li: nae-.5"... y... -. mu; 1:: , I 1 than}. ,_,_.__. \V’HA’I‘ MIGHT BE DONE. BY CIIAALES MACKAY. - Wliat might be done, if men were wiseâ€" What glorious deeds, my suffering brother, Would they unite In love andriglit, And cease their scorn of one another. Oppression’s heart might be imbued With kindling drops of loving-kindness; Allknowledge pour, From shore to shore. Light on the eyes Of mental blindness. All slavery, warfare, lies, and wrongs. All vice and crime might die together; And milk and corn, To each ‘man born, Be free as warmth in summer weather. The meanest wretch that ever trod. The deepest sunk in guilt and sorrow, Might stand erect, In self-respect. And share the teeming world to-morrow. What might be dOne ? This might be done, And more than this my suffering brother: More than the tongue Ere said and sung, 1f men were wise, and loved each other. Jiliiurlliininur, The famous \Villiam Penn had 'a‘scape- grace relation, whom his piiiining contem- poraries described as a pen that had been “ often cut, never mended.’ The late Lord Eglinton, according to the Court Journal, used to say that “ he never was expected. to make a speech without feeling I'eryinuch in the position of a criminal on the eve of execution.’ Curious Epitapli.â€"â€"Tavistock church- yard furnishes the following :â€"- ‘IIere lies Betsy Cuden; She wood a lived but she cooden. "I‘was no grief no. SOirow has made she decay, But her bad legs as carried her away.’ THE RULINC. PASSION STRONG IN THE KIRK SESSIONrâ€"At a meeting oftlie Kirk Session of Bigger, the other day, the ruling elder was about to open the proocedings by reading achapler, but ï¬nding that he had forgotten his book, he asked his neighbor if he had one. I hinna my Testament,’ was the reply, "but I hae a corkscrew l’ ITOOPS WORN BY THE “DAUGHTERS OF ZION.â€â€"â€"-A lady has found out, by the third chapter ’of‘Isaiah, eighteenth verse, that hoops were worn in those days by the daiiglitcrsiof' Zion. 'Here is the Verse 1â€"“ In that day the Lord will take away the bravery of their tinkling orna- ments about-their feet, and theircauls and their round tiers like the .moon.’ 7th month a holy ordained to the children of Israel, THE NUMBER SEVEN.â€"â€"-Ol’l the Observance Was COMMISSIONERINQUEEN’S BENCH, Conveyancer and Auctioneer, , J. GEY, I i who feasted 7 days and remained 7 days in tents; the 7th year was di- rected to be a Sabbath of rest for all things; and at the end of 7 times 7 years commenced the gi‘anl jubilee; every 7th year the land lay fallow; every 7th year there a grand release from all debts, and bondsmcn were set free. From this law might have originated the custom of binding young men to 7 years’ apprentice- ship, and of punishing incorrigible offenders by transportation for 7, twice 7, or three times 7 years. September 18, 1860. LOT 31. 4TH CON. MRRKHAM. 95-tf Auction H Notice. THOMAS BOWMAN, Licensed- Auctioneer, _ FOR THE V, , ’ COUNTIES OF YORK '& PEEL. All letters addressed to “ Almira,†P.O. wil receive prompt. attention. Orders received at the “ York Heraldâ€Oflice, Richmond Hill; Mr. Henry Lemon, Thornhill. and Mr, James Nicliol’s llotel, Richmond IIiII, _ Teeth. Inserted ! fore 7 days, not being accounted fully Cavannah, Mansion House, Sharon, where Terms, One. may be obtained. Almira, Nov. 25, 1859. Anciently a child was not named be- to have life before that periodical 62-h" day; the teeth spring out in the 7th month and are shed in the 7th year, when infancy is changed into child- hood. At thricc 7 years the facul- CIIARLES H. ITIILLER, ties are develoycd, manhood com- Manufacturer & Wholesale Dealer in mences, and a man blcco‘mcs‘legally Cigars, VFUhaCCOS, {Dives competentto all ClVl acts, at Toni SNUFF &c , . times 7 man is in full possession of . . . . . . N his strength; at five times 7 he 18 fit 2' Y°n§?ISt:?eti Toronjto- for the business of the World; at six Cd '5 wipe“ u ys" “’“Bd' ‘140'13’ times '7 he becomes grave and wise, “ ' ' ’ "'A or never; at seven times 7 he is an CHARLES TAGGART’ apogee, and from that day decays; (“OMLCTJONER’ at eight times 7 he is in his first cli- BREAD & FANQY BISCU mactcric; at nine times 7, or 63, he is in his grand climacteric 01‘ year of danger ; and ten times 7, or three- Pic-nic Parties & Tea. Meetings score years and ten, has by the Royal Attended and supplied OII reasonable terms, Prophet been pronounced the natural Riel‘de Hm- June 24- 1851~ 135-tf period of human life. V-ONGE ST. ClGl-‘JLMANUFADTURY l RICHMOND HILL. __._.__‘ I? GIVE HIM A CALL i an; best constructed “Mill before the Canadian A BLONDIN OF THE LAST CEN- TURY.â€"-â€"-Tlle feats of the Blondius and Leotards of our day, uith all the skill they cxhibitin balancing themselves on the tight-rope, are in- signiï¬cant, comparcd to those Of a famous ‘balancer’ of a century ago. Leigh Hunt, in his ‘Sauntcr through the West Eiid,’ tells us of the time CALEB LUDFORD, SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKER. Opposite Mr. Purkiss’ Store, 104- PATENT Eavo Troughs and Water Spouts superior to tin, put up at 6 cents per foot ; also, Drain Pipes, Seasoned Siding, Ladders, Shingles, Picket Gates. Waggon Fel- lows and Hubs, Barrel Heading, and Turning in general Manufactured and for sale by ' v a -â€"-I,-â€"..- m-.. ,, . . . \ . Surgeon Dentist, WILL BE AT On the 2nd Monday of each month, at BICEPS H0 TEL, 's’fiafflc. On the Tuesday following, at McMann’s - Hotel, Klineburg, i On Wednesday following. 111 all the latest styles. 154-tf :l l November 1861. iiiiiii, iiiiiii EXAMlNE THE LATEST I M P R O V E D F ANNING MILL, EFORF. buying any other Fanning Millâ€"â€" considered by competent Judges to be the public f0!“ separating Oats from Spring Vi’heat, Peas and Oats. and for cleaning in fact all kinds of Grain, This ‘IVIIII stands unrivalled, ' is. made ofgood D URABLE MA TERIAL ! And is, from its construction, the best for Far- mers use i’n the Province. . - They are manufactured by the undersigned, pat Richmond IIilJ,.tO whom all orders should be addressed. . - 0:? Farmers would do well to call and ex. THORNHILL amine the Mill, when passing down Yonge St. ' . Orders left at the residence of Mr. Southai'd, at Newmarket, wi l receive prompt attention. Shopâ€"Within Eight Rods Of Raymond's llote SOUTI’IARD, BOYN'I‘ON Co Richmond Hill. July 18. 1861. 138-ft when crowds flocked to tho IIay- j 0 LA N T A F F, GE 0. IVT P H I L IYI P S , market Theatre to see the ‘famous Mr. Maddox ’â€"-thc most wonderful achiever Of balances ‘ under difï¬cul- ties,’ who formerly made a fortune there. ‘ He danced on wire, and did all sorts of impossible things willi straws, eggs, wine-glasses and tobacco pipes. The following are samples from his advertisements:â€" ‘Stands with one foot on the wire, balances a straw on the edge Ofa glass, and plays on the ï¬ddle at the same time.’ ‘ Will set a table across the wire, and perform a table dance with three pewter plates.’ ‘ Stands on his head on the wire in full swing.’ ‘ Tosscs and catches a straw on dif- ferent parts of his face, and from his left to his right shoulder, from thence to his right hccl; then holds a wine- glass in his mouth, and losses the FINANCIAL LITERATUREâ€"The fol- lowing bill is said to__constitute a part of the financial history of \VentworthCastle, England :â€"- ' lev. J. McGuire to J. Jones, Esq., repairs at the Roman Chapel: 8. d. For solidly repairing St. Joseph . 4« Cleansing and Oi-namenting the ‘ Holy ‘ Ghost . . . . . 6 Repairing thc Virgin‘Mary and making her a new child . . 5 6 Finishing a new hose to the Devil, putting a horn OII his head, and gluing a piece 'on his tail 4« 6 103 10d. A GOOD \VAY To FIND OUT TIIE G1R1.S.â€"â€"A. man came to Philadelphia some years ago, exhibiting six boys and six girls, but all of them were dressed in girls’ clothes.- 'l‘h'eijeyc all so much iike girls iiiappearauce that he made money betting that no one could tell f’otber from which. An Irishman went out and returned with a dozen apples. Throwing one to each of the children, he observed. that some caught them in their hands; these, he said, were boys. Others held out their aprons; these, he said were girls. l’at hit right. ' ORIGINAL ANECDOTE or BURNS.â€"-..AS Lord Crawford and Lord Boyd were one day walking over the lands in Ayrshire, they saw Burns ploughing in a field hard by. Lord Crawford said to Lord Boyd:â€" “Do you see that roughiooking fellow crossing there with the plough? I’ll lay you a wager you cannot say anything to him that he will not make rhyme of.’ “Donc,’ said the other; and immediately going up to the hedge Lord Boyd cried out “bought†Burns stopped at once, lcant against the plough, and surveying his assailant from head to foot, ' he quietly answered: , “ It‘s not Lord Crawford, but Lord Boyd, Ofgraco and manners he is void.â€" Just like a bull among the rye, Cries ‘ baugh l’ to folks as he goes by.†The wager was of course 'won. A WESTERN OBITUARYr-‘TO the Editor of the Scottish American Jour- azal:â€"â€"â€"“h’lislur Editor, I am sorry to stait that Tom Bangs has deseized. He departed this Life last mondy. Jeni was generally Considered a god feller. He died at the Age CPO/.3 years Old. He went 11th without any struggle, and such is Life. Tn Do we are as peppergrass, mity Smart; in Morrow we are cut down like a cowcnmber of the ground. {Jeni kept a nice Stoar, which his wife now waits on. His virchcws wos numerous to behold. Many is the Things We bet at his Growcerry, and we are Happy to stait to the admirin world that he never cheet- ed, spechiilly in the Wale of markrcl, which wes nice and sweet, and his survivin wife is the Same wa. We never knew him to put sand in his sugar, though he had a Big sand bar' in front of his hens; nor water in his Iiickers, tho the Ohio River Runs past his dore. Pcce to his remains! He leaves a wife, 8 children, a cow, 4" horses, a g’roweei'y steer, and other quadre- peds, to moury his Loss; ,but in the spalendid langwidge ov the Poit, his less is ' there eternal Cane. . .-,..,, . nals of stage profits. straw with his hccl into the glass; takes the straw with the car down- wards, and Will] a blast blows it topsy turvy.’ This illustrious performer on the straw appears to have been the ‘star’ of the greatest magnitude that ever drew crowds to a theatre. He fairly, ‘dwells apart’ in the an- _ He made (and he made it, observe, in days when the sum was far greater than now) £11,000 in one season, ‘which,’ says our informant, Mr. Smith, ‘is £2500 more than Garrick’s a few years previous.’ This is the greatest blow to the vanity ofpublic fortune-making that we ever read Of.’ __ WORDS ALTEBED IN MEANING.â€" Vth a multitude of words,oi‘iginaly harmless, have assumed a harmful as their secondary meaning: how many worthy have acquired an un- worthy. Thus, ‘ knavc ’ meant once no more than lad : ‘ villiiin’ then a peasant ; a ‘boor’ was only a farmer. a ‘cburl’ but a strong fellow. "I‘Imc- server’ was used two hundred years ago quite as often for one in an lio- norahle, as in a dishonorable scnse, ‘serving the time.’ There was a time when ‘conccits’ had nothing conceited in them: ‘Oï¬icious‘ had reference to offices of kindness, not of busy meddling; ‘moody’ was that which pcrtainctb to a man’s mood, Without any gloom or sullen- ncss implied. ‘Dcmure’ (which is dcsmoeurs, or good manners) con- veyed to hint, as it does now, of the ovci‘doing of the outward demon- strations of modesty ; in ‘crafty’ and ‘cunning’ there was nothing of Crooked wisdom implied, but only knowledge and skill; ‘crafl,’ indce I, still retains very often its more hon- orable use, as man’s ‘craft’ being his skill, and then the trade in which he is well skilled. And think you that the Magdalane could have ever given us ‘inandlin’ in its present contemptuous application, if the tears of pcuitential weeping had been held in due honor in the world lâ€"«R. Trench, on the ‘ Study of lVords.’ Let a man have all the world can give, he is still miserable, if he has a grei'eling, unlettered, undevout mind. Let him have his gardens, his fields, his lawns, for grandeur, plenty, ornaments and gratifi- cation; while at the same time God is not in all his thoughts. And let. another have neither ï¬eld nor garden; let him only look at Nature with an enlightened mind; a mind Which can see and adore the Cre- ator in all his works, can censidcr them as demonstrations Of his power, liis‘wisdom, his goodness and truthâ€"this man is greater as well as happier in his poverty, than the other in his riches; the one a little higher than the beast, the other a little lower than the angel. STEAM MILLS, TIIORNIIILL. Juue3, 1859. 27â€"tf TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN! -1393 By Dr. 13.0. EDMONDS, SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA. By the use ofElcctricity, Teeth inserted 011 Silver, Gold or Valcanized Rubber. All Operations in his Profession, performed in the most approved manner and W arrantcd' Aurora. March 9, 1860. THE AURORA MASDNIC QUADRiLLE BAND! S new open to receive engagements on li- beral terms, for any number, to suit the convenience Oflarge or small parties. Applications to Mr. WM, IRELAND, eliurcli. N.B. Also, a SAX-HORN BAND may be bad on application. Aurora. Nov. 52. 1860. Grist and Saw M31111!E T HE Subscriber, in returning thanks to his numerous Friends who favored him with their custom at the Ileadford Mills, begs to inform them that he has taken the MILLS lately occupied by Mr. B. FISH. known as the @heafb 01‘1’16 Mills Near the Green Bush Hotel, Yonge Street.â€" These Mills being in ï¬rstâ€"rate order, any one givi lg him a call will ï¬nd the Gristing done in a superior manner. Parties wishing tO take their Gristing back with them can do so. [13†All work warranted second te’none in Canada. GEORGE SQUlRE, Proprietor. Markham. April 19, 1861. 125-0" v..â€" __ C. w. COLEMAN. VVATCIIMAKER & JEWELLER, NO. 283 YONGB STREET, TORONTO, ' 1. IRST store north of Crookshank-street.â€"â€" tended to. All work warranted. N.B. Aii assortment of Watches, Clocks, Jewellery and Fancy Goods kept on hand. Toronto, Sept. 6, 186l. 145-6m NEXT OF KIN WANTED. P ‘UNDREDS OF MILLIONS POUNDS S'I‘EltlilNG 1N CHANCERY, BANK OF ENGLAN D, «No, waiting claimants. A Catalogue of the heirs, and names of iliose to whom letters should be addressed in England, will be sent post f1 es, on receipt of 60 cents in United States’ stamps, or two for $1. Old claims must be presented at once. Refer- ences:â€"A. K. Hill. Boston; J. Burnham, Chief of Police, Havorliill. Addi'esr W. W. S. ORBETON & CO. Box 2.30, Post Ofï¬ce, Boston, Mass September 1‘2, 1861. 146r3ni. Till lllllllllll’lll Edwin 'Webber, BEGS to intimate to the inhabitants Of Rich- mond Hill and Vicinity, lbat he has' commenced business as CABINET MAKER, UNDERTAKER, 866., Two doors 'south of the “ York l'leral'dâ€Oflice. where he has on hand a general assortment of Household Ofthe best quality, cheap for cash, it? A Call is Solicitcd. Richmond Hill, June 7, 1861-. ~132vft NEW AND IMPROVED Map of Upper Cannon! or the Typographical, Statistical AND Illustrated Map of Upper Canada. In preparation by Geo. C. 'l’remaine‘, the Old and well-known publisher County Maps. mental Work of Reference 2†Subscribe TILâ€"3" Residents of the Province everywheie‘ wlll be called on by Local or Travelling agents Toronto, May 1861. 138-tf at ; Aurora, or Mr. W, WILLIS, 3rd COII. Whit- ‘ 100-3m Repairing in all its branches properly at-' Furniture, ‘ ' entrusted to his care will receive prompt atten- OULD you secure a valuable and orna-‘ of Descriptive ‘ Provincial Land Surveyor, RICHMOND‘HUJq C.\V. December 14. 1860. 107-ly DENTISTRY! . l W. C. ADAMS, D. D. Surgeon Dentist, 99 KING ST. EAST, SOUTH SIDE, THIRD DOOR WEST FROM criUIicII ST. TORONTO, 6743' ~ ARTICITLAR attention given to the regu- lation Of Children’s Tooth. Consultation free. and all work warranted. Dr, A. has turned his attention to the im- provements of his profession in all its branches, and canhsupply the profession with Teeth. Gold, Valcaiâ€"iized Apparatus. and Vulcaiiite Rubher,and the best Rene filling. Mineral Teeth mounted OII Gold, Silver, or 'Vulcanized‘ Rubber, With Continuous Gums, fwliicb arewarranted to give entire satisfaction. Toronto,0ctober 11, 1860.. 49".“ W. U. s K E N E , ‘ MILLWRIGHT, as. Donne, BEGS to intimate that heis now prepared to , erect MILLS Of every description, by contract or otherwise, on reasonable termS‘ .Heris also agent for the best Foundries in Ca- nada. and from his lengthened experience he hopes to giv'e'geu‘ei'al satisfaction, Altona, Dec. 23, 1859 4 IMPORTANT . IF, TRUE 2 q VAnd every Word is true.- For upwards of three years past,1 have been engaged in a business, which has yielded me at the rate of $3,000 per annum, but being desi- rous of going to Europe In the course of a few monthsfor the purpose of there introducing the business, 1 am willing to teach it to any one who will send me $51; The husii ass is no hnmbug, but of aliigbly useful and general character, adapted both to cities and villages, and one that . any )erson .of ordinary ca Iacily, youn r or old . . . . . f. : male or female. can acquie with a few hours’ practice, and by which Li can secure a very handsome income. Several young ladies who have received instrnc ions from me, both in New York State and Pennsylvania, are earning upwardsof $2! per week by it, and there is no reason why‘ any one (3‘ 0 cannot do the same. Invalids, even, can do well by it, as it isno ped- dling affair. but a business that is perfectly re- spectable. Gentlemen and ladie: of leisure who would'like to loan the business for their their own aIIiiiscmt_ttit or pleas e, will find the practice of it n pl '~ ant pastime, and one that they will take great interest in. On receipt of $1,1willsend printed , instructions by which any person can rea‘."ly acquire ,' ea t, on (1 these instructions will also contain every particular relative to the carrying it on so that it will be highly profitable. ’3'lie'purohaserof the "' print- ed instructions ’1 will also be authorized to teach it to others: and I have sometimes received as high‘as $200,1’or teaching it pei'so ially to a single individual. I would state further that $250 or $3.00 will buy ovary thingr that is no- cessary to commence the business with, and the articles can be got almost anywhere, in city or country, or, if pi'elerred, I can furnish them ADDBEss, PREPAID, Alvord T. Parsons, NO 36 Liberty St., New York. . The best ofrefereiices given when required, FANNING MILLS& PUMPS ~ HE'Snbscriber begs to intimate to the pub- lic generally,- that he manufactures the latest improved 7 PUMPS AND TANNING MILLS In his Shop, at Stoufl'ville, where all orders tion; and for cheapneSs and durability he defies competition. Repairing done with dospalch. All letters addressed to PETER KRlBS, Stoufl'ville P. O. Stouï¬â€˜vi‘lle. Oct. I5, 1861. l5l-6m. CHEAPER THAN EVER l, r HE Subscriber begs to inform his numerous . ' patrons and the public that he is prepared to make 511065 Of’e‘very style and description, atthe lowest 1 possiile remuii'erat'ing'prices. All work war- ranted to give entire Satisfaction. w, 11.1V1AR'1‘IN. 106-va Cook’s Mill, Vaughan, December 7. 1860. K, G. ' married ladies Whose health 3. ..,.., 5-,." . . . . ., ,,'.I.~,, .,.,,,.'.,.i . . H. Husband, " L: 'us. ‘s‘ H. 8.1.- HARRISON SLAVERY ABOEISHEO. 'ANY who have been slaves tothehmatic i tyrannyghave been entirely emancipated Flour‘ Barrel Heading,» Stave and Shingle Manufacturers, and: lURGEON Dentist, will be at Nicholl’s by the use of Hotel, Richmond Hill, the FIRST MONDAY of every month, and, the re- mainder of the month at his residence, McCaySVille, 7th Concession of York. VVOik \Vurranted. Teeth ï¬lled with Osteoplartic or Artiï¬cial Boreâ€"This ï¬lling is put into the Tooth while . sOft, causing no pain, as itrequires no pressure, it soon becOmes as hard as the tooth to which tt ï¬rmly adheres, renderlng it almostimpossible for theifilling ever to come out. Dr. Husband has made arrangements with Mr. G. L. Elliot, of Toronto, to manufacture his Artiï¬cial 'l‘eeth ; those who engage Doctor Husband to do their work will be sure of hav- ing it done in a. superior manner, July 8, 1859. 32-iy.’ M TORDN'I‘O CI’I‘Y MARBLE WORKS 185 YONGE STALET. MONUMENTdâ€"TOMBTABLES TOMBSTONES, &c. Twenty Per Cent Cheaper THAN ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT. T estate of D. C. & W. YALE, will con- tinne the business under the superintendence of our duly euthorized agents, AUSTIN ABBEY and I), CARLOS VALE. whose receipt Will be duly acknowledged. P,S.â€"-â€"All notes and accounts remaining un- paid on the lst day of June, 1858, will be put into Court for collection, at.“ C. YALE, G. CUMMER. Toronto, April ‘29, 1859. 48-tf UNITY Fire (it Life Insurance Association OF LONDON, Vo’itli which is Amalgamated the Equitable Fire Office. CAPITAL, £2,500,000,STERI.1NG. Available Assets Fire Departm’t $4,547,061 10 Life Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,596,595 46 Deposit. Fund in Canada . . . . . . . 50,000 ()0 Deposit Fund in New York. . . . . 150,500 00 CHHCF OFFICE IN CANADA I MERCHANTS’ EXtflANGE MONTREAL. Directors, Fire Department. W. Lunn, Esq. .l. G. Mackenzie, Esq, J. Torrance, Esq. J. Frothingham, Esq. B. Holmes, Esq. A. Larocque, Esq. Trustees in London : V Sir W. C. Dalyell, I C. F. Bazin, Esq, Trustees in New York : S. Livingston. firm ofBarclv_y & Livingston, Wm. H. Macy. Pres’t LeatlierManufact Bank “7. Sherman, firm of Duncan, Sherman &.Co Every description of Fire and Life Insurance Business transacted at the most moderate rates, of Premium. W. P. REYNOLDS, Manager in B. N, A. Agent for Torontoâ€"ARTHUR M. JARVIS, Officeâ€"thitlimore’ Buildings, Toronto St. Toronto, April 12, 1861 123-1)‘ Dr. LA. CROIX’S PRIVATE DIEDICAL TREATISE ON THE 950 PAGES AND 130 ENGRAVINcs.â€"Price only twentyâ€"ï¬ve cents. parts of the Union. On the infirmities of youth and maturity, disclosing the secret follies of both sexes of all ages, causing debility. nern vousness. depression of spirits, palpitation of the heart, suicidal imaginings. involuntary emis- sions, blnsliings, defective memory, indiges DJ and lassiiude,'w‘iih confessions qf thrilling inur- cst ofa Boarding School Miss, a Colfch Stu- (lent, and (1. Young Married Lady, ($0., (Sta. It is a truthful adviser to the married and those doubts of their physical condition, and who are conscious of bavinghazarded the health, happi- ness, and privileges to which every human being is entitled. > Young Men who are troubled with weakness, generally caused by a bad habit in youth, the effects of which are dizziness, pains, forgetful- ness, sometimes a ringing in the ears, weak eyes, weakness of the back and lower extremi~ melancholy, may be cured by the author’s New Paris and Londo 1 Treatment. “'0 have recently devoted much of our time ourselves of the knowledge and researches of Europe and the Continent. Those who place themselves under our care will now have the full beneï¬t of the many new and eï¬icacious l'E‘l’IlCtlleS which into our practice, and the. public may rest as- sured of the same zeal, asziduity. SECIIECY and attention being paid to their cases, which has so successfully distinguished us heretofore, as a Physician in our peculiar departme' I-of profes- sional Practice, for the pasttwenty ï¬ve years. FIIRNCII FEMALE PILLSâ€"Ladies who wish for Medicines, the efficacy Of which has been tested in thousands of cases, and never failed to effect speedy cures without any bad results, will use none but Dr. DcLancy’s Female Pe- riodical Pills, The only pi'eca“;i0ii necessary to be observed is, ladies should not take them if they believe they are in curt/Ii situations (the particulars of which will be found 011 the wrapper accompanying each box,) though always safe and healthy, so gentle, yet so active are they. Price $1 per box. They can be mailed to any part of the United States or Canada. To THE [Litmusâ€"“7110 need a conï¬dential medical adviser with regard to any of those iii- teresting complaints to which their delicate or- ganizalion renders them liable. are particularly invited to consult us. THE “ ELECTRO GALVANIO PRO'rE‘CTrvu."â€"-For will not admit. or who have no desire to increase their families, may be obtained as above. It is a perfectly safe sively used during the last 20 years. Price re- duced to $10. THE SECRETS 0F YOUTH UNVEILED- A Treatise on the Cause of Premature Decay â€"A solemn warning, Just published, a book shouting the insidious progress and prevalence among schools, [both male and female]. of this fatal habit; pointing out the fatality that inva- riablv attends its victims. and developing the whole progress of the disease, from the com- mencement to the end. It will be sent by mail on receipt of two [3]" cent Stamps. '11:!†Attendance daily from 8 in the morning till 9 at night. and on Sundays from 2 to 5 p.m. Medicines with full directions sent to any part of the United States or Canadas, by patients communicating their symptoms by letter. Busi- ness correspondence strictly conï¬dential. 11:? Dr, L’s Oï¬ice is still located as established, under the shame of Dr. La Croix, at No. 31. Maiden Lane, Albany. N. Y. 152~ly Ingram’s Iiifalable Liiiiment A certain cure for Rheumatism, Tic Dolereaux, SeRSOnod-FlOOI-ingé and Sidihg lt‘ept on' handi- All Sprains, Bruises and Swellings and Planed to‘ order in‘ quantities to‘ suit put; Prepared and sold by Joseph Ingram, Maple chaseis. ‘ » Village, in bottles at 25 and 50c. each. Maple Village, Feb., 14. 1861. 1-y. Provincial? Insurance Company, or CANADA, FOR. , fire (mo marine flusuraure, ESTABLISHED 1849, INBORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT! Plank Road; Lumber Planers. 113’ Factory-men Markham’ and Elgiu Mills P.O.* address; Richmond Hill.- June 7, 1861‘. , 132-6m Valâ€"liable PrOpeI'ty ' for 8316‘ VIZ: 63‘Acres, 2301‘ which is timbered, 40 Acres under Cultiv'atiou. Seveial PARK LOTS with timber thereon". A180, VILLAGE PROPERTY with or without Buildings. HE UNDERSIGNED Assignees of the i The aboVe property is sittiated at, and ad- joining to, the Village of Richmond H111..- . _ _ For further particulars apply at'the Ofï¬ce Of PRESIDENTHâ€"Hon. John Hilliard Cameron. mispaper. VICE-PRESIDENT :â€"-J. S. Howard, Esq. Richmond Hm, Sept, 26, 1860, Subscribed Capital, $1,743,520. HEAD OFFICEâ€"TORONTO. "96-0 THE - Liverpool and London Fire & Life Insurance Company.- DIRECTORS 1 Hon. 1. H. Cameron, George Duggan, Esq H on. Geo. Crawford, J. S. Howard, Esq. -Hon.M.Camer0ii,l\d.l’. Edw. C. Jones, Esq. J.Cmrieron,Esq.M.P.P A. MorrisOII,Esq.MI’P A. M. Smith Esq. Lewis Moll‘at, Esq. W. L. Peri-in, Esq. Head Ofï¬ce, Canada Branch, Corner of Place D’Armes and St. James Street, Montreal. M...‘ IS ~I~:â€"J' e S‘d _ C,,0g;:;’;?c,§sqf"" _ “70‘â€? am 5 3 “Y Invested Fund‘s £1,213,317 Stg'..- Assist. Secretary : Manager of Agencies 4 -â€"'-â€"- _ -J. W. Woodhouse,Esq. WIII. Blight, Esq. DIRECTORs.â€"T. B. Anderson, Esq. Chair- man, A. Simpson, Esq. Deputy-Chairman, Henry Chapman, Esq- E. J. S. M'aitland,Esq. James Mitchell, Esq. Henry Starnes, Esq; ‘,M.P.P. LIT. Maitland. Esq: Resident-Secre-‘ tary, G'. F. C. Smith, Resident Assistant'-’ Secretary. SOICI’r’ORs zâ€"Messrs. Duggaii 6'. Burns, BANKERS :â€"~Tbe Bank Of Toronto.“ IRE and MARINE INSURANCE busi- ness traiisr‘tbted by this Company at’its va- rious Agencies, as well as the Head Ofï¬ce, Tov‘ Tonto, at fair and average rates. ‘ , the Public to the following features in thd’ ‘ The numerous and responsible Stockholders imailagemen't of this companyz-F of this Company, and the large amount of can it tâ€"IE Directors would call the attention of The Premiums received in Canada are retained Physiological View of Marriage. 6 Sent free of postage to all‘ contemplating marriage,who entertain secret , ties. confusion of ideas, loss of memory, with i in visiting the Eiiropean Hospitals. availing i the most skilled Physicians and Surgeons in . we are enabled to introduce preventive to conception, and has been exten- , pital subscribed, afford an amount of security to .lie assured, equal at least to that of any other Company transacting business in the Province A.» LAW. TOIOhtO, April 18, 1861'. 125-13" FINKLE & LYON SEWING- MACHINE COMP’Y., 538 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. NO person who contemplates purchasing a Sewing Machine for family or manufac- turing purposes, should fail to send for one Of our Circulars, which contains cuts and full de- scriptions of the several styles, prices and samples of work, all of which we send by mail free. “70 claim to have the best Sewing Machines in the World For cit/tar Family or Manufacturing purposes. And all we ask is afair trial. Read the following: IMPORTANT FACTS. FACT No. 1.â€"â€"'l‘bis Company being duly li- censed, their Machines are protected against infringements or litigation. NAC’I‘ No. ‘2.-â€"'Pliese Machines make the lock- stickâ€"alike on both sidesâ€"'-and use a. little less than half as much thread and silk as the chain or loop-siizch machines. FACT No. 3.â€"â€"-These Machines are better adap- ted than any other sewing-machincs in the‘ market to the frequent changes and almost endless variety of sewing required in a fa- mily. They will sew from one to twenty thicknesses of Marseilles without stopping, and make every stitch perfect. They will even sew from the finest gauae to the hea- viest cloth. and even stout, hard leather, without changing the feed, needle, or ten- sion, or making any adjustment of machine whatever. Is not such a machine best adapted to family use ? and if best adapted to family use, why not for every variety of light sewing i‘naiiut'acture ?' For work too heavy for our Family Machine, we recomâ€" mend our larger sizes. _ FACT No, 4.â€"-'1‘hese Machines make the most elastic seam of any sewing-machine in use-â€" a. fact of very great importance in sew- iiig elastic goods, or goods of any kind, on a bias. FACT No. 5.â€"No Machine is more durable or more simple in its 'construction,or more easily understood. The reputation of these Ma- chines wherever used Will fully demonstrate each of the above FACTS. FACT No. 6 â€"â€"Tliese Machines took the High- est Premium at the Franklin Institute, Phil- adelpliia. FACT Ne. 7.â€"-'.T‘hese Machines took the High- esi Fremium at the New Jersey State Fair. FACT No. 8,â€"‘1‘liese Machines took the high- est Medal at the American Institute, in the City of New York, together with the High- est Premium l‘or ï¬ne Sewing-Machine Work. FACT NO, 9.~â€"â€"-These Machines took both the Highest Premiums at the Mechanics" Fair, Utica. N.Y. FACT No. 10,â€"These Machines can do the same thing generally, whenever properly exhibited in competition with other ï¬rst-class SewiiIg-h’lachines. But we have space for only onesz niore-â€"it is the most impertam Fact of all. FACT N o. ll.â€"-TVc warrant scary Machine we scll to give better satisfaction. than any other Sowingrdfaclttne in the market, or money refunded. ‘U’Send fora Circular. AGEN-TS'WANTED Address, FINItLE & LYON SEWINGâ€"MACHINE C0,, NO . 538 Broadway, New York. September 5, 1861. THE 1111110118 0F PEACE, THE HEROES OF WAR. ANTI-TONY, No. 501 BROADWAY. NEW , YORK, is now publishing, in addition to other portraits, the celebrated collection known in Europe and America as BRADY’S NATION/1 I. PHOTOGRAPch ’ PORTRAIT GALLERY, in which is included Portraits of nearly all the prominent men of America. not excepting Jeff. Davis, Gen. Beauregard, Floyd, and a host of other conl'edci'ates. Price of Portraits, $3.00 per dozen. Can be sent by mail.- Scenes of the War for th‘e'U‘nion‘, are pnblished,card size. and in stereoscopic forms ALSO. Stereoscopic Views Of Scenes in Paris, London, and in other parts of England and FranCe; in Scollaiid,'1reland, 'Wales, Holland. Switzer- land. Spain, on the Rhine, in Athens, Egypt, Turkey, the Holy Land, Chi- na, India, Cuba. dim, &c., ml mï¬nitum. ' Our Instantaneous Stereoscopic Views Are the Greatest TVondor of the A go. These are taken in the fortieth part ef‘a second. and the rushing of water, the moving of vehi- cles, or the march of an- army. does not in the slighest degree affect the taking of these VIOWS. They are sold for $3.00 per dozen. We have also on hand and manufacture the largest assortment of STEREOSCUPES, PHOTOGRAI’HIC ALBUMS, and Photographic Materials in the United States, and perhaps in' the world.- Catalogues. containing lists of all our Por- traits. Views, Stereoscopes, O'zc., sent free by mail on receipt of a stamp. r E. ANTHONY- 501- BROADWAY, near St. Nicholas Hotel,New York. September 5, 1861. 145-1y Agenrsrnichmand Hill: ‘ 145‘6m. . and invested in Government or other Pro-' vincial Bonds. All Lesses'wl’teln“ satih'fa-c-torily éstablished are‘ paid' in Canada without reference to tife’ Home Board. That there is not, at the present time,» one claim in dispute. There is invested in“ Canada in Availablk’ Funds 200,000 Dollars. a’ndthis is being constantly added to. i That there is invested in New York $800,000.. â€"and it is the intention of the Directdrs to increase this sum to $1,000,000. The accumulated Funds of the Company [No-’ vember 1859] amount to over 5,958,730 dols. The present income of the Company is over 7,590 dols. per day, Insurances efl'ected at the Lowest Remunei‘3 ative Prices. J. H. MAl'I‘LAND. Resident Secrethryr I Moutr ' K Toronto Agency : 85 King Street EasL‘III' side, [over the store of J. G. Joseph &. C‘o.] JAMES FRASER‘,Agent:- Toronto. April 19. 1861. 125-1?r NE W TREA TMENT. Buffalo Medical Dispensary. ’ ' Established for the cure of DY SPEI’SIA, GEN E RAL DEBILITY, FEVER AND AGUE, ASTMA. INCIPIEN'I‘ CONSUMPTION, CONSUMPTION 01" YOUTH AND OLD AGE. ETC: NO MerOiTry Used. Dr. Amos ck: son. 48 EAST GENES EE STREET, THREE DOORS WEST OF ELLICOTT STREET, Buï¬alo, N ew York, RE the only Physicians in the State who are members of the Royal College of Surgeons, London. May be consulted from 8 o’clock in the morning until 9 at night, in every state and symptom of disease.- Tlie treatmenti'thoy adopt is the result‘ofi up; wards Ofthirty years’ extensive and sticcessfwll practice in Europe" and America. 1. MOST SCIENTIFIC INVENTION, An instrument for the cure of Genital Debi-r Iity, of Nocturnal Emissioii's, more properly known as Seminal Weakness. &c.l Can be permanently cured in from 15 to 20 days, by the use Of this instrument, when used con: jointly with medicines. YOUNG MEN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICET' Dr. Amos & Son take pleasure ln' announc-‘ ing that they have invented a most importaml instrunientl‘or the cage of the above diseases; It has been subjected to a test Ofthe most em; inent physicians in London. Paris. Philadelphia and New York 1' it has been declared the only useful instrument ever yet invented for the cure of Seminal weakness, or any disease of the genital organs, caused by the secret habits“ Ofyouth. . ‘ _ Dr. Amos A: Son, in order to satisfy the most skeptical as to the merits Of their instru- ‘ment, pledge themselves that in any instance’ where it may prove unsatisfactory, after a fair trial, the Inonevaill be refunded h“ Stunting the instrument in good order. I Persons wishing the above usefuins trument. will Observe that the price, witbll e accom- panying directions, securely packedpand sent by mail or express, is ten dollars. . NEW RERI'BNIES AND QUICK CERES -â€"A' CUR! WARRA‘NTED. Dr, Amos & Son have, for a long series of years, been e‘ngaged‘in an extensivepiactice' in the treatment of' these delicate‘complaints, and are the 'only legally qualiï¬ed physicians who now advertise to cure Certain Complaints, orfrein whom genuine European remedies can be Obtained. ‘ ' ' ' ' Persons in any part of the world may be su'cv cessfully treated‘by forwarding a correct detail of their cases, with a remittance for medicines, &c., which will be returned with the utmosfl dispatch and secure from obser‘VatiO'n. Address Dr. AMOS & SON, 48 East Genesea Street, three doors West of Ellicott“ Street.~ Buffalo, N, Y. ' ‘ 8843’ Fire 1' Fire! l Fire! I : WESTERN Fire II‘ISIII'ance Company of Toronto. INCORPORATED BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT. CflPITflL STOCK, £100,000. I. C.- GILMOR. Pres. | GEO. MICHIIL,Vice Prey DIRECTORS : ' Rice Lewis. Esq. l 'I‘hes Hawortb, Esq,- 1 umes Beaty. Esqs. , W Henderson. Esq. 'I‘, P. Robarts, Esq. W Macfarlane,Esq=.. M. Rossin, Esq- l- , Bernard Haldan, Esq. Searctm-y is. _ TTMsuru,’ Angus Morrison, Esq. Solicitor“ “ Bank of Upper Canada. Ban] . Benjamin Switzer, Esq. lnngI‘. [11? Head Ofltcc. Church Street, Toronto. .5“ THIS COMPANY Ins-ures all descriptions of Buildings,Manufactories, Mills, &c.. and Gooda‘ and Furniture, in the same, againsthss or dam¢ .age by ï¬re,,on liberal terms. Losses promptly settled. -‘ 'A. LAX/V, > G eiieral.Agefl,l’c Residence,. 110-0 Richmond Hill August 13. 185T. t â€"â€"vv4