Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 24 Jan 1862, p. 3

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y .v. -. 'LSTRAY. a CAME into the premises , of the» Subscriber, ‘ lot No, 22, in the 2nd conceSsio‘n; of Mark horn, on or about the lst instant, TWO SHEEP.“ ’ljhe owner is requested to prove preps Murphy expenses *a lid. take thorn army; " . NICHOLAS LYNOTT. Markham, January 21, 1662. 165-3 F .A. B. M To In E '1' 3 EING composed of the east half of “Lot 22, % Wu‘nc-K 'aNu ‘ Loss or LIFE.â€"=-We learn; by'telc‘graph, from Antigonislr, that: a Vessel. so posed to be from C.anada,_lies sunk 61f (L'Ir'étic‘a'mp,~ Cape Breton,“ with the rail discernible from‘ the shore at low Water; name unknownr She is breaking up; and seven hundred tirkins of butter, and three dead bodies have been washed, ashore. No sailing vessel left Montreal last fall with so large a quantin of butter as 700 firkins.â€" Commercial Advertiser. 5th concession Of Vaughan; 75 acres “A cleared. I 2 V III- “I "_ II F I III I ., For portion are apply’do . ' - ‘ v . . ‘ ' ' ’ MON'I‘IIFALZ- PRICEOCUBBENT. t , . JOSEPH N OBLE. . ~ I _._ I 1 Maple. Jan. 22, 1862. 165-31 Akin tso Kirlcpatrinkfs Report, Jan. 18, 1862. "'_-f'_f* _ I « - .~ Flour-perbdof 196 lbs. . 5 c o A L _ 0 IL. 2 IFVlzddlmgs ----- 33 US’I‘ RECEIVED, an excellent article, su;%;1;.:.'r.'.'2':;::::::::: 4 .0 r. 4 00 pure without at 3s 6d per gauon. “ “ l........... 480 to590 At W. S. POLLOCK’S. -_ .aneyma; . .m'. . ., . a. 520 to a 30 - ‘ “ ,(Lé‘rte G. A. Bernard’s) Exmh - 5 5010 5 75 Richmond Hill, Jan. 16, 1561, 164-11, ‘ Superior Extra . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 75 to 6 25 . ‘ Bagsâ€"112lbs.... . . . . . . 25310230" â€"â€"~â€"+V ._..â€"._.â€" ' l f 00lbs.... 40 t 4 5 ' V n ' Wm“ 9‘“ 1" ° 2 ° Wanted Immediately, Rye Flour-â€"per‘l:rl of 200 lbs. 2 50 to 3 00 \Vh‘eat-per 60 lbs U C Spring 0 98 to l 02 S an A] . - . , . . , prentrce to the Waggon and ‘I U,','C' It?” [gains 311,51? 1, A Carriage business, a strong, steady BOY Posseâ€"per 66 lbs. . . .. 0 to 0 70 about 16 Isms ofage' Apply to . I I Belugas-'50 Ibs..."....:;...'. . 0 50 to 0 5'5 THOMAS SEDMAN- Cornâ€"per 56 lbs. . . .. . . . . . . 0 52 to 0 55 Richmond Hill. Jan, 16,1861. .164-3t,. Porkâ€"per hr] of 200 lbs. 50. ___.___._h- _. m _. ' V ’ .Mess . . . . . . . 1300. tol4 IIIPtime Mess.” . - - - - . . . . . ll 50tol‘2 00 I Prime . . . . . . . . . .......... 950to 1000 _ VV . y ‘ ‘ _ Butterâ€"per lb Infer. &. Ordii. 0 08 to 0 10 HE REV. J. O’DQNUHOL Will TBcelve Fair& Good. . . . . . 0 11 to ,0 153% Tenders for the erection of a - . FineIandIclioice dairy. 0 13 to 0 15 IO GIIUR-CH / LnrdTâ€"per; lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: 008 to 0 08% _ CA Ashés+spér 112 lbs. IPots..................... AT 65510 665 MARI-KHAN}: I VILLAGE! 'Peals................... 60010 610 ~ , \Vb01:.p6r 0 3010 0 33 until the 161h FEBRUARY next. Tallow-rpm 1b.... .... . 0 08; to 0 09 Plans and Specifications can be seen. on Stoves-4pm Mâ€"-Pipe.... . .; 180 00 ' ' application to the Rev. .1. 0’0 , at Thornhrll W. l . . . . . . . . 52 00 up to the lst February; after which date they can be seen at Mr. ham Village. Tlrornhili, Jan. 1501, 186-2. STEEefi E’lg‘l). NAME into the premises of the Subscriber, Lot 25, 3rd Concession Markham, 011.01' about the 10th December last. > includingâ€"I av‘ Ram, a Ewe, and a leambrâ€" The owner can have tiresome by proving property and paying expenses ”' ~‘ 1 PETER IIEISE. 163-31. TORONTO MARK . : - JOHN ‘BURNS’. ath’lark- ETS. 1'64‘5t u THURSDAY, January .23 1862. Nounâ€"Superfine sold at. from $4 00. @ $5 05 ; Fancy $4 25 @354 30; Extra $4 50 @354 60; Double Extra, $4 90 ((D $5 10. ‘ I , t‘all.Wlient,â€"â€"300 hshls was the extent of the supply which sold at the following prices. The prices paid for the best samples were trom $1 00 {(1) $1 05 per bshl, I Spring Wheatâ€"1,300 hshls in market, which sold at from $0 80 (7?; $0 85 per bslrl. Barley.-‘-sold at from 50 E1) 520. ' Peas.-â€":2700 bsh-ls went off at 48 (a) 500 per bshl. ‘ Markham, Jan. 9, 1862. Oatsâ€"at 30 fr) 33c per bshl. â€"_‘Iâ€"“‘ Hayâ€"is from $100) $515 per ton, Straw $8 or 136%,, $9 per ton. ‘ __ Apples $2 ft?) $4 per barrel. P1005 ec-fius Egg8.-Fi'csli from wagons 18c ((17 200 pa. Joz. ORHE Potatoesâ€"Vary in price from 60 (a) 650. Butter. ~Fresh is in fair supply at from 1-50 {(3 16 per lb. Beefâ€"$4 ((3 $5 50 per 100 1b. 'Calv‘es $3 ((71 $5 ‘each. Lambs $2 (a? $3. Sheep $4 00 {Z79 $5 50 each. Tallow, $0 per 100 lb Timothy Seedâ€"$2 80 4?; $3 per bushel, Clover Seedâ€"~84 75 per bushel. ~~__,._. w A F1 RST- C LASS FAMILY N EYIVSI’APER , DEVOTEU TO THE INTERESTS OF SCOTSMEN IN AMERICA, AND TO THE DISSEMINTTION OF SCOTTISH LITERATURE AND NEWS. Harri-NEAR. . On January ‘2. 1862, .will be commenceda new volume (V) of the SCOTTIer AMEIrIcAN JOURNAL; and in future the numbers issued be- tween the first and last days of each year will constitute 11 complete volume, ofconvonient size for binding. and each number will con- tain a most. entertaining and instructive rcper~ tory of reading matter, calc‘lated to interest all readers of British origin. The ,Scor‘rrsn AME- IIICIN JOURNAL, though decidedly international in its constant elforts to prorrro'o peace and prosv purity betwer the people of Great Britain and America, is yet emphatically Scottish in its copious records of all events occurring in Scot- land that can be regarded of the least interest to natives of that country residing in America; and to this “ news from home” Is added, week- l\', a summary, of general intelligence from England, Ireland, and other parts of the world. A distinguishing feature of the “ Scottish American Journal” is itsregularrte-publication â€"vcrlmtim cl lilarutimâ€"ofthe “ leading articles” of the prominent British newspapers and other periodicals upon the most important topics of the day. This feature is a unique one, and has been found very acceptable to the people of British North America, as it supplies a long- needed desideratum in tho Provinces. In re- ference to the “editorials ” of the .Scor'rrsn AMERICAN JOURNAL. it is a significant fact that the British press lrequently acknowledges their intrinsic truth and force by copiously extracting from our columns and declaring that the Scor- ’l‘ISH AMERICAN JOURNAL is the mOst able and interesting paper published In America. __â€"a‘ To COnIsumptivIIes. HE Advertiser, having been restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple tomedv, after having suffered several years with a. severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Consumptionâ€"is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. Toall who desire it, he .will send a copy of the‘presc'ripti‘on ’used tfree‘ of charge), with the directions for preparing and using the some, which they will find a SURF. (‘URE ,FUR CossUMPTION, As'l‘HMA, Buoo‘cut‘rrs, «Soc. The only object of the advertiser in sending the Prescription is to benefit the alliictcd. and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes evrry sul'l'crer will try his remedy, as it will cost thorn nothing, and may‘ prove a blessing. I - Pu'ties wishing the prescription will please address > » _ REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburgh, Kings County, New York mm abbcrtismmto. screen: AI Soiree will be bold in IME LVILLE CHURCH, 6th concession Markham, on the evening of Thursday, January 30, 1862. the principal objectâ€"tire encouragement Of the children attending the Sabbath School ,secon- .dary object, the promotion of sociality and corr- cord iu the neighborhood, . The Committee of Management will spare no pains to make the Entertainment excellent_ «A. OH‘OIR: 0f Amateurs will sing some Choice Pieces of Sacred Harmony. and a number of Ministers of the Gospel will address the meetingon va- ri-cus topics. V TEA WILL BE SERVED AT SIX O’CLOCK. Tickets Of admission, 25 cents; Children half- pri'e. To be had at the St res of Messrs. Bowman, \‘Vntson and Brodie. Parties anxious to attend would do well to' down their tickets early. as the accommodation [8 limited. I A conâ€" cise weekly summary is a‘so givenof the prin- cipal Items of American news, and a, similar narrative of events transpiring in the, various British Provinces, the latter feature supplying a deficiency which was Ifelt in several of theIl’Igo- vinces of intelligence ,‘flS to what was transpii: ring in other parts of the British possessions. In the forthcoming volume of the “ Scottish American Journal” increased space will be do. voted to,the literary department in the publica~ tion of SERIAL TALES AN!) SKE'rans, vividly il- lustrating the customs, habits, sontii’nents and general characterizticsof the people Of Scotland; each tale emanating front the pen of an author of celebrity, As heretofore. particular care will be exercised in the choice of ORIGINAL POETRY, composed by writers 'of acknowledged genius and purity of thought, resident here or abroad. The first number of the new volume will con- tain the commencement of a deeply interesting tale, entitled (I THE LIEUTENANT AND 1115 SON.” ’I‘hisItale will, prove to ‘be one ofthe mast in- } teresting ever published, and will be appreciated Markham, January ‘21, 1862. 165â€"11. _MIISSIONAR Y MEETINGS OF THE Church Soc’y I EETINGS‘will be held (13.17.) on TUES- DAY, FEBRUARY 40.. 11552.0. SP.ISTEPIIEN’S CHURCH, VAUGHAN. Diocesian I I by all classes of readers. TERMS OF .Sâ€"UIIBSCRZP TION, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Single Copies (each,). . . . . .. . . . . . . . I . 5013- 0116 copy ['01. 0115 yeare- I u e 000- o o - O A-I' CLUB RATES. ; I v At 11 o’clock. 8,111. _ . In TRINITY CHURCH, THORNHILL, At 7 o’clock, p.m. The Rev. S. Givens, R,l)., Rev. Professor . F- ' It... .I‘AvI Hatch. Rev. '1', S, Kennedy, (Secretary to Ive COPIES 418m 00 Twelve copies, . . . . . . . . . ,. . . .. . . ._.. . . . $20.00 '1‘wenty-five copios,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40 00 Specimen copies sent gratis. Subscribers in the Provinces may remit their subsoriptions in Provincial money. Odd change in Provrncial Post Office stamps. Cupies forwarded to Europe per mall,~United States, postage paid, for $3, or 135. sterling, per airnurn. Subscriptions for the current year are now being received,and Ishould be forwarded without delay to Church Society), Rev. Mr. Williams, (Chaplain to the troops), Hon. J. Hilliard Cameron, Dr. Bovell, and several other Clergyinon and Lay- men are expected to take part in the proceed- ings, at one or both of these, meetings. A Collection Iin aid of the Mission Fund will be made after’each meeting, ' I ED-WA RD 11 .LDE'WAR, Rector, Thornhill, January 23, 1861. 165-2 WESLEY AN IfETI-IODIST Sabbath School AnitiVersary AND A. 11. STEIVART, - No. 37 Park Ro w, New York. New York, Jan. 1, 1862. 9 ._.. 1)’ ULL-S FOR SALE. IFOUR thorough-bred short horn BULLS. closely connected through the herd of Mr, STONE, of Guelph. with the very celebrated herd of Captain GUN'I‘En’s ; for an account of which see the "Illustrated London News” of the 7th December 1861. page 577. I W. WILLCOCKS BALDWIN, . Larchmere, Oak Ridges. December 31, 1861. ~ ' 162-4 '1' e a. M-e e "t: i 11 g will be held in the Wesleyan Methodist .. Churh, Richmond Hill, on IVednesday, January 29, 1862. Tea will be served at-FouIr RM. After whichlhe audience will be entertained with -RECITATIONS. DIALOGUES and Singing, by the Children Addresses may also be expected from several Ministers of the Gospe', 'Ti‘c‘kets. 25 cents; Children, half-price. Tobehad attire door. I I ThIonI-oceeds willVbe devoted to the purchase of a Library, &c.. for the School. A GOOD THING. PR. HOPE’S Magnetic Ointment, is well worth a trial, in any case of Piles, Burns, Scolds, Old Sores, W, HAgIRISON, I, CROSBY, :fiygor Sgre Eyes, Eruptions on the Skin, and In - g ,u r. t! ’ _’ . . ow erean ointmentla useful. It 11 . , 1".” ’"dfnt S‘C‘Etury' mend itself, after one trial. ' w I to Richmond Hill, Jan. 18. 1861. ‘ 165 ~11. (I: - . -a..«'.‘\"l n.:. .1 wbfi.‘ .... ... ..,. . [ Costiveness, &c., we should say SCOTTISH AMERICANJOURNAL ._.___. A GREAT» ORANGE DEMONSTRATION I IN “HONOR O‘Iir mg OPENING or THE Stoufi'ville Orange HalI, ' N Le tters.‘ OTICE : RS. CAMPBELL begs to intimate that her SchOOlrw‘ill [IE-OPEN Oiilllonday,..la11u- ary 61h, 1662.’ \Vhere will be taught as here- . tofnra, the usual branches of useful education. JANUARY 1, 1:362. Atkinson. John I Langstafi', .IlIoIhIn Be llerbv.‘ Isaac Langstafi‘, Henry WILL TAKE I‘LACE AT STOUFFVILLIE, ON TERMS :â€"Board and Tuiton in the Higher BeaselyI, David Large. Wm. Tuesday, January 28, Branches of English, $24lper quarter; Music, Boynton. S, McConnell, John Bowen, A. B. Connelv, Ann , .. Cadwel‘l,’1‘h‘os.‘ Daniells, James Eyer. David 2 ‘ Fierheller. Adam Enrester,-I.Mrs_ n Florence, Cairns McCartney, Robert Oliver, Jesse V. V O’Grady, John " ()gilvie. J' A. .Pu'IHIIIIJ' .I Pritchard, Thos. Royd, Joseph I Richmond. Hoilen $6 ; French and 'Di'awing,‘ each, $3. SUMP I‘UOUS DINNEvaill be pro- Richmond Hill. Jan. 1. 1862. vided at 1 o’clock. P.M‘~. at. the North American Hotel. Tickets, 50 cents. Im- 7 ‘ , mediater after dinney 9, IBUY YOURI A Prooess1on .. 162-3? Headed by the Stoufl'ville Brass Band, will ROCK march in full regalia from the Dining Hall r Grant, Gem‘qu Stearling, Wm. to the Orange I‘Iall,'where, at 3 o’clock, will ‘ ' . ': Grey, William Sheppard, Edward begin the beautiful ceremony of dedication in Hastings, . «l uh I , Shell, Jonathan accordance witlrthe Orange Ritual. After Henricks, Angeline Scott, Thomas . the impressiVe Dedicatory Sui-vice,., Eleslop. ’I‘Rps, . ' $111]?Si);l.' James a H , 9 ameson. ’-. ee ,_f eury . - S , I I E, V - Jonkins'James, " Thompson, B. I erl be held. ['0 commence at '7- Oclock. 7 KerswelL-Gnes “7,1150”,- Tho-s Tickets, 25 cents. Inimedrately alter Tea, Ad- Kimps. Henrv wl,elpto,,"Mr§; dresses Will be delivered by the followmg Lawrence 8:0. Wilma, peter gentlemeiizviz.1â€"Hon, J. 11. Cameron, Most ' ’FEFY PM Worshipl'ul Grand Mdstgrfiévill speak-on the . _ ‘ r ._, Y_ Politics of Oran eism- . -. Gowan, J, P, "‘WT‘“ (I: G. S., 011 thegtone nInd Spirit of the Order; 0(195 Niagalele Rev. Mr. Gordon, 011 the Present Aspect of _ V. . « ‘ Am) THE 3.,» 1 5 Protestantism :_ T. RsFerguson,M.P.P‘..Von,tho : ' ‘ - ' - Loyalty of Orangelsm; Rev. G. S. J.I Hill. ' . I D. G. Cu'OlL the. Secrecy (\i/flthe Order; F, , I , , , K , H. Medcalf, “sq” G 31., of .estei'n Canada, ., . ~, . - . SCOTT &VCO, NEW’ XOR , continue on the' Present ‘a‘ndFutnre PI‘OSPfBCIS‘OII-mé AT ’ i to publish the IfOllOufiilgI leading British Order: OGLE R. GOW’AN, Es ., the Fa- , V Pmiodicals viz,;_... " 1‘ " " ther of the Order in Canada, will give the & 9 I THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conervatlve) 1 THE EDINBURGH aEvIEvvrwirigg, THE NORTH BRITISH 'REVIEVV, (Free Church,) ,. p. _ ‘ . . . V Closing Address, takin girl of Orangeism. . Tickets to be had from *the Masters and. Secretaries Of the Lodgesyin‘ the District, and i from the Managing Committee. 113’ N.B.-â€"â€"All Brethren must a Regalia of the Degrees they have g fer his theme the Ori- CORNER. or YONGE’AND QUEEN 31‘s., TORONTO. 111E PURE rErstYILV-ANIA OIL. Ire- fined in Pennsylvania. warranted White, Odourless. and Non -~EXplosive1-. We” 1“ In” One gallon and under... . .70 cents per gallon. R. KNILL' NEWBERRY BUTTON, F.1ve gallons... . . . . . . . .25. .60 _ - Secretary, WjM. V, Frve gallons, Including can. . . . . . . . . .$3.7c Stoufl'ville. Jan. 16, 1861. 157.11. 5 _. .sThe Largest and ' Cheapest Stock of Lamps 1 V _ V V . h I I I The present critical state Of European affairs . V In Canada, IV » . m y, will render theSe publications uiriVersally In- S a T5 1" a a 4. 5. . BLACK‘WOC‘D’S EDINBURGH MAGA- ZINE, (Tor-y.) ~ GARGLING OIL SUPERS EDED. RIGGS’ BLACK OIL is acknowledged by all who have used it, to be superior to Garg lint Oil, or any other Medicine 'now before the Porno, for Spratns, Bruises, Cuts. Calls, and all lliuries to Horsetlesh. Good for man and beast. A ' Price, 26 cents per bottle. Sold by all Letter- in. Medicines V . . > m I m , , . {Pg E I; ' teresting during the forthcoming year“ They 1- S .8 m (/2 II) o 0 will occupy a middle ground between the has-. tilv writen newsitems, crude speculations, and In endless variety, Latest Improvements as well as the OLD wolhknown Patterns. flying rumors of the daily Journal, and the pen- dorous Tome of the future historian, written III? Intending Purchasers are respectfully ini vited to call and examine Stock and Prices‘ after the 0th interest and excitement Of the great political events of the time shall have Corner of Yonge and Queen 818., Toronto, December It). 1861. passed away It is to these Periodicals that readers must look for the only really intelli-l' gible and reliable history ofcurrent events, and as such, in addition to their well~establishqd literary, scientific, and theological character, we urge thorn upon the consideration of 3116 reading public. EARLY COPIES.” Tire receipt of AdoancoShrels from the British publishers “gives. additionathlue: to thesie ‘Rep'ints, inasmuch a’s'they ban iiowae placed in the hands of subscribersabout as soon as the original editions, I ' I 1 TERMS :‘ Per mm For any one of the four Reviews,. .-.. . . .$3 00 For any two of the four Reviews, . .' . . . 5 00 For any three of the four Reviews. . . . . . . 7 00 For all four of the Reviews, . . . . . -. . . . '. ..‘=‘8 00 For Blackwood’s Magazine... . . . . . . . . . . . 3 00 For Blackwood and one Review, . . . . . . . ., 5 00 For Blackwood and two Reviews, ._.. 7 00 For Blackwood and three Reviews,. . «I.- I-9 00 For Blackwood and the four RevieWs,. .10 00 Mova current in. zlw State where iS'sucd will. be received at par. CLUBBING. A discount of twenty-{Ive per Cent from the. above prices will be allowed to CLUBS ordering four or‘mo‘re Copies of any one or mere of the above Works. Thus: Four copies of Black-1 wood. or of one Review, will be sent to one addess for $9; four copies of the four Reviews and B’ack‘wood for $30 ; and so on. Canadian mail Subscribers supplied free of United States postage. ‘ N.b‘.â€"â€"The price in Great Britain of the five Periodicals above 11' mod is $31 per annum. Remittances for' any of the above publications should always be addressed, post-paid, to the Publishers, I LEONARD, SCOTT &.,’CO. No.54 Gold street, New York... New York. Dec. 5,1861. Winchester’s Ilypoplrosphites (Dc. CnUncmLL’s .Srnerrrc- Brannon) FOR CONSUMPTION. . Nervous Debiltly, SCI‘quda and Dyspepsia, Bronchitis, «fire. . . ,IS-ervnnts-I ~Wallt6fl. WAN TED, by the Subscriber, TIVO SER- - VAN'I‘S, as cook and parlour~maid.-â€" .. Must be well recommended, W. W‘ILLCOCKS BALDWIN, ’ Larchmere, Oak Ridges, 162.2 15I9-1y 'FOR sAILE, A FEW COPIES OF “The _ Horse, and his Diseases,’? BY PROFESSOR JENNINGS, -' 'I AT THE I 7 - ‘ YORK ‘ HERALD ’ I IOFFICE. Richmond Hill, Dec. 5, 1861. 158. December 31, 1861, NOTICE. . If asked what was the best medicine ‘for cleansing- 1' the blood, and for~bilious cotnplairrts,Slck Headache, BRIGGS’ INDIAN VEGETABLE LIFE PILLS. ‘ ; 1; 0 00150"? GENERALsrATIONEav, AT THE “ YORK HERALDI” OFFCE, A'I‘ PRICES LOWER THAN TORONTO. Richmond Hill, December ‘20, 1861. 150 son N GR. "0.1T, EXPECTATIONS Are being formed by all persons, Of the Happiness and Pleasure to be enjoyed during the 111111 1311111111111 11 lllll 11111-111111 1 And while they all do not expect to enjoy those blessings in the same degree, they are unani- _ i I V V _ A mousrn asking the questionâ€" V , _ , Where can we buy our Christmas New Year’s Fruits I AND GB UCERIES‘BES'I‘ AND CHEAPEST ? ROBERT L13. WSON Purposes, respectfully, to answer that question by referring his friends and the public to the au- nexod List Of Prices of Goods in his line, confidently hoping that their EXI’ECM'I'IONS rosp. cling Excellent and Cheap Goods, Will be more than realised: FRUITS, Good Zante Currants, 5d per ll) ; Good Patros Cur-rants, 6d per 11.; Extra New Patros Currants, 71d per lb. Good Valentin Raisins, 6d per 11) ; Extra Valentia Raisins, 71d per lb; Extra Musko- tel Raisins. 71d per 11) ; Extra New Muscatel Raisins, 95d peril). Also Layer, Sultana, and Seedless Raisins and Princes, very low. Candied Peels, Flavoured Extracts, Almonds, and Nuts ofall kinds, in great variety. . SUGARS. , a _ Good Muscovada, 5d per 11:» ; Extra do. 5%d per lb; Best Yellow, Refined, 6d per Ii: ; Crushed do 70 and 71d per-1b; Broken Loaf and Ground, 71d per lb. , V TEAS of every description, and at all prices, from 25 to Ss per 1b. Beware of Painted Teas as they are nothing else but poison. .Rich and aromatic VCOFFEES. Green, Roasted and Ground: War-ranted True. Arrrer-ican Cheese, Flour, Oatmeal, Biscuits and Cracker-s, Sago, Farino, Corn, Starch, Ace. 3500. Cite. Cheap and Good. ' , Rerr'rernber the address4â€"162 King street, East, between Nelson and George-streets, next rider to the Clyde Hotel. ‘ HIS is the most-wonderful c'uraliv'e agent known to medical Lcience. .It has of- fected cures in every stage of Consumption “ UNI’AIIALLELED IN THE ANNALS OF MEDICINE.” In Nervous Debility and Dys- pepsia, the IIYI’OI’IIOSPHITES may be .re:- garded as an almost sovereign remedy, I‘ ' The Hypophosphitcs .' Have a two fiold and specific cctiorI-â€"-OII the one hand. increasin theprineiple Which CON.- S'l'I’II‘U'I‘ES NER UUS ENERGY; and. on the other, being the MOST POW’ERFUL BLOODGEN‘RATING AGENTS KNOWN They act with promptnoss and certainty in all} general morbid conditions, such as Chronic Bronchitis. Asthma, Scrofula, Marasmus, Ane- mia, Female Complaints, &c., and in all dis-‘ orders of the Nervous or Blood Systems, Their reflect upon the tubercula‘r condition is immedi- atr-â€"all the general symptoms disappearing with n rapidity Wlllull'lS really Iriarveln'us,â€"' They increase the nervous or vital energy, re- lieve Cough, check Night Sweats. diminish ROBERT LAWSON. Toronto, Dec. 11, 1861. 160-tf Ann n "mmvv'vvm- ‘Mn " ,‘ I.‘ "W :wnRNHN5FWHANNESSIT s NOW on DOUBLE! HEAVY on LIGHT I- VVELL-MAD E AND DESIRABLE 2' MAY BE HAD OF Y _ .1 ‘ I , I .V Expoctoration, improve the Appetite.‘ arrest, lg ‘11,, mil, I lMill“ I “h.” _ 1,, I '~ I' -' Diarrhoea, and promote refreshing sleep. A 11111111111 ‘llrrrir "111111 "1111111 llulu “1111111111 “11101 111111111 111111 'lliuilrrm tin llrril ' FAT 1 “AL 15 A CERTAIN CURE' Wmchester’s Genuine Preparation! OF THE I‘IYI’OI’IIOSPHITES is the only reliable form of Dr. Churchill’s Remedy, and is approved by the Medical Profession generally, USE NO OTHER. OR ANY REMEDY CON- TAINING IRON. ‘ 0:?“ PRICES 1â€"111 7 oz. Bottles, $14-56 Bottles VFIIE Subscriber has on hand, or will make to order to suit purchasers, and of the best materials, _ HARNESS OF THE ABOVE DESCRIPTION. ' An assortment of WHIPS, LASI-IES, &c. constantly on hand. Collars warranted to Fit, Look «1% Wear WeII. for $5. In 16 oz. Battles. $2â€"Three for $5. , H V , . ‘ . . V Cw 1- ts. Sldb} ll t'll D - Also, kept for Sale Patterson 18/ Bra 3. Plows, Paints, Landsrdes, fire. ,,‘;f,f‘:,‘,f,g;"; It“, 8001,, agelgfl’figejgf “(133, (if? Call and Examine, at WM. HARRISON’S Ulllled 5111168. by _ Richmond Hill, OOtober 17, 1861. 151-3... 3- WINCHEhTER:36bJohfiSt¢Nm - _ I ----- I g 7 - i-.TI:1E SPECIFIC PILL‘! CUTTE RS CUT’I‘ERS ‘ CUTTERS A . N k u g ‘ . ' o ‘ L 9 SpermatorrheaprSenimzl .Wm/mess,.(§; AT THR UNIONVILLE CARRIAGE FACTORY Genital Irr'z'tabilz'ty, 2‘72 either THIS is the only remedy for Sexual Debility,‘ Impotency, Sterility, 610.. which has the ap- proval 01' the medical profession. .lts success has been mostextraordinary-efi‘ectihgcures in» cases where all other methods of treatment had failed. One to six boxes of the SPECIFIC PILL will permanently cure any case of Semi- nal VVeakness,. or ' its resulting Impoteiicy.~ nowaver aggravated, whether constitutional, or arising from abuse or excess. ' GEORGE EAKIN. ' V EGS most respectfully to inform bis hason hand a quantity Of ,1, an" ; » llllllllll I WHICH HE \VILL SELL’ CHEAP, FOR CASH, 0R APPROVED Friends and the public generally, that he IMPORTANT MEDICAL TESTIMONY. 11,1“ ,, tum}; V,‘ “Ihave used your'Specific» Plll in many 1111111 11111111“ lilu cases of Spermatorrhea, and with the must per. l l . lip. IIIII "hilt 11111 1111 \ “J. MILTON SANDERS, M.D.,l.iL,D,” "We believe it to be as near'a. ‘Specificl as any medicine can be. We hove cured ,many severe cases with from six to ten doses.”--Dr'. B. KEITH: .‘Anresiean Jour. of Med. Science. “I have found them all that could be de-‘ sired, Their effect has been truly wonderful.â€" E. P. Dicnnn, MD,” _ ' II? This is not a Horh‘mpalhic Remédv. nor is there any rnercurv or other deleterious ingre- OREDI T. Intending PurclraSers will do Well to 01‘?” Give Him a Call Before Purchasing Elsewhere; As an inspection of a good Article is all that is required to cosine a sale; dibiit’s c'o‘mbihed with it. I PRICEâ€"4351. per box; six boires for $5, by mail, pre~paid, For sale by all respectable Dr'uggists, and at the sole General Depot in the United States, by J WINCHESTER. 36 John St.,N.Y. New York. Dee. 12. 1861. 1599133 The reputation of the above Establishment should suffice the” Public as to the superiority of the Articles turned out. . I‘Unionville, December 5, 1861.- Rem sin in g in. RIC H MOND H1 LL‘PostOflice II? Mo'neyto- ‘.;:t- :1 THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal.) + 13711111811111.1111, ' And then the Tobacco-bnt enough of details, IN THE, of Richmond I 11111 - . modious. with 5 Rooms and an excellent cellar. Wood Shed and other Conveniences, at present in occupation by Mr. 000mm.â€" Possession given 'on lst January, 1861. Enquire of . V G. A. BARNARD. Richmond Hill, Dec. 5. 1861. I I .11158-tf "Jets. 1?. .' ' BROKER. ,‘f Estate and General . _ . AGdNT FOR. H}; _. I Oolouial flife 52155111201122 ,_ 0101p. I I I1 MASONIC'HALL, TORONTO STREET, - TORONTO- ‘ Land on Improved Farms Apr-1119. 1861. -. - nets-iv. PHOTOIRAPHSI P117: Q‘TOGRA P'Hsiifi ; I The Cheapest and Best" I ' GA‘L'LE RY ICIA‘TNADA-f ': Is. Ar , TORONTO. . «TA. ME?» Proprietor and Principal Operator I Toronto, April 19. 1861. ‘ ‘ 125-1,» 0 VWANTED ' cones or ' OAK . STAVE ’ TIMBER, Cash on delivery. /I . Apply to I], 6:. J, HARRISON. - , . Plank Road, Z Richmond 11 ill, Oct, 10, 1861, 150.31, , NOW OEBSERVE, _ allpersons owing Dr. James Lang- _ staff. will find it to their advantage to call and pay as soon as possible. ’ ’ - Cnswnonnis litmus! donou wish, in these very hard times POETICAL 01112111103 TO THE PUBLIC. F (’11-‘0 get? the full worth of your- dollars and Do you wish ‘to purchase the purest and b‘cst _ And cheapest ofgoods for yourself or yourguest? Then 0 to Cnxwronn’saa-you’ll find that be Well eserves his greatpopularity. V TEAS of each brand from the floWer'v land, Called-amidst rose-scented zephyrs bland; Gunpowder, Hyson. the rich I’ckoe, ‘ The best ofGreen and the l'am> Bohea. Come to Crawf: rd’s, and you’ll agree You never- saw liner nor cheaper TEA. The sellers of Coffee in vain to compete-a- Crawford has Coffee that can’t be beat: ’Tis aromatic. I’tis‘ fresh, I’tis good, And combines the virtues of meat and'food. N a good position foi- business, House com; l , SHOP AND DWELLING TO LET 'TIIII PEOPLE’S-I 01111111 1100118. Till? HORSE._IV_.-,, ROBER'I‘JENNING’IS, v. s., Pnounsson 0E PATHOLon ANUOPERAITIVJ; $03! GERYIN Inn VETERINARY COLLEGE or‘l’nlu- ‘ DELPHIA. PROF. 0F VETERINARY MEDICINE IN :rnic LATE AGRICULTURALI oLLEoE or "011.10, SECRETARY or {run AMERICAN ,. VVE'i‘En‘tNARv Assocra’rrou or PH:- “ ‘ LADIEILPHIA, E'Vrc.,E'rc. " ‘ 12mo. 010th Extra. Price $125 AND iris, transits; JENNINGS’ GREAT VI ORK ON THE HORSE ‘Tellsyod all about breeding and Managing the animal with his various vices, and how they can be Corrected. V JENNINGS’ GREAT WORK ON THE HORSEDescribesymore than 150 diseases to which he issubject, and gives the various remedies best adapted to their cure. ._ . --" 4 JENNINGS’ GREAT WORK ON THE HORSE Shouldbe in the hands of every marf who owns the animal. 'At a critical moment it 'm‘a'yfsave' you hundreds of dollars‘in horse-flesh. ‘ . _, , p, I V V Thrilling Amara... Among "Ambrotltw and Photograph r The Early Settlers. BY WARREN WILOWOOO. Esq. " '1 With 800 New and" Original :Engmvhigs. l2mo., Cloth Extra.- Price‘$l.25, THRILLING AD V E N TUBES AMONG THE EARLY SET'I‘LERVS We venture to say is the most intensely interest- ing collection ol'st‘ori‘es ever issued. THRILLING A D V E N TURES AMONG THE EARLY SETTLERS While’d'rnWII from the most “authentic sour- ces, yet partakesfofall “ the Wild, Weird, and fearful character of romance. ' ' ’ ‘ THRILLING A D V E N TUBES AMONG THE EARLY SETTLERS With startling vividness brings before the mind of the reader many a deed of blood and earn- age. many ascene of heroism and patient endurance. ‘ ; ' THE FAMILY DOCTOR ; A COUNSELLOR 1N SICKNESS. PAIN , - AND orsrnEss. By ProfessorIHenIy S. Taylor, MD. 12mm, Cloth. Price $1.00 . TAYIIJO ItisIEIAMIILY DOCTOR is \VRI.’1"1‘EN in plain language. free from medical terms, and tells you how to cook, “p'reparedrjirrks, andhinanagetlre sick gene»; rally: I I I I ITAYLOR’S FAMILY DOCTOR DESCRIBES nearly 150 distinctdiseases to which men, women and’children are subject,. and gives the various simple remedies best adapted to their cure. ' Helios SUGAR-S as sweet as the purest marina. 1 FAMILY DOCTORIS Fresh from the canes of Louisnna. Cocoa, Chocolate, Raisins and Spice. Vinegar, Pickles. Crackers and Rice ; Soap of the 7m plus ultra brand, _ 1 ~ _ x The equal Of which can’t be found in tbelaud; Currants and Raisins that can’t fail to please-â€" The sweetest of Butler, theIfinest ofCheese: To satisfy customers Crawford ne’er fails : _ His goods are the best, and hrs prices you’ll find A e such as to leave competition behind l ALSO ON HAND, SPICE]? BEEF OTHER HAMS Yarmouth Bloaters,Finon Hadrliesrdrc DUGALI) CRAWFORD, Corner of Yonge and Agnes Streets. Toronto. Get, 31, 1861. 153-tft HSEEEL, KING sr. EAST, NEAR THE MARKET SQUARE, TORONTO, C.W. 'I » JOHN" IIIJLLIS', Proprietor. Good .Stabling attached and attentive Hostlers always in attendance. .. TorOnto, November 1861; ‘ IMPORTANT. IDR, WISTAR’S PULMONIC SYRUP, is higary re- commended, for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Group, and all diseases of the Lungs and Throat 25 cents pm- bottle. ' , ' I - NOTICE OF REMOVEI HE 'I ubscriber, in returning thanks to his ‘ numerous friends, begs to intimate to the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and Vicinity. that he has removed . INTOI HIS NEW HOUSE 1 one door South of Mr, Harrison’s Saddlery Shop, where by strict application to business and studying to please, be lldeS to merit a continuance of the support so liberally bestowed on him heretOfOre. All Orders punctually' attended to. [13’ Garments cut to order on the shortest: ' notice, and in the latest Style, , JAMES B, BURNES, Tailor. 1861-3m .r‘ Richmond Hill. Oct. 10, 1861. V we a M s . .. For destroying Worms in children SITTZER'S' v VERMIFUGE CAN DY is by for the niost pleasan. _ safe, and effectual remedy now in use. or itl Si} by all deslen‘in medicines. y L Sold by W, S, POLLOCK,,Richmond Hill, WGU’I‘Trl-PERCHA ROOFING. _._____Nâ€". No article ever before introduced to SEND FOR the public has equalled the LIQUID GOTTA-J PEIRIC'HA for coating tin or other roofs, new or old. One gallon, Costing $1.50,I F will thoroughly "coat from 5300 to 300 feet of roof,,nr.d this coating will render the roof perfectly water-proof, and will lasr three times as long as white lead or otlret I SINGLE paint. For covering roofs, either New or old, we repeat, it has ’00 equal for durabi- lity and cbeapness, and we offer it to the I public fully confident of its intrinsic eXcel- lence, and With our warrantee that it'willI‘ Sold in barrels of forty gallons each, at a liberal discount to do all we claim for it. dealers, Address all orders to I I READY ROOFING C09 ‘23 Cedar-street, New York." 148- 12m; I THIS PEOPLES Sit $1000 A YEAR 18 BE SEND”.FOR SINGLE COP SINGLE COPIES, SENT TO VVRIT'I‘EN in plain language. free from Medical terms, and i‘ria‘y s'oon save you much” suffering and many times the cost of the book.- Everybody [Wants it. GREATI ‘BOOKS embraCe other werks of great value that will be found in our printed catalogues, and which will be forwarded to any address On application. ' THE PEOPLE’S GREAT BOOKS embrace other works of great value, that will befound in our printed Icatalogues,I and which Will be forwarded to any address on application. « THE PEOPLE’S GREAT BOOKS will be furnished to agents and others" 111 quantities on very liberal terms; Unequalled - in mechanical execution. as well as value of their contents. '8. certain and rapid sale follows their introduction everywhere. PEOPLE’S GREAT , BOOKS will be furnished to agents and others in quantities 011 very liberal terms. Unequale’d I in Irreclranical ex xcution, as well as value ,of their contents, a cbrtain and rapid sale follows their introduction everyw11ere. ' ., 1000 A YEAR IS BEING; MADE by many enterprizmg men, in the sale of “ the People‘s Great Books.” Une‘qua’lle‘d in mechanical execution. as well as value of their contents, a certain and rapid sale follows their introductioneverywhere. ' I 01000.1 YEAR IS BEING MADE by many enterprizing men, in the sale 01 -‘ the Pedple’s Great Books.” Uiiequalled l in mechanical Ieirecution, as well as vallie 'df their contents, a certain and rapid sa‘e follows their introduction everyWhero. ' I â€"_â€"_.4 T MADE by many ontorprizing men,ln the.- sale of “ the People’s Great Books." Un- OQualled‘in mechanical execution,'as Well as Value of th‘eir Contents, '11 certain and rapid salsfollows their introduction everywhere. A $25.00 WORTH 0F the People’s Great Books and try them among your neig‘nbdrs. Everybody Wants them. ' , $50.00 WORTH OF the People's Great Books and try them ,ahmong your neighbors. Everybody wants 1 em. ' OR $100.00 WORTH OF the People’s Great Books, and try them among your neiglibOrs. Everybody wants them. - ‘ COPIES, SENT TO ANY address,_postage paid on receipt of price. Address, ‘ JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, ' No. 61-7 Sansom St.. Philadelphia, Pa. IES, SENT TO ANY address, postage paid on receipt ofprice. Address, ‘ I ‘ JOHN E. POTTER. PUBLISHER, No. 617 SJIISOII) St., Philadelphia, Pa ANY address, postage paid onVreceipt ofprice. Address, " JOHN E. POTTER, PUBL‘ISHER,“ ‘ 1 No. 617-Saneom St, I’Iiiladolphin.Pn

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