Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 28 Feb 1862, p. 4

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‘25- -.'-» . - - SLAVERY APOLISH ANY who have been slaves to Rheumatic ??‘Ln-V“ . t:~)'~’1.nw-’s’vti'.: .-:.n-: -r ‘~ -~ o... ,. N.“ J. PECK, s- H-iwna. an i .23., 4... r1. ....‘, :. . .. . '<' . my... 5.4;}>.1,;..;;..u\4.25...}.2. .. ... =n.-.«. '3 ...r:a-.-.-,-'-.. . sash-“icon; 1:14;?st ,sx...‘ sac .15.. 35.;- nm. .r. ape ..-:».:v-« » v- v. ':‘ 3.431,.’!{.1‘-,Z,".6l.. tn..- ;... ("val ;: - u «mm ...:. J. GORMLEY, COMMISSIONER IN concurs BENCH, A SHE’I‘LAND LEGEND. H. 8:. J. HARRISle Fleur Barrel" Heading, Start: and ED. _â€" \ r . . ‘ - , q ) V V L o ' t . - o ' , - -~â€"~T~fiâ€"E‘E‘AN Dfmbff-‘C w [bl illfiellilllzil’tllllall:131:: 1:1,?) ?::::{:lllf‘} Conveyanerr and Auctioneer, Surgeon BEClltlSt, .II I. __ bqu e [3:21:3le have been. entirely eniaiiCipated . Sillngle filanufactu‘rers, ‘ ' ' - ‘c‘ 3'. it ...‘c.t c‘ ’ 'a ‘ , , - , y 1 t -. , ; “‘ l g u, t, J x , ,d, in , . , . \_ I Luv .‘ll. 41TH CON. MuitKHAM. WILL BE AT ' URGEON Dentist, _W111 .be at Niclioll’s ' N M ‘ E‘ .1 t Lumbar Planers. . m l. ‘f “m 'd ,“l d septum... .. 1850 954i Nieliol’s llotrl, inciimomi iiiii, Hotel. Richmond um. doe, t lllgldm s inn .1 e nnmcn . __ , ., â€" 5 (ln Wliltil SUFVCS I lc‘tii as :1 (:lltit‘ztl i ’ ' ' ' i H MoNDAY of every month, a“ r l ‘0 w- \ certain cure for Rheumatism Tic Dolereaux S i " " ' - - _t . . . ’ . ,_ c , . . . . , ,. x - t , n easoned Floonng and Siding ke t on hand The Land 0‘ Cakes! the Land 0’ Cakes! and “crumb. themqu {we m “m depths 0" the 3nd MOI‘da) or “Ch “mum: at mainder of the month at his residence, sprains, Bruises and swam-“g; and mailed to, order in p 1 McCaysville, 7th Concession of York. All quammes to slut-pm." VVOik VVari‘aiite-d. Teeth filled with Osteoplartic or Artificial Boreâ€"This filling is put into the Teeth while soft. causing no pain, as itreqiiires no pressure, it soon becomes as hard as the tooth to which tt firmly adheres, renderlng it almostiinpossible for tlievfilling ever to come out. Dr. l-lusband 'has made arrangements with Mr. G, L. Elliot, of 'l‘oronto, to manufacture his Artificial 'l'eeth ; those n, he engage Doctor llusbaiid to do their work “’1” be sure'of hav- ingr it done in a superior manner, ‘ July 8. 1859’“. BICEPS 6'50 TEE, Jillrlplc. On the Tuesday following, at McMann’s Hotel, Klineburg, On Wednesday following. E7137 HERE he will be happy to wait on those f requiring his services in any branch of his piofoSs-ion. t'eeth inserted on.Gold l’lntenum, Vulcan- ized Rubber, or Continuous Gum on l’latenum. 'l he latter bcing the most beautiful teeth now in use. Dr. PKCK has all the advantages ofthe Profession, both in the Status and Canadas, having formerly been connected with Dentists Prepared and sold by Joseph Ingram, Maple chaselg Village: in bottles ‘1"; '35 and ‘50“ aid" 113’ Factoryâ€" on Markham and Elgin Mills Maple Village, Feta, 14, 1861. Plank Road. P.O.‘ address,‘Richmond Hill. June 7. 1861. . T1.32-6m _I Atxction 33391316: «3. Tritiumâ€"BOWMAN, onset“ Auctioneer, FOR THE COUNTIES OF YORK do l’ltlEL. All letters addressed to “Alriiire.” 1".O. wil . rocoivp prompt attention. Orders received at the “ York lloraitl”t)flicv, ltit'hliiond llill; .\lr. llciiry Loiiion, 'l‘horiiliill. and Mr. James Cavanntu, Mansion House, Sharon. whore 'l‘oi‘iiis. (to. may be obtained. 0! monie a blessing on it, , of the occnii,riiid,lind they not this ta- lts hills and howesâ€"its liiinsand lake's, lismaii, they would at once losc tticsc amphibious qualities. lVitii regard l0 this, a slorv is told about a man belonging, to Unst, who, walking along,r the sand, saw it group of those singular beings dancing in the moon- light, and a considerable number of seal-skins lying near them on the shore. Each ran to pick up his own, and the whole band disuppcurcd into The bagpipe and the bonnet; 1-). The braos that bred the killed Clans, That cowed the Done and Roman, Whose sons hae still the heart and han’s To welcome friend or foemanl l’iorlueiafz insurance Company, OF CANADA, F0 R. fire out: marlin: fittsumttre, ESTABLISHED 1849, ACT 09‘ PARLIAMENT d3 lid, B.‘ M.‘ R.”. » _ Try the truly great PAIN KILL-ER BRiees‘HA- (-110. RELIEF, and if you are not satisfied of it's Supeâ€" rlority, after using the medicine, the price will be re- funded by the Agent in all cases. Price 25 cents or bottle. Sold by all dealers in medicines. ' P Then swell the sangâ€"baith loud and long, As echo answered never, And fill ye up and toast the cup, The Land 0’ Cakes forever! INBOKPORATED BY 32-152 '~ . . . .. . . ‘ . . , _ - , T gr .n k in New Yorki he now receives direct from Subscribed Ca ital $1740 529_ Failtlflolivei lthe gou ans down our glens, lllcisctil, but lfllclbllclltillitllcl‘, litiVllllg £11111”: DIOV- ~-)- “101 62-tf them avg“. immovaumm oi" the Profession . E... J i ’ Valuable, I’l'olugl'ty for Sale ’ no matter up our mountains; noticct one o t it: Sou -siiiis at iis "M .';" """""""‘;;;""_"“ throughout. the United States. , . . T ,‘ r 1 HEAD UFFICE.-TUHUNT0- . ' i . i . . . Tim moans hang wizard dens an, seized it; and in it y. “MEMO TA WART. to me Regulation rescind Cl’ll iiiiiimiiioiuls ' “it? til: fittldlllll’ “S “”‘"“°"' 4° L 5‘ " I i . CON1<‘1£C'l‘lONlER, - Hilliard Cameron, ‘ - n -‘ - ‘ -. v i ' -. .. . of Cliildren’s'l‘eeth. H. r , PRESIDENTzâ€"llon. John ' , , , And lam ham-“d mutants) 0” his Mm 11. he found on flit. butch Comm”... 16,-0.3, 185 YONGE SIAM: r. VIWWESIDENT :__J_ S_ Howard. Esq. cheial mar: 1.01s Wltll tiniber thereon. ,. ,. . -- . rt‘ma . 2‘“,.‘.;,"1 n7,r , , . .1 .v‘ ' lhe milk-white thornâ€"â€"tho gowdeu broom, [he loveliest maiden whoever dtsâ€" flitting} {filith if TIEEQTJET 3.111313% All letters addressed to him at Aurora prem- __ Also' VH‘I‘AGL PROPERIY Wllh 0" without Buildings. . The above property is situated at, and ad- joining to, the Village of ' llanond H111. For further particulars apply atthe Office of this paper. . " Richmond Hill, Sept 26, 1860. MONUMEN S,â€"’.l.‘-OMB T ABLES. TOMBSTONES, 8w. Twenty Per Cent Cheaper THAN ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT. ptly attended to. Aurora, Feb. 20., 1851 , .3 .... ‘ ..__ For 10V ers tiysting boweis nich'rous : Hon 1.11. Cameron, George Duggan, Esq l‘lon. Geo. Crawford, .1. S. Howard. Esq. Hon.M.Cameron,M.f’. Edw. C. Jones, Esq. J.Cameron,Esq.M.P.P A. Moi'i'isOii,leq.Ml’1’ A. M. Smith l‘lsq. , Lewis Motfat, Esq. W. L. l’errin, Esq played herself to mortal sight; she lthlIMONUHILL. was lamenting with many tears and sobs the theft. which (:onipcllcd nor to remain an exile on land. in vain did she implore the restoration of her talisman, but the man was mad with love, and proved ii‘ichruhlo ; all he Would do for her Was to offer her his protection and n shelter be- 168-lv Not even Eden’s sel’ in bloom Unfaulded lovelier flowers 1 Picâ€"nit} Parties (3.: Tea Meetings Attended and supplied on reasonable terms. Richmond Hill. June 2-1. 1861. lilS-tf Then swell the sang, Sec. Be scorned the Scot within whose heart r HE UNDERSlGNliLD Assignees of the estate of D. C. & W. YALE, will con‘ thine the business under the superiiitendcnce of our duly euthorized agents, AUSTIN Aiiiiizv and 1), CAitLos VALE, whose receipt will be 96-0 W Euro 'l‘rouglis, lo r Scouts, Cistt'ons and Pinups, Manufactured and for Sale by Nae patriot flame is burning , . 4.. c M, THE LATEST IM P R0 V E D ' ~ ‘rTl‘T Mr} . N I , -n d6 ,1 d y . l- .. ncalli his roof as lllS Wife and the A r, - up «:4,» '7‘- r- â€" :23 l . vdulyaUJWUWledng' - . u v _. . , ac Gals 1 a ] 6P me “m, r; “was J G M3 "j G ‘U 3 “‘Al ll- 5‘ l [x G . CAL-1‘1 ’ l’,S.-â€"â€"-All notes and accounts remaining 1111- . W _ . . Fug & Ll“) Enfinrance Compdny. boicnous .â€"â€"-Messis. Duggan 8. Burns, E‘XI‘MINE Manager and Secrctru'y:â€"James Sydney Crocker, Esq. 11 $51.51. Scorch/my .- J W . VVoodhouse,Esq. m , , Liverpool. and London Wha kent nae grief frae barrio to partâ€" Nae joy when back returning ! i i I 111mm, 'oranrrmicics: Nae love for him in life shall yearn, g r» Win. Blight, ltisq. l mermaid scciug that the no Heliathnae coronacliâ€"iiao Cairn, . I ' way of Joining her old frionils, S'rnAiii MILLS, Titoniyiiiim. ‘ E‘EFORE bulln" all" other Fam‘ln" Mill“ Hid on the lsl day of June 1858, will be put 1 j . ~ - “ l l " BANKERS ;_']‘lie Bank of Toronto. Head Office, Canada Branch. Corner of Place Wha shamed the land that bore liiiiil V. r p I , June 3, 1359, 274,-. corisidoreo by competent Judges to be the in“, Cum-t for collection, , , , r _ accepted the 011131; 1 mg Sliygul;;1‘ whiff“ Wummwwu bust constructed Mill before the Canadian (3 YALF “fâ€" , , , . D Armes and m James buyeel’ Montreal' Phen swell the sang. 6w. “unjuml mumnwm heme“, ,, WE, __ m. H, “r, “if public for separating Oats from Spring Wheat. G_ CUMM'ER. , int: and martial. issoiimcn busl- - , , . , . d ’ ‘ _ d I ,u I l ‘ p ‘ lilLl Pfim ‘ Pens and Oats. and for cleaning in fact, all . r A . iicss (lull-Silvie” ll)‘ lll’l-‘f- 0"“1”“‘)' 3ft '15 va' Invested Funds When flows our quaich 111 Highland glen, Shot an ct till .i ( out; Hot o. thc scu kinds ot'(1‘lvaiu_ This MM “and, unrivauw, Toronto, April ‘29, 1809. s8-lf nous Agencies. as Well asthe Head Office. To- __ 1n Lawland hail our glasses, lasted scvm‘al yciil‘, and :I titltiiluii‘ ()f By the use of Electricity, 15 made 0f £0011 , ""“l-“t at fair “ml “wage rates .4 , ,. DIRECTORS â€"â€"'I‘ B Anderson qu Chair- VVe’ll toast auld Scotl *tid’s honest men-- children WU“; [he lvc.u I, Tim“; “f-LLLJJ‘KW“ i“ . , ,9 » y , ,‘ , ' ) , I ‘ “C T.» , , l he “limewus, and reslwilflme: thk wide,” man, A. Simpson. Esq. Deputy-Chairman ‘ . , - i . . _, B V D , .,,. .. ) ILA 1 f I .4. c. 1 J . i of this (,ompaiiy, and the huge amount of ca- H v C, I“ E I S .I_ a 7 ’llirice 0 or her bonnie lasses . Children twp-re 11th any other Ch“, , j 1‘. E. C. D IVI 0 I'll” J.) b, * pital subscribed, afford an amount of security to Lem.“ leilrlulfil' F511 l-l- - ' Mankind: £15? And deep we’ll drinliâ€"-the Queen-«the Kirk, dye“ except that men had. as a i sanction iiivzn'riS‘l‘, AURORA. AW] 15; “9'” if“ (30113.11'11151'011’ the be“ for l‘flt- ,x- , guy of, E , ,‘ , , as, . '. “63, .he assured, equal at least to that of any other )1 l’ 'e . flu-v Slames’ ‘f’q‘ , _ . _ . * _ 1 "161-5 use I” the Pl'ovnlce W I; n ., I I V H p _ .. b ‘. ‘ . i P_ - ‘ i . . . 11. l\1.lll.rlll(l, Lfiq. liesldellt-SBCIS- Our country and our freedom. . . .1. ,y l ., . . a, 1v , . p ., _ .. .. . M. 0. , H _ t _ ‘ Company tiansacting usiness in he iovnico H (. F . . .. ‘ , “1‘” ‘ ( l l“ l 0‘ l: “a m’“ “ll-£4” f‘w‘lh '“*‘"~“"’d 0” “'lvm't (“M‘ 0“ Vill‘imllzed They are m tlluf’lcflll‘t d by the un lcrsioiiod 01“ l ONDON A 1 KW Law I, . C bum“, Rebldem Ass‘smm. Wi’ braid cla'inore sl'oiiiâ€"dl u and d' k ~ ' ' . . ' “ '. . .. l'. .' . p l t... ' it ‘ e ' ‘. ). . .' '1 7 , ‘ ' l . l ‘ t ‘ ’ - H ' ~ Secretary. .1 i ‘ l ‘1 ’ bllgillly€‘d. Tllls }.c( lty ‘” ’l) " A” l 1" '“W’” m his lll’lei‘MO‘“ at, Richmond Hill, to whom all Ul'tloii should Vim, which is [\nrlalpunmtud the Agematllichmond Ilill. ' t ptH'ftH'iliCtl in the most approved manner and \V:ii‘i'.’iiitctl' Aurora. March 9, 1r] 1% Directors would call the attention of the l’ublic to the following features in the management of this company:â€" I. . v , . , We to lead} when the} nch them be addressed. 11:?“ Far-tiers would do well to call and ex- amine the Mill, when passing down Yongo St. has remained in the family, to lllt: present day, as a testimony of the fact. The love the Slictlandcr bore Toronto, April 18, 1861. 125-13" . . , , -‘ u n n h Then swell the sand &c_ giglédll fic‘kfipifl E1 513%? @ffiifibe Fifiéiiifd A; LYON %~ g ’ 1... wife t... n. sea 3.3:“..:i::.:l:::“:::.f “cc-t": STERLING The " “it: i ’ ’ ' S : ill “1 ji ctf ' qt r- (LATE FROM ENGLAND. («.‘ww 7 0'... I, i i i) i . Availablo Assets File [Jeiartni’t $1.547J‘61 it) alldllwwlwl‘l” Government or Other Pm" S dilct 111111), was ((1 t y tc (ll 1.. , ..,.it. . ' w ‘ m I ) Snopâ€"Vlithin Light Rods of inninoud s ilotc. l I , 1, l n “H. ,9, 4,. N r 9 Vincinl fiends. “’“U‘d lmlU‘mlly 51013 “Way and PJ-idtli‘i‘l‘it tit. dlf llif‘il'tj‘l-lf‘tli’lliEll, s<_iU'i'ii..~.iii),iiorrt'rox a. Co'iiii;;.,iii,litiiiiiiiiiiitcnitititiiiii:i: ~’Jstiiiiiaiiuii 5'33 BROADWAY, NEW YORK All Losses w‘licii satisfactorily established are it cost more to revenge mp”th than to Wallfll “11 ll‘u bum“; all agile” SITâ€"5‘ ‘1 i“: ll: E l” l' l: R: 54‘“ Richmond llili. July 18. 1861. 138-ft Deposit Fund in New York..... 150,500 0t) , “To Form” who congunlpluflw purchasing a fffiuenigogfijliada Without reference to the bear the”). Hill, SOtHC 01113 tippcttl‘c‘tl ltl lfltz‘ SUM, ~w~~»â€"- Sewing A'l‘at‘ll'i‘llu for family or iiiniiufac- That “You? is not, at the present time, one $01110 0110 VVllll WlllCl) lllc CXâ€"llI-Cl - C T) T L 1.1 IT) , CH'M“ “mimic m CANADA : llltlllg purposes. should fail to send for one of claim in diwum‘ If llU‘llfllan‘ rods do not actually take -- - r" ~ - - ~ ' t ‘ =5 n ‘ ’ ‘ 4 ‘ ' . , ' . . . . a. . . - A 11., iii oncrnw his services to the lllll'glfi- flat. or n T.) rum, r. inr- Enst " our tinculars. which contains cuts and full de- ' '. ‘. s _ f: . I. ‘ . ’3..’ >7 . " "H’ . . - 5* i“ 5" A H"L§A 3 ' L‘ , . . . " t. ‘. ' , ~, ' ‘. . ' ' the lightning from the clouds, they 8118;le “‘a'd l‘ Pl lIf) ‘1 1‘ filo» ‘ (“1“ '“ll”” lit. out. of p,..h,,,,,,,,,w H,” and V,,.,”,,,. Provmcml Land Surveyor, hit-l Utlfitlis l» it"! ll ‘3 fl UN“ fill“ Hummus 0, H“, semi,” Spies, prim-s and flute is untested 111 Canada in Available in an unknown language. O to Llil ' sample.-~ of work, all ot which we send by it liappcncd that. a Child ot llt‘l'S Funds 20”,“le Dollars, and this is being \Vo claim to have the best bags to «air: that they may tlctwiid on potting: constantly added to. at that the fear of it from timid hearts. . their work Wcll done, from the root that he has . ,. . w l' . ‘1)“ Fire l)c iai"iiicut ti. o: Lt. “. v 1.1161,“. 1 . . V I. It c in .i) it i , c it . 7 mail trce. DIENTlSrl‘f'iY A pleasant and cheerful mind sometimes . a.â€" . ~ - t t J VFOllllllG’lIZ‘lll 1w}. W. Limo l‘lsq. - . . . ~. . â€" I A A ,- _ I , ) , ‘ ,, _ .p g , ‘ had .-.> yo:ir.-:_oXporn:nce in some of the tirst- December l4. 1860. 1()7--1 ' in ‘ *3 ,2 ’ ' p H. ,‘q ,3 ,, w; “a. 19:0,,“ “.3 ~.»‘ , , T_ 1, llinl tho-lo is uivcstco iii how 101k $800,000. grow upon an 01.1 and worn out body, like 3‘" idem“ l5 ll um] ‘1 bl“ ll 5"!” ll“"l' n class houses in l. mu...“ Yuritoqm, and 1m“- H 7777777777 3 3- “01””: id".- J‘ :1- ""“‘l“ ““eil‘Jl: f1 1‘“ Ange Algfiifinalehml “3&1 if} â€"â€"-and it is: the intention of the Directors [C A- LMUCTW’ 157*1' l J‘ ‘ minim”! L‘s‘l‘ increase this sum to Sildltlfkflflf). (We may Zguess by whom) under a The accumulated Funds of the Company [No- inill-wliccl and, quite proud of his or one, he lltiptls, l,)\ strict .tt-tontcu to business [on Int/ml fourth/m Maud/(wining [)ILIIIIISL’S tnissiletoe upon a doud trcc. and inotlorrto Charges, to gain the support \Voman love [0 find in mm, a difficult Trustees i” London ; And all we ask is a fair trial. flood the following: combination-a gentleness which will in- varibly protect. The Chinese picture ofambition is ‘a blandarir. trying to catch a comet, by putting salt on his tail. The worst form of ingratitude is to to fuse to accept a favor from the hands of a person to whom you have had the pleasure of rendering one. A negro beingr caught stealing from a lienroosi', excused himself by saying. ‘Dtit he only came dare to soc if dc chickens sleep wid dar eyes opizn.’ Two brothers by the name of Rich, were lately married to two sisters by the nane of W'ings, and have since emigrat- cd; thus showing that; riches take to themselves wings. An unpoetical Yankee has described ladivcs’ lips as ‘the glowing gateways 'of beans, pork and seiirkrout.’ Milton was asked by a friend whether he would instruct his daughters in the different languages. lie replicdzâ€"‘No, sir; one tongue is enough for a woman.’ A tracker of vocal music asked an old ladv if licr grandson had any ear for music. ‘\V:i’dll,’ said the old woman, ‘I really do not know. \Von’t you take the candle and sccl’ ‘Ike,’ said a pedagoguc, ‘liow do as- fronomcrs measure the distance to tie sun l’â€"-â€"-‘ Why.’ replied the young genius, ‘tlicy calculate one-fourth the distance and multiply by four.’ Shrinking of Flannel.â€"Enclose ncw flannel in a bag; put it into a bOIIcr with cold water; heat and boil it. 1t will nevor shrink any more after this operation, and should then be made into garments. It is said that the constant liar in the end believes his own inventions. Is this so with the gentleman who writes annually thousands oflc tcrs from imaginary person- ages endorsing patent medicines? On a winter’s night, when the HMO” shone bright, and the snow was crusted o’rr with a maid as fair as scraphs are, l slid from a hill down lower. Ere we reached the place, (like a horse on a race) our swift gliding sled curcencd; and with tre~scs fair, streaming back on the air, swch Sal/2'6 went cord over cored. A horticulturist advertises that he would supply all sorts of tree and plants. cs- pecially pic-plants of all kinds. A gentle- titan tlicicforc scat. him an Order for ‘onc package of ctlxlai‘dâ€"pic sccd plants. The gardener promptly filled the order by sending him four goose eggs and a small dog. A Youngr Goose.â€"â€"A market girl sold a gentleman a fine fat goose, warranting it to be young. It turned out when i'Otislctl to be unmanagable tough. The next day the gentleman said to the market girl. ‘Tliat goose which you sold to me for a young one was very old.’ ‘Ccrtniiily not,’ said the girl; ‘(lon’t you call too young ?‘ ‘Yes.’ ‘Wcll, [am about nineteen, and I have heard tnotlicr say often that the goose was six weeks younger than me.’ Louis the Fourteenth, playing at. back gannnon, had a beautiful throw. a dispute arose, and the surrounding courtiers all re- mained silent. The Count dc Gaininont happened to come in at the iiist:iiitâ€"â€"-‘ Deâ€" cide the l’llaltel',’ said the king to him.â€" ‘ Sire,’ said the count, ‘your majesty’is iii ‘ x discovery, he run to show it to 11...: motlicr. The latter started; her joy was only troubled when she loom-(l on the boy, whom she \Vns about to leave forevcr, she kissed him, aim flcd' at. full speed towards the sands. At this moment her husband i‘cttirinl homo; and learned that the soul-skin had been found, gossed the rust, and ran to stop his uifc; “out he arrived just in time to witness lllc' li‘nnsforiiiatioi‘. of that bcltivcd being,r he saw her leap in the shupo of a scale, from a projecting rot-k into the sea. The mysterious hcing with whom site but held so many sccrct intci‘v1cus, an enormous soul, np-« pcni‘cd and Congratulath licr in thc tcndci'cst ninnnc“ on the success of licr flight. 13.:foi‘c plunging into the waves, slic- guys a glance at the poor dotizzcn of earth, whose dcs- pair doubtless aroused in her soar.» feeling of compassion: ‘Furcwcll l’ She Said to him; ‘1 wish you cvcl‘y sort ofsucccss. I loved you dearly whcn llivcd on land, but always luvcd my first husband hotter than you.’â€"'I‘/m English at Home, by .dlphonse Esguiros. FFFDING DOMEs'rio ANiii.iLs.â€"â€"â€" in Germany. cattle and horses are lfcd flV'C times each day, and of course a smaller quantity atcuch incul. Here we fccd tlii‘cc limos ,. . . . . pci' day. Which plan is l‘l;{‘lll.9 Do cattle in the Wild state food but three times a day, or do even our domestic cattle educated to liner: meals per day, adhere to the custom when porniittcd to range in rich pastures? Or do they cut su'inllcr quantities and more frequently? Arc CllllCl‘, the habits oftlic Wild cattle or the dou'icstictited, to be taken as porminaot examples of tho inert-ju- dicious course to bc pcrsucd? Cain‘s may occur where the present (tusâ€" tom is most Convenient, such as tho fceding of Working cattle whiic their drivers are at lllt‘ll‘tl.lt3tllt~1;liul should this apply to faltcniin,r cattle. of the public Richmond Hill. Nov. 7 1861, 145- Tlll‘) AURORA ‘3? 1?. be‘l-lllfl ’ltiTl 7‘22??? T?" F) ‘tt’fi critic igtliaswmtrifisfi saints; licral i: rins, for any convenience of large or small parties. Aliplltiltiltllls to Mr. WM, llthinb‘l), Aurora. or Afr. \V, church. 'd Ndl. Also, a SAX~110RN BAND may be had on application. Aurora. Nov. ‘1. 1660. a IOU-{hi on. 3 135(4le Mobil? "\ I _ '3 to" 0.” . . i ’ll \thltK \VARRAN’I‘ND FOR ONE yiiAn. 14- ADMME}. D. . ‘ . ’3“ W C Dal“ ’_ l NB War}: done on the short-{33$ notice Surgeon Dentist, TFHS‘NS in New York = ‘ r . . v' ~~ .‘. ,' ' .‘ " fll: ‘:l~. ' t: liiviiicrston. blml) “PM do“; '0 the ’ 301k Hamid ” 01mm 90 KING ST' EAST' SOUTH SIDE' THan DOOR :ViiiI‘lilngbtfhiii‘“lliifl’i libittlil-f Muiiufaict liniik 3 ES now open to receive engagements on li- iiunibor, to suit the lVi‘, 3rd Con. ‘v‘v’liit- C. F‘. llaziii, Esq, \‘Vl‘lS'l' FROM CHURCH ST. TORONTO, UARTlCUL/Ht attention given to the regu- lation of (Viifr/I‘cit’s '1' cal/1,. Consultation free, and all work warranted. Dr. A. has turned his attention to the imâ€" provements of his profession in all itshrancliPS. and can supply the profession with 'l‘cclli. Gold, Vulcanile Apparatus. and Vulcztnite Rubber, and the best, Bonn filling. Mineral Tooth mounted on (told, Silver. or Vulcanized Rubber. Willi Continuous (Innis, which are warrzmtcd to give entire ;-.:atisfsciioii. I W. Sherman, firm of Duncan, lilheimaii «31. Co ,. A Every description a Fire and Elite Eristirmicc Business transacted at the must moderate rate-s of Premium. W. 1’. RlSlYNOLDS, 1 Agent for 'l‘oroiitoâ€"AR'l‘llll ll, M. JARVIS, Officeâ€"â€"V\~ nitliiiiore’ llttiluuigs, loioiito St. L]- Hm l-ly ll'laiiager in B. N. A. 1 IMPORTANT FACTS. ll‘Aci' No. l.â€"â€"'l his Coiiipnii} being duly li‘ consort. lllt‘ll' Machincs are protocted against iiifi'iizg'ciiicitts or litigation. NAci i\o, 2.~"l‘hcso iilarhincs make the lock» stickfialike on both siilesvâ€"«Iind iise a little loss than half as much thread and silk as the chain or loop stitch machines. lt'Acr No. 3.-â€"'1‘hose Machines are better adap- 1(‘(lll‘iiLll any other scwiiig-machines iii the iiinilict to tho fruition: cliaiigcs and Illillftsl inily. 'l‘licy willsow from one to twenty thicknesses of Marseilles without stopping, and make every stitch perfect. They Will even St-W from the finest gauze to the bea- viost cloth. and even stout, hard leather, \vithout changingth food, nccdle. or ten- VY‘ . .’ 'i) ’ l remote, Apiil in, 1861 ’l‘oroiito,(}ctobor 11, 1061‘. 49-13‘ D31”. LA CROEEE’EB 1 tutu; on?" ‘3"?! 5.9» magiâ€"Bi 9 ‘ w o , , . -. H n 51...: ,3ng z il'llldillllltllll, PRU/ME _ 1 h .‘4 7,1 V ’3 it”; v‘ ' 1.. “I .. ‘ . .- . A. ~ c . l . x -f 1 “‘7 * gull. (xii. scrim], in liotuiiiitig thanks to his ‘45 fill 35:" {3 JE' egg? , {J gg“ E igMJ 8‘ 1-; litinmi‘oiis1=riciios who tavoi‘otl hiiii \\'llil ON THE {pair on, on, (it, 11.3 Hoodlum Mile 12mm to! ETEGS to intimate that lie is now prepared to D, . 5 . v. r . - - l r t . l 7 . "Ii 3'“ . . . . . at v\_ )‘pani‘ ' v7 . v I . . I ititorm loom that he has taken the Mllilib‘ erect l‘vllLliS 1 every (19550111111011, 1)" ‘ “‘Etll‘l’flftit‘b‘” ‘29" 0‘ MdMLll-lf' lately ct'cupicd by Mr. 11. iv'isii. kiiovw: the t)lllt‘i‘Wl‘~9, on reasonable tcriiiS' gent for the host Foundries in Ca- contract 01' flu is also 250 rAaics AN!) 131) Ei'GltAVJNGS.â€"â€"â€"1)rice only v. n more ar-g-wyzs-w m "9? .5? . i“ “"1 57‘ “ ‘Au. Wu.’..k_/â€"Je. ‘EVJV .4. .... -1? ’_ ‘r h ., “ ,.. ‘fi- . . . . _ . . 1‘. I C ,‘ ,, A“ ', This ‘ ‘ J nude. and from his lt‘Hfllht'ncd experience he twenty-live coats. Sent lroe ot postage to all ' U ' I ' t ‘ ' c- r . ‘-.‘ ..,, . v ‘ . . . ' , Y . . . V , . . 1 full the HUN) mull lUl‘dl. 101MB k1“ ~ hopes to give general satisfaction, partsot tho lililUll. On the iiifirmitios o1 mutt; 'l‘licso .iiills bci'ig in first-rate order, am on: -qui lg him a call will find the Gristing done in‘ a stiporir'r llltilllltll’. their (hinting back with them can do so. ll?” All work warranted second to none in 1 C anadu. GEORGE SQllllllC, l’i‘op ri etOi‘. Markham. April 15). 1861. C . W . VVATC l fill .' t) 7 53C 125-1 .0. N, p 31.. 5-? Em N0. 3 YDNGI‘Z STREET, TORONTO, g l tended to. All work warranted. NJS. ll‘aucy floods kept on hand.. Toronto, Sept. 6, 186l. EXT 013' Kiri! Vt’ANTED. or moneys roiizvm Oll‘ EXGL ‘iNll, (no, waiting claimants. A whom lctlors should he addressed in llliigiand, will be St‘llt post free, on l'eCL-lpt of (if) cent? in United Statos‘ stumps, or two for $1. \V‘d claims must ho pit-seniod at once. itelcl» p L'i p . -J U -t. once... \. i.l . :oston . . Luiiinani, Cliiof of l’clico. llzivci‘liill. 1X lltzflii mi}, 0 ‘V L f) . 3’ y . v .1 . \‘v’. . Ollllli'l‘ & CO. 150x ‘23? , Post Office, Boston, Mass :Fcplcniber 122, l‘c‘fil. 14ii-3m. milch cox-ts, or ,attlc not in uscl â€"Scicnl{fic JI/ncrica/z. “M _.....__ ..___ . _, "Ma, The late Mr. Pat. Lalor, who satin Parliament for a short time, as L\l. 1.). for an lrisii county, was as inveterate u jokcr as over sat in the flame of Con‘mions. “file” a new Parliament was clccicd, f\1l‘. l’case, the Quaker, and the late Mr. lid- ward Baincs, were among tho recent {ltl- ditioos to Stephens. bIllcdad,’ Wlhi‘lt‘f- rd honest Pat, in his comic brciguo, to :i friend on his right; ‘ here the iigrciiiltnrnl has sent us up some new members in the shape of 1’1in and Buncs.’ Samplesâ€"A good story is told by the llcarlford Press, of the late W 1}) Burton. While travolhng on a steamboat down the Hudson, be scaled liitnsclfat the breakfast- table and called for some bccfstcak. The waiter furnished him with a strip of the article, such as travellers are usually put oil'witlt. Taking it upon his fork. and turning it over and examining it with onc of his pt‘Cull'dK' sciious looks, tin; comedian cooly remarked, ‘ Yes, that’s it 5 bring me sonie.’ the wrong. ‘ llow l’ replied the king, ‘ can you thus decide, without knowing the question l’ ‘ Becausc,’ said the count, ‘ had the matter been doubtful, all these gentle- men would have given it for your majesty,7 , The expense of the American Consular system, embracing nearly live hundred Consular officers, is about $330,000 per annum. / R {I { L t J was 7-. “A or": w . ,. ll El ‘3‘! E if “’1 . ‘x, m” '1 5 LA". ' 3:1 1‘11 S to intimate lotlio inhabitants of Ric-.- iiiond llill and Vittiwily, lhot he has (:oniiiiciiced bcsincss as Wilda-1315113 'l‘wo doors south of tho “ Yo: "VT"?! /u luv-'93: WAL- ".q s, its J. .- Dll‘l-EZ'T li-flll’fjfl l" Ull‘dbâ€"H Ibif'l‘niLHF llei'nid” Ullico.’ where. he has on hand a pent-val assortment of it?! *5» ii sififibfiltrilkii B it 3112” Of the best quality. cheap to a 1‘ it Richmond filll. June 7,1861. I.‘ f Est rrzj {cl-x; ‘ It? it! All moves or Mitten“! ()Ulil) you secure a valuable and orna- mental Work of Reference 3’ Subscribe Kiri ‘u A .YLT W AND E it or 3 2!. '. ET I t illustrated limp of upper Estrada in preparation by Geo. C. 'l'ren'iaine, the old and \t’i}ll-lilltil\\'1l publisher of Descriptive County Maps. 113’1195'3tluiits of the Province everywhere will be called on by Local or Travelling agents Toronto. May 1861. lBSâ€"tl‘ i‘artics wishing to lake 1 El: .lliZWEELLER. §,"JltS'l‘ store north of Crooksliaiik-sti‘cet.-â€"â€" ‘ Repairing in all its branches propelly at- An :issol‘lsttellt of \Vntclics, Clocks, Jewellery and t 145-6111 Ejil‘UNoiiiaus if. s'i‘i«,'.ai.i.\‘o 1N i,)llz\NClflllY,BANK Catalogue of the heirs, and iiiiisics of ihose t0 and maturity. disclosing the sccrot follies of Altona,1)c: 23, 18.39 4 _ , , .___ WWW, 7 EMMA, w 7, , cs of all ages, causing debility, new . . â€" Y . T. ‘ . 1 “X ‘ (loprrssion of spirits, palpitation of l l l 1 111 LU}; the heart. suicidal iizingitiings, involuntary t-iiiis- sions. blnsliiiigs, deécctivo iiioinoi'y, indigestion and lassiiiii o. toil/i. (confusions (ft/triflng ml 1‘» ext qf'rl. Boon/ting tic/roof Miss, a College Stu,- l l l A And every word is true. ‘-.~...'i. ~.-....!... ' v ‘ 1‘01 up cards of once ytais post, i h.i\e boon Wm, M”! ,, “mug ,t1,,,-,»,..,/ (pulp, Arm, 3,"; h ' (“tucked 1” 7‘ l‘ll’llli‘sr‘a ‘1 hm" ml“ l‘ll'lllf‘d '1“? “l is a triitiilul adviser to tho llllil’l’tt‘tl and those the rate of $3,081) pcr aiiiiuin, but lining dosi- ‘ ions of going to Europe. .n the ti'oiirso of a few months for the purpose of thcro introducing the business, 1 am willing to teach it to any one who will sciid me :fin'l. The business is no huiiibug, but. of a highly useful and geiioi‘al Characlor. adapted both to cities and villages, and one that any person of ordinary capacity. young or old, male or female. can acquire with a few hours’ practice, and by which they can secure a very handsome income. Several young ladies who have received instructions from me, both in Now York State and Pennsylvania, are earning upwards of $20 per wcek by it, and l.ll(51'\ is no reason why any one else cannot do the satire. liivalids. cvcn, can do Well by it. asit is no pod- dliiig affair. but a business that is perfectly re- spectable. Gentlemen and ladies of leisure who would like to learn the business for their their own amusement, or pleasure, will find the practice of it a pleasant pastiint, and one that they will take great interest in. (in rcccipt of 331,1 will send printed instructions by which any person can readily acquire the art, and these instructions will also Contain every particular rolativc to the carrying it on so that it will be highly proiitalile. The: [)11 rchasor of the “ priiit- t ed iiisti'uctions ” will also be authorized to lt‘ftt‘ll it to otlici's; and _l have sometimes rcce-ivod 1 high as 552110, for teaching it personally to a single individual. 1 would stati- furlhor that $12.50 or $3410 t\'lll biiy every thing: that is tic- cossarv to comment-e the business with, and the aiticlos can be got almostanywhere, in city or country, or, if proterrcd, 1 can furnish theni coutciiiplntiiig: iiiai'i'iaijc,t\’lio entertain secret, doubts of their physical condition, and who are conscious of having liazarded the health, liappi~ noes, and piivilcges to which every human being is entitled. Young Men who are troubled with weakness, gciievally causcd by a bad habit iii youth. the effects of which are dizziness, pains, forgv-tful- ticss, sometimes a ringing in tho ears, Weak eyes, iveaknoss of the back and lower extremi. tics, confusion of ideas, loss of memory. with l’nris and London Trentint‘mt. 'We have rccontly devo'nd much of our time in visitingr the T‘illl‘Oll"’7il Hospitals, availing ourselves of the knov. .t-dge and researches of the most skilled Physicians and Surgeons in lvlurope and the Contiiiont. Those who place themselves under our care will now have the full benefit of the many new and efficacious remedies which we are enabled to into our practice, and the. public may rest as- siired of the snare zeal. assidnity, SECRECY and attention bring paid to their cases, which has so snccosstiilly distinguished us heretofore, as a Physician in our peculiar department of proch ' sionul Practice, for tho pastiwontv five years. Fit. NCH FEMALE PILLSâ€"Ladies who wish for r‘llflfllclllCS‘, the ellicacy of which has been tcstt-tl in tuousands of cases, and lleVOl‘ failed to viii-ct speedy cures without any bad results, will use none but Dr. Delimicy’s Female l’e- medical bills, "he only precaution necessary l V t. to be observed is, ladies should not take them if the; believe they are in certain stint/1h) its (the particulars of which will be found on the [ADDRlCSS9 PREPAID. Ayvald T Parsons wupperaccompanyingeachbox,)tlioughalways N0 3" MM,“ b," A\V,.,,W 30W. “pic ind health), so gentle, yct so actite are ' thiey. The best ot'refcroncos given when ft quired, ' ,3 . m . . . 1 rice .331 per box. They can be mailed to any part of the Uillft‘d States or Canada. To ’l‘lllz‘» Lion‘s fill/7110 need a confidential medical adviser with regard to any 0i those 111- lt-l‘Cslllig complaints to which their delicate or- ganization renders them liable. are particularly [invited to consult us. Tun “ Etiic'ruo GALVANIC PROTECTIVE. "â€"lt‘or niuriim lacios i'liouc health will not admit. or \\ he have no desire to increase their families, may he obtained as above. It is It perfectly safe prcvcntiVu to conception, and has been extciiâ€" siveiy ule during the last Eli) yours. Price ro- duccd to Slit . Pp“; ‘,,‘ ’ . lif‘rn/‘l . 1T1}; S§i3; EQUT‘H U}; VEILED. A Treatise on the (nose of l’rcinnturo Detay FANNENG stiLLsa PUMPS 1‘11 E Subscriber bogs to intimate to the pub- lic generally, that ho itiaiiufacturos the latest improved on Ffilillélllfi urns fit his Shop, at. Stoitli'ville, where all orders t‘llllllrlttl to his care will receive prompt atten- tion; and for clicapiicss and durability he defies competition. fit-pairing done with dospatcli. All letters addressed to l.’ld'l‘l£ft KINDS, Stoul‘fvillo l’. O. -â€"â€"A solemn warning, Just published. a book Stoufi‘vmc’ Oct, 15, iggp :51_(;m_ shownig the insidious progress and pl”“c7tltlll('.6 among schools, [both male and female}. of this , habit; pointing out the fatality that inva- riably attends its victims. and developing tilt: Tl-‘lAN EVER l" ,lwliolo progress of the disease. from the coni- cusses “71119 Subsciibol‘ begs to inform hisnnmerons “1"”09‘,“‘1‘“l l0 “‘0 en‘b , , r) 1 Famous and the m,th [mime is pmpawd It will be sent by inail oti receipt of two 10 make cent Stamps. lb” Attendance daily from 8 in the morning amd E} Qrfiefi till 5) at night, and on S-iiiidaf s from 2 to 5 ‘ Ofevcry style and description, at the lowest Medicines with full directions sent to any part _ . . of the United States or Canadas, by patients possi rle 1‘611’1111101'allllg prices. All work war- ranted to give ciitire satisfaction. E.) ii. is I f L iiiulaiicholy, may be cured by the author’s New ‘ introduce . siou, or making any adpistment of machine whatever. ls not. such a machine best adapted to family use ? and it' best adapted to family use. wliy llJl for every variety of light sewing inaiiufactuie? For work too heavy for our Family Machine, we recom- inoiid our larger sizes. FACT i‘x'o, 4.-â€"'l‘licso il'lachincs riiakc the must elastic seam of any seit'ingâ€"iiiiicliine in useâ€"- a fact of very great importance in sow- ing elastic goods, or goods of any kind, on a bios. Facr l\'0. 5,â€"No Machine is more durable or more simple in its construction,or more easily understoad. The reputation of these 111a- chines wherever used will fully demonstrate each of the above FACTS. FACT No. 6 â€"-'l‘nesc Machines took the High- est l’reiniuni at the Franklin institute, l’liil- adolpliia. l“.ic'i‘ No. 7.â€"'l‘licse fila3liiiies took the High est lt‘remiuin at the New Jersey State Fair. FACT N0 8.â€"Tliese Machines took the highâ€" est i’lledal at the American Institute, in the City of New York, together with tho fligh- est Premium for fine Serving-Machine Work. ' Fic'r N0, 9.â€"â€"These ll’lacbiiics took both the Highest l’remiunis at the Mechanics’ Fair, Utica. N.Y. FAcr No. [ftâ€"These Machines can do the same thing generally, whonuvcr properly exhibith in competition with other first-class Sewing-Machines. But we have space tor only onefact moreâ€"«it is the most important Fact of all. FACT No. ll.â€"â€"ch warrant every Mun/tine we Scll to give beltcr satisfaction. l/um other b‘cwingdlhrc/iiue in the mar/tut, or money rry‘imdcd. U’Send fora Circular. AU ENTS WANTED Address, Fistula & LYON SlfiWING-A’TACHINE C‘o., No . .338 Broadway, New York. September 5, 1861. 145-611) ’l‘llll lllllttlll THE HEROES OF WAR. r. g, ANTHONY. No. 501 13it0A1uVAY. NEW -lLJ, YottK, is now publishing, in addition to other portraits, the celebrated collection known in Europe and America as BRADY’S NA 'I'IONAI. PHO’I‘OG RA PHIC FOR I 111111" GALLERY, in which is included Portraits of nearly all the prominent men of America. not excepting .lctl'. 1)avrs, Gen. Beauregard, Floyd, and a host of other coutoderalcs. Price of Portraits, $3.00 per dozen. Can be sent by mail. Scenes of the War for the Union, are publishedutard size. and in stereoscopic form ALSO. Stereoscopic Views 0680911108 in Paris, London,- and in other parts of England and France; iti Scotland, lrc‘laiid, “voles. Holland. Switzer- land. Spaiu,on the lthine, in Athens, Egypt, 'l‘ui'kcv, the TTUlV Land, Chiv iia, ludia, Cuba. 61.0.. the” (inf Infinitmn. . l N Gus Instantaneous Stereomopic Views Are the Urmlost l‘Vontlcr (1/ ill]: Age. These are taken in the f. rtioih part of a second. and the rushing of water, the moving of vehi- cles. or the march of‘an army, does not in the slighest degree affect the taking of these views. 'l‘ht-y are sold for $55.00 per dozon. Wio have also on hand, and manufacture the lttl‘flosl rssortiiiciit of S'f'li‘fi’EUSUOI’ES, l’HU'l‘UGlt’AI’H/C ALBUMS, and Photographic Materials in the United States. and perhaps in the World Catalogues, containing lists of all our Por- traits. Vich. Stereoscopes, din, sent free by mail on receipt of a stamp o "- icouiinunicntiug their symptoms by letter. Busi- l tness correspondence strictly confidential. W, H. MARTIN. [13" Dr. L’s Oflice is still located as ostablishod, Cook’s Mill, Vaughan, lundor the name of Dr. La Ci‘oix, at No. 31, ' December 7. 1860. 105â€"151 l Maiden Lane, Albany, 1V.Y. 152--1y E. ANTHON Y. 501 BROADWAY, near St. Nicholas Hotel.New York. September 5, 1861 145-137. endiess variety ot sowing required 111 a tu- ..., v~~mbbr 1859] amount to over 5.9581330 (1018. The present. income of the Company is over p. l. , Jilltl dots. per day. lnsnranoes effected at the LowestTRemunor- alive l’i'icos. J. 11. JlIAlTLAND. tesid'ent Secretary. Montreal. Toronto Agency : 8.5 King Street East. South side, [over the store of .l. G. Joseph do Co.] Jr‘t MES 1“1tASlfllt,Agent. 'l'ot'onfo, All! ll 19, 1861. 125-1Y Consiilltlic did English Physician FOR. AS'l‘llNlA. lNClPllCN l‘ CONSUMPTION, iNriiitii'riics or YOUTH, AND 01.1) lion, &c. No [literati-y Used. Dr. Armaagas do @011, 118 19A sr GENESEE STREET, Bunnies New York, I‘Xâ€"RE the only Physicians in the State who .fw are members of the Royal College of Surgeons, London. May be consulted from 8 .o’clock in the morning until 9 at night, in every state and symptom of disease. , 'l‘he treatinciitthey adept is the result of up- wards ofthitty years’ extensive and successful practice in London. ‘AF 1. MOST SCIENTIFIC INVENTION, An instrument for the cure of Genital Debi‘ lily, of Nocturnal f‘liuissions, more propeer known as Seminal Weakness. d'ec. Cali be pcriiiaiiontly cured in from 15 to 20 days, by the use of this instrument, when used cona jointly with medicines. Dr. Amos a: Son, in order to satisfy the most. skeptical as to the merits of their iiistru- ineiit, pledge themselves that in any instance whore it may prove unsatisfactory, after a fair trial, the money will be refunded bv returning the instrument in good order. Pride Tell Dold late, by mail or express. YoUNG MiiN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Those who have injured themselves by a cera tain practice indulged in when aloneâ€"a habit t'requenJy learned from evil companions. or at school. the effects of which are nightly felt even when asleep, and if not cured, renders-marriage impassible and destroys both mind and body. should apply immediately. Self-abuse is one of the most formidable enemies to health, for no-- thing else in the dire catalogue of' human dis- causcs so destructive a drain upon the‘ human system, drawing its thousands of vic-~ tims through a few years of suffering down to- an untimely grave. It destroys the nervous :systein rapidly, wastes awaythe energies of life, Causes mental derangement. prevents the prod PM. rlcvelop'ttctit of the system, disqualifics for marriage. society. business, and all ’ea‘rthly happiness, and leavos the sufferer wrecked in body and mind, predisposed to consumption and a train of evils more to be dreaded than death itself. uniisoss ANY PART OF THE WORLD may be successfully treated by forwarding? to correct detail of their case. 3 Address Dr. Amos dz. SON, 48 East Genomic Struct, three doors West of Ellicott Street. 11‘“ Buffalo, N, Y . 88.13; Fire! Fire! 2 Fire! t. 2‘ 1V E ’1‘ E R N , Fire insurance Company ‘ of Toronto. INCORPORATED BY ACT 01“ Hanging“; "fil’l'll/IL 8T0 0K, £100,000, I. C. GiLmou, Pros. I GEO. MmHIE,Viice I’réia DIRECTORS :' V Rice Lewis. Esq. TlIOS lâ€"lavvorth‘; Esq. James floaty. Esq. W Henderson, Esq. ’1‘, l’. Rabat-ts, Esq. W Macfarlane, Esq. M. ltossin, Esq. I v ' Bernard llaldan, Esq. Sam‘cm'ry & Tre’asurdn Angus Morrison. Esq. Solicitor. flank of Upper Canada. Bankers. Blllja111111 Switzer, Esq. Inspector. 11:? HMd'Oflicc, Church Street, Toronto. £9; THIS COMPANY Insures all descriptions of Buildings,Maiiut‘actories, Mills, &c.. and Goods and Furniture, in the same, againstloss ordam- age by fire,on liberalterms. Losses promptly settled. A . LAW, G oneral Agent. 100-1 Residence. Richmond Hill August 13. 1857.

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