Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 14 Feb 1862, p. 3

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.- -. r. 3-. 'I ~. an » FARM To LET! SHOP A D LET- EING composed of the east half of Lot 22, 5th concession of Vaughan; 75 acres cleared. I ’l ‘ F t' rs a ' e or pm lo“ a Pp) JOSEPH NOBLE. 165-3t The Einpiess Eugnie is, according to late gossip, becoming quite a politician; but her policy is directly opposed to that of the Emperor. She corresponds with many men ' of the clerical party, I and de- fends Warme the temporal power of the Pope and the cause oftlie ex-King of Naples. ' ' James Mass ey, (Late of the King s'H‘ead. London. Eng.) , N o. 26 West Market Place, TORONTO. _” T1111 PEOPLE’S GREAT linens. THE HORSE, mg as DISEASES, s ' ' Village of Richmond Hill . ‘ ROBERT JENNINGS, ,_ 3., IN 8 20!“) P051110“ 1” busmess’ House com' A Paori-zsson on Parnoi.ocr'aNn Orcna'rtvn Snit- modiuus. With 5 Rooms and an excellent i emu to run VETERINARY Commoner i’mu- Csllar. Wood Shed atid other Conveniences. “MPH”. pm... m.V,,.,,.mu“,,Y Mame”. Branches of English, $24 per quarter; Music, . . ST Y. at present in occupation by Mr. Coomer.â€"-â€"- IN THE M” AGRICULTURAL1bLLmE 0' Possession given on 1st January. 1861. Ongo’_Smcnr.'rAnY or run Amnaiciiu $6 ; French and Drawing, each. $3. CAME into the premises of the Subscriber. Enquire 01' VETERINARY AsSOClATION or I’m. NOTICE. RS. CAMPBELL begs to intimate that her A School will RE-OI’EN‘on Monday, Janu- arV 6th, 1862. \Vhere will be taught as here- tofore. the usual branches of useful education. TERMS :â€"-â€"Board and Tuitoti in the Higher Maple. Jan. 99,1862. TENDERS WANTED l HE REV. J. O’DONOHOE will receive Tenders for the erection of a CATHOLIC CHUR CH ! IN THE ‘1 Every accommodation for Farmers and others attending Market Good Stabling. 11:? Dinner from 12 to 2 o’clock. AT .6. MARKHAM VILLAGE i f " until the 16th FEBRUARY next. Le‘ters Platte and Specifications can be seen on Ramaivinizin RICHMONDHILL venom... application to 0.. It... J. 010-. at Thornhill FEBRUARY 1, up to the 1st February; after which date they can be seen at Mr. JOHN BURNS’. at Mark- Bernard. Goodwin} ham Village.» " g . . Delenbaugh. C.‘ Ti h'l' J . ' . Dibb’ George P 4 tom Ii. an 15th. 1862 %.W‘_‘ZI:_:‘D ..._____~._-' 1 3‘ BIRTH. '11. the township of Markham. on the lat instant. the wife of Mr. Lacbliu McLean. of a son. Richmond Hill. Jan. I. 1862. lot t‘lo. 22. in the 9nd concession of - G. A. BARNARD. L‘DELPHIAinrc'.,ETc. Markham. on or about the 1st instant. TWO - h d H-n. D c_ 5. 1861‘ 1584,» I _ - . SHEEP. The owner is requested to prove me mo“ l e . 121110. ClothyExtra. PTIGO.$1.25- property. pay expenses and take them away. NICHOLAS LYNOT’I‘. BUY YOUR ROCK OIL. Go LANIPS .. i I ,Metcalf, Robert vilMartin. Mr. 164-5t {fas- 15‘. Brown, ‘ , ~ .‘tMcDonald, John _ ‘ Markham. Jumuy 91, 136-2, 165.3 BROKER" ' 1i) ‘ahmfiifimfll‘fi. Dmva The» . wp'wenleee STRJ r111). ‘ ' E i t I G net-n1 Avent “N THE HORSE M's-3”“ ""~ “’°“‘ , .. . gavewagxijyghn [giledf J?“ (g) 0 L_ I L ‘ 2 s (a e an‘ e_ rs " breeding and Mnitaglilg‘the animal with his or . ‘ ’ eri'is. oert , . I ' l l i . ‘ I I b Notlce to Builders ! Fox. Benjamin “ammo, gfifinhm "â€""' O A O loner tron various Vices and how they can e corrected CAME into the premises of the Subscriber. ' Lot 25, 3rd Concessron Markham, on or about the 10th December last. THREE SHEEP Scott, James including a Ram, a Ewe. and a Lamb.â€" '§co_lt.'ll|0mas _ The owner can have the same by proving bmllh. Mr- (Saw-ml“) property and paying expenses Shepperd. Charles ‘ ‘ Simpson. J. & 1W. PETER HEISE- US'I“ RECEIVED. an excellent article. pure without odour. at 38 6d per gallon. At W. S. POLLOCK’S. (Late G. A. Bernard’s) Richmond Hill. Jan. 16, 186i. Gallawaye, William Grey. William Grant. George (9) Heyslop, Mr. Hill. Lawrence Hunt. Henrv laiiiiesoii. Mr. (2) Lumley. Miss Colonial itife Qtsen'rtiiirc ' Qlo’p. .‘ -’ ‘ ' . JENNINGS’ GREAT WORK ON THE HORSE Describes more than-150 diseases to winch he is subject. and gives the" various remedies best adapted to their cure. . Richens, Robert ; Richins. Elijah Ramsay. Mr. 1 Masonic HALL, Tones-re S'raitic'r. TORONTO-v 1644f. [IT Money to Lend on Improved Farms TENDERS will be received by the under- signed Trustees. until TUESDAY, the 25th day of FEBRUARY erection of a. FRAME SCHOOL HOUSE! next. for the in UnionSchool Section No. I. III the Town- Blackwood’s Magazine ships of King and Whitchurcii.‘on Lot No. Large. W 'VSl"_ll'”°“r inme’? (41 1'86?:.L,._._-____IE:‘3: _ um THE ' 67....1st Concession of King. » L0W°i R‘OV- Ml‘ U'I'riclter. Elilabeth . . ' ' ‘ 0 ON THE HORSE Should be in the hands it,“ and Spacificafions may be “on at Mr. Law. A. ' ‘ IVilliariis.'Wi!lia-m . A GOOD THING. H I ‘ ‘ of every man who owns the animal. At a critical moment it may save you hundreds of dollars in horse-flesh. DR. ROPE’S Magnetic Ointment is well worth I Hal, In any case of Piles, Burns, . aids, Old Sores, Inherited or Sore Eyes. Eruptions on the Skin, and in AT ' every one where on ointment is useful. it will re I B O & N S’ ’ INN! itseir,atter ono trial. counts or‘ YONG!) AND QUEEN 51‘s.. roaoaro. JOHN LEGG’S, or at Oak Ridges Post Office. .Mardwm' Holy M -TFEFY P M - IN.B.-â€"The Trustees do not bind themselves " " . Niaccept the lowest Tender. and security igHEfiPI. must be given for the due performance-of the "Wk, if""°.‘.l“l"’d' . _ I C AME into the enclosure of the Subscriber.- A‘ll letters addressed on the subject must be Lot No. 6. 4th Con. VVlIitchumh,,about , SCOTT do CO., NEW YORK. continue ., topublish the following leading British Periodicals, viz. :e- A PH OTOGRAPHS I , v I The Chen-1;; and Best ' 1 THE LONDON QUARLTERLY (Consorvative) Amhrotype and «uplfiiotograph Thrilling Adventures Among ‘ The Early Settlers.' ' ' BUfLS FOR SALE. - 'd‘.'r-- - ' - " \ NIA OIL. re- , . . ' - . g. .7 w , I , in. promI NLE I I y f 0..isi010......itquast_.d_ R FOUR ,homugh,bred. short hm BULLSJ tiEng}mwlgpsiygasynnvflamwd White. run EDINBURGH gEVIEw (Wing) GALLERY iN_ CANADA, BY WARREN mwwoou‘ EN. 1 WILHAM El, L‘s g Tw‘tfiflN‘lf Tab 0- i 'r a “8910391? fcan"?°:l°d ‘hhroxgh the '{egd 2;" Odouiless and Non'Explosiver. | THE NORTH BRI 'ISH ' REVIEW, (Free ,s n. i - ' 5 With 200 New and Original Engraviugs. ~ ‘ " ‘ ' U. S. S. .1 e w'terisre nested ,to now no art. a “r. TONE 0 “OP . Wit ,1 6V6”? 006 Pale , ' . . . l i ' -- " - - I - I :WILLI‘I‘M NORMAN' . a expenses and takqe them awiiy. ‘ p l P y herd of Captain GUN’rizn’s; for an account of One gallon and under‘ ' f ‘70 calm par gallon' Clumh') 4 _ ' L ‘ i", ’ mmo ' clam En“ 'Pnce Si 23' (bk-RM“. Feb ‘4- 186"- -153'9‘- '3'1’ETE'R BRiLLiNGER. which see the "Illustrated Londdn News” 0 Five gallons-m ------- "'60 ‘ _ THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberob) i I i i I' IS Wliitcliurch. Feb. 5; 1862 ‘ ' ' 167-4 the 7th December 1861, page 577. - Five gallons, including can... ..... ... .‘$3.15 . 5 I -’ ’ A D V E N TURES ' . I A. . BLACKWOOD’S EOINBUECH MAGA- ZINE, (Tory.) W. WILLCOCKS BALDWIN. Larclitiiei‘e, Oak Ridges. 162-4 The Largest a nd Cheapest Stock of I amps! In Canada. '5 5'1 a. , '3 , 5‘. r : 1:. errflfiggtt k a o 3 <3 2 o o i: 5 ‘ a in so ‘ lti endless Variety, Latest Improvements as well as the OLD well-known Patterns. - III? Intending Purchasers are respectfully iii- vited to call and eXamine Stock and Prices‘ Corner of Yonge and Queen Sts.. Toronto. December lb. 1861. AMONG THE EARLY SETTLERS We venture to say is the most intensely interest- ing collection of stories ever issued. TORONTO. _ r J.AMES " RAWE, t’roprietor and Principal Operator Toronto. April 19. I861. ' WANTE CORDS OF OAK STAVE TIMBER, Cash on delivery. 11, 8:. J. HARRISON. ', Plank Road. 150-3t. FIRST-RATE PLEASURE CUTTER. v new, and well-finished. very cheap.’ ,F? Apply at the "YORK HERALD Office. 7 Richmond Hill. Jan. ‘29. 1862. HAT all Parties indebted to the Estate of _ the late MAJOR JN O. BUTTON,are re- quested to pay the same on or before the let any of APRIL next; and also all those who have any claims against the said Estate. are Equested to hand in their Accounts for set- tlement before the said tints. to the under- eignerl Executors. FRANCIS BUTTON. ) TIMOTHY MONROE. Ezecutors. HENRY LEVER, g Buttonviiie. Feb. 13. 1861. i ‘ ' TEMPERANCE” The present critical state of European affairs will tender these publications universally inâ€" teresting during the forthCotning year. They will occupy a middle ground between the lies- tin writen newsoitemsmrude speculations, and flying rumors of the daily Journal, and the pon- derous Tome of the future historian. Written after the living interest and excitement of the great political events of the time shall have passed away It is to these Periodicals that readers must look for the only really intelli- r_ , gible and reliable history of current events, and RIChmODd H l", 001. 10. 1361., as such. in addition to their Well-established December 31 , 1861. GABGLING on. sursas Eran. RIGGS’ BLACK 01]. is acknowledged by all who have need it, to be superior to Gar; 1111.; .011. or any other Medicine now before the Pr the, for Spratns, Bruises, Cuts. Galis, and all t. yin-ion to Borsetiesli. Good for man and beast. _ “1015,25 cents per bottle. Sold by an .-, filers ll ledicinos 195-1! TH RILLING A D V E N TURES ‘ AMONG _ THE EARLY SETTLERS While drawn from the most authentic sour-r ces, yet partakes of all the wild. weird, and feaiful character of romance. 1 Wanted “Immediately,. S any Apprentice to the Waggon and f Carriage business, a Strong. steady BOY about 16 years ofage. -Apply to THOMAS SEDMAN. Richmond Hill. Jan. 16.. 1861. 164-3t. 500 Apply to THRlLLlNG A D V E N 'I‘URES AMONG THE EARLY SETTLERS With startling vividness brings before the mind of ' 168-6t. Servants “ranted. 159-1.- ANTED. by the Subscriber, TIVO SER- ' ' ' . . - r I _-____.____.____...___..._..______.______ , . - wflfiw“ n -' ' t'fi , d u , | ' i h t , . the reader many a deed of blood and carn-~ A v E E '1‘ I N G 2 I R ,I‘ ! VAN IS, as cook and Parlour-maid.â€" F o R S A L E , ‘iygralylyge first; 1 ucponnnthe ralzigdiglanglyflc‘zi; age. many a scene of heroism and pmiam Must be well recommended. W. WILLCOCKS BALDWIN, Larclimero. Oak Ridges. - ‘6” “The Horse and his Biscases,” BY PROFESSOR JENNINGS. reading public. endurance. . EA R LY COPIES. The receipt of Advance Shrets from the British publishers gives additional value to these Reprints, inasmuch as they can now be placed in the hands of subscribers about as soon as the original editions. ~‘ TERMS : TEA itEEVIIiiâ€"(T Will I... an in tho » ‘Geod 'l'emplars Hall. Ileadford, On- Friday, ,Feb’y _ 14, 1862, By the Temple, No. 247.1. 0. of G. T., ' ' on Lot No. 18. on the 3t‘tI'Con'cession ofMarKha m oniwlilcb occasion several eminent SPEAK- , HAT all persons owing Dr. James Lang- A new corms 0 I staff. will find it to their advantage to call and pay as soon as possible. on ’ YOJVGE' ’STREE T, December 31,1861. ‘1 BETWEEN ‘ Richmond Hill and Thornhill. For further particulars apply to G. J. F. PEARCE, { 'On'the Premises. THE FAMILY DOCTOR ; A COUNSELLOR IN SICKNESS. PAIN ' AND DISTRESS. ‘ By Professor'Henry S. Taylor, MD. 12mm, Cloth. Price $1.00 :C R A \VFORD’S POETICAL GREETINGS '10 THE PUBLIC. I i‘RlENDSl do you wish. in these very hard times NOTICE. . AT THE If asked what was the best medicine for cleansing » the blood, and for bilious compiuints,Sick Headache, Costiveness, &c., we should say BRIGGS’ INDIAN - ‘ vmm‘m‘g LEE PILLS. i Richmond Hill, Dec. 5. 1861. OFFICE. 158. Per arm ERS-Erz e‘xpec‘ed wk.flzfreiitggningegngl a Richmond Hill, Jan. 30, 1861. 16641.. _ m M m” _‘M __ ,_ _ _, _ ___..,:- Lstf_______ ____.__.. For any one of the fpur ‘Reviewg,_-,,_ _ _ .$3 ()0 (Eggs; the run worth of your dollars and a y me very l y a C-.- ,5; - _.. - . - _. " " "' - ‘H "" “"“”” “ ' " G F 1 two of the four RevieWS 500 . ’ Y ’ I p or an} . . , . ‘» . was]... AT THE PIANO, FARM To RENT : ROBERT LA W ’50“ 3 ------ 22122.32:resets $23,221.92: other... SKEW? er‘t,,..§220;f£t:: ‘ccompumed by Singing. go. up for {he 0... ' IS THE PLACE TO GET PURE {0* E? “In” cipthglfiwiews' ' ' ° ' ' ' ' ' ' ° ' ' 3 Then go i0 Crtagvronii’S-lâ€"t‘ou’ll find thalz he tnedical tbrrns and toils vbu lidw to cook . N the lat Concession of the Township of “0" 7‘0 WW" 5 1 ag"zl"°--- i. ' - ‘1 ' ' d“ ' ‘i d .1 ti ' k ' cuslon' . I V n han bein the East 1 f L t N . v ) ‘ . ' ‘ For Blackwood and one Review. . . . . . ... 5 00 We” dese'ves h'S great lml‘l‘lam-V' Prepare “m”! a" "unwise 1" “"5 3'31"” Tl“ "519's 0f til? Temple have couscmo‘i 36 at11 {Cockle Ildlol,‘ Thornllill OCOIHlellliog VF E R 1‘. B E I E P {\ Eb? For Blackwood and two Reviews, . . . . . . 7 00 I 5‘s of Mich brand "cm the fliiwer" land' mu)" to prepare the prowstons. ’ ’ . Fm Blackwood and three Reviews" . i u 9 (,0 Gulled amidst rose-scented zephyrs bland; __...... Good 'I‘etnplars. Sons of Temperance. and friends of Temperance are invited to attend. I Tickets. 25 cents; Children under 12 years of age, 12; cents. Tickets to be had of the Committee. Team) beiscrvcd an 4 o'eioc/c precisely. Amos Wright. M.P.P.. is expected to pre- side‘e‘ver the meeting. Stabling will be pro- vided for the horses. 100 Acres, Cleared, With good Buildings. well Fenced and Wa- tered. Immediate possession given. F‘" 'P‘miwms apply 1°. R. L. has lately received part of an importation from London,'England, among' , ', ‘ GEORGE DOVE, ’ A » which are sotne very _ I W Richmond Hill. ~ 1 .. . as , The reason of which is that he will not keep bad Tea in Stock, and is willing to g .10 00 Gunpowder, Hyson. the rich Pekoe, Sell at a Fair Proht. For BlaCkWOOd and the’four Renew." The best of Green and the fam' Bohea. Money current in. the State where issued will Come ,O‘mehdi be received at par. CLUBBING. - A discount of twenty-five per cent from the above prices will,be allowed to’CLHBs'ordering four or more copies of any one or more of the above works. Thus: Four copies of Black- TAYLOR’S FAMILY DOCTOR DESCRIBES nearly 150 distinct diseases to which men. n omen and children are subject, and giVes the various simple remedies best, _- adapted to their cure. ‘i ‘ s. and you‘ll agree You never saw liner nor cheaper TEA. The sellers of Coffee in vain to competeâ€"- Crawford has Coffee that can’t' be beat; ’Tis aromatic. ’tis fresh, ’tis‘ good. And combines the virtues of meat and food. He has Sbcans as sweet as the purest marina. TAYLOR’S FAMILY DOCTOR lS Baffin-iJ““*??9:§FJ;__W~' ‘ ‘6“? FINE FULL FLAVOR , wood. or of one Review.- will be sent to one FFOSI‘ from the 031105 PI: '10“l532&; WRITTEN in plain language. free from , 'COHKIwa‘â€"Jfllq°s d rcconmll- 103°?" ’ -â€"â€"‘.. . I . Including 3 F9" Chasm 0f adgrgsflor$iig ‘fouéggpies 3f the four Reviews 33:;rCREES?.éitflilgsaggabgggg. Mehdicial termite. and tmay srlion save lypln rpucllt ., ‘ ' ' ‘. 5 . P ‘ ‘ 113 I . - ’ an -.c woo 'or. ' an soon. i . ' C. i i . w i an are an many imestie costo ie 00 . WWI. E innit: fellaM I 168 i rogpect Fine Non-Coloured. ital-33:31, . Canidiau mailSubs‘dribers supplied free of Soap ofthe "who ultra brand. EverybEdy Wants it. , Ilopi'd‘for . 9 .- V i ' , ' t. . 01.1,“, . United States postage. ’ ' ' The equal of which can’t be found in theland; ” ‘ ‘ l ' Which he will Sell at 38. per Ibo SCbTTISIl AMERICANNURNAL i - . . A FIRST-CLASS Flinn NEWSPAPER, Beware of Painted T :as, \‘t hich are n 0 better than purport unvornn 'Tc Thu-Inruiinsrs ’ ._ . . , ‘ V a , _ a t 0F SCOTSMEN‘TN AMERICA, ROBERT LAWSON S is also the place to De w nit iiiiiii, tint, 11131011110111 FIFTITSKEAR. Currants and Raisins that can’t fail to pleaseâ€"- The sweetest of Butter. the finest of Cheese: And then the Tobaccoâ€"but enough of details, To satisfy customers Crawford ne'er fails : His geods are the best, and his prices you’ll find A e such as to leave competition behind! 11.50 ex HAND, g SPICED BEEF .5- OTHER HAMS Yarmouth BloateraFInOn Haddiesdzc DUGAIJ‘) CRAWFORD, Corner of Yonge and Agnes Streets. N-.l)’;â€"â€"The price'iu Great Britain of the five Periodicals above named is $31 per annum. Remittances for any of the above publications should always be addressed, post-paid. to the Publishers, - , LEONARD, SCOTT &‘ CO. No. 54 Goldstreet, New York. New York. Dec. 5.1861.‘ THE PEOPLE’S GREAT BOOKS embrace other, works of great values that will be found in our printed catalogues. and which will be forwarded to any address 011 application. VALE N T’ITIN E " * HERALD ’ BOOK STORE, VERY CHEAP ‘, Al 80,1‘ LARGE STOCK Ol‘ Abéount ' Backs THE PEOPLE’S GREAT BOOKS embrace other works of great value. that will be found in our printed catalogues. and which Will be forwarded ’to arty address Winchester’s Hypephospliites At ROBERT LAWSON’S you can procure Pure Spices, all kinds of Sugars, Fruits. SC “00L BOOKS, AND on Jhlluary(%)18i‘32d wg‘l BeT‘comxmnmd a Tobaccos Sauces, Pickles. American Cheese. Canadian Cheese, Candles, SoaP. ‘ (Dfifiofiuggggéfigglggm') Tomm'oo 001. 31. 1851- 153413 0‘1 application. R. ‘ . "0W V0 “ma 0 to cor isH MERICAN ’ f . _ ‘ t I w - ,1 , .__y , § . .t--. ___, ._.,__.. - g §tflthllery ! JOUI‘NALi “Id In “Wife the numbers issued be- Brooms’ BrUSlles' Of a“ kmds’ oat Meal, B hurl (Jam bleal‘ Dned APPHS, Pumas, Gena-.11 i i INSPECTION lNVlTED. Richmond Hill. Feb, 5. 1862. Nervous chiltty, Sara/hilt and Dyspepsia. with every other article in the Grocery Line. at low prices. . l g Bronchitis, ‘8‘:- Yon will also find at ROBERT LaWson’sSoda, Abernetliy and Arrowroot Biscuit‘s and Crackers, Wholesale and Retail. also all kinds of Conlecttoiiery,,tlie whole‘ being of the best manufatcture, and sold cheap. . ~ - ROBERT Lawson’s placeof business is V , . .. UNPARALLELEU IN THE ANNALS OF M EDICINE.” In Nervous Debility and Dys- 162 King-st. East. Near the Market, Next Door to the Clyde Hotel. papa... the nrrornosrmras may 1.. reâ€" ‘ ‘ d as an almost sovereign remedy. " t F b 12 1862. 168 guide _ h V .I "33’ e rim” ’ . ‘ The I-Iypophosplittes 2 AN ' llave a two-field and specific actions-son the SCHOO BOO o D one hand. increasnig the principle which CON- GENERAL STATIONERY, tWecn the first and last days of each year will constitute a complete volume. of convenient size for binding. and each number will con- tain a most entertaining and instructive reper- tory of reading matter, calculated to interest all readers of British origin. The Scol‘visn Am:- aucan JOURNAL. though decidedly international in its constant efforts to protrio'c'pence and pros- perity between the people '01' Great Britain and America, is yet eriipliaticaliy Scottish in its copious records of all events occurring in Scut' land that cart be regarded of the less: interest to natives of that country residing in America ; and to this “ Item: from home” is added, week. It‘, a. suiiimnry. of general intelligence from England, Ireland. and other parts of the world. A distinguishing feature '01 the “ Scottish American Journal” 'is its regular re-publication â€"verbutim ct ltlcl‘aliIIhâ€"Of the “ leading articles” THE PEOPLE’S GREAT BOOKS will be furnished to agents and others" ,. in quantities on very liberal terms. Unequalledfi . in mechanical execution. as Well as value of 1 their contents. a certain and rapid sale follow- their introduction everywhere. use or. Easr. NEAR THE MARKET SQUARI. TORONTO. 0.1V. JOHN IIIILLS, Proprietor. Good Stabiing 4-â€" ..â€" THIS is the most wandciyful curative :1ng known to medical science. It has af- fected cures in every stage of Consumption THE VICTORIA TEA WAREHOUSE No. 93 King Street, I SIGN OF THE QUEEN, 'Isthe place in Toronto. to buy pure lllllllll it lillllll Tllll, attached and attentive Hustlers ways in atlciidbitce. Toronto. November 1861 . l57-tf - ' - THE PEOPLE’S GREAT . ' BOOKS will be furnished to agents and others - in quantities an very liberal tenns. Uiiequaled in riieclianical execution, as well as value of their contents, a certain and rapid sale follows their introduction everywhere. ' L iMPoit‘rAN‘r." nit. WISTAR’S PULMONIC SYRUP, i. commended, for Coughs, Colds, til diseases of the Lungs and bottle highly rc- Asthma, Group, and SUTUTES NERVOUS ENERGY; and, on Throat 25 “mam the other, being the MOS l‘ POWERFUL BLOOD GEN 'RATING AGEN I‘S KNOWN They act with promptuess and certainty in all general morbid conditions. such as Chronic lirenchitis. Asthma. Scrofula. Mara‘smns. Ane- . $1000 A YEAR-IS BEING NOTICE OLREMOVKT 01‘ only because the proprietor,EDWARD , LAVVSONJB one of the oldest and most . oxperiettbed Tea-buyers in the trade. but from the fact that he purchases his Teas in such large quantities at the Cargo Sales. thereby en- abling him to soil at a very SMALL-AD VANCE 0N COST. Fulfilling the old adage “ Large Sales. Small Profits and Quick Returns;” a'so‘ in GOP FEES, SUGARS Fruits, Spices iiiiiii. 1111211111! He cannot be undersold. HIS ' BISCUITS AND @ONERY Are unsurpassed for quality and price. all being manufactured on the premises, from the best material by first-class workmen. Iced and ' Ornamented ' Wedding and Other Cakes Always on hand or made to order iii any style on the shortest notice. Orders by mail and otherwise. attended to with dispatch. ‘All Goods warranted as repre- sented. and delivered free of charge to the cars or in the city limits. {K}? N0 SECOND PRICE. Remember the Placeâ€"- No. 93 KING STREET, SIGN or THE QUEEN. EDWARD LAWSON, Proprietor. Toronto. Feb 5. 1862. 167-6m More for Sale. HE~ Subscriber offers for sale a very s“. perior Dark Bay BUG-G1? MARE, Rising 8 years old . good traveller and without blemish. For particulars apply to . W! H. Thornhill. February 4. 1862. Q ~ 167-4 of the prominent British newspapers and other periodicals upon the most important topics of the day. This feature isa unique one, a..d has been found very acceptable to the people of British North America, as it supplies a long- iieeded dosideratuni in the Provinces. In re- ference to the " editorials "’ of the Sec I‘TISH ANI_ERICAN JOURNAD.‘II is‘ 'Va significant fact that the British press frequently acknowledges their iiilritisic truth and force by copiously extracting from our columns and declaring that the Sco'r} 'i‘ISi-I AMERICAN JoanAL‘is the most able and interesting paper published 'in America. cise weekly summary is also gIVen of the prin- cipal items of American, news, and a similar. narrativo of events transpiring in the variou Britiin Provinces, the latter feature supplying a deficiency which was feltin several of the I‘roâ€"' vitices of intelligence as to what was transpi- ring in other parts of tltegliriiish possessions. In the forthcoming rhinitis of the “ Scottish American Journal” increased space will be de- voted to the literarv department in the publica- tion of SERIAL TALES an», sasrcnss, vividly il- lusiraiing the customs, habits. sentiments and general characteristics of the people of Scotland; each tale emanatiiig'i'roni the pen of coauthor of celebiity. As )ICI’QIOIIOI’MPHI'IICIIIHI' care will be exercised in the choice of ORIGINAL roarav, composed by writers :of acknowledged genius and purity of thought, iosiHeIit here or abroad. The first number of the new volume will con- tain the com meticement of a deeply interesting tale, entitled N THE LIEUTENANT AND HIS SON.” This tale will prove to be one of the must ins teresting ever published. and will be appreciated by all classes of readers. ' TERMS OF STDSSCRIP TION, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Single Copies (each,). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5cts. One copy for one year. . I... I u. . . t . . . . $2 50 cwa RATES. Fivecopies. . . . . . . . . . . . ............. $1000 Twelvo copies,.... . . . . . . . . ......... $2000 Twenty-five copies. . . . . . .. . . ... .. . . . $40 00 Specimen copies sent gratis. Subscribers in the Proviiices may remit their subsm'iptions in Proviiiciatrrioney. Odd change in Provmcial Post Office stamps. Cepies forwarded to Europe per mail, United States. p0staze paid, for $3, or 13s. sterling. per eff” Give HI!“ 3 Call Before Purchasiii EISCW’IICI‘C) 3111111 m. Subscriptions for the 'lllcurrent year are now being received,aiid should be forwarded without delay to I A. M. STEWART, No. 37 Park Row, New York. New York, Jan. 1,1862. ' A con- ' ‘ ‘ HAR AT THE u YORK HERALD" UFFCE, AT PRICES LOWER THAN TORONTO. . Richmond Hill, December 20, 1861. 160 HARNESS ! SINGLE OR DOUBLE! HEAVY OR LIGHT] WELL-MADE AND DURAfiLE 1 MAY BE HAD OF 11%!” i. ‘1! “knit lli‘illlllll I h l i I l! i h i, .l 1 lg. I 11 . ii" Il'liii "‘liiiiiiiii llliiiiii llliiiii llllii'lll rJXIIE Subscriber has on hand, or will make to order to suit purcl’iiISers, and of the best materials, NESS OF THE ABOVE DESCRIPTIO An assortment of V." HIPS, LASIIES, Sic. constantly on hand. Collars warranted to Fit, Look & “fear We'll. Also, kept for Sale Patterson & Bro’s.» Plows, Points, Ldndsides, t‘lfic. , at WM..~.1~1ARRISON’S ‘ " ' 151-3". (if? Call and Examine, Richmond Hill, October 17, 1861. CUTTER S.CUTTERS.C AT THR . UNIONVILLE CARRIAGE FACTORY ‘ v GEORGE EAKIN. 7‘7 EGS most respectfully to inform his Friends and the public generally, that be has on hand a quantity of " 'i'“ l‘i. il’q". iii- 1‘ WHICH HE WILL SELL CHEAP. FOR CASH, 0R, APPROVED CREDIT. Intending Purchasers will do Well to hm As an inspection of a good Article is all that is required to ensure a sale. The reputation of the above Establishment should stifiice the Public as to llib superiority of the Articles (timed out. I U nionville, Dceembc’r 5, 1861. ,TEEESZ HAth ESS ! l N. min. Female Complaints, &c.,,and in all dis- orders of the Nervous or Blood Systems. Their effect upon the tubercular condition is immedi- atr-â€"a|l the general symptoms disappearing with a rapidity which is really marvelous.â€" 'l‘hey increase the nervous or vital energy. re- lieve Cough. chock Night Sweats. diminish Expectoration, improve the Appetite. arrest Diarrhma. and promote refreshing sleep. A FAIR TRIAL IS A CERTAIN. CURE. Winchester’s Genuine Preparation 1 OF THE HYPOPHOSI’HITES is the only reliable form of Dr. Churchill’s Remedy. and is approved by the Medical Profession generally. USE NO OTHER. OR ANY REMEDY CON- TAINING IRON. 113" PRICES '.-‘-Iii 7 oz. Bottles, $1â€"6 Bottles for $5. In 16 02. Bottles. $2â€"Three for $5. Circulars gratis. Sold by all respectable Drug- gists, and at the sole General Depot in the United States. by J. WiNCHEhTER, 36 John St., NY. .THE SPECIFIC. PILL I . . A SPECIFIC REMEDY FOR Spermatorrheaor Seminal, 'Wealmess, (5- ‘Gcnital Irr'itabilizy, either Sex. THIS is the only remedy for Sexual Debillty. Impotency, Sterility. &c.. which has the ap- proval ol'tlte- medical profession. Its success. has been inost‘extraordinaryâ€"efl‘ecting cures iii Cases where all other methods oftreatment had failed. One to six boxes of' the SPECIFIC I‘ILL will permanently Cure any case of Semi- . nal Weakness. 'dr its resulting Impotencv. itoWeVer aggravated, Whether constitutional. or arising front abuse or excess. IMPORTANT MEDICAL TESTIMONY. ““l have used )‘our Specific Pill iii ’m’a'ny cases 01 Spermatorrbea, and with the most per. foot success. V "J. MILTON SANDERS. MID..I..L.‘D." “We believe it to be as near ‘a ‘ Specific ’ as any medlciiiecan be. We have cured ,many severe crises Willi fro'm stir to tbil doses.”-â€"Dr. B. KEITH: ‘Americaii Jour. Of Med. Science. “I have found them all that could be de- sired. Their etfecthas been truly wonderful;â€" E. P. DickEn, M D.” (1:? This is not a Homcépathio Remedy. nor is there any mercury or other delétbridus ingra- dients combined with it, p Parcelâ€"$1 per box; six boie‘s fer $5. by mail. pro-paid. Fer sale by all respbctablb Druggists. and at the sole General Dep‘dt ill the United States. by ' . :3 winciiss’fnit; éeioiin Sandi. New York. Dec. 12, 1851. 159-134. HE i noseriber, in returning thanks to his _ numerous friends. begs to intimate to the inhabitants of Richmond Hill ' and Vicinity. that he has removed , - INTO HIS NEW HOUSE ! one door South of Mr, Harrisbu’s Saddlery Shop. where by strict application to business and studying to please. he hopes to merit a continuance of the support so liberally bestowed on him heretofore. All, Orders punctually attended to. 113’ Garments cut to order on the shortest notice. and in the latest Style. JAMES B. BURNES, Tailor. 1861-3 m i Wu R in s . . For destroying Worms in children, SI’M‘ZER'S VERHIFUGE CANDY is‘by far the most pleasan Info, and effectual remedyn‘ovrin use. r’l‘r it! oi by all dealers in medicines. ’ 8 Richmond Hill. Oct. 10. 1861. ’ Sold by W. S. POI.LOCI§.;Rii:lImund Hill. GU'I‘TA-I’EIICIIII ROOFING. â€"â€"â€"â€"hâ€"-â€" No article ever before _ intruduced to the public has equalled the LIQUID GOTTA. PERCHA for coating tin or other roofs, new Or old. One gallon, costing $1.50, will thoroughly coat front 900 to 300 feet of roof, and this coating will render the mof perfectly water~pr00f, and will la‘sr three times as long as white lead or billet paint. For covering roofs, either new or old, we repeat, it has no equal- for durabi- lity and cheapriess, and We Offer it to the public fully confident of its intrinsic eitcelL l'en‘éc. and with our Warriint‘e'e- that it Will, do ’all We claim fOr Sold iii barrels of forty gallons ‘eaCh, at a liberal discount to Address all Orders to READY ROOFING c... 23 Cedar-street, New York. 148112111. dealers; MADE by many enterpriziii’g nien‘ in the sale of “ the People‘s Great Books.” Unequalled iii mechanical eXecutioii. as well as value of their c‘b'nteiits, a certain and rapid sale follows their introduction everywhere $1,000 A YEAR IS BEING MADE by many enterpriziiig men. in the sale of " the Peeple’s Great Books.” Unequalled 2 in mechanical execution. as well as value '6 their contents, a certain and rapid sa:e follow?! their introduction OveryWhere; $1000 A YEAR IS BEING' MADE by many enterpriiing menhin tbb sale of " the People’s Great Books." Uns equalled iii mechanical ekecution, as well as Value 'of their Contents. a certain and rapid sale folldws their introduction everywl'iié're. ‘ ‘ SEND 110113275430 WORTH“ 0F the I’edple’s Great Books and try them' among your neighbors. ‘ Eyerybody wants them. ‘ SEND FOR $50.00 WORTIT? OF the I’edple 1?: Great Books andtry them among your neighbors. Eyerybody Wants them: SEND FOR $100.00 WORTH OF the People’s Great Books. and try them among your neighbors. thorn. SINGLE COPIES, SENT-TO ' ANY address. postage paid on receipt of price. Add ress, , , JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, Everybody wants . No. 617 Sansom St.. Philadelphia, Tu. Y SINGLE COPIES, SENT TO AN Y address, postage paid on receipt of price. Address, ‘ JOHN E. POTTER. PUBLIEIHER. No. 6l7 851150111 St., Philadelphia, Pa ' ANY address, pestage paid on receipt of price. Address, ' ’ q a“ n H . A JOHN E. POTTER, Puntisnira, No.51? Saucer" St., Philadelphiafl’! SINGLE COPIES, SENT TO V '1

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