\W janitor. owners Hisnnu "innoii i 1)ir‘r*ErraNi‘ POINTS or VlEW, as me SAW 11‘. Such ribbons and roses, such ringlcts and hair; Such feathers and finances, so white and so fair, Such may-lined cheeks, such teeth and such eyes ', Such a snowy white neck, of such delicate size ; Such a bit of waist, such a love of a hand; Such a foot, such an ankle, such an air-ofgracc, and such ‘ afiiie figure of a wornan.’ AS SHE SAW 11‘. Such a fair manly brow, such a modest mous- tache ; Such a sweet, winning wayâ€"no swagger or dash ; Such love-lighted eyes, such an aqniline nose, Such a neck, such a neck-tie; such nice fitting clothes Such an air all-at-oase, such arnodol of grace; a 1 Such a form, such a figure, such a beautiful face; Such a gem of the species human. AS SOMEBODY ELSE SAVJ IT. Such aswcll of'a cliap,sncli a gay Haunting belle. . - o , Some brains, but more hairâ€"no WISthlll to sell; Such near-sighted eve-glasses, astride such a - nose ; Such an earnest desire ‘ shows ;’ of for the largest Stitch inotions,sucli gestures, so v ilgar and rude 7 Such a pompous young snipe, such a iriiiicing young prudo, So ucor is {11311111112111 vision. Lillian!trauma, “turn rzwxmm mm: Yi‘flxflï¬'wl'fvfl' “rerun: :5. \Vhat tree 15 not known by its fruit? The bootâ€"tree. If you wished a doctor of divinity to play to you ori‘tiic violin, how would you r express your wish? biddleuleeâ€"dee DJ). ‘A man who’ll maliciously sot tire to a barn,’ said Mr. Slow, ‘ and burn up twenty cows, ought to be kicked to death by a jackass, and I’d like to do it.’ Slow is very seVere sometimes. A physician stopped at the shop of a country apothecary, and inquired for a pharmacopozia. ‘ Sir,’ said the apotlrccary, “I know of no such farmer living about these parts.’ Seventeen private soldiers of the French army, in Ilorrapai'tc’s time, by their bravery and talent, raised themselves to the following distinguished stations: Two became kings; two, princes; niiic, dukes, two field-marshals; and two, generals. ‘Do let me have your plrotograph,’ said adasliing hello to agcntlenian who had been annoying her with his attentions. The gentleman was delighted, and in a short time the lady received the picture. She gave it to her servant with the question. ‘ \Vould you know the original if he should call!’ The servant replied in the affirmative. ‘Wcll, when he comes, tell him I am engaged.3 Exemplary Clrarity.â€"-‘ \Vell, neighbor, what’s the most Christian nervs this irioriiing'l’ said a pious gentleman to his friend. ‘1 have just bought a barrel of flour for a poor woman.’ ‘Just like you,’ i said the other; -‘ who is it that you have made happy by your charity this tiinc'l’ ‘hly wife 1’ A Quiet Confession.â€"A \Vclsh clergy- man applied to his diocesan for a living. The bishop promised him one; was taking leave. he expressed a hope that his lordship would not send him into the 111- tcrior of the principality, as his wife could not spoil; \Velsh. ‘ [our wife, sirl’ said the bishop, ‘ what has your wife ' to do with illâ€"«she does not pr tacb, does she l’ ‘ No, my lord,’ said the par-son but she lectures.’ A Defence for Kissing.~.\lr. John G. Illingwortb, an iriiikecpcr, surrnr’it‘rned before the \Vakcfield i’i‘iigistrate Miss Mary Ann Serle, for an assault-«that is, an attenpt to give him a kiss in the street. ' In justification, Burns" couplet quoted: 3 41 u “ If a body meet a body coniiii iro’ the rye, If a body kiss a body need a body cry ‘3†and the bench, preferring this interpre~ ttrtion of the criminal law to Jarvisâ€: dis- missed the case, amid the utisuppl‘cssed. laughter of a crowded court. When to Bury an Irishmanâ€"A Irishâ€" man lrad been sick for along time, and while in this state would Occasionally c rase breathing, and life he apparently extinct for some time, when he would again come to. On one of these occasions, when he had just awakened from his sleep, I‘irlr‘ick asked him: ‘Ai: liow’ll we know, .l'eir'irriy, when you're dead after wakiii7 up ivrry time 'l’ ‘Bring to me: ‘ llere’s till ye, .l'eririrryl’ and if .1 don’t rise up and drink, then bury 11'1ch vvr r ~ . q 3 .7 3 , . “AU .1 glass 0 grog, an say Going Aheadâ€"Sonic people have a wayâ€"we .inow not wliereforcâ€"â€"â€"of writing “Ifi'ee’ in the corner of every lcttrr which they send stamped. To some minds the plan Engliin ‘ free3 is not grand enough and we have seen ‘EXeinpt’ written in its place. But “exeinpt,’ though a Latin word, is still a word of only two syllables, and, therefore, hardly worthy of 3. pk... in the highâ€"polite dictionary. A servant girl, a little time back, had a better from another servant girl, in the corner of which was written ‘ Mancipated.’ we The Saturday Review says: ‘ Strange- ly enough, r'eligioneâ€"tx’lricli is in one way the extreme of romance, for it teaches us continually to fix our hopes on a distant future of purity aridtruthâ€"does very little to inspire delicate and noble sentiments in the ordinary intercourse ofsociety. There are no people who think more of wealth, who many more steadily and exclusively to get and preserve wealth, and who hunt after rank with less disguise, than the families of ivell-to-do, comfortable religious people. Almost every person belorigiriér to the-particular set which is active in pre- siding ovcr iriissionary and charitable so- cities, benefiting the poor, and distributing tracts, has taken care to have a satisfactory marriage scttlcirient.’ WHAT SHALL I DQ'WI.I.,*,1 - MY PIG. â€"_ The Question that heads this item was addressed to us by a literary gentleman who had just came into possession ofthe carcasc ofa fat pig, weight about ‘2001bs., more or loss, which he professed to know as little what to do with it as the man who won the elephant knew what to do Willi his prize. \ththcr our friend won his pig in a ‘ raflle, or came honestly by him by right 0f inheritâ€" arrcc, we know not. We think he could not have purchased it, and the reason, we think is, that he is a :r editor. But no matter: newspap he had got the pig, and the qricstion ls--VV1iat shall we do with itl As a like accident may happen to some other gentleman, our pig-knowledfrc may be useful to others in like dis- tress. 'I‘hercfore, we let Our light; shine. The first operation with dead pig is to take off the head, pretty well to the snoulders, by cutting the flesh with a sharp knife, and the bone with an axe. Cut off the ears close as possible; divide the jowls frorn the upper part of the head, on a line with the mouth, by knife and mm, These are excellent salted and smoked, or hey my gomto “tread cheese.†This is made of the upper part of the head, with the “sense,†or else it goes into the oven for “ baked pig’s heart,†in which (misc two inches of the snout must be cut off the nose. The next out is to sever the ribs close to the back bone along each side, and take out the backbone for roasting. Now our but as he; i the loaf-fat loose from the ribs forâ€" ward, and seize it with astrong grip and pull it and the kidney out and then, with a knife inserted under the. ribs, cut them loose with a little meat as possible. Now cut off both barns, and then cut them apart, taking out the tail-peace Wedge- shaped, and trim. the hams to a handsome shape, with only a short leg on each. New cut the shoulders off in the some. way, taking out qurte a chunk of fat meat of the back be- tween thcm. Then out up the sides if wanted for pickled pork, in sizes to suit; if intended for ‘srde bacon,’ leave them whole in two pieces. If your pig is not large, and you want fresh roasts, you need not take out the backbone, but cut it With por- tions of the ribs and sides into suit- able sizcd roasting pieces. If your pig is very fat, and as lard is worth more than pork, trim the joints and sides closely, and cut it up fine for lard. Those with the leaf fat must be put into a‘ kettle over a slow ï¬re, so as not to born, without Water, and cooked till all the water is wholly evaporated, and the scraps thoroughly cooked. Such lard will keep sweet. It will be most convenientf r you to dry-salt your Bacon. First sprinkle a little salt-petreâ€"d oz. to 100 lbs. of meatâ€"and then rub half a gill of molasses upon each joint, and let them lay a day or two: then rub them with fine hot saltâ€"G lbs. to 130 lbs of meatâ€"and lay them upon the floor or on a table as many days: a joint weighs pounds, rub- bing them over once in the time. Salt the side pork in the same way, and afterward pack it in brine as strong,r as salt will trial-re it. When the joints are ready to smoke, brush off all the loose salt, or rub it off with a wet cloth, but do not put them in ware", and sprinkle them well with red pepper. Smoke them with any sweet wood, and be sure never to heat thorn, nor to make a smoke in wet days. Let your smoking; home be open for the smoke to escape, and donot hurry the business, and you will have sweet bacon. It will take three I: u weeks to smoke a ham of 16le weight. Never use rotten wood. After your joints are smoked to suit you, put each in a loose cotton bag, and hang up the joint by the string, not by a bus, in a cool place, day room, and your hams will keep for yca‘s. SrowwA wag in Detroit. has been takâ€" ing liberties with the reputation of the Pontiac Railroad. lie was asked whether he knew of an accident on that ran 1, re- plied :«m‘ Neverâ€"vâ€"but once a middle aged ggcritrzinan loft Pontiac for Detroit, and died of old age at .L’irrn ham half way l†mg The Ilev. Dr. Morse was sneaking at a public dinner of the benefit of flogging in bringing up children. ,The decor took the afiirinative, and his chicfopponent was a young,r minister, whose reputation for \‘rracity was not very high. He iiiaintainâ€" ed that. parents often do arm to their cliil- drcn from urn-ode punishment, from not knowing the facts of the case. "\Vliy,’ said he, ‘tlie only time my father whipped me was for telling the truth.’ ‘ \Vell,’ .retorted the doctor, ‘it cured you of it, didn’t it?’ When the last Macrlonald ofDunaverly was invited to an entertainment given by the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, he chanc- ed to be among the last. in coming in and sat down at the foot'of the table, near the door. The. Lord-Lieutenant spying him there, called to trim to come and sit at the head of the table. sziy'l’ asked Macdonald in Gaelic. It was explained to him that the Lordâ€"Lieu» tenant wished him to move forward to the head of the table. “fell the earl,’ was - that is the head of the table.7 the reply, ‘ that wherever I‘dacdonali sits, ‘ What does the earl ' J . G 0 RM L E Y, COMMISSIONER IN QUEEN’S B Conveyancr‘r and Auctioneer, Iio'r 31. 4TH Con. IYIRRKHAM. September 18, 1860. 'Auccior‘i ‘ ‘Notice. TrionrtsTowrrAN, Eisensch Auctioneer, V .r‘on 'riir: COUN'I'll OF YORK & PEEL. All lr-ttors addressed to “ Alrrrira,†1’.O. wil receive prompt attention. Orders received at the “ York Ilorald†Office, Richmond Hill; Mr. Henry lroiiion, 'l‘horirlrill, and Mr, James a p Ur. (Iavanriah, Mansion House, Sharon, where 'I‘oriris, the. may be obtained. ' ' Aliriira, Nov. ‘25. 6241’ 1859. our- anus TAGGART, CONFIGC'I‘ION tilt, a sr‘v‘vrr snout nuk/ RICHMOND IIILL. Plo~nle rarities t‘s’r Tea. M'eetings A I ‘ Altoiiood and supplied on reasonable terms. tichmond Ilill, June 241, 1861. 135-tf "r v 7 . .1. r», i 7,7 . have 1‘3 a. 533%, hater flaunts, Cristi“: its and BEEEEERBS) Manufactured and for Sale by ionnraucsrnra S'i'MM frIll.LS, THORNHILL. Junci}, 853. 27»tf TEEl‘H rainstorm l be rid By Dr. C. EDM‘EONDS, SURGEON I) l'lN'l'l:5 1‘, AURORA. llllt'ltll' PAIN By the use ofEloctricitv, ha T1 .34. Teeth inserted on Silver, Gold or Valcanized Rubber. All Operations in his Profession, perforrrrod in the most approved manner and VVarraiitod‘ Aurora. Marchfl. 1860 G7-1y gkhidfllfti. EbilljlfldeBN (I.A'l‘lll_ Fuoir arrow No.) PRACflCl-ll. CHECK do Will-filllifilftkEh, .1 rows .r.i«.‘n, are. RICHl‘r’EON’D' HILL, CAI]. A. 1.1., in offering: his so‘rviCes to the inhabi- tants of Richmond 1.1111 and Vicinit their work well done, fronr'the fact that he has had 2;") years experience in sortie of the first- class houses in L'indoii, Yorkshire, and Ian- casliiro, he hopes, by strict attention to business and moderate charges, to gain the support of rho public. \Vt)RK \VA‘RRAN’I‘ICD FOR ONE YEAR. N. B 1V or]: done on the shortest notice 95o Nlcliol’s lletel, Richmond 11111 begs to state that they may depend on gettii, ’i Shop next door to the “ York Herald †Ofï¬ce Richmond Hill, Nov. 7. 1851. 145- '1‘ 11 E A U ROB. A Mitf‘tliillfl tl'iirtllltililih BANE! . '8 now open to recei‘Ve engagements on li- ber'al terms. for any number, to suit the convenience oflarge or small parties. Applications to Mr. WM. IRELAND, at Aurora, or Mr. W, WiLLis, 3rd Con. \Vhit- church. NJ}. Also,a SAX llï¬tl011"}:ppilt3aL1011. Aurora. Nov. 52. 1850. IOQ-Bm 1 .9 _ '5 iv ‘ 1.321,. - 1 (twist anti to..th trail; 3 1' 111C Subscriber, in returning thanks to his numerous Friends who favored him with their custom at the Ileadford Mills, begs to inform them that he has taken the MILLS lately occupied by Mr. Ii. Il‘isH, known as the orne flotilla; Near the Green llursli lloiol, Yonge Street.â€" 'l‘liese Mills being in first-rate order, any one grivi ig liirr'i a-call will find the Gristiirg done in a suporirr irianiier. Fairies wisliiiip,r to take 1 their Cristing back with them can do so. . 1L? All work Canada. warranted second to none in IIIOItG I SQUlltl‘}, Proprietor. Markham. April 19. 1851. IQSâ€"tf c. w. commas, W'A'E'CHMAV †{lit} I'VELLER, 11%.1141‘; no. 253 voa‘on s'rnicic'r, 'ronos'ro, 1,31 I‘tS'l‘ store north of Crookshaiik-street.â€"â€" 5' Repairing in all its branches properly at- tended to. All work warranted. NJ}. Fancy Goods kept on hand. 'I‘oronto, Sept. 5, 1861. 145-6111 as on ’F‘J ï¬uï¬zwtm assassins u i l mu, . ll i"ll \' midi. ilrtl‘tX‘U) I “tunâ€... are/"ear, 1E7. 333 cit ward. 2:3 “E‘rlIJZGS to intimate ';o the inhabitants of Iticri- .« iii iiioad flill and Vicinity, lhat he has commenced bcsiness t, tillQEiifhliE 'n’, def-2, n. :2" or. 51““ 'Uiï¬igif’lti‘ i271 all? Two doors south of the “ York Ilerald†()flice. where he has on hand a general ussortirieiit of am e, , lily, Cheap for cash, :5 beneï¬ted. 13241 b 11"“; up arena». 1 the best one. 1 4min» flit 5‘ rank ll . :liiiiond 11111. June 7,1861. a“ T A. remove-:1) @anaoa! T"! ‘ 5.3 2 .- rr w to ct E1 pg: viii. . 3,3 A. .ai. 0." valuable and orna- Subscribe ULD you secure a mental Work of Reference 3 the Typographieal, AND, (:51. L31 1; atistioal or,“ 1‘! Milieudthtl slap of Upper Canada In preparation by Geo. C. 'I'rei'riaine, the N" and Wellâ€"known publisher of Descriptive 3 County Maps. if? loslrlciits of the Province everywhere will he called on by Local or Travelling agents 138-tf l l v ‘l‘oronto, Mar 1551. H «3:. d. HARRISON 31-10111? BAND may be. -- An, assortiirciit. of \Valchcs, Clocks, Jewellery and 1 competition. ‘ t‘ i.‘ l l rel heading, stave and -\‘ u ur- i. u, -1 r it rii..f.rc.arcrs, and J. Leather Planers. Seasoned Il‘loorirrg and Siding; kept on hand, and t‘laned to order in quantities to suit par-3 Chasers. It‘actoi'yâ€" on filai'khairi and Elgili Mills I’laiik Itoad.‘ I’.O. address, Richmond Hill. Julie 7. 1:61. 132-6in . PE It, Surgeon Bcntist, WILL BE AT 1 On the 2nd Monday ofieach mouth, at 101903 3.50 TEL, fllwple. On the Tuesday following, at McMann’s Hotel, Klineburg, On Wednesday following. TETIIERE he will be happy to wait on those . his profession.‘ requiring his services in any branch of 1 Teeth inserted on Gold I’latenum, Vulcan- ized Rubber, or Continuous Gum on Hamilton, The latter llf‘lllg'tlle most beautiful teeth new in use. Dr. PucK has all the advantages ot'the Profession, both in the States and Cniiadas, havingr formerly been connected with Dentists in New York; he now receives direct from them every improver’iiont of the Profession throughout the United States. Particular attention given to the Regulation of Children’s Teeth. Consultation Free. All letters addressed to him at Aurora prem- ptly attended to. Aurora, Feb. ‘20,, 1861 D 168â€"13’ manners 1M PRO V E 13 THE LATEST FANMNG 1.11..- iEFOltE buying any other Fanning Mill-â€" considr-rorl by coriipetont Judges to be the ,fl l v ii“ best Constructed Mill before the Canadian public for separating Oats from Spring 'ernat. Pens and Cats, and for cleaning in factall kinds of Grain. This Mill stands unrivalled, is made of good D URABLE Zlfzt TERI/ I. ! And is, from its construction, the best for Far- mers use in the Province. They are rrianufacturcd by the undersigned, at Richmond Hill, to whom all orders should be addressed. 1C? Farxriors would do well to call and ex- amine the Mill, when passing down Yonge St. Orders left at the residence of Mr. Southard, at Newmarkot, WI 1 receive prompt attention. Shopâ€"\Vithin Eight Rods of Itayrriond’s llote SOUTHAHD, BOYN'I‘ON t‘l; Co Richmond Hill. July 18. 1861. 138â€"ft PS, GEO. MOP II I L L1 Provincial Land Surveyor, RICHMOND HILL, C.W. December Ilh 1861‘. 10743; DENTISTRer x 'for theifilling ever'to come out. H. Husband, G- URGEON Dentist,will be at Niclioll’s Hotel. Richmond Hill, . the FIRST MONDAY of every month, and, the ro-‘ rnainder of the month at his resrdonce, McCaysville, 7th Concession of York. All Work Warran ted. Teeth filled with Osteoplartie or Artificial Berle-«'I‘his filling is put into 'the Tooth while soft, causing no pain, as itrerpiires no pressure, it soon becomes as hard as the tooth to which . . , it til iiilv adheres, rendering it almostiiiipossibie Dr. Husband has made arrangements-With Mr. G, 1.. Elliot; of Toronto, to manufacture his Artificial Teeth ; those who engage Doctor Husband to do their work will be sure of hav- ing it done in a superior manner, July 8, 1859. Biz-Iv. 'illlltlll‘inl QI'l‘If MARBLE lll’lilils 185 YONGE STARE/1'. savanna efferent} asses; TOMBSTONED‘ (kc. Twenty Per Cent. Cheaper THAN ANY OTHER ESTABLISHMENT. VWIIE UNDERSIGNI'ID Assignees of the estate of 1), C. 51. 1V. YALE, will con- tinue the business under the snporinteiidonce of our duly authorized agents, Aris'rin Annm’ and I), CARLOS VALE. whose receipt will be duly acknowledged. l’,S.-â€"â€"All notes and accounts roiriaiiiing nu- paid on the 1st day of Junec 1858, will be put into Court for collection, I. YALE, G. CUMMER. 4841‘ Toronto, Api'i (29, 1859. UNITY Fire 5r Life Erisaranc . lb; or LONDON, Vt’ith which is Amalgamated the E'ilrgrrmablo Fire @rtlr‘r‘ice. o .n lg: U elation CAPITAL, £2,500,000, S'I‘ICItIJNG. Available Assets Fire Departm’t 1,547,061 10 Life Department. . . . . . . . 2,526,595 46 Deposit Fund in Canada. . . . . . . 511.0011 ()0 Deposit Fund in New York. . . . . 150,500 (10 CHIEF OFFlCF.‘ IN CANADA 2 ll’lEï¬CllkllfS’ EXCHANGE l‘ddtlfllflll. Director's, Fire Department. W. Lunn, Esq. J. G. fr’lackeiizie, Esq, J. Torrance, Esq. Trustees in London .1. Frothingham, Esq. 1}. Holmes, Esq. A. Larocquo, Esq. w. c. Acme. o. o. a. Surgeon Dentist, 99 KING ST. EAST, SOUTH SIDE. 'rniun noon Wizsr rnou cnuucrr sT. 'roaos'ro, ARTICULAR attention given to the regu- lation of Children’s Tact/ll. Consultation free, and all work warranted. Dr, A. has turned his attention to the irri- ,provoments of his profeSslon in all itsbranches, and can supply the profession with 'l‘eelh, Gold, Vulcanized Apparatus: and Vulcanite Rubber, and the best Bone filling. Mineral Teeth mounted on Gold, Silver, or Vulcanized Rubber. Wltll Continuous Gurus. which are warranted to give entire satisfaction. Toronto,0ctober 11, 186“. 49-†W. ET. MILLthlGllT, ad 1.5:? 0 db" .rr 9 EEC-IS to intimate that lieis new prepared to ' erect MILLS of every description, by contract or otherwise, on reasonable terms- 110 is also agent for the best Foundries in Ca- nada, and from his lengthened experience he hopes to give general satisfaction, Altona, Dec. 23. 185‘ 4 1 ‘ v;.' 1 a w .1 Ta rrvv) “gm : InflPUit .1 card i 11 i it 'r‘. l A11 For upwards of three years past, l have been engaged in a business, which has yielded me at the rate of $33,001) per annuin, but being; dosi- rous of going to .l‘illl'tllfli ill the course of a few months for the purpose of there introducing the business, 1 am willing to teach it to any one who will send me The business is no huriibug‘, but of a highly Useful and general character, adapted both to cities and villages. and one that any person of ordinary capacity, younger old, male or ferriale. can acquire with a few liour‘s’ practice, and by which they can secure a Very handsome income. Several young ladies who have received instructions from me, bolli in New York State and I’eiilisylvniiia, are earning upwards of $211 per week by it, and there is no _ reason why any one else cannot (lo the mine. Invalids, even, can do well by it, as it is no ped- dling affair, lint a business that is perfectly re- spectable. Gentlerrien and ladies of leisure 1 who would like to learn the business for their their own arriusonient or pleasure, will filid the practice of it a pleasant llaf-‘illllï¬, and one that. they will take great interest in. ln receipt of $1,I will send printed instructions by which any person can readily acquire the art, and these instructions will also contain every particular relative to the carrying it on so that it will be highly profitable. The purchaser of the †print- ed instructions †will also be authorized to teach it to others; and .1 have soriietirries received as hiin as $3301). for teaching it personally to a single individual. I would state further that. $2.50 or 333.01) will buy every thing that is no- cessai'v to commence the business with, and the articles can be got aliriostaiiywhore, in city or country, or, if preferred, I can furnish them every "word in true. Anonnss, l’itsmtn, r v ,‘ Alvord 1‘. Parsons, No 36 Liberty St., New York. The best of references given when required, w FANNlNG ‘vllLLSchUh/lPS IIESubscriber begs to intimate to the pub- lic generally, that he riiaiiufactures the latest iiirprovod PUMPS AND flllllllllï¬ M1118 In his Shop, at Stoufl'ville, where all orders entrusted to his care will receive pr‘ornpt'atteii- ‘ lion; and for clieapiiess and durability he defies l Repairing done with despatch. All letters addressed to PETER KIMBS, Stoul‘fville I’. O. I lSIâ€"b'nr. Stoufl'ville. Oct. 15. 1861. Efor Medicines, the efficacy of which has been twill use none but Dr. Uelmncy’s Female Po- - they. Sir ‘W. C. Dalyell, l C. F'. Bazin, Esq. Y D. Trustees in ew York : S. Livingston. firm ofBar‘clcy & Livingston, \Vrri. H (Macy. I’i'es’t Leatlierr'tduriufact llnnk ‘v’V. Sherman, firm of Duncan, Sherman me. Every description of Fire and Life Insurance Business transacted at the most moderate rates D ‘P of Premium. - W. 1’. LLthrNOIII)S, Manager in B. N, A. Agent for Torontoâ€"ARTHUR Mn ‘JA RVIS, OI'HCGâ€"‘Vllltf‘IlIIOX‘B’ Buildings, Ioronto St. Toronto, April 12, 1861 123-1)‘ Dar. IJA' ormmxyszrm PRIVATE MELDECA L Tle A TISE ox.rna Physiological View of Marriage, 2511 moss AND 130 menavmos.â€"â€"Prico onlv tweiitvâ€"five cents. A partoof the Union. ()ii the iirf‘ii'niilies of youth and iiiaturily, disclosing the secret follies of both sexes of all rig-cs, causingr dobilily, not“ v-z-usriorrs, (it’lll'ft‘thl’lll of spirits, palpitation of “.e heart, suicidal irzragrinings. involuntary emis- :»icris, blrisbings, delcctiVe iiieirior'y, indigestion and lassitude, with crr'ri/barsions q," thrilling incl/'â€" cst rife floor/ling School ill/‘53, u (Jeffrch Slit- (Ilcrrt, and H. Young 11‘r'r:.r'ricif [null/y, (be, It is a truthful adviser to the i'rrar'ried and those coiiteriiplaling marriage, who entertain secret doubts of their physical Condition. and who are conscious of having liasarded the health, happiâ€" nose, and privileges to which every human ‘bcilig is entitled. V _ V Young Men who are troublcdwitli weakness, generally caused by a bad habit llt_ youth. the effects of which are dizziness, pains, forgetful- iir-ss, soriietiii'ios a ringing iii the ears, weak' eves, weakness of the back and lower extreirri- ties, confusion of ideas, loss of iiiomorv, with iriolaiicholj.‘, may be cured by the author’s New l’aris and London ’l‘i'eatir'iciit. V'e have recently devoted much of our time 'l)l|l':-501Vt\r5 of the knowledge and researches of “rvriciaiis and Surgeons iii the most skilled . Europe and the Continent. Tlioso who place have the themselves under our care will new full benefit of the many new and otlicacious remedies which we are enabled to introduce into our practice, and the public may rest as- sured of the same zeal, asmiduitv. Journey and attention being paid to theircases, which has so successfully distinguished us heretofore, as a Physician in our peculiar department of profes- sional Practice, for tho pasttwcnty five years. Il‘I‘LIuNCH FEMALE I’lr.l.8.â€"â€"Iiadios who wish tested in thousands of cases, and never failed to effect speedy cures without any bad results, '11. riodical I’lm. The only precaution necessary to be observed is, ladies should not take thorn if they believe they are in certain. situations (the particulars of Which will be found on the Wrapper accompanying each box,) thouin always safe and healthy, so gentle, yet so active are Price $1 per box. They can be mailed to any part ofthe United States or Canada. To run Liningsâ€"“ho need a conï¬dential medical adviser with regard to any of those iii- teresting: corriplaiiits to which their delicate orâ€" Seut free of postage to all F l 1 _ in visiting the l‘luropean Hospitals. availiiig‘ / V . . tyranny have becrr entirely eiiiaircipatcd by the use of a Ingrani’s turntable Irriiinucnt A Certain cure for Rheumatism,Tic Ddlereahx, Sprains, Bruises and Swolliiigs Prepared and sold by Joseph Ingram, Maple Village, in bottles at and 5%. each.‘ Maple Village, Fob., 14, 1861.' t it 3 1-y. ESTA 51.15111â€) 1649, Innonronarsn irv Acr or PAILLIAblEN'I‘l l Subscribed Ca ’23 ital, $1,748,520. W,†.vii, HEAD OFF] â€"â€".’1’(}lt‘()r"v’ TO. PRESIDEN’Itâ€"jIIOIl. John. Ililliard Cameron, Vicn-I’nrxsrnrca'r :~â€"J. t-l. lloward,,Illsq. mwâ€"h. I ‘ v lllrirmr‘ons: lira :31], .1. ti. Howard, but. Iii-:lw. (.7. Jolie/i, 1051;. q. I u Hon/1.11. Cameron, 1 George L‘zr‘ J.(,‘airioroii,i‘isq.bl.l’.l’ nines Sydney Assist. Scorch/.77] .' llon. Geo, Crawford, llonhLCanmron,M.1’. l A. M. Smith lusq. 1 Lewis i‘vlrrliirt, i'i: \V. 1... Peoria, Esq. Man/(gov and rEiea‘.re.‘orr/.'-â€"- Cracker, 111545;. rm (Igor 13," 1i '3‘.“ llfi/‘t'fr‘i .' JWV. Vl’oodbouseï¬lsq. ‘ili'rii. blight, 12.41. I ill Sorcr'roris:â€"-â€"Messrs. Bowman .8". Burns, BANKlllrs :--Tbe flank of 'I.‘oronlo. , IRE and Marin-tr: INSUR tress transacted by this (Temp rious A ,Q'ODCICS, as wolf as the float route, at fair and average rates. _ 'I'lrc iiurrici'ous and l‘tlr‘llt)ll.\ll)l(‘. liltoclilrolrlorn of this Corripariy, and the large airiouiit of ca- pital subscribed, afford an Illlli)lllll of 1-:cr'ilritv to the assurrd, equal at leas‘ to that of any lulu-r A. ‘l(.1 busi- f 1 l' Vil- i o, 'l‘ r I". â€" l‘ ' rt. fr: it: , ltlr: 1. Company transacting l)‘. whites in t'l:o‘i’r'o‘-.’irrco A. l.r‘\lV. Agentatllichnroarl llill. Toronto, April 18, 15.51. lull-tr, lift It†12;. 11.. Still/ï¬ll ~ " mvm '13-‘10 person who corifeiriplatcs purchasing a l ‘ Sewing Machine for family or iirzrirulacv turing‘ purposes, should fail to send for one of our Circulars, which CUlllulllii cuts and full 110' scriptions of the several prices and samples of work, all of \v rich we send by mail frce. We claim to have the best Ed by: rr'â€â€˜rpri' lilo rt" t‘ Lilith 225 rituals For oil/rcr‘ Mulrin or 11.1(lltld‘llliflll'fI1gI)l6"‘]l(}f§(l$. l ‘ stt les, r .« a. w...“ 520.; ‘H D And all we ask is a fair trial. Ilcad the fol II‘rI?OR‘lL‘[ "Elli" FAC'l'S. UlVIllg: FACT No. l.â€"'lflris Coiripauj, bciiigduly li- censed, their Machines are pl'ctcclt" against infrlngoiirciits or litigation. NAC‘l' No. 2.sâ€"'I‘hese film-lilacs make the lock- stick-â€"alike on both sidesâ€"aunt use a little less than lirill‘ as much thread and silk as the chain or loop‘stitcli machines. -. FACT No. 3.â€"â€"â€"Thcse Machines are bct'or adapâ€" ted than any other sowiiig-riiucliiirr-s iii the market to the frequent changes and nloumt endless variety of sewing requi'od iii a lo- iriily. 'Iliey willsoiv to twenty thicknesses of Mursrliles without :lop'pilr; and make every stitch perfect. 'I‘lioy nil. even sow from the finest gauze to the hon- vicst clolh. and even stout, bard leathcr, from one 1 i r without changing the food, needle, or ten-- ijurtirreiit of {I bl siorr, or making any ‘wliatever. 1.5 not. adapted to family use machine cit iltactilnc best. i l and if llt‘rll arl:rp;e-;f to firmin use, wiry IIJI for every various of light sewing manufacture? l'or work too heavy for our Il'aiirily Machine, we rocoirr- _ ii’ieiid our larger sizes. Il‘AC'r No, 4.â€"'I'lrese Machines make the most elastic seairi of any scu‘irigâ€"riracliine ili use-â€" a fact of very great irrr'portance in sow.‘ iiig elastic goods, or goods of any kind, on a bias. .niore siiriple in its coiistruc-tioiigor more fir-viiY ‘ understood. 'l‘iie reputation of lire-«o rial chines wherever usral wrll fully demonstrati- each or the above titers. ' Filer No. 13 >â€"-'illl(Jr~‘c Marl est l"i'crninin at the bra adolplria. Filer No. 7.â€"Tbeseil\’l'- est b‘i'eririuiii at tile I“.t<:‘r No. 5,â€"‘l‘lie,;rr est Medal at the Arrrci , . City of New York, Iopriimi‘ with the liioliâ€" est l‘reiiiiuiii for ti Sowiiigvhlacirrne Work . FACT No, (Inâ€"Those l‘ilzar‘lrin took lml Highest. l’reii'iiuiris at the Mechanics†Utica. N. Y. _ FAC'I‘ No. lt‘.»â€"'1‘licso same thing generallv. exhibited in competinou will; oil Sewing-Machines. lint no 13‘. ’ only conflict irioiemâ€"it is the Iii-)t~l. imp Fuel of :ill. Atl'l‘ No. ll.â€"-â€"li/c th'.’)'.".’rll.’.f new: 1" self lo grim: [mrlcr in. i. rr’v‘ itrrrrrmrw lr" r [u ("U rm .’.' [I [/1 t) Fruit“: '51 ll‘i'oN it1r1‘.‘xir<ri«Kltciiixi: " "'r ),.. .,,. i...‘/ .r no. odd niondwnv, their. loih. September 5, 15131, w '5': 3r! so 4\ M {l r. gâ€: r T if E“ f?†rr 9. r; at 1‘3 A J guano Wand u... 1; Ain’t) rv'iwrv-v. arr-«rm 0.7:va "“f‘fl wr- n .tt 1-;an iiï¬aiakJm...‘ .i...- 1:. 41..-... AN'I‘IM NY, No. 5111 Ilnoarrtvrv, ‘ r t . F‘t 4 ::\v J, Yoitlr, is now publishing, in lltltiitlt‘ll to l. ,. AswU‘u 11 other portraits, rho (:elelrratcd collection in Europe and Arrrr‘rica an BICADY’S l‘tf.l'i"l()f‘i'/‘ " " ‘ a L ..ir. i“ .(I'r'Tlr’; I’Ui’t‘ f'lt’zll'l‘ (id 1.1.131: Y, in which is included Portraits of nearly all the proiirinent men of Airieri :a. not excepting,r .lell'. Davis, Gen. Beauregard, Floyd, and a host. of other confederate“. Price of i’ortraits, $3.111) per dozen. Can be sent by mail, '77 ‘ Q . ,4. n ' . , wri-s wee s of the ‘Wa. .or the e-._....-n, arepul)lldlitEL1,Cfll‘tl3110.31111111 stereoscopic form .1.†HO .,1 v: m u u garrizalion renders them liable. are particularly ‘iiivited to consult us. 'I‘iis “ .1“:LI§C'I‘1{() GALVANIC I’norncrrvn. â€â€"â€"For iiiari'ied ladies whose health will not admit. or who have no desire to increase their families, may be obtained as above. It is a perfectly safe preventive to conception, and has been exten- sivoly used during the last 20 years. Price re- duced to $10. ' THE SECRETS 0F YOUTH UHVEILED. A Treatise on the Cause of I’rerriature Decay -â€"A solemn warning, Just published, a book showing the insidious progress and prevalence among schools, [both trials and ferrialo], of this fatal habit; pointing out the fatality that inva- riablv attends its victims. and developing the CHEAPER THAN EVER! 7 111E Subscriber begs to inform his numerous patrons and the public thathe is prepared l to make Boots?» axed. ï¬hoea Ofevery style and description, atthe lowest possiale roiiiuiicratiiig prices. All work war- ranth to give entire satisfaction. w, n. MARTIN. ‘ whole progress of the disease, from the com- iiienceirionl to the end. It will be sent by mail on receipt of two [3] cent Stamps, 1E3†Attendance daily from 8 in the morning, till 9 at night. and on Sundays from 2 to 5 pm. Medicines with full directions sent to any part of the United States or Canadas, by patients communicating their symptoms, by letter. Busi- ness correspondence Strictly confidential. 1133 Dr, L’s'Of’lico is still located as established, Cook’s Mill, Vaughan, December 7, 16150.. 106-137 under the name of Dr. La Cr'oix, at No.7 31, Maiden Lane, Albany, KY. 1533-13‘ ALSO. 1r. Stereoscopic Views of ticonos in Pitl'ig, and in other parts of ; Scotland, lieland, Wales, lfullzrtull 5m, (“5, land. Spaiii,oii the Rhino. Ill .v’tllicris, London, igland and France; in Egypt, 'l‘urkov, ,tlro llolv liltlltl' Chi- na, India, Cuba. doe, 5.20., ml L."j1r’lft'l(ll&. ': or use «i i , C‘ ‘., , ., .' v ; Ous Institute 130113 store copra J. Are the Crctu‘cst ll/ro'rrrrli'r‘ of Ur. wig/r. hese are taken in tho fortielh part of a second, and the rushing o‘r' Witter, the iriovirrg of'volri- 0105, or the march of an army, doe-s not m itâ€. sliqhost degree affect the takingr oi" tllet) nouns, They are sold for $71,4ll) per dozen. VVo have also on hand and iiiarrniar'turn the largest assnrtiiiont of S'l'L‘J.’ JUL“ (10,055. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALBUMS, a‘ird .' hotograzrhlc 1i? ater in the United States. and perhaps in the world Catalogues, containing lists of all our l’or- trails, Views, f’iter'eoscopos, Nee, sent free by mail on receipt of a stairip. E. AN'i‘llO..‘i 1’, Sill liioarrwiv. ' near St. Nicholas Ilotol,New York. â€" if i V ('h vv Septer‘nber b, ldbt .l'lc" l, 0W0 n ielo mm...) l A ANYV'wli‘o have been slaves to Rheumatic, acr No. 5.â€"â€"No Machine is more durable or ,N'(WT;¢. l ' .9 11'. .- '- ' .'. ' l’ievrnclal Estella! ice €6lll§lllt33, v or CANADA,†‘ ' FOP. _ , f're on: illarim‘ 5115mm: .9, l SLAVERY aeoy‘rglsuso... mach till itlcwirrg-[lloc/rirro LII r'r'ic rrrrrrr’urt, or urn/rial,“ 7‘1"] hamlet]. llLVSoiid fora Circular. rlijili‘t'l‘S WA; Address, ' films, in the H ‘ OF THE Silflli‘lllilfill i'llrl‘ll EiIiICAfll Jillllil‘hkh A rirrvr- c- inls.‘ Mirror NEWSPAPER, ‘ i DEVOTI‘II) TO THE INTERESTS. omission in AMERICA, 3AND' TO. Tlfll) DISSEMII‘VI'WI'ISN'? "‘ z 'f‘i’lSlI LI'I‘IIRA’I‘UILIC AND NEWS. OF SC OF S00 ‘9 “in; h On January £3, lp‘li‘). will be commenced a nmv vt~lrirne (V) of the Scorrisir AmniticAN .locizvtir; and iii future the rir‘irribors issued be- l\\'r*(‘ll tin.» first. and last days of eucliyoai‘ will citiztdlllltt: a coirrp'ete volume, of convenient size for l-iiidir 2‘. air’d ouch number will con- tai‘i a most or {tairziriy . instructive. rep-or- tery of l'r‘ffllll‘: mutter. calculated:to-iiilerest all readers of lil‘iéisll origriir. "l‘lio Scorrrsir AME- rtn‘m {founzrtig though decidedly irilcr'rmtiorml in its constant efforts to prorrro‘riporrce and pros- perity bottvcciiytlro people of-t‘ireat. liriraiii‘sand Arrrvricri, is yet 'eiriphaficfillylineup-dil- in“: its copious l'(.-<::ordsj of ,jall uvni‘lls (rebut-ring; Seot- 1:ri'.tl that can be rcpardiwl of the least interest to iiatrvr of that country itcridirig‘ iii Ariicrica; and t.» thir- “ news f'r'or;i.lioiiioâ€,lsnudism-weeks li', a sn.irrri:ii'_\‘-, of grim "1 ililnlliggn‘rico from ‘2' 1i.“ . , t‘iir'rlarid lrolrrnrl. :.1111 other Hti'ltF of the world. Morrisond'E-a."illll’ ‘ †’ l ' A distinguishing feature of the "‘ Scottish Ammtcari .Ii'lll‘lllll †is 11:} regularr'c-oulrlicatioli â€"â€"â€"z:r:i fmlim. ct firicrulir/i~~t.rfthe “ learlliig articles†of the pioirlii out lliitish newspapers and other periodicals upon the mod iiirpoi'tnlit lopicsut' the day. ' lie is n ililltlllt1(1110,fl_it1 has 13‘! tors lo: her-ii found veryar'r‘cntablo to the people of .4. i.. llr'i13.~lr ivorllr .‘irricriuz, as it supplies a long- ill“: tlfl.~"=i~‘.‘l‘1'.ll;lli 111 the l'rovlncos. 111 ro- fcrcriw to the “editorials†of tho Sror'rijit Ar'imrr‘ \TJ ,vIUUlIl‘iAir. it is a significant flziétiilmt the British gll‘t‘ï¬w ll'i‘itltt filly acknowledges their lll‘il'lllr3;t,: truth and iIu‘lt'D i'y copiedâ€"1y extracting from our cclririrrm and declaring that the Soo'r- 'rL-rr Aniignieaa’ JUUEINM'. is the most able and llllt'l‘t‘r‘l1111:.tlt-lllt‘l'Illlfiifeilt‘tl'fll _r\_rrierica, A coir- cise \\'C»Z‘l§1\"‘t.fllillllllli v is also given of the prin- cipnl Morris of r'irrroriruin irews,’ tllltliï¬. siirrilar" uni firm; of event; traiispii'iligin the various H [t I l) ll: 1-o'.'ri.r:rv,=. the latter Shalure supplyingr a. ' do. i it rrr‘j.‘ \x‘ xii tr .5 full in several of the I’i'o- 1 Vin ‘ ml 2 .o as to what was transpi- ii *, or otm-r p l the lb‘ilisl) possessions. iii the l'c‘rrlrt. ring volume of the “Scottish Jililfl‘rftitt'ftl space willbe (10-. '. rarv d :prr.t:iir\iit iii the publica- .-::; ANN srriu'iniiius, vividly il- crrm iris. habits, sr-iitiriiciits and 1:2! acaerirlics or" the people of Scotland; tflllfill‘dlllp‘ from the pen of an author or" colt-billy. .‘.\:-: Irirrv‘lloforc. particular care will be :‘X‘Ul'tilt d in rho rzlioicoot' UlllGli'V'Al. ros'rnv, it irrur r:<‘: Veltd to L2:- lioli of our lllwll‘ttllllif tin. a! ll gr-rzt‘l'al 5/. ( - tioirlliowctl by writers ot‘ acknowledged genius and purity of thought, resident here or abroad. The first number of the new volume will con- hill the commencement of a deeply interesting title, clitillo’ . “ I‘ll l] Ll l:lU’.l.‘l~lI‘t.\N'i‘ AND HIS SON.†'l'liis talc will prove to be one of the most in‘ rerouting ever published, and will be appreciated 1 H r i i r 1 w. classes of readies. r ' ll)†all 2le or" .3 L71} .3 (71.1117 TION, PAYA 111.11 ll‘l {w v 1141c IX ADV/1110?}. ~â€"‘i.. ,1†,r rung; ("jvtlï¬ [Kli\(ll.)......-......... 51:13. Una t: for 011‘.) yorir',......, ’ . . . $53 5 l*‘ivecopios.... $10 110 llwolve ('opics,. . . . , _ _ , , . , , ...._ .. .. . 934,321) 1111 'l‘woniy-fivo copics,. . . . . .. . . . . . - - - . . $11100 ' Spociirroii (topics sent gratis. ,, I H, S1A11f(".111(11‘i4111ilil(§ l‘roviricos may remit their. . irirllstr i'i,.‘;iI::‘-. »1 iii l’rovirrciai :rrclrt‘fi‘. iOdd chance in l’r'rvmr-ial l’tnf Utilize starrips. o (iopit‘s fort-caribd r~r ti ‘opr- pcr mail, United 1312:1034, pix-dogs paid, for :, J, or 13s. stoilriig,per airuiiiri. Subscriptions for the current year are now livirg l‘t‘ï¬t‘lt‘t‘ll, and should be f.:l".'i‘{ll(10.(l without delay to w (own v r jvry 1‘14 with i\-\.1b1., r, .2 be. n7 Park Row, New York. 5 , 3151.13. A. Ill}. s. as. F?! Try the truly great intrN kitties. Bth‘GS’Mit- GIG 1’.l<lI.lllll‘,and if you are not satisfied ofIifs supe- re medicine, the price will be re! 5 cents per rlority, after using t1 funded by the Agent, in all cases. Price 12 bottle. Sold by all. dealers in medicines. , .. . li.r.bortlr'oraori( Ui’lit’t'l‘Y with or u. A... Office of till; l.{1llti‘. i . . tr 1' c‘ ' r Alntill.i.lle ‘4 1.1111. ii'tl‘ri :1, r r~ '~ 5 “in - n _ 1"..‘13. '?.A!‘:‘Y’.1"I ,. w’ r uh in i If...) u 3. 13$ ' w )2 r '. K . a x, i. :; :‘."~v »» ‘v’ ‘ ,.lt<lrlr-.A. ._ r rcrv, t~.“:»‘:"‘t -~ *‘rwi, A," .. .JrilIiu.-llLi-b Krill; 1:11) ‘ ml. x‘ c. , . v “'u (in. r 'T « .. \3 A» a L 0 if. 3 bu ., ,fï¬- c2721 w - ._ "m Cow.) unï¬tiï¬ï¬‚g ' onshore a s'rulau'r, 1 a .2 TV , lw/r if,†i ix. n. pt) 3 'V.’ fl onsi'.’ ‘ icy/‘11 a: kpl'dku) in the State who. lloyal College of in l‘f.)il.»llilt‘tl from 8 ill at night, in every ‘ . .z'lt) rsvmrriorv, 1-. cure of Genital Debi.â€" ‘ more properly " Can be , rm: . 1:1 lil'tllll V1311) till (lays, by -, ;,. .ili‘riiiioiit, whch usedcono .ioiri‘ry r HUS- » "5 ,er “in†C1 Hon, in order to satisfy the nos‘ ml r' ' as 1‘ do iiroi'i'ts of their instruâ€" mciit, plo - 13.. :rrtag-lrcs that in allle,lllli§u11CQ iy prove unsatisfactory, V". oncy will be refunded by returning ,- oirt iii good order.‘ .t’iico '1eli»DoI~d~ Eiliilli’rr‘il. whom it t trial, lli‘l‘ the il‘er iars, by mail or n 131111) 1 A 1311 (1U 1.11 It. NOTICE. YOUNG Tllllfx' Those who have biiul’ed tlrerriselvcs by a oer-m if,†junction i " tyr'rl in when aloneâ€"â€"a habit :‘rz (pioirb lrorr. 1 l'roiri evil coiripairions, or at school, the cili-cls of which are niin tly felt even: when zirxli't‘p, and if “(1 cured, renders iriarriago iiirpor-slble and destroys both mind and body, should apply iirririodiately. Self-abuse is once" the most l'oriiridzilrlo (incriiios to ll‘z‘flllll,-f01‘ 110' thing else. in the dim catalogue of human dis- trust's causes (l"’1t‘.ltltl\'0 a drain upon; the bazaar; system, drawing its thousands of vic- tirris through a few years of suil‘cring down to nirtirnclv pravo. It destroys the nervous :tryslerri rap ‘ '4 away the energies of life, cruises irierirz “ringer-rent, prevents the pro- per rlernioprrioiit or" the si‘steiir, disolialifir-s for society, it and all earthly ll:1t),rllrc3:-:, and lnzrvr’ ull'eier wrecked iii - bodr and mind, predisposed to consumption and ii train of evil..- more to' be dreaded than death itself. iiizrrrLoas {N Airy PART or run worrer Ill) . l r. (. Illflt‘llllzftl, urxiiioss, .~: the it treated by, forwarding a case. ‘ may be successfully CtH'l'tltit detail of Llieil‘ Address Dr. A. as ill: flair, 4;»; :st .loiieseo ‘Streol, three doors i'i'cst of Elficott Street. » - r " i‘ r lilillzzlo, 3‘1, Y. 135-1,!