’S EMTHING ! Than usual, 1 and would es For Cash, and leased his 8110p for a number of years, beg leave 1'0â€" spectfully to intimate {hat they are prepared THE STOCK OF GOODS! Our Stock is now nearï¬y complete, but e‘m'Iy in the Spring- we expec large additional suppliesfrom N cw York, M :mtreaI and other Markets Has been greatly increased since we came into possession, and we assure the Pubhc at large that no efl'm‘t‘s will be spared to give such saflsfactron as WILL CDMMAND SECCESS ! Richmond Hill, Feb. I7â€, 1862‘. Successors lo Mr. 1': rumba.» M T HE Yokk 111cmnnbh‘iéii; 1.161610% 111,31“ Mr. J. K. FALCONBREDGE, I, or would be practicable under ordinary circumstances ; earnestly solicit a continuance of that support so long anti. uninterruptedly extended to the late proprietor. The Subscribers having bought out Made to order as usual}. FLOOD «55 PRICE, HELD BY Successors 10 Mr. Falcoubï¬d’gm