Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 21 Mar 1862, p. 1

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.-w casual-i» .: . Ea A: 5‘- ” ,.» - 1:. s~;‘-‘-&.;x :4. ~ that thrill "EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, And despatchgd to SubScribers by the earlies mails, or other conveyance. when so desired "The YORK HERALD will always be ' befo'undto c'o'ntainthe latestand mostimpor- taut Foreign and Provincial News and Mar- kets. and the greatest care will be taken to render it acceptable to theman of business, and a valuable Family Newspaper. fTERIVISaâ€"Seveii and SixpenceperAnnum, IN ADVANCE; and if not paid within Three Mouths two dollars will be charged. RATES OF ADVE RTISING : ‘Siitlines and under, first insertion . . . . . $00 50 Each subsequent insertion. . . . . . . . . .. tit] 12; Ten lines and under, first. insertion. . . . . (It) 755 Above ten lines,- first in., per line.. . . (1007 Each subsequeiitinsertion, perline. . .- . 0“ ()2 I]? Advertisements without written direc- lions inserted till forbid, and charged accord- ineg. All transitory advertisements, from strangers or irregular customers, must be paid for when handed in for insertion. A liberal discount will he made to parties ad- vertising by the year. All advertisements published for aless p8. r'iod than one month, niustbe paid for in ad- vanee. All letters. addressed to the Editor must be 0st paid. No paperdiscOntinued until allarrearagosare paid ; and parties refusing papers without pay ing up, will be held accountable fortlie sub- scriptioii. TIIE YORK HERALD , Book and. Job Printing ESTABLISMEN' ‘. RDERS for any of the undermentioned description of PLAIN and FANCY .lOll 'WORK will be promptly attended to :-â€" BOOKS, FANCY BILLS, BUSINESS CARDS, LARGE AND SMALL I’OSTJCRS,CIRCUI.A RS, I.A\\'1’Oltl\IS, BILL IIEAI)S,BANI( (III19(;1(S,I)'1tAF'I'S,AND I’AMI‘ 111.}1'1‘ S. And every other kind of LETTERâ€"PRESS PlllNTlNG done in the best style, at moderate rates. Our assortment of JOB TYPE is entirely how and of the latest patterns. A large variety ofnow Fancy Type and Borders, for Cards, Circulars ,Nnc. kept always on hand. Eastman fit? Emmi. MEDICAL CAllliiS. ,v‘v‘ DR. HOST LTTER, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons England. Opposite the Elgin Mills, RICIIIVIOND HILL. 1‘27- lyp 'A"- May 1, 1801. l. BOWMAN, M.D, Physician, Surgeon ilcconclicnr One Door South of Lemon's Hotel 'I‘I'IORNIIII.I.. May 1, 1861 M 7 LAtv’ (Janus. , ivi. TEEFY, . COMMISSIONER ill THE QUEEN’S B CONVIQYANCICK, AND 19.7-15- mn- r‘II '2 N Cll DIVISION COURT AGENT, l IIICHIVIOND HILL POST OFFICE. GREEN] ENTS, Bonds, Deeds, Mortgages, Wills, &c., &c., drawn with attention and proniptitude. Richmond Hill, Aug ‘29. 1114f. A CARD- C Klililldi, Esq, oftlie City of 'l‘or- o onto, has opened an office in the Vil- lage ofAurora for the transaction of Common Law and Chancery Business, also, Convey- ancing executed with correctness and despatch .. Division Courts attended. IVellingten St. Aurora, 6L3 Queen St. Toronto November 2t). 1863. 104â€" l y MATHESON a snout/tin," ” ‘Barristers, Attorneys-at-Law, SOLICITORS IN CIIANCICRY, d‘c. orr‘icc z,â€" . CORNER OF KING AND TORONTO STREETS Over \Vhitmore do Co’s. Bonking Ollice, TORONTO- ~ Agency Particularly attended to. THOMAS G._ MATHESON. ‘ Toronto, .luly 1, 15.39, s; so; o’anom BARRISTER-AT-LAW AND SflthtTOR ‘ IN ektrcrar, Office removed to Gas Company’s Buildings, Toronto Street. Toronto, January 9, 1851. JAMES i-‘i'rzonuAiJi Ill-ti" Ill-Gm Charles C. Keller, TTORNEY-AT I LA W, SOLICITOK in Chancery, Conveyancer. fitc. Office, u Victoria Buildings, over the Chronicle 011106, Brock Street, Whitby. Also a Branch Office in the village of fleas vertou, Township of Thorah, and County of Ontario. The Division Courts in Ontario, Richmond Hill, and Markham Village regularly attended. Whitby, Nov. 22. 1860. 104-1y JAMES BO UL TON, Esq. Barrister, Law Officeâ€"Corner of Church and King Sts. Toronto, March 8. 1861. IiQ-tf‘ Enwnto E. W. iniiui, ARRISTI Z Li, AllO]‘llO3"‘i’tf’I..fl\V, Solicitor in C1 w .cory, Convoy ancer, doc. Money advances p‘ mired on l‘lortgagos, ,No. 3, Jordan Street,% Toronto. Docember 13. 1860. 1(18-y A. EIBNABB.) ARRISTER, Attorney, Solicitor, &c. King Street, East, [over Leader Oflice,] Toronto, C.W. Toronto, April, 12,1861, Brilliant Grant, I TTOIINEY AT-LAVV, SolicitorinChan- 1 Office _ cei'y, Conveyancer, the Toronto. in the “ Loader” Buildings, King Street. Toronto, April 1‘2, 1861. 123- _ .._<..___ h. , A- MAIRS, A- ATTORNEY - A’l‘â€"l,.A‘iV, Street, Markham Village, ,_ ..5;-' «.. affine-«t an; 1.9,- “.v‘nut _ ~32. -. . no. _,. 0.; a g AURORA \.x,.r . m ’s .. \_,’\/'\,’\_."\/ .. ALEX. SCOTT, Proprietor. Vol. EV. No. 16. ~54»;st fismfimmwfim llO'l‘E L CARDS. R i Chinese iâ€"ii L Lil-i5 T E L RICH 9.33) N ICHOLLS, Proprietor. LARGE HALL is connected with this Hotel for Assemblies. Balls, Concerns, )lcelln‘gs, «\‘c, A STAGE leaves this Hotel every morning for Toronto, at 7 a.m. ; returning, leaves, Toronto at half-past 3. 1L? Good Stabliiig and a Careful Hustler in waiting. Richmond Hill, Nov. 7, 1861. 14:,- i 1y. mascots firsts firstst, RICHMOND lIILli. GEORGE SIMSON, I’itfiuziig'ron. ‘1 001) Accommodations and or y attention shown to 'I‘ravellers. t‘ .tt Yards for Drove Cattle and Loose Boxes for ttaco llorses and Studs. The Monthly Fair held on the Premises first Wednesday in each month. The b‘uhsci'ibcrin calling the attention ofthe public and his Old l“l'1011tlsmllls establishment, f'eelssafisficd he can administer comfortably to their wants and wilh mutual satisfaction. Richmond llill, April :2“, 1860. 73-tf 22* '\ “magma Krissart: £1111, ltlliMUNI) iiii.i.. 5) 1t llli Subscriber hogs to inform the Public that he has leased the above llotel. where he willkcep constantly onhand a good ~ supply of first-class: Liquors, die. As this . .. house possesses every accommodation Ira- vol ers can desire, those who wish to stay where they can find every com fort are respectfully in- vitcd to give him a call. COlli‘xl‘lldUB VAN NOS'I'RAND. Richmond llill. Dec. 5-38. 1860. IllS-ly Y O N GOOD snpply of Wines and Liquors always on hand. Excellent Accommo- dation forD'I‘ravcllers, Farmers, and others. Cigars of all brands. f). McLliIOD, Proprietor. 6" .40 Iy as: T H o T E; L", AURORA. Aurora, June 5. 1859. Kiwi “EL, Kiss EAST, NEAR THE Mtuitirr SQUAniL. TORONTO. C.\V. JOHIV' dEILLiS', Proprietor. Good Stebling attached and attentive llostlers always in attendance. 'l‘oronto, Noyonihei' ltl‘o'l . I 57- if' tLate of the King :: Ilead. London, ling.) No. 26 “Test Market. Plan», . i TORONTO. Every accommodation for Farmers and others attending Market Good Stabling. [1.3” Dinner front 12 to 2 o’clock. Iâ€"l‘urarecrt‘s: suctitrntsjdastuaas, r 111‘) Subscriber begs to inform the Public that he has leased the above Hotel, where he will keep constantly on hand a good supply of first-class Liquors, &c. This house pesst-sses every accominodation 'l‘:avellers can desire, those who wiin to stay whore they can find every comfort are respectfully invited to call. | W.\\"ES’1‘P11AL. | Corner ofChui‘cli and Stanley Sis. Toronto, Sept. (5, 1661. I45~1y. ‘ 'i‘iii; than.“om BLACK HORSE HOTEL, Formerly kept. by William Itolph, i Cor. of Palace do George Sis. [EAST OF THE IllAllKI-Z'I‘,] 'I'URONIO. - l r as, 'Vj‘i’ .p, we, , . ll llililztirl tori, lroprictor, [Successor to Thomas f’almer]. Good Stabling attached. Trusty Hosilers always in attendance. Toronto, April 19,1861. IQS-ly Jos. GREGOR‘S Fountain ct? s tararant l . (15) Kiss S'i'ninz'i', EAST, Tonozvro. Lunch every day from 11 t:- 31 ‘.:42. IL? Soups. Gaines, Uystcrs, Lobstt &c always on hand: Dinners and Suppers for Private l'n'ties up in the host style. Toronto, April 19, 1861. got 1 I 125-ly s - â€" ~ 7â€" 4 ' 79. " "a e . a ‘ NEWEEE‘ lNCa HOUSE-g, A'l'l‘) Clarendon lloiol, No. 528, 3d and 3‘3 iJ Front Street, 'I‘oronto. lloard $1, per day. l’ortors always in attendance at the Cars and Boats. W. NEIVL‘IGGING, l’i'oprtotor. ~. Toronto, April 8, 1801. IQ-Iâ€"Iy Ea. e53 Ill? st; 63-1,. OllNlfllt of King and George Streets, \, (J Toronto, (LIV. I’VM. DIONI{IIOUF}1,1)1'O’ prietor. (100d accommodation for 'I‘i‘avellcrst Large Stahling, and a (loud llostlcr always in attendance. Toronto, April 10, 1861. 1:22} ly YORK WELL?) HOTEL, YONGI') STREET, 111". Subscriber begs to intimate that he‘ has leased the above hotel, and having fitted it upiii the latest style travellers may[ rely upon having every comfort and attention at this first class house. Good b‘tabling and an attentive Hustler al- ways in attendance. 1y SOLI C ITOR in Chancery. Conveyance-1‘, &c. Main WILLIAM LENNOX, Proprietor. York Mills, June 7. 1801. ld‘Z-Iy Wellington hotel, Aurora 1 OI’I’OSI'I‘I‘Z THE TORONTO HOUSE. GEO. L. GRAHAM. PROPRIETOR. LARGE and Commodious Holland other ' improvements have, at great expense. been made so as to make this House the largest. and best north of 'I‘oronto. 'l‘i'aveilors at this , llousc find eyt‘ry convenience both for then:â€" selvcs and lioiscs. "\ 3-1.1 ~ 157 joining in all its i'ecreatimis, and af- linterestiiig kinds of sea-birds. They .bcautiful plumages, often hovered round the vessel, and we sometimes- ‘.u».'~ ruvtrlfiw'iidn- -~ « x “ 9 '- 'Is 131M.“ 4”?» 2.: Z:- AND RICHMOND HILL ADV , '-\-"\/\/\/ \V Vxlr<-‘/â€"\râ€"V\-~V- \_/' H"v’\»’ V\/W\.a"‘/‘V V'W‘WN/‘V’\,I’\J V '«Lrâ€"s/x/W/x/vrv so“ .. ) ..V Emu: . OCATE “ Let Sound Reason twig/z more with us than. Popular Opinion.” GOD OVER ALL 1 have consideer the fillies, Those plants of heavenly snow-â€" The glad, the glorious lillios That airily wave in the vallies; l have loaned my elbow down in the grass All day. and seen them grow. And spite the poets raving Of beauty drawn from the sod. I think their airy waivingâ€"â€" Their sinless sweet behaving ls each breathed into them out of the light That flows from the love of God. And I have considered the towers Rising in every glenâ€"â€" Cored for more than the flowers Are these strong-holds of ours, For these are made of the dust and the dew, And those of the hearts of men. And though the foe rage madly, And brothers, lovers fall, \Ve must not mourn too sadly, For they are living gladly, And their battle days are shining round About them, each and all rot seeker, T A L 1‘}. ' Wu had been nearly five \veeks at son, when the captain found, by :1 nautical observation, that we were within one hundred and thirty miles of the north side of Jamaica. Fa. vorahlc winds and smooth seas had hitherto been our constant attend- ants, and everything on board con- spired to render the confinement and monotonj.’ of a long voyage less annoying than they rsually are.“ The cabin passengers consisted of Major and fairs. 1.. 1" iii A F , a new- marricd couple; Miss l’â€"â€"â€", sister to the latter; Mr. I) ,a young: Irishman; and myself. Our C:ij)~ tain was a man of pleasing manners and liberal ideas, and formed an imâ€" portant acquisition to our partv, bv fording every facility to the indul- gence of them. Much of our time was spent in conversation, and in walking on deck; and when first dews of evening obliged us to de- sound to the cabin, the captain would often entertain us with a re- lation of the various dangers which he and other persons had cncourn, tcrcd at set, or detail, with great’ gravity, Some of the prevailing su- perstitions of sailors. Afflictiin he possessed more go- neral information than usually falls to the lot of sea-faring,r persons, his mind was tincturcd with some of their weaknesses and preju. ices. The ladies of our party had a great taste for natural history, and Wished. u to obtain specimens of all the most. had several times requested the cap- tain to shoot one of Muilic r Carey's chickens, that they might take a‘ drawing from it; liowchr, he al- ways dcclincd doing so, but never gave any satisfactory reason for his unwillingness to oblige them in this respect, At last, Mr. D killed two of the birds, after having seveâ€"i rul times missed whole flocks Of’ them. The captain seemed Very much startled when he saw thet . . . 1 animals drop on the uavcs. ‘ \Vill' you have the goodi s to let down the boat to pick tip the game.” said Mr. D . "Yes, sir,’ re- plied he, ‘if you’ll go off in her, and never return on board this vcs- sel. Here is a serious business. Be assured ‘vc have not seen the end of it.’ He then y'alkcd away without offering to give any orders about lovy'ering,r the boat; and the seamen, who witnessed the transac- tion, looked as if they would not have obeyed him had he even done 50. Though we saw no lanl, every- thing proved that were in the ‘vVest liidlu seas. The sky had, within a few days, begun to aSsume a more dazzling aspect, and long ranges of con'iical-shapcd clouds floated along the horizon. Land birds, with rnq luv ful’iClC‘tI we could discover a vege- table fragrance in the breezes that SWt‘liCd our sails. One delightful clear morning, when we were. in hourly expecta- - M. A TREQHMGNE} HELL, Fragrant, EM new or, teen. were immediately baited for that purpose by the seamen. We caught large quantities of dolphin, and of another kind of fish, and put the whole into the hands ofthe steward, with orders that part should be dressed for dinner, and part distri- buted among the crew. VVhCi'i the dinner hour arrived, we all assembled in the cabin in hiin Spirits, and sat down 'to table. it being St. George’s day, the cap- tain, who was an Englishman, had ordered that everything should be provided and set. forth in the most sumptuous style, and the steward had done full justice to his direc- tions. We made the-wines, which were exquisil: and abundant, circu- latc rapidly, and every glass in- crcascd our gaicty and good humor, while the influence of our mirth rendered the ladies additionally amusing and animated. The capw tain ren’iarkcd that, as there were two clarionot players among the crew, we ought to have a dance upon the quarterâ€"deck at sunset.â€" This proposal vas i'ecaivcd with much delight, particularly by the females of our party ; and the cap- tain had just told the servant in waiting to bid the musicians pre- pare themselves, when the mate entered the cabin, ‘llltl said that the man at the helm had dropped down almost senseless, and that another of the crew was so ill that he could scarcely speak. The captain, on receiving this in- fori‘nation, grew very pale, and seemed at a loss what to reply. At last he started from his chair, and hurried tip the gangway. Our mirth ceased in a n'iomeiit, though none of us appeared to krow why; but the minds of all were evidently occupied by what they had heard, and Major L remarked, with a faltering voice, that seamen were very liable to be taken suddenly ill. in hot climates. After a little time. we. sent the' servant to inquire what was going forward upon dock. He returned immediately, and informed us that the two sailors were worse, and that a third had just been attickcd in the same way. He had soprccly said those words, when Mrs. L gave a shriek, and cried out that her sister had formed away. This added to our confusion and alarm ; and the Major and Mr. D trembled so much that they were hardly able to convey the young lady to her state-room. . All conversation was now at an end, and no one uttered a word till Mrs. I. returned from her sis- ter’s apartment. While we were inquiring),r how the latter was, the' captain cutcrcd the cabin in a state of great agitation. ‘ This is a di‘erid- ful business,’ said he. ‘ The fact is â€"â€"it is my duty to tell youâ€"1 fear we are all poisoned by the fish we have etc. One of the crew died a few minutes since, and five others are dangerously ill.’ ‘Poisoncr' 3 my God I Do you say so! Must we all die 1’ exclain’i-1 Cd Mrs. L,â€"â€"-â€", dropping on her knees. ‘ \tht is to he done ?’ cried the major, disti‘actcdly ; ‘ are there: no means of counteracting itl’â€"â€". ‘None that I know of,’ returned the captain. ‘ All remedies are thltl.-*~l The poison is always fatal,cx ptâ€" but I begin to feel its cffccts-sup~ port mew-can this be imagination?" Ho staggered to one side, and would have fallen upon the floor, had not: I assisted him. Mrs. Lâ€"â€"â€"â€", 1‘l()f-‘ withstanding his apparent insensibi- lity, clung to his arm, crying out,i in a tone of dcspaii', ‘19 there no helpâ€"no pityâ€"no one to save us l' and then fainted away on her hus- In v band’s bosom, who, turning to me,§ said, with quivering lips, ‘You are‘ a happy man ; you have nothing toj embitfcr your last moments. 011.; Providence! was 1 permitth to; escape so many dangers, merelyl . 5. ., . . I .that I might suffer this misery ?’ 1 Mrs. I..~â€"â€"~ soon regained hcr‘ senses, and I endeavored to calm‘ lici‘ agitation by remarking that we, might possibly escape the fatal ill-i fluence of the poison, as some con-j stitutions were not so easily affected by it as others. 1 l ‘18 there, then, a‘ little hope 'l’ she or; ‘laimed. ‘Oli God grant it may be so! How dreadful to die in the midst of thc‘- ocean, far from friends and home,‘ and then to be thrown into the deep i", "There is one thing,’ said the cap-1 tion of making land, some dolphin :ippcare’l aster-ii. As the Wczitlicr was very moderate, the captain proposed that we should fish for f Nilâ€"A careful ostlor always in attendance Aurora Station, April lLllJI. Jab-1y l mean a rcn'iedy.’ ‘ Speak on,3 cried L‘C‘ L' .houndcd buck and hue .Wubfim‘ I. -- "4.9." ziWJL-m-LtLV.‘ .7 .1 . n...<:L~.t.mtk;m.... news...“ w. .. m. AND ADVERTISER. ,rv*\/\_/~V\. v/ _/_\/\_/'\/ \/'\.\/\."‘w v v \JNWVV~W'\I' “\MWV‘sV’\_47x/‘\,z \,.\,,\\â€",. 74.x“ fix ,1 , -. TERMS: $1 50 In Advance. ‘Whole No. 1‘23. must immediatelyâ€"«iâ€"m’ He gave a deep sigh, and dropped his head upon his shoulder, apparently un- able to utte' a word more ‘Oh, this is the worst of alll’ cried Mrs. Lâ€"â€"-â€". in agony ; ‘he was on the the waves, and heard the rattling of point of telling us how to counteract the effects of the poison. Was it heavenly mercy that deprived him of the power of speech? Can it be called mercy 'l’ ‘ Hush, hush! you rave,’ returned her husband. ‘ We have only to he resigned nowâ€"slot us at least die together.’ The crew had dined about an hour and a half before us, and con- sequently felt the effects of the poi- son much earlier than we did.â€"-â€"â€" Every one, however, now began to exhibit alarming symptoms. Mr. l)â€"â€"---~ became delirious ; the major lay upon the cabin floor in a state of torpidity ; and the captain had drowned all sense and recollection by drinkingr a large quantity of brandy. Mrs. Lâ€"â€"-. watched her husband and her sister alternately, in a state of quiet despair. I was comparatively but little af- fected, and therefore employed myâ€" self in assisting others until they seemed to be past all relief, and then sit down, anticipating the box-â€" rid conscqucnces which would re- sult from the death of the whole ship’s company. While thus occupied, I heard the steersman call out, ‘Taken all aback here.’ A voice,wliich I knew to be the mate's, immediately an~ swetcd, " Well, and what’s that to us? Put her before the wind, and let her go where she pleases.’ I soon perceived, by the rushing 0fthe water, that there was a great iii- other vessel. But the velocity with which we spe‘r along rendered our extrication instantaneous; and, on looking back I saw a ship without a bowsprit,pitching irregularly among cordagc and a tumult of voices.â€" But, after a little time, nothing was distinguishable by the eye or by the car. My situation appeared doubly horrible, when l reflected that I had just been within call of human crca. tures, who might have saved and assisted all on board, had not an evil distiny hurried us along, and made us the means of injuring those who alone were capable of affording us relief. About midnight Our fore-topmost gave way, and fell upon deck with a tremendous noise. The ship im- mediately swung round, and began to labour in a terrible niantiCi',\vliile several waves broke over her suc- cessivcly. I had just resolved to descend the gangway for shelter, when a white figure rushed past me, with a .wild shriek, and sprang overboard. I saw it struggling among the billows, and tossing about its arms distract- edly, but had no means of affording it any assistance. I watched it for somc time, and observed its convul- sivc motions gradually grow more feeble; but its form soon became undistinguishablc amidst the foam of the bursting waves. The dark- ness prevented me from discovering who had thus committed himself to the deep in a moment of mad- ness, and I felt a strong repugnance at attempting to ascertain it, and rather wished that it might have been some spectre, or the offspring crease in the velocity of the ship’s progress, and went upon deck to as- certain the cause. .1 found the male stretched upon the top of the companion, and ad" dressied him, but he made no reply. The man at the helm was tying a rope round the tiller, and told me he had bottom so blind and dizzy, that he could neither steer nor see the compass, and would therefore fix the rudder in such a manner as would keep the ship’s head as near the wind as possible. On going for- ward to the bows, I found the crew, lying inotionlcse in every direction. They were either insensible of the dangerous situation in which our vowel was. or totally indifferent to it; and all my representations on this head failed to draw forth an in- telligible remark from any of them. Our ship carried a great deal ofcan- vass, the lower studding sails being. up, for we had enjoyed a gentle breeze directly astern, before the wind handed us in the way already mentioned. About an hour after sunset almost every person on board seemed to have become worse. I alone re- taincd my senses unimpaired. The wind now blcw very fresh, and we‘ went through the water at the rate often miles an hour. The night looked dreary and turbulent. The sky was covered with large fleeces of broken clouds, and the stars, flasncd angrily through them, as they were wildly hurried along by the blast. The ca began to run n so high, and the masts showed. by their incessant creaking, that they carried more sail than they could well sustain. lzstood alone near the stern of the ship. Nothing; could be heard above or below deck but the dashing of the Sttrgcs and the meanings of the wind. All the people on board was to me the same as dead; and I was tossed about, in the vast ex- pause of waters, without a compa- nion or fellow-sufferer. I knew not what might be my fate, or where 1 should be carried. The vessel, as it cai'ecred :ilongthe raging; deep. uncontrolch by human hands, sccm~ ed under the guidance of a ruthless demon, to whose Cttpi‘lCéS its ill- fated crew had been mysteriously consigned by no stipcrior power. I Was filled with dread lest we should strike upon rocks, or run ashore, and often imagined that the clouds which bordered the horizon were the black cliffs of some deso- late coast. At lastl distinctly saw a light at seine distancaâ€"J anti- cipated instant desti‘ucti0i2i~â€"l grew irresolutc whether to iemain upon dock and face death, or wait for it below. I soon discovered a ship a little way aheadâ€"4 instinctively ran an Uk‘l lain, faintly, ‘I was going to telllto the helm, and loosed the rope. you, that-â€"â€"but this sensationswl that tied the tiller, which at once cd me over. I \II .v uh the major, in DI'CullllC.)u ..-uspensc.-â€"â€"â€" 'lt may have a chance A. horrible crashing: and loud cricsfilformed will he hall been “’“ll waged) ' . l t of SZIV'li’lgjlltNN broke upon my cur, and I saw ‘l H of my perturbed imagination, than a human being. As the sea continued to break over the vessel, 1 went down to the cabin, after having closely shut the ,tzai’igway doors and cOi’npai’iiOii.-- Tot-:il darkness prevailed below. 1 addressed the captain and all my fellow-passengers by name, but re- ceived no reply from any of them, though I sometimes fancied I heard moans and qtnck breathing, when the tumult of waters without hap- pened to subside a little. But I thought that it Was perhaps imagiâ€" nation, and that they were probably all dead. I began to catch for breath, and felt as if I had been immured in a large coffin along with a number of corpses, and was doomed to linger out life beside them. The sea boat against the vessel with a noise like that of ar- tillery, and the crashing of the bul- warks, driven in by its violence, gave startling proof of the danger that threatened us. Having several times been dashed against the cabin walls by the violent pitching of the ship, I gi‘opcd for my bed, and lay down in it, and, notwithstanding the horrors that surrounded mo, gradually dropped asleep. When 1 waked ] perceived, by the sunbeams that shone through the skylight, that the morning Was for advanced. The ship rolled vios lcntly at intervals, but the noise of winds and Waves had nearly altogcs thei‘ ceased. I got up hastily. and almost dreaded to look around, lest I should find my worst anticipations Concerning my companions too fa- tally realized. (To be concluded in our next.) Goon SENSE.â€"Gt)0d sense, or what is generally called common sense is the basis of good tastc.â€"â€"lt teaches a man in the first place that more than two elbows are highly in- convcnient in the world; and, in the second, that the fewer people you jostlc on the road of life the greater chance of success among such men and women. it is not necessary that a Common sense man, need be an unimaginable one; but it is necessary that his imagination should be well regulate .-â€"â€"Good taste springs from good sense, because the latter en- ables u than to understand at all times precisely where he is, and what he ought to do under the cir- cumstances of his situation. Good taste is a just appreciation of the re- lationship and capable effects 0f 0r- dinai'y, and extraordinary firings; and no man can have it unless he is in the habit of considering his own position, and planing,r his own actions with coolness and accuracy. _.__....___ __~__._...»_....,,__ Charlt‘s ll. having asked at :1 leaves L110“! one of his envoys, lately sent to a lhalf clt'llixctl country, had fcairctl, was in- take thil‘tl, said his l\tlajesty, how I 'lllcmi and ‘1 3mm many 11001“ you,’ continuod the further; ‘you that we had got entangled with uii~ “ml 1‘ WW 2“““553‘1” “253‘”; .v '..~ .4.‘.»»,- '-_ MKWfiu, ,;_. 5.1.,” 3,1,? .\>, .51.; ,_ . ya»..- «'x. . .S. THE DEACO’N’S W IG. A conscientious Scotch Deacon, who had just mounted a wig, was i'i'iuch troubled in his mind because a clock-dial had been put on the new meeting house just built by his parish. Going to theclergyman as he mounta ed the pulpit he thus accosted him: “Doctor, if you please, I wish to speak to you.’ ‘ Well, Duncan,’ says the venera able Doctor, ‘can you not wait till after worship ?’ ‘ No, Doctor, I must speak to you now, for it is a matter upon my consolence.’ ‘ Oh, since it is a matter of con- science, tell me what. it is; but be brief, Duncan time passes.’ ‘ The matter is this, Doctor. You see the Cluck on the face of the new church as ye come in? Well, there isgno clock really there, nothing but the face of a clock. There is no truth in it, but only once in the twelve hours. Now, it is, in my mind, very wrong, and quite against my conscience, that there should in. a lie in the face of the house of the Lord.’ ‘Duncan, I will consider the point. But I am glad to see you looking so well; you are not yous-,2 now; I remember you for mom years; and what a fine head of has: you have still.’ ‘ Eh, Doctor, you are jokingnora, its long since 1 had any hair.’ ‘Eh, Duncan, Duncan, have _\«“»'-:i come into the " 3 house of the Lou: with a lie upon y or headl’ The Deacon was ‘struck all oi ;a heap,’ as the saying is, and if»: Doctor heard no more of the hr.- or. the face of the clock. FUTURE ITOUSICKBEPERS.â€"-VVG sometimes catch ourselves wander- ing how many of the young ladies whom we meet with are to perform the part of housekeepers, when the young men who now eye them so admii‘ingly, have persuaded them to become their wives! \Ve listen to those young ladies of whom we speak, and hear them not only ack- nowledging, but boasting of their ignorance of all household duties, as if nothing would so lower them in the estimation ofthcii' friends, as the confession ofan ability to bake bread and pies, or cook a piece of meat, or a disposition to engage in any useful employment. Speaking from our own youthful recollections we are free to say that the taper fingers and 1in hands are very pretty to look at with a youngr man‘s eyes, and someâ€" times we have known the artless innocmrce of a young Miss to ap- pear rather interesting than otherâ€" wise. But We have lived long enough to learn that life is full of rugged experience, and that the most loving= romantic and delicate people, must live on cooked or other- wise prepared f‘oorl, and in homes kept clean and tidy by industerious hands. And for all the practical purposes of married life, it is gens orally found that for a husband to sit and gaze at a wife’s taper fingers and 1in hands, or for a wife to sit and be looked at, and admired, does not make the pot boil, or put the smallest piece of food therein. CONFIDENCE.â€"â€"0DC of the great evils of our present state of society, and one which We hope the pros gross of race towards perfection will remedy, is the Egoncral selfish- ness of mankind, and thei conscs qucnt general suSpicion. it may be regarded as a fixed principle of ethice, that a selfish man will be one who regards all his follows as swindlers and villains, and regulates all his intercourse with them by “ bond and mortgage,” and one who was never known to perform an act of mercy or benevolence, for the beauty and the goodness ofthc act itself. This sentiment, in fact, is but too often manifested by persons who profess to be Christians and philanthropists, and the evils which are brought on all kinds of business by want of confidence, are many. Until there shall be more for the ii‘i-’ tcrcsts of'othcrs, we shall fall, as a people to do justice to ourselves or them. Even if a few men have the heart to abuse the confidence reposs posed in them, the fact in itself does not warrant any one in loosing faith in man kind; for however an 00-” casioiial villain may deceive and betray, the great heart of the com-‘ munity is always honest and worthy as Well as just in its decision. CALMLY TOI.D.â€"â€"~â€" The editor of the llainbridge Georgian has been assaulted in , his sanctum by a young lawyer, and in re- fci'criCc to what: occurred the editor ‘Silyt‘i; coolly : “I’le madly hit us on the head will; a closed knife or something else closed iii his band. \Ve happened to have one Co’lt near at hand, which we got, and as soon as we could extricate oursclf, we accidentally pulled the trigger some fodr or five times,- putting one ball through his coat and shirt sleeves between his arm and body , another between his legs, piercing,r his coat tailjust between the skirt and waist; and a third somewhere else. He managed to escape unliurt, however, by dodging out. of a side door and jumping from a fright of fourteen or flflCtili feet, hatless, with his coat tail shivering in the breeze.” The man who would try liOeL would stick at nothing. to stab at Ir 1")

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