, “to.†H . if": ‘.«% ‘ ‘ V ‘ I I ‘ ~I_ _ ,,.. x. linemen IS HEREBY GIVEN, CARD, THAT'all Parties indebted 11‘. "the Estate of - _ BEG to state that Messrs. FLOOD -& PRICE have succeeded the in my busi- 4"W9‘e“ “1 s 9sv.'..: :1 4' v ‘. x 1...» ~33“ . .35, ,-,_ ._,.‘,.... .-. I . . r1111 rhorlil's GREAT B00118. THE 11011315, rig-Ills DISEASES: a ‘e y. LET = snor" AND DWELLING Torin EING composed of the east-half of Lot 22, " 3th cancession of Vaughan; 75 acres cleare . ,. Jam e s M I", (Late of the King 8 Head. Loï¬ido'n, Eng.) No. 26 “Test Marketplace, IN THE Village of Richmond 1111114 the late MAJOR. JNO.BUTTON,are re- tedto a the “moon or before the [st . . . . . TORONTO. For panticularsiepply to, . ROBERT ENVINGS V. s, 2:530, AMER," mm, and also a" mom, who uess at this Village,and feel pleasure to being able cordlally to recommed them » ‘ 103mm NOBLE I N a good Position for business, House com. PROF 5808 o P T J l 0' I v S “have a“). c1.ap-,,,,...aga,“s,_,h° said E,,,,,,-_.I,,m- to the notice olrall my Old Friends and Customers. I therefore respectfully ask for Evan. accommodation ,0, gamers,“ 0pm,, Mama. Jam 22’ 1862 . 1654,, I modicus. with 5 Rooms‘md an “Wham a . u, A HoLoaY up Ipmnwm UR- . . . . r . . , . . ; 1 '~ ‘ .. - .. requested tewhnnd In their Accounts for set- them a fau‘ ma]. Mtgndmg Mmke, Good Spam? G†RY†“RAVE†“WA†(10,“ '91? 01" Pm“ Cellar- Wood Shed and other'Conveniences, I I I . I I .- . I .. g ‘ ~ I I , . 111111.911“, Paar. rVuraauia’ar‘M III lll’mem b°f°r° the “"1 “me' to “w ï¬nder. ‘ . I - ‘ J. 1;. FALCONBRIDGE» i I 11:? Dinner from 12 to 2 o’clock“; 1,67 at present In occupation pby'Mrufloomora- , m Tamar], Aalwuurimxn,bufï¬Ã©cég sig'g'l-egi'gxeciumm' IV I I Richmond Hill, F ebrua'y .9.0, 1862. . A . .‘1’6‘9-8 i y ‘ ‘. ‘ ‘3 "v.34; .' ' ~ ' Possession-KIVODIO“ 15‘ Januflï¬â€˜twm" Qflloins'lcu‘uufo" THE AMERICAN .zlitl FRANCISZBUTTON» ' ~ ' ' ‘ j I .." v . , Letter. .. AME-Imam. premises 'ofthe Subscriber. Enqmm 0‘ vhrrmnluasmmmmg 11,..- saw-ac; giggpggggsw» Emmm- ~ v- '7 RemaininginRICHMONDHILLPostOflice lot, "do; 22?, “is '9ï¬d‘.“°°“°°8“if"‘,g A‘BdRW-‘R‘: f LAmrmA..mrc-,m'c.. ‘ ‘ 1 ‘A7 ~ 4 ‘ ' v - 3 , ' ., - Markham. 0110?} newâ€. 1!? Instant. ‘ v’ Richmond Hill. Dec. 5.1 61"., f . j 15 -1 a - ,- . -“B'uttonville. Feb. 13. 1862. ‘ 168-61- A. NE I . ‘ FEBRUORYI' I062 I, SHEEP. The awaiting! gguegegito prove r“ Ilz-mo' mom EXT?“ P me $125 ’ '7 7‘ 0 m4- . ’ ' - I Y I 6 Bernard. Goodwin Motealfï¬dbert P"°P°"i5’-i’ay “PWâ€? . " Q tr‘way' 43'. F. u i * ' I -:.Notice.- to Bulldcrs ! . v . . . ._ . camel. c. . M.......’.M.., ~. - .lesohleMNOTT- Ea†' - * »’ JENNINGS’ GRE AT'Vt-‘ORK ‘ .. r » - r ‘I HE Suhscnbers respectfully call the attention of the Inhabitants of Richmond Dmbygemggh A ‘ Mppmmldflohn , Markham. January 21, ,1, I'165-3I BROKER,~ ,.; 1;, , I, I: .ENDERS Twill be recei;yed.‘bv.the~ under- Hill and surrounding country to the fact that they have purchased the Devereeux.~Th-os.-' Oliver, Jesse _ ' . V: V I _ Esiape and Genera], Zg‘cnt, UN THE HORSE, Tells 3’01! 8†Iabmft _ - . H d T I ‘_.I,;TuESBAY the _ A I . D J h O,G d d h 2 v w: ., . .; . I I _ breedmg and Managlng theammalwrth his I I. gne I ruatees. uul . . I BVQI'BWIX» 0 11 “S- f‘ “( 1 0 Q,- y . .. , . ' ' db I I, . d 25â€, ‘day of FEBRUARY next, for the _ Fem“ 30b6,, pilger’Jggqb 0 .a. a ,. . noenrron , . varIouvaces, an owtlev-cau econecre erection of a prime SCHOOL HOUSE 1 in Union School Section No. 1. In the Town- .†ehlps ‘of King and Whitcllumh, on Lot No. 67. lst Concession of King. . ' ' Plan‘and Speciï¬cations may be seen at Mr. JOHN'LEGG’S, or‘at Oak Ridges l’ost Oliicev , N.B.-The Trustees do not bind themselves Fox. Benjamin Gallavvaye. William Grey, William Grant, George (9) H oyslop, IM r. Hill, Lawrence llunt. Henry lamieson. Mr. (9) Lumley. Miss Ritchie, William liir:lIelIIs,gRobert Richins, Elijah Ramsay", Mr. Emccllcnt Stock of Goods .' Lately, held by Mr. J. K. FALCON BRIDGE-and having , Bought For'cash z ' " ‘ And on very favorable terms, and leased the Store for a periodof years, they feel conï¬dent of illtill‘ ability to US'I‘ RECEIVED. an:46chileiitéifï¬rticle. I p ‘1‘; “ MOMS/‘10:: I 1 Masosrc HALL, Touonro†Sinai-it“ E . _. Late G.-a.'emarcs) A TORONTO- ~ ,1 ‘."'I‘}&ms ( '. . i Signi'rhoiims Richmond Hill. Jan. 16. 1861. » 1644f. 117, Monev t0_Lend on Improvfl-FW“ Smith, MID-(Saw-mill) __ . ‘ ' "‘ *' April 19. 1861. A» . lflbolxv Silï¬ï¬ï¬â€™ï¬gfoE’l‘ii, Blackwood’s magmas dialectal 'flife 91.5911:th cg? JENNINGS’ GREAT WORK QN.’1‘_H.EII':IOassesses“. more 4111111150 . disehmi'ioI thCh h'eis subject. anId'gives the various remedies beet adapted to-their cure. ...“.,. JENNINGSiOREAT .WORK OTOGRAHHS! ‘ ' ~ ‘ ' - i ' i ' . . . - Large. \W Simpson. James (4) urn run I . - . "‘"VMWP‘ “‘0 We“ T°““°"~ “d “WW? ' â€" , a .M r: -1 'El'v 1. n - - - . ~ - u i . ON’IHE HORSE should be in the hands mum be given for'we due performance 0f the i i123â€? A. w L r VVlIliidids,’ Willisml S l , of every man ‘Vvho owns the animal. At a PURCHASERS, They have already made large additions to the original Stock by fresh purchases’ Marchem’ Hery I . critical moment it may save you hundreds of M TEEFY RM I SCOTT 6" CO“! NEW. YORK. “Minâ€. ' dollars in horse-flesh. . to publish the follotvingv leading .British n ~. on Trustees of ' All letters addressed on the subject must be U. S. S. No. 1 Oak Ridges, Feb. 14, 1861. Pro-Infid- VALENiI‘INES 1 work, if required, WILLIAM ELLIS.’ - WILLIAM NOItnAN. ~ A CHOICE SELECTION. I. I AT THE *‘IIERAL’D’ BOOK STORE, VERY car.†', Also, A LARGE srocx or :Account B00113 I SCHOOL BOOKS, AND General Stationery! INSPECTION INVITED. ‘ Richmond 11111, Feb. 5. 1862. if VICTORIA "TEA VVAIREHOUSE No. 93 King Street, SIGN OF THE QUEEN, ‘Is the place in Tor-Into, to buy pure BllllK i run Till, O 1‘ only because the proprietor,EDWA RD LAWSONJS one of the oldest and most experienced Ton-bur ers in the trade. but frmn 1h. fapt that he purchases his Tens in such large quantities at the Cargo Sales. thereby eu- ' ubling‘ him to sell at a very SMALL AD VANCE 0N COST, Fulï¬lling the old adage “ Large Sales, Small Proï¬ts and Quick Returns ;" a'so in COFFEES, SUGARS Fruits, Spices AND until. llllllilill He cannot be undersold. . HIS BISCUITS _ AMI ONERE‘ Are unsurpassed for quality and price. all being manufactured on the premises, from the best matele by ï¬rst-class workmen. Iced and " ' Ornamented \V’cdding and "Other Cakes Always on hand or made to order in any style ‘ on the shorlest notice. Ordeifs by mail and otherwise? attended to 1111 dispatch All Goods warranted as lepre- inted. and delivered free of charge to the cars ‘ 1n the city limits, cg: NO SECOND PRICE. emember the Placeâ€"â€" 0. 93 KING STREET, SIGN OF THE QUEEN. EDWARD LAWSON, Proprietor. 167-6111 I BUY YOUR ROCK OIL & LANEPS luscf Toronto. Feb 5,.186‘2 AT BOOT H (SIS SONS’, V ' comum or YONGE AND QUEEN srs., 'roaoN'ro. HE PURE PENNSYLVANIA 01L. re- ï¬ned in Pennsylvania. warranted White, ' Odoulless, and Non-Explosiver One gallon and under . . . . . 70 cents per gallon. Five gallons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 " Five gallons, includlng can . . . . . . . . . . . $3.75 The Largest and Cheapest Stock of 1 amps ! In Canada, y; m m I! m > > z ‘3 > .9- : E- I- 9' to U) W m m In eudlebs variety, Latest Improvements as *well- as the OLD well-known Patterns. 11? intellding'Purchasers are respectfully in- vited to call and examine Stock and Prices Corner of Yonge and Queen 81s., Toronto, December 1b. 1861. 159-1y :I'ENDERS WWI-ED 1 HF. REV. J. O’DONUHOE will receive Tenders for the erection of a CATHOLIC CHURCH ! AT MARKHAM VILLAGE! until the 16111 FEBRUARY next. Plans and Speciï¬cations can be seen on application to the Rev. J. 0’1) . at Thornhill up to the 1st February; after which date they can be seen at Mr. JOHN BURNS'. at Mark- ham Village. Thornhili, Jan. 15th, 1862. 164-5t 168-21. ,,and- will keep constantly. supplicdwith a complete assortment of the W " in i’IBLE GOODS MO .8 1 DE b I R A . They wish it to be MOST DISTINCTIIY UNDERSTOOD that they solicit the patronage of the public on their own responsibility. aud that they have no busi- ness connection whatever, with any elsewhere ‘ FLOOD 8: PRICE. Richmond Hill, Feb. 21, 1862. 169 8 an'ER-‘r LA WSaONâ€™ï¬ IS THE PLACE TO GET PURE TEAS AT REASONABLE' PRICES, The reason of which is that he will not keep bad Tea in Stock, and is willing to Sell at a Fair Profit. R. L. has lately received part of an importation from London, England, among FINE FULLw hill/:ORED TEAS, Including a Few Chests of Fine. Non-Coloured. Japan, ‘- Which he will Sell at 33. per 3: . Beware of Painted T as, u hich are no better than poison ROBERT LAVVSON’S is also the place to get fill llillll, 1111111, Milli ii fill At ROBERT LAIvSON’s.you can procure Pure Spices, all kinds of Sugars, Fruits. Tobaccos. Sauces, Pickles, American Cheese, Canadian Cheese, Candles, Soap, Brooms, Brushes, of all'kinds, Oat Meal, Flour. Corn Meal. Dried Apples, Prunes, with every other article in the Grocery Line. at low prices. . You will also ï¬nd at ROBERTLAWSON’S Soda. Abernell’ly and Arrol-vroot Biscuits and Crackers, Wholesale and Retail also all kinds of Confectionery, the whole being of the best manufacture; and sold cheap. {O'Bsa'r LAWSON’S place of business is 162 King-st. East. Nrar the Market, Neat Boer to the Slyde Hotel. Toronto, February 1‘2, 1862. 168 ' AND GENERAL STATIONERY, AT THE “ YORK HERALD" OFFCE, AT} PRICES LOWER. THAN TORONTO. Richmond Hill, December 20, 1861. ’60 HARNESS! HARNESS ! ! SINGLE ORV DOUBLE! HEAVY OR LIGHT If W ELLâ€"MADE AND DURABEE : MAY BE HAD or ix. ‘11.. ‘ll '1 r "'- il' ' "‘ l‘l‘llllll‘llul "no ‘lnmu i"1111111111 "1111 Will ' "W" I'm†f ‘Iâ€"IE Subscriber has 011 band, or will make to order to suit purchasers, and of the best materials, HARNESS OF THE ABOVE DESCRIPTIOM. An assortment of \VHIPS, LASHES, 8U). constantly on hand. Collars warranted to Fit, Look «to Wear Well. Also, kept for Sale Patterson 8; Bro's. Plows, Points, Landsides, (yo. 9:;- Call and Examine, at WM. HARRISON’S Rlchn‘lond um, October 17, 1861. ‘ 151-3,, W ï¬lm.†son 1. l ll.» 5 U T'l‘ ERETCU' ‘TER TTE‘R 8-, UNION VILLE CALEBIAGE FACTORY GEOï¬Gâ€"E EAKIN. BEGS most respectfully to inform his Friends and the public generally, that he has on hand a quantity of lllll‘w. inï¬ll." 1,] . lllllll 1.1;. % llll 0“ 1 ‘ _I d I ,7 {.1 | 3,“, ,I‘ {is}. % “ltd qlluuullll “lg illi%u ll 9% “hm, ‘WHIOII HE WILL SELL CHEAP, FOR CASH, OR APPROVED CREDIT. .__â€"*-Jâ€" Intending Purchasers will do Well to his Give Him a Call Before Purchasing Elsewhere, .As an inspection of a good Article is all that is required to ensure a sale. The reputation of the above Establishment should sufï¬ce the Public as to the superiority of the Articles turned out. Unionville, December 5, 1861. .â€" . _ -Jâ€"~ T â€" .. NOTICE. Marcâ€"101- Salc. I V RS. CAMPBELLbecstointimatothather Tâ€Â§,,ï¬,‘:b§;;};6;,:§m f" saw “my 3"" School will RE-OPEN on Monday, Janu- ary 61h, 11362. VVlIere will be taught as here- tot'ora. the usual branches of useful education. Rising R years old . good traveller and without TERMS :â€"â€"Board and Tuiton in the Higher blemish. For particulars apply to Branches of English, 3324 per quarter; Music, w. H. CLA Y. 356; French and Drawing, each. $3. ‘ Thomhm, February 4. 1862. 16764 Richmond Hill. Jan. 1. 1862. 1651-3: FOR SALE, A FEW COPIES OF H‘The Horse and his Diseases,†BY PROFESSOR JENNINGS, AT THE GARGLING 01L surEns EDED. R'IGGS’ BLACK 01L is acknowledged by 11.11th have used It, to be superior to Gary 1111'; 011, or any other Medicine now before the Pl all for i Spralns, Bruises, Cuts. Galls, and all h pr en to l Hors'eflesh. Good for man and beast. . - Price, 25 cents per bottle. Sold by all b-nlerl In HedIoInel Richmond Hill, Dec. 5, 1861. other person or persons in Richmond Hill or whitchumh. FebI ‘ AS ill 1- ‘YOEK HERALD’ OFFICE. v, STRAY ISHEEP. AME into the enclosure-‘ of the Subscriber. Lot No. 6. 4th Con, Whitchurch, about the 151 of December last. 6 Wise-see; gimeejp.‘ The Owner is requested to prove property. pay expenses and take them away. . PETER BRILLINGER. 5, 1862 . Wanted Immediately, an Apprentice to the about 16 years ofage. Apply to ’ THOMASSEDMAN. Richmond Hill.,Jan. 16. 1861. 164-3t. 0.1 YOA’WE STEBEJ-E T, BETWEEN Richmond H111 and Thornhill. For further particulars apply to G. J. F. PEARCE, On the Premises. Richmond Hill, Jan.~30, 1861. lGG-tf. FARRâ€"Cm} Elana": N the lst Concession of the Township of l Vaughan, being the East part of Lot No. 36, at Cook‘s Hotel, Thornhill, contalning 104) Acres, Cleared, With good Buildlngs. well Fenced and W3- tored. Immediate possession given. For particulars apply to GEORGE Do‘v‘E, Richmond Hill. i ' Yonge Street, Jan. 30, 1861. 166~4t, “i569. ' a...“ ‘Proapectum OF THE 1 800111311 lilillilt‘hlillfrhiilii-‘IL A FIRST-CLASS FAMILY NEWSPAPER, DEVOTEI) TO THE INTEBESTS OF SCOTSI‘JEN IN AIMEEICA, AND TO THE Inssrmrx'rrlon OF SCOTTISH LITERATURE AND NEWS. FIFTHâ€"Timers. On January 2, 18622, will be commenced a new volume (V) of the Scor'rIsH Annalee! JOURNAL; and in future the. numbers issued be- IWeen the ï¬rst and last days of each year wjll constitute a Complete volume, of convenient size for binding. and each number will con-: tain a most entertaining and instructive reper- tory of reading matter. calc'lated to interestall readers of British origin. The Scorrlsu AME- RICAN JOURNAL, thongh decidedly international in its constant efforts to promo‘e peace and pros- perity between the people of Great Britain and America, ls yet emphatically Scottish in its copiou:~' records of all events occurring in Sec? land that can be regarded of the least interest to natlvos of that country residing in America ; and to this “ news from heme†Is added, week- lv, a summary, of general intelligence from England, lreland. and Olhor parts of the world. A distinguishing feature 01 the “ Scottish American Journal †is its regularroe-publication â€"vc: ballot at literatimâ€"of the “ leading articles†of the promil cut British newspapers and other periodicals upon the most important topics of the day. ThIs feature is a unique one, a..d has been found very acceptable to the people of British North America, as it supplies a long- needed dosideratunl III the Provinces. In re- ference to the "editorials" ol the StOF’l‘ISH AMERICAN JOURNAL. it is 11 signiï¬cant fact that the 131111311 press trequently acknowledges their intrinsic truth and force by copiously extracting from our columns and declaring that the Seer; 'rrsu AMERICAN JOURNAL is the most able and interestinglpaper published In America. A con- cise weekly summary is also glycn of the prin- cipal Items of American neWs, and a similar narrative of events transpiring in the various British Provinces, the latler feature supplying a deficiency which was felt in several of the 1’10- vilicesof intelligence as to what was transpi- ring in other parts of the Brilish possessions. in the forthcoming volume of the “ Scottish American Journal†increased space will be de- voted to the literary department III the publica- tion of SERIAL TALES AND sxa'rcilhs, vividly il- lustrating the customs, habits, sentiments and general characteri: tics of the people of Scotland; each tale eruau sting from the .pen of an author of celebrity, As heretofore. particular care will be exercised in the choice of ORIGINAL rorz'rnv, composed by writers of‘ acknowledged genius and purity of thought, resident here or abroad. The ï¬rst number of the new volume will con- tain the com Iuencelneut of a deeply interesting tale, entitled “ THE LIEUTENANT AND HIS SON.†This tale will prove to be one of the west ill-'- teresting ever published, and wille appreciated by all classes of readers. TERMS OF SUBSCRIP TION, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Single Copies (out-11,). . . .. .. . . . . .. . . . 5cm. One copy for one year.. . . . .... . . . . . . . $2 50 CLUB RATES. Fivccopies..1..11...1a.....1.. . v a - I TwelVe copies,................ ..... $20011 '1‘wentyAï¬ve copies.. . . . I .. 6 . ... -. .. . $40 00 Specimen Copies sent gratis. Subscribers in the Provinces may remit their subsuriptions in Provincial money. Odd change in l’rovmcial Post Ofï¬ce stamps. Cepics forwarded to Europe per mail, United States, postage paid, for $3, or 13s. sterling. per annum. Substariptions for the current year are now being received,and should be forwarded without delay to A. M. STEWART, No. 37 Park Row, New York. New York, Jan. 1, 1862. NOTICE. 11' aSked what was the best medibin'e {or cleansilng‘ the blood, and for bilious complaints. Sick Headache, Oolstiveness one. we should in BRIGG ’ DIAN mermaid: mr’r. PILLS. y S IN .. A..-__.... ..._.. ., .. ,,..-wd....A_. _ a ,. . .4 167-4 Waggon and Carriage business, a. strong, steady BOY FARM“ TO BENT! Pellodlcals, v1z.:â€"- THE LONDON QUARéI‘ER (Conservative) THE EDINBURGH 1§EV1EW(IWhig.) THE NORTH BRITISH Church.) 4 I THE wnsrrnms'ruu REVIEW (l.iberal.) 5. BLXOKWOOD’S EDINBURGH MAGA- ZINE, (Tory.) The present critical state of European affairs will render thesa publications universally in- teresting during the forthcoming year. They will occupy a middle ground between the has- tily wrilen news-items, crude speculations, and flying rumors of the daily Journal, and the pon- derons Tome of the future historian, written after the liviqu interet and excitement of the great political pveuts of the time shall have passed away It is to these Periodicals that readers must look for the only really intelli- gible and reliable history of current events, and as such. in addition to their 'wcll-established literary. scientiï¬c, and theological character, We urge them upon the consideration of the reading public. EA RLY COPIES. The receipt of Advance Shots from the British publishers gives additional value to these Reprints, inasmuch as they can uowrbe placed 111 the hands ,of'subscribers about as soon as the original editions. TERMS : For any one of the four Reviews,. . . .553 00 For any two of the four Reviews. . . . . . . . 5 00 For any three of the four Reviews. . . . . . . 7 00 For all four Of the Reviews, . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 (10 For Blackwood’s Magazine, . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 00 ‘ For Blackwood and one Review. . . . . . . . . 5 00 For Blaeliwood and two Reviews, . . . . . . 7 00 For Blaeliwood and three Reviews,. .... ‘1 ()0 For Blackwood and the four Reviews,. be received at par. CLU‘BBING. ' A discount of twentywï¬ve per cent from the above prices will be allowed to 01.11133 ordering four or more copies of any one or more of the above Works. Thus: Four copies of Black- wood. or of one Review. will be sent to one address for $9; fourIcopies of the four Reviews and Blackwood for $30 ; and so on. United States postage. Periodicals above named is $31 per annum, Remittances for ally of the above pubhcatious should always be addressed, post-paid, to the Publishers, ' LEONARD. SCOTT & CO. No. 54 Gold street, New. York. New Yorlt. Dec. 5, 1861. 1...“)...â€" . -M; (DR. CauacmLL’s SPECIFIC REMEDY,) FOR CONSUTKPTION. Nervous chility, Scrqfula and Dyspepsia. Bronchitis, ï¬re. THIS is the most wondolful ourativc agent footed euros in every stage of Censumption “ UNI’ARALLELED IN THE ANNALS OF MEDICINE.†In Nervous Debility and Dys- pepsia. the HYl’OPHOSl’HITES may be re garded as an almost sovereign remedy. The Hypophosmiitcs .' Have a two-ï¬eld and speciï¬c actionâ€"011 the one hand. increasmg the principle which CON- STITUTES NERVOUS ENERGY; and. on the other. being 111,6 MOST POWERFUL BLOOD GEN ‘RATIN G AGEN I‘S KNU WN They act with promptness and certainly 111 all general morbid conditions. such as Chronic Bronchitis. Asthma, Scrofula, Marasmus. Ane- mia, Female Complaints, &c., and in all dis- orders of the Nervous or Blood Systems. Their effect upon the tubercular condition is immedi- atr-â€"all the general symptoms disappearing with a rapidity which is really marvelous.â€" '1‘hey increase the nervous or vital energy. re- lieve Cough. check Night Sweats, diminish Expectoration, improve the Appetite. arrest Dian-hale. and promote refreshing sleep. A FAIR. TRIAL IS A CERTAIN CURE. Wmchester’s Genuine Preparation! OF THE HYPOPHOSPHITES is the only reliable form of Dr. Churchill’s Remedy. and is approved by the Medical Profession generally, USE NO OTHER. OR ANY REMEDY CON- TAINING lltON. ' 113’ PRICES :-â€"In 7 oz. Bottles, $1â€"6 Bottles for $5. Ill 16 oz. Bottles. $2â€"Three for $5. Circulars gratis. Sold by all respectable Drug- gists, and at the sole General Depot in the UllItcd States, by J. WlNCllEhTER, 36 John St., N.Y. THE SPECIFIC PILL ! A SPECIFIC REMEDY FOR Spermatorrheaor Seninal 1V eat/mess, Genital Irritabilily, in either Sex. THlS is the only remedy for Sexual Dehility, InIpotency. Sterility. &c.. which has the np~ prove! of the medical profession. failed. One to six boxes of the SPECIFIC l’ILL will permanently cure ally case of Semi-W IIal Weakness, or its resulting Irupotencv, however aggravated. whether constitutional, or. ‘ of roof, and tins coating will render the arising from abuse or'rxces's. IMPORTANT MEDICAL 'I‘Esrlluonv. “1 have used your Specific P111 in many cases of Spenuatorrhea, and with the most per~ feet success, “J. MILTON SANDERS, M.D.,1..L,D,†“We believe it to be as near a ‘ Speciï¬c ’ as any medicine can be. Vile have curedIII‘Iany severe cases with from Six to ten doses â€â€"-â€"Dr. 1 15. KEITH: 'Arnorican JOur. of Med. Science, "I have found them all that could be de- sired, Their effect hob been truly wonderful.â€â€"' ‘ lence. and w1th our warrantee that it will E. P. D11‘Kh;R.MD.†‘ 03’ This is not a Homeopathic Remedy. her is there any mercury or other deleterious logic. 'dients combined with it. PRICEâ€"$1 per box; six boxes fer $5, by mail. pro-paid. For sale by all respectable Drnggists. and at the sole General Depot in the United States. by I J WINCHESrEn. 36 John St,,l\',Y. New York, Dec, 1?. 1961, 159-1)", honoree and find-“raw Review, (rm ' ‘ , THAT all persons owing Dr. James Lang- ' PM, mm I ,‘ nlhsusl do you wish. ill these very hard times .li) 00“ Gm‘POWde“, Hyson. therich I’okoe, money Gurrwt i" 11"“ Slaw who“ issued Will Come to Crawfr I'd’s. and you’ll agree Canadian mail Subscribers supplied free of 8031’ .01. “"3 "‘3 m’“ “um bmm’ NJ; __The price in Great Britain of the ï¬ve Currants and Raisins that can’t fail to pleaseâ€"â€" Winchestcr’s Hypophosphitcs known to medical science. It has ef- Proprietor. its success . has been mostextraordinaryâ€"eï¬'ecting cures in 1 cases where all other methods of treatment had. 1 paint. TheCheuDestandLBest .ThrmingflAdventures Among 7‘The Early" Settlers. or WARREN WILDWOO‘D‘.’ Esq. , “.du Original. ,Eng‘raviugs. GALLERY IN CANADA. I? r , is n - “i _ 191119..,,.C1Iolh. Etna. Price $1225. THRILLING" AD V E N TU RES TORUNTO, - AMONG}, THE EARLY srzrirLEInS We II ~ ,venture’to.‘say:is the most intenselyiuterest- JA MES RAWE, inzcolwcï¬mfrlorles “rescued- ' l’ronrietorand Principal Operator Toronto, April 19. 1861. .r r. TIâ€"IRILLING A DV E ,NXIZIlRES: ‘ AMONG THE EARLY " SETTLERS While drawn from the most authentic soul‘s ' ces, yet pal-takes of all the wild, weird, and . feaiful character of romance. 125-1y W ANTLE‘D CORDS OF OAK STAVE TIMBER. Cash on delivery. 11, 615 J, HARRISON. Plank Road, a 150-31. 500 Apply to THRILLING A D V E N TURES AMONG THE EARLY SETTLERS gWith startling vividness brings before the mind of the reader many a deed of blood an'd‘obrn- age. many a scene of heroism and patient endurance. " Ridhmond 11 ill, Oct. 10, 1861. NOV/V OBSERVE, staff. will find it to their advantage to call and pay as soon as possible. THE FAMILY DOCTOR A COUNSELLOR IN SICKNESS. PAIN ' AND DISTRESS. ' By Professor Henry S. Taylor, MD. 12mm, Cloth. Price $1.00 CRAVVFORD’S PUETICAL GREETINGS 10 THE PUBLIC. To get the full worth of your dollars and dimes ? Do you wish to purchase the purest and best And cheapest of gnods foryourse‘lf or your guest? , Then go to Cri.\w1'oIm’sâ€"â€"you’ll ï¬nd that be Well deserves his great popularity. TEAS of each brand lrom the flowery laud. Culled amidst rose-scented zephyrs bland ; TAYLOR’S FAMILY Docronls WRITTEN in plain language. free'from medical terms. and tells you how to click, prepaie drinks, and manage the sick germ- rally. , . The best of Green and the fam’ Bohea. ' DESCRIBES nearly 150 distinct diseases to which men. women and children are subject, and gives the various simple remedies best adapted to their cure. You never saw ï¬ner nor cheaper TEA. The sellers of Coffee in vain to compete-â€" Crawford has Coffee that can’t be beat; ’Tis aromatic. ’65 fresh, ’tis good, And combines the virtues of meat and food. He has SUGARS as sweet as thepurest marina. Fresh from the canes of Louisana. Cocoa, Chocolate, Raisins and Spice, Vinegar. l‘ickles. Crackers and Rice; TAYLOR'S FAMILY DOCTOR Is WRITTEN ill plain language. freerfrom Medical terms, and may soon save younlucll , suffering and many times the cost of the book. Everybody wants it, .- THE PEOPLE’S GREAT " BOOKS embrace other works of great value that will be found in our printed catalogues. and which will be forwarded to any address on application. The equal of which can’t be found in theland; The sweetest of Butter. tlle ï¬nest of Cheese: And then the Tobaccoâ€"but enough of details, To satisfy customers Crawford ne’er fails: His goods are the best, and his prices you’ll ï¬nd A e such as to leave competition behind! ALSO on HAND, SPICED BEEF OTHER HAMS Yarmouth Bloaters-,Finon Haddies~&c DUGAIJ) CRAWFORD, Corner of Yonge and Agnes Streets. Toronto. Oct. 31, 1861. 1531‘“. THE 1 PEOPLE’S GREAT BOOKS embrace other werks of great value, that will be found in our printed catalOgues. and which Wlll be forwarded to ally address on application. CLYDE EOTEL, KING sr. EAST, NEAR. THE MARKET semen. TO RONTO. C.W. THE PEOPLE’S GREAT . BOOKS Will be furnished‘to agents andpthers in quantities on very liberal terms. Unequalled ill mechanical execution. as well as value of their cements. a certain and rapid sale follows Good Stabling attached and attentive Hostlers their immduc'io“ “var-"Whem' ’ I . i al‘Ways in attendance. ' ‘ Toronto, November 1861. 157-tf I . . . - .4 k , j‘. BOOKS will be "furnished to agents an'dOth‘ers in quantities on very liberal terms. Une‘qualed in mechanical execution, as Well as value1 of their contents, a certain and rapid sale follows their introduction everywhere. _ IMPORTANT. 1m. WISTAR’S PULMONIC SYRUP, is highly re- commended, for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Group, and all diseases of the Lab 13 and Th out 25 bottle g r cents m $1000 A YEAR IS BEING MADE by many enterprizmg men in the sale of “ the People‘s Great Books.†Une’qualled in mechanical execution. as Well as Value of their cb‘ntents, a certain and rapid salefollgws their introduction everywhere norms OF REMOVE HE ‘ describer, in returning thanks to his numerous friends, begs to intimate tothe inhabitants of ltichmond Hill and Violnity. that he has removed ' INTO HIS NEW HOUSE 1 one door South of Mr, Harrison’s Saddlery , ; $1000 A YEAR IS VBElNlG Shop, where by strict application to business MADE bymany enterprizing menï¬jnltllohla and studying to please. he hopes to merit a of d the People’sGreatBooks/I' ,Unequalled continuance of the support so liberally bestowed I in mechanical executioli. as wellaey of on him heretofore. their contents, a certain and rapid‘salialititwe their introduction bvel'yyvherd‘. 1’ I I:' All Orders punctually‘attended to. 03° Garments cut to order on the shortest norice. andin the latest Style, JAMES B, BURNES, , a $1000, A 17131111113313??le . Tailor, MADE by many eute‘rp’rileu‘g.’m~én: in the ,8,“ 3m sale of -‘ the People’s Great ï¬okï¬wwï¬n‘ Richmond Hill. Oct. 10, 1861. equalled in mechanical eaecution’, new,“ as value of their contentsea. certain,ga11,§1 rapid gals 1'0110w's their introduction everywhere. __.._.â€"_._.__*...____... .. “wonMs For destroying Worms in children " VERMIFUGE CANDY is by air the 1110313511213 Inf 11 tr t I a - - . ' “constraining?†Tam all SEND FOR $25.00 wonder: UP the People’s Great Books and-'tt’y’ them among your neighbors. Everybodyilmiute them. _ “7)., i Sold 1“; W. S. POLLOCKLR’ichmOnd Hill. Whitman Rooms. No article ever before intr’dduced to SEND FOR $50.00 W. :RTH ' n the People's Great Books and-6133,41?!“ the public has e'qualled'tbe LIQUII‘) GUT’I‘A- Emma Y0“? “Olghborst E~V°r)'l’9§lÂ¥;ï¬Â§Â§llls em. . .__. . , a . I .- .ls'w PERC‘HA for coating tin or other roo'fs, i . ‘ . w +3113†*1 new or old. One gallon, casting $1.50, SEND will thoroughly coat from 200 to 300feet Enfo,f;‘°,§,%ï¬w§§,milnoii‘vaériï¬iiiymfl them. . ' i I SINGLE COPIES, SENTTO ANY address, postage paid on receipt of price. Address, ‘ ‘ ‘ JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, I ' No. 617 Sansom St., Philadelphia, Pa. roof perfectly water-proof, and will her three times as lung as White lead or othet For covering roofs, either new or old, we repeat, it has no equal for durabi- lit and cheamcss and we offer it to the . , ' y ‘ ’ ‘INGLE COPIES, SEN r TO ANY address, postage paid on receipt ofpl'ice. Addrese, '1 ' ' JOHN E POTTER. l’uuLIsuna, NO. 617 Sansom St., Philadelphia, Pa public fully conï¬dent of its intrinsic excels- I Sold in barrels of forty gallons each, at a liberal discount to Address all orders to READY ROOFING C0,, 23 Cedar-street,New York. 1418-12111. do all We claim for it. .iv SINGLE COPIES, SENT.TO ANY address, postage paid on receipt ofgpl‘lc: Address, ’ ’ JOHN E. POTTER, PUBLISHER, No. 617 Sansom St, I’niladelplliaj’»; dealers.