l iiicl'iér'oiéyf the ooidior who .Eoi‘ colonel- ~ ~ Erbfton ï¬n‘d Captain Hanham at Fultv’oodiï¬ar- racks Preston, inSeptember last.. was on Thailaay'pn’t upon- hisiltiial at the Liverpool Assizes. lie waSJ'onlyntried, upon one indict- PrOSp ectfus OF THE momâ€"mat charging him-'withthe murder“. SCOTTISH AMERICAN JOURNAL Captain Hanham. 'He was found guilty on ~ the clearest poseible~evidence,.and*was sen. tencedtodesthu ‘ w - « . , _.._a_.__ j_ DIED. . V i, . Hill, on Thursday the 9111 infant son of Mr. ' ,AtI‘Richmon’d' instant, Edward James, «James Lawrence, aged. 10 months and 14 days, W “cumin. ‘P ICE CURRENT. :, ‘Akln. q. Eirkpatrick’s Report, Jon. II, 1862. Flourâ€"per hr] of 196 lbs. " Middlings . . . . . ............$3 00 it11350 Fine. . . . . . . .............. 400 to450 Superï¬ne No.2........... 475 to485 . 3, 1' _.".“.=»,..", .“;"I....:....... 4 95 to.5 05 Funcj'ltlll'eotoeI-aaa ae-e‘ H: 'EX1T&.-‘....o.-oo.‘;moo... Sn erior Extra......‘...... 600 t0650 i'ï¬gsé-l'12llbs...._..“ti.....‘ 255 to260 ‘ ‘i'IOatm‘eal per'brlbf’ 200 lbs. ‘. . -.' 4 0_0-to 4 25 Rye Flourâ€"per brl of 200 lbs. 250 to300 u -Whelt-,-per 60 lbs U C Spring 1 00 to 1 03 U. C. Fail'White l 15 to 1 20 L, f‘ "‘ 'Red.. 115 to l 18 Reine-1pm 66'. lbs. . '. .3... 5.". o 65 to o 70 " n Barleihpe? 50 "lbs. . . . . . . . . . . 0 50 to 0 '55 Cornâ€"per 56 lbs . . . . . . . . . . . 0 52 t0 0 55 .. Pork-pellbrlof 200 lbs. . , ' Mess . . . . . ‘ ....'.'.........1350t01400 Prime Mess.... . . . . . . . . . 12 00 to 1'2 50 Prime . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 00 to 10 50 Buttersâ€"oper lb lufer. A's Ordn. 0 09 to 0 10 "Financing ....... o 11 to o 12.1.. . j; Fine and choice dairy. ... . 0 13 to 0.15 Lard-per lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 08 to U 08% Ashes-«per 112 lbs. V y ‘ Pots. . . . . . . 685to 695 ’Pearls..;................ 620:0 630 Wool-~per1b.............. 030to 033 Talldwâ€"pe'r’lb...‘. .... . . O 09 to O 0% Stovesâ€"5pm M-é-Pipe. . . . . . . 180 00 W. I . . . . . . . . 52 00 ï¬rm aunerttsmcnts. .51.. OIL z UST RECEIVED. an excellent article, pure without odour. at 3s Gd per gallon. :‘Richmond Hill. Jan. 16. 1861, W. S. POLLOCK’S. (Late G. A. Bernard’s) 164-tf, At v '- “S on Apprentice to' thehWaggon and " Richmond Hill. Jan. 16. 1861. Carriage business, a strong, steady BOY about. 16 years ofege. Apply to THOMAS SEDMAN. l64-3t. A GREAT ORANGE DEMONSTRATION ! 1N HONOR OF THE OPENING OF THE ‘Stonï¬â€˜ville Orange Hall, WILL TAKE PLACE AT STOUFFVILLE, ON (Tuesday), Jannary 28, 1862. SUMP I‘UOUS DINNER 'will be pro- _ ‘ vided at 1‘ o’clock. P.M-. at the North American Hotel. Tickets, 50 cents. 1m- mediately after dinner .A. Procession! Headed 'by'the Stoufl'ville Brass Band, will I '_rnarch in full regalia from the Dining Hall " to the Orange Hall, where. at 3 o’clock, will begin the- beautiful ceremony of dedication in ’accordance with the Orange Ritual. After the impressive Dedicatory Service, SOIREE! Will be held.‘ 'I‘o commence at 7 o’clock. I Tickets, 25 cents. Immediately after Tea, Ad- dresses, will be delivered by the following gantlemen. vit.:â€"-'Hon. J. H. .Ctim‘eron. Most orshipful Grand Master, will speak on the Politics‘ol’ Orangeism ;, N. C. Gowau. J. P., G. S; on the toneaud Spirit of the Order; Rev. Mr. Gordon, .on the Present Aspect of ‘ Protestantism ; T. R. Ferguson, M.P.P., on the Loyalty of Orangeism; Rev. G. S. J. Hill. ‘1). G. C.. en the Secrecy of the Order; F, Hg'Medcalf. Esq., G M., of Western Canada, on -the Present and Future Prospects of the 1 Order; OGLE R.1GOW'AN. Esq, the Fa- therof the Order in Canada. will give the '- Closing- Addreas, taking for his theme the Ori- " gin of Orangeism. Tickets to be had from the Masters and Secretaries of the Lodges in the District, and ‘from the Managing Committee. ‘11.. KNILL. yStouï¬'viIle.‘Jan. 16, 1861. , 1E? N.B.--All Brethren must appear in. full Regalia of the Degrees they have NEWBERRY BUTTON, W'.M. 167,-“. Sec rotary. “TENDERS WANTED 1 “mutant-1AM .HE REV. J. .O’DONOHOE will receive . Tenders forctbe erection of a CATHOLIC: CHUR CH ! I v: 1. L AGE 1 until the 161h FEBRUARY next. Plans 'and Speciï¬cations can be seen on application to the Rev. J. O’D , at Thornhill up to the- 1st February ; after which date they can be seen at'Mr. JOHN BURL‘S’. at Mark- ham Village. 'Thoinhili, Jan. 15th. 1862. WESLEYAN 164-51. Missionary ‘ Anniversaries 1 , _ run I . . Yonge st. Circuit» Worth, 1 ' ' as FOLLOWS :â€" ' ~ ‘ on ‘PSabybath, January 19th, 1862, -. ‘Thornhill, 6 .Thornhilbl 10; am. ; Rupert’s, 6, p.m.; Rev. B. Wilkinson, Richmond Hill. 10; a.m.. p.m.; Rev. W. Briggs. Button- ville. 10; a.m.; Wesley Church. 2 p.m.. Richmond Hill. 6 p m.; Rev. J. liengll. MEETINGS,-â€"'I‘hornhi:l. 20th; Rupert’s. 213i: Richmond Hill. 2:2ud; Weslev Church, 23rd: Buttonville. 24th. Deputatioriâ€"Rev’ds, Wilkinson, Hewgill. and Briggs, N,B.â€"COLLECTIONS TO BE MADE In connection with the Sermons and Meetings. Meetings to begin at half-past SIX pre- cisely. Meetings at Hawden’s and German Mills. IheMon'day and Tuesday, follOwing week. _ w. WILLOUGHBY, Richmond Hill. Jan. 16, 1862. 164-1t, ‘ " STIBoH FED. AME-into the premises of the Subscriber, Lot 2.), 3rd-Concesnon Markham, on or .about the 10th December last. THREE SHEEP including 8. Ram, a Ewe, and a Lamb.â€" The owner can have the same by proving _ property and paying expenses PETER HEISE. 163.31.. ' j/Svervants Wanted. ‘ AN TED. by the Subscriber TWO SER- VANTS, as cook and pailour-maid.-â€" Must be well recommended. ‘ 'W“ WihbchKS BALDWIN, ' . “011mg;- .d . Dï¬lflmbor 31’ 186.1. ‘ I. I†RI gag .hlarkham, Jan. 9, 1862. 162-2 , "A FIRST-CLASS FAMILY NEWSPAPER, ' nnvo'rno To THE INTERESTS OF SCOTSMEN IN AMERICA, AND TO THE DISSEMINTTION OF SCOTTISH LITERATURE AND NEWS. FIFTH-"YEAR. On January 2, 1862. will be commenced a new volume (V) JOURNAL; and in future the numbers issued be- IWeen the first and last days of each year will constitute a complete volume. of convenient size for binding. and each number will con- tain a most entertaining and instructive reper- toryof reading matter. calculated to interest all readers of British origin. The SCOI‘TISH AME- RICAN JOURNAL, though decidedly international in its constant efforts to promote peace and pros- perity between the people of Great Britain and America, is yet emphatically Scottish in its copious records Of all events occurring in Scot' land thatcan be regardnd'of the least interest to. natives of that country residing .in America; and to this “ new; from home†Is added, week- lv, a summary, of general intelligence from England, Ireland, and Other parts of the world A distinguishing feature of the “ Scottish American Journal 3’ is its regular re-publicntion -â€"verbtltim ct lilorotimâ€"-0f the “ leading articles†of the prominent'Britisli newspapers and other periodicals upon the most important topics of the day. This feature is a unique one, a..d has been found very acceptable to the people of British North America, as it supplies a long- needed desideratnm in the Provinces. In re- ference to the “editorials†of the Scor'rlsid AMERICAN JoUnNAL. it is a signiï¬cant fact that the British press frequently acknowledges their intrinsic truth and force by copiously extracting from our columns and declaring that the Sco’r- TISH AMERICAN JOURNAL is the most able and interesting paper published In America. A con- cise weekly summary is also gIVen of the prin- cipal items of American news, and a similar narrative of events transpiring in the various British Provinces, the latter feature supplying a deficiency which was felt in several of the Pro- vinces of intelligence as to what was transpi- ring in other parts of the British pessessions. III the forthcoming Volume of the “ Scottish American Journal†increased space will be de- voted to the literary department In the publicao tion of SERIAL TALES AND SKE'I‘CHhS, vividly il- lustrating the customs, habits, sentiments and general characteristics of the people of Scotland; each tale emaihting from the pen of an author of celebrity. As heretofore. particular care will. be exercised in the choice of ORIGINAL Pon'er, composed by writers of acknowledged genius - and purity of thought, resident here or abroad. The first number of the new volume will con- tain the commencement of a deeply interesting tale, entitled “ THE LIEUTENANT AND HIS SON.†This tale will prove to be one of the most in- teresting ever published, and will be appreciated by all classes of readers. a TERMS OF Sâ€"UYJ’SCRIP TION, PAYA BLE IN ADVANCE. Single Copies (each), . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 5C!!- Onecopy for one year. . . . . . . . . .4... . . . $2 50 CLUB RATES. Five copies.. - . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . $10 00 Twelve copies, . . . . . . . . . . . . o... ..... $20 00 Twenty-five copies, . . . . . . . . . . . . --_- - - $40 00 Specimen copies sent grails. Subscribers in the Provinces may remit their subscriptions in Provincial money. Odd change in Provmcial Post Ofï¬ce stamps. ' -C0pies forwarded to Europe per mail, United States. postage paid, for $3, or 135. sterling. per annum. Subscriptions for the current year are now being received,aud should be forwarded without. delay to A. M. STEWART, No. 37 Park Row, New‘ York. New York, Jan. 1,1869. BULLS FOR SALE. 14‘0UR thorough-bred short horn BULLS. closely connected through the herd of Mr. STONE, of Guelph. 'with the very celebrated of the SCOTTISH AMERICAN ' . NOTICE ! , Letters. RS. CAMPBELL begs to intimate that her School will RE-OPEN on Monday, Jenn- l JANUARY. 1,» toss. Atkinson. John . Bellerby. Isaac Heasely, David Boynton. S. Bowen, A. B. Crinnely, Ann ' Cadwell, Thos. Daniells. James Eyer. David 2 , Fierheller. Adam Forester. Mrs Florence. Cairns Grant, George 6 Grey, William I’Iastingr, Hgnricks, Angeline ' Heslop. Thos. Jameson. M9. Jenkins James Kerswell. Giles Killips. Henry Lawrence, S. C. ary 61h, 1862. Where will be taught as here- tofore. the usual branches of useful education. TERMS :-â€"Board and Tuiton in the Higher Branches of English, $24 per quarter; Music, $6 ; French and Drawing, each, $3. Richmond Hill. Jan. 1. 1862. Langstafl'. John Langstaï¬', Henry Large. Wm. 'McConnell, John McCartney , Robert Oliver,'Jesse O’Grady, John Ogilvie. J' Ac P. H- L. Pritcbard, Thos. Royd. Joseph Richmond. Hellen ' Stearling. Wm. Sheppard, Edward Shell, Jonathan Scott, Thomas Simpson. James Teel, Henry Thompson, B. VVillson, Thos VVhelpton, Mrs, Wilmot, Peter M. TEEFY. P.M 162-3t' BUY YOUR . ROCK 01L ï¬e LAMPS ~mr£§Fmr ibn GARGLING on. swans Evan. RIGGS’ BLACK 011. is acknowledged by all who have used it, to beanperior to Gary 011. or any other Medicine now before the Petite. for Sprains, Bruises, Grits. Gulls, and all hiurlesto Horsetlesh. Good for man and beast. Price, 25 cents per bottle. Sold by all Lo-alers 1a Medicines ‘ ' BOOTH .o' SONS’, CORNER OF YONGE AND QUEEN 81's., TORONTO. ’Jas. F. BrOWn, HE PURE PENNSYLVANIA OIL. re- - ' flood in Pennsylvania. warranted White. I BROKER’ Odoniless. and Non--Explosiver. Estate and General Agent, One gallon and under . . . . . 70 cents per gallon. AGENT FOR Fl†gall‘ms """" ‘ """ 6 0 †Qfoloniul Rife Qtseurante Ql’o'y. Five gallons. including can . . . . . . . . .. . .$3.75 T58 Largest and 1 stosrc I‘IALL, Tonosro STREET, TORONTO- Cheapest Stock of Lamps ! In Canada. 1 1 S T E ' ’ SHOP AND ‘IIWELLING T0 LET III endless variety, Latest Improvements as well as the OLD well-known Patterns. 11:? Intending Purchasers are respectfully in- vited to call and eXamiue Stock and I’rices' Corner of Yonge and Queen 818., Toronto. December lb. 1861. ll? Moneyto Lend on Improved Farms April 19. 1861. 125-1v IN THE Village of Richmond 11111! N a good position for business. House com~ 159 1 ‘ modious, with 5 Rooms and an excellent ' 1 Cellar. Wood She'd and other ConvenienCes, FOR SALE, A FEW COPIES OF “The Horse and his Diseases,†BY PROFESSOR JENNINGS. ‘ AT THE ‘ YORK HERALD’ OFFICE. Richmond Hill, Dec. 5. 1861. 158. Possession given on lst January. 1861. Enquire of . G. A. BARNARD. Richmond Hill. Dec. 5. 1861. 158-.tf NOTICE. If asked what was the best medicine for cleansing theblood, and for bilious complaints Sick Headache, Costiveuess, &c., we should say BRIGGS’ INDIAN VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS. AND - GENERAL STATIONERY, = v AT THE “ YORK HERALD†OFFCE, A'I‘ PRICES LOWER THAN TORONTO. Richmond Hill, December 20,1861. [60 GREAT. EXPECTATIONS Are being formed by all persons. of the Happiness and Pleasure to be enjoyed during the lllliil CHRISTMAS it NEW Ylilill’l TIMES 1- And while they all do not expect to enjoy those blessings in the same degree, they are unani- monSI n asking the questionâ€"- . Where can we buy our Christmas 8; New Year’s Fruits AND GBUCERIES BEST AND CHEAPEST 2 ROBERT LAWSON Purposes, respectfully, to answer that question by referring his friends and the public to the an- herd of Captain Gum-33’s ; for an account of nexed List of Prices of Goods in his line, conï¬dently hoping that their EXPECTATIONS respecting which see the “ Illustrated London News the 7th DeCember 1861, page 577. W. WILLCOCKS BALDWIN, -Larchmere, Oak Ridges, December 31, last. 162-4 ' A Special Advertise Inent SPECIAL SEASON 1 I HE Subscriber begs to thank the Farmers, V Storekeepers and Hotel Keepers, of Now- market and neighbourhood, for the very substantial support he- has received from them since introducing himSelf to them in the co lumns of their valuable newspapenthe - Em, and begs to say that his endeavors are, and always will be to deservethe support of his friends In this quarter; and now that Christmas and Sleighing are coming, his stock is replete with everything that is good at a moderate price. A small Taste of what we can Do Tess, ï¬ne full bodied Congo, 2s. at 25, 3d.and 25. 6d. per lo. ~ Very superior Morning do. 33. at3s. 6d. per lb. Extra ï¬ne Langsong. Souchong (possessing great delicacy of flavour) 4s. at 4s. (id. per lb. Very ï¬ne Flowery Pekoe. 3s. 9d. per lb. (A reduction from the above by taking 10 lbs. ' ‘or a box) ' Very fair Young Hyson Teas, 3s. 6d. per lb. (the cheapest tea in Canada.) Very ï¬ne delicately flavoured Tea, worth 6s. 3d. per lb. of anbody's money, 48. 6d. per lb. by taking 10 lbs, N.B.â€"â€"We_ have only 12 chests ofthe above : our friends had better be in time, as teas will not be lower for a long time; in fact they are higher now than they have been yet CURRANTS, RAISINS. 810. Currantss, 5%d. 65d. and 7gd. per lb. (bought at Auction yesterday. 11; cents by the barrel.) Raisins, 6d. Rd. and 9d per lb. (worth more than those prices by the box.) ' Candles, 1?. lbs. for 6s. IUid. (we wont be beat.) Herrings. 105. per barrel. Smoked do. 188d. per box. Vinegar 1s. '3d. per gallon. Golden Syrup 2s. 3d. at 25. 9d. per gallon. Sugar 10% at 11% lbs. for $1. Lemon PeolhOrange Peel, Citron Peel. Pickles,'Sauces, Spices, Oils of everv degree. Finest Pennsylvanian Spring Rock Oil, with no unpleasant smell. and wat- rented net to smoke. Brooms, Pails, Bear-Cords, &'c. Just get in your Sleighs and Cutters ,and come on the line: ifwe can’t please you it will be a queer thing. all you have got to do in Order to get your goods at a low price. is to say that you come from Newmarket, or neighborhoodms'the subscriber. is bound to form a country connec- tion. Oorders ï¬lled just as well by orders as personally. and with despatch. If the goods do not suit. we will take them back and pay all expenses. DUGALD CRAWFORD, TEE PEOPLE’S oaocsa, Wholesale and Retail, Corner of Yonge & Agnes Sta. Toronto, Dec, 26, 1861. ' 161-tf A GOOD THING. DR. HOPE’S Magnetic Ointment, is well worth a trial, in any case of Files Burns Scolds 01 Inflamed or Sore Eyes. Ei'uptlonii on th ’ d 80"†every case where an ointment is - mend itself, after one trial. Z n wm " a , . , . .. ....._. .v _._.d. . L“ “of Excellent and Cheap Goods, Will be more than realised: FRUITS. Good Zante Currants, 5d per lb ; Good Patros Culrants, 6d per lb ; Extra New Patros Currants, 7§d per lb. Good Valentin Raisins, 6d per 1b ; Extra Valentin Raisins, 71d per 11), Extra Muske- tel Raisins. 7gd per lb: Extra New Muscatel Raisins, 91d per lb. Also Layer, Sultana, and Seedless Raisins and Princes, very low. Candied Peels, Flavoured Extracts, Almonds. and Nuts ofall Kinds, in great variety. . S U G A R S . Good Muscovada, 5d per ii) ; Extra do. 5§d per lb; Best Yellow, Reï¬ned, 6d per lb ; Crushed do 7d and 7§d per lb ; Broken Loafand Ground, 7§d per lb. . TEAS of every description, and at all prices, from 25 to 5s per 11.. Beware of Painted Teas as they are nothing else but poison. Rich and aromatic COFFEES. Green, Roasted and Ground; Warranted True. American Cheese, Flour, Oatmeal, Biscuits and Crackers, Sago, Fariuo. Corn, Starch, doc. Soc. «Sec. Cheap and Good. v Remember the addressâ€"462 King street, East. between Nelson and George-streets, next door to the Clyde Hotel. i ROBERT LAWSON. Toronto, Dec. 11, 1861. 1604f HARNESS ! ' HARNESS '! ! SINGLE on DOUBLE! HEAVY on LlGH’l‘l WELL-MADE AND : MIAY BE HAD OF ' %u “‘llllmiu "“llltlnu "lit “lulu t I"lull "lull 1111111111 I ll or “l 1‘! E 1' HE Subscriber has on hand, or will make to order to suit purchasers, and of the best materials, HARNESS OF THE ABOVE DESCRIPTION. An assortment of VVl-IIPS, LASHES, 8w. constantly on hand. Collars warranted to Fit, Look & Wear Well. Also, kept for Sale Patterson & Bro's. Plows, Points, Lan‘dsz'des, (in). 01'? Call and Examine, at WM. HARRISON’S Richmond Hill, October 17, 1861. 151-3m OUTTEEB.CUTTERSTOETTERS, UNION VILLE CARRIAGE FACTORY H GEORGE EAKIN. BEGS most respectfully to inform his Friends and the public generally, that he has on hand a quantity of ' m ii i. l» . : l l . | l . I ‘i I l l- l ,u ~. -. an, % R "‘1' "Ilium: “he “1' . hill “lulu ll “lo "lull "lull lit WHICH H151 WILL SELL CHEAP, FOR CASH, OR APPROVED CREDIT. Intending Purchasers will do Well to 0:? Give Him a Call Before Purchasing Elsewhere, , As an inspection of a good Article is all that is required to ensure a sale. ' The reputation of the above Establishmentsbould sufllce the Public as to the eSkln, and in superiority of the Articles tnrned‘ou‘t. Unionville,_December 5, 1861. Remainingin RICHMOND HILL BostOfl'ice' WWW ., 'Toron‘to, April 19. 1861. ,. 0.44.1†., . AND THE, _ .-. sou-"ion REVIEWS : SCOTT & (30., NEW YORK. continue a to publish the following leading British Periodicals, viz. :-â€"- o , _ __ p 1. , A ' ’THE'LUL'DON QUARQTER-LY (cwsernt've) THAT all persons owing ‘Dr‘. James Lang- THEEDINBURGH Ig'E‘VIEW giving.) THE NORTH BRITI'SII’ nEv‘IEW,'(rroo Church.) will; wosoollosoojo REVIEW do...) POETICAL GREETINGS to THE PUBLIC. ZINE, tTory.) ‘ Blackwood.’s Magazine ‘ 0 THE worms ‘iiEAr neon. â€"‘ ' THE HORSE, .AND 1118 ,DlSEASES t ' : mr..'..,- ROBERT JENNINGS, V. S., Paornssoa or: PATHOLooY nun Ornnnrvn Sun- GERY IN THE VETERINARY Common or I’m,â€- DELPHIA. Pnor. or VETER‘IsAnr Msmct‘xa IN TI-Iic LATE Aonicuurcnu. I cannot: e! Onto, SECRETARY or THE AMERICAN ' Vu'rnntsxar ASSOCIATION or I’m- ' LADELPHIA, arc, E'rc. ' 12ml). Cloth Extra, Price. $1.25 ' JENNINGS" GREAT WORK UN THE HORSE Tells you all about breeding and Managing the animal With. his CORDS OF OAK STAVE TIMBER, Cash on delivery. ' H, 6:. J. HARRISON. . Plank Road. 150-31. 500 Apply to Richmond Hill, Oct, 10, 1861. ' NOW OBSERVE. staff. will find it to their advantage-to call ,audpay as soon as possible. , t ) . 'ORAWFORITS MAGA-V Fniusvsl do you wish. in these very hard times To get the fun worth of your dollars and ‘ various vices, and IIOW they can be corrected, ' dimes ? ' The present critical state of European affairs . Do you wish to purchase the paws; .and best And cheapest ofgoods for yourself or your-guest? will render theso publications universally in- teresting during the forthcoming year. will occupy a middle ground between the has- tily writen news-items, crude speculations, and flying rumors of the daily Journal, and the pou- derous Tome of, the future historian, written after the living interest and excitement of the * great political events of the time shall have M i It is to these Periodicals that You never: saw ï¬ner nor cheaper IEA. passed away readers must look for the only really intelli- gible and reliable history of current events, and V as such. in addition to their‘Woll-eslublishcd literary, scientiï¬c, and theological character, we urge them upon theconsideration of rho reading public. ' - . EARLY .COPIES." The receipt of Advance Sheets frem the British publishers gives additional value to these Reprints, inasmuch as they can now be placed in “the hands pf. subscribers about as soon as the original editions. _ summons EDINBURGH TERMS : . Per mm For any one of the four Reviews,.... -. . .$3 00 For any two of the four Reviews. . . . . . . . 5500 For any three of the four Reviews. . . . . .‘. ,7 00 For'nll four of the Reviews, . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 00 For Blackwood’s Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 00 For Blackwood.and one Review. . . . . . . . . 5 00 For Blackwood and two Reviews,.. . .' . . . 7 00 For Blackwood and three Reviews,. . . . . 9 00 'For Blackwood and the four Reviews,. .10 00 Money. current in. the State where issued will be received at par. CLUBBING. A discount of twenty-ï¬ve per cent from the at present in occupation bv Mr. 000mm... above prices will be allowed to CLIuis ordering four or more copies of any one or more of the above Works. Thus :_ Four copies of Black- wood. or of one Review. will be sent to one address for 5159; four copies ofthe four RevleWs and Blackwood for $30 ; and so on. Canadian mail Subscribers supplied free of United States postage. ‘ _. .N._1)'.--'I‘he price in Great Britain of the ï¬ve Periodicals above named is $31 per annum, Remittances for any of the above publications should aIWays be addressed, post-paid, to the Publishers, LEONARD. SCOTT Sr. CO. No. 54 Gold street, New York. 'Winchostor’s Hyp‘ophosphitos -(Dn. CnUncmLL’s SPECIFIC REMEDY,) FOR CONSUMPTION, Nervous Debillty, Scrqfula and Dyspepsia, Bronchitis, 13's. HIS is the most wonderful curative agent known to medical science. It has ef- fected cures in every stage of Consumption “ UNPARALLELED IN THE ANNALS OF ‘ MEDICINE.†In Nervous Debility and Dys- pepsia. the HYI’OI’HOSPHITES may be re- garded as an almost sovereign remedy. ‘ The Hypoplrospliitcs'.’ Have a two-field and speciï¬c actionâ€"on the one hand. incrcasmg the principlewhich CON- STITUTES NERVOUS ENERGY; and. on the other. being the MOST POWERFUL BLOOD GEN-RATING AGENTS KNOWN They act with promptness and certainty in all general» morbid conditions. such as Chronic Bronchitis. Asthma, Scrofula, Marasmus. Ane- mia, Female Complaints, &c., and in all dis- orders of the Nervous or Blood Systems. Their effect upon the tubercular condition is immedi- ate-all the general symptoms disappearing with a rapidity which is really marvelous.â€" They increase the nervous or vital energy. re- lieve Cough. check Night Sweats. diminish Expectoration. improve the Appetite. arrest Diarrhoea. and promote refreshing sleep. 'A FAIR TRIAL IS A CERTAIN CURE. Wmchester's Genuine Preparation! OF THE IIYI’OPIIOSI’HITES is the only reliable form of Dr. Churchill’s Remedy, and is approved by the Medical Profession generally, USE NO OTHER. OR ANY REMEDY CON- TAINING IRON. r 03‘ PRICES '.â€"â€"In 7 oz. Bottles, 31â€"6 Bottles for $5. In 16 oz. Bottles. $2~Three for $5. Circulars gratis. Sold by all respectable Drug- gists, and at the sole General ‘ Depot in the United States. by J. WINCHEhTEu, 36 John St. N.Y. THE '7 SPECIFIC PJLL ! A SPECIFIC REMEDY FOR. Spernzatorrheaor Séninal Weakness, (5» Genital Irritabilz'ty, in either Sex. â€"â€"â€"â€".. THIS_is the only remedy for Sexual Debility, Impotency. Sterility. &c.. which has the ap- proval of the medical profession. Its success has been mostextraordinaryu-seifecting cures in cases where 'all other methods of treatment had failed. One to six boxes of the SPECIFIC PILL will permanently cure anycase ol'Semi- nal Weakness. or its resulting Impotencv. however aggraVated, whether constitutional. or arising from abuse or excess. IMPORTANT MEDICAL TESTIMONY. “I have used your Speciï¬c Pill in many cases of Spermatorrhea, and with the most per~ fect success, "J. MILTON SANDERS, M.D.,l..L,D.†“We believe it to be as near a. ‘ Speciï¬c’ as any medicine can be. We heve cured many severe cases with from srx to ten doses.â€â€"4Dr. B. KEITH I ‘Americmt Jour. of Med. Science. “I have found them all that could be de- sired, Their effect has been truly wonderful.â€" E. P. Dtcnnn. MD.†‘ . 03’ This is not a Homozpathic Remedy, nor is there any mercury or other deleterious ingre- dients combined with it. PRICEâ€"«$1 per box; six boxes for $35, by mail. pre~paid. For sale by all respectable Druggists. and at the sole General Depot in the United States. by J WINCHESTER. 36 John St,,N,Y. NewYork, Dec, 12. .1861. 159~1v, PHOTOGRAPHS ! PHOTOGRAPHS 1 The Chaimâ€"e; and Best Ambrotypo and Photograph GALLERY IN CANADA, IS AT 13710118311111.1181," TORONTO. , JAMES RAWE, , Proprietor and Principal Operator They Then go to Cndwroun’sâ€"Zâ€"you’ll ï¬nd that he . ‘Well deserves his great popularity. ' Tells of each brand from the flowery land. Culled amidst rose-scented zephyrs bland; Gunpowder, Hyson‘". the rich I’ekoe, The best of Green and the fam’ Bohea. Come to Crawf- rd’s. and you’ll agree , The sellers of Comic in vain to compete-é ‘ Crawford has Coffee that can’t be beat; "'l‘is aromatic. ’tis fresh, ’tis good. And combines the virtues of meat and food. He has SUGARS as sweet as the purest‘marina, Fresh from the canes of Louis-aha. . Cocoa, Chocolate, Raisins and Spice. Vinegar, Pickles. Crackers and Rice; ' Soup of the no plus ultra. brand, ' The equal of which can’t be foundin otheland; Currants and Raisins that can’t fail to pleaseâ€" The sweetest of Butter. the ï¬ttest of Cheese: And then the Tobaccoâ€"but enough of details, To satisfy customers Crawford ne’er fails : His goods are the, best, and his prices you’ll ï¬nd A e such as to leave competition behiudl . y , ALSO on HAND, SPICED BEEF OTHER HAMS Yarmouth Bloaters,Finon Haddiesdrc DUGALD CRAWFORD, ‘ C'orner of Yonge and Agnes Streets. Toronto. Oct, 31, 1861. [153-tf. CLYDE HOTEL, KING ST. EAST. NEAR THE MARKET SQUARE. " . TORONTO. C.W. , 'JOIIN AULLS, Proprietor. Good Stabling attached and attentive Hostlers always in attendance. Toronto, November 1861. 157-tf FALLTRADE â€"‘lâ€" l .. FOR 1861.. W, HIiIYERS ‘ Has now in «Stock at completeassortment of SINGLE AND DOUBLE HARNESS In every description of Mountings, which he offers on most lllllllllllllllll Tllllll ‘ EITHER FOR ‘ CASH OR_'_CRED1T ! All my Collars! ARE , . WARRANTE I) SAFE In every respect. I have also on hand arlarge assortmentol IVHIPS é†WHJPLASHES All of which will be sold at unusualdlow prices. Tilepublic will do well to call and examine the Stock before purchasing As I am determined not be under sold by any in the trade. lichinond Hill,()ct. 4. 1861. elsewhere: 149.13.... IMPORTANT. * DR. WISTAR’S PULMONIC SYRUP, is highly re- commended, for Coughs, Colds, Asthma,‘Ci-oup, and all diseases of the Lungs and Throat. 25 cents - bottle. ' ° m WK HE ‘ abscriber. in returning thanks to his numerous friends, begs to intimate to the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and Vicinity. that he has removed INTO HIS NEW HOUSE 1 one door South of’Mr. Harrison’s Saddlery Shop, where by strict application to business and studying to please, he hopes to merit a continuance of the support so liberally bestowed on him heretofore. ' All Orders ,punctuallyl _ attended to. [13’ Garments cut‘to order on the shortest nouns. and in the latest Style, JAMES B, BURNES, Tailor. 186183m Richmond Hill. Oct. to, 1861. _, won MS. . For destroying Worms in children SITTZER'S VERMIFUGE CANDY' is by far the 111051; leased safe, and effectual remedy now in use. Try 1 1 Sci by all dealers in medicines. Sold to,- w. s. POLLOEK._Richmood um, GUTTAâ€"I’ERCHA ROOFING. No article evdTâ€"bâ€"efb-re introduced to the public. has eunalledlhe LIQUID G‘UTTA. PERCHA for coating tin or‘olher roOfs, new or old. One gallon, costing $1.50, will thoroughly coal; from 200 to 300 feet of roof, and this coating will render the roof perfectly water~proof, and will last- three times as long as white lead or cthet paint. For covering roofs, either new or old, we repeat, it has no equal for durabi- lity and 'che‘apne‘ss, and we offer it to the public fully conï¬dent of its intrinsic excel- lence, and wrth our warrantee that it will Sold in barrels of forty gallons each, at a liberal discount to dealers. Address all orders to ‘ "READY ROOFING Co., do all we claim for it. 1"25-‘1y 23 Cedar-street,New York. 1481mm. d SEND ~ ' FOR ON THE IIORSEDesct-‘ibes more 111311150 diseases to winch he is subject.>aud gives the various remedies best adapted to their cure. JENNINGS’GREAT WORK « ON THE HORSE Should be in the hands ofevepy man who owns the animal. At a critical moment it may save you liuudt‘edsfof dollars in horse-flesh- Thrilling Adventures. Among The Early Settlers. 3 BY WARREN WILDWOODKEi-o,’ With 200 New "and O‘rightal"Engraviugs. 12mo., Cloth Extra.†Price $1.25. THRILLING A D V E N TUBES AMONG THE EARLY SETTLERS We venture to say is the most intensely interest- ing collection of stories ever issued. ‘ I THRILLI'NG A D V E NTURES AMONG 'I‘HEA- EARLY. SE'I‘TLERS While drawn from themost authentic sour- ces. yet pal‘lakes of all the wild. weird, and fealful character of' romance. ‘ THRILL‘ING A D V E N TURES AMONG THE EARLY SETTLERS' With ~ startlingvividuess brings before the mind of the reader many a deed of blood and earn- age, many ascene of heroism and patient endurance. THE FAMILY DOCTOR ;" A COUNSELLOR’ 1N SlCKNESS., PAIN .AND DISTRESS. By Professor Henry S. Taylor, 111.1). 12mm, Cloth. Price $1.00 TAYLOR/S FAMILY DOCTOR IS WRITTEN in plain langna 0. free from medical terms, and tells you row to cook. prepare drinks, and manage the sick gene- ' rally; » TAYLOR’S FAMILY DOCTOR DESCRIBES nearly 150. distinct diseases Io which men. women and children are subject. and gives the various simple remedies best adapted to their cure. . ' TAYLOR'S FAMILY DOCTOR Is~ ‘WRIT'I‘EN in plain language. free from Medical terms, and mhy soan save you much suffering and many times the cost of the book. Everybody wants it. " ' THE PEOPLE’S GREAT ‘ BOOKS embrace other works of gréat value that will be found in our printed catalogues. and which will be forwarded to any address on application. THE PEOPLE’S GREAT BOOKS embrace other works of great value, that will be found in our printed catalogues, and which Will be forwarded to any address on application. - - 'THE PEOPLE’S GREAT BOOKSwill be furnished to agents and others In quantities on very liberal terms. Unequalled In mechanical execution. as well as value? 0 their contents. a certain and rapid sale follow; their'introduction everywhere. M THE PEOPLE’S GREAT BOOKS-will be furnished to agents and others in quantities on very liberal-terms. Unequaled In mechanical execution, as Well no value of their contains, a certain and'rapid sale follows their introduction eyerywltere. -. ' $10.00 A YEAR IS BEING MADE by many enterprising men, in the sale of “the People’s Great Books.†Unequalled in mechanical execution. as Well as value of their, contents, a certain and rapid sale follow! their Introduction everywhere. _ ’ $1000 A YEAR IS BEING MADE by many enterprizing men. in the sale of ~‘ the People’s Great Books.†Unequalled f in mechanical execution. as well as value of their contents, a certain and rapid safe follows their Introduction everywhere. - ' " $1000 A YEAR IS BEING MADE by many enterprizing men,‘ in the. sale of "the People’s Great Books.†1511-. equalled in mechanical execution. as well: at value of their contents. a certain aiidvrapitb sale follows their introduction everywhere. I $25.00 WORTH 0F the People’s Great Books and try them. among ybur neighbors. Everybody wanâ€. 'them. " jsEND .FOR. $50.00 WORTH: Vthe\ People's Great Books and try them. ahmong-your neighbors. Everybody wants. I em‘. SEND FOR $100.00 WORTH 0F the People’s Great Books, and’try'them. among- your neighbors. Everybody wants: them. SINGLE COPIES, SENT TO ANY address. postage paid on'receipt of price. Address, - JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, No. 617 Sansom St.. Philadelphia, Pa. SINGLE COPIEs,anT TO A N Y address, postage paid on receipt ot‘ price. Address, JOHN EJPOTTER. PUBLISHER, ' No. 617 Sonsom St., Philadelphia, Pa. SINGLE COPIES, SENT TO AN Y address, postage paid; on receipt of price. Address. ‘ ' a ‘ JOHN E. POTTER, Postman. A. No. 617 Sansom St, Philadelphia, P; re p