Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 7 Mar 1862, p. 3

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I. . . ,MR. WM. AMBLER’S NEW'STORE, , (comeâ€"ll» COFFEES, SUGARS . _ F Iliiucs lilin Hormonal ’ use RE 5% OVA L. I to the notice of all my Old Friends and Customers. g. . , _ g i _ them a fair trial. N MONDAY, MARCH 31st, the Stock of the RICHMOND HILL DRUG ' STORE will be removed to ' - .I. K. FALCONBRIDGE. Richmond Hill, February 20, 1862. A .NEWFIRM IN AN OLD STAND. THE Subscribers respectfully call the attention of the Inhabitants of Richmond _ Hill and surrounding country to the fact that they have purchased the Where will he found an Enlarged and Complete Stock of ..PURE DRUGS, MEDICINES, , CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, DYE STUFFS, PERFUMERY, OILS, VARNISHES, PAINTS, Etc. STATIONERY, ' FANCY GOODS, &c. &c. Ste. ' ' ‘«FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS in season. Hiring abundance of room in the New Store the Subscriber has concluded to open also With a carefully selected Stock of CHOICE GROCERIES Which he intends to put in charge of a competent Salesman, and which will be Sold at the very LGWEST PRICES FOR. CASH: _ . . Every attention will be given to making this branch all that can be desired. Lately held by Mr. J. K. FALCONBRIDGE, and having Bought For Cash .'. confident: of their ability to OFFER EXCELLENT IND UCEMENTS P URC‘HA SERS, . T0 and will keep constantly sopplied with a complete assortment of the MOST DESIRABLE GOODS. .â€" public generally, the to supply in all cases ARTICLES ROBERT H . HALL. 1714 In Soliciting the patronage of his former friendl and customers, and the undersi lied would state that it will be, as formerly, his aim of the EST QUALITY at LOW PRICES. Richmond Hill. March 6, 1862. Lâ€"_ For Sale or to Rent, l STRAY :‘HEEP. A COMMODIOUS self-contained_HOUSE, " CAME into the enclosure of the Subscriber. situated in the vicinity of RICHMOND Lot No. 6, 4th Con, Whiichurch, about HILL. containing 4 Bed-rooms. l’arlor and the 1st of December last. Kitchen, with other Outbuildings, There is also an Acre of Land, and another. Acre can y , hite Sheep' be leased adjoining. lhe Owner Is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take them away. For further particulars apnlv at the ' IInIuLD’ 1 Office. ' i . PETER BRILLINGER. Kchmond Hill. March 6. 1862. l7l-tf. Whllclmmh' Feb‘ 5' 1862 167" elsewhere FLOOD & PRICE. Richmond Hill, Feb. 21, 1862. 169 8 ROBER‘I‘ LAWSON’S IS THE PLACE TO GET PURE TEAS AT REASONABLE PRICES, The reason of which is that he will not keep bad Sell at a Fair Profit. JUST RECEIVED, afresh supplyâ€"Offs new wanted llnm6(liatcly’ Tea in ska, and I3 Willing to edition of SANGSTER’S ELEMENT- S . ARY ARITHMLTIC at the u HERALD " .““.AI’P'°“."°° ‘0 “"3 Waggon and ml, Sm" Richmond hi". Lari-lags busniess, a strong, steady BOY R. L. has lately received part of an importation from London, England, among about 16 years ofage. Apply to _ which are some Very THOMAS SEDMAN. Richmond Hill. Jan, 16. 1861. 16-1-3t. FARM FOR SALE. HE Subscriber ofl'ers for sale the north was part of Lot No. 13 In the 1st Concession OF THE “ Township of Howard. Containing 75 acres, about 40 of which are under a high state 01 cultivation There is on the Farm 8 acres of Fall Vthat. a good Orchard, is Log House aild other outbuildings. There is also a BED OF I CHRE on the pro- m, which only requires a small capital to open it u . ‘There is also strong indications of OIL on t a property. apply to FINE FULL FLAVORED TEAS, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Including a Few Chests of 'IIAT all Parties indebted to the Estate of the late MAJOR JNO. BUTTON,al'e re~ quested to pay the Same on or before the let any of APRIL next; and a'so all those who have any claims against the said Estate, are requested to hand in their Accounts for set- tlement below the said time. to the under- signed Executors. FRANCIS BUTTON, s Fine Non-Colbured Japan, «a Which he will Sell at 33. per lb. patronage of the public on their own responsibility. and that they have no busi- Bewaro of Painted T :as, “111611 are no better than poison ROBERT LA VVSON’S is also the place to get: Ezecutors. PIII Elll'llilll, IHIINJIISTII flll Illllllllll ! FARIII 'l‘O RENT ! Q _ . ;_ h 3 f h T I, f At ROBERT LAWSON 8 you can procure Pure Spices, all kindsof Sugars, Fruits, IN V2341?" 312'figsfifggust' [farlivgnfixpNi Tobaccos, Sauces, Pickles, American Cheese, Canadian Cheese, Candles, Soap, 36’ ,1, Cook“, Howl, Thomhm’ conninihg Brooms, Brushes, of alllkinds, Oat Meal, Flour, Corn Meal, Dried Apples, Prunes with every other article In the Gracery Line, at low prices. You will also find at ROBERT LAWSON'S Soda, Abernethy and Arrowroot Biscuits and Crackers, Wholesale and Retail. also all kinds of Confectionery, the whole being oh s best Inzluufacture, and sold cheap. ROBERT LAWSON’S place of business is 1-62 King-st. East, Near the Market, Next Door to the Clyde Hotel. SCHOOL BOOKS! GENERAL STATIONERY,- AT THE “ YORK HERALD” UFFCE, AT Richmond Hill, December ‘20, 1861. , TIMOTHY MONROE. HENRY LEVER, Buttonville. Feb. 13, 1862. For fulther particulars ROBERT MARSH. ' Lot 41. let Con. Markham. Richmond HillyFeb. 26. 1862. ,I‘e'tlr. 170-6 Notice is Hereby Given HAT MARTIN MACLEUD will apply to the next. Session of the Provincial Parlia- ment for an Act to confirm his tit'e lo the Road allowance butting his farm, lot 61. in the 1st concesaion of ,King, being the townâ€"line be- tween the Townships of King and Vaughan, in thsllrst concession. granted to him by the l7tl-3In VALENTINE‘Sl A CHOICE SELECTION. n w; |2 Acres of Land, 'Siiiiated on Lot No. 26, in the rear of the 4th ‘ ’ concession of the township of Vaughan, and ‘in the village of Thanesville. For further articulars a l I to p pp) JOHN VELIE.sen. Lot 19. 2nd Con. Vaughan. 170-4 RP" HARNESS ! ' SINGLE on DOUBLE! HEAVY or. LIGHI WELLfiMADE AND DURABLE : MAY BE HAD or ‘wl ill Ii: it l“ 1‘. i l‘ I! it it ii. I. ., I, It] I, p l _ "tr 1 a! II lllliiil IIiilli' ll“III ' I“ I! flmi 100 Acres, Cleared, With good Buildings. well Fenced and Wa- tered. immediate possession given. For particulars apply to GEORGE DOVE, ' Itichmdnd Hill. Yonge Street, Jan. 30, i801. _ 166.4t, County Council of York “MM Land for Sale, V ‘HE Subscriber offers for Sale on reason- able terms, (virir: can? ', Also. A Lanai: aracx or Aoéqunt Books. SCHOOL BOOKS, AND General Stationery! INSPECTION INVITED. Richmond Hill. Feb.5.1862. ’ ‘ RICHMOND HILLMVW‘W‘ LIBRARY ASSOCIATION I VETERINARY SURGEO , - l I ll V.S. HIS ASSOCIATION has transferred their Member 0ft,” Ray“ 0' .eg6 (if LIBRARY to tire ' Hartman ’ Book Store. N Returning thanks for the liberal encourage- lsore Stockholders and others may procure, ment heretofore received begs to intimate ‘ _ ubs riber has on hand or will m kg to orde to . . HOOKS every Friday afternoon. from 4 to 8 i that he is now prepared to treat all r] HE S c i a 1' SUI! purchasers, and 0f the best materials “'°'°°k‘ "" Diseases of animals .' ’ Atliis own stables on the shortest notice, and can will;1 confidgilcre wpirrailitkalpuredip a1: case: An assortment of VVHIPS, LASHES’ 8m. constantly on hand. 'tli'nt e reac 0 me Ice 5 i an rea men w' fiesidmewNw, W Eagle HM, Collars warranted to Fit, Look dc Wear Well. NE. No Charge for Stabliiig. Also, kept for Sale Patterson 8; Bro's. Plows, Points, Landsides, &c. February 95. 1962. A. SCOTT, Librarian. Richmond Hill, Feb. 27, 1861. THE VICTORIA , TEA WA R EIIOUSE Newmarket, Feb. 26, 1862. 170-13- I 3:? can and Examine, a, WM. HARRISONS - No. 93 King std-9‘54;i Richmond Hill, October 17, 1861. 151.3,“ ' NOTICE. _... _ . tracked whéttfwrgslths heft medigngitgripclggpggneg r \r \ ‘ ‘ T 1, ‘ q q r v.“ ‘ _‘ Is the m we amateur researches: mm C UI IE RS. CD I I ERS. LUI I E Rb VEGETABLE LIFE mus. ‘ 3 AT THR PRO BONQ PULICO, UNIONVILLE OAHEIAGE FACTORY DOWN llIIIIK It Elli!!! THIS, 01‘ unlv because the proprietor,EDWARD LAWSONJS one of the oldest and most experienced Tea-bu were in the trade. but from the fact that lie purchases his Teas in such large quantities at the Cargo Sales. thereby eu- ' abling him to sell at a Very SMALL ADVANCE 0N COST, Fulfilling the old adage " Large Sales. Small , :;Pro_fite and Quick Returns ;" a'so in GEORGE EAKIN. a EGS most respectfully to inform his Friends and the g has on hand a quantity of “as I, II!‘ ‘ ,l ‘4? ‘ _ i L, “IN WHICH HE WILL SELL CHEAP, FOR CASH, 0R APPROVED CREDIT. AT LA _ “jagc‘xL, ST. public generally, that he ruits, Spices IIIIIII iIIIIIIII I He cannot be undersold. Intending Purchasers will do Well to of? Giro Him a Call Before Purchasing Elsewhere, As an inSpection of a good Article is all that is required to ensure a sale. THE GENUINE PENSYLVANIA ROCK 01L ! 50 The reputation of the above Establishment should suflice the Public as to the superiority of the Articles turned out. Unionville, December 5, 1861. ‘ Cents per Gallon. NOTICE. Warranted Genuine of the money returned. on . RS. CAMPBELL begs to intimate thathel" ‘ E , i H N S’ School will ltE-OPEN on Monday, Jenn-l u STREE T! l ’ ary 6th, 11:62. Where will be taught as here- | BETWEEN tol'ora, the usual branches of useful education. jRichmond Hill and Thornhill. TERMS iâ€"Iioard and Tuitou in the Higher: For further particulars apply to N on ,he shone,“ uoticm The Largest and "Branches of English, $24 per quarter; MuSIc, G. J_ F. PEARCE, " g , 6 ' French and Darwin , ach. $3. . . rders by mail and otherwise. attended to Cheapest Stock 0f Lamps 1 :ic’hmond Hm Jan 1 lie: 16.2.,“ g _ _ 0n the Premises. with dispatch All Goods warranted as repre- In Canada. ' ' ' m Rwhmond HI”: 3311- 30; 1861. 165-“- aented. and delivered free of charge to the cars _ ! .â€"_â€".â€"_..__ . v . . I; p w 50 W or in the city limits. : T f 0 S E; E g‘ V ' e o g g 9 a e E l; in u: 5 QC}? N0 SECOND PRICE. 1n endless Variety, Remember the Place- Latest Improvements as No. 93 KING STREET, Stay or Tm; QUEEN, well as the OLD well-known Patterns. EDWARD :[JlAfistl‘TI [13’ Intending Purchaders are respectfully lh- Ivited to call and eXamine Stock and Prices' Proprietor. ‘ Comer of Yongernnd Queen Sts.. 167-6111! Toronto, December 1b. 1851- nxs BISCUITS " ‘ AND OONE’EOEEONERY Are unsurpassed for quality and price. ,all being manufactured on the premiers, from the best material by first-class workmen. Iced and Ornamented Wedding and Other Cakes Always on hand or made to order in any style m2; “" “M... FARM To Insz : CORNER or Yonoa AND QCEI-Rt 31s., TORONTO. â€"â€"i_ mg... for Sale. THE Subscriber offers for sale ever en‘- pori’or Dark Bay BUG-GY MARE, Rising 8 years old . good traveller and without blemish. For particulars apply to W. H, CLAY, Thornhill, February 4. 1862. 167-4 GARGLING OIL SUPERSEDED. KIGGS’ BLACK 01]. is acknowledged by all who have used It, to be superior to Gar; 11m 011, or any other Medicine now before the PI tile, for prains, Bruises, Cuts, Calls, and all Ilhl‘l“ to ordeflesh. Geod for man and beast. Price, 25 cents per bottle. sold by all 1 uteri 3 Toronto. Feb 5. 1862. Iodinines 159-1y FA RM To LET! EING composed of the east half of Lot 92, Pails and Sip buckets. 'TllE PEOPLE’S GREAT Books. BEG to state that Messrs. FLOOD 8:. PRICE have succeeded me in my busi- ness at this Village.and feel pleasure in being able cordially to recommed them I therefore'respectfully ask for Maple. Jan. 22, 1862. V 169-8 Ewccllcnt Stock of Goods .' And on very favorable terms, and leased the Store for a period of years, they feel They have already made large additions to the original Stock by fresh purchases, They wish it to be MOST DISTINCTLY UNDERSTOOD that they solicit ness connection whatever, with any other person or persons in Richmond Hill or HAHN Ess ! ‘ cleared. For particulars apply to STRAY.Y ~CAME into the premises of the Subscriber. lot No. 29. in the 2nd concession of Markham. on or about the let Instant, 'l‘WO The owner is requested to prove SHEEP. property, pay expenses and take them away. NICHOLAS LYNOTT. Markham. January 21. 1862. N BlflCk‘VOO(l’S RIaSaZIIle I modious. with 5 Rooms and an excellent AND THI BRITISH EVIEWS 1 SCOTT do CO., NEW YORK. continue a to publish the following leading British Peiiodicals, viz. :â€" 1 THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative) 2. . THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig.) 3 THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW, (Free Church.) 4 THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (I.iberal.) 5. BLACKWOOD’S EDINBURGH MAGA- ZINE, (Tor)‘.) a. The present critical state of European afi‘airs will render these publications universally in- They will occupy a middle ground between the has- tily Writen news-items, crude speculations, and flying rumors of the daily Journal, and the pon- derous Tome of the future historian, written after the living interest and excitement of the great political events of the time shall have It is to these Periodicals that readers must look for the only really intelli- gible and reliable history of current events, and as such. in addition to their well-established literarv, scientific, and theological character, we ulge them upon the consideration of the terestiiig during the forthcoming year. passed away reading public. . EARLY COPIES. The receipt of Advance Shoots from the British publishers gives additional value to these Reprints, inasmuch as they can now be placed in the hands of subscribers about as soon as the original editions. TERMS : Per mm For any one of the four Reviews,. ... . . .$3 00 For any two of the four Review:.. . . . . . . 5 00 For any three of the four RevloWS. . . . . . . 7 00 For all four of the Reviews...“ . . ... . .. 8 00 For Blackwood’s Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 00 For Blackwood and one Review.. . . . . . . . 5 00 For Blackweod and two Reviews, . . . . . . 7 00 For Blackwood and three Reviews,. . . .. 9 00 For Blackwood and the four Reviews,. .10 00 Money current in. the State where issued will be received at par. CLUBBING. A discount of twenty-five per cent from the above prices will be allowed to Canes ordering four or more copies of any one or more ofthe above Works. Thus: Four copies of Black- wood. or of one Review. will be sent to one address for $9; four copies of the four Reviews and BlackWood for $30 ; aiid so on. Canadian mail Subscribers supplied free of United States postage. N.B.â€"-’I‘he price in Great Britain of the five Periodicals above named is $31 per anilum. Remittances for an of the above publications should always be ad ressed, post-paid. to the Publishers, LEONARD, SCOTT & CO. No. 54 Gold street, New York. New York. Dec. 5, 1861. A GOOD THING. DR. HOPE’S Magnetic Ointment is well worth a ital, in any case or Piles, Burns, Sands, Old Sam, Inflected or Sore Eyes. Eruptions on the Skin, and h every case where an ointment lenset'al. It will to mod itself, after one trial. \Vihchester’s Hypophosphites (DR. Cauacninn’s ercrric REIICDY,) FOR CONSUMPTION. Nervous Debuuy, Serq/‘ula and Dyspepsia. Bronchitis, the. H18 is the most wondey'ol suratios agent known to medical science. It has of- fected cores in every stage of Consumption “ UNPARALLELED IN THE ANNALS OF MEDICINE.” In Nervous Debility and Dys- pepsin. the HYPOI’HOSPHITES may be ro-- garded as an almost sovereign remedy, The Hypophosphites .' Have a two-field and specific actionâ€"mu the one hand. increasm the principle which CONâ€" STITUTES NER UUS ENERGY; and. on the other. being the MOST POWERFUL BLOODGEN'RATING AGENTS KNOWN They act with promptness and certainly in all general morbid conditions. such as Chronic Bronchitis. Asthma, Scrofula, Marasm us. Ane- mia, Female Complaints, &c., and in all dis- orders of the Nervous or Blood Systems. Their effect upon the tubercular condition is immedi- atenâ€"all the general symptoms disappearing with a rapidity which is really marvelous.â€" They increase the nervous or vital energy, r‘e- lieve Cough. check Night Sweats. diminish Expectoration. improve the Appetite. arrest Diarrhoea. and promote refreshing sleep. A FAIR TRIAL IS A CERTAIN CURE. Wmchester’s Genuine Preparation! OF THE HYPOPHOSPHITES is the only reliable form of Dr. Churchill’s Remedy, and is approved by the Medical Profession generally, USE NO OTHER. OR ANY REMEDY CON- TAINING IRON. 113‘ PRICES :â€"In 7 oz. Bottles, $1â€"-â€"6 Bottles for $5. In 16 oz, Bottles. $2â€"Three for $5. Circulars gratis. Sold by all respectable Drug- gists, and at the sole General Depot in the United States, by J. WINCH EhTE R, 36 John St.. NY. THE SPECIFIC PILL ! A SPECIFIC REMEDY FOR Spermatorrkecror Seminal Weakness. dc Genital jrrvllabilz'ty. in either Sex. THIS is the only remedy for Sexual Debility, Impotenty. Sterility, 610.. which has the ap- proVal ot' the medical profession. Its success has been mostextraordinaryâ€"efi‘ecting cures in ’cases where all other methods of treatment had failed. One to six boxes of the SPECIFIC PILL will permanently cure any case 01' Semi- ‘nal Weakness. or its resulting Impotencv. however aggravated. whether constitutional, or arising from abuse or excess. IMPORTANT MEDICAL TESTIMONY. "I have used your Specific Pill in‘ many cases of Spermatorrhea, and with the most per- fect success, "J. MILTON Sanmzns, MtD.,l.=.L,D.” "We believe it to be as near a ‘ Specific ’ as any medicine can be. We have cured many sevege cases with from Six to ten doses ”--Dr. B. KigI'rii : ‘American Jour. of Med. Science; “I have found them all that could be de- sired, Their elYect has been truly wonderful.â€" E. P. DICKER. MD.” [13’ This is not a Homcbpath're Remedy. nor is there any mercurv or other deleterious ingre- dients combined with it. , PRICE-“$1 per box; six bories for $5. by mail, pre~paid. For sale by all respectable Druggists. and at the sole General Depot la the dealers. United States. by J WINCHESTER. 36 John SMNJ. "York, Dec, 12, 1691. 5th concession of Vaughan; 75 acres JOSEPH NOBLE. ' 165.3t Caossv’s. Richmond Hill, at greatly reduced 165-3 V , I i‘RlENDSI do you these very hard times . And lhen the Tobaccoâ€"but enough of details, 159.139, 23 Cedar-strect,Nelv York. HE Undersigned- is prepared to furnish _ an, quantity.,of FAILS AND SAP BUBK TS; at his Factory, Lot‘No. 11. 2nd“ Concession ‘gof Markham. or at PARKER B ROBERT JENNINGS, V. 8., I Paornssoa or; Pri'ruomov silo OPERATIVI Sun.- oititv 1" THE VETERINARY Counsel: or Pinu- DELPHIA. Prior. or Vsraatsaar Manicml in rail all-rs Aoaicourvnu. t 01.1.1ch or OHIO, Susanna! or run Airmaian Prices. Address. post-paid, Buttonville Post-office. - JOHN AMUSS. film“?! 1861- IG9-2m VETERINARY Assoctnios or I’m. ' " - LADELPHIA, are, are. ‘ suor AND DWELLING r0 LET 12% CW Extra. Pace $1.25. -_______________________. IN rail JENNINGS’ GREAT WORK UN THE HORSE Tells you all about Village of Richmond Hill! a good position for business, House come . . various Vices, and how they can be corrected Cellar. Wood Shed and other Conveniences, _ at present in occupation by Mr. Coomer.â€" Possession given on 1st January. 1861. Enquire of » G. A. BARNARD. Richmond Hill, Dec. 5. 1861. 158-tf W .1803. F. _ Brown, ON THE HORSEDescrihes more than 150 diseases to which he is subject, and gives the various remedies best adapted to their cure. BROKER, . A . _ ON '11”: HORSE Sh ldb ' Estate and General Agent, of every man who ownsouthe 8611,1111]th lilid: _ “mm, FOR critical moment it may save you hundreds of dollars in horse-flesh. . -._~I_W_~_____ Thrilling Adventures Among The Early Settlers. BY WARREN WILDWOOD. Esq. With 200 New and Original Engravings. 12mm, Cloth Extra. Price $1.25. M THRILLING A D V E N TURES AMONG THE EARLY SETTLERS w. yentnre to'say is the most intensely interest- lng collection of stories ever issued. M THRlLLlNG A D VE N TURES Estonia! . Eifs assurance Qlo'p. 1 MASON“: HALL, Toaosro STREET. TORONTO' , (IT Money to Lend on Improved Farm-I April 19. 1861. , 125.11- PHO’I‘OGRA PI-IS! PHOTOGRAPHS l The Cheapest and Best Ambrotype and Photograph GALLERY iN CANADA, IS AT AMONG THE EARLY SET' ‘LERB While drawn from the most authentic sour cos, yet partake‘s of all the wild, weird, and g feat in! character of romance. 7 7 M TORONTO. THRILLING A D V E N TURES‘ ANION (2‘ THE EARLY SETTLERS With startling vividness brings before the mind of the reader many a deed of blood and carn- age, many a scene of heroism and patient endurance. THE FAMILY DOCTOR ; «TAMES RAWE, Premium and Principal Operator Toronto, April 19. 1861. 125~1y WANTED CORDS 'OF OAK STAVE TIMBER. Cash on delivery. H, &. J, HARRISON. Plank Road. I50-3t. 50 Apply to AND DISTRESS. By Professor Henry S. Taylor, MD. 12mm, Cloth. Price $1.00 Richmond H ill, Oct. 10. 1861. NOW OBSERVE, THAT all persons owing Dr. James Lang- stafi‘. will find it to their advantage to call and pay as soon as possible. TAYLOR’S FAMILY DOCTOR IS W'RI'I'TEN in plain language. free from medicalterms, and tells you how to cook. prfipare drinks, and manage the sick gene- ra y. CRAWFORD’S , DESCRIBES nearly 150 distinct diseases to which men, women and children are subject, and gives the Various simple remedies best adapted to their cure. W TAYLOR'S FAMILY DOCTOR IS WRITTEN iii plain language. free from Medical terms, and may scon saVe you much sufloring and many times the cost of the book. Everybody wants it, W To get the full worth of your dollars arid dimes ? Do you wish to purchase the purest and best And sharpest ofgoods for yourself or your guest? Then go to CRAWl-‘ORD’S-â€"-you'1l find that he Well deserves his great popularity. Tess of each brand lrom the flowarr land. Coiled amidst rose-scented zophyrs bland ; Gunpowder, Hysou. the rich Pekoe, The best of Green and the't'am' Bohea. Come to Crawfv rd’s. and you’ll agree You nevo- saw finer nor cheaper TEA. The sellers of Coffee in vain to compete- Crawford has Coffee that can’t be beat; ’Tis aromatic.v’tis fresh, ’tis good, And combines the virtues of merit and food. He has Suoaas as sweet as the purest marina, Fresh from the canes of Louis-ans. Cocoa. Chocolate, Raisins and Spice. Vinegar, Pickles. Crackers and Rice 3 Soap of the no plus ultra brand, The equal of which can’tbe found in theland; Currants aiid Raisins that can’t fail to pleaseâ€" The sweetest of Butter.,the finest of Cheese: BOOKS embrace other works of great value that Will be fund in our printed catalogues. and which will be forwarded to any address on application. N THE PEOPLE’S GREAT BOOKS embrace other works of great value, that Will be found in our. printed catalogues. and which Will be forwarded to anyfaddress on application. ' To satisfy customers Crawford ne’er fails: His goods are the best, and his prices you’ll find As such as to leave competition behind! ALSO ON HAND, SPICED BEEF d- OTIIER HAMS Yarmouth Bloaaers,Finon Haddiesdzc DUGAI.D CRAWFORD, Corner of Yonge and Agnes Streets. Toronto, Oct, 31, 1861. THE PEOPLE’S GREAT ISOOKS‘ will be furnished to agents and others In quantities on very liberal terms. Unequalled in mechanical execution. as well as value of their contents. a certain and rapid sale follows their Introduction everywhere. mlf'ojifi THE PEOPLE’S GREAT 'M P o R TAfi T. BOOKS will be furnished to agents and others in quantities on very liberal terms Une ualed DR. WISTAR’S PULMONIC SYRUP II 111 111 ro- in iiiechan' a ' . q commended, for Coughs, Colds, “thin,” Crogupym ical oxvcution, as well as value of m discus“ of the Lung“ and TM“ 26 can“ my their contents, a Certain and rapid sale follows bow. their Introduction everywhere. NOTICE OF REMOVAL $1000 A YEAR IS J ' . MADE by many enterprizing men in the sale HE unscriber. in returning thanks to his or “ ma Pimple.S Gram B°°kS-” Uncqunned numerous friends, begs to intimate to the ill mechanical eXScution. as Well as value of inhabitants of Richmond Hill and Vicimry. their Contents. a certain and rapid sale follow. that he has removed their introduction everywhere INTO HIS NEW HOUSE ! ' ' one door South of Mr. Harrison’s Saddlery Shop, where by strict application to business and studying to please, he hopes to merit a continuance of the support so liberally bestowed on him heretofore. All Orders punctually attended to. 113° Garments cut to order on the shortest norice. and in the latest Style, JAMES B, BURNES, Tailor. 1861-3"! $1000 A YEAR IS BEING MADE by main enterprising men,_ln the sale . pt -‘ the People’s Great Books.” Unequalled . iii mechanical execution, as wall as value of their contents, a certain and rapid sale follows their Introduction everywhere. $1000 A YEAR Is BEING MADE by many enterprizii‘lg men. in the sale of " the People’s Great Books." Un. equalled in mechanical execution. as Well as value of their contents. a certain and rapid sale follows their introduction everywhere. SEND FOR $25.09 WORTH 0F the People’s Great Books and try them among your neighbors. Everybody wants Richmond Hill. Oct. 10. 1861. WORMS. For destroying Womi In children SITTZER'S VERMIFUGE CANDY is by far the altos: ,pleasan safe and otfectual remedy new tunes. Tr itl ' by £11 dealers in medicines. I 801 Sold by W. S. POI.LOCK._Richm0iId Hill. hem. GU'I‘TA-PERCHA ROOF IN G. No article ever before introdubed to SEND FOR 3350‘00 WORTH OF the People s Great Becks and try them among your neighbors. EVerybody wants them. new or old. One gallon, costing $1.50, SEND FOR $100.30 WORTH will thoroughly coat from 200 to 300 feet OF “‘9 P°°l"°'5 Gm“ 1300!“; and try them among your neighbors. Everybody .wants them. the public has equalled the LIQUID GUTTA- PERCHA for coating tin or other roofs, of roof, and this coating will render the , . . SINGLE COPIES, SENT TO ANY address, postage paid oil receipt of price. Address, JOHN E. POTTER, Publisher, No. 617 Sansom St.. Philadelphia, Pa. roof perfectly water-proof, and will later three tithes as long as white lead or otllet paint. For covering roofs, either new or old, We repeat, it has no equal for durabi- W SINGLE COPIES, SENT TO ANY address, postage paid on receipt of price. Address, I . JOHN E. POTTER. PUBLISHER, do all we claim fer it. Sold in barrels of NO- 6‘7 $5080") Stu Philadelphia: PI forty gallons each, at: a liberal discount to W Address an 0,46,, ,0 SINGLE COPIES, SENT TO READY ROOFING Co" AAgiiYezgdl-ess, postage paid on receipt of pric: 148.1%. lity and cheapne'ss, and we offer it to the public fully confident of its intrinsic eXcela- lence, and With our warrantee that it will .10th E. POTTER, Paaususa, _ No. 617 Sansom SL, Philadelphia}; THE HORSE, ATliiy‘ilis DlSEASES t breeding and Managing the animal with his“ JENNINGS’ GREAT WORK A COUNSELLOR IN SICKNESS. PAIN THE PEOPLE’S GREAT

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