Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 3 Jan 1862, p. 1

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M 'I‘eet’y. Esq «a. t tillit ‘ but thrill ' _ Morny. Jean (Bipon, and‘IAntoi Leroux, before-the Quebec: mag - tra'tog...touci'iin.g » .tbe...dea to. of?» All . ‘ IB’ontempts. The handbill I ha Imislaid, if I ever had it' in my p session ;{ the extract from the new paper I have brought ,witli me.- Is PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, An‘d' despatched to Subscribers bythe earlies 1 mails. or other Conveyance. when solde'sired The uYORK. HERALD” will always. be ' be foundtO’cbnt‘aintli‘e lat‘estand mostimpor-I - taut Foreign and Provincial News and Marâ€" kets. aiid‘tlie greatest care willbe taken to ‘ render it acc‘optabl'e’ to-the n'ian‘of business. and a valuable Fallll‘l.‘ Newspaper. TE RMS.â€"-Sevnn and Sixpencepci'Annnm, IN AirvAncn ;,; and if not .paid within Three, ‘Mouths two dollars will be charged. ' 'Rdadfor yourselfi’j'f ’ J " I did sofwi'th growing disquie- I-tudeâ€"I-Iethe evidence giyen by the‘ chree men differing widely from Mr.» Siretion’s own version of the affair; and uriqnestiOHably,,,-if true, fixo' ing- him with-the crime of Wilful murder: .. " My account RICHMOND ,, HILL - ADVOCATE AND- 'JIIDVERTISIER; N’wafAWf-/V . AURORA [AND ALEX. SCOTT, Pmpriétor. RATES OF ADVERTISING: Siklines and under, first inscrtion.. . . .9500 50 Each subsequent insertion . . . . . . . . . . . (ill 12% Ten lines and under, first insertion. . . . . 011755 "‘ Let Sound IReaSo’n weigh igtore with us. than. Pops-rim Opinion.” ' TERMS :' $1 50 In Advance. -â€" . _ - . . . » 'I‘RIICIIEIMIU " I I of the dreadful 0c.“ curren‘ce is “strictly correct," said Vol.1V. No. 5.‘ Y. an on... ,trntnA JANUARY 3, rec. _ :Wtioie No.1 Above ten lines, first in., per line.-... ()0 ()7 ’ ' «In. ‘ ' V I C l i l ’I i "in"; ' ‘7 I I, I , W , I g ‘ I â€"“ . . ,1 > NIL Sucuon perceiving the bud cf- Each subsequentInsertion.parhne...I. 0"02 HO FEL CARDS- .~ I ' ' ' ' ‘ lesâ€"ycsâ€"eycs lv (it‘ltltl. Mili‘k failed in levyinginoncchontributions bccir r’pla'ying at hazard with Bron-1' {cc}; [hcb‘ré‘pgrmd ewdefw ‘Pmdmed [llâ€"3’ Advertisements without written direc- ,WWZVTVWWWWWWWVW ' ' > "51’ ‘l, ' ‘r .i‘lrcttuu, §lyrilitrilyir' to his feet and ‘ . l7 .1 f.‘ 'I ~ .-. . . . i w... . 1 In I ]- ~~t~ ~ '1. -- by ~ . - . ~ ' . . I . _ . _ . v I I I I i, b 3,, I_ I , upon them, w 1H,), 0 course, tvas temps, .ini i.n os cousn tin y, ,1an my mde tMomv u ,3 true, Ezfél:.mserted-ml {Oled’aud Changed a°°°’d' RéggggglgfllgitsLPHOTtEL __ . _- _ 1 z .._. - -5. istriking thoracic With his clenched his solo object, in seeking them out. That which quenched t'lic-mhad‘. of persists mm m, ,égthnoޤ “ms 8qu ' ro near. ' A . ‘ Hi , ',' .;‘,‘. ~ ,4 _ .. ,. .II I . . . ,II I III, I v . . , I . I All transitory advertisements, from strangers â€"â€"_..._ ’ p The lines which follow are from the pen ofl fibt' it hath no" um”. Ll‘lrd’ mi ‘ D‘géusud by his I” bm'm'ss’ ‘M’ (’Ourse’ km him mi” and h" buum' knell. 1” my favors bl” he ‘53 P“an or irregular customers, must be paid f'or’when LARGE HALL. is connected with this handed in for insertion. ' A‘libeiial discount will be made to parties ad- vertising bythe year. All advertisements published for aless pe' ripdtlian one month, inustbe paid for in ad- Vance. I All letters, addressed to theEditor mast be Hotel for Assemblies. Balls, Concerts, Meetings. ch. ‘ . A S'I‘At'jid leaves this Hotpl everymorning for Toronto, at 7 tun. : returning. leaves Toronto at half-past 3. waiting. Richmond Hill, Nov. 7, 13in. 145-ily. Lord Byron. The biography of that celeé brated author‘says. that they are onlyIto be found in a miscellany, published by one of his, :friends, which is now out of print, The sub- I, [[33 Good sunning and a careful Homer in Ject is. the ill-fated attachment of the poetic Miss CliaIworth, an attachment to which more, than to any other cause, be attributed the de- wt'untcd siiripleion'!’ engaged herself to Moray several months Ilium).â€" Tnat engagement becamd known to inv uncle justIfour daysbefore the ‘nccident’ at Clifton; and he chi- : phatico'lly deckich in Ii'iioriiyfs pr'c‘ scncc that he should at. once so all Moray C‘Itttt’: to New York, .with Was again disappointed, being. in fact, but :1 sorry gamestcr, and ot- terly unfit,th to cope, ifoply from the cg?,;i«,ts’b§lity;§of li-‘isfltctnpcrumeitit, thc lmpe of bcttcr luck at the gum- ing-tabIlcs of that wcnltliy city. _ Ho ; ineg challenged ‘hloiisreur l’Atmeri. Cain'é-I had given ii'iysclrout to be acitizcn of tho Union-41w recover his friend Morny's losses: l,-- 100‘, -- WnISfi in rollickingSpirits, having in tiiccou'rse of the afternoon Im‘bIbcd 1 a 'considerablc quantity of wine, of lists and traitors.’ I "My experience has generally {enabled me to distinguish the tone and language of ’candor and truth falsehood,- and I may say, that 1 bed lievc‘ yous-or. at Ieast, my belief from those of fa 'rr-secm‘ing guile and.: ,f, paid- I I, _ II ‘ ““h o *Tâ€"_ ’dmt“ [â€" solat‘ing 'change then wrought in disPOsi- iris. r Ydlllttfiti’bhi “r and ‘Vfljv. V No miter‘llscm‘AW‘led“m”allarl‘eami‘lesflre mafiuult firtttfi £0 3 ' _ n . ' filled “Ur-"led "6 ,SllUUltl not have I) myself wiin considerable sum off clinilen c. The tame was to be ' 7 A i ‘. paid :Iand parties refusing papers without pav ' 3f ’ “on' LB P b ’. , I ‘ ~ ‘ g E W ere ll not so my duty Would be in}! “P. will be held accountable forthe su'b,’ acription. . . _ TIIE YORK HERA LD Book and Job Printing ESTABLISMENT. ‘ RDERS for any of the undermentioned description of PLAIN and FANCY JOB WORK will be promptly attended to :â€" Booxs, FANCY BILLS, BUSINESS CARDS, LARGE AND SMALL POSTERS,CIRCUI.ARS, LAw rooms, 4311.1. nastisnmsn (:11EC](S,I>RAF'I‘S,AND ' 'PAiiiann'rs. And every other kind of LETTERâ€"PRES S PRINTIN G ! done in the host style, at moderate rates. Our aSSortmeiit of .1013 TYPE is entirely new and of the latest patterns. A large variety of new Fancy T} pa, and Borders, tor Cards, Circulars .I't' c. kept “always on hand Easiness intranet-.9. mission." CARDS. AAAAAAN-N~ANAAAA\M- AMMJx/MW “on. HosrsrTER, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons England, ' - Opposite the Elgin Mills, RICHMOND HILL. 127-bp 'ay‘t. 186t. I. BOWMAN, M.D, RICHMOND HILL.’ GEORGE SIMSON, PROPRIETOR. OOD Accommodations and every attention ' shown to Travellers. Good Yards for Drove Cattle and Loose Boxes for Itaco Ilorses , and Studs. _ I The Monthly Fair held on the Premises firSt Wednesday in each month.' The Stib>c1'1itt‘1‘ln calling-the attention of the public and his Old Friends to his establishment, fools satisfied he can administer coniloriably to their wants and with mutual satisfaction. ‘ Richmond niii, Apr-“‘20. 1860. 73-tf 'W bite Hart Inn", ' RICHMOND UlLl... [IE Subscriber begs to inform the Public - that he has leased the above Hotel, where he will keep constantly on hand a good supply of first-class 'Liquors, &c. As this house possesses every acconiiiiodalion Tra- vel ers can desire. those who"udsh history where they can find every comforters respectfully in- vited to give him a call. CORNELIUS VAN NOS'I'RAND. Richmond Hill. Dec. 28, 1860. YONGE. STREETAHOTEL, ‘ AURORA. G001) supply of Wines and Liquors _ always on hand. Excellent Accum'ino- dution for 'I‘rrivellers, Painters, and others. Cigars of all brands. ’ I); McLEOI), Proprietor. Aurora. June 6. 1859. ' 25 1y "snxus T0 " * * f on LEAVING ENGLAND. “ ’Tis doneâ€"and shivering iii the gale . The bark unfurls her snowy sail; _ Aiidehistling o’er the bending mast, Loud sings on high the t'rcsh’ning blast; " And I must from this land be gone, ' Because I cannot love but one. if ‘1! ' fl " As some lone bird, without a'mato, ,» My weary heart is desolate : I look around. and cannot trace One friendly smile or wolcmne face, And cv’n in - roads am still alone. ' Became I cannot love but one. “And I willcross the whitening foam. And I will-sock a foreign home; Till I forgct'a false fair taco. I ne’er si.all find a resting place; . My own dark thoughts I cannot shun, , But ever love. and love but one. ‘ fi- if I ‘D I “ l goâ€"but wlierce'r I flee Tlieie’s not an eye will weep for me; There’s not a kind co"geitial heart, M here 1 can claim the meanest part; Nor thou, who-hast my" hopes Undone. Wilt sigh. although I love but one. “ To think ofevery'early scene, Of V'illlll “genre. and what we’ve been. , \Voulll wliolm some sofior hearts with woo-â€" tut. mine, alas! has stood the blow; rm still beats on as it begun, And never. truly loves but one. “ And who that deiti- loved one may be Is not for vulgar cyesfio see, And why that early love was cross’d, ~ , fuitliing.’ I ‘How, then, happened it that . Moriiywas Walking amicably with your uncle upon the evening in questiim l’ . , ’ ' ‘ That was alic of They, Were not, could not be, walk- ingr together, I have no more doubt than of my own life, that Moruy, scizmg a favorable moment. :stoic behind, or trcacticrously acciistod my uncle, and after a struggle, brief but Idttspcfutc, of 'liich the cries - were. liciird by Buyton, hurled his victim over the cliff, tiiiseeiiby any cyc ‘SuVC Gild‘S.’ I, I ‘Unsccn by, ,Iiiiy eye save God’s I There can bc'no proof, .tlrcn, to jos- tin the terrible conclusion at which you have arrived l ' And let me ask, Mr. b‘trctton, how in happened that you did not present yourself before lthe: inquest, and contradict Morhy’s a few Iiioincnis only before the .dé- ceased Il‘cll over the itiill'l’I ‘1 Marcel not, Fit-piled hlitl‘lt Sert-t ion, with a. shuddcr,I and relapsing into nervi'tns wciikness; ‘II should {Morny's'lâ€"I him; and at last he. was’lairly done-' up, reduced to his last dollar, and he asked me for the loiiu of means to Cl'ialllb‘ him and Adlc Saiht Ange .â€"whom I then supposed to be his Wifeâ€"to return to Brussels. The request was readily granted. and he was set up upon his ‘ blacklch ' .ztgain ;.ho being, as (I had often heard hinted, andan fullybclicve, an arraiit‘cncat, though generally an unsuccessful one.’ ‘ There are; more clients of that class than outsiderswould really hc~. w llcvc,’ l remarked, while Mr: Stret- ton Inoistched'iiis fer/cred lips. ‘ MornyfIcontinuedhim-Strettmi, "Morin had gained sufficient expo- ricncc to refuse risking the loan he hard "obtained of mo in New "York hells. The simpler folk of Mom- [real and anlici‘: woul I, he Illiipcd, be less difficult to fleece.- Hc pro- posed.thereforc, to i'etorn'to Europe : simple hazard : that is to say, as you well know, an even bci‘ upon the color, of a card turned up after. “‘11-21l.€l'\'.b.V each player. It Was my tiist turn'to call”, and placing a twenty-dollar tote u I. cried, Rouge /’ - I ‘ Oijic might soon lose a fortune,- Mr. b‘tretton, at such a play as that.’ ‘Truc, and Bontcmps, though a rash gnmcster when the fit was on, hesitated to accept it. Ilc did so, lIOVl/CVCI', reassured, probably by my lustct‘cd, not to say intoxicated con- dition, which even :it so blind a more sober pliiycr. ‘ Rouge l’, l Won.- The play flow on with fiery Speed, its .laplil alternations of gain and loss, together With the stimu- lants we. swallowed,- exciting us al- most to delirium: Night fell, and declining c‘nirdlcs, the table was re- nrovcd to the litilt:011}',ttlltl we played via Canada, and suggested that l might accompany him upon so cx- citing It pleasure trip as for as Que-I} boo, its 1' should have nothing todo until letters reached me from Eng?" ltll'tt.lI,\VlllCl1 could hardly be undcr out by the quite sufficici‘it light of the brilliant Ciin‘zrd‘i-un irroon and slurs. Morny :ind Leroux Watched us with caigcr interest, especially . when, after about two hours" play, Fortune declared decisively on my pon the card, game gzivc promise of victory to the, place in a British possession " newspaper, victed of the capital offence 'l’ "There can be. no doubt that you _ would. 'S‘Ii‘ll, m’ugiza‘ est ceritusâ€" and I perceive, or fach I do, a slight “gienm‘ of light,- indicating that the dark cloud may hth a sd" vcr lining.’ (To be continued 2'72 our next.) Tun THREE P's.â€"â€"At the close of the last century, a poor, awkward; uncouth boy entered London, but he was so long, limit, and ungainly that he seemed fit only to be the drudge’ of a’ printi-ng'ofli'ccâ€"érun crrzinds, bring- \Vulcl'. sweep the floor, and“ the like. Already liiid poverty and the hardness of the world mndchii‘n sour, unhopcful and ,,_. ,. _.I . . I . w - W I dcs ondcnt. ,, ‘ _ _ . two months. I at once agreed to ~‘ 3 i - -- ~. - - I - - P II I I I Hunter. 25 Hotel. TIIIIII kIIIIW,III,Ie hm l fIIIIHIIII, mm”. “m WWI, m, “,1ng 5d,,“ confide (III IO .A {win IIfIIeIIIIII...IIIIId,.IIII bldc. .1 had not only \vIoiiIbnck .ill Um,“ less dlscoumge,.,w,,,sI many PhYSICIiIII,i§lH'g09I1& 110631161!“le llut few that dwell beneath tné‘sun lltc truth It) you, but .tllltll. l all] “3- k' ' g ’L 1". lb u- {hat Lmnux and highly had 108" One Doot South of Lemon’s Ilotel THORNHILL. May 1,1861. -.____._...L m» I .. LAW CARDS. M. ' TEEF Y, COMMISSIUNEB IN THE QUEEN’S BENCH CON VEYANCEtt, AND DIVISION OURT AGENT, l'27-ly [ Toronto, sept. 6. 1861. fi‘ttttrnra-d'ssthaus, 11E Subscriber begs to infortn the Public that he has found the above Hotel, where he \\‘lll keep constantly on hand a good supply nl first-(Case Liquors, &c. 'l'ltis house posseSses Ivory ai-coiiiiiiodai‘ion vaellers can desire, those who wish to stay where they can find every comfort are respectfully Invited to call. ' ' W. "WL‘S'I‘I’IIAL. Corner ofChnrch and Stanley Sts., I45-1y Hive loved so long, and loved but one. “ I’ve :riod nnotlier’s fetters too, Willi charms I)61'(‘l1flll(3t‘, uS'fall‘ to View; And i would t'ainAhave loved au' well, Iiut some uncoogiicrable spell . Foi-b‘ade 'niy lily-«ding hieesi to own -A kindicd cart: for ought but one. " ’Twould socih to take one lingering View, And bless thee in my last adieu; Yet wish I'not those eyes-towocp. For him that wanders o’er the deep; His borne, his hope, his youth are gone, atiacncd and constant friend, with he was amicably conversing solved, conic lemt, Iconic mayâ€"â€" shame ~ infanwlâ€"w an _ igiioniimnus. death. to ir-Iysclfâ€"tl'izit Clara Vig» nollcs shall liti‘v'ttl‘ wch the mnrdercrl of her HOUtltltlt'lil0110le ' . ‘I do not tiiidci'sluIIIigll You are threatened with Shuttle,I‘lt'lfttll‘ty,-utttl ignoriiiiiious death. If yrm but hinta suspicion that your uncle met ‘w'ith l foul play! Who is it tliut'can me- (glincd me to 't'i‘avcl in thy own name With ft'TtMlSlCUI' and Madame Morncy; but the excuse I outdo" to their) was; that my uncle might be angry it“ he Should bear that [had been arnusii‘ig myself in Canada when I ought to'linvo been patiently awaiting instructions in Now York. The ninth: l nssnincdwas lllltt' or Matthew Skinnerâ€"tlicitlitials being the whole of the money Bontcmps had brought with him to ‘ Le Coq.’ but he was indebch to me over £100.: Still first and furious the cries of ‘ Noir l~’- rouge lâ€"rougc lâ€" noirl’ succeeded each other, Bon tcuips’ curses mingling Will] my triumphant laughter“, till he was in my debt quite £300. ‘Miilcdiction l’ he exclaimed, starting up and gliir- » a youth has abandoned'liiinself to a thrifilcss life, having no higher aim than to live but for the day; or,worsc still, has plunged hood- long into all the extravagnuces and ' indulgcncies connected with thriro lessnoss and crime. had ‘vigorous licitllli’â€"â€" in'ipartcd .to him a mental aim, a Ii’iornlpowcr, which soon showcdilsclf to his em- _ , WI. same “muse um,“ w my _ . , . I . ploycr. Hc, was 6'prmrnit. persevea‘ RICHMOND Hm, POST OFFICE, Alblon 1â€"101". 6 1, Yet still he loves. and loves but one. mice you Wllll such tremendous “m” Tm Mom,” 'SUI‘WGSIIId n-D “ll-5 ‘1‘ “‘9 W11“ bl"°‘l‘5l‘"lv {WY ring, and plinsmking ;’ and. Wm, - . . , I 5 . ' ' L V. 4 .- .- ) ‘ ‘ v < , ' I‘ vi‘ ' ' GREEML‘N‘I‘S,Bonds,I)eeds,1\'lorti_ratzes, EAST MARKET SQUARE: â€"â€" â€" 4‘ Pell‘ltlllb’b‘l MOTH)" l’ - m “I “i 5"“ “m”. be 1“ ,lf’t‘guc “It” THE W ELL-Kl“) W N" A word of his Would consign me to objection. and we set off together in the devil !' I laughed dcrisivclv‘; these three qualities, in Spite of the the seat of the highest judge m Eng- Wills &c. &c. drawn witn attention and TQROVTO, C.,W, I h a s T'. ,. , . , - . . . . f . t . ; i ' ‘ Promplimde,- ’ ’ ' l ' ' ‘ llff llllff . A” 0mg." . .‘V‘ners’nla" hfe“"my l“th SP‘l'll-‘I 0”" {"51 llilll‘llg'PlaVC and shuttled the cards afresh. This tam “i ii hp w‘a? gOOd “-mJ “ml-L m , , J- SM-TH,--Proprletor- ,... l. 't . innocent liteâ€"ii'ii'ioccnt In puriosc. .. .u- .. I - A n " " everythmg lole’i‘blc onll’a “0 “de Richmond Hill, Aug 29, .. l-tl-tf' ,1. mt A III.) ,9 186, .I I I 1,234“ . , g -- . _ . . . . l " “as l U'llr‘ttlh , dld “01 .l‘v’l” “It” WIIS too much for the hot-blooded , r. , 1.. H. I. I. .l I U , t. -. “r ' ‘ - ' â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" m ‘0’ l 1 '~ ' ' ’ â€"â€"â€"‘ #'â€"â€""‘”‘" If m“ “l ‘l‘ie‘l‘lsum his. power! flim‘nv in hisvforage (1pm. Inc Small vow” "Tm cCheall rtscau v“, “a way 0 )e WOO 53‘" ( m 15’ v I . I b I . . t‘ " A CARD-I C_- KEELE. Esq., ofitlro City of Tor- I - onto, has openedan oflice in the Vilâ€" lage of'AiIrora for the transaction of Common Law and Chancery Business, also, Convey- ancing executed wiili correctness and despatch BLACK HORSE HOTEL, Formerly kept by William Rolpli, 001'. of Palace .8; George Sts, [EAST or THE MARKET,] TORONIO. I MARK STRET’I‘ON; ' on, THE TABLES TURNED. tth gallows! You start back-y aiiiazcd~rcpulscduâ€"iodignimt! But, at all events, you will listen in a lasscrtion, that your uncle was an candid spirit to what I have to say I decrioftlizit ci-tv; not certainly dc- ferrcd therefrom by any scruplo of Conscience, but because the ennui which had driven the to ginning in New York was banished by the tin- iiiinf he shouted, and struck me with his open inind upon the cheek, - ‘ you have robbed me I’ It required ' out such an outrage to completely madden me. I sprang upon him land) and lately died worth a million of dollars, among the most honored men of his nation and agc~â€"-Lordi Chief Justice Campbell. IIis crit- , w. . before condcmnin abandonin. mc‘l' . . , ,, ,. , ,, ~ .. , _. I . I I ploycr, seeing his dull nature, but Division (’Oul'ts amended' . BY A LONDON DETECTIVE OFFICER- ‘ twilllv IIl in d v V([] dug .Pujurfisq-UL dayti‘ft UNI “Ill”. 1 a scroll”) _U‘ rdfie-fStIIUCKr “(nicinq “It the sal‘ne [hle that \vhen VVelllnfrton St. Ani'ora, Queen St, Toronto - [g ‘ ‘ . ' I Y I . ' “â€" . I all , I \1011 C1 V ll“ 1'3 "10 CV popu ll [01],?!” SOIZB‘I Piugoucd nun a“. ~ “lit 1'11”. ,“ . I l I I I . r . m ' ,. » ~UCCGSSOr ‘0 Thomas Falwell Continued ram our last.) .. . . , , - ._ ‘ . I .» | , g . , , ' I , , ,‘ ‘ no hut. zinvtlnnsy to do, or: went at It “Novembcrzousbo. IIIIIIAIIVI I__I104-l.II Good Smbnng amicde ( _ I plume, dot the solution you have required no (OdlbILI‘ stimulant. Ar- exemm, 0t mumaua] strength, ' ‘3 MATHESUN macaroni“ Barristers, ’ Attorneys-atâ€"Law, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, &c. OFFICE 2r- Trusty~ .dostlers I always in attendance. I Toronto, April 1.9, 1861. , , _ 30. H. surrn, I st. LAthna‘cn INN, .125-1r [From the Household Journal.) I I lost no time in postings reply, appointing the Fox Tavern, Kings.» land Road. as the place, and two p.m. as the hour of riiccting- Ar-j rivcdr tlicrc. ’ he was to ask for volunteered of this confoiii'iding busnicss be as explicitas possiblc.'l ‘I will be 'tl'ioroughly " explicit. You are aware that my late uncle was nevcr married, and that l and rived at Quebec, Itt which plaice'thc Marilyn were to embark fur Ant-‘ \verp, and “where we remained tliiee' wet-ks, the old fooling of lassitudc came back upon me, with as'much li-uilcd him over ttic balcony into the deep, swrft river beneath. I saw the body out the water, and dlSllpPCitl‘ bci'icnth Inc glittering surface; and the sudden l‘CVttlSlOlt promptly, and with great pninstak- ‘ mg kept at it until the work in hand ‘wns i‘lnnc, although" painfully slow, lic patted him on the shoulder, als 'wcys' spoke cheerfully to him, and « ' ‘ « ' > ‘ ‘ w‘ ‘ w w l ‘ V . I ~ ., . , - . ' . . with considerable consistech throw CORNER OF KING ARD TORONTO STR_EETS 1 4 2 K L '1’ . ‘Lllal'les.binllll, and NYOUId be SllloI‘VI] Bliss lglltfl‘lCS llilVC lifter) 11.1” "yang IOI‘CC HS Lil-"Gr, alltl illlel' doing ’- “the it‘shlng cans‘clousness thal I I. . [I . a b V!" -‘.l OVer Whitmore &. Co’s. Bonking Oflico. ' orrosn‘n THE ST. LAWMNCE MARKET, in,” a Privum Hm,” I ~ -» ill I, 10 Is in it, way, y V lit.) 18 II TORONTO I Agency Pai'ttcularlyottcnded to. THOMAS G. MATn'nson. Toronto, July 1, 1559, JAMES FITZGERALD 31-tf Mr. s. JII’..J.aI:V1s. BARRISItn-AI-Itw nit) soucnoa i will CHANCEHY, Office removed to ’Gas‘ Company’s Buildings, Toronto Street. Toronto, January 9, 1861. . Chaâ€"r‘lcs, C. Kcllcr’, A TORNEY-AT I LAIV, SOLICITOK ,.in Chancery, Couveyancer. 62c. Office, win thctOria Buildings, over the Chronicle office, Brook Street, Whitby. Also‘a Branch Oflice in the village of Bea- ver-ton, Township of Thorali, and County of Ontario. ' ‘ Hill, andMarkliam Village regularly attended. Ill-Gm up in the . best style. , . TORONTO. Choice Liquors and Good Accommodation at I reasonable charges. Good Stabling and al Caiet'ul I’losiler in attendance. , Toronto, April 10, 186LI IQS-Iy . JOS. GREGOR’S . . Fountain Restaurant! 69 KING STREET, EAST. Tonos'ro. Lunch every day from 11 till 2. a'ways on hand: ‘ Dinners and Supporsfor Private Parties got [137’ Soups-Gaines, Oysters, 'Lobsters, &c ' I had been at the rendezmus about ten minutes when a hack-car; riogc drove up, and Mr. Mark Stret- ton presently entered the room. I started with uncontrollable sur- prise. _Mnrk ,Strettcn was. the spectre of his former self. The pa- per upon which .Iam writing was not whiter than his face, his eyes glared with unnatural fire, and his whole framc shook as with aguc. I had ordered brand}~arrdâ€"walcr, and, as he di‘omgictfinto a chair, I pushed ,Toronto, Aprillgl, 1861.. I itlie'tiritzislcd glass toWard him. He 125-13‘ I I I“ I I Ilcmpticd It Without a Word, and at a yearsthc acknowledged heirs of hit“ \vculth. One ’i‘tish dear to his heart i was, that I should marry my consin‘ Clara. in ordiar that the property- inight not be (li\'itlc(l. Neither of. us was‘dcsirons of carrying out our 1 uncle's wish, of wliini,.iii that par? ticular; and as to myself, I, with the perversity cmriinoii to spoiled l youth, must needs fall in love with It young lady who had iiodnng but a pure mind and a charming:person to offer in exchange for riches. My uncle did not insist upon carrying out hisown millin that particular-t. but: having :1 high respect tor tit-cl lmcnt on the first floor of ' Le Coq,‘ NEWBICGINC7 HOUSE, ATE Ciaren‘dbn Hotel; 'No. 28,- 3” and 3.2 J. Front Street, Toronto. Board $1, per day l’ortors always in attendance at the Cars The Division Courts In Ontario. Richmond rand Boa“. W. NEWBIGGING, ,gulp. The strong spirit partially rc-strung his nerves, and he said, liuskily: (I , I l H ‘ Watcrs, I am in a fearful strIaitl Will ion stand. by me l’ fairlyâ€"whose name hiid best rcmainl unspokenâ€"4):: stipulated that the, constant")! of my. attachment should: be tested by time and absciicc-‘wsnvl a twclvcmontliâ€"tn he“ passed by me nightsof Abraham, the Si-cne’ of Wolfe’s victory, hulfla-dozcn times: over, I was fain to seek such a 'exâ€"i- citcmcnt' dS’lllt’,‘ Quebec hells might » aflbrct. Accursed infatuation! mi- semble imbccdity l’ he added with ll:l)UTSI of passion," ‘ to which low: it that I have since been} the Vessel- of a [nun finite and loatheâ€"«the '- bond-slave of my uncle’s murdercrl‘ 1 Nominal silcitt,‘and~ Mr. Stret- toii, soon sufficiently mastering his emotion, resumed: ‘ The play-den which Morncv and Ichicfl'y trcqncntcd was an apart- a tavern in tho lowcr'tmvn, so close i n‘poii‘ the edge of‘n ' quay; that a, quaint balcony built out, as It Worc,, from the room in which play 'wnsl carried on. 'pri‘ijoctod ()Vct‘ the Si. exi'cpt so far as memory I‘ecalls'thc was it lioiiiicidc--qucllcd in a mo? Incnt both strength and rage; my brain reeled, and I fell upon the floor" in :i swoon. The next seven or eight hours are a blank to me, chutoxc images of n lcvcred,drunken dream. from which I awoke to find myself whirling along in a close carriage in company with Madame ‘Moriiy. The first words she ut- tered instantly recalled the shame and horror of the preceding night, and I listened with n beating heart to what she find further to commu- nic.ite. I had killed Bonienips; heavy boy might earn a little money, and be stimulated to greater act:vitics.-â€"Holl’s .fliufnnlof Health. ‘ Use IOF THE U1t31‘1u.\lAitY--Tl18 ' following is an amusing illustration of the fact that any one may write- English or speak it, and still use an unknown tongue. The words be- low can all be found in tho dictionr ary, and all are grammatically used and yet the thing is :is hopclcs ly dark as if written in Cherokee. It purports to be a letter from an auo‘ thor to a critic :---â€"“9 Sir,-You have behaved like an impetiginoos acroulo‘ a plain find ‘very painful one, the" dcnth“ ‘of‘ ‘Bont‘c‘mps having taken’ ‘I knew I incurred that" danger.- ybn' tlr'n‘ik,’ hc‘ nddcd,f_in a low,- Shnkh‘ig" voiceâ€""do ytiu think that, supposing [voluntarily surrciidcred‘ inys‘clf to the Quebec authorities, _. and the witnesses persisted in. their V, evidence its set forth in tlic Qucbcd ,’ that I should to CUlle, 5 But the boy } there was no doubt about that ;’ his _ _ Like those inquinatc crass, sciolist; body had been picked up by some who, envious of any moricl cclsitudeu..' hours limtlilitltl alter it had been about two in the water. blonnwhilc Moriiy, aided by Loioux and Jean carry their pugnncily to the height of creating syniposciully, the lzicund, I I I I prmmmh , -I II v I , I , I . . I II , _ I I I I II I I words which my pelymutic genius Whitby, NOV, 99, 1860, 104.1, To“,an ApmsI 1861,” ‘12.“), _‘ B" I‘A’lm. Mir bilell’OIll. 1:19' "I ll": Ulllltnl Stale:- ol Americaâ€"; Lawrence. j I‘m: balcony Wits a fn- Pipon, landlord oi - Le Coi,’, had uses will; uberiy to obligate the I I I -,_ - ~ plied ; and Ithn i am informed of. New York : principallyâ€"1n which ‘ vori‘tc smoking-place in line weather born the away to It place of con-I mugues of .me witness! Sh} vou JAfljflS ,BOIUL] ONr I Esq_ 9:311 .IIfot-bel, the nature of the fearful strait you citv important matters of business i for the gamblers during;I intermls ol'vcculmcnt till a carriage could be sc- “avg, crassly pflmdicd mv own pet ~ » .- it‘\£ of 'in an! ‘eore ‘treotc -;' ‘ ' ‘ z . ~. ~. . - '. - .. v. C. ,, ',.e , ... y .7 . i . v. , " Bfll‘l'lSlel'a ' 'I‘bronte,C.\V.gVVM. Mosxhomn, Pu: spew 0" I w.“ “Emmy sum Wile 'wmm‘d “"hhm‘d’ WhKh "W'l’f‘v'l dhllm Pl”). "r “ht” fc‘cred b3 the (“‘1”) mm“ ‘0 W”be mb 0‘” “’9 words, as though tl‘iev were tun- Law IOfficoâ€"Corner of Church and King-SIS; Toronto, March 8. 1861. ll9-tf priotor. Good accommodation 'forl’l‘rnvellers Large Siabliiig. and It Good Hustler alwaysin , attendance. - Toronto, April 10, I861. llllUl‘ I can stand by yen to any use- ful and just purpo‘sc.’ ‘ You refuse to' commit yourself' scncc thch might help to wind up. I sailed With a light heart from Liv-I crpnul, III the Nchork linci', .i'V'it- vicissitudes of the game. I Tnc‘frcfl . ‘ o 7“ 1 " ' qucntcrs of Le: Coq woic chicfly second or third-rate merchants, (,Jaimdiim frontiers _I was now. on my way tliithcr. and had left Quite, not: close oponlour hours. Having- grum‘s. I Will not cosscrvatc rea proachesâ€"l would ol‘iducc a veil the atriii'ncntul --__ _ __ -_ I I over iiiurntiludo ' r ’ ‘- ‘ ' ~ ‘ n I \ I ' x 1 v i s . - ‘ ‘ « . , ' . . . , -r I . . . v - . » "~ D EDWARD E, W, HERD, , I _ __ ______=___fl_wl_2_§fl 1 “Hm! 50-I Have you befall "l' lhb 770M)". Idlld dllbr u pleasant voyage . slllpilwners, sen-«:nptuins, and the been only known In Canada us Mr- wimm has ctidmtumil even my um. I ARRlSTERI A,,_,,,.,,ey_,,(,LawI Solicitor HOTEI papers, he added, With qutvei‘ing t‘UaI'llcd niv destination to .iioalih stakcs, as a rule, moderate. Among b‘itinnct‘, Madame Morny thought (“sewn-DIG “can. 1am 5.18”, (H, me 1 _ I . ‘5') eyes and tonch. .tlnu‘e you soon in .. .in Chancery. Coiiveiaucer, _\S;,c,wM9ney "advances procured on Eortgages, . No. 3, Jordan Street. ' Toronto. December 13. 1860. HIS-y A. :MACNA no. ' ARRIS'I‘ER, Attorney. 'Soliditor, the. King Street, East, [over Leader Office-,3 Toronto, C.W. Toronto, April, 12, 1861». ,â€" l123-1y' I “ H‘illiam. Grant, , IAT'roa-NEY AT-LAW. solicitornicaan- cei'y, Conveyancer, the. Toronto. (Alice. . YONGE STREET, IlE Subscriber begs to intimate that .he has leased the,abovo huts-l, and having fittI-d it npin the latest style travellers may rely upon havingevery comfort and attention at this first class house. . , I ' Good Stabling and an attentive Hostlor al- ways in attendance. WILLIAM LENNOX,.I5.-opiieior York Mills, Juno 7. 18‘61. . 139-1 y Wellington Hotel," Aurora ! OPPOSITE THE 10RONITf) HOUSE. ' 'thc pnpcrs an account of the death t)f-â€"Ul-â€"â€"’ He broke off abruptly, bursting into a passion of tears, v ‘ You were about asking me, Mr. Strctton, ifl had read in the news- papers on account of your vcncrnblc uncles dcntli 'l' l have done so, and have formed a strong opinion upon the case.‘ , ' ’ ‘ And that opinion isâ€"must beâ€" :ind safety. The Commercial affairs I had to settle occiniied me some live or six months, during which pc- riod 1 had an abundance of idle time on my hands,wliile dW’itllItlg instruin thtlS from England «as to how I should dciil wnh certain cases and propositions. That fatal lcisnt‘c led: me to the bolls of the lithium lCity, wnci'cl iiict'aiitt 800“ became inti-r nuts with M. Ac'liillcs Moriiy. a Belgian born, of French ’cxtriictirni, 'pl_.'1‘£llllt§tll, sudden and quick in quar- otlicr Quebec notabilitics, of a minor degree, ‘ Was one ’A-iinc Bontcvnps, thc'son of a shipmvner. lie was a slight young man, of excitable teln- rcl whom lossos, if at all consider- able, litSllCtl into UllgOVC‘I'lltlblU fury; ch,.iii consequence, liked to play with him, andrthe less so as he Was known to be as ready with pistol as Willi tongue. One Sunday evening â€"â€"-I had by that timccast off all j nich us, \vhcn it would be prudent there was but little dungcr ()f'tllyv apprehension,ifl kept as much as possible "in doors fill her husband not to dclny cur departure for Eng- land. This Was tho substance of'licr Coinirtunicntioii, with lhisI additionâ€"- that the” money upon the table Which I had won had been employed by Morin iopnrchase the connivancc of Pipon and Leroux at my csmipc. \Vc reached New York in safety, oscilutiirii which my coudjuvuncy must have given you when I offered to become your fantornnd :idniinclc. . I Will not speak of lippitudc, the 'ablcpsy you have shown in cxccr- hating me one whose genius you should have approached with mental. discalcntion. b‘o lrtcll you, sir, syoncopliicnlly, and without super- vomncons words, nothing will ren- dcr Ignosciblc your conduct to me. [warn you that I would rcllicato inatho“ Leader” Buildings, King Street. GEO. L, GRAHAM, PROPRIETOR, lhal llle Verdict lied ; that'inv uncle whohnd come to North America in English habits of‘revcrence for’Snb.‘ and about ten days afterwards yum. l'msu. if I Waugh that any m0- 1 ‘ n i J" , l "‘ ‘ ‘ 'I r I. i ‘ -> "r l'. ‘. ' t , l. . v I ‘ x l I I I ' . . " Toronto..Ainil12,1861. 123-1)‘ LARGE and (tommodinus Halland other “db flmHy murdwt‘d»! :w‘mhh “1 “l’ulPdIY'Wed'll'Y 1.6.1“ lldlll and home sanctititsâ€"one bun- Moray Julilbd us there, bringing ml dmtht'nsls could be lhel'ebl' P01“ #7“ .‘___.._.- _.._ IA- MAI-Rs, B- A» T'I‘ORNE'Y - AT-LAW, SOLICITOR II in Chancery. Con IStreet, Markham Village ,Novembarfl‘l. 1860. I ! tot-i veyuncer, the. Main improvementshave. at. great expense, . been made so as to make this House the largest and 'best north‘ of 'l‘oron‘to. 'I‘ravcllers at this ,Ilouse find everycoiiveiiiencc both for them- selves and horses. I I IN.B.â€"A careful Iostler(ilvi/ays'in‘atten-tl'aiice.~ Aurora Station. April 186]. ‘ J ‘Thiit is going too for. I Permitl me, howcvciyto ask if M. Achilles! Mornr IS a suitor for the hand ofj Miss Vignollcs, and if that suit wasl tivcs, whose prognitors had emi- grated to Lower or French Canada, in the time of Louis XV. ' lt'hc suc- ccedcrl in clearly tracing his ances- day evening I dropped in» at 'Le Coq,’ where I found Bonteiiips, Moriiy, and a stranger, whoscL-hnine I aftcrwIird know to be Lcroux: Opposed to the wishes and will of'itrv annongthe simple ‘ habitans"â€"-Of Moray and Le‘roux seemed to both. *‘ 126-1? - your-deceased uncle 'l’ 'thatl know nothin ~4~he alto other I g . a very dismal mood ; they haddtqund, 'wllltltlnt a" printed oill, offering a large reWard for the apprehension of Matthew'Skinncr, supposed to be a' native of Baltimore, in the United States,- and a long statement, cut out ot.a Quebec newspaper, formed. [it drought that I should not impiguorntc reputation by such It dlgtzition. A l ‘ Marriage ma be defined as love- . . Y pm‘sont'ficd. I" 1

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