldlangi‘ ‘l‘lllllilllré'l’llyliulng‘hli', BIRTH elsewhere. As I am determined not be 4 {1‘19}? of Pa _ "33‘ méf gm?" ’ "' 0 We assure you, dear frieiidS, you need not go I l" 4 . 1 L ' ‘ ‘ " ’ ‘. whole being the result of fifteen years careful on Tuesda‘ the ‘5'; ins} the WTO of M undPr sold by any in the trade “rd w are d 0w ’ an sun “es no enumer elsewhere . And is, from its construction, the best for Far- [1011385 311d IJOtS for SJIC ', . -. i r. ' - . ,I study ofthe habits, pecularities, wants and weaknesses of this noble and useful animal The book contains 384 pages. appropriately illustrated by nearly One l-iuudred Eugrnvings. It is printed in a clear and open type. and Will be forwarded to any address, postage paid, on receipt of price. half bound, $1.00, or. in cloth, extra. $1.25. THE FAMILY DOCTOR; A COUNSELLOR IN SICKNESS 'Henry Harrison. of the For Plumbing and Gas-Fitting, Hardware or_ mars use in the Province. (laughter. 'I‘inware. I . 1 They are manufactured by the undersigned, Opposers We V6 muted! the ma” Strewed wlth ! at Richmond Hill, to whom all orders should knapsack-s, be addressed Swords. muskels and bal'onetsi bells! boots and [1? Farmers would do well to call and ex- The EZYEIE’fiJ‘: GUNS ad a qocond [gulps Run amine the Mill, when passing down Yonge St. 18 “on a, [he charge ,‘nnde a; BOOTH & SON 3 Orders left at the resrdence of Mr. Soutbaid, _Leaving joking aside, a kind welcome ,0 a” at Ncwmarket, W1 I receive prompt attention. If ought in our line you want, give us a call. Shopâ€"Within Eight Rods of Raymond’s I'loio BOOTIâ€"I do SONS, SOUTHARD, BOYN'I‘ON & Co corrnnwowxcns, Richmond Hill. July 18. 1861. 13S-ft Qliufilatc, Ebertâ€"Elton, Brass limb nub Zinc mortars. 149-4 Plumbers, Steam & Gas Fitters South-Fast Corner of Yonge &. Queen Sts. Toronto, Sept. 1861. 145'2m, J. K. FALCON BRIDGE _ ‘AKES pleasure in announcing to his Friends and others, an Extensive and Superior Stock of Stave Factory, of a Richmond Hill, Oct. 4«, 1861. 149-31110. W IMPORTANT IF TRUE! And evary word is true. For upwards of three years past, 1 have been engaged in a business, which has yielded me at the rate of $3,000 per annum, but being desi- rous of going to Europe in the course of a few months for the purpose of there introdu~~ing the business, 1 am willing to teach it to any one who will send metfltl. The business is no humbug, but of a highly useful and general character, adapted both to cities and villages, and one that any person of ordinary capacity. young or old, male or female. pan acquire with a few hours’ practice, and by which they can secure a very handsome income. Several young ladies who have received instructiom from me, both in New York State and Pennsylvania, are earning upwards of $20 per week by it, and there is no reason why any one else comiol do the same. luvalids. even, can do well by it, asit is no ped- dling affair. but a business that is perfectly re- spectable. Gentlemen and ladies of leisure who would like to learn the business for their The above Stock cannot be surpassed in this neighborhood. as the Proprietor 'iias spared neither trouble nor expense in selecting and breeding, and as the lease of the Farm has ex- pired. and Mr. Sanderson has purchased a Bush Farm in the township 01’ Bullet, every article must be Sold without. any Reserve. TERMS : $8, and under, Cash ; over tha amount 12 months’ Credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. OR EXCHANGE. WO HALF ACRE LOTSâ€"with a good Dwelling House on each. pleasantly situ- ated about half a mile north of Markham Vil- logs, are offered for sale on very reasonable terms. They will be sold separately or to- gether to suit purchasers, For terms and other particulars, enquire of the Proprietor, DAVID WUO'I‘I'EN, Bond’s Lake, or at this Office. Oak Ridges, June ‘27, 1861. To Consumptives. . HE Advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a Very simple remedy, after having suffered several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease. Consumptionâ€"is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it. he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of charge), with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a SURE ('URE Fok Consumr'rioN. ASTHMA, BRoNCHiTIs, &c. The only object of the advertiser, in sending. the Prescription is to benefit the afliictcd. and , spread information which he conceivestosbe 'invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remedy. as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishingthe prescription will please address REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, W'illiamsburgh, l35-3m. PHOTOGRAPHS! PHOTOGRAPHS l The Cheapest and Best BY Professor Henry S. Taylor, 111.1). TAYLOR’S FAMILY DOCTOR has ‘eached an enormous sale,and w.ierevor known, is universally improved, both by the faculty and Others. In plain language. free from modici‘ technicalities, itgives you simple remedier. easily obtained for the cure of Diseases in all forms.with important rules for preserving the health, and directions for the sick chamber. and theproper treatment oftlie sick. The Dis- eases oI Cliildhood,the Diseases of Manhood, and the Diseases peculiar to Women, are all treated of in a clear and practical way. Al- ways at hand. and ready to serve you, the simple receipes of this book may soon save Safe to commence at TEN cam. J. GORMLEY, Auctioneer. Markham. Oct. 1. 1861. _ UNDER COATS. OW receiving the Rest and Cheapest as. sortmeiit 0f MEN’S COATS 2 Ever shown on Richmond Hill, In Frock, Shooting, Albert and Sack Shapes, in Full Cloth. Tweed, Doeskin, Broad Cloth. and Cassimere, made in the IMPORTANT. DR. WISTAR’S PULMONIC SYRUP, is highly re~ commended, for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Group, and all diseases of the Lungs and Throat. 25 cents per bottle Ainbrotypc and Photograph GALLERY 1N CANADA, that lie is now receiving I . . is A? you much suffering, and many times the cost. Kings County, New York. theirown ainusement or pleasure Will find the , ' , 1 ° ' ' pgacticguof 1I‘tu pleasant pastiine,,aiid one that Best Superior orkmen - v She‘lliolitgleundffd illdzti‘Zigdegvilliaalfiiidprirl: “kwâ€"‘TUâ€" t ey wr to 6 great interest in. On receipt of And will be sold as cheap as the same quality : '. V r ' ' $I,Iwill send printed instructions by which can be sold in Toronto. Please call and ex- ' gift“,i1ffijaatlidrf;l{2tb?u“dm cm“, pnco. mm on); poison culturealdilyacqtuirc theart, and the‘se amine our stock. o W“ POLLOCK He would direct particular attention to his assortment of “'OOLENS, comprising a ’ ’ ' ins ruc ions Wi aso con am every partiru er I . S. . ‘ ‘ " relative to the carrying it on so that it will be Richmond Hill. Sept. 11, 1861, 146 large supply or qORUNTO‘ THE Lth OF highly profitable. The purchasch the “ print- ed instructions ” will also be author'zrd to teach it to others; and I have sometimes received as high as $200, for teaching it personally to a single individual. I Would state further that $52.50 or $3.00 will buy cVery thing that is nc~ cessarv to commence the business with. and the articles can be got almostanywliere, in city or country, or, if preterm-d, 1 Can furniin them Avenues, PREPAID, AIVQId T. Parsons, | No 36 Liberty St., New Ymk. OW HE Subscriber. in returning thanks to his numerous friends, begs to intimate to the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and Vicinity. that he has removed INTO HIS NEW HOUSE 1 one door South of Mr, Harrison’s Saddlery Shop. where by strict application to business and studying to please, he hopes to merit a continuance of the support so liberally bestowed on him heretofore. r ' All Orders punctually attended to. 03’ Garments cut to order on the shortest fiction. and in the latest Style. JAMES B, BURNES, Our Lord and Saviour J c'sus Christ BY REV. JOHN FLEETWOOD, D.D., CAREFULLY REVISED BY REV. JOSEPH BELCHER, D.D. THE LIFE OF JESUS CIl RlSTis the phi- losophy of true religion. It exhibits the Principles of Christianity in their purity and beauty. It is perfect excellence personified. that the mind of man may grasp it. and be changed into the same image. The inspired writers have given it to us in detached des- criptions. Dr. Fleetwood has arranged these in one harmonious whole, With such com- JVINEGAR ! VINEGAR i i Splendid quality 0.; Malaga Raisin VINE- A GAR. CHEAP, Srnono and Excellent for Pickling Just received at TWEEDS. DOESKINS, CLOTHS, FLANNELS J.A,MES RAWE, In every color, BLANKE'PS, &c., &c.; also to "It; ii 7‘ l . 'in mill; l. ““l, ' l,”- I M . ‘ luuiiii limit limb ‘liiiiiii ‘llmwi' liiiu “min NW lliiiiiul‘ lliiiiiii‘ A variety of New and Beautiful Materialsâ€"in rich Silk. Wool and Embroidered Robes, Printed Cashmercs, Gala Plaids, Allwool and Union \Vinscys, Cobourgs, ch. Cotton Goods ofevory description, Gloves, Hosiery. and Prints all new in style. He is also in possession of a large lot of PAPER I-IANGâ€"INGS! And will receive in the course of a few days a quantity of Proprietor and Principal Operator Toronto, April 19, 1861. 1 Now AND IMPROVED Map of Upper Canada! OULD you secure a valuable and orna- ‘ mental Work of Reference 2’ Subscribe or the Typographical, Statistical AND y WM. S. POLLOCK’S. Richmond Hill, Sept. 11, 1861. 146. NOTICE. If asked what was the best medicine for cleansing the blood, and for bilious complaints, Sick Headache, Costiveness, 110., we should say BRIGGS’ INDIAN VEGETABLE LIFE PILIS. FALL sir , I J . rp it , ' lanatio _s .d iicid 11 a1 ’nfori a- Richmond Hill.Oct.10,1851- Sign» The Autumn EXhibiton GUTl‘A-PERCHA ROOFING. LADIES, FA SHIONABLE FURS, “'“tlmted MW“ “PW Canada it: .WANTED, A SMART ACTIVE SERVANT GIRL-â€" one who thoroughly understands gene- ral House work. Apply to MRS, J. HARRISON. Plank Road. Richmond Hill. Oct. 10,1861. 150-3t. TEE-A. PARTY! THE PRESBYTERIA N CHURCH, . THORNHILL, intends holding a .SOIREE on WEDNESDAY, Ocronnn 16. at THORVHILL. The public are respectfully invited to attend. A CHOIR from York Mil‘s are invited, and will be present ; also several Presbyterian and Methodist Ministers will address the meeting. Tickets. 25 cents ; for Children under twelve years, 20 cents. 150-lt. OF THE VAUGHAN AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY WILL BE HELD AT ,BUBWIQKI Friday, October 25th, 1861, When a number of Prizes will be awarded. Rules and Regulations: 1st No person will be alloWed to compete as a Member who has not become so before the 20m October. 1861. 7 2nd. Members who are subscribers to the amount of $4, may enter any article free of extra charge. Members from $l to $4 will be required to pay 90 cents entrance for Horses and Cattle. andqu cents for} Pigs and Sheep ; other articles free. ' ‘ 3rd, Persons desirous of entering articles for competition, who are not Members of the Society, will have to pay $2 entrance. 4th. No Animal or article entered shall en- No article 'ever before introduced to the public liasoqualled the LIQUID CUTTA- PERCHA for coating tin or other roofs, new or old. One gallon, costing $1.50, will thoroughly coat from 200 to 300 feet of roof, and this coating will render the roufpcrfectly water-proof, and will lasr three times as long as white lead or otliet paint. Fer covering roofs, either new or old, we repeat, it has no equal for durabi- lity and cheapness, and we offer it to the public fully confident of its intrinsic excel- leucc‘, and With our warrantee that it will Viz ' Victorines, Cuffs and Gauntlets; also, Gentlemen's Caps from bOcts to 50. HIS STOCK OF GROCERIES! In every department will be found, as heretofore, complete, and offered at prices as low as the present state of the wholesale market will 3%: Whilst thanking permit. his friends for past favors, he regrets to men- tion that he will be obliged to place in suit EVERY account which has not been satisfactorily settled up to the lat of January last. He would also respectfully remind his customers that many of their accounts and notes become due on . Richmond Hill, Sept. 26, 1861. the lst of October, and that he would feel particularly obliged by prompt payment. 148-81. UNIONVILLE CARRIAGE FACTORY GEORGE EAKIN, In preparation by Geo. C. Tremaine, the old and well-known publisher County Maps. of Descriptive 0:? Residents of the Province everywhere will be called on by Local 01‘ Travelling agents 'l'oronto. May 1861. 138-11' Canada Permanent Building AND SAVINGS’ SOCIETY. SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL, $541,450: INVESTED 0N REAL ESTATE, $426,365 : ANNUAL INCOME FROM MEMBERS, $300,000. _.. Oflice â€" Masonic _ Iâ€"{alL Toronto. DIRECTORSâ€"Joseph I). Ridout, J. G. Che- welt, James G. Warts, Thomas Maclear, Peter Paterson, J. G. Beard, S. Nordheimer, Thos. D. Harris. Sor.1ctron,â€"Edward C‘. Jones. SECRETARY AND 'I‘iiEASUiiEn,â€"-J. Herbert Mason. H E Stock of this Institution presents a pro- knowsliisBible true.’ Belolier’s revised edit- ion contains the Lives oftlie Apostles, His- tory of the Jews,and an Essay on the Evi- dences of the Bible. It is printed in a clear and open type. in one royal octavo volume handsomely illustvated. and will be furnished in the following styles :â€" Clotli Extra,.............. .Price,$‘2 00 LawSheep’IIIIIIOOOOIOoOOQ “ Cloth. Fall Gilt. . . . . - . . . . . . . ” 3 00 Roan. Full Gilt. . . . . . . . . nu “ 3 50 THE HOLY BIB LE For Family and Pulpit Ilse. OUR EDITIONS (FT-1.11: HOLY BIBLE are unequalled for their durability. finish. elegancemnd completeness: no effort havv ing been spared to render them perfectgiit every respect. Besides the Old and New Testament, each style contains the Apcry- pha. Concordance. Psalms in Metro, Canne’s Marginal Notes and References, and valuable tables of Scripture Measures, Weights, Coins, &c. The text corrected Thomhilli Oct 10,1861- title its owner to a prize, unless considered worthy of such by the Judges, 5th. All Agricultural Produce exhibited must be owned and raised by the party entering it, and the growth of 1861. and all Stock and implements to be exhibited by the owner or manufacturer only. fitable and easily convertible mode of in- vestment, based on Real Estate security, ren- dering it peculiarly suitable for Farmers,Clerg) - men, Teachers, Mechanics, persons in the re- ceipt of salaries, and those whose income is de- rived from their capital. SAVINCS’ BANK BIIANCH.â€"-Sums of Four Sold in barrels of forty gallons each, at a liberal discount to Address all orders to READY ROOFING Co, do a" we claim for it. N Tendering thanks to his friends and the public generally, for their liberal support In past years. and soliciting the continuance of that patronage, cordially invites I an inspection of his present Stock of CARRIAGES.BUGG1ES,&0. according to the Standard of the Ameri- can Bible Society. They are all printed in large sized type, in one royal quarto volume. with a neat Family Record and. Illustrations. I. Emb. Lenther,Marb,Edges, Gilt Back Letters - Romainin gin RICHMOND HILL Po'stOflice QCTOBER 1, le‘61. dealers. , . I . I ' . d d f . Dollars and upwards are received by the Society 2 Eu”: lgElfirthfis'y ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' $3 75 Ammo, wm_ Macaw, Robort Animas or artic es inteii e or,com- 0 - , . 0 ‘ on de es“ Sm)th to Withdraw“. and boa ,n . in . ea. or. iil' Igos. ' ilt Bér'nard” H G_ Moore, Robert petition must be pnhthg g‘robund by 13 o (:10le ~3 Cedar street, New York. 148 1.9"] WHICH HE CAN SAFELY RECOMMEND To ALL, “New; M’Six gm]. cam. per annum. The 63% 3 RgafiltFithEgilaf,Foéid “golkd§.ggdvs. 5 00 Brillinger, George McMurchy, Mrs. ml lhehmgmmg 0.‘ tippxfi "if", fii‘beegizizd ‘“_ - T b . ' ., . pital and Assets of the Society, iiivestedin ' 3:034 Smell an'd‘gjlmaél r I. 08’ 7 00 BN‘SOH- Mrs; James MCGBB, James .wuh ‘ ,6" firetari' '8 00 s V“ , , Bezngmadeflcat, SH stantmlandfi anti/13 bestlmportcajllatcrwl. mortgages on first-class landed property, being 4' 13‘”?! Pa )er 1m Turke F' 1% Elgar: ,Cober, Peter [2] McPherson, Timothy 1“ 1'1 0 c 0‘: ' , - r . 7:; , GARGLING SUPERSEDED. _ . . wedged for the secumy of money thus received, ' gwel Plate; Mia ‘ minmu I i 9 0” .Cnmmep, Mrs Mary A,Mc(,'.arrv, Edward The Produce. Ladies’ Work, &c.. &c., Will RIGGS’ BLACK OIL is acknowledged by allvrho I He Will also make 10 order every description of depositors are at all times assmed of perfect 5 E. P ’1. 9‘ FM um' ' ' . Campbell. Mrs. '1‘. McLean: Laughlin be exhibited in the extensive buildings lately haze “giddlftilo 1’0 811901;“? ‘0 (Zarggngrmb 01' . . , . safe,“ - Xm‘ "Per; “Niel 01‘0000. I‘ll" Colleit, Martin Patterson. Bro. [2] erected by Mr. John Abell, Machinist. The. my 0 or 9 “me now eom l e u l for nght 8» Heavy Wagon S) GlgS) Sulkles. BIICIIâ€"IDORI'dS) &C- ' Sprains, Bruises, Horseflesh. Good for man and beast. Price, 25 cents per bottle. Xedicines G‘l . SS! 1P . - Cuts. Gulls, and all injur on to It 1 Be tales Maps and Illum 12 00 do. do. do. Antique 12 00 6. Extra Paper. Turkey Morooao, Full Gilt,18 Plates,Maps.Illum & Clasp, 15 00 ‘Culbert, Reuben ,Dickson. G, P. Doyle, Miss Mary Fox, Edward Granger, Henry [2] Harley, Mr. Hayes, John Herbert. Denis Harrison, John Hall. James Jones. John Fletcher Kliuch. William .Linfoot. John Ross, Mr. Mink . Reu'jrath, Robert Simpson,.lames, [3] Shaw, W. J, J Simpson, J unior, James Stong, Peter Stephenson, G. Smith Joseph Sheppard. James Tennison, Arthur Tomson. John Thomas. Mr. Vandeburgh. Miss M. To BORRO\VERS.-â€"'â€"TDIS Society makes ad- vances on the security oflmproved City or Country Property, repayable by instalments spread over any term the applicant chooses. from one to ten years. Properties mortgaged may be sold or ex- changed for other property, or the Mortgage may be redeemed before maturity, 1F DESIRED av ’IHE BOEROWER. Applications for Loans will be received by the Secretary. Robert James, junr., or R. H. Smith, Newmarket. from whom Circulars and the Rules of the Society, together with any Prize List will be read out immediately after the Judges make their returns ; and no animal or article must be removed from the building or grounds till the Judges awards is made known. under forfeiture of Premiums. Entries can be made with the Secretary at Pine Grove Mills, any time previous to the day of Exhibition 1 ' A charge 'of 5 cents will be made for per- sons entering the building during the Exhibi- tionâ€"children free. 4 - > 113’ For particulars see Bills .” JAS. HARVEY, ART'R MCNEIL, OIIEAP FOR CASH OR APPROVED CREDIT. 1)? Please give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. Sold by all Dealers '11 â€"â€"__ A YEAR can be made by enterprising men in selling the above and other popular works of ours. Our inducements to allsuch are exceedingly liberal. As these books are unequalled in their me- chanical execution, as well as value of their contents, a certain and rapid sale follows their introduction everywhere. C. w. COLEMAN, . WATCHMAKER 8: JEWELLER, N0. 283 YONGE STREET, Touonro, FIRST store north of Crookshank~street.â€"- Repairing in all its branches properly at- tended to. All work warranted. N.B. An assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewellery and Come one, come all, and buy of me, For I have Buggies, as you will see, That are neat, that are strong, and wtthout doubt Are much superior to any turned out! My terms are easy, my price 13 smalli- . . . . . For single copies or for terms to agents with r ‘ . ' ' . fuitner information. may be obtained. v- - r ’ " ’ .Laiigstatf, John Whaleu. Daniel sacrum-y. President. Fancy Goods kept on hand. _ . Play do “at forgot to gne "1° d can. 023" Letters to be prepaid, (“herJOfffN‘IEo'PtlllylyEtR , M. TEEFY, RM Vaughan, Oct. 3’ 1851. 149.3. ' Toronto, Sept. 6, 1861. l45-6m :Uuionvdle, July 18’ 1861. 13843111 - y I ‘ y Toronto, April 12. 1861. 124-113: NO- 617 Sansom St.. Pliiladelphia,P

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